Introducción: La sífilis es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual causada por el Treponema pallidum. Reportes recientes de diferentes regiones del mundo sugieren que la sífilis ocular está reemergiendo en paralelo con el incremento de la incidencia de la infección sistémica a nivel global. Objetivo: Profundizar en el conocimiento sobre la sífilis, especialmente, en la sífilis ocular, que se encuentra en la bibliografía especializada. Métodos: Fundamentalmente se consultaron artículos de los últimos 5 años, en idioma español e inglés, disponibles en textos completos. Las bases de datos consultadas fueron: PubMed, SciELO y Google académico. Conclusiones: La sífilis ocular puede presentarse en cualquier estadío de la enfermedad e imitar diferentes afecciones inflamatorias oculares, por lo que debe tenerse presente en el diagnóstico diferencial de toda uveítis. El tratamiento oportuno de estos pacientes puede minimizar el daño visual, pero su diagnóstico es a menudo un desafío para el oftalmólogo(AU)
Introduction: Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. Recent reports from different regions of the world suggest that ocular syphilis is re-emerging, in parallel with the increasing incidence of systemic infection globally. Objective: To deepen the knowledge on syphilis and especially ocular syphilis found in the specialized literature. Methods: The articles consulted were mainly from the last 5 years, in Spanish and English, available in full text. The databases consulted were PubMed, SciELO and Google academic. Conclusions: Ocular syphilis can present at any stage of the disease and mimic different ocular inflammatory conditions, so it should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of any uveitis. Prompt treatment of these patients can minimize visual damage but its diagnosis is often a challenge for the ophthalmologist(AU)
Humans , Syphilis/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, BibliographicABSTRACT
Las infecciones por Chlamydia trachomatis han aumentado su prevalencia, especialmente en jóvenes embarazadas. Esto adquiere relevancia en pediatría por el elevado riesgo de transmisión vertical al neonato y su potencial gravedad en el lactante. Estas infecciones requieren de un alto índice de sospecha, por cuadro clínico atípico y signos radiológicos inespecíficos. Los métodos diagnósticos convencionales presentan limitaciones para su detección. Las técnicas moleculares son las recomendadas por su elevada sensibilidad, especificidad y rapidez, lo cual permite una terapéutica adecuada y oportuna. En este estudio, desarrollado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales de un hospital de alta complejidad durante 12 años, se describieron las características de la población, su presentación clínica y evolución. La detección microbiológica se realizó por métodos moleculares. Se incluyeron 29 pacientes (p) con infección por C. trachomatis (3,9% del total de muestras enviadas),13 p con infección respiratoria y 16 p con compromiso ocular. La mediana de edad fue de 19 días al momento del diagnóstico y el 65% de las gestantes tenía <25 años. Veinticuatro p (83%) eran recién nacidos a término y 23 p (79%) previamente sanos. Nueve p (31%) presentaron fiebre al momento del ingreso y 12 (41%) eosinofilia. De los 13 p con enfermedad respiratoria, 9 (69%) consultaron por tos y 11 (85%) con hipoxemia, con requerimientos de oxígeno en 8 (61%), asistencia respiratoria mecánica en 3 (23%) y uno (16%) requirió ECMO. Los hallazgos radiológicos mostraron un patrón intersticial inespecífico. Nueve p (31%) presentaron coinfección y uno falleció asociado a influenza A (AU)
The prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infections has increased, especially among young pregnant women. This is of particular relevance in pediatrics due to the high risk of motherto-child transmission and the potential severity of the infection in infants. A high index of suspicion is required for these infections due to the atypical clinical features and non-specific radiological signs. The usefulness of conventional diagnostic methods is limited. Molecular techniques are recommended because of their high sensitivity, specificity, and speed, allowing for adequate and timely treatment. In this 12-year study conducted in a neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary-care hospital, patient characteristics, clinical presentation, and outcome are described. Microbiological detection was performed using molecular methods. Twenty-nine patients with C. trachomatis infection (3.9% of the total samples submitted), of whom 13 had respiratory tract infection and 16 ocular involvement, were included. The median age at diagnosis was 19 days and 65% of the mothers were <25 years old. Twenty-four p (83%) were term newborns and 23 patients (79%) were previously healthy. On admission, 9 patients (31%) had fever and 12 (41%) had eosinophilia. Of the 13 patients with respiratory tract involvement, 9 (69%) consulted for cough and 11 (85%) had hypoxemia, requiring oxygen in 8 (61%), mechanical ventilation in 3 (23%), and ECMO in 1 (16%). Radiological findings showed a nonspecific interstitial pattern. Nine patients (31%) presented with coinfection, one of whom died due to an associated influenza A infection (AU)
Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Chlamydia Infections/complications , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/therapy , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Retrospective Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Las infecciones por micoplasmas y ureaplasmas pueden producir fallos en la reproducción y vincularse con problemas de infertilidad femenina. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de infecciones por Micoplasma hominis y Ureaplasma spp en mujeres que consultan por infertilidad e identificar si existe asociación entre las infecciones detectadas y los antecedentes de infecciones de transmisión sexual y enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica, procederes ginecológicos y síntomas de infecciones. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, para evaluar muestras de exudados endocervicales de 175 mujeres, con edades entre 20 y 45 años, provenientes de la consulta de infertilidad del Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología, entre junio de 2016 y enero de 2017. Para la detección de micoplasmas urogenitales se utilizó el juego de reactivos Myco Well D-One. Se tuvieron en cuenta los aspectos éticos y se utilizó la prueba Chi Cuadrado para evaluar la significación estadística de las posibles asociaciones. Resultados: De las 175 muestras evaluadas, 102 (58,1 por ciento) mostraron la presencia de infecciones, de ellas 65 correspondieron a Ureaplasma spp (37,1 por ciento), 11 a Micoplasma hominis (6,2 por ciento), y 26 a asociaciones de Micoplasma hominis y Ureaplasma spp (14,8 por ciento). Se identificó asociación entre las infecciones detectadas y la presencia de antecedentes de infecciones de transmisión sexual y enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica, no así con relación a los procederes ginecológicos y síntomas de infecciones. Conclusiones: La frecuencia total de infecciones fue relativamente alta y la especie más frecuente el Ureaplasma spp. Las infecciones detectadas estuvieron asociadas a algunos de los factores estudiados(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: Infections caused by Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas may result in faults in the reproduction process and can be linked to female infertility. Objective: To determine the frequency of infection by Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp. in women who attend to infertility consultations and if these are associated with a history of sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease, gynaecological procedures and symptoms of infections. