BACKGROUND@#Pathological scars are a disorder that can lead to various cosmetic, psychological, and functional problems, and no effective assessment methods are currently available. Assessment and treatment of pathological scars are based on cutaneous manifestations. A two-photon microscope (TPM) with the potential for real-time non-invasive assessment may help determine the under-surface pathophysiological conditions in vivo . This study used a portable handheld TPM to image epidermal cells and dermal collagen structures in pathological scars and normal skin in vivo to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment in scar patients.@*METHODS@#Fifteen patients with pathological scars and three healthy controls were recruited. Imaging was performed using a portable handheld TPM. Five indexes were extracted from two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) perspectives, including collagen depth, dermo-epidermal junction (DEJ) contour ratio, thickness, orientation, and occupation (proportion of collagen fibers in the field of view) of collagen. Two depth-dependent indexes were computed through the 3D second harmonic generation image and three morphology-related indexes from the 2D images. We assessed index differences between scar and normal skin and changes before and after treatment.@*RESULTS@#Pathological scars and normal skin differed markedly regarding the epidermal morphological structure and the spectral characteristics of collagen fibers. Five indexes were employed to distinguish between normal skin and scar tissue. Statistically significant differences were found in average depth ( t = 9.917, P <0.001), thickness ( t = 4.037, P <0.001), occupation ( t = 2.169, P <0.050), orientation of collagen ( t = 3.669, P <0.001), and the DEJ contour ratio ( t = 5.105, P <0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Use of portable handheld TPM can distinguish collagen from skin tissues; thus, it is more suitable for scar imaging than reflectance confocal microscopy. Thus, a TPM may be an auxiliary tool for scar treatment selection and assessing treatment efficacy.
Humans , Cicatrix/diagnostic imaging , Skin/pathology , Collagen , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methodsABSTRACT
Psoríase é uma dermatose de caráter inflamatório ligado a diversas composições do ser, sendo estas a genética, o sistema imune, o ambiente e o estado mental do paciente, apresentando evidências de ser um quadro clínico multifacetado. A composição da medicina psicossomática empenha-se na relação mental e emocional e do corpo, sendo importante mostrar a relação desta com a psoríase. Por isso, busca-se avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a relação entre a psoríase e os aspectos psicossomáticos. Foi realizado uma a revisão de literatura, por meio de seleção de artigos das base de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), biblioteca virtual em saúde Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate e Google acadêmico. A busca por artigos científicos resultou em 20 artigos selecionados. Foi possível concluir, que há estudos fundamentados correlacionando a medicina psicossomática e a psoríase, além de que diversos fatores que afetam a homeostase corporal, provocam alterações nervosas, e consequentemente afetam as células da pele. Além disso, foi encontrado evidências que a estigmatização que os pacientes sofrem influenciam no aumento da gravidade da doença, sendo necessário a realização de um tratamento psico cognitivo-comportamental juntamente com o tratamento dos sinais e sintomas gerais da doença. Desta forma, o presente trabalho pôde olhar para a patologia com um olhar ampliado relacionado ao aspecto mental e emocional o que promove melhor compreensão e as consequências disto são a maior capacidade de intervenção sobre a psoríase.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory dermatosis linked to several compositions of the being, which are genetics, the immune system, the environment and the patient's mental state, that is, it shows evidence of being a multifaceted clinical picture. Since the composition of psychosomatic medicine is committed to the relationship between the mental, emotional, and body, it is important to show its relationship with psoriasis. Therefore, we sought to evaluate the available evidence in the literature on the relationship between psoriasis and psychosomatic aspects. A literature review was conducted by selecting articles from the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate and Google Scholar databases. The search for scientific articles resulted in 20 selected articles. It was possible to conclude that there are well-founded studies correlating psychosomatic medicine and psoriasis, and that several factors that affect the body's homeostasis cause nervous alterations, and consequently affect the skin cells. Moreover, it was found evidence that the stigmatization that patients suffer influences the increase of the severity of the disease, being necessary the realization of a psycho cognitive-behavioral treatment along with the treatment of the general signs and symptoms of the disease. Thus, the present work could look at the pathology with a broader view related to the mental and emotional aspect, which promotes better understanding and the consequences of this are a greater ability to intervene on psoriasis.
