SUMMARY: Morphologically the Pterion marks the location of the four cranial bones, viz. frontal bone, sphenoid angle of the parietal bone, squamous part of the temporal bone and the greater wing of the sphenoid bone. Population-specific differences exists in the position and union of the Pterion. The Pterion is also an important neurosurgical landmark for surgical procedures, viz. Pterional/lateral approach, as it provides wide access to the base of the skull. This study aimed to determine the position and incidence of the various sutural patterns of the Pterion in a South African population of KwaZulu-Natal. This retrospective study was conducted bilaterally on 36 dry human skulls (11 females and 25 males) obtained from the Department of Clinical Anatomy at University of KwaZulu-Natal. Ethical clearance obtained from the Biomedical Research Ethics Committee. The morphometric parameters of the Pterion were measured using a digital Vernier caliper, while the morphological characteristics were examined using Murphy's classification scheme to determine (if any) laterality or sex differences exists. The mean distance of the Centre of the pterion from midpoint of zygoma was 44.4+/-4.1 mm in males and 45.1+/-4.6 mm in females. While the distance from frontozygomatic suture was 32.7+/-4.7 mm and 32.6+/-4.8 mm in males and females, respectively. Sphenoparietal type of pterion was most prevalent at 55.6 %, followed by the frontotemporal, stellate and epipteric type with an incidence of 27.8 %; 11.1 % and 5.6 %, respectively. No statistically significant difference for sex or laterality were documented in this study. The present study concluded that the sphenoparietal type of sutural pattern was most prevalent with an incidence of 55.6 %. While the epipteric type was the least prevalent. The comprehensive data about the position of the Pterion is important to neurosurgeons, forensics scientists and anthropologists.
Morfológicamente, el pterion marca la ubicación de los cuatro huesos craneales: hueso frontal, ángulo esfenoidal del hueso parietal, parte escamosa del hueso temporal y el ala mayor del hueso esfenoides. Existen diferencias específicas de la población en la posición y unión del pterion. El pterion es también un hito neuroquirúrgico importante para los procedimientos quirúrgicos en el bordaje pterional/lateral, ya que proporciona un amplio acceso a la base del cráneo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la posición y la incidencia de los diversos patrones suturales del pterion en una población sudafricana de KwaZulu-Natal. Este estudio retrospectivo se realizó bilateralmente en 36 cráneos humanos secos (11 mujeres y 25 hombres) obtenidos del Departamento de Anatomía Clínica de la Universidad de KwaZulu-Natal. ALa autorización ética fue otorgada porel Comité Ético de Investigación Biomédica. Los parámetros morfométricos del pterion se midieron usando un calibrador Vernier digital, mientras que las características morfológicas se examinaron usando el esquema de clasificación de Murphy para determinar, si existe alguna lateralidad o diferencias sexuales. La distancia media del centro del pterion desde el punto medio del cigoma fue de 44,4+/- 4,1 mm en hombres y de 45,1+/-4,6 mm en mujeres. Mientras que la distancia desde la sutura frontocigomática fue de 32,7+/-4,7 mm y 32,6+/-4,8 mm en hombres y mujeres, respectivamente. El tipo de pterion esfenoparietal fue el más prevalente con un 55,6 %, seguido del tipo frontotemporal, estrellado y epiptérico con una incidencia del 27,8 %; 11,1 % y 5,6 %, respectivamente. En el estudio no se documentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para el sexo o la lateralidad. Concluimos que el tipo de patrón de sutura esfenoparietal fue el más prevalente con una incidencia del 55,6 %. Mientras que el tipo epiptérico fue el menos prevalente. Los datos completos sobre la posición del pterion son importantes para los neurocirujanos, los científicos forenses y los antropólogos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skull/anatomy & histology , South Africa , Retrospective Studies , Cranial Sutures/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Even though morphometric and mineral studies related to the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) skull have been carried out, this study is the first attempt to evaluate all developmental stages of male and female guinea pigs. This study aims to this study is to create 3D modeling of CT images obtained from the skulls of male and female guinea pigs during the developmental period (prepuberty and the period between puberty and adulthood) and following periods (young adulthood and old adulthood), to analyze some biometric bone data such as volume, surface area and length, and to assess the developmental analysis of the mineral matter change in their skulls. The CT-scanned skulls were transferred to 3D Slicer (5.0.2), which is used for 3D modeling. The surface area and volume were calculated by measuring the measurement points on the models. In addition, the XRF device was used to show elemental ratio changes during different developmental stages. According to metric measurements, a gradual increase was observed during the life period. The metric measurements of the skull bone had a higher measurement value in male guinea pigs than in their female counterparts. While Ca/P ratio increased up to the third group and partially decreased in the fourth group in males, it gradually increased from the first group to the fourth group in females. This study revealed that puberty, adulthood and sex were effective in the physical and chemical characterization of skull bone structure in guinea pigs.
