Los géneros fúngicos Bipolaris y Curvularia,incluyen numerosas especies fitopatógenas,saprotrofas y algunas oportunistas emergentes enel ser humano como en otros animales. La distribuciónecológica de ambos taxas es cosmopolita enla gran mayoría de sus integrantes, encontrándosefrecuentemente en hojas, tallos y raíces de diferentespastos, en especial Poaceae, pero tambiénen una gran variedad de dicotiledoneas, aire y sueloen todos los continentes. Cochliobolus, Bipolarisy Curvularia integran un complejo de especiestaxonómicamente confuso, debido a los constantescambios en la nomenclatura de algunos de sus integrantesasexuales (Bipolaris y Curvularia), loscuales se han diferenciado principalmente en basea la morfología de sus conidios, situación a vecesmuy dificultosa debido a que en ambos génerosalgunas especies presentan similares característicasconidiales. Una cuidadosa identificación y unanominación precisa de las especies es crucial parael acceso a la información referente en la literaturamoderna, que gracias a la biología molecularha resuelto muchas de las dudas de la taxonomíabasada solo en el fenotipo.Las especies de ambos géneros (principalmenteCurvularia) pueden afectar a pacientesinmunocomprometidos e inmunocompetentes,en especial B. cynodontis, C. australiensis C.hawaiensis y C. spicifera, causando cuadros clínicosdiversos ya sea superficiales o profundos enmuchas áreas geográficas...
The fungal genera Bipolaris and Curvularia,include numerous plant pathogenic species,saprophitic and some emerging opportunistic inman and other animals. The ecological distributionof both taxa is cosmopolitan in the vast majority ofits members, often being in leaves, stems and rootsof different grasses, especially Poaceae, but also ina variety of dicotyledonous, air and soil on all continents. Cochliobolus, Bipolaris and Curvulariaintegrate a complex of species taxonomically confusingdue to the constant changes in the nomenclatureof some of its asexual members (Bipolarisand Curvularia), which are differentiated mainlybased on the morphology of its conidia, a situationsometimes very difficult because in both generaconidial of some species have similar characteristics. Careful identification and a precise nominationof species is crucial for access to informationconcerning in modern literature, actually thanks tomolecular biology has solved many of the doubtsof taxonomy based only on the phenotype.The species of both genera (mainly Curvularia)can affect immunocompetent or debilitatepatients, especially B. cynodontis, C. australiensis,C. hawaiensis and C.spicifera, causing varioussuperficial or systemic clinical cases in manygeographic areas...
Spores, Fungal/cytology , Mitosporic Fungi/classification , Mitosporic Fungi/genetics , Mitosporic Fungi/pathogenicity , Mitosporic Fungi/ultrastructureABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Aged, 80 and over , Animals , Humans , Male , Ascomycota/cytology , Cholangitis/diagnosis , Diagnostic Errors , Elephantiasis, Filarial/diagnosis , Hematologic Tests , Microfilariae/cytology , Spores, Fungal/cytology , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
The morphology of a Glomus-like fungus-host interaction in chlorophyllous gametophytes and young apogamic sporophytes of Dryopteris muenchii A.R. Sm. was studied from ferns cultivated in laboratory, using soil as substrate. An aseptate fungus colonized the gametophytes tissue through the rhizoids, developing vesicles. The fungus penetrated the young sporophytes primary roots by developing appressoria. It spread forming inter- and intra-cellular hyphae through the epidermis and the outermost cortical cell layers, where it formed vesicles, hyphal coils-like and arbuscules. The fungus hyphae never colonized the gametophyte-sporophyte cellular junction. The fungal structures observed on D. muenchii during this study, are rather similar to those reported for the plant host-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) interaction, where the AMF described belonged to Phylum Glomeromycota. Therefore, this study is a contribution to the scarce knowledgement of the association between AMF and chlorophyllous gametophytes and young apogamic sporophytes of ferns. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3): 1101-1107. Epub 2008 September 30.
Se describe la morfología de un hongo endófito afín al género Glomus, como colonizador de gametofitos clorofílicos y de esporofitos apogámicos jóvenes del helecho Dryopteris muenchii A.R. Sm.; el estudio se llevó a cabo con helechos cultivados en el laboratorio y utilizando tierra como substrato. El tejido del gametofito fue colonizado, a través de los rizoides, por un hongo miceliar aseptado, el cual formó vesículas. El hongo logró penetrar las raíces primarias de los esporofitos jóvenes desarrollando apresorios. El hongo se dispersó formando hifas inter- e intra-celulares a través de la epidermis y de la capa de células corticales más externas, donde produjo vesículas, estructuras similares a ovillos y arbúsculos. Las hifas del hongo nunca colonizaron las células de la unión entre el gametofito y el esporofito. Las estructuras observadas durante este estudio en D. muenchii, son muy similares a las de la interacción planta hospedera-hongo micorrícico arbuscular (HMA), en donde el HMA descrito corresponde al Phylum Glomeromycota. Por lo anterior, este estudio es una contribución al escaso conocimiento que se tiene sobre la asociación entre los HMA y gametofitos clorofílicos y esporofitos apogámicos de helechos jóvenes.
Dryopteris/microbiology , Glomeromycota/physiology , Mycorrhizae/physiology , Spores, Fungal/cytology , Glomeromycota/growth & development , MexicoABSTRACT
This work is focused on the aerobiology and allergenicity of Fomes pectinatis in India. The atmospheric concentration of Fomes basidiospores was recorded and the antigens were prepared from spore (FSE) and whole body (FWBE) materials. The intradermal (ID) and prick (PT) skin tests were conducted on 172 patients having respiratory allergy. The period from July to October has been recorded as having a higher concentration of Fomes spores. The maximum counts (67 spores/m3) were observed from the North Delhi site in the month of July, 1989, compared with 550 spores/m3 in the South Delhi site. Marked skin positivity (2+ and above) varied from 9.8% to FSE to 22% to FWBE. Nine out of twelve ID positive patients (2+ to 3+) to FSE also gave PT positive response. For FWBE, similar ID and PT response was obtained in 80% of cases. The soluble protein content of FSE was 0.37 mg/ml, whereas, for FWBE it was 0.70 mg/ml. It was observed through ELISA that almost all patients had significantly raised FP specific IgE levels in their sera. The current study, therefore, indicates that Fomes pectinatis may be a prevalent aeroallergen in India.