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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e261225, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564977


Sintomas de ansiedade e depressão na infância têm sido amplamente investigados na atualidade. Os estudos apontam que esses sintomas têm natureza multifatorial, sendo os fatores ambientais, como as caraterísticas do funcionamento familiar, alvo de atenção dos pesquisadores. Por isso, este estudo avaliou a correlação e o poder preditivo dos fatores da parentalidade e da coparentalidade em sintomas clínicos de ansiedade e depressão nos filhos. Os participantes, 50 indivíduos que vivem em coabitação com o parceiro e têm pelo menos um filho com idade entre 7 e 11 anos, preencheram um instrumento composto por seis escalas, que avaliaram a parentalidade, a coparentalidade e a sintomatologia na prole. Os resultados indicaram correlações baixas e moderadas entre os fatores da parentalidade e da coparentalidade e os sintomas emocionais e comportamentais dos filhos. O conflito familiar coparental e a supervisão do comportamento foram preditores de 16% dos sintomas de ansiedade generalizada na prole e a triangulação familiar de 17% dos sintomas de depressão. Evidencia-se, como indica a literatura, que os filhos são suscetíveis à qualidade do funcionamento dos subsistemas parental e coparental.(AU)

Anxiety and depression symptoms in the early childhood have been investigated extensively in current times. Studies have point out that these symptoms have a multifactorial nature, with environment factors, such as the characteristics of the familiar functioning, as the researchers' target. Therefore, this study evaluated the correlation and the predictive power of parenting and co-parenting factors on clinical symptoms of anxiety and depression in the children. The participants, 50 individuals who lived in cohabitation with their partners and that had at least one child aged between 7 and 11 years old, filled in a form composed of six scales; which evaluated the parenting, the coparenting, and the offspring symptomatology. The results revealed low and moderate correlations between the parenting and coparenting variables and the emotional and behavioral symptoms of the children. The coparental familiar conflict and the behavior monitoring were predictors of 16% of the generalized anxiety symptom in the offspring, and the familiar triangulation of 17% of the depression symptoms. It shows, as the literature suggests, that the children are vulnerable to the quality of the functioning of the parental and coparental subsystems.(AU)

Los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión en la infancia son ampliamente investigados en la actualidad. Los estudios demuestran que los síntomas son multifactoriales, de los cuales los factores ambientales y las características de funcionamiento de la familia están en el centro de la atención de los investigadores. Por lo tanto, este estudio evaluó la correlación y el poder predictivo de los factores de la parentalidad y de la coparentalidad en los síntomas clínicos de ansiedad y depresión en los niños. Los participantes, 50 individuos que conviven con su pareja y tienen al menos un hijo, de entre 7 y 11 años, completaron una herramienta que se compone de seis escalas que evaluaban la crianza, la coparentalidad y la sintomatología en sus hijos. Los resultados indicaron correlaciones bajas y moderadas entre los factores de la parentalidad y de la coparentalidad y los síntomas emocionales y conductuales de los niños. El conflicto familiar coparental y la supervisión del comportamiento fueron predictores del 16% de los síntomas de ansiedad generalizada en la descendencia y la triangulación familiar del 17% de los síntomas de depresión. Esto coincide con la literatura al indicar que los niños son susceptibles a la calidad del funcionamiento de los subsistemas parental y coparental.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety , Child , Parenting , Depression , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Psychology , Psychosocial Deprivation , Association , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Signs and Symptoms , Social Support , Socialization , Behavior , Behavioral Symptoms , Power, Psychological , Family , Child Abuse , Child Development , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Causality , Conduct Disorder , Counseling , Psychosocial Impact , Genetic Load , Friends , Depressive Disorder , Diagnosis , Education, Nonprofessional , Environment , Family Conflict , Fear , Bullying , Specific Learning Disorder , Data Analysis , Interpersonal Relations , Anger , Learning Disabilities , Mental Disorders
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 42(2): 225-240, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559040


Resumen Las dificultades de aprendizaje, que pueden continuar manifestándose en la adultez, han mostrado vinculación con déficit en el procesamiento sensorial. El propósito de la investigación es indagar el perfil sensorial de adultos con y sin dificultades de aprendizaje (DA) en el área de lectoescritura. El estudio es cuantitativo no experimental. El perfil sensorial se evaluó a través de un cuestionario basado en el modelo de Dunn (1997b), que define cuatro patrones sensoriales a partir de la interacción entre el umbral neurológico y las estrategias de autorregulación, junto a un autorreporte de dificultades de aprendizaje. Los resultados mostraron puntuaciones similares en tres patrones sensoriales para ambos grupos, con diferencias significativas en el patrón sensorial de 'Espectador' (p = .038, d =0.5). Este patrón caracterizaría a adultos con DA con una tendencia a estrategias de autorregulación pasiva y umbral neurológico alto. Se concluye que las características de procesamiento sensorial pueden ser relevantes para orientar la intervención y apoyo de personas con DA. Se demuestra la relevancia de analizar el perfil de procesamiento sensorial para la comprensión de las dificultades de aprendizaje. En términos aplicados, amplía las posibilidades de apoyo para adultos con DA al visibilizar la necesidad de entornos que respondan a las características sensoriales individuales.