Aunque se han realizado estudios morfométricos y de minerales relacionados con el cráneo del cobayo (Cavia porcellus), esta investigación es el primer intento de evaluar las etapas de desarrollo de cobayos machos y hembras. El objetivo de este estudio fue crear un modelado 3D de imágenes de tomografía computarizada obtenidas de los cráneos de cobayos machos y hembras durante el período de desarrollo (prepubertad y el período entre la pubertad y la edad adulta) y los períodos siguientes (edad adulta joven y edad adulta mayor), para analizar algunos datos biométricos de los huesos, como el volumen, la superficie y la longitud, y además, analizar el cambio de materia mineral en sus cráneos durante el desarrollo. Los cráneos escaneados se transfirieron a 3D Slicer (5.0.2), que se utiliza para el modelado 3D. El área de superficie y el volumen se calcularon midiendo los puntos de medición en los modelos. Además, se utilizó el dispositivo XRF para mostrar los cambios en las proporciones elementales durante diferentes etapas de desarrollo. Según mediciones métricas, se observó un aumento gradual durante el período de vida. Las medidas métricas del hueso del cráneo tuvieron un valor de medición más alto en los cobayos machos que en las hembras. Mientras que la relación Ca/P aumentó hasta el tercer grupo y disminuyó parcialmente en el cuarto grupo en los machos y aumentó gradualmente del primer grupo al cuarto grupo en las hembras. Este estudio reveló que la pubertad, la edad adulta y el sexo fueron efectivos en la caracterización física y química de la estructura ósea del cráneo en cobayos.
Animals , Male , Female , Guinea Pigs , Skull/chemistry , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Skull/anatomy & histology , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Minerals/analysisABSTRACT
SUMMARY: This review article will present an overview of biological profiles in forensic utilities. The biological profile of the skull in the existing literature can help to identify humans, especially if the condition of the victim found is a result of mutilation or a bomb explosion. When it comes to the precision of identifying skeletal remains, the human skull is frequently cited as being first in the estimation of age and ancestry and second in terms of sex and stature. It can be an alternative to assessing the following biological parameters: sex, age, stature, and ancestry. The implementation of biological profiles in the identification process is very important considering that some cases require the assistance of forensic anthropology. This review article shows the importance of the value of skulls. The method that can be applied is craniometry which can be used to determine sex, age, stature, and estimated ancestry. Different results will occur depending on the completeness of the skull. Therefore, estimation formulas have different accurate results. Discriminant function analysis has been performed on various measurement sets and its discriminant power has been validated by many researchers. Geometric morphometric analysis has become the main tool for shape analysis and many attempts have been made to use it in analyzing skulls. Several methods supported by technology have also been developed. It is hoped that the review article will show significant differences in results between studies in Thailand and Indonesia, even though they are in the same racial group.
Este artículo presenta una descripción general de los perfiles biológicos en las utilidades forenses. El perfil biológico del cráneo en la literatura existente puede ayudar a identificar a los humanos, especialmente si la condición en la que se encuentra la víctima es el resultado de una mutilación o la explosión de una bomba. Cuando se trata de la precisión en la identificación de restos óseos, el cráneo humano se cita con frecuencia como el primero en la estimación de edad y ascendencia y el segundo en términos de sexo y estatura. Puede ser una alternativa para evaluar los siguientes parámetros biológicos: sexo, edad, estatura y ascendencia. La implementación de perfiles biológicos en el proceso de identificación es importante considerando que algunos casos requieren la asistencia de la antropología forense. Este artículo de revisión muestra la importancia del valor de las cnezas óseas. El método que se puede aplicar es la craneometría para determinar el sexo, la edad, la estatura y la ascendencia estimada. Se pueden obtener diferentes resultados dependiendo de la integridad del cráneo. Por lo tanto, las fórmulas de estimación tienen resultados precisos diferentes. Se ha realizado un análisis de función discriminante en varios conjuntos de medidas y muchos investigadores han validado su poder discriminante. El análisis a través de la morfometría geométrica se ha convertido en la principal herramienta para el análisis de formas y se ha utilizado frecuentemente en el análisis de cráneos. También se han desarrollado varios métodos apoyados en la tecnología. Se espera que este trabajo muestre diferencias significativas en los resultados entre los estudios realizados en Tailandia e Indonesia, aunque pertenezcan al mismo grupo racial.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull/anatomy & histology , Age Determination by Skeleton , Sex Determination by Skeleton , Pedigree , Thailand , Body Height , IndonesiaABSTRACT
En el arco posterior del atlas se describe una variación de tejido óseo denominada Ponticulus posticus (PP), la cual se ha relacionado con el desarrollo de dolor cervical. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de PP en telerradiografías laterales digitales. Este estudio correspondió a un estudio observacional descriptivo, donde se analizaron 450 telerradiografías laterales digitales obtenidas de la base de datos del Servicio de Imagenología Oral y Maxilofacial de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. Se analizó la presencia de PP en cada cefalograma, y se utilizó la clasificación de Cederberg y Stubbs para determinar los grados de osificación. Se aplicó la prueba de Chi-cuadrado para establecer una asociación entre la presencia de PP con el sexo y la edad. De las 450 telerradiografías laterales el 42,4 % presenta PP, con una mayor prevalencia entre el rango de 21-40 años. En cuanto al grado de osificación, el grado 2 fue el tipo más prevalente (25 %), seguido del grado 4 (9,5 %), el grado 3 (8 %). No se encontró asociación entre la presencia de PP con edad y género (P > 0,05). La PP es frecuente en la población y se observa a diferentes edades sin predilección por sexo.
