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Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531278


Introducción: La lipomatosis epidural espinal es una enfermedad infrecuente caracterizada por el sobrecrecimiento del tejido adiposo no encapsulado dentro del espacio epidural. Esto genera una estenosis del conducto espinal que puede provocar sintomatología compresiva. La presentación típica es insidiosa a lo largo de meses o años. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis descriptivo de la manifestación clínica inicial en pacientes con lipomatosis epidural espinal grado III de Naka. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional retrospectivo en la Unidad de Patología Espinal de 4 instituciones, de 2010 a 2023. Se incluyó a pacientes >18 años, de ambos sexos, que acudieron por dolor lumbar con irradiación o sin irradiación, y presentaban lipomatosis lumbar Naka III en la resonancia magnética. Resultados: Se incorporó a 40 pacientes (edad promedio 62.5 años). El 75% era obeso, ninguno era fumador. El motivo de consulta más frecuente fue lumbalgia, con una mediana de evolución del dolor de 5.5 meses. Conclusiones:La lumbalgia fue la consulta más frecuente, con excepción del compromiso de L3-S1 que fue la lumbocruralgia. Los pacientes que sufrieron dolor más tiempo (>6 meses) eran más jóvenes y tenían un índice de masa corporal menor; sin embargo, no resultó estadísticamente significativo. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Spinal epidural lipomatosis (SEL) is a rare pathology characterized by the overgrowth of nonencapsulated adipose tissue within the epidural space. This generates spinal stenosis, which might result in compression symptoms. The typical presentation is insidious pain that lasts months or years. The objective of this study was to carry out a descriptive analysis of the initial clinical signs of patients with Naka's grade III lumbar SEL. materials and methods: Retrospective observational study in the Spinal Pathology Unit of 4 institutions, from 2010 to 2023. Patients over the age of 18, of both sexes, who consulted for low back pain with or without radiation and presented Naka's grade III lumbar lipomatosis on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were included. Results: We included 40 patients, with a mean age of 62.5 years; 75% were obese, there were no smokers. The most frequent reason for consultation was low back pain, with a median duration of 5.5 months. Conclusions: The most common reason for consultation was low back pain, with the exception of L3-S1 level involvement, which caused lumbar pain with radiation to the thigh. Patients with a longer period of pain (>6 months) were younger and had a lower BMI; although this was not statistically significant. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Middle Aged , Spinal Diseases , Low Back Pain , Lipomatosis , Lumbar Vertebrae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531280


Introducción: La cirugía mínimamente invasiva de columna se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en los últimos años. Se han desarrollado técnicas nuevas y menos invasivas que se han convertido en procedimientos de elección para determinadas enfermedades. El tamaño del corredor aorto-psoas es un factor determinante al elegir la técnica oblicua de fusión intersomática. Objetivos: Describir las modificaciones en el tamaño del corredor aorto-psoas en decúbito lateral derecho y decúbito supino mediante resonancia magnética y su asociación con el índice de masa corporal. materiales y métodos: Se realizó una resonancia magnética de los espacios discales de L1-L2 a L4-L5 a 13 voluntarios en decúbito supino y decúbito lateral derecho. Se midió el corredor y se comparó el tamaño en cada nivel. Resultados: El tamaño del corredor aorto-psoas y de la distancia arteria-disco tuvo un aumento estadísticamente significativo al posicionar al paciente en decúbito lateral derecho. Conclusiones: La resonancia magnética es de suma importancia en la planificación prequirúrgica, pues deja en evidencia la movilidad de las estructuras abdominales. Se producen cambios significativos en el corredor aorto-psoas y la distancia arteria-disco al ubicar al paciente en decúbito lateral derecho. Sin embargo, estos cambios no tienen una relación significativa con el índice de masa corporal. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) has gained popularity in recent years. New and less invasive techniques have emerged as the preferred procedures for certain pathologies. The size of the aorta-psoas corridor is decisive when choosing the oblique interbody fusion technique. Objectives: To describe the changes in the size of the aorta-psoas corridor in the right lateral decubitus and supine decubitus positions by magnetic resonance imaging and their association with body mass index. materials and methods: 13 volunteers underwent MRI of the disc spaces from L1-L2 to L4-L5 in the supine and right lateral decubitus positions. The corridor was measured, and the sizes at each level were compared. Results: A statistically significant increase in the size of the aorta-psoas corridor and the artery-disc distance was obtained when positioning the patient in the right lateral decubitus position. However, these have no significant relationship with BMI. Conclusions: The use of MRI in pre-surgical planning is extremely important. This study reveals the mobility of the abdominal structures. We can conclude that, as stated in the objective of the study, significant changes occur in the aorta-psoas corridor and the artery-disc distance when the patient is positioned in the right lateral decubitus position. Level of Evidence: IV

Adult , Spinal Diseases , Spinal Fusion , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Lumbar Vertebrae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531285


La estenosis espinal de las tres regiones de la columna en simultáneo es un cuadro infrecuente que requiere una adecuada valoración clínica y de las imágenes. En la actualidad, no existen guías establecidas para su abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico. El objetivo de este artículo es describir la presentación clínica, el tratamiento y la evolución en un paciente con triple estenosis y contrastarlos con la evidencia disponible a través de una revisión narrativa de la bibliografía. Se presenta a una mujer de 69 años de edad que consultó con un cuadro de paraparesia progresiva asociado a ciatalgia derecha y signos de motoneurona superior positivos. En los estudios por imágenes, se constató una triple estenosis: cervical, torácica y lumbar. Se procedió a la descompresión y la resección tumoral torácica asociadas al tratamiento conservador de las estenosis cervical y lumbar. La evolución era favorable al año de la cirugía. La estenosis espinal de triple región sintomática es una condición rara, las valoraciones clínicas y radiológicas adecuadas permitirán un diagnóstico correcto con un abordaje adecuado y oportuno. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Simultaneous spinal stenosis across all three regions of the spine is an uncommon condition that requires proper clinical and imaging assessment. There are currently no established guidelines for its diagnosis and treatment. The objective of this paper is to describe, based on a case report, the clinical presentation, treatment, and progression of triple stenosis in a patient and compare it with available evidence through a narrative literature review. A 69-year-old woman presented with progressive paraparesis associated with right sciatica and positive signs of upper motor neuron involvement. Imaging confirmed triple stenosis: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. She underwent thoracic decompression and tumor resection, as well as conservative treatment for cervical and lumbar stenoses, and showed favorable progress one year after surgery. Symptomatic triple-region spinal stenosis is an uncommon condition. Proper clinical and radiological assessments will enable an accurate diagnosis with appropriate and timely intervention. Level of Evidence: IV

