O insight cognitivo ou clínico refere-se à capacidade de atribuição de sentido aos sintomas presentes em transtornos psicóticos, especialmente naqueles relacionados ao espectro da esquizofrenia. A Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) foi desenvolvida com a finalidade de auxiliar o tratamento de pessoas com o insight comprometido. No entanto, este instrumento ainda não foi devidamente adaptado ao contexto brasileiro. Este estudo teve como objetivo fazer a adaptação transcultural da BCIS para o português do Brasil por meio da evidência de validade de conteúdo. Seis juízes avaliaram os itens desta escala quanto à clareza da linguagem, pertinência prática, relevância teórica e relação item-dimensão. A BCIS apresentou concordância satisfatória nos índices de validade de conteúdo e homogeneidade das respostas referente à análise da clareza da linguagem, pertinência prática e relevância teórica e concordância entre item-dimensão teórica, com reformulação de alguns itens. A retrotradução da escala recebeu aval positiva de uma das autoras originais. No entanto, ainda é necessária a verificação das propriedades psicométricas desta versão da BCIS.
Cognitive or clinical insight refers to the ability to assign meaning to symptoms present in psychotic disorders, especially those related to the schizophrenia spectrum. The Beck Cognitive Insight Scale (BCIS) was developed to support the treatment of people with impaired insight. However, this instrument has not yet been adapted to the Brazilian context. This study aimed to make the cross-cultural adaptation of the BCIS into Brazilian Portuguese through evidence of content validity. Six judges evaluated the items of this scale regarding clarity of language, practical relevance, theoretical relevance and item-dimension relatedness. The BCIS presented satisfactory agreement in the indices of content validity and homogeneity of responses regarding the analysis of clarity of language, practical relevance and theoretical relevance and agreement between item-theoretical dimension, reformulating some items. The back-translation of the scale received a positive endorsement from one of the original authors. However, it is still necessary to verify the psychometric properties for this version of the BCIS.
El insight cognitivo o clínico se refiere a la capacidad de asignar un significado a los síntomas presentes en los trastornos psicóticos, especialmente aquellos relacionados con el espectro de la esquizofrenia. La Escala de Insight Cognitivo de Beck (BCIS) fue desarrollada para apoyar el tratamiento de personas con insight comprometido. Sin embargo, este instrumento todavía no ha sido adaptado al contexto brasileño. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar la adaptación transcultural de la BCIS al portugués brasileño mediante pruebas de validez de contenido. Seis jueces evaluaron los ítems de esta escala en cuanto a la claridad del lenguaje, la relevancia práctica, la relevancia teórica y la relación ítem-dimensión. La BCIS presentó una concordancia satisfactoria en los índices de validez de contenido y homogeneidad de respuestas en cuanto al análisis de la claridad del lenguaje, relevancia práctica y relevancia teórica, y concordancia entre ítem-dimensión teórica, reformulando algunos de los ítems. La retraducción de la escala recibió una aprobación positiva de una de las autoras. Todavía es necesario verificar las propiedades psicométricas de esta versión de la BCIS.
Psychotic Disorders/therapy , Schizophrenia/therapy , Cognition , BrazilABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION@#The effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on quality of life (QoL), and its relationship with symptom and cognitive change remains unclear. We aim to examine the association of QoL changes with psychiatric symptom and cognitive changes among patients with schizophrenia who underwent ECT.@*METHODS@#This is a retrospective cohort study of 132 patients who received ECT from July 2017 to December 2019. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics were obtained from medical records. Changes in QoL, psychiatric symptoms and cognition function were examined after 6 sessions of ECT. Generalised linear regression was used to examine the associations of Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores with QoL as measured by EQ-5D scores.@*RESULTS@#The mean (standard error) improvements after ECT were statistically significant for the assessment scales of EQ-5D utility score: 0.77 (0.02) to 0.89 (0.02), P<0.001; EuroQol-5-Dimension (EQ-5D) visual analogue scale score: 66.82 (2.61) to 73.05 (1.93), P=0.012; and EQ-5D subdomain scores. Both improvement in BPRS (adjusted β coefficient -0.446, 95% confidence interval [CI] -0.840 to -0.052) and MoCA (adjusted β 12.068, 95% CI 0.865 to 12.271) scores were significantly associated with improvement in EQ-5D utility scores after adjustment for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. Improvement of BPRS scores (psychiatric symptoms) was significantly associated with improvement of the patients' mental health that was assessed by EQ-5D subdomain scores of pain (adjusted β coefficient 0.012, 95% CI 0.004 to 0.021) and anxiety (adjusted β coefficient 0.013, 95% CI 0.002 to 0.024). Improvement of MoCA scores (cognitive function) was significantly associated with patients' physical health as assessed by EQ-5D subdomain score of usual activity (adjusted β coefficient -0.349, 95% CI -0.607 to -0.09).@*CONCLUSION@#ECT was associated with an overall improvement of QoL among patients with schizophrenia. The improvement of psychiatric symptoms was found to be significantly associated with better mental health while the improvement of cognitive function was associated with better physical health.
