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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 190 p tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562569


As leishmanioses são doenças negligenciadas que afetam mais de um bilhão e meio de pessoas ao redor do mundo, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento, provocando grandes impactos socioeconômicos. Os fármacos disponíveis para o tratamento dessas doenças são ineficazes e apresentam graves efeitos adversos. O processo de pesquisa de novos fármacos envolve, entre outras coisas, a seleção de alvos bioquímicos essenciais para a sobrevivência e desenvolvimento do agente causador. Neste sentido, a Sirtuína 2, uma enzima epigenética com atividade hidrolase essencial para a sobrevivência dos parasitas do gênero Leishmania se apresenta como um alvo validado na busca de novos fármacos contra essas parasitoses. O planejamento de fármacos baseado na estrutura do receptor requer o conhecimento da estrutura tridimensional da proteína alvo. Desta forma, a elucidação estrutural e um estudo minucioso das Sirtuínas das várias espécies do gênero Leishmania apresenta-se como uma importante abordagem na aplicação desta estratégia na busca por agentes quimioterápicos. Até o momento, na família Trypanosomatidae, a única estrutura tridimensional resolvida experimentalmente de uma enzima Sirtuína 2 é a da espécie L. infantum. Assim, este trabalho aplicou a abordagem de Modelagem Comparativa utilizando o software Modeller na construção de modelos da Sir2rp1 das espécies L. infantum, L. major e L. braziliensis, cujas sequências de aminoácidos foram extraídas do banco de dados UNIProt. Os modelos construídos foram validados por meio da função de escore DOPE do Modeller e dos servidores PROCHECK, MolProbity e QMEAN, avaliando sua qualidade estereoquímica e seu enovelamento. Os ligantes naturais da enzima foram sobrepostos nos modelos construídos por alinhamento estrutural utilizando o software PyMol e os complexos validados foram submetidos a simulações de Dinâmica Molecular através do pacote GROMACS. Os complexos refinados foram então analisados por meio dos softwares PyMol e LigPlotPlus e dos pacotes GROMACS e gmx_MMPBSA, e foram estudados os sítios de ligação dos substratos e os resíduos de aminoácidos relevantes envolvidos em sua ligação e reconhecimento. A Modelagem Comparativa da Sirtuína 2 humana e seus homólogos das espécies L. infantum, L. major e L. braziliensis, as simulações de Dinâmica Molecular realizadas com os modelos enzimáticos construídos e validados complexados com seus ligantes naturais, os cálculos de energia de interação entre os modelos e seus substratos e o estudo estrutural comparativo realizado entre eles nos fornecem uma base teórica para a busca de novos inibidores da Sirtuína 2 que sejam mais seletivos e potentes contra as enzimas parasitárias, abrindo caminho para o desenvolvimento de candidatos a fármacos leishmanicidas mais seguros e eficazes

Leishmaniasis are neglected diseases that affect more than one and a half billion people around the world, mainly in developing countries, causing major socioeconomic impacts. The drugs available for the treatment of these diseases are ineffective and have serious adverse effects. The process of researching new drugs involves, among other things, the selection of biochemical targets essential for the survival and development of the causative agent. In this sense, Sirtuin 2, an epigenetic enzyme with hydrolase activity essential for the survival of parasites of the Leishmania genus, presents itself as a validated target in the search for new drugs against these parasites. Structure-Based Drug Design requires knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the target protein. In this way, structural elucidation and a detailed study of Sirtuins from various species of the genus Leishmania presents itself as an important approach in the application of this strategy in the search for chemotherapeutic agents. To date, in the Trypanosomatidae family, the only experimentally resolved three-dimensional structure of a Sirtuin 2 enzyme is that of the species L. infantum. Thus, this work applied the Comparative Modeling approach using the Modeller software in the construction of Sir2rp1 models of the species L. infantum, L. major and L. braziliensis, whose amino acid sequences were retrieved from the UNIProt database. The constructed models were validated using Modeller's DOPE score function and the PROCHECK, MolProbity and QMEAN servers, evaluating their stereochemical quality and folding. The enzyme's natural ligands were superimposed on the built models by structural alignment using the PyMol software and the validated complexes were subjected to Molecular Dynamics simulations using the GROMACS package. The refined complexes were then analyzed using the PyMol and LigPlotPlus softwares and the GROMACS and gmx_MMPBSA packages, and the substrate binding sites and relevant amino acid residues involved in their binding and recognition were studied. The Comparative Modeling of human Sirtuin 2 and its homologues from the species L. infantum, L. major and L. braziliensis, the Molecular Dynamics simulations carried out with the constructed and validated enzymatic models complexed with their natural ligands, the interaction energy calculations between the models and their substrates and the comparative structural study carried out between them provide us with a theoretical basis for the search for new Sirtuin 2 inhibitors that are more selective and potent against the parasitic enzymes, paving the way for the development of safer and more effective leishmanicidal drug candidates

