Abstract Caries is a multifactorial disease that can negatively affect dental tissues through the demineralization process, which produces acids deriving from the metabolism of carbohydrates. Some strategies to prevent this process have been proposed, such as topical fluoride application, resin-based restorations, pit and fissures sealers, infiltrated resins, vaccines, mouthwashes, and several brushing techniques. Objective. To evaluate in vitro enamel hydrophobic modification as a method of prevention against demineralization. A descriptive and comparative study was carried out. Thirty premolars extracted for orthodontic reasons were obtained, encapsulated in epoxy resin, sectioned, and sanded to obtain specimens 3mm in thickness. The samples were pretreated with NaOCl and EDTA, incubated with 1 and 4% octadeyltrichlorosilane (OTS) or with 3 and 6% octadecyltriethoxysilane (TEOS) for 5min and for 8h. Subsequently, the samples were immersed in citric acid for 2 months. The samples were analyzed by their contact angle, infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, atomic and confocal force, before and after treatment in citric acid. The samples coated with 1 and 4% OTS for 5min and 8h kept the silanizing agent on their surface after 2 months in citric acid. The treatment with TEOS was only effective at 6% with a reaction time of 5min. The modification with 1 and 4% OTS protects the surface of the tooth enamel from demineralization in acidic medium. The results indicate that treatment with 4% OTS is effective from 5min, which makes it appropriate in clinical practice.
Resumen Introducción. Caries es una enfermedad multifactorial que destruye en tejido dental por la desmineralización de ácidos generados en el metabolismo de carbohidratos. Algunos métodos preventivos, como fluoruro, resinas, selladores de fosetas y fisuras, resinas infiltradas, vacunas, enjuagues bucales, y un sinfín de técnicas de cepillado, han sido empleadas. Objetivo. Evaluar in vitro la modificación hidrofoba del esmalte como método preventivo en contra de la desmineralización. Materiales y Métodos. Un estudio decriptivo y comparativo fue empleado. Se obtuvieron treinta premolares sanos extraidos por razones ortodónticas y encapsulados en resina epóxica, seccionados y pulidos hasta obtener especímenes de 3mm de grosor. Las muestras fueron pretratadas con NaOCl y EDTA, incubadas en octadeciltriclosorilano (OTS) al 1 y 4% y octadeciltrietoxisilano (TEOS) 3 y 6% por 5min y 8h. Después, las muestras fueron sumergidas en ácido cítrico por 2 meses. Las muestras fueron analizadas con ángulo de contacto, espectroscopía infrarroja, microscopía electrónica de barrido, atómica y confocal, antes y después de tratamiento con ácido cítrico. Resultados. Las muestras cubiertas con OTS 1 y 4% por 5min y 8h mantuvieron el agente silanizante sobre la superficie después de 2 meses en ácido cítrico. El tratamiento con TEOS fue efectivo al 6% y con un tiempo de reacción de 5min. Conclusiones. La modificación con 1 y 4% de OTS proteje la superficie del esmalte dental contra la desmineralización en un medio ácido. Estos resultados indican que el tratamiento con OTS 4% es efectivo desde 5min de aplicación, lo cual es apropiado en la práctica clínica.
Tooth Demineralization/prevention & control , Dental Caries , SilanesABSTRACT
Objetivo: investigar a resistência de união por cisalhamento de diferentes soluções contendo silano e primer na superfície de Dissilicato de Lítio (IPS e.maxCAD, Ivoclar-Vivadent). Metodologia: 78 blocos cerâmicos foram incluídos em resina acrílica, polidos e lavados em ultra-som por 10 minutos. Os espécimes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com tratamento de superfície: Superfície Polida (PS); Ácido Hidro-Fluorídrico 9,5% - 20s (HF). Cada grupo foi dividido em três subgrupos (n = 13), de acordo com o tipo de silano: silano tradicional (Porcelain Prime, Inc. Bisco); mistura de silano e resina (KerrSilane, Kerr); mistura de silano e adesivo universal (Single-bond Universal, 3M Espe). Os espécimes foram montados em um dispositivo padrão para teste de cisalhamento (UltradentBonding Assembly), cimentados com cimento resinoso dual (Duolink Universal™, Bisco Inc.) e foto-polimerizados por 20s. As amostras foram testadas após 24 horas e 90 dias de armazenamento em água destilada a 47°C. Os dados foram analisados por 2-Way Anova e Teste de Tukey (α=5%). Resultados: em geral, os valores de resistência adesiva do silano tradicional foram, estatisticamente, mais elevados do que os outros tipos de silanos. O armazenamento afetou, significativamente, a força de adesão para a maioria dos grupos (p <0,001). O grupo PS apresentou menores valores de resistência adesiva, independentemente da variável (silano vs armazenamento). Conclusões: adequada resistência adesiva pode ser obtida com silanos tradicionais após o pré-tratamento de superfície com ácido HF
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of "new silanes / primer" in the Lithium Disilicate surface (IPS e.maxCAD, IvoclarVivadent-) by means of adhesive shear bond strength test. Methodology: A total of 78 ceramic blocks were embedded in acrylic resin, polished and washed in ultrasound for 10 minutes. The specimens were divided into two groups according to surface treatment: Polished Surface (PS); Hydrofluoric acid 9,5% - 20s (HF). Each group was divided into three sub-groups (n = 13) according to the type of silane used: traditional silane (Porcelain Prime Bisco, Inc.); mixture of silane and resin (Kerr Silane, Kerr); mixture of silane and universal adhesive (Single-bond Universal, 3M Espe). The specimens were mounted on a standard device for shear test (Ultradent Bonding Assembly), cemented with dual resin cement (Duolink Universal ™, Bisco Inc.) and photo-polymerised for 20s. The samples were tested after 24 hours and 90 days of storage in distilled water at 47°C. Data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey Test (α = 5%). Results: In general, the adhesive strength value of traditional silanewas significantly higher than other types of silanes. The storage significantly affects the bond strength (bond) for most groups (p <0.001). The PS group showed lower bond strength values, independent of the variable (silane vs. storage). Conclusions: Suitable adhesive strength can be obtained with traditional silanes, combined with the pre-treatment surface with HF acid.
