Nizatidine is an anti-secretogogue and a gastroprotective drug with a half-life of 1-2 h and is well absorbed in the stomach. This study aimed to optimize the process and develop floating microparticles of nizatidine that are based on low methoxyl pectin. Oil-in-oil dispersion method and Taguchi orthogonal array design were employed, and the prolonged residence time of the microparticles in the stomach was demonstrated. The constraints for independent variables, viz. A-polymer, B-internal solvent volume, C-surfactant, D-stirring rate and E-stirring time were set to generate the experimental runs. Particle size, percentage yield, micromeritic properties, entrapment efficiency, in vitro buoyancy and in vitro release were characterized. Surface morphology, zeta potential, in vitro release kinetics and in vivo floating performance of the optimized formulation was examined. The microparticles were free-flowing, irregular in shape and had a mean particle size distribution of 73-187 µ. Low methoxyl pectin played a predominant role in achieving buoyancy and optimum gastric retention for the modified release of the drug, suggesting Korsmeyer-Peppas model as the possible release mechanism. In vivo radiographic study in rabbits revealed that the drug was retained in the stomach for a period of 6 h. These results indicate that nizatidine floating microparticulate system provides modified drug release for the effective treatment of gastric ulcer
Animals , Male , Female , Rabbits , Stomach/drug effects , Nizatidine/antagonists & inhibitors , Efficiency/classification , Solvents/adverse effects , Stomach Ulcer/pathology , In Vitro Techniques/instrumentation , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Kinetics , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared/methods , Drug LiberationABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar la frecuencia de micronúcleos (MN) e influencia de los polimorfismos en los genes del metabolismo GSTM1 y GSTT1 como biomarcadores de riesgo de cáncer en pintores de carros (n=152) con respecto a individuos no expuestos (n=152). Métodos Estudio Epidemiológico Molecular, tipo Corte Transversal analítico, interacción gen-ambiente. La evaluación de MNs y polimorfismos genéticos se determinó con pruebas moleculares en linfocitos de los individuos objeto de estudio. Resultados Se determinó que la frecuencia de MNs es 1.6 más alta en el grupo expuesto con relación al grupo referente (1.39±0.92 versus 0,87±0.78, p<0,0001). No se determinó un incremento en la frecuencia de MNs asociado a los polimorfismos en GSTM1 y GSTT1. Conclusiones El incremento de MNs en pintores de carros sirve para alertar al incremento de riesgo de cáncer en esta población expuesta a solventes orgánicos. Estos resultados pueden servir en Programas de Vigilancia Epidemiológica Ocupacional, como estrategia de prevención y en otros países con un amplio sector informal de individuos expuestos a estos químicos para reducir el riesgo de cáncer.(AU)
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the frequency of micronuclei (MNs) and influence of GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms as biomarkers of cancer risk in car painters (n=152) compared to unexposed individuals (n=152). Methods Molecular epidemiology study, cross-sectional analysis of gen and environment interaction. The evaluation of MN and genetic polymorphisms was determined by molecular tests in lymphocytes from subjects involved in the study. Results It was determined that the frequency of MNs is 1.6 higher in the exposed group compared to the reference group (1.39 ± 0.92 versus 0.87 ± 0.78, p<0.0001). There was no increase in the frequency of MNs associated with the polymorphisms in GSTM1 and GSTT1. Conclusions The increase of MNs in car painters serves to alert the increased risk of cancer in this population exposed to organic solvents. These results can be used in Occupational Epidemiological Surveillance Programs, as a prevention strategy and policies to regulate and control the use of solvents at a national level and in other countries with a large informal sector of individuals exposed to these chemicals to reduce the risk of cancer.(AU)
Humans , Solvents/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure/prevention & control , Genetic Predisposition to Disease/prevention & control , Neoplasms/prevention & control , Micronucleus Tests , Epidemiologic Studies , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introdução: Fatores de risco associados ao trabalho podem causar, entre outros, câncer de colo uterino. Objetivo: Identificar na literatura especializada a associação entre câncer de colo de útero e a exposição aos fatores ocupacionais de risco. Métodos: Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico em bases de dados eletrônicos com os seguintes descritores: câncer de colo uterino e riscos ocupacionais. Resultados: Trabalhadores expostos ao tabaco nas fábricas de cigarro, fluidos de motores, exposição ocupacional a fungos e bactérias e ao tetracloroetileno, presente em produtos de limpeza usados em lavanderias e para desengraxar metais, estariam mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de câncer de colo uterino. Conclusão: Há poucos estudos que identificam a relação entre o câncer de colo de útero e os fatores de risco ocupacional, dificultando a associação entre o carcinogênese e o fator de risco.