Aged , Spinal Diseases , Spinal Stenosis , Thoracic Vertebrae , Cervical Vertebrae , Lumbar Vertebrae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531286


Las hernias de disco extraforaminales en el espacio L5-S1 suelen ser difíciles de tratar por su complicado acceso y el riesgo de lesión nerviosa. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con discopatía en L5-S1 izquierda que fue tratado mediante discectomía endoscópica por abordaje símil Wiltse transfacetario. Este tipo de abordaje permite el acceso seguro a las hernias extraforaminales en el espacio L5-S1 evitando la manipulación e irritación de la raíz de L5. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Extraforaminal L5-S1 disc herniations are usually difficult to treat due to their complicated access and risk of nerve injury. We present the case of a patient with left L5-S1 disc disease who was treated by endoscopic discectomy using a transfacet Wiltse-like approach. This method provides safe access to L5-S1 extraforaminal herniations while avoiding manipulation and irritation of the L5 root. Level of Evidence: IV

Middle Aged , Spinal Diseases , Endoscopy , Intervertebral Disc Displacement , Lumbar Vertebrae , Lumbosacral Region
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531288


Introducción: El denosumab es un anticuerpo monoclonal humano que actúa contra el RANKL, inhibiendo la destrucción ósea mediada por los osteoclastos, así evitando la pérdida de stock óseo; por este motivo, se lo utiliza en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis como agente antiresortivo y está autorizado para el tratamiento del tumor de células gigantes y el mieloma múltiple. Nuestro objetivo fue conocer las indicaciones y contraindicaciones para la pérdida de stock óseo de causa no osteoporótica. Materiales y métodos: Revisión sistemática de artículos en inglés publicados en el período 2009-2023. Se incluyeron artículos que indicaran o contraindicaran el uso del denosumab. Resultados: De un total inicial de 4306 artículos, se analizaron 18 artículos que mostraban consenso en la dosis y los controles con tomografía e indicaban o contraindicaban el uso del denosumab. Conclusiones: El denosumab está indicado como una buena opción de tratamiento preferente de tumores vertebrales primarios inoperables, para evitar recidivas o demorar las metástasis de tumores primarios o de tumores sólidos, principalmente de mama, próstata y pulmón, y para el compromiso vertebral del mieloma múltiple. El denosumab está contraindicado, por el momento, para las lesiones infecciosas. Nivel de Evidencia: III

Background: Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody that acts against RANKL, inhibiting bone destruction mediated by osteoclasts, thus avoiding bone loss. For this reason, it is used in the treatment of osteoporosis as an antiresorptive and is authorized for the treatment of giant cell tumor and multiple myeloma. Our objective is to understand its indications and contraindications for the treatment of non-osteoporotic bone loss. materials and methods: A systematic review of English-language articles published between 2009 and 2023, using PRISMA criteria. Articles indicating or contraindicating the use of denosumab were considered for inclusion. Results: From a total of 4306 articles, 18 articles were analyzed, which showed consensus on the dose and controls with tomography and indicated or contraindicated the use of denosumab. Conclusions: Denosumab is recommended as a primary therapeutic option for unresectable spinal tumors, to prevent recurrences or to delay the formation of metastases from primary tumors or solid tumors, primarily breast, prostate, and lung, as well as for multiple myeloma spinal involvement. Denosumab is currently contraindicated in infectious lesions. Level of Evidence: III

Spinal Diseases , Bone Neoplasms , Denosumab
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(5): 698-705, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529936


Abstract Objective To determine the correlation between posttreatment trunk range of motion (ROM) and isometric strength (TIS) and pain and disability in patients who underwent multimodal rehabilitation for low back pain (LBP). Methods In this prospective cohort study, 122 patients undergoing multimodal rehabilitation for LBP were analyzed. The pre- and posttreatment numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) scores, as well as trunk ROM and TIS were compared. The Pearson correlation was used to determine correlation between posttreatment clinical outcomes and ROM and TIS. Results At the end of treatment, the mean NPRS (p< 0.0001) and ODI (p< 0.0001) scores, mean trunk extension (p< 0.0001), and flexion (p< 0.0001) ROMs improved significantly. Similarly, posttreatment, the mean extension (p< 0.0001) and flexion (p< 0.0001) TISs improved significantly. There was a weak correlation between the NPRS score and ROM extension (r = -0.24, p= 0.006) and flexion strength (r = -0.28, p= 0.001), as well as between the ODI score and TIS extension (r = -0.30, p= 0.0007) and flexion (r = -0.28, p= 0.001). Conclusion Despite significant improvement in pain, disability, trunk ROM, and TIS with multimodal treatment, there was a weak correlation between posttreatment pain and function and trunk ROM and TIS. Improvement in pain and function with physical rehabilitation treatment for LBP is a complex phenomenon and needs further investigation.

Resumo Objetivo Determinar a correlação entre a amplitude de movimento (ADM) do tronco pós-tratamento e a força isométrica do tronco (FIT) e a dor e a incapacidade em pacientes submetidos à reabilitação multimodal para dor lombar (DL). Métodos Neste estudo de coorte prospectiva, 122 pacientes submetidos à reabilitação multimodal para DL foram analisados. Foram comparados os escores de escala numérica de dor pré- e pós-tratamento (END) e do índice de incapacidade Oswestry (Oswestry disability index - ODI), a ADM do tronco e a FIT. A correlação de Pearson foi utilizada para determinar a correlação entre desfechos clínicos e a ADM e a FIT pós-tratamento. Resultados Ao final do tratamento, as médias de ADM (p< 0,0001) e ODI (p< 0,0001), as ADMs médias de extensão (p< 0,0001) e a flexão (p< 0,0001) do tronco melhoraram significativamente. Da mesma forma, a FIT pós-tratamento, as FITs médias de extensão (p< 0,0001) e flexão (p< 0,0001) melhoraram significativamente. Houve uma correlação fraca entre o escore do END e a ADM de extensão (r = -0,24, p= 0,006) e força de flexão (r = -0,28, p= 0,001) pós-tratamento, assim como entre o escore de ODI e FIT de extensão (r = -0,30, p= 0,0007) e flexão (r = -0,28, p= 0,001) pós-tratamento. Conclusão Apesar da melhora significativa da dor, capacidade, ADM do tronco e FIT com tratamento multimodal, houve uma fraca correlação entre dor pós-tratamento e função e ADM e FIT de tronco. A melhora da dor e da função com o tratamento de reabilitação física para DL é um fenômeno complexo e precisa de uma investigação mais aprofundada.

