El síndrome del edificio enfermo, se refiere a un conjunto de síntomas generales en mucosa (ocular y/o respiratoria) y piel que presentan los ocupantes de edificaciones con calidad ambiental deficientes, exponiendo a sus ocupantes a factores de riesgos físicos, mecánicos, químicos, biológicos y psicosociales, que puede afectar negativamente la salud y productividad de las personas. Con el propósito de determinar la frecuencia de los síntomas de los ocupantes de una industria manufacturera del Perú, se realizó estudio transversal aplicándose a 237 trabajadores, estratificados por áreas laborales, el cuestionario sugerido por el Instituto Nacional de Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo, además de evaluar la condición ambiental mediante la determinación de bioaerosoles cultivables y contables. Los resultados mostraron prevalencia superior al 20% en síntomas como: sequedad en ojos y garganta, picor en garganta congestión nasal, dolor de cabeza y debilidad general. Se tomaron, cuantificaron y caracterizaron 164 muestras de bioaerosoles, los microrganismos encontrados con mayor porcentaje fueron, Aspergillus sp. 54,68% (68) en el área administrativa, mientras que en las áreas de producción y almacén predomino Penicillium sp. con 87,10% (108) y 62,21% (77) respectivamente. Otros géneros encontrados en mayor porcentajes, en las tres áreas fueron: Trichoderma, Acremonium, Monilia, Cladosporium, entre otros. Los hallazgos se correlacionan con lo reportado en diversas investigaciones, la presencia de mencionados hongos, sugiere que existe una inadecuada calidad ambiental y aunada a la prevalencia obtenida en cuanto a sintomatología, se puede clasificar la edificación objeto de estudio con el Síndrome del edificio enfermo(AU)
Sick building syndrome refers to a set of general mucosal (ocular and/or respiratory) and skin symptoms presented by occupants of buildings with poor environmental quality, exposing their occupants to physical, mechanical, chemical, biological and psychosocial, which can negatively affect the health and productivity of people. In order to determine the frequency of the symptoms of the occupants of a manufacturing industry in Peru, a cross-sectional study was carried out, applying to 237 workers, stratified by work areas, the questionnaire suggested by the National Institute of Hygiene and Safety at Work, in addition to to evaluate the environmental condition by determining cultivable and countable bioaerosols. The results showed a prevalence greater than 20% in symptoms such as: dry eyes and throat, itchy throat, nasal congestion, headache and general weakness. 164 samples of bioaerosols were taken, quantified and characterized, the microorganisms found with the highest percentage were Aspergillus sp. 54.68% (68) in the administrative area, while in the production and storage areas, Penicillium sp. with 87.10% (108) and 62.21% (77) respectively. Other genera found in higher percentages in the three areas were: Trichoderma, Acremonium, Monilia, Cladosporium, among others. The findings correlate with what has been reported in various investigations, the presence of these fungi suggests that there is an inadequate environmental quality and, together with the prevalence obtained in terms of symptoms, the building under study can be classified with the Sick Building Syndrome(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sick Building Syndrome/etiology , Sick Building Syndrome/epidemiology , Air Pollution/adverse effects , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/epidemiology , Peru/epidemiology , Asthma , Rhinitis , Headache Disorders , Otomycosis , Manufacturing IndustryABSTRACT
En todo el mundo, los cambios climáticos y estilo de vida han resultado en un cambio de ambientes de aire libre a ambientes herméticos y energéticamente eficientes en el hogar y en los lugares de trabajo, donde las personas pasan parte sustancial de su tiempo. En esos entornos, el mantenimiento inadecuado de los aparatos de aire acondicionado, el diseño deficiente de edificio o de los hogares, y las actividades de sus ocupantes pueden dar lugar a condiciones de salud precaria, que pueden incluir enfermedades respiratorias. Bajo un estudio descriptivo, de cohorte transversal, se evaluaron 104 residencias familiares tipo apartamento con sistemas de aclimatización tipo Split en las habitaciones de descanso. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos para dermatofitos en 34 de las 104 muestras (33,65%), mientras que los hongos filamentosos y levaduras fueron 27 casos (25,96%). La concentración osciló entre 17 y 227 UFC/m3 y de 9 a 46 UFC/m3 para dermatofitos y para filamentosos y levaduras, respectivamente. Las especies de hongos dermatofitos aislados en el aire fueron Trichophyton rubrum y Trichophyton mentagrophytes, siendo el más frecuente fue el Trichophyton rubrum que apareció en el 73,52% de las muestras positivas, representamdo una frecuencia de ocurrencia de 24,04%; en ninguna de las muestras se observaron colonias mixtas con ambas especies a la vez. En el grupo de los no dermatofitos, el Penicillium spp. se presento en 10,58% de las muestras evaluadas, siendo el hongo mas prevalente de este grupo, con contajes que alcanzaron hasta 46 UFC/m3. Este grupo en los 27 positivos, se evidencio al menos dos especies de hongos y adicionalmente en 14 casos una levadura. Este estudio demostró que el no aplicar las medidas correctivas y sistema de limpieza de los aires acondiconados puede comprometer la salud de sus habitantes, especialmente por problemas respiratorios, por la presencia de hongos(AU)
