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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e202202869, oct. 2023. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1509965


La bacteriemia por Staphylococcus aureus se define como el aislamiento de dicho germen en al menos un cultivo de sangre. Las metástasis infecciosas se originan por diseminación hematógena y su posterior localización en un sitio distinto al órgano en donde se originó el proceso infeccioso. La prevalencia en la presentación de estos focos infecciosos secundarios es baja en la edad pediátrica, por lo que representa un desafío diagnóstico. Se presenta el caso de un paciente pediátrico con una celulitis facial por Staphylococcus aureus, con metástasis infecciosas y evolución tórpida.

Bacteremia due to Staphylococcus aureus is defined as the isolation of this microorganism in at least one blood culture. A metastatic infection is caused by the hematogenous dissemination and subsequent location of the microorganism in a site other than the one where the infection started. The prevalence of these secondary sources of infection is low in the pediatric population, which is a diagnostic challenge. Here we describe the case of a pediatric patient with facial cellulitis due to Staphylococcus aureus, with metastatic infection and torpid course.

Humans , Male , Child , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Staphylococcus aureus , Cellulitis/diagnosis , Cellulitis/etiology
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(3): 251-256, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515131


INTRODUCCIÓN: La información disponible sobre los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de shock séptico es escasa, especialmente en población pediátrica. OBJETIVO: Describir las características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los niños con bacteriemia adquirida en la comunidad por Staphylococcus aureus y comparar las características de los pacientes con y sin shock séptico. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Criterios de inclusión: niños entre 30 días y 16 años de edad, internados en el Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan entre enero de 2017 y diciembre de 2019 por infecciones adquiridas en la comunidad con desarrollo de S. aureus en hemocultivos. Criterios de exclusión: antecedente de internación dentro de los 3 meses previos al ingreso, vivir en una comunidad cerrada, presencia de catéter de larga permanencia, dispositivos intraventriculares o intraperitoneales. Análisis estadístico: STATA 16. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 142 niños. 21 niños (15%) presentaron shock séptico. En el análisis multivariado, se asociaron con shock séptico, la bacteriemia persistente (OR 7,15; IC95% 4,39-23,81; p: 0,001) y el foco secundario de infección (OR 6,72; IC 95% 2,02-22,2; p 0,002). La mortalidad relacionada con la infección fue 3,5% (5 pacientes). CONCLUSIONES: El shock séptico se asoció con la bacteriemia persistente y la presencia de focos secundarios de infección.

BACKGROUND: Available information about risk factors for the development of septic shock is scarce, especially in the pediatric population. AIM: To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of children with community-acquired Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia and to compare the characteristics of children with and without septic shock. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study. Inclusion criteria: Children between 30 days and 16 years old, hospitalized in the Juan P. Garrahan Pediatric Hospital between January 2017 and December 2019 for community-acquired infections with S. aureus isolation in blood cultures. Exclusion criteria: History of hospitalization within 3 months prior to admission, living in a closed community, presence of long-term catheter, intraventricular or intraperitoneal devices. Statistical analysis: STATA 16. RESULTS: 142 children were included. 21 children (15%) experienced septic shock. On multivariate analysis, persistent bacteremia (OR 7.15, 95% CI 4.39-23.81, p: 0.001) and secondary focus of infection (OR 6.72, 95% CI 2.02-22.2, p 0.002) were associated with septic shock. The infection-related mortality rate was 3.5% (5 patients). CONCLUSIONS: Septic shock was associated with persistent bacteremia and the presence of secondary foci of infection.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Shock, Septic/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Shock, Septic/etiology , Staphylococcal Infections/complications , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcus aureus , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Bacteremia/complications , Bacteremia/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Hospitals, Pediatric
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(6): 696-701, jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560242


OBJETIVOS: El objetivo primario de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de colonización nasal por Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente (SAMR) en estudiantes de medicina en cursos pre-clínicos versus clínicos de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y describir el patrón epidemiológico, clínico y molecular de las cepas de SAMR obtenidas. PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal a 299 estudiantes de pregrado y postgrado de medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 44 alumnos de primer año y 29 de segundo año, correspondiendo éstos a alumnos de cursos sin exposición clínica habitual y 26 alumnos de sexto año, 58 de séptimo año y 142 residentes, los cuales están diariamente expuestos a ambientes hospitalarios. RESULTADOS: Se encontró una portación de 0% (0/73) en estudiantes no expuestos a la clínica (cursos pre-clínicos) y de 0,9% (2/226) en estudiantes de cursos clínicos, diferencia que no fue estadísticamente significativa (valor p 0,42). CONCLUSIONES: La portación nasal de SAMR en el personal de salud de este trabajo fue baja, encontrando muestras positivas solo en estudiantes con exposición clínica. Esta prevalencia es similar a la reportada en otros trabajos de características similares realizados en Chile.

OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of nasal colonization of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in medical students in pre-clinical versus clinical courses at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and to describe the epidemiological, clinical and molecular pattern of the MRSA strains obtained. METHOD: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on 299 undergraduate and graduate medical students from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 44 first-year students and 29 second-year students, corresponding to students of courses without regular clinical exposure and 26 sixth-year students, 58 seventh-year and 142 residents, who are daily exposed to hospital environments. RESULTS: A carriage of 0% (0/73) was found in students not exposed to the clinic (pre-clinical courses) and 0.9% (2/226) in students of clinical courses, a difference that was not statistically significant (p-value 0.42). CONCLUSIONS: The MRSA nasal carriage found in our medical students was low, finding positive samples only in students with clinical exposure. This prevalence is similar to the one reported in other studies in Chile with similar characteristics.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Carrier State/microbiology , Carrier State/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Nasal Cavity/microbiology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 982-989, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985623


Objective: To understand the population structure of food-borne Staphylococcus (S.) aureus in China. Methods: Whole genome sequencing was used to analyze 763 food-borne S. aureus strains from 16 provinces in China from 2006 to 2020. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST), staphylococcal protein A gene (spa) typing, and staphylococcal chromosome cassettemec (SCCmec) typing were conducted, and minimum spanning tree based on ST types (STs) was constructed by BioNumerics 7.5 software. Thirty-one S. aureus strains isolated from imported food products were also included in constructing the genome phylogenetic tree. Results: A total of 90 STs (20 novel types) and 160 spa types were detected in the 763 S. aureus isolates. The 72 STs (72/90, 80.0%) were related to 22 clone complexes. The predominant clone complexes were CC7, CC1, CC5, CC398, CC188, CC59, CC6, CC88, CC15, and CC25, accounting for 82.44% (629/763) of the total. The STs and spa types in the predominant clone complexes changed over the years. The methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) detection rate was 7.60%, and 7 SCCmec types were identified. The ST59-t437-Ⅳa (17.24%, 10/58), ST239-t030-Ⅲ (12.07%, 7/58), ST59-t437-Ⅴb (8.62%, 5/58), ST338-t437-Ⅴb (6.90%, 4/58) and ST338-t441-Ⅴb (6.90%, 4/58) were the main types in MRSA strains. The genome phylogenetic tree had two clades, and the strains with the same CC, ST, and spa types clustered together. All CC7 methicillin sensitive S. aureus strains were included in Clade1, while 21 clone complexes and all MRSA strains were in Clade2. The MRSA strains clustered according to the SCCmec and STs. The strains from imported food products in CC398, CC7, CC30, CC12, and CC188 had far distances from Chinese strains in the tree. Conclusions: In this study, the predominant clone complexes of food-borne strains were CC7, CC1, CC5, CC398, CC188, CC59, CC6, CC88, CC15, and CC25, which overlapped with the previously reported clone complexes of hospital and community-associated strains in China, suggesting that close attention needs to be paid to food, a vehicle of pathogen transmission in community and food poisoning.

Humans , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Phylogeny , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , China/epidemiology
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 63(3): 158-163, dic.2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436875


