Inflammatory myopathies belong to a heterogeneous group of autoimmune diseases, which are mainly characterized by muscle weakness, elevated muscle enzymes, myopathic changes on electromyography, and muscle biopsy abnormalities. They may also have extraocular manifestations as well as involvement of the lungs, skin, and joints. This descriptive study analyzes cases of idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) diagnosed and treated at the Regional Hospital of Talca between 2016 and 2021 where data on clinical presentation and serological profile. Nineteen cases were identified, mainly dermatomyositis, with a higher proportion of women affected. Most patients had elevated antinuclear antibodies and the most frequently found antibodies were RO52 and JO1. These results provide valuable information on IIM in the Maule region and may contribute to improving the diagnosis and management of these diseases.
Las miopatías inflamatorias pertenecen a un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades autoinmunes, que se caracterizan principalmente por debilidad muscular, elevación de enzimas musculares, cambios miopáticos en la electromiografía y anomalías en la biopsia muscular. Pueden además tener manifestaciones extraoculares como también afectación de los pulmones, piel, y articulaciones. Este estudio descriptivo analiza casos de Miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas (MII) diagnosticados y tratados en el Hospital Regional de Talca entre 2016 y 2021 donde se recopilaron datos sobre presentación clínica y perfil serológico. Se identificaron 19 casos, principalmente dermatomiositis, observándose una mayor proporción de mujeres afectadas. La mayoría de los pacientes presentó anticuerpos antinucleares elevados y los anticuerpos más frecuentemente encontrados fueron el RO52 y JO1. Estos resultados proporcionan información valiosa sobre las MII en la región del Maule y pueden contribuir a mejorar el diagnóstico y manejo de estas enfermedades.
Humans , Male , Female , Autoimmune Diseases/diagnosis , Myositis/diagnosis , Signs and Symptoms , Autoimmune Diseases/genetics , Comorbidity , Prevalence , Muscle, Skeletal , RNA, Untranslated/genetics , MicroRNAs , Age and Sex Distribution , Antibodies , Myositis/geneticsABSTRACT
A erupção dentária é definida como a movimentação dos dentes em desenvolvimento para emergir através dos tecidos moles da maxila e da mandíbula. O primeiro dente decíduo geralmente irrompe na cavidade bucal em um intervalo entre quatro e dez meses de idade e manifestações locais e sistêmicas associadas à erupção são observadas e relatadas por pais de bebês que passam pelo processo. Deste modo, este trabalho busca revisar e analisar a literatura em relação à percepção dos pais sobre os sinais e sintomas observados durante o processo de erupção dentária em bebês. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura, buscando por artigos indexados nas bases eletrônicas de dados PubMed e Portal BVS. Ao final, foram selecionados 16 artigos científicos, sendo em sua maioria estudos com delineamento transversal (n: 11). Apenas dois estudos foram realizados no Brasil, sendo a Índia (n: 4) o país com maior número de artigos incluídos. Os sinais e sintomas mais relatados pelos pais foram febre (n: 16), perda de apetite (n: 13) e aumento da salivação (n: 12). Os estudos analisados apresentaram limitações, como a falta de padronização dos questionários direcionados aos pais. Compreende-se, desta forma, que mais estudos com populações variadas, amostras maiores e questionários padronizados são necessários.
Dental eruption is defined as the movement of developing teeth to emerge through the soft tissues of the maxilla and mandible. The first deciduous tooth usually erupts into the oral cavity between the fourth and tenth month of age. During this time, local and systemic manifestations are observed and reported by parents of babies who undergo the process. Thus, this stud seeks to review and analyze the literature regarding the perception of parents about the signs and symptoms observed during the process of tooth eruption in babies. An integrative literature review was performed, searching for articles indexed in PubMed and Portal BVS electronic databases. Sixteen papers were selected, mostly of which were cross-sectional studies (n: 11). Only two studies were carried out in Brazil, with India (n: 4) being the country with the highest number of articles included. The most reported signs and symptoms were fever (n: 16), loss of appetite (n: 13) and increased salivation (n: 12). The analyzed studies had limitations, such as the lack of standardization of the questionnaires addressed to parents. We conclude more studies with varied populations, larger samples and standardized questionnaires are needed.
Parents , Perception , Signs and Symptoms , Tooth, Deciduous , Tooth EruptionABSTRACT
Introducción. El número de capturas a los body packers, que son aquellas personas que ingieren paquetes con estupefacientes para tráfico ilegal, ha aumentado paulatinamente. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar los casos de body packers atendidos en dos instituciones de salud de Florencia, un territorio al sur de Colombia, entre 2003 y 2017. Métodos. Este es un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. Se hizo un análisis univariado en RStudio y Microsoft Excel® de variables sociodemográficas y clínicas. Se emplearon medidas de tendencia central y dispersión para las variables continuas, frecuencias y proporciones para las variables categóricas. Resultados. Se incluyeron 72 pacientes. La mayoría de los casos fueron reportados entre 2007 y 2012 (77,5 %). La relación entre hombres y mujeres fue de 4,9:1. La edad media fue de 29,1 años. El principal motivo de admisión fue para chequeo médico tras captura por parte de los organismos de seguridad nacional (76,4 %). En 9 de cada 10 admitidos se realizaron estudios de imagen (94,4 %); la principal ayuda diagnóstica fue la radiografía de abdomen simple (84,7 %), con una sensibilidad del 91,6 %. Se realizó manejo expectante en tres de cada cuatro pacientes (74,6 %). El 6,9 % presentaron complicaciones, con una mortalidad (1,4 %). Conclusiones. La radiografía de abdomen simple es una ayuda diagnóstica adecuada para el tamizaje de los body packers. El manejo conservador es aceptable, teniendo en cuenta el porcentaje bajo de complicaciones.
