Introdução. Retorno venoso extracraniano anormal é um importante fator relacionado às craniossinostoses complexas, sendo responsável por alta morbimortalidade. Associa-se a essa circulação, a estenose ou atresia do forame jugular, existindo dúvida na literatura se a presença de circulação colateral venosa é causa da estenose de forame, gerando hipertensão venosa; se o desenvolvimento da circulação venosa acontece como consequência da hipertensão intracraniana ou se existem componentes intrínsecos levando à formação de veias anômalas. Objetivo. Analisar o retorno venoso completo (intra e extracraniano) pré-operatório de pacientes com craniossinostoses complexas e sindrômicas e avaliar a sua relação com a: morfologia da base do crânio, funcionalidade dos forames e seios durais, hipertensão intracraniana e diagnostico sindrômico e molecular. Método. Estudo Retrospectivo e prospectivo de pacientes com craniossinostose complexa ou sindrômica submetidos à angiotomografia com fase venosa no Instituto Fernandes Figueira a partir de 2014. Para avaliação da gravidade do retorno venoso extracraniano foi elaborada uma classificação vascular, categorizando os pacientes em leves, moderados e graves. Essa classificação consistiu em uma pontuação em cada região de circulação colateral estudada, variando de 0 a 3. Desta forma, sendo 9 regiões de interesse (frontais, parietais, mastoides, condilares esquerda e direita e circulação transoccipital), a classificação variou entre 0 quando ausência completa de circulação colateral até 27, considerado a possibilidade mais grave apresentada. De acordo com o Cluster Hierárquico, os pacientes foram classificados em 3 categorias de circulação venosa extracraniana: Leve pontuação vascular entre 0 e 9; Moderada pontuação vascular entre 10 e 18; Grave pontuação vascular entre 19 e 27. Os 3 grupos Moderada pontuação vascular entre 10 e 18; Grave pontuação vascular entre 19 e 27. Os 3 grupos foram comparados quanto à morfologia da base do crânio (áreas, medidas anteroposteriores e volumes do forame jugular, forame magno e fossa posterior), quanto ao retorno venoso intracraniano (seios venosos durais, funcionalidade do forame jugular), quanto à hipertensão intracraniana (número de suturas acometidas, presença de malformação de Chiari I, hidrocefalia, ventriculomegalia) e quanto às síndromes apresentadas (manifestações fenotípicas e estudo molecular). Resultados. Dentre o total de 45 pacientes, 44,4% (n= 20) pertenciam ao grupo leve, 37,8% (n= 17) ao grupo moderado e 17,8% (n= 8) ao grupo grave. A circulação venosa extracraniana não se correlacionou com as medidas anteroposteriores, transversas, de área e de volume dos forames jugulares, forame magno ou da fossa posterior, com o número de suturas acometidas, com a classificação dos seios venosos intracranianos e da fossa posterior, com a hidrocefalia ou ventriculomegalia. A malformação de Chiari I é mais frequente em pacientes mais graves (p valor <0,001). As mutações identificadas se correlacionaram com a gravidade da circulação venosa extracraniana (pvalor <0,001). Conclusões. A estratificação de pacientes em uma classificação vascular permite a avaliação mais adequada dos fatores que historicamente são relacionados à circulação venosa colateral em Craniossinostoses complexas e sindrômicas. As alterações venosas extracranianas não se correlacionaram diretamente com as alterações morfológicas da base do crânio, com a funcionalidade dos seios durais ou com sinais de hipertensão intracraniana. Essas alterações parecem ser resultado de manifestações intrínsecas relacionadas ao genótipo, sendo as mutações no gene FGFR2 mais gravemente relacionadas à circulação venosa extracraniana. Pacientes com síndrome de Pfeiffer apresentaram a classificação venosa extracraniana mais grave, seguido pelas síndromes de Crouzon, Apert, Jackson-Weiss, Saerthre-Chotzen e craniossinostoses complexas negativas. As veias emissárias mais frequentemente encontradas foram as condilares e mastóides, seguidas da circulação transóssea occipital. Atresia funcional do forame jugular se correlaciona com a gravidade da circulação venosa extracraniana e pode ser consequência da atividade molecular intrínseca no endotélio durante a formação do sistema venoso.
Introduction. Abnormal extracranial venous outflow is an important factor related to complex craniosynostosis, that can lead to high morbidity and mortality. It has been associated with stenosis or atresia of the jugular foramen. In fact, there is doubt in the literature if the collateral venous circulation is caused by Jugular foramen stenosis, generating venous hypertension or if the development of the venous circulation happens as a consequence of intracranial hypertension or whether if there are intrinsic components leading to the formation of anomalous veins. Objective. To analyze the preoperative complete venous outflow (intra and extracranial) of patients with complex and syndromic craniosynostosis and to evaluate its relationship with: morphology of the skull base, functionality of the jugular foramina and dural sinuses, intracranial hypertension and syndromic and molecular diagnosis. Method. A retrospective and prospective study of patients with complex or syndromic craniosynostosis on CT angiography with venous phase at Instituto Fernandes Figueira from 2014 to 2022. To assess the severity of extracranial venous drainage, a vascular classification was developed, categorizing patients into mild, moderate and severe. The classification consisted of a score in each region of collateral circulation studied, ranging from 0 to 3. Thus, with 9 regions of interest (frontal, parietal, mastoid, left and right condylar and transoccipital circulation), the classification ranged from 0 when absence collateral circulation up to 27, considered the most serious possibility presented. According to the Hierarchical Cluster, patients were in 3 extracranial circulation categories: Mild vascular assessment between 0 and 9; Moderate vascular assessment between 10 and 18; Severe vascular assessment between 19 and 27. The 3 groups were compared regarding skull base morphology (areas, measurements of jugular foramen and foramen magnum, and posterior fossa volumes), intracranial venous outflow (dural venous sinuses, jugular foramen functionality), and intracranial hypertension (number of affected sutures, presence of Chiari I malformation, hydrocephalus, ventriculomegaly) and the syndromes presented (phenotypic manifestations and molecular study). Results. Among the 45 patients, 44.4% (n=20) belonged to the mild group, 37.8% (n=17) to the moderate group and 17.8% (n=8) to the severe group. The extracranial venous circulation does not correlate with the anteroposterior, transverse, area and volume measurements of the jugular foramen, foramen magnum or posterior fossa, with the number of affected sutures, with the intracranial venous sinuses and the posterior fossa, with the hydrocephalus or ventriculomegaly. Chiari I malformation correlates with the most severe patients (p value <0.001). The mutations identified correlate with the severity of the extracranial venous circulation (p-value <0.001). Conclusions. The stratification of patients in a vascular classification allows a more adequate evaluation of the factors that are historically related to the collateral venous circulation in complex and syndromic craniosynostosis. Extracranial venous changes did not directly correlate with morphological changes in the skull base, functionality of the dural sinuses, or with signs of intracranial hypertension. These alterations seem to be the result of intrinsic manifestations related to the genotype, with mutations in the FGFR2 gene most severely related to extracranial venous circulation. Patients with Pfeiffer syndrome had the most severe extracranial venous classification, followed by Crouzon, Apert, Jackson-Weiss, Saerthre-Chotzen and complex negative craniosynostosis. The emissary veins most frequently found were the condylar and mastoid veins, followed by the occipital transosseous circulation. Functional atresia of the jugular foramen correlates with the severity of extracranial venous circulation and may be a consequence of intrinsic molecular activity in the endothelium during formation of the venous system.
