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Rev. Asoc. Med. Bahía Blanca ; 34 (1), 2024;34(1): 16-23, 20240301.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554620


Introducción: La adolescencia es la etapa clave en la adquisición de hábitos y conductas adictivas que perduran toda la vida. Existe un modelo de consumo juvenil de drogas, legales e ilegales, como forma de relación social, uso recreativo y realización personal. El policonsumo no debe ser visto como un rito de transición, sino como un problema de salud pública. Objetivos: Se estudió la prevalencia de consumo de sustancias adictivas y de medicamentos en 520 alumnos, entre 15 y 18 años, de Escuelas Públicas secundarias de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Asimismo, caracteriza el marco familiar, hábitos y costumbres de los estudiantes. Grupos estudiados: El 55% de los alumnos encuestados pertenece al sexo femenino y un 36% tiene doble escolaridad. Resultados: Los resultados indican que el 24% de los alumnos manifiesta fumar y un 85% tomar alcohol, de los cuales el 62% llegó a la borrachera. El 25% consume drogas, 96% corresponde a marihuana, 8% cocaína y 7% éxtasis. El 76% declara automedicarse y un 27% considera riesgosa esta práctica. El 84% convive con ambos padres y un 51% no posee materias desaprobadas. Un 35% de los jóvenes no realiza deporte, el 46% estudia otro idioma y un 39% tiene como hábito la lectura. El 25% de los alumnos que reconocen tener actividad sexual no utilizaron ningún método de protección. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la encuesta exponen la magnitud del problema y sumado a la baja edad de los estudiantes, derivan en múltiples consecuencias adversas. Este panorama constituye un desafío para el médico que, junto con la familia, docentes y especialistas, pueden actuar en aspectos preventivos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

Introduction: Adolescence is the key stage in the acquisition of habits and addictive behaviors that last a lifetime. There is a pattern of youth drug use, both legal and illegal, as a form of social interaction, recreational use and personal fulfilment. Polydrug use should not be seen as a rite of passage, but as a public health problem. Objetive: This paper studies the prevalence of substance and drug use in 520 students, aged 15-18, from public secondary schools in the city of Bahía Blanca. It also characterizes the family background, habits and customs of the students. Gropus: 55% of the students surveyed were female and 36% of them had double schooling. Results: The results indicate that 24% of the students report smoking and 85% drinking alcohol, of which 62% became drunk. 25% use drugs, 96% marijuana, 8% cocaine and 7% ecstasy. 76% declare that they self-medicate and 27% consider this practice risky. 84% live with both parents and 51% do not have failed subjects in the report card. 35% of those surveyed do not practice sport, 46% study another language and 39% have reading as a habit. 25% of students who admit to sexual activity did not use any method of protection. Conclusions: The results of the survey expose the magnitude of the pro- blem and, coupled with the low age of the students, lead to multiple adverse consequences. This panorama constitutes a challenge for the doctor who, together with the family, teachers and specialists, can act in preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects.

Drug Misuse , Self Medication , Student Health , Substance-Related Disorders
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-7, 30-01-2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1554812


Introducción. La automedicación definida como la ingestión de medicamentos por iniciativa propia y sin receta médica es una práctica frecuente. Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de automedicación en adultos durante el brote de chikungunya que concurrieron a dos hospitales de referencia del departamento Central en el año 2023. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en adultos en donde se midieron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas, automedicación y reacciones adversas por medio de un cuestionario. Resultados. Se incluyeron 109 personas, el 62,39% del sexo femenino, el 60.55% en el rango de edad de 18 a 37 años, el 60,55% con nivel escolar universitario, el 56,52% de ocupación oficinista El 74,31% manifestó haber padecido chikungunya, de los cuales el 56,79% se automedicó. El 43,89% fue por dolor intenso en las articulaciones asociado a hinchazón. El 76.08% se automedicó con AINES. El 30,43% indicó como motivo falta de tiempo para acudir al médico. Se encontró una combinación entre medicamentos convencionales y tradicionales en un 47,82%, 91% lo obtuvo sin receta y 89% lo ha conseguido en la farmacia. Un 50% se automedicó más de una vez al día. Conclusión. La frecuencia de la automedicación fue alta, predominando la ingesta de AINES relacionado al dolor de las articulaciones asociado a hinchazón siendo las farmacias el establecimiento de obtención de los medicamentos. Palabras clave: automedicación; preparaciones farmacéuticas; fiebre chikungunya

Introduction. Self-medication is defined as taking medication on one's own initiative and without a prescription.Objective. To determine the frequency of self-medication in adults during the chikungunya outbreak attending 2 referral hospitals in the Central Department in the year 2023. Materials and Methods. Cross-sectional descriptive observational study in adults during the chikungunya outbreak, using a questionnaire consisting of two parts, the first on sociodemographic variables, and the second on whether they suffered from chikungunya and variables related to the consumption of medicines without medical prescription, medicines consumed, characteristics of self-medication and adverse reactions. Results. Of the 109 subjects studied, 63,39% were female, the predominant age range was 18 to 37 years with 60,55%, 69,72% with a university education. 56,52% were office workers. A total of 74,31% reported having suffered from chikungunya, of which 56,79% had self-medicated. In 43,89% of these patients suffered from intense joint pain associated with swelling. 76,08% self-medicated with NSAIDs. The 30,43% indicated lack of time to go to the doctor as the reason. A combination of conventional and traditional drugs was found in 47,82%, 91% obtained it without prescription and 89% had obtained it at the pharmacy. Some 50% self-medicated more than once a day. Conclusion.The frequency of self-medication was high, predominantly the intake of NSAIDs related to joint pain associated with swelling, with pharmacies being the place where the drugs were obtained. Key words: self-medication; pharmaceutical preparations; chikungunyafever

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Self Medication , Chikungunya Fever , Pharmaceutical Preparations
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e220108, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529144