SUMMARY: A bony tissue variation called Ponticulus posticus (PP) is described in the posterior arch of the atlas, which has been associated with the development of cervical pain. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of PP in digital lateral cephalograms. This study was an observational descriptive study, in which 450 digital lateral cephalograms obtained from the database of the Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Service of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Andrés Bello University, Viña del Mar, Chile, were analyzed. The presence of PP was analyzed in each cephalogram, and the Cederberg and Stubbs classification was used to determine the degrees of ossification. The Chi-square test was applied to establish an association between the presence of PP with gender and age. Of the 450 lateral cephalograms, 42.4 % presented PP, with a higher prevalence in the 21-40 year range. In terms of the degree of ossification, grade 2 was the most prevalent type (25 %), followed by grade 4 (9.5 %), and grade 3 (8 %). No association was found between the presence of PP with age and gender (P > 0.05). PP is common in the population and is observed at different ages without a sex preference.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Cervical Atlas/diagnostic imaging , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Teleradiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Retrospective Studies , Age and Sex DistributionABSTRACT
The scalp is the structure that covers the skull. It is commonly affected by painful processes resulting from infestations, infectious or inflammatory diseases. This pain located in the scalp does not have well-defined clinical characteristics and is not yet included in the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria. The authors suggest including this pain in the next classification of headaches as a headache attributed to a scalp disorder.
O couro cabeludo é a estrutura que cobre o crânio. É comumente acometida por processos dolorosos decorrentes de infestações, doenças infecciosas ou inflamatórias. Essa dor localizada no couro cabeludo não possui características clínicas bem definidas e ainda não está incluída nos critérios diagnósticos da ICHD-3. Os autores sugerem incluir esta dor na próxima classificação de dores de cabeça como dor de cabeça atribuída a um distúrbio do couro cabeludo.
Humans , Pain/complications , Scalp/growth & development , Skull/abnormalities , Disease/classification , Headache/diagnosisABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The asterion presents a significant anthropological marking and meeting point between three sutures. It is a surface landmark for the transverse-sigmoid venous sinus complex and is also a surgical landmark for access to the posterior cranial fossa, giving it clinical importance. The aim of this research was to analyze the shape of the asterion and to set the measurement methods that will determine distance between the asterion and surrounding features. The study sample, as a part of the Osteological collection of the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, consisted of 43 skulls. Morphometric analysis was related to the measurement of the defined parameters and descriptive analysis presented the classification of asterion in relation to the presence of sutural bones, as well as the determination of the position of the asterion according to the transverse-sigmoid venous complex. There was a statistically significant difference between male and female skulls for all the measured parameters. The results show that 34.88 % were type 1 (one or more sutural bones are present) and 65.12 % were type 2 asteria (no sutural bones are present). More frequent occurrence of asteria type 2 was seen on both, male and female skulls. The most frequent position of the asteria on both sides of the skull was in the transverse- sigmoid venous complex (76.92 % on the right side vs. 72.22 % on the left cranial side). Clinical significance of knowing the area of asterion is reflected in order to make the surgical, as well as diagnostic procedures, as successful as possible.