Introduction. The number of arrests of body packers, who are those people who ingest packages with narcotics for illegal trafficking, has gradually increased. The objective of this study was to present the cases of body packers treated in two health institutions in Florencia, a territory in southern Colombia, between 2003 and 2017. Methods. This is a descriptive retrospective study. A univariate analysis was performed in RStudio and Microsoft Excel® of sociodemographic and clinical variables. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were used for continuous variables, frequencies and proportions for categorical variables. Results. 72 patients were included. Most cases were reported between 2007 and 2012 (77.5%). The ratio between men and women was 4.9:1. The mean age was 29.1 years. The main reason for admission was for medical check-up after capture by national security agencies (76.4%). In nine out of ten admitted patients, imaging studies were performed (94.4%); the main diagnostic imaging was simple abdominal X-ray (84.7%), with a sensitivity of 91.6%. Expectant management was performed in three out of four patients (74.6%). 6.9% presented complications, with one mortality (1.4%). Conclusions. Simple abdominal x-ray is an adequate diagnostic tool for screening body packers. Conservative management is acceptable, taking into account the low percentage of complications.
Humans , Drug Trafficking , Body Packing , Signs and Symptoms , Cocaine , Colombia , ObservationABSTRACT
Objetivo: Analizar la función sexual y el síndrome climatérico en mujeres de 45 a 64 años residentes de la Región de Ñuble. Métodos: Se realizó un muestreo no probabilístico a conveniencia con 251 mujeres. Se utilizaron dos instrumentos, Menopause Rating Scale y Female Sexual Function Index. El análisis estadístico incluyó pruebas descriptivas, ANOVA y correlación de Pearson. Resultados: El grupo etario más frecuente fue de 45 a 49 años. En síntomas climatéricos, se destacan molestias moderadas en lo somático. La función sexual evaluada por la escala Female Sexual Function Index, muestra variabilidad. La correlación entre Menopause Rating Scale y Female Sexual Function Index indica que un mayor puntaje en el primero se relaciona con menor función sexual. Conclusiones: Existe una prevalencia significativa de síntomas climatéricos en mujeres, con molestias moderadas en lo somático y leves en lo psicológico y urogenital. Variabilidad en la función sexual; puntajes más altos en dolor y más bajos en lubricación y orgasmo. Existe una correlación inversa entre las escalas Menopause Rating Scale y el Female Sexual Function Index(AU)
Objective: To analyze sexual function and climacteric syndrome in women aged 45 to 64 years residing in the Ñuble Region. Methods: A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out with 251 women. Two instruments were used, Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index. Statistical analysis included descriptive tests, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Results: The most common age group was 45 to 49 years. In climacteric symptoms, moderate somatic discomfort stands out. Sexual function, assessed by the Female Sexual Function Index scale, shows variability. The correlation between Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index indicates that a higher Menopause Rating Scale score is related to lower sexual function. Conclusions: There is a significant prevalence of climacteric symptoms in women, with moderate somatic discomfort and mild psychological and urogenital discomfort. Variability in sexual function; higher scores on pain and lower on lubrication and orgasm. There is an inverse correlation between the Menopause Rating Scale and Female Sexual Function Index scales(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sexual Behavior , Climacteric , Menopause , Age Groups , Anxiety , Quality of Life , Signs and Symptoms , Women , Affect , DepressionABSTRACT
Los sialolitos son masas calcificadas que se encuentran dentro de los conductos salivales, siendo más frecuente su localización en el conducto de la glándula submandibular, asociado a su configuración anatómica, así como a la alta concentración de fosfatos de calcio y mucina en la saliva. Su patogenia no está bien identificada ni establecida. La sintomatología está asociada a dolores prandiales, así como inflamación de la glándula afectada y en ocasiones se presenta sintomatología de índole infecciosa. El diagnóstico es realizado mediante una palpación bimanual extraoral e intraoral de la glándula, así como el apoyo de estudios imagenológicos. El tratamiento depende de la localización y del tamaño del sialolito, con base en estos criterios se opta por una intervención conservadora o bien su remoción quirúrgica. El presente artículo describe una sialolitotomía submandibular con abordaje intraoral (AU)
Sialoliths are calcified masses found within the salivary ducts, most frequently located in the submandibular gland duct, associated with their anatomical configuration as well as the high concentration of calcium phosphates and mucin in saliva. Its pathogenesis is not well identified or established. The symptoms are associated with prandial pain, as well as inflammation of the affected gland and occasionally symptoms of an infectious nature are present. Diagnosis is made by extraoral and intraoral bimanual palpation of the glands, as well as the support of imaging studies. Treatment depends on the location and size of the sialolith. Based on these criteria, a conservative intervention or surgical removal is chosen. This paper describes a submandibular sialolithotomy with an intraoral approach (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Submandibular Gland , Salivary Gland Calculi/surgery , Signs and Symptoms , Submandibular Gland/anatomy & histology , Salivary Gland Calculi/etiology , Salivary Gland Calculi/diagnostic imaging , Clinical DiagnosisABSTRACT
En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, en pacientes de la Diplomatura Universitaria en Ortodoncia desarrollada en la Sociedad Odontológica de La Plata, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, durante los años 2020-2022. El objetivo fue conocer y evaluar la prevalencia de trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM) entre los pacientes atendidos. Los signos y síntomas evaluados fueron dolor miofacial, presencia de ruidos articulares y medición de apertura máxima bucal. El 32,6 % de los pacientes presentaron signos y síntomas de TTM, el 17,4 % de la población estudiada manifestó dolor, el 21,7 % presentó ruidos articulares, el 6,52 % dolor y ruidos articulares, y la media de la apertura bucal máxima fue de 44,8 milímetros (mm).
