Objetivo: Investigar o impacto dos contraceptivos orais hormonais na função sexual de mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado por meio do questionário traduzido e validado "Índice da Função Sexual Feminina", capaz de estimar o risco de disfunção sexual feminina. Dados sociodemográficos, ginecológicos, medicamentosos e outros foram avaliados e correlacionados estatisticamente a esse escore, estimando possíveis causas da disfunção sexual, com destaque para o uso de anticoncepcional oral. O estudo foi baseado em uma amostragem por conveniência, incluindo mulheres > 18 anos em idade reprodutiva, de 04/01/2021 a 04/01/2022, obedecendo aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Participaram deste estudo 105 mulheres com média e desvio-padrão de idade de 23,4 ± 3,8 anos, predominantemente heterossexuais (84,0%) e bissexuais (13,2%). A maioria delas (93,4%) utiliza métodos contraceptivos, sendo esses anticoncepcional oral (45,3%), DIU hormonal (19,8%) e camisinha (17,0%). A composição hormonal mais utilizada foi levonorgestrel (26,4%) e etinilestradiol (25,5%). Oitenta por cento das mulheres são sexualmente ativas, 69,3% delas têm parceria fixa, 42,5% tinham relações quase sempre e 33,0% referiam que as relações sexuais eram sempre satisfatórias. Houve boa adequação da amostra (0,865) e significância estatística (p < 0,0001). Utilizar ou não método contraceptivo apresentou diferença nos domínios desejo, satisfação e dor. Contudo, as questões do histórico sexual foram as que mais apresentaram relevância estatística em relação aos domínios. Conclusão: Apesar de outros estudos serem necessários para provar a hipótese de que os contraceptivos orais têm impacto negativo na função sexual feminina, é clara a importância de os profissionais de saúde já estarem cientes dessa possibilidade e saberem como abordá-la.
Objective: To investigate the impact of hormonal oral contraceptives on women's sexual function. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out using the translated and validated questionnaire "Index of Female Sexual Function", capable of estimating the risk of female sexual dysfunction. Sociodemographic, gynecological, medication and other data were evaluated and statistically correlated to this score, estimating possible causes of sexual dysfunction, with emphasis on the use of oral contraceptives. The study was based on a convenience sample, including women > 18 years of reproductive age, from 01/04/2021 to 01/04/2022, following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The study included 105 women with a mean and standard deviation of (23.4 ± 3.8) years old, predominantly heterosexual (84.0%) and bisexual (13.2%). Most of them (93.4%) use contraceptive methods, these being (45.3%) oral contraceptives, (19.8%) hormonal IUDs and (17.0%) condoms. The most used hormonal composition was levonorgestrel (26.4%) and ethinylestradiol (25.5%). Eighty percent of the women are sexually active, 69.3% of them have a steady partner, 42.5% almost always had sex and 33.0% said that sex was always satisfactory. There was good sample adequacy (0.865) and statistical significance (p < 0.0001). Using or not using a contraceptive method showed a difference in the desire, satisfaction and pain domains. However, sexual history questions were the ones that showed the most statistical relevance in relation to the domains. Conclusion: Although further studies are needed to prove the hypothesis that oral contraceptives have a negative impact on female sexual function, it is clear that health professionals are already aware of this possibility and know how to approach it.
Humans , Female , Adult , Women's Health/trends , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Quality of Life , Sexual Behavior , Condoms , Contraceptive Agents, Hormonal , Gynecology , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Intrauterine Devices , Libido/drug effectsABSTRACT
A prevalência das disfunções sexuais é alta na população geral. A capacidade de regular as experiências emocionais facilita o relacionamento mais adaptado aos estados internos e às condições ambientais. A prática da atenção plena promove atenção à experiência do momento presente com curiosidade, abertura, aceitação, não reatividade e não julgamento e tem se mostrado eficaz para melhorar muitas condições biopsicossociais, sendo utilizada em ambientes de saúde, escolas e locais de trabalho. O objetivo é apresentar atualizações na abordagem das dificuldades sexuais por meio do desenvolvimento da atenção plena. Entre outras recomendações, o treinamento para descentralizar a atenção, o desenvolvimento de habilidades para perceber pensamentos e sentimentos como estados mentais, não necessariamente reais, além de promover aceitação, compaixão e melhor gestão de pensamentos intrusivos e ruminativos são alguns pontos positivos da prática da atenção plena como única abordagem ou associada a outras. É apresentado um protocolo com grupo terapêutico para desenvolvimento da atenção plena para casais, em que o parceiro é sobrevivente do câncer de próstata. Segue uma proposta terapêutica com oito módulos desenvolvida em formato presencial e adaptada para a plataforma virtual. Os módulos são: definições e causas da disfunção sexual; conscientização crescente das sensações físicas; exploração do corpo e julgamentos sobre ele; consciência de pensamentos e crenças sexuais; trabalho com aversão e autotoque; consciência das sensações sexuais; foco sensorial com o parceiro; manutenção (e aumento) dos ganhos. Essa prática desenvolvida online abriu um campo importante para beneficiar portadores de disfunção sexual com dificuldade para buscar outras modalidades de intervenção.