La psoriasis es una dermatosis inflamatoria vinculada a varias composiciones del ser, que son la genética, el sistema inmunitario, el medio ambiente y el estado mental del paciente, es decir, muestra evidencias de ser un cuadro clínico multifacético. Dado que la composición de la medicina psicosomática está comprometida con la relación entre lo mental, lo emocional y el cuerpo, es importante mostrar su relación con la psoriasis. Por lo tanto, se buscó evaluar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre la relación entre la psoriasis y los aspectos psicosomáticos. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica seleccionando artículos de las bases de datos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (PubMed/Medline), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciElo), UpToDate y Google Scholar. La búsqueda de artículos científicos dio como resultado 20 artículos seleccionados. Se pudo concluir que existen estudios bien fundamentados que correlacionan la medicina psicosomática y la psoriasis, y que diversos factores que afectan a la homeostasis del organismo provocan alteraciones nerviosas y, en consecuencia, afectan a las células de la piel. Además, se encontraron evidencias de que la estigmatización que sufren los pacientes influye en el aumento de la gravedad de la enfermedad, siendo necesaria la realización de un tratamiento psico cognitivo- conductual junto con el tratamiento de los signos y síntomas generales de la enfermedad. Así, el presente trabajo pudo contemplar la patología con una visión más amplia relacionada con el aspecto mental y emocional, lo que favorece una mejor comprensión y las consecuencias de ello son una mayor capacidad de intervención sobre la psoriasis.
Psoriasis/diagnosis , Psoriasis/pathology , Psoriasis/therapy , Psychosomatic Medicine , Psychological Distress , Skin/pathology , Skin Diseases/pathology , Review , Database , HomeostasisABSTRACT
14 workers in the 1, 8-diaminonaphthalene workshop of a chemical company in Nantong City had symptoms or signs of varying degrees of pruritus and pigmentation of the face, neck and waist. Pathological examination of skin biopsies showed hyperkeratosis, the basal cells were liquefied and denatured. Seven workers were eventually diagnosed with occupational melanosis. To explore the causes of occupational melanosis caused by exposure to 1, 8-dinitronaphthalene and 1, 8-diaminonaphthalene, and to provide reference for the prevention and treatment of occupational melanosis in the future, this paper reported 14 cases of melanosis in the skin of workers in chemical industry.
Humans , Melanosis/pathology , Pigmentation , Skin/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinicopathological features of blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN).@*METHODS@#A total of 13 cases of BPDCN diagnosed in Peking University First Hospital from January 2013 to March 2022 were collected. The clinical features, histopathological characteristics, immunophenotypes and prognosis of the patients were analyzed retrospectively, and the related literatures was reviewed as well.@*RESULTS@#Among the 13 patients, 11 were male and 2 were female, with a median age of 62 years (ranging from 5 to 78 years). Among them, single organ involvement occurred in 5 cases, all of which presented with skin lesions. Two or more organs were involved in other 8 cases (single organ with bone marrow involved in 3 cases; skin, bone marrow and lymph node involved simultaneously in 3 cases; skin, bone marrow, lymph node and spleen involved simultaneously in 2 cases). Histopathologically, it was characterized by the proliferation of medium to large atypical blastic cells, which infiltrated the whole thickness of dermis. When involved, the bone marrow lesions mainly appeared in a diffuse pattern, while the lymph node structure was usually destroyed, and the red pulp of the affected spleen was diffusely invaded. Immunohistochemical staining showed that all the 13 cases were positive for CD4, CD56, and CD123 (13/13) in varying degrees. All the 9 cases expressed TCL1 (9/9). Variable expression of CD68 (KP1) (8/13), TdT (7/12), CD117 (2/6), and high Ki-67 proliferation index (40%~80%) were showed. The neoplastic cells lacked expressions of CD20, CD3, MPO, CD34, or CD30; EBER in situ hybridization were negative (0/9). After definite diagnosis, 6 cases received chemotherapy, among which 1 received adjuvant radiotherapy, and 2 received subsequent bone marrow transplantation. Another 2 cases only received maintenance treatment. The median follow-up time was 14 months (ranging from 6 to 36 months), 5 patients died of the disease (6 to 18 months), 3 patients survived (7 to 36 months up to now), and the remaining 5 patients lost follow-up.@*CONCLUSION@#BPDCN is a rare type of malignant lymphohematopoietic tumor with aggressive behavior and poor prognosis. The diagnosis should be made combining clinical features, histopathology, and immunohistochemical phenotype. Attention should be paid to differentiating BPDCN from other neoplasms with blastoid morphology or CD4+CD56+ tumors.
