The "Clinical Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy with the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine" were formulated by the Orthopedic and Traumatology Professional Committee of the Chinese Association of Integrative Medicine in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine and expert consensus, and provide clinicians with academic guidance on clinical diagnosis and treatment of CSM. The main content includes diagnostic points, disease grading assessment, TCM syndrome differentiation, surgical indications and timing, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment, and postoperative rehabilitation. This guideline proposes for the first time that the treatment of CSM should follow the principle of grading, clarify the timing and methods of surgical treatment, establish common TCM syndrome differentiation and classification, attach importance to postoperative integrated rehabilitation of Chinese and Western medicine, and strengthen daily follow-up management. It hopes to promote the standardization, effectiveness, and safety of clinical treatment of CSM.
Humans , Spinal Cord Diseases/surgery , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Integrative Medicine , Spinal Osteophytosis , Spondylosis/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is a common disease with an increased anticipated burden to health systems worldwide. Methods to predict outcomes in these patients are needed so physicians can provide more effective care. Fractional anisotropy (FA) analysis is a promising technique used to quantify how preserved the diffusion is in neural pathways. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed using the PRISMA guidelines. Full articles available online were searched for correlation coefficients between FA values and mJOA scores. Average FA values, preoperative mJOA, and postoperative mJOA scores were gathered to perform a correlation analysis. A total of 5 articles presented correlations between FA and mJOA change and were included in the correlation meta-analysis. Correlation coefficients varied from -0.42 and 0.55. The number of patients in each study varied from 15 to 95. The Random effects model resulted in a non-significant correlation coefficient of 0.1315 (95% CI: -0.2575 to 0.4839; p= 0.5124). Spearman's correlation analysis was significant for preoperative vs postoperative mJOA (r = 0.79, p = 0.02), while preoperative FA did not correlate significantly with preoperative or postoperative mJOA. At this point, the data available in the literature is insufficient to determine a real correlation between FA and mJOA scores. More studies are necessary for a better understanding of this matter. Level of Evidence III; Study Review.
RESUMO: A mielopatia espondilótica cervical (CSM, pelas suas siglas em inglês) é uma doença comum com elevados gastos para os sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo. Métodos para prever resultados nesses pacientes são necessários para que a atenção médica seja mais eficaz. A análise de anisotropia fracionada (FA) é uma técnica promissora usada para quantificar a preservação da difusão nas vias neurais. Uma revisão sistemática e meta-análise foi realizada usando as diretrizes PRISMA. Artigos completos disponíveis online foram avaliados em busca de coeficientes de correlação entre valores de FA e escores de mJOA. Valores médios de FA, escores de mJOA pré-operatórios e pós-operatórios foram coletados para realizar uma análise de correlação. Um total de 5 artigos apresentaram correlações entre alteração de FA e mJOA e foram incluídos na meta-análise de correlação. Os coeficientes de correlação variaram entre -0,42 e 0,55. O número de pacientes em cada estudo variou de 15 a 95. O modelo de efeitos aleatórios resultou em um coeficiente de correlação não significativo de 0,1315 (95% CI: -0,2575 a 0,4839; p= 0,5124). A análise de correlação de Spearman foi significativa para mJOA pré-operatório vs. pós-operatório (r = 0,79, p = 0,02), enquanto a FA pré-operatório não apresentou correlação significativa com o mJOA pré-operatório ou pós-operatório. Os dados disponíveis na literatura neste momento são insuficientes para determinar uma correlação real entre os escores FA e mJOA. Mais estudos são necessários para uma melhor compreensão deste assunto. Nível de Evidência III; Revisão de Estudos.
RESUMEN: La mielopatía cervical espondilótica (CSM, por sus siglas en inglés) es una enfermedad común con una mayor carga anticipada para los sistemas de salud en todo el mundo. Se necesitan métodos para predecir los resultados en estos pacientes para que los médicos puedan brindar una atención más eficaz. El análisis de anisotropía fraccional (FA) es una técnica prometedora que se utiliza para cuantificar cuán preservada está la difusión en las vías neurales. Se realizó una revisión sistemática y un metanálisis utilizando las pautas PRISMA. Se buscaron artículos completos disponibles en línea para encontrar coeficientes de correlación entre los valores de FA y las puntuaciones de mJOA. Se recopilaron los valores promedio de FA, mJOA preoperatorios y mJOA postoperatorios para realizar un análisis de correlación. Un total de 5 artículos presentaron correlaciones entre el cambio de FA y mJOA y se incluyeron en el metanálisis de correlación. Los coeficientes de correlación variaron entre -0,42 y 0,55. El número de pacientes en cada estudio varió de 15 a 95. El modelo de efectos aleatorios resultó en un coeficiente de correlación no significativo de 0,1315 (IC 95%: -0,2575 a 0,4839; p= 0,5124). El análisis de correlación de Spearman fue significativo para la mJOA preoperatoria frente a la posoperatoria (r = 0,79, p = 0,02), mientras que la FA preoperatoria no presentó una correlación significativa con la mJOA preoperatoria o posoperatoria. Los datos disponibles en la literatura en este momento son insuficientes para determinar una correlación real entre las puntuaciones de FA y mJOA. Son necesarios más estudios para una mejor comprensión de este asunto. Nivel de Evidencia III; Revisión de Estudios.