Prostatic Neoplasms , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Sexuality , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , MindfulnessABSTRACT
Este artigo tem como objetivo produzir uma análise histórica sobre as intersecções entre Psicologia e sexualidade desviantes da norma no Brasil, de fins do século XIX a meados da década de 1980. Esta temporalidade foi escolhida por abarcar o surgimento das pesquisas científicas sobre sexualidade e desvios sexuais, a consolidação dos estudos psicológicos sobre a temática e o processo mais recente de despatologização da homossexualidade. Em termos teóricos e metodológicos, foram adotados os pressupostos da História Social da Psicologia e da historiografia das homossexualidades no Brasil. Desse modo, buscou-se compreender como as ideias, concepções e práticas psicológicas foram mudando ao longo do tempo, em conexão com as transformações socioculturais e políticas que ocorreram durante o século XX. Para isto, foram utilizadas fontes primárias e secundárias de pesquisa com vistas à produção de interpretações sobre as conexões entre as ideias, os atores e os eventos narrados. Argumenta-se, ao longo do artigo, que as ideias e práticas psicológicas estão intrinsecamente conectadas aos contextos socioculturais e políticos de seu tempo, sendo os movimentos dinâmicos e os conflitos presentes nesses contextos fatores determinantes para a sua constituição.(AU)
This article aims to produce a historical analysis of the intersections between Psychology and sexualities that deviate from the norm in Brazil, from the late 19th century to the mid-1980s. This period was chosen because it encompasses the emergence of scientific research on sexuality and sexual deviations, the consolidation of psychological studies on the subject and the most recent process of de-pathologization of homosexuality. Theoretically and methodologically, the assumptions of the Social History of Psychology and the historiography of homosexualities in Brazil were adopted. Therefore, we sought to understand how psychological ideas, conceptions and practices have changed over time, in connection with the sociocultural and political transformations that occurred throughout the 20th century. For this, primary and secondary sources of research were used to produce interpretations about the connections between the ideas, the actors and the narrated events. It is argued, throughout the article, that the psychological ideas and practices are intrinsically connected to the sociocultural and political contexts of their time, being the dynamic movements and conflicts present in these contexts determining factors for their constitution.(AU)
Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis histórico de las intersecciones entre la Psicología y las sexualidades desviadas de la norma en Brasil desde finales del siglo XIX hasta mediados de la década de 1980. Esta temporalidad fue elegida por abarcar el surgimiento de las investigaciones científicas sobre sexualidad y desvíos sexuales, la consolidación de los estudios psicológicos sobre el tema y el más reciente proceso de despatologización de la homosexualidad. En el marco teórico y metodológico, se adoptaron los presupuestos de la Historia Social de la Psicología y de la historiografía de las homosexualidades en Brasil. De esta manera, se pretende comprender cómo las ideas, concepciones y prácticas psicológicas han cambiado a lo largo del tiempo, en conexión con las transformaciones socioculturales y políticas ocurridas durante el siglo XX. Para ello, se utilizaron las fuentes de investigación primarias y secundarias con miras a generar interpretaciones sobre las conexiones entre las ideas, los actores y los eventos narrados. Se argumenta, a lo largo de este artículo, que las ideas y las prácticas psicológicas están intrínsecamente conectadas a los contextos socioculturales y políticos de su tiempo, y los movimientos dinámicos y los conflictos presentes en estos contextos fueron los factores determinantes para su constitución.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Brazil , Homosexuality , Sexuality , History , Orgasm , Paraphilic Disorders , Pathology , Pedophilia , Personality Development , Personality Disorders , Pleasure-Pain Principle , Psychology , Psychosexual Development , Public Policy , Rationalization , Religion and Sex , Repression, Psychology , Sadism , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Disorders of Sex Development , Sex Offenses , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Societies , Avoidance Learning , Sublimation, Psychological , Taboo , Therapeutics , Transvestism , Unconscious, Psychology , Voyeurism , Behavior Therapy , Child Abuse, Sexual , Attitude , Homeopathic Cure , Character , Christianity , Mental Competency , Sexual Harassment , Coitus , Human Body , Homosexuality, Female , Conflict, Psychological , Community Participation , Cultural Diversity , Feminism , Heterosexuality , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Crime , Cultural Characteristics , Culture , Safe Sex , Mind-Body Therapies , Defense Mechanisms , Dehumanization , Human Characteristics , Intention , Moral Development , Emotions , Health Research Agenda , Discussion Forums , Population Studies in Public Health , Eugenics , Exhibitionism , Pleasure , Fetishism, Psychiatric , Sexual Health , Homophobia , Racism , Social Marginalization , Medicalization , Transgender Persons , Moral Status , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Political Activism , Gender Diversity , Asexuality , Undisclosed Sexuality , Sexuality Disclosure , Gender Norms , Gender Blind , Androcentrism , Freedom , Freudian Theory , Respect , Gender Identity , Sexual Trauma , Workhouses , Psychosocial Functioning , Gender Role , Intersectional Framework , Family Structure , Health Promotion , Human Development , Human Rights , Identification, Psychological , Anatomy , Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders , Incest , Instinct , Introversion, Psychological , Libido , Masochism , Masturbation , Mental Disorders , Methods , Morale , Morals , Neurotic DisordersABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to evaluate associated factors with sexual dysfunction among middle-aged women. Methods: cross-sectional and analytical study was carried out with climacteric women attended at a Family Health Strategy Unit in the city of Montes Claros, MG. Brazil. The eligible women answered a question form containing sociodemographic, behavioral, anthropometric, gynecological factors and sexuality. The Body Mass Index and waist circumference were used to assess nutritional status and metabolic risk. To evaluate quality of life and sexual performance the Menopause Rating Scale and the Sexual Quotient - Female Version were used, respectively. Bivariate analysis and hierarchical multiple regression were used to identify associated factors with sexual dysfunction in the climacteric period. Results: among 195 women, 29.6% had sexual dysfunction. The prevalence of unsatisfactory sexual performance was higher among women who reported moderate to severe climacteric symptoms (OR=2.47) and lower schooling level was also associated (OR=1.95). However, age at menarche below 12 years (OR=0.43) and non-white (OR=0.36) seem to have a protective effect for good sexual performance. Conclusion: the prevalence of sexual dysfunction was high and the level of schooling and climacteric symptomatology were associated factors with this outcome.
Resumo Objetivos: avaliar os fatores associados à disfunção sexual entre as mulheres de meia-idade. Métodos: estudo de corte transversal e analítico realizado com mulheres climatéricas atendidas em uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família no município de Montes Claros-MG, Brasil. As mulheres elegíveis responderam a um formulário contendo questões sociodemográficas, comportamentais, antropométricas, fatores ginecológicos e sexualidade. Utilizou-se o Índice e Massa Corporal e a circunferência da cintura para avaliar o estado nutricional e risco metabólico. Para avaliar a qualidade de vida e o desempenho sexual foram utilizados a Menopause Rating Scale e o Quociente Sexual -Versão Feminina, respectivamente. Empregou-se análise bivariada e regressão múltipla hierarquizada para identificar fatores associados à disfunção sexual no climatério. Resultados: dentre 195 mulheres, 29,6% apresentaram disfunção sexual. A prevalência de desempenho sexual insatisfatório foi maior entre as mulheres que declararam sintomas climatéricos moderados a graves (OR = 2,47) e o menor grau de escolaridade (OR = 1,95). No entanto, a idade da menarca abaixo de 12 anos (OR = 0,43) e a cor de pele não branca (OR = 0,36) parecem ter efeito protetor para o bom desempenho sexual. Conclusão: a prevalência de disfunção sexual foi elevada e o nível de escolaridade e a sintomatologia climatérica foram fatores associados a esse resultado.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/epidemiology , Climacteric , Risk Factors , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Brazil/epidemiology , Nutritional Status , Sociodemographic FactorsSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Sexuality/psychology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted , Infertility , NeoplasmsSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/drug therapy , Climacteric/drug effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Female Urogenital Diseases/drug therapy , Androgens/therapeutic use , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Evidence-Based Medicine/methodsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVO: El rol de la testosterona exógena en la función sexual femenina ha sido estudiado durante muchos años, con resultados contradictorios. En el último tiempo se ha promovido el uso de pellets de testosterona como una solución para mejorar la libido femenina, la cognición, la fuerza muscular y los sistemas cardiovascular y óseo, e incluso evitar el envejecimiento. Por ello, revisamos las publicaciones para tratar de responder si esto es una moda o el tratamiento más innovador del último tiempo. MÉTODO: Se analizaron las bases de datos PubMed/Medline, Trip Database, Cochrane, SciELO, Scopus, UpToDate, Ovid, ProQuest, Science Direct y ResearchGate. RESULTADOS: De acuerdo con la evidencia, la mejor testosterona disponible es la transdérmica y debe ser usada solo en el trastorno del deseo sexual hipoactivo (TDSH). Los trabajos que evalúan los pellets de testosterona tienen sesgos metodológicos importantes. Si bien son útiles para mejorar la función sexual femenina, producen concentraciones plasmáticas suprafisiológicas de testosterona, por lo que no se puede establecer su seguridad a largo plazo. Tampoco hay datos suficientes que avalen su uso para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo y el bienestar general, en el tratamiento de enfermedades cardiovasculares o en la prevención de enfermedad ósea. CONCLUSIONES: La testosterona solo se recomienda en el tratamiento del TDSH por vía transdérmica. No recomendamos el uso de pellets de testosterona para el tratamiento de la disfunción sexual ni como hormona antienvejecimiento, ya que no hay estudios consistentes sobre su seguridad, eficacia y efectos adversos a largo plazo.