Humans , Cognition , Electroconvulsive Therapy/methods , Quality of Life , Retrospective Studies , Schizophrenia/therapy , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
A partir del año 2012 el Hospital Psiquiátrico San Lázaro cierra el servicio de hospitalización. La propuesta de esta institución fue implementar un programa de psicoeducación dirigida a la familia para el manejo de los pacientes con trastornos mentales. La participación de los cuidadores primarios en el manejo de pacientes con trastornos mentales crónicos, incluida la esquizofrenia; sin embargo, visibilizó diversos niveles de sobrecarga. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de sobrecarga en cuidadores primarios, y los efectos atribuibles al Programa de Clínica de Apoyo a Familiares de Personas con Esquizofrenia. Materiales y Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de evaluación pre y post intervención, en 108 expedientes seleccionados para extraer las variables socio demográficas disponibles y los puntajes de sobrecarga obtenidos con la Escala de Sobrecarga del Cuidador de Zarit. Se describieron los resultados y se analizaron mediante el test de McNemar. Resultados: La mayoría de cuidadores fueron mujeres 67,5 %. El parentesco más frecuente fue el de padres con 44,4 % seguido de hermanos 25,9 %. El rango de edad más común fue el de 51- 60 años. El 71,1 % de los cuidadores presentaron algún tipo de sobrecarga. Para la evaluación de los cambios en los niveles de sobrecarga pre y post intervención se aplicó la prueba de McNemar, cuyo resultado fue de 27,4 mostrando diferencia significativa con valor de p <0,005. Conclusión: La intervención con cuidadores primarios, mediante programas psicoeducativos puede ser una opción viable para reducir los niveles de sobrecarga en familiares de personas con esquizofrenia(AU)
As of 2012, the San Lázaro Psychiatric Hospital closes the hospitalization service. The proposal of this institution was to implement a psychoeducation program aimed at the family for the management of patients with mental disorders. The involvement of primary caregivers in the management of patients with chronic mental disorders, including schizophrenia; however, it made visible various levels of overload. Objective: To determine the levels of burden in primary caregivers, and the effects attributable to the Program of Support Clinic for Family Members of People with Schizophrenia. Methods: A pre and post intervention evaluation study was designed in 108 selected files to extract the available socio-demographic variables and the burden scores obtained with the Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale. The results were described and analyzed using the McNemar test. Results: The majority of caregivers were women, 67.5%. The most frequent relationship was that of parents with 44.4% followed by siblings 25.9%. The most common age range was 51-60 years. 71.1% of the caregivers presented some type of overload. McNemar's test was applied to assess the changes in the levels of pre- and post-intervention overload, the result of which was 27.4, showing a significant difference with a p value <0.005. Conclusion: Intervention with primary caregivers, through psychoeducational programs, may be a viable option to reduce the levels of burden in relatives of people with schizophrenia
Humans , Male , Female , Schizophrenia/therapy , Family Relations , Occupational Stress , Caregiver Burden , Mental Disorders , Quality of Life , Teaching , Family , Caregivers , Hospitals, PsychiatricABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: caracterizar os idosos atendidos em um Serviço de Urgência e Emergência Psiquiátrica quanto ao perfil sociodemográfico, diagnóstico psiquiátrico, prescrição de medicamentos e conduta médica e avaliar suas associações com o sexo. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, quantitativo, em que os dados foram obtidos a partir dos prontuários de pacientes atendidos no referido serviço, entre julho/2015 e junho/2016. A variável independente foi o sexo e as dependentes foram: idade; procedência; informante; tratamento psiquiátrico anterior; diagnóstico; medicamentos prescritos e conduta. RESULTADOS: nos 152 prontuários analisados, observam-se idade prevalente entre 60 a 69 anos, maioria de mulheres, procedência do município local e comparecimento com acompanhante. Os diagnósticos prevalentes são a esquizofrenia e os transtornos mentais e comportamentais decorrentes do uso de substâncias psicoativas. As medicações prescritas com maior frequência são da classe dos antipsicóticos e anti-histamínicos, seguidas dos ansiolíticos/sedativos. O critério de Beers considera a prescrição de medicamentos do grupo dos benzodiazepínicos, antipsicóticos e anti-histamínicos inapropriada para idosos. A principal conduta foi a alta, sem encaminhamento a outro serviço. CONCLUSÃO: embora haja incentivo do Ministério da Saúde, com a criação de novas políticas de saúde mental, muitos profissionais mantêm o modelo de atendimento baseado na queixa e conduta, dificultando a reabilitação psicossocial dos pacientes.
OBJECTIVE: characterize the elderly treated in a Psychiatric Emergency and Urgency Service regarding their sociodemographic profile, psychiatric diagnosis, prescription of medication and medical conduct and evaluate their associations with sex. METHOD: a cross-sectional, quantitative study in which data was obtained from the medical records of patients seen in the referred service, between July/2015 and June/2016. The independent variable was gender and dependents were: age; origin; informant; previous psychiatric treatment; diagnosis; prescribed drugs and conduct. RESULTS: in the 152 medical records analyzed, the prevailing age is between 60 and 69 years old, most of them women, coming from the local municipality and attending with a companion. The prevalent diagnoses are schizophrenia and mental and behavioral disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances. The most frequently prescribed medications are in the class of antipsychotics and antihistamines, followed by anxiolytics/sedatives. Beers' criteria consider the prescription of benzodiazepine, antipsychotic and antihistamine medications inappropriate for the elderly. The main conduct was discharge, without referral to another service. CONCLUSION: although there is encouragement from the Ministry of Health, with the creation of new mental health policies, many professionals maintain the model of care based on complaint and conduct, hindering the psychosocial rehabilitation of patients.
