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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(2): 81-85, abr./jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491706


Relata-se o caso de uma felina, sem raça definida, de oito meses de idade e 3,6 kg, com queixa de impotência funcional completa do membro pélvico esquerdo após trauma. A paciente apresentava aumento de volume em região do joelho, dor à palpação e instabilidade patelar. O diagnóstico de ruptura do ligamento patelar foi realizado com base nos resultados do exame ortopédico, juntamente com exame radiográfico e ultrassonográfico do joelho. O método utilizado para reparo da lesão foi a sutura em oito com fio de tetrafluorcabono associado à sutura interrompida simples para aproximação das bordas do ligamento. Durante a reavaliação de trinta dias pós-operatório, a paciente já apresentava melhora significativa, com atividade funcional completa do membro e ausência de dor.

We report the case of an eight-month-old, 3.6 kg, crossbred feline, complaining of complete functional impotence of the left pelvic limb after trauma. The patient presented swelling in the knee region, pain on palpation and patellar instability. The diagnosis of patellar ligament rupture was based on the results of the orthopedic examination, together with radiographic and ultrasound examinations of the knee. The method used to repair the lesion was eight-point suture with tetrafluorocabono thread associated with simple interrupted suture for approximation of the ligament edges. During the thirty-day postoperative reassessment, the patient already presented significant improvement, with complete functional activity of the limb. and absence of pain.

Animals , Cats , Cats/injuries , Patellar Ligament/surgery , Rupture/surgery , Rupture/veterinary
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(2): 81-85, abr./jun. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1367208


Relata-se o caso de uma felina, sem raça definida, de oito meses de idade e 3,6 kg, com queixa de impotência funcional completa do membro pélvico esquerdo após trauma. A paciente apresentava aumento de volume em região do joelho, dor à palpação e instabilidade patelar. O diagnóstico de ruptura do ligamento patelar foi realizado com base nos resultados do exame ortopédico, juntamente com exame radiográfico e ultrassonográfico do joelho. O método utilizado para reparo da lesão foi a sutura em oito com fio de tetrafluorcabono associado à sutura interrompida simples para aproximação das bordas do ligamento. Durante a reavaliação de trinta dias pós-operatório, a paciente já apresentava melhora significativa, com atividade funcional completa do membro e ausência de dor.

We report the case of an eight-month-old, 3.6 kg, crossbred feline, complaining of complete functional impotence of the left pelvic limb after trauma. The patient presented swelling in the knee region, pain on palpation and patellar instability. The diagnosis of patellar ligament rupture was based on the results of the orthopedic examination, together with radiographic and ultrasound examinations of the knee. The method used to repair the lesion was eight-point suture with tetrafluorocabono thread associated with simple interrupted suture for approximation of the ligament edges. During the thirty-day postoperative reassessment, the patient already presented significant improvement, with complete functional activity of the limb. and absence of pain.

Animals , Cats , Rupture/veterinary , Cats/surgery , Patellar Ligament/surgery , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Suture Techniques/veterinary , Knee/surgery
Acta cir. bras ; 33(8): 684-689, Aug. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949373


Abstract Purpose: To evaluate clinically dogs that underwent tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) six months previously. Methods: Dogs of various breeds, gender, weight, and age that had CCL rupture and underwent TTA for treatment were included in this study. Parapatellar arthrotomy was performed in all patients to assess the joint for a ruptured ligament and meniscal injury before the TTA. The appropriate cage for the TTA was chosen with planning surgery. The surgical procedure was performed according to the literature, using a modified Maquet technique. Six months after surgery, lameness during walking; muscular atrophy; crepitation, cranial drawer and tibial compression tests and quality of life based on owner's evaluation were assessed. Results: Postoperative complications were observed in only one knee (4.76%), with a surgical site seroma. The mean lameness score at walking was 0.29 (± 0.64). The mean score regarding muscular atrophy was 0.95 (± 1.56). The mean score of the cranial drawer test, in a range from 0 to 5, was 1.52 (± 1.54). The owners rated the dog's quality of life as excellent in 44%, good in 30%, and moderate in 17%. Conclusion: This clinical study supports the affirmation that patients who undergo TTA for treatment of CCL rupture have an acceptable response.

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Osteotomy/veterinary , Tibia/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Dog Diseases/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/veterinary , Osteotomy/methods , Quality of Life , Rupture/surgery , Rupture/veterinary , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(6): 1907-1910, nov.-dez. 2018. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-970662


Muscle injuries are often reported in humans, but uncommon in dogs. The etiology is degenerative or traumatic, and traumatic is more common in athletes. The diagnosis is obtained by a combination of orthopedic physical examination and imaging diagnosis, such as ultrasonography. Therapy aims to optimize healing and avoid complications. The present study reports a case of partial rupture of thigh adductor muscle in a dog presenting acute lameness of the right pelvic limb. Swelling and pain in the medial region of the thigh was noticed. Ultrasound examination confirmed partial rupture of the thigh adductor muscle. The treatment included non-steroid anti-inflammatory, warm compresses, and rest. Ultrasound examinations were useful in this case to evaluate the progression of the lesion, which was rapid and satisfactory.(AU)

Lesões musculares são frequentemente relatadas em humanos, mas pouco diagnosticadas em cães. Podem ocorrer de forma degenerativa ou traumática, sendo essa última a forma mais comum em atletas. O diagnóstico é obtido por exame físico ortopédico associado a exames de imagem, como ultrassonografia. A terapia deve ser instituída de modo a facilitar a cicatrização e evitar as complicações. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de ruptura parcial de músculo adutor da coxa em um cão que apresentou claudicação aguda em membro pélvico direito, associado à tumefação e dor em região medial da coxa. O exame ultrassonográfico evidenciou ruptura parcial do músculo adutor da coxa. O paciente recebeu terapia anti-inflamatória, e foi indicado uso de compressas quentes e repouso. Foram realizados exames ultrassonográficos para acompanhamento da evolução do quadro, que foi rápida e favorável.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Rupture/veterinary , Thigh , Dogs/injuries
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-120177