Male , Female , Humans , Hematologic Neoplasms , Retrospective Studies , Dendritic Cells , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Skin/pathologyABSTRACT
A 3-year-old boy presented with bluish patch and scattered blue spots on the left side of his face. After several sessions of laser treatment, the azury patch in the periorbital area became even darker. Histopathology showed many bipolar, pigment-laden dendritic cells scattered in the papillary and upper reticular dermis. Immunohistochemically, these cells were positive for S100, SOX-10, melan-A, P16, and HMB-45. The positive rate of Ki-67 was less than 5%. Finally, the lesion was diagnosed with nevus of Ota concurrent with common blue nevus. Therefore, for cases of the nevus of Ota with poor response to laser treatment, the possible coexisting diseases should be suspected.
Male , Humans , Child, Preschool , Nevus, Blue/pathology , Nevus of Ota/therapy , Skin/pathology , Face , Skin Neoplasms/pathologyABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the differences of water barrier function between keloids and its surrounding normal skin in patients with keloids, and to explore the primary mechanism. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. From October 2020 to March 2021, 30 patients with keloids who met the inclusion criteria visited Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, including 18 females and 12 males, aged 20-48 years. The transepidermal water loss (TEWL) of their keloids and the surrounding normal skin of the 30 patients were measured by multi probe adapter on the reception day. The keloid tissues and normal skin of 5 patients after keloid repair surgery were processed for hematoxylin-eosin staining to measure the thickness of epidermis. Immunohistochemistry was performed on samples from 3 of those 5 patients to detect the expressions of cytokeratin-10, involucrin, and filaggrin in keloids and normal skin. Data were statistically analyzed with paired sample t test and independent sample t test. Results: On the reception day, the TEWL of keloids of 30 patients was 9.0 (6.9, 13.4) g·m-2·h-1 and the TEWL of the normal skin was 8.1 (6.4, 18.1) g·m-2·h-1, between which the difference was not statistically significant (t=0.44, P>0.05). After keloid repair surgery, the thickness of epidermis in the keloids of 5 patients was (194±44) μm, which was significantly thicker than that of the normal skin (44±11) μm, (t=6.88, P<0.01). Furthermore, increased keratinocytes, lack of normal epidermal ridge structures, and thickened stratum corneum were observed in the keloid area. After keloid repair surgery, the expression level of cytokeratin-10 in keloids was significantly lower than that in normal skin of 3 patients (t=8.50, P<0.01), but there were no statistically significant differences in the expression levels of involucrin or filaggrin between keloids and normal skin (with t values of 0.07 and 0.96, respectively, P>0.05). Conclusions: Keloid tissue from patients with keloids displays increased number of keratinocytes and thickened epidermis. But the water barrier function in keloid area is similar to the surrounding normal skin, suggesting that TEWL may not be the main mechanism lead to the persistent development of keloids.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , China , Cross-Sectional Studies , Keloid/pathology , Skin/pathology , WaterABSTRACT
Acne is a common chronic inflammatory disease of the skin that often occurs on the face, and acne scars are often secondary to the healing process of acne, which often leads to impaired appearance and psychological disorders of patients. The current treatment for acne scars is extremely difficult. With the development of regenerative medicine, stem cell transplantation has become a new treatment for acne scars. In recent years, it has been reported that stem cells and their derivatives can effectively antagonize the formation of acne scars. Therefore, this paper briefly reviews the basic and clinical researches on the treatment of acne scars with various mesenchymal stem cells and their derivatives, aiming to provide theoretical basis and reference for the stem cell therapy of acne scars.