OBJETIVO: caracterizar a los ancianos atendidos en un servicio psiquiátrico de emergencia y urgencia en relación con el perfil sociodemográfico, el diagnóstico psiquiátrico, la prescripción de medicamentos y la conducta médica; y evaluar sus asociaciones con el sexo. MÉTODO: un estudio cuantitativo y transversal en el que se obtuvieron datos de los registros médicos de los pacientes tratados en el citado servicio, del 2015 al 2016 de julio. La variable independiente era el sexo y los dependientes eran: edad, procedencia, informante, tratamiento psiquiátrico previo, diagnóstico, medicamentos recetados y conducta. RESULTADOS: de los 152 registros médicos analizados, se observa que: la edad predominante es de 60 a 69 años, la mayoría de ellos son mujeres, desde el municipio local y atendido a la atención de un acompañante. Los diagnósticos prevalentes son la esquizofrenia y los trastornos mentales y conductuales resultantes del uso de sustancias psicoactivas. Los medicamentos recetados con mayor frecuencia son la clase antipsicótica y anti-histamina, seguida de ansiolíticos/sedantes. El criterio de Beers considera que la prescripción de fármacos del grupo de benzodiazepinas, antipsicóticos y antihistaminas, es inadecuada para los ancianos. La conducta principal era alta, sin remisión a otro servicio. CONCLUSIÓN: aunque hay aliento del Ministerio de salud con la creación de nuevas políticas de salud mental, muchos profesionales mantienen el modelo de cuidado basado en la queja y la conducta, obstaculizando la rehabilitación psicosocial de los pacientes.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Anxiety Disorders/drug therapy , Schizophrenia/therapy , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Anxiety Agents/therapeutic use , Mentally Ill Persons , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Mental Disorders/therapyABSTRACT
The causal mechanisms and treatment for the negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia are the main issues attracting the attention of psychiatrists over the last decade. The first part of this review summarizes the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, especially the negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction from the perspectives of genetics and epigenetics. The second part describes the novel medications and several advanced physical therapies (e.g., transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation) for the negative symptoms and cognitive dysfunction that will optimize the therapeutic strategy for patients with schizophrenia in future.
Humans , Cognitive Dysfunction , Schizophrenia/therapy , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation , Transcranial Magnetic StimulationABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a efetividade da intervenção fonoaudiológica grupal no comportamento comunicativo de indivíduos com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Método Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, quantitativo analítico-exploratório. Foram incluídos usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial III (CAPS III) com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo Experimental (GE), compondo o Grupo de Intervenção Fonoaudiológica (GIF) e Grupo Controle (GC). O comportamento comunicativo foi avaliado através da Bateria MAC Breve. O GIF foi realizado em 2 sessões semanais, totalizando 24 sessões. Após esse período, os indivíduos foram reavaliados. A análise ocorreu por meio dos Testes não paramétricos de Mann Whitney e o Teste de Correlação de Pearson. Resultados Participaram 19 indivíduos, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 19 e 59 anos, escolaridade mínima de 5 anos, sendo que 14 participaram do GE e 5 do GC. No GE, foi possível observar que houve melhora no comportamento comunicativo após a intervenção fonoaudiológica em todas as tarefas avaliadas, exceto na tarefa de Escrita. Já no GC, não foram observadas alterações significativas comparando a avaliação e a reavaliação após 12 semanas. Conclusão A intervenção fonoaudiológica grupal foi efetiva, utilizando a comunicação como instrumento de socialização e contribuindo para a melhoria das condições de vida de indivíduos com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia.
ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the effectiveness of the speech language intervention in the communicative behavior in group of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. Methods This is a semi-experimental, quantitative analytical-exploratory study. Users of a Psychosocial Care Center III (CAPS III) with a diagnosis of schizophrenia were included, divided into 2 groups: Experimental Group (EG), comprising the Speech Therapy Intervention Group (STIG) and Control Group (CG). The communicative behavior was evaluated through the Brief MAC Battery. The STIG was performed in 2 weekly sessions, during 12 weeks, totalizing 24 sessions. After this period, individuals were reassessed. Data were analyzed through Mann Whitney non-parametric Test, and Pearson's Correlation Test. Results A total of 19 individuals of both sexes participated, who are between 19 and 59 years old with a minimum schooling of 5 years, 14 participating in EG and 5 in CG. In the EG, it was possible to observe that there was improvement in the communicative behavior after the speech language intervention in all the tasks evaluated, except in the writing task. In CG, no significant changes were observed comparing evaluation and reevaluation after 12 weeks. Conclusion The speech-language intervention in group was effective as a socialization tool and contributing to the improvement of the living conditions of these people with schizophrenia.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Schizophrenia/complications , Schizophrenia/therapy , Communication Disorders/etiology , Speech , Speech Therapy , Communication , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar las demandas de atención de los trastornos mentales graves (TMG) y factores asociados con la utilización de servicios en México. Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio analítico transversal en dos fases: la primera con una base de datos nacional de servicios disponibles y su utilización; la segunda, una muestra de registros médicos de un hospital psiquiátrico. Resultados: La esquizofrenia es el TMG más prevalente; más de 50% de hospitalizados fueron hombres, con edad promedio 37 años. La utilización de servicios estuvo asociada con la edad (β=1.062; p=.000), ingreso familiar (β=1.000, p=.000) y no tener ocupación (β=3.407; p=.000). La población con esquizofrenia tiene cuatro veces más la probabilidad de requerir estar exenta de pago (β=4.158; p=.000). Conclusiones: La población con TMG es más vulnerable por la discapacidad funcional y social asociada; requiere de intervenciones específicas de salud acompañadas de una política de protección financiera adaptada a sus necesidades de atención.
