Objective: To analyze the incidence trend and epidemiological characteristics of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever in China from 2004 to 2020, understand the high-incidence population and hotspot areas, and provide evidences to develop more targeted prevention and control measures. Methods: The descriptive epidemiological method and spatial analysis method were applied to analyze the epidemiological characteristics of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever in China during this period by using the surveillance data collected from the National Notifiable Infectious Disease Reporting System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Results: A total of 202 991 cases of typhoid fever were reported in China from 2004 to 2020. More cases occurred in men than in women (sex ratio: 1.18∶1). Most cases were reported in adults aged 20-59 years (53.60%). The incidence rate of typhoid fever decreased from 2.54/100 000 in 2004 to 0.38/100 000 in 2020. The highest incidence rate was reported in young children aged <3 years after 2011, ranging from 1.13/100 000 to 2.78/100 000, and during this period the proportion of cases in this age group increased from 3.48% to 15.59%. The proportion of the cases in the elderly aged ≥60 years increased from 6.46% in 2004 to 19.34% in 2020. The hotspot areas existed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Sichuan Provinces and expanded to Guangdong, Hunan, Jiangxi, and Fujian Provinces. A total of 86 226 paratyphoid fever cases were reported from 2004 to 2020, the male to female ratio of the cases was 1.21∶1. Most cases were reported in adults aged 20-59 years (59.80%). The incidence rate of paratyphoid fever decreased from 1.26/100 000 in 2004 to 0.12/100 000 in 2020. The highest incidence rate of paratyphoid fever was in young children aged <3 years after 2007, ranging from 0.57/100 000 to 1.19/100 000, and during this period the proportion of the cases in this age group increased from 1.48% to 30.92%. The proportion of the cases in the elderly aged ≥60 years increased from 4.52% in 2004 to 22.28% in 2020. The hotspot areas expanded to the east, including Guangdong, Hunan and Jiangxi Provinces, from Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangxi Provinces. Conclusions: The results showed a low level of incidence of typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever in China with a trend of decreasing per year. The hotspots were mainly in the of Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Sichuan Provinces, with an expanding trend to eastern China. It is necessary to strengthen the typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever prevention and control in southwestern China, among young children aged <3 years and the elderly aged ≥60 years.
Adult , Aged , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Middle Aged , China/epidemiology , Paratyphoid Fever/epidemiology , Sex Ratio , Typhoid Fever/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the effect of embryo quality at different developmental stages on the secondary sex ratio (SSR) of single live birth neonates. Methods: Data for patients with singleton live births after embryo transferred between January 2016 and January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. The effect of embryo quality at different development stages on the SSR of 11 713 singleton live births were investigated. The association of SSR and embryo quality at different development stages was examined in univariate analysis and in a multivariate logistic regression model, after adjustment for confounders, using two models (Ⅰ and Ⅱ). Results: The age of both male and female, body mass index of both male and female, basal follicle stimulating hormone and estradiol, smoking of male, methods of insemination, methods of sperm extraction, types of transfer cycle and the number of embryo transferred were not related with SSR (all P>0.05). After adjustment for confounders, the probability of a male live birth was higher after transfer of good-quality blastula than after transfer of poorer-quality blastula (model Ⅰ: aOR=0.73, 95%CI: 0.65-0.82, P<0.001; model Ⅱ: aOR=0.73, 95%CI: 0.65-0.82, P<0.001). The quality of cleavage stage embryo was not associated with SSR (model Ⅰ: aOR=0.99, 95%CI: 0.87-1.13, P=0.937; model Ⅱ: aOR=0.99, 95%CI: 0.87-1.13, P=0.899). Conclusions: The SSR of singleton live births after embryo transfer is not correlated with the quality of cleavage stage embryo, but is correlated with the quality of blastula. Good-quality blastula transfer is more likely to result in a male live birth.
Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Humans , Male , Female , Live Birth , Retrospective Studies , Sex Ratio , Semen , BlastocystABSTRACT
Abstract The possible interference of resistant pest's populations to insecticides in natural enemies in the action thas not been clarified yet. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) performance on Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs with resistance frequency to the Metaflumizone over six generations of product exposure. Egg cards (2.0 x 7.0 cm) containing eggs from two populations of S. frugiperda, (resistant to Metaflumizone and the other susceptible), were exposed to T. pretiosum females for 24 hours in free-choice and no-choice testing in three generations (G1, G4, and G6). A completely randomized experimental design was used with 25 replications, each consisting of an egg card (experimental unit) containing 20 eggs. The parameters evaluated were: parasitism (%), emergence (%), sex ratio, number of emerged parasitoids per egg and males/females longevity. ANOVA and Tukey test (P≤ 0.05) were applied on the results. Results showed a reduction in parasitism [41.0% (G1) and 28.4% (G4)], egg emergence (17.5%) and parasitoids/egg [16.2 (G4) and 17.2 (G6)] in eggs originating from the population with resistance frequency. Females emerging from G6 populations eggs without exposure to Metaflumizone had greater longevity (3.5 days more) than the resistant population. The sex ratio and male longevity were not affected. The results indicate a reduction in T. pretiosum activity if S. frugiperda populations have some frequency of resistance to Metaflumizone.
