This study aimed to evaluate the effect of anisodamine on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and associated dizziness. 150 patients with dizziness induced by low rCBF were divided randomly into groups A (n = 60; anisodamine), P (n = 60; alprostadil), and C (n = 30; normal saline). rCBF and dizziness severity were evaluated. After treatment, rCBF values increased both in groups A and P. The subjective symptom of dizziness improved in 55 (91.7%) patients with the DHI score decreasing from 65.9 ± 5.4 to 23.1 ± 7.4 in group A, and the symptom improved in 37 (61.7%) patients with the DHI score decreasing from 66.8 ± 6.2 to 43.8 ± 8.6 in group P. The difference in DHI score and rCBF values in group A was more significant than that in group P. Anisodamine could increase rCBF and alleviate symptoms of dizziness more effectively than alprostadil.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la anisodamina en el flujo sanguíneo cerebral regional (rCBF) y los mareos asociados. 150 pacientes con mareos inducidos por un bajo rCBF fueron divididos aleatoriamente en los grupos A (n = 60; anisodamina), P (n = 60; alprostadil) y C (n = 30; solución salina normal). Se evaluaron el rCBF y la gravedad de los mareos. Después del tratamiento, los valores de rCBF aumentaron tanto en los grupos A como en P. El síntoma subjetivo de mareo mejoró en 55 (91.7%) pacientes con una disminución de la puntuación DHI de 65.9 ± 5.4 a 23.1 ± 7.4 en el grupo A, y el síntoma mejoró en 37 (61.7%)pacientes con una disminución de la puntuación DHI de 66.8 ± 6.2 a 43.8 ± 8.6 en el grupo P. La diferencia en la puntuación DHI y los valores de rCBF en el grupo A fue más significativa que en el grupo P. La anisodamina podría aumentar el rCBF y aliviar los síntomas de mareo de manera más efectiva que el alprostadil.
Cerebrovascular Circulation/drug effects , Solanaceae/chemistry , Dizziness/drug therapy , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Dizziness/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Control of the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with synthetic pesticides in Bolivia has become increasingly inefficient due to the development of resistance in the insects. In the Chaco region of Bolivia, guaraní populations have approached the problem by fumigating their houses with the smoke of native plants. Through interviews and field work with local guides, the main plant used by the guaraníes was collected and later identified as Capsicum baccatumL. var. baccatum (Solanaceae). In choice bioassays, filter papers exposed to the smoke of the plant repelled nymphs of T. infestans. Activity remained significant after storing the exposed filter papers for 9 days. Chemical analysis of smoke and literature data suggested that capsaicinoids present in the smoke were responsible for the repellent effect. The data presented provide a rationale for the use of C. baccatumvar. baccatumto control the Chagas vector bythe guaraní populations.
El control del vector de la enfermedad de Chagas, Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) con plaguicidas sintéticos en Bolivia se ha vuelto cada vez más ineficiente debido al desarrollo de resistencias en los insectos. En la región del Chaco de Bolivia, las poblaciones guaraníes han abordado el problema fumigando sus casas con el humo de las plantas nativas. A través de entrevistas y trabajo de campo con guías locales, se recogió la principal planta utilizada por los guaraníes y posteriormente se identificó como Capsicum baccatumL. var. baccatum (Solanaceae). En bioensayos selectos, los papeles de filtro expuestos al humo de la planta repelieron a las ninfas de T. infestans. La actividad siguió siendo significativa después de almacenar los papeles de filtro expuestos durante 9 días. El análisis químico del humo y los datos de la literatura sugieren que los capsaicinoides presentes en el humo eran responsables del efecto repelente. Los datos presentados proporcionan una justificación para el uso de C. baccatum var. baccatum para el control del vector Chagas por las poblaciones guaraníes.