Background: Occupational risk factors are associated with many types of neoplasms including cervical cancer. Objective: To review the specialized literature for evidence on the relationship between cervical cancer and exposure to occupational hazards. Methods: Literature search in electronic databases using keywords cervical cancer and occupational risk. Results: Workers occupationally exposed to tobacco, fungi or bacteria, metalworking fluids and tetrachloroethylene used in dry cleaning and for metal degreasing exhibited higher susceptibility to cervical cancer. Conclusion: Few studies sought to investigate relationships between cervical cancer and occupational hazards, which hinders the attempts at establishing a causal link.
Humans , Female , Occupational Risks , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/etiology , Occupational Diseases/etiology , Solvents/adverse effects , Tetrachloroethylene/adverse effects , Bacterial Infections/complications , Risk Factors , Tobacco Products/adverse effects , Mycoses/complicationsABSTRACT
The goal of this study was to compare the visual contrast sensitivity (CS) of men and women exposed and not exposed to organic solvents. Forty-six volunteers of both genders aged between 18 and 41 years (mean±SD=27.72±6.28) participated. Gas station attendants were exposed to gas containing 46.30 ppm of solvents at a temperature of 304±274.39 K, humidity of 62.25±7.59% and ventilation of 0.69±0.46 m/s (a passive gas chromatography-based sampling method was used considering the microclimate variables). Visual CS was measured via the psychophysical method of two-alternative forced choice using vertical sinusoidal gratings with spatial frequencies of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, and 16.0 cpd (cycles per degree) and an average luminance of 34.4 cd/m2. The results showed that visual CS was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the following groups: i) exposed men compared to unexposed men at frequencies of 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 cpd; ii) exposed women compared to unexposed women at a frequency of 5.0 cpd; and iii) exposed women compared to exposed men at a frequency of 0.5 cpd, even at exposures below the tolerance limit (300 ppm). These results suggest that the visual CS of exposed men was impaired over a wider range of spatial frequencies than that of exposed women. This difference may have been due to the higher body fat content of women compared to that of men, suggesting that body fat in women can serve as a protective factor against neurotoxic effects.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Contrast Sensitivity/drug effects , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Solvents/adverse effects , Visual Perception/physiology , Adipose Tissue/anatomy & histology , Brazil/epidemiology , Educational Status , Microclimate , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Sensory Thresholds/physiology , Sex Factors , Spatial Learning/physiologyABSTRACT
RESUMO Introdução Pesquisas voltadas para as populações com baixas exposições a solventes, ou exposições dentro dos níveis de tolerância permitidos em âmbito ocupacional ainda são restritas. Objetivo Caracterizar o perfil auditivo de frentistas de postos de combustíveis. Métodos Estudo transversal, constituído por dois grupos, pareados por gênero e idade: Grupo Controle - 23 indivíduos sem exposição a ruído ou agentes químicos; Grupo Experimental - 21 frentistas de postos de combustíveis. Foi realizada avaliação audiológica, composta por audiometria tonal liminar, logoaudiometria e medidas de imitância acústica. A análise estatística utilizou cálculo de média, desvio padrão, valor mínimo e máximo, teste Qui-quadrado e coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados Foram verificadas alterações auditivas nos frentistas, caracterizadas por comprometimento no sistema auditivo periférico, sugerindo ação tóxica da exposição a combustíveis. Houve correlação entre idade e tempo de exposição a solvente. Na comparação entre os grupos, o reflexo acústico demonstrou maior número de alterações no grupo experimental, com diferença para os reflexos acústicos ipsilaterais da orelha direita e contralaterais da orelha esquerda. Conclusão Não houve diferença entre os grupos para os limiares auditivos, porém, a diferença verificada nos reflexos acústicos ipsilaterais e contralaterais no grupo experimental sugere comprometimento retrococlear. Diante das evidências observadas neste estudo, considera-se relevante incluir a pesquisa do reflexo acústico na avaliação auditiva dos frentistas, bem como a integração desta categoria profissional aos programas de prevenção de perda auditiva.