El asterion presenta una importante marca antropológica y punto de encuentro entre tres suturas. Es un punto de referencia de superficie para el complejo del seno venoso sigmoideo transverso y también es un punto de referencia quirúrgico para el acceso a la fosa craneal posterior, lo que le confiere importancia clínica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la forma del asterión y establecer los métodos de medición que determinarán la distancia entre el asterión y las características circundantes. La muestra del estudio, que forma parte de la colección osteológica del Departamento de Anatomía de la Facultad de Medicina de Novi Sad, estuvo compuesta por 43 cráneos. El análisis morfométrico se relacionó con la medición de los parámetros definidos y el análisis descriptivo presentó la clasificación del asterion en relación a la presencia de huesos suturales, así como la determinación de la posición del asterion según el complejo venoso transverso-sigmoideo. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los cráneos masculinos y femeninos para todos los parámetros medidos. Los resultados muestran que el 34,88 % eran tipo 1 (hay uno o más huesos suturales presentes) y el 65,12 % eran asteria tipo 2 (no hay huesos suturales presentes). Se observó una aparición más frecuente de asteria tipo 2 en cráneos tanto masculinos como femeninos. La posición más frecuente de la asteria en ambos lados del cráneo fue en el complejo venoso sigmoideo transverso (76,92 % en el lado derecho vs. 72,22 % en el lado craneal izquierdo). La importancia clínica de conocer el área de asterion se refleja en que los procedimientos quirúrgicos y de diagnóstico tengan el mejor resultado posible.
Humans , Male , Female , Skull/anatomy & histology , Cranial Fossa, Posterior/anatomy & histology , Cranial Sutures/anatomy & histology , Anatomic LandmarksABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Breathing is considered a vital function dependent on factors such as adequate permeability of the nasal route, which is linked to physiological functions, intellectual processes, and craniofacial growth. The aim of this study was to determine the changes in the craniomaxillofacial growth and bone development of Sprague Dawley rats subjected to permanent experimental unilateral nasal obstruction. Twenty-four newborn rats were used, randomized, and divided into experimental and control groups. The right nostril was obstructed, and weight, length, and Lee's index measurements were recorded at 8 and 16 weeks. Craniomandibular x-rays were taken of each animal, obtaining linear neuro- and viscerocranial measurements. Then, a biochemical analysis was performed to measure the alkaline phosphatase concentration. The results were analyzed in the SPSS software, performing a descriptive analysis, using a t-test for independent samples, comparing basal, cephalometric, and biochemical characteristics between the control and experimental groups, considering a significance range of 5%. When comparing the experimental and control groups, the variables length, weight, and Lee's index presented no significant differences. In the x-ray analysis, at 8 weeks, the Co-L1 and Co-Mn measurements were reduced, whereas the Ba-So increased, with significant differences. At 16 weeks, the L1-O, Po-Ba, and E-Mu measurements decreased; however, Co-Gn registered a greater value with significant differences. The alkaline phosphatase levels fell significantly at week 16 in the experimental group. In conclusion, the reduction of permanent nasal respiratory flow is related to modifications in facial growth at 8 and 16 weeks and to the reduction of alkaline phosphatases at 16 weeks.
La respiración se considera una función vital, dependiente de factores como la permeabilidad adecuada de la vía nasal, vinculada con funciones fisiológicas, procesos intelectuales y crecimiento cráneofacial. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los cambios en el crecimiento y desarrollo óseo cráneo maxilo facial de ratas Sprague Dawley sometidas a obstrucción nasal unilateral experimental permanente. Se utilizaron 24 ratas macho neonatas, randomizadas y divididas en grupo control y experimental. Fue realizada obstrucción nasal de la narina derecha y realizadas mediciones de peso, longitud e índice de Lee a las 8 y 16 semanas. Se efectuaron radiografías cráneomandibulares a cada animal, obteniendo medidas lineales de neuro y viscerocráneo. Posteriormente se realizó análisis bioquímico, para medir la concentración de fosfatasa alcalina. Los resultados fueron analizados en el software SPSS, realizándose análisis descriptivo, empleando prueba T para muestras independientes comparando características basales, cefalométricas y bioquímicas entre los grupos control y experimental, considerando un umbral de significancia de 5 %. Al comparar los grupos control y experimental, las variables longitud, peso e índice de Lee no presentaron diferencias significativas. En el análisis radiográfico, a las 8 semanas, las medidas Co-L1 y Co-Mn presentaron reducción, mientras que Ba-So aumentó, con diferencias significativas. A las 16 semanas, las medidas L1-O, Po-Ba y E-Mu disminuyeron, sin embargo, Co-Gn registró un mayor valor, con diferencias significativas. Los niveles de fosfatasa alcalina disminuyeron significativamente en la semana 16 en el grupo experimental. En conclusión, la reducción de flujo respiratorio nasal permanente se relaciona con modificaciones del crecimiento facial a las 8 y 16 semanas y con la reducción de ALK en análisis a las 16 semanas.