In the present work an observational study was carried out in patients of the University Diploma in Orthodontics developed in The Dental Society of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the period 2020-2022. The objective of this work was to know and evaluate the prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) among the attended patients. The signs and symptoms evaluated were myofacial pain, presence of joint sounds, measurement of mouth opening. 32.6% of the patients presented signs and symptoms of TMD, 17.4% manifested pain, 21.7% presented articular noises, 6.52% presented pain and articular noises. Mean maximum mouth opening was 44.8 millimeters.
Signs and Symptoms , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Orthodontics, Corrective , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
El quiste paradental es un quiste inflamatorio odontogénico (clasificación de la OMS, 1992), e incluye: el quiste paradental inflamatorio que ocurre en la presentación bucal o distal de un tercer molar mandibular erupcionado o parcialmente erupcionado, o de un canino erupcionado (primera descripción por Main en 1970); y el quiste bucal mandibular infectado que ocurre en la superficie bucal del segundo o primer molar mandibular en niños alrededor de 6-8 años de edad con antecedentes asociados de signos inflamatorios (Stoneman y Worth, 1983)(2). El propósito de este artículo es presentar seis casos de quistes paradentales en la zona del tercer molar inferior. Palabras claves: quistes inflamatorios, quiste paradental, quiste odontogénico, maxilar inferior, radiología (AU)
The paradental cyst is an odontogenic inflammatory cyst (WHO classification, 1992). It includes the inflammatory paradental cyst which occurs on the buccal or distal aspects of an erupted or partialy erupted third mandibular molar or of a canine (first description by Main in 1970)(1); and the mandibular infected buccal cyst which occurs on the buccal surface of the mandibular second or first molar in children around 6-8 years of age with an associated history of inflammatory signs (Stoneman and Worth, 1983)(2). The purpose of this paper is to present six cases of a paradental cyst in the third mandibular molar zone (AU)
Humans , Odontogenic Cysts/classification , Molar, Third/pathology , Signs and Symptoms , World Health Organization , Odontogenic Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Age and Sex DistributionABSTRACT
Introducción: La celiaquía es una patología multisistémica con base autoinmune que provoca una reacción a la proteína gluten encontrada en alimentos como o trigo, centeno, triticale, cebada, espelta y avena. Los síntomas más comunes de la celiaquía son la pérdida de peso, pérdida de apetito y fatiga general entre otros. A consecuencia de estos síntomas el rendimiento deportivo puede verse afectado. Objetivo: Para comprender como la celiaquía impacta en el rendimiento de los deportistas, el objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión sistemática relacionada con el rendimiento deportivo en personas celíacas. Materiales y métodos: Para ello, se utilizó la siguiente frase final de búsqueda: "Celiac" AND "Sport" AND "Performance", que fue introducida por igual en las bases de datos: Web of Science, Scopus y PubMed. Resultados: Los resultados muestran la existencia de escasos documentos relacionados con el objeto de estudio (n=11), dónde se muestra una variabilidad de tipos de diseño en los trabajos seleccionados. Por otro lado, se extrae que la única solución para mantener un adecuado rendimiento deportivo en una persona celiaca es llevar una dieta libre de gluten de por vida. Conclusiones: Los documentos seleccionados subrayan la importancia de que los deportistas con enfermedad celiaca mantengan una dieta sin gluten de manera constante a lo largo de su vida. Debido a la escasez de estudios relacionados con la temática, se recomienda aumentar el número de investigaciones relacionadas con el objeto de estudio, con la finalidad de mejorar los estilos y hábitos de vida de los deportistas celíacos(AU)
Introduction: Celiac disease is a multisystem autoimmune disorder that triggers a reaction to the protein gluten found in foods such as wheat, rye, triticale, barley, spelt, and oats. The most common symptoms of coeliac disease are weight loss, loss of appetite and general fatigue among others. As a result of these symptoms, athletic performance may be affected. Objetive: To understand how celiac disease impacts athletes' performance, the aim of this study is to conduct a systematic review related to sports performance in individuals with celiac disease. Materials and method: To do so, the following search phrase was used: "Celiac" AND "Sport" AND "Performance", which was entered equally in the following databases: Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed. Results: The results show the existence of few documents related to the object of study (n=11), where a variability of design types is shown in the selected works. On the other hand, the only solution to maintain adequate sports performance in a person with coeliac disease is to follow a gluten-free diet for life. Conclusions: The selected documents emphasize the importance of athletes with celiac disease maintaining a gluten-free diet consistently throughout their lives. Due to the scarcity of studies related to this topic, it is recommended to increase the number of research studies on this subject in order to improve the lifestyles and habits of athletes with celiac disease(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Celiac Disease/complications , Athletic Performance , Diet, Gluten-Free , Glutens , Signs and Symptoms , Fatigue , Immune System , Intestinal Diseases , Life StyleABSTRACT
En este escrito los autores puntualizan la diferencia entre los conceptos de síntoma y trastorno en la infancia. A los fines diagnósticos establecer esta diferenciación permite pensar estrategias de intervención adecuadas a las características metapsicológicas de estos modos de presentación de sufrimiento en la infancia AU
In this writing the authors point out the difference between the concepts of symptom and disorder in childhood.For diagnostic purposes, establishing this differentiation allows us to think about intervention strategies appropriate to the metapsychological characteristics of these modes of presentation of suffering in childhood AU
Dans cet écrit, les auteurs soulignent la différence entre les concepts de symptôme et de trouble dans l'enfance.À des fins diagnostiques, établir cette différenciation permet de réfléchir à des stratégies d'intervention adaptées aux caractéristiques métapsychologiques de ces modes de présentation de la souffrance dans l'enfance AU
Neste escrito os autores apontam a diferença entre os conceitos de sintoma e transtorno na infância.Para fins diagnósticos, estabelecer essa diferenciação permite pensar estratégias de intervenção adequadas às características metapsicológicas desses modos de apresentação do sofrimento na infancia AU
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Psychotherapy/methods , Signs and Symptoms , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Parent-Child RelationsABSTRACT
Acute rhinosinusitis is a common condition, mainly of viral etiology and self-limiting course. There is coexistence of microbiological agents that favor bacterial superinfection. Therefore, it is necessary to know evidence that supports diagnostic approach in adults out- patients. Having reviewed the evidence, we mention the isolated symptoms and signs have such a low performance to guide the diagnostic approach, some with statistical evidence such as hemifacial pain, colored nasal discharge and radiographic alterations suggestive of rhinosinusitis. Also, it is possible to improve clinical performance by combining suggestive findings. The imaging study has little evidence that supports them, because non-specific and non-concordant findings. Finally, empirical management with antibiotics does not statistically or clinically modify the evolution of an acute non-complicated condition.
