Evolution and natural selection have endowed animal venoms, including scorpion venoms, with a wide range of pharmacological properties. Consequently, scorpions, their venoms, and/or their body parts have been used since time immemorial in traditional medicines, especially in Africa and Asia. With respect to their pharmacological potential, bioactive peptides from scorpion venoms have become an important source of scientific research. With the rapid increase in the characterization of various components from scorpion venoms, a large number of peptides are identified with an aim of combating a myriad of emerging global health problems. Moreover, some scorpion venom-derived peptides have been established as potential scaffolds helpful for drug development. In this review, we summarize the promising scorpion venoms-derived peptides as drug candidates. Accordingly, we highlight the data and knowledge needed for continuous characterization and development of additional natural peptides from scorpion venoms, as potential drugs that can treat related diseases.
Animals , Scorpion Venoms/pharmacology , Peptides/pharmacology , Scorpions , Drug Development , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness and advantages of using Fastpass Scorpion suture passer to stitch the inferior capsulolabral complex in arthroscopic Bankart repair compared with traditional arthroscopic suture shuttle.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 41 patients with Bankart lesion, who met the selection criteria and were admitted between August 2019 and October 2021, was retrospectively analyzed. Under arthroscopy, the inferior capsulolabral complex was stitched with Fastpass Scorpion suture passer in 27 patients (FS group) and with arthroscopic suture shuttle in 14 patients (ASS group). There was no significant difference between the two groups ( P>0.05) in gender, age, injured side, frequency of shoulder dislocation, time from first dislocation to operation, and preoperative Rowe score of shoulder. Taking successful suture and pull-tightening as the criteria for completion of repair, the number of patients that were repaired at 5∶00 to 6∶00 (<6:00) and 6∶00 to 7∶00 positions of the glenoid in the two groups was compared. The operation time, and the difference of Rowe shoulder score betwee pre- and post-operation, the occurrence of shoulder joint dislocation, the results of apprehension test, and the constituent ratio of recovery to the pre-injury movement level between the two groups at 1 year after operation.@*RESULTS@#Both groups completed the repair at 5∶00 to 6∶00 (<6∶00), and the constituent ratio of patients completed at 6∶00 to 7∶00 was significantly greater in the FS group than in the ASS group ( P<0.05). The operation time was significantly shorter in the FS group than in the ASS group ( P<0.05). All incisions in the two groups healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 12-36 months (mean, 19.1 months). No anchor displacement or neurovascular injury occurred during follow-up. Rowe score of shoulder in the two groups significantly improved at 1 year after operation than preoperative scores ( P<0.05), and there was no significant difference in the difference of Rowe shoulder score between pre- and post-operation between the two groups ( P>0.05). At 1 year after operation, no re-dislocation occurred, and there was no significant difference in the apprehension test and the constituent ratio of recovery to the pre-injury movement level between the two groups ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with the arthroscopic suture shuttle, using Fastpass Scorpion suture passer to stitch the inferior capsulolabral complex in arthroscopic Bankart repair is more convenient, saves operation time, and has good effectiveness.
Humans , Animals , Arthroscopy/methods , Scorpions , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Shoulder Dislocation/surgery , Sutures , Equidae , Shoulder Joint/surgery , Joint Instability/surgery , Suture Anchors , Recurrence , Range of Motion, ArticularABSTRACT
The incidences of systemic toxicity and other complications associated with existing local anaesthetics can occur at clinical concentration level and vary with the anaesthetic techniques, types of surgery and patient factors. This evidence suggests the need for therapeutic interventions in peripheral and regional anaesthesia. Buthus martensii Karsch (BmK) scorpion venom is a compound that contains mixtures of peptides that have analgesic properties. This study aimed to investigate the local anaesthetic activity of scorpion venom peptide, AGAP (analgesic-antitumor peptide) in mechanical hyperalgesia or acute inflammatory pain. Method: Formalin was injected into the left hind paw after 20 minutes of infiltration of drugs. The time of licking or flinching of the injected hind paw was recorded as indicative of nociceptive or acute inflammatory pain. Paw flinching or quick withdrawal was considered a positive response to pain in the partial sciatic nerve ligation. The paw-withdrawal threshold (PWT) was determined by consecutively increasing and decreasing the magnitude of the stimulus. Results: The results indicated that AGAP exhibited a 67.9% inhibition in licking or flinching time and an 88.1% inhibition in paw withdrawal in mechanical hyperalgesia. The addition of AGAP to lidocaine showed an 89.5% inhibition in paw withdrawal. Conclusion: The data presented in this study suggest that local infiltration of AGAP significantly reduced mechanical hyperalgesia and acute inflammatory pain