Resumo A possível interferência de populações de pragas resistentes na ação de inimigos naturais ainda não foi esclarecida. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) em ovos de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) com frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona ao longo de seis gerações de exposição ao produto. Cartelas (2,0 x 7,0 cm) com ovos de duas populações de S. frugiperda, (resistente à Metaflumizona e outra suscetível), foram expostas às fêmeas de T. pretiosum por 24 horas em condições de livre escolha e sem chance de escolha por três gerações (G1, G4 e G6). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 25 repetições, sendo cada repetição composta por uma cartela (unidade experimental) contendo 20 ovos. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: parasitismo (%), emergência (%), razão sexual, número de parasitoides emergidos por ovo e longevidade de machos e fêmeas. ANOVA e teste de Tukey (P≤ 0,05) foram aplicados aos dados coletados. Os resultados mostraram redução do parasitismo [41,0% (G1) e 28,4% (G4)], emergência de ovos (17,5%) e parasitoides/ovo [16,2 (G4) e 17,2 (G6)] em ovos oriundos da população com frequência de resistência. As fêmeas emergidas de ovos da população G6 sem exposição à Metaflumizona, tiveram maior longevidade (3,5 dias a mais) do que a população exposta ao inseticida. A razão sexual e a longevidade de machos não foram afetadas. Os resultados indicam uma redução na atividade de T. pretiosum se as populações de S. frugiperda apresentarem alguma frequência de resistência à Metaflumizona.
Animals , Male , Female , Wasps , Hymenoptera , Moths , Semicarbazones , Sex Ratio , SpodopteraABSTRACT
Synthetic androgens (male hormones) administered to fish nursery are being used in aquaculture to avoid sexual differentiation and unwanted spawning at the eggs or the first feeding fry stage of fish. Present trial was conducted with the aim to produce male common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by egg immersion technique. Through this little insight, the effect of different hormone concentrations (17α-methyltestosterone @ HC:150, 300, 450 and 600 µgl-1) with immersion times (IT: 24, 48 and 72 hrs) and their interaction effect (HC x IT) on the hatching percentage of Cyprinus carpio eggs, percent survival and percent of male's production was evaluated specifically. Results showed that egg hatching percentage decreased with increased IT likewise, survival of treated fry was affected by increasing the IT (P<0.001). The main interaction effect of HC x IT showed that the highest percent of male individuals (95%) was obtained at 450-600 µgl-1 HC for 72 hrs IT, followed by 88-92.50% at 150-300 µgl-1 HC for 72-hrsof IT, 87.50% at 48-hrs of IT for rest of the hormone treatments, and lowest 47.50% was recorded in control (P<0.05). Increased percent male of Cyprinus carpio was obtained with increasing HC across all ITs. It was observed that the immersion treatment at 600µgl-1 for 72 hours was more effective to change the sex ratio of pre hatch Cyprinus carpio. A comparative outlook made from this experimental trial that sex induction of Cyprinus carpio by eggs immersion using synthetic male steroid hormone is an alternative safe technique of fish sex reversal in contrast to oral administration of hormone in fish feed.
Andrógenos sintéticos (hormônios masculinos) administrados ao viveiro de peixes estão sendo usados ââna aquicultura para evitar a diferenciação sexual e a desova indesejada nos ovos ou no primeiro estágio de alimentação dos peixes. O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de produzir carpa comum masculina (Cyprinuscarpio) pela técnica de imersão em ovos. Com essa pequena percepção, o efeito de diferentes concentrações hormonais (17α-metiltestosterona @ HC: 150, 300, 450 e 600 µgl-1) com tempos de imersão (IT: 24, 48 e 72 horas) e seu efeito de interação (HC x IT) na porcentagem de eclosão dos ovos de Cyprinuscarpio, a porcentagem de sobrevivência e a porcentagem da produção masculina foram avaliadas especificamente. Os resultados mostraram que a porcentagem de incubação de ovos diminuiu com o aumento da TI da mesma forma, a sobrevivência dos alevinos tratados foi afetada pelo aumento da TI (P <0,001). O principal efeito de interação do HC x IT mostrou que o maior percentual de indivíduos do sexo masculino (95%) foi obtido com 450-600 µgl-1 HC por 72 horas de TI, seguido por 88-92,50% com 150-300 µgl-1 HC para 72 horas de TI, 87,50% às 48 horas de TI para o restante dos tratamentos hormonais, e 47,50% mais baixos foram registrados no controle (P <0,05). A porcentagem aumentada de macho de Cyprinuscarpio foi obtida com o aumento do HC em todas as TIs. Observou-se que o tratamento de imersão a 600µgl-1 por 72 horas foi mais efetivo na alteração da razão sexual do Cyprinuscarpio antes da eclosão. Uma perspectiva comparativa feita a partir deste ensaio experimental de que a indução sexual de Cyprinuscarpio por imersão de ovos usando hormônio esteróide masculino sintético é uma técnica alternativa segura de reversão do sexo em peixes, em contraste com a administração oral de hormônio na alimentação de peixes.
