Los antimicrobianos parenterales son esenciales en el tratamiento de infecciones intrahospitalarias, sin embargo, es importante considerar la carga de sodio y volumen que pueden aportar, especialmente, en pacientes con restricción sódica. En el presente estudio se identificaron los antimicrobianos parenterales usados en uno de los hospitales más grandes del Perú. Se revisó la cantidad de sodio intrínseco y se calculó la cantidad de sodio total por día de tratamiento según el régimen frecuentemente usado en adultos. Como resultado, se encontró que 22% de las terapias antimicrobianas superaban el requerimiento de sodio diario, lo que podría ser perjudicial para pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca, enfermedad renal crónica, con cirrosis hepática, entre otros.
Parenteral antibiotics are essential in the treatment of nosocomial infections; however, their sodium load and volume should be considered as an extra source, especially, in patients with sodium restriction. In this study, we identified the parental antibiotics used in one of the largest hospitals in Peru. We reviewed the amount of intrinsic sodium and we calculated the sodium load per day of treatment according to the commonly used regimen in adults. As a result, we found that 22% of the antibiotic treatment regimens exceed the daily sodium requirement, which could be harmful for patients with heart failure, chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, among others.
Humans , Sodium/analysis , Infusions, Parenteral , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Hospitalization , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To describe the prevalence of inadequate mineral intake and associated factors with calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium intakes in individuals aged 15-24.9 years. Methods We analyzed 476 individuals from the Brazilian Study of Nutrition and Health, stratified into two age groups (adolescents aged 15-18.9 years and young adults aged 19-24.9 years). Mineral intake was obtained from two 24-hour Dietary Recalls. The values of the Estimated Average Requirement and the Tolerable Upper Intake Levels were considered to calculate the prevalence of inadequacy. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine associated factors with mineral intake. Results Calcium and magnesium had the highest prevalence of inadequacy (>83%) in both sexes and age groups. Sodium intake was above Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for the majority of the population studied (>68%). The intake of all minerals was different between the sexes for the two age groups (p<0.01), and it was not different between age groups (p>0.05). The associated factors with mineral intake were sex (calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sodium), age group (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium), and physical activity (calcium, iron, and magnesium), followed by socioeconomic level (zinc and sodium) and body weight status (iron and sodium). Conclusion The expressive portion of the studied population is at nutritional risk for calcium, magnesium, and sodium. Such data can contribute to the national public policy revision that is related to micronutrient intake and the adoption of healthier habits by adolescents and young adults.
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as prevalências de inadequação e fatores associados à ingestão de cálcio, ferro, zinco, magnésio, fósforo e sódio em indivíduos dos 15 aos 24,9 anos. Métodos Foram analisados 476 indivíduos do Estudo Brasileiro de Nutrição e Saúde, estratificados em dois grupos etários (adolescentes de 15-18,9 anos e adultos jovens de 19-24,9 anos). A ingestão de minerais foi obtida por meio de dois recordatórios de 24hs. Os valores de Requerimento Médio Estimado e do Limite Superior Tolerável de Ingestão foram considerados para calcular as prevalências de inadequação. Regressão logística múltipla foi utilizada para determinar os fatores associados à ingestão de minerais. Resultados Cálcio e magnésio tiveram elevadas prevalências de inadequação (>83%) em pacientes de ambos os sexos e grupos etários. A ingestão de sódio foi acima Limite Superior Tolerável de Ingestão para a maioria da população estudada (>68%). O consumo de todos os minerais foi diferente entre os sexos para os dois grupos etários (p<0,01) e não foi diferente entre os grupos etários (p>0,05). Os fatores associados à ingestão dos minerais foram sexo (cálcio, ferro, fósforo e sódio), grupo etário (cálcio, magnésio, fósforo e sódio) e atividade física (cálcio, ferro e magnésio), seguidos por nível socioeconômico (zinco e sódio) e estado de peso corporal (ferro e sódio). Conclusão Expressiva parcela da população estudada encontra-se em risco nutricional para cálcio, magnésio e sódio. Esses dados podem contribuir para a revisão de políticas públicas nacionais que se relacionam à ingestão de micronutrientes e à adoção de hábitos mais saudáveis pelos adolescentes e adultos jovens.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Prevalence , Eating , Phosphorus/analysis , Sodium/analysis , Zinc/analysis , Brazil , Calcium/analysis , Adolescent , Young Adult , Sociodemographic Factors , Iron/analysis , Magnesium/analysisABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a adesão aos acordos voluntários de redução de sódio firmados entre indústrias de alimentos e o Ministério da Saúde e comparar as metas adotadas com o limite de sódio proposto no modelo de perfil nutricional da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS). Utilizaram-se informações de 1.553 alimentos de 32 categorias incluídas nos acordos e comercializados nas maiores redes de supermercados brasileiras em 2017. Foram calculadas as proporções de produtos com quantidade de sódio igual ou abaixo do limite proposto pelos acordos e pela OPAS. A concordância de classificação dos itens segundo os dois critérios foi avaliada com o coeficiente kappa de Cohen (k). Nossos resultados mostraram que 77,7% dos alimentos analisados estavam adequados segundo os acordos de redução de sódio, porém apenas 35,9%, segundo o modelo da OPAS. A concordância entre os dois critérios ao classificar um produto como adequado em relação ao conteúdo de sódio foi fraca (k = 0,199). Conclui-se que os acordos voluntários de redução de sódio são limitados em relação à abrangência e ao rigor das metas estabelecidas. A adoção de medidas voltadas a todos os produtos disponíveis, com metas mais restritivas e obrigatórias, deveria ser considerada no país.