ABSTRACT Introduction Researches into populations with low solvent exposures, or exposures within tolerance levels allowed in the occupational field are still restricted. Purpose To characterize the hearing profile of gas station attendants. Methods Cross-sectional study, constituted of two groups, matched by gender and age: Control Group - 23 subjects without exposure to noise or chemicals; Experimental Group - 21 gas station attendants. An audiological evaluation was performed, composed by pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry and acoustic impedance tests. The statistical analysis used average calculation, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value; Chi-square Test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The significance level was 5%. Results Hearing loss was verified in gas station attendants characterized by impairment of the peripheral auditory system, suggesting toxic effects of exposure to fuels. There was a correlation between age and solvent exposure time. Comparing the groups, the acoustic reflex showed more alterations in the experimental group, with a difference for the ipsilateral acoustic reflexes of the right ear and contralateral ones of the left ear. Conclusion There was no difference between the groups for the hearing thresholds; however, the difference observed in the ipsilateral and contralateral acoustic reflexes in the experimental group suggests retrocochlear impairment. Due to the evidence observed in this study, it is considered relevant to include the acoustic reflex research in the auditory evaluation of the gas station attendants, as well as the integration of this professional category into hearing loss prevention programs.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Gasoline/adverse effects , Hearing Loss/complications , Hydrocarbons/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Audiometry , Bridged-Ring Compounds , Chemical Compound Exposure , Filling Station , Hearing Tests , Pitch Perception , Reflex, Acoustic , Solvents/adverse effects , Speech Reception Threshold TestABSTRACT
Introducción. Los pintores de vehículos automotores están expuestos a solventes puros o mezclas, los cuales se han asociado con efectos neurológicos, mutagénicos y cancerígenos. Objetivo. Caracterizar las condiciones de salud y de trabajo de individuos expuestos a solventes orgánicos empleados en talleres de lámina y pintura de carros de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio transversal descriptivo en el que se caracterizaron las condiciones de salud y de trabajo de individuos expuestos a solventes orgánicos en talleres de lámina y pintura en Bogotá. Se comparó un grupo de trabajadores expuestos a solventes orgánicos con un grupo no expuesto. Se determinaron las concentraciones de benceno, tolueno y xileno en el aire, se hizo una encuesta individual y se midieron los ácidos fenil-mercaptúrico, hipúrico, orto y para-metilhipúrico en orina. Los resultados de las mediciones y de la encuesta se correlacionaron para establecer el panorama de exposición. Resultados. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la población expuesta y la no expuesta a solventes (p<0,001) en cuanto a los tres metabolitos de benceno, tolueno y xileno. Se encontraron correlaciones positivas entre el tolueno en el aire y el ácido hipúrico en la orina de los individuos expuestos (ro=0,82), y entre el xileno en el aire y el ácido o-metilhipúrico (ro=0,76). Los valores del ácido hipúrico estuvieron por encima de los límites permisibles en 11 trabajadores y, los de ácido p-metilhipúrico, en ocho de ellos. No se registraron valores de ácido fenil-mercaptúrico por fuera del límite permitido. Conclusión. Los pintores de carros están expuestos a niveles altos de solventes orgánicos en sus sitios de trabajo, y no tienen condiciones adecuadas de higiene y seguridad industrial para realizar sus labores.
Introduction: Painters of automobiles are exposed to pure and mixed solvents that have been associated with neurological effects and carcinogenic mutations. Objective: To characterize the health and work conditions of individuals who are occupationally exposed to organic solvents used in sheet metal and auto body shops in Bogota. Materials and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study that characterizes the health and work conditions of individuals exposed to organic solvents in sheet metal and auto body shops in Bogota. A group exposed to the solvents was compared to an unexposed group. Air concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) were determined, individual questionnaires were administered and phenylmercapturic, hippuric and ortho- and para-methylhippuric acids were measured in urine. The results of the measurements and the questionnaires were correlated to determine the exposure panorama. Results: For the three BTX metabolites, statistically significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the population exposed to the solvents and the unexposed population. For the exposed population, positive correlations were found between toluene in air and hippuric acid in urine (rho=0.82) and between xylene in air and o-methylhippuric acid in urine (rho=0.76). Hippuric acid values exceeded permissible levels in 11 workers and p-methylhippuric acid exceeded permissible levels in 8 workers. None of the phenylmercapturic values exceeded the limit. Conclusion: Auto painters are exposed to high levels of organic solvents at the workplace and do not have adequate industrial health and safety conditions to perform their jobs.
Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Air Pollutants, Occupational/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Solvents/adverse effects , Volatile Organic Compounds/adverse effects , Colombia , Cross-Sectional Studies , Industry , Motor Vehicles , Urban HealthABSTRACT
In this case report, we document a 54-year-old woman with total bilateral optic nerve atrophy after local application of methanol containing spirit. Almost all the reported cases of methanol intoxication in the literature are caused by oral ingestion. In this rare case, we present transdermal absorption of methanol that may cause irreversible blindness in addition to intracerebral lesions
Humans , Female , Methanol/toxicity , Skin Absorption/drug effects , Solvents/adverse effects , Blindness , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Tonometry, Ocular , Magnetic Resonance ImagingABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: Solventes orgânicos são cada vez mais estudados em função de sua ação ototóxica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a condição das células ciliadas externas e o sistema olivococlear medial de sujeitos expostos a solventes orgânicos. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo. Foram avaliados 78 frentistas de três postos de gasolina da cidade de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) expostos a solventes orgânicos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de inclusão, a amostra ficou constituída por 24 sujeitos. Os procedimentos utilizados na avaliação foram anamnese audiológica, Emissões Otoacústicas Transientes (EOAT) e pesquisa do efeito supressor das EOAT. Um grupo controle (GC) composto por 23 sujeitos, foi utilizado para comparar sujeitos expostos e não-expostos. A coleta de dados foi realizada na sala de Fonoaudiologia do Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador de Santa Maria. RESULTADOS: A presença de EOAT foi maior na orelha esquerda em ambos os grupos; a média da relação sinal/ruído das EOAT de ambas as orelhas foi maior no GE; o efeito supressor das EOAT na orelha direita foi maior nos sujeitos do GE (62,5%) e na orelha esquerda foi superior no GC (86,96%), com diferença estatisticamente significante. A mediana da relação sinal/ruído das EOAT, segundo a faixa de frequência, foi maior no GC em três faixas de frequência na orelha direita e em uma na orelha esquerda. CONCLUSÃO: Não foram encontrados sinais de alteração nas células ciliadas externas nem no sistema olivococlear medial nos sujeitos expostos a solventes orgânicos.
INTRODUCTION: Organic solvents have been increasingly studied due to its ototoxic action. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the conditions of outer hair cells and olivocochlear system in individuals exposed to organic solvents. METHOD: This is a prospective study. 78 gas station attendants exposed to organic solvents had been evaluated from three gas stations from Santa Maria city, Rio Grande do Sul (RS). After applying the inclusion criteria, the sample was constituted by 24 individuals. The procedures used on the evaluation were audiological anamnesis, Transient otoacoustic emissions (TEOAES) and research for the suppressive effect of TEOAES. A group control (GC) compounded by 23 individuals was compared to individuals exposed and non-exposed individuals. The data collection has been done in the room of Speech Therapy of Workers Health Reference Center of Santa Maria. RESULTS: The TEOAES presence was major in the left ear in both groups; the average relation of TEOAES signal/noise in both ears was greater in GE; the TEOAES suppressive effect in the right ear was higher in the individual of GE (62,5%) and in the left ear was superior in GC (86,96%), with statistically significant difference. The median sign/noise ratio of TEOAES, according to the frequency range, it was higher in GC in three frequencies ranges in the right ear and one in the left ear. CONCLUSION: It was not found signs of alteration on the outer hair cells neither on the olivocochlear medial system in the individuals exposed to organic solvents.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cochlea/physiology , Cochlea/physiopathology , Cochlear Diseases/physiopathology , Occupational Diseases/epidemiology , Environmental Exposure , Filling Station/adverse effects , Solvents/adverse effects , Toluene/adverse effects , Hearing Disorders/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Introdução: O xilol é necessário para a diafanização de amostras citopatológicas. Pode trazer problemas de ordem ocupacional, proteção ao meio ambiente e de custos. Objetivo:Avaliar o desempenho de várias concentrações da mistura verniz/xilol em relação à diafanização e conservação em amostras de citologia coradas com a técnica dePapanicolaou (CP). Material e métodos: Foram avaliadas 75 lâminas de raspado bucal (RB) e 8.773 esfregaços cérvico-vaginais (CV). As lâminas foram coradas pela CP, com a retirada das etapas de álcool/xilol e xilol e foram secas à temperatura ambiente porvinte minutos antes da montagem com lamínula. A montagem foi realizada com soluções de verniz/xilol de concentrações 75/25%, 70/30%, 60/40%, 50/50% e 40/60%. As lâminas foram distribuídas de forma aleatória aos profissionais para avaliação da técnica, sendo conceituadas como boas, regulares ou ruins e reavaliadas após nove meses dearquivamento. A concentração de verniz/xilol que apresentou melhor qualidade final nas lâminas de RB foi aplicada também nos CV. Resultados: A concentração de 75/25% deverniz/xilol apresentou melhor desempenho para as duas situações, em RB e CV. Após nove meses, a qualidade foi mantida. Conclusão: A concentração de 75/25% apresentou melhor resultado.