Throughout the world, climate and lifestyle changes have resulted in a shift from outdoor environments to airtight and energy-efficient environments at home and in workplaces, where people spend a substantial part of their time. In these environments, inadequate maintenance of air conditioners, poor building or home design, and the activities of its occupants can lead to poor health conditions, which may include respiratory diseases. Under a descriptive, cross-sectional cohort study, 104 apartment-type family residences with acclimatization systems in Split-type rest rooms were evaluated. Positive results for dermatophytes were obtained in 34 of the 104 samples (33.65%), while filamentous fungi and yeasts were 27 cases (25.96%). The concentration ranged between 17 and 227 CFU/m3 and from 9 to 46 CFU/m3 for dermatophytes and for filamentous and yeasts, respectively. The species of dermatophyte fungi isolated in the air were Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, the most frequent being Trichophyton rubrum, which appeared in 73.52% of the positive samples, representing a frequency of occurrence of 24.04%; mixed colonies with both species at the same time were not observed in any of the samples. In the group of non-dermatophytes, Penicillium spp. it was present in 10.58% of the evaluated samples, being the most prevalent fungus of this group, with counts that reached up to 46 CFU/m3. This group in the 27 positives, evidenced at least two species of fungi and additionally in 14 cases a yeast. This study showed that not applying corrective measures and the air conditioning cleaning system can compromise the health of its inhabitants, especially due to respiratory problems, due to the presence of fungi
Environmental Monitoring , Sick Building Syndrome , Air Conditioning , Life Style , Lung Diseases, Fungal , Aspergillosis , Aspergillus fumigatus , Climate Change , Equipment Maintenance , FungiABSTRACT
Introdução: A mensuração de fenômenos em Saúde possui implicação na detecção precoce de agravos. A Saúde do Trabalhador no Brasil e seu potencial para internacionalização facilitam o uso de materiais estrangeiros de mensuração de fenômenos. Objetivo: Adaptar transculturalmente o Cuestionario para Detección del Síndrome del Edifício Enfermo para o contexto de trabalhadores de saúde brasileiros. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, transversal, quantitativo, a partir das etapas: 2 traduções iniciais, 1 síntese das traduções, 2 retrotraduções, comitê de especialistas e pré-teste realizado com 37 trabalhadores de saúde de um hospital. As variáveis numéricas foram abordadas por análise estatística descritiva univariada, utilizando-se tabelas de frequência para sumarizar os dados. Resultados: O instrumento foi traduzido e submetido às etapas de adaptação transcultural, e sofreu alterações de itens, além de adequações: semântica, idiomática, cultural e conceitual. Os trabalhadores participantes do pré-teste também contribuíram com modificações no questionário e eram em sua maioria técnicos de enfermagem, enfermeiros e médicos; referiram preocupação com sua saúde, e muitos apresentaram queixas de adoecimento físico relacionado ao trabalho. Após as modificações de itens e substituições de termos, foi obtida uma versão adaptada. O pré-teste possibilitou a observação de problemas frequentes como trabalho em turnos prolongados e a pouca oportunidade de tomada de decisão do trabalhador. Conclusão: O questionário adaptado para o português do Brasil está adequado ao contexto dos trabalhadores de saúde brasileiros e constitui recurso a detecção precoce da Síndrome do Edifício Doente na visão contextual do trabalho(AU)
Introducción: La medición de los fenómenos de salud tiene implicaciones para la detección temprana de enfermedades. La salud laboral en Brasil y su potencial de internacionalización facilitan el uso de materiales extraños para medir fenómenos. Objetivo: Adaptar transculturalmente el cuestionario para detección del síndrome de edificio enfermo en el contexto de los trabajadores de salud brasileños. Métodos: Estudio metodológico, transversal y cuantitativo, a partir de los pasos: 2 traducciones iniciales, 1 síntesis de traducciones, 2 traducciones posteriores, comité de expertos y prueba previa realizada con 37 trabajadores de salud de un hospital. Las variables numéricas se abordaron por análisis estadístico descriptivo univariado, utilizando tablas de frecuencia para resumir los datos. Resultados: El instrumento fue traducido y sometido a las etapas de adaptación intercultural, y sufrió cambios en los ítems, así como ajustes: semántico, idiomático, cultural y conceptual. Los trabajadores que participaron en la prueba previa también contribuyeron a las modificaciones en el cuestionario y fueron en su mayoría técnicos de enfermería, enfermeras y médicos; informaron preocupación por su salud y muchos se quejaron de enfermedades físicas relacionadas con el trabajo. Después de las modificaciones de los ítems y las sustituciones de términos, se obtuvo una versión adaptada. La prueba previa permitió observar problemas frecuentes, como trabajar turnos largos y la poca oportunidad para que el trabajador tomara decisiones. Conclusiones: El cuestionario adaptado al portugués brasileño es apropiado para el contexto de los trabajadores de salud brasileños y es una característica de detección temprana del síndrome del edificio enfermo en la vista del trabajo(AU)