Spinal Cord DiseasesABSTRACT
Introducción: La direflexia autónoma (DA) es una afección secundaria a una lesión en la médula espinal que se manifiesta en la pérdida de respuestas autónomas coordinadas y de control cardiovascular. Para el cuidado del paciente, las enfermeras cuentan con el diagnóstico de la DA, que permite interpretar adecuadamente las respuestas humanas de cada individuo. Sin embargo, es necesario fortalecer y actualizar el diagnóstico a los nuevos conocimientos disciplinarios que evolucionan con la práctica de la enfermería. Para esto es esencial una teoría de situación específica que explique el fenómeno de interés y guíe la práctica. Objetivo: Construir una teoría de situación específica para el diagnóstico en enfermería de la DA derivada de la adaptación del modelo de Sor Callista Roy. Materiales y métodos: Estudio teórico desarrollado en cinco etapas: definición del enfoque para construir la teoría, definición de los conceptos clave, desarrollo de un diagrama pictórico, construcción de las proposiciones y establecimiento de las relaciones causales y la evidencia para la práctica. Resultados: La teoría de situación específica incluyó la definición del enfoque para construir la teoría, la definición de los conceptos clave, el desarrollo de un diagrama pictórico, la construcción de las proposiciones y el establecimiento de las relaciones causales y la evidencia para la práctica. Se describen los conceptos y sus relaciones por medio de 7 proposiciones y se identificaron 19 comportamientos ineficaces y 43 estímulos ambientales. De ellos, 39 son focales y 4 contextuales. Conclusiones: Esta teoría de situación específica proporciona una explicación informada y completa de la respuesta humana a la DA para apoyar el cuidado en enfermería.
Introdução: a disreflexia autonômica (DA) é uma condição secundária à lesão da medula espinhal que se manifesta na perda de respostas autonômicas coordenadas e no controle cardiovascular. Para o atendimento ao paciente, os profissionais de enfermagem contam com o diagnóstico de DA que permite a interpretação adequada das respostas humanas do indivíduo. No entanto, há necessidade de fortalecer e atualizar o diagnóstico para o novo conhecimento disciplinar que evolui com a prática de enfermagem. Para isso, é essencial uma teoria situacional específica que explique o fenômeno de interesse e oriente a prática. Objetivo: Construir uma teoria situacional específica para o diagnóstico de enfermagem da DA derivada da adaptação do modelo de Sor Callista Roy. Materiais e método: estudo teórico desenvolvido em cinco etapas: definição da abordagem para construir a teoria, definição de conceitos-chave, desenvolvimento de um diagrama pictórico, construção de proposições e estabelecimento de relações causais e evidências para a prática. Resultados: a teoria específica da situação incluiu a definição da abordagem para a construção da teoria, a definição dos principais conceitos, o desenvolvimento de um diagrama pictórico, a construção de proposições e o estabelecimento de relações causais e evidências para a prática. Os conceitos e suas relações são descritos por meio de 7 proposições e foram identificados 19 comportamentos ineficazes e 43 estímulos ambientais. Destes, 39 são focais e 4 são contextuais. Conclusões: essa teoria específica da situação fornece uma explicação informada e abrangente da resposta humana à DA para apoiar a assistência de enfermagem.
Introduction: Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a condition developed secondary to a spinal cord injury, which manifests with the loss of coordinated autonomic responses and cardiovascular control. For the care of the person, the nurse has the nursing diagnosis of AD, which allows the precise interpretation of the human responses of each individual. However, it is necessary to strengthen and update the diagnosis to the new disciplinary knowledge that evolved with nursing practice. For this, proposing a situation-specific theory is essential to explain the phenomenon of interest and guide practice. Objective: To construct a situation-specific theory for the nursing diagnosis of AD derived from the adaptation model of Sor Callista Roy. Materials and methods: Theoretical study developed in five stages: defining the approach to construct the theory, defining key concepts, developing a pictorial diagram, building propositions, and establishing causal relationships and evidence for practice. Results: The situation-specific theory included defining key concepts, developing a pictorial diagram, building propositions, and establishing causal relationships and evidence for practice. We described the concepts and their relationships through seven propositions and identified 19 ineffective behaviors and 43 environmental stimuli. Of them, 39 are focal, and four are contextual stimuli. Conclusions: This situation-specific theory offers a substantiated and comprehensive explanation of the human response to AD for supporting nursing care.