Humans , Smoke/analysis , Triatoma , Capsicum/chemistry , Pest Control, Biological , Fumigation/methods , Indigenous Peoples , Biological Assay , Bolivia , Capsaicin/analysis , Interviews as Topic , Chagas Disease , Solanaceae/chemistry , Volatile Organic Compounds/analysis , Hemiptera , Insect Repellents/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract The Brazilian native species Cestrum intermedium, known as mata-boi, induces hepatotoxicity and death when ingested by cattle. While most studies on this species focus on toxicological features, our study is the first to describe the anatomy and in vitro biological activities of Cestrum intermedium. We investigated adult leaves and stems by histochemistry, described their anatomy, performed physical-chemical analysis, determined in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, and identified secondary metabolites. A few noteworthy anatomical features were the anomocytic stomata on the abaxial surface and the absence of trichomes, in addition to the circular shaped petiole with two projections on the adaxial surface. Histochemical analysis showed chemical markers such as alkaloids, usually reported as toxic, and terpenoids. Potassium nitrate (ATR-FTIR) and lupeol palmitate (NMR) were detected on the crude stem extract. Thermogravimetric and physical-chemical analysis provided fingerprint parameters for the species. Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) assay revealed that Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Candida albicans were weakly inhibited by extract samples. Chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions presented high phenolic content, which resulted in in vitro antioxidant activity. These novel features expand the knowledge about this species, considering that previous studies mainly focused on its toxicity. Our study also provided characteristics that may help in avoiding misidentification between Cestrum members, especially when taxonomic keys cannot be employed, as in the absence of flowers and fruits.
In Vitro Techniques/methods , Solanaceae/anatomy & histology , Solanaceae/classification , Staphylococcus epidermidis , Terpenes/adverse effects , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/methods , Plant Stems/anatomy & histology , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Anamnesis and homeopathic repertorization are essential steps for collecting symptoms and selecting the suitable medicine to cure vegetables presenting pathologies or changes in homeostasis. Aims: The objective of this study was to carry out observation, anamnesis, and homeopathic repertorization of bell pepper plants and their cultivation environment and select thesimillimummedicine for the culture. Methods The study was performed at the Research and Extension Center in Agroecology of Ressacada Experimental Farm -Center of Agrarian Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina,Florianópolis, Brazil. The selection of symptoms was based on the characteristics of the diseases observed in the plants and modalized by evidenced characteristics in the environment. Symptomswere chosen by the mechanical method without hierarchization and a master symptom, and after their analogy with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica. Results The choice forCalcarea carbonicaandSulphurdrugs was based on the number of covered symptoms and the score obtained during the digital repertorization performed by the software HomeoPro®. The chosen dilution, 30 CH, was based on the miasmatic magnitude presented by the symptoms. Conclusion: The analogy of symptoms found in the agricultural organism with the symptoms described in the Homeopathic Materia Medica presents a promising path for choosing medicine to cure diseases in vegetables. The choice of the appropriate homeopathic medicine for crops must represent the symptomatic totality presented by the plant and by the environment in the homeopathic repertorization.
Capsicum , Repertorization , Solanaceae , HomeostasisABSTRACT
The Solanaceae plants distributed in China belong to 105 species and 35 varietas of 24 genera. Some medicinal plants of Solanaceae are rich in tropane alkaloids(TAs), which have significant pharmacological activities. In this paper, the geographical distribution, chemical components, traditional therapeutic effect, pharmacological activities, and biosynthetic pathways of TAs in Solanaceous plants were summarized. Besides, the phylogeny of medicinal plants belonging to Solanaceae was visualized by network diagram. Fourteen genera of Solanaceae plants in China contain TAs and have medical records. TAs mainly exist in Datura, Anisodus, Atropa, Physochlaina, and Hyoscyamus. The TAs-containing species were mainly concentrated in Southwest China, and the content of TAs was closely related to plant distribution area and altitude. The Solanaceae plants containing TAs mainly have antispasmodic, analgesic, antiasthmatic, and antitussive effects. Modern pharmacological studies have proved the central sedative, pupil dilating, glandular secretion-inhibiting, and anti-asthma activities of TAs. These pharmacological activities provide a reasonable explanation for the traditional therapeutic efficacy of tropane drugs. In this paper, the geographical distribution, chemical components, traditional therapeutic effect, and modern pharmacological activities of TAs-containing species in Solanaceae were analyzed for the first time. Based on these data, the genetic relationship of TAs-containing Solanaceae species was preliminarily discussed, which provided a scientific basis for the basic research on TAs-containing solanaceous species and was of great significance for the development of natural medicinal plant resources containing TAs.