Humans , Scorpions , Nociceptive Pain , Scorpion Venoms , Acute Pain , Anesthetics, LocalABSTRACT
This synoptic review aims to bring some general information on fossil scorpions, namely those trapped in amber - fossilized resin - ranging from Lower Cretaceous through the Palaeocene and up to the Miocene. The question to be addressed is how the study of these fossils can be connected with possible present scorpionism problems. A precise knowledge of these ancient lineages provides information about the evolution of extant lineages, including the buthoids, which contain most known noxious species. Among the Arthropods found trapped in amber, scorpions are considered rare. A limited number of elements have been described from the Late Tertiary Dominican and Mexican amber, while the most ancient Tertiary amber from the Baltic region produced more consistent results in the last 30 years, primarily focusing on a single limited lineage. Contrarily, the Cretaceous amber from Myanmar, also called Burmite, has yielded and continues to yield a significant number of results represented by several distinct lineages, which attest to the considerable degree of diversity that existed in the Burmese amber-producing forests. As in my previous similar contributions to this journal, the content of this note is primarily addressed to non-specialists whose research embraces scorpions in various fields such as venom toxins and public health. An overview knowledge of at least some fossil lineages can eventually help to clarify why some extant elements associated with the buthoids represent dangerous species while others are not noxious.(AU)
Animals , Scorpions/anatomy & histology , Fossils , Amber/analysisABSTRACT
Este trabalho estimou a incidência de ocorrências com escorpiões na cidade de Paulínia - SP de 2017 a 2021, associando-a a um período de suspensão dos procedimentos de controle de pragas (AGO-2019 a AGO- 2020), que é realizado nas tubulações de esgoto para o controle de baratas, Periplaneta americana (Linneu, 1758). É um estudo observacional, do tipo ecológico, realizado com dados secundários de uma série histórica de cinco anos, provenientes do departamento de vigilância em saúde municipal. As ocorrências foram classificadas em acidentes (escorpionismo) e sem acidentes (coletas de espécimes). Para as análises utilizou-se a regressão de Poisson. Observou-se taxas crescentes de ocorrências na ordem de 23% ao ano (RT = 1,23; [IC] de 95%: 1,16 a 1,32, p=0) pela regressão de Poisson. A ocorrência do tipo coleta de espécimes foi a mais observada, e o espécime mais identificado foi o Tityus serrulatus (Lutz & Mello, 1922). Foi observado um aumento significativo nas ocorrências do tipo coletas nas regiões sem área verde, após a suspensão dos serviços de controle de pragas a partir de oitavo mês, com uma razão de taxas de 2,16 [IC] de 95%: 1,55 a 3,01; p <0,001). Nas regiões com a presença de áreas verdes, o aumento não foi estatisticamente significativo (RT=1,15; [IC] de 95%: 0,77 a 1,72; p=0,50). Estas estimativas foram ajustadas pelas variáveis mês, ano e macrorregião do município, áreas 1 e 2. Os resultados corroboram outros estudos sobre a importância da sazonalidade nas taxas de ocorrências com escorpiões. Concluiu-se que as regiões do município com menor quantitativo de áreas verdes apresentaram as maiores taxas de ocorrências com escorpiões, na ausência do controle de pragas. Os resultados nas regiões com a presença de áreas verdes não foram significativos após a suspensão dos procedimentos. As áreas verdes funcionaram como modificador de efeito na interação suspensão dos procedimentos de controle de pragas e taxa de ocorrências com escorpiões.
This study estimated the incidence of occurrences with scorpions in the city of Paulínia - SP from 2017 to 2021, associating it with a period of suspension of pest control procedures (AGO-2019 to AGO- 2020), which is carried out in sewage pipes for the control of cockroaches, Periplaneta americana (Linneu, 1758). This is an observational, ecological study, conducted with secondary data from a five-year historical series from the municipal health surveillance department. The occurrences were classified as accidents (scorpion disease) and no accidents (specimen collections). Poisson regression was used for the analyses. There were increasing rates of occurrences in the order of 23% per year (RT = 1.23; [CI] of 95%: 1.16 to 1.32, p=0) by Poisson regression. The occurrence of the specimen collection type was the most observed, and the most identified specimen was the Tityus serrulatus (Lutz & Mello, 1922). A significant increase in occurrences of the type collected was observed in regions without green area, after the suspension of pest control services from the eighth month, with a rate ratio of 2.16 [CI] of 95%: 1.55 to 3.01; p <0.001). In regions with the presence of green areas, the increase was not statistically significant (RT=1.15; [CI] of 95%: 0.77 to 1.72; p=0.50). These estimates were adjusted for the variables month, year and macro-region of the municipality, areas 1 and 2. The results corroborate other studies on the importance of seasonality in the rates of occurrences with scorpions. It was concluded that the regions of the municipality with the lowest number of green areas presented the highest rates of occurrences with scorpions, in the absence of pest control. The results in the regions with the presence of green areas were not significant after the suspension of the procedures.The green areas functioned as an effect modifier in the interaction suspension of pest control procedures and rate of occurrences with scorpions.