Introduction: The measurement of health phenomena has implications concerning early detection of diseases. Occupational health in Brazil and its potential for internationalization facilitate the use of foreign materials to measure phenomena. Objective: To adapt, cross-culturally, the questionnaire for the detection of sick-building syndrome in the setting of Brazilian health workers. Methods: Methodological, cross-sectional and quantitative study based on the following steps: two initial translations, one synthesis of translations, two subsequent translations, a committee of experts, and a preliminary test carried out with 37 health workers from a hospital. The numerical variables were addressed by univariate descriptive statistical analysis, using frequency tables to summarize the data. Results: The instrument was translated and subjected to the intercultural adaptation stages, and underwent changes in the items, as well as adjustments of the following types: semantic, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual. The workers who participated in the pre-test also contributed to the modifications in the questionnaire and were mostly nursing technicians, nurses and doctors; they reported concern for their health, and many complained over work-related physical illnesses. After the modifications of the items and the substitutions of terms, an adapted version was obtained. The pre-test revealed frequent problems, such as working long shifts and little opportunity for the worker to make decisions. Conclusions: The questionnaire adapted to Brazilian Portuguese is appropriate for the setting of Brazilian health workers, and is a feature of early detection of sick-building syndrome in the workplace(AU)
Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires , Occupational Health , Sick Building Syndrome/diagnosis , Adaptation to Disasters , Shift Work Schedule , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Sick building syndrome (SBS) refers to the combination of symptoms experienced by occupants of specific building characteristics. This study investigated the associations of children's lifestyle behaviors, allergies, home, and school environment with SBS symptoms.@*METHODS@#A total of 4408 elementary school children living in Sapporo City, Japan participated in this study. SBS was determined on parental answers to MM080 standardized school questionnaires on symptoms that were weekly experienced by these children, and if the symptom is attributed to their home or school environment. The Japanese version of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire was used to assess wheeze, rhino-conjunctivitis, and eczema. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the associations between SBS symptoms and variables by controlling the potential confounders (gender, grade, school, and parental history of allergies). A stepwise backward elimination was conducted to assess independent variables related to SBS.@*RESULTS@#Participants revealed mucosal (6.9%), skin (2.0%), and general (0.8%) symptoms. The presence of one or more allergy was associated with increased mucosal and skin symptoms. Children who skipped breakfast, displayed faddiness (like/dislike of food), had constipation, have insufficient sleep, did not feel refreshed after sleep, and lacked deep sleep showed significantly high odds ratios with SBS symptoms. The stepwise analysis showed faddiness for mucosal symptoms and not feeling refreshed after sleep for mucosal and skin symptoms, whereas constipation and lacking deep sleep for general symptoms were independent variables in increasing the symptoms. We found no significant relationship between SBS in children and schools. Considering children's home, old building, no ventilation, wall-to-wall carpet, and heavy nearby traffic were associated with elevated mucosal symptom, while living in a multifamily home increased general symptoms. Home dampness was an independent variable in increasing all SBS symptoms.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Allergies and lifestyle behaviors were associated with increased SBS in children, including skipping breakfast, displaying faddiness, constipation, insufficient sleep, not feeling refreshed after sleep, and the lack of deep sleep. Further, dampness at home was associated with increase in all SBS symptoms. Lifestyle (e.g., eating and sleeping habits) and home (i.e., dampness) improvements might alleviate SBS symptoms in children.