Abstract: Objective: To analyze the mental health care needs of the serious mental disorders (SMD) and factors associated with the use of services in Mexico. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in two phases, the first with a national database of available services and its utilization; the second, a sample of medical records of a psychiatric hospital. Results: Schizophrenia is the most prevalent MDS; more than 50% of those hospitalized were male, with an average age of 37 years. The use of services was associated with age (β=1.062, p=.000), family income (β=1.000, p=.000) and no laboral occupation (β=3.407, p=.000). The population with schizophrenia is four times more likely to require to be exempt from payment (β=4.158, p=.000). Conclusions: The population with SMD as schizophrenia is more vulnerable due to the associated functional and social disability and it requires specific heath interventions and a financial protection policy adapted to their mental health care needs.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Health Services Needs and Demand/statistics & numerical data , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Schizophrenia/therapy , Schizophrenia/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Chi-Square Distribution , Registries/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ambulatory Care/statistics & numerical data , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Psychiatric/statistics & numerical data , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Cuando la esquizofrenia no responde satisfactoriamente a tratamiento farmacológico, alcanzar una terapia efectiva para el paciente es una tarea bastante frustrante para el médico psiquiatra. Es en este contexto que la terapia electroconvulsiva y la estimulación magnética transcraneal repetitiva han tomado fuerza en la investigación clínica, a pesar de los grandes cuestionamientos sobre su efectividad y mala reputación. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las principales bases de datos disponibles. Concluyendo que ambas terapias demuestran ser herramientas útiles en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia resistente a tratamiento farmacológico, así como también complementarias a los antipsicóticos
When schizophrenia does not respond satisfactorily to pharmacological treatment, achieving effective therapy for the patient is quite a frustrating task for the psychiatrist. It is in this context that electroconvulsive therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation have gained strength in clinical research, despite huge questions about its success and bad reputation. A systematic review of the literature was conducted in the main available databases. Concluding that both specific therapies will be useful tools in the treatment of schizophrenia resistant to pharmacological treatment, as well as complementary to antipsychotics.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Schizophrenia/therapy , Electroconvulsive Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , Schizophrenia/drug therapy , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Randomized Controlled TrialABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder. While some antipsychotic medications have demonstrated efficacy in treating positive symptoms, there is no widely recognized treatment for negative symptoms, which can cause significant distress and impairment for patients with schizophrenia. Here we describe the rationale and design of the STARTS study (Schizophrenia TreAtment with electRic Transcranial Stimulation), a clinical trial aimed to test the efficacy of a non-pharmacological treatment known as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for treating the negative symptoms of schizophrenia Methods The STARTS study is designed as a randomized, sham-controlled, double-blinded trial evaluating tDCS for the treatment of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. One-hundred patients will be enrolled and submitted to 10 tDCS sessions over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (anodal stimulation) and left temporoparietal junction (cathodal stimulation) over 5 consecutive days. Participants will be assessed using clinical and neuropsychological tests before and after the intervention. The primary outcome is change in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) negative subscale score over time and across groups. Biological markers, including blood neurotrophins and interleukins, genetic polymorphisms, and motor cortical excitability, will also be assessed. Results The clinical results will provide insights about tDCS as a treatment for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, and the biomarker investigation will contribute towards an improved understanding of the tDCS mechanisms of action. Conclusion Our results could introduce a novel therapeutic technique for the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Clinical trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02535676 .
Resumo Introdução A esquizofrenia é um transtorno mental grave. Embora alguns medicamentos antipsicóticos tenham demonstrado eficácia no tratamento de sintomas positivos, não há tratamento amplamente reconhecido para sintomas negativos, o que pode causar sofrimento e prejuízo significativos para pacientes com esquizofrenia. Aqui descrevemos a fundamentação teórica e o design do estudo STARTS (Schizophrenia TreAtment with electRic Transcranial Stimulation), um ensaio clínico destinado a testar a eficácia de um tratamento não farmacológico conhecido como estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) para tratar os sintomas negativos da esquizofrenia. Métodos O estudo STARTS foi concebido como um ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado por simulação, duplo-cego, avaliando a ETCC para o tratamento dos sintomas negativos da esquizofrenia. Cem pacientes serão incluídos e submetidos a 10 sessões de ETCC sobre o córtex pré-frontal dorsolateral esquerdo (estimulação anódica) e a junção temporoparietal esquerda (estimulação catodal) durante 5 dias consecutivos. Os participantes serão avaliados através de testes clínicos e neuropsicológicos antes e após a intervenção. O desfecho primário é a mudança na pontuação da subescala negativa da Escala da Síndrome Positiva e Negativa (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale [PANSS]) ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos. Marcadores biológicos, incluindo neurotrofinas e interleucinas do sangue, polimorfismos genéticos e excitabilidade cortical motora, também serão avaliados. Resultados Os resultados clínicos fornecerão informações sobre a ETCC como um tratamento para os sintomas negativos da esquizofrenia, e a investigação dos biomarcadores contribuirá para uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de ação da ETCC. Conclusão Nossos resultados podem trazer uma nova técnica terapêutica para o tratamento dos sintomas negativos da esquizofrenia. Registro do ensaio clínico: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02535676.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Schizophrenia/therapy , Prefrontal Cortex , Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation/methods , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Double-Blind Method , Treatment Outcome , Middle Aged , Neuropsychological TestsABSTRACT
Se plantea la necesidad de la atención integral al paciente con esquizofrenia hospitalizado en servicios de salud pública en todos sus niveles, incluidos el cultural y el espiritual. En la atención al nivel psicológico se propone la psicoterapia breve, de grupo institucional, orientada a la solución de problemas a corto plazo aquí y ahora" con la utilización de recursos basados en el efecto de la palabra, didáctico-inspirativos, así como otros según las necesidades de los enfermos. Desde la admisión hospitalaria se le brindará al paciente apoyo emocional. Se recomienda cumplimentar la atención a este nivel con sesiones individuales de psicoterapia, intervenciones familiares, terapia ocupacional y trabajo social. Al egreso, se debe continuar la atención a este enfermo en los centros de salud mental.
The necessity of comprehensive care to the patient with schizophrenia hospitalized in public health services in all its levels, including the cultural and the spiritual one is stated. In the care at psychological level, brief psychotherapy of institutional group is proposed, which is directed to the solution of problems at short term here and now, with the use of resources based on the effect of the word, the didactic-inspirative effect, as well as others according to the necessities of the sick persons. From the hospital admission the patient will be offered emotional support. It is recommended to give care at this level with individual sessions of psychotherapy, family interventions, occupational therapy and social work. At discharged, care should be continued to this sick person in the mental health centers.