INTRODUCIÓN Las infecciones perioperatorias en cirugía de reemplazo articular son fuente importante de morbimortalidad, así como de altos costos económicos y sociales, tanto para el paciente como para su entorno. La colonización preoperatoria por Staphylococcus aureus ha sido reconocida como un factor de riesgo importante para desarrollar una infección de sitio quirúrgico.El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la prevalencia de portación nasal de S. aureus, tanto sensible a la meticilina (SASM) como resistente a la meticilina (SARM), en pacientes candidatos a cirugía de reemplazo articular de cadera o rodilla. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS Se realizó un estudio observacional de una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes con indicación de artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) y rodilla (ATR) electiva por artrosis severa en un hospital público de Chile. Los pacientes fueron sometidos a tamizaje preoperatorio de portación, cultivándose muestras obtenidas mediante hisopado de ambas fosas nasales. Los datos del laboratorio fueron recopilados y presentados como porcentaje de portación de S. aureus. RESULTADOS Se estudiaron 303 pacientes consecutivos de ATC y 343 de ATR. En total, 483 de los 646 pacientes (74,7%) tuvieron estudio preoperatorio de portación nasal. Se identificaron 123 pacientes (25,4%) portadores de S. aureus, de los cuales sólo 2 (0,41%) casos correspondieron a SARM. CONCLUSIÓN La prevalencia de portación nasal de S. aureus obtenida fue de 25%, similar a lo reportado en otras series. La prevalencia de SARM (0.41%), sin embargo, estuvo bajo lo descrito en la literatura internacional (0,6­6%). Sería de utilidad, dada la alta prevalencia de portación descrita en nuestro trabajo y de acuerdo a evidencia publicada recientemente, realizar protocolos de descolonización universales, sin necesidad de realizar tamizaje preoperatorio.

INTRODUCTION Surgical-site infections in joint replacement surgery are an important source of morbidity and mortality that entail high economic and social burden both for the patient and their environment. Preoperative colonization by Staphylococcus aureus has been recognized as an important risk factor for the development of surgical-site infection. The aim of the present study is to determine the prevalence of nasal colonization by S. aureus, both methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant (MRSA) in patients who are candidates for total replacement of the hip or knee joints. MATERIALS AND METHODS A retrospective observational study of a cohort of 646 patients with an indication to undergo total hip arthroplasty (THA) or total knee arthroplasty (TKA) due to severe osteoarthritis was performed in a Public Hospital in Chile. The patients were submitted to a preoperative screening for S. aureus carriage, and the culture samples were obtained by swabbing both nostrils. The laboratory data was collected and presented as a percentage of carriage. RESULTS We consecutively examined 303 THA and 343 TKA patients. A total of 483 of the 646 patients (74.7%) underwent a preoperative study of nasal carriage. We identified 123 (25.4%) S. aureus carriers, and only found 2 (0.41%) cases corresponding to MRSA. CONCLUSION We found a prevalence of nasal carriage of S. aureus of 25.4%, a rate similar to that reported in other series. The prevalence of MRSA (0.41%), however, was lower than that reported in the international literature (0.6­6%). Given the high prevalence of carriage described in our work and according to recently published data, it would be worthwhile to carry out universal decolonization protocols, without the need for preoperative screening.

Humans , Male , Female , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Preoperative Care , Prevalence , Methicillin/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Nasal Cavity/microbiology
Zhonghua Yu Fang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; (12): 178-184, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935267


Objective: To analyze the Staphylococcal enterotoxins, Staphylococcal enterotoxin genes, drug resistance and molecular typing of 41 Staphylococcus aureus isolates from 2 food-borne illness outbreaks on 21 August and 27 September 2020 in Guangzhou. Methods: A total of 41 Staphylococcus aureus isolates from 2 outbreaks were analyzed by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and spa typing. The Staphylococcal enterotoxins typing and the Staphylococcal enterotoxin genes of the isolates were analyzed by ELISA and PCR, respectively. The antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolates was performed by disc diffusion. 21 Staphylococcus aureus isolates were characterized using whole genome sequencing (WGS). Based on the whole genome single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), the phylogenetic tree was constructed by Snippy. Results: 41 Staphylococcus aureus isolates were divided into 2 types by MLST and spa typing: ST6-t701 and ST7-t091. 2 ST7-t091 isolates were identified as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). 25 ST7-t091 isolates and 14 ST6-t701 isolates were methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA), and were resistant to 7 and 6 antibiotics, respectively. All isolates were positive for sea by PCR. WGS revealed all 21 isolates carried scn, sak, sea, hla, hld, hlgA, hlgB, hlgC, lukD virulence genes. The results showed the isolates contained an immune evasion cluster type D which located in bacteriophage ϕSa3. The SNP phylogenetic tree showed 2 MRSA ST7-t091 were constituted a separate clade from the 12 MSSA ST7-t091 isolates and 7 ST6-t701 isolates showed high similarity to each other. Conclusion: Base on the results of phylogenetic analysis, the 2 food-borne illness outbreaks occurred on 21 August and 27 September 2020 are caused by the combination of the MRSA ST7-t091 strain and the MSSA ST7-t091 strain, and the MSSA ST6-t701 strain, respectively. All isolates have high level of antibiotic resistance and carry high virulent genes.

Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Disease Outbreaks , Foodborne Diseases/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Multilocus Sequence Typing/methods , Phylogeny , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;38(6): 774-782, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388320


INTRODUCCIÓN. Staphylococcus aureus es parte de la microbiota nasal en 20-30% de la población general, colonización que constituye un reservorio para su transmisión, lo que es preocupante en cepas resistentes a meticilina (SARM). OBJETIVO: Determinar la prevalencia de S. aureus en estudiantes de Medicina y Enfermería del Campus San Felipe y caracterizar sus aislamientos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El 2017 se midió la portación nasal a 225 estudiantes, a las cepas aisladas se le analizó su antibiotipo por difusión en agar, la relación clonal por electroforesis de campo pulsado y MLST. En SARM se determinó el cassette SCCmec y gen de la leucocidina de Panton-Valentine. RESULTADOS: 61 estudiantes portaron S. aureus (27,1%) incluyendo dos cepas SARM (0,9%). Staphylococcus aureus mostró resistencia a penicilina (75%), eritromicina (14%) y clindamicina (10%), cloranfenicol (1,6%) y levofloxacina, oxacilina, cefoxitina (3,3%). Se diferenciaron diecinueve pulsotipos y el secuenciotipo coincidió con complejos clonales descritos a nivel mundial en portadores de S. aureus: CC30, CC8, CC97, CC15, CC22 y CC1. Las dos cepas SARM correspondieron con los clones chileno/cordobés y USA100NY/J, ambas del CC5. CONCLUSIÓN: La portación nasal de S. aureus y SARM en los estudiantes coincidió con la portación en la población general y las cepas sensibles a meticilina mostraron diversidad clonal y alta susceptibilidad antimicrobiana, exceptuando a penicilina.

BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus is part of the nasal microbiota in 20-30% of the population. This colonization is also a reservoir for its dissemination, which is worrying in the case of strains with resistance to methicillin (MRSA). AIM: To determine S. aureus nasal carriage in nursing and medical students of San Felipe Campus and characterize theirs isolates. METHODS: During 2017, nasal swabs were taken from 225 students and seeded in salt manitol agar. Antibiotypes were determined by agar diffusion and the genetic clonality was assessed by PFGE and MLST in isolated S. aureus. SCCmec cassette and Panton-Valentine leukocidin gene (pvl) presence were determined in the MRSA isolates. RESULTS: 61 students carried S. aureus (27.1%) including two MRSA strains (0.9%). S. aureus showed resistance to penicillin (75%), erythromycin (14%) and clindamycin (10%), chloramphenicol (1.6%) and levofloxacin, oxacillin, cefoxitin (3.3%). Nineteen PFGE-types were differentiated, and their sequence-types coincided with main clonal complexes described in S. aureus carriers from different places worldwide: CC30, CC8, CC97, CC15, CC22 and CC1. MRSA strains belonged to CC5 and they corresponded to the Chilean/Cordobes and USA100NY/J clones. CONCLUSION: Nasal carriage of S. aureus and MRSA in students, coincided with the general population and sensitive-methicillin strains showed clonal diversity and high antimicrobial susceptibility except for penicillin.

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Students, Nursing , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Chile , Agar , Multilocus Sequence Typing , Genotype , Methicillin , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);139(6): 607-614, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352285


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection is a worldwide concern given its presence even in non-hospitalized healthy individuals, such as university students. OBJECTIVE: To identify in the literature the prevalence of colonization by MRSA among healthcare students. DESIGN AND SETTING: Integrative review of the literature conducted in Universidade Federal do Piauí. METHOD: A search for primary studies was performed in the following databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; Web of Science; Scopus; and LILACS. RESULTS: This review included 27 studies that demonstrated MRSA infection prevalence ranging from 0.0 to 15.3% among students. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of colonization of MRSA among healthcare students is high, and the nasal cavity was cited as an important reservoir location for these microorganisms.