Abstract The objective was to assess adherence to voluntary agreements for sodium reduction firmed between the food industries and the Ministry of Health in Brazil and to compare their targets with the limit proposed in the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) nutritional profile model. We used data from 1.553 foods from 32 categories included in the agreements and sold in the largest Brazilian supermarket chains in 2017. The frequency of products with sodium equal or below the cut-offs proposed by the voluntary agreements and by PAHO was calculated. Classification concordance according to the two was evaluated with Cohen's kappa coefficient (k). Our results showed that 77.7% of products were adequate according to the voluntary agreements, and only 35.9% of them, according to the PAHO model. We identified a weak degree of concordance between both criteria in classifying a product as adequate about sodium content (k = 0.199). In conclusion, the voluntary agreements for sodium reduction are limited in their scope and rigor. The adoption of measures oriented for all products, with more restrictive and mandatory targets, should be considered in the country.
Humans , Sodium/analysis , Sodium, Dietary , Brazil , Food , Food LabelingABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El intervalo Postmortem (IPM) es un importante desafío por resolver en la patología forense, y consiste en poder determinar el tiempo transcurrido desde la muerte hasta el momento de la autopsia. Dada la poca confiabilidad de algunos métodos por la gran influencia de factores externos y propios del cadáver, la bioquímica forense ha recibido considerable atención por sus niveles de seguridad. La ciudad de Quito se ubica en la cordillera de Los Andes a 2850 msnm, sin embargo, en la literatura no existen reportes de medición de estos parámetros a una altura como ésta. El objetivo fue establecer una correlación entre sodio (Na+), cloro (Cl-) y potasio (K+) del humor vítreo del cuerpo vítreo y el IPM a la altura de la ciudad de Quito. Para el estudio se utilizaron 128 muestras de cuerpo vítreo provenientes de 16 autopsias practicadas en la Unidad de Medicina Legal Zona 9, en IPM de 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 y 144 horas. Para la obtención del humor vítreo se siguió el método convencional, se dividió para las 8 alícuotas y se llevó a congelación -20 °C hasta el momento de su análisis. La cuantificación de la concentración de electrolitos Na+, Cl- y Potasio+ se realizó mediante analizador ISE de Roche Cobas (Roche Diagnostics) C501, calibrado para uroanálisis, y no fue necesaria la dilución. Durante la calibración y cada tres muestras, se midió un estándar interno para corregir los efectos de la desviación sistemática en la calibración. El enfoque estadístico se basó en un análisis de correlación lineal, utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. La correlación entre las horas postmortem y las concentraciones de los diferentes electrolitos, fueron estadísticamente significativas. Se pudo corroborar una correlación lineal significativa entre el IPM y el aumento del K+ en el HV.
SUMMARY: The postmortem interval (PMI) is an important challenge to be solved in forensic pathology, and it consists of being able to determine the time elapsed from death to the moment of autopsy. Given the unreliability of some methods due to the great influence of external factors and those specific to the corpse, forensic biochemistry has received considerable attention for its levels of safety. The city of Quito is located in the Andes mountain range at 2850 meters above sea level, however, in the literature there are no reports of measurement of these parameters at a height like this. The objective was to establish a correlation between sodium (Na+), chlorine (Cl-) and potassium (K+) of the vitreous humor and the MPI at a height of 2,850 masl. For the study, 128 samples of vitreous humor were used from 16 autopsies performed in the Zone 9 Legal Medicine Unit, in IPM of 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 hours. To obtain the vitreous humor, the conventional method was followed, it was divided for the 8 aliquots and it was frozen at -20 ° C until the moment of its analysis. The quantification of the concentration of electrolytes Na+, Cl- and K+ was carried out using an ISE analyzer from Roche Cobas (Roche Diagnostics) C501, calibrated for urinalysis, and no dilution was necessary. During calibration and every third sample, an internal standard was measured to correct for the effects of systematic deviation on the calibration. The statistical approach was based on a linear correlation analysis, using the Spearman correlation coefficient. The correlation between the postmortem hours and the concentrations of the different electrolytes were statistically significant. A significant linear correlation between the PMI and the increase in K+ in vitreous humor could be corroborated.
Humans , Postmortem Changes , Potassium/analysis , Sodium/analysis , Vitreous Body/chemistry , Chlorine/analysis , Time Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Electrolytes/analysisABSTRACT
Background: Scorpions are widely known for the neurotoxic effects of their venoms, which contain peptides affecting ionic channels. Although Colombia is recognized for its scorpion diversity, only a few studies are available describing the venom content. Methods: In this descriptive study, we analyzed the MS/MS sequence, electrophoretic and chromatographic profile linked to a bioinformatics analysis of the scorpions Chactas reticulatus (Chactidae), Opisthacanthus elatus (Hormuridae), Centruroides edwardsii (Buthidae) and Tityus asthenes (Buthidae) from Colombia. Results: Each scorpion showed a specific electrophoretic and chromatographic profile. The electrophoretic profiles indicate the presence of high molecular mass compounds in all venoms, with a predominance of low molecular mass compounds in the Buthidae species. Chromatographic profiles showed a similar pattern as the electrophoretic profiles. From the MS/MS analysis of the chromatographic collected fractions, we obtained internal peptide sequences corresponding to proteins reported in scorpions from the respective family of the analyzed samples. Some of these proteins correspond to neurotoxins affecting ionic channels, antimicrobial peptides and metalloproteinase-like fragments. In the venom of Tityus asthenes, the MSn analysis allowed the detection of two toxins affecting sodium channels covering 50% and 84% of the sequence respectively, showing 100% sequence similarity. Two sequences from Tityus asthenes showed sequence similarity with a phospholipase from Opisthacanthus cayaporum indicating the presence of this type of toxin in this species for the first time. One sequence matching a hypothetical secreted protein from Hottentotta judaicus was found in three of the studied venoms. We found that this protein is common in the Buthidae family whereas it has been reported in other families - such as Scorpionidae - and may be part of the evolutionary puzzle of venoms in these arachnids. Conclusion: Buthidae venoms from Colombia can be considered an important source of peptides similar to toxins affecting ionic channels. An interesting predicted antimicrobial peptide was detected in three of the analyzed venoms.(AU)
Animals , Scorpion Venoms , Sodium/analysis , Computational Biology , NeurotoxinsABSTRACT
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer widely used in the food industry, with obesogenic properties, in addition to causing alterations in the oral cavity. The aim of the study was to observe the morphofunctional changes in the parotid gland after the administration of MSG in rats. 18 newborn male Sprague Dawley rats were used, divided into three groups (Control group; MSG1 group: 4 mg/g weight of monosodium glutamate, 5 doses, kept for 8 weeks, and MSG2 group: 4 mg/g weight of MSG, 5 doses, kept for 16 weeks). The body mass index (BMI) was calculated, and the salivary flow, pH, a-amylase activity, Na, Cl, K and Ca were analyzed by quantitative analysis. After euthanasia by ketamine/xylazine overdose, parotid volume was analyzed and stereology was performed. MSG administration caused an increase in BMI and a decrease in parotid volume as well as a reduction in salivary flow and pH and an increase in a-amylase activity, also increasing the salivary sodium and chlorine levels. Alterations in the normal stereological parameters of the gland were observed. Exposure to MSG caused morphofunctional alterations at parotid gland.