Abstract Objective: To study the frequency of self-medication and knowledge about out-of-counter drugs during the COVID-19 pandemic in a group of Iranian dental students. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among dental undergraduates from September 2021 to November 2021 after receiving ethical clearance from the Kerman Medical University Ethical Committee. A valid and reliable questionnaire, consisting of demographic data and questions about self-medication and knowledge about out-of-counter drugs, was sent to participants via E-mail. Data was analyzed by SPSS 26 software by using a t-test. The P-value was considered at a 0.05% significant level. Results: A total of 88 students participated in the study with a mean age of 21.39±3.71 years. Prevalence of self-medication was found in 53.4%. The most common cause for self-medication was headache. Acetaminophen was the most commonly used medicine for self-medication. Females had more self-medication than males, but there was no significant differences. There was no significant differences between entering year to university and self-medication. Younger students had significantly more self-medication (p=0.007). Knowledge about out-of-counter drugs was moderate. Conclusion: Moderate self-medication as noticed. The out-of-counter drugs were the most used. Although out-of-counter drugs seem relatively safe, their improper use can cause serious side effects. Dental students need to be educated regarding appropriate safe medication and out-of-counter drugs.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Self Medication , Students, Dental , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Nonprescription Drugs , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , COVID-19/prevention & control , Iran
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 58: 27, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565794


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE The transgender population in Brazil faces marginalization and difficulties in accessing education and health, leading many individuals to self-medicate. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the implementation of Specialized Centers in the Transsexualizing Process (SCTP) on the use of cross-sex hormone therapy (CSHT) without medical prescription, as well as the level of education and mental health profile of these individuals. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study with data from physical and electronic medical records between September 2017 and February 2023 regarding the use of CSHT before and after the implementation of two SCTP in the state of Bahia, Brazil, in addition to data on education level, previous diagnosis of anxiety and depression of patients. RESULTS A total of 219 participants, 127 transgender men (TM) and 92 transgender women and travestis (TrTW), were assessed. A significant reduction in the prevalence of self-medication was observed in both TrTW (92.98% before and 51.43% after, p<0.001), and TM (47.17% before and 25.67% after, p = 0.010) with the implementation of SCTP. Transgender individuals who used CSHT before accessing the service were found to have a lower prevalence of depression. Self-medication was not significantly associated with education or anxiety in our sample. CONCLUSION The results indicate the need for the expansion of SCTP, as they were associated with lower rates of self-medication in the transgender population.

Humans , Self Medication , Gonadal Steroid Hormones , Transsexualism , Cross-Sectional Studies , Transgender Persons/psychology , Transgender Persons/statistics & numerical data , Health Services for Transgender Persons
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 33232, 26 dez. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524374


Introduction: Self-medication consists of selecting and using medication without a poprescription or guidance from a healthcare professional. This practice has been widely reported worldwide, which has contributed to a series of adverse health outcomes, such as delayed diagnosis, worsening of clinical conditions, drug interactions, intoxication, and adverse reactions, which tend to compromise patient safety. Objective:To analyze the prevalence of self-medication associated with toothache, the main factors associated with self-medication in dental patients, as well as outline the profile of medications used by these individuals, the preferred route of administration, and the main sources of medication.Methodology:Asystematic review was developed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Relevant articles published in the last ten years, without limitations of language were searched using the following descriptors/MeSHterms and keywords: "self-medication" and (toothache or "dental pain") not Child. Results:The initial search returned 61 manuscripts. Fourteen papers, all cross-sectional studies, were eligible for inclusion in the systematic review.Conclusions:The prevalence of self-medication for toothache ranged from 6.5% to 100.0%. Cultural and economic factors, barriers to access, the high cost of dental treatments, lack of time and money, and the perception that dental problems are not a serious problem are among the main factors associated with the practice. Regarding the drugs used, the most used classes were paracetamol, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, particularly ibuprofen, and analgesics administered orally (AU).

Introdução:A automedicação consiste na escolha e uso de medicamentos sem prescrição ou orientação de um profissional de saúde. Essa prática tem sido amplamente divulgada em todo o mundo, o que tem contribuído para uma série de desfechos adversos à saúde, como atraso no diagnóstico, piora do quadro clínico, interações medicamentosas, intoxicações e reações adversas, que tendem a comprometer a segurança do paciente. Objetivo:Analisar a prevalência da automedicação associada à dor de dente, os principais fatores associados à automedicação em pacientes odontológicos, bem como traçar o perfil dos medicamentos utilizados por esses indivíduos, a via preferencial de administração e as principais fontes de medicação. Metodologia:Uma revisão sistemática foi desenvolvida de acordo com os itens de relatório preferidos para revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises (PRISMA). Foram pesquisados artigos relevantes publicados nos últimos dez anos, sem limitação de linguagem, utilizando os seguintes descritores/MeSHterms e palavras-chave: "self-medication" e (toothache or "dental pain") não Child. Resultados:A busca inicial encontrou61manuscritos. Quatorze artigos, de delineamento transversal,foram considerados elegíveis e incluídos para a revisão.Conclusões:A prevalência de automedicação para dor de dente variou de 6,5% a 100,0%. Fatores culturais e econômicos, barreiras de acesso, alto custo dos tratamentos odontológicos, falta de tempo e dinheiro e a percepção de que os problemas odontológicos não são um problema grave estão entre os principais fatores associados à prática. Em relação aos medicamentos utilizados, as classes mais utilizadas foram o paracetamol, principalmente os anti-inflamatórios, principalmente o ibuprofeno, e os analgésicos por via oral (AU).