Animals , Male , Carps/physiology , Androgens/pharmacology , Methyltestosterone/administration & dosage , Sex Ratio , Aquaculture , ImmersionABSTRACT
The most used reproduction method in beef cattle in Brazil is natural breeding, which corresponds to 84% of calves born. Breeders adopt the bull:cow ratio of 1:25, which results in a sub utilization of bulls, making natural breeding antieconomic and underestimating the reproductive ability of competent bulls. The bull:cow ratio is determined by several factors, such as climate and nutrition, but the most determining factor is the fertility of the bull, estimated with more precision through breeding soundness examination of bulls. The aim of this study was to develop a simulation model as an aid to choose the best bull:cow ratio according to the combination of the many factors that determine this ratio. It is a conceptual, empiric, static, and determinist model which, through the processing of the input data, simulates the best BCR. Developed on the Vensim PLE 6.1 software, the model describes variables related to bulls and cows. Two equations were generated to predict the mating potential of males. In the same way, according to the reproductive status of females, equations were generated to predict the cyclicity rate of the cows. The sum of these equations originated the one that determines BCR according to the reproductive status of females. This model might serve as a tool to support decisions as to the best BCR and could be used with several combinations of models Ì characteristics.(AU)
O método de reprodução mais utilizado em bovinos de corte no Brasil é a monta natural, que corresponde a 84% dos bezerros nascidos. Os criadores adotam a relação touro:vaca de 1:25, o que resulta em uma subutilização de touros, tornando a reprodução natural antieconômica e subestimando a capacidade reprodutiva de touros competentes. A proporção touro:vaca é determinada por alguns fatores, como clima e nutrição, mas o principal fator determinante é a fertilidade do touro, estimada de forma mais precisa por meio do exame andrológico. O objetivo deste estudo foi construir um modelo de simulação como auxílio para a escolha da melhor relação touro:vaca de acordo com a combinação dos diversos fatores que determinam essa relação. É um modelo conceitual, empírico, estático e determinista que, por meio do processamento dos dados de entrada, simula a melhor relação touro:vaca. O modelo foi desenvolvido no software Vensim PLE 6.1. e descreve variáveis relacionadas a touros e vacas. Duas equações foram geradas para prever o potencial de acasalamento dos machos. Da mesma forma, de acordo com a condição reprodutiva das fêmeas, foram geradas equações para prever a taxa de ciclicidade delas. A soma dessas equações originou o que determina a relação touro:vaca de acordo com a condição reprodutiva das fêmeas. Esse modelo pode servir como um recurso para apoiar a decisão sobre a melhor relação touro:vaca e pode ser usado com várias combinações de características dos modelos.(AU)
Animals , Male , Female , Cattle , Reproduction , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Breeding , Sex Ratio , Mating Preference, AnimalABSTRACT
The natural parasitic behavior of parasitoidsshould be known by those in charge of planning strategies for the biological control of pests; therefore, the aim of the present study was to determine the larval instar of Anticarsia gemmatalisHübner parasitized by Microcharops anticarsiaeGupta in the field and the implication of such parasitic behavior in the sex ratio in the laboratory environment. The length of each larval instar of A. gemmatalisparasitized by M. anticarsiaein the field was determined, and the egg-to-pupa period of the parasitoid and its larval instar lengths were plotted in Gantt charts. According to the chart, A. gemmatalis was parasitized at the first (15%) and second (85%) larval instars in the field, but the length of the first, second and third larval instars of this species was not affected by the parasitism by M. anticarsiaein the field; however, its fourth larval instar was extended and the fifth one was shortened in 2015 but not affected in 2016. The sex ratio of A. gemmatalislarvae parasitized byM. anticarsiaein the field was female-biased, and the sex ratio of early parasitized larvae (3-day old) in the laboratory environment was also female-biased for three cultivated generations. The generation factor has affected the egg-to-pupa, pupal and egg-to-adult periods of M. anticarsiae, since females pupated earlier than males in the egg-to-pupa period. Based on the results, M. anticarsiaemostly parasitized the second larval instar of A. gemmatalisin the field, and parasitism in 3-day old larvae in the laboratory environment produced female-biased sex ratio in M. anticarsiae, regardless of the generation.
Animals , Pest Control, Biological , Lepidoptera/parasitology , Sex RatioABSTRACT
Considerando que a Psicologia Social auxilia para que práticas e ações sociais sejam problematizadas, este estudo tem como objetivo evidenciar como os sentidos de si e do Outro identificados em narrativas de homens autores de violência sustentam e justificam a ação violenta cometida. Para tal, quatro narrativas de homens participantes de um grupo reflexivo de autores de violência em uma cidade do sul do Brasil foram utilizadas e analisadas por meio da análise temática das narrativas. Os resultados revelaram que os homens, depositaram a justificativa da sua "agressividade" em um Outro. E este Outro, por muitas vezes, pôde ser identificado como uma referência aos vínculos sociais e aos sentidos do ser homem. Foi possível constatar que o modo como os sujeitos percebem suas trajetórias de vida, permeadas pelas experiências de resistência e construção frente a um contexto onde, segundo eles, havia falta de carinho, agressividade e ausência, sobretudo, paterna, parece construir um cenário propício para a emersão da violência. A partir disso, ressalta-se a importância que os participantes dão aos vínculos significativos sociais e à dicotomia do ser homem/ser mulher, bem como à forma pela qual essa dinâmica relacional mergulha em preceitos e valores éticos e morais. Isto, por sua vez, leva-nos a pensar como o olhar da Psicologia Social Crítica auxilia para que problemáticas sociais sejam identificadas e postas à tona, assim como outros modos de existência tanto para homens como mulheres possam emergir e ser visibilizados. Desta forma, problematizando gênero, seja possível a reconstrução e transformação social...(AU)
