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Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(4): 724-731, 20230906. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511129


Introducción. Un biomarcador se define como una alteración molecular presente en el desarrollo de la patogénesis del cáncer, que puede ser utilizada para el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad. La medición del biomarcador se hace por medio de diversas técnicas, como bioquímica, inmunohistoquímica o biología molecular, en diferentes tipos de muestras, como tejido, sangre periférica y orina. El biomarcador ideal será aquel que sea válido y específico a la vez, que sea no invasivo, barato y fácilmente detectable. El uso de biomarcadores para la detección temprana del cáncer debe seguir un desarrollo ordenado y sistemático antes de introducirlos en la práctica clínica. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en las bases de datos de PubMed y Embase, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes para revisarlos acorde a la temática específica de interés. Resultados. Se propone la sistematización del desarrollo de biomarcadores en cinco grandes fases, las cuales tienen la característica de ser ordenadas desde las evidencias más tempranas hasta las fases finales de su estudio. Conclusiones. El correcto desarrollo de biomarcadores hace posible la introducción de intervenciones terapéuticas en el ámbito de la prevención secundaria del cáncer.

Introduction. A biomarker can be defined as a molecular alteration present in the development of cancer pathogenesis which can be used for early diagnosis of the disease. The measurement of the biomarker can be carried out through various techniques such as biochemistry, immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, in different types of samples such as tissue, peripheral blood, and urine. The ideal biomarker will be one that is valid and specific while is non-invasive, cheap, and easily detectable. The use of biomarkers for the early detection of cancer must follow an orderly and systematic development before introducing them into clinical practice. Methods. An exhaustive search was performed in PubMed and Embase databases, selecting the relevant articles according to the specific topic of interest. Results. Systematization of the development of biomarkers in five large phases is proposed, which has the characteristic of being ordered from the earliest evidence to the final phases of their study. Conclusions. The correct development of biomarkers makes possible the introduction of therapeutic interventions in the field of secondary prevention of cancer.

Humans , Biomarkers, Tumor , Early Diagnosis , Secondary Prevention , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Biliary Tract Neoplasms , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions
Santiago de Chile; Chile. Ministerio de Salud; feb. 2023. 19 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, BRISA, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1452100


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO La escabiosis, popularmente conocida como sarna, es un cuadro parasitario categorizado como una enfermedad desatendida. Se estima que a nivel mundial existen más de 100 millones de personas con esta enfermedad. Suele ser más susceptible en personas inmunocomprometidas o quienes viven en condiciones de hacinamiento o poco sanitizados, ambiente propicio para el parásito. Existen distintas estrategias para el manejo de brotes por escabiosis, entre las que se encuentran medidas de prevención no farmacológicas llamadas también ambientales, que pueden servir para la prevención de la diseminación de la enfermedad y reinfección. En este contexto, el Departamento de Enfermedades Transmisibles ha solicitado el desarrollo de una síntesis de evidencia con el objetivo de conocer las medidas ambientales y su potencial efectividad en el control de brotes y prevención de infección. METODOLOGÍA Se formuló una estrategia de búsqueda para ser utilizada en las bases de datos MEDLINE y EMBASE a través de OVID y en Epistemonikos y Pubmed, con fecha 12 enero 2023. Se utiliza la metodología de da certeza de evidencia GRADE. Se incluyen documentos que contemplen efectos de medidas ambientales, Sarna/Escabiosis, y en la población general. Se excluyen documentos que aborden otras enfermedades y medidas farmacológicas. RESULTADOS La cantidad de revisiones sistemáticas recuperadas fueron 2, de las cuales se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados -La evidencia sobre medidas ambientales para el tratamiento de escabiosis no se han evaluado por sí solas, pero sí han sido consideradas como coadyuvantes de los tratamientos farmacológicos para la escabiosis. - Con moderada certeza de la evidencia, se observa que incorporar programas educativos de higiene personal, podría contribuir en disminuir la prevalencia de escabiosis en escolares. - Existe incertidumbre de la evidencia sobre el efecto de la incorporación de programas de detección temprana (screening), sobre la prevalencia de escabiosis durante periodos de 7 meses a 5 años en población rural e indígena.

Primary Prevention , Scabies/prevention & control , Effectiveness , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Secondary Prevention , Chile
Singap. med. j ; Singap. med. j;: 244-248, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984215


INTRODUCTION@#A significant treatment gap has been observed in patients with osteoporosis. Our previous audit found a 31.5% rate of anti-osteoporosis medication initiation after fragility fractures at one year. We piloted the use of telecarers to monitor osteoporosis treatment and compliance.@*METHODS@#From January 2017 to January 2018, all hip fracture patients at Changi General Hospital, Singapore, were automatically enrolled into the Health Management Unit valued care hip fracture programme. Telecarer calls were scheduled at discharge, 3, 6 and 12 months. We assessed the acceptability, completion and treatment rates of patients enrolled in this programme.@*RESULTS@#A total of 537 patients with a hip fracture were enrolled in the telecarer programme over one year. Their average age was 79.8 ± 8.23 years, and 63.1% of them were female. A total of 341 patients completed 12 months of follow-up, of which 251 (73.6%) patients were on treatment at 12 months. The most common cause of lack of initiation of secondary osteoporosis treatment was patient or family rejection (34.4%), followed by physician failure to prescribe (24.4%) and renal impairment (24.4%). 16.7% of patients were deemed to have advanced dementia with a life-limiting illness and were, thus, deemed unsuitable for treatment.@*CONCLUSION@#Telecarers may be a useful adjunct in the monitoring of osteoporosis treatment after hip fractures in an elderly population. The main limitations are patient or family rejection and physician inertia. Further studies should focus on a combination of interventions for both patients and physicians to increase awareness of secondary fracture prevention.

Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Male , Osteoporotic Fractures/drug therapy , Bone Density Conservation Agents/therapeutic use , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Hip Fractures/etiology , Secondary Prevention
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(12): 1613-1618, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515391


BACKGROUND: Every year about 9 million fragility fractures (FF) occur worldwide and 80% of these are underdiagnosed or undertreated. Aiming to close the gap of diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, Fracture Liaison Services (FLS) were developed. AIM: To describe the implementation of the first FLS in Chile, its inclusion criteria, patient enrolment, treatment adherence and referrals during the first year. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A FLS was implemented at a health care network composed by two hospitals. The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) guidelines were applied with a nurse practitioner as the coordinator. From May 2020 to April 2021 all patients diagnosed with a FF in the emergency rooms were invited to participate. Patients with pathological fractures and active cancer were excluded. Demographical data, fracture location, previous fractures, treatment and adherence, and mortality were recorded. RESULTS: From 443 patients with a diagnosis of FF, 177 patients (40%) accepted to participate. Their mean age was 74 ± 13 years and 84% (149) were female. Forty eight percent (84) had a lower extremity FF. Hip fractures were the most common (67). Ninety-five patients reported previous FF and 11,2% (20) had received anti-osteoporotic treatment. At four months of follow-up, 62% (50) had received vitamin D and calcium supplementation and 20% (16) of those patients with an indication of anti-osteoporotic drugs, had received them. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of the FLS was successful with a 40% enrolment of patients, receiving certification by the IOF.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Osteoporotic Fractures/prevention & control , Vitamin D/therapeutic use , Bone Density Conservation Agents/therapeutic use , Secondary Prevention , Hip Fractures
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 41(3): 170-179, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423689


Antecedentes: En prevención secundaria cardiovascular, el control de los factores de riesgo es deficiente y la falta de adherencia terapéutica parece ser uno de los factores causales. El cumplimiento terapéutico se asocia a un 20% de disminución del riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular y un 38% de disminución de mortalidad por cualquier causa. Sin embargo, la adherencia a los fármacos preventivos ronda el 50% al año después del alta hospitalaria, lo que multiplica por 3 el riesgo de mortalidad. Objetivos: Describir la adherencia a mediano plazo a tratamiento de prevención secundaria post síndrome coronario agudo de los pacientes adultos ingresados al Hospital Hernán Henríquez Aravena durante el año 2018. Determinar las características clínicas y sociodemográficas de la población y explorar las posibles causas asociadas a la falta de adherencia terapéutica en este grupo de pacientes. Métodos y Resultados: Se evaluaron 396 pacientes con síndrome coronario agudo en el Hospital Hernán Henríquez Aravena de Temuco durante el año 2018. La adherencia a terapia farmacológica se evaluó mediante el cuestionario de Morisky-Green de ocho ítems, aplicado vía telefónica. Se evaluó la asociación de variables clínicas y sociodemográficas con el nivel de adherencia mediante regresión ordinal y análisis de correspondencias. Resultados: Un 41.9% de los pacientes mantuvieron adherencia a la terapia a 2 años de seguimiento. Variables sociodemográficas como el bajo nivel educacional, la ruralidad, y la presencia de 1 o 2 apellidos mapuche se asociaron con baja adherencia a terapia farmacológica. Conclusión: La adherencia a medidas de prevención secundaria después del tratamiento por un síndrome coronario aguda es baja. Los principales factores relacionados a la falta de adherencia fueron el bajo nivel educacional y la ruralidad.

Background: a lack of therapeutic adherence to secondary prevention measures after acute coronary events leads to a poor control of risk factors. Adherence to treatment is associated with a reduction of 20% in the risk of cardiovascular disease and 38% reduction in all-cause mortality long term. However, adherence to drug therapy is about 50% a year after hospital discharge, which leads to an approximately three fold increase in mortality. Objectives: to describe the medium-term adherence to secondary prevention treatment following an acute coronary syndrome in adult patients admitted to a general hospital during 2018. In addition, to relate clinical and sociodemographic characteristics related to poor adherence and also to explore possible causes associated with the lack of therapeutic adherence in this group of patients. Methods: 396 patients treated for an acute coronary syndrome were followed after being discharged from the Hernán Henríquez Aravena Hospital in Temuco (Chile) during 2018. Adherence to pharmacological therapy was evaluated using the eight-item Morisky-Green questionnaire applied via phone call. The association of clinical and sociodemographic variables with the level of adherence was evaluated using ordinal regression and correspondence analysis. Results: Only 41.9% of patients maintained adherence to therapy at 2 years of follow-up. Low educational level, rurality, and the presence of 1 or 2 mapuche surnames were associated to poor adherence to drug therapy.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Acute Coronary Syndrome/prevention & control , Treatment Adherence and Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Compliance/statistics & numerical data , Myocardial Ischemia/prevention & control , Secondary Prevention , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 36(3)sept. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441784


Introducción: El tumor de células gigantes continúa siendo uno de los tumores óseos con muchas controversias en su diagnóstico y manejo, por ortopédicos, radiólogos y patólogos. Objetivo: Enriquecer el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad desde el aporte de las técnicas de imagen. Presentación de caso: Paciente masculino de 33 años de edad, remitido a la consulta de Ortopedia por presentar un aumento de volumen en la rodilla de meses de evolución, que empeoró progresivamente hasta llegar a la impotencia funcional. Al examen físico se constata un marcado aumento del volumen por lo que se indican estudios de imagen. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico temprano ayuda a mejorar el estilo de vida de estos pacientes. El tratamiento quirúrgico es el más indicado en tumores de células gigantes, ya que logra buenos resultados tanto en el tratamiento del tumor primario como de las recidivas (AU)