Humans , Acne Vulgaris/pathology , Cicatrix/pathology , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Skin/pathology , Stem Cell TransplantationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe the effect of fire needling on psoriasis-like lesion and the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) pathway in mice and compare the therapeutic effect between different interventions of fire needling therapy (surrounding technique of fire needling, fire needling at "Dazhui" [GV 14] and "Zusanli" [ST 36]).@*METHODS@#Thirty male BALB/c mice were randomized into a blank group, a model group, a dexamthasone group, a surrounding technique group and an acupoint group, 6 mice in each one. Except the blank group, the mice in the rest groups were established as psoriasis-like lesion model by topical application with imiquimod cream, once daily, consecutively for 8 days. From day 4 to day 8, in the dexamthasone group, gastric infusion with 0.2 mL dexamthasone was administered, once daily. On day 4, 6 and 8, in the surrounding technique group, fire needling was exerted around the skin lesion; and fire needling was applied to "Dazhui" (GV 14) and "Zusanli" (ST 36) in the acupoint group, once a day. The changes in skin lesion on the dorsal parts of mice were observed in each group to score the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI). Using HE staining, the dermal morphological changes and epidermal thickness were observed in the mice of each group. The positive expression of proliferating cell-associated antigen Ki-67 was determined by immunofluorescence. Immunohistochemistry method was used to determine the expressions of , and T cells of skin tissue in each group. Using real-time PCR, the expressions of interleukin (IL)-17, IL-22, tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α) mRNA were determined. Western blot method was adopted to determine the protein expressions of STAT3 and p-STAT3 in skin tissue in each group.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the blank group, the scores of each item and the total scores of PASI, as well as the epidermal thickness were all increased in the mice of the model group (P<0.01). Except for the erythema scores of the dexamethasone group and the surrounding technique group, the scores of each item and the total scores of PASI, as well as the epidermal thickness were all decreased in each intervention group as compared with the model group (P<0.01). The infiltration scores and the total scores in the dexamethasone group and the acupoint group were lower than those in the surrounding technique group respectively (P<0.01, P<0.05). In comparison with the blank group, Ki-67 positive cell numbers and the numbers of , and T cells in skin tissue were increased in the mice of the model group (P<0.01). Ki-67 positive cell numbers and the numbers of , and T cells were reduced in each intervention group as compared with the model group (P<0.01), and the numbers of and T cells in the acupoint group were less than the surrounding technique group (P<0.01). Compared with the blank group, the mRNA expressions of IL-17, IL-22 and TNF-α and the ratio of p-STAT3 to STAT3 were all increased in the model group (P<0.01). The mRNA expressions of IL-17, IL-22 and TNF-α and the ratio of p-STAT3 to STAT3 were all decreased in each intervention group as compared with the model group (P<0.01, P<0.05). The mRNA expressions of IL-17, IL-22 and TNF-α in the acupoint group, as well as mRNA expression of IL-17 in the surrounding technique group were all lower than the dexamethasone group (P<0.01), while, the mRNA expression of IL-22 in the acupoint group was lower than the surrounding technique group (P<0.01).@*CONCLUSION@#Fire needling therapy improves skin lesion severity in imiquimod induced psoriasis-like lesion of the mice, which is probably related to the inhibition of STAT3 pathway activation and the decrease of Th17 inflammatory factors expression. The systemic regulation of fire needling at "Dazhui" (GV 14) and "Zusanli" (ST 36) is superior to the local treatment.
Animals , Male , Mice , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Imiquimod/metabolism , Interleukin-17/metabolism , Ki-67 Antigen/metabolism , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Psoriasis/drug therapy , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , STAT3 Transcription Factor/pharmacology , Skin/pathology , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolismABSTRACT
Abstract The histological structure and biochemistry of the skin is affected by solar radiation having adverse effects ranging from sunburns, premature aging that includes wrinkles, spots, dryness, and loss of collagen to cancer development. The skin has defense mechanisms to prevent damage caused by radiation, but when radiation exposure is excessive these mechanisms are not strong enough to protect the skin. The use of sunscreen is the most common practice of photo- protection. The active ingredients of these cosmetic protective formulations are generally from synthetic origin and have presented several drawbacks at the level of photo-stability, systemic absorption and can generate contact and photo-contact dermatitis. This review illustrates skin solar radiation problems, common sunscreen ingredients limitation and mentions how algae can be an alternative according to studies that have evaluated the photo-protective potential of extracts and compounds isolated by different techniques.