Patients , Collateral Circulation , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Craniosynostoses/physiopathology , Jugular Foramina , BrazilABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Surgical operations regarding to skull base are challenging and reliable anatomical landmarks are required. There is a lack of knowledge on anatomical variations in this region. The aim of this study was to determine the safe extracranial landmarks for surgical approach to the skull base. In this study, 23 adult dry skulls were evaluated: the age and sex of the specimens were unknown. All measurements were taken from external surface of inferior aspect of the skull by using digital calipers accurate to 0.01 mm. In right and left sides; the distances between the external acoustic meatus (EAM) and the following anatomical landmarks were measured: articular tubercle (AT); anterior margin of squamous suture (ASS); superior margin of squamous suture (SSS); posterior margin of squamous suture (PSS); end point of styloid process (SP); midpoints of pterygomaxillary fissure (PMF); foramen ovale (FO); foramen spinosum (FS); and of carotid canal (CC).The distances of the external acoustic meatus to the anatomical structures on the right and left sides were: EAM-SP; 24.24±3.19 mm, 23.16±3.17 mm; EAM-PMF; 46.56±4.51mm, 46.25±3.96 mm; EAM-FO; 27.57±2.87 mm, 28.70±2.85 mm; EAM-FS; 22.53±3.19 mm, 22.72±3.47 mm; EAM-CC; 17.35±3.56 mm, 17.19±3.39 mm; EAM-AT; 19.31±3.79 mm, 18.95±3.42 mm; EAM-ASS; 43.14±4.80 mm, 46.82±4.61 mm; EAM-SSS; 49.17±4.74 mm, 48.83±3.34 mm and EAM-PSS; 36.15±4.24 mm, 35.39±4.25 mm, respectively. We think that the findings obtained from this study related to external acoustic meatus can be an important reference for surgical anatomy and surgical procedures in skull base.
RESUMEN: Las cirugías relacionadas con la base del cráneo son un desafío, las cuales requieren puntos de referencia anatómicos confiables. Existe una falta de conocimiento sobre las variaciones anatómicas en esta región. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los puntos de referencia extracraneales seguros para el abordaje quirúrgico de la base del cráneo. En este estudio se evaluaron 23 cráneos secos adultos: se desconocía la edad y el sexo de los ejemplares. Las medidas se tomaron de la superficie externa de la cara inferior del cráneo utilizando calibradores digitales con una precisión de 0,01 mm. En lados derecho e izquierdo se midieron las distancias entre el meato acústico externo (MAE) y los siguientes puntos de referencia anatómicos: tubérculo articular (TA); margen anterior de la sutura escamosa (MASE); margen superior de sutura escamosa (MSSE); margen posterior de sutura escamosa (MPSE); punto final del proceso estiloides (PFPE); puntos medios de la fisura pterigomaxilar (PMFP); foramen oval (FO); foramen espinoso (FE); y del canal carotídeo (CC). Las distancias del meato acústico externo a las estructuras anatómicas de los lados derecho e izquierdo fue- ron: MAE-PFPE; 24,24 ± 3,19 mm, 23,16 ± 3,17 mm; MAE-PMFP; 46,56 ± 4,51 mm, 46,25 ± 3,96 mm; MAE-FO; 27,57 ± 2,87 mm, 28,70 ± 2,85 mm; MAE-FE; 22,53 ± 3,19 mm, 22,72 ± 3,47 mm; MAE-CC; 17,35 ± 3,56 mm, 17,19 ± 3,39 mm; MAE-TA; 19,31 ± 3,79 mm, 18,95 ± 3,42 mm; MAE-MASE; 43,14 ± 4,80 mm, 46,82 ± 4,61 mm; MAE-MSSE; 49,17 ± 4,74 mm, 48,83 ± 3,34 mm y MAE-MPSE; 36,15 ± 4,24 mm, 35,39 ± 4,25 mm, respectivamente. Creemos que los hallazgos obtenidos de este estudio relacionados con el meato acústico externo pueden ser una referencia importante para la anatomía quirúrgica y los procedimientos quirúrgicos en la base del cráneo.
Humans , Adult , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Ear Canal/anatomy & histology , Anatomic LandmarksABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Since the asymmetry is generally accepted entity which can be detected on human skulls, the goal of this study was to evaluate the presence and degree of skull base asymmetry and analyze it in relation to sex. The study included 60 skulls. Gender identification was estimated according to the external occipital protuberance, mastoid process, supraorbital margin and glabella. The asymmetry was assessed by analyzing the distance from the bilateral foramina (foramen ovale, foramen spinosum, carotid canal, foramen stylomastoideum) to the pharyngeal tubercle. Digital data were processed in the ImageJ software. The skull base asymmetry was found in all samples. Significant difference between the sides was found for the foramen ovale (p=.01). There was no significant difference in the skull base asymmetry with respect to sex. The highest index of asymmetry (7.38 %) was found in carotid canal and the lowest (5.22%) was detected in relation to the foramen stylomastoideum. By comparing the index of asymmetry between the genders significant difference occurs for the carotid canal (p=.02). Skull base asymmetry was confirmed in our study. Oval foramen showed a significant degree of asymmetry. Knowledge of the variability of the skull base is the basis for an clinical and radiological evaluation of its changes.