Introduction: The giant cell tumor continues to be one of the bone tumors with many controversies in diagnosis and management, by orthopedists, radiologists and pathologists. Objective: To enrich the diagnosis of this disease from the contribution of imaging techniques. Casereport: We report the case of a 33-year-old male patient, referred to the Orthopedics consultation for presenting an increase in volume in his knee, with months of evolution, which progressively worsened until functional impotence. Physical examination showed a marked increase in volume, so imaging studies are indicated. Conclusions: Early diagnosis helps to improve the lifestyle of these patients. Surgical treatment is the most indicated in giant cell tumors, since it achieves good results both in the treatment of the primary tumor and recurrences(AU)

Humans , Adult , Physical Examination/methods , Giant Cell Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Knee/diagnostic imaging , Knee Joint/surgery , Recurrence , Secondary Prevention , Life Style
Rev. colomb. cancerol ; 26(1): 39-96, ene.-mar. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407971


Resumen Objetivo: Generar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia, para la prevención primaria y secundaria, el tratamiento de las lesiones preneoplásicas y el diagnóstico temprano del cáncer gástrico en población adulta, con el propósito de reducir la carga de la enfermedad. Materiales y métodos: El grupo desarrollador estuvo integrado por profesionales de la salud y tomadores de decisiones. Se construyeron preguntas clínicas contestables y se realizó la graduación de los desenlaces. Se elaboró la búsqueda de la información en MEDLINE; EMBASE y CENTRAL, siendo actualizada el 18 de octubre de 2018. La pesquisa también abarcó otras fuentes de información como la Revista Colombiana de Gastroenterología y la lectura en "bola de nieve" de las referencias incluidas. Se contactó a expertos en la materia con el objetivo de identificar estudios relevantes no publicados. Para la construcción de las recomendaciones, se realizó un consenso acorde con los lineamientos propuestos por la metodología GRADE, sopesando los beneficios, los efectos adversos derivados de la intervención, las preferencias de los pacientes y el potencial impacto de las intervenciones sobre los costos. Resultados: Se presenta la versión corta de la "Guía de práctica clínica para la prevención primaria, secundaria y diagnóstico temprano de cáncer gástrico", junto con su evidencia de soporte y respectivas recomendaciones. Conclusiones: Como recomendación central para la implementación, se recomienda erradicar la infección por H. pylori en los pacientes con o sin factores de riesgo, como estrategia de prevención de las condiciones precursoras de cáncer gástrico. La Guía deberá actualizarse en tres años.

Abstract Objetive: Generate recommendations for primary and secondary prevention, treatment of gastric preneoplastic lesions, and early diagnosis of gastric cancer in the adult population, to increase the detection of gastric cancer in early stages. Material and methods: The developer group was made up of health professionals, decision-makers, and a representative of the patients. Answerable clinical questions were constructed and outcomes were graded. The search for information in MEDLINE was carried out; EMBASE and CENTRAL, being updated on October 18, 2018. The search also covered other sources of information such as the Colombian Journal of Gastroenterology and the "snowball" reading of the references included. Experts in the field were contacted to identify studies. For the construction of the recommendations, a consensus was made according to the guidelines proposed by the GRADE methodology, weighing the benefits, the adverse effects derived from the intervention, the preferences of the patients, and the potential impact of the interventions on costs. Results: The short version of the "Clinical practice guidelines for the primary, secondary, and early diagnosis of gastric cancer" is presented together with its supporting evidence and respective recommendations. Conclusions: As a central recommendation for implementation, it is recommended to eradicate H. pylori infection in patients with or without risk factors in whom it is detected to prevent gastric cancer precursor conditions. The Guide will need to be updated in three years.

Humans , Primary Prevention , Stomach Neoplasms , Consensus , Precancerous Conditions , Risk Factors , Costs and Cost Analysis , Early Diagnosis , Secondary Prevention
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 35(2): 202-213, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364977


Abstract Background Short message service (SMS) to promote healthcare improves the control of cardiovascular risk factors, but there is a lack of evidence in low and middle-income countries, particularly after acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Objective This study aims to evaluate whether the use of SMS increases risk factor control after hospital discharge for ACS. Methods IMPACS is a 2-arm randomized trial with 180 patients hospitalized due to ACS at a tertiary hospital in Brazil. Eligible patients were randomized (1:1) to an SMS intervention (G1) or standard care (G2) upon hospital discharge. The primary endpoint was set to achieve 4 or 5 points in a risk factor control score, consisting of a cluster of 5 modifiable risk factors: LDL-C <70mg/dL, blood pressure (BP) <140/90mmHg, regular exercise (≥5 days/week, 30 minutes/session), nonsmoker status, and body mass index (BMI) <25 kg/m2] at 6 months. Secondary outcomes were components of the primary outcome plus rehospitalization, cardiovascular death, and death from any cause. Results are designated as significant if p<0.05. Results From randomized patients, 147 were included in the final analysis. Mean age was 58 (51-64) years, 74% males. The primary outcome was achieved by 12 (16.2%) patients in G1 and 15 (20.8%) in G2 (OR=0.73, 95%CI 0.32-1.70, p=0.47). Secondary outcomes were also similar: LDL-C<70 mg/dl (p=0.33), BP<140/90 mmHg (p=0.32), non-smoker (p=0.74), regular exercise (p=0.97), BMI (p=0.71), and rehospitalization (p=0.06). Death from any cause occurred in three participants (2%), including one cardiovascular death in each group. Conclusion SMS intervention did not significantly improve cardiovascular risk factor control when compared to standard care in patients discharged after ACS in Brazil.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Acute Coronary Syndrome/prevention & control , Secondary Prevention/methods , Text Messaging , Patient Discharge , Double-Blind Method , Follow-Up Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Telemedicine/methods , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Health Promotion/methods
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-13, fev. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418216