Scorpions , Pest Control , Green Areas , Public Health SurveillanceABSTRACT
Introducción. El emponzoñamiento por Tityus carrilloi n. sp. representa una amenaza para la vida. Según las manifestaciones clínicas, se clasifica en leve, moderado y grave. Objetivo. Comparar las características epidemiológicas y bioquímicas en niños con escorpionismo leve, moderado y grave. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se analizaron las consultas de menores de 15 años picados por Tityus carrilloi n. sp. entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2018 en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel en Santa Fe (Argentina). Resultados. Se incluyeron 524 niños, el 81 % (421) con dolor local y el 19 % (103) con manifestaciones sistémicas. Los niños con síntomas sistémicos de escorpionismo fueron más pequeños en edad que los que presentaron manifestaciones locales (p <0,001). En el invierno los niños desarrollaron 8 veces más manifestaciones sistémicas de escorpionismo y durante la primavera, 2,4 veces más que durante el verano. De los 103 niños internados, 80 fueron casos moderados y 23, graves. No hubo diferencias entre grupos en edad (p = 0,29) ni en la demora en recibir suero antiescorpiónico (p = 0,81). El tiempo de internación fue mayor en los graves (p <0,001). Los valores de glóbulos blancos o glucemia mayores a 30 000 cel/ml y 300 mg/dl respectivamente estuvieron presentes casi exclusivamente en escorpionismos graves. Conclusión. En niños picados por el escorpión Tityus carrilloi n. sp., el riesgo de desarrollar manifestaciones sistémicas fue mayor cuanto menor fue la edad y durante el invierno y la primavera. Los valores de glóbulos blancos y de glucemia fueron mayores en niños con escorpionismo grave.
Introduction. Scorpion envenomation by Tityus carrilloi n. sp. represents a threat to life. Depending on its clinical manifestations, it is classified as mild, moderate or severe. Objective. To compare the epidemiological and biochemical characteristics among children with mild, moderate, and severe scorpionism. Population and methods. Descriptive, crosssectional, and retrospective study. The consultations at a tertiary care children's hospital in Santa Fe (Argentina) of children under 15 years of age stung by Tityus carrilloi n. sp. between January 2017 and December 2018 were analyzed. Results. In total, 524 children were included, 81% (421) with local pain and 19% (103) with systemic manifestations. Children with systemic symptoms of scorpionism were younger in age than those with local manifestations (p < 0.001). In the winter, children developed 8 times more systemic manifestations of scorpionism; during the spring, 2.4 times more than during the summer. Out of the 103 hospitalized children, 80 were moderate cases and 23 severe cases. There were no differences between age groups (p = 0.29) or in the delay in receiving the anti-scorpion serum (p = 0.81). The length of hospital stay was longer among severe cases (p < 0.001). WBC and blood glucose levels higher than 30 000 cell/mL and 300 mg/dL, respectively, were present almost exclusively in severe scorpionism cases. Conclusion. In children stung by the scorpion Tityus carrilloi n. sp., the younger the age and during winter and spring, the higher the risk for systemic manifestations. WBC and blood glucose levels were higher in children with severe scorpionism.
Humans , Animals , Child , Scorpion Stings/diagnosis , Scorpion Stings/epidemiology , Scorpions , Blood Glucose , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
El envenenamiento debido a picadora de escorpiones es reportado en diferentes países de Suramérica, en algunos, como México, es un problema de salud pública. En Colombia el accidente por escorpiones no es de reporte obligatorio, por lo que hay subregistro de casos. Los accidentes por este tipo de animales ponzoñosos se asocian a manifestaciones locales, y en casos de gravedad moderada a severa, a problemas cardiovasculares y neurológicos. Sin embargo, es importante reconocer manifestaciones que, aunque reportadas con menos frecuencia, implican gran morbilidad, como la pancreatitis y las alteraciones renales, entre las que está la nefritis. Se reporta el caso de un varón de 46 años, que presentó un accidente por Tytus, con nefritis intersticial. Este es el primer reporte de esta complicación en Colombia. Nuestro objetivo principal es resaltar la importancia de una pronta identificación de casos y un oportuno inicio del tratamiento por parte del personal de la salud, que permitan disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad de estos pacientes.
Scorpion poisoning is reported in different countries in South America, especially in Mexico, where it has become a public health issue. In Colombia this type of accident is not mandatory to report, therefore, there is underreporting of cases. Accidents caused by these poisonous animals are mainly associated with local manifestations and, in cases of moderate to severe severity, to cardiovascular and neurological problems. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize other manifestations which, despite being reported less frequently, are associated with high morbidity such as pancreatitis and renal alterations, among which is nephritis. The case of a 46-year-old male patient is reported, who had an accident due to Tytus and presented interstitial nephritis. This is the first report of this complication in Colombia, and based on this, the main objective is to highlight the importance of prompt identification and treatment by health personnel, in order to reduce morbidity and mortality in these patients.