Humans , Spinal Diseases/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Low Back Pain/rehabilitation , Low Back Pain/therapy , Combined Modality Therapy , Muscle Strength
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981731


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the relationship between spinous process deviation and lumbar disc herniation in young patients.@*METHODS@#From March 2015 to January 2022, 30 treated young (under the age of 30) patients with lumbar disc herniation were included as the young group. In addition 30 middle-aged patients (quinquagenarian group) with lumbar disc herniation and 30 patients with non-degenerative spinal diseases (young non-degenerative group) were selected as control groups. The angle of the spinous process deviation was measured on CT and statistically analyzed by various groups. All the data were measured twice and the average value was taken and recorded.@*RESULTS@#The average angle of spinous process deviation in the degenerative lumbar vertebra of young patients were (3.89±3.77) degrees, similar to the (3.72±2.98) degrees of quinquagenarian patients(P=0.851). The average angle of s spinous process deviation young non-degenerative group were (2.20±2.28) degrees, significantly less than young group(P=0.040). The spinous process deviation angle of the superior vertebral of the degenerative lumbar in the young group was (4.10±3.44) degrees, which similar to the (3.47±2.87) degrees in the quinquagenarian group (P=0.447). A total of 19 young patients had the opposite deviation direction of the spinous process of the degenerative lumbar vertebra and upper vertebra, while only 7 quinquagenarian patients had this condition(P=0.02). The type of lumbar disc herniation in young patients had no significant relationship with the direction of spinous process deflection of the degenerative or upper lumbar vertebra (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Spinous process deviation is a risk factor of young lumbar disc herniation patients. If the deviation directions of adjacent lumbar spinous processes are opposite, it will increase the incidence of lumbar disc herniation in young patients. There was no significant correlation between the type of disc herniation and the deviation direction of the spinous process of the degenerative or upper lumbar vertebra. People with such anatomical variation can strengthen the stability of spine and prevent lumbar disc herniation through reasonable exercise.

Middle Aged , Humans , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/complications , Vertebral Body , Spinal Diseases , Spinal Fusion/adverse effects , Lumbar Vertebrae/diagnostic imaging , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration/etiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009168


OBJECTIVE@#To determine the clinical efficacy of different manipulation in the treatment of cervical instability in young people, and to analyze the risk factors of relapse of cervical instability in young people.@*METHODS@#From March 2021 to June 2022, the clinical data of 120 young patients with cervical instability were retrospectively analyzed. According to the different treatment methods, they were divided into rotation group (60 cases, 3 cases of loss) and tendon group (60 cases, 5 cases of loss). There were 25 males and 32 females in rotation-traction manipulation group;age ranged from 22 to 44 years old with a median of 28 years old;course of disease ranged from 0.17 to 120 months with amedian of 22 months. There were 22 males and 33 females in tendon-regulating manipulation group;age ranged from 21 to 42 years old with a median of 27 years old;course of disease ranged from 0.23 to 180 months with a median of 24 months. Both groups were treated for 2 weeks, once every other day for 7 times, and were followed up for 1 year. The clinical efficacy of the two groups was evaluated, and the visual analogue scale (VAS), neck disability index (NDI) were observed before and after treatment. One year after the course of treatment, patients with effective treatment were followed up to make statistics on recurrence. Patients with recurrence were included in the recurrence group, while those without recurrence were included in the non-recurrence group. Factors that may affect symptom recurrence were analyzed, and univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were performed.@*RESULTS@#The 13 patients who failed the treatment (4 cases in the rotation-traction manipulation group and 9 cases in the tendon-regulating manipulation group) were not followed up. All the 99 patients who were effective in treatment were followed up ranged from 303 to 406 days with a median of 359 days. No complications occurred in all patients. There were significant differences in VAS and NDI between the two groups after treatment and before treatment (P<0.05), and there were significant differences in VAS and NDI between the two groups after treatment (P<0.05). Ninety-nine patients achieved follow-up, 56 (56.57%) relapsed and 43 (43.43%) did not. Univariate correlation analysis showed that NDI index, the time spent at the desk every day, the time spent using electronic products every day and angular displacement of anterior flexion before treatment in the relapse group were significantly higher than those in the non-relapse group (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that the time spent at the desk every day [OR=2.447, 95%CI(1.255, 4.771)], the time spent using electronic products every day [OR=1.892, 95%CI(1.066, 3.358)] and the angular displacement of anterior flexion of the cervical before treatment [OR=1.246, 95%CI(1.045, 1.485) ]were the risk factors for relapse.@*CONCLUSION@#Both rotation-traction manipulation and tendon-regulating manipulation can effectively treat cervical instability in young people, and rotation-traction manipulation has more advantages than tendon-regulating manipulation in improving cervical pain and cervical dysfunction in patients. The time spent at the desk every day, the time spent using electronic products every day, and the increase of cervical flexion angle displacement will increase the risk of relapse in patients.