Abstract Learning difficulties, which may continue to manifest into adulthood, are linked to deficits in sensory processing. A study focused on investigating the sensory profile of adults with and without learning difficulties (LD) in literacy is presented. Quantitative and non-experimental study. The sensory profile was assessed through a questionnaire based on Dunn's model (1997b), which defines four sensory patterns based on the interaction between the neurological threshold and self-regulation strategies. We also included a self-reporting of LD. The results showed similar scores in three sensory patterns for both groups, with significant differences in the 'Bystander' sensory pattern (p = .038, d = 0.5). This pattern would characterize adults with LD with a tendency for passive self-regulation strategies and a high neurological threshold. Sensory processing characteristics may be relevant to guide the intervention and support of people with LD. Our findings demonstrate the relevance of analyzing the sensory processing profile for understanding learning difficulties. In applied terms, it expands support possibilities for adults with LD by highlighting the need for environments that respond to individual sensory characteristics.

Humans , Psychomotor Performance , Learning Disabilities/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Analysis of Variance , Costa Rica , Dyslexia , Specific Learning Disorder
Psico USF ; 28(4): 711-726, Oct.-Dec. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529175


A heterogeneidade na dislexia do desenvolvimento pode ser compreendida por meio dos subtipos de dislexia do desenvolvimento (SDD), porém não foram encontrados estudos que avaliassem a literatura brasileira sobre SDD. A presente revisão buscou responder quais SDD foram identificados no português brasileiro. Foram incluídos estudos empíricos, em inglês ou português, que descrevessem ao menos um SDD, bem como critérios diagnósticos, com participantes brasileiros. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases Scielo, Pubmed e Google Scholar. Como resultado, foram encontrados 11 estudos referentes a seis SDD, sendo as dislexias fonológicas e de superfície as mais presentes, e foram descritas as definições, critérios de identificação e instrumentos de avaliação utilizados em cada estudo. Foi discutida a heterogeneidade de definições, critérios de identificação e instrumentos de avaliação encontrados. Destacam-se o pequeno número de relatos em comparação com a literatura internacional e a necessidade de tarefas padronizadas, validadas e sensíveis aos SDD no português brasileiro.(AU)

The present review aimed to explore the subtypes of developmental dyslexia (SDD), identified in the Brazilian literature, considering the heterogeneity in developmental dyslexia. This review included empirical studies in English or Portuguese, involving Brazilian students, and describing at least one SDD, along with diagnostic criteria. Searches were conducted in the Scielo, Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. The review identified 11 studies, which covered six different SDD. Phonological and surface dyslexia were the most commonly reported subtypes. The review discussed the variations in definitions, identification criteria, and evaluation instruments used in these studies. It also highlighted the limited number of reports in the Brazilian literature compared to international sources and emphasized the need for standardized, validated tasks in Brazilian Portuguese that are SDD-sensitive.(AU)

La heterogeneidad en la dislexia del desarrollo puede comprenderse a través de los subtipos de dislexia del desarrollo (SDD), pero no se encontraron estudios que evalúen la literatura brasileña sobre SDD. Esta revisión buscó responder cuáles los SDD se han identificado en el portugués brasileño. Se incluyeron estudios empíricos con participantes brasileños en inglés o portugués que describieran al menos un SDD y sus criterios de diagnósticos. Las búsquedas se realizaron en las bases de datos Scielo, Pubmed y Google Scholar. Como resultado, se encontraron 11 estudios relacionados con seis SDD, siendo las dislexias fonológicas y de superficie las más comunes, y se describieron las definiciones, criterios de identificación e instrumentos de evaluación utilizados en cada estudio. Se discutió la heterogeneidad de definiciones, criterios de identificación y herramientas de evaluación encontradas. Se destaca el escaso número de informes en comparación con la literatura internacional y la necesidad de tareas estandarizadas, validadas y sensibles a SDD en el portugués brasileño.(AU)

Dyslexia/psychology , Specific Learning Disorder/psychology , Database , Empirical Research , Qualitative Research
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879772


OBJECTIVE@#To study the intelligence structure and clinical features of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific learning disorder (SLD).@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on 88 school-age children with ADHD. According to the presence or absence of SLD, they were divided into two groups: simple ADHD group with 45 children and ADHD+SLD group with 43 children. Intelligence structure and clinical features were compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the simple ADHD group, the ADHD+SLD group had significantly lower verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ), performance intelligence quotient (PIQ), and full intelligence quotient (FIQ) (P<0.05), significantly lower scores of VIQ factors (including information, similarities, arithmetic, and recitation) (P<0.05), and significantly lower scores of PIQ factors (including picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, and object assembly) (P<0.05). The development of SLD was negatively correlated with FIQ, VIQ, and PIQ. It was also negatively correlated with the scores of intelligence structure factors (including information, similarities, arithmetic, recitation, picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, and object assembly) (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Children with ADHD and SLD have poorer FIQ, VIQ, and PIQ than those with ADHD alone, which mainly manifests as the weak abilities of most intelligence structure factors. It is necessary to pay attention to the management and intervention of SLD in school-age children with ADHD.

Child , Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Intelligence , Retrospective Studies , Schools , Specific Learning Disorder
Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 10(3): 121-138, dez. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050824


O Transtorno Específico da Aprendizagem (TEAp) caracteriza-se por dificuldades persistentes para desenvolver habilidades acadêmicas de leitura, escrita e/ou matemática, sendo fundamental que professores conheçam suas características. O estudo teve como objetivos construir um questionário que avalia conhecimentos sobre TEAp e verificar suas propriedades psicométricas, mediante estudo piloto com estudantes de pedagogia ingressantes e concluintes. Participaram 178 estudantes, entre 18 e 54 anos, de três instituições de ensino superior particulares. Resultados revelaram índice adequado de consistência interna (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,738). Houve maior conhecimento sobre TEAp dos estudantes concluintes em relação aos ingressantes, porém com resultados baixos em alguns itens. Também houve diferença significativa entre as instituições. Não houve associação dos fatores idade, ano, renda e situação de trabalho, com o nível de conhecimento. Além de contribuir com a criação do questionário, os resultados sinalizam a necessidade de incluir disciplinas sobre TEAp na grade curricular dos cursos de pedagogia (AU).

Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is characterized by persistent difficulties in developing reading, writing, and math. It's essential that teachers know their characteristics. The study aimed to develop a questionnaire to assess knowledge on SLD and to verify its psychometric properties. It was conducted a pilot study involving incoming and graduating students of pedagogy courses. Participated 178 students aged between 18 and 54, from 3 private higher education institutions. The results revealed adequate indexes of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.738). Graduating students showed to have more knowledge than incoming students did, but with low results on some items. There was also a significant difference between institutions. There was no association of others factors, such as age, year, income, and work situation, with the students' level of knowledge. Besides contributing to the questionnaire's development, the results indicate the need to include courses on SLD in the curriculum of the pedagogy programs (AU).

El Trastorno Específico del Aprendizaje (TEAp) se caracteriza por dificultades persistentes para desarrollar lectura, escritura y matemática, siendo fundamental que profesores conozcan sus características. El estudio tuvo como objetivos elaborar un cuestionario que evalúa conocimientos sobre el TEAp y verificar sus propiedades psicométricas. Participaron del estudio piloto 178 estudiantes de pedagogía ingresantes y concluyentes, entre 18 y 54 años, de tres instituciones privadas de enseñanza universitaria. Los resultados revelaron índice adecuado de consistencia interna (Alfa de Cronbach = 0,738). Hubo mayor conocimiento sobre TEAp en los concluyentes en relación a los ingresantes, sin embargo, con resultados bajos en algunos ítems. También hubo diferencia significativa entre las instituciones. No hubo asociación de otros factores investigados con el nivel de conocimiento. Además de contribuir con la creación del cuestionario, los resultados señalizan la necesidad de que sea incluida asignaturas sobre el TEAp en los planes de estudios de licenciaturas en pedagogía (AU).

Specific Learning Disorder , Learning Disabilities , Dyslexia/psychology
Dement. neuropsychol ; 13(4): 427-435, Oct.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056007


ABSTRACT The Mini-Mental Examination for Children (MMC) is a widely used tool for assessing global cognitive deficits, however,is still unknown whether MMC is sensitive for investigating cognitive profiles associated with learning difficulties (LD). Objective: Here we investigate the feasibility of using the MMC for screening school-aged children with learning difficulties in spelling and math. Methods: The MMC and other neurophysiological tests were administered to a sample of 168 children, aged 7 to 12 years. The sample was subdivided into a Control group and LD group (Math Difficulties, Spelling Difficulties, Math and Spelling Difficulties). Diagnostic accuracy was assessed with ROC analysis. Convergent and divergent validity was assessed using correlation analysis. Results: Performance on the MMC was associated with nonverbal intelligence, age and school achievement. The LD group had significantly lower performance on the MMC than the Control group. Performance on the MMC discriminated LD children with a global accuracy of around 0.80. Associations between the MMC and the other neuropsychological variables were higher for finger gnosis (r=0.40) and generally higher for early elementary school grades. The MMC proved satisfactory for identifying LD children with good accuracy. Nonverbal intelligence, and perceptual/motor abilities play an important role in MMC performance. Conclusion: The MMC could be a useful instrument for screening children with LD.

RESUMO Mini-exame mental para crianças (MMC) é uma ferramenta amplamente utilizada para avaliar déficits cognitivos globais, no entanto, ainda é desconhecido se a MMC é sensível para investigar perfis cognitivos associados a dificuldades de aprendizagem. Objetivo: Aqui nós investigamos a viabilidade de usar MMC para triagem de crianças em idade escolar com dificuldades de aprendizagem em ortografia e matemática. Métodos: MMC e outros testes neuropsicológicos foram administrados em uma amostra de 168 crianças de 7 a 12 anos de idade. A amostra foi subdividida em um Grupo Controle e um grupo LD (dificuldade na matemática, na escrita, ou na escrita e na matemática). A acurácia diagnóstica foi analisada através de uma análise de curva ROC. A validade convergente e divergente foi investigada através de análises de correlações. Resultados: A performance no MMC foi associada com a inteligência não verbal, idade e desempenho escolar. O grupo LD apresentou desempenho significativamente inferior ao Grupo Controle no MMC. A performance no MMC pôde identificar crianças LD com uma acurácia global em torno de 0.80. As associações entre MMC e outras variáveis neuropsicológicas foram maiores para gnosias digitais (r=0.40) e em geral, mais altas nas séries iniciais. O MMC se mostrou satisfatório para identificar crianças LD com uma boa acurácia. A inteligência não verbal, habilidades perceptivas/motoras tem um importante papel na performance no MMC. Conclusão: O MMC pode ser um instrumento útil para o rastreamento de crianças com LD.