Humans , Female , Cell Biology , Industrial Oils , Staining and Labeling , Solvents/adverse effects , Solvents/toxicity , Transillumination , Vaginal Smears , Environment , Occupational HealthSubject(s)
Humans , Alcoholic Beverages , Cannabis , Cocaine , Psychotropic Drugs/classification , Nicotiana , Tranquilizing Agents , Amphetamines , Anesthetics , Crack Cocaine , Solvents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introdução: Milhões de pessoas são expostas diariamente aos solventes. Inúmeros solventes podem causar intoxicação aguda. Menos clara é a associação da exposição crônica e em baixas doses poder produzir alteração neurológica. Diversas atividades ocupacionais estão envolvidas com a sua exposição. Condição bastante diferente é o seu uso inadvertido com intuito alucinógeno. Método: Trata-se de revisão atualizada da literatura a partir de pesquisa na base de dados MEDLINE e LILACS. Também utilizou-se livros e documentos publicados em formato eletrônico.Discussão: Distúrbios neuromusculares, distúrbios do movimento, alterações cognitivo-comportamentais e neurofisiológicas têm sido relacionados a inúmeros agentes tóxicos nos últimos anos. A proposta deste artigo é revisar os principais distúrbios neurológicos associados à exposição crônica por solventes orgânicos. A fim de facilitar a abordagem inicial no atendimento ambulatorial aos distúrbios neurotoxicológicos foram confeccionadas tabelas descrevendo os principais agentes tóxicos, as fontes de exposição envolvidas e suas principais manifestações neurológicas. Conclusão: Tolueno, bissulfeto de carbono e n-Hexano são alguns solventes envolvidos nos distúrbios neurotoxicológicos, Contudo, fica evidente nesta revisão que são necessários novos estudos a fim de determinar a real associação destes e outros solventes nos distúrbios crônicos do sistema nervoso central e periférico.
Introduction: Millions of peoples are exposed to solvents every day. Most solvents cause acute intoxication. Less evident is the association of chronic exposure and in low doses in producing neurological disorders. Innumerable occupational activities are involved in the exposure to solvents. Their inadvertent use with hallucinogenous intention is an entirely different condition. Method: The method consists of an updated review of the literature based on research in the MEDLINE and LILACS databases, as well as books and documents published online. Discussion: Neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders, cognitive-behavioral and neurophysiological changes have been attributed to innumerable toxic agents in recent years. This article proposes to review the main neurological disorders associated with chronic exposure to organic solvents. To facilitate the initial approach to treatment of neurotoxicological disorders of outpatient, tables were devised to describe the main toxic agents, the sources of exposure involved and their main neurological manifestations. Conclusions: Toluene, carbon bisulfate and n-hexane are some of the solvents involved in neurotoxicological disorders. However, this review reveals the need for new studies to determine the real association of these and other solvents in chronic disorders of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Humans , Ambulatory Care , Neurotoxicity Syndromes/diagnosis , Neurotoxicity Syndromes/etiology , Solvents/adverse effects , Solvents/toxicity , Brain Diseases , Hexanes/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure , Review Literature as Topic , Toluene/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Nowadays, some studies indicate the adverse effects of exposure to chemicals, especially organic solvents on the reproductive system of females. This study aimed to assess the relationship between spontaneous abortion with occupational exposure to organic solvents in pharmaceutical industry. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive-analytical study which was carried out in 2010 in one of the pharmaceutical factories located in the suburbs of Tehran. During the study, married women who were working in the factory laboratory units and were exposed to mixed organic solvents were compared with married women who were working in the packing units of the factory without occupational exposure to organic solvents. Frequency of spontaneous abortion and duration of pregnancy were assessed in both two groups. Collected data were analyzed with the SPSS software using t-test, logistic regression, and chi-square test. In the present study, the frequency of spontaneous abortion in employees with exposure to organic solvents mixture was 10.7%. This study showed that even after adjustment for confounding factors, there was a significant correlation between spontaneous abortion and occupational exposure to organic solvents mixture and this correlation increased with increasing levels of exposure to organic solvents. Moreover, a significant correlation was observed between occupational exposure to mixed organic solvents and waiting time to become pregnant [TTP]. Furthermore, this study showed that even after adjustment for confounding variables, shift workers were significantly more affected by spontaneous abortion compared to daytime workers [P<0.001]. According to the results of this study, since there is probability of spontaneous abortion resulting from occupational exposure to various chemicals including organic solvents, review of the status of occupational exposure of workers can be helpful in improving the reproductive health of female workers