Introducción: La automedicación consiste en seleccionar y utilizar medicamentos sin receta ni orientación de un profesional sanitario. Esta práctica ha sido ampliamente reportada a nivel mundial, lo que ha contribuido a una serie de resultados adversos para la salud, como retraso en el diagnóstico, empeoramiento de las condiciones clínicas, interacciones medicamentosas, intoxicaciones y reacciones adversas, que tienden a comprometer la seguridad del paciente.Objetivo: Analizar la prevalencia de automedicación asociada al dolor de muelas, los principales factores asociados a la automedicación en pacientes odontológicos, así como delinear el perfil de medicamentos utilizados por estos individuos, la vía de administración preferida y las principales fuentes de medicación. Metodología: Se desarrolló una revisión sistemática de acuerdo con los Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Se buscaron artículos relevantes publicados en los últimos diez años, sin limitaciones de idioma, utilizando los siguientes descriptores/MeSHterms y palabras clave: "self-medication" y (toothache or "dental pain") not Child. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial arrojó 61 manuscritos. Catorce artículos, todos estudios transversales, fueron elegibles para su inclusión en la revisión sistemática.Conclusiones: La prevalencia de automedicación para el dolor de muelas osciló entre 6,5% y 100,0%. Los factoresculturales y económicos, las barreras de acceso, el alto costo de los tratamientos dentales, la falta de tiempo y dinero, y la percepción de que los problemas dentales no son un problema grave se encuentran entre los principales factores asociados con la práctica. En cuanto a los fármacos utilizados, las clases más utilizadas fueron el paracetamol, especialmente los antiinflamatorios, especialmente el ibuprofeno, y los analgésicos por vía oral (AU).

Self Medication , Toothache , Public Health Dentistry , Drug Utilization
Univ. salud ; 25(2): E9-E18, mayo-ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1510644


Introducción: Los medicamentos de venta libre (OTC por su sigla en inglés Over The Counter), son ampliamente usados por la mayoría de las personas a nivel mundial, sin embargo, solamente son usados de forma responsable en países donde existe una farmacia comunitaria profesional legalizada. Objetivo: Describir los hábitos de consumo de medicamentos de venta libre por estudiantes universitarios del área de la salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal, desarrollado en tres universidades de Cartagena. Se aplicó un instrumento tipo encuesta a 140 estudiantes acerca de hábitos de consumo y conocimiento sobre OTC, creencias, actitudes y prácticas. Resultados: El cuestionario presentó una consistencia interna alta con Alfa de Cronbach'sde 0,77. El 59% fueron mujeres, las en edades entre 16-30 años, el 91% estuvo de acuerdo que la automedicación es perjudicial. Sin embargo, 61% asegura automedicarse porque los padecimientos son menores y frecuentes. Los medicamentos de mayor consumo, fueron el acetaminofén 52,9% y los medicamentos antiinflamatorios no esteroides (AINES) con 16,48%, incluyeron en sus respuestas medicamentos de no venta libre. Conclusión: Los estudiantes son conscientes del riesgo de la automedicación, sin embargo, la practican de forma frecuente. Muchos reportaron consumo de medicamentos como amitriptilina, antibióticos, opiáceos, furosemida y corticoides.

Introduction: Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are widely used worldwide, however they are responsibly used only in countries with legalized professional community pharmacies. Objective:To describe over-the-counter medication use habits in university students from health programs. Materials and methods:Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in three universities from Cartagena. A survey-type instrument was applied to 140 students, asking about their use habits and knowledge regarding OTC, beliefs, attitudes and practices. Results:The questionnaire showed a high internal inconsistency, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.77. 59% of participants were women aged between 16 to 30 years old and 91% agreed that self-medication is harmful. Nevertheless, 61% self-medicated because of minor and frequent conditions. OTC medications with the highest use were acetaminophen (52.9%) and NSAIDs (16.48%). Conclusions:Even though students are aware of the self-medication risks, they still practice it frequently. Many participants reported the use of medications such as amitriptyline, antibiotics, opioids, furosemide, and corticosteroids.

Introdução:Os medicamentos isentos de prescrição (OTCOver The Counter) são amplamente utilizados pela maioria das pessoas em todo o mundo, porém somente são usados de forma responsável em países onde existe uma farmácia comunitária profissional legalizada. Objetivo: Descrever os hábitos de consumo de medicamentos isentos de prescrição por universitários da área da saúde. Materiais e métodos: Estudo descritivo transversal, desenvolvido em três universidades de Cartagena. Foi aplicado um instrumento do tipo inquérito a 140 alunos sobre hábitos de consumo e conhecimentos sobre OTC, crenças, atitudes e práticas. Resultados: O questionário apresentou alta consistência interna com Alfa de Cronbach ́sde 0,77. 59% eram mulheres, com idades entre 16 e 30 anos, 91% concordaram que a automedicação é prejudicial. No entanto, 61% dizem que se automedicam porque os males são leves e frequentes. Os medicamentos de maior consumo foram o acetaminofeno 52,9% e os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais com 16,48%, incluindo medicamentos isentos de prescrição em suas respostas. Conclusão: Os alunos estão cientes do risco da automedicação, porém isto é praticado com frequência. Muitos relataram consumo de medicamentos como amitriptilina, antibióticos, opioides, furosemida e corticosteroides.

Humans , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Self Medication , Nonprescription Drugs , Acetaminophen
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023218, 14 fev. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516691


INTRODUCTION: Antimicrobial resistance developed through the inadequate use of antibiotics; is an overriding task for global public health. OBJECTIVE: To explore awareness, knowledge, and practices, and compare the elements associated with antibiotic misuse in different University students and uneducated people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. METHODS: Cross-sectional study was conducted from July to December 2020 using a validated questionnaire. Data were collected from eleven different university students and uneducated people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. RESULTS: 3,600 questionnaires were completed, consisting of 56.9% Male and 43.0% Female. 1,999 (55.5%) of the antibiotic users reported through the survey used non-prescription antibiotics within a one-month study period. Out of the participants, 230 (6.3%) were uneducated or their education level was below matric rest were university students. 1999 (55.5%) reported buying Antibiotics with Medical Prescription. Most self-medicated participants (56.9%) stop taking antibiotics when they feel better. More than 90% of the respondents answered that doctors and pharmacist staff do not guide them well that how to use antibiotics. 2,171 (60.03%) respondents mistakenly believed that antibiotics improve restoration from coughs and colds. Only 720 (20%) respondents knew that antibiotics also disturb normal flora and 547 participants (15.9%) agree that unnecessary use of antibiotics causes bacterial resistance. CONCLUSION: Finding from this study may have important implications for public health policy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan given the growing global resistance to antibiotics and the reported health issues related to their improper use.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Self Medication , Students , Universities , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Pakistan , Cross-Sectional Studies
Ghana med. j ; 57(1): 58-66, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427110