Silanes , Resin CementsABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different commercial silanes on microshear bond strength of resin cement to lithium disilicate ceramic. Twenty ceramic samples with 10 mm in length, 10 mm wide and 3 mm in thickness were fabricated, etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid for 20 seconds, and divided into 5 groups, according to the commercial silane applied: G1- RelyX Ceramic Primer (3M ESPE), G2- Angelus Silane, G3- Prosil (FGM), G4- Dentsply Silane (Dentsply) and G5- Bis-Silane (Bisco). Silanes were applied in accordance to manufacturers' recommendations. Addition silicone molds with 1 mm in thickness, 10 mm in diameter and 3 perforations with 1 mm in diameter each one, were placed on ceramic and filled with the resin cement RelyX ARC (3M ESPE) in all groups. Light activation was performed with LED Bluephase G2 (Ivoclar Vivadent) at 1200 mW/cm2, for 30 seconds. Samples were maintained in 100% humidity at 37°C for 24 hours and submitted to microshear test. The data (MPa) were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). The results obtained for each group were: G1: 22.39±2.99; G2: 23.35±4.08; G3: 26.05±5.46; G4: 18.56±4.09; G5: 25.26±4.10. Statistical analysis showed significantly lower microshear bond strength for G4. Fracture pattern analysis showed predominance of adhesive failures in G1 and G2. G3 and G5 presented higher percentage of cohesive failures in ceramic, and G4 showed mixed, adhesive and cohesive fractures with similar percentages. It was concluded that different silanes showed influence on the lithium disilicate ceramic resin cement bond strength
O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes silanos comerciais na resistência de união ao microcisalhamento do cimento resinoso à cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio. Foram confeccionadas 20 amostras de cerâmica (10mm de comprimento, 10mm de largura e 3mm de espessura), condicionadas com ácido fluorídrico a 10% por 20 segundos e divididas em 5 grupos, de acordo com o silano aplicado: G1- RelyX Ceramic Primer (3M ESPE), G2- Silano Angelus, G3-Prosil (FGM), G4- Silano Dentsply e G5-Bis-Silane (Bisco). Matrizes de silicone por adição (1 mm de espessura, 10 mm de diâmetro e 3 perfurações com 1 mm de diâmetro) foram colocadas sobre a cerâmica e preenchidas com cimento resinoso RelyX ARC (3M ESPE). A fotoativação foi realizada com LED Bluephase G2 (Ivoclar Vivadent) a 1200 mW/cm2, por 30 segundos. As amostras foram mantidas em 100% de umidade a 37°C por 24 horas e submetidas ao teste de microcisalhamento. Os dados (MPa) (G1: 22,39+2,99; G2: 23,35+4,08; G3: 26,05+5,46; G4: 18,56+ 4,09; G5: 25,26+4,10) foram submetidos a análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey (p<0,05). A análise estatística mostrou valor de resistência de união significantemente menor para G4. A análise do padrão de fratura mostrou predominância de falha adesiva para G1 e G2. G3 e G5 apresentaram maior porcentagem de falha coesiva em cerâmica, e o G4 apresentou fraturas mista, adesiva e coesiva em igual porcentagem. Concluiu-se que os diferentes silanos apresentaram influência na resistência de união do cimento resinoso à cerâmica de dissilicato de lítio
Silanes , Ceramics , Dental Cements , Shear Strength , Lithium , Silicate Cement , Cementation , Resin Cements , Dental PorcelainABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the microtensile bond strength of resin composite to glass ceramic, and the effect of surface treatment of resin composite and thermal cycling aging on the microtensile bond strength.@*METHODS@#Rectangular blocks were made with dentin of extracted molars, resin composite or feldspathic glass ceramic respectively. The bonding surfaces of these rectangular blocks were sanded by 600-grit silicon carbide paper before luting. A self-etching resin cement was used as luting agent. The specimens were divided into groups according to the types of substrates of adhesion (dentin/glass ceramic or resin composite/glass ceramic), the way of surface treatments and whether thermal cycling aging ocurred. The dentin blocks were adhered to ceramic blocks as controls (group A1 and A2). The resin composite blocks were adhered to the ceramic blocks as experiment groups. The resin composite surfaces were treated by different ways before luting: no extra surface treatment (group B1 and B2), treated by ethyl methacrylate solution (group C1 and C2) or silane coupling agent (group D1 and D2), coarsened by 360-grit silicon carbide paper (group E1 and E2) or polished by 1 200-grit silicon carbide paper (group F1 and F2). After luting, the microtensile bond strength of the specimens were tested before (group A1-F1) or after (group A2-F2) thermal cycling aging. After microtensile bond strength test, the fracture bonding surfaces of the specimens were observed by a scanning electron microscopy to determine the type of bonding failure. The data were statistically analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.@*RESULTS@#The microtensile bond strength of resin composite to glass ceramic with no extra treatment achieved high bond values before and after thermal cycling [B1 (30.02±3.85) MPa, B2 (26.83±3.14) MPa], which were statistically different from those of the control groups [A1 (20.55±4.51) MPa, A2 (12.94±0.69) MPa, P < 0.05]. The microtensile bond strength between the glass ceramic and resin composite did not increase after different surface treatments of resin composite.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The microtensile bond strength between resin composite and glass ceramic achieved as similar bond strength as that between dentin and glass ceramic and even better. Surface treatment of resin composite via methyl methacrylate solution, silane coupling agent, coarsening, or polishing did not increase the microtensile bond strength effectually.
Acid Etching, Dental , Ceramics , Composite Resins , Dental Bonding , Materials Testing , Resin Cements , Silanes , Surface Properties , Tensile StrengthABSTRACT
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da asperização com ponta diamantada e o jateamento com óxido de alumínio (Al2O3) como tratamentos de superfície e diferentes protocolos adesivos, associados ou não ao uso do silano, no reparo da resina composta do tipo bulk fill envelhecida. Cento e cinquenta discos (10 mm x 1,2 mm) de resina composta foram fabricados utilizando a resina composta FiltekTM One Bulk Fill (3M ESPE) e fotoativados durante 20 s, utilizando o equipamento fotopolimerizador de LED (Valo, Ultradent Product Inc. South Jordan, EUA), com a emitância de 1200 mW/cm2. A superfície de todos os corpos de prova foi padronizada com uma sequência de lixas e então submetida a um processo de envelhecimento acelerado utilizando uma ciclagem térmica com um total de 5.000 ciclos, com banhos de 5°C e 55°C e tempo de imersão de 30s. Os corpos de prova foram divididos de acordo com o tratamento de superfície a ser realizado: sem tratamento (ST), asperização com ponta diamantada de granulação fina (A) e jateamento com partículas de Al2O3 (J). Em seguida, dentro de cada grupo, os corpos de prova foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em 5 subgrupos de acordo com o protocolo adesivo a ser realizado: sem adesivo (SA), Adper Single Bond 2 (SB), Single Bond Universal (SBU), Silano + Adper Single Bond 2 (S+SB) e silano (S), totalizando 15 grupos experimentais (n=10). Após a realização dos tratamentos de superfície e protocolos adesivos, foram confeccionados três cilindros de resina (1,0 mm de diâmetro e 1,0 mm de altura) utilizando a mesma resina composta bulk fill, os mesmos parâmetros e equipamento fotopolimerizador, para simular o reparo. Os corpos de prova foram armazenados por um período de 24 horas em água deionizada em estufa à 37°C e então submetidos ao teste de resistência de união ao microcisalhamento em máquina de ensaio universal com velocidade de 1 mm/min. A área da falha foi analisada com auxílio de um microscópio digital (50x de aumento) para determinação do padrão de fratura. Os dados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente pelo teste Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a dois fatores e em seguida empregado o teste de Tukey (?=0,05). Os valores de resistência de união dos grupos que não receberam tratamento de superfície, independente do protocolo adesivo utilizado, foram inferiores e diferentes estatisticamente daqueles que foram submetidos aos tratamentos de superfície com ponta diamantada ou jateamento (p < 0,001). Quando realizada a asperização ou o jateamento o único protocolo adesivo a se diferenciar dos demais, com resultados estatisticamente inferiores foi o protocolo sem adesivo (SA) (p < 0,001). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos A/SB, A/SBU, A/S+SB e A/S e entre os grupos J/SB, J/SBU, JS+SB e J/S. O grupo J/SBU apresentou maiores valores de resistência de união que o grupo A/SBU (p < 0,001). Falhas coesivas no substrato envelhecido e mistas foram os padrões de fratura mais frequentes quando foi realizado o tratamento da superfície, enquanto falhas adesivas foi o padrão mais comum quando não foi realizado tratamento de superfície. Conclui-se que os tratamentos de superfície com ponta diamantada ou jateamento com Al2O3 melhoram os valores de resistência de união em um reparo de resina composta do tipo bulk fill e quando associados a utilização de qualquer um dos sistemas adesivos estudados, combinado ou não ao uso do silano, promovem uma boa resistência de união. A utilização do SBU resulta em um maior valor de resistência de união quando aplicado em superfícies tratadas com jateamento com Al2O3.