Humans , Male , Female , Psychotherapy , Psychotherapy, Group , Schizophrenia/therapy , Occupational Therapy , Mental Health , CommunicationABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: This preliminary study aimed to identify and compare characteristics related to violent behavior in inpatients with schizophrenia at a general psychiatric hospital using the Historical, Clinical, and Risk Management 20 (HCR-20), the Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS), and sociodemographic data. Method: Violent and nonviolent participants were selected based on psychiatric admission reports. Participants with reports of aggressive behavior and HCR-20 total score ≥ 21 upon admission were assigned to the violent patient group. Participants without aggressive behavior and with HCR-20 total score < 21 upon admission were assigned to the nonviolent patient group. The MOAS was applied to characterize the degree of severity of the violent behavior. Results: HCR-20 and its subscales were effective in differentiating between the violent and nonviolent participant groups. Twelve of the 20 HCR-20 items were useful for distinguishing between the groups, although total HCR-20 scores were more reliable when applied to the nonviolent patient group. The MOAS did not show high degrees of severity for the types of aggression observed in the participants. Conclusion: HCR-20 was useful and reliable for distinguishing between violent and nonviolent patients with schizophrenia in this clinical psychiatric setting. Item analysis identified the most relevant characteristics in each group. The use of the HCR-20 in clinical psychiatric settings should be encouraged.
Resumo Objetivo: Este estudo preliminar tem por objetivo identificar e comparar características relacionadas ao comportamento violento em pacientes com esquizofrenia internados em um hospital psiquiátrico utilizando o Historical, Clinical, and Risk Management 20 (HCR-20), a Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS), e dados sociodemográficos. Método: Foram selecionados participantes com e sem histórico de comportamento violento, referidos nos relatórios de internação hospitalar. Participantes violentos e com escore total do HCR-20 ≥ 21 na internação foram selecionados para o grupo violento. Participantes não violentos com escore total do HCR-20 < 21 na internação foram selecionados para o grupo não violento. A MOAS foi aplicada para caracterizar o grau de severidade do comportamento violento. Resultados: O HCR-20 e suas subescalas foram eficazes na diferenciação entre os participantes dos grupos. Doze dos 20 itens do HCR-20 foram úteis na diferenciação entre os grupos, apesar do escore total do HCR-20 ter sido mais confiável quando aplicado ao grupo não violento. A MOAS não apresentou graus de severidade elevados para os tipos de agressividade observados nos participantes. Conclusão: O HCR-20 foi útil e confiável na distinção entre pacientes esquizofrênicos violentos e não violentos em ambiente psiquiátrico clínico, já que a análise dos itens identificou as características mais relevantes em cada grupo. O uso do HCR-20 em ambientes psiquiátricos clínicos deveria ser encorajado.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Violence , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Schizophrenia/diagnosis , Schizophrenia/therapy , Schizophrenic Psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Preliminary Data , Hospitalization , Hospitals, Psychiatric , Inpatients/psychology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To evaluate the relationship of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and satisfaction with social support with the quality of life of schizophrenic patients. Methodology This study included a sample of 268 participants. An interview was conducted to obtain sociodemographic and clinical data, supplemented with two assessment tools used to evaluate quality of life (World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version - WHOQOL-Bref) and satisfaction with social support (Social Support Satisfaction Scale - SSSS). Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed. Results Most individuals were male (63.4%), with a mean age of 45.4 years, single (85.4%), living with their family (62.3%) and unemployed (90.3%). As for clinical characteristics, most had the disease for less than 20 years (50.7%), and 55.6% had at least one hospitalization within the last 5 years. Being employed and having had no hospitalization within the last 5 years were positively correlated with one or more WHOQOL-Bref domains. The results of the variables intimacy (p<0.001) and satisfaction with friends (p<0.001) were independently related to the total WHOQOL-Bref score. Conclusion Having a job, having had no hospitalization within the last 5 years and having greater satisfaction with social support are factors that positively influence quality of life among schizophrenics. It is therefore crucial that the psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia take these factors into account, increasing the support network, preventing relapses and promoting occupational activities.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a relação entre as características sociodemográficas e clínicas e a satisfação com o suporte social com a qualidade de vida dos doentes com esquizofrenia. Métodos A amostra do estudo é de 268 participantes. Foi realizada uma entrevista para obter os dados sociodemográficos e clínicos e aplicados dois questionários para avaliar a qualidade de vida (World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument-Abbreviated version - WHOQOL-Bref) e a satisfação com o suporte social (Escala de Satisfação com o Suporte Social - ESSS). Foram efetuadas análises descritivas e inferenciais. Resultados A maioria dos indivíduos era do gênero masculino (63,4%), com uma média de idade de 45,4 anos, solteiros (85,4%), vivendo com a família (62,3%) e desempregados (90,3%). Relativamente às características clínicas, 50,7% tinham a doença há menos de 20 anos, e 55,6% estiveram internados pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 5 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que estar empregado e não ter sido internado nos últimos 5 anos estão positivamente relacionados com um ou mais domínios da WHOQOL-Bref. A satisfação com a intimidade (p<0,001) e a satisfação com os amigos (p<0,001) foram independentemente associados ao escore total da WHOQOL-Bref. Conclusão Ter emprego, não ter hospitalizações nos últimos 5 anos e estar satisfeito com o suporte social são fatores que influenciam positivamente a qualidade de vida dos doentes com esquizofrenia. Por conseguinte, é crucial que esses fatores sejam levados em conta nos programas de reabilitação com o suporte social, aumentando a rede de suporte, evitando recaídas e promovendo atividades ocupacionais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Schizophrenic Psychology , Social Support , Personal Satisfaction , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Schizophrenia/therapy , Schizophrenia/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Employment/psychology , Hospitalization , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Abstract Objective Perplexity and hyperreflectivity are considered important aspects of self-disorders in patients with schizophrenia, yet knowledge of the appropriate psychotherapy for these patients is sparse. We aimed to explore how phenomenological psychologists or psychiatrists described their approach to these patients and their own emotional response when hyperreflectivity and perplexity emerged in therapy or consultations. Methods Four e-mail interviews with experienced clinical researchers within the field of phenomenology and schizophrenia were examined using a double hermeneutic qualitative analysis. Results The informants offered reassurance by authority and the encouragement of sharing of experiences interlaced in the beginning of therapy. Later they went on relating expressions of hyperreflectivity and perplexity to emotions, life events and goals. They described feelings of admiration and professional recognition along with worry, insecurity and sadness. Conclusion The list of primary themes covers what might seem very basic therapeutic interventions. However, the careful and open-minded manner in which these were carried out was noteworthy. The double task of staying closely attuned to the patient's airy reflections and, at the same time, when the patient was ready for it, carefully making links to domains of the patient's everyday life, was clearly molded to patients with fragile attachment.