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Students , Carrier State/epidemiology , Prevalence , Delivery of Health Care
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 92(2): e212, dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1339132


Introducción: la sepsis tardía por estafilococo coagulasa negativo (SCoN) es una causa común de morbimortalidad en la unidad neonatal. Los SCoN son los microorganismos más frecuentemente involucrados con aproximadamente el 50% de los casos. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la incidencia y las características de los neonatos portadores de sepsis tardía por SCoN. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, retrospectivo. Se utilizaron las bases de datos del laboratorio de microbiología del hospital y las historias clínicas electrónicas para obtener la información. El período de estudio analizado fueron los años 2018 y 2019 en la unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios de recién nacidos del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell. Resultados: obtuvimos una incidencia de 2,5% de los ingresos a cuidados intensivos e intermedios (25 pacientes). La edad gestacional al nacer fue de 28 semanas (25,0-35,0) y la mediana del peso fue de 1.070 g (730,0-2.365,0). La media de edad gestacional posmenstrual al momento del diagnóstico fue de 32,92±7,921 semanas. Por sospecha de sepsis precoz, 17 pacientes habían recibido un curso de antibióticos previo. El signo clínico más frecuentemente observado fue el deterioro del estado general, en 11 pacientes, seguido de distensión abdominal en 6 y fiebre en 5. Dentro de los SCoN, el más frecuentemente aislado fue el Staphylococcus epidermidis (13 pacientes); 22 pacientes recibieron tratamiento, 18 de ellos con vancomicina-meropenem y 4 con monoterapia con vancomicina. Conclusión: estos patógenos representan una causa importante de morbimortalidad en la unidad neonatal, particularmente en pacientes que presentan mayor gravedad y mayor necesidad de soporte vital. Se necesitan pautas claras de interpretación del rol de estos microorganismos y de abordaje de pacientes con riesgo de sepsis tardía, incluyendo el tratamiento antibiótico empírico.

Introduction: Coagulase Negative Staphylococci (CoNS) late onset sepsis is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). CoNS are the most frequently isolated microorganisms and total 50% of cases. The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence and characteristics of newborns carriers of late onset CoNS. Materials and methods: we performed a descriptive, retrospective, longitudinal study. Data was obtained from the hospital's microbiology laboratory database and electronic medical records. Patients included were those admitted to NICU during the period between 2018 and 2019. Results: we obtained an incidence of 2.5% of patients admitted to the NICU (25 patients). Median gestational age at birth was 28 weeks 25.0-35.0 and median birth weight was 1.070 g 730.0-2365.0. Mean gestational age at the time of diagnosis was 32.92±7.921 weeks. 17 patients had received an antibiotics course at birth because of early onset sepsis suspicion. The most frequently observed clinical symptom was deterioration of general condition, 11 patients, followed by abdominal distention in 6 and fever in 5. Among CoNS, the most frequently isolated pathogen was Staphylococcus epidermidis (13 patients). 22 patients received treatment, 18 a combination of vancomycin and meropenem and 4 received vancomycin monotherapy. Conclusion: these pathogens are a common cause of morbidity and mortality in the newborn intensive care unit, particularly in patients with more serious conditions and in those who require more advanced life support measures. Clearer interpretation of their role is needed as well as to determine a proper approach to patients at risk of late onset sepsis, including empiric antibiotic treatment.

Sepse tardia para Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (SCoN) é uma causa comum de morbidade e mortalidade na unidade neonatal. SCoNs são os microrganismos mais frequentemente envolvidos e representam aproximadamente 50% dos casos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a incidência e as características de neonatos com sepse tardia por SCoN. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo descritivo, longitudinal e retrospectivo. Usamos os bancos de dados do laboratório de microbiologia e prontuários médicos eletrônicos de nosso hospital para obter as informações. O período de estudo analisado foi de 2018 e 2019 na unidade de terapia intensiva e intermediária para recém-nascidos do Centro Hospitalar Pereira Rossell. Resultados: obtivemos uma incidência de 2,5% de internações em Terapia Intensiva e Intermediária (25 pacientes). A idade gestacional ao nascer foi de 28 semanas 25,0-35,0 e o peso médio foi de 1070g 730,0-2365,0. A média da idade gestacional pós-menstrual no momento do diagnóstico foi de 32,92 ± 7,921 semanas. 17 pacientes haviam recebido um curso anterior de antibióticos por suspeita de sepse precoce. O sinal clínico mais frequentemente observado foi deterioração do estado geral em 11 pacientes, seguido por distensão abdominal em 6 e febre em 5. Dentre os SCoN, o mais isolado foi o Staphylococcus Epidermidis (13 pacientes). 22 pacientes receberam tratamento, 18 deles com Vancomicina-Meropenem e 4 com Vancomicina em monoterapia. Conclusão: esses patógenos representam uma importante causa de morbimortalidade na unidade neonatal, principalmente em pacientes com maior gravidade e maior necessidade de suporte de vida. Orientações claras são necessárias para interpretar o papel desses microrganismos e para abordar pacientes com risco de sepse tardia, incluindo tratamento com antibióticos.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Neonatal Sepsis/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/diagnosis , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Staphylococcus epidermidis/virology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Cross Infection , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Coagulase , Staphylococcus haemolyticus/virology , Staphylococcus hominis/virology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(1): 11-17, feb. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1147054