Male , Female , Humans , Adolescent , Infant , Child, Preschool , Retrospective Studies , Cervical Vertebrae , Spinal Diseases , Treatment Outcome , Joint Instability , Risk Factors
Ann. afr. méd. (En ligne) ; 16(4): e5320-e5332, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1512498


Les traumatismes vertébromédullaires (TVM) en Afrique subsaharienne sont très peu documentés. L'objectif de ce travail était de décrire les aspects cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs de TVM. Méthodes. C'était une série analytique des cas de TVM soignés aux Cliniques Universitaires de Kinshasa (CUK) entre 2016 et 2022. Les variables d'intérêt englobaient les données cliniques, thérapeutiques, le score ASIA à l'admission et à la sortie, et le devenir. Nous avons recouru au test de Chi carré de Pearson pour comparer les proportions. Résultats. Sur les 123 patients opérés pour lésions vertébro-médullaires, 62 cas étaient traumatiques (50,4 %). Le sexe masculin était prépondérant (75,8 %). Leur âge moyen était de 36,0 ± 13,0 ans. Les accidents de la voie publique (74,2 %) en étaient la principale cause. A l'admission, il y avait 58,1% des paraplégiques et 21 % des tétraplégiques. Vingt-sept patients (43,5 %) ont été admis 1 à 2 mois après le traumatisme. Les patients classés ASIA A représentait 62,9 % des cas. Vingt traumatismes (32,3 %) ont siégé sur le rachis cervical inférieur et 25 (40,3%), à la charnière thoraco-lombaire. Au niveau cervical, 10 cas étaient classés Argenson B (16,1 %) et en thoraco-lombaire, il y avait 17 fractures Magerl A (27,4 %) et 22 Magerl B (35,5 %) avec 63,6 % d'antélisthésis. La laminectomie (59,8 %) et la corporectomie (25,8 %) avec fixation rachidienne étaient les procédures les plus pratiquées. Les suites opératoires étaient simples dans 68,4 %. Il y a eu 9 cas d'infection du site opératoire (14,5 %), 2 cas de fistules de LCS (3,2 %), 3 cas d'escarres (4,8 %) de décubitus et 5 décès (8,1%). Le score ASIA à la sortie était significativement amélioré par rapport à celui de départ dans 33,9 % de cas (p <0,001). Conclusion. Les traumatismes vertébro-médullaires consécutifs aux accidents de trafic routier demeurent des lésions assez fréquentes nécessitant un traitement chirurgical. Les jeunes de sexe masculin sont les plus touchés. Le déficit neurologique est souvent complet. La laminectomie ou la corporectomie suivies de la fixation rachidienne sont couramment réalisées avec une récupération neurologique satisfaisante dans un tiers de cas.

Humans , Spinal Cord Injuries , Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak , Spinal Diseases , Laminectomy
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427217


Introducción: La sarcopenia está revistiendo importancia en el estudio de diferentes enfermedades para predecir la morbimortalidad en el perioperatorio. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron evaluar la eficacia de la tomografía y la resonancia en la medición de la musculatura del psoas y los paraespinales, y comparar estos índices con la edad, el sexo y la enfermedad. materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron las tomografías computarizadas y las resonancias magnéticas de pacientes ambulatorios. La medición de los músculos se realizó en los pedículos de L3 y L4. Resultados: El estudio incluyó 18 tomografías y 34 resonancias. El rango de edad de los pacientes era de 15 a 80 años, divididos en grupos etarios. En los promedios globales, en ambos estudios, el sexo masculino estaba por encima del promedio global. Con respecto a los rangos etarios, se observó que el primer grupo (15-29 años) tenía un mayor volumen muscular y de unidades Hounsfield en el psoas comparado con el grupo >60 años. Los pacientes que consultaron por espondilolistesis tenían menos masa muscular que aquellos con discopatías. Conclusiones: No existe diferencia entre la resonancia magnética y la tomografía computarizada en cuanto a la medición de los músculos paraespinales y psoas. Queda en evidencia que la disminución del volumen muscular es común en pacientes de mayor edad y con enfermedades que afectan el balance espinal. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

background: Sarcopenia is becoming increasingly significant in the research of various diseases to predict morbidity and mortal-ity in the perioperative period. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in measuring the psoas and paraspinal muscles and to compare these indexes with age, sex, and pathology. materials and methods: Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of outpatients were used. Muscle measurements were taken at the L3 and L4 pedicles. Results: The study included 18 CT and 34 MRI scans. The patients were divided into groups based on their age range, which was 15 to 80 years. In the overall averages, males were above the global average in both studies. Regarding age ranges, it was observed that the first group (15-29 years) had a higher muscle volume and Hounsfield units in the psoas compared to the >60 age group. Patients consulting for spondylolisthesis had less muscle mass than those with discopathy. Conclusions: There is no difference between magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography in measuring the paraspinal and psoas muscles. It is evident that the decrease in muscle volume is common in older patients and those with diseases that affect spinal balance. Level of Evidence: IV

Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Spinal Diseases , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Psoas Muscles , Sarcopenia , Perioperative Period , Paraspinal Muscles
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427219


Introducción: El absceso epidural espinal piógeno es la localización de una colección infecciosa dentro del canal raquídeo, por fuera del saco dural. El diagnóstico es difícil y las consecuencias son devastadoras a causa de la compresión o el compromiso vascular. La resonancia magnética tiene una alta sensibilidad y especificidad diagnósticas que aumentan si se administra un medio de contraste. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: determinar la reproducibilidad inter- e intraobservador, y discriminar los distintos parámetros y diferencias entre especialidades. materiales y métodos: Veintisiete observadores independientes evaluaron 5 parámetros: región, ubicación, compromiso, asociación y perivertebral, absceso extravertebral anterior, lateral o posterior. Se analizaron 35 casos en tres oportunidades, se utilizó el coeficiente kappa. Resultados: El nivel de acuerdo global intra- e interobservador global fue kappa 0,76; los valores obtenidos fueron: región 0,94; ubicación 0,88; compromiso 0,55; asociación 0,67 y perivertebral 0,77. Los tres primeros parámetros dan noción de volumen y los dos últimos reflejan la presencia de focos infecciosos vertebrales por fuera del conducto. Conclusiones: La clasificación morfológica propuesta es de uso simple y tiene una muy buena tasa de reproducibilidad intra- e interobservador. Los parámetros con mayor reproducibilidad son: región y ubicación (>0,87). Nivel de Evidencia: III