Actions for the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes (T2DM PM) are priorities within primary health care, from the dispensing of specific medications to non-pharmacological actions, such as physical activity and nutrition. The aim of the study was to describe prevention and man-agement of type 2 diabetes actions and their components in primary health settings in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. An observational study based on RE-AIM framework. Preventions and manage-ments actions approach were described by 5 dimensions: (R) reach, (E) effectiveness, (A) adoption, (I) implementation, and (M) maintenance. Data was collected in Primary Health Care Units from 6 cities from Amazonas, Brazil. The questionnaires were addressed to managers regarding current T2DM PM programs and their development. This study identified 17 different types of diabetes prevention and/or management actions currently implemented. Eleven actions included both pre-vention and management actions with 53.8% focusing on physical activity and nutrition orientation. However, zero actions reported any form of evaluation measuring changes in physical activity and nutrition behavior, and actions reported collecting feedback from participants, providers, and health professionals' workers. A total of 310 health professionals participated in diabetes actions, including 4 physical educational professionals and 3 nutritionists, with 100% of the efforts coordinated by nurses. Actions were based on traditional health education practices such as lectures and did not have practical activities that help to change and maintain healthy habits. Despite this, primary care plays a fundamental role in caring for users with chronic illnesses in cities in the interior of Amazonas

Ações de prevenção e controle da diabetes do tipo 2 (T2DM) são prioridades dentro da atenção primária de saúde, desde a dispensação de medicações específicas, às ações não medicamentosas como atividade física e nutrição. O objetivo foi caracterizar ações de prevenção e manejo (PM) e seus componentes na atenção primária no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Estudo observacional baseado no modelo RE-AIM. Estratégias adotadas em ações de PM foram descritas pelas 5 dimensões: (R) Alcance, (E) Efetividade, (A) Adoção, (I) Implementação e (M) Manutenção. Dados foram coletados em Unidades Básicas de Saúde em 6 cidades do Amazonas, Brasil. Os questionários endereçados aos gestores visavam ações de PM e seu desenvolvimento. Este estudo identificou 17 diferentes tipos de ações. Onze ações contemplaram ambas as estratégias de PM com 53,8% focadas em atividade física e orientações nutricionais. No entanto, nenhuma ação relatou mensuração para avaliação de mudanças no nível de atividade física e no comportamento nutricional. As ações baseiam suas avaliações em coleta de feedback dos participantes, equipe executora e profissionais de saúde. Ao todo, 310 profissionais de saúde participaram de ações, incluindo 4 profissionais de educação física e 3 nutricionistas, sendo 100% dos esforços coordenados por enfermeiros. As ações de PM da T2DM são baseadas em práticas tradicionais de educação em saúde como palestras e não possuem atividades práticas que auxiliem na mudança e manutenção de comportamentos saudáveis. Apesar disso, a atenção primária exerce um papel fundamental no cuidado ao usuário portador de doença crônica em municípios do interior do Amazonas

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Prevention , Health Services Administration , Exercise , Surveys and Questionnaires , Community Health Services , Secondary Prevention
Rev. cienc. cuidad ; 19(2): 31-39, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1373526


Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de incertidumbre de las usuarias que acuden a la toma de ci-tología cérvico uterina según la teoría de Mishel. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal de tipo descriptivo, realizado durante el año 2019 a partir de una muestra por conveniencia; es no probabilística y está conformada por 151 mujeres a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Incertidumbre en la enfermedad de Mishel adaptada para procedimientos de diagnósticos en Colombia en el año 2017 por la enfermera Leidy Yazmin Díaz Moreno. Tiene validez de contenido de 0.861 y Alfa de Cronbach de 0.90. Además, se realizó un análisis univariado a través de frecuencias y distribución porcentual para las característi-cas sociodemográficas. Para obtener los niveles de incertidumbre se efectuó la sumatoria de ítems y chi cuadrado a fin de identificar la asociación. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 39 años; el 17,3% de mujeres manifestó acudir a la toma de la citología por primera vez. Aproximadamente el 95% de las mujeres presentó niveles de incertidumbre alto o modera-do. Conclusiones: La incertidumbre provocada por un posible diagnóstico de cáncer, hace que las personas evalúen inadecuadamente una situación estresante como lo es la toma de citología cérvico uterina; es por eso que, la aplicación de la teoría de Mishel lleva a que se identifiquen las primeras percepciones del paciente que servirán para realizar un plan de cuidado enfocado en controlar esta situación y lograr que la persona o familiar afronten y se adapten a la enfermedad.

Objective: Determine the uncertainty level of the user that goes to the taking of cervical cytol-ogy according to the Mishel theory. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study of descrip-tive type, realized during the 2019 year starting at a convenience sampling, non-probabilistic formed by 151 women's who was apply the Uncertainty in Illness Scale of Mishel adapted to diagnosis procedures in Colombia in 2017 by the nurse Leidy Yazmisn Díaz Moreno. It has conten validity of 0.861 and Cronbach's alpha of 0.9 Was realized a univariate analysis through frequencies and percent distribution for the sociodemographic characteristics and to obtain the levels of uncertainty was carried out the summation of items and chi ­ square to identify association. Results: The average age was 39 years, the 17,3% of women expressed go to the cytology by first time. Approximately the 95% of the women presented level of uncertainty high or moderate. Conclusion: The uncertainty caused for a possible terrible di-agnosis of cancer, can make that the persons evaluate inappropriately a stressful situation like the taking of the cervical cytology; that's why, the application of the Mishel Theory carry to identify the first perceptions of the patient to realize a care plan focus to control this situation and later reach that the person or familiar confront and adapt to the illness