Introducción. Las infecciones por Staphylococcus aureus resistente a meticilina adquirido de la comunidad (SARM-AC) se han incrementado en los últimos años. Neumonías necrotizantes y empiemas por SARM-AC son cada vez más frecuentes en niños.Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de neumonías por SARM-AC y sus características clínico-epidemiológicas, en comparación con las neumonías por Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) en la misma población.Material y métodos. Estudio descriptivo, observacional, transversal, de pacientes internados con neumonía por SARM-AC en el Hospital de Niños Víctor J. Vilela (período: 1/2008-12/2017).Resultados. De 54 neumonías por Staphylococcus aureus, 46 (el 85 %) fueron SARM-AC. El índice de neumonías por SARM-AC varió de 4,9/10 000 (2008) a 10/10 000 egresos (2017). Presentaron sepsis/shock séptico el 41 %; empiema, el 96 %; neumotórax, el 35 %; requirieron drenaje pleural el 90 % y toilette quirúrgica el 55 %. Ingresaron a Terapia Intensiva el 65 %; la mitad necesitó asistencia respiratoria mecánica. Hubo dos muertes. Resistencia de las cepas: el 17 % a gentamicina, el 13 % a eritromicina, el 11 % a clindamicina. En las neumonías por SARM-AC vs. las neumonías por SP, se observó mayor riesgo de sepsis (IC 95 %; RR 7,38; 3,32-16,38) e ingreso a Terapia Intensiva (RR 4,29; 2,70-6,83). No hubo muertes por SP.Conclusiones. La prevalencia de neumonías por SARM-AC se duplicó durante la última década. Comparadas con las neumonías por SP, las neumonías por SARM-AC se acompañaron, más frecuentemente, de cuadros de sepsis y shockséptico, ingreso a Terapia Intensiva y asistencia respiratoria.

Introduction. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) infections have increased in recent years. CA-MRSA necrotizing pneumonia and empyema are now more common in children.Objectives. To determine the prevalence of CA-MRSA pneumonia and its clinical and epidemiological characteristics compared to Streptococcus pneumoniae (SP) pneumonia in the same population.Material and methods. Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study of patients hospitalized due to CA-MRSA pneumonia at Hospital de Niños Víctor J. Vilela (period: January 2008-December 2017).Results. Out of 54 Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia cases, 46 (85 %) corresponded to CA-MRSA. The rate of CA-MRSA pneumonia ranged from 4.9/10 000 (2008) to 10/10 000 hospital discharges (2017). Sepsis/septic shock was observed in 41 %; empyema, in 96 %; pneumothorax, in 35 %; 90 % of cases required pleural drainage and 55 %, surgical debridement. Also, 65 % of patients were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU); half of them required assisted mechanical ventilation. Two patients died. Strain resistance: 17 %, gentamicin; 13 %, erythromycin; and 11 %, clindamycin. Compared to SP pneumonia, CA-MRSA pneumonia showed a higher risk for sepsis (95 % confidence interval; relative risk: 7.38; 3.32-16.38) and admission to the ICU (RR: 4.29; 2.70-6.83). No patient died due to SP pneumonia.Conclusions. The prevalence of CA-MRSA pneumonia doubled in the past decade. Compared to SP pneumonia, CA-MRSA pneumonia was more commonly accompanied by sepsis and septic shock, admission to the ICU, and ventilatory support requirement

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Argentina/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/diagnosis , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Incidence , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Community-Acquired Infections/diagnosis , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Hospitals, Pediatric
Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online);25(1): 101539, jan., 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249301