El glutamato monosódico (MSG), es un potenciador del sabor ampliamente utilizado en la industria alimentaria. Diversos estudios han propuesto la relación entre éste y el desarrollo de obesidad, además de provocar alteraciones en la cavidad oral. El objetivo del estudio fue observar los cambios morfofuncionales a nivel de la glándula parótida, posterior a la administración de MSG en ratas. Se utilizaron 18 ratas neonatas Sprague Dawley machos, divididas en tres grupos según su tiempo de exposición y dosis a MSG (Grupo Control, Grupo MSG1: 4 mg/g peso de glutamato monosódico, 5 dosis, mantenidas 8 semanas, Grupo MSG2: 4 mg/g peso de MSG, 5 dosis, mantenidas 16 semanas. Fue calculado el índice de masa corporal (BMI), además de ser analizado el flujo salival, pH, actividad de α-amilasa, y Na, Cl, K y Ca mediante análisis semicuantitativo. Luego de la eutanasia por sobredosis de ketamina/xilasina, las glándulas parótidas fueron extraídas y analizado su volumen y fueron procesadas para histología, y estudio estereológico. La administración de MSG causó aumento en BMI y disminución del volumen parotídeo, además de disminución del flujo y pH salival, así como aumento en actividad de la a-amilasa, aumentando además los niveles de sodio y cloro salival. Fueron observadas alteraciones a nivel de los parámetros estereológicos normales de la glándula. La exposición a MSG causó alteraciones morfofuncionales a nivel parotídeo, observándose una disminución del volumen de la glándula, acompañado de alteraciones en el adenómero y conductos estriados de la glándula, implicados en la producción, secreción y modificación de la saliva, la cual se vio alterada, en el flujo, pH, y en sus componentes.
Animals , Male , Rats , Parotid Gland/drug effects , Sodium Glutamate/administration & dosage , Flavoring Agents/administration & dosage , Saliva/chemistry , Sodium/analysis , Sodium Glutamate/pharmacology , Time Factors , Body Mass Index , Chlorine/analysis , Analysis of Variance , Rats, Wistar , alpha-Amylases/analysis , Flavoring Agents/pharmacology , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
Objetivo: Analisar experimentalmente o teor de sódio de sal-gadinhos industrializados disponíveis no comércio da Cidade de Maceió, Alagoas. Material e Métodos: Classificar o teor de sódio de acordo com a legislação vigente. Vinte amostras de salgadinho de milho, trigo e batata, de diferentes sabores foram avaliadas utilizando-se a metodologia de espectrofotometria de emissão com atomização em chama. Resultados: Verificou-se que todas as amostras apresentavam a classificação de "alto teor" de sódio, tendo por base a RDC n° 24 de 2010 da Anvisa e que 65% das amostras apresentaram valores reais do teor de sódio superiores aos que estavam declarados nos rótulos. Conclusão: Com relação ao teor de sódio encontrado nos salgadinhos analisados, verificou-se que todas as amostras apresentaram a classificação de "alto teor" de sódio. (AU)
Objective:The objective of the study was to analyze experi-mentally the sodium content of commercially available savory foods in the city of Maceió, Alagoas,. Method: to classify this content according to the current legislation. Twenty samples of corn flakes, wheat and potato snacks of random flavors were evaluated using the emission spectrophotometry with in-line flame atomization method. Results: It was verified that all The samples presented a sodium "high content" classification, based on Anvisa's RDC nº 24 of 2010 and that it was also observed that 65% of the samples had actual values of sodium content higher than those declared on the labels. Conclusion: Regarding the sodium content found in the analyzed snack foods, it was found that all samples had the classification of "high" sodium. (AU)
Sodium/analysis , Products of Consumer Direct Sale , Industrialized Foods , Sodium/classification , Triticum/chemistry , Solanum tuberosum/chemistry , Zea mays/chemistry , Nutritional FactsABSTRACT
A urolitíase é uma doença importante de cordeiros confinados. A acidificação da urina, pela ingestão de cloreto de amônio, é o método preventivo mais frequentemente empregado. Devido à falta de informação específica em ovinos, este estudo foi realizado para avaliar as alterações que ocorrem nos eletrólitos urinários de cordeiros, que receberam cloreto de amônio na dieta. Foram utilizados 100 cordeiros, com 3 meses de idade, que foram mantidos em confinamento durante 56 dias, e distribuídos em 3 grupos: G1 (n=40) que receberam 400mg/kg de peso vivo (PV) de cloreto de amônio/dia, durante 21 dias; G2 (n=40) que receberam 400mg/kg de PV de cloreto de amônio/dia durante 42 dias; e G3 (n=20) que não receberam cloreto de amônio. Os cordeiros foram examinados e as amostras de sangue e urina foram colhidas a cada 7 dias: 0 (antes do início da ingestão de cloreto de amônio), 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, e 42 dias. As concentrações séricas e urinárias de sódio (Na+), potássio (K+), cloreto (Cl-), e de creatinina foram mensuradas em todos os momentos de colheita. A excreção fracionada urinária (EFu) de eletrólitos e a diferença de íons fortes (SID) na urina [(Na+ + K+) - Cl] foram calculadas. A EFu de Na+, K+ e Cl- não variou ao longo do tempo em G3, provando que a dieta de confinamento, por si só, não influenciou a excreção urinária destes eletrólitos. A ingestão de cloreto de amônio, pelo grupo G1 e G2, influenciou a EFu sobre o tempo de confinamento. A SID urinária foi mais precisa do que a EFu de Cl- para demonstrar que a concentração de Cl- aumentou na urina, o que destacou a relevância desta variável.(AU)