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate samples of endocervical swabs of 175 women between the ages of 20 to 45 years, from the Infertility consultation of the National Institute of Endocrinology, during June 2016 to January 2017. For the detection of urogenital mycoplasmas it was used the reagents kit Myco Well D-One. There were taken into account the ethical aspects and it was used the chi-square test to assess the statistical significance of the possible associations. Results: Of the 175 evaluated samples, 102 (58.1 percent) showed the presence of infections, 65 of them corresponded to Ureaplasma spp (37.1 percent), 11 to Mycoplasma hominis (6.2 percent), and 26 associations of Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp (14.8 percent). It was identified association between the detected infections and the presence of a history of sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease, but not with the gynaecological procedures and the symptoms of infections. Conclusions: The total frequency of infection was relatively high and the most prevalent specie was the Ureaplasma spp. The detected infections were associated with some of the factors studied(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Ureaplasma/cytology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/epidemiology , Mycoplasma hominis/cytology , Infertility, Female/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To synthesize the knowledge produced in studies about the association between violence and STI during pregnancy. METHODS: In this systematic review, we conducted basic activities of identification, compilation, and registration of the trials. The instruments of data collection were studies that investigated, explicitly, relationships between violence, gestation, and STI, from July 2012 to July 2017, using PubMed, Cochrane Library, SciELO, and LILACS. RESULTS: In all, 26 articles were chosen to form the basis of the analysis of this study. The relationship between violence and STI was observed in 22 of the 26 studies, and in eight of them, the violence was practiced during the gestation period. In two studies, there was no evidence of this relationship. In one study, the lack of care for STI was attributed to the unpreparedness of health professionals. Mental disorders were cited as resulting from STI in three articles and in another as a result of violence. One study found more frequent violence against adolescents, while two others cited gestation as a protective factor. CONCLUSIONS: IPV combines characteristics that have a different expression when the woman is in the gestational period. The literature points to a relationship between IPV against women and the presence of STI. The monitoring of pregnancy, whether in the prenatal or postpartum period, offers unique opportunities for the health professional to identify situations of violence and thus provide assistance.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Sintetizar o conhecimento produzido em estudos sobre a associação entre violência e IST na gestação. MÉTODOS: Nesta revisão sistemática, envolvemos as atividades básicas de identificação, compilação e registro dos ensaios. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram os estudos que investigaram, explicitamente, as relações entre violência e gestação e IST, no período de julho de 2012 a julho de 2017, utilizando PubMed, Biblioteca Cochrane, SciELO e Lilacs. RESULTADOS: Ao todo, 26 artigos foram escolhidos para formar a base da análise deste estudo. A relação entre violência e IST foi observada em 22 dos 26 estudos, sendo que em oito deles a violência foi praticada durante o período de gestação. Em dois estudos, não houve evidências dessa relação. Em um estudo, a falta de cuidados com a IST foi atribuída ao despreparo dos profissionais de saúde. Transtornos mentais foram citados como resultantes de IST em três artigos e em outro como resultado de violência. Um estudo encontrou violência mais frequente contra adolescentes, enquanto outros dois citaram a gestação como um fator de proteção. CONCLUSÕES: A VPI combina características que possuem uma expressão diferenciada quando a mulher está no período gestacional. A literatura aponta para uma relação entre a VPI contra as mulheres e a presença de IST. O acompanhamento da gravidez, seja no pré-parto, seja no pós-parto, oferece oportunidades únicas para o profissional de saúde identificar situações de violência e, assim, prestar assistência.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Intimate Partner Violence , HIV Infections/etiology , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Introducción: el abuso sexual (AS) de niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNA) constituye un problema relevante, cuya detección ha aumentado en los últimos años. Objetivos: describir las características epidemiológicas del AS en NNA que egresaron del Hospital Pediátrico del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (HP-CHPR) y conocer la conducta adoptada en relación a la norma impulsada por el Ministerio de Salud en casos de AS agudo. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo que incluyó a los menores de 15 años con diagnóstico de AS al egreso de cuidados moderados del HP-CHPR desde junio de 2010 a junio de 2014. Resultados: se incluyeron 156 pacientes, media de edad 8,1 años, 78% sexo femenino. La media de estadía hospitalaria fue de 8,3 días. El AS fue intrafamiliar en 54%, siendo el responsable más frecuente la pareja de la madre. El 48% fueron episodios reiterados. El 25% fueron AS agudos. El 71% presentaba uno o más factores de riesgo. Se constataron signos específicos de AS en el 20% de los casos e inespecíficos en el 38%. El 45% de las historias incluía el registro de denuncia judicial. En los casos de AS agudo se evaluó el cumplimiento del tratamiento antirretroviral profiláctico, de la toma de muestras exudado vaginal, rectal u oral, la cobertura para ITS y la prevención del embarazo, que se cumplió irregularmente. Conclusiones: el tipo de abuso más frecuente fue intrafamiliar, reiterado y dirigido a niñas y adolescentes de sexo femenino y no presentaban elementos específicos de abuso. La norma recomendada para AS agudo por el Ministerio de Salud se cumplió irregularmente.