Silanes , Composite ResinsABSTRACT
Introduction: The silanization of the ceramic surface prior to applying the adhesive and/or resinous materials plays an important role in bond strength. Nowadays, a new family of adhesive systems has been introduced into the market, aiming to simplify the technique of adhesive procedures during cementation. Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of different bonding agents containing silane and primer on Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic (LD) surface by shear bond strength tests. Material and method: 130 LD ceramic blocks were included in acrylic resin, polished and washed in ultrasound for 10 minutes. The specimens were divided into 2 groups according to surface treatment: Polished Surface (PS); Hydrofluoric Acid 9.5% - 20s (HF). Each group was divided into 5 subgroups (n = 13) according to bonding agent type: metallic primer containing MDP (ZPrimePlus, Bisco Inc); two traditional silanes (MonobondPlus, IvoclarVivadent / Porcelain Prime, Bisco Inc.); mixture of silane and resin (Kerr Silane, Kerr); mixture of silane and universal adhesive (Single-bond Universal, 3M Espe). The specimens were mounted in a standard device for shear testing (UltradentBonding Assembly), cemented with dual resin cement (RelyX UltimateTM, 3M Espe.) and photo-polymerized for 20s. The samples were tested after 24 hours and 3 months of storage in distilled water at ±36 °C. The data were analyzed by 3-Way Anova and Tukey's test (α = 5%). Result: Shear bond strength (SBS) was significantly influenced by surface treatment, bonding agent used and storage (p <0.001). Conclusion: Adequate adhesive bond strength to Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic can be obtained with traditional silanes, combined with HF acid pretreatment surface.
Introdução: A silanização da superfície cerâmica antes da aplicação do adesivo e/ou materiais resinosos desempenha um papel importante na resistência adesiva. Atualmente, uma nova família de sistemas adesivos foi introduzida no mercado, visando simplificar a técnica dos procedimentos adesivos durante a cimentação. Objetivo: Investigar a eficácia de diferentes soluções contendo silano e primer na superfície de cerâmicas de Dissilicato de Lítio (DLT) por meio de testes de resistência adesiva por cisalhamento. Material e método: 130 blocos cerâmicos DLT foram incluídos em resina acrílica, polidos e lavados em ultra-som por 10 minutos. Os espécimes foram divididos em 2 grupos de acordo com tratamento de superfície: Superfície Polida (PS); Ácido Hidro-Fluorídrico 9,5% - 20s (HF). Cada grupo foi dividido em 5 sub-grupos (n = 13) de acordo com o tipo de primer/silano: primer metálico contendo MDP (ZprimePlus, Bisco Inc); dois silanos tradicionais (MonobondPlus, IvoclarVivadent / Porcelain Prime, Bisco Inc.); mistura de silano e resina (Kerr Silane, Kerr); mistura de silano e adesivo universal (Single-bond Universal, 3M Espe). Os espécimes foram montados em um dispositivo padrão (UltradentBonding Assembly) para teste de cisalhamento Bisco Shear Bond Tester), cimentados com cimento resinoso dual (RelyX UltimateTM, 3M Espe.) e foto-polimerizados por 20s. O teste foi realizado após o período de: 24 horas e 3 meses de armazenamento em água destilada à ±36 °C. Os dados foram analisados por 3-Way Anova e Teste de Tukey (α=5%). Resultado: A resistência adesiva ao cisalhamento (SBS) foi significativamente influenciada pelo tipo de tratamento da superfície, pelo tipo de agente de união utilizado e pelo armazenamento (p<0,001). Conclusão: Adequada resistência adesiva pode ser obtida com silanos tradicionais, combinados com o pré-tratamento de superfície com ácido HF.
Silanes , Ceramics , Cementation , Dentin-Bonding AgentsABSTRACT
Abstract This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the effect of a silane-containing universal adhesive used with or without a silane agent on the repair bond strength between aged and new composites. Forty nanohybrid composite resin blocks were stored in distilled water for 14 d and thermo-cycled. Sandpaper ground, etched, and rinsed speciments were randomly assigned into four experimental groups: silane + two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system, two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system, silane + silane-containing universal adhesive system, and silane-containing universal adhesive system. Blocks were repaired using the same composite. After 24 h of water storage, the blocks were sectioned and bonded sticks were submitted to microtensile testing. Ten unaged, non-repaired composite blocks were used as a reference group to evaluate the cohesive strength of the composite. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey's tests were used to analyze average µTBS. One-way ANOVA and Dunnet post-hoc tests were used to compare the cohesive strength values and bond strength obtained in the repaired groups (α = 0.05). The µTBS values were higher for the silane-containing universal adhesive compared to the two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive system (p = 0.002). Silane application improved the repair bond strength (p = 0.03). The repair bond strength ranged from 39.3 to 65.8% of the cohesive strength of the reference group. Using universal silane-containing adhesive improved the repair bond strength of composite resin compared to two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive. However, it still required prior application of a silane agent for best direct composite resin repair outcomes.