Child , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Environment , Housing , Hypersensitivity , Epidemiology , Japan , Life Style , Prevalence , Schools , Sick Building Syndrome , Epidemiology , StudentsABSTRACT
Introducción: La salud ocupacional involucra importantes líneas de debate. La enfermedad ocupacional ve el ejercicio del trabajo y el ambiente de trabajo como causas de la enfermedad de los trabajadores, como es el caso del síndrome del edificio enfermo. Objetivo: Discutir, en base a la literatura científica, el síndrome del edificio enfermo en el contexto de los trabajadores de la salud. Métodos: Revisión integradora realizada en abril de 2019. Se usaron cuatro bases de datos en las cuales se obtuvieron 37 artículos inicialmente. No se aplicaron los criterios de delimitación temporal o idiomática. Después de leer por completo se dejaron 10 estudios primarios que se trataron más adelante. Toda la selección y el análisis siguieron un diagrama de flujo y la estrategia de PRISMA. Conclusión: Se encontró poca producción sobre el síndrome del edificio enfermo enfocado en el contexto de los trabajadores de la salud, lo que dificulta la obtención de estudios actuales que aborden el problema. Sin embargo, según lo que se ha revisado, los factores causales van desde fallas en los sistemas de ventilación y sus cualidades hasta el problema de la sobrecarga de trabajo y los entornos con microorganismos. Los síntomas son diversos y se caracterizan principalmente por problemas relacionados con las vías respiratorias, la piel y el tracto psicológico. Las actividades de intervención involucran el desempeño de profesionales dirigidos a unidades de salud ocupacional, el uso de instrumentos para detectar riesgos de exposición y cambios en los hábitos estructurales(AU)
Introduction: Occupational health involves important lines of debate. Occupational disease sees working and the work environment as causes of workers' disease, as is the case of sick building syndrome. Objective: To discuss, based on the scientific literature, the sick building syndrome in the setting of health workers. Methods: Integrative review carried out in April 2019. Four databases were used, in which 37 articles were initially obtained. The criteria of time or language delimitation were not applied. After reading the whole information, 10 primary studies were chosen, which were discussed later. All the choosing and the analysis followed a flow chart and the strategy of PRISMA. Conclusion: Little production was found about sick building syndrome focused on the setting of health workers, making it difficult to obtain current studies that address the problem. However, based on what has been reviewed, the causal factors range from failure of ventilation systems and their qualities to the problem of work overload and environments with microorganisms. The symptoms are diverse and characterized mainly by problems related to the respiratory tract, the skin, and the psychological aspect. Intervention activities involve professional performance targeted to occupational health units, the use of instruments to detect exposure risks, and changes in structural habits(AU)
Humans , /methods , Occupational Health , Health Personnel , Sick Building Syndrome/etiology , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, BibliographicABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Sick building syndrome (SBS) consists of a group of mucosal, skin, and general symptoms temporally related to residential and office buildings of unclear causes. These symptoms are common in the general population. However, SBS symptoms and their contributing factors are poorly understood, and the community associates it with bad sprits. This community-based cross-sectional study was, therefore, conducted to assess the prevalence and associated factors of SBS in Gondar town.@*METHODS@#A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to April 2017. A total of 3405 study subjects were included using multistage and systematic random sampling techniques. A structured questionnaire and observational checklists were used to collect data. SBS was assessed by 24 building-related symptoms and confirmed by five SBS confirmation criteria. Multivariable binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors associated with SBS on the basis of adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) and p < 0.05. The Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test was used to check model fitness, and variance inflation factor (VIF) was also used to test interactions between variables.@*RESULTS@#The prevalence of SBS in Gondar town was 21.7% (95% CI = 20.3-23.0%). Of this, the mucosal symptoms account for 64%, the general symptoms account for 54%, and the skin symptoms account for 10%. From study participants who reported SBS symptoms, 44% had more than one symptom. Headache (15.7%), asthma (8.3%), rhinitis (8.0%), and dizziness (7.5%) were the commonest reported symptoms. SBS was significantly associated with fungal growth in the building [AOR = 1.25, 95% CI = (1.05, 1.49)], unclean building [AOR = 1.26, 95% CI = (1.03, 1.55)], houses with no functional windows [AOR = 1.35, 95% CI = (1.12, 1.63)], houses with no fan [AOR = 1.90, 95% CI = (1.22, 2.96)], utilization of charcoal as a cooking energy source [AOR = 1.40, 95% CI = (1.02, 1.91)], cooking inside the living quarters [AOR = 1.31, 95% CI = (1.09, 1.58)], and incensing and joss stick use [AOR = 1.48, 95% CI = (1.23, 1.77)].