Considering that Social Psychology assists so that social practices and actions can be problematized, this study aims to show how the senses of the self and the Other identified in narratives of men who commit violence sustain and justify their violent actions. To that end, four narratives of men who participated in a reflective group of men who committed violence in a city in southern Brazil were used and analyzed through the thematic analysis of the narratives. The results revealed that men justified their "aggressiveness" in the Other. And this Other, for many times, could be identified as a reference to the social bonds and the senses of the human being. It was possible to verify that the way in which the individuals perceive their life trajectories, permeated by the experiences of resistance and construction before a context where, according to them, there was a lack of affection, aggression and absence, especially, paternal, seemed to construct a scenario conducive to the emergence of violence. From this, it is highlighted the importance that the participants give to the significant social bonds and to the dichotomy of being male/female, as well as to the way in which this relational dynamic plunge into ethical and moral precepts and values. This, in turn, leads us to think how the look of Critical Social Psychology helps social problems to be identified and raised, just as other modes of existence for both men and women can emerge and be seen. In this way, problematizing gender makes possible to reconstruct and socially transform...(AU)
Teniendo en cuenta que la psicología social ayuda a problematizar las prácticas y acciones sociales, este estudio tiene como objetivo resaltar cómo los sentidos de uno mismo y del Otro identificados en las narraciones de los autores de violencia masculinos sostienen y justifican la acción violenta cometida. Con este fin, se utilizaron y analizaron cuatro narrativas de hombres que participaban en un grupo reflexivo de perpetradores de violencia en una ciudad del sur de Brasil a través del análisis temático de las narrativas. Los resultados revelaron que los hombres depositaron la justificación de su "agresividad" en un Otro. Y este Otro, muchas veces, podría identificarse como una referencia a los lazos sociales y los sentidos del ser humano. Fue posible verificar que la forma en que los sujetos perciben sus trayectorias de vida, impregnada por las experiencias de resistencia y construcción que enfrentan en un contexto donde, según ellos, había falta de afecto, agresión y, sobre todo, ausencia paterna, parecían construir un escenario favorable para el surgimiento de la violencia. A partir de esto, se enfatiza la importancia que los participantes le dan a los lazos sociales significativos y la dicotomía de ser hombre/ser mujer, así como la forma en que esta dinámica relacional se sumerge en preceptos y valores éticos y morales. Esto, a su vez, nos lleva a preguntarnos cómo el aspecto de la Psicología Social Crítica ayuda a identificar los problemas sociales y los trae a la luz, así como también otros modos de existencia para que hombres y mujeres emerjan y se hagan visibles. Así, problematizando el género, sea posible la reconstrucción y transformación social...(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Psychology, Social , Sex Ratio , Narration , Aggression , Violence Against Women , Personal Narrative , Exposure to ViolenceABSTRACT
Abstract We studied the reproductive biology of Otocinclus vittatus in the southern Pantanal, Brazil. A total of 1066 fishes were analyzed (490 males, 488 females and 88 individuals of undetermined sex), sampled with a rectangular sieve and a seine net from February/2009 to January/2011. Variations in the sex ratio, seasonality in reproduction, fecundity, and size at first maturity were estimated. No variations were detected in the total sex ratio for the study period as a whole; although ratio has varied over time. The gonadosomatic index varied according to the river level, but not according to water temperature and rainfall. The mean fecundity was estimated at 84.1 oocytes, with a positive correlation with standard length. The size at first maturity (L50) estimated was 18.7 mm for females and 20.1 mm for males.
Resumo Estudamos a biologia reprodutiva de Otocinclus vittatus no Pantanal Sul, Brasil. Um total de 1066 peixes foram analisados (490 machos, 488 fêmeas e 88 de sexo indeterminado), amostrados com tela de isca e rede de arrasto entre Fevereiro/2009 e Janeiro/2011. Foram estimadas as variações na proporção sexual, a sazonalidade na reprodução e o tamanho da primeira maturação. Não foi detectada variação na proporção sexual total para o período de estudo como um todo; embora a proporção tenha variado ao longo do tempo. O índice ganadossomático variou de acordo com o nível do rio, mas não de acordo com a temperatura da água e a pluviosidade. A média de fecundidade foi estimada em 84.1 ovócitos, com uma correlação positiva com o comprimento padrão. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi estimado em 18.7 mm para fêmeas e 20.1 mm para machos.
Animals , Male , Female , Reproduction/physiology , Catfishes/growth & development , Catfishes/physiology , Fertility , Paraguay , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Rivers , Ecology/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract In order to evaluate aspects of reproductive biology of the "pequira" ( Bryconamericus stramineus) in the elevator of the Funil Dam - MG, fish capture was carried out from November 2008 to January 2009 and 317 individuals were collected. The mean standard length (SL) of the population was 4.96 cm and mean weight 1.80 g. The females had SL of 5.0 cm, while males had a SL of 4.6 cm. A sex ratio of 2.20: 1 (females: male) was observed. Our results show that 73% of the individuals analyzed were considered adults. The species presented low fecundity, mean of 470.9 oocytes per female and a mean diameter of 221.08 μm, with an increase in oocyte diameter over the evaluation period. The length of the first gonadal maturation was estimated at 5.0 cm. The results obtained in this work suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species occurs in the analyzed period. Although this species does not have migratory reproductive habits, the presence of adults in the reproductive stage was observed in the transposition area, which suggests a search for new environments for spawning.
Resumo Com o objetivo de avaliar aspectos da biologia reprodutiva da pequira Bryconamericus stramineus no elevador da represa do Funil - MG foram realizadas capturas entre os meses de novembro de 2008 a janeiro de 2009, sendo coletados 317 indivíduos. O comprimento padrão (CP) médio da população foi de 4,96 cm e peso médio de 1,80 g. As fêmeas apresentaram CP de 5,0 cm, enquanto que os machos obtiveram um CP de 4,6 cm. Foi observada proporção sexual de 2,20:1(fêmeas:macho). Dos indivíduos analisados, 73% foram considerados adultos. A espécie apresentou baixa fecundidade, com média de 470,9 ovócitos por fêmea e diâmetro médio de 221,08 μm, ocorrendo aumento no diâmetro de ovócitos com o decorrer do tempo no período avaliado. O comprimento de primeira maturação gonadal foi estimado em 5,0 cm. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho sugerem que o ciclo reprodutivo da espécie ocorre no período analisado. Embora esta espécie não tenha hábitos reprodutivos migratórios, a presença de adultos no estágio reprodutivo foi observada na área de transposição, o que sugere a busca de novos ambientes para a reprodução.