Introduction: childhood and adolescent sexual abuse (CSA) is a relevant problem that has increased in recent years. Objectives: to describe the epidemiological characteristics of childhood and adolescent sexual abuse (CSA) of patients who were discharged from the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center (CH-PRHC) and to learn about the behavior adopted in connection with the recommendations by the Ministry of Health in cases of severe SA. Method: descriptive, retrospective study including children and adolescents younger than 15 years old diagnosed with SA who were released from intermediate care at the CH - HPRC between June 1, 2010 and May 30, 2014. Results: n = 156, mean age 8.1 years old, 78% female. Average hospital stay was 8.3 days. In 54% of cases somebody within the family was responsible for the SA, the mother's partner being the most frequent one; repeated episodes 48%; oral, vaginal and/or anal penetration 6%; 25% of cases were severe; 71% of cases evidenced one or more risk factors; specific signs of SA were found in 20% of cases, being these non-specific in 38% of them. 45% of medical records proved there had been a police report. In the cases of severe SA, fulfilment of prophylactic antiretroviral treatment, taking of vaginal, rectal or oral samples, STD coverage and prevention of pregnancy was assessed. Conclusions: the most frequent kind of sexual abuse was intrafamily child sexual abuse (CSA), which occurred more than once and happened to girls and female adolescents, who did not present abuse-specific elements. There was uneven observation of the recommendations by the Ministry of Health.
Humans , Male , Child Abuse, Sexual/statistics & numerical data , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Risk Factors , Child Abuse, Sexual/diagnosis , Child Abuse, Sexual/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , HospitalizationABSTRACT
Introducción: las infecciones de transmisión sexual constituyen un conjunto de enfermedades infectocontagiosas que se expresan clínicamente con distinta sintomatología, y que tienen diferentes etiologías. Objetivos: precisar cuáles son los grupos poblacionales más afectados e identificar las principales características biosociales que presentan las personas que viven con VIH-sida (PVIH-sida) en el municipio Plaza de la Revolución. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo a través de la revisión de las historias epidemiológicas y las historias clínicas de 348 personas que han sido diagnosticadas con VIH-SIDA, que se atienden en la Consulta de Descentralización en el Municipio Plaza de la Revolución desde 1986 hasta 2010. El análisis estadístico consistió en el cálculo de las frecuencias absolutas y relativas, para cada una de las variables en estudio, con el paquete estadístico SPSS v.11,5. Las variables estudiadas fueron: grupos de edades, escolaridad, orientación sexual, grupos de pesquisas, retrovirosis y área de salud. Resultados: se hizo evidente que entre las edades de 20 a 39 años se encontró el mayor porcentaje de pacientes, tanto en el sexo femenino como en el masculino. El mayor porcentaje de PVIH-SIDA del municipio Plaza, se presenta en los niveles de enseñanza secundaria y preuniversitaria. Hubo un predominio de los pacientes homosexuales y bisexuales, pertenecientes todos al sexo masculino, seguido de la orientación heterosexual incluidos ambos sexos. En el caso de las mujeres todas resultaron heterosexuales. Uno de los principales factores de riesgo en este municipio lo constituyen los hombres que tienen sexo con otros hombres. En cuanto a las vías de diagnóstico, el de mayor incidencia resultó ser el de captado; le siguió el grupo de contacto e ingreso. Conclusiones: se considera que deben analizarse los métodos de información para que haya un buen grado de percepción de riesgo de infección y comprensión sobre aspectos y conducta para la prevención de estas enfermedades, dirigido al sexo con otros hombres, así como en las edades de 20 a 39 años y en los policlínicos más afectados(AU)
Introduction: sexually transmitted infections are infectious contagious diseases characterized by a wide range of clinical symptoms and etiologies. Objectives: Determine the most affected population groups and identify the main biosocial characteristics of people living with HIV-AIDS (PHIV-AIDS) in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución. Methods: a descriptive study was conducted based on a review of the epidemiological history and medical records of 348 patients diagnosed with HIV-AIDS and cared for at decentralized consultation services in the municipality of Plaza de la Revolución from 1986 to 2010. The statistical analysis consisted in the estimation of absolute and relative frequencies for each study variable, using the statistical software SPSS v. 11.5. The variables studied were age group, schooling, sexual orientation, screening group, retrovirus and health area. Results: most patients were in the 20-39 age group. This applied to both sexes. The highest proportion of PHIV-AIDS in the municipality of Plaza were attending junior or senior high school. There was a predominance of male homosexual and bisexual patients, followed by heterosexual patients of both sexes. All female patients were heterosexual. One of the main risk groups in the municipality was men who have sex with other men. Most diagnoses were achieved by screening, followed by contact group and hospital admission. Conclusions: information methods should be analyzed with a view to improving risk perception and disseminating knowledge about the characteristics of these diseases and the behavior required to prevent them. Efforts should be mainly directed to men who have sex with other men and the 20-39 