Animals , Male , Rats , Skull/growth & development , Nasal Obstruction , Maxillofacial Development , Cephalometry , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Facial Bones/growth & developmentABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Parietal emissary foramina (PEF) are small holes, which are localized between the middle and posterior thirds of the parietal bone posterior surface close to the sagittal suture. PEF are important structures that protect the parietal emissary vein, which passes through it. During neurosurgery procedures, parietal foramina (PF) knowledge is crucial. This work aimed to evaluate presence and location of the PF in the skull of an adult human. Moreover, measure the distance amidst PF and the sagittal suture's midline to ascertain its clinical repercussions. 74 adult human skulls, without gross pathology, were observed for the PF's existence. The PF's and sagittal suture's midline distance were measured. According to the PF patterns of presence, five groups were distributed. Finally, specimens were photographed and subjected to statistical analysis. The PF was absent in 7 skulls (9.5 %). There were 9 skulls (12.2 %) exhibited central parietal foramen where the parietal foramen lies on the sagittal suture. 17 skulls (23 %) showed right unilateral parietal foramen, whereas 15 skulls (20.3 %) demonstrated left unilateral parietal foramen. The final 26 skulls (35.1 %) exhibited bilateral parietal foramen. This descriptive study supplies valuable information of PF variations, which is crucial for neurosurgeons in modifying surgical techniques and procedures to alleviate injury to PF-emerging structures such as emissary veins.
Los forámenes emisarios parietales (FEP) son pequeños orificios que se localizan entre los tercios medio y posterior de la superficie posterior del hueso parietal, cerca de la sutura sagital. Los FEP son estructuras importantes que protegen la vena emisaria parietal, que lo atraviesa. Durante los procedimientos de neurocirugía, el conocimiento de los forámenes parietales (FP) es crucial. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la presencia y ubicación del FP en el cráneo de hombres adultos, además, medir la distancia entre el FP y la línea mediana de la sutura sagital para conocer su repercusión clínica. Se examinaron 74 cráneos humanos adultos, sin patología grave, para determinar la existencia del FP. Se midió la distancia de la línea mediana de la sutura sagital y del FP. De acuerdo con los patrones de presencia del FP, se distribuyeron en cinco grupos. Finalmente, los especímenes fueron fotografiados y sometidos a análisis estadístico. El PF estaba ausente en 7 cráneos (9,5 %). Hubo 9 cráneos (12,2 %) que presentaban un PF central localizándose en la sutura sagital. 17 cráneos (23 %) presentaban un FP unilateral derecho, mientras que 15 cráneos (20,3 %) se observó un FP unilateral izquierdo. Los 26 cráneos restantes (35,1 %) exhibieron FP bilaterales. Este estudio descriptivo proporciona información valiosa sobre las variaciones del FP, que es fundamental para los neurocirujanos en el momento de modificar las técnicas y los procedimientos quirúrgicos para aliviar las lesiones de las estructuras emergentes del FP, como las venas emisarias.
Humans , Male , Adult , Parietal Bone/anatomy & histology , Cranial Sutures/anatomy & histology , Skull/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: A comparative study of the skull morphology was conducted using 270 prenatal and 750 postnatal skull samples from three breeds of sheep in Nigeria namely, Balami, Uda and Yankasa. A unique bone peculiar to the Yankasa breeds of sheep was found consistently at the centre of the anterior fontanelle in the young (day-old to 1 year). At two years of age and above, the bone was fused and disappeared completely. This brings the total numbers of the neurocranium bones of the skull in the Yankasa breeds to 8, as against the 7 bones documented in the ovine species. Due to the fact that this bone has not been described in the literature, we venture to name it the anterio-fontanelle bone (of Atabo).
Se realizó un estudio comparativo de la morfología del cráneo utilizando 270 muestras de cráneos prenatales y 750 postnatales de tres razas de ovejas en Nigeria, Balami, Uda y Yankasa. Un hueso único peculiar de las razas de ovejas Yankasa se encontró consistentemente en el centro de la fontanela anterior en las crías (de un día a 1 año). A los dos años de edad o más, el hueso se fusionó y desapareció por completo. Esto eleva el número total de huesos del neurocráneo en el cráneo en las razas Yankasa a 8, frente a los 7 huesos documentados en la especie ovina. Debido a que este hueso no ha sido descrito en la literatura, nos aventuramos a denominarlo hueso antero-fontanela (de Atabo).