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: The role of exogenous testosterone in female sexual function has been studied for many years with contradictory results. In recent times, the use of testosterone pellets has been promoted as a solution to improve female libido, cognition, muscle strength, cardiovascular system, bone and even prevent aging. Therefore, we will review the publications in order to answer whether this is a fad or the most innovative treatment of recent times. METHOD: The databases PubMed/Medline, Trip Database, Cochrane, SciELO, Scopus, UpToDate, Ovid, ProQuest, Science Direct and ResearchGate were analyzed. RESULTS: So far, the evidence best testosterone available is transdermal testosterone and that it should be used only in hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Papers evaluating testosterone pellets have significant methodological biases. While they are useful in improving female sexual function, they produce supra-physiological plasma levels of testosterone, so their long-term safety cannot be established. There is also insufficient data to support their use in improving cognitive performance and general well-being, treatment of cardiovascular disease or prevention of bone disease. CONCLUSIONS: Testosterone is only recommended for the tratment of HSDD via the transdermal route. We do not recommended the use of testosterone pellets for the treatment of sexual dysfunction or as an anti aging hormone, as there are no consistent studies on its safety, efficacy, and long-term adverse effects.
Humans , Female , Testosterone/administration & dosage , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Drug Implants , Androgens/biosynthesisABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To investigate depression and sexual function among pregnant and nonpregnant women throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods A total of 188 women, 96 pregnant and 92 non-pregnant were included. The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) were applied to the participants after obtaining sociodemographic data. Results The depression scores of pregnant and non-pregnant women were similar (p = 0.846). We found that the depression scores were significantly higher among the group of participants who have lower economic status (p = 0.046). Moreover, the depression score was significantly higher among women who lost their income during the pandemic (p = 0.027). The score on the ASEX was significantly higher, and sexual dysfunction was more prevalent among women who have lower levels of schooling and income (p < 0.05). Likewise, the ASEX scores were significantly higher (p = 0.019) among the group who experienced greater income loss throughout the pandemic. Upon comparing the pregnant and non-pregnant groups, we detected that sexual dysfunction had a significantly higher rate among pregnant women (p < 0.001). Conclusion In times of global crisis, such as the current pandemic, low-income families have an increased risk of experiencing depression and sexual dysfunction. When we compared pregnant women with non-pregnant women, depression scores were similar, but pregnant women were at a 6.2 times higher risk of developing sexual dysfunction.
Resumo Objetivo Investigar a depressão e as funções sexuais de mulheres grávidas e não grávidas durante a pandemia de Covid-19. Métodos Um total de 188 mulheres, 96 grávidas e 92 não grávidas, foram incluídas. O Inventário de Depressão de Beck (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI, em inglês) e a Escala de Experiências Sexuais do Arizona (Arizona Sexual Experience Scale, ASEX, em inglês) foram aplicados aos participantes após a obtenção dos dados sociodemográficos. Resultados As pontuações de depressão de mulheres grávidas e não grávidas foram semelhantes (p = 0,846). Verificou-se que as pontuações de depressão foram significativamente maiores no grupo de participantes de menor nível econômico (p = 0,046). Além disso, a pontuação de depressão foi significativamente maior em mulheres que perderam sua renda durante a pandemia (p = 0,027). A pontuação na ASEX foi significativamente maior, e a disfunção sexual foi mais prevalente em pessoas com menores escolaridade e nível de renda (p < 0,05). Da mesma forma, as pontuações na ASEX foram significativamente mais altas (p = 0,019) no grupo que experimentou maior perda de renda durante a pandemia. Ao comparar os grupos de gestantes e não gestantes, detectou-se que a disfunção sexual apresentava índice significativamente Conclusão Em tempos de crise global, como a atual pandemia, famílias de baixa renda têm um risco maior de sofrer depressão e disfunção sexual. Quando comparamos mulheres grávidas e mulheres não grávidas, as pontuações de depressão foram semelhantes, mas as mulheres grávidas apresentaram um risco 6,2 vezes maior de desenvolver disfunção sexual.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/epidemiology , Pregnant Women/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Pandemics , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Sexual Behavior , Turkey/epidemiology , Unemployment/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , SARS-CoV-2 , Economic Factors , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Realizar una reflexión sobre la relación etiológica recíproca entre la disfunción sexual femenina y la drogodependencia, y sus implicaciones prácticas e investigativas. Materiales y métodos: Se presenta una descripción de los efectos y las consecuencias a corto y a largo plazo del uso de drogas en mujeres y se analiza si el uso de drogas es la causa de la disfunción sexual o si, por el contrario, la disfunción sexual conduce al uso de drogas. Asimismo, se discute la necesidad de ahondar en la investigación que relaciona estas dos variables y sus implicaciones clínicas. Conclusión: El consumo de drogas afecta la función sexual femenina, por lo que es pertinente un diagnóstico inicial y la rehabilitación sexual tras el uso crónico de sustancias psicoactivas; asimismo, se hace indispensable implementar medidas profilácticas para disminuir el uso de drogas en la actividad sexual y sus consecuencias asociadas, y ampliar la investigación de esta área del conocimiento médico y psicológico.