Biosynthetic Pathways , Phylogeny , Plants, Medicinal , Solanaceae/genetics , TropanesABSTRACT
This study aimed to do a brief review of enzootic calcinosis in sheep and to report two outbreaks of Nierembergia rivularis poisoning in sheep in Uruguay. The outbreaks occurred in farms located on an island (Outbreak A) and on the border (Outbreak B) of the Rincón del Bonete lake. Sheep of all ages were affected, with the exception of suckling lambs. The first clinical signs occurred in early October, and deaths occurred from December to February. Outbreaks A and B had morbidity of 10%, and the mortality was 7.2% and 2.8% in Outbreaks A and B, respectively. The clinical signs included weight loss, retracted abdomen, stiff gait, and kyphosis. An autopsy was performed on one sheep from each outbreak. Pulmonary and arterial calcification, nephrocalcinosis, and osteopetrosis were observed in gross and microscopic examination in both sheep. Thyroid C-cell hyperplasia and carcinoma was observed in sheep A. Sheep B showed thyroid C-cell hyperplasia and parathyroid chief cell atrophy. The parathyroid was not examined in the sheep from Outbreak A. The differential diagnosis of enzootic calcinosis in southern South America should consider four toxic plants in the Solanaceae family: Solanum glaucophyllum, Solanum stuckertii, Nierembergia veitchii, and Nierembergia rivularis.(AU)
Este trabalho faz uma breve revisão da calcinose enzoótica em ovinos e descreve dois surtos de intoxicação por Nierembergia rivularis em ovinos no Uruguai. Os surtos ocorreram em propriedades localizadas em uma ilha (Surto A), e nas margens (Surto B) do lago do Rincón del Bonete. Foram afetados ovinos de todas as idades, exceto cordeiros lactentes. Os primeiros sinais clínicos ocorreram no início de outubro e as mortes de dezembro a fevereiro. Morbidade de 10% foi observada nos Surtos A e B. A mortalidade foi de 7,2% e 2,8% nos Surtos A e B, respectivamente. Os sinais clínicos incluíram perda de peso, abdômen retraído, marcha rígida e cifose. Foram necropsiados um animal de cada rebanho. Observou-se mineralização arterial e pulmonar, nefrocalcinose e osteopetrose no exame macroscópico e histológico dos dois ovinos. Hiperplasia e carcinoma de células C da tireoide foram observados no ovino A. O ovino B apresentou hiperplasia de células C da tireoide e atrofia das células principais da paratireoide. As paratireoides do ovino A não foram examinadas. O diagnóstico diferencial da calcinose enzoótica no Sul da América do Sul deve considerar quatro plantas calcinogênicas da família Solanaceae: Solanum glaucophyllum, Solanum stuckertii, Nierembergia veitchii e Nierembergia rivularis.(AU)
Animals , Calcinosis/etiology , Calcinosis/epidemiology , Solanaceae/poisoning , Sheep, Domestic , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Uruguay/epidemiology , Calcinosis/pathology , Solanum glaucophyllum/poisoningABSTRACT
Resumen La micrografía analítica es una herramienta útil para la identificación de restos vegetales en muestras de material trozado o molido que no podrían ser identificadas de forma morfológica. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer los caracteres mi- crográficos de las semillas de Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul, Leguminosae) y Chamico (Datura ferox L., Solanaceae), con el fin de proporcionar parámetros empleables para su identificación en un contexto forense y toxicológico. Los caracteres micrográficos relacionados con el tegumento exterior y las esclereidas fueron los más indicados para diferenciar entre ambas especies.
Abstract Analytical micrography is a useful tool for the identification of plant parts that can't be identified for its morphological characters. The aim of this work is to obtain micrographic characters of Cebil (Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul, Leguminosae) and Chamico (Datura ferox L., Solanaceae) seeds for its identification in a toxicological and forensic context. The most suitable micrographic features were the ones related with exterior testa and the stone cells.