O envenenamento devido a picadora de escorpiões é reportado em diferentes países da América Latina, em alguns, como México, é um problema de saúde pública. Na Colômbiao acidente por escorpiões não é de reporte obrigatório, porque há sub-registro de casos. Os acidentes por este tipo de animais peçonhentos se associam a manifestações locais, e em casos de gravidade moderada a severa, a problemas cardiovasculares e neurológicos. Entretanto, é importante reconhecer manifestações que, embora reportadas com menos frequência, implicam grande morbilidade, como a pancreatite e as alterações renais, entre as que está a nefrite. Se reporta o caso de um homem de 46 anos, que apresentou um acidente por Tytus, com nefrite intersticial. Este é o primeiro reporte desta complicação na Colômbia. Nosso objetivo principal é ressaltar a importância de uma breve identificação de casos e um oportuno início do tratamento por parte do pessoal da saúde, que permitam diminuir a morbilidade e mortalidade destes pacientes.
Humans , Animals , Scorpions , Acute Kidney Injury , Scorpion Stings , Animals, Poisonous , NephritisABSTRACT
A synopsis on the historical, geographical and ecological aspects related to the most conspicuous scorpion species of the genus Tityus known from Brazil is proposed. Tityus serrulatus Lutz & Mello, 1922 was described precisely one century ago, nevertheless many questions related to its ecological adaptations and geographical expansion remain without a precise response. This species, well known for its infamous reputation of noxious species, is also known for its capacity to reproduce asexually, by parthenogenesis. Although the individuals of a given population are considered clones, a new hypothesis could suggest the occurrence of mutations within isolated individuals, leading to distinct subpopulations that could present better phenotypic performances in ecological habitats distinct from those of the original area of distribution of the species.(AU)
Animals , Parthenogenesis/physiology , Scorpions/classification , Scorpions/genetics , Ecosystem , Animal Distribution , Biological Variation, PopulationABSTRACT
Accidents with venomous animals are a public health issue worldwide. Among the species involved in these accidents are scorpions, spiders, bees, wasps, and other members of the phylum Arthropoda. The knowledge of the function of proteins present in these venoms is important to guide diagnosis, therapeutics, besides being a source of a large variety of biotechnological active molecules. Although our understanding about the characteristics and function of arthropod venoms has been evolving in the last decades, a major aspect crucial for the function of these proteins remains poorly studied, the posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Comprehension of such modifications can contribute to better understanding the basis of envenomation, leading to improvements in the specificities of potential therapeutic toxins. Therefore, in this review, we bring to light protein/toxin PTMs in arthropod venoms by accessing the information present in the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database, including experimental and putative inferences. Then, we concentrate our discussion on the current knowledge on protein phosphorylation and glycosylation, highlighting the potential functionality of these modifications in arthropod venom. We also briefly describe general approaches to study "PTM-functional-venomics", herein referred to the integration of PTM-venomics with a functional investigation of PTM impact on venom biology. Furthermore, we discuss the bottlenecks in toxinology studies covering PTM investigation. In conclusion, through the mining of PTMs in arthropod venoms, we observed a large gap in this field that limits our understanding on the biology of these venoms, affecting the diagnosis and therapeutics development. Hence, we encourage community efforts to draw attention to a better understanding of PTM in arthropod venom toxins.(AU)
Animals , Arthropod Venoms/toxicity , Protein Processing, Post-Translational , Phosphorylation , Scorpions , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Spiders , Wasps , Bees , GlycosylationABSTRACT
Accidents caused by scorpions are considered a neglected condition and represent a major health problem in most tropical countries, especially for children and elderly people. In Brazil, scorpionism is recurrent in the southeast region, mainly in the state of Sao Ë Paulo, due to the progressive increase in scorpions found in urban habitats. Thus, our study aimed to provide better insights into the geographic and epidemiological characteristics of scorpion envenomation in Sao Ë Paulo state and identify the environmental factors that are associated with these accidents. This is an ecological and retrospective study with secondary data on scorpion accidents in the state of Sao Ë Paulo from 2008 to 2018 obtained from the Notifiable Disease Information System. The SatScan software was used to identify the higher- and lower-risk spatiotemporal clusters. A total of 145,464 scorpion sting cases were recorded in the state of Sao Paulo, between 2008 and 2018; there was a four-fold increase in the incidence rate. Accidents occurred more frequently in the spring season, wherein higher-risk clusters were in the north and northwest regions of the state. High temperatures, low precipitation, and poor natural vegetation are associated with higher risk areas. Our study mapped vulnerable areas for scorpion accidents that can aid in the design ofefficient public health policies, which should be intensified during the spring season.