Silanes/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Dental Bonding/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract This paper aims to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on surface topography, wettability, and shear bond strength of resin cement to glass ceramic. Methodology: For SBS test, 32 blocks (7x7x2 mm) of lithium disilicate were obtained and randomly divided into eight groups (four blocks per group) according to each surface treatment (HF 20 s, 60 s, 120 s + silanization/S or Scotch Bond Universal/ SBU) and the Monobond Etch & Prime - MEP application followed or not by SBU. On each treated surface ceramic block, up to four dual-curing resin cement cylinders were prepared and light-cured for 40s (N=120/n=15). The specimens were thermocycled (10,000 cycles, 5-55°C, 30 s) and the SBS test (50KgF, 0.5 mm/min) was performed. Furthermore, failure analysis, wettability, AFM, and SEM were carried out. SBS data (MPa) were analyzed using Student's t-test, two-way ANOVA, Tukey's test (5%) and Weibull's analysis. Results: For HF experimental groups, two-way ANOVA presented the factors "etching time" and "bonding agent" as significant (p<0.05). After silane application, the HF groups presented similar bond strength. SBU application compromised the SBS, except for 120s etching time (HF120sS: 23.39ᵃ±6.48 MPa; HF120sSBU: 18.76ᵃ±8.81MPa). For MEP groups, SBU application did not significantly affect the results (p=0.41). The MEP group presented the highest Weibull modulus (4.08A) and they were statistically different exclusively from the HF20sSBU (0.58B). Conclusion: The HF 20s, 60s, 120 s followed by silane, promoted similar resin-bond strength to ceramic and the SBU application after HF or MEP did not increase the SBS.
Ceramics , Dental Bonding , Wettability , Dental Porcelain , Silanes , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Resin Cements , Dental CementsABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of hydrofluoric acid (HF) concentration, etching time, and application of phosphoric acid (PA) followed by neutralization with sodium bicarbonate on the bond strength between a feldspar ceramic and resin cement. Thus, 80 blocks (10 x 12 x 2 mm) of glass ceramic (VM - Vita Mark II - Vita Zahnfabrik) were made and randomly assigned to eight groups (n = 10) according to the factors: HF concentration (5 and 10%), etching time (60 and 120 s), and use of phosphoric acid (PA) (with and without). According to the experimental group, 37% PA (Condac, FGM) was applied after HF etching for 60s. Afterwards, samples were immersed in sodium bicarbonate for 1 min then in an ultrasonic bath in distilled water (5 min) for cleaning. After surface bonding treatment, cylinders (Ø = 2 mm; h = 2 mm) of dual resin cement (AllCem / FGM) were made in the center of each block. The samples were then stored in water (37ºC) for 90 days and submitted to the shear bond test (50 KgF, 1 mm/min). Failure analysis was performed by stereomicroscope and scanning electron microscopy. Data (MPa) were analyzed with 3-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. Only the factor "HF concentration" was significant (p = 0.02). Most failures were of cohesive in ceramic (40%) and mixed types (42.5%). The 10% HF resulted in higher shear bond strength value than the 5% HF. Surface cleaning with phosphoric acid followed by sodium bicarbonate and HF time (60 or 120 seconds) did not influence the resin bond strength to feldspar ceramic.
Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Potassium Compounds/chemistry , Aluminum Silicates/chemistry , Hydrofluoric Acid/chemistry , Reference Values , Silanes/chemistry , Surface Properties , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Resin Cements/chemistry , Shear Strength/drug effects , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Methacrylates/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract This study to evaluate the effects of different hydrofluoric acid (HF) concentrations and thermal cycling on the shear bond strength (SBS) of brackets to ceramic. Cylinders of ceramic were divided into 10 groups (n=15), according to HF concentrations: 1-1%;2-2.5%;3-5%;4-7.5%;5-10% (storage 24 h); 6-1%;7-2.5%;8-5%;9-7.5%; and, 10-10% (thermal cycling). All cylinders were etched for 60s and received one layer of silane. Metallic brackets were bonded to the cylinders using Transbond-XT, light activated for 40 s, using a LED (Radii Plus) and stored in deionized water at 37o C for 24h. The groups 6 to 10 were submitted to thermal cycling (7,000 cycles - 5o/55oC). SBS was performed in an Instron at crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/min. Data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (α=0.05). The Adhesive Remaining Index (ARI) was evaluated at 40x magnification. The different HF acid concentrations influenced on the SBS of the brackets to ceramic (p<0.05). The thermal cycling decreased the SBS of the brackets to ceramic for all acid concentrations (p<0.05). The ARI showed a predominance of scores 0 for all groups, with an increase in scores 1, 2 and 3 for the group storage for 24 h. In conclusion, the different HF acid concentrations 5.0%, 7.5% and 10% influenced on the SBS of brackets to ceramic. The thermal cycling decreased significantly the SBS of brackets to ceramic.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou os efeitos de diferentes concentrações de ácido hidrofluorídrico (HF) e ciclagem térmica na resistência de união ao cisalhamento (RUC) de bráquetes metálicos a cerâmica. Cilindros da cerâmica feldspática foram divididos em 10 grupos (n=15). De acordo com as concentrações do ácido HF: 1-1%;2-2,5%;3-5%;4-7,5%; e, 5-10% (armazenagem por 24 h); 6-1%;7-2,5%;8-5%;9-7,5%; e, 10-10% (ciclagem térmica). Todos os cilíndros foram condicionados por 60s e receberam uma camada de silano. Bráquetes metálicos foram colados aos cilíndros usando o transbond-XT, fotoativado por 40 s, usando o LED (Radii Plus; SDI) e armazenados em água deionizada a 37o C por 24 h. Os Grupos 6 a 10 foram submetidos à ciclagem térmica (7.000 ciclos - 5o/55oC). RUC foram realizadas na Instron a velocidade de 1.0 mm/min. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância dois-fatores e ao teste de Tukey's post-hoc (α=0,05). O Índice de Remanescente do Adesivo (IRA) foi avaliado com 40x de aumento. As diferente concentrações do ácido HF influenciou na RUC dos bráquetes na cerâmica (p<0,05). A ciclagem térmica diminuiu a RUC dos bráquetes na cerâmica para todas as concentrações do ácido (p<0,05). O IRA mostrou predominância de escores 0 para todos os grupos, com aumento de escores 1, 2 e 3 para os grupos armazenados por 24 h. Concluíndo, as concentrações do ácido HF 5,0%, 7,5% e 10% influenciaram na RUC de braquetes à cerâmica. A ciclagem térmica diminuiu significativamente a RUC do bráquetes à cerâmica.