RESUMEN: Debido a que la asimetría detectada en cráneos humanos es aceptada generalmente, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la presencia y el grado de asimetría de la base del cráneo y analizarla en relación con el sexo. En este estudio fueron incluidos 60 cráneos. El sexo fue determinado de acuerdo con la protuberancia occipital externa, el proceso mastoideo, el margen supraorbital y la glabela. La asimetría se evaluó analizando la distancia desde los forámenes bilaterales (foramen oval, foramen espinoso, canal carotídeo, foramen estilomastoideo) hasta el tubérculo faríngeo. Los datos digitales fueron procesados en software ImageJ. La asimetría de la base de cráneo se observó en todas las muestras. Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre los lados para el foramen oval (p = ,01). No hubo diferencias significativas en la asimetría de la base de cráneo con respecto al sexo. El índice más alto de asimetría (7,38%) se encontró en el canal carotídeo y el más bajo (5,22 %) se detectó en relación con el foramen estilomastoideo. Al comparar el índice de asimetría entre los sexos, se produce una diferencia significativa en el canal carotídeo (p = 0,02). La asimetría de la base de cráneo se confirmó en nuestro estudio. El foramen oval mostró un grado significativo de asimetría. El conocimiento de la variabilidad de la base del cráneo es importante durante la evaluación clínica y radiológica.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Facial Asymmetry , Cadaver , Sex Factors , Sex Characteristics , Foramen OvaleABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The clinical relevance of the anatomy and variations of the anterior ethmoidal artery (AEA) is outstanding, considering its role as a landmark in endoscopic surgery, its importance in the therapy of epistaxis, and the high risks related to iatrogenic injuries. Objective To provide an anatomical description of the course and relationships of the AEA, based on direct computed-tomography (CT)-based 3D volume rendering. Methods Direct volume rendering was performed on 18 subjects who underwent (CT) with contrast medium for suspected cerebral aneurism. Results The topographical location of 36 AEAs was assessed as shown: 10 dehiscent (27.8%), 20 intracanal (55.5%), 6 incomplete canals (16.7%). Distances from important topographic landmarks are reported. Conclusion This work demonstrates that direct 3D volume rendering is a valid imaging technique for a detailed description of the anterior ethmoidal artery thus representing a useful tool for head pre-operatory assessments.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arteries/anatomy & histology , Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Ethmoid Sinus/blood supply , Ethmoid Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Multidetector Computed Tomography/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Intracranial Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/blood supply , Skull Base/diagnostic imaging , Contrast Media , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
Background: Growth hormone plays a significant role in determining craniofacial morphology. Mutations of its receptor gene might be associated with mandibular prognathism (MP). Purpose: The aim of the current study was to evaluate growth hormone receptor (GHR) gene polymorphisms in relation to facial dimensions. Material and Method: The study enrolled 65 participants with class III profile in MP group and 60 orthognathic control participants. Genomic DNA was extracted from a blood sample from the patients and the P561T and C422F polymorphisms of GHR gene were screened by PCR-RFLP method followed by Sanger sequencing of randomly selected samples to validate the genotyping results. Chi square was used to compare distribution of polymorphism in MP and control groups (p<0.05). Results: Heterozygous P561T mutation was found in 10.77% and 8.33% of MP and control groups, respectively (p=0.644) while none of the subjects had the C422F mutation. Sanger sequencing confirmed the genotyping results from the PCR-RFLP method. P561T polymorphism was significantly associated with ramus and lower facial height in MP patients and with ramus height in orthognathic patients (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results indicate that the P561T polymorphism of the GHR gene is associated with the vertical dimension of the mandible in an Iranian population.
Antecedentes: La hormona del crecimiento desempeña un papel importante en la determinación de la morfología craneofacial. Las mutaciones de su gen receptor podrían estar asociadas con el prognatismo mandibular (PM). Propósito: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar dos polimorfismos del gen del receptor de la hormona del crecimiento (RHC) en relación con las dimensiones faciales. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio incluyó a 65 participantes con perfil de clase III en el grupo MP y 60 participantes de control ortognático. El ADN genómico se extrajo de una muestra de sangre de los pacientes y los polimorfismos P561T y C422F del gen RHC se seleccionaron mediante el método PCR-RFLP seguido de la secuenciación por Sanger de muestras seleccionadas al azar para validar los resultados del genotipo por RFLP. El test chi cuadrado se utilizó para comparar la distribución del polimorfismo en el grupo MP y grupo control (p<0.05). Resultados: Se encontró mutación heterocigota P561T en 10.77% y 8.33% de los grupos PM y control, respectivamente (p=0.644) mientras que ninguno de los sujetos tenía la mutación C422F. La secuenciación de Sanger confirmó los resultados de genotipado por el método PCR-RFLP. El polimorfismo P561T se asoció significativamente con la rama y la altura facial más baja en pacientes con PM y con la altura de la rama en pacientes ortognáticos (p<0.05). Conclusión: Los resultados indican que el polimorfismo P561T del gen RHC está asociado con la dimensión vertical de la mandíbula en una población iraní.
Humans , Male , Female , Cephalometry/methods , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Prognathism , Growth Hormone , Chi-Square Distribution , Prevalence , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Genotype , Iran/ethnology , Malocclusion , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/geneticsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The size of intracranial cavity (IC) and posterior cranial fossa (PCF) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of various disorders. In this study, we aimed at establishing normal volume data of the IC and PCF in Turkish population according to age and sex by using stereological method. This study was carried out retrospectively on 339 individuals (168 females and 171 males) between 0 and 18 years old with no medical or neurological disorders that affected the skeletal morphology of the cranial cavity. Volumetric estimations were determined on computed tomography (CT) images using point-counting approach of stereological methods. Intracranial volume (ICV) and posterior cranial fossa volume (PCFV) were increased with age in both sexes. They reached adult dimensions at 5 years of age during the teenage years. According to sex; the mean ICV and PCFV were 1594.51±245.57cm3 and 244.89±53.86 cm3 in males, 1456.34±241.85 cm3 and 228.24±41.38 cm3 in females, respectively. Generally, significant differences were determined in ICV and PCFV according to sex after they reached maximum growth period. According to age the volume ratios of PCF to IC was ranged from 13.03 to 17.48 in males and 12.06 to 18.54 in females. This study demonstrated that these volume ratios could help the physician for both patient selections for surgery, and for the assessment of any surgical technique used to treatment of PCF malformations. However current study revealed that point counting method can produce accurate volume estimations and is effective in determining volume estimation of IC and PCF.