Animals , Sheep, Domestic/anatomy & histology , Cranial Fontanelles/anatomy & histology , Skull/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
A estimativa de aparência da face de uma pessoa, partindo de um crânio seco, é chamada de Reconstrução Facial Forense (RFF). Pode ser realizada de maneira digital ou manual, a partir da marcação de pontos cranianos, que possuem diferentes médias de espessura de tecido mole sobreposto. Nas reconstruções digitais o uso de tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (TCFC), que nos permite obter o volume de pacientes sentados, possibilitou um avanço significativo na mensuração das médias de volume dos tecidos moles faciais. Foi desenvolvido um protocolo para medições de tecidos moles a partir de 32 pontos craniométricos (10 sagitais e 11 bilaterais). Este trabalho propõe a inserção de cinco novos pontos cranianos ao protocolo, com medidas a partir dos pontos Mentual (Ml), Supra Canino (sC), Fronto-zigomático (Fz), Ptério (Pt) e Posterior do Ramo Mandibular (prM), com o intuito de aumentar a acurácia das reconstruções. As TCFC foram manipuladas no software Horus® (LGPL 3.0) e mensuradas conforme protocolo adaptado de Beaini et al. (1), obtidas as espessuras de tecido mole a partir dos pontos craniométricos propostos. Foram estudadas 100 TCFC de brasileiros adultos (maiores de 18 anos) que disponibilizaram seus exames para utilização em pesquisas de maneira anônima e que compõe um banco de dados já estruturado e utilizado em pesquisas anteriores. Esse banco de dados contém exames de 50 indivíduos do sexo feminino e 50 do sexo masculino, separados em grupos por sexo e idade. Estatisticamente, foram aplicados testes de normalidade e a diferença entre cada grupo foi testada para obtenção das espessuras médias referentes a cada ponto craniano. Para o ponto Fz, as médias de espessura de tecidos moles foram de 4.56mm para mulheres e 5.14mm para homens. Para o ponto Ml, as médias de ETMF foram de 12.88mm para mulheres e 14.74mm para homens. No ponto prM, as médias de ETMF foram de 18.30mm para homens e 19.69mm para mulheres. No ponto Pt, as médias de ETMF foram de 11.01mm para mulheres e 13.09mm para homens. No ponto sC, as médias de ETMF foram de 10.99mm para mulheres e 12.71mm para homens. A divisão de ETMFs por sexo é justificada, concordando com parcela significativa da literatura, uma vez que quatro 10 dos cinco pontos estudados apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas, com as espessuras de indivíduos do sexo masculino sendo maiores que de indivíduos do sexo feminino.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skull/anatomy & histology , Forensic Anthropology , Face/anatomy & histology , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy , Forensic Dentistry , Sex Factors , Age Factors , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Facial RecognitionABSTRACT
SUMMARY: To our best knowledge, most of the craniometric studies on the normal craniocervical junction (CCJ), are still poorly studied and based on measurements taken from plain radiographs. In this study, the authors conducted a craniometric evaluation of the CCJ in a population without known CCJ abnormalities. The purpose of the study was to assess the normal CCJ craniometry based on measures obtained from CT scans. The authors examined 137 consecutive CCJ CT scans obtained in patients evaluated at their hospital for treatment of non-CCJ conditions between 2018 and 2019. Twelve craniometrical dimensions were conducted, including the relation of the odontoid with the cranial base, the atlantodental interval (ADI), the clivus length, and the clivus-canal angle (CCA).
Hasta donde sabemos, aun son escasos y pocos los estudios craneométricos respecto a la unión craneocervical normal (UCCN) y estos se basan en mediciones tomadas de radiografías simples. En este estudio, realizamos una evaluación craneométrica de la UCCN en una población sin anomalías conocidas. El propósito del estudio fue evaluar la craneometría UCCN normal en función de las medidas obtenidas de las tomografías computarizadas. Los autores examinaron 137 tomografías computarizadas UCCN consecutivas obtenidas en pacientes evaluados en su hospital para el tratamiento de condiciones no UCCN entre los años 2018 y 2019. Se realizaron doce dimensiones craneométricas, incluida la relación del proceso odontoides con la base del cráneo, el intervalo atlantodental (ADI), la longitud del clivus y el ángulo clivus-canal (CCA).
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Skull/anatomy & histology , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Cervical Vertebrae/anatomy & histology , Cervical Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , CephalometryABSTRACT
The cranial neural crest plays a fundamental role in orofacial development and morphogenesis. Accordingly, mutations with impact on the cranial neural crest and its development lead to orofacial malformations such as cleft lip and palate. As a pluripotent and dynamic cell population, the cranial neural crest undergoes vast transcriptional and epigenomic alterations throughout the formation of facial structures pointing to an essential role of factors regulating chromatin state or transcription levels. Using CRISPR/Cas9-guided genome editing and conditional mutagenesis in the mouse, we here show that inactivation of Kat5 or Ep400 as the two essential enzymatic subunits of the Tip60/Ep400 chromatin remodeling complex severely affects carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in cranial neural crest cells. The resulting decrease in protein synthesis, proliferation and survival leads to a drastic reduction of cranial neural crest cells early in fetal development and a loss of most facial structures in the absence of either protein. Following heterozygous loss of Kat5 in neural crest cells palatogenesis was impaired. These findings point to a decisive role of the Tip60/Ep400 chromatin remodeling complex in facial morphogenesis and lead us to conclude that the orofacial clefting observed in patients with heterozygous KAT5 missense mutations is at least in part due to disturbances in the cranial neural crest.