Resumo Objetivo A perplexidade e a hiper-reflexão são consideradas aspectos importantes dos desordens do self em pacientes com esquizofrenia, porém o conhecimento sobre o tipo mais apropriado de psicoterapia para esses pacientes é escasso. Nosso objetivo foi explorar como psicologistas fenomenológicos ou psiquiatras descrevem suas abordagens a pacientes aos pacientes e sua própria resposta emocional, quando a hiper-reflexão e a perplexidade emergem durante a terapia ou as consultas. Métodos Quatro entrevistas feitas por e-mail com pesquisadores clínicos experientes na área de fenomenologia e esquizofrenia foram examinadas usando análise qualitativa dupla hermenêutica. Resultados Os informantes ofereceram confiança via autoridade e motivação para compartilhar experiências, interligadas, no início da terapia. Subsequentemente, eles seguiram relacionando expressões de hiper-reflexão e perplexidade a emoções, eventos de vida e objetivos. Eles descreveram sentimentos de admiração e reconhecimento profissional juntamente com preocupação, insegurança e tristeza. Conclusão A lista de tópicos primários engloba o que poderiam parecer intervenções terapêuticas muito básicas. No entanto, a forma cuidadosa e aberta como essas intervenções foram conduzidas é digna de nota. A tarefa dupla de estar atento às reflexões aéreas do paciente e, ao mesmo tempo, quando o paciente está pronto, cuidadosamente estabelecer relações com os domínios de sua vida diária, foi claramente moldada para pacientes com vínculo frágil.
Humans , Psychotherapy/methods , Schizophrenia/therapy , Schizophrenic Psychology , Health Personnel/psychology , Electronic Mail , HermeneuticsABSTRACT
El objetivo fue identificar los costos de la atención para enfermedades de salud mental en el sistema de salud de México. Se trata de una investigación evaluativa de tipo transversal retrospectivo. Se seleccionaron como trazadores del problema dos de las principales demandas de salud mental en los últimos años: depresión y esquizofrenia. La incidencia acumulada anual se identificó a partir del reporte epidemiológico por tipo de institución para el periodo 2005-2013. El costo del manejo anual de caso promedio se determinó a partir de la técnica de instrumentación y consenso, identificando las funciones de producción, el tipo de insumos, los costos y cantidad de insumos requeridos, concentrados en la matriz de caso promedio. Finalmente, se aplicó un factor de ajuste econométrico para controlar efecto inflacionario para cada año del periodo de estudio. El costo promedio del manejo anual de un caso en dólares americanos para esquizofrenia fue de 2.216,00 y para depresión 2.456,00. Para todas las instituciones del sistema de salud se observan tendencias epidemiológicas y económicas crecientes y constantes. El costo total para ambas enfermedades para el último año del periodo (2013) fue de USD 39.081.234,00, USD 18.119.877,00 para esquizofrenia y USD 20.961.357,00 para depresión. El mayor impacto para ambas enfermedades está en las instituciones para población no asegurada (USD 24.852.321,00) vs. población asegurada (USD 12.891.977,00). El costo de satisfacer la demanda de servicios para ambas enfermedades difiere considerablemente entre las instituciones que se ocupan de la población asegurada vs. población no asegurada, siendo mayor el de las segundas. Los indicadores epidemiológicos y económicos de este estudio contribuyen a la generación de evidencias para tomar decisiones en el uso y asignación de recursos para los servicios de salud que demandarán ambas enfermedades en los próximos años.
The study aimed to analyze the costs of medical care for mental disorders in the Mexican health system. This was a retrospective cross-sectional evaluation study. As markers for the problem, the study selected two of the principal psychological processes in mental disorders in recent years: depression and schizophrenia. Annual accumulated incidence was identified based on epidemiological reporting by type of institution in 2005-2013. The mean annual case management cost was determined with the instrumentation and consensus technique, identifying the production functions, types of inputs, costs, and amounts of inputs ordered, concentrated in the mean case matrix. Finally, an econometric adjustment factor was applied to control the inflationary effect for each year in the study period. Mean annual case management cost was USD 2,216.00 for schizophrenia and USD 2,456.00 for depression. All the institutions in the Mexican health system showed upward and constant epidemiological and economic trends. The total cost for the two disorders in the last year of the period (2013) was USD 39,081,234.00 (USD 18,119,877.00 for schizophrenia and USD 20,961,357.00 for depression). The largest impact for the two disorders combined was in institutions serving the population without health insurance (USD 24,852,321.00) versus the population with private insurance (USD 12,891,977.00). The cost of meeting the demand for services for the two disorders differs considerably between institutions that treat the population with private health service versus the population without, and is higher in the latter. The study's epidemiological and economic indicators provide evidence for decision-making in the use and allocation of healthcare resources for these two disorders in the coming years.
O trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os custos na atenção médica para doenças mentais no sistema de saúde no México. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de avaliação de tipo transversal retrospectiva. Foram selecionados como marcadores do problema dois dos principais processos psíquicos de doenças mentais nos últimos anos: depressão e esquizofrenia. A incidência acumulada anualmente foi identificada a partir do relatório epidemiológico por tipo de instituição no período de 2005-2013. O custo médio da gestão anual de caso foi determinado a partir da técnica de instrumentação e consenso, identificando-se as funções de produção, o tipo de insumos, os custos e quantidade de insumos solicitados, concentrados na matriz de caso médio. Por fim, foi aplicado um fator de ajuste econométrico para controlar o efeito inflacionário para cada ano do período de estudo. O custo médio da gestão anual de um caso em dólares americanos para esquizofrenia foi de 2.216,00 e para depressão 2.456,00. Para todas as instituições do sistema de saúde observam-se tendências epidemiológicas e econômicas crescentes e constantes. O custo total para ambas as doenças no último ano do período (2013) foi de USD 39.081.234,00 - USD 18.119.877,00 para esquizofrenia e USD 20.961.357,00 para depressão. O maior impacto para ambas as doenças encontra-se nas instituições para população sem seguro médico (USD 24.852.321,00) vs. população com seguro privado (USD 12.891.977,00). O custo a fim de poder satisfazer a demanda dos serviços para as duas doenças é diferente consideravelmente entre as instituições que se ocupam da população com seguro médico privado vs. população sem seguro médico, sendo maior o das segundas. Os indicadores epidemiológicos e econômicos deste estudo contribuem para a geração de evidências para a tomada de decisões no uso e atribuição dos recursos orientados aos serviços de saúde que vão ser demandados por causa das duas doenças nos próximos anos.
Humans , Male , Female , Schizophrenia/therapy , Health Care Costs , Depression/therapy , Mental Health Services/economics , Schizophrenia/economics , Schizophrenia/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Depression/economics , Depression/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Resumen El concepto de Metacognición, definido inicialmente por Flavell, se refiere a la capacidad de tener estados mentales sobre otros estados mentales, propios y ajenos, en orden de resolver los desafíos que plantea la vida. A través de una hipótesis modular de Metacognición, Semerari y Lysaker han identificado dominios que abarcan diversas áreas de ésta, siendo de gran utilidad en la comprensión de los pacientes con trastornos psiquiátricos graves: Autorreflexividad, Comprensión de la mente de Otros, Descentración y Maestría. Estos dominios se han estudiado fundamentalmente por medio de la Metacognitive Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A). El presente trabajo revisa el conocimiento actual de los déficits metacognitivos en Esquizofrenia, el método de evaluación, y su relación con la sintomatologia, función neurocognitiva, funcionamiento social y alianza terapéutica en estos pacientes. Finalmente, se presentan los diversos modelos de psicoterapias integrativas, que abordan con un enfoque rehabilitador los déficits metacognitivos de los pacientes con Esquizofrenia, profundizando en la evidencia existente sobre la más estudiada actualmente, la Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT).
The concept of Metacognition, initially defined by Flavell, refers to the ability to have mental states about their own mental states, and the mental states of others, in order to solve the challenges of life. Through a modular hypothesis of Metacognition, Semerari and Lysaker have identified domains that cover diverse areas of this, being very useful in the understanding of patients with serious psychiatric disorders: Self-reflectivity, Understanding of others' minds, Decentration and Mastery. These domains have been studied mainly through the Metacognitive Assessment Scale-Abbreviated (MAS-A). The present work reviews the current knowledge of the metacognitive deficits in Schizophrenia, the evaluation method, and its relation with the symptomatology, neurocognitive function, social functioning and therapeutic alliance in these patients. Finally, the different models of integrative psychotherapies are presented, with a rehabilitative approach over the metacognitive deficits of patients with schizophrenia, reviewing the most studied currently, the Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT).
Humans , Psychotherapy , Schizophrenia/physiopathology , Schizophrenia/therapy , Metacognition , Schizophrenia/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention (Superwellness Program) on weight gain compared with a treatment-as-usual (TAU) approach in patients treated with antipsychotics, and to evaluate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) variation and clinical variables. Method: Eighty-five patients treated with antipsychotics were allocated across two groups, experimental (n=59) and control (n=26). The Superwellness Program (experimental group) consisted of 32 twice-weekly 1-hour sessions, conducted by a psychologist and a nutritionist/nurse, concurrently with moderate food intake and moderate physical activity plans. Sociodemographic, clinical, and biological variables were collected at baseline, at the end of intervention (16 weeks), and after 6 months. Results: BMI change from baseline differed significantly between the experimental and control groups, with a larger decrease in the experimental group (F = 5.5, p = 0.021). Duration of illness moderated the effect of treatment on BMI (p = 0.026). No significant (p = 0.499) effect of intervention during the follow-up period was found. Interestingly, the intervention indirectly induced a significant (p = 0.024) reduction in metabolic risk by reducing BMI. Conclusion: A cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention could be useful in reducing weight in a clinical population taking antipsychotics, with consequent benefit to physical and mental health.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Psychotherapy, Group/methods , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/methods , Weight Reduction Programs/methods , Health Promotion/methods , Schizophrenia/therapy , Body Mass Index , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Obesity/etiology , Obesity/therapyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir el perfil metabólico y factores asociados en pacientes con esquizofrenia bajo tratamiento conantipsicóticos que acudieron a consulta externa en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental Honorio DelgadoHideyoNoguchi durante un periodo de tres meses. Material y mtodos: Estudio transversal, realizado entre mayo y julio del 2015. De manera consecutiva, fueron incluidos pacientes con esquizofrenia, en tratamiento con el mismo esquema antipsicótico por al menos 3 meses. Se tomaron medidas antropomtricas y se recogió información del paciente y de su historia cl¡nica. Se estimaron frecuencias y medidas de tendencia central para la estad¡stica descriptiva. Los factores asociados al perfil metabólico se establecieron mediante an lisis bivariado y multivariado, con el S¡ndrome Metabólico (SM) como variable dependiente. Resultados: De un total de 272 pacientes, 40,8% cumplieron criterios para SM seg£n la ATP-III modificada; 6,3% presentaron diabetes, 8,1% hipertensión arterial, 43% sobrepeso, 28,7% obesidad y 74,3% presentaron al menos una alteraci¢n lip¡dica. El SM estuvo significativamente asociado a edad,antecedente familiar de infarto de miocardio (IM), ¡ndice de masa corporal (IMC) y uso de politerapia con antipsicóticos at¡picos. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de SM hallada en esta muestra de pacientes esquizofrnicosfue elevada y estuvo asociada a una variedad de factores que es indispensable evaluar para un manejo integral y adecuado de cada paciente.