Humans , Psychomotor Performance , Spatial Processing , Specific Learning Disorder , Intelligence , Neuropsychological Tests
Saúde Soc ; 28(3): 210-223, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043391


Resumo As atuais políticas de educação especial buscam garantir o acesso, a permanência, a participação e a aprendizagem de pessoas com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades/superdotação na escola comum. Entre os estudantes considerados "público-alvo da educação especial", encontram-se aqueles com o denominado "transtorno do espectro do autismo". Este estudo objetivou analisar o estado do conhecimento sobre educação de pessoas com "transtorno do espectro autista", a partir de teses e dissertações produzidas nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil entre os anos de 2008 e 2016. A análise mostrou que o autismo é definido sob abordagens distintas, sendo a maioria orientada pelas explicações da área da medicina e vinculada a uma noção de déficit e prejuízos psicológicos e sociais. Observaram-se, ainda, trabalhos orientados por uma perspectiva crítica, que valoriza as condições educacionais, sociais e históricas de constituição do sujeito. Concluiu-se que, embora o conhecimento sobre o autismo ainda seja de domínio das áreas médicas, a emergência de pesquisas no âmbito da inclusão escolar permite a construção de formas de pensar o processo de escolarização que superam modelos exclusivamente médicos de olhar a diferença.

Abstract Current special education policies seek to ensure people with disabilities, global developmental delay and high skills/giftedness access, permanence, participation and learning in the regular school. Among students considered to be "target audience of special education" are those with the so-called "autism spectrum disorder". This study aimed to analyze the state of knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, based on theses and dissertations produced in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil from 2008 to 2016. The analysis showed autism is defined using different approaches, most of them being guided by explanations in the medical field, linked to a notion of psychological and social deficit and impairment. Studies guided by a critical perspective, which values the educational, social and historical conditions of the subject's constitution were also observed. One concludes that, although knowledge about autism is still in the domain of medical areas, the emergence of investigations in the scope of school inclusion allows the construction of ways of thinking the schooling process that surpasses exclusively medical models of looking at the difference.

Humans , Male , Female , Education, Special , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Specific Learning Disorder
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 22: 1-13, jan.-dez.2019. Tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-996815


Esse estudo objetivou verificar contribuições das atividades de dança e expressão corporal ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência intelectual e transtornos de a-prendizagem. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as mães e a profes-sora de dança de duas crianças de sexo masculino, com onze anos, uma com deficiência inte-lectual e outra com transtornos de aprendizagem, que participaram regularmente de atividades de dança e expressão corporal, antes e após seis meses de prática. Como resultado, foi identi-ficado que as atividades possibilitaram desenvolvimento do processo de ensino-aprendizado das crianças e a exploração de potenciais comumente não identificados em outros contextos de ensino.

This study analyzes contributions of dance and body expression activities to the learning pro-cess of students with intellectual disabilities and learning disorders. For that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the mothers and the dance teacher of two male children, aged eleven years, one with intellectual disability and another with learning disorders, who regular-ly participated in dance and body expression activities, before and after six months of prac-tice. It was identified development of the children's learning and the exploration of potentials not commonly identified in other contexts of teaching.

Este estudio objetivó verificar contribuciones de las actividades de danza y expresión corporal al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de alumnos con discapacidad intelectual y trastornos del aprendizaje. Para ello, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas con las madres y la profeso-ra de danza de dos niños de sexo masculino, con once años, una con discapacidad intelectual y otra con trastornos del aprendizaje, que participaron regularmente de actividades de danza yexpresión corporal, antes y antes, Después de seis meses de práctica. Como resultados, se identificó que las actividades posibilitar el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los niños y la explotación de potenciales comúnmente no identificados en otros contextos de enseñanza.

Humans , Male , Dancing , Specific Learning Disorder , Intellectual Disability , Movement
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 1144-1153, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719191


OBJECTIVE: One of the areas of social cognition is Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the capacity to interpret, infer and explain mental states underlying the behavior of others. When social cognition studies on neurodevelopmental disorders are examined, it can be seen that this skill has not been studied sufficiently in children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). METHODS: In this study, social cognition skills in children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), SLD or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) evaluated before puberty and compared with controls. To evaluate the ToM skills, the first and secondorder false belief tasks, the Hinting Task, the Faux Pas Test and the Reading the Mind in the Eyes Task were used. RESULTS: We found that children with neurodevelopmental disorders as ADHD, ASD, and SLD had ToM deficits independent of intelligence and language development. There was a significant correlation between social cognition deficits and problems experienced in many areas such as social communication and interaction, attention, behavior, and learning. CONCLUSION: Social cognition is an important area of impairment in SLD and there is a strong relationship between clinical symptoms and impaired functionality.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autistic Disorder , Cognition , Intelligence , Language Development , Learning , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Puberty , Specific Learning Disorder , Theory of Mind
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780390


@#Children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) faces challenges in academic areas and are often negatively labelled. The learning problems in SLD children were mainly due to poor phonological skill but not much was known about the contribution of visuospatial difficulties. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between phonological awareness skills and global visual-spatial abilities among Malay speaking children with SLD, and to compare children with SLD and typical readers on intellectual functioning, phonological awareness and global visual-spatial ability. An equal number of typical readers (n = 36) and children with SLD were recruited. Data were coded and analysed using Kendall’s Tau-b, independent samples t-test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results showed phonological skills have strong negative correlation with global visual-spatial ability (r = .55). The typical readers have significantly higher IQ and better phonological skills and better global visual-spatial skills as compared to the group with SLD. However, there is no conclusive evidence due to specificity of more than one area measured by the assessment tools. Nevertheless, it provides a direction for future research to look into global visual-spatial aspects of SLD to aid in educational instruction in the future, in addition to the long-standing phonology deficit theory.