Introduction: A pyogenic spinal epidural abscess is an infectious collection inside the spinal canal, outside the dural sac. The diagnosis is difficult and the consequences are devastating due to compression or vascular compromise. MRI has a high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, which improves when a contrast medium is used. Objectives: To determine the inter- and intra-observer reproducibility, and to discriminate the different parameters and differences between specialties. Materials and methods: Twenty-seven independent observers evaluated 5 parameters: region, location, involvement, association, and perivertebral, anterior, lateral, or posterior extravertebral abscess. The kappa coefficient was used to analyze 35 cases on three occasions. Results: The overall intra- and inter-observer global agreement level is kappa 0.76, with the following values obtained: region 0.94; location 0.88; involvement 0.55; association 0.67 and perivertebral abscess 0.77. The first three parameters indicate volume, while the final two indicate the presence of vertebral infectious foci outside the canal. Conclusions: The proposed morphological classification is simple to use and has high intra- and inter-observer reproducibility. The most reproducible parameters are region and location (>0.87). Level of Evidence: III

Osteomyelitis , Spinal Diseases , Discitis , Epidural Abscess , Infections
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427224


Se describe el caso de un hombre de 62 años de edad, con múltiples comorbilidades que concurre a la consulta por dolor lumbar severo compatible con espondilodiscitis de T12-L1-L2. Se realizó una endoscopia con abordaje posterolateral izquierdo con técnica adentro-adentro para fines diagnóstico y terapéutico. Se aisló un germen y se administró un tratamiento antibiótico específico. Dada la buena evolución clínica del paciente, fue dado de alta a los 7 días de la cirugía, con buen manejo del dolor y antibióticos intravenosos en el domicilio. Se presenta una breve revisión bibliográfica. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

We describe the case of a 62-year-old male patient with multiple comorbidities who attended the outpatient clinic due to severe low back pain compatible with T12-L1-L2 spondylodiscitis. Endoscopy was performed with a left posterolateral approach and an all-inside technique for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A germ was isolated and treated with specific antibiotics. Due to the good clinical evolution, the patient was discharged 7 days after surgery with good pain management and home intravenous antibiotic therapy. A brief literature review is presented. Level of Evidence: IV

Middle Aged , Spinal Diseases , Discitis , Endoscopy , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437496


Introducción: Los bloqueos facetarios intrarticulares y radiculares selectivos son útiles como método diagnóstico y terapéutico para el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y analizar los resultados de dichos bloqueos. materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectivo con datos de pacientes sometidos a bloqueos facetarios intrarticulares y radiculares selectivos guiados por tomografía computarizada, entre enero de 2014 y febrero de 2015. Se analizaron los datos demográficos, el puntaje en la escala analógica visual antes del bloqueo y después, y se analizó la asociación de estos factores con los resultados. Resultados: El estudio incluyó a 68 pacientes con bloqueo facetario intrarticular y 89 con bloqueo radicular selectivo. En ambos grupos, el dolor mejoró significativamente (p <0,05). Hubo una asociación entre la mejoría del dolor con los bloqueos facetarios intrarticulares y el sexo y la edad, y entre la mejoría lograda por los bloqueos radiculares selectivos y el tipo de dolor inicial. Conclusiones: Los bloqueos facetarios intrarticulares y los bloqueos radiculares selectivos son un método diagnóstico útil en el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico y su acción terapéutica es significativa, aunque hacen falta estudios para conocer su efecto analgésico a mediano y largo plazo, y así poder mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Introduction: Intra-articular facet blocks and selective nerve root blocks are useful as a diagnostic and therapeutic method for the management of chronic low back pain. The objective of this study was to describe and analyze the results of these blocks. materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted with data from patients undergoing CT-guided intra-articular facet block and selective nerve root block between January 2014 and February 2015. The demographic information, the visual analog scale's score before and after the block, and their relationships to the outcomes were analyzed. Results: The study included 68 patients with intra-articular facet block and 89 with selective nerve root block. In both groups, pain improved significantly (p < 0.05). There was an association between the improvement in pain with intra-articular facet blocks and gender and age, and between the improvement achieved by selective nerve root blocks and the type of initial pain. Conclusions: Intra-articular facet blocks and selective nerve root blocks are a useful diagnostic method in the management of chronic low back pain and their therapeutic action is significant, although studies are needed to know their analgesic effect in the medium and long term, in order to improve the quality of life of patients. .Level of Evidence: IV

Spinal Diseases , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Low Back Pain
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 58(6): 952-956, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535618


Abstract Vertebral hemangioma is a benign vascular tumor that is usually asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally on imaging. When symptomatic, the most frequent presentation occursinthe formofvague back painofinsidiousonset and,inrare cases, maybeassociated with root or spinal compression, causing sensory and motor deficits. The authors report the case of a 33-year-old man, previously healthy, with a diagnosis of thoracic spine hemangio-ma at multiple levels, in the sternum, in the scapula and in the costal arches; all lesions were symptomatic,and surgicalinterventionwas required; oneof thelesionsatthe thoracicspine level evolved with spinal compression and acute neurological deficit, requiring urgent surgical intervention. Intraosseoushemangiomas represent<1%ofall bonetumors, having few reports of multifocal presentation in the axial and appendicular skeleton. In the literature review, no other case of aggressive multifocal intraosseous hemangioma with this presentation was found, including associated neurological symptoms in the same case.

Resumo O hemangioma vertebral, um tumor vascular benigno, geralmente é assintomático e descoberto incidentalmente em exames de imagem. Quando sintomático, a apresentação mais frequente ocorre sob a forma de dorsalgia vaga de início insidioso e, em raros casos, pode estar associadoa compressão radicularoumedular, causando déficit sensitivo emotor. Osautores relatamocasodeumhomemde33anos, previamentehígido, com diagnósticos de hemangioma na coluna torácica em múltiplos níveis, no esterno, na escápula e nos arcos costais; todas as lesões eram sintomáticas e houve necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica, sendo que uma das lesões ao nível da coluna torácica evoluiu com compressão medular e déficit neurológico agudo, com necessidade de intervenção cirúrgica de urgência. Os hemangiomas intraósseos representam<1% detodosostumores ósseos,eaapresentação multifocal no esqueleto axial e apendicular apresenta poucos relatos. Na revisão bibliográfica, não foi encontrado outro caso dehemangioma intraósseo multifocal agressivo com tal apresentação, inclusive com sintomas neurológicos associados em um mesmo caso.