Scorpions , Accidents , Scorpion Stings , Health Policy , Insemination, Artificial, HeterologousABSTRACT
O número de acidentes com escorpiões no Brasil teve um aumento de 389.0% no período de 2008 a 2018. Por este motivo, o estudo da distribuição espacial e temporal dos casos de escorpionismo e das notificações de presença de escorpiões é importante para que os órgãos de saúde possam desenvolver ações de prevenção. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é descrever a distribuição espacial e temporal de escorpiões e acidentes escorpiônicos no município de São Paulo no período de 2013 a 2018. Foram construídos gráficos e mapas, para auxiliar o sistema de saúde nas ações de prevenção de acidentes escorpiônicos. O método de pesquisa empregado foi um estudo observacional e descritivo que utilizou dados secundários para apresentar a distribuição temporal e espacial de escorpiões, com ênfase nas espécies de importância médica do local estudado: Tityus serrulatus, Tityus bahiensis e Tityus stigmurus. O local de estudo é São Paulo, tendo 11.253.503 habitantes, segundo estimativa em 2019. O período estudado é de 2013 a 2018. As informações sobre os escorpiões consideradas provêm do Laboratório de Identificação e Pesquisa em Fauna Sinantrópica, pertencente à Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município de São Paulo. Foram mapeados os pontos de encontro de escorpiões de importância médica separados por espécies: T. serrulatus, T. bahiensis, e T. stigmurus, e os acidentes escorpiônicos, registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Foram utilizados os softwares da Empresa da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação do Município de São Paulo, Google Earth, Google Maps, o Sistema de Consulta do Mapa Digital da Cidade de São Paulo e o site GPSvisualizer para geocodificação de endereços e QGIS para mapeamento. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados da Companhia de saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo e do Instituto Brasileiro de Geoestatística para a construção dos mapas. Foram construídos 08 gráficos e 174 mapas, mostrando a distribuição espacial e temporal dos escorpiões na cidade. A fim de auxiliar na compreensão da comparação da distribuição de T. serrulatus e T. bahiensis na cidade de São Paulo, foram confeccionados mapas de calor com raio amplo de 8.000 metros, mostrando que T. serrulatus ocupa principalmente as áreas mais centrais da cidade e T. bahiensis as áreas mais periféricas, corroborando com trabalhos anteriores de outros pesquisadores, mostrando uma possível tendência de substituição de T. bahiensis por T. serrulatus, na medida em que a cidade se torna mais urbanizada. Mostra também a predominância de notificações de forma acentuada para T. serrulatus. Este trabalho buscou contribuir com a sociedade ao fornecer instrumentos para auxiliar em uma melhor compreensão da relação entre a presença desse animal peçonhento e as condições ambientais e sociais locais; que utilizados em conjunto com a biologia e ecologia dos escorpiões, assim como com outras ciências, podem auxiliar no melhor entendimento da situação local e global do escorpionismo, na facilitação da gestão de recursos e na prevenção de acidentes.
Scorpion stings in Brazil increased by 389.0% from 2008 to 2018; thus, the studies of the spatial distribution of scorpion cases and of the reports of scorpion presence are important for public health agencies to develop prevention actions. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the spatial and temporal distribution of scorpions and scorpion stings in the city of São Paulo from 2013 to 2018. It was built graphics and maps to assist the health system in the actions of preventing scorpion stings. The research method used was a descriptive observational study that used secondary data to present the temporal and spatial distribution of scorpions of species of medical importance in the studied location: Tityus serrulatus, Tityus bahiensis, and Tityus stigmurus. The place of study is São Paulo, having 11,253,503 inhabitants, according to an estimate in 2019. The period studied is from 2013 to 2018. The information about the scorpions considered comes from the database of the Laboratório de Identificação e Pesquisa em Fauna Sinantrópica, which is part of the Department of Health of the municipality São Paulo. The informed meeting point of scorpions of medical importance, separated by species: T. serrulatus, T. bahiensis, and T. stigmurus, and the scorpion stings registered in the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação were mapped. Software from the Empresa da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação of São Paulo, Google Earth, Google Maps, the Sistema de Consulta do Mapa Digital da cidade de São Paulo and the GPSvisualizer site for geocoding addresses and QGIS for mapping were used. The databases of the Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo, City Hall of São Paulo and the Instituto Brasileiro de Geoestatística were used for the construction of maps. It was built 08 charts and 174 maps showing the citys spatial and temporal distribution of scorpions. To help understand the comparison of the distribution of T. serrulatus and T. bahiensis in the city of São Paulo, heat maps with a wide radius of 8.000 meters were prepared, showing that T. serrulatus occupies mainly the most central areas of the city and T. bahiensis the more peripheral areas, corroborating with previous work of other researchers, showing a possible tendency of substitution of T. bahiensis for T. serrulatus, as the city becomes more urbanized. It also shows a marked predominance of notifications for T. serrulatus. This paper sought to provide tools to assist in a better understanding of the relationship between the presence of scorpions and local environmental and social conditions. Such an understanding, once used in conjunction with knowledge of scorpion biology and ecology as well as with other sciences, can assist in a better understanding of the local and global context of scorpion stings. It is also expected that the knowledge generated in the study will contribute to the facilitation of resource management in accident prevention.