Animals , Female , Reproduction/physiology , Characidae/growth & development , Characidae/physiology , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Brazil , Rivers , FertilityABSTRACT
Abstract Population and reproductive aspects allow the knowledge and understanding of population dynamics and the influence of environmental factors, in addition to ensure the success of a species continuity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze population and reproductive traits of the species Hyphessobrycon eques in southern Pantanal, Brazil. Monthly samplings were conducted from February/2009 to January/2011, with 617 individuals analyzed, being 365 females and 262 males. A similar form of distribution in length and weight between the sexes was observed. There was no significant variation in sex ratio over time, with higher proportion of females during the entire sampled period. Both sexes presented a angular coefficient of Weight/Length (b) relationship greater than 3, with speed of increase in weight greater than in length. For females, a long reproductive period was observed, with greater reproductive intensity from January through June. No significant correlation was observed between the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and the average temperature, rainfall and river level, despite the fact that reproductive activity occurs in autumn/winter, when there are favorable conditions due to flooding. The size at first maturation (L50) was 20.2 mm, with confidence interval varying from 19.7 through 20.7 mm. The average fecundity was 191.9 oocytes/females and was significantly related to the standard length and total weight (g), demonstrating a relation with energy accumulation to invest in reproduction. The long reproductive period, intensified by partial spawning, higher proportion of females and low L50, show that the species has strategies necessary for survival and rapid population growth, common in small species characterized as r-strategists.
Resumo Os aspectos populacionais e reprodutivos permitem o conhecimento e a compreensão da dinâmica populacional e da influência de fatores ambientais, assegurando o sucesso da continuidade de uma espécie. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar os traços populacionais e reprodutivos da espécie Hyphessobrycon eques no Sul do Pantanal, Brasil. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais de Fevereiro/2009 a Janeiro/2011, com um total de 617 indivíduos analisados, sendo 365 fêmeas e 262 machos. Foi observada que a distribuição foi similar em comprimento e peso entre os sexos. Não ocorreu variação significativa na proporção sexual ao longo do tempo, com maior proporção de fêmeas durante todo período amostrado. Ambos os sexos apresentaram um coeficiente angular da relação Peso/Comprimento (b) maior que 3, com velocidade do incremento em peso maior do que em comprimento. Para as fêmeas, foi observado um período reprodutivo longo, com maior intensidade reprodutiva de Janeiro e Junho. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre o Índice Gonadossomático (IGS) e a temperatura média, pluviosidade e nível do rio, apesar de ocorrer atividade reprodutiva no outono/inverno, período que há condições favoráveis decorrentes da inundação. O tamanho de primeira maturação (L50) foi de 20,2 mm, com intervalo de confiança variando entre 19,7 e 20,7 mm. A fecundidade média foi de 191,9 ovócitos/fêmea e esteve relacionada significativamente ao comprimento padrão e peso total (g), demonstrando uma relação com acúmulo de energia para investir na reprodução. O período reprodutivo longo, intensificado pela desova parcelada, maior proporção de fêmeas e baixo L50, mostram que a espécie possui estratégias necessárias para sobrevivência e rápido crescimento da população, comum em espécies de pequeno porte caracterizadas como r-estrategistas.
Animals , Male , Female , Rain , Reproduction , Water Movements , Fertility , Characidae/physiology , Gonads/growth & development , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Temperature , Brazil , RiversABSTRACT
Abstract Analysis of abundance and population structure of Plesionika narval was performed on data concerning 5,255 specimens obtained from 62 fishing sets carried out off the Madeira archipelago (Northeastern Atlantic) between 2004 and 2008 in a depth range from 101 to 350 m. Abundance ranged from 0.01 to 19.74 specimens-per-trap and significant differences were found between seasons, probably as a result of an increment of population in the spring during the recruitment season. The analysis of size distribution revealed that the carapace length (CL) ranged from 2.45 to 28.61 mm and that mean female size consistently exceeded that of males. Differences in mean CL were statistically significant between depth strata and seasons. Of the specimens sampled, 57.00% were males, 41.88% females and 1.42% undetermined. Sex ratio also differed significantly between seasons according to depth strata, consolidating the hypothesis of the existence of seasonal migrations related with the reproductive cycle of this species. Ovigerous females showed larger sizes and occurred all year around and remain in shallow waters in winter, summer and autumn and move to deeper waters in spring. The highest frequency of ovigerous females was recorded in summer, between 151 and 200 m deep supporting the hypothesis that spawning of this species occurs in shallow waters, especially in late summer.
Resumo O estudo de abundância e dinâmica populacional de Plesionika narval foi efetuado com 5.255 espécimes provenientes de 62 lances de pesca realizados ao largo do arquipélago da Madeira (Atlântico Nordeste) de 2004 a 2008 entre 101 e 350 m de profundidade. A abundância oscilou entre 0,01 e 19,74 espécimes-por-armadilha com diferenças significativas entre estações provavelmente devido ao aumento da população na primavera durante o período de recrutamento. A análise da distribuição de tamanhos revelou que o comprimento da carapaça (CL) variou entre 2,45 e 28,61 mm e que o tamanho médio das fêmeas excedeu o dos machos. Verificaram-se diferenças significativas no CL médio entre estrato de profundidade e estação. Do total amostrado, 57,00% foram machos, 41,88% fêmeas e 1,42% indeterminados. A razão de sexos também diferiu significativamente entre estações de acordo com a profundidade, consolidando a hipótese da existência de migrações sazonais relacionadas com o ciclo reprodutivo desta espécie. As fêmeas ovadas apresentaram maiores tamanhos e ocorreram durante todo o ano permanecendo em águas pouco profundas no inverno, verão e outono e migrando para águas profundas na primavera. A maior frequência de fêmeas ovadas foi registada no verão, entre 151 e 200 m de profundidade reforçando a hipótese de que a desova desta espécie ocorre em águas menos profundas, especialmente no final do verão.