Skin/pathology , Sunscreening Agents/administration & dosage , Solar Radiation , Seaweed/classification , Skin Diseases , Collagen/administration & dosage , Radiation Exposure/prevention & control , Absorption, Physiological/drug effectsABSTRACT
Resumen La esporotricosis es una infección fúngica de evolución subagudacrónica causada por hongos dimórficos del Complejo Sporothrix schenckii. Es más frecuente en zonas tropicales. La prevalencia en Argentina se estima entre 0,01 y 0,02%. En la mitad de los pacientes se manifiesta como una esporotricosis linfocutánea, la cual se produce tras la inoculación del hongo en la piel luego de un trauma menor. La lesión inicial es una pápula o nódulo que se sucede con la aparición de una cadena ascendente de nódulos subcutáneos móviles, indoloros y eritematosos. El diagnóstico se realiza a partir del cultivo micológico. El antifúngico de elección es itraconazol y el pronóstico es usualmente favorable. Se presenta el caso de una niña de 4 años, previamente sana, que consultó por adenopatías axilares de evolución subaguda sin respuesta a múltiples esquemas antimicrobianos, confirmándose el diagnóstico de una esporotricosis linfocutánea por el cultivo de una biopsia ganglionar.
Abstract Sporotrichosis is a subacute-chronic fungal infection caused by dimorphic fungi of the Sporothrix schenckii Complex. It is more common in tropical areas. The prevalence in Argentina is estimated between 0.01 and 0.02%. In half of the patients it manifests as lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis, which occurs after inoculation of the fungus into the skin after minor trauma. The initial lesion is a papule or nodule that occurs with the appearance of an ascending chain of mobile, painless and erythematous subcutaneous nodules. The diagnosis is made from mycological culture. The antifungal of choice is itraconazole and the prognosis is usually favorable. We present the case of a healthy 4-year-old girl who consulted for subacute axillary lymphadenopathy without response to multiple antimicrobial regimens, arriving at the diagnosis of lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis from the culture of a lymph node biopsy sample.
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Sporotrichosis/diagnosis , Sporotrichosis/microbiology , Sporotrichosis/drug therapy , Skin/pathology , Sporothrix , Itraconazole/therapeutic use , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Histoid leprosy is a rare form of multibacillary leprosy, characterized by the presence of papules, plaques, or nodules whose appearance is keloid-like, skin colored, or erythematous. Fusiform cells are the main histopathological feature. Due to the fact that it can simulate other dermatological lesions, for example, dermatofibroma and neurofibroma, it constitutes a diagnostic challenge for clinicians and pathologists. It is a bacilliferous form of leprosy, and it plays an important role in disease transmission. A case of a patient with histoid leprosy living in the Northeast Region of Brazil is reported.
Humans , Leprosy, Lepromatous/diagnosis , Leprosy, Lepromatous/pathology , Leprosy, Multibacillary/diagnosis , Leprosy, Multibacillary/pathology , Leprosy, Multibacillary/drug therapy , Keloid/pathology , Leprosy/pathology , Neoplasms , Skin/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Lobomycosis is a chronic granulomatous infection caused by the yeast Lacazia loboi, typically found in tropical and subtropical geographical areas. Transmission occurs through traumatic inoculation into the skin, especially in exposed areas, of men who work in contact with the soil. Lesions are restricted to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, with a keloid-like appearance in most cases. The occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma on skin lesions with a long evolution is well known; however, there are scarce reports of lobomycosis that developed into squamous cell carcinoma. The authors report a patient from the Brazilian Amazon region, with lobomycosis and carcinomatous degeneration, with an unfavorable outcome, due to late diagnosis.