age group, as well as patients from the most affected polyclinics(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Sexual Behavior/ethics , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , HIV , Unsafe Sex/prevention & control , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Educational StatusABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are avertable, but the social risks factors connected to these infections are often unnoticed by many, particularly female youths. Previous studies on STDs among youths in Nigeria only focused on its risk factors but failed to model these risk factors as evidenced in this study.METHODOLOGY:The study is retrospective cross-sectional in design which utilized Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey, 2008. It focused on female youths aged 15-24 (n=8093) who ever had sexual intercourse (vaginal, oral and anal). Data analysis was done using Chi-square and logistic regression models. The logistic regression on the data was performed at two stages. These stages generated three and eight different models respectively.RESULTS:Data analyses revealed that the mean age of the respondents was 20.2 ± 2.5. Female youths who were aged between 20-24 years contacted STDs in the last 12 months (2.5%) than those between the ages of 15-19 months (1.4%). A year prevalence of STDs among female youths in Nigeria was 2.1%. Socio-demographic factors such as age, educational status, wealth index, marital status, toilet shared, place of residence, contraceptive use and total life-time number of sexual partners were found to be associated significant risk factors for contacting STDs (P<0.05).CONCLUSIONS:The data confirmed the considerable impact of wealth index and contraceptive use as important predictors of STDs acquisition. Constant use of condoms, abstinence and having one uninfected sexual partner can help reduce the risk of STDs transmission
Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , Logistic Models , Models, Statistical , Risk Factors , Sexual Behavior , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Young AdultABSTRACT
Background : Worldwide sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) continue to be a public health problem. More than 340 million people are infected each year, most of them from developing countries, many women. For prevention it is essential that people know how these disorders occur and how to prevent. Objectives : The present study was conducted to get information about women’s knowledge of STDs, source of their knowledge, misconceptions about mode of transmission and correlation of awareness and misconcepts with age, literacy, socio-economic status in the background of similar information collected a decade back. Material & Method : Information was collected by interview of 1000 randomly included women, by trained social worker with help of structured questionnaire in local language. Results Study revealed that 13% urban and 28.1% rural women had no knowledge et al. In all age groups television was the main source of knowledge. Health personnel were the source of knowledge in 14%. There was no increase in percentage of women who had knowledge of modes of transmission with increasing age. With knowledge in around 73.5% misconceptions were in 21.5%. Misconeptions were like STDs, spread through touching, sharing food and clothing, uncleanliness, urinating in pulic lavatories, excess heat. Conclusion Many women do not have desired knowledge about STDs but need to have. Misconceptions are common. Awareness is essential.
Adolescent , Adult , Awareness , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Humans , Middle Aged , Surveys and Questionnaires , Rural Population , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/education , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/transmission , Urban Population , Young AdultABSTRACT
Sexually transmitted genital ulcerative conditions are declining in Jamaica. The rates at present are far lower than that seen in the 1950s -1960s. Review of the records of the national Comprehensive Clinic has revealed that all of the major sexually transmitted conditions (Syphilis, Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV), Chancroid, Granuloma Inguinale and Herpes Simplex) have declined but have had three peaks between 1958 and 2000. Closer review seems to suggest that the peaks were associated firstly with poverty in the 1960s and 1970s and to the HIV epidemic in the 1980s and early 1990s. There are also smaller spikes which appear to be associated with periods of environmental disasters, with a possible association with folate deficiency. This is apparent for the bacterial and chlamydial conditions as well as viral conditions such as Herpes simplex.
Las condiciones ulcerativas genitales transmitidas sexualmente están disminuyendo en Jamaica. En el presente, los índices son muchos más bajos que los observados en la década de 1950 y 1960 respectivamente. La revisión de los archivos de la llamada Nacional Comprehensive Clinic ha revelado que todas las condiciones principales (sífilis, linfogranuloma venéreo, chancroide, granuloma inguinal, y el herpes simple) han disminuido. No obstante, ha habido tres puntos críticos entre 1958 y 2000. Un examen detallado sugiere que estos picos estaban asociados primeramente con la pobreza en los años 60 y 70, y la epidemia de VIH en la década de los 80 ochenta y principios de los 90. Hay también pequeñas alzas que parecen estar asociados con periodos de desastres medioambientales, así como con una posible asociación con la deficiencia de folato. Esto es evidente en el caso de las condiciones bacterianas y clamidiales, así como las condiciones virales tales como la que representa el herpes simple.