Abstract Objective: To reflect on the reciprocal etiologic relationship between female sexual dysfunction and drug abuse, and its implications for practice and research. Materials and Methods: A description of the effects and short-term and long-term consequences of drug use in women is presented together with an analysis of whether drug use is the cause of sexual dysfunction or on the contrary, if sexual dysfunction leads to drug abuse. The need to conduct further research into the relationship between these two variables and their clinical implications is also discussed. Conclusion: Drug use affects female sexual function, hence the importance of initial diagnosis and sexual rehabilitation following chronic use of psychoactive substances; Implementing prophylactic measures in order to reduce drug use during sexual activity and its associated consequences; and expanding research in this area of medical and psychological knowledge.
Humans , Female , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Substance-Related Disorders , Sexual HealthABSTRACT
La sexualidad es un aspecto importante en la calidad de vida de la mujer, sin embargo, los estudios sobre sexualidad dedicados a las mujeres de 60 años y más son escasos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de la disfunción sexual femenina y sus dominios en mujeres de 60 años y más, e identificar la asociación entre enfermedades asociadas y consumo de medicamentos con la disfunción sexual. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, en mujeres de 60 años y más, de La Habana, Cuba. Participaron 112 mujeres a las cuales se les aplicaron dos encuestas: el Índice de Función Sexual Femenino (IFSF) y otra que recogía antecedentes médicos y sociales. El 66,1% de las mujeres presentó algún grado de disfunción sexual, la prevalencia aumentaba con la edad. Los dominios más afectados fueron el deseo, la excitación y la lubricación. Se identificó una fuerte asociación entre la enfermedad de Parkinson, la depresión y la artrosis con la aparición de disfunción sexual en la población estudiada, así como el uso de antidepresivos, hipoglicemiantes orales y diuréticos. La disfunción sexual estuvo presente en el 100% de las mujeres octogenarias. Todas las mujeres con enfermedad de Parkinson presentaron disfunción sexual.
Sexuality is an important aspect in women's quality of life, however, sexuality studies dedicated to women age 60 and older are scarce. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction and its domains in women age 60 and older, and to identify the association between diseases and drug use with sexual dysfunction. A descriptive and cross-cutting study was conducted, in women 60 years and older, in Havana, Cuba. Two surveys participated in 112 women: The Female Sexual Function Index (IFSF) and another who collected a medical and social history. 66.1% of women had some degree of sexual dysfunction, the prevalence increased with age. The domains most affected were desire, excitement, and lubrication. A strong association between Parkinson's disease, depression and osteoarthritis was identified with the onset of sexual dysfunction in the studied population, as well as the use of antidepressants, oral hypoglycemics and diuretics. Sexual dysfunction was present in 100% of octogenary women. All women with Parkinson's disease had sexual dysfunction.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/epidemiology , Sexuality/psychology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Parkinson Disease/complications , Quality of Life , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age Distribution , Cuba/epidemiology , Depression/complicationsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo: definir la incidencia de deseo sexual hipoactivo (DSH) en mujeres que planifican con el implante subdérmico de levonorgestrel (LNG) después de 12 meses, y conocer otros efectos adversos. Materiales y métodos: estudio de cohorte, cuyas participantes fueron mujeres mayores de 18 años sin hijos ni embarazos previos y con pareja estable, a quienes se les había insertado el implante de LNG al menos tres meses previos en una clínica privada de carácter universitario en Armenia (Quindío), Colombia, entre 2014 y 2019. Se excluyeron mujeres con antecedentes de disfunción sexual, infecciones de transmisión sexual en los últimos 6 meses, peso mayor a 89 Kg y dificultades para el seguimiento. El muestreo fue consecutivo. Se describieron las características de la población estudiada, se estimó la incidencia acumulada de DSH y efectos adversos relacionados con el implante subdérmico de LNG Resultados: participaron 238 mujeres cuya edad media fue de 24,69 (DE ± 5,82) años. Se determinó una incidencia de deseo sexual hipoactivo del 18,82%. El 60,25% de las mujeres fueron diagnosticadas con DHS en los primeros 6 meses de seguimiento. Los efectos adversos se hicieron presentes desde los primeros 3 meses de la inserción del implante, el sangrado irregular (62,34%) fue el más frecuente, seguido de la amenorrea (38,91%) y el aumento de peso (33,89%). Conclusiones: es importante que los médicos y las usuarias se informen sobre la presencia del trastorno de deseo sexual hipoactivo y los efectos adversos que pueden surgir con el uso del implante subdérmico de levonorgestrel. Las futuras investigaciones deben confirmar estos hallazgos, así como su eventual base fisiológica.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the incidence of low libido in women using the levonorgestrel (LNG) sub-dermal implant for contraception after 12 months and to identify other adverse effects. Materials and methods: Cohort study that included women over the age of 18, with no children or prior gestations and in a stable relationship, with an LNG implant inserted at least three months before in a private teaching hospital in Armenia (Quindío), Colombia, between 2014 and 2019. Women with a history of sexual dysfunction, sexually transmitted infections in the past six months, weighing more than 89 kg and difficult to follow were excluded. Consecutive sampling was used. The characteristics of the study population were described, the cumulative incidence of low libido and the adverse effects related to the LNG sub-dermal implant after 12 months of follow-up were estimated. The tool used was the Female Sexual Dysfunction Index (FSFI). Descriptive statistics were applied. Results: The participants were 238 women with a mean age of 24.69 (SD ± 5.82) years. An 18.82% incidence of low libido was found. In 60.25% of the women were diagnosed with low libido in the first 6 months of follow-up. Adverse effects manifested as early as 3 months after the insertion of the implant, the most frequent being irregular bleeding (62.34%), followed by amenorrhea (38.91%) and weight gain (33.89%). Conclusions: It is important for practitioners and users to become aware of the presence of low libido disorder and the adverse events that may occur with the use of the levonorgestrel subdermal implant. Future research is required to confirm these findings and the underlying physiological cause.
Humans , Female , Adult , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Levonorgestrel , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Contraception , Family Planning ServicesABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El conocimiento de la frecuencia de comportamientos zoofílicos en la población general es escaso. Objetivo: Revisar casos, series de casos y estudios de prevalencia de zoofilia en adultos de la población general. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión en las bases de datos de MEDLINE, a través de PubMed, Scopus y la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud de publicaciones desde enero de 2000 hasta diciembre de 2017. Resultados: Se revisaron 13 trabajos (10 informes de casos, 2 series de casos y 1 estudio transversal). Entre los casos se describió a 12 pacientes; las series de casos sumaron a 1.556 personas y el estudio transversal incluyó a 1.015 participantes e informó de una prevalencia de comportamientos zoofílicos del 2%. Conclusiones: Es escasa la información sobre la prevalencia de comportamientos zoofílicos en la población general. Es probable que internet permita investigar mejor estos comportamientos en los próximos años.
ABSTRACT Background: Information about the frequency of zoophilic behaviour in the general population is scarce. Objective: To review cases, case series and prevalence studies of zoophilia in adults in the general population. Methods: A review of publications was carried out in MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus and the Biblioteca Virtual en Salud [Virtual Health Library] ranging from January 2000 to December 2017. Results: Thirteen papers were reviewed (ten case reports, two case series and one cross-sectional study). Twelve patients were described, the case series totalled 1,556 people and the cross-sectional study included 1,015 participants and reported a prevalence of zoophilic behaviour of 2%. Conclusions: Information on the prevalence of zoophilic behaviour in the general population is limited. The Internet will probably be a valuable tool for further investigating these behaviours in coming years.