La rinosinusitis aguda es una condición frecuente, principalmente de etiología viral y de curso autolimitado. Existe coexistencia de agentes microbiológicos que favorece la sobreinfección bacteriana. Por ello, es necesario conocer la evidencia que dirige el enfrentamiento diagnóstico en pacientes adultos ambulatorios. Habiéndose revisado la evidencia, mencionamos que los síntomas y signos aislados poseen bajo rendimiento para guiar el proceso diagnóstico, destacando algunos con mejores atributos diagnósticos, pero de significancia estadística bastante discreta, como lo son el dolor hemifacial, la descarga nasal coloreada y alteraciones de la radiografía sugerentes de rinosinusitis. También, que se puede mejorar discretamente el rendimiento clínico combinando algunos de estos hallazgos sugerentes. El estudio imagenológico posee poca evidencia que lo respalde, dado la presencia de hallazgos inespecíficos o no concordantes, inclusive en pacientes asintomáticos. Finalmente, respecto de manejo empírico con antibióticos, destaca que su uso no modifica estadística ni clínicamente la evolución de un cuadro agudo no complicado.
Humans , Middle Aged , Sinusitis/drug therapy , Rhinitis/diagnosis , Rhinitis/drug therapy , Nasal Polyps/drug therapy , Paranasal Sinuses/diagnostic imaging , Signs and Symptoms , Radiography , Sodium Chloride/therapeutic use , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
Objetivo: La enfermedad de Caffey o hiperostosis cor- tical infantil es una enfermedad rara que afecta uno o más huesos en los primeros meses de vida y debido a su baja inci- dencia está subdiagnosticada, y por tanto se aplican procedi- mientos invasivos innecesarios en su estudio y tratamiento. Se presenta un caso clínico atípico de enfermedad de Caffey en una paciente mayor de 1 año de edad y su resolución. Caso clínico: El servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Provincial Pediátrico Eduardo Agramonte Piña de Camagüey, Cuba, atiende a una niña de 1 año y 10 meses que se encontraba hospitalizada por presentar una inflamación alarmante en la región facial y cervical precedida de un cua- dro febril y dificultad para alimentarse. Se indicaron los estu- dios apropiados, cuyos resultados, junto a las características clínicas, permitieron diagnosticar la enfermedad de Caffey. Aunque sea una enfermedad rara, es importante estudiarla para realizar un correcto análisis de cada caso y diferenciarla de otras enfermedades que requieren de conductas terapéuti- cas agresivas (AU)
Aim: Caffey's disease or infantile cortical hyperostosis is a rare disease that affects one or more bones in the first months of life and due to its low incidence, it is underdiag- nosed, and therefore unnecessary invasive procedures are applied in its study and treatment. An atypical clinical case of Caffey's disease in a patient older than 1 year and its reso- lution is presented. Case report: The Maxillofacial Surgery service of the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Provincial Pediatric Hospital in Camagüey, Cuba, takes the case of a 1 year and 10-month-old female patient who was hospitalized for an alarming inflam- mation in the facial and cervical region, preceded by a fever and difficulty to eat. The appropriate studies were indicated, which results, together with the clinical characteristics, al- lowed the diagnosis of Caffey's disease. Although it is a rare entity, it is important to study it to carry out a correct analysis of each case and differentiate it from other diseases that re- quire aggressive therapeutic behaviors (AU)
Humans , Male , Infant , Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital/etiology , Dental Care for Children/methods , Signs and Symptoms , Clinical Diagnosis , Cuba , Dental Service, Hospital/methodsABSTRACT
Las personas obesas enfrentan mayores complicaciones al contraer SARS-CoV-2 debido a su estado proinflamatorio crónico y respuesta inmune reducida, relacionados con el exceso de tejido adiposo. La interacción del virus con los receptores ACE2 y la retención de lípidos ectópicos renales son aspectos clave en este contexto. Objetivo. Analizar las características específicas de la obesidad que aumentan la susceptibilidad a síntomas graves de COVID-19, a partir de artículos publicados entre 2020 y 2022, y promover futuras investigaciones. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos originales entre 2020 y 2022 utilizando términos clave y operadores booleanos en bases de datos como PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Se excluyeron estudios no originales para obtener investigaciones más específicas. Resultados. De 180 artículos encontrados, 42 fueron seleccionados. Entre estos, se destacó que pacientes obesos, especialmente hombres de edad avanzada, presentaron severas complicaciones. Sin embargo, jóvenes con obesidad severa y personas con bajo peso también mostraron mayor riesgo de mortalidad. La disminución de la función pulmonar, bajos niveles de vitamina D, y la alteración de ACE2 fueron implicados en la gravedad de la infección. La hiperglucemia asociada a la obesidad aumentó el riesgo de ingreso a UCI y ventilación mecánica, mientras que la resistencia a la insulina empeoró el pronóstico. Conclusión. La obesidad emerge como un factor de riesgo importante para la gravedad y mortalidad por COVID-19, señalando la necesidad de una atención específica para este grupo de pacientes y la continuación de investigaciones en el área.