RESUMEN: El tamaño de la cavidad intracraneal (CI) y la fosa craneal posterior (FCP) desempeñan un papel importante en la fisiopatología de diversos trastornos. En este estudio, se pretende establecer los datos de volumen normal de la CI y FCP en la población turca, de acuerdo a la edad y el sexo, mediante el uso de métodos estereológicos. Este estudio se realizó retrospectivamente en 339 individuos (168 mujeres y 171 hombres) entre 0 y 18 años sin trastornos médicos o neurológicos que afectaron la morfología esquelética de la cavidad craneal. Las estimaciones volumétricas se determinaron en imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) utilizando el conteo de puntos de los métodos estereológicos. El volumen intracraneal (VIC) y el volumen posterior de la fosa craneal (VFCP) aumentaron con la edad en ambos sexos. Alcanzaron dimensiones adultas a los 5 años de edad durante la adolescencia. Según el sexo, el promedio de VIC y VFCP fue de 1594,51 ± 245,57 cm3 y de 244,89 ± 53,86 cm3 en los hombres, 1456,34 ± 241,85 cm3 y 228,24 ± 41,38 cm3 en las mujeres, respectivamente. En general, se determinaron diferencias significativas en VIC y VFCP de acuerdo con el sexo después de alcanzar el período de crecimiento máximo. Según la edad, las proporciones de volumen de FCP a CI oscilaban entre 13,03 a 17,48 en los hombres y 12,06 a 18,54 en las mujeres. Este estudio demostró que estas proporciones de volumen podrían ayudar al médico tanto en la selección de pacientes para la cirugía, como para la evaluación de cualquier técnica quirúrgica utilizada en el tratamiento de malformaciones de FCP. Además, el estudio actual reveló que el método de conteo de puntos puede producir estimaciones precisas de volumen siendo eficaz para determinar la estimación de volumen de IC y FCP.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cranial Fossa, Posterior/anatomy & histology , Cranial Fossa, Posterior/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Age and Sex Distribution , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/diagnostic imaging , TurkeyABSTRACT
Among osteological anatomic variations are those of the skull base foramina. These openings have conventionally been classified as either constant or variant. Their presence and dimensions have been associated with certain pathologies and procedural complications. Additionally, variability in these foramina between different ethnic groups has been observed, and it is sometimes possible to identify particular patterns of variability in certain populations. This anthropometric cross-sectional study seeks to determine the principal dimensions (bilateral anteroposterior and lateromedial diameters) of five constant skull base foramina in the adult Muisca population of the Tibanica anthropological collection at Universidad de los Andes. The studied foramina were magnum, jugular, ovale, spinosum, and external opening of the carotid canal. Only dimensions of the external openings of the foramina were recorded, owing to the preservation state of the skulls in the collection. The mean left and right anteroposterior and lateromedial diameters were 3.48 mm, 6.16 mm and 3.25 mm, 6.26 mm for the foramen ovale; 2.38 mm, 2.65 mm and 2.39 mm, 2.66 mm for foramen spinosum; 8.36 mm, 15.41 mm and 8.55 mm, 15.10 mm for the jugular foramen; 5.28 mm, 6.75 mm and 5.48 mm, 6.97 mm for the external opening of the carotid canal; and 33.90 mm, 29.47 mm for the foramen magnum. All foramina were measured twice, no important differences were observed between the results obtained in the first and second measurements. The skull base foramina of the sample studied did not suggest high variability within the population regarding these characteristics. Moreover, we can state that the morphometric profile displayed by the Tibanica collection at Universidad de los Andes is different from the one observed in other populations. Additional studies of anatomic variations in indigenous populations may be needed to make possible similarities and/or differences and their causes evident.
Entre las variaciones anatómicas óseas, se consideran aquellas referentes a los forámenes de la base del cráneo. Convencionalmente, estos orificios han sido clasificados como variantes o constantes. Su presencia y dimensiones se asocian a ciertas patologías y complicaciones procedimentales. Adicionalmente, se ha observado variabilidad en estos entre distintos grupos étnicos y en algunas ocasiones es posible identificar patrones particulares en poblaciones específicas. Este estudio morfométrico de corte transversal busca determinar las dimensiones principales (diámetros anteroposterior y lateromedial) de cinco forámenes constantes de la base del cráneo en la población adulta Muisca de la colección antropológica Tibanica de la Universidad de los Andes. Los forámenes estudiados fueron: magno, yugular, ovale, espinoso y la apertura externa del canal carotideo. Debido al estado de preservación de los cráneos, se registraron las dimensiones de las aperturas externas de los forámenes. La media de los diámetros izquierdo y derecho anteroposterior y lateromedial fue 3,48 mm, 6,16 mm y 3,25 mm, 6,26 mm para el foramen ovale; 2,38 mm, 2,65 mm y 2,39 mm, 2,66 mm para el espinoso; 8,36 mm, 15,41 mm y 8,55 mm, 15,10 mm para el yugular; 5,28 mm, 6,75 mm y 5,48 mm, 6,97 mm para la apertura externa del canal carotideo; y 33,90 mm, 29,47 mm para el foramen magno. Todos los diámetros se registraron dos veces, no se observó ninguna diferencia importante entre los registros de la primera y segunda medición. En general, las dimensiones de los forámenes estudiados no varían mucho en la colección ósea Muisca de Tibanica. En cuanto a estas características anatómicas, la población utilizada es diferente con respecto a algunas modernas. Por otro lado, se requieren investigaciones adicionales de este tipo con el fin de evidenciar posibles similitudes y diferencias entre poblaciones (prehispánicas y modernas) y determinar sus causas.
Humans , Adult , American Indian or Alaska Native , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Anthropometry , Colombia , DemographyABSTRACT
The anterior clinoid process (ACP) is proximal to vital structures, such as the optic nerve, internal carotid artery and ophthalmic artery; therefore, study of its anatomy is important in guiding and defining surgery. We studied the anatomical structure of the ACP, including the angle formed by the apex of the ACP triangle, and its orientation, to provide information for easier and safer surgery. The measurement was performed on the axial planes of 242 cranial computerized tomography (CT) scans and 27 adult Turkish skulls of both sexes. The length of the ACP, width of the ACP at its base, the angle formed by the apical angle of the ACP triangle and the orientation of the ACP defined according to the sagittal midline were examined. In the Turkish skulls, the length and width of the ACP were similar to previous studies. Our study was the first to measure the angle and orientation of the ACP. The mean angle was 39.67±12.64 (16.6-89.5) and 135 posterior (55 %) and 107 medial (45 %) orientations. Surgical complications can be avoided by pre-operative radiological planning using axial CT scans and by determining whether the morphology is Type 2 (long, narrow, acute-angled), which requires total resection.