Female , Humans , Folic Acid Deficiency/complications , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Poverty , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Vulvar Diseases/epidemiology , HIV Infections/complications , Jamaica , Risk Factors , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Vulvar Diseases/etiologyABSTRACT
Introduction: The study sought to ascertain the prevalence of the aetiological agents of genital discharge and genital ulcer diseases in Maputo; Mozambique. Methodology: Consecutive consenting patients presenting to the Centro de Saude do Porto in Maputo between March and April 2005 with genital discharge syndrome and/or genital ulcer diseases were recruited. Specimens were collected for the identification of STI pathogens. Results: Of 346 recruited patients; 164 were male and 182 female. The prevalence of confirmed single aetiological agents for male urethritis was as follows: N. gonorrhoeae; 35; C. trachomatis; 10; and M. genitalium 4. For vaginal discharge; N. gonorrhoeae was found in11of the women tested; followed by C. trachomatis (6.5); bacterial vaginosis (34); and T. vaginalis (2). The prevalence of genital ulcers was as follows: Herpes simplex virus type 2; 62; H. ducreyi 4; and C. trachomatis biovar LGV; 4. Five percent of patients with genital ulcers had a positive syphilis serology (RPR = 1:8 and confirmed by TPHA) and 35of all tested patients were HIV-1/2 infected. Cases of mixed infections were present in 5; 11and 3of patients with male urethritis; vaginal discharge; and genital ulcers respectively. Conclusion: The classic sexually transmitted infection aetiologies are still prevalent in Maputo. The study highlights the need for a periodic surveillance to inform syndromic management protocols
HIV Infections , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , SyndromeABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: El Síndrome de flujo vaginal es un proceso infeccioso de la vagina caracterizado por uno o varios síntomas: leucorrea, prurito vulvar, ardor, irritación, disuria, dispareunia y fetidez vaginal. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar el Síndrome de flujo vaginal y su relación con las conductas sexuales de riesgo, los gérmenes más frecuentes y sus características e identificar el grupo etario en que predomina, en un consultorio médico de Barrio Adentro I de la parroquia Sucre, municipio Libertador. Caracas, Venezuela. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional y prospectivo en el consultorio médico ubicado en la comunidad de la Silsa de la parroquia Sucre en Caracas, durante los años 2008 y 2009, con un universo constituido por 97 pacientes del sexo femenino de 20 a 49 años de edad. Se analizaron variables del universo, cuyos datos fueron obtenidos de la revisión de historias clínicas y tarjetas control. RESULTADOS: Se encontró que el grupo etario que predominó fue el de 25 a 29 años para un 22,6 por ciento. La edad de inicio de las relaciones sexuales de entre los 15 y 17 años presentó mayor frecuencia para un 41,3 por ciento. Los factores predisponentes más frecuentes: aseo inadecuado de los genitales con un 48,4 por ciento. Uso de anticonceptivos orales 40,2 por ciento y sexo no protegido para un 25,7 por ciento. La característica del flujo que predominó fue la homogénea, no adherente, blanca grisácea y fétida, 35,1 por ciento, y el germen más frecuente encontrado fue la gardnerella 31 por ciento, seguida de la monilia, 23,8 por ciento. CONCLUSIONES: El síndrome de flujo vaginal fue más frecuente en las adultas y las que iniciaron precozmente las relaciones sexuales, (antes de los 18 años de edad). Hubo un predominio clínico y microbiológico de infección por gardnerella vaginalis
The vaginal discharge is a infectious process characterized by on or by some symptoms including leucorrhea, vulvar pruritus, heat, irritation, dysuria, dyspareunia and vaginal fetidness. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the vaginal discharge syndrome and its relation to risky, sexual behaviors, the more frequent germs and their characteristics and to identify the age group with more predominance seen in a medical consulting room of Barrio Adentro I of Sucre jurisdiction, Libertador municipality, Caracas, Venezuela. METHODS: A prospective and observational study was conducted in the medical consulting room located in Silsa community of the Sucre jurisdiction in Caracas in 2008 and in 2009, where the universe included 97 female patients aged 20-49. The universe variables were analyzed where data were obtained from the medical records and control cards control. RESULTS: The predominant age group was that of 25-29 for a 22,6 percent. The 15 to 17 years old at the onset of intercourses was the more frequent for a 41,3 percent. The more frequent predisposing factors: inappropriate hygiene of genitals with a 48,4 percent, use of oral contraceptives was of 40,2 percent and unprotected intercourse for a 25,7 percent. The predominant characteristic of discharge was the homogenous, non-adherent, white color, grayish and fetid for a 35,1 percent and the more frequent germ present was the gadnerella for a 31 percent followed by Monilia for a 23,8 percent. CONCLUSIONS: The vaginal discharge syndrome was more prevalent among the adult women and in those with an early onset of intercourses (Before 18 years old). There was a clinical and microbiological predominance of gardenella vaginalis infection
Humans , Female , Vaginal Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/transmission , Risk Factors , Observational Studies as Topic , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
O presente estudo visou realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura em relação à abordagem das mulheres com doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST). As síndromes clínicas abordadas abrangeram uretrites, cervicites, corrimento vaginal e úlceras genitais. A propedêutica indicada incluiu exames diretos e bioquímicos, métodos sorológicos, microbiológicos e de biologia molecular. O tratamento foi recomendado de acordo com o diagnóstico sindrômico ou etiológico, de acordo com a disponibilidade de exames complementares. Além disso, incluiu-se também a abordagem de parceiros, gestantes e mulheres coinfectadas pelo HIV.