Specific Learning Disorder , Dyslexia
CoDAS ; 30(3): e20170104, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-952857


RESUMO Objetivo Correlacionar o sono e o comportamento em indivíduos com transtorno específico da aprendizagem. Método Na análise do sono, foram utilizados o Questionário de Hábitos Gerais de Sono, o Diário de Sono e a Escala de Distúrbios do Sono em Crianças (EDSC) e, para análise do comportamento, foi utilizado o Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Resultados 65,5% dos indivíduos com transtorno específico de aprendizagem apresentaram indicativo de distúrbios de sono, sendo os mais frequentes os distúrbios de transição sono-vigília e escores totais para distúrbios de sono acima do aceitável. Além disso, os indivíduos com transtorno específico de aprendizagem apresentaram maior latência de sono que o respectivo grupo controle. Quanto ao comportamento, 72,4% dos indivíduos com transtorno específico de aprendizagem apresentaram quadro clínico de problemas comportamentais. No grupo controle, nenhum dos participantes apresentou indicativo de problemas de sono ou comportamento. No grupo transtorno específico de aprendizagem, os distúrbios de sono encontrados apresentaram correlação com os problemas comportamentais. Conclusão Indivíduos com transtorno específico da aprendizagem apresentaram altos índices de distúrbios de sono e alterações comportamentais. Quanto piores os distúrbios de sono, piores foram os aspectos comportamentais dos indivíduos com transtorno específico da aprendizagem.

ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to correlate sleep profile and behavior in individuals with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). Methods The Sleep General Habits Questionnaire, Sleep Diary, and Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children (SDSC) were used in analysis of sleep, whereas the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) inventory was used in analysis of behavior. Results 65.5% of the individuals with SLD presented symptoms of sleep disorders, most frequently wakefulness-sleep transition and sleep disturbance total score, which showed values higher than acceptable. In addition, individuals with SLD presented higher sleep latency than those with typical development. Concerning behavior, 72.4% of the individuals with SLD presented clinical condition of behavior problems. In the control group, none of the participants showed symptoms of sleep or behavior problems. In the SLD group, correlation was observed between behavioral problems and sleep disturbance. Conclusion Individuals with SLD showed high rates of sleep disturbance and behavioral problems. The worse the sleep disturbance, the worse the behavioral aspects in these individuals.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Sleep Wake Disorders/complications , Specific Learning Disorder/complications , Sleep Wake Disorders/diagnosis , Case-Control Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Checklist
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-61172


OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted in order to develop a computerized test to measure the level of mathematic achievement and related cognitive functions in children and adolescents in South Korea. METHODS: The computerized Comprehensive Learning Test-Mathematic (CLT-M) consists of the whole number computation test, enumeration of dot group test, number line estimation test, numeral comparing test (magnitude/distance), rapid automatized naming test, digit span test, and working memory test. To obtain the necessary data and to investigate the reliability and validity of this test, 399 children and adolescents from kindergarten to middle school were recruited. RESULTS: The internal consistency reliability of the CLT-M was high (Cronbach's alpha=0.76). Four factors explained 66.4% of the cumulative variances. In addition, the data for all of the CLT-M subtests were obtained. CONCLUSION: The computerized CLT-M can be used as a reliable and valid tool to evaluate the level of mathematical achievement and associated cognitive functions in Korean children and adolescents. This test can also be helpful to detect mathematical learning disabilities, including specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics, in Korea.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Cognition , Dyscalculia , Korea , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Mathematics , Memory, Short-Term , Reproducibility of Results , Specific Learning Disorder
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 11(2): 13-21, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869796


En el presente trabajo se compararon dos grupos de niños mexicanos en edades comprendidas entre los 8 a 10 años, el primer grupo con trastorno específico en el aprendizaje (TEA), tanto en la precisión de la lectura como en el cálculo, y el otro con buen desempeño académico (BDA), por medio de Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para Niños, en su cuarta versión (WISC-IV) y la batería de Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI), (subpruebas de Habilidades Académicas, Memoria, Atención y Habilidades Metalingüísticas), ambos instrumentos normados en población mexicana. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p≤ 0.05) entre los niños BDA y TEA, mediante la U de Mann Whitney, en todas las subpruebas evaluadas a excepción del Índice Velocidad de Procesamiento (WISC), Conteo, Codificación/Evocación y Atención Auditiva, además de Atención visual (ENI). Mediante el Análisis de Componentes Principales se identificaron 5 subgrupos: 2 en los niños con BDA y 3 en los TEA. Las diferencias significativas (p≤ 0.05)entre las variables cognitivas y académicas fueron determinadas mediante la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis. Fue posible observar que los subgrupos TEA obtuvieron puntajes más bajos que los subgrupos BDA tanto en habilidades académicas como en otras variables cognitivas,siendo el Índice de Memoria de Trabajo en la escala Wechsler y las Habilidades Metalingüísticas de la ENI las que mejor diferenciaron a los subgrupos TEA de los BDA.Conclusión: La aplicación de instrumentos normados en la población bajo estudio resulta de gran utilidad para identificar subtipos neuropsicológicos tantoen niños con BDA como con TEA.