Seeds/cytology , Solanaceae/cytology , Hallucinogens , Fabaceae/cytology , Argentina , Plant Poisoning/diagnosis , Photomicrography/methodsABSTRACT
La punta morada es una enfermedad que afecta la producción de algunas especies de solanáceas como la papa y el tomate, causando enrollamiento en las puntas de las hojas con una marcada coloración morada, decaimiento temprano de la planta y en la papa se observa tuberización aérea. Como patógenos asociados a la enfermedad se consideran al fitoplasma BLTVA y la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum. Dada la similitud en la sin-tomatología foliar que generan ambos patógenos, es difícil precisar cuál de ellos está implicado en la enfermedad. En Guatemala, existen reportes de la sintomatología típica de punta morada en las principales zonas productoras de papa y tomate, desconociéndose el agente asociado. La investigación determinó cuál de los dos patógenos reportados está asociados a la enfermedad en 12 municipios productores de papa y/o tomate en el país. Se realizaron ampli-ficaciones de ADN con cebadores específicos para cada patógeno asociado a la enfermedad. Por la alta incidencia del fitoplasma BLTVA en las muestras de papa (73.9%), en comparación a C. Liberibacter solanacearum (26%), este es considerado como el patógeno asociado más importante en papa. En las muestras de tomate, la incidencia del fitoplasma BLTVA (29.8%) y C. Liberibacter solanacearum del (27.6%) fue similar. Además, sobresale el primer reporte de la detección del fitoplasma BLTVA afectando el cultivo de tomate en Guatemala. Se sugiere un monitoreo constante, mediante métodos moleculares, para un diagnóstico certero y establecer medidas de manejo de la enfermedad para evitar su diseminación hacia zonas aún no afectadas.
The potato purple top is a disease that affects the production of some solanaceous species such as potatoes and tomatoes, causing curl at the tips of the leaves with a marked purple coloration, early decay of the plant, and aerial tuberization is observed in the potato. BLTVA phytoplasma and Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum are considered as pathogens associated with the disease. Given the similarity in foliar symptoms generated by both pathogens, it is difficult to determine which one is involved in the disease. There are reports of the typical potato purple top symptoms in the main potato and tomato producing areas in Guatemala, being unknown the associated agent. The research determined which of the two reported pathogens is associated with the disease in 12 potatoes and/or tomato producing areas in the country. We performed DNA amplification with specific primers for each disease-associated pathogen. Due to the high incidence of BLTVA phytoplasma in potato samples (73.9%), com-pared to C. liberibacter solanacearum (26%), this is considered the most important associated pathogen in potatoes. In tomato samples, the incidence of BLTVA phytoplasma (29.8%) and C. liberibacter solanacearum (27.6%) was similar. Besides, the first report of the detection of the BLTVA phytoplasma affecting tomato cultivation in Gua-temala stands out. Using molecular methods, constant monitoring is suggested for an accurate diagnosis and to establish management measures for the disease to prevent its spread to areas not yet affected.
Solanum tuberosum/virology , Solanaceae/virology , Phytoplasma Disease/microbiology , Plant Viruses/isolation & purification , Crop Production , DNA, Plant/analysis , Liberibacter/pathogenicityABSTRACT
Background: Plant gene homologs that control cell differentiation can be used as biotechnological tools to study the in vitro cell proliferation competence of tissue culture-recalcitrant species such as peppers. It has been demonstrated that SERK1 homologs enhance embryogenic competence when overexpressed in transformed tissues; therefore, cloning of a pepper SERK1 homolog was performed to further evaluate its biotechnological potential. Results: A Capsicum chinense SERK full-length cDNA (CchSERK1) was cloned and characterized at the molecular level. Its deduced amino acid sequence exhibits high identity with sequences annotated as SERK1 and predicted-SERK2 homologs in the genomes of the Capsicum annuum CM-334 and Zunla-1 varieties, respectively, and with SERK1 homologs from members of the Solanaceae family. Transcription of CchSERK1 in plant tissues, measured by quantitative RT-PCR, was higher in stems, flowers, and roots but lower in leaves and floral primordia. During seed development, CchSERK1 was transcribed in all zygotic stages, with higher expression at 14 days post anthesis. During somatic embryogenesis, CchSERK1 was transcribed at all differentiation stages, with a high increment in the heart stage and lower levels at the torpedo/cotyledonal stages. Conclusion: DNA sequence alignments and gene expression patterns suggest that CchSERK1 is the C. chinense SERK1 homolog. Significant levels of CchSERK1 transcripts were found in tissues with cell differentiation activities such as vascular axes and during the development of zygotic and somatic embryos. These results suggest that CchSERK1 might have regulatory functions in cell differentiation and could be used as a biotechnological tool to study the recalcitrance of peppers to proliferate in vitro.