ABSTRACT Background: Community-genotype methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CG-MRSA) emerged in the 1990s as a global community pathogen primarily involved in skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) and pneumonia. To date, the CG-MRSA SSTI burden in Latin America (LA) has not been assessed. Objective: The main objective of this study was to report the rate and genotypes of community-genotype methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CG-MRSA) causing community-onset skin and soft tissue infections (CO-SSTIs) in LA over the last two decades. In addition, this research determined relevant data related to SSTIs due to CG-MRSA, including risk factors, other invasive diseases, and mortality. Data sources: Relevant literature was searched and extracted from five major databases: Embase, PubMed, LILACS, SciELO, and Web of Science. Methods: A systematic review was performed, and a narrative review was constructed. Results: An analysis of 11 studies identified epidemiological data across LA, with Argentina presenting the highest percentage of SSTIs caused by CG-MRSA (88%). Other countries had rates of CG-MRSA infection ranging from 0 to 51%. Brazil had one of the lowest rates of CG-MRSA SSTI (4.5-25%). In Argentina, being younger than 50 years of age and having purulent lesions were predictive factors for CG-MRSA CO-SSTIs. In addition, the predominant genetic lineages in LA belonged to sequence types 8, 30, and 5 (ST8, ST30, and ST5). Conclusion: There are significant regional differences in the rates of CG-MRSA causing CO-SSTIs. It is not possible to conclude whether or not CG-MRSA CO-SSTIs resulted in more severe SSTI presentations or in a higher mortality rate.

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Skin Infections/drug therapy , Staphylococcal Skin Infections/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/drug therapy , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Soft Tissue Infections/drug therapy , Soft Tissue Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Argentina , Brazil , Genotype , Latin America/epidemiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 80: e37275, dez. 2021. tab


Staphylococcus spp. vem ganhando destaque em infecções na corrente sanguínea (ICS), apresentando alta prevalência, multirresistência e considerável poder de letalidade. O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a prevalência e traçar o perfil de sensibilidade das espécies de Staphylococcus spp. isoladas de amostras de hemoculturas positivas obtidas de um hospital de atenção terciária da rede pública do Ceará, no período de janeiro de 2015 a dezembro de 2018. Dos 3292 exames de hemocultura realizados, apenas 15,88% tiveram resultado positivo, dos quais 24,85% eram cocos Gram positivos. S. aureus representou 1,53% das hemoculturas positivas com 50% das cepas resistentes à oxacilina. Os isolados de Staphylococcus sp. coagulase negativo obtiveram prevalência de 10,89%, representados por: S. epidermidis (n=23), S. haemolyticus (n=17), S. hominis (n=13), S. saprophyticus (n=2) e S. warneri (n=2). Verificou-se multirresistência em diversos isolados analisados, apresentando variações intra e interespécies. Portanto, nossos achados melhoram o entendimento da epidemiologia das ICS causadas por Staphylococcus spp., na instituição de estudo, bem como seu perfil de sensibilidade. A identificação precoce do agente infeccioso auxilia na escolha adequada do tratamento, aumentando as chances de cura e reduzindo o tempo de internação do paciente. (AU)

Staphylococcus spp. has been highlighted among bloodstream infections (BI), presenting high prevalence, multidrug resistance and considerable lethality. The present study aimed to analyze the prevalence and the susceptibility profile of Staphylococcus spp. isolated from positive blood cultures from a tertiary care public hospital of Ceará, from January 2015 to December 2018. Of the 3292 blood cultures performed during this period, only 15.88% were positive, of which 24.85% were Gram positive cocci. S. aureus represented 1.53% of positive blood cultures, of which 50% were oxacilin resistant. Isolates of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. showed a prevalence of 10.89%, represented by: S. epidermidis (n = 23), S. haemolyticus (n = 17), S. hominis (n = 13), S. saprophyticus (n = 2) and S. warneri (n = 2). Multiresistance occurrence was verified in several of the analyzed isolates, presenting intra and inters species variations. Therefore, our findings improve the understanding of the epidemiology of BI caused by Staphylococcus spp. in the studied institution, as well as its susceptibility profile. Early identification of the infectious agent might aid in the appropriate choice of treatment, increasing the chance of cure and reducing the patient length stay in hospital. (AU)

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcus/drug effects , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Blood Culture
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;37(5): 570-576, nov. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1144253