Animals , Male , Female , Pandalidae/physiology , Animal Distribution , Portugal , Reproduction , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Atlantic Ocean , Population Dynamics , Body SizeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Late-onset schizophrenia (LOS, age at first onset ≥40 years) is characterized by including predominance of women, better premorbid social adjustment and lower severity of positive/negative symptoms. However, few studies have been conducted on LOS, especially in Asian countries. This study aimed to examine the clinical features of LOS in comparison with early-onset schizophrenia (EOS). METHODS: By retrospectively reviewing medical records, we assessed demographic data and clinical features of 76 LOS (20 males) and 357 EOS (144 males) who admitted to the psychiatric ward of a general hospital. RESULTS: The mean ages of onset were 47.3±5.1 (LOS) and 25.7±6.5 (EOS) years. There were significantly more women in LOS (73.7%) than EOS (59.6%). Significantly more LOS patients had a marital (88.2% vs. 25.8%) and employment history (28.9% vs. 13.1%) than EOS. Patients with LOS had fewer negative (14.3±9.0 vs. 19.9±9.3), general psychopathology score (36.9±11.1 vs. 42.3±13.9) than EOS patients. CONCLUSION: In line with previous studies, this study demonstrated that LOS patients have better premorbid social adjustment. Our finding also replicates previous findings that LOS patients differ from EOS in predominance of women and relative lack of negative symptoms. These results suggest that LOS may be a distinct subtype of schizophrenia.
Female , Humans , Age of Onset , Asian People , Employment , Hospitals, General , Korea , Medical Records , Psychopathology , Retrospective Studies , Schizophrenia , Sex Ratio , Social AdjustmentABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Emergencies in dentistry can be classified as medical and dental. Medical emergencies occur mainly during dental treatment in patients with a systemic disease. Dental emergency departments are largely divided into dental emergency rooms located in dental college hospitals and medical emergency rooms located in medical institutions. This study aimed to analyze the characteristics of and provide help to dental emergency patients in a dental hospital. METHODS: Overall, 1806 patients admitted to a dental emergency room at Yonsei University Dental Hospital for 1 year were included. The data collection period was from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015. An investigator reviewed medical records from the electronic medical record (EMR) system and radiographs. RESULTS: The patients were 1,070 men and 736 women. The sex ratio was 1.45:1. The commonest age group was of 0–9 years, including 451 (25.0%) patients, followed by 20–29 years, including 353 (19.5%) patients, and 30–39 years, including 277 (15.3%) patients. Of the 108 patients transferred to the Severance emergency department, 81 had trauma, 19 were in pain, 4 were bleeding, and 4 had other complaints. Among chief complaints, 1,079 patients (60.3%) had trauma, 564 (31.5%) had pain, and 75 (4.2%) had bleeding. Twenty-three cases (1.3%) were caused by temporomandibular disorder (TMD). CONCLUSION: Dentists should be able to adequately assess patients in a dental emergency room and treat trauma, pain, and bleeding.
Female , Humans , Male , Data Collection , Dentistry , Dentists , Electronic Health Records , Emergencies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Hemorrhage , Medical Records , Research Personnel , Retrospective Studies , Sex Ratio , Temporomandibular Joint DisordersABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To study factors associated to the quality of life in a North African sample of lower limbs amputees. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study in the Department Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University Hospital of Monastit, Tunisia. A consecutive sample of patients with amputations of the lower limbs was included. The evaluated parameters were quality of life using the Short-Form quality-of-life questionnaire (SF-36), pain using a visual analog scale, function using, the perimeter of walking (PW), the Special Interest Group of the Amputee Medicine (SIGAM) and the Locomotion Capacities Index of the Prosthetic Profile of the Amputee (LCI), and psychological status thanks to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale. In the study, the patients were evaluated at the first consultation (T0) and again at 12 months (T1). RESULTS: We included 85 patients (age, 59.3±16.7 years) with a sex ratio of 3. The patient quality of life was positively correlated to distal type of amputation, traumatic origin, better LCI (p≤0.001, r=0.349), SIGAM (p=0.046) and PW. A negative correlation was noted with age (p=0.012, r=−0.483) and higher psychological scores (p=0.002, r=−0.321). CONCLUSION: In our sample of North African lower limbs amputees the age and the functional status were the most important predictors of the quality of life.
Humans , Amputation, Surgical , Amputation, Traumatic , Amputees , Anxiety , Depression , Locomotion , Lower Extremity , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Prospective Studies , Prostheses and Implants , Public Opinion , Quality of Life , Sex Ratio , Tunisia , Visual Analog Scale , WalkingABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The Korean National Cancer Screening Program recommends biennial gastric cancer screening for patients aged ≥40 years. This study compared the characteristics of asymptomatic young gastric cancer patients aged <40 years, whose cancer was detected during a health checkup (screening group), with those whose disease was detected because of symptoms (diagnostic group).METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from 84 subjects who underwent a gastroduodenoscopy before the age of 40 years and who were diagnosed with gastric cancer from January 2006 to February 2017 in three tertiary centers in Korea. The clinicopathological characteristics, including age, sex, stage, location, pathology, and survival, were compared according to the purpose of endoscopy (screening group, n=23 vs. diagnostic group, n=61).RESULTS: The median age of the screening group was higher than that of the diagnostic group (37 vs. 35 years, p=0.027), as was the proportion of early gastric cancer cases (78.3% vs. 29.5%, p<0.01), curative endoscopic treatment or operation rate (95.7% vs. 52.5%, p<0.01), and the overall survival (p<0.01). Poorly differentiated or signet ring cell carcinoma was less common in the screening group than in the diagnostic group (56.5% vs. 83.6%, p=0.006). The sex ratio, smoking status, family history of gastric cancer, Helicobacter pylori infection status, and tumor location were similar in the two groups.CONCLUSIONS: Screening gastroduodenoscopy may enable the early detection of gastric cancer and prolong survival in patients <40 years of age.