Objetivo: Determinar o nível de incerteza dos clientes que freqüentam a citologia cervical de acordo com a teoria de Mishel. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal, realizado durante 2019 com base em uma amostra de conveniência; é não-probabilístico e é composto por 151 mulheres às quais foi aplicada a Escala de Incerteza Mishel adaptada para procedimentos diagnósticos na Colômbia em 2017 pela enfermeira Leidy Yazmin Díaz Moreno. Tem validade de conteúdo de 0,861 e o alfa do Cronbach de 0,90. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise uni-variada através de freqüências e distribuição percentual para as características sociodemográ-ficas. Para obter os níveis de incerteza, foi utilizada a soma dos itens e o qui-quadrado para iden-tificar a associação. Resultados: A idade média foi de 39 anos; 17,3% das mulheres relataram visitas citológicas pela primeira vez. Aproximadamente 95% das mulheres tinham níveis de incerteza altos ou moderados. Conclusões: A incerteza causada por um possível diagnóstico de câncer faz com que as pessoas avaliem inadequadamente uma situação estressante como a citologia cervical; portanto, a aplicação da teoria de Mishel leva à identificação das primeiras percepções do paciente que servirão para fazer um plano de cuidado focalizado no controle desta situação e fazer com que a pessoa ou membro da família enfrente e se adapte à doença

Cell Biology , Attention , Uncertainty , Diagnosis , Education, Nursing , Secondary Prevention
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 7(3): 195-200, jul.-sept. 2021. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1381850


Los tumores malignos vienen incrementándose en los últimos años, por lo que se viene determinando el grupo más frecuente y su impacto para mejorar las estrategias de acuerdo a los escenarios locales. Determinar los aspectos epidemiológicos de los tumores malignos atendidos en el hospital de la Sociedad de Lucha Contra el Cáncer en el Ecuador (SOLCA) ­ Guayaquil. Se realizó un estudio observacional de diseño de investigación tipo corte transversal descriptivo, en los pacientes diagnosticados con tumor maligno; tomando una población de 19871 pacientes, diagnosticados en el hospital de SOLCA ­ Guayaquil, período 2015 ­ 2019. Los sujetos fueron los pacientes con tumor maligno. Aplicando estadísticas descriptivas y comparación entre variables. Los tumores malignos en ambos sexos presentan al de Mama con 16,39% como el más frecuente. La mayor proporción de los tumores en hombres fue el de órganos genitales con 25,73%; mientras que en mujeres fuera Mama con 27,05%- La población más afectada fueron las mujeres con el 60,35%. El grupo etario más afectado en hombres fue de 65 ­ 69 años con 12,56%, y en mujeres de 50 ­ 54 años con 11,44%. Conclusiones. El comportamiento epidemiológico en este quinquenio, evidenció que el Tumor de Mama en la mujer y de órganos genitales masculinos en el hombre son los más frecuentes; siendo las mujeres más afectadas; y en ambos sexos en los grupos etarios de 50 a 69 años; constituyendo una herramienta para destacar el papel del registro de cáncer hospitalario y su uso en los programas de prevención y control.

Malignant tumors have been increasing in recent years, so the most frequent group and its impact have been determined to improve strategies according to local scenarios. Determine the epidemiological aspects of malignant tumors treated at the hospital of the Society for the Fight Against Cancer in Ecuador (SOLCA) ­ Guayaquil. Observational study of a descriptive crosssectional research design was carried out in patients diagnosed with a malignant tumor; taking a population of 19871 patients, diagnosed in the SOLCA hospital ­ Guayaquil, period 2015 ­ 2019. The subjects were patients with malignant tumor. Applying descriptive statistics and comparison between variables. Malignant tumors in both sexes present the breast tumor with 16,39% as the most frequent. The highest proportion of tumors in men was the genital organs with 25,73%; while in women it was Mama with 27,05% ­ The most affected population was women with 60,35%. The age group most affected in men was 65-69 years with 12,56%, and in women 50-54 years with 11,44%. Conclusions. The epidemiological behavior in this five-year period showed that the Breast Tumor in women and of the male genital organs in men are the most frequent; being the women most affected; and in both sexes in the age groups from 50 to 69 years; constituting a tool to highlight the role of the hospital cancer registry and its use in prevention and control programs.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Breast Neoplasms , Urogenital Neoplasms , Neoplasms/epidemiology , Incidence , Secondary Prevention , Neoplasms/prevention & control
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) ; 54(1)jul, 2021. tab.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353699


RESUMO : Objetivo: Investigou-se a cobertura de exame citopatológico de colo uterino e fatores associados em mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos em município do sul do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal, de base populacional, realizado na cidade de Rio Grande, RS. O desfecho, cobertura de exame citopatológico de colo uterino, foi definido como reali-zação do exame nos últimos três anos para mulheres de 25 a 64 anos, de acordo com a recomendação do Instituto Nacional do Câncer. A coleta de dados ocorreu em 2016. As variáveis independentes incluídas foram: faixa etária, cor da pele, estado civil, escolaridade, nível econômico, histórico gestacional, tabagismo, obesidade, posse de pla-no de saúde, consulta ao médico no último ano, cadastrado do domicílio em Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família e se havia recebido visita de agente de saúde no último ano. Resultados: Participaram 521 mulheres, com média de idade de 44,3 anos. A cobertura foi de 78,1% (IC95% 73,5 a 82,7). Após ajustes, evidenciou-se como fatores as-sociados ao desfecho: ser casada/viúva/separada/divorciada, não ser fumante, ter plano de saúde, ter consultado um médico no último ano e possuir domicílio cadastrado na Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família. Conclusãov: A cobertura de exame citopatológico de colo uterino mostrou-se próxima à meta do Ministério da Saúde, abrangendo oito em cada dez mulheres. Mulheres solteiras, fumantes, sem plano de saúde, que não costumam ir ao médico e cujo domicílio não está cadastrado em UBSF constituíram os grupos de risco para não realizarem o exame. (AU)