Objective: This survey determined the utilisation of eye care services and associated factors among adults in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Design: A population-based cross-sectional descriptive study Method: Data for this study was collected from 1615 randomly selected individuals in the Ashanti region of Ghana, using a structured, pretested interviewer-guided questionnaire. Information regarding the accessibility and determinants of, and barriers to, eye care services was based on self-reports, using the WHO Eye Care Services Assessment Questionnaire. Inferential analyses were performed using the chi-square test for statistical significance, set at p=0.05.Setting: Ashanti Region, Ghana Participants: One thousand six hundred and fifteen randomly selected adults Results: Public eye care facilities were used by 58.2% of the participants for their last eye exam. Of the participants, 47.0% had travelled less than five kilometres for their last eye exam. Waiting time and service cost were participants' most frequently cited challenges in seeking care. No need felt (40.1%), self-medication (37.7%) and cost (22.2%) were the most frequently mentioned barriers to seeking ophthalmic services. Conclusion: The major challenges encountered in seeking eye care services were waiting time and cost of service. Major barriers to ophthalmic services utilisation were no need felt, self-medication and cost. Factors such as cost, lack of felt need and self-medication, which serve as barriers to utilising eye care services, should be addressed by stakeholders through eye health education and promotion

Humans , Ophthalmic Solutions , Vision Disorders , Cross-Sectional Studies , Self Medication , Home Care Services
j. public health epidemiol. (jphe) ; 15(2): 30-38, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1427872


The rampant practice of self-medication is indicative of very strong existing push and pulls factors. These factors could be economic, social or systemic. Despite having some beneficial effects, selfmedication has life-threatening consequences. This study was aimed to determine the factors which push users to medicine sources or factors at the sources which pull users. A pre-validated questionnaire was administered to participants. Data were collected and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and the results expressed as frequencies and percentages. From the total of 650 respondents, poverty was found to be the major push factor for 360 participants (55.39%), followed by unprofessionalism, friends' advice, previous use of medicine, lack of time, and poor price regulation as others. Low cost of medicines was found to pull 402 (61.8%) users to sources of medicines for self-medication. More than 300 of the respondents found easy access to medicine and advertising as strong pull factors. Other important pull factors include quick and time-saving, proliferation of medicine vendors, hospital crowds, and inadequate prescription checks at sources of medication. Poverty is a major push factor for self-medication, further compounded by quick access to illicit sources of medication. Consequently, users get pulled to cheaper sources, which unfortunately sell poor quality medicines, lack the expertise, or do not check prescription. Price control is required to ensure that quality medicines are accessible to users. Imposing physician prescription at all medicine sales points is a crucial step to fight the deleterious consequences of self-medication. Although self-medication has some positive elements, its practice needs to be put under control to avoid grappling with long term health complications.

Humans , Self Medication , Therapeutics , Poverty , Low Cost Technology
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 7(2): [8], 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442744


El mito existente sobre la ausencia de vulnerabilidad en los médicos hace que estos sean más difíciles de manejar en su rol de paciente. Así mismo, en ocasiones sus conocimientos previos los hacen tener creencias, actitudes y prácticas no favorables. En este artículo se presentan los resultados de un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal, cuyo objetivo fue determinar las creencias, actitudes y prácticas del médico dominicano en el rol de paciente. En el mismo se aplicó una encuesta virtual que generó un total de 238 respuestas. Como resultado, se observó que, en su mayoría, los médicos consideran que es más difícil tratar como paciente a un colega. Sobre sus creencias y actitudes, las mismas suelen ser favorables en sus labores como médico, sin embargo, actitudes como la automedicación y los cambios de receta fueron notorios. En conclusión, se entiende que es necesario realizar estudios similares a este y concientizar a quienes se desempeñan como médicos en cuanto a esta temática.

The existing myth about the absence of vulnerability in doctors makes them more challenging to manage in their role as patients. Likewise, sometimes their previous knowledge makes them have opposing beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Therefore, a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the Dominican doctor's beliefs, attitudes, and practices in the role of the patient. A survey was created and disseminated online, and 238 responses were obtained. As a result, most doctors find it more challenging to treat a patient if they are colleagues. Concerning their beliefs and attitudes, they are usually favorable in their work as a doctor; however, in practice, acts such as self-medication and change of prescription are present in large proportion.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Physicians , Self Medication , Health Belief Model , Dominican Republic
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529132


ABSTRACT Objective: To construct, validate, and apply a questionnaire to assess and characterize the practice of self-medication performed by parents or children's guardians undergoing dental care. Material and Methods: A questionnaire was constructed, validated, and applied through personal interviews in the teaching clinics of two higher education institutions in the Federal District. Absolute and relative frequencies of categorical variables were calculated using descriptive statistics. Quantitative data were presented as mean and standard deviation. The chi-square test measured the association between the studied variables and self-medication. Results: One hundred and five participants were interviewed between August 2019 and November 2020. The average age of the participants was 37 (± 9) years, and most were mothers of the children who attended (78%) and users of the public health system (94.2%). The average family income was 1.88 minimum wage, and the most prevalent educational level was complete high school (40%). Conclusion: Despite the high level of knowledge about medication safety in children, self-medication was practiced in 50% of them. Difficulty in accessing dental treatment was mentioned by most as a justification. Self-medication was associated with dental pain, continuous medication use, and family self-medication habits.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Self Medication , Toothache , Child , Dental Care , Socioeconomic Factors , Facial Pain/etiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Prevalence Ratio
Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(3)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1406168