Humans , Young Adult , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell , Early Detection of Cancer , Endoscopy , Helicobacter pylori , Korea , Mass Screening , Pathology , Retrospective Studies , Sex Ratio , Smoke , Smoking , Stomach NeoplasmsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Although sebum secretion is crucial for acne development, acne lesion distribution is not always similar to the topographic differences of sebum secretion. OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether sebum secretion affects acne development and distribution and to assess other factors possibly influencing the relationship between acne and sebum secretion. METHODS: This single-center retrospective study included 67 acne patients and 50 controls. Acne patients were divided into 3 groups based on acne lesion distribution: T-zone dominant, U-zone dominant, and mixed groups. The secreted sebum level in each zone of acne patients was compared with that of controls. We also conducted correlation analysis between secreted sebum level and acne number, depending on the facial zone. RESULTS: No significant difference was found between acne patients and controls regarding age and sex ratio. The U-zone dominant group showed increased sebum levels compared with controls in the U-zone and whole face, but a similar result was not obtained in the T-zone dominant group. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the number of lesions and secreted sebum level in the U-zone, but not in the T-zone. Further, there was a more significant relation in the U-zone of male and young patients. CONCLUSION: We found that increased sebum secretion compared with the condition may affect acne development, especially in the U-zone. Sex and age may also influence the relationship between acne and increased sebum secretion. Acne lesion distribution may vary from patient to patient because sebum secretion affects acne differently depending on multiple factors.
Humans , Male , Acne Vulgaris , Retrospective Studies , Sebum , Sex RatioABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The Korean National Cancer Screening Program recommends biennial gastric cancer screening for patients aged ≥40 years. This study compared the characteristics of asymptomatic young gastric cancer patients aged <40 years, whose cancer was detected during a health checkup (screening group), with those whose disease was detected because of symptoms (diagnostic group). METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from 84 subjects who underwent a gastroduodenoscopy before the age of 40 years and who were diagnosed with gastric cancer from January 2006 to February 2017 in three tertiary centers in Korea. The clinicopathological characteristics, including age, sex, stage, location, pathology, and survival, were compared according to the purpose of endoscopy (screening group, n=23 vs. diagnostic group, n=61). RESULTS: The median age of the screening group was higher than that of the diagnostic group (37 vs. 35 years, p=0.027), as was the proportion of early gastric cancer cases (78.3% vs. 29.5%, p<0.01), curative endoscopic treatment or operation rate (95.7% vs. 52.5%, p<0.01), and the overall survival (p<0.01). Poorly differentiated or signet ring cell carcinoma was less common in the screening group than in the diagnostic group (56.5% vs. 83.6%, p=0.006). The sex ratio, smoking status, family history of gastric cancer, Helicobacter pylori infection status, and tumor location were similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Screening gastroduodenoscopy may enable the early detection of gastric cancer and prolong survival in patients <40 years of age.
Humans , Young Adult , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell , Early Detection of Cancer , Endoscopy , Helicobacter pylori , Korea , Mass Screening , Pathology , Retrospective Studies , Sex Ratio , Smoke , Smoking , Stomach NeoplasmsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: This study compared the following three endoscopic techniques used to treat bladder stones: transurethral cystoscope used with a pneumatic lithoclast or nephroscope used with a pneumatic lithoclast and nephroscope used with an ultrasonic lithoclast.METHODS: Between January 2013 and May 2016, 107 patients with bladder stones underwent endoscopic treatment. Patients were classified into three groups based on the endoscopic techniques and energy modalities used in each group as: group 1 (transurethral stone removal using a cystoscope with pneumatic lithoclast), group 2 (transurethral stone removal using a nephroscope with pneumatic lithoclast), and group 3 (transurethral stone removal using a nephroscope with ultrasonic lithoclast). Baseline and perioperative data were retrospectively com-pared between three groups.RESULTS: No statistically significant intergroup differences were observed in age, sex ratio, and stone size. A statistically significant intergroup difference was observed in the operation time—group 1, 71.3±46.6 min; group 2, 33.0±13.7 min; and group 3, 24.6±8.0 min. All patients showed complete stone clearance. The number of urethral entries was higher in group 1 than in the other groups. Significant complications did not occur in any patient.CONCLUSION: Nephroscopy scores over cystoscopy for the removal of bladder stones with respect to operation time. Ultrasonic lithoclast is a safe and efficacious modality that scores over a pneumatic lithoclast with respect to the operation time.