Capsicum/genetics , Cloning, Molecular , In Vitro Techniques , Biotechnology , Gene Expression , Cell Differentiation , Genes, Plant , DNA, Complementary/genetics , Solanaceae/genetics , Arabidopsis Proteins , Cell Proliferation , Embryonic Development , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
RESUMEN Se evaluó químicamente el perfil de aminoácidos y contenido de vitaminas según la metodología oficial, las harinas crudas de batata y tratadas térmicamente por cocción. Se obtuvieron harinas crudas con contenidos de carbohidratos totales de 84,81%, almidón 50,65%, proteínas de 2,94%, contenidos de grasa cruda de 0,34%. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p≤ 0,05) por efecto de los tratamientos aplicados. Se redujo el contenido de humedad, cenizas, carbohidratos totales y azúcares reductores. Se observó un incremento en el contenido de fibra cruda. Predominaron en todas las harinas los aminoácidos ácido glutámico y ácido aspártico, el aminoácido limitante fue triptófano. Por efecto de los tratamientos aplicados, hubo diferencias (p≤ 0,05) en la composición de la mayoría de los aminoácidos, incrementando su concentración. El contenido de vitaminas A y C disminuyó por efecto de los tratamientos aplicados (p≤ 0,05). Se concluye que las harinas crudas de batata y cocidas pueden ser empleadas en la formulación de alimentos ya que aportan buenas cantidades de nutrientes.
ABSTRACT The chemical composition, amino acid profile and vitamin content of sweet potato flour (raw and heat treated by cooking) were evaluated according to official methodology. Crude flours with total carbohydrate content of 84.81%, starch 50.65%, proteins 2.94% and crude fat contents 0.34% were used. Statistically significant differences were found (p≤ 0.05) due to the effect of the applied treatments. The content of humidity, ash, total carbohydrates and reducing sugars were reduced and an increase in crude fiber content was observed. The amino acids glutamic acid and aspartic acid predominated in all flours. We observed low levels of the amino acid tryptophan. There were statistically significant differences (p≤ 0.05) due to the effect of the treatments applied on the composition of most of the amino acids, increasing their concentration. Vitamin A and C content decreased due to the effect of the applied treatments (p≤ 0.05). Raw and cooked sweet potato flours can be used in food formulation because they provide good amounts of nutrients.
Thermic Treatment , Solanaceae , Food Composition , Flour , Food Ingredients , Nutritive ValueABSTRACT
Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN) is an important cause of reversible acute kidney injury and pathologically characterized by inflammatory infiltrate in the renal interstitium. Solanum nigrum (S. nigrum) is a medicinal plant member of the Solanaceae family. Although S. nigrum has been traditionally used to treat various ailments such as pain, inflammation, and fever, it has also been reported to have a toxic effect, resulting in anticholinergic symptoms. However, there have been no reports of AIN caused by S. nigrum. Here, we report the first case of biopsy-confirmed AIN after ingestion of S. nigrum. The patient was successfully treated using corticosteroid therapy.
Humans , Acute Kidney Injury , Eating , Fever , Inflammation , Nephritis, Interstitial , Plants, Medicinal , Solanaceae , Solanum nigrum , SolanumABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Solanum guaraniticum is a medicinal plant traditionally used to treat gastric and liver diseases. However, there is no documented evidence corroborating its safety. The present study evaluated the potential toxicity of S. guaraniticum leaf extract after acute administration in rats. Single doses of the extract (1.250, 2.500, and 5.000 mg/kg) were administered by gavage, and the rats were then monitored for 48 h and/or 14 days. Mortality, acute signs of toxicity, and general activity in the open field test were assessed as well as hematological and biochemical parameters, enzymatic activity (δ-aminolevulinate dehydratase and acetylcholinesterase), and oxidative stress parameters (lipid peroxidation level, non-protein thiol content, tissue catalase activity, and serum ferrous reducing power). Phytochemical analysis was also performed by HPLC. The results showed that extract administration produced no deaths (LD50 > 5,000 mg/kg), and no significant adverse effects regarding food consumption, body weight gain, gross pathology, or other parameters. However, the open field tests showed a decrease in spontaneous activity (crossing and rearing) mainly at 48 h after treatment. The results suggest that S. guaraniticum extract is not acutely toxic, but causes alterations in central nervous system activity.