Spinal Cord Diseases , Nursing Diagnosis , Nursing Theory , Adult , Autonomic DysreflexiaABSTRACT
El déficit de cobre puede presentarse como una mielopatía y manifestarse como una ataxia sensorial secundaria a una desmielinización de los cordones posteriores de la médula espinal. Puede acompañarse de citopenias, principalmente anemia y leucopenia. Se presenta una serie de casos de tres pacientes con mielopatía por déficit de cobre, diagnosticados y manejados desde el año 2020 al 2022 en un hospital universitario de alta complejidad en Colombia. Dos de los casos eran mujeres. El rango de edad fue entre 57 y 68 años. En los tres casos, los niveles séricos de cobre estaban disminuidos y en dos de ellos, se descartaron diferentes causas de mielopatía que afectan los cordones posteriores de la médula espinal como el déficit de vitamina B12, vitamina E y ácido fólico, tabes dorsal, mielopatía por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, esclerosis múltiple e infección por el virus linfotrópico humano de tipo I y II, entre otras. Sin embargo, un paciente tenía deficiencia de vitamina B12 asociada con de cobre en el momento del diagnóstico de la mielopatía. En los tres casos hubo ataxia sensitiva y en dos, la paraparesia fue el déficit motor inicial. Se deben incluir siempre la determinación de los niveles de cobre dentro del abordaje diagnóstico de todo paciente con enfermedad gastrointestinal crónica, con diarrea crónica, síndrome de mala absorción o reducción significativa de la ingestión en la dieta, y que desarrolle síntomas neurológicos sugestivos de compromiso de los cordones, ya que se ha reportado que el retraso en el diagnóstico de las mielopatías se asocia con pobres desenlaces neurológicos.
Copper deficiency can present as myelopathy by the manifestation of sensory ataxia, secondary to demyelination of the posterior cords of the spinal cord, accompanied by cytopenia, mainly anemia, and leukopenia. Case series study of three patients with myelopathy due to copper deficiency, diagnosed and managed from 2020 to 2022 in a highly complex university hospital in Colombia. Regarding gender, two cases were female patients. The age range was between 57 and 68 years. In all three cases serum copper levels were decreased, and in two of these, different causes of myelopathy affecting the posterior cords of the spinal cord were ruled out, such as vitamin B12, vitamin E and folic acid deficiency, tabes dorsalis, myelopathy due to human immunodeficiency virus, multiple sclerosis and infection by the human lymphotropic virus type I and II, among others. However, at the moment of the myelopathy diagnosis, one patient had vitamin B12 deficiency associated with copper insufficiency. All three cases presented sensory ataxia, and in two, paraparesis was the initial motor deficit. The diagnostic approach must include copper levels assessment in every case of patients with chronic gastrointestinal pathology, chronic diarrhea, malabsorption syndrome, or significant reduction in dietary intake; and the development of neurological symptoms that may suggest cord involvement. It has been reported that a delay in diagnosis can lead to poor neurological outcomes.
Spinal Cord Diseases , Copper , Ataxins , Anemia , Leukopenia , Malabsorption SyndromesABSTRACT
La neurocisticercosis espinal es una enfermedad infecciosa poco frecuente. Su presentación puede ser extraespinal o intraespinal y la mayoría de casos es de evolución subaguda o crónica. Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 55 años, natural y procedente de Lima, Perú, con cuadro clínico de una paraparesia aguda secundaria a una mielopatía dorsal por lesiones quísticas de cisticercosis espinal. La paciente recibió tratamiento médico y quirúrgico con una evolución clínica y de imágenes favorable. Es importante considerar en nuestro contexto epidemiológico, la cisticercosis espinal como diagnóstico diferencial, ante un cuadro clínico de mielopatía aguda, ya que el adecuado enfoque diagnóstico y tratamiento oportuno de esta rara entidad pueden mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes.