Scorpions , Introduced Species , Spatial Analysis , Accident Prevention , Scorpion VenomsABSTRACT
Scorpionic accidents are a major public health problem due to the high occurrence with potential seriousness. In this manner, the research aimed to analyze the occurrence of scorpionic accidents in a municipality in the northeastern of Brazil. An exploratory, descriptive study was made, with a quantitative approach, using secondary data which was gotten from the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN), from 2008 to 2018. Data such as neighborhood, presence of street markets were also used, and the existence of sanitation and climatic data such as temperature and season. Geoprocessing was used to identify possible changes in the environment. In the analyzed period, 9,330 cases of scorpion accidents were recorded, with an average of 848 annual notifications. Scorpionic accidents occurred more frequently in women (5,686; 60.94%). Individuals aged 20 to 29 years (1.727; 18.51%) were more frequent to scorpion stings. Regarding the body parts where the stings were made, the highlights were on the foot (3.515; 37.67%) followed by the hand (2.818; 30.20%). No statistically significant relation was observed between climatic factors and scorpionic accidents. However, the high number of cases of scorpionic accidents was observed in the last 11 years studied. It was evident that during the study period there was no statistical relationship when climatic factors were correlated to scorpionic accidents. On its turn, when it was verified the results of the geoprocessing analysis, it was seen that anthropic factors have been motivating the potentiation of the occurrence of these accidents.
Os acidentes escorpiônicos apresentam-se como um grande problema de saúde pública em virtude da grande ocorrência com potencial gravidade. Nesse sentido, o trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a ocorrência de acidentes escorpiônicos em um município do nordeste brasileiro. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, de caráter exploratório, com abordagem quantitativa em que foram utilizados dados secundários obtidos no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), no período de 2008 a 2018. Também foram utilizados dados como bairro, presença de feiras livres e a existência de saneamento básico e dados climáticos como temperatura e estação do ano. O geoprocessamento foi utilizado para identificar as possíveis alterações no ambiente. No período analisado, foram registrados 9,330 casos de acidentes com escorpião, com média de 848 notificações anuais. Os acidentes escorpiônicos ocorreram com mais frequência em mulheres (5,686; 60,94%). Em indivíduos na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos (1,727; 18,51%) foram mais frequentes a picada de escorpião. Com relação ao local das picadas destacaram-se o pé (3,515; 37,67%), seguido da mão (2,818; 30,20%). Não foi observada relação estatisticamente significativa entre os fatores clímáticos e os acidentes escorpiônicos. Foi observado elevado número de casos de acidentes escorpiônicos nos últimos 11 anos estudados. Ficou evidente que durante o período de estudo não existiu relação estatística quando se correlacionou fatores climáticos aos acidentes escorpiônicos. Por sua vez, ao verificar os resultados da análise de geoprocessamento foi visto que fatores antrópicos têm sido motivadores da potencialização da ocorrência desses acidentes.
Humans , Animals , Female , Scorpions , Accidents , Brazil/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , CitiesABSTRACT
Background: Scorpions are arachnids that have a generalist diet, which use venom to subdue their prey. The study of their trophic ecology and capture behavior is still limited compared to other organisms, and aspects such as trophic specialization in this group have been little explored. Methods: In order to determine the relationship between feeding behavior and venom toxicity in the scorpion species Tityus fuhrmanni, 33 specimens were offered prey with different morphologies and defense mechanisms: spiders, cockroaches and crickets. In each of the experiments we recorded the following aspects: acceptance rate, immobilization time and the number of capture attempts. The median lethal dose of T. fuhrmanni venom against the three different types of prey was also evaluated. Results: We found that this species does not have a marked difference in acceptance for any of the evaluated prey, but the number of capture attempts of spiders is higher when compared to the other types of prey. The immobilization time is shorter in spiders compared to other prey and the LD50 was higher for cockroaches. Conclusions: These results indicate that T. fuhrmanni is a scorpion with a generalist diet, has a venom with a different potency among prey and is capable of discriminating between prey types and employing distinct strategies to subdue them.(AU)
Animals , Predatory Behavior , Scorpions , Toxicity , Feeding Behavior , Food Chain , Defense Mechanisms , Lethal Dose 50ABSTRACT