RESUMO Solanum guaraniticum é uma planta medicinal tradicionalmente usada para tratar doenças gástricas e hepáticas. Porém, não há evidências documentadas sobre sua segurança. O presente estudo avaliou a toxicidade do extrato das folhas de S. guaraniticum após administração aguda em ratos. Doses únicas do extrato (1.250, 2.500 and 5.000 mg/kg) foram administradas por gavagem e os animais foram monitorados por 48 h ou 14 dias. Mortalidade, sinais de toxicidade aguda e atividade geral, através do teste de campo aberto, foram analisados, assim como parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos, atividades enzimáticas (δ-aminolevulinato desidratase e acetilcolinesterase) e parâmetros de estresse oxidativo (nível de peroxidação lipídica, conteúdo de tióis não protéicos, atividade da catalase em tecidos e poder redutor em soro). A análise fitoquímica também foi realizada por HPLC. Os resultados mostraram que a administração do extrato não provoca mortes (LD50>5.000 mg/kg) ou efeitos adversos significativos com relação ao consumo de comida, ganho de peso corporal, análise patológica, entre outros. Entretanto, o teste de campo aberto mostrou uma diminuição na atividade espontânea geral (cruzamentos e levantadas), principalmente em 48 h após o tratamento. Portanto, nossos resultados sugerem que o extrato de S. guaraniticum não é agudamente tóxico, mas causa alterações na atividade do sistema nervoso central.
Rats , Rats/physiology , Solanum/toxicity , /classification , Plants, Medicinal/classification , Solanaceae/classificationABSTRACT
Introducción: el control de la malaria depende en gran medida de una terapia efectiva. Muchos de los anti-maláricos actuales son de origen natural. Especies de la flora cubana contienen metabolitos anti-Plasmodium. En este estudio, se identifican extractos de Solanaceae con actividad antiplasmodial promisoria. Objetivo: evaluar la actividad esquizonticida frente a Plasmodium berghei de 31 extractos de 7 especies, correspondientes a 5 géneros de plantas de Solanaceae, colectadas en el occidente de nuestro país y sin antecedentes de un estudio similar. Métodos: se prepararon 31 extractos hidroalcohólicos (90 y 30 por ciento etanol) de diferentes órganos de: Brunfelsia undulata Sw., Datura stramonium L. var. tatula (L.) Torr., Physalis solanaceus (Schltdl.) Axelius, Solandra longiflora Tuss., Solanum myriacanthum Dunal, Solanum seaforthianum And. ySolanum umbellatum Mill.La actividad de los extractos se evaluó in vitro frente a P. berghei y se determinó su citotoxicidad frente a fibroblastos humanos MRC-5. Resultados: los extractos deB. undulata y S. umbellatumfueron inactivos.El extracto de tallos de S. seaforthianummostró la actividad antiplasmodial más potente (CI50 = 3,9µg/mL) con excelentes electividad (18,2). Conclusiones: se demostró la actividad anti-plasmodial in vitro de extractos de cinco especies de Solanaceae sin antecedentes de esta acción farmacológica. Se identificó un extracto con potente actividad esquizonticida frente a P. berghei y con excelente selectividad. Este resultado nos anima a continuar el estudio de la preparación vegetal de S. seaforthianum(AU)
Humans , Plasmodium berghei/drug effects , Solanaceae/parasitology , Schizonts/drug effects , CubaABSTRACT
Descreve-se um surto de intoxicação por Metternichia princepsem caprinos no Estado da Bahia. De oito caprinos, três morreram, dos quais dois foram necropsiados; cinco não adoeceram. Os principais sinais clínicos caracterizaram-se por secreção nasal mucosa, emagrecimento, diarreia, apatia, debilidade leve, andar cambaleante, flexão dos membros torácicos e pélvicos, decúbito esterno-abdominal e decúbito lateral, seguidos de morte após aproximadamente dois dias de evolução clínica. Na necropsia foi observado edema pulmonar, hidrotórax, hidropericárdio, ascite, rins pálidos, edema perirrenal e hemorragias no tecido subcutâneo. Microscopicamente nos rins havia acentuada necrose de coagulação do epitélio tubular e túbulos com regeneração do epitélio. No pulmão havia acentuada congestão associada a edema interalveolar e interseptal. Na bioquímica sanguínea observou-se aumento na ureia, creatinina e creatinina fosfoquinase.