In this work two groups of Mexican children aged between 8 to 10 years old were compared, the first group with specific learningdisorder (SLD),in both reading accuracy as in the calculation, and the other compared to good performance academic (GPA) by Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, in its fourth version (WISC-IV) and battery Child Neuropsychological Assessment (ENI), (subtests Academic Skills, Memory, Attention and Metalinguistic Skills), both instruments normed in Mexican population. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) were found among SLD and GPA children, by Mann Whitney U Test, they were found in all subtests evaluated except Processing Speed Rate (WISC), Counting, Coding / Evocation and Auditory Attention, also Visual Attention (ENI). By the Principal Component Analysis were identified five subgroups: 2 children with GPA and 3 in the SLD. Significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) between cognitive and academic variables were determined by the Kruskal-Wallis Test. It was possible to observe that the TEA subgroups scored lower than the BDA subgroups in academic abilities as well as in other cognitive variables, with the Working Memory Index on the Wechsler scale as the subtests that evaluate the ENI Metalinguistic Skills the variables that give the best discrimination between the TEA and the BDA subgroups.Conclusion: The application of normed instruments in the population under study is useful to identify neuropsychological subtypes in children with GPA as SLD.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Linguistics , Memory, Short-Term , Specific Learning Disorder/diagnosis , Intelligence Tests , Mexico , Neuropsychological Tests , Principal Component Analysis
CoDAS ; 28(5): 517-525, Sept.-Oct. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828553


RESUMO Objetivo Comparar a aplicabilidade de um programa de intervenção em crianças com risco para dificuldade de leitura. Método Trata-se de uma pesquisa experimental, na qual o grupo estudado de crianças com risco para dificuldade de leitura (formado por 10 crianças) foi submetido ao programa de intervenção de decodificação fonológica para a comparação com o grupo controle de crianças com risco para dificuldade de leitura (formado por 10 crianças), não submetido ao programa de intervenção. O programa foi elaborado com base em dois estudos internacionais, contém 24 sessões, sendo que as 12 primeiras sessões são realizadas em grupos de duas a três crianças e as demais individualmente, as sessões apresentaram duração de 50 minutos e foram realizadas duas vezes por semana. Aplicou-se o teste “t” de Student e o teste de Wilcoxon. Resultados As crianças com risco para dificuldade de leitura, submetidas ao programa de intervenção de decodificação fonológica, demonstraram melhora na pós-testagem estatisticamente significativa para o desempenho das habilidades de: nomeação de letras; relação grafema-fonema; consciência fonológica; memória de trabalho fonológica para não palavras; memória de trabalho fonológica para dígitos na ordem direta; escrita do alfabeto em sequência; escrita sob ditado de palavras e pseudopalavras; leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras. Conclusão O programa de intervenção de decodificação fonológica mostrou ter aplicabilidade para aprimorar as habilidades de pré-requisitos e as habilidades de leitura e escrita de crianças com risco para dificuldade de leitura.

ABSTRACT Purpose To assess the applicability of an intervention program to children at risk for reading disabilities. Methods This experimental study compared 10 children at risk for reading difficulty submitted to a phonological decoding intervention program (study group) with 10 other children at risk for reading difficulty not submitted to the program (control group). The intervention program was based on two international studies. It comprised 24 sessions: the first 12 sessions were conducted with groups of two to three children, whereas the others were performed individually. The sessions lasted 50 minutes and were held twice a week. Statistical analysis was conducted using the Student’s t-test and the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test. Results Children at risk for reading difficulties submitted to the phonological decoding intervention program showed statistically significant improvement at post-assessment in the performance of the following skills: letter naming; phoneme-grapheme relationship; phonological awareness; phonological working memory for non-words; phonological working memory for digits in direct order; alphabet recognition in sequence; writing under dictation of words and pseudowords; reading of words and pseudowords. Conclusion The phonological decoding intervention program showed applicability to improve the prerequisite skills of reading and writing of children at risk for reading disabilities.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Reading , Early Intervention, Educational/methods , Specific Learning Disorder/rehabilitation , Brazil , Risk Factors
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-56244


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) occurs with a high prevalence of comorbid disorders, and these comorbid disorders can affect assessment, clinical symptoms, prognosis, and treatment strategies for children with ADHD. The goal of this study was to develop a clinical practice guideline for ADHD and its specific comorbid disorders. Due to limited numbers of previous clinical studies, current recommendations are based on literature review and expert consensus among Korean child and adolescent psychiatrists. We suggest the use of multidisciplinary evaluations, interview techniques, and assessment tools in order to differentiate major comorbid disorders from ADHD. Specific ADHD comorbid disorders (e.g., medical comorbidity, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, specific learning disorder, tic disorder, and substance use disorder) have suggested treatment protocols that include pharmacological and behavioral treatments. Children and adolescents with ADHD may have comorbid disorders. The use of current clinical practice guidelines will be helpful when treating ADHD children with comorbid disorders.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Anxiety Disorders , Attention Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders , Bipolar Disorder , Clinical Protocols , Comorbidity , Conduct Disorder , Consensus , Depressive Disorder, Major , Prevalence , Prognosis , Psychiatry , Specific Learning Disorder , Tic Disorders
Bauru; s.n; 2016. 116 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-880787