El proceso clinoide anterior (PCA) está próximo a estructuras vitales, como el nervio óptico, la arteria carótida interna y la arteria oftálmica, por tanto el estudio de su anatomía es importante en la orientación y la definición de la cirugía de base de cráneo. Se estudió la estructura anatómica de la PCA, incluyendo el ángulo formado por el vértice del triángulo PCA, y su orientación, para proporcionar información para una cirugía más fácil y más segura. La medición se realizó en los planos axiales de 242 exploraciones craneales de tomografía computarizada (TC) y 27 cráneos de individuos adultos turcos de ambos sexos. Se examinó la longitud del PCA, el ancho del PCA en su base, el ángulo formado por el ángulo apical del triángulo PCA y la orientación del PCA definido de acuerdo con la línea mediana sagital. En cráneos turcos, la longitud y el ancho del PCA fueron similares a estudios anteriores. Nuestro estudio fue el primero en medir el ángulo y la orientación del PCA. El ángulo promedio fue de 39,67 ± 12,64 (16,6 a 89,5) y, la orientación fue posterior en 135 cráneos (55 %) y medial en 107 cráneos (45 %). Las complicaciones quirúrgicas pueden evitarse mediante la planificación radiológica preoperatoria através de cortes axiales de tomografía computarizada y determinando si la morfología del PCA es de tipo 2 (larga, estrecha y aguda en ángulo recto), lo que requiere la resección total.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Foramen ovale is a surgically important aperture of the skull since it allows approach to and manipulation of the trigeminal ganglion as it lies in the Meckel's cave. This transfacial approach, Hartel's approach, requires two anatomical points for accurate cannulation; the zygomatic point and the pupil point. This study describes the morphology and location of foramen ovale and describes the pupil point in relation to the medial canthus in the Kenyan population. Department of Human Anatomy departmental review board approved the study. Two hundred dry skulls from the Department of Human Anatomy were studied using a digital calliper with help of a measuring frame. The results were analysed using SPSS version 20. The results showed the length and width of right foramen ovale was 7.69 mm mean (SD ±1.31) and 4.24 mm (±0.64) respectively while the left foramen ovale was 7.68 mm (±1.23) and 4.28 mm (±0.74). The distance of the zygomatic point from the external auditory meatus on the right was 23.54 mm (±2.26) and the left was 23.49 mm (±2.16). The median distances of the pupil point in relation to the medial canthus was 9.5mm on the right and 8.1 mm on the left. These results were significantly different from other population data. Neuronavigational aids to foramen ovale in Kenyans should take this into consideration.
El foramen oval es una abertura quirúrgicamente importante del cráneo, que permite el enfoque y manipulación del ganglio trigeminal ya que se encuentra en la impresión trigeminal (fosita de Meckel). Este enfoque transfacial, el enfoque de Hartel, requiere dos puntos anatómicos para la canalización precisa; el punto cigomático y el punto de la pupila. Este estudio describe la morfología y la ubicación del foramen oval, y el punto pupilar en relación al canto medial en la población de Kenia. La junta directiva del Departamento de Anatomía Humana aprobó el estudio. Doscientos cráneos secos procedentes del Departamento de Anatomía Humana se estudiaron utilizando un caliper digital con ayuda de un marco de medición. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante el programa SPSS versión 20. Los resultados mostraron que la longitud y ancho del foramen oval derecho fue de 7,69 mm media (±1,31) y 4,24 mm (±0,64), respectivamente, mientras que el foramen oval izquierdoo fue de 7,68 mm (±1,23) y 4,28 mm (±0,74). La distancia del punto cigomático desde el meato acústico externo derecho fue 23,54 mm (±2,26) y el izquierdo de 23,49 mm (±2,16). Las distancias promedios del punto de la pupila en relación con el canto medial fueron de 9,5 mm (el derecha) y 8,1 mm (el izquierdo). Estos resultados fueron significativamente diferentes de otros datos demográficos. El apoyo para la neuronavegación para acceder al foramen oval en kenianos debe tener esto en consideración.
Humans , Anatomic Landmarks/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histology , KenyaABSTRACT
Objective To compare the right and left sides of the same skulls as far as the described landmarks are concerned, and establish the craniometric differences between them. Method We carried out measurements in 50 adult dry human skulls comparing both sides. Results The sigmoid sinus width at the sinodural angle level was larger on the right side in 78% of the cases and at the level of the digastric notch in 72%. The jugular foramen width was also larger on the right side in 84% of the cases. The sigmoid sinus distance at the level of the digastric notch was larger on the right side in 64% of the cases, and the sigmoid sinus distance at the level of the digastric notch to the jugular foramen was larger on the right side in 70% of the cases. Conclusion Significant craniometric differences were found between both sides of the same skulls. .
Objetivo Comparar os lados direito e esquerdo no mesmo crânio nos pontos referenciais descritos e definir as diferenças craniométricas entre ambos. Método Realizamos mensurações em 50 crânios secos de humanos adultos comparando os lados direito e esquerdo. Resultados Como resultado, obtivemos as medidas da largura do seio sigmóideo na altura do ângulo sinodural maiores no lado direito em 78% dos casos e na altura do ponto digástrico em 72%. A largura do forame jugular foi também maior no lado direito em 84% dos casos. A distância do seio sigmóideo na altura do ângulo sinodural até a altura do ponto digástrico foi maior do lado direito em 64% dos casos, e a distância do seio sigmóideo na altura do ponto digástrico até o forame jugular foi maior do lado direito em 70% dos casos. Conclusão Diferenças craniométricas significativas foram encontradas entre os dois lados do crânio. .
Adult , Humans , Anatomic Landmarks/anatomy & histology , Cephalometry/methods , Cranial Sinuses/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Cephalometry/instrumentation , Lasers , Occipital Bone/anatomy & histology , Reference Values , Transillumination/methodsABSTRACT
In this study, it was aimed to determine the reliable morphometric data of the important bone structures on skull base using MDCT and to establish the differences of these data according to sex and lateralization. This study was retrospectively carried out on MDCT images in the Radiology Department of Meram Medical Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University. We evaluated the images of the 100 (male 50 female 50) adult subjects without cranial trauma, surgery, and any deformity of the bone. The height and anteroposterior diameter of the hypophysial fossa (HFheight, HFanteroposterior), the length of the occipital condylus, anterior and posterior intercondylar distances (OCn, AID, PID); sagittal diameter, transverse diameter and area of the foramen magnum (FMsgt, FMtrn, FMarea) were all measured. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS. The summary of the data was expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Student's t test was used to compare the male-female and right-left measurements. The relation betweeen parameters was evaluated by Pearson's correlation test. It was observed that right and left data in all parameters were higher in males than females. Higher values were usually determined on the right side in both sexes. In both sexes, some parameters were highly correlated (P<0.001). We believe that the results of this study may be useful for new surgical approaches and radiological assessment concerning skull base.