Humans , Male , Lacazia , Lobomycosis/pathology , Keloid/pathology , Skin/pathology , BrazilABSTRACT
La morfea ampollar es un tipo enfrecente de esclerodermia localizada que se caracteriza por presentar ampollas sobre placas escleróticas. La presencia de este tipo de lesiones obliga a descartar la variante extraenital de liquen esclerodemias localizadas, es posible hallar ambas afecciones. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 19 años con diagnóstico de morfea panesclerótica y liquen escleroso ampollar.
Bollous morphea is an infreqent type of morphea characterized for developing bullae on sclerodermiformic plaques. The presence of bullae forces to discard lichen sclerosus, a disease that usually develops in the genital zone, the extragenital variant could belong to the same spectrum that localized sclerodermiformic diseases. We present a 19 year old female patient with the diagnosis of panesclerotic morphea and bullous lichen sclerosus.
Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Scleroderma, Localized/diagnosis , Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus/diagnosis , Scleroderma, Localized/pathology , Skin/pathology , Skin Diseases, Vesiculobullous/diagnosis , Tacrolimus/administration & dosage , Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus/drug therapy , Mycophenolic Acid/administration & dosageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT CONTEXT: Various skin manifestations have been reported in coronavirus disease. It may be difficult to determine the etiology of these lesions in view of the increased frequency of handwashing during the pandemic, along with occurrences of irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis due to disinfectant use; usage of herbal medicine and supplements to strengthen the immune system; and urticarial or maculopapular drug eruptions due to COVID-19 treatment. The variety of associated skin manifestations seen with COVID-19 makes it challenging to identify virus-specific skin manifestations. Petechiae, purpura, acrocyanosis and necrotic and non-necrotic purpura, which can be considered as manifestations of vascular involvement on the skin, have been reported. CASE REPORT: Here, we report a case of eruptive cherry angiomas, which was thought to have developed due to COVID-19, with a papulovesicular rash on distal extremities that progressed over time to reticular purpura. CONCLUSION: The case presented had a papulovesicular rash at the onset, which evolved to retiform purpura, and eruptive cherry angiomas were observed. It should be kept in mind that dermatological signs may vary in patients with COVID-19.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Purpura/virology , Skin/virology , Skin Diseases, Viral/virology , Exanthema/virology , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/virology , Hemangioma/virology , Skin/drug effects , Skin/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Skin Diseases, Viral/diagnosis , Skin Diseases, Viral/therapy , COVID-19 Testing , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/drug therapy , COVID-19/therapySubject(s)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sweet Syndrome/diagnosis , Skin/pathology , Erythema/complications , TorsoABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivos selecionar os indicadores dos resultados de enfermagem Integridade tissular: pele e mucosas (1101) e Cicatrização de feridas: segunda intenção (1103) da Nursing Outcomes Classification e construir suas definições conceituais e operacionais para a avaliação de pacientes com lesão por pressão. Métodos estudo de consenso de especialistas realizado em hospital universitário em setembro/2018. Participaram no estudo 10 enfermeiros com experiência na utilização da Nursing Outcomes Classification e no cuidado ao paciente com lesão por pressão. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de encontro presencial com os especialistas. Resultados Foram selecionados 17 indicadores da Nursing Outcomes Classification para a avaliação do paciente com lesão por pressão, com uma concordância de 100% entre os especialistas. São eles: Branqueamento, Eritema, Sensibilidade, Perfusão tissular, Hidratação/ Descamação, Espessura, Necrose, Odor desagradável na ferida, Pele com bolhas, Pele macerada, Descolamento Sob as bordas da Ferida, Inflamação Da Ferida, Exsudato/Drenagem, Granulação, Tunelamento, Formação de cicatriz e Tamanho da ferida. Conclusão e implicações para a prática os indicadores selecionados permitiram a elaboração de um instrumento que auxiliará na avaliação de pacientes com lesão por pressão de forma acurada. Esse instrumento subsidiará o enfermeiro na tomada de decisão diagnóstica e terapêutica da lesão por pressão.