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Leishmaniasis/pathology , Sirtuins/analysis , Molecular Dynamics Simulation/statistics & numerical data , Neglected Diseases/complications , Epigenomics/classification , Leishmania/classification
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1648-1655, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421809


SUMMARY: The skin, located on the outermost part of the body, is always exposed to external stimuli such as sunlight. The exposure of skin to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from sunlight is known to be a major environmental factor in inducing photoaging. After exposure to UVB, an increase in reactive oxygen species can affect the expression and activity of many critical proteins depending on the duration and dose of the UVB radiation. Mammalian sirtuins (SIRTs), which are nicotinamide dinucleotide-dependent protein deacetylases, are well known for playing a role in cellular longevity. However, little is known about SIRT protein alterations in keratinocytes upon UVB irradiation according to SIRT subtypes. Therefore, in this study, the distribution of non-mitochondrial SIRT1, SIRT2, and SIRT6 proteins was investigated by immunofluorescence (IF) staining of the skin of SKH-1 mice (n=12) after UVB irradiation for 10 weeks. After UVB irradiation for 10 weeks, the IF of both SIRT1 and SIRT6 was significantly increased in the UVB-irradiated mice group (UG), but the difference in SIRT2 IF was not statistically significant between the control group (CG) and the UG. The translocation of both SIRT1 and SIRT6 IF from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of keratinocytes was observed in the upper epidermis of the UG, whereas SIRT2 IF was localized in the cytoplasm of keratinocytes in the epidermis in both the CG and the UG. The translocation of SIRT1 and SIRT6 IF from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of keratinocytes may account for the physiologically protective action of keratinocytes against UVB irradiation. However, the exact role of SIRT1 and SIRT6 translocation in keratinocytes, where SIRT1 and SIRT6 shuttle from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, is not well known. Therefore, further studies are needed to understand the molecular mechanisms of SIRT1 and SIRT6 translocation in keratinocytes upon UVB irradiation.

La piel, situada en la parte más externa del cuerpo, está siempre expuesta a estímulos externos como la luz solar. Se sabe que la exposición de la piel a la radiación ultravioleta B (UVB) de la luz solar es un factor ambiental importante en la inducción del fotoenvejecimiento. Después de la exposición a los rayos UVB, un aumento en las especies reactivas de oxígeno puede afectar la expresión y la actividad de muchas proteínas críticas según la duración y la dosis de la radiación UVB. Las sirtuinas de mamíferos (SIRT), que son proteínas desacetilasas dependientes de dinucleótidos de nicotinamida, son bien conocidas por desempeñar un papel en la longevidad celular. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre las alteraciones de la proteína SIRT en los queratinocitos tras la irradiación UVB según los subtipos de SIRT. Por lo tanto, en este estudio, se investigó la distribución de las proteínas SIRT1, SIRT2 y SIRT6 no mitocondriales mediante tinción de inmunofluorescencia (IF) de la piel de ratones SKH-1 (n = 12), después de la irradiación con UVB durante 10 semanas. Posterior a la irradiación, el IF de SIRT1 y SIRT6 aumentaron significativamente en el grupo de ratones irradiados con UVB (UG), pero la diferencia en SIRT2 IF no fue estadísticamente significativa entre el grupo control (CG) y el UG. La translocación de SIRT1 y SIRT6 IF desde el núcleo al citoplasma de los queratinocitos se observó en la epidermis superior de la UG, mientras que SIRT2 IF se localizó en el citoplasma de los queratinocitos en la epidermis, tanto en el GC, como en la UG. La translocación de SIRT1 y SIRT6 IF del núcleo al citoplasma de los queratinocitos puede explicar la acción protectora fisiológica de estos contra la radiación UVB. Sin embargo, el papel exacto de la translocación de SIRT1 y SIRT6 en los queratinocitos, donde SIRT1 y SIRT6 se trasladan desde el núcleo al citoplasma, no se conoce bien. Por lo tanto, se necesitan más estudios para comprender los mecanismos moleculares de la translocación SIRT1 y SIRT6 en los queratinocitos tras la irradiación UVB.

Animals , Male , Mice , Ultraviolet Rays , Keratinocytes/radiation effects , Sirtuins/radiation effects , Time Factors , Skin Aging , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Sirtuins/analysis