O sucesso de uma educação com qualidade compreende vários fatores que se relacionam e se somam para um processo educativo significativo, entre eles: estrutura física e financeira, políticas públicas de educação e formação profissional de qualidade. O professor trabalha com alunos que apresentam diferentes perfis e que por isso aprendem de formas diversas. Em meio a diversidade estão aqueles alunos que apresentam Distúrbios Específicos de Aprendizagem. Por isso, uma questão importante diz respeito a: como o professor constrói seus conhecimentos para atender as necessidades educacionais desse aluno? Ainda: diante de um cenário de sala de aula com diversas necessidades, o que norteia suas práticas e o que é modificado nas mesmas quando encontram um aluno com algum Distúrbio Específico de Aprendizagem? Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo elaborar e aplicar um programa de formação profissional sobre os distúrbios específicos de aprendizagem para aprofundar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos, de professores de 1º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental, aferidos a partir de um questionário prévio. Para tanto, foi oportunizado um curso de Atualização para professores de 58 horas com a temática sobre os Distúrbios Específicos de Aprendizagem. Após a intervenção, por meio do curso de atualização no processo de formação continuada, houve significativa mudança na fala dos professores quanto aos conhecimentos e práticas em sala de aula, evidenciando a importância de uma formação profissional que contribua para a discussão e conhecimentos sobre o tema Distúrbios Específicos de Aprendizagem, tanto no modo inicial como continuado.(AU)

The success of a quality education comprises several factors that are related and added to a significant educational process, among them: physical and financial structure, public education policies and professional quality training. The teacher works with students who have different profiles, and learn of various forms. In the midst of the diversity are those students that present Specific Learning Disorders. Therefore, an important issue concerns: how the teacher build their knowledge to meet the educational needs of this student? Besides: in a classroom setting with diverse needs, what guides teachers practice and what is modified when they find a student with a Specific Learning Disorder? Thus, the present study aimed to develop and apply a program of professional training on the specific learning disorders to deepen theoretical and practical knowledge of teachers from 1st to 5th grade of elementary school, measured from a prior questionnaire. So, it was provided an update course for teachers of 58 hours with the theme of the Specific Learning Disorders. After the intervention, the course of continuous formation process update, there was significant improving in the teacher´s speech about the practices in the classroom, highlighting the importance of professional training to contribute to the discussion and knowledge on the subject of Specific Learning Disorders, both in initial mode as in continued mode.(AU)

Humans , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Professional Training , School Teachers/statistics & numerical data , Specific Learning Disorder , Teacher Training/methods , Brazil , Curriculum , Program Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires
Audiol., Commun. res ; 19(4): 321-326, Oct-Dec/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732238


Purpose To perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) for the Brazilian population. Methods (1) Evaluation of conceptual and items equivalence, and (2) Semantic equivalence, including the steps of (2a) Translation, (2b) retranslation, (2c) Review by the committee of judges and (2d) Pre-test. The second step was carried out by two professionals and 2b by two other professionals, 2c was formed by speech therapists, occupational therapists and educators and the 2d was carried out with 32 students, four from each age group (9-16 years old). Results (1) It was found that the concepts and items are equivalent in both cultures (British and Brazilian). In the second stage it was found that two tasks in the original procedure, pangrama classified as a phrase in the English language is used. Therefore, when performing unification of translations, an adjustment was made for the phrase pangrama in Portuguese. In 2b showed that the translation was valid and 2c was consolidated all versions produced in a single version in Portuguese, which was applied in school. In 2d there was acceptance and understanding of the students in the proposed tasks and internal consistency value of 0.701, others words, satisfactory variability. Conclusion This procedure can be applied in the Brazilian population, however new studies are being developed with the objective of providing greater reliability and validity of the instrument. .

Objetivo Realizar a tradução e a adaptação cultural do Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting (DASH) para a população brasileira. Métodos (1) Avaliação de equivalências conceitual e de itens e (2) Avaliação da equivalência semântica, que envolveu as etapas de (2a) Tradução, (2b) Retradução, (2c) Revisão pelo comitê de juízes e (2d) Pré-teste. A etapa 2a foi realizada por dois profissionais e a 2b por outros dois profissionais; na etapa 2c foi composto por um comitê de juízes fonoaudiólogas, pedagogas e terapeutas ocupacionais e a 2d foi realizada com 32 escolares, sendo quatro de cada faixa etária (de 9 a 16 anos). Resultados (1) Verificou-se que os conceitos e os itens são equivalentes nas duas culturas (britânica e brasileira). Na etapa 2a, observou-se que, em duas tarefas do procedimento original, foi utilizada uma frase classificada como pangrama na língua inglesa. Diante disso, ao se realizar a unificação das traduções, foi feita uma adaptação da frase para um pangrama na língua portuguesa. Na etapa 2b, verificou-se que a tradução foi válida e na 2c, todas as versões produzidas foram consolidadas em uma única versão, em português, que foi aplicada aos escolares. Na etapa 2d, constatou-se aceitabilidade e compreensão dos escolares nas tarefas propostas e valor de consistência interna de 0,701, ou seja, variabilidade satisfatória. Conclusão O DASH pode ser aplicado na população brasileira. Entretanto, novos estudos estão sendo desenvolvidos, com o objetivo de propiciar maior confiabilidade e validade ...