Urolithiasis is an important disease of lambs confined. The urine acidification, by ammonium chloride intake, is the preventive method most frequently employed. Due to the lack of specific information in sheep, this study was performed to evaluate the electrolyte changes that occur in the urine of lambs receiving ammonium chloride in the diet. One hundred male lambs, 3 months old, were kept in a feedlot during 56 days, and distributed in 3 groups: G1 (n=40) receiving 400mg/kg BW of ammonium chloride/day during 21 days; G2 (n=40) receiving 400mg/kg BW of ammonium chloride/day during 42 days; and G3 (n=20) that did not receive ammonium chloride. The lambs were examined and blood and urine samples were collected every 7 days: 0 (the beginning of ammonium chloride intake), 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days. Serum and urine sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), and creatinine concentrations were measured. The urinary fractional excretion (FE) of electrolytes and the urine strong ion difference [(Na+ + K+) - Cl-] were calculated. FEs of Na+, K+, and Cl- did not vary over time in G3, proving that the feedlot diet, by itself, did not influence the urinary excretion of these electrolytes. The ingestion of ammonium chloride, instead, influenced FEs over the time of feedlot. The urinary SID was more accurate than the FE of Cl- to demonstrate that the concentration of Cl- increased in the urine. It highlights the relevance of this variable.(AU)
Animals , Urine/chemistry , Sheep/physiology , Potassium/analysis , Sodium/analysis , Chlorides/analysis , Urolithiasis/veterinaryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT It is widely known that high fat diet (HFD) can contribute to the advent of health problems. Recent studies have indicated that obesity imposes a hemodynamic overload to the kidneys. In order to further investigate such injuries, two groups of six Swiss mice each were fed with a controlled AIN93G diet or a high fat (AIN93G modified) diet for eight weeks. Blood samples were collected to determine the hormonal, lipid profile, glucose, urea, and creatinine levels. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis were carried out to analysis the kidney damage. Fractions of renal membranes were prepared to assess the Na,K-ATPase activity, lipid peroxidation, total cholesterol, and phospholipid content. The results indicated that the blood lipid profile, urea and creatinine was not altered by the HFD. On the other hand, it was observed in HFD diet mice elevated glucose blood levels along with an augment on insulin and a decrease on corticosterone release. HFD provoked a reduction in the diameter of the convoluted tubules and cell volume in Bowman's capsule and an increased number of positive cells with Na,K-ATPase, but reduced the Na,K-ATPase activity and the cholesterol content in the kidney cell membrane but favored the lipid peroxidation.
Animals , Male , Mice , Sodium/analysis , H(+)-K(+)-Exchanging ATPase/analysis , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Immunohistochemistry/methods , Cell Membrane , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Renal Insufficiency/physiopathology , Kidney/physiopathologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: The sweat test (ST) measures chloride levels in sweat and is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF). However, the reliability of a ST depends on their being performed by experienced technicians and in accordance with strict guidelines. Our aim was to evaluate how sweat stimulation, sweat collection, and chloride measurement are performed at 14 centers (9 public centers and 5 private centers) that routinely perform STs in the state of São Paulo, which has the highest frequency of CF in Brazil. Methods: This was a cross-sectional cohort study, using a standardized questionnaire administered in loco to the staff responsible for conducting STs. Results: No uniformity regarding the procedures was found among the centers. Most centers were noncompliant with the international guidelines, especially regarding the collection of sweat (the samples were insufficient in 10-50% of the subjects tested); availability of stimulation equipment (which was limited at 2 centers); modernity and certification of stimulation equipment (most of the equipment having been used for 3-23 years); and written protocols (which were lacking at 12 centers). Knowledge of ST guidelines was evaluated at only 1 center. Conclusions: Our results show that STs largely deviate from internationally accepted guidelines at the participating centers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for standardization of STs, training of qualified personnel, and acquisition/certification of suitable equipment. These are essential conditions for a reliable diagnosis of CF, especially with the increasing demand due to newborn screening nationwide, and for the assessment of a possible clinical benefit from the use of modulator drugs.
RESUMO Objetivo: O teste do suor (TS) mede os níveis de cloro no suor e é considerado o padrão ouro para o diagnóstico da fibrose cística (FC). Contudo, a confiabilidade do TS depende de sua realização por técnicos experientes e segundo diretrizes rígidas. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar como são realizadas a estimulação e coleta do suor e a dosagem de cloro em 14 centros (9 públicos e 5 privados) que realizam TS rotineiramente no estado de São Paulo, que possui a maior frequência de FC do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo de coorte transversal utilizando um questionário padronizado aplicado in loco ao pessoal responsável pela realização dos TS. Resultados: Não houve uniformidade entre os centros quanto aos procedimentos. A maioria dos centros não era aderente às diretrizes internacionais, especialmente quanto à coleta do suor (amostras insuficientes em 10-50% dos indivíduos testados), disponibilidade de equipamentos de estimulação (limitada em 2 centros), modernidade e certificação dos mesmos (a maioria utilizada há 3-23 anos) e protocolos escritos (ausentes em 12 centros). Avaliou-se o conhecimento sobre diretrizes para TS em apenas 1 centro. Conclusões: Nossos resultados mostram que, nos centros participantes, os TS estão muito distantes das diretrizes internacionalmente aceitas. Portanto, há necessidade urgente de padronização dos TS, de treinamento de pessoal qualificado e de aquisição/certificação de equipamentos adequados. Essas são condições essenciais para um diagnóstico confiável de FC, especialmente com a crescente demanda resultante da triagem neonatal em todo o país, e para a avaliação do possível benefício clínico do uso de moduladores.