Abstract This study aimed to investigate self-medication in the COVID-19 outbreak among patients attending the dental clinic of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. The total number of patients who took part in this research was 306, and they were questioned using a 28-item questionnaire after signing a permission form. SPSS26 was used to gather and analyze the data. There were 196 women and 110 males among the patients.The results showed that the prevalence of self-medication was 53.9%, and a lower educational level was associated with self-medication. The most common problem for self-medicating was toothache, and the most frequent drug was Ibuprofen. The majority of the participants reported that their relatives/friends suggested the drugs to them. The main source of obtaining the drugs was pharmacies. The major reasons for self-medication were the high cost of dental treatments and fear of COVID-19.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la automedicación durante la pandemia de COVID-19 entre los pacientes que asisten a la clínica dental de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Zanjan. El número total de pacientes que participaron en esta investigación fue de 306, y fueron interrogados mediante un cuestionario de 28 ítems después de firmar un formulario de autorización. SPSS26 se utilizó para recopilar y analizar los datos. Entre los pacientes había 196 mujeres y 110 varones. Los resultados mostraron que la prevalencia de automedicación fue del 53,9%, y un menor nivel educativo se asoció con la automedicación. El problema más común para la automedicación fue el dolor de "muelas", y el fármaco más frecuente fue el ibuprofeno. La mayoría de los participantes informaron que sus familiares/ amigos les sugirieron los medicamentos. La principal fuente de obtención de los medicamentos fueron las farmacias. Las principales razones para la automedicación fueron el alto costo de los tratamientos dentales y el miedo al COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Self Medication/trends , COVID-19 , Iran
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530172


El aborto inducido es el resultado de maniobras practicadas con la intención de interrumpir el embarazo. Esta acción puede provocar complicaciones que ponen en riesgo la vida de la mujer, lo que muestra la importancia de los cuidados de enfermería para minimizar el riesgo de complicaciones en el posaborto. El propósito del estudio es describir los cuidados de enfermería a implementar en las mujeres con aborto por automedicación. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica que incluyó la búsqueda, selección, revisión, interpretación y síntesis de la evidencia científica publicada relacionada con el problema de investigación. Se revisaron documentos publicados en los últimos 5 años en bases de datos regionales y de alto impacto como son Scielo, Redalyc, Latindex y PudMed. Se usaron descriptores de salud relacionados con el tema propuesto en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Se identificó un total de 83 documentos, de los cuales se usaron 46 en la investigación realizada. Los restantes 37 manuscritos fueron excluidos por presentar deficiencias metodológicas que limitaban su uso, o que su eje central no se ajustaba al tema de investigación planteado. Los cuidados de enfermería desempeñan un papel fundamental en la prevención o detección precoz de complicaciones en las mujeres con abortos por automedicación. La prevención de este tipo de actos debe fomentarse antes de la concepción de la gestación, basado en una adecuada educación sexual a las mujeres en edad fértil(AU)

Induced abortion is the result of maneuvers performed with the intention of interrupting pregnancy. This action can generate complications that put the woman's life at risk, which shows the importance of nursing care to minimize the risk of post-abortion complications. To describe the nursing care to be implemented in women with self-medication abortion. A bibliographic review was carried out that included the search, selection, review, interpretation and synthesis of the published scientific evidence related to the research problem. Documents published in the last 5 years in regional and high-impact databases such as Scielo, Redalyc, Latindex and PudMed were used. Health descriptors related to the proposed theme were used in Spanish, English and Portuguese. A total of 83 documents were identified, of which 46 were used in the research carried out. The remaining 37 manuscripts were excluded due to methodological deficiencies that limited their use; or that its central axis did not fit the proposed research topic. Nursing care plays a fundamental role in the prevention or early detection of complications in women with self-medication abortions. The prevention of this type of acts should be encouraged before the conception of pregnancy, based on adequate sexual education for women of childbearing age(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Self Medication , Abortion, Induced/methods , Nursing Care , Ecuador
Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(3): 145-160, 15 octubre de 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1402190


Objective.To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of an educational program based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) in Adopting Preventive Behaviors from Self-Medication among Women in Iran. Methods. Interventional study with pre and post phases. 200 women referring to the health centers of Urmia were selected by simple random sampling, divided into two groups of treatment and control. Data collection instruments were researcher-devised questionnaire including the questionnaire of Knowledge of Self-medication, the Questionnaire of Preventive Behaviors from Self-medication, and the questionnaire of Health Belief Model. The questionnaires were assessed for expert validity and then, were checked for reliability. The educational intervention was conducted for the treatment group during four weeks four 45-minute sessions. Results.The average scores of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, self-efficiency, and post-intervention performance in have increased in treatment group, comparing to the control group, All findings were statistically significant (p<0.05). Furthermore, social media, doctors, and disbelief in self-medication were more effective in increasing awareness and encouraging to have proper medication, also, the highest self-medication was in taking pain-relievers, cold tablets and antibiotics, which showed significant decrease in treatment group after the intervention. Conclusion.The educational program based onHealth Belief Modelwas effective in reducing the self-medication among the studied women. Furthermore, it is recommended to use social media and doctors to improve the awareness and motivation among people. Thus, applying the educational programs and plans according to the Health Belief Model can be influential in reducing the self-medication.

Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia de la aplicación de un programa educativo basado en el Modelo de Creencias sobre la Salud (MCS) en la adopción de conductas preventivas de la automedicación entre las mujeres de Irán. Métodos. Estudio de intervención con evaluación pre y post. Se seleccionaron 200 mujeres que acudieron a los centros de salud de Urmia, a quienes se asignaron a los dos grupos de estudio (tratamiento y control) mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Para la recolección de la información se utilizaron los cuestionarios sobre: Conocimientos acerca de la automedicación, conductas preventivas de la automedicación y el modelo de creencias sobre la salud. Se evaluó la validez de los cuestionarios por parte de los expertos y luego se comprobó su confiabilidad. La intervención educativa se llevó a cabo para el grupo de tratamiento durante cuatro semanas con 1 sesión semanal de 45 minutos de duración.Resultados.Las puntuaciones medias de los conocimientos, la susceptibilidad percibida, la gravedad percibida, los beneficios percibidos, las barreras percibidas, las señales para la acción, la autoeficacia y el rendimiento posterior a la intervención aumentaron en el grupo de tratamiento en comparación con el grupo de control, y todos los resultados fueron estadísticamente significativos (p<0.05). Además, los medios de comunicación social fueron eficaces para aumentar la concienciación y animar a tener una medicación adecuada. La mayor automedicación fue en la toma de analgésicos, pastillas para el resfriado y antibióticos, que mostró una disminución significativa en el grupo de tratamiento después de la intervención. Conclusión. El programa educativo basado en el Modelo de Creencias de Salud fue eficaz para reducir la automedicación entre las mujeres estudiadas. Además, se recomienda utilizar los medios de comunicación social para mejorar la concienciación y la motivación de las personas.

Objetivo. Avaliar a eficácia da aplicação de um programa educativo baseado no Modelo de Crenças em Saúde (HCM) na adoção de comportamentos preventivos de automedicação entre mulheres no Irã. Métodos. Estudo de intervenção com pré e pós avaliação. Duzentas mulheres que frequentavam os centros de saúde de Urmia foram selecionadas e alocadas nos dois grupos de estudo (tratamento e controle) por meio de amostragem aleatória simples. Para a coleta de informações, foram utilizados os questionários sobre: Conhecimento sobre automedicação, comportamentos preventivos de automedicação e o modelo de crenças sobre saúde. A validade dos questionários foi avaliada pelos especialistas e, em seguida, verificada sua confiabilidade. A intervenção educativa foi realizada para o grupo de tratamento durante quatro semanas com 1 sessão semanal com duração de 45 minutos. Resultados.Os escores médios de conhecimento, suscetibilidade percebida, gravidade percebida, benefícios percebidos, barreiras percebidas, pistas para ação, autoeficácia e desempenho pós-intervenção aumentaram no grupo de tratamento em comparação com o grupo de intervenção. controle, e todos os resultados foram estatisticamente significativos (p<0.05). Além disso, as mídias sociais foram eficazes na conscientização e no incentivo à medicação adequada. A maior automedicação foi em uso de analgésicos, antissépticos e antibióticos, que apresentou diminuição significativa no grupo de tratamento após a intervenção. Conclusão.O programa educativo baseado no Modelo de Crenças em Saúde foi eficaz na redução da automedicação entre as mulheres estudadas. Além disso, recomenda-se o uso das mídias sociais para melhorar a conscientização e a motivação das pessoas.

Female , Self Medication , Women , Behavior , Health Belief Model
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(3): 273-280, sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407829


RESUMEN: Introducción: Las benzodiacepinas tienen potencial para generar abuso, por lo que, un consumo indiscriminado, a través de la venta sin prescripción y la práctica de automedicación, significaría un alto riesgo, producto de su abuso. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre la automedicación con benzodiacepinas y el riesgo de abuso en pacientes de un hospital de Lima-Perú. Metodología: Estudio transversal analítico. Se encuestó a 874 participantes, se usó una encuesta para determinar datos demográficos, uso de benzodiacepinas y preguntas de la prueba de detección de consumo de alcohol, tabaco y sustancias (ASSIST, por sus siglas en inglés); se obtuvo estadística descriptiva y analítica. Resultados: Hubo más encuestadas del sexo femenino (74,5%), la mediana de edades fue de 52 años (rango intercuartílico: 40-62 años). De los adultos estudiados, 485 fueron considerados como consumidores de benzodiacepinas con receta médica y 389 sin receta médica. Los consumidores con receta médica y sin receta médica que necesitaron tratamiento fueron 129 (26,6%) y 245 (63,0%), respectivamente (p<0.001). Conclusión: Hay una mayor prevalencia de personas que necesitan tratamiento por abuso en consumidores sin receta médica que en el grupo de consumidores con receta médica, por lo que, existe una relación significativa entre la automedicación con benzodiacepinas y el riesgo de abuso; lo que requiere tratamiento en la población estudiada.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Benzodiazepines have the potential to generate abuse, so an indiscriminate consumption, through the sale without prescription and the practice of self-medication, would mean a high risk due to their abuse. Objective: To establish the relationship between self-medication with benzodiazepines and the risk of abuse that requires treatment in adult patients of Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, 2019. Methodology: It was an observational, correlational descriptive, transversal and prospective study. The sample size was 874 participants (95.0% confidence level; 80% power). Sampling was performed non-randomly. A survey was used to determine demographics, benzodiazepine use, and questions of Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). Results: Of the study population, the most prevalent demographic data were female sex (74.5%), the median age was 52 years (interquartile range: 40-62 years), the age range 50-59 years (26.43%), married marital status (31.6%), secondary education level (48.4%) and occupation as a housewife (47.3%). Of adults studied, 485 were considered as consumers of benzodiazepines with prescription and 389 consumers without a prescription. Prescription and non-prescription consumers needing treatment were 129 (26.60%) and 245 (62.98%), respectively (p <0.001). Conclusion: There is a higher prevalence of people who need treatment for abuse in consumers without a prescription than in the group of consumers with a prescription so there is a significant relationship between self-medication with benzodiazepines and the risk of abuse that requires treatment in study population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Self Medication/adverse effects , Benzodiazepines/adverse effects , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Peru , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Assessment
Rev. cuba. med ; 61(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441674


