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Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(5): 426-431, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249941


Resumen Introducción: El jabón para el aseo cutáneo es de empleo común entre la población, sin embargo, es posible que cause daño a las células de la piel y modifique la barrera cutánea. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto citotóxico de los jabones en queratinocitos cultivados in vitro y correlacionarlo con la irritación clínica. Método: Se realizó una encuesta para conocer los jabones comerciales más utilizados y su cantidad; posteriormente, se evaluó su citotoxicidad en cultivos de queratinocitos humanos mediante el método de resazurina. Los jabones con mayor y menor citotoxicidad se aplicaron en piel de voluntarios sanos para evaluar su efecto en la barrera cutánea mediante ensayos de colorimetría y pérdida transepidérmica de agua. Resultados: De los jabones analizados, 37 % demostró ser tóxico para los queratinocitos in vitro. El jabón con mayor toxicidad indujo el mayor índice de eritema y pérdida transepidérmica de agua, en comparación con el jabón menos tóxico y el vehículo empleado como solución control. Conclusión: Los jabones comercializados para el aseo cutáneo pueden incluir ingredientes químicos que dañan los queratinocitos humanos y causan irritación subclínica de la barrera cutánea. Su utilización puede agravar dermatosis preexistentes, generar dermatitis xerósica o de contacto irritativa y causar atrofia y dermatoporosis.

Abstract Introduction: The use of soap for skin cleansing is common among the population. However, it is possible that it causes damage to skin cells and disrupts the skin barrier. Objective: To determine the cytotoxic effect of soaps on in vitro-cultured keratinocytes and to correlate it with clinical irritation. Method: A survey was conducted to find out the most widely used commercial soaps and their number. Subsequently, their cytotoxicity was evaluated in human keratinocyte cultures using the resazurin assay. The soaps with the highest and lowest cytotoxicity were applied to the skin of healthy volunteers to assess their effect on the skin barrier using colorimetry and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) assays. Results: Of the analyzed soaps, 37 % were shown to be toxic to keratinocytes in vitro. The soap with the highest toxicity induced the highest rate of erythema and TEWL, in comparison with the least toxic soap and the vehicle used as the control solution. Conclusion: Soaps marketed for skin cleansing can contain chemical ingredients that damage human keratinocytes and cause skin barrier subclinical irritation. Their use can worsen preexisting dermatoses, generate xerotic or irritant contact dermatitis, and cause atrophy and dermatoporosis.

Humans , Soaps/adverse effects , Keratinocytes/drug effects , Skin Irritancy Tests , Irritants/adverse effects , Skin/drug effects , Soaps/chemistry , Body Water , Cells, Cultured , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Colorimetry , Erythema/chemically induced , Healthy Volunteers , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Alerg. inmunol. clin ; 32(1-2): 18-20, 2013. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-719894


La epidermis es la primera línea de defensa entre el cuerpo y el medioambiente, evitando que irritantes, alérgenos y microbios se penetren en el cuerpo. La capa más superficial se conoce como “mantoácido”. Cambios en el pH de esta capa provoca irritación y alteración de sus funciones. El agua y el jabón entre otros pro ductos cosméticos modifican el pH de 20 jabones de distintas marcas comerciales. Se observaron diferentes grados de alcalinidad entre los jabones estudiados. La mayoría de estos jabones resultaron de elevada alcalinidad, con pH que osciló entre 7.81 y 10.25.

The epidermis is the first line of defense between de body and thee nvironment. The epidermis prevents irritants, allergens and microbes from penetrating into the body. The most superficial layer is called “acidmantle”. The pH changes in this layer result in irritation and alteration of its functions. The pH is modified by water and soap, among other cosmetic products. The pH of 20 soaps of different trade marks was measured. Different alkalinity levels were observed in the studied soaps. Most of these soaps had a high level of alkalinity, with a pH that ranged from 7.81 to10.25.

Humans , Male , Female , Dermatitis, Atopic , Eczema , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Soaps/adverse effects
Femina ; 37(4): 229-234, abr. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-541991


A utilização rotineira de sabonetes líquidos íntimos femininos é questionada por ginecologistas, mas ovacionada por boa parte das mulheres que passam a maior parte do dia fora de casa, em atividades profissionais e sociais intensas. A preocupação médica se justifica pela possibilidade de irritações e alergias loco-regionais uma vez que, quanto mais se altera o habitat da flora bacteriana fisiológica vulvar e vaginal, maiores serão os riscos de infecções e inflamações. Porém, os parcos artigos existentes não sugerem alterações do pH ou da flora vaginal com o uso destes produtos. Este artigo tem como objetivo rever as características químicas dos sabonetes higiênicos íntimos relacionando-os com a microbiota vulvo-vaginal, para que os ginecologistas possam avaliar os riscos e benefícios destes, uma vez que este é um assunto cada vez mais questionado nos consultórios ginecológicos.

The everyday use of intimate liquid soap is questioned by gynecologists, and well seen by many women that have an intense professional activity, running around all day. Medical worry for this everyday use is justified by local irritation and aggression that these substances may bring. This article reviews the chemical characteristics of the intimal vaginal "everyday use" soaps, relating these facts to the vulvo-vaginal microbiota. Thus, it gives to the gynecologist risks and benefits of this polemic issue, helping them to judge what is better for each patient.