Objectives: To describe the metabolic profile and its associated factors among patients with schizophrenia underantipsychotic treatment, seen in the outpatient service at the National Institute of Mental Health Honorio DelgadoHideyo Noguchi, during a period of 3 months. Material and Methods: Cross-sectional study, carried out from May to July 2015. By consecutive sampling, patients with schizophrenia who were receiving the same antipsychotic treatment for at least three months were included. Anthropometric measures were taken, and medical data were obtained from the patients and their medical records. For descriptive statistics purposes, frequencies and measures of central tendency were estimated. To determine the metabolic profile-associated factors, bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed with the Metabolic Syndrome (MS) as a dependent variable. Results: From a total of272 patients evaluated, 40.8% met the modified ATP-III criteria for MS, 6.3% had type 2 diabetes mellitus, 8.1%had hypertension, 43% were overweight, 28.7% were obese and 74.3% had at least one lipid disorder. MS was significantly associated with age, family history of myocardial infarction (MI), body mass index (BMI) and use of polytherapy with atypical antipsychotics. Conclusions: The frequency of MS found in our sample of schizophrenic patients was high and was associated to a variety of factors whose evaluation is indispensable for an integral and adequate treatment of every patient.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Young Adult , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Schizophrenia/therapy , Metabolic Syndrome , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been recommended by several international guidelines as the gold-standard treatment to address the needs of patients with schizophrenia. This review provides an overview on recent advances regarding CBT for schizophrenia. METHODS: An electronic search was performed on PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science and Cochrane Database, using the key-words: "schizophrenia", "psychosis", "cognitive-behavioral therapy", "CBT" and "psychotherapy". RESULTS: Numerous systematic reviews support the immediate and long-term efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to reduce positive and negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia. In the last decade, CBT for schizophrenia has been applied to clinical high-risk subjects and delivered using innovative approaches (low intensity, web-based and self-guided). Brain regions and networks which support high-level cognitive functions have been associated with CBT responsiveness. There is preliminary evidence indicating that CBT induces a prefrontal dependent increase in the top-down modulation of social threat activation. CONCLUSION: In the last decade, CBT for schizophrenia has explored new treatment outcomes, targeted acute and pre-clinical populations and provided alternative methods to reach more patients and reduce intervention costs. The patients' neurocognitive profile seems to play a critical role in treatment response and combining CBT with cognitive remediation may allow to enhance therapeutic effects. Although CBT for schizophrenia is widely established as a gold-standard practice, future studies using innovative CBT protocols, exploring brain-related predictors and treatment outcomes may allow this intervention to be more effective, personalized and to reach a wider number of patients.
INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC) tem sido recomendada em diversas guidelines internacionais como a intervenção psicoterapêutica padrão de ouro para pacientes com esquizofrenia. Esta revisão tem como objetivo fornecer uma visão global sobre os avanços recentes da TCC na esquizofrenia. MÉTODOS: Para esta revisão narrativa foi realizada uma busca eletrônica na PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science e Cochrane Database utilizando as palavras-chave: "schizophrenia", "psychosis", "cognitive-behavioral therapy", "CBT" e "psychotherapy". RESULTADOS: Várias revisões sistemáticas suportam a eficácia da TCC na redução a curto e longo prazo dos sintomas positivos e negativos da esquizofrenia. Na última década, a TCC tem sido aplicada a indivíduos com alto risco de psicose, sendo também exploradas abordagens inovadoras na sua utilização (curta duração, web-based, autogestão). Redes neurais responsáveis por funções cognitivas de nível superior têm sido associadas a respostas positivas após TCC para esquizofrenia. Existe ainda evidência preliminar que a TCC promove a ativação de zonas pré-frontais responsáveis pela modulação top-down face a ameaças sociais. CONCLUSÃO: Na última década, a TCC para esquizofrenia tem explorado novos desfechos, intervindo em populações agudas e pré-clínicas e utilizado métodos alternativos para alcançar mais pacientes e reduzir custos O perfil neurocognitivo dos pacientes aparenta ter um papel crítico na resposta ao tratamento, pelo que combinar a TCC com reabilitação cognitiva poderá potenciar os seus efeitos terapêuticos. Apesar da TCC ser uma prática recomendada para a esquizofrenia, estudos futuros usando protocolos inovadores e explorando preditores e desfechos relacionados com o cérebro poderão possibilitar que esta intervenção seja mais eficaz, personalizável e alcance o máximo número de pacientes possível.