Animals , Mice , Chromatin Assembly and Disassembly , Cleft Lip/genetics , Cleft Palate/genetics , DNA Helicases/metabolism , DNA-Binding Proteins , Neural Crest/metabolism , Skull , Transcription Factors/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To examine the reliability and accuracy of Walker's model for estimating the sex of Han adults in western China by using cranium three-dimensional (3D) CT reconstruction, and to study the suitable cranial sex estimation model for Han people in western China.@*METHODS@#A total of 576 cranial CT 3D reconstructed images from Hanzhong Hospital in Shaanxi Province from 2017 to 2021 were collected. These images were divided into the experimental group with 486 samples and the validation group with 90 samples. Walker's model was used by observer 1 to estimate the sex of experimental group samples. The logistic function applicable to Han people in western China was corrected by observer 1. The 90 samples in the validation group were scored and substituted into the modified logistic function to complete the back substitution test by observer 1, 2 and 3.@*RESULTS@#The accuracy of sex estimation of Han adults in western China was 63.2%-77.2% by applying Walker's model. The accuracy of modified logistic function was 82.9%. The accuracy of sex estimation through back substitution test by 3 observers was 75.6%-91.1%, with a Kappa value of 0.689 (P<0.05) for inter-observer consistency and 0.874 (P<0.05) for intra-observer consistency.@*CONCLUSIONS@#There are great differences in bone characteristics among people from different regions. The modified logistic function can achieve higher accuracy in Han adults in western China.
Humans , Adult , Reproducibility of Results , Sex Determination by Skeleton/methods , Forensic Anthropology , Skull/anatomy & histology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , China , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Epidermoid cysts are generally benign neoplastic lesions, the etiology of which is unclear and is mainly related to epithelial cells left in the tissues during the embryonic period and traumatically implanted in the tissues. The most common intraosseous sites are the phalanges and the skull. Epidermoid cysts occurring in the jaws are clinically rare. In this paper, we report a case of epidermoid cyst occurring in the mandible with embedded teeth and discuss the etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of epidermoid cysts in the jaws in the context of the relevant literature.
Humans , Epidermal Cyst/surgery , Skull , Mandible , Diagnosis, Differential , Epithelial CellsABSTRACT
PURPOSE@#Child head injury under impact scenarios (e.g. falls, vehicle crashes, etc.) is an important topic in the field of injury biomechanics. The head of piglet was commonly used as the surrogate to investigate the biomechanical response and mechanisms of pediatric head injuries because of the similar cellular structures and material properties. However, up to date, piglet head models with accurate geometry and material properties, which have been validated by impact experiments, are seldom. We aim to develop such a model for future research.@*METHODS@#In this study, first, the detailed anatomical structures of the piglet head, including the skull, suture, brain, pia mater, dura mater, cerebrospinal fluid, scalp and soft tissue, were constructed based on CT scans. Then, a structured butterfly method was adopted to mesh the complex geometries of the piglet head to generate high-quality elements and each component was assigned corresponding constitutive material models. Finally, the guided drop tower tests were conducted and the force-time histories were ectracted to validate the piglet head finite element model.@*RESULTS@#Simulations were conducted on the developed finite element model under impact conditions and the simulation results were compared with the experimental data from the guided drop tower tests and the published literature. The average peak force and duration of the guide drop tower test were similar to that of the simulation, with an error below 10%. The inaccuracy was below 20%. The average peak force and duration reported in the literature were comparable to those of the simulation, with the exception of the duration for an impact energy of 11 J. The results showed that the model was capable to capture the response of the pig head.@*CONCLUSION@#This study can provide an effective tool for investigating child head injury mechanisms and protection strategies under impact loading conditions.
Animals , Swine , Finite Element Analysis , Skull/injuries , Craniocerebral Trauma/diagnostic imaging , Brain , Biomechanical Phenomena , ScalpABSTRACT
La aplasia cutis congénita es una patología rara caracterizada por la ausencia de desarrollo de piel. Aunque puede localizarse en diferentes áreas del cuerpo, mayormente afecta el cuero cabelludo y puede extenderse a tejidos subyacentes. Presentamos aquí un caso clínico que se destaca por la extensión de la lesión. Se incluye la descripción del tratamiento y seguimiento del paciente.
Aplasia Cutis Congenita is a rare pathology characterized by the absence of development of the epidermis, and even though it can compromise any area of the body, it usually affects the scalp and it can be extended to the underlying tissues. We present a particular case due to the lesion size. It includes treatment description and follow-up.