This paper presents a systematic literature review on the management of women with sexually transmitted diseases (STD). The clinical syndromes discussed were urethritis and cervicitis, vaginal discharge and genital ulcers. Complementary studies included direct examination and biochemical reactions, serology, microbiological and molecular biology methods. The treatment was recommended in accordance with syndromic or etiologic diagnosis and with the availability of complementary examinations. Moreover, the approach towards partners, pregnant women and HIV co-infected women was also included.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Chancre , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Herpes Genitalis , Syphilis , Homeopathic Therapeutic Approaches , Urethritis , Uterine Cervicitis , Vulvovaginitis , Granuloma Inguinale , Lymphogranuloma Venereum , Mass ScreeningABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: determinar la prevalencia de Candida spp, Trichomonas vaginalis y Gardnerella vaginalis en la población de mujeres embarazadas de cuatro áreas primarias de salud de la provincia La Habana a través de un método inmunológico con partículas de látex, FemPure. MÉTODOS: se tomaron muestras de exudado vaginal a todas las mujeres embarazadas con o sin síntomas de vaginitis en los consultorios especializados de Obstetricia de cuatro áreas primarias de salud de la provincia La Habana con o sin síntomas de vaginitis a través de un método inmunológicocon partículas de látex. Se siguió la metodología planteada por el instructivo técnico del fabricante y a los 3 min de iniciada la reacción se leyeron los resultados. RESULTADOS: los intervalos de confianza (95 %) observados fueron para Candida spp de 21,9 a 29,2 %, para Trichomonas vaginalis de 14,5 a 20,9 % y para Gardnerella vaginalis de 22,10 a 29,40 %, 56,72 % de las muestras fueron negativas y 1,81 % dieron reacción al control negativo clasificándose como inespecíficas. Además 18,26 % de las muestras dieron positivas a más de un germen incluyendo a 26 que dieron positivas a los tres microorganismos. Hubo diferencias (p<0,0001) entre las prevalencias de los tres gérmenes en las diferentes localidades siendo lo más llamativo que la candidiasis fue más del doble en Güines que en Santa Cruz y Jaruco. CONCLUSIONES: con este diagnosticador que cumple con los requisitos de sencillez, objetividad y rapidez se pudo, a nivel primario de salud, estudiar a gran número de embarazadas e indicar el mismo día de la consulta el tratamiento etiológico para cada caso, lo cual benefició a estas mujeres y contribuyó a evitar las complicaciones de la vaginitis infecciosa
OBJECTIVE: to determine the prevalence of Candida ssp, Trichomonas vaginalis and Gardnerella vaginalis in pregnant women from four primary health areas of La Habana province using a immunologic method with particles of FemPure latex. METHODS: we took samples of vaginal exudates in all pregnant women with or without vaginitis seen in specialized Obstetrics consulting rooms from four health primary areas of La Habana province with or without vaginitis using the above mentioned method. Methodology proposes by manufacturer technical instructor and at three minutes of started the reaction results were read. RESULTS: confidence intervals (95 percent) observed were: for Candida ssp of 21.9 to 29.2 percent, for Trichomonas vaginalis of 14.5 to 20,9 percent and for Gardnerella vaginalis of 22.10 to 29.40 percent. The 56.72 percent of samples were negative and the 1.81 percent were reactive to negative control classifying as non-specific. Also, the 18.26 percent of samples were positive to more than germ including 26 positives to the three microorganisms. There were differences (p 0.0001) among the prevalences of the three germs in distinct localities where candidiasis was twice more in G³ines municipality than in Santa Cruz and Jaruco municipalities. CONCLUSIONS: using this diagnostic method fulfilling the simplicity, objectivity and speed criteria, at primary health level, it was possible to study more pregnants and at same day to suggest the etiologic treatment to each case for the good of these women contributing to avoid the infectious vaginitis complications
Humans , Female , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Primary Health Care , Immunologic Tests/methods , Trichomonas Vaginitis/epidemiology , Vaginosis, Bacterial/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Se conoce como abuso sexual al "involucramiento" de niños y adolescentes de ambos sexos, inmaduros y dependientes, en actividades sexuales que no son verdaderamente comprendidas y frente a las cuales son incapaces de consentir responsablemente, la mayor parte de estas agresiones tienen como víctimas a mujeres y niñas, estas son perpetradas por hombres de distintas edades. Una de las principales preocupaciones ante el hecho de un abuso sexual es el riesgo de adquirir una infección de trasmisión sexual (ITS). Resulta importante poder distinguir las diagnosticadas en la primera consulta y aquellas encontradas durante el seguimiento, esto es puntualmente importante en las adolescentes. En el presente artículo realizamos una revisión actualizada sobre la asociación entre el abuso sexual y la presencia de las ITS, incluye además un abordaje actualizado del manejo de estas pacientes, incluido el tratamiento profiláctico. Se concluye que existe una íntima relación entre la ocurrencia de abuso sexual y la presencia de una o más ITS, lo que ha motivado la recomendación de pesquisar siempre su presencia en todas las víctimas de abuso sexual, de igual forma se hace necesario que los proveedores de salud tengan siempre presente la posibilidad de un abuso sexual crónico ante el hallazgo de la presencia de una ITS en una menor