Spinal neurocysticercosis is an infectious and rare disease. Its presentation can be extraspinal or intraspinal and most cases are of subacute or chronic evolution. We report the case of a 55-year-old female patient from Lima, Peru with a 2-day history of acute paraparesis secondary to dorsal myelopathy due to cystic lesions of spinal cysticercosis. The patient received medical and surgical treatment with a favorable clinical and imaging evolution. In our epidemiological context, it is important to consider a spinal cysticercosis as a differential diagnosis when faced with a clinical picture of acute myelopathy, since the appropriate diagnostic approach and timely treatment of this rare entity can improve the prognosis of patients.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Spinal Cord Diseases/etiology , Neurocysticercosis/complications , Spinal Cord Diseases/therapy , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Neurocysticercosis/therapy , Neurocysticercosis/diagnostic imaging , MyelitisABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the volumetric changes of cervical disc herniation (CDH) after cervical microendoscopic laminoplasty(CMEL),expansive open-door laminoplasty (EOLP) and conservative treatment. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted involving 101 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy(CSM),at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from April 2012 to April 2021. The patients included 52 males and 49 females with an age of (54.7±11.8) years(range:25 to 86 years). Among them, 35 patients accepted CMEL treatment,33 patients accepted EOLP treatment,while 33 patients accepted conservative treatment. Volume data of CDH were measured by three-dimensional analysis of the initial and follow-up MRI images. The absorption rate and reprotrusion rate of CDH were calculated. The happening of resorption or reprotrusion was defined when the ratio was greater than 5%. The clinical outcomes and quality of life were evaluated by the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score and the neck disability index (NDI).Quantitative data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA with post LSD-t test (multiple comparison) or Kruskal-Wallis test. Categorical data was analyzed by χ2 test. Results: The follow-up time of the CMEL group,EOLP group and the conservative treatment group were (27.6±18.8)months,(21.6±6.9)months and(24.9±16.3)months respectively with no significant difference(P>0.05). Changes of CDH volume in patients:(1) There were 96 CDH of 35 patients in the CMEL group,among which 78 showed absorption. The absorption frequency was 81.3%(78/96) and the absorption rate was ranged 5.9% to 90.9%;9 CDH showed reprotrusion,the reprotrusion frequency was 9.4% (9/96) and the reprotrusion rate was 5.9% to 13.3%;(2) There were 94 CDH of 33 patients in the EOLP group,of which 45 showed absorption. The absorption prevalence was 47.9% (45/94) and the absorption rate was 5.0% to 26.7%;20 CDH showed reprotruded,with the reprotrusion frequency of 21.3% (20/94) and the reprotrusion rate was 5.8% to 28.3%;(3) There were 102 CDH in 33 patients of the conservative group. Among them, 5 showed absorption. The absorption frequency was 4.9% (5/102),and the absorption rate was 7.2% to 14.3%;58 CDH showed reprotruded with the re-protrusion ratio of 56.9% (58/102) and the re-protrusion rate was 5.4% to 174.1%. The absorption ratio and reprotrusion ratio of the CMEL group were statistically different from EOLP group or the conservative group (P<0.01).The absorption ratio and reprotrusion ratio of the EOLP group was different from conservative group (all P<0.01). In terms of clinical outcomes, the excellent/good rate of the JOA score and NDI scores in the CMEL group were different from that of conservative group (all P<0.01) but not from that of the EOLP group(P>0.05). Conclusions: CMEL is an effective method for the treatment of CSM,making CDH easier to resorption compared to the EOLP or conservative treatment,thus making a better decompression effect on the nerves. This study enlightened on a new strategy for the clinical treatment of CSM.
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Retrospective Studies , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Conservative Treatment , Quality of Life , Treatment Outcome , Spondylosis/surgery , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Spinal Cord Diseases , Laminoplasty/methods , DecompressionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To review the clinical research progress of spinal epidural lipomatosis (SEL).@*METHODS@#The clinical studies on SEL at home and abroad in recent years were extensively reviewed, and the pathogenesis, clinical and imaging manifestations, and treatment status of SEL were summarized and analyzed.@*RESULTS@#SEL is a disease characterized by compression of the spinal cord and nerve roots due to abnormal accumulation of epidural adipose tissue in the spinal canal. Its prevalence and diagnosis rate are low and the pathogenesis is not fully understood. MRI is the most sensitive and specific diagnostic test for SEL. Surgical decompression and removal of excess adipose tissue are the only options for patients with acute SEL or those who have failed conservative management, and conservative management should be considered for other patients.@*CONCLUSION@#SEL is a rare disease and related research still needs to be improved. In the future, high-quality, multi-center and large-sample studies will be of great significance for evaluating the choice of treatment methods and effectiveness of SEL patients.