Dental Bonding , Orthodontic Brackets , Silanes , Ceramics , Resin Cements , Shear Strength , Dental Stress Analysis , Hydrofluoric AcidABSTRACT
Abstract To evaluate the effect of combining 5% hydrofluoric acid (HF) and silane (SI) with the self-etching ceramic primer on the immediate and after 1-year of water storage on bonding efficacy, conditioning pattern (CP) and chemical interaction (CI) to the lithium disilicate. A total of 16 CAD/CAM blocks of lithium disilicate (LD) were cut into four square sections (n=64). For bonding efficacy evaluation, the LD specimens were divided into 4 groups (n=10): 1) HF+SI; 2) self-etching ceramic primer (MEP); 3) HF+MEP; 4) MEP+SI. After each treatment, an adhesive system was applied and Tygon matrices were filled with a dual-cured resin cement followed by light curing. Cylinder specimens (0.8 mmx0.5mm) were stored in water (37 °C for 24 h or 1-year) and submitted to the μSBS test (2-way ANOVA and Tukey's test; a=0.05). CP and CI were only evaluated qualitatively. No significant difference on the μSBS was observed between groups (p=0.73), but reduced μSBS was observed after 1-year of water storage (p>0.0001). After application of HF+SI and MEP, reduction in a number of siloxane bonds was observed, suggesting the coupling of SI on the LD surface. HF or HF+MEP produced a higher dissolution of the glassy matrix than the use of MEP alone. The MEP can be an alternative to traditional ceramic treatment once the chemical interaction and long-term bond strength were similar between both groups. The association of hydrofluoric acid or silane with a self-etching ceramic primer did not add any benefits in terms of chemical interaction and bonding stability.
Resumo Avaliar o efeito da combinação de ácido fluorídrico ou silano com o primer autocondicionante de cerâmicas sobre a eficácia da união imediata e após 1 ano de armazenamento em água, padrão de condicionamento e interação química desses tratamentos com o dissilicato de lítio. Um total de 16 blocos CAD/CAM de dissilicato de lítio (DL) foram cortados em quatro seções quadradas (n=64). Os espécimes de DL foram divididos em 4 grupos: 1) ácido fluorídrico a 5% + silano (HF + SI); 2) primer autocondicionante de cerâmica (MEP); 3) HF + MEP; 4) MPE + SI. Após cada tratamento, o sistema adesivo foi aplicado e as matrizes Tygon foram preenchidas com cimento resinoso dual (Variolink® II), seguido de fotopolimerização. Espécimes em forma de cilindro (0.8 mmÆ x 0.5 mm), foram armazenados em água (37 °C por 24h ou 1 ano) e submetidos ao teste μSBS (ANOVA dois fatores e teste de Tukey; a=0,05). Para avaliação das interações químicas por Espectroscopia Raman, os espécimes de DL foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=4): 1) sem tratamento (DL); 2) HF + SI; e 3) MEP. Para avaliação do padrão de condicionamento da superfície cerâmica após os tratamentos por MEV, os espécimes de DL foram divididos em 3 grupos (n=3): 1) DL; 2) HF; 3) MEP; e 4) HF + MEP. Ambos os métodos foram avaliados apenas qualitativamente. Não foi observada diferença significativa na μSBS imediata entre os grupos (p=0,73), mas após 1 ano de armazenamento das amostras em água, reduziu μSBS (p>0,0001). HF ou HF + MEP produziram uma maior dissolução da matriz vítrea do que o uso de MEP sozinho. Após a aplicação de SI e MEP, observou-se redução de ligações de siloxano, sugerindo o acoplamento da camada de silano na superfície do DL. O primer autocondicionante cerâmico pode ser uma alternativa ao tratamento cerâmico tradicional, uma vez que a interação química e a resistência de união a longo prazo, quando comparada ao tratamento tradicional foram estatisticamente semelhantes. A associação de ácido fluorídrico ou agente de acoplamento silano com um primer autocondicionante de cerâmicas não agregou nenhum benefício em termos de interação química e estabilidade.
Dental Bonding , Hydrofluoric Acid , Silanes , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Resin Cements , Dental Porcelain , Dental Stress AnalysisABSTRACT
Introducción: el tratamiento endodóntico es muy solicitado para preservar las piezas dentales, así como la utilización de pernos de fibra cuando el remanente coronario no es el adecuado para recibir una prótesis coronaria, permitiendo de esta manera reconstruir el muñón dental para la posterior colocación de la restauración definitiva. Objetivo: identificar tanto el tratamiento de superficie de pernos de fibra como el irrigante radicular idóneos para conseguir una cementación adecuada; así como conocer cuál es el tratamiento de superficie que produce menos desintegración de las fibras del perno de fibra. Materiales y métodos: se incluyeron 47 artículos publicados en inglés, durante los últimos 20 años, teniendo en cuenta que los mismos se obtuvieron hasta octubre del 2018. Conclusiones: previa la cementación de pernos sean estos de fibra o de cuarzo es indispensable realizar tratamiento de superficie para así mejorar la adhesión, estos pueden ser químicos o físicos, los que ofrecen mejor resultado sin alterar de manera significativa la estructura del mismo es el enarenado con partículas de diamante sintéticas de 1-3 µm seguido de silanización y dentro de los químicos H2O2 al 10% por 1 min seguido de silano. Para obtener mejores resultados se debe accionar el silano a una temperatura de 80°C. En cuanto a protocolos de irrigación depende del sistema de cementación que se vaya a emplear EDTA 18% + Hipoclorito de sodio al 5,25% o EDTA 18% + clorhexidina al 2% cuando se va emplear un cemento autoadhesivo y NaOCl al 11% cuando se utilice el acondicionamiento ácido de lavado y secado.
Introduction: nowadays the aim is to keep the dental organ in function as long as possible, in many cases the endodontic treatment is used to preserve the dental pieces; and the use of fiber post when the coronary remnant is not adequate to receive a crown prosthesis, allowing us in these cases rebuilt the thoot for the subsequent placement of the final restoration. Objective: to identify wich is the better surface treatment of fiber post and the root irrigator for adequate cementation; as well as know, which is the surface treatment that produces less fibers' disintegration of the fiber post. Materials and methods: it were included 47 articles published in English, during the last 20 years, considering that they were obtained until October 2018. Conclusions: Before posts cementation are these fiber or quartz it is indispensable to carry out the surface pretreatment to increase adhesion, the same ones that can be chemical or physical within these that offer the best result it is the sanded with particles of diamond synthetic of 1-3 µm followed by silanization and with 10% H2O2 for 1min followed by silane. For better results silane must be dryed at a temperature of 80 °C. And for irrigation protocols depends of the cementing system to be used EDTA 18% + sodium hypochlorite 5.25% or EDTA 18% + 2% chlorhexidine when a self-adhesive cement is to be used and 11% NaOCl when washing and drying acid conditioning is used.
