The aim of this study was to investigate the species of conidial fungi associated with leaf litter of Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae), an endangered red cedar species typical of Amazonian terra-firme forests. Conidial fungi were sampled around C. odorata individuals in three forest areas in the municipality of Belém (Pará State, Brazil). A total of 104 species were identified, with 53 new records for the state of Pará, 46 first records for the Brazilian Amazon, including new records for Brazil (Cordana abramovii), for South America (Acarocybiopsis cubitaensis, Xylocladium claviforme) and for the Americas (Dactylaria biguttulata). A review of species of conidial fungi reported on C. odorata is provided, indicating its distribution in Brazil. For each new record in Brazil, South America and the Americas we present a description, illustrations, geographical distribution and taxonomic comments.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as espécies de fungos conidiais associadas com o folhedo de Cedrela odorata, uma espécie de cedro vermelho ameaçada, típica de florestas de terra firme da Amazônia. Fungos conidiais foram amostrados no folhedo ao redor de indivíduos de C. odorata em três áreas florestais no município de Belém (PA). Um total de 104 espécies foi identificado, com 53 novos registros para o Estado do Pará e 46 que representam o primeiro registro para a Amazônia brasileira. Dentre estas, foram encontrados novos registros para o Brasil (Cordana abramovii), para a América do Sul (Acarocybiopsis cubitaensis, Xylocladium claviforme) e para as Américas (Dactylaria biguttulata). Uma revisão das espécies de fungos conidiais relatadas em C. odorata é fornecida, indicando sua distribuição no Brasil. Para cada novo registro no Brasil, América do Sul e Américas apresentamos uma descrição, ilustrações, distribuição geográfica e comentários taxonômicos.
Ascomycota/classification , Cedrela/microbiology , Mitosporic Fungi/classification , Amazonian Ecosystem , Spores, Fungal/classification , Rainforest , Meliaceae/microbiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Many plant species from Brazilian semi-arid present arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in their rhizosphere. These microorganisms play a key role in the establishment, growth, survival of plants and protection against drought, pathogenic fungi and nematodes. This study presents a quantitative analysis of the AMF species associated with Mimosa tenuiflora, an important native plant of the Caatinga flora. AMF diversity, spore abundance and root colonization were estimated in seven sampling locations in the Ceará and Paraíba States, during September of 2012. There were significant differences in soil properties, spore abundance, percentage of root colonization, and AMF diversity among sites. Altogether, 18 AMF species were identified, and spores of the genera Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Dentiscutata, Entrophospora, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, Glomus, Racocetra, Rhizoglomus and Scutellospora were observed. AMF species diversity and their spore abundance found in M. tenuiflora rhizosphere shown that this native plant species is an important host plant to AMF communities from Brazilian semi-arid region. We concluded that: (a) during the dry period and in semi-arid conditions, there is a high spore production in M. tenuiflora root zone; and (b) soil properties, as soil pH and available phosphorous, affect AMF species diversity, thus constituting key factors for the similarity/dissimilarity of AMF communities in the M. tenuiflora root zone among sites.
Mycorrhizae/isolation & purification , Mimosa/microbiology , Fungi/isolation & purification , Seasons , Soil Microbiology , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification , Spores, Fungal/classification , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Spores, Fungal/genetics , Brazil , Plant Roots/microbiology , Mycorrhizae/classification , Mycorrhizae/growth & development , Mycorrhizae/genetics , Biodiversity , Fungi/classification , Fungi/growth & development , Fungi/geneticsABSTRACT
Desde el punto de vista estrictamente micológico, se ha discutido por décadas la relación de Cylindrocarpon cylindroides como anamorfo de Neonectria fuckeliana, lo que entre otras consecuencias, ha incidido en la controversial ubicación taxonómica de este teleomorfo. Se añade a esto que en patología forestal se ha brindado poca atención a la presencia de C. cylindroides dentro del ciclo de la enfermedad causada por Neonectria fuckeliana en coníferas, razón por la cual los estudios específicos respecto de este anamorfo han sido también muy escasos. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo verificar la relación entre C. cylindroides y Neonectria fuckeliana, asociados a cancros en troncos de Pinus radiata en Chile, mediante el análisis de las características macro y micromorfológicas que ellos manifiestan en cultivos in vitro, además de análisis de tipo molecular. Se pudo constatar que ambos agentes dieron origen a colonias con idénticas características macro y micromorfológicas, destacando entre éstas la producción de abundantes conodióforos y microconidios del tipo Acremonium, el cual ya ha sido señalado en anteriores estudios como estado anamorfo de Neonectria fuckeliana. El que este mismo estado asexual del tipo Acremonium haya sido la manifestación in vitro tanto de C. cylindroides como de Neonectria fuckeliana, permitió confirmar la relación existente entre estos dos agentes en estudio, la que también fue ratificada mediante los análisis moleculares realizados.