The patellar ligament angle (PLA) was assessed in 105 normal stifle joints of 79 dogs and 33 stifle joints of 26 dogs with a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL). The PLA of stifles with complete CrCL rupture was significantly lower than that of normal stifles, particularly at a flexion angle of 60~80degrees in both plain and stress views. If the PLA was <90.55degrees on the stress view with a 60~80degrees flexion angle, the dog was diagnosed with a complete rupture of the CrCL with a sensitivity of 83.9% and specificity of 100%. In conclusion, measuring the PLA is a quantitative method for diagnosing complete CrCL rupture in canines.

Animals , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/injuries , Dogs/injuries , Patellar Ligament/physiology , Radiography/veterinary , Retrospective Studies , Rupture/veterinary
Salud tecnol. vet ; 1(2): 46-51, jul.-dic. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-781673


El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar la calidad lagrimal en el perro sin pelo del Perú mediante el uso de la prueba de tiempo de Ruptura de la película lagrimal precorneal (TRPLP). Material y métodos: El estudio se realizó en la ciudad de Lima entre los meses de Julio a Diciembre del año 2008. Se evaluaron 125 canes de diferentes edades, tamaños y de ambos sexos. Resultados: En los resultados de la prueba de TRPLP se observó un alto porcentaje de perros con mala calidad lagrimal: 94,4% (118/125) en el ojo derecho y el 92% (115/125) en el ojo izquierdo. No se encontró asociación entre el sexo, estrato etáreo y lado del ojo evaluado para la prueba de (TRPLP). Conclusión: Se concluye que existe un porcentaje elevado de perros sin pelo del Perú con una mala Calidad lagrimal...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the tear quality of Peruvian hairless dog through the use of the tear film break up time (TFBUT). Material and methods: The study took place in Lima Between July 2008 and December 2008. Results: A total of 125 animals of different of poor quality: 94.4% (118/125) in the rigth eye and 92%(115/125) in the left eye and without significant difference due to sex, age and eye side evaluated. Conclusion: It is concluded that a high percentage of peruvian hairless dog a poor tear film quality...

Animals , Dogs , Lacrimal Apparatus/physiopathology , Dog Diseases , Rupture/veterinary
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 12(Especial): 31-32, junho 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1488008


A ruptura de bexiga é uma das anomalias do trato urinário mais recorrente nos cães e nos gatos, e pode ser causada por diferentes fatores, como trauma, necrose ou alguma complicação durante uma cirurgia vesical. Como conseqüência, ocorre o uroperitônio que, em longo prazo, leva à uremia, desidratação, hipovolemia, hipercalemia e morte (FOSSUM, 2008). O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso clínico-cirúrgico de uma ruptura de bexiga em um cão da raça Fila Alemão.

Male , Animals , Dogs , Urinary Bladder/injuries , General Surgery , Rupture/veterinary , Urinary Catheters/veterinary
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23571


The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new extracapsular surgical technique for the treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in small breed dogs. Nine small breed dogs (seven females and two males) weighing < or = 15 kg were treated with biceps femoris muscle transposition (BFT). The duration of the BFT procedure was 20 min. Each patient underwent a standard clinical protocol and a questionnaire for the owners. Follow-up (at 1, 3, and 12 months postoperative) confirmed significant improvement in all patients, especially at 1 month postoperatively (p < 0.01) and again after complete stifle joint assessment at 3 months postoperatively. After 12 months, only two patients showed a slight increase in osteoarthritis. According to our results, BFT is a simple extracapsular surgical technique that can be used for the treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in small breed dogs.

Animals , Dogs , Female , Male , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/injuries , Dog Diseases/surgery , Muscle, Skeletal/transplantation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Rupture/veterinary , Stifle/surgery
Acta cir. bras ; 21(1): 47-51, Jan.-Feb. 2006. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-420971


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a função biomecânica da articulação do joelho de cães, comparando a medida de deslocamento cranial e a rigidez articular da tíbia em relação ao fêmur em articulações íntegras e com ruptura de ligamento cruzado cranial. MÉTODOS: Para realização do experimento foram utilizados 10 animas da espécie canina, com peso acima de 20 quilos. Avaliou-se biomecanicamente o grau de deslocamento da articulação do joelho com o ligamento cruzado cranial íntegro e seccionado cirurgicamente. Utilizou-se a máquina Kratos 5002, que permite gravar em tempo real os parâmetros força (N) e deslocamento/deformação em mm. O ensaio consitiu em aplicar uma força de (N) registrando assim a gaveta cranial. RESULTADOS: Para o joelho íntegro, a média de deslocamento em milímetros encontrada para três repetições subseqüentes e estatisticamente diferentes entre si foram de 3,39 ; 3,47; 3,53. Para o joelho lesado foram de 12,96; 13,24; 13,34. A análise estatística revelou diferença significante entre os dados do grupo íntegro e lesado, tanto para deslocamento quanto para rigidez (p<0,05) CONCLUSAO: Este estudo permite-nos concluir que a translação cranial é acrescida em quatro vezes e a rigidez articular é diminuída em uma vez e meia quando comparados.

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Biomechanical Phenomena/standards , Joint Instability/veterinary , Knee Joint/surgery , Stifle/injuries , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/physiology , Knee Joint/physiology , Rupture/veterinary , Stifle/physiology , Stifle/surgery