ABSTRACT: Objective: To determine the coverage of cervical cancer screening and its associated factors among women from southern Brazil aged 25 to 64 years. Methods: This was a cross-sectional population-based study conducted in the city of Rio Grande, RS. The outcome of interest consisted of a cytopathological examination of the uterine cer-vix in the previous three years in women aged 25 to 64 years, according to the criteria of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute. The data were collected in 2016, and the following independent variables were considered: age, skin color, marital status, schooling, socioeconomic status, gestational history, smoking habits, overweight, health insurance, having visited a physician or having been visited by a community health agent in the previous year, and household registered in a primary care facility (PCF) of the healthcare system. Results: This study included a total of 521 women, with a mean age of 44.3 years. The coverage of cervical cancer screening was 78.1% (95% CI: 73.5 to 82.7). The following characteristics were associated with the outcome: marital status, non-smoking habits, health insurance, having visited a physician in the previous year, and household registered in a PCF. Conclusion:The coverage of cervical cancer screening observed in our study (8 out of ten women) was close to the Brazilian Ministry of Health goals. Single women, smoking habits, no health insurance, having not visited a physician in the previous year, and not having their household registered in a PCF were considered risk factors. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Primary Health Care , Risk Groups , Mass Screening , Epidemiology , Women's Health , Secondary Prevention , Papanicolaou Test
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);81(3): 415-420, jun. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346478


Resumen La pandemia COVID-19 limitó el acceso de los pacientes post accidente cerebro vascular a los controles de seguimiento médico y a la rehabilitación, por lo cual decidimos incorporar herramientas tecnológicas gratuitas y accesibles para su continuación. Realizamos seguimiento remoto a 32 pacientes dados de alta en los primeros tres meses del período de aislamiento social preventivo obligatorio con el objetivo de continuar controles médicos, rehabilitación física y fonoaudiológica. El 100% adhirió al tratamiento médico y al auto-monitoreo de factores de riesgo; detectamos en forma temprana la interrupción de las terapias de rehabilita ción y mantuvimos la adherencia por medio de tele-rehabilitación. Los 32 pacientes mostraron disponibilidad para seguir con esta modalidad de atención, permitiendo continuar el seguimiento médico y supervisar la rehabilitación con la colaboración de las familias. Es una metodología accesible y de bajo costo que podría ser replicada y utilizada en instituciones de salud que traten enfermedades neurovasculares.

Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in limited access of post-stroke patients to their usual medical follow-up and rehabilitation. To continue these activities, we adopted a technology that is free and has universal access. We remotely followed 32 patients after discharge from the stroke unit during the mandatory lock-down. This allowed to continue with medical controls, physical therapy and speech pathology treatments. All patients fully complied with medical treatment and self-monitoring of vascular risk factors. Early discontinuation of rehabilitation therapies was identified and immediately compensated with tele-rehabilitation. All expressed their willingness to continue with this treatment modality. This strategy was successful to effectively continue medical follow-up and rehabilitation supervision with the collaboration of families, is an accessible and low-cost technology that could be replicated and used in health institutions that treat neurovascular diseases.

Humans , Telemedicine , Stroke/prevention & control , Stroke Rehabilitation , COVID-19 , Communicable Disease Control , Secondary Prevention , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 23(1): e839, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280401


Introducción: La esclerosis sistémica es una enfermedad autoinmune del tejido conectivo donde ocurre inicialmente la vasculopatía y persiste durante toda la enfermedad. El índice de actividad revela un periodo crítico de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar la evolución clínica del índice de actividad de pacientes con esclerosis sistémica para determinar si el esquema terapéutico aplicado disminuye los síntomas de actividad sistémica. Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental terapéutico de 31 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Lucía Íñiguez Landín de Holguín que se dividieron en dos grupos según las etapas clínicas obtenidas del índice de desarrollo integral desde marzo del 2013 hasta marzo del 2016: el grupo A (etapas clínicas I y II) con 16 pacientes y el grupo B (etapas clínicas III y IV) con 15 pacientes. La evolución se evaluó según variables del instrumento al inicio, a los 6 y 12 meses de aplicado el esquema terapéutico. Se utilizó la prueba T o la prueba exacta de Fisher cuando los valores eran igual a 3 o menores. El cálculo de la media, análisis porcentual y la prueba de Wilcoxon se usaron para conocer la relación de variables en el tiempo. Resultados: El esquema terapéutico aplicado, previa validación, mejoró el índice de actividad de los pacientes de ambos grupos A y B (en etapas clínicas tempranas y tardías). Al evaluar el índice de actividad, en esta serie predominó la actividad moderada, tanto a los 6 como a los 12 meses durante el tratamiento médico. En ambos grupos la mejoría del índice de actividad fue significativa, tanto para la actividad moderada como para la intensa, más notable a partir de los 12 meses con p≤0,05 para el grupo A. Hubo baja susceptibilidad para la mejoría de los sistemas gastrointestinal y respiratorio, en el trascurso de la evaluación de este índice. Conclusiones: Se alcanzó mejoría en el índice de actividad de pacientes con esclerosis sistémica, con el esquema terapéutico aplicado, con estabilidad clínica y humoral desde las etapas iniciales de la enfermedad(AU)