Humans , Female , Occupational Exposure , Cross-Sectional Studies , Solvents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Diversos estudios han demostrado que los solventes orgánicos pueden inducir una disfunción auditiva. Los modelos animales han mostrado que los solventes son capaces de dañar las células ciliadas externas. Estudios de campo en trabajadores expuestos a solventes han encontrado por una parte, una mayor prevalencia de hipoacusia sensorioneural en comparación a grupos controles, y por otra, una dis función auditiva central asociada a la exposición a solventes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo revisar y discutir la evidencia científica acerca de la disfunción auditiva central asociada a la exposición a solventes como el tolueno, estireno, xileno, bisulfato de carbono, y mezcla de ellos. Se discuten los resultados de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en humanos expuestos laboralmente a estos agentes. Se discuten además, los mecanismos de ototoxicidady neurotoxidad de los solventes y sus implicancias en la evaluación de la hipoacusia inducida por solventes.
Different studies have demonstrated that solvents may induce an auditory dysfunction. Animal models have shown that solvents can injure the outer hair cells. Studies conducted in workers exposed to solvents have found on one hand, a higher prevalence of sensorineural hearing loss in comparison to non-exposed control group subjects. On the other hand, these studies have found a central auditory dysfunction associated with solvent exposure. The present manuscript aims at revising and discussing the scientific evidence on central auditory dysfunction associated with exposure to solvents such as toluene, styrene, xylene, carbon disulphate, and mixtures. Results from studies conducted in humans occupationally exposed to solvents are discussed. Also, the oto-and neuro-toxicity induced by solvents and the implications for the assessment of solvent-induced hearing loss are addressed.
Humans , Styrene/adverse effects , Hexanes/adverse effects , Hearing Loss/chemically induced , Toluene/adverse effects , Xylenes/adverse effects , Central Nervous System Diseases/chemically induced , Styrene/poisoning , Chemical Compound Exposure , Hexanes/poisoning , Hearing Loss/physiopathology , Solvents/adverse effects , Toluene/poisoning , Xylenes/poisoningABSTRACT
Organic solvents have a broad range of application in industry. Hepatotoxicity of different organic halogenated solvents like carbon tetrachloride has been verified in numerous studies; however, studies investigating the association between the occupational exposure with aromatic organic solvents like benzene, toluene and xylene and hepatic toxicity are limited. The goal of this study was to review the long term effects of exposure with mixture of aromatic organic solvents, in higher amounts of permissible level, on hepatic system. This is a cross sectional study which was conducted in an automobile plant. Workers employed in the painting saloon were considered as cases and workers in assembly as controls. A questionnaire, containing demographic data like age and years of employment, was completed for each of 349 workers. After considering exclusion criteria, liver enzyme level [AST, ALT and ALP] of 163 case workers was compared with 186 controls. Concentration of mixture of organic solvents in painting saloon was twice and a half as much of the permissible level. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS software, using T score, K2 and Linear Regression. The Mean level of ALP in case group was significantly higher than the control group [P<0.001]. For AST and ALT the mean was higher in the case group but this difference was not statistically significant. Increase in ALP level had a significant association with BMI [P<0.001] and smoking [P=0.007]; yet, no significant relation was seen with age and years of employment. Our study suggested that exposure with mixture of aromatic organic solvents, in higher amounts of permissible level, can cause mild functional liver damage [cholestatic type]. So, it is recommended to use liver function tests, especially ALP, for screening of workers exposed to mixture of aromatic organic solvents, for preliminary detection of hepatic dysfunction
Humans , Liver/enzymology , Automobiles , Solvents/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Paintings , Surveys and Questionnaires , Alanine Transaminase , Aspartate Aminotransferases , Alkaline Phosphatase , Benzene , Toluene , XylenesABSTRACT
Desde meados da década de 80 diversas experiências locais de internalização da saúde do trabalhador na rede pública de atenção à saúde foram realizadas no Brasil. A saúde como qualidade de vida humana deve estar no centro das politicas para o desenvolvimento. Mas este é um desafio que se coloca para a consolidação do SUS. Este livro tenta trazer o tema para os contextos locais, onde se materializam os processos de trabalho e oferecer aos profissionais de saúde, e outros interessados, alguns cenários e metodologias para auxiliar a organização da proteção e da promoção da saúde, nos contextos de desenvolvimento humano, como dever do Estado.