Introducción: El consumo desmedido de medicamentos o polifarmacia constituye una problemática de salud a escala mundial. El uso prolongado de estos fármacos supera en riesgos o efectos adversos a los beneficios que pudieran aportar, solo apreciables ante situaciones de necesidad evidente. Objetivo: Caracterizar la automedicación en dirigentes estatales en la Delegación Provincial de la Agricultura en Cienfuegos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte trasversal con dirigentes referente a la automedicación en la Delegación Provincial de la Agricultura en Cienfuegos. El universo se conformó por 23 personas. Se utilizaron las variables edad, sexo, cumplimiento del tratamiento médico, medicamento consumido con y sin prescripción. Se utilizó la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (14 personas; 60,86 por ciento). Se destacó el grupo etario 40-59 con 11 personas (54,80 por ciento). Los inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina son los medicamentos de mayor consumo bajo indicación médica (8 personas; 34,78 por ciento). 11 casos cumplieron con el tratamiento (73,33 por ciento). El dolor resultó el síntomas más frecuente (19 personas; 82,60 por ciento. Los antinflamatorios no esteroideos se consumen más sin indicación médica (17 casos; 80,95 por ciento). Conclusiones: la automedicación se caracterizó por ser una práctica cotidiana que se realiza de manera consciente; aun cuando se desconozca sus complicaciones posteriores. El consumo de medicamento sin autorizo del facultativo responde al tipo de lesión o padecimiento a tratar; donde no existe distinción entre ambos sexos(AU)

Introduction: the excessive consumption of drugs or polypharmacy constitutes a health problem on a global scale. Prolonged use of these drugs outweighs the risks or adverse effects that they could provide (only appreciable in situations of obvious need). Objective: to characterize self-medication in state leaders in the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture of Cienfuegos. Methods: an observational, descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out with leaders regarding self-medication in the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture of Cienfuegos. The universe was made up of 23 people. The variables age, sex, compliance with medical treatment, medication consumed with and without a prescription were used. It used the descriptive statistic. Results: male sex predominated (14 people; 60.86 percent). The age group 40-59 stood out with 11 people (54.80 percent). Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are the most widely used drugs under medical indication (8 people; 34.78 percent). 11 cases complied with the treatment (73,33 percent). Pain was the most frequent symptom (19 people; 82.60 percent). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are consumed more without medical indication (17 cases; 80.95 percent). Conclusions: self-medication is a daily practice that is carried out consciously; even if its subsequent complications are unknown. The consumption of medication without the authorization of the physician responds to the type of injury or condition to be treated; where there is no distinction between both sexes(AU)

Humans , Self Medication/adverse effects , Polypharmacy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Observational Study
Med. UIS ; 35(2): e201, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422043


Resumen Introducción: la publicidad televisiva es una estrategia utilizada por la industria farmacéutica para ofrecer sus productos. En el caso de los medicamentos de venta libre, se tiene la responsabilidad de ajustarse a la normativa relacionada con estos productos, con el propósito de proteger al televidente de influencias negativas por posible publicidad imprecisa o engañosa. Objetivo: evaluar el cumplimiento normativo de la publicidad televisiva de medicamentos de venta libre en Colombia de agosto de 2018 en los canales nacionales Caracol y RCN. Metodología: se revisaron las grabaciones de anuncios publicitarios de medicamentos en los canales Caracol y RCN. Aleatoriamente, se seleccionaron los días 2, 4, 22 y 26 de agosto de 2018. La revisión de las grabaciones se realizó por dos evaluadores independientes. Los datos de los anuncios publicitarios se analizaron con estadística descriptiva. Resultados: se identificaron 624 anuncios publicitarios relacionados con medicamentos de venta libre: 601 pautas (96,3 %) y 23 comerciales (3,7 %). Entre los 624 anuncios emitidos, 226 (36,2 %) de 18 medicamentos no cumplieron con algunas condiciones establecidas en la normatividad. Discusión: este estudio, comparado con la publicación del 2014, mostró un incremento en la cantidad de anuncios que no cumplen con la norma, pasando de 8 % a 36,2 %. La principal situación de incumplimiento se debe al tamaño de la fuente, que puede limitar la lectura en poblaciones especiales. Conclusiones: los anuncios televisivos emitidos en los canales nacionales Caracol y RCN, en un 36,2 %, no cumplen con los requisitos definidos por la normatividad vigente.

Abstract Introduction: Advertising broadcast by mass media is a strategy used by the pharmaceutical sectors to offer their products. For of over-the-counter drugs, this sector is responsible for complying with the regulations related to these products, in order to protect the viewers from negative influences, for possible inaccurate or misleading advertising. Objective: To evaluate regulatory compliance in television advertising of over-the-counter drugs in Colombia in August 2018 on Caracol and RCN national channels. Methods: The recordings of the drug advertisements of two national television channels Caracol and RCN were reviewed. The days 2, 4, 22, 26 of august 2018 were randomly selected. Two independent evaluators reviewed the recordings. The data from the advertisements was analyzed with descriptive statistics. Results: A total of 624 commercials related to over-the-counter drugs were identified: 601 guidelines (96.3%) and 23 commercials (3.7%). Among the 624 advertisements broadcast by both national channels, 226 (36.2%) of 18 drugs did not meet some of the conditions established in the regulations. Discussion: Compared to the work done in 2014, shows that there was an increase in the number of advertisements that do not comply with the norm (from 8% to 36.2%). The main non-compliance situation presented by advertisements is related to the source size since small letters can limit the reading of special populations. Conclusion: 36.2% of the television advertisements broadcast on the national television channels Caracol and RCN do not meet the requirements defined by current regulations.