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Developmental Disabilities , Language Tests , Learning Disabilities , Semantics , Specific Learning Disorder , Translating , Agraphia , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Handwriting
Psychol. av. discip ; 7(1): 23-34, ene.-jul. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685199


Resumen Los Trastornos Específicos del Aprendizaje (TEA) son dificultades que se manifiestan en el ámbito escolar interfiriendo de manera significativa en las actividades que implican habilidades de lectura, cálculo y escritura, descartando como causa de estos, las alteraciones neurológicas, emocionales y conductuales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las funciones cognitiva de un grupo de estudiantes con TEA que se encontraban asistiendo a un colegio privado de la ciudad de Cali. Los instrumentos que se utilizaron para recolectar la información fueron: Cuestionario de problemas de aprendizaje CEPA, Subescalas de la mini entrevista neuropsiquiátrica internacional para niños y adolescentes (M.I.N.I.- N-A), Escala de inteligencia de Wechsler para niños WISC-R y Subtareas de la Evaluación Neuropsicológica Infantil (ENI). Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes con diagnóstico de TEA presentaron fallas cognitivas, específicamente de atención y memoria para información auditivo verbal y visual, acompañadas de falencias para la discriminación fonológica, que se encontraron asociadas a dificultades de la percepción fonémica. Del mismo modo, presentaron fallas en las habilidades espaciales, construccionales y dificultades en la planeación de estrategias para llevar a cabo un plan de manera eficaz. Las falencias cognitivas que subyacen el aprendizaje de la lectura, la escritura y el cálculo de los sujetos estudiados, exponen la necesidad de un adecuado desarrollo de funciones cognitivas para conseguir un exitoso aprendizaje pedagógico, así como también la importancia de ser incluidas en las estrategias de intervención en este tipo de población.

Abstract Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) are difficulties manifest themselves in the school environment, and that interfere significantly with activities that require abilities like reading, writing and calculation, ruling out as a cause of these, neurological, emotional and behavioral. This study had as objective to describe the cognitive functions of a group of students with SLD who where attending a private school in the city of Cali. The instruments used to collect the information were: learning difficulties questionnaire CEPA, subscales of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for children and adolescents (MINI-NA), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children WISC-R and Subtasks from Children Neuropsychological Assessment (ENI). The results showed that students with a diagnosis of SLD had cognitive impairments, specifically in attention and memory for auditory-verbal and visual information, accompanied by failures in phonemic discrimination, which were associated with difficulties in phonemic awareness. They also presented difficulties on spatial and constructional skills, and in planning strategies to implement a plan effectively. The Cognitive failures that underline the learning of reading, writing and calculation of the subjects studies, discussed the need for an adequate development of cognitive functions for a successful educational learning, as well as the importance of being included in intervention strategies in this population.

Wechsler Scales , Specific Learning Disorder , Intelligence , Learning Disabilities , Attention , Students , Cognition , Cognitive Dysfunction , Social Discrimination , Learning , Memory
Dement. neuropsychol ; 6(1): 18-28, mar. 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-621586


Objectives: The high frequency of learning difficulties, attention disorders or developmental delay in childrenin the early years of schooling has resulted in a greater demand for pediatric services. Such services generally includeassessments covering various specialties, are lengthy and often inaccessible to families due to prohibitively high cost. Thispaper presents an economically efficient model of interdisciplinary diagnosis. Methods: A group of 109 Brazilian studentsfrom public schools aged between 5 and 14 years old, referred by teachers for a history of learning disabilities, behavioralchanges or language problems, was evaluated at the NANI (Nucleo de Atendimento Neuropsicologico Infantil). Assessmentswere performed simultaneously during a single days attendance and comprised clinical-genetic examination, behavioral assessment and neuropsychological screening, specially developed for the process. The multiaxial system of DSM-IVwas adopted for diagnostic description. Results: The results revealed heterogeneity in diagnoses which included specificlearning disorders (25.7%), mild intellectual disabilities (17.43%), as well as suspected dysmorphic features (11.93%).Logistic regression showed good sensitivity of neuropsychological screening in the detection of predictive factors for specificdevelopmental disorders, while working memory (p=0.05) and language (p=0.02) problems were found to be higher risk. Conclusions: The model adopted proved to be useful for defining the diagnosis of several conditions in infancy, and can beincorporated into specialized clinics such as psychiatric or developmental pediatric services.

Objetivos: A alta frequência de dificuldades de aprendizagem, distúrbios atencionais ou atraso no desenvolvimentocognitivo, em crianças nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, vem acarretando grande demanda por serviços de saúde.Tais serviços em geral abrangem avaliações em diversas especialidades, realizadas em períodos de tempo prolongados,frequentemente de pouca acessibilidade para as famílias devido ao alto custo. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um modelo dediagnóstico interdisciplinar economicamente viável. Métodos: Foram avaliados os dados de um grupo de 109 alunos darede pública de ensino entre 5 e 14 anos de idade, encaminhadas ao NANI (Nucleo de Atendimento Neuropsicológico Infantil)pelas professoras por apresentarem história de dificuldades de aprendizagem, alterações comportamentais ou problemasde linguagem oral. As avaliações foram realizadas conjuntamente em um único dia de atendimento e abrangeram exameclínico-genético, avaliação comportamental e uma triagem neuropsicológica qualitativa, especialmente desenvolvida parao processo. Adotou-se o sistema multiaxial do DSM-IV na descrição diagnóstica. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram umaheterogeneidade de diagnósticos, incluindo transtornos específicos de aprendizagem (25,7%), deficiência intelectual leve(17,43%) e presença de dismorfias a esclarecer (11,93%). Análises de regressão logística evidenciaram boa sensibilidadeda triagem neuropsicológica na detecção de fatores preditivos para transtornos específicos do desenvolvimento, sendo queproblemas de memória operacional (p=0,05) e de linguagem (p=0.02) se evidenciaram como de maior risco. Conclusões:O modelo adotado mostrou-se útil, assim, na delimitação diagnóstica de queixas de diversas condições na infância, podendoser incorporado em clínicas especializadas tais como psiquiátricas ou pediátricas.

Humans , Child , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Specific Learning Disorder , Health Services