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar datos morfométricos confiables de las estructuras óseas importantes de la base de cráneo mediante tomografía computarizada multidetector (TCMD) y establecer las diferencias de estos datos en función del sexo y lateralización. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo a partir de imágenes de TCMD obtenidas en el Departamento de Radiología de la Facultad de Medicina Meram, Universidad de Necmettin Erbakan. Se evaluaron imágenes de 100 sujetos adultos (50 hombres y 50 mujeres), que no presentaban trauma craneal, cirugía o deformidad ósea. Se midieron (i) altura y diámetro anteroposterior de la fosa hipofisaria, (ii) longitud del cóndilo occipital y distancias intercondilares anterior y posterior, y (iii) el diámetro sagital, transversal y el área del foramen magno. El resumen de los datos se expresó como Media±DE. La comparación de los datos entre sexos y mediciones izquierda-derecha se realizó mediante la prueba t de Student, mientras que la relación entre los distintos parámetros mediante la prueba de correlación de Pearson. Todos los parámetros medidos, en el lado derecho e izquierdo, fueron mayores en hombres. Los valores más altos se determinaron generalmente en el lado derecho en ambos sexos. Algunos parámetros estuvieron altamente correlacionados en ambos sexos (P<0,001). Creemos que nuestros resultados pueden ser útiles al momento de realizar nuevos abordajes quirúrgicos y en la evaluación radiológica, relativas a la base de cráneo.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull Base/diagnostic imaging , Multidetector Computed Tomography , Retrospective Studies , Sex Characteristics , Skull Base/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
The occipital condyle (OC) is an important area in craniovertebral surgery, but its anatomical features and the procedures concerning the OC have not been studied in detail yet. The aim of this study was to revisit the anatomy of the occipital condyle region and assess variations of the surrounding structures. Observations, on fifty dry skulls (dried specimens, 100 sides) and determined of condyle measurements. The mean length, width and height of occipital condyle were found to be 19.43±3.27 (right), 19.28±3.57 (left), 9.21±1.97 (right) 9.40±1.87 (left), 7.21±1.9 (right) and 7.33±2.74 mm (left), respectively. There were significant differences between right and left occipital condyles. The mean anterior intercondylar distance and posterior intercondylar distance were measured as 15.39±7 and 35.60±8.4 mm, respectively. Variations of occipital condyle shapes were kidney like (34.4%), S-like (25.6), triangular (13.3%) oval (10.0%), ring like (7.8%), eight like (6.7%) and deformed (2.2%) respectively. The condylar fossa presented in 60% of dry skull, 24% in right side and 36% in left side and also the condylar foramen was found in 60% of the specimens studied. There was no relation between the circumference of the head and the length of OC but we found relation between the circumference of the head and the width of OC (0.527) and foramen magnum circumference (0.433). The OC and FM are the main bony structures obstructing the surround of the brainstem. The differences in the size and the shape of occipital condyle have some differences and also similarities among racial subgroups. The posterior condylar vein may act asymmetrically. The correlation of the size of foramen magnum with the width of occipital condyles shows the importance of occipital condyle for lateral movements besides antero-posterior movements.
El cóndilo occipital (CO) es una estructura relevante en la cirugía craneovertebral, pero sus características anatómicas y procedimientos quirúrgicos relativos al CO no se han estudiado detalladamente. El objetivo fue revisar la anatomía de la región del CO y evaluar las variaciones de sus estructuras circundantes. Fueron observados 50 cráneos secos (100 lados) y se determinaron las mediciones del CO. La longitud media según lado fue 19,43±3,27 mm (derecho) y 19,28 ± 3,57 mm (izquierdo), el ancho medio fue 9,21±1,97 mm (derecho) y 9,40±1,87 mm (izquierda) y la altura media fue 7,21±1,9 mm (derecho) y 7,33±2,74 mm (izquierdo). Hubo diferencias significativas entre los CO derechos e izquierdos. La distancia intercondílea anterior y posterior media fue de 15,39±7 mm y 35,60±8,4 mm, respectivamente. La variación de formas del CO fue de riñon (34,4%), de S (25,6%), triangular (13,3%), oval (10,0%), de anillo (7,8%), de ocho (6,7%) y deformada (2,2%). La fosa condilar se observó en el 60% de los casos, 24% en lado derecho y 36% en el izquierdo; también el foramen condilar se encontró en el 60% de los casos. No se encontró relación entre la circunferencia de la cabeza y la longitud del CO, pero encontramos relación entre la circunferencia de la cabeza y el ancho del CO (0,527) y circunferencia del foramen magno (0,433). El CO y foramen magno son las principales estructuras óseas que constribuyen a rodear y proteger el tronco cerebral. Las diferencias en el tamaño y forma del CO tiene algunas diferencias y similitudes entre subgrupos raciales. La vena condilar posterior puede presentarse de manera asimétrica. La correlación del tamaño de foramen magno con el ancho de los CO muestra su relevancia en movimientos laterales y anteroposteriores.
Humans , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Occipital Bone/anatomy & histology , Foramen Magnum/anatomy & histology , IranABSTRACT
Considerada como una articulación glinglimoartrorial, la Articulación Témporo-mandibular (ATM) realiza todos los movimientos en el espacio, sin presentar ningún signo o síntoma en condiciones normales, sin embargo en presencia de anomalías manifiesta ruidos, partiendo de este enfoque nos centramos a analizar si estos ruidos articulares se encuentran relacionados con la oclusión dental, específicamente con la presencia de interferencias oclusales en el lado de no trabajo, en adultos de ambos sexos de entre 20 - 40 años de edad totalmente dentados. De esta forma 31 participantes que presentaron ruidos articulares en los diferentes movimientos mandibulares, fueron evaluados en cuanto a la clase de Angle, guías laterales, presencia de guía canina normal y presencia o ausencia de función de grupo. Analizando clínicamente la presencia de interferencias en el lado de no trabajo y comprobando estas interferencias en articulador semiajustable (ASA) tipo Bioart. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados en el programa SPSS versión XX, revelando una relación entre los ruidos articulares y la presencia de interferencias oclusales en el lado de no trabajo, sin embargo, evidenciando cierta relación entre la presencia de interferencias oclusales con género, presente con mayor prevalencia en el género masculino que en femenino.
Considered as a glinglymoarthrodial articulation, the temporomandibular joint) (TMJ) is both a hinging and a sliding joint. In a healthy condition the joint doesn't show any particular sign or symptom, however if there is a dysfunction it will present noises during jaw movement. Starting from this principle, we analyzed if the TMJ dysfunction sounds are connected to dental malocclusion, focusing on occlusal interferences in the non-working side, in patients between 20 and 40 years of age. Thirty-one patients presented articular noises during jaw movement, so we proceeded to evaluate Angle class (molar relationship), lateral guidance, normal canine guidance and the presence or absence of group function. Clinically, we analyzed the presence of interferences in the non-working side and we studied them using a Semi-adjustable Articulator (ASA) (Bioart). The data, evaluated using the program SPSS Version XX, revealed a clear relation between articular noises and interferences in the non-working side, however the population of men showed a higher rate of occlusal interferences than that of women.
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Temporomandibular Joint/anatomy & histology , Dental Articulators , Mandibular Condyle , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Dentistry , MalocclusionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To verify if the reference values of Sleep Apnea cephalometric analysis of North American individuals are similar to the ones of Brazilian individuals presenting no craniofacial anomalies. The study also aimed to identify craniofacial alterations in Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS) patients in relation to individuals without clinical characteristics of the disease through this cephalometric analysis. METHOD: It were used 55 lateral cephalograms consisting of 29 for the control group of adult individuals without clinical characteristics of OSAHS and 26 apneic adults. All radiographs were submitted to Sleep Apnea cephalometric analysis through Radiocef Studio 2.0. The standard values of this analysis were compared, by means of z test, to the ones obtained from the control group and these were compared to values from apneic group through Student's t test. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between values obtained from control group and standard values. On the group of OSAHS patients it was observed a decrease on the dimensions of upper airways and an increase on the soft palate length. CONCLUSIONS: The standard values of Sleep Apnea analysis can be used as reference in Brazilian individuals. Besides, through lateral cephalograms it was possible to identify craniofacial alterations in OSAHS patients.