Humans , Decompression, Surgical/methods , Epidural Space/surgery , Lipomatosis/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Spinal Cord Diseases/surgeryABSTRACT
Neurosurgical patients are the most critical ICU admissions. While advancements in neurosurgical ICUs (NICU) have improved outcomes of care globally, ICU mortality remains a major clinical issue in developing nations. This study evaluates ICU mortalities of neurosurgical patients in a general ICU setting at the UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria. Method: Case records of neurosurgery patients who died in the ICU of UNIOSUN Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, South-Western, Nigeria from June 2012 to May 2022 were reviewed. Simple descriptive statistics of data on demographics, clinical diagnoses, management and outcome were done. Results: Mortality rate was 38.9% (84 of 216 admissions). Males were 67(79.8%) and the mean age was 41.5years (Range: 2-85years). The average duration of ICU stay was 3.5days (Range: 30minutes-20days). Most patients had severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) (62, 73.8%). This was followed by cerebrovascular diseases (12, 14.3%) and brain tumours (6, 7.1%). Two had brain abscess. One patient each had mixed subacute/chronic subdural haematoma and severe cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Of the 69 whose case files were found, 7(10.1%) had a diagnosis of brainstem death before eventual 'final' death after an average of 13.5 additional hours on mechanical life support. The identified secondary causes of death included raised ICP, sepsis, primary surgical haemorrhage, seizures, acute kidney injury, malignant hypertension, poor glycaemic control and aggressive blood pressure lowering. Only 1 patient had autopsy. Conclusion: Most ICU mortalities among neurosurgical patients were from severe TBI. The establishment of NICU is necessary to improve outcome of care of neurosurgical patients
Humans , Neurosurgical Procedures , Intensive Care Units , Spinal Cord Diseases , Cerebrovascular Disorders , Sepsis , Hypertension, MalignantABSTRACT
La mucopolisacaridosis tipo VI o síndrome de Maroteaux-Lamy se produce por la deficiencia de la enzima arilsulfatasa B que ocasiona la acumulación intracelular de dermatán sulfato. El riesgo de compresión medular es particularmente elevado y muy frecuente en la unión occipito-cervical. La terapia de reemplazo enzimático ha sido esencial para los pacientes con esta enfermedad; sin embargo, no tiene efecto sobre las alteraciones esqueléticas, y su impacto sobre la estabilidad espinal está aún en estudio. Se sugiere un examen anual (evaluación neurológica, radiografías, resonancia magnética y potenciales provocados somatosensitivos) y, en caso de anomalías, cada 6 meses. Pese al alto riesgo anestésico, la mielopatía y los síntomas progresivos indican la necesidad de una descompresión quirúrgica. Presentamos a una niña de 12 años con mucopolisacaridosis tipo VI tratada con terapia de reemplazo enzimático desde los 7 años, que acude a la consulta con síntomas compatibles con mielopatía cervical alta progresiva. Fue sometida a una descompresión y artrodesis occipito-cervical con ampliación del foramen magno. Esta enfermedad es infrecuente; por lo tanto, es imperativo el seguimiento multidisciplinario del paciente, así como conocer el riesgo de compresión medular y su oportuno tratamiento quirúrgico a cargo de cirujanos espinales. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI, also known as Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome, is caused by a deficiency of the arylsulfatase B enzyme, which causes intracellular accumulation of dermatan sulfate. The risk of spinal cord compression is particularly high and frequent at the occipitocervical junction. Enzyme replacement therapy has been essential for patients with this disease; however, it has no effect on skeletal abnormalities, and its impact on spinal stability is still under study. An annual examination (neurological evaluation, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and somatosensory evoked potentials) is recommended. In case of anomalies, it should be repeated every 6 months. Despite the high anesthetic risk, myelopathy and progressive symptoms indicate the need for surgical decompression. We present the case of a 12-year-old girl with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI treated with enzyme replacement therapy since the age of 7, who came to the consultation with symptoms compatible with progressive high cervical myelopathy. She underwent occipitocervical decompression and fusion with enlargement of the foramen magnum. This disease is rare; therefore, multidisciplinary patient follow-up is imperative, as well as knowing the risk of spinal cord compression and its timely surgical treatment by spinal surgeons. Level of Evidence: IV
Child , Spinal Cord Diseases , Treatment Outcome , Mucopolysaccharidosis VIABSTRACT
Introdução: a paraparesia espástica tropical ou mielopatia associada ao HTLV (HAM/TSP) é umadoença infecciosa e inflamatória crônica, que pode interferir em vários aspectos da vida do indivíduo e, com isso, alterar sua qualidade de vida (QV). Objetivo: avaliar os domínios da escala SF-36 que mais contribuem para as alterações na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com HAM/TSP. Metodologia: nesse estudo observacional, transversal e quantitativo, realizado com 49 pacientes diagnosticados com HAM/TSP do setor de Neurociências do Ambulatório Professor Francisco Magalhães Neto, na cidade de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, a qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo questionário de saúde Short Form-36 (SF-36), no período de fevereiro de 2019 a julho de 2020, e de fevereiro de 2022 a abril de 2022. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados por análise estatística descritiva e testes de correlação de Pearson e Spearman. Resultados: foi observado que os menores escores do questionário SF-36, indicando pior qualidade de vida, foram relativos aos domínios vinculados às limitações físicas, capacidades funcionais e limitações emocionais, nessa ordem. Os melhores domínios, indicando melhor qualidade de vida, nessa população, foram saúde mental e aspectos sociais, demostrando que os pacientes com HAM/TSP relatam alterações físicas e emocionais em sua qualidade de vida. Conclusão:os domínios que mais alteraram a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com HAM/ TSP foram AF, CF e AE. Assim, utilizando-se da escala SF-36, profissionais de saúde podem identificar e intervir precocemente em domínios que comprometam a saúde física e emocional dos pacientes com HAM/TSP, alterando, consequentemente, sua qualidade de vida.