@*CONCLUSION@#The prevalence of SBS in Gondar town was high, and significant proportion of the population had more than one SBS symptom. Headache, asthma, rhinitis, and dizziness were the commonest reported SBS symptoms. Fungal growth, cleanliness of the building, availability of functional windows, availability of fan in the living quarters, using charcoal as a cooking energy source, cooking inside the quarters, and incensing habit or joss stick use were identified as factors associated with SBS. Improving the sanitation of the living environment and housekeeping practices of the occupants is useful to minimize the prevalence of SBS.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cross-Sectional Studies , Ethiopia , Epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Sick Building Syndrome , Classification , EpidemiologyABSTRACT
@#The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sick building syndrome (SBS) and other factors contributing to probable mental health problems among university laboratory staffs. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 264 laboratory staffs in UPM. Data was collected using validated self-administrated questionnaires consists of Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) and SBS. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22.0. In total, about 28% of the participants reported having probable mental health problems. The prevalence of SBS was 31.4%. After controlling for confounders, the significant factors for probable mental health problems were job insecurity (AOR 2.33, 95% CI 0.212- 0.867), job demand (AOR 1.12, 95% CI 0.445-0.921), fatigue (AOR 0.94, 95% CI 0.162-1.425), drowsiness (AOR 0.75, 95% CI 1.023-4.647) and household income (AOR 0.339, 95% CI0.166-0.995).Results visibly showed that psychosocial factors and symptoms of SBS at their working environment contribute to probable mental health problems among laboratory staffs. The strongest predictors in this study were job insecurity. Hence, further assessment and preventive measures should be carried out to reduce the risk factors of probable mental health problems and to improve working environment among university laboratory staffs.
Sick Building SyndromeABSTRACT
A Qualidade do Ar Interno (QAI) surgiu como ciência a partir da década de 70 com a crise energética e a consequente construção dos edifícios selados (desprovidos de ventilação natural), principalmente nos países desenvolvidos, e se destacou após a descoberta de que a diminuição das taxas de troca de ar nesses ambientes era a grande responsável pelo aumento da concentração de poluentes no ar interno. Admite-se que a ventilação seja um dos principais fatores que interferem na qualidade do ar interno e que os próprios ocupantes dos edifícios contribuem substancialmente com a poluição destes ambientes através de suas atividades. Sabe-se ainda que a má qualidade do ar interno está associada a doenças (como tosse, rinite, alergia, etc.) e à Síndrome dos Edifícios Doentes (SED). Para amostragem de substâncias gasosas no ar de ambientes internos dispõe-se de diversas metodologias, sendo as principais: sistemas passivos de monitoramento, sistemas ativos e automáticos. Para a efetiva promoção de um ambiente saudável, deve-se conciliar a aplicação de legislações específicas com pesquisas e conscientização dos ocupantes dos edifícios. Essa revisão objetiva relacionar os diferentes contaminantes encontrados em ambientes internos, seus efeitos à saúde humana e suas metodologias de amostragem.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) emerged as a science from the 1970s onwards with the energy crisis and the subsequent construction of sealed buildings (without natural ventilation). This mainly occurred in developed countries and it soon came to public attention that lower levels of air exchange in these environments was the main culprit for the increase in concentration of indoor air pollutants. It is common knowledge that ventilation is one of the principal factors that interfere with air quality in indoor environments and that the occupants contribute to the pollution of these environments with their activities. Furthermore, poor indoor air quality is associated with some diseases (cough, rhinitis, allergy, etc.) and with Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). For sampling of the indoor contaminants there are several methodologies, available including passive monitoring systems, active and automatic systems. To ensure a healthy indoor environment, the application of specific legislation needs to be reconciled with research and fostering awareness among the occupants of such buildings. This survey seeks to identify the different contaminants found in internal environments, their effects on human health and the methodologies available for sampling them.