OBJETIVO: verificar se os valores de referência da análise cefalométrica para apneia do sono, referentes a indivíduos norte-americanos, são semelhantes aos de indivíduos brasileiros não portadores de anomalias craniofaciais. Identificar, também por meio dessa análise cefalométrica, alterações craniofaciais em indivíduos portadores de síndrome da apneia obstrutiva do sono (SAOS) em relação a indivíduos sem características clínicas da doença. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 55 radiografias cefalométricas laterais advindas de arquivos, sendo 29 radiografias para o grupo controle, sendo composto de indivíduos adultos sem características clínicas de SAOS, e 26 de indivíduos adultos apneicos. Todas as radiografias foram submetidas à análise cefalométrica para apneia do sono por meio do software Radiocef Studio 2.0. Por meio do teste z, valores-padrão dessa análise foram comparados aos valores obtidos do grupo controle, e esses, por sua vez, foram comparados aos valores do grupo de apneicos por meio do teste t de Student. RESULTADOS: não houve diferenças significativas entre os valores obtidos do grupo controle e os valores-padrão. No grupo de indivíduos portadores de SAOS, observou-se diminuição nas dimensões das vias aéreas superiores e aumento do comprimento do palato mole. CONCLUSÕES: os valores-padrão da análise de apneia do sono podem ser utilizados como referência em indivíduos brasileiros. Além disso, por meio da radiografia cefalométrica lateral foi possível identificar alterações craniofaciais em indivíduos portadores de SAOS.
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Cephalometry , Palate, Soft/pathology , Pharynx/pathology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/pathology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive , Biomarkers , Brazil , Case-Control Studies , Linear Models , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , North America , Reference Values , Skull Base/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the variations in the anterior cranial base (S-N), posterior cranial base (S-Ba) and deflection of the cranial base (SNBa) among three different facial patterns (Pattern I, II and III). METHOD: A sample of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs of Brazilian Caucasian patients, both genders, between 8 and 17 years of age was selected. The sample was divided into 3 groups (Pattern I, II and III) of 20 individuals each. The inclusion criteria for each group were the ANB angle, Wits appraisal and the facial profile angle (G'.Sn.Pg'). To compare the mean values obtained from (SNBa, S-N, S-Ba) each group measures, the ANOVA test and Scheffé's Post-Hoc test were applied. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: There was no statistically significant difference for the deflection angle of the cranial base among the different facial patterns (Patterns I, II and III). There was no significant difference for the measures of the anterior and posterior cranial base between the facial Patterns I and II. The mean values for S-Ba were lower in facial Pattern III with statistically significant difference. The mean values of S-N in the facial Pattern III were also reduced, but without showing statistically significant difference. This trend of lower values in the cranial base measurements would explain the maxillary deficiency and/or mandibular prognathism features that characterize the facial Pattern III.
OBJETIVO: o presente estudo avaliou as variações da base craniana anterior (S-N), base craniana posterior (S-Ba), e ângulo de deflexão da base do crânio (SNBa) entre três diferentes padrões faciais (Padrão I, II e III). MÉTODOS: selecionou-se uma amostra de 60 telerradiografias em norma lateral de pacientes brasileiros leucodermas, de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 8 anos e 17 anos. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos (Padrão I, II e III), sendo cada grupo constituído de 20 indivíduos. Os critérios de seleção dos indivíduos para cada grupo basearam-se nos valores de ANB, Wits e ângulo do contorno facial (Gl.Sn.Pg'). Para observar se houve diferença nos valores médios de SNBa, S-N e S-Ba entre os diferentes grupos, utilizou-se a Análise de Variância One Way - ANOVA, seguida de testes post-hoc de Scheffé. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na deflexão da base do crânio entre os diferentes padrões faciais (Padrão I, II e III). Também não houve diferença significativa nos valores da base anterior e posterior do crânio entre o Padrão I e o Padrão II. Os valores médios de S-Ba apresentaram-se reduzidos no Padrão III, com diferença estatisticamente significativa. Os valores médios de S-N também se apresentaram reduzidos no Padrão III, embora sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Essa tendência a valores reduzidos da base do crânio poderia explicar a deficiência maxilar e/ou prognatismo mandibular, características que podem estar presentes no Padrão III.
Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Cephalometry/methods , Face/anatomy & histology , Mandible/anatomy & histology , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , Maxillofacial Development/physiology , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Analysis of Variance , Mandible/abnormalities , Maxilla/abnormalities , Radiography, Dental/methodsSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Craniotomy/education , Exostoses/diagnosis , Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology , Physicians/ethics , Neurosurgery/education , Trephining/history , Biographies as Topic , Congresses as Topic/history , Mummies/history , Craniocerebral Trauma/etiologyABSTRACT
A case of unusual anatomical variation of the jugular foramen (JF) with doubled posterior condylar canal (PCC) is reported. According to the presence of bridging, the JF can be defined as Type I (one septation, two compartments) on the right side and Type IV (three septations, four compartments) on the left side. The dome of the jugular fossa is present on the right, absent on the left. The jugular foramen shows a canal-like structure with an external and an internal opening. The lengths of the longest and widest axes of the JFs are measured as 21.93 x 16.56 mm on the right and 16.75 x 15.14 mm on the left side. The right JF is larger. The PCC is doubled on the right side and there is only one on the left side. It is essential not only to know compartments per se but also to know the structures passing through the compartments, in order to achieve desired surgical outcomes and avoid complications.
Es reportado el caso de una inusual variación anatómica del foramen yugular (FY), con el canal condilar posterior duplicado (CCP). De acuerdo con la presencia de los puentes, el FY se puede definir como Tipo I (una tabicación, dos compartimientos) en el lado derecho y Tipo IV (tres tabiques, cuatro compartimientos) en el lado izquierdo. El domo de la fosa yugular está presente en el lado derecho, y ausente en el izquierdo. El foramen yugular mostró una estructura igual a un canal con una apertura externa y otra interna. Las longitudes de los ejes más largos y anchos de la FY fueron 21,93x16,56mm al lado derecho y 16,75x15,14mm al lado izquierdo. El FY derecho fue más grande. El CCP se observó duplicado en el lado derecho y único en el lado izquierdo. Es esencial no sólo conocer los compartimientos en sí, sino también las estructuras que pasan a través de los compartimientos con el fin de lograr los resultados deseados y evitar las complicaciones quirúrgicas.