Root Canal Irrigants , Cementation , Silanes , Sodium Hypochlorite , Edetic Acid , Dental Casting Investment , Glass , Mouth RehabilitationABSTRACT
Las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales, han hecho que la técnica de cementación de las carillas sea tan cambiante y tan estudiada. Esta técnica ha sido modifi cada basados en investigaciones de diversos estudios clínicos. Lo cambiante de la técnica, no solamente es para el substrato del órgano dental, sino también para el material de la cerámica elegida. Esto confunde al clínico al estar modifi cando los procedimientos de cementación. En años recientes, como resultado del rápido progreso en la tecnología CAD/CAM, existe una gran cantidad de nuevas cerámicas y materiales híbridos en el mercado odontológico, esto se refl eja en benefi cios para los pacientes, al poder seleccionar distintas clases de materiales restaurativos. A su vez, las indicaciones se han expandido, esto hace que se incremente la difi cultad para los clínicos y ceramistas para mantenerse actualizados en la selección del material, lo que es más importante en los protocolos correctos de adhesión para el tratamiento en distintas superfi cies. En este artículo, se presenta el reporte de un caso clínico a nueve meses de seguimiento con la fi nalidad de evaluar la efi cacia del nuevo acondicionador monocomponente, para grabar y silanizar en un solo paso para Disilicato de Litio (DL), el nuevo Monobond Etch & Prime (MBEP) en el mismo frasco contiene la cantidad sufi ciente de ácido acondicionador y silano. Esto simplifi ca los procedimientos de adhesión, reduciendo no sólo el número de pasos, sino también el tiempo de trabajo (AU)
The mechanical properties of the materials have made the technique of veneer cementation, so changing and so studied. This technique has been modifi ed due to several clinical studies; especially in investigations that have been carried out in this respect. The changes made in the cementation technique, have not been only for the substrate of the dental organ, but also for the chosen ceramic material. This confuses the clinician by modifying the cementing procedures. In recent years, as a result of the rapid progress in CAD/CAM technology, a large number of new ceramics and hybrid materials, have been introduced into the dental market. This is refl ected in benefi t to the patients, because we have more opportunities to off er diff erent kinds of restorative materials; and at the same time, their indications have expanded, but this, increases the diffi culty for clinicians and ceramists to stay up-to-date on material selection, and the most important in the correct adhesion protocols for the treatment of diff erent surfaces. This paper presents, a nine months clinical case report to evaluate the effi cacy of the new monocomponent conditioner, for etching and silanizing in a single step the Lithium Disilicate (LD), the new Monobond Etch & Prime (MBEP), contains in the same bottle suffi cient amount of conditioning acid and silane. This simplifi es the adhesion procedures by reducing, not only the number of steps but also the working time (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Silanes , Acid Etching, Dental , Ceramics , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Phosphoric Acids , Silicate Cement , Surface Properties , Tooth Preparation , Dental Veneers , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
Abstract This study evaluated the effectiveness of a multi-mode adhesive (SBU-Scotch Bond Universal/3M) as a substitute for silica coating and silane application on the bonding of zirconia ceramics to resin cement. One-hundred and twenty sintered zirconia ceramic blocks (5 x 5 x 5 mm) were obtained, finished by grounding with silicon carbide paper (#600, #800, #1000 and #1200) and randomly divided into 12 groups (n=10) in accordance with the factors "surface treatment" (ScSi - silicatization + silanization; ScSBU - silicatization + SBU; SBU - SBU without photoactivation and SBUp - SBU photoactivated) and "ceramic" (Lava / 3M ESPE, Ceramill Zirconia / Amann Girrbach and Zirkonzahn / Zirkonzahn). Dual resin cement cylinders (RelyX Ultimate/3M ESPE) were subsequently produced in the center of each block using a silicon matrix (Ø=2 mm, h=5 mm) and photoactivated for 40 s (1200 mW/cm2). The samples were stored for 30 days in distilled water (37ºC) and submitted to shear bond strength test (1 mm/min, 100 KgF). Data (MPa) were analyzed under ANOVA (2 levels) and Tukey test (5%). Complementary analyzes were also performed. ANOVA revealed that only the factor "surface treatment" was significant (p=0.0001). The ScSi treatment (14.28A) promoted statistically higher bond strength values than the other ScSBU (9.03B), SBU (8.47B) and SBUp (7.82B), which were similar to each other (Tukey). Failure analysis revealed that 100% of the failures were mixed. The silica coating followed by the silanization promoted higher bond strength values of resin cement and ceramic, regardless of the zirconia ceramic or SBU.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou a efetividade de um adesivo "multi-mode" (Single Bond Universal/3M) como um substituto para a silicatização e aplicação do silano na resistência de união das cerâmicas de zircônia e um cimento resinoso. Para isso, 120 blocos cerâmicos sinterizados de zircônia nas dimensões de (5 x 5 x 5 mm) foram obtidos, lixados com lixas de granulação decrescente (#600, #800, #1000 e #1200) e divididos aleatoriamente em 12 grupos (n = 10), de acordo com os fatores "tratamento de superfície" (ScSi - silicatização + silanização; ScSBU - silicatização + Single Bond; SBU - SBU sem fotoativação e SBUp - SBU com fotoativação) e "cerâmica" (Lava/3M ESPE, Ceramill Zircônia/ Amann Girrbach e Zirkonzahn/Zirkonzahn). Posteriormente, cilindros de cimento resinoso dual (RelyX Ultimate/3M ESPE) foram confeccionados no centro de cada bloco com auxílio de uma matriz de silicone (Ø=2 mm; h=5 mm) e fotopolimerizados por 40 s (1200 mW/ cm²). Em seguida, as amostras foram armazenadas durante trinta dias em água destilada (37 °C) e submetidas ao ensaio de resistência de união ao cisalhamento (1 mm/min, 100 kgF). Os dados (MPa) foram analisados sob ANOVA (2 fatores) e teste de Tukey (5%). Análises complementares também foram realizadas. ANOVA revelou que apenas o fator "tratamento de superfície" foi significativo (p=0,0001). O tratamento ScSi (14.28A) promoveu valores de adesão estatisticamente superiores aos demais ScSBU (9.03B), SBU (8.47B) e SBUp (7.82B), os quais foram semelhantes entre si (Tukey). A Análise de falhas revelou que 100% da falhas que ocorreram foram mistas. A silicatização seguida da silanização promoveu a melhor resistência de união entre cimento resinoso e a cerâmica, independentemente do tipo da cerâmica ou do SBU.