Humans , Air Pollution, Indoor/adverse effects , Sick Building Syndrome/etiologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Concerns about the quality of indoor air have increased recently. However, there has not been any significant research conducted concerning the patterns of histologic and organic changes induced in humans by indoor air pollution. The aim of the study is to investigate the organic changes of nasal mucosa and nasal symptoms due to exposed concentrations of indoor air pollution. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: We studied fourteen people from four families, all of whom had plans to move into new apartments. We measured the quantities of indoor air pollution before their move, one week after moving in, and then one month after the move. Other clinical tests such as an acoustic rhinometry, olfactory tests and nasal smears were performed. RESULTS: Mean concentrations of Total Volatile Organic Chemicals (TVOCs) and aldehydes showed an increase after moving into the new apartments. Post-move acoustic rhinometry, Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center (CCCRC) test and endoscopic findings showed a decrease in nasal function and patency. Additionally, in nasal smears, eosinophils with bilobulated nuclei were observed, and eosinophil count showed a pattern of increase. CONCLUSION: High concentrations of indoor air pollutants could induce organic changes of the nasal cavities and cause the recession of olfactory function. Due to indoor air pollutants, hypersensitivity of nasal mucosa was induced, and histological changes of nasal mucosa as well as hematological changes were observed. These indicate that indoor air pollution impinges on the nasal mucosa and cause nasal symptoms.
Humans , Air Pollutants , Air Pollution, Indoor , Aldehydes , Connecticut , Eosinophils , Hypersensitivity , Nasal Cavity , Nasal Mucosa , Organic Chemicals , Rhinitis, Allergic, Perennial , Rhinometry, Acoustic , Sick Building SyndromeABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Indoor air quality (IAQ) in the radiation treatment center which is generally located underground is important to the health of hospital workers and patients treated over a long period of time. This study was conducted to measure and analyze the factors related to IAQ and subjective symptoms of sick building syndrome, and to establish the causes influencing IAQ and find a solution to the problems. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Self administrated questionnaire was conducted to check the workers' symptoms and understanding of the work environment. Based on a preliminary investigation, the factors related to IAQ such as temperature, humidity, fine particulate. carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), and radon gas were selected and measured for a certain period of time in specific sites where hospital workers stay long in a day. And we also evaluated the surrounding environment and the efficiency of the ventilating system simultaneously, and measured the same factors at the first floor (outdoor) to compare with outdoor air quality. All collected data were assessed by the recommended standard for IAQ of the domestic and international environmental organizations. RESULTS: Hospital workers were discontented with foul odors, humidity and particulate. They complained symptoms related to musculo-skeletal system, neurologic system, and mucosal-irritatation. Most of the factors were not greater than the recommended standard, but the level of TVOC was third or fourth times as much as the measuring level of some offices in the United States. The frequency and the amount of the ventilating system were adequate, however, the problem arising in the position of outdoor-air inlets and indoor-air outlets involved a risk of the indraft of contaminated air. A careful attention was a requirement in handling and keeping chemical substances including a developing solution which has a risk of TVOC emissions, and repositioning the ventilating system was needed to solve the contaminated-air circulation immediately. CONCLUSION: We verified that some IAQ-related factors and inadequate ventilating system could cause subjective symptoms in hospital workers. The evaluation of IAQ was surely needed to improve the underground working environments for hospital workers and patients. On the basis of these data, from now on, we should actively engage in designs of the department of radiation oncology or improvement in environments of the existing facilities.