Introduction: tropical Spastic Paraparesis or HTLV-associated Myelopathy (HAM/TSP) is a chronic infectious and inflammatory disease that can interfere with various aspects of individuals life and, thereby alter their Quality of Life (QoL). Objective: to evaluate the domains of the sf-36 scale that most contribute to changes in the quality of life of patients with HAM/TSP. Methods: in this observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study carried out with 49 patients diagnosed with HAM/TSP from the Neuroscience sector of the Professor Francisco Magalhães Neto Ambulatory, in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, quality of life was assessed using the Short Form Health Questionnaire Form 36 (SF-36), from February/19 to July/20 and from February/22 to April/22. Data obtained were evaluated by descriptive statistical analysis and Pearson and Spearman correlation tests. Results: it was observed that the lowest scores on the SF-36 questionnaire, indicating worse quality of life, were related to the domains linked to physical limitations, functional capacities and emotional limitations, in that order. The best domains, indicating better quality of life in this population, were mental health and social aspects, showing that patients with HAM/TSP report physical and emotional changes in their quality of life. Conclusion: the domains that most changed the quality of life of patients with HAM/TSP were PA, FC and EA. Thus using the SF-36 scale, health professionals can identify and intervene early in areas that compromise the physical and emotional health of patients with HAM/TSP, consequently altering their quality of life.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Quality of Life , Spinal Cord Diseases , Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 , Paraparesis, Tropical Spastic , Mental Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Evaluation Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Interosseous atrophy of the hand is not an exclusive finding of rheumatoid arthritis, and in the case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis it has a significant diagnostic and prognostic value. The physical examination and evidence of the "split hand" sign or sign of the double anatomical snuffbox is a finding that should alert the clinician to the need for complementary studies in order to rule out neurological pathology.
La atrofia de interóseos de la mano no es un hallazgo exclusivo de la artritis reumatoide, en el caso de la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica tiene un valor diagnóstico y pronóstico significativo, por lo que la exploración física y la evidencia del signo de la mano partida o signo de la doble tabaquera anatómica es un hallazgo que debe alertar al clínico de la necesidad de realizar estudios complementarios para descartar una enfermedad neurológica.
Humans , Female , Aged , Spinal Cord Diseases , Central Nervous System Diseases , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Nervous System DiseasesABSTRACT
Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the most common cause of spinal cord dysfunction in adults. Its prevalence is increasing as a result of population aging. The diagnosis of DCM is often delayed or overlooked, resulting in secondary neurologic morbidity. The natural course of DCM typically presents as a gradual neurological deterioration, with symptoms ranging from muscle weakness to complete paralysis, with variable degrees of sensory deficits and sphincter dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electrophysiological studies allow the assessment of spinal cord function and its structural damage to determine treatment and clinical outcomes. All patients with signs and symptoms consistent with DCM should be referred to a spine surgeon for assessment and tailored treatment. Those patients with mild DCM can be managed non-operatively but require close monitoring and education about potentially alarming signs and symptoms. Surgery is not currently recommended for asymptomatic patients with evidence of spinal cord compression or cervical spinal stenosis on MRI, but they require a structured follow-up. Patients with moderate or severe DCM require surgical decompression to avoid further progression. The objective of this review is to raise awareness of degenerative cervical myelopathy and its increasing prevalence as well as to aid non-surgical healthcare workers for a timely diagnosis and management of this disabling condition.
Humans , Adult , Spinal Cord Compression/diagnosis , Spinal Cord Compression/etiology , Spinal Cord Compression/therapy , Spinal Cord Diseases/therapy , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cervical Vertebrae/pathology , Cervical Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Disease ProgressionSubject(s)
Humans , Spinal Cord Diseases , Tuberculosis , Myelitis/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Cord , Magnetic Resonance ImagingABSTRACT
Resumen Se describe el caso de una paciente de 27 años que se presentó al servicio de urgencias por hipoestesia y parestesia de dos meses de evolución. El cuadro se inició en ambos pies, progresó en pocos días hasta las rodillas sin trastornos de la marcha y se acompañó de distonías en pulgar e índice de ambas manos. La analítica sanguínea incluyendo tóxicos fue negativa. La resonancia magnética medular mostró una imagen sugestiva de mielopatía o mielitis (C3-C5) sin otras anomalías sugestivas de enfermedad sistémica. El análisis bioquímico y el bacteriológico del líquido cefalorraquídeo fueron normales. Ante estos elementos se re-interrogó a la paciente en busca de consumo de tóxicos inusuales con la confirmación de consumo de óxido nitroso. La paciente fue internada para la realización de otros estudios que confirmaron la hipótesis diagnóstica del servicio de urgencias.