Humans , Male , Adult , Spinal Diseases , Bone Diseases/drug therapy , Hemangioma
Coluna/Columna ; 22(1): eerratum_262504, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430250

Spinal Diseases
Coluna/Columna ; 22(2): e262590, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448039


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aims to evaluate angular progression of patients with a diagnosis of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), that await surgical treatment. Methods: This is an observational and descriptive study. Data were collected for age at initial surgical indication, initial date and Cobb angle, date and Cobb angle of the follow-up visit, time elapsed between the initial and follow-up visit, and type of curve. All recorded Cobb angles were reviewed by the authors. Results: 86.1% of the individuals were women, the mean age of indication for surgical treatment was 13.34 years. The most common type of curve was Lenke 3 and the one that progressed the most was Lenke 4. The general average of annual progression was 9.89 degrees for the primary curves and 12.32 for the secondary curves, and the follow-up was, on average, 35.77 months. Conclusion: The progression of the magnitude of the curve increases during the wait for the definitive treatment of AIS, no matter which group of the Lenke classification the curve belongs to. The secondary curves present a progression rate of 12.32º/year, higher than the main curve, which presents a rate of 9.89º/year. The waiting time has been increasing over the years, which is evident compared to older publications. Level of Evidence IV; Type of Study: Prognostic Study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a progressão do valor angular de indivíduos com diagnóstico de Escoliose Idiopática do Adolescente (EIA) não tratada, aguardando procedimento cirúrgico. Métodos: Este é um estudo observacional e descritivo. Foram coletados os seguintes dados dos pacientes: idade da indicação cirúrgica inicial, data da avaliação inicial e ângulo de Cobb, data e ângulo de Cobb nas consultas de seguimento, tempo decorrido entre as consultas inicial e de seguimento, bem como os tipos de curva. Todos os ângulos de Cobb registrados foram revisados pelos autores. Resultados: 86,1% dos indivíduos eram mulheres, a idade média de indicação de tratamento cirúrgico foi de 13,34 anos. O tipo de curva mais comum foi a Lenke 3 e a que mais progrediu foi a Lenke 4. A média geral de progressão anual foi de 9,89 graus para as curvas primárias e 12,32 para as curvas secundárias e o acompanhamento foi em média de 35,77 meses. Conclusão: A progressão da magnitude da curva aumentou durante a espera pelo tratamento definitivo da EIA, não importando em qual grupo da classificação de Lenke a curva pertence. As curvas secundárias apresentaram taxa de progressão de 12,32º/ano que é maior se comparada com a curva principal que apresenta taxa de 9,89º/ano. O tempo de espera vem aumentando com o passar dos anos, sendo evidente quando comparado com as publicações mais antigas. Nível de Evidência IV; Tipo de Estudo: Estudo Prognostico.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la progresión del valor angular de individuos no tratados diagnosticados con Escoliosis Idiopática del Adolescente (EIA), que están en espera de un procedimiento quirúrgico. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional y descriptivo. Se recogieron datos de edad de indicación quirúrgica inicial, fecha inicial y ángulo de Cobb, fecha y ángulo de Cobb de la visita de seguimiento, tiempo transcurrido entre la visita inicial y de seguimiento y tipo de curva. Todos los ángulos de Cobb registrados fueron revisados por los autores. Resultados: El 86,1% de los individuos eran mujeres, la edad media de indicación del tratamiento quirúrgico fue de 13,34 años. El tipo de curva más común fue Lenke 3 y el que más progresó fue Lenke 4. El promedio general de progresión anual fue de 9,89 grados para las curvas primarias y 12,32 para las curvas secundarias y el seguimiento fue en promedio de 35,77 meses. Conclusión: La progresión de la magnitud de la curva aumenta durante la espera del tratamiento definitivo de la EIA, independientemente del grupo de la clasificación de Lenke al que pertenezca la curva. Las curvas secundarias presentan una tasa de progresión de 12,32º/año, superior a la curva principal que presenta una tasa de 9,89º/año. El tiempo de espera ha ido aumentando a lo largo de los años, lo cual es evidente al compararlo con publicaciones más antiguas. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Tipo de Estudio: Estudio Pronostico.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Spinal Curvatures , Spinal Diseases , Orthopedics , Spine
Coluna/Columna ; 22(2): e273321, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448035


ABSTRACT Facet joint ganglia are benign cystic lesions located adjacent to a facet joint. The majority is asymptomatic. However, can cause important low-back pain and radiculopathy. Neurogenic deficit, claudication, and cauda equina syndrome have also been reported. The authors report two cases of acute low back pain with bilateral sciatica, dorsal foot dysesthesia, and hallux dorsiflexion/extension deficit, due to the presence of encapsulated cysts adjacent to the facet joints causing a significant reduction of the spinal canal. Urgent surgical decompression was performed in both patients with an uneventful recovery. Symptomatic facet joint ganglia is a highly unusual cause of back pain, although it can present with acute onset of bilateral sciatica and canal stenosis requiring urgent surgical decompression. This paper highlights facet joint synovial as a differential diagnosis of lumbar pain and describes two different surgical approaches with good outcomes. Level of Evidence IV; Case Series.

RESUMO: Os quistos facetários são lesões císticas benignas localizadas adjacentes a uma articulação facetária. A maioria é assintomática. No entanto, podem ser causa de importante dor lombar e radiculopatia. Estão ainda relatados casos de déficit neurogénico, claudicação e síndrome de cauda equina. Os autores apresentam dois casos de dor lombar aguda com ciatalgia bilateral, disestesia do dorso do pé e défice na dorsiflexão/extensão do hálux, causados por uma redução significativa do canal medular devido à presença de quistos encapsulados adjacentes às articulações facetarias. Os doentes foram submetidos a descompressão cirúrgica urgente com uma excelente recuperação. Os quistos facetários sintomáticas são uma causa rara de lombalgia, porém podem apresentar-se inicialmente com um quadro agudo de ciatalgia bilateral e estenose canalar com necessidade de descompressão cirúrgica urgente. Este artigo realça os quistos facetários como diagnóstico diferencial de lombalgia e descreve duas abordagens cirúrgicas diferentes com bons resultados. Nível de Evidência IV; Série de Casos.