Humans , Air Pollution, Indoor , Bays , Carbon Dioxide , Carbon Monoxide , Formaldehyde , Humidity , Odorants , Surveys and Questionnaires , Radiation Oncology , Radon , Sick Building Syndrome , United States , Volatile Organic CompoundsABSTRACT
Indoor air quality of 5 blocks in Alexandria was investigated. VOCs-enrichment factor [VEF], that is potentially useful in lAQ investigations was evaluated in this study. Concentrations of VOCs and CO 2 were determined for 26 units and VEF was calculated. 100 housewives were selected randomly for the study [20 from each block]. For each subject, an interview, general and systemic examination, pulmonary function tests, and radiological examination were carried out. The most frequent complaint among the study population was the nonspecific complaints [51%] followed by respiratory system complaints [34%], while 28% of the studied sample reported mental complaints. There have been many studies in residences, but few include both VOCs and CO 2 concentrations. Although VOCs concentrations vary over a large range of concentrations for indoor [0.150-2.989 mg/m 3] and for outdoor [0.123-2.975 mg/m 3], the presence of elevated VOCs indicates strong contaminating source in the building. Outdoor VOCs concentration can be quite variable reflecting vehicular, commercial, and industrial emissions. CO 2 is a crude indicator of ventilation efficiency. 65% of units had VEF of about 1 indicating that bioeffluent emissions prevail, 23% of units had VEF>5 which indicates existence of strong abiotic VOCs sources, and 12% of units had VEF < 0.3 which indicates existence of large combustion source of CO 2 Adverse health responses potentially caused by VOCs in non-industrial indoor environment are irritant, systemic, and toxic effect. In addition, symptoms such as headache, fatigue, and mental confusion are indicators of the presence of combustion products such as CO 2. The VEF is applicable to residences and the present study suggests that people suspecting a connection between their health impairment and housing conditions should be taken seriously
Health Status , Carbon Dioxide , Carbon Monoxide , Sick Building Syndrome , Environmental HealthABSTRACT
Even though office buildings are usually equipped with ventilation system or air conditioning to create a comfortable working environment, yet there is still found a number of sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms. One of the symptoms of SBS is SBS headache. Therefore, it is crucial to identify risk factors related to SBS headache. Cases were subjects who have suffered SBS headache, and controls were subjects who did not suffered headache for the last one month. Cases and controls were selected through a survey on all of employees in the said office during the period of May to August 2002. Total respondents were 240 employees including 36 people suffered SBS headache (15%). Compared to the normal air movement, faster air movement decreased the risk of SBS headache by 57% [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.43; 95% confidence intervals (CI): 0.19-0.95]. Female employees, compared to the males ones, had a higher risk of getting SBS headache by almost three times (adjusted OR = 2.96: 95% CI: 1.29-6.75). Employees who had breakfast irregularly, had a lower risk to SBS headache than those who have breakfast regularly (adjusted OR=0.31; 95% CI: 0.09-0.84). Temperature, humidity and smoking habits were not noted correlated to SBS headache. Female workers had greater risk of suffering SBS headache. In addition slower air movement increased the risk of SBS headache. Therefore, it is recommended to improve the progress of air in order to reduce the risk of SBS headache, especially for female workplace.
Air Movements , Sick Building SyndromeABSTRACT
Sick building syndrome describes a number of mostly unspesific complaints of some occupants of the building. The exact pathophysiological mechanism remains elusive. It is a multi factorial event which may include physical, chemical, biological as well as psycological factors. In many cases it is due to insufficient maintenance of the HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system in the building. Sign and symptoms can be uncomfortable and even disabling, which may include mucus membrane irritation, neurotoxic symptoms, asthma like symptoms, skin complaints, gastrointestinal symptoms and other related symptoms. There are various investigation methods to diagnose sick building syndrome, and on site assessment of the building is extremely useful. Prevention through a proactive air quality monitoring program is far more desirable than dealing with an actual sick building. Indoor air and the sick building symdrome serves as a paradigm of modern occupational and environmental medicine.