Silanes/chemistry , Yttrium , Zirconium , Silicates/chemistry , Dental Cements , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Tensile Strength , X-Ray Diffraction , Dental Bonding , Wettability , Resin Cements/chemistry , Equipment Failure Analysis , Shear Strength , Dental Stress AnalysisABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of combinations of silane primers and adhesive agents on the bond strength of a composite block for a computer-aided design and manufacturing system. Material and Methods Three silane primers [Clearfil Ceramic Primer (CP), Super-Bond PZ Primer (PZ), and GC Ceramic Primer II (GP)] were used in conjunction with five adhesive agents [G-Premio Bond (P-Bond), Repair Adhe Adhesive (R-Adhesive), Super-Bond D-Liner Dual (SB-Dual), Super-Bond C&B (SB-Self), and SB-Dual without tributylborane derivative (SB-Light)]. The surface of a composite block (Gradia Block) was ground with silicon carbide paper. After treatment with a silane primer, a adhesive agent was applied to each testing specimen. The specimens were then bonded with a light-curing resin composite. After 24 h, the shear bond strength values were determined and compared using a post hoc test (α=0.05, n=8/group). We also prepared control specimens without primer (No primer) and/or without adhesive agent (No adhesive). Results PZ/SB-Dual and GP/SB-Dual presented the highest bond strength, followed by GP/P-Bond, CP/SB-Dual, CP/R-Adhesive, No primer/SB-Dual, GP/R-Adhesive, CP/P-Bond, No primer/R-Adhesive, PZ/R-Adhesive, CP/SB-Self, PZ/P-Bond, PZ/SB-Self, and GP/SB-Self in descending order of bond strength. No primer/P-Bond, No primer/SB-Self, and all specimens in the SB-Light and No adhesive groups presented the lowest bond strengths. Conclusion A dual-curing adhesive agent (SB-Dual) containing a tributylborane derivative in combination with a silane primer (GP or PZ) presents a greater bond strength between the composite block and the repairing resin composite than the comparators used in the study.
Silanes/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Analysis of Variance , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Restoration Failure , Shear StrengthABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate in vitro the effect of different treatments of the ceramic surface and thermal cycling on the shear bond strength (SBS) of metallic brackets bonded to feldspathic ceramic. Material and method: Ceramic cylinders were divided into four groups (n=4) according to the treatment of ceramic surface: G1-Clearfil Ceramic Primer silane and Transbond XT (CCPT); G2-etched with 10% hydrofluoric acid (HFA) for 60 s, CCP and Transbond XT (ACCPT); G3-etched with 10% HFA for 60 s, Ambar Adhesive and Transbond XT (AAAT); and, G4 - etched with 10% HFA for 60 s, RelyX Ceramic Primer silane -RCP, adhesive primer Transbond and Transbond XT (ACPPT). Brackets were bonded to the cylinders with Transbond XT and light-activated for 40 s with LED Radii Plus. All specimens were stored in deionized water at 37 °C for 24 h, and two cylinders from each group were subject to 7,000 thermal cycles in a thermal cycler (5 °C/55 °C). After storage and thermal cycling, the SBS test was performed at a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Data were subjected to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (α=0.05). Result: The SBS of ACCPT was significantly higher than the other groups (p<0.05). The specimens submitted to thermal cycling showed significantly lower SBS than those without thermal cycling (p<0.05), regardless the ceramic surface treatment. The ARI showed predominance of score 0 for all groups. Conclusion: Acid etching, CCP silane and Transbond XT method obtained the best results for bracket bonding. Thermal cycling reduced SBS for all groups. Score 0 was predominant for ARI in all groups.
Objetivo: Avaliar in vitro o efeito de diferentes tratamentos de superfície da cerâmica e ciclagem térmica na resistência da união ao cisalhamento (RUC) de bráquetes metálicos colados na cerâmica felspática. Material e método: Cilindros cerâmicos foram separados em 4 grupos (n=4) de acordo com os tratamentos da superfície da cerâmica: G1-Clearfil Ceramic Primer silano e Transbond XT (CCPT); G-condicionamento com ácido hidrofluorídrico a 10% (AHF) por 60s, CCP e Transbond XT (ACCPT); G3-condicionamento com AHF a 10% por 60s, Adesivo Ambar e Transbond XT (AAAT); e, G4 condicionamento com AHF a 10% por 60s, RelyX Ceramic Primer silano, primer adesivo Transbond e Transbond XT (ACPAT). Os bráquetes foram fixados nos cilindros com Transbond XT e fotoativado por 40s com LED Radii Plus. Todas as amostras foram armazenadas em água deionizada a 37 °C por 24 h e dois cilindros de cada grupo foram submetidos a 7.000 ciclos térmicos na máquina para ciclagem térmica (5 °C/55 °C). Após armazenagem e ciclagem térmica, a RUC foi realizada à velocidade de 1 mm/min. Na Análise de Variância de 2 fatores e ao teste de Tukey's post hoc test (α=0,05) a RUC do G2 foi significante maior do que dos demais grupos (p<0,05). Resultado: As amostras submetidas à ciclagem térmica apresentaram valores de RUC significantemente menores do que as amostras sem ciclagem térmica (p<0,05), independente do tratamento de superfície da cerâmica. Conclusão: Nas condições desse estudo o melhor resultado para colagem foi obtido com o condicionamento, silano CCP e Transbond XT. A ciclagem térmica reduziu a RUC em todos os grupos.
Silanes , Ceramics , Analysis of Variance , Orthodontic Brackets , Dental Cements , Shear Strength , In Vitro Techniques , Dental BondingABSTRACT
Abstract The present study aimed to evaluate effects of different surface treatments and aging of composite cylinders on bond strength of composite resin repair. Thirty-two composite cylinders were produced and divided into four groups according to type of surface treatment and storage time of composite cylinder and repair. Cylinder surface of control group (Gcontrol) received no treatment before composite repair. Other groups were sandblasted with aluminum oxide (GAl2O3), followed by silane (GAl2O3sil) or adhesive (GAl2O3ad). Composite cylinders were stored in artificial saliva for either 24 hours or 1 year. Repairs were performed and stored in artificial saliva for 24 hours or 1 year and repair strength was evaluated using microtensile bond strength test. Data were submitted to Student’s t test, two-way ANOVA, and post hoc test for storage time and treatment (α = 0.05). Gcontrol group showed lower values of aging of composite cylinder and storage time of repair (24 hours or 1 year for both) compared with other groups (p < 0.05). GAl2O3ad and GAl2O3sil groups did not exhibit decreased microtensile bond strength with aged repairs (1 year; p > 0.05). Polymer degradation was significant for composite cylinders during the first year of storage in Gcontrol, GAl2O3, and GAl2O3ad groups (p < 0.05). In GAl2O3sil group, storage time of composite cylinders was not significant (p > 0.05). Aging of composite resin influenced bond strength of restoration repair for up to 1 year. Sandblasting with Al2O3, followed by application of silane layer, produced high bond strength after composite or repair aging.
Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Dental Restoration Repair/methods , Resin Cements/chemistry , Tensile Strength , Aluminum Oxide/chemistry , Analysis of Variance , Curing Lights, Dental , Materials Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Saliva, Artificial/chemistry , Silanes/chemistry , Surface Properties/drug effects , Time FactorsABSTRACT
Frozen and thawed ovine semen undergo morphological and functional changes that prevent or decrease the efficiency of fertilization. Sperm selection methods seek to improve the quality and viability of the fertilizing materials. Four sperm selection methods were employed, using two silica colloidal solutions coated with silane (silica colloidal-silane) or by polyvinylpyrrolidone (silica colloidal-PVP), and varying the volume of colloidal solution. Sperm kinematic and sperm recovery were evaluated by means of CASA. The protocols using silica colloidal-silane showed higher total motility (TM), progressive motility (PM) and percentage of rapid sperm (%RAP) compared to the methods employing silica colloidal-PVP and to the samples prior to sperm selection. The silica colloidal-PVP had greater sperm recovery compared to the silica colloidal-silane. Only the method using 4mL of silica colloidal-PVP was not efficient in selecting samples with better quality compared to the samples analyzed prior to sperm selection. The methods using lower volumes of colloidal solution did not differ from those using higher volumes and the best results were shown by the method with 1mL silica colloidal-silane. The results found in the study indicated greater efficiency of the silica colloidal-silane solution for sperm selection of thawed ovine semen when compared to selection using silica colloidal-PVP. The method using 1mL of silica colloidal-silane was equally efficient to the method with higher volume, presenting itself as an alternative to process samples with lower sperm concentration.(AU)
O sêmen ovino congelado e descongelado sofre alterações morfofuncionais que impossibilitam ou diminuem a eficiência na fecundação. Os métodos de seleção espermática visam melhorar a qualidade e a viabilidade do material fecundante. Foram utilizados quatro métodos de seleção espermática utilizando duas soluções de sílica coloidal revestida por silano (sílica coloidal-silano) ou por polivinilpirrolidona (sílica coloidal-PVP), variando o volume de solução coloidal. Foram testadas a cinética espermática no CASA e a recuperação espermática. Os protocolos utilizando sílica coloidal-silano apresentaram maior motilidade total (MT), motilidade progressiva (MP) e porcentagem de espermatozoides rápidos (% RAP) quando comparados aos métodos utilizando a sílica coloidal-PVP e às amostras antes da seleção espermática. A sílica coloidal-PVP teve maior recuperação espermática quando comparada à sílica coloidal-silano. Somente o método utilizando 4mL de sílica coloidal-PVP não foi eficiente na seleção de amostras com melhor qualidade quando comparado às amostras analisadas antes da seleção espermática. Os métodos utilizando menores volumes de solução coloidal não diferiram dos métodos de maior volume, sendo a sílica coloidal-silano com 1mL o método que apresentou os melhores resultados. Como conclusão, os resultados encontrados no trabalho apontaram a maior eficiência da sílica coloidal-silano em selecionar sêmen ovino congelado e descongelado quando comparado à seleção em sílica coloidal-PVP. O método utilizando 1mL de sílica coloidal-silano foi igualmente eficiente ao método com maior volume, sendo uma alternativa para processar amostras com baixa concentração espermática.(AU)
Animals , Kinetics , Semen Analysis/veterinary , Sheep , Sperm Retrieval/veterinary , Suspensions/methods , Povidone , Semen Preservation/veterinary , Silanes , Sperm MotilityABSTRACT
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes tratamentos de superfície na resistência adesiva entre a interface zircônia/cimento resinoso. Blocos de zircônia (12 x 11,6 x 1,2 mm) foram divididos em cinco grupos (n=10) e classificados conforme o tratamento de superfície. Nas amostras em que a superfície não foi jateada, os filmes de glaze foram avaliados em função do condicionamento ou não das amostras com ácido fluorídrico (HF). No jateamento das superfícies das cerâmicas foram utilizadas microesferas de alumina, com e sem revestimento de sílica, e avaliada a influência dos tratamentos na resistência adesiva entre a superfície da cerâmica e o cimento resinoso. No teste de resistência de união, as amostras com glaze condicionado e com jateamento (alumina + sílica) apresentaram resultados superiores em relação às amostras não jateadas. As falhas foram classificadas em adesiva, mista e coesiva com a ajuda de um estereomicroscópio. A caracterização das superfícies foi avaliada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva. A espessura dos filmes glaze, obtida pela micrografi a da secção transversal das amostras, apresentou espessuras semelhantes independentemente do tratamento. Os tratamentos de superfície da zircônia com glaze condicionado (com e sem secagem) e jateamento (alumina + sílica) obtiveram os melhores resultados de resistência de união.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on bond strength at the zirconia/resin cement interface. Zirconia blocks (12 x 11.6 x 1.2 mm) were divided into five groups (n=10) and classified according to the surface treatment. In the samples wherein the surface glaze has not been sandblasted the films were assessed for conditioning or not the samples with hydrofluoric acid (HF). Alumina microespheres with and without silica coating were used to blast the surfaces, and also to study the effect of treatments on bond strength between the ceramic surface and the resin cement. In the bond strength test samples with conditioning glaze and sandblasting (alumina + silica) showed higher scores than the non-blasted samples. The flaws were classified as adhesive, cohesive and mixed with the aid of a stereomicroscope. Surface characterization was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy. The thickness of the glaze film obtained by the micrograph of the cross section of the samples showed similar thicknesses regardless of treatment applied. The zirconia surface treatments with conditioning glaze (with and without drying) and sandblasting (alumina + silica) generated the best bond strength results.
Humans , Ceramics , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Resin Cements , Silanes/chemistry , Spectrum Analysis , ZirconiumABSTRACT
Aim: To assess the influence of different fiberglass post surface treatments on the bond strength (BS) to root dentin. Methods: Thirty bovine root canals were endodontically treated and filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus sealer. At 24 h after the endodontic filling, the post spaces were prepared with Gates-Glidden drills and #3 drills of the DC White Post system, maintaining a 4 mm apical seal. The roots were randomly divided into three groups: S (fiberglass posts treated with silane), SA (fiberglass posts treated with silane and a hydrophobic adhesive system) and SHA (fiberglass posts treated with silane, followed by drying with hot air). The posts were cemented with a selfadhesive cement (RelyX U200). The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 24 h and subjected to the push-out test (0.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05) Results: SA and SHA groups showed the highest BS mean values (11.29 and 10.85 MPa, respectively), while the S group presented the lowest BS mean value (7.21 MPa). S group was significantly different from SA and SAH groups. Conclusions: The surface treatment of fiberglass posts influenced BS values (Au)