Obese individuals face greater complications in contracting SARS-CoV-2 due to their chronic proinflammatory state and reduced immune response, related to excess adipose tissue. Virus interaction with ACE2 receptors and renal ectopic lipid retention are key issues in this context. Objective. To analyze the specific features of obesity that increase susceptibility to severe COVID-19 symptoms, from articles published between 2020 and 2022, and to promote future research. Methodology. A systematic review of original articles between 2020 and 2022 was conducted using key terms and Boolean operators in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Non-original studies were excluded to obtain more specific research. Results. Of 180 articles found, 42 were selected. Among these, it was highlighted that obese patients, especially elderly men, presented severe complications. However, young people with severe obesity and people with low weight also showed a higher risk of mortality. Decreased lung function, low vitamin D levels, and altered ACE2 were implicated in the severity of infection. Obesity-associated hyperglycemia increased the risk of ICU admission and mechanical ventilation, while insulin resistance worsened prognosis. Conclusion. Obesity emerges as an important risk factor for severity and mortality due to COVID-19, pointing to the need for specific attention to this group of patients and further research in the area.
As pessoas obesas enfrentam maiores complicações para contrair o SARS-CoV-2 devido ao seu estado pró-inflamatório crônico e à resposta imunológica reduzida, relacionados ao excesso de tecido adiposo. A interação do vírus com os receptores ACE2 e a retenção ectópica renal de lipídios são questões fundamentais nesse contexto. Objetivo. Analisar as características específicas da obesidade que aumentam a suscetibilidade a sintomas graves da COVID-19, com base em artigos publicados entre 2020 e 2022, e promover pesquisas futuras. Metodologia. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de artigos originais entre 2020 e 2022 usando termos-chave e operadores booleanos em bancos de dados como PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Estudos não originais foram excluídos para obter pesquisas mais específicas. Resultados. Dos 180 artigos encontrados, 42 foram selecionados. Entre eles, destacou-se que os pacientes obesos, especialmente os homens mais velhos, apresentaram complicações graves. No entanto, jovens gravemente obesos e pessoas abaixo do peso também apresentaram maior risco de mortalidade. A diminuição da função pulmonar, os baixos níveis de vitamina D e a alteração da ACE2 foram implicados na gravidade da infecção. A hiperglicemia associada à obesidade aumentou o risco de internação na UTI e de ventilação mecânica, enquanto a resistência à insulina piorou o prognóstico. Conclusões. A obesidade surge como um importante fator de risco para a gravidade e a mortalidade da COVID-19, apontando para a necessidade de atenção específica a esse grupo de pacientes e de mais pesquisas na área.
Signs and SymptomsABSTRACT
Introducción: la disfagia es la alteración en los mecanismos de la deglución que coexiste con múltiples enfermedades y condiciones. El conocimiento amplio de esta alteración generará mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Aunque esta alteración podría ser del dominio común por especialistas en el área de la salud, principalmente la oral, no existe información reciente del nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en el personal odontológico. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en un grupo de profesionales de la salud oral de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material y método: se realizó un estudio trasversal descriptivo en un grupo de 241 odontólogos (pasantes de servicio social, odontólogos generales, periodoncistas, endodoncistas, rehabilitadores, odontopediatras y ortodoncistas) a través de una encuesta, los reactivos utilizados fueron sobre conocimiento de la disfagia, métodos de diagnóstico, signos y síntomas, tratamiento y complicaciones. Resultados: la mitad de la población encuestada refirió conocer los trastornos de la deglución (64.7%). Contrastantemente, al utilizar el término «disfagia¼, la postura del conocimiento disminuyó considerablemente (40.7%). Finalmente, los valores más bajos de la encuesta se mostraron en la falta de conocimiento sobre identificación de signos y síntomas de la disfagia (36.1%), métodos de diagnóstico (20.7%), tratamientos (18.7%) y complicaciones (23.2%). Conclusión: existe un bajo conocimiento de los trastornos de la deglución autopercibido por los profesionales de la odontología, lo que sugiere la búsqueda de los factores que ocasionan la falta del conocimiento de los profesionales del área odontológica (AU)
Introduction: dysphagia is the alteration in swallowing mechanisms that coexists with multiple diseases and conditions. The broad knowledge of this alteration will generate better diagnoses and treatments for the improvement of the quality of life of these patients. Although this alteration could be common domain by specialists in the area of health, mainly oral, there is no recent information on the level of knowledge about dysphagia in dental personnel. Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about dysphagia in a group of oral health professionals from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 241 dentists (social service intern, general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, rehabilitators, pediatric dentists and orthodontists) through a survey, the reagents used were on knowledge of dysphagia, diagnostic methods, signs and symptoms, treatment and complications. Results: half of the surveyed population reported knowing swallowing disorders (64.7%). In contrast, when using the term «dysphagia¼ the posture of knowledge decreased considerably (40.7%). Finally, the lowest values in the survey were found in the lack of knowledge about identification of signs and symptoms of dysphagia (36.1%), diagnostic methods (20.7%), treatments (18.7%) and complications (23.2%). Conclusion: there is a low knowledge of self-perceived swallowing disorders by dentists, which suggests the search for the factors that cause the lack of knowledge of dental professionals (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Dentists/education , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objective: to identify factors associated to sedentary behavior and physical inactivity in individuals with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) non-infected by SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to identify possible favorable conditions during social isolation in individuals who performed pulmonary rehabilitation in the pre-pandemic period. Method: time/day in sedentary activities and moderate/vigorous physical activities (SA and MVPA, respectively), history of previous rehabilitation, laboural activity, symptoms, insecurity and quality of life (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey [SF-36]) were assessed during strict social isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals were classified as sedentary if presenting time/day in SA >8.5 h/day and physically inactive if presenting time/day in MVPA <150 min/week. Result: The sample consisted of 33 individuals (69±7 years; 20 male). Regarding the SF-36, non-sedentary individuals presented better functional capacity than sedentary individuals (65 [38-73] vs. 33 [20-63] points; p=0.01) whereas physically active individuals presented better physical and social function than physically inactive individuals (100 [100-100] vs. 50 [25-100] points, p=0.049; and 100 [100-100] vs. 75 [69-100] points, p=0.022, respectively). Having a professional activity and working outside were associated with non-sedentary behavior (X2=5.93; p=0.025 and X2=7.03; p=0.009, respectively). Having undergone rehabilitation previously to the pandemic was associated with less insecurity to walk outside (X2=4.95; p=0.034) and better perception of symptoms' worsening (X2=5.46; p=0.033). Conclusion: non-sedentarism was associated with functional capacity and laboural activity; active lifestyle was associated with physical and social function; and previous rehabilitation was associated with better symptoms' recognition and less insecurity
Objetivo: identificar fatores associados ao comportamento sedentário e inatividade física em indivíduos com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) estável não-infectados pelo SARS-CoV-2 durante o isolamento social causado pela pandemia de COVID-19, e identificar eventuais condições favoráveis durante o isolamento social em indivíduos que realizaram reabilitação pulmonar pré-pandemia. Método: tempo/dia em atividades sedentárias e em atividades físicas moderadas/vigorosas (AS e AFMV, respectivamente), reabilitação prévia, atividade laboral, sintomas, insegurança e qualidade de vida (Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short-Form Health Survey [SF-36]) foram avaliados durante a vigência de isolamento social devido à pandemia de COVID-19. Foram considerados sedentários aqueles que apresentassem tempo/dia em AS >8,5 h/dia e fisicamente inativos os que apresentassem tempo/dia em AFMV <150 min/semana. Resultado: a amostra consistiu em 33 indivíduos (69±7 anos; 20 homens). Pelo SF-36, indivíduos não-sedentários apresentaram melhor capacidade funcional do que sedentários (65 [38-73] vs. 33 [20-63] pontos; p=0,01) enquanto indivíduos fisicamente ativos apresentaram melhor função física e social do que os fisicamente inativos (100 [100-100] vs. 50 [25-100] pontos, p=0,049; e 100 [100-100] vs. 75 [69-100] pontos, p=0,022, respectivamente). Ter atividade profissional e trabalhar fora de casa associou-se com comportamento não-sedentário (X2=5,93; p=0,025 e X2=7,03; p=0,009, respectivamente). Ter participado de reabilitação pulmonar pré-pandemia associou-se com menos insegurança para caminhar em lugares públicos (X2=4,95; p=0,034) e melhor percepção de piora dos sintomas respiratórios (X2=5,46; p=0,033). Conclusão: não-sedentarismo associou-se com capacidade funcional e atividade laboral; ser fisicamente ativo associou-se com função física e social; e ter realizado reabilitação prévia com menos insegurança e melhor percepção dos sintomas
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Sedentary Behavior , Pandemics , Life Style , Perception , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Signs and Symptoms , Social Isolation , Time , World Health Organization , Behavior , Exercise , Disease , Health Surveys , Functional Status , SARS-CoV-2 , Men , MethodsABSTRACT
A pandemia da covid-19 causou múltiplas circunstâncias estressoras com potencial de ameaça à saúde mental. O medo está entre as respostas psicológicas mais fre-quentemente manifestadas durante uma crise em saúde e pode aumentar o risco de quadros psicopatológicos, como ansiedade e depressão. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do medo da covid-19 sobre sintomas depressi-vos e ansiosos, considerando a influência de variáveis confundidoras sexo, nível de escolaridade, cor da pele, raça ou etnia, idade e conhecer alguém que morreu por causa do novo coronavírus. Para tanto, foi realiza-da análise multivariada de covariância (mancova). A amostra foi composta de 4.641 adultos, de ambos os sexos, com idade média de 30,3 anos (DP = 10,57). Observou-se que o medo da covid-19 apresentou impac-to significativo nos sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, sendo identificado que esse efeito permanece mesmo quando controladas as variáveis sociodemográficas e de proximidade com o vírus. Análises com esse fim colaboram para a identificação dos fatores que levam a desfechos psicológicos negativos, o que representa pas-so importante para o desenvolvimento de intervenções específicas e com maiores possibilidades de sucesso
La pandemia de covid-19 causó múltiples circunstancias estresantes con potencial de amenaza para la salud mental. El miedo está entre las respuestas psicológicas más manifestadas de forma frecuente durante la crisis sanitaria y puede aumentar el riesgo de cuadros psicopatológicos, como ansiedad y depresión. El presente estudio evaluó el efecto del miedo al covid-19 sobre los síntomas depresivos y ansiosos, considerando la influencia de variables confusoras: sexo, nivel educativo, color de piel, raza o etnia, edad y conocer a alguien que murió a causa del nuevo coronavirus. Para ello, se realizó un análisis multivariado de covarianza (mancova). La muestra estuvo compuesta por 4.641 adultos, de ambos sexos, con una edad promedio de 30,3 años (DE = 10,57). Se observó que el miedo al covid-19 tuvo un impacto significativo en los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión, identificándose que este efecto permanece incluso cuando se controlan las variables sociodemográficas y de proximidad con el virus. El análisis con este objetivo colabora en la identificación de los factores que llevan a desenlaces psicológicos negativos, lo que representa un paso importante para el desarrollo de intervenciones específicas y con mayores posibilidades de éxito.