Sick Building SyndromeABSTRACT
A theoretical study and computer simulation search program has been developed to calculate the gamma radiation doses from thin sheets of Egyptian phosphogypsum containing an average 226 Ra concentration of 750 Bq/kg. A comparison study using a natural gypsum has been made. The calculations presented in this paper are much more realistic in aspect that they take the geometry of the building materials into account. The methodology outlined in this paper can be used for calculations of gamma doses for any building material which satisfied assumptions used here, in particular that there is no significant absorption of gamma radiation in the air or the source material. The obtained results of this developed program are compared with other published results
Radiation Effects , Gamma Rays , Sick Building SyndromeABSTRACT
The use of granite in buildings may constitute an additional source of radiation exposure to both workers and members of the public from gamma radiation produced by radioactive decay in the granite-sheet. The calculations presented in this paper indicated that if different types of granite sheets 2 cm thick containing a 226Ra eq concentration of 236.09889 Bq/kg for red granite and 360.92307 Bq/kg for rose granite are used in the walls and floor of a bank hall of dimensions up to 8 m x 10 m x 3 m and 10 m x 12 m x 3 m, the annual effective dose from gamma radiation for a worker or public person occupying the bank hall is lower than the maximum acceptable 226Ra concentration in building materials. The calculations presented in this paper are much more realistic in that they take the geometry of the building materials into account
Sick Building Syndrome , Occupational Exposure , Spectrometry, GammaABSTRACT
Building-related illness is an increasingly common problem. The disease fall into two categories : those that have an identifiable cause-such as legionellosis, humidifier fever, and conditions resulting from exposure to known substances such as asbestos, lead in paint, formaldehyde, etc-and those that have no readily identifiable cause but can be described only by a group of symptoms known as sick building syndrome (SBS). Although objective physiologic abnormalities are generally not found and permanent sequelae are rare, the symptoms of SBS can be uncomfortable, even disabling, and whole workplaces may be rendered non-functional. In assessment of patients with SBS complaints, specific building-related illnesses should be ruled out by history or physical examination. On-site assessment of buildings is extremely useful. Symptoms of non-specific building-related illnesses are common ; their heterogeneity suggests that they do not represent a single disorder. Although there is little convincing, direct evidence to implicate specific causative agents, there is sufficient indirect evidence to support a number of recommendations. For example, it seems prudent to maintain an outdoor-air supply of more than 10 liters per second per person ; to select the building materials, furnishings, and equipments that are least likely to release pollutants such as formaldehyde or volatile organic compounds ; to ensure proper maintenance and cleaning ; and to avoid materials that may act as substrates for the proliferation of microbes or dust mites.
Humans , Asbestos , Construction Materials , Dust , Fever , Formaldehyde , Humidifiers , Legionellosis , Mites , Paint , Physical Examination , Population Characteristics , Sick Building Syndrome , Volatile Organic CompoundsABSTRACT
The number of fungus spores in the air is greater compared to that of pollen and also is less influenced by season. Recently there is increasing interest in the role of fungus as an allergen and causative factor of sick building syndrome. There are several kinds of samplers for the collection of fungus spore in outdoor and/or indoor air such as Durham sampler, rotorod sampler, personal volumetric air sampler, seven-day recording volumetric spore trap, and portable air sampler for agar plates. Because personal volumetric air sampler is small, rechargeable and volumetric equipment, it is suitable for air sampling indoors. Portable air sampler for agar plates is useful for fungus culture from indoor and outdoor air. According to the results of our study on distribution of fungus spores in indoor and outdoor air by using personal volumetric air sampler, Cladosporium and Leptosphaeria were common spores in indoor and outdoor air. The number of spores in indoor air was closely correlated with that in outdoor air. Therefore it would be necessary to establish a standard method for collecting the fungus spores. We need to perform the nationwide study on distribution of fungus spores using this method, and to evaluate the allergenicity of fungus spores.
Humans , Agar , Cladosporium , Fungi , Pollen , Seasons , Sick Building Syndrome , SporesABSTRACT
Este trabalho objetivou conhecer a concentraçäo microbiana e a influência de alguns fatores ambientais na dispersäo de bioaerossóis em cômodos específicos, de uso restrito e público, do Prédio Tradicional da Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas, onde situa o Departamento de Análises Clínicas, Farmácia Escola e Unidade Auxiliar. As amostragens foram realizadas utilizando-se o MAS-100, durante 2 períodos do ano, em 15 cômodos, sendo 5 laboratórios didáticos, 5 laboratórios de rotina e 5 salas de atendimento ao público. Os ambientes foram analisados em relaçäo ao tipo de climatizaçäo (natural ou artificial) e ao número de ocupantes. O tipo de climatizaçäo demonstrou näo influenciar no número de unidades formadoras de colônia por metro cúbico de ar dos diferentes ambientes. Diferenças significativas foram observadas em ambientes onde circulavam menos de 9 e 9 ou mais pessoas, independentemente do tipo de atividade desenvolvida. O fato de os próprios ocupantes serem as fontes mais prováveis de bioaerossóis em ambientes interiores estimula a instalaçäo de equipamentos eficientes que promovam a filtraçäo e renovaçäo do ar, diluindo partículas originadas dentro deles, principalmente naqueles onde há maior fluxo de indivíduos.