Humans , Benzene/adverse effects , Local Development , Occupational Health , Pesticides/adverse effects , Social Support , Sustainable Development , Environmental Health/trends , Solvents/adverse effects , Oil and Gas Industry , Semi-Arid Zone , Sustainable AgricultureABSTRACT
Se evaluó la situación socio-sanitaria, los síntomas respiratorios y la función pulmonar en una muestra de 60 ex trabajadores (47 por ciento hombres y 53 por ciento mujeres, de una edad promedio de 47 años) que fueron empleados en una fábrica de la industria del calzado en la localidad de La Calera, Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. Los mismos estuvieron expuestos a irritantes de la víaaérea (solventes, polvos de cuero y vapores) durante el tiempo en que trabajaron en la empresa, pero luego de ser despedidos su situación socio-sanitaria empeoró aún más debido a las consecuencias de la falta de cobertura médicas y al impacto físico y moral surgido del desempleo. Por este motivo, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio epidemiológico observacional analítico sobre la situación socio-sanitaria, síntomas respiratorios y función pulmonar medida por espirometría en extranbajadores de la industría del calzado, La Calera, Córdoba, Argentina.
Humans , Male , Adult , Female , Diagnosis of Health Situation , Respiratory Physiological Phenomena , Gas Poisoning , Gases/toxicity , Tanning/prevention & control , Occupational Health , Respiratory System , Sanitary Profiles , Solvents/adverse effects , Solvents/toxicity , Argentina , Sanitary Profiles/policies , Social Conditions , Socioeconomic Factors , Socioeconomic FactorsABSTRACT
Este estudo explica os efeitos da exposição ocupacional a produtos químicos no sistema auditivo e sua intereação com os níveis de pressão sonora elevados na geração de perda auditiva ocupacional. Objetiva, através de uma revisão bibliográfica comprovar a ototoxicidade destes produtos químicos, seus efeitos auditivos ocupacionais, incluindo os mecanismos fisiopatológicos, métodos de avaliação, legislação trabalhistas pertinente. Em perda auditiva ocupacional, o enfoque tem sido atribuído ao ruído quase com absoluta exclusividade. Entretanto, é importante que se reconheça a potencialidade de outros agentes e sua possível interação com ruído sobre a saúde auditiva dos trabalhadores, como a qu pode ocorrer a exposição a produtos químicos...
Humans , Chemical Compound Exposure , Hearing Loss , Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced , Metals/adverse effects , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Occupational Medicine , Occupational Risks , Solvents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
This paper reviews the published literature that is concerned with color vision impairment from industrial and environmental exposure to neurotoxic substances, and we evaluated whether testing for color vision impairment could be an affordable procedure for assessing these neurotoxic effects. In general, most cases of congenital color vision impairment are red-green, and blue-yellow impairment is extremely rare. However, most of the acquired color vision impairment that is related to age, alcohol or environmental factors is blue-yellow impairment. Therefore, many studies have been performed to identify this relationship between exposure to neurotoxic substances, such as organic solvents and heavy metals, and the prevalence of blueyellow color vision impairment. The test for color vision impairment is known to be very sensitive to the early signs of nervous system dysfunction and this can be useful for making the early diagnosis of neurotoxic effects from exposure to very low concentrations of toxic substances.