It is known that the sexual abuse is the "involving" of immature and dependents children and adolescent of both sexes, in sexual activities no really understood and no responsibly allowed, most of these aggressions have as victim women and girls, are committed by men of different ages. One of the main concerns in face of a sexual abuse is the risk of sexual transmission infection (STD). It is essential to characterize those diagnosed in the first consultation and those founded during the follow-up, especially in adolescents ones. In present article we made an updated review on the association between the sexual abuse and presence of STIs, also including a updated approach of these patients management related to prophylactic treatment. We conclude that there is a close link between occurrence of sexual abuse and presence of one STI (s), thus, we suggest screening always its presence in all victim of sexual abuse and also it is necessary that the health care staff always consider a chronic sexual abuse in face of a finding of a STI in a minor
Humans , Female , Child , Child Abuse, Sexual , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiologyABSTRACT
Sífilis é enfermidade de transmissão sexual de grande potencial de morbidade,particulamente quando associada à imunossupressão causada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana.Associação entre sífilis secundária e infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana é particularmente comum entre pacientes que têm relações sexuais com outros homens.As manifestações clínicas da sífilis secundária são muito variáveis e caracterizam a sífilis como a "grande imitadora" de outras enfermidades.Há que se considerar a possibilidade de sífilis em pacientes que têm relações sexuais com outros homens com rash cutâneo ou lesão anogenital.A sorologia VDRL é o método de escolha para o diagnóstico de sífilis secundária.O tratamento com penicilina benzatina sendo eficaz.
Humans , Male , Adult , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/epidemiology , Syphilis/therapy , Treponema pallidum/pathogenicityABSTRACT
Objetivos Presentar características de un grupo de niños que han sido explotados sexualmente en Bogotá, determinar la prevalencia de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS) en estos menores y establecer factores asociados a estas enfermedades en este grupo. Metodología Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se revisaron historias clínicas de pacientes entre 10 y 17 años que asistieron a la consulta médica ambulatoria de la Fundación Renacer entre Enero del 2002 y Junio del 2004. El análisis incluyó estadísticas descriptivas, correlaciones y regresión logística binomial. Resultados Se incluyeron 255 historias de menores. Características: 58,8 por ciento mujeres, 15,4 años edad promedio, 5,9 por ciento tenían alguna afiliación a seguridad social, 89,8 por ciento consumían alguna sustancia psicoactiva, 41,2 por ciento utilizaba algún método anticonceptivo, el 3,9 por ciento refirió utilizar condón en todas sus relaciones y 0,86 embarazos en promedio por adolescente femenina. La prevalencia de diagnósticos de enfermedades de transmisión sexual fue de 31,0 por ciento. Las enfermedades mas comunes fueron condilomatosis e infección por Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Las ETS se asociaron con número de sustancias psicoactivas consumidas y con uso poco frecuente de condón. Conclusión La explotación sexual infantil es una realidad en Colombia. Este estudio confirma que las enfermedades de transmisión sexual son un problema importante en los menores explotados sexualmente en Bogotá. La prevención de explotación sexual infantil y la atención integral a estos menores, incluyendo la atención en salud, deben ser una prioridad.
Objective Presenting the characteristics of a group of children who have been sexually exploited in Bogota, determining the prevalence of sexually-transmitted disease (STD) in this group of children and establishing the factors associated with STD in this population. Methodology This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The medical charts of children aged 10 to 17 years who sought medical attention at Fundación Renacer between January 2002 and June 2004 were reviewed. The analysis included descriptive statistics, correlations and binomial logistic regression. Results 255 children's charts were included, producing the following characteristics: being female (58.8 percent), average age was 15.4, 5.9 percent were affiliated to social security, 89.8 percent engaged in substance abuse, 41.2 percent used family planning, 3.9 percent used a condom during every intercourse and there were 0.86 average pregnancies per female adolescent. Sexually-transmitted disease prevalence was 30.9 percent. The most common diseases were condilomatosis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection. Substance abuse and infrequent condom use were associated with a diagnosis of STD. Conclusion Child sexual exploitation is a reality in Colombia. In spite of the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that STDs are an important problem in the sexually-abused child population in Bogota. Preventing child sexual exploitation and integral attention for these children (including health service provision) must become a priority.
Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Child Abuse, Sexual/statistics & numerical data , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Colombia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Urban HealthABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, descriptivo, prospectivo para determinar el comportamiento del embarazo en la adolescencia en el municipio Bolívar, estado Táchira en el período comprendido de junio-2006 a junio-2007. La fuente primera de los datos fue la hoja de registro de pacientes atendidos en el servicio de consultas prenatales del Hospital Samuel Dario Maldonado y Barrio Adentro I y las encuestas realizadas a dichas pacientes de nuestro municipio. Tomándose como muestra esta misma cantidad de pacientes. Los datos se procesaron de forma automatizada utilizando diferentes paquetes estadísticos. Se analizó la distribución según grupo de edades, grado de instrucción, estado civil, los factores de riesgo que influyeron en la aparición del embarazo entre ellos el biológico, psicosociales, socioculturales, en adolescentes así como sus consecuencias de carácter biológico, psicosocial y sociocultural del embarazo precoz. Las adolescentes solteras entre 16-19 años de edad con un nivel de escolaridad de primaria y básica incompleta, fueron las que presentaron un mayor número de embarazos en la adolescencia. La mayoría de ellas presentaron una menarquia precoz y curiosidad por el sexo. El insuficiente servicio de atención al adolescente fue un factor de riesgo en la aparición del embarazo en la adolescencia. El crecimiento intrauterino retardado, la interrupción de los estudios y abandono familiar fueron las consecuencias mas relevantes.
Humans , Adolescent , Female , Pregnancy , Abortion , Sexual Behavior/physiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Menarche/physiology , Sex Education , Affective Symptoms , Cultural Characteristics , Education, Primary and Secondary , Social ClassABSTRACT
As a part of a second generation surveillance, we investigated the sociodemographics, risky sexual behavior, knowledge of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and treatment seeking behavior among a vulnerable population. A cross-sectional study preceded by mapping, was conducted in Rawalpindi, Pakistan during 2005. Subjects were recruited through snowball, time location cluster and cluster sampling techniques. Behavioral interviews were conducted with 203 female sex workers (FSWs), 101 male sex workers (MSWs), 101 Hijras (transgender men) and 200 injecting drug users (IDUs), who were deemed a vulnerable population for STIs. Among this population 136 (67%) FSWs were illiterate, 145 (71.4%) were married and entertained on average 23 clients per month. Consistent condom use during one month was reported by 34 (17%) FSWs. One hundred thirty-three (66%) FSWs had a knowledge of STIs, 69 (34%) suffered from STIs. MSWs and Hijras had the youngest average ages at 24.4 (+/- 6.8), 25.8 (+/- 5.9) and started sexual activity even at age 14.7, and 13.9 years, respectively. Consistent condom usage was as low as 3 (3.1%) and 4 (4%) among MSWs and Hijras. IDUs had lowest monthly income of US$ 69 (+/- 41) and had a predominant migratory pattern. Fifty (25.2%) IDUs shared a needle with the last injection. Though knowledge of STIs was lowest among IDUs, 61 (30.7%), however, all utilized the public health facility for their treatment. Difference between knowledge of STIs and educational levels among IDUs and Hijras were found to be statistically significant (p=0.015 and p=0.04, respectively). The present study indicates the knowledge of HIV/STIs is high among the vulnerable population but condom usage is very low.
Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Female , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Health Behavior , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Humans , Male , Pakistan/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Unsafe Sex , Vulnerable Populations , Young AdultABSTRACT
Se realizó una revisión actualizada sobre anticoncepción y su relación con las infecciones de transmisión sexual. En el caso de los anticonceptivos de barrera, estos brindan protección contra estas infecciones. También se precisa, que los anticonceptivos hormonales, lejos de predisponer aparecer una infección de transmisión sexual, evitan el contagio. Los dispositivos intrauterinos por sí mismos no causan una inflamación pélvica, sino que la adquisición de este tipo de infección está facilitada por la conducta sexual irresponsable; no obstante, este tipo de anticoncepción no se recomienda en mujeres con una práctica sexual desordenada. En resumen, es obvio que ningún método anticonceptivo incrementa especialmente el riesgo de padecer una infección de transmisión sexual, sino que en la mayoría de las situaciones lo que ofrece es protección, y en la minoría, no intervienen en su adquisición.
Humans , Contraception/adverse effects , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiologyABSTRACT
En la actualidad, 2 de los problemas medicosociales más importantes que afectan a la juventud son el embarazo no deseado y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual, y el uso de métodos anticonceptivos puede servir como solución para ambos. Si bien muchos de estos métodos son conocidos por los adolescentes, la mayoría no los utiliza debido a la falta de información adecuada, a la vergüenza de adquirirlos, y a la carencia de servicios de salud y consejería que les garanticen una privacidad y confidencialidad merecidas. En nuestro trabajo realizamos una revisión de los métodos anticonceptivos disponibles en la actualidad, haciendo énfasis en cómo pueden usarse durante la adolescencia, sus ventajas y desventajas, en relación con su uso en esta etapa de la vida(AU)
At the present time, two of more important medical-social problem affecting youth is the non-desirable pregnancy and sexual communicable diseases, and use of contraceptive methods may be a solution for both. Altough adolescents know many of these contraceptive methods most dont use it because of a lack of proper information, by shame, and lack of health services and advise assuring them the necessesary privacy and confidentiality. In our practice we performed a review of contraceptive methods available at presente time, emphasizing on it use during adolescence, its advantages and disadvantages, with regard to its use in this life stage(AU)