Female , Genitalia, Female/microbiology , Lactobacillus , Skin Care , Soaps/adverse effects , Soaps/pharmacology , Soaps/therapeutic use , Vagina/physiology , Vagina/microbiology , Vulvovaginitis/etiology
Ceylon Med J ; 2007 Dec; 52(4): 125-9
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-48230


INTRODUCTION: Initially linked to antimicrobial function, the acidic skin pH plays a key role in permeability barrier homeostasis and integrity of the stratum corneum. Barrier recovery is delayed when acutely perturbed skin sites are exposed to a neutral pH. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pH of commercially available rinse-off products in Sri Lanka, and the effect of detergent rinses on skin pH and its recovery rate. METHODS: The pH of 18 rinse-off products was determined using pH indicator paper and a pH meter. The effect of an alkaline (pH 9) and an acid (pH 5.5) rinse-off product on the hand skin pH was compared in 48 healthy volunteers after single and multiple applications. The skin pH of the dorsum of hands was measured in nurses before (n = 131) and during (n = 40) a duty shift that involved frequent hand washing using alkaline soap. RESULTS: Soaps available in Sri Lanka have a pH of 9.1-10.5. The pH of syndets and cleansers range from 5.5-7.0. Five minutes after hand washing, the mean skin pH increased by 1.7 +/- SD 0.5 pH units with alkaline soap, and by 0.8 +/- SD 0.4 pH units with acidic cleanser (p < 0.0001). Recovery of pH was slower when alkaline soap was used. The increase in skin pH was significantly greater when hands were repetitively washed with alkaline soap (p < 0.0001). The mean skin pH values of nurses before (4.9 +/- SD 0.4) and during (5.7 +/- SD 0.7) the work shift were significantly different (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Alkalinisation with rinse-off products increases the skin pH with potential functional and clinical implications.

Adolescent , Adult , Detergents/adverse effects , Female , Hand Disinfection , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Permeability , Skin Care , Skin Irritancy Tests , Skin Physiological Phenomena , Soaps/adverse effects , Sri Lanka , Water Loss, Insensible
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-64398


Soap enemas causing severe colitis with stricture and complications have rarely been reported. We report three patients in whom soapsud enema caused severe colitis and complications like stricture requiring surgery.

Adult , Colitis/chemically induced , Enema/adverse effects , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Soaps/adverse effects
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 13(4): 265-72, 1997. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-228952


La higiene de la piel tiene como objetivo eliminar la suciedad de su superficie, compuesta por residuos fisiológicos y ambientales. Permite, además, prevenir la infección y suprimir olores desagradables. Para estos fines se requieren tensoactivos, substancias anfifílicas capaces de remover los elementos, tanto hidrofílicos como lipofílicos, que componen dicha suciedad. Se revisan las propiedades y tipos de tensoactivos utilizados en la formulación de los cosméticos higiénicos. Se exponen los principales productos de limpieza cutánea, incluyendo jabones, syndets y emulsiones, su composición, uso, evaluación y efectos adversos

Humans , Skin Care , Surface-Active Agents/classification , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Emulsions/pharmacology , Soaps/adverse effects , Soaps/classification , Soaps/pharmacology , Surface-Active Agents/pharmacology
Dermatol. rev. mex ; 39(supl 5): 21-6, sept.-oct. 1995. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-162032


La elección de un jabón sobre otro depende principalmente de preferencias individuales, sin embargo, el tipo de piel que tiene cada paciente influye en esta elección. En este estudio investigamos el efecto irritativo de los jabones utilizados para la piel delicada. Se expusieron 15 sujetos de piel sensible (con prueba del parche positiva para lauril sulfato de sodio al 0.13 por ciento) a emulsiones de jabón al 8 por ciento durante cinco días seguidos y se registró la aparición de eritema, descamación y fisuración. De esta manera se evaluaron 22 jabones y sustitutos de jabón. Además se estudiaron las características de cada producto, su pH, contenido de detergentes, perfume y exceso de grasa. Los resultados indicaron que la mayor parte de los jabones y sustitutos de jabón poseen un pH demasiado alcalino, y que una gran cantidad de ellos no reúnen las característicasadecuadas para rotularse como jabones neutros y mucho menos útiles para piel sensible. Sin embargo, cinco de ellos prácticamente no produjeron irritación. Podemos concluir que en nuestri país contamos con productos adecuados para el aseo cotidiano en personas con piel sensible

Humans , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Erythema/diagnosis , Erythema/etiology , Skin , Skin Diseases/etiology , Soaps/adverse effects , Soaps/analysis , Soaps/chemistry
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 68(5): 356-61, oct.-dic. 1987. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-48278


Se presentan tres pacientes con lesiones hipocrómicas, en uno de ellos francamente vitiligoides, debidas al uso de jabones que contienen fenoles y a repelente con derivado toluénico. El estudio histopatológico mostró disminución de la cantidad de melanina, con discreta reacción liquenoide epidérmica, que sugeriría un mecanismo inmunológico en la patogenia de estos cuadros. Las lesiones estaban localizadas en sitios expuestos y en un caso pudieron ser reproducidas por el fotopatch test, por lo que se presumen la existencia de un factor lumínico coadyuvante

Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Female , Phenols/adverse effects , Soaps/adverse effects , Toluene/adverse effects , Vitiligo/chemically induced , Chemistry