Abstract We describe the case of a 27-year-old female patient who presented to the emergency ward with hypoesthesia and paresthesia developing over the last two months, initially in both feet and progressing to the knees in a few days without associated gait disorders. Dystonia in the thumb and index finger of both hands was noted. Blood tests including toxic drugs were negative. The spinal magnetic resonance imaging was consistent with (C3-C5) myelopathy or myelitis without other abnormalities suggestive of systemic diseases. The biochemi cal and bacteriological analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid was normal. Because of these findings, the patient was re-interviewed to determine the consumption of unusual drugs, and nitrous oxide consumption was referred. The patient was admitted for further studies, which confirmed the diagnosis.
Humans , Female , Adult , Spinal Cord Diseases/chemically induced , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Nitrous Oxide/adverse effects , Magnetic Resonance ImagingABSTRACT
Cervical kyphoscoliosis is an uncommon spinal deformity. Kyphosis or outward curvature of cervical-spine (Image A) has led to a fixed flexion state resulting in suspension of patient's head in the air while lying on the imaging table. Additionally, dextroscoliosis or rightward convexity of the cervical vertebral axis has resulted in a persistent leftward head tilt (Image B). Head and neck radiation and trauma can lead to cervical kyphoscoliosis. In addition to the cosmetic deformity, patients present with myelopathic sensorimotor symptoms such as weakness and tingling of upper extremities. The Poisson effect states that flexion of the spine lengthens and stretches the spinal canal, reduces its area and narrows its lumen. This causes spinal cord impingement and myelopathy.
La cifoescoliosis cervical es una deformidad de la columna vertebral poco frecuente. La cifosis o la curvatura hacia fuera de la columna cervical (imagen A) ha dado lugar a un estado de flexión fija que provoca la suspensión de la cabeza del paciente en el aire mientras está tumbado en la mesa de diagnóstico por imagen. Además, la dextroscoliosis o convexidad hacia la derecha del eje vertebral cervical ha dado lugar a una inclinación persistente de la cabeza hacia la izquierda (Imagen B). La radiación de cabeza y cuello y los traumatismos pueden provocar cifoescoliosis cervical. Además de la deformidad estética, los pacientes presentan síntomas sensoriomotores mielopáticos como debilidad y hormigueo en las extremidades superiores. El efecto Poisson establece que la flexión de la columna vertebral alarga y estira el canal espinal, reduce su área y estrecha su lumen. Esto provoca el pinzamiento de la médula espinal y la mielopatía.
Humans , Spinal Cord Diseases , Spine , Congenital Abnormalities , Paresthesia , Radiology , Spinal Canal , Cervical Vertebrae , NeckABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is the main cause of spinal dysfunction in adults. The type of surgical approach to treatment is not well defined in the literature. The objective is to report the results obtained through isolated posterior decompression in patients with a previous indication of the combined approach for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Methods: This is a therapeutic study with level of evidence II, according to the Oxford classification table. Ten patients who underwent isolated posterior approach surgery for the treatment of cervical spondylotic myelopathy were evaluated through imaging and questionnaires (visual analog scale, mJOA-Br scale - Brazilian Portuguese version of the Modified Japanese Orthopedic Association Scale, and Neck Disability Index (NDI)), comparing pre- and postoperative results. Results: Late evaluation of the 10 patients was performed in the period ranging from 24 to 36 months (mean of 30.3 months ± 7.25) following surgery. The comparison of the clinical and radiological parameters in all patients showed a statistical difference in relation to the preoperative scales applied and to the degree of cervical lordosis (p <0.05), evidencing improvement after decompression and posterior fixation of the cervical spine. Conclusions: The isolated posterior approach (decompression, fixation and arthrodesis) allowed the clinical and radiological improvement of patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and who had an indication of the complementary anterior approach. Level of evidence II; Retrospective study.