Introduction: The systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue where the vasculopathy happens initially and persist during all the disease. The immune component starts since the inflammatory process triggers off but he diminishes until you dwell on the evolutionary course and it is substituted for fibrosis, this ends pathogenic acquires great significance in the process. The index of activity reveals a critical period of the disease. Objective: Evaluating patients' clinical evolution of the index of activity with systemic sclerosis with the applied therapeutics. Methods: The study was quasi-experiences (or secondary prevention). In order to determine if the therapeutic applied scheme decreases symptomatology of its systemic activity. You started in March of the 2013 to March of the 2016, with duration of 24 months. They were 31 patients that split into two groups according to the clinical stages obtained of Comprehensive Development Index. In the group to (clinical stages I and II) 16 patients and in the group B (clinical stages III and IV) 15 patients. The evolution evaluated according to variables of the instrument of evaluation the start, to the six and 12 months itself of once the therapeutic scheme was applied. The T utilized the proof itself, or exact Fisher's proof when moral values were all the same or minor to three, the statistical significance determined in p≥ 0.05 itself. The calculation of the stocking, percentage analysis, and Wilcoxon's proof to know the relation of variables through the time. Results: The therapeutic applied scheme, previous validation, you improved the index of activity of the patients of both groups A and B that is in clinical premature and overdue stages. In the activity moderated for the group A statistical significance for system microvascular (0.023) and respiratory (0.025) to the six months, and to the 12 months' skin (0.023) and microvascular (0.006). For the intense activity significant improvement to the six months for muscleskelettic (0.005) and rheumatoid positive factor (0.008), to the 12 months' significant improvement for muscleskelettic (0.004); and examine of laboratory like erythrocyte sedimentation rate (0.008) circulating immune complexes (0.005), and rheumatoid factor (0.003). For the group B in the moderate activity significant improvement for respiratory system existed (0.014), and cardiovascular (0.020) that kept to the 12 months, added up its digestive system (0.008). Evident level improvement of skin (0.004), circulating immune complexes (0.008) and rheumatoid factor were caught up within the intense activity to the 12 months (0.014). Conclusions: Improvement in the index of activity of patients with systemic sclerosis, with the therapeutic scheme applied, with clinical stability and humoral from initial stages of the disease was caught up with(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Rheumatoid Factor , Scleroderma, Systemic/drug therapy , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Clinical Evolution , Cyclophosphamide/therapeutic use , Disease Susceptibility , Antigen-Antibody Complex , Secondary Prevention
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);81(1): 11-15, mar. 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287235


Resumen La adherencia al tratamiento médico farmacológico en pacientes que cursaron una hospitalización por un síndrome coronario agudo (SCA) es deficiente. El objetivo primario fue demostrar que, mediante la utilización de una aplicación digital para smartphones, se incrementa por lo menos un 30% la adherencia al tratamiento, en relación al grupo control, en pacientes con SCA. Se realizó un estudio unicéntrico aleatorizado, controlado, con distribución 1:1, simple ciego, que comparó la utilización de una aplicación para smartphones (grupo intervención), frente a la indicación de tratamiento farmacológico por escrito (grupo control), en términos de adherencia médica farmacológica total, en 90 pacientes que cursaron internación por un SCA. La adherencia fue determinada mediante el Cuestionario de Adherencia a la Medicación de Morisky. El paciente se consideró como "totalmente adherente" de obtener un puntaje perfecto (8/8 puntos). El período de seguimiento fue de 90 días posterior al egreso hospitalario. La edad promedio fue 63 ± 9 años, con el 76% de sexo masculino. El objetivo primario ocurrió en 67.4% (31/46) del grupo intervención vs. 20.5% (9/44) del grupo control (p < 0.001). En pacientes que cursaron una hospitalización por SCA, la utilización de una aplicación digital para smartphones incrementó la adherencia al tratamiento médico farmacológico.

Abstract Adherence to cardiovascular medications following acute coronary syndrome hospitalization is generally poor. The primary outcome was to demonstrate that the use of a digital application for smartphones increases the adherence to pharmacological treatment by 30 % in relation to the group without intervention, in patients with an acute coronary syndrome with or without ST segment elevation. In this unicentric, single blinded, randomized controlled trial with 1:1 allocation we compared the use of a digital application for smartphones and written information as standard of care, for the adherence to pharmacological treatment in 90 patients admitted to the hospital with an acute coronary syndrome. Adherence to medical treatment was measured by Morisky Medication Adherence Scale. A patient is considered to have good adherence when score is perfect (8 points). The follow up period was 90 days after hospital discharge. The mean age of the population was 63 ± 9 and 76% were male. At 90 days, 67.4% (31/46) of patients using the smartphone application were adherent compared with 20.5% (9/44) of patients in the control group (p < 0.001). In patients with acute coronary syndrome, the use of a smartphone application increased the medication adherence compared with the standard of care.

Humans , Male , Female , Acute Coronary Syndrome/drug therapy , Smartphone , Software , Medication Adherence , Secondary Prevention
Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi ; Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi;(12): 216-226, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879636


In order to standardize the effective prevention, early screening and diagnosis of the population at risk of primary liver cancer, the Chinese Society of Hepatology and Chinese Medical Association organized the relevant domestic experts to formulate the "Consensus on Secondary Prevention of Primary Liver Cancer (2021 version)," based on the basic, clinical and preventive research progress, combined with the actual situation at home and abroad, so as to provide an important basis for the prevention, screening and early diagnosis of primary liver cancer in the population of chronic liver disease.