Humans , Chlorides/analysis , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/standards , Cystic Fibrosis/diagnosis , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Sodium/analysis , Sweat/chemistry , Brazil , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/statistics & numerical data , Cohort Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cystic Fibrosis/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Private Facilities , Public Facilities , Reproducibility of Results , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Abstract The effects of seasonal variations and the methods of collection of propolis produced by Africanized honey bees Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, on the composition of constituent minerals such as magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), and potassium (K) were evaluated. Propolis was harvested from 25 beehives by scraping or by means of propolis collectors (screen, “intelligent” collector propolis [ICP], lateral opening of the super [LOS], and underlay method). During the one-year study, the propolis produced was harvested each month, ground, homogenized, and stored in a freezer at -10 ºC. Seasonal analyses of the mineral composition were carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry and the results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey-Kramer’s test to compare the mean values (p<0.05). The results showed that seasonal variations influence the contents of 5 minerals (Mg, Fe, Na, Ca, and Cu), and the propolis harvesting method affects the contents of 4 minerals (Mg, Zn, Fe, and Ca).
Resumo A influência da sazonalidade e de métodos de produção de própolis por abelhas africanizadas Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758, sobre a concentração de magnésio (Mg), zinco (Zn), ferro (Fe), sódio (Na), cálcio (Ca), cobre (Cu) e potássio (K) foram avaliados. 25 colmeias foram utilizadas, e a colheita de propolis ocorreu por raspagem ou a partir de coletores (tela, coletor de própolis “inteligente” – CPI, abertura lateral da melgueira – ALM e calço). Durante um ano a própolis foi colhida mensalmente, homogeneizada e armazenada em freezer a -10 ºC. A análise sazonal de minerais foi realizada por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica e os resultados avaliados por análise de variância (ANOVA) seguida do teste de Tukey-Kramer para comparação de médias (p<0,05). Os resultados demostraram que a sazonalidade afetou o conteúdo de cinco minerais (Mg, Fe, Na, Ca e Cu) e os métodos de coleta afetaram o conteúdo de quatro minerais (Mg, Zn, Fe e Ca).
Animals , Propolis/chemistry , Seasons , Bees , Minerals/analysis , Potassium/analysis , Sodium/analysis , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Zinc/analysis , Calcium/analysis , Copper/analysis , Iron/analysis , Magnesium/analysisABSTRACT
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of varied salinity regimes on the morphological traits (plant height, number of leaves, number of flowers, fresh and dry weight) and major mineral composition of 13 selected purslane accessions. Most of the morphological traits measured were reduced at varied salinity levels (0.0, 8, 16, 24 and 32 dS m-1), but plant height was found to increase in Ac1 at 16 dS m-1 salinity, and Ac13 was the most affected accession. The highest reductions in the number of leaves and number of flowers were recorded in Ac13 at 32 dS m-1 salinity compared to the control. The highest fresh and dry weight reductions were noted in Ac8 and Ac6, respectively, at 32 dS m-1 salinity, whereas the highest increase in both fresh and dry weight was recorded in Ac9 at 24 dS m-1 salinity compared to the control. In contrast, at lower salinity levels, all of the measured mineral levels were found to increase and later decrease with increasing salinity, but the performance of different accessions was different depending on the salinity level. A dendrogram was also constructed by UPGMA based on the morphological traits and mineral compositions, in which the 13 accessions were grouped into 5 clusters, indicating greater diversity among them. A three-dimensional principal component analysis also confirmed the output of grouping from cluster analysis.
Portulaca/anatomy & histology , Portulaca/chemistry , Salinity , Minerals/analysis , Phosphorus/analysis , Potassium/analysis , Reference Values , Sodium/analysis , Zinc/analysis , Calcium/analysis , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Salt Tolerance , Iron/analysis , Magnesium/analysisABSTRACT
Sodium plays an essential role in health and in the production and palatability of foods, but the current recommendations of sodium intake have been exceeded in many countries. The reduction of its intake is necessary because of public health problems, such as hypertension.Many are the available techniques and studies already developed on sodium reduction in foods; however, a single and low cost method that does not modify the consumers? acceptance to different food products has notbeen identified. This paper presents a general perspective regarding the functions of sodium in health and foods, the current intake scenario and recommendations in Brazil and other countries, and also some aspects regarding consumer perception when sodium is reduced in different foods.
O sódio tem papel fundamental na saúde e na produção e palatabilidade dos alimentos, porém as recomendações atuais do consumo diário de sódio são ultrapassadas em muitos países. A diminuição de sua ingestão se faz necessária devido a problemas de saúde pública, como a hipertensão. Muitas são as técnicas disponíveis e os estudos já realizados para a diminuição de sódio nos alimentos, todavia, ainda não se identificouum método único, de baixo custo e que não altere a aceitação dos consumidores e suas propriedades tecnológicas nos diversos produtos alimentícios. O presente trabalho apresenta um panorama geral sobre as funções do sódio na saúde e nos alimentos, cenário atual de consumo no Brasil e no mundo, recomendações em termos de redução de sódio, além de aspectos relacionados à percepção do consumidor ao se reduzir o sódio em diferentes alimentos.