RESUMEN: Los quistes facetarios son lesiones quísticas benignas situadas junto a una articulación facetaria. La mayoría es asintomática. Pero pueden causar dolor lumbar y radiculopatía importantes. También se han descrito déficit neurogénico, claudicación y síndrome de cauda equina. Los autores presentan dos casos de lumbalgia aguda con dolor ciático bilateral, disestesia del dorso del pie y déficit en la dorsiflexión/extensión del hallux, causados por una reducción significativa del canal medular debido a la presencia de quistes encapsulados adyacentes a las articulaciones facetarias. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a descompresión quirúrgica urgente con una excelente recuperación. Los quistes facetarios sintomáticos son una causa poco frecuente de lumbalgia, aunque pueden presentarse inicialmente con un cuadro agudo de dolor ciático bilateral y estenosis del canal que requiere descompresión quirúrgica urgente. Este artículo destaca los quistes facetarios como diagnóstico diferencial de la lumbalgia y describe dos abordajes quirúrgicos diferentes con buenos resultados. Nivel de Evidencia IV; Serie de Casos.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Orthopedics , Spinal Diseases , Spine
Coluna/Columna ; 22(2): e270983, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439963


ABSTRACT Neuromuscular taping or kinesiotaping is a technique widely used in spinal disorders. However, the scientific evidence of its use in discopathies and degenerative spine pathology is unknown. This study aimed to analyze the published clinical trials on neuromuscular taping in subjects with discopathies and degenerative spinal injuries. For this purpose, a literature search was performed following PRISMA guidelines in the following databases: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline, and Cinahl. In analyzing bias and methodological quality, we used: the PEDro scale, Van Tulder criteria, and risk of bias analysis of the Cochrane Collaboration. A total of 5 articles were included that obtained a mean score of 6.2 on the PEDro scale. There is moderate evidence that, in the short term, neuromuscular taping reduces analgesic consumption and improves the range of motion and muscle strength in the posterior musculature. In addition, there is limited evidence that it can improve quality, while the scientific evidence on the effect of neuromuscular taping on pain is contradictory. The application of neuromuscular taping on discopathies and degenerative processes of the spine should be cautiously undertaken until more conclusive results are obtained, and the long-term effects are assessed. Level of evidence I; Systematic review.

Resumo: A bandagem neuromuscular ou kinesiotaping é uma técnica de bandagem amplamente utilizada em distúrbios da coluna vertebral. Entretanto, a evidência científica para seu uso em discopatias e na patologia degenerativa da coluna são desconhecidas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar ensaios clínicos publicados sobre bandagem neuromuscular em sujeitos com discopatias e lesões degenerativas da coluna vertebral. Para este fim, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica seguindo as diretrizes do PRISMA nas seguintes bases de dados: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline e Cinahl. Na análise de viés e qualidade metodológica, foram utilizados: escala PEDro, critérios de Van Tulder e análise de risco de viés da Colaboração Cochrane. Um total de 5 artigos foi incluído com uma pontuação média de 6,2 na escala PEDro. Há evidências moderadas de que, a curto prazo, a bandagem neuromuscular reduz o consumo de analgésicos, melhora a amplitude de movimento e a força muscular na musculatura posterior. Além disso, há evidências limitadas de que pode melhorar a qualidade, enquanto as evidências científicas sobre o efeito da bandagem neuromuscular na dor são contraditórias. A aplicação da bandagem neuromuscular em discopatias e processos degenerativos da coluna vertebral deve ser feita com cautela até que resultados mais conclusivos sejam obtidos e os efeitos a longo prazo sejam avaliados. Nível de evidência I; Revisão sistemática.

Resumen: El vendaje neuromuscular o kinesiotaping es una técnica de vendaje que se utiliza ampliamente en trastornos raquídeos. Sin embargo, se desconoce la evidencia científica de uso en discopatías y patología degenerativa de la columna. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en analizar los ensayos clínicos publicados sobre el vendaje neuromuscular en sujetos con discopatías y lesiones degenerativas del raquis. Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica siguiendo las directrices PRISMA en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Web of Science (WOS), Scopus, Medline y Cinahl. En el análisis de sesgo y calidad metodológica se utilizaron: escala PEDro, criterios de Van Tulder y análisis del riesgo de sesgo de la Colaboración Cochrane. Se incluyeron un total de 5 artículos que obtuvieron una puntuación media de 6,2 en la escala PEDro. Existe evidencia moderada de que, a corto plazo, el vendaje neuromuscular reduce el consumo de analgésicos, mejora el rango de movimiento y fuerza muscular en la musculatura posterior. Además, existe evidencia limitada de que puede mejorar la calidad, mientras que la evidencia científica sobre el efecto del vendaje neuromuscular en el dolor es contradictoria. La aplicación de vendaje neuromuscular es discopatías y procesos degenerativos del raquis debe realizarse con cautela a la espera de que se obtengan resultados más concluyentes y se valoren los efectos a largo plazo. Nivel de evidencia I; Revisión sistemática.

Humans , Athletic Tape , Intervertebral Disc Degeneration , Spinal Diseases
Rev.chil.ortop.traumatol. ; 63(2): 128-133, ago.2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436775


INTRODUCCIÓN El granuloma eosinofílico (GE) es una patología infrecuente, sobre todo en adultos, que puede afectar la columna cervical. A pesar de la vasta literatura, esta enfermedad afecta principalmente a la población infantil, y no hay un consenso sobre el manejo en adultos. Con el objetivo de aportar conocimiento respecto a esta patología poco frecuente, se presenta un caso clínico de GE cervical en un paciente de 16 años, a quien se trató de manera conservadora, con buenos resultados y retorno completo a sus actividades. CASO CLÍNICO Un hombre de 16 años, seleccionado de rugby, consultó por dolor cervical axial persistente y nocturno de 6 semanas de evolución, sin trauma evidente. Al examen, destacó dolor a la compresión axial sin compromiso neurológico asociado. Los exámenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) y resonancia magnética (RM) revelaron lesión lítica en el cuerpo de C3 de características agresivas, de presentación monostótica en tomografía por emisión de positrones-tomografía computada (TEP-TC) compatible con tumor primario vertebral. Se decidió realizar biopsia percutánea bajo TC, para definir el diagnóstico y manejo adecuado, la cual fue compatible con células de Langerhans. Al no presentar clínica ni imagenología de inestabilidad ósea evidente o compromiso neurológico, se manejó con tratamiento conservador, inmovilización cervical, analgesia oral, y seguimiento estrecho. A los cuatro meses de evolución, se presentó con una TC con cambios reparativos del cuerpo vertebral y sin dolor, y logró retomar sus actividad habituales. CONCLUSIONES El diagnóstico de GE es infrecuente a esta edad, y se debe plantear entre diagnósticos diferenciales de lesiones líticas agresivas primarias vertebrales. Es necesario el uso de imágenes, y la biopsia vertebral es fundamental para confirmar el diagnóstico. Su manejo va a depender de la sintomatología, del compromiso de estructuras vecinas, y de la estabilidad de la vértebra afectada. El manejo conservador con seguimiento clínico e imagenológico es una opción viable.