Scorpionism is a worldwide problem that has already made thousands of victims, and multi-disciplinary approaches for controlling their populations are to be more successful. Hens are often mentioned as tools for controlling scorpions; however, systematic/experimental behavioral studies are not available. Moreover, there is no systematic information on the effect of scorpion venoms on hens. Using the venomous yellow scorpion Tityus serrulatus, the present study aimed to clarify the following aspects: (1) voracity of hens, (2) how hens react when stung, (3) the effect of scorpion stings on hen behavior during attacks, and (4) hen survivorship after feeding on scorpions. Methods: We attracted hens with corn powder, offered them scorpions and then recorded the hen-scorpion interaction. To test the effects of the sting we manually removed the scorpion's telson. Results: We found that some hens ate up to six scorpions within minutes. By means of an ethogram and drawings, we showed that they exhibited several aversive behaviors when capturing scorpions. Removal of the scorpion telson stopped the aversive reactions, which was not observed in the control group. Finally, hens did not exhibit atypical behaviors after 1, 7 and 30 days and were all alive after 30 days. Conclusion: This is the first empirical and video recorded study providing evidence that hens are clearly affected by scorpion venom but do not die. Therefore, they may have potential to be used in biological control of these arthropods.(AU)
Animals , Scorpion Venoms/poisoning , Biological Products , Scorpion Stings , Scorpions , Chickens/metabolism , Zea maysABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo: describir las características sociodemográficas, clínicas y paraclínicas de los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Neiva, entre los años 2014 y 2018 e identificar los factores de riesgo que se asocien con la mortalidad. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional analítico retrospectivo. Se calcularon las medias, la desviación estándar, frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Se realizó un análisis de normalidad con el Test de Shapiro-Wilk. Se evaluó la asociación de diferentes variables sociodemográficas y clínicas con el riesgo de mortalidad usando regresión logística. Resultados: se registraron 305 eventos, predominantemente leves (117 casos). El 2018 fue el año con mayor número de reportes (35,45 %). La mayoría eran personas jóvenes con una edad media de 17 años, principalmente de los 0 a 11 años (61 %). Más del 90% eran pacientes residentes del departamento Huila y más de la mitad (67 %) pertenecían al régimen subsidiado. La mayoría de las picaduras ocurrieron durante el día, siendo las extremidades la ubicación más frecuentemente reportada (82 %). Se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre un cuadro grave y la mayor necesidad de UCI. Conclusiones: el escorpionismo es un problema de salud pública infravalorado en Colombia. La población pediátrica tiene mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones y síntomas graves en la escorpiotoxicosis. Un cuadro grave en cualquier edad aumenta la probabilidad de ingreso a una UCI, requerimiento frecuente de soporte hídrico e inotrópico y la necesidad de antihipertensivos, al igual que dosis elevadas de antiveneno.
SUMMARY Objective: To describe the sociodemographic, clinical and paraclinical characteristics of the patients treated at the Neiva University Hospital between 2014 and 2018, and identify risk factors that are associated with mortality. Materials and Methods: Observational, analytic retrospective, study. Absolute and relative frequencies were calculated. Normality analysis was performed with the Shapiro-Wilk Test. The relationship of different sociodemographic and clinical variables and the risk of mortality were evaluated using logistic regression. Results: 305 events were registered, predominantly mild (117 cases), being 2018 the year with the highest number of reports (35.45%). Most were young people, with a mean age of 17 years, mainly between 0-11 years (61%). More than 90% resided in the Huila department and more than half (67%) belonged to the subsidized regime. Most bites occurred during the day, with the extremities being the most frequently reported location (82%). A statistically significant association was found between a severe condition and an increased need for an ICU. Conclusions: Scorpionism is an undervalued public health problem in Colombia. The pediatric population is at increased risk of developing severe complications and symptoms in scorpiotoxicosis. A severe condition at any age increases the probability of ICU admission, more frequent requirement for inotropic and liquids supply, and the use of antihypertensive drugs and high doses of anti-venom.
Humans , Mortality , Scorpion Stings , Scorpions , Signs and Symptoms , Bites and Stings , Public Health , Research ReportABSTRACT
Resumen Las picaduras por alacranes pueden producir cuadros de intoxicación aguda y conducir a la muerte por falla cardíaca y distrés respiratorio, siendo la población pediátrica la de mayor riesgo, tanto en Argentina como en el resto del mundo. Muchasde las especies de escorpiones en el mundo son sinantrópicas, y en Argentina, las que se han relacionado con muertes, comoTityus trivittatus y Tityus confluens, poseen esas características. La sinantropía, aumenta la posibilidad de contacto humano -escorpión y por lo tanto la ocurrencia de accidentes, por lo que las medidas de prevención en este caso, deben tomarse no soloconductualmente sino ambientalmente para evitar ese contacto. Las características biológicas de los escorpiones del géneroTityus dificultan las labores de prevención. Muchas son las herramientas para disminuir el contacto con los escorpiones y de esamanera prevenir los accidentes como los controles químicos, biológicos y ambientales, así como la búsqueda y eliminación deescorpiones. Sin embargo, no todas son efectivas si no son aplicadas racionalmente y si no son combinadas. En ocasiones lamala planificación o uso de las diferentes medidas para el combate de escorpiones pueden ser contraproducentes y no solo serinefectivas sino aumentar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de accidentes. En esta revisión se exponen los diferentes métodos deprevención del escorpionismo, con especial referencia a las especies de Tityus de Argentina.