RESUMO Objetivo: A mielopatia cervical espondilótica (MCE) é a principal causa de disfunção medular nos adultos. O tipo de abordagem cirúrgica para o tratamento não é bem definido na literatura. O objetivo é relatar os resultados obtidos por meio da descompressão posterior isolada nos pacientes com indicação prévia da abordagem combinada para o tratamento da mielopatia cervical espondilótica. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo terapêutico com nível de evidência II, conforme a tabela de classificação Oxford. Dez pacientes submetidos apenas à abordagem cirúrgica posterior para tratamento de mielopatia cervical espondilótica foram avaliados por meio de exames de imagem e de questionários (escala visual analógica, escala mJOA-Br - Versão em Português da Escala Modificada da Sociedade Japonesa de Ortopedia e escala de incapacidade cervical - Neck Disability Index - NDI), comparando os resultados pré e pós-operatórios. Resultados: A avaliação tardia dos 10 pacientes foi realizada no período que variou de 24 a 36 meses (média de 30,3 meses ± 7,25) de pós-operatório. A comparação dos parâmetros clínicos e radiológicos em todos os pacientes mostrou diferença estatística com relação ao pré-operatório para as escalas aplicadas e para o grau de lordose cervical (p < 0,05), evidenciando a melhora depois da descompressão e da fixação posterior da coluna cervical. Conclusões: A abordagem posterior isolada (descompressão, fixação e artrodese) permitiu a melhora clínica e radiológica de pacientes com mielopatia cervical espondilótica e que tinham indicação da abordagem anterior complementar. Nível de evidência II; Estudo retrospectivo.
RESUMEN Objetivo: La mielopatía cervical espondilótica (MCE) es la principal causa de disfunción medular en los adultos. El tipo de abordaje quirúrgico para el tratamiento no está bien definido en la literatura. El objetivo es relatar los resultados obtenidos por medio de la descompresión posterior aislada en los pacientes con indicación previa del abordaje combinado para el tratamiento de la mielopatía cervical espondilótica. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio terapéutico con nivel de evidencia II, conforme a la tabla de clasificación Oxford. Diez pacientes sometidos únicamente al abordaje quirúrgico posterior para el tratamiento de la mielopatía cervical espondilótica fueron evaluados mediante exámenes de imagen y cuestionarios (escala analógica visual, escala mJOA-Br - versión en portugués de la escala modificada de la Sociedad Japonesa de Ortopedia y escala de incapacidad cervical - Neck Disability Index - NDI), comparando los resultados pre y postoperatorios. Resultados: La evaluación tardía de los 10 pacientes fue realizada en el período que varió de 24 a 36 meses (promedio de 30,3 meses ± 7,25) de postoperatorio. La comparación de los parámetros clínicos y radiológicos en todos los pacientes mostró diferencia estadística con relación al preoperatorio para las escalas aplicadas y para el grado de lordosis cervical (p <0,05), evidenciando la mejora después de la descompresión y de la fijación posterior de la columna cervical. Conclusiones: El abordaje posterior aislado (descompresión, fijación y artrodesis) permitió la mejora clínica y radiológica de pacientes con mielopatía cervical espondilótica y que tenían indicación del abordaje anterior complementario. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio retrospectivo.
Humans , Spinal Osteophytosis , Spinal Cord Diseases , Cervical VertebraeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To study the changes of anterior soft tissue swelling after anterior cervical subtotal corpectomy, titanium mesh fusion and internal fixation.@*METHODS@#From November 2015 to July 2018, 151 patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy were treated with anterior single corpectomy, titanium mesh fusion and internal fixation, including 109 males and 42 females, aged 44 to 81 (59.77±8.34) years. Through postoperative follow up observation, the C@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up for 15 to 40(28.00±3.52) months. One week after the operation, the swelling of anterior soft tissue reached the peak, and then decreased. At 8 months after the operation, the swelling of anterior soft tissue on C@*CONCLUSION@#Anterior subtotal cervical corpectomy, titanium mesh bone graft fusion and internal fixation can cause swelling of the anterior soft tissue. One week after operation, we should pay more attention to the aggravation of the swelling of the anterior soft tissue to avoid the occurrence of dysphagia, respiratory obstruction, asphyxia and other complications.
Female , Humans , Male , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Cord Diseases , Spinal Fusion , Spondylosis , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the efficacy of microscope assisted anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with conventional surgical approach in the treatment of single-segment cervical spondylotic myelopathy.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 89 patients with single-segment cervical spondylotic myelopathy treated from March 2015 to March 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 55 males and 34 females, with an average of (52.00±11.36) years old. Among the patients, 34 cases were treated with conventional anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (conventional group), including C@*RESULTS@#Intraoperative blood loss and hospital stay in microscope group were less than those in conventional group (@*CONCLUSION@#Both methods can achieve satisfactory effect in treating single-segment cervical spondylotic myelopathy. However, microscope-assisted anterior cervical discectomy and fusion has advantages of clear vision, less bleeding and fewer intraoperative complications.