Humans , Male , Female , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Libraries, Digital , Population , Volition , Cross-Sectional Studies , MEDLINE , Internet , PubMed , MethodsSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Practice Patterns, Physicians' , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/diagnosis , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/etiology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/physiopathology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/psychology , Gynecology/methods , Sex Education/methods , Stress, Psychological , Sexuality , Cultural CharacteristicsABSTRACT
A partir del caso de una paciente con trastorno por deseo sexual hipoactivo durante su climaterio y a través del resumen de los resultados de dos revisiones sistemáticas, los autores de este artículo revisan la evidencia sobre la suplementación con andrógenos para el tratamiento de esta condición clínica. Concluyen que su uso sería relativamente seguro a corto plazo, aunque su eficacia no alcanzaría la relevancia clínica y no contamos aún con mayor información sobre la seguridad en el largo plazo. Los autores destacan además que el abordaje de las pacientes con este problema de salud debería ser realizado en forma integral, incluyendo opciones terapéuticas no farmacológicas e informando sobre las incertidumbres todavía presentes. (AU)
Based on the case of a patient with hypoactive sexual desire disorder during her climacteric period and through the summary of the results of two systematic reviews, the authors of this article review the evidence supporting androgen supplementation for the treatment of this clinical condition. They conclude that its use would be relatively safe in the short term, although its efficacy would not reach clinical relevance and no further information on long-term safety is available. The authors also highlight that patients with this health problem should be approached comprehensively, including non-pharmacological therapeutic options and providing information on the uncertainties still present. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Climacteric , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Androgens/therapeutic use , Menopause , Off-Label Use , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Establecer la prevalencia del déficit de vitamina D en hombres y mujeres con deseo sexual hipoactivo. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en el período 2011- 2017 en Armenia, Colombia en una muestra de 107 participantes. Se incluyeron hombres y mujeres con diagnóstico en la consulta externa, de una clínica privada de carácter universitario de referencia, de deseo sexual hipoactivo (DSH). Se les realizó cuantificación de 25-hidroxivitamina D [25(OH)D] (calcidiol) y se consideró que en la historia clínica tuvieran diligenciados los cuestionarios: Decreased Sexual Desire Screener (DSDS) o Prueba del Deseo Sexual Inhibido (PDSI), en las mujeres , y el cuestionario Sexual desire inventory (SDI) en los hombres. Muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva. Los resultados se exponen de manera agrupada para el total de la población. Resultados: La prevalencia del déficit de vitamina D fue del 63.55 % (34.57 % en hombres y 28.97 % en mujeres). Los niveles de vitamina D fueron inferiores en los hombres respecto a las mujeres, (34.57 vs. 41.36; p<0.001), con mayor porcentaje de deficiencia (21.49 vs. 14.95 % p<0.007) y de insuficiencia (16.82 vs. 10.28 %, p<0.001). Conclusiones: Es considerablemente alta la prevalencia (63.55 %) del déficit de vitamina D, en hombres y mujeres con deseo sexual hipoactivo. Se hace necesaria la cuantificación de sus niveles a fin de establecer la suplencia como parte del tratamiento.
Abstract Objective: To establish the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in men and women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between 2011 and 2017, in Armenia, Colombia to a group of 107 participants (men and women) that were diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in the outpatient department of a private University Referral Clinic. The participants underwent quantification of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25 (OH) D] (calcidiol) and it was confirmed if the medical records of the participants had completed some specific questionnaires. The Decreased Sexual Desire Screener (DSDS) or Test of Inhibited Sexual Desire (ISD) was required for women and the Sexual desire inventory (SDI) was required for men. Non-probability sampling for convenience was implemented, descriptive statistics were applied, and the results are presented in a general way for the total population Results: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was 63.55% in total, 34.57% in men and 28.97% in women. Vitamin D levels were lower in men than in women (34.57 vs. 41.36, p <0.001), with a higher percentage of deficiency (21.49 vs. 14.95% p <0.007) and of insufficiency (16.82 vs. 10.28%, p <0.001). Conclusion: The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is considerably high in men and women with hypoactive sexual desire. It is necessary to quantify their vitamin D levels in order to establish the substitution as part of the treatment.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vitamin D Deficiency , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Outpatients , Referral and Consultation , Therapeutics , Vitamin D , Calcifediol , Equipment and SuppliesABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Sexual function is a multidimensional phenomenon that is affected by many biological and psychological factors. Cognitive-behavioral sex therapies are among themost common nonpharmacological approaches to psychosexual problems. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of psychoeducational and cognitive-behavioral counseling on female sexual dysfunction. Methods The present study was a clinical trial with intervention and control groups. The study population consisted of women referring to the general clinic of a governmental hospital in Iran. After completing the demographic questionnaire and Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), those who obtained the cutoff score ≤ 28 were contacted and invited to participate in the study. Convenience sampling method was used and 35 subjects were randomly allocated for each group. Eight counseling sessions were held for the intervention group (two/week/1.5 hour). Post-test was taken from both groups after 1 month, and the results were statistically analyzed by PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Results The total mean scores of FSFI and the subscales of sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction were significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group after the intervention. In addition, postintervention pain mean scores in the intervention group were significantly lower than in the control group (p < 0.05). Conclusion The results of the present study indicate that psychoeducational cognitive- behavioral counseling is effective in improving female sexual function. It is recommended to compare the effects of psychoeducational cognitive-behavioral counseling on sexual dysfunctions of couples and with a larger sample size in future research.
Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/psychology , Counseling , Surveys and Questionnaires , Women's Health , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/therapy , IranABSTRACT
Las mujeres han sido tratadas por décadas con testosterona intentando aliviar una gran variedad de síntomas con riesgos y beneficios inciertos. En la mayoría de los países, la testosterona se prescribe "off-label", de modo que las mujeres están utilizando compuestos y dosis ideadas para tratamientos en hombres. En este sentido, varias sociedades médicas de distintos continentes adoptaron recientemente por consenso una toma de posición sobre los beneficios y potenciales riesgos de la terapia con testosterona en la mujer, explorar las áreas de incertidumbre e identificar prácticas de prescripción con potencial de causar daño. Las recomendaciones con respecto a los beneficios y riesgos de la terapia con testosterona se basan en los resultados de ensayos clínicos controlados con placebo de al menos 12 semanas de duración. A continuación se comentan las recomendaciones. (AU)
There are currently no clear established indications for testosterone replacement therapy for women. Nonetheless, clinicians have been treating women with testosterone to alleviate a variety of symptoms for decades with uncertainty regarding its benefits and risks. In most countries, testosterone therapy is prescribed off-label, which means that women are using testosterone formulations or compounds approved for men with a modified dose for women. Due to these issues, there was a need for a global Consensus Position Statement on testosterone therapy for women based on the available evidence from placebo randomized controlled trials (RCTs). This Position Statement was developed to inform health care professionals about the benefits and potential risks of testosterone therapy intended for women. The aim of the Consensus was to provide clear guidance as to which women might benefit from testosterone therapy; to identify symptoms, signs, and certain conditions for which the evidence does not support the prescription of testosterone; to explore areas of uncertainty, and to identify any prescribing practices that have the potential to cause harm. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Postmenopause/drug effects , Appetite Depressants/adverse effects , Phenytoin/adverse effects , Placebos/administration & dosage , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Tamoxifen/adverse effects , Testosterone/administration & dosage , Testosterone/analysis , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/pharmacology , Cardiovascular Agents/adverse effects , Indomethacin/adverse effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/adverse effects , Postmenopause/physiology , Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic , Cholinergic Antagonists/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/etiology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/therapy , Danazol/adverse effects , Consensus , Aromatase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Off-Label Use , Factor Xa Inhibitors/adverse effects , Amphetamines/adverse effects , Histamine Antagonists/adverse effects , Androgen Antagonists/adverse effects , Androgens/physiology , Ketoconazole/adverse effects , Narcotics/adverse effectsABSTRACT
A disfunção do desejo sexual feminino é prevalente e impacta negativamente sobre a função sexual e a qualidade de vida, mas não existem escalas funcionais que levem em conta função e disfunção. OBJETIVO: construir e validar uma escala curta para avaliação funcional do desejo sexual feminino. MÉTODO: Correlação dos resultados de função do desejo sexual avaliado pelo Índice de Função Sexual Feminina (FSFI) e a nova escala funcional, em uma amostra via internet da população feminina brasileira em geral por meio do teste T de Student e o coeficiente de Spearman. Curva ROC fomentou a análise de corroboração entre os dados do domínio disfunção do desejo do FSFI com a nova escala de avaliação funcional. RESULTADOS: Metade das mulheres da amostra apresentou disfunção sexual pelo FSFI, sendo que um terço apresentou disfunção do desejo sexual. Houve boa correlação entre os resultados da nova escala e do domínio desejo sexual do FSFI, bem como boa sensibilidade e especificidade do modelo pela curva ROC. CONCLUSÃO: a nova escala curta de avaliação funcional do desejo sexual feminino com base na Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde pode ser uma ferramenta útil na avaliação da função do desejo sexual feminino.
Female sexual desire dysfunction is prevalent and negatively impacts sexual function and quality of life, but there are no functional scales that take into account function and dysfunction. OBJECTIVE: To construct and validate a short scale for functional evaluation of female sexual desire. METHOD: Correlation of sexual desire function results assessed by the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the new functional scale in an internet sample of the Brazilian female population in general through the Student's t test and the Spearman coefficient. ROC curve fostered corroborating analysis between data from the FSFI desire dysfunction domain with the new functional assessment scale. RESULTS: Half of the women in the sample had sexual dysfunction by FSFI, and one third had sexual desire dysfunction. There was a good correlation between the results of the new scale and the FSFI sexual desire domain, as well as good sensitivity and specificity of the model by the ROC curve. CONCLUSION: The new short functional rating scale for female sexual desire based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health may be a useful tool in assessing the function of female sexual desire.