Humans , Female , Adult , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/abnormalities , Occipital Bone/anatomy & histology , Occipital Bone/abnormalities , Temporal Bone/anatomy & histology , Temporal Bone/abnormalities , Cranial Nerves , Jugular VeinsABSTRACT
The jugular foramen (JF) lies between the occipital bone and the petrosal portion of the temporal bone, andit allows for the passage of important nervous and vascular elements, such as the glossopharyngeal vagusand accessory nerves, and the internal jugular vein. Glomic tumors, schwannomas, metastatic lesions andinfiltrating inflammatory processes are associated with this foramen, which can account for injuries of relatedstructures. Variatons of the JF were already reported regarding shape, size and laterality in one only skull,besides differences related to sex, race and laterality domain, which makes the study of these parameters in thepopulation of southern Brazil significant. Objective: this paper wants to conduct the morphometric analysisof the JF of 111 dry skulls belonging to males and females. Results: the latero-medial the anteroposteriormeasurements showed significant differences when genera were compared and side was compared, respectively.Of the total amount of the investigated skulls, 0.9% showed a complete septum on both sides; 0.9% showedincomplete septum, and 83.8% lacked the septum. The presence of a domed bony roof was noticed in 68.5%of skulls on both sides. Conclusion: the obtained results presented variations regarding some parameterswhen compared to previous studies, thus making it evident the significance of race in the morphometricmeasurements and characteristics of the JF, besides the relevance of studying the kind of impairment whichcan jeopardize important functions, as the cardiac innervation of the vagus nerve.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Functional Laterality , Cranial Nerves/anatomy & histology , Skull , Osteology , Temporal Bone/anatomy & histology , Population , Sex , Vagus NerveABSTRACT
The ossification of the intrinsic ligaments of the sphenoid bone has been reported in the literature. The presence of bony bridges by ossification of the pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments has clinical significance in the infratemporal fossa contents. The purpose of this study is to analyze the prevalence of ossification of these ligaments and assess morphometrically the pterygospinous (Civinini's) and pterygoalar (crotaphitico-buccinatorius) foramens. A total of 312 human skulls from the collection of Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) were used to assess the presence of total or partial ossification in pterygospinous (Types I and II) and pterygoalar (Types III and IV) ligaments. Of the sample, 37.18 percent had some degree of ossification; in Type I, ossification was found in 1.6 percent, while Types II, III and IV had 13.14, 3.84, and 22.43 percent, respectively. The pterygospinous foramen presented an average diameter between 10.626ð7.366 mm, whereas for the pterygoalar foramen it was between 5.202ð3.793 mm. The presence of these formations must be considered in the therapeutic procedures that are performed in the infratemporal region, in assessing pain affecting the territory innervated by the mandibular nerve.
La osificación de los ligamentos intrínsecos del hueso esfenoides ha sido reportada en la literatura. La presencia de puentes óseos por osificación de los ligamentos pterigoespinoso y pterigoalar tiene importancia clínica debido a las relaciones que éstas formaciones establecen con el contenido de la fosa infratemporal. El propósito de este estudio fue analizar la prevalencia de la osificación de estos ligamentos y evaluar morfométricamente los forámenes pterigoespinoso (Cinivini's) y pterigoalar (crotaphitico-buccinatorius). Se utilizaron 312 cráneos humanos de la colección de la UNIFESP, se evaluó la presencia de osificación total o parcial de los ligamentos pterigoespinoso (Tipos I y II) y pterigoalar (Tipos III y IV). Un 37,18 por ciento de la muestra presentó algún grado de osificación, el tipo I se encontró en un 1,6 por ciento por ciento, el tipo II en un 13,14 por ciento, el tipo III en un 3,84 por ciento por ciento y el tipo IV en un 22,43 por ciento. El foramen pterigoespinoso presentó un diámetro medio de entre 10,626 ð 7,366 mm, mientras que para el foramen pterigoalar estuvieron entre 5,202 ð 3,793 mm. La presencia de estas formaciones debe ser considerada en los procedimientos terapéuticos que se realicen en la región infratemporal y en la evaluación de cuadros dolorosos que afectan al territorio inervado por el nervio mandibular.
Humans , Sphenoid Bone/anatomy & histology , Ligaments/anatomy & histology , Pterygoid Muscles/anatomy & histology , Skull Base/anatomy & histology , Cephalometry , OsteogenesisABSTRACT
Los libros de Anatomía Clásica Descriptiva y Topográfica realizan una detallada y completa descripción de los accidentes anatómicos (orificios, conductos, hendiduras o fisuras, espinas, apófisis, tubérculos, fosas, fositas, crestas, división en sectores,configuración interna e inserciones musculares y ligamentosas del hueso esfenoides, necesaria para comprender nuestra propuesta.También describen sus relaciones con otros huesos del cráneo y cara, con la hipófisis y con los elementos neurovasculares que entran o salen de la cavidad craneal.En este trabajo se pretende presentar y jerarquizar la visión de un hueso esfenoides clave en la base de cráneo y proponemos una división en sectores acorde a las funciones que cumple cada uno de ellos. Por lo tanto consideramos que el hueso esfenoides esun centro de crecimiento de la base de cráneo, centro de pasaje de elementos neurovasculares, centro de resistencia de la base de cráneo junto al cuerpo del hueso occipital, centro de inserciones musculares y continente de los senos esfenoidales, el seno cavernoso y la glándula hipófisis.Es finalmente un hueso multiarticulado y multicavitario, ya que forma cavidades del cráneo, de la cara y comunes a ambos sectores anatómicos. Forma parte de una vía transnasal para el abordaje de la silla turca (fosa hipofisaria) y su contenido, lahipófisis. Permite la salida del cráneo de las tres ramas del nervio trigémino (V par craneal ), de indudable valor odontológico.
The books on Classic Descriptive and Topographic Anatomy carry out a complete and detailed description of the anatomicalaccidents (orifices, conducts, fissures, spines, apophysis, tubercules, cavities and pits, crests, sector divisions, internalconfiguration and mucular and ligamental insertions of the sphenoid bone, necessary to understand our proposal.They also describe their relations with other bones in skull and face, with the hypophysis and with the neurovascular elements that enter or exit from the cranial cavity.In this paper we expect to present and arrange in order of hierarchy the overview of a bone that is key at the cranial base and we propose a division in sectors in accordance to the functions that each one of them plays. We therefore consider that the sphenoidbone is a growth centre of the cranial base, passageway point of neurovascular elements, resistance center together with the occipital bone, center of muscle insertions and continent of the sphenoid sinuses, cavernous sinus and hypophyis gland.Finally, it is a multiarticulated bone and multicavernous, given that it forms cavities in the cranium, in the facies and common to both anatomical sectors.It conforms part of a transnasal tract for the approaching of the Sella Turcica and its contents, the hypophysis.It allows the exit from the cranium of the three branches of the Trigeminal Nerve (V cranial pair), of undoubtable value indentistry