From the point of view strictly mycological has been discussed for decades the relationship of Cylindrocarpon cylindroides as anamorph of Neonectria fuckeliana, which among other consequences, has influenced the controversial taxonomic status of this teleomorph. Add to this that in forest pathology has given little attention to the presence of C. cylindroides within the cycle of the disease caused by Neonectria fuckeliana on conifers, why specific studies regarding this anamorph have been very few. This study aimed to verify the relationship between C. cylindroides and Neonectria fuckeliana associated with cankers on trunks of Pinus radiata in Chile, by analyzing the macro and micromorphological characteristics they manifest in cultures in vitro, further analysis type molecular. It was found that both agents gave rise to colonies with identical macro and micromorphological characteristics, highlighting among them the production of abundant microconidia and conidiophores of Acremonium type, which has already been noted in previous studies as anamorph state of Neonectria fuckeliana. The asexual state that this same type of Acremonium has been the in vitro demons-tration of both C. cylindroides as Neonectria fuckeliana, allowed us to confirm the relationship between these two agents in the study, which was also ratified by the molecular analyzes performed.
Acremonium/growth & development , Tracheophyta/microbiology , Plant Bark/microbiology , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification , Spores, Fungal/classification , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Spores, Fungal/pathogenicity , Fruiting Bodies, Fungal , Host-Pathogen Interactions , Pinus/microbiology , Chile , Laminar FlowABSTRACT
El presente trabajo tuvo por finalidad reportar y analizar la presencia de estructuras fungosas (esporodoquios) sobre cancros causados por Neonectria fuckeliana en árboles de Pinus radiata en Chile. Las muestras fueron colectadas en las Regiones de La Araucanía y de Los Ríos y fueron analizadas en el laboratorio. Los resultados de los análisis morfológicos y taxonómicos permitieron concluir que los esporodoquios hallados correspondían al sinanamorfo de Neonectria fuckeliana (forma cylindrocarpon cylindroides var tenue), siendo el primer reporte en el país. Estos antecedentes contribuyen al conocimiento y comprensión del ciclo patológico y epidemiológico de Neonectria fuckeliana en plantaciones de Pinus radiata.
The present work was aimed at reporting and analyzing the presence of fungal structures (sporodochia) present on cankers caused by Neonectria fuckeliana in Pinus radiata trees in Chile. The samples were collected in the regions of La Araucanía and Los Ríos and analyzed in the laboratory. The results of morphological and taxonomic analysis led to the conclusion that thesporodochia found corresponded to sinanamorph of Neonectria fuckeliana (cylindrocarpon cylindroides var. tenue morph), the first report in the country. This work contribute to understanding and comprehension of the disease cycle and epidemiology of Neonectria fuckeliana on plantations of Pinus radiata.
Plant Bark/microbiology , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification , Spores, Fungal/classification , Spores, Fungal/growth & development , Spores, Fungal/pathogenicity , Fungi/growth & development , Pinus/microbiology , ChileABSTRACT
Prior to make a new cobweb, the Araneus diadematus Clerck cross spider eats its old web regulary everyday. In this paper we issue a quantitative and qualitative analysis of pollen grains and fungal spores present in the cob web, which might contribute to the diet of this arachnide. Cob webs were collected at the Natural Park of Ticino (Pavia, northern Italy). Fungal spores and pollen grains were taxonomically counted and identified for each sample. Quantitative analysis showed that both spores and pollen present in the cob webs exhibited some seasonal variation as regards quantity, whereas the qualitative analysis revealed that spores and pollen grains belong to 14 and 7 taxa, respectively. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarum were the most frequent fungal taxa while Urticaceae, Betulaceae and Poaceae became the most representative plant families. About 5700 fungal spores and 2000 pollen grains were found to be present in the cob web of this spider everyday. Based on this information, it is possible to think that the aeroplancton stuck to the cob web can become a nutritional additive for the diet of this arachnide.
Antes de fabricar su telaraña, la araña del jardín Araneus diadematus Clerck, regularmente, cada día se come la antigua. En este estudio aportamos un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los granos de polen y Esporas fúngicas retenidas en la telaraña, los cuales podrían contribuir a la dieta de este arácnido. Las telarañas fueron colectadas en el Parque Natural del Ticino (Pavia, N. Italia). Para cada muestra, las esporas fúngicas y los granos de polen fueron contabilizados e identificados taxonómicamente. El análisis cuantitativo mostró que las esporas y el polen retenidos en las telarañas presentaron variación estacional en cantidad, mientras con el análisis cualitativo se determinó que las esporas y los granos de polen pertenecen a 14 y 7 taxa respectivamente. Alternaria, Cladosporium, Fusarium fueron los taxa fúngicos más frecuentes, mientras Urticaceae, Betulaceae y Poaceae fueron las familias de plantas más representadas. Se determinó que aproximadamente unas 5700 esporas fúngicas y 2000 granos de polen fueron retenidos en la tela de esta araña cada día. Con estos antecedentes, se puede pensar que el aeroplanctón adherido a la telaraña puede constituir una aporte nutritivo en la dieta de este arácnido.
Animals , Green Areas/analysis , Spores, Fungal/isolation & purification , Spores, Fungal/classification , Food Additives , Pollen/classification , Spiders , ArgentinaABSTRACT
Foi realizada a analise bioquimica, antigenica e alergenica de extratos de esporos e micelios de Pisolithus tinctorius. Os esporos foram coletados de basidiocarpos em plantaçöes de Encalyptus spp e os micelios obtidos de cultura em meio de MNM. Baseado na curva de crescimento do fungo, obteve-se massa miceliana aos 10, 20, 30 e 40 dias de incubaçäo, que correspondem respectivamente ao início, meio, final da fase log e início da fase de declínio...