Abstract Scorpion stings may produce acute envenoming and lead to death from heart failure and respiratory distress, being the pediatric population that with the highest risk of severe envenomation and death, in Argentina as in the rest of the world. Manyof the scorpion species in the world are synanthropic, including Tityus trivittatus and Tityus confluens, which are responsible forhuman deaths in Argentina. Synanthropy increases the possibility of human-scorpion contact and therefore the occurrence ofaccidents, so preventive measures to avoid the contact must be taken not only behaviorally but environmentally. The biologi-cal characteristics of scorpions of the genus Tityus make prevention of the contact with humans rather difficult. There are manychemical, biological and environmental tools to reduce the possibility of contact between humans and scorpions. However, notall these measures are effective if they are not rationally applied and if these are not combined. Sometimes the poor planningor use of different measures to control scorpions' population can be counterproductive and not only ineffective, increasing theprobability of accidents. In this review, we discuss the different methods of prevention and combat of scorpionism, with specialreference to the prevention of accidents with Tityus species from Argentina.
Humans , Animals , Scorpions , Scorpion Stings/prevention & control , /methods , Argentina , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Fumigation , Housing Sanitation , InsecticidesABSTRACT
Resumen | Introducción. Los accidentes causados por animales venenosos ocurren con mucha frecuencia en comunidades pobres con acceso limitado a los servicios de salud. Se les consideran enfermedades desatendidas y son una de las causas importantes de morbimortalidad en varias naciones del mundo, incluida Venezuela. Objetivo. Evaluar la mortalidad por contacto traumático con animales venenosos (serie X20-X29) en Venezuela en el periodo de 2000 a 2009. Materiales y métodos. Los datos se obtuvieron de los anuarios de mortalidad del Ministerio de Salud. Resultados. Se registraron 759 decesos, la mayoría de ellos en el 2009. La primera causa fue la mordedura de serpientes (n=323; 42,6 %), seguida por la picadura de himenópteros (n=170; 22,4 %), la mordedura de centípedos (n=106; 14,0 %) y la picadura de escorpiones (n=76; 10,0 %). La mediana de la tasa de mortalidad general para el periodo fue de 0,285 fallecidos por 100.000 habitantes, en tanto que, por grupo específico, fue de 0,120 para ofidios, de 0,065 para himenópteros, de 0,035 para centípedos y de 0,025 para escorpiones. Conclusión. Al comparar estos datos con los antecedentes históricos, se evidenció la modificación del patrón de mortalidad en el país caracterizada por un aumento significativo de los decesos por centípedos, tercera causa de muerte, lo que reubica la picadura de escorpiones como la cuarta causa de mortalidad.
Abstract | Introduction: Injuries by venomous animals frequently occur in impoverished communities with limited access to health services. They are considered neglected diseases that stand out as important causes of morbidity and mortality in various countries, including Venezuela. Objective: To assess mortalities resulting from contact with venomous animals in Venezuela from 2000 to 2009 (X20-X29 series). Materials and Methods: The data were obtained from the annual mortality records of the Venezuelan Ministry of Health. Results: From 2000-2009, 759 fatalities were recorded with the greatest number taking place in 2009. Snakebites (n=323; 42.6%) accounted for the largest percentage of envenomation-related deaths in that period, followed by hymenopteran stings (n=170; 22.4%), centipede bites (n=106; 14.0%), and scorpion stings (n=76; 10.0%). The median value of envenomation-related deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (period 2000-2009) was 0.285: 0.120 corresponded to snakebites, 0.065 to hymenopteran stings, 0.035 to centipede bites, and 0.025 to scorpion stings. Conclusions: Taking into account previous records of animal envenomations in Venezuela, we provided evidence for a shift in the pattern of mortality. Deaths due to centipede bites have increased, making it the third leading cause of envenomation-related mortality in Venezuela. Scorpionism, on the other hand, has declined to the fourth most common cause of fatal envenomations in the country.
Scorpions , Snakes , Mortality , Hymenoptera , EpidemiologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los envenenamientos producidos por escorpiones son un problema de salud pública en constante aumento en Argentina y el mundo. Por diversas causas, los ensambles de animales venenosos de una región varían en el tiempo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar la información reciente y actualizar el elenco de escorpiones de la provincia de Misiones. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional a partir de la revisión de los ejemplares depositados en la Colección de Herpetología y Arácnidos del Instituto Nacional de Medicina Tropical. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvieron los primeros registros para la provincia de Tityus confluens, mientras que nuevos registros de accidentes con Tityus trivittatus ampliaron la zona de presencia de la especie en la provincia. El ensamble de escorpiones de Misiones reúne a las cuatro especies de interés médico del país. DISCUSIÓN: La detección del elenco de escorpiones de interés médico más importante del país fue consecuencia del trabajo conjunto entre los especialistas de los distintos grupos de animales ponzoñosos y los profesionales de la salud. Es importante generar y profundizar los espacios de interacción de saberes, con el objetivo de mejorar la Vigilancia de la Salud