An outbreak of poisoning by Metternichia princepsis reported in goats from the State of Bahia. Out of eight goats three showed symptoms of poisoning and died; on two of them post-mortem examinations were performed. The main clinical signs were nasal mucous secretion, weight loss, diarrhea, lethargy, mild weakness, staggering gait, flexion of the fore and hind limbs, sternal recumbence, and lateral recumbence followed by death after approximately two days of clinical manifestations. The serum concentration of urea and creatinine and the serum activities of creatine phosphokinase were increased. At necropsy pulmonary edema, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, ascites, pale kidneys, perirenal edema and hemorrhages in the subcutaneous tissue were observed. Microscopically the kidneys showed accentuated coagulation necrosis of the tubular epithelium and tubules and epithelial regeneration. In the lungs there was accentuated congestion associated with interalveolar and interseptal edema.
Animals , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Solanaceae/poisoning , Solanaceae/toxicity , Ascites/veterinary , Autopsy/veterinary , Pulmonary Edema/veterinary , Heartwater Disease , Hydrothorax/veterinary , Nephrosis/veterinaryABSTRACT
RESUMO A espécie vegetal Solanum lycocarpum, Solanaceae, popularmente conhecida como lobeira, está distribuída por todo o Brasil, principalmente em áreas do cerrado. Estudos comprovam que os frutos possuem diversas atividades e, atualmente, estão sendo utilizados no tratamento da diabetes. As folhas são utilizadas popularmente contra afecções das vias urinárias, cólicas abdominais e renais, espasmos e epilepsia, porém são poucos os estudos científicos que verificam as atividades farmacológicas das folhas. Assim, torna-se necessária a determinação de parâmetros anatômicos, físico-químicos e fitoquímicos que auxiliarão em futuras identificações e controle de qualidade da droga vegetal. Neste estudo foi realizada a coleta, secagem e pulverização das folhas de Solanum lycocarpum para a obtenção da droga vegetal e posterior caracterização desta. As análises microscópicas do pecíolo, nervura central e mesofilo revelaram características típicas da família Solanaceae, observando-se um sistema vascular bicolateral e a presença de areia cristalina e tricomas estrelados. A triagem fitoquímica, constatou a presença de taninos, flavonoides, esteróides e triterpenos, cumarinas e saponinas. Obteve-se o teor médio de 9,90% de perda por dessecação, 7,91% de cinzas totais e de 0,37% de cinzas insolúveis em ácidos. Para as substâncias extraíveis por álcool, o teor médio encontrado foi de 14,479% para o método de extração por Soxhlet e 0,987% para o método de extração a frio. Assim, espera-se que esses dados possam ser utilizados na identificação e controle de qualidade da droga vegetal de Solanum lycocarpum para a produção de novos medicamentos fitoterápicos.
ABSTRACT The plant species Solanumlycocarpum, Solanaceae, most known as lobeira, are distributed throughout Brazil, especially in Cerrado areas. Studies show that the fruits own different properties and, currently, are being used in the treatment of diabetes. Even though the leaves are being used by the general population against urinary tract disorders, renal and abdominal cramps, spasms and epilepsy, there are few scientific studies that verify the possible pharmacological activities of leaves. This shows that it is necessary to research and determinate the anatomic, physical-chemicals and the phytochemicals parameters that are going to help in the identification and quality assurance of the drug. In this study the leaves of Solanum lycocarpum were collected, dried and pulverized in order to be obtained the plant drug for further characterization.. Microscopic analyzes of the petiole, midrib and mesophyll showed typical features of the Solanaceae family, by detecting a biocolateral vascular system and the presence of crystallines and and stellatetrichomes. In the phytochemical screening performed, the tanning, flavonoids, sterols and triterpenes, coumarins and saponins were found. We obtained an average grade of 9.90% loss on the drying, total ash of 7.91% and 0.37% of ash insoluble in acids. . For the substances extractable through alcohol, the average content found was 14.479% for the Soxhlet extraction method and 0.987% for the cold extraction method. This data can be used in the identification and quality assurance of the plant drugs of Solanum lycocarpum for the production of new herbal medicines.