Resumen Objetivos seleccionar los indicadores de resultados de enfermería Integridad tisular: piel y membranas mucosas (1101) y Cicatrización de heridas: segunda intención (1103) de la Nursing Outcomes Classification, y construir sus definiciones conceptuales y operativas para la evaluación de los pacientes con lesiones por presión. Métodos estudio de consenso de expertos realizado en un hospital universitario en septiembre/2018. Participaron en el estudio diez enfermeras. La recolección de datos se realizó a través de reuniones cara a cara con los especialistas. Resultados Se seleccionaron 17 indicadores de la Nursing Outcomes Classification para la evaluación del paciente con una lesión por presión, con el 100% de acuerdo entre los especialistas. Son ellos: Blanqueamiento, Eritema, Sensibilidad, Perfusión tisular, Hidratación / Descamación, Espesor, Necrosis, Olor desagradable en la herida, Piel con burbujas, Piel macerada, Descamación debajo de los bordes de la herida, Inflamación de la herida, Exudado/Drenaje, Granulación, Túneles, Formación de cicatrices y Tamaño de la herida. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica los indicadores seleccionados permitieron la elaboración de un instrumento que ayudará en la evaluación de los pacientes con lesiones por presión. Este instrumento subvencionará a las enfermeras en la toma de decisiones diagnósticas y terapéuticas de la lesión por presión.
Abstract Objectives to select the nursing outcome indicators Tissue integrity: skin and mucous membranes (1101) and Wound healing: second intention (1103) of the Nursing Outcomes Classification, and to construct their conceptual and operational definitions for the evaluation of patients with pressure injuries. Methods expert consensus study conducted at a university hospital in September 2018. Ten nurses with experience in using the Nursing Outcomes Classification and in caring for patients with pressure injuries participated in the study. Data collection took place through face-to-face meetings with the specialists. Results Seventeen indicators from the Nursing Outcomes Classification were selected for the evaluation of patients with pressure injuries, with 100% agreement among the specialists. That's them: Blanching, Erythema, Sensation, Tissue perfusion, Hydration, Thickness, Necrosis, Foul wound odor, Blistered skin, Macerated skin, Undermining, Wound inflammation, Exudate/drainage, Granulation, Tunneling, Scar formation, Decreased wound size. Conclusion and implications for practice the selected indicators allowed the elaboration of an instrument that will assist in the evaluation of patients with pressure injuries in an accurate way. This instrument will assist the nurses in the diagnostic and therapeutic decision making of the pressure injuries.
Humans , Skin/pathology , Wound Healing , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Pressure Ulcer/nursing , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Pressure Ulcer/diagnosis , Mucous Membrane/pathologyABSTRACT
This study aimed to evaluate and compare the effects of ozonized solutions on tissue wound repair in rats. Treatments consisted of ozonized water (GA), 0.9% sodium chloride (GCL), ozonized oil (GO), and 0.2% allantoin cream (GAL). The morphometric evaluation showed that wounds of the GA group presented a higher degree of retraction (p<0.05) at three and eight days of treatment (37.96 and 84.81%, respectively). Picrosirius red staining showed that groups GA and GO presented higher deposition (p<0.05) of type I collagen at 15 and 22 days of treatment, respectively. The neovascularization was higher in wounds of group GO on days 3, 8, and 15 (p<0.05), with higher VEGF immunostaining. (p<0.05). Thus, ozonized water enhances wound retraction and assists in the maturation and remodeling phase, while ozonized oil promotes higher neovascularization during tissue repair and higher deposition of type I collagen from the third week of treatment.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e comparar os efeitos de soluções ozonizadas sobre o reparo tecidual de feridas em ratos. Foram realizados os tratamentos: água ozonizada (GA), cloreto de sódio 0,9% (GCL), óleo ozonizado (GO) e creme de alantoína 0,2% (GAL). À avaliação morfométrica, as feridas do grupo GA apresentaram maior grau de retração (p<0,05) aos três e oito dias de tratamento (37,96% e 84,81%, respectivamente). A coloração de picrosirius red mostrou que os grupos GA e GO apresentaram maior deposição (p<0,05) de colágeno do tipo I aos 15 e aos 22 dias de tratamento, respectivamente. Já a variável neovascularização foi maior (p<0,05) nas feridas do grupo GO nos dias três, oito e 15, o que fora ratificado à imunoistoquímica, com maior imunomarcação de VEGF nas feridas do grupo GO (p<0,05). Conclui-se que a água ozonizada potencializa a retração da ferida e auxilia na fase de maturação e remodelamento, enquanto o óleo ozonizado promove maior neovascularização durante o reparo tecidual e maior deposição de colágeno do tipo I a partir da terceira semana de tratamento.(AU)
Animals , Rats , Ozone/therapeutic use , Skin/injuries , Skin/pathology , Wound HealingABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados à lesão por fricção em idosos internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. MÉTODO: estudo transversal, com amostra de 133 idosos internados em um hospital de ensino, entre julho de 2017 a julho de 2018. A coleta de dados contemplou consulta ao prontuário para levantamento sociodemográfico e clínico, exame físico de pele para avaliação de Skin tears. Os dados foram analisados pelo software Stata® versão12. RESULTADO: constatou-se prevalência de lesão por fricção em 10,5% dos idosos, com associação significativa ao índice de massa corpórea (p=0,003). CONCLUSÃO: Acredita-se que os resultados do presente estudo possam contribuir para sensibilizar o enfermeiro e sua equipe, quanto à realização de ações efetivas de prevenção e de cuidado às lesões por fricção, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade de assistência prestada aos idosos.