Humans , Cystoscopes , Cystoscopy , Retrospective Studies , Sex Ratio , Ultrasonics , Urinary Bladder Calculi , Urinary BladderABSTRACT
A field study of the sex ratio, length-weight ratio, body size at first gonadal maturation, and the breeding season of the red-tailed catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, was carried out in the region of the middle Xingu River in the eastern Amazon basin. The fish were sampled quarterly from September 2012 to January 2014 using gillnets and long lines. The sex ratio was balanced, and while males and females were similar in standard length, the females were heavier than the males, on average. The males presented negative allometric growth, and the females, isometric growth. The estimated size at first maturity was 77.8 cm. The variation in the gonadosomatic index and the greater frequencies of mature specimens indicated a reproductive peak at the beginning of the high-water (flood) period. As P. hemioliopterus is an important commercial fish, our findings will contribute to the future development of effective conservation and management strategies, such as minimum catch size and a close season that is appropriate for the region. These data will also provide important insights for the evaluation of potential impacts on the biology of this fish resulting from the construction of Belo Monte dam.(AU)
Um estudo de campo sobre a proporção sexual, relação peso-comprimento, tamanho de primeira maturação gonadal e o período reprodutivo da pirarara, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus foi realizado na região do Médio Rio Xingu, na Amazônia oriental. Os espécimes foram coletados trimestralmente entre setembro de 2012 e janeiro de 2014, utilizando redes malhadeiras e espinheis. A proporção sexual foi balanceada, e machos e fêmeas foram equivalentes quanto ao comprimento padrão, mas fêmeas foram mais pesadas do que machos. Crescimento alométrico negativo foi evidenciado para machos e crescimento isométrico para fêmeas. O tamanho estimado de primeira maturação sexual foi igual a 77,8 cm. A variação do índice gonadossomático e a maior frequência de indivíduos maduros evidenciaram uma maior atividade reprodutiva no começo do período de águas altas (enchente). Considerando P. hemioliopterus como uma espécie de interesse comercial, as informações aqui apresentadas poderão ser uteis para um futuro plano de conservação e manejo como o estabelecimento de um tamanho mínimo de captura e período de defeso para a região. Além disso, poderá ser útil para avaliar potenciais impactos na biologia dos peixes em decorrência das mudanças ambientais provocadas pela construção da barragem de Belo Monte.(AU)
Animals , Catfishes/anatomy & histology , Catfishes/classification , Catfishes/physiology , Sex Ratio , Reproductive BehaviorABSTRACT
Abstract We evaluated the reproductive dynamics of two fish species, Lycengraulis grossidens and Platanichthys platana, in a subtropical freshwater coastal lagoon (Peri Lagoon) in Brazil. Samples were collected from nine sites every two months from June 2008 to April 2012. Different fishing methods were used to capture larvae, juveniles, and adults. Limnological variables were obtained using multiparameter probe. More females than males were collected of both fish species and the chi-square test (χ2) was used to confirm that the sex ratio was female-biased. Large numbers of maturing and mature fishes were observed in almost every sampling month. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. grossidens was the highest in August, October, and December for females and in October for males, and no significant difference was found across years. The GSI of P. platana showed no significant difference across months for either sex; however, significant differences were recorded in year three (June 2010-April 2011) and year four (June 2011-April 2012) for females and in year three (June 2010-April 2011) for males. For both species, GSI was negatively correlated with temperature and water level. L. grossidens larvae were more abundant in October 2010, showing a positive correlation with water transparency, whereas P. platana larvae were more abundant in June 2011, showing a positive correlation with water transparency and negative correlation with temperature and precipitation. Both species were represented by different stages, including larvae, which confirm that these species reproduce in Peri Lagoon. Reproduction was more pronounced in autumn and winter; however, reproductive activity was evident throughout the sampling period. In conclusion, our results show that abiotic factors strongly influence the temporal pattern of reproductive activity and larval assemblages of both L. grossidens and P. platana in Peri Lagoon, Brazil.
Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a dinâmica reprodutiva de Lycengraulis grossidens e Platanichthys platana, na lagoa do Peri, uma lagoa costeira de água doce subtropical do Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas a cada dois meses, de junho/2008 a abril/2012 em nove pontos de amostragem. Para a captura de larvas, juvenis e adultos foram utilizados diferentes apetrechos de pesca. As variáveis limnológicas foram obtidas com sonda multiparâmetro. Estatisticamente, mais fêmeas do que machos foram capturadas para as duas espécies baseado no teste de qui-quadrado (χ2). Grande número de peixes em maturação e maduros foram comuns em quase todos os meses de coleta. O índice gonadossomático (RGS) de L. grossidens variou significativamente apenas entre os meses, sendo mais elevada em agosto, outubro e dezembro para as fêmeas e em outubro para os machos; e não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os anos. Não foi encontrado diferença significativa para o RGS de P. platana entre os meses para cada sexo; entretanto, diferenças significativas foram obtidas para as fêmeas no ano três (junho 2010-abril 2011) e quatro (junho 2011-abril 2012) e no ano três (junho 2010-abril 2011) para os machos. Para as duas espécies, o RGS apresentou uma correlação negativa com a temperatura e o nível de água. A distribuição das larvas apresentou variação temporal. As larvas de L. grossidens foram mais abundantes em outubro/2010, apresentando correlação positiva com a transparência da água. As larvas da espécie P. platana foram mais abundantes em junho/2011, apresentando correlação positiva com a transparência da água e negativa com a temperatura e a precipitação. A presença de L. grossidens e P. platana em diferentes estádios de maturação e a ocorrência de larvas confirmou que essas espécies se reproduzem na lagoa do Peri. O período reprodutivo foi mais pronunciado no outono e no inverno, porém a atividade reprodutiva ocorreu durante todo o período de coleta. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostraram que os fatores abióticos influenciam fortemente o padrão temporal da atividade reprodutiva e a assembleia de larvas da L. grossidens e da P. platana na lagoa do Peri, Brasil.