The covid-19 pandemic has caused multiple stressful circumstances with the potential to threaten mental health. Fear is among the most frequently manifested psychological responses during a health crisis and can increase the risk of psychopathological condi-tions such as anxiety and depression. This study evaluated the effect of fear of covid-19 on depressive and anxious symptoms, considering the influence of confounding variablessex, education level, skin color, race or ethnicity, age, and knowing someone who died due to the novel coronavirus. To this end, a multivariate analysis of covariance (mancova) was conducted. The sample consisted of 4.641 adults of both sexes, with a mean age of 30,3 years (SD = 10,57). It was observed that fear of covid-19 had a sig-nificant impact on anxiety and depression symptoms, with this effect remaining even when controlling for sociodemographic variables and proximity to the virus. Analyses with this aim contribute to the identification of factors leading to negative psycho-logical outcomes, representing an important step towards the development of specific interventions with greater chances of success
Humans , Anxiety , Signs and Symptoms , Health , Confounding Factors, Epidemiologic , Multivariate Analysis , Depression , Fear , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Racial GroupsABSTRACT
Background: COVID-19 is a global pandemic caused by SARS_COV2. The symptoms of covid-19 include: fever, dyspnea, fatigue, a recent loss of smell and taste, sore throat, cough, and cutaneous lesions. In addition, some skin manifestations were reported to be associated with COVID-19. Methods: The study design is a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based study. The study aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge and practice about skin manifestations of COVID-19 among doctors working at Khartoum dermatology and venereology teaching hospital. A self-administrated questionnaire was used for data collection after an informed consent was taken. Results: Among 140 doctors working in the dermatology and venereology teaching hospital, 75.7% of the doctors had knowledge that COVID-19 can present with skin manifestations. The study results showed that about half of the participants have poor knowledge about COVID-19 skin manifestations while 25% have no knowledge, and that 35 (25%) doctors have good knowledge. From a total of 140 doctors; 46.4% reported that when patients present with COVID-19 skin lesions, they will isolate them in separate rooms and call the epidemiology center, whereas, 61 doctors (43.6%) did not know if they have a protocol for COVID-19 suspected cases. This study reported a significant association between job category and level of knowledge toward COVID-19 skin manifestations measured by Chi-square test, the P-value was 0.003 (significant at 0.05), and the same significant association was found between the year of rotation and knowledge. Conclusion: Half of the doctors covered by this study had poor knowledge about COVID-19 skin manifestations, and therefore, educating doctors in dermatology hospitals about skin manifestations of COVID-19 is recommended, besides clear and precise guidelines and protocols for diagnosis and management.
Signs and Symptoms , Skin Manifestations , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome , COVID-19ABSTRACT
Background: Since the resurgence of mpox disease in 2017, Nigeria alone has accounted for about 60% of confirmed cases reported in the African region. This study therefore aimed to understand the knowledge and perception of the general public towards the mpox infection. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study among 958 community members across three states (Oyo, Lagos and Jigawa) in Nigeria. Knowledge of mpox infection was assessed across four domains: (1) general knowledge, (2) transmission, (3) signs and symptoms, and (4) prevention and treatment where we assigned a score of 1 for each correct response. Binary logistic regression was conducted to explore factors associated with knowledge of mpox infection at 5% level of significance. We assessed perception of mpox infection across 5 constructs (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-efficacy) from the health belief model, using 3-point Likert scales. We used Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney- U tests to assess factors associated with each construct. Results: Overall, only about one-third (38.3%) of community members were aware of mpox infection. There were variations in perceptions and knowledge across the three states. Knowledge of mpox infection transmission, prevention, and treatment was low across the states. Only 28.9% of respondents knew that sharing utensils with an infected person is a means of contracting the disease, and just 15.9% were aware that mpox infection may resolve spontaneously. The mean of general knowledge scores was higher in Jigawa 14.8 (±3.2) compared to Lagos 12.1 (±4.1) and Oyo states 12.5 (±5.6) (p<0.001).Respondents with tertiary-level education (p=0.001) were significantly more likely to perceive themselves as susceptible to mpox while males (p<0.001) and respondents who live in Jigawa state (p=0.002) were significantly more likely to perceive mpox as severe with 90.5% believing that being infected will stop their daily activity (p<0.001). Perceived barriers to adherence to mpox preventive strategies were higher in Jigawa state (p<0.001), with 68.3% reporting that use of hand sanitizers might be expensive for them. Conclusion: The analysis of our findings revealed significant knowledge gaps and a very low level of public awareness about mpox. Key areas of limited knowledge included the disease's route of transmission, as well as its prevention and treatment. To control the spread of mpox infection, there is need to strengthen public health risk communication focusing on the transmission and preventive actions.