Humans , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular/prevention & control , Consensus , Gastroenterology , Liver Cirrhosis , Liver Neoplasms/prevention & control , Mass Screening , Secondary Prevention
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 143-149, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941250


Objective: To explore the medication compliance for secondary prevention drugs and long-term prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) between hospitals in different regions of China. Methods: The Optimal Antiplatelet Therapy for Chinese Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (OPT-CAD) study was a prospective, multi-center and registered study. Patients diagnosed as ACS and underwent PCI in OPT-CAD study were selected. Taking the Yangtze River as the dividing line between the south and the north of China, these patients were divided into two groups according to the hospitals where the patients visited, namely the southerns region group (n=1 958) and the northerns region group (n=5 091). In order to reduce selection bias and potential confounding factors, the patients in the two groups were matched by the tendency score, and the patients in the two groups were matched by the 1: 1 nearest match method according to the tendency score. The main endpoint of this study was the major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) occurring within 5 years after discharge, namely the composite endpoint of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, and/or ischemic stroke. Secondary endpoints were all-cause death, cardiac death, myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and type 2, 3, and 5 bleeding events defined by the Academic Research Consortium on Hemorrhage (BARC) within 5 years. The secondary preventive drugs was recorded, including antiplatelet drugs, statins, beta blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensinⅡreceptor blockers (ACEI/ARB), etc. Before and after the matching, the secondary preventive medication and the incidence of clinical events of the two groups were compared. Results: A total of 7 049 ACS patients, including 1 958 patients in the southern region group and 5 091 patients in the northern region group were enrolled in this study. There were 5 319 males (37.9%), and the aged was (60.7±6.7) years. After propensity score matching, there were 1 324 cases in each group. Before matching, in the northern region group, the proportion of smoking, hypertension and diabetes, previous history (myocardial infarction, PCI and stroke) and family history of coronary heart disease were higher (all P<0.05). The proportion of complex lesions, diffuse lesions, small vessel lesions and thrombotic lesions in the northern region group was higher than that in the southern region group (all P<0.05). Sixty months after discharge, the antiplatelet patterns were quite different between patients in the northern and southern region group (P<0.001). The proportion of clopidogrel monotherapy in the southern region group was higher than that in the northern region group (9.8% (130/1324) vs. 1.1% (14/1324)), while the proportion of aspirin monotherapy in the northern region group was higher than that in the southern region group (67.4% (893/1324) vs. 46.5% (616/1324)). As for the use of other secondary prophylactic drugs, the proportion of patients in southern region group receiving beta blockers (24.5% (325/1324) vs. 16.8% (222/1324), P<0.001) and ACEI/ARB (19.4% (257/1324) vs. 10.0% (133/1324), P<0.001) was higher than that in northern region group. After matching, the incidence of MACCE (8.4%(111/1 324) vs.6.2% (82/1 324), P=0.030) and BARC 2, 3 and 5 bleeding (6.0% (80/1 324) vs. 4.0% (53/1 324), P=0.020) was higher in patients in northern region group. Conclusions: ACS patients who undergo PCI in northern area hospital is at higher prevalence of comorbidities and complicated coronary artery lesions compared to patients in the southern area hospital, and the drug compliance is worse than that in southern area, and the prognosis is also relatively poor.

Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acute Coronary Syndrome/drug therapy , Angiotensin Receptor Antagonists , Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors , China , Medication Adherence , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Secondary Prevention , Treatment Outcome
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 873-879, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941370


Objective: This analysis was performed to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of rivaroxaban-aspirin combination therapy in secondary prevention of major adverse cardiovascular events in Chinese patients enrolled in the COMPASS trial. Methods: COMPASS was a prospective, international multi-center and randomized controlled trial. From September 2014 to February 2017, 1 086 patients with stable coronary artery disease and peripheral artery diseases were recruited from 31 centers in China. Patients were randomly assigned to separately receive the therapy of rivaroxaban (2.5 mg twice a day) plus aspirin (100 mg once a day,) group (n=366), rivaroxaban (5 mg twice a day) alone group (n=365), and aspirin (100 mg once a day) alone group (n=355). Baseline information such as age, sex, etc. of all three groups was collected. Finally, 1 081 patients were followed up successfully, with the follow-up rate 99.5% and the average follow-up time was 19 months. The primary efficacy endpoint was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and stroke. The primary safety endpoint was major bleeding evaluated by modified International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis criteria. Results: Age of patients was (64.2±8.3) years and there were 293 male in rivaroxaban plus aspirin group. Age of patients was (63.8±9.0) years, and there were 301 male patients in rivaroxaban alone group. Age of patients was (63.6±8.8) years, and there were 282 male patients in the aspirin alone group. The incidences of primary efficacy endpoint occurred in 9 cases (1.5%) in rivaroxaban with aspirin group, 21 cases (3.7%) in rivaroxaban alone group and 14 cases (2.5%) in aspirin alone group. Meanwhile, the incidences of primary safety endpoint occurred in 6 cases (1.0%) in rivaroxaban with aspirin group, 9 cases (1.6%) in rivaroxaban alone group and 7 cases (1.2%) in aspirin alone group. The net clinical benefit events were 10 cases (1.7%) in rivaroxaban with aspirin group, 22 cases (3.9%) in rivaroxaban alone group and 15 cases (2.7%) in aspirin alone group (P>0.5%). Conclusions: The combination of rivaroxaban with aspirin can be safe and effectively used for the secondary prevention in Chinese patients with stable coronary artery disease and peripheral artery diseases.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aspirin/therapeutic use , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , China , Drug Therapy, Combination , Factor Xa Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Prospective Studies , Rivaroxaban/therapeutic use , Secondary Prevention