A Aplasia Congênita da Cútis é uma patologia rara caracterizada pela ausência de desenvolvimento das epidermes, e embora possa se localizar em diferentes áreas do corpo, acomete principalmente o couro cabeludo e pode se espalhar para os tecidos subjacentes. Apresentamos aqui um caso clínico que se destaca pela extensão da lesão. Incluímos a descrição do tratamento e acompanhamento do paciente.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Scalp/abnormalities , Skull/abnormalities , Ectodermal Dysplasia/surgery , Ectodermal Dysplasia/therapy , Ectodermal Dysplasia/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: En de la población adulta predomina la enfermedad pulmonar, pero el coronavirus infantil grave parece más tipificado por una respuesta inflamatoria inmunomediada, con o sin síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico asociado. Objetivo: Examinar un paciente pediátrico con accidente cerebrovascular, como consecuencia de la enfermedad producida por el coronavirus tipo 2. Presentación del caso: Lactante femenina de 6 meses, que se presentó a emergencia con historia de fiebre de 39 oC, sin predominio de horario, de 10 días de evolución que no cedió con antipiréticos tipo acetaminofén, y dificultad respiratoria en los 3 días previos a su presentación en emergencia del hospital. Antecedentes familiares patológicos positivos, por la enfermedad del coronavirus en su padre. En la radiografía de tórax se observó infiltrado alveolar derecho y se ingresó con diagnóstico de neumonía por síndrome respiratorio agudo grave por coronavirus tipo 2. La tomografía de cráneo registró foco isquémico frontal parasagital derecho y parietal izquierdo; posteriormente se confirmó con resonancia magnética, en cuyo informe se definió la presencia de infartos en fase aguda a nivel frontal derecho y parietal izquierdo. Conclusiones: Se expuso una manifestación infrecuente en población pediátrica asociada a la enfermedad por coronavirus. La tasa de eventos tromboembólicos en el curso de las infecciones virales no es baja, y por coronavirus no es la excepción. Se requieren mayores estudios y pruebas para determinar el papel del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo por coronavirus tipo 2 en el accidente cerebrovascular pediátrico(AU)
Introduction: Pulmonary disease predominates in the adult population, but severe infantile coronavirus appears more typified by an immune-mediated inflammatory response, with or without associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Objective: To examine a pediatric patient with stroke resulting from coronavirus type 2 disease. Case presentation: 6-month-old female infant presenting to emergency with history of fever of 39 â with no hourly predominance, of 10 days of evolution that did not subside with acetaminophen-type antipyretics and respiratory distress in the three days prior to presentation to hospital emergency. Positive family history of coronavirus disease in his father. Chest X-ray showed right alveolar infiltrate and she was admitted with a diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome pneumonia due to coronavirus type 2. The cranial tomography recorded a right frontal parasagittal and left parietal ischemic focus, later confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging whose report defined the presence of acute phase infarcts at the right frontal and left parietal levels. Conclusions: An infrequent manifestation in pediatric population associated with coronavirus disease is exposed. The rate of thromboembolic events in the course of viral infections is not low and coronavirus is no exception. Further studies and evidence are required to determine the role of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 in pediatric stroke(AU)
Humans , Female , Infant , Pneumonia/diagnosis , Seizures/diagnosis , Skull/diagnostic imaging , Stroke/diagnosis , Dysentery, Amebic/diagnosis , COVID-19/etiology , Benzodiazepines/therapeutic use , Midazolam/therapeutic use , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Clarithromycin/therapeutic use , Acetaminophen/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Purpose: To evaluate the in vivo efficiency of commercial polymeric membranes for guided bone regeneration. Methods: Rat calvarial critical size defects was treated with LuminaCoat (LC), Surgitime PTFE (SP), GenDerm (GD), Pratix (PR), Techgraft (TG) or control (C-) and histomorphometric analysis determined the percentage of new bone, connective tissue and biomaterial at 1 or 3 months. Statistical analysis used ANOVA with Tukey's post-test for means at same experimental time and the paired Student's t test between the two periods, considering p < 0.05. Results: New bone at 1 month was higher for SP, TG and C-, at 3 months there were no differences, and between 1 and 3 months PR had greater increase growthing. Connective tissue at 1 month was higher for C-, at 3 months for PR, TG and C-, and between 1 and 3 months C- had sharp decline. Biomaterial at 1 month was higher for LC, in 3 months for SP and TG, and between 1 and 3 months, LC, GD and TG had more decreasing mean. Conclusion: SP had greater osteopromotive capacity and limitation of connective ingrowth, but did not exhibit degradation. PR and TG had favorable osteopromotion, LC less connective tissue and GD more accelerated biodegradation.