INTRODUCTION Eosinophilic granuloma (EG) is a rare, tumor-like lesion, infrequently affecting the cervical spine, particularly in adults. Although vastly described in literature, this pathology mainly affects children, and there is still no consensus on its treatment in older patients. With the goal of contributing to increase the knowledge regarding this infrequent pathology, we present a case of a C3 eosinophilic granuloma in a 16-year-old patient, who was treated conservatively, with good results, including complete return to his previous activities. CLINICAL CASE a 16-year-old male, elite rugby player, presented with a history of persistent neck pain, mainly at night, with no previous trauma. Upon physical examination, he reported neck pain with axial compression of the head, without neurological impairment. Both computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan revealed an aggressive lytic lesion in the C3 vertebral body, a with monostotic presentation on positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) compatible with a primary spine tumor. A CT-guided percutaneous biopsy was obtained to establish the diagnosis and provide the proper management. The results were compatible with Langerhans cells. As he presented no symptoms or imaging findings of evident bone instability, as well as no neurological impairment, the patient was treated conservatively, with a cervical brace, oral pain medication and close followup. A CT obtained after four months of treatment showed reparative changes of the C3 vertebral body; at this point, the patient reported no neck pain, so he was able to return to his previous activities. CONCLUSIONS Although an EG is rare at this age, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of primary vertebral aggressive lytic lesions. Imaging and a vertebral biopsy are paramount to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment modality depends on the symptoms, the involvement of adjacent structures, and the stability of the affected vertebra. Conservative management including clinical and imaging followup is a viable option.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Spinal Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Eosinophilic Granuloma/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Diseases/therapy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Eosinophilic Granuloma/therapy
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 47(2): 39-50, Jul 01, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526660


Introducción: El mielomeningocele fetal, es la extrusión de la médula espinal que ocurre por un cierre incompleto del neuróporo caudal, lo cual expone la placa neural al trauma mecáni-co y químico de la pared uterina y líquido amniótico respectivamente, con graves secuelas. La detección prenatal innovó el diagnóstico y con ello la reparación intra útero ha mejora-do estrategias del tratamiento, generando opciones de atención en aquellas pacientes que cumplen con los criterios de selección para cirugía prenatal. Objetivo: Presentar una revisión bibliográfica sobre diagnóstico, manejo y tratamiento del mielomeningocele fetal y ofrecer a la comunidad científica una herramienta de consulta para mejorar los conocimientos del tema y alternativas de tratamiento oportuno para los fetos con esta malformación.Material y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio de revisión sistemática sin metaanálisis, realiza-do en base a las recomendaciones PRISMA. La búsqueda de información se estructuró bajo el sistema PICO. Las búsquedas se realizaron en Pubmed, Tripdatabase y Pubmed Central; seleccionando artículos publicados durante los últimos diez años en inglés o español, sobre diagnóstico, manejo y tratamiento del mielomeningocele fetal. Resultados: 120 artículos cumplieron con criterios de búsqueda, de los cuáles fueron ele-gibles 42, con información relevante para determinar el diagnóstico, manejo y tratamiento actual del mielomeningocele fetal a través de procedimientos innovadores.Discusión: Los defectos del tubo neural aparecen como consecuencia de una alteración del proceso de neurulación entre el día 21-28 después de la concepción. El mielomeningocele fetal es considerado el defecto congénito no letal más común del SNC. Se caracteriza por la protrusión de las meninges y la médula espinal con daño neurológico permanente. Por ello el diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de esta patología, han permitido que la cirugía fetal intra útero se considere el método óptimo, mejorando la hernia del rombencéfalo, reduciendo la necesidad de una derivación ventricular y manteniendo la motricidad inferior, así como la función neuronal, vesical y gastrointestinal, mejorando la calidad de vida del paciente afecto por esta patología

Introduction: Fetal myelomeningocele is spinal cord extrusion that occurs due to the caudal neuropore incomplete closure, which exposes the neural plate to mechanical and chemical trauma to the uterus wall and amniotic fluid respectively, with serious sequelae. Prenatal detection innovated the diagnosis and with this intra-uterine repair has improved treatment strategies, generating care options in those patients who comply the selection criteria for prenatal surgery.Objective: Submit a bibliographic review on the diagnosis, management and treatment of fetal myelomeningocele and to offer the scientific community a consultation tool to improve knowledge of the subject and timely treatment alternatives for fetuses with this malformation.Materials and Methods: This is a systematic review study without meta-analysis, based on the PRISMA recommendations. The information search was structured under the PICO sys-tem. The searches were carried out in Pubmed, Tripdatabase and Pubmed Central; selecting articles published during the last ten years in English or Spanish, on diagnosis, management and treatment of fetal myelomeningocele.Results: 120 articles met the search criteria, of which 42 were eligible, with relevant informa-tion for determining the current diagnosis, management and treatment of fetal myelomenin-gocele through innovative procedures.Discussion: Neural tube defects appear as a consequence of an alteration of the neurula-tion process between days 21-28 after conception. MMCf is considered the most common non-fatal congenital defect of the CNS. It is characterized by protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord with permanent neurological damage. For this reason, the diagnosis and timely management of this pathology have allowed intra utero fetal surgery to be considered the optimal method, improving rhombencephalon hernia, reducing the need for a ventricular shunt and maintaining the lower motor skills, as well as neuronal, bladder and gastrointestinal function, improving the quality of life of the patient affected by this pathology.

Humans , Pregnancy , Prenatal Diagnosis , Meningomyelocele , Meningomyelocele/surgery , Spinal Diseases , Congenital Abnormalities , Spinal Dysraphism