OBJETIVO: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con la lesión por fricción en pacientes de edad avanzada internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. MÉTODO: estudio transversal, con una muestra de 133 personas mayores internadas en un hospital universitario, entre julio de 2017 y julio de 2018. La recopilación de datos incluyó la consulta de registros médicos para encuestas sociodemográficas y clínicas, un examen físico de la piel para evaluar Skin tears. Los datos se analizaron utilizando el software Stata® versión 12. RESULTADO: Se encontró una prevalencia de lesión por fricción en el 10,5% de los ancianos, con una asociación significativa con el índice de masa corporal (p = 0,003). CONCLUSIÓN: Se cree que los resultados del presente estudio pueden colaborar hacia sensibilizar al enfermero y su equipo, con respecto a la realización de acciones efectivas de prevención y atención para lesiones por fricción, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la atención brindada a los ancianos.
OBJECTIVE: to identify the prevalence and factors associated with friction injury in elderly patients admitted to an intensive care unit. METHOD: cross-sectional study, with a sample of 133 elderly people admitted to a teaching hospital, between July 2017 and July 2018. Data collection included consulting medical records for sociodemographic and clinical surveys, physical examination of the skin to assess Skin tears. The data were analyzed using the Stata® version 12 software. RESULT: a prevalence of friction injuries was found in 10.5% of the elderly, with a significant association with the body mass index (p = 0.003). CONCLUSION: It is believed that the results of the present study may contribute to sensitize the nurse and his team, regarding the realization of effective prevention and care actions for friction injuries, with the aim of improving the quality of care provided to the elderly.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Skin/pathology , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , Health of the Elderly , Inpatients , Intensive Care Units , Health Behavior , Skin Aging , Demography , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hospitals, University , Life StyleABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Demodex mites are found on the skin of many healthy individuals. Demodex mites in high densities are considered to play a pathogenic role. Objective: To investigate the association between Demodex infestation and the three most common facial dermatoses: acne vulgaris, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Methods: This prospective, observational case-control study included 127 patients (43 with acne vulgaris, 43 with rosacea and 41 with seborrheic dermatitis) and 77 healthy controls. The presence of demodicosis was evaluated by standardized skin surface biopsy in both the patient and control groups. Results: In terms of gender and age, no significant difference was found between the patients and controls (p > 0.05). Demodex infestation rates were significantly higher in patients than in controls (p = 0.001). Demodex infestation rates were significantly higher in the rosacea group than acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis groups and controls (p = 0.001; p = 0.024; p = 0.001, respectively). Demodex infestation was found to be significantly higher in the acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis groups than in controls (p = 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively). No difference was observed between the acne vulgaris and seborrheic dermatitis groups in terms of demodicosis (p = 0.294). Study limitations: Small sample size is a limitation of the study. The lack of an objective scoring system in the diagnosis of Demodex infestation is another limitation. Conclusion: The findings of the present study emphasize that acne vulgaris, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis are significantly associated with Demodex infestation. Standardized skin surface biopsy is a practical tool in the determination of Demodex infestation.