Sodium Chloride/pharmacology , Sodium/analysis , Food , Technology/classificationABSTRACT
A população brasileira apresenta um padrão alimentar rico emsal, açúcar e gorduras. Paralelo a isto, observa-se o aumento noconsumo de salgadinhos industrializados em escala mundial,em crianças e em adultos. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificaro teor de sódio em salgadinhos industrializados e compará-locom seus requerimentos para consumo diário. A amostra foicomposta de 10 marcas de salgadinhos industrializados. Foramconsiderados os teores de sódio por porção apresentados nainformação nutricional das embalagens e, a partir deles, foramcalculados o teor de sódio para a quantidade total de produtona embalagem e na porção, padronizada em 25 g. O teor desódio foi comparado, por porção e por embalagem, com seusrequerimentos para consumo diário, considerando-se valores deingestão adequada (AI) e nível de ingestão máximo tolerável(UL). As marcas foram comparadas em relação ao teor de sódiona porção e no conteúdo total da embalagem, ao percentualde valor diário recomendado para sódio por porção, e aopreço. Foram calculados média, desvio padrão e coeficientede variação (CV) para as variáveis, e a relação entre preço eteor de sódio foi analisada por meio do teste de correlação dePearson. O preço e o teor de sódio dos produtos apresentaramCV muito alto, e não foi observada correlação significanteentre preço e teor de sódio. O teor de sódio no conteúdo totalda embalagem ultrapassou os requerimentos de AI e UL emuma das marcas em estudo, e não excedeu os requerimentospor porção em nenhuma delas...
The Brazilian population has a high eating pattern in salt,sugar and fat. Parallel to this, there is a worldwide increase ofmanufactured snack foods consumption in children and adults.The aim of this study was to identify the sodium content inprocessed snacks and compare it with its requirements for dailyconsumption. The sample was composed of 10 industrializedsalty snacks. The content of sodium per serving shown in thepackages nutrition facts was used to calculate the total sodiumcontent of the package and in a 25 g standardized portion. Thesodium content was compared, per serving and per package, withits requirements for daily consumption, considering values foradequate intake (AI) and tolerable upper intake level (UL). Thesodium content in a portion and in the package was comparedto the percentage of the recommended daily value for sodiumper serving. A possible correlation between price and sodiumcontent was also investigated. We calculated mean ± standarddeviation and coefficient of variation (CV) for the variables. Therelationship between price and sodium content was analyzed usingthe Pearsons correlation. The price and the sodium content of theproducts presented a very high CV, and there was no significantcorrelation between price and sodium content. One of the saltysnacks of the study exceeded the requirements of AI and UL fortotal sodium content of the package, but none of them exceed therequirements for a portion...
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Industrialized Foods , Diet, Sodium-Restricted/methods , Eating/physiology , Nutritional Sciences/education , Sodium/administration & dosage , Sodium/analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , PrevalenceABSTRACT
The aerial parts of Selaginella lepidophylla (Hook. et Grev.) Spring, are used in Mexican folk medicine to treat renal diseases. The aim of this study was to measure the diuretic response of an aqueous extract (200 mg/kg) and alkaloids fraction at different doses (10, 40 y 100 mg/kg) of this plant and compare it with that induced by furosemide (4 mg/kg). Extract, alkaloids fraction, furosemide and vehicle were administered orally to adult rats and the effects in sodium, potassium and water balance were measured. The extract, the alkaloids fraction and the furosemide produced important and significant increments in urinary excretion of sodium, potassium and water with respect to control group. This increment was dose dependent of the alkaloids fraction, the highest dose produced a major effect. Potassium excretion increased but it was less than the one induced by furosemide. These results suggest that the aqueous extract and rich fraction in alkaloids from S. lepidophylla induce diuretic response.
Las partes aéreas de Selaginella lepidophylla (Hook. et Grev.) Spring, son usadas en la medicina tradicional mexicana para tratar enfermedades renales. El objetivo del estudio fue medir la respuesta diurética de un extracto acuoso (200 mg/kg) y de diferentes dosis de la fracción de alcaloides (10, 40 y 100 mg/kg) de esta planta y compararla con la inducida por furosemida (4 mg/kg). El extracto, la fracción de alcaloides, la furosemida y el vehículo fueron administrados por vía oral a ratas adultas y se midieron los efectos en el balance de sodio, potasio e hídrico. El extracto, la fracción de alcaloides y la furosemida produjeron importantes y significativos incrementos en la excreción urinaria de sodio, potasio y agua con respecto al grupo testigo. Este incremento fue dependiente de la dosis de la fracción de alcaloides, la dosis más alta produjo el mayor efecto. El incremento en la excreción de potasio fue menor al de furosemida. Los resultados sugieren que el extracto acuoso y la fracción rica en alcaloides de S. lepidophylla inducen una respuesta diurética.
Animals , Female , Rats , Diuretics/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Furosemide/administration & dosage , Selaginellaceae/chemistry , Alkaloids , Diuretics/pharmacology , Water-Electrolyte Balance , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Furosemide/pharmacology , Urine/chemistry , Potassium/analysis , Rats, Wistar , Sodium/analysis , Glomerular Filtration RateABSTRACT
PURPOSE: This study was to develop a breastfeeding promotion program and to test effects of the program on levels of breast discomfort, breast size, sodium in breast milk, and type of feeding in mothers with breast engorgement following cesarean birth. METHODS: A non-synchronized non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used in this study. The participants were 70 postpartum mothers who were admitted to a postpartum care center and experienced breast engorgement following cesarean birth. The planned nursing intervention was the breastfeeding promotion program consisting of breast massage and 1:1 breastfeeding education, counseling, and support focusing on individualized problem solving provided for 10 days. Fifty-three women completed the program (experimental group 26, control group, 27). Measurements were level of breast discomfort, breast size, sodium in breast milk and type of feeding at pre and posttest. RESULTS: Women who participated in the program experienced lower scores for breast discomfort, greater decrease in breast size, lower levels of sodium in breast milk, and practiced breastfeeding more than those in the control group. CONCLUSION: Results indicate that this breastfeeding promotion program is effective in reducing breast engorgement and improving breastfeeding practices, and is therefore recommended to enhance breastfeeding promotion practice in postpartum care centers.
Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Young Adult , Breast/physiology , Breast Feeding , Cesarean Section , Massage , Milk, Human/chemistry , Mothers/psychology , Postpartum Period , Program Development , Program Evaluation , Sodium/analysisABSTRACT
O óleo essencial do orégano apresenta entre seus principais constituintes o carvacrol (70%). O extrato de orégano administrado intraperitonealmente em camundongos inibe a recaptação e a degradação de neurotransmissores monoaminérgicos (dopamina, serotonina e noradrenalina) de modo dose dependente, além de aumentar os níveis de serotonina em diversas áreas cerebrais, e esses efeitos foram atribuídos ao carvacrol. O carvacrol administrado por via oral em camundongos demonstrou significativo aumento em todos os parâmetros observados no teste de ansiedade na cruz elevada. O controle central da ingestão de água e do apetite por sódio é feito por uma complexa rede interativa de circuitos inibitórios e estimulatórios. Sabe-se que tanto a noradrenalina quanto a serotonina participam do controle do apetite por sódio e desconhecem-se os efeitos do carvacrol neste comportamento. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito da administração intracerebroventricular de carvacrol no apetite por sódio, na sede, na ansiedade e na atividade locomotora em ratos, bem como detectar a presença de FOS em áreas cerebrais relacionadas com esses comportamentos através de FOS-IR...
The essential oil of oregano has among its main constituents carvacrol (70%). The oregano extract administered intraperitoneally in mice inhibits the reuptake of monoamine neurotransmitters degradation (dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine) in a dose-dependent manner, and increases serotonin levels in several brain areas. The carvacrol administered orally in mice showed a significant increase in all parameters observed in the anxiety test in elevated plus maze. The control of water intake and sodium appetite is done by a complex interactive network of stimulatory and inhibitory circuits. It is known that norepinephrine, as well as serotonin, is involved in the control of sodium appetite and it is unknown the effects of carvacrol in these behaviors. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of intracerebroventricular administration of carvacrol on sodium appetite, in the anxiety and locomotor activity in rats, as well as the FOS...
Rats , Anxiety , Sodium , Sodium/administration & dosage , Sodium/analysis , Sodium/adverse effectsABSTRACT
La excreción de sodio en orina de 24 horas es considerado un marcador confiable para obtener el consumo desodio dietético.Objetivos: Estimar consumo de sodio por excreción urinaria de sodio 24 horas, en mujeres adultas concurrentes al Laboratorio 12 de Octubre Dr. Wolfthal-Quilmes- Provincia de Buenos Aires. Conocer variación de la ingesta según la edad y adecuación a recomendaciones de la OMS. Metodología: Estudio transversal retrospectivo, sobre base de datos de mujeres (45 a 65 años), con valores de diuresis y electrolitos urinarios en 24 horas. Variable dependiente: ingesta de sodio (como g ClNa/día); Variables independientes: sodio urinario 24hs (mEq/24hs), edad (en años y categorizada en lustros) y etapa biológica (pre y postmenopausia). La concentración de sodio urinario se obtuvo por método ión selectivo en equipo Tecnolab (Valor referencia:151-210 mEq/24 hs). Para predecir ingesta de sodio se utilizó ecuación de Tanka donde ClNa (g/día) = Nag/d x 100/39,3. Análisis estadístico con SPSS 15.0, calculando media, desvío estándar y cuartilos; ANOVA y correlación de Pearson con p<0,05. Resultados: Se evaluaron 126 mujeres (56,6±5,8 años); ingesta de sodio: 7,1±3,2 g ClNa/día; excreción urinaria de sodio:120,9±55,2 mEq/24hs. Consumo de sodio en cuartil más alto: 8,5 g ClNa/día y en cuartil más bajo: 4,8 g ClNa/día. Se observó correlación negativa entre consumo de sodio y edad (r= - 0,263; p=0,003). No se encontró correlacióncon etapa biológica. Conclusiones: El 68.3% de la muestra no cumple con las recomendaciones actuales de sodio dadas por la OMS de 5 g/día.
The 24-hour urinary sodium excretion is considered a reliable marker for dietary sodium intake. ObjectivesTo estimate the sodium intake through 24-hour urinary sodium excretion in adult women attending the 12 de Octubre-Dr. Wolfthal Laboratory, Quilmes, Buenos Aires Province. To know the sodium intake variations according to age and adequacy to WHO recommendations. MethodologyA retrospective cross-sectional study investigating a women database (45-65 years), with values of diuresis and urinary electrolytes in 24 hours. Dependent variable:sodium intake (g NaCl/day), independent variables: 24-hour urinary sodium excretion (mEq/24hrs), age (in yearsand categorized in five-year periods) and biological stage(pre and postmenopausal women). Urinary sodiumconcentration was determined by using the ion-selective electrode method in Tecnolab equipment (baseline: 151-210 mEq/24 hrs). To predict sodium intake, the Tanakasequation was used, where NaCl (g/day) = Na g/d x100/39.3. The statistical analysis was performed usingSPSS 15.0 software, and mean, standard deviation and quartiles values were calculated; ANOVA and Pearson correlation with p <0.05.Results:126 women (56.6 ± 5.8 years) were evaluated, sodiumintake: 7.1 ± 3.2 g NaCl/day, urinary sodium excretion:120.9 ± 55.2 mEq/24hrs. Sodium consumption in the highest quartile: 8.5 gNaCl/day and in the lowest quartile: 4.8 g NaCl/day.A negative correlation was observed between sodium intake and age (r = - 0.263, p = 0.003). There was no correlation with biological stage. Conclusions:68.3% of the study population does not meet current WHO recommendations on sodium consumption of 5g/day.