Humans , Male , Female , Signs and Symptoms , Mpox (monkeypox)ABSTRACT
Introduction: in Nigeria, studies on mpox among primary healthcare workers are scarce despite increasing incidence of mpox disease between 2017-2022. This study aimed to assess primary healthcare workers knowledge and perception of mpox in Nigeria. Methods: we conducted a cross-sectional survey among primary healthcare workers in Nigeria (Oyo, Lagos, and Jigawa) to represent different health system capacities and socio-economic contexts. Knowledge of mpox was evaluated in four domains: general knowledge, transmission, signs and symptoms, and prevention and treatment. Each correct response received a score of 1. We categorize the level of knowledge based on the score using the mean score as the cut-off by re-classifying the composite score of respondents for each state into a binary outcome of "good knowledge" if the mean composite score was greater or equals to the mean of overall knowledge score for the three states (16.1), and "poor knowledge" if the mean score equals to sixteen or less than sixteen (≤16). Factors associated with mpox knowledge were explored using multivariable logistic regression at a 5% significance level. Perception of mpox was assessed using five constructs from the health belief model, measured on 3-point Likert scales. Factors associated with each construct were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney-U tests. Results: in our study on healthcare workers, 78.3% (n=239) were aware of mpox disease. Their overall knowledge was moderate, particularly regarding transmission. Meanwhile, less than 50% knew mpox can be transmitted through sharing utensils, and 65.3% (n=156) understood contact with infected animals could lead to transmission. Lagos had lower overall knowledge scores (15.3±2.3) compared to Jigawa (16.9±2.3) and Oyo (16.3±2.5) (p<0.001). Perceived susceptibility was similar across states (p=0.127), and 97.5% (n=233) believed mpox can affect anyone, while 47.3% (113) felt they couldn't contract it. Jigawa exhibited higher perceived severity (p<0.001) and barriers to prevention (p<0.001). Conclusion: primary healthcare workers in all settings had limited knowledge of mpox transmission, with the perception of mpox varying by state and participants' socio-economic characteristics. The responsibility of HCW encompasses a range of activities that include diagnosis, patient care and education, and public health interventions amongst others. Hence it is important to educate HCWs on mpox disease to successfully curtail the spread of mpox.
Humans , Male , Female , Signs and Symptoms , Mpox (monkeypox) , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Mpox (formerly referred to as monkey pox), a viral infection known for its characteristic manifestations, presents with atypical symptoms, leading to diagnostic and management challenges. Recent outbreaks of the disease have also revealed changes in the epidemiologic patterns of the disease with many cases going unnoticed. These scenarios if not properly identified and addressed can led to increased healthcare burden created by the virus. To conduct the narrative review of the concerned literature, a comprehensive and well through search from PUBMED, Google scholar, EMBASE and African Journal Online Evaluating Studies was conducted from published works between 2003 to 2023. This narrative review aims at exploring the atypical manifestations of Mpox, by reviewing various manifestations of the disease, examining the overlying mechanisms and factors influencing these manifestations; and more so, assessing various clinical implications and challenges facing its management, with the hope of suggesting future directions in tackling the clinical implications and challenges. Regarding the atypical manifestations of Mpox, the review focused on the neurological, dermatological, and respiratory presentations, highlighting the diverse symptoms observed in each case. In addition, accurate diagnosis of atypical cases is crucial and requires a high index of suspicion, comprehensive differential diagnosis, and appropriate diagnostic testing. Tailored strategies for treatment are essential to address the specific manifestations observed. For future research, a focus on elucidating the pathogenesis, identifying risk factors, improving diagnostic approaches, and evaluating treatment strategies for atypical
Humans , Male , Female , Signs and Symptoms , Skin Manifestations , Monkeypox virus , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Delivery of Health CareABSTRACT
Aim: to evaluate the occurrence of maxillofacial infection cases, which were treated at local hospital, identifying the main risk factors that determine the need for hospitalization of patients and the factors associated with staying length. Methods: A retrospective review of 191 records of patients with maxillofacial infection of odontogenic origin was performed, statistically evaluated by frequency and percentage of involvement, p values (based on the chi-square test) and odds ratio with a 95% confidence interval. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Among all the 191 patients, 31 had some harmful habits, such as smokers (13%) and alcoholics (1%). In addition, 39 patients reported some general health problem, such as systemic arterial hypertension (8.3%), depression (6.8%), diabetes (3.6%) and some immunosuppression (1.57%). Involvement of infection in deep facial spaces was present, with 119 patients presenting a deeper infection (62.3%) and 72 patients a superficial infection (37.7%). The most prevalent clinical signs and symptoms in the initial evaluation were pain (91.1%) and edema (90.1%), followed by erythema/hyperemia (44.5%), trismus (37.7%), abscess (30.9%), cellulitis (27.7%), f istula (16.8%), fever (16.8%), dysphagia (11%), dehydration (9.9%), odynophagia (7.9% ) and dyspnea (3.7%). Pulp necrosis was considered a risk factor for treatment in a hospital environment (0.032) and root canal treatment decreases the risk of hospitalization (p=0.002). Considering the evaluated patients, 146 (76.4%) were admitted and 45 (37.7%) were not admitted for hospitalization after initial clinical evaluation. Conclusion: there is a high occurrence of maxillofacial infection cases of dental origin, considering that involvement of infection in deeper facial spaces, as well as presence of pain, edema, erythema/hyperemia, trismus, abscess, cellulitis and pulp necrosis, represent the main risk factors for hospitalization and staying length