/analysis , Solanaceae/classification , /analysis , Phytochemicals/analysis , Plants, Medicinal/classificationABSTRACT
RESUMO O gênero Brunfelsia possui ainda poucas informações a respeito de sua composição química ou confirmações científicas de suas propriedades medicinais, apesar do uso na medicina tradicional pelos povos amazônicos. Este trabalho buscou caracterizar a espécie Brunfelsia cuneifolia, cultivada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, quanto a sua composição química e atividade biológica. Foram obtidos extratos aquosos a quente, a frio, e por ultrassom, a partir de folhas frescas. A caracterização química realizada por CLAE determinou a presença dos compostos fenólicos: ácido ferúlico e rutina, em todos os extratos, sendo as maiores quantidades apresentadas pela extração a frio. A análise por EMAR identificou a fórmula molecular de nove substâncias nos diferentes extratos, incluindo a presença do alcaloide brunfelsamidina em todos os extratos obtidos. Para a atividade biológica, devido à similaridade de resposta e teor nas diferentes formas de extração, foi possível correlacionar a atividade antioxidante, avaliada através da redução do radical DPPH*, com o teor de compostos fenólicos totais obtidos pelo método de Folin-Ciocalteu. A toxicidade dos extratos avaliada pela utilização de Artemia salina revelou ausência de toxidez. Os resultados obtidos são os primeiros apresentados para a caracterização desta espécie, colaborando também para a pesquisa científica acerca dos usos popularmente atribuídos ao gênero.
ABSTRACT There is still not a lot of information about the Brunfelsiagenus. Its respective chemical composition and possible scientific proofs of its medicinal properties were not deeply researched, even though the use of the species is common in the traditional medicine of Amazonian populations. This study aimed to characterize the Brunfelsia cuneifolia species, grown in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, regarding its chemical composition and biological activity. Hot, cold and ultrasound aqueous extracts of fresh leaves were obtained. The chemical characterization performed by the HPLC determined the presence of phenolic compounds, ferulic acid and rutin in all extracts, with the largest amount presented by the cold extraction method. The HRMS analysis identified the molecular formula of nine substances in different extracts, including the presence of the alkaloid brunfelsamidina in all the extracts. For biological activity, it was possible to correlate the measured antioxidant activity through the reduction of DPPH * with the content of phenolic compounds obtained by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, which exhibited similar response and content in the different forms of extraction. The toxicity of the extracts evaluated through the use of Artemia salina was negative. The obtained results are the first ones presented for the characterization of this species, also contributing to scientific research on the popular applications related to this genus.
Franciscaea uniflora/analysis , Chemistry , Solanaceae/chemistry , Toxicity , Phenolic Compounds/classification , Antioxidants/chemistryABSTRACT
A quantitative HPLC-DAD method was developed for simultaneous determination of N-trans-p-coumaroyloctopamine and N-trans-p-coumaroyltyramine in Solani Melongenae Radix from different cultivation regions in China The separation was performed on an Agilent Eclipse XDB C18 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 microm) at 30 degrees C with a gradient elution of methanol and 0.1% formic acid in water as mobile phase. The flow rate was set at 1.0 mL x min(-1) and the detection wavelength was 300 nm. The calibration curves of N-trans-p-coumaroyloctopamine and N-trans-p-coumaroyltyramine were linear over the ranges of 2.84-68.16, 3.10-74.40 mg x L(-1), and the average recoveries (n = 9) were 99.30% and 102.8%, respectively. The developed method was successfully applied for the analysis of sixteen samples from different cultivation regions in China, which indicated that the method is simple, rapid, accurate, and reliable for quality evaluation of Solani Melongenae Radix.