A excreção de sódio em urina de 24 horas é considerado dietético. Objetivos Estimar o consumo de sódio por excreção urinária de sódio 24 horas, em mulheres adultas que comparecer a mao Laboratório 12 de Octubre Dr. Wolfthal-Quilmes-Província de Buenos Aires. Conhecer variação da ingestão segundo a idade e adequação às recomendações da OMS. Metodologia:Estudo transversal retrospectivo, sobre base de dados de mulheres (45 a 65 anos), com valores de diurese e eletrólitos urinários em 24 horas. Variável dependente: ingestão de sódio (como g ClNa/dia); Variáveis independentes: sódio urinário 24hs (mEq/24hs), idade ( em anos e categorizada em quinquênios) e etapa biológica (pré e pós-menopausa). A concentração de sódio urinário foi obtida através do método íon seletivo em equipamento Tecnolab (Valor referência 151-210 mEq/24 hs). Para predizer a ingestão de sódio foi utilizada a equação de Tanka onde ClNa(g/dia) = Na g/d x 100/39,3. Análise estatística com SPSS®15.0, calculando média, desvio padrão e quartis; ANOVA e correlação de Pearson com p <0,05.Resultados: Foram avaliadas 126 mulheres (56,6±5,8 anos); ingestão de sódio: 7,1±3,2 g ClNa/dia, excreção urinária de sódio:120,9±55,2 mEq/24hs. Consumo de sódio em quartil mais alto: 8,5 g ClNa/dia e em quartil mais baixo: 4,8 g ClNa/dia.Observou-se correlação negativa entre consumo de sódio e idade (r= - 0,263; p=0,003). Não se encontrou correlação com etapa biológica.Conclusões68.3% da amostra não cumprem com as recomendações atuais de sódio dadas pela OMS de 5 g/dia.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sodium Chloride/urine , Sodium/analysis , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Chitosanase production of Gongronella sp. JG cells immobilized in calcium alginate gel and polyurethane foam was compared with that of the free cells, there was a 60% increase in the enzyme yield (2429 U/L) compared to the highest yield obtained from free cells (1513 U/L). The optimal immobilization parameters (concentrations of sodium alginate, calcium chloride, bead inoculums, bead diameter, etc) for the enhanced production of chitosanase were determined as: sodium alginate 2% (w/v), 0.1 M calcium chloride, inoculum 10 mL beads to 100 mL production media and 2.7 mm bead diameter. Maximum chitosanase production was achieved with initial pH of 5.5 and temperature of 30 ºC. The alginate beads had well stability, retained 85% ability of enzyme production even after 7 cycles of repeated batch fermentation. These results showed the immobilization technique was a feasible and economical method for chitosansase production by Gongronella sp. JG.
Animals , Alginates , Crustacea/enzymology , Crustacea/microbiology , Fermentation , Aquatic Fungi/analysis , Polyurethanes/analysis , Chitosan/analysis , Chitosan/isolation & purification , Sodium/analysis , Attention , Cells, Immobilized , Enzyme Activation , Food Samples , Methods , Reference StandardsABSTRACT
Debido a la complejidad de la enfermedad renal, su tratamiento nutrimental es complicado y muchos alimentos se encuentran restringidos, entre ellos el pescado, por su contenido de fósforo. El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar en el filete de diez especies de pescado, de consumo cotidiano en México: (Cyprinus carpio carpio, Ophichthus rex, Symphurus elongatus, Eucinostomus entomelas, Chirostoma patzcuaro, Bairdiella chrysoura, Salmo salar, Oreochromis urolepis hornorum, Sphyraena guachancho, Istiophorus albicans), el contenido de fósforo (P), proteína (Pr), colesterol, sodio, potasio, vitaminas D3 y E y ácidos grasos n-3 (EPA+DHA); para identificar, aquellos pescados que podrían ser incluidos en la dieta renal. Los análisis se realizaron de acuerdo a las técnicas del AOAC. Con los resultados se calcularon las relaciones entre los nutrimentos benéficos (EPA+DHA, vitaminas) y limitantes (Pr, P, colesterol). Los valores de proteína variaron entre 16.5 y 33.5g/100g de filete; el pescado con mayor contenido de fósforo fue Salmo salar y con menor Symphurus elongatus. La cantidad de EPA+DHA varió desde 79.64mg/100g hasta 1,381.53mg/100g. Tomando en cuenta la relación P/g de Pr recomendada para pacientes renales, todas las especies analizadas exceptuando Salmo salar, Ophichthus rex y Istiophorus albicans pueden ser incluidas en la dieta dependiendo de la etapa de la enfermedad. Considerando la relación entre P/EPA+DHA, las especies recomendadas para el paciente renal son Symphurus elongatus, Bairdiella chrysoura, y Sphyraena guachancho.
Evaluation of ten fish species to be included as part of renal diet, due to their protein, phosphorus and fatty acids content. Because renal disease is highly complex, its nutritional treatment is complicated and many foods are restricted, including fish because its phosphorus content. The aim of the present study was to analyze ten fillet fish species, commonly consumed in Mexico (Cyprinus carpio carpio, Ophichthus rex, Symphurus elongatus, Eucinostomus entomelas, Chirostoma patzcuaro, Bairdiella chrysoura, Salmo salar, Oreochromis urolepis hornorum, Sphyraena guachancho, Istiophorus albicans), to determine their phosphorus (P), protein (Pr), cholesterol, sodium, potassium, vitamins D3 and E, and n-3 PUFA (EPA+DHA) according to the AOAC techniques, in order to identify which species could be included in renal diet; particularly because of their risk:benefit relations (calculated with those results). Protein values ranged from 16.5 to 33.5g/100g of fillet; the specie with the highest phosphorus contest was Salmo salar, and with the lowest, Symphurus elongatus. EPA+DHA quantity ranged from 79.64mg/100g to 1,381.53mg/100g. Considering de P/Pr relation recommended to renal patients, all analyzed species (except Salmo salar, Ophichthus rex and Istiophorus albicans) could be included in their diet. As for the P/EPA+DHA relation, the species most recommended to renal patients are Symphurus elongatus, Bairdiella chrysoura and Sphyraena guachancho.