Humans , Drug Publicity , Self Medication , Communications Media , Enacted Statutes , Nonprescription Drugs
Más Vita ; 4(2): 397-411, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392667


La automedicación consiste en la selección y el uso de los medicamentos por parte de las personas, sin la participación del médico ni su prescripción, en este sentido es considerada como un fenómeno constante que se produce como consecuencia de necesidades y problemas de múltiples causas, sobre todo de índole económica. Materiales y métodos: Se realiza una investigación de campo, de corte transversal, tipo descriptiva. Se utilizó una prueba piloto para establecer la validez, pertinencia y coherencia para determinar el grado de confiabilidad del instrumento cuantitativo diseñado el cual fue validado por juicio de expertos. Se encuestó a 20 mujeres auto medicadas con anticonceptivo oral e inyectable, seleccionado de forma aleatoria. Resultados: en cuanto a la validación del instrumento se obtiene una puntuación de 99.4de validez, 99.2 de pertinencia y 99.4 de coherencia, en su totalidad de 298 dándonos como resultado final de 99.3 % de confiabilidad. Conclusión: el instrumento ha sido aprobado por su confiabilidad y validez, quedando apto para ser aplicados a la muestra que representa esta investigación(AU)

La automedicación consiste en la selección y el uso de los medicamentos por parte de las personas, sin la participación del médico ni su prescripción, en este sentido es considerado como un fenómeno constante que se produce como consecuencia de necesidades y problemas de múltiples causas, sobre todo de índole económica. Materiales y métodos: Se realiza una investigación de campo, de corte transversal, tipo descriptiva. Se obtuvo una prueba piloto para establecer la validez, pertinencia y coherencia para determinar el grado de confiabilidad del instrumento diseñado cuantitativamente el cual fue validado por juicio de expertos. Se encontró a 20 mujeres automedicadas con anticonceptivo oral e inyectable, seleccionadas de forma aleatoria. Resultados: en cuanto a la validación del instrumento se obtiene una puntuación de 99.4 de validez, 99.2 de pertinencia y 99.4 de coherencia, en su totalidad de 298 dándonos como resultado final de 99.3 % de confiabilidad. Conclusión: el instrumento ha sido aprobado por su confiabilidad y validez, quedando apto para ser aplicado a la muestra que representa esta investigación(AU)

Humans , Female , Self Medication , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Drug Utilization , Social Conditions , Women , Fertility Agents, Female , Health Services
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(58): 1-10, maio-ago. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1390791


O escurecimento dental pode ser interpretado como um ponto de tensão visual e a busca pelo clareamento dos elementos dentários são baseados na percepção individual e imersa sobre interferências culturais que o indivíduo sofre. A preocupação com a estética do sorriso é histórica, tendo diversos mecanismos que foram usados para branquear os dentes e limpá-los (CONSOLARO, 2013). Atualmente, têm-se um forte apelo pelas mídias levando os indivíduos a buscarem meios para alcançarem o referido padrão estético (RAMOS; MONNERAT; PEREZ, 2014). A classificação dos produtos branqueadores como cosméticos traz prejuízo quanto ao uso irracional e sem supervisão, pois decorre de uma ideia diferente que se tem popularmente que apenas medicamentos podem trazer prejuízos à saúde, assim, seria melhor classificá-los como medicamentos, até porque são capazes de acarretarem mudanças fisiológicas (CONSOLARO, 2013). Diante do exposto, a FDA (Food and Drug Administration) começou a classificá-los como medicamentos ou drogas em 1991 (CONSOLARO A; FRANCISCHONE; CONSOLARO R, 2011). Os agentes branqueadores são à base de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e são encontrados em dentifrícios, enxaguantes bucais, clareamento dental de consultório e caseiro, e a própria água oxigenada usada para bochecho. Outros meios podem ser vistos na busca pelo clareamento dos dentes: o uso do bicarbonato de sódio, dentifrícios mais abrasivos e produtos com carvão ativado

Self Medication , Tooth Bleaching , Hydrogen Peroxide/adverse effects
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 43(1): 75-86, jan./jun. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354419


Introdução: a automedicação pode aliviar sintomas e doenças agudas por um menor custo. Entretanto, esse consumo de medicamentos por conta própria e sem orientação adequada pode acarretar prejuízos como terapêuticas inadequadas, intoxicações e dependência. Objetivo: estimar a prevalência, os motivadores e os fatores associados à automedicação em adultos e idosos atendidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Métodos: estudo transversal realizado de maio a agosto de 2019. A estatística compreendeu o cálculo da prevalência de automedicação, com período recordatório de 30 dias e seu intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%). Para verificação dos fatores ajustados, foram calculadas as Razões de Prevalência (RP), brutas e ajustadas. Resultados: a amostra foi de 1.365 usuários, com prevalência do desfecho de 55% (IC 95%: 53-58), sendo esta maior em mulheres (RP=1,33; IC 95%: 1,17-1,52), adultos (RP=1,27; IC 95%: 1,14-1,41) e naqueles com 12 anos ou mais de estudo (RP=1,22; IC 95%: 1,09-1,37). Os principais motivadores foram dor (89%), gripe, resfriado e dor de garganta (18,9%) e febre (6,9%). Conclusão: verificou-se prevalência importante de automedicação, especialmente em mulheres, jovens e com maior escolaridade. Considerando os riscos, destaca-se a necessidade de políticas públicas para prevenir o uso indiscriminado de medicamentos.

Introduction: self-medication can relieve symptoms and diseases at a lower cost. However, this can lead to losses such as inappropriate therapies, intoxications and dependence. Objective: to estimate the prevalence, motivators and factors associated with self-medication in adults and the elderly treated in Primary Health Care. Methods: cross-sectional study carried out from May to August 2019. The statistics comprised the calculation of the prevalence of self-medication, with a recall period of 30 days and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI). In order to check the adjusted factors, crude and adjusted Prevalence Ratios (PR) were calculated. Results: the sample consisted of 1,365 users, with an outcome prevalence of 55% (95% CI: 53-58), which was higher in women (PR = 1.33; 95% CI: 1.17-1.52), adults (PR = 1.27; 95% CI: 1.14-1.41) and in those with 12 or more years of study (PR = 1.22; 95% CI: 1.09-1.37). The main motivators were pain (89%), flu, cold and sore throat (18.9%) and fever (6.9%). Conclusion: there was an important prevalence of self-medication, especially in women, young people and those with higher education. Considering the risks, the need for public policies to prevent the indiscriminate use of medicines is highlighted.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Self Medication , Cross-Sectional Studies , Pain , Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Disease