Resumen Introducción: La endocarditis infecciosa (EI) es causa importante de morbimortalidad. En los últimos años se han visto cambios en la epidemiología de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y microbiológicas de pacientes con diagnóstico de EI ingresados en un hospital pediátrico de 2011 al 2018. Pacientes y Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes bajo 15 años de edad, hospitalizados con EI en un hospital pediátrico de referencia de Uruguay. Se utilizaron cálculos de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, así como frecuencias absolutas y porcentuales. Resultados: Se identificaron 11 niños, media de edad 4 años 6 meses (rango 5 meses - 13 años). Cinco sin factores de riesgo, seis con factores de riesgo: cinco con cardiopatía congénita (2 con cirugía cardíaca) y uno con catéter venoso central. En 11 se obtuvo hemocultivo previo a la antibioterapia, en 10 una sola muestra, en uno hubo dos muestras. En nueve casos se recuperó el microorganismo causal; Staphylococcus aureus en cuatro (dos cepas resistentes a meticilina), seguido de Streptococcus grupo viridans tres niños. En 10 niños se encontraron vegetaciones en el ecocardiograma, seis valvulares. El tratamiento empírico más frecuente fue ceftriaxona y vancomicina. Las complicaciones fueron falla cardiaca y embolias sépticas. Cinco niños requirieron cirugía cardíaca. Falleció un paciente. Conclusiones: Se observó un aumento de EI en niños sin cardiopatía, por tanto, es necesario tener alta sospecha clínica en pacientes febriles. Importante es realizar hemocultivos previos al inicio de la antibioterapia y contemplar una cobertura contra Staphylococcus aureus en la terapia empírica inicial.

Abstract Background: Infective endocarditis (IE) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality. In recent years there have been changes in the epidemiology of this disease. Aim: To describe epidemiological, clinical and microbiological characteristics of patients with a diagnosis of IE admitted to a pediatric hospital from 2011 to 2018. Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Children under 15 years of age hospitalized with IE in a reference pediatric hospital in Uruguay were included. Calculations of measures of central tendency and dispersion were used, as well as absolute and percentage frequencies. Results: 11 children were identified, mean age 4 years 6 months (range 5 months - 13 years). Five without risk factors, 6 with risk factors: 5 congenital heart disease (2 with cardiac surgery) and 1 central venous catheter. In 11 blood cultures were obtained prior to antibiotics, 10 a single sample, 1 with two samples. In 9 cases a microorganism was isolated. The most frequent was Staphylococcus aureus 4 children (2 methicillin resistant), followed by group viridans Streptococcus 3 children. In 10 children vegetations were found in the echocardiogram, 6 valvular. The most frequent empirical treatment was ceftriaxone and vancomycin. Complications were heart failure and septic emboli. 5 children required heart surgery. One patient died. Conclusions: An increase of IE in children without heart disease has been observed, then, it is necessary to have high clinical suspicion in febrile patients. It is important to perform blood cultures prior to the start of antibiotics and to consider coverage against Staphylococcus aureus in empirical initial treatment.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Staphylococcal Infections/drug therapy , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Endocarditis, Bacterial/drug therapy , Endocarditis, Bacterial/epidemiology , Uruguay/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;52(3): 81-90, Sept. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340907


Abstract This study was undertaken to investígate the resistance phenotypes to macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B (MLSb) antibiotics and their associated genotypes in isolates of Staphylococcus aureus. We analyzed one hundred, consecutive, non-duplicate isolates (methicillin-susceptible MSSA, n = 53 and methicillin-resistant MRSA, n =47) obtained from var-ious clinical samples between July 2012 to December 2013. The resistance profile to MLSb antibiotics was determined by phenotypic methods and the resistance genes were detected by PCR assays. All of the isolates were subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (SmaI-PFGE). The overall prevalence of resistance to MLSb antibiotics was 38% and the resistance phenotype distribution was as follows: cMLSb, 22%; iMLSB, 10%; MSb, 5% and L, 1%. We detected ermA, ermC, ermB and mrsA/B genes in these resistant isolates. The single ermA gene was commonly observed mainly in those with a cMLSb R phenotype, whereas the combination ermA and ermC was more commonly observed in isolates with inducible expression. The patterns of SmaI-PFGE suggest a great genetic diversity in both MRSA and MSSA resistant to MLSb antibiotics. The results demonstrate the local presence of S. aureus resistant to MLSb antibiotics and its most frequently described responsible genes. Some of these isolates, especially those with the iMLSB phenotype, may be associated with therapeutic failure. Therefore, efforts should be directed to the correct detection of all MLSb resistant isolates using appropriate laboratory tests. PFGE results reveal a wide spread of resistance genes rather than the circulation of S. aureus clones resistant to MLSb antibiotics.

Resumen Los objetivos de este estudio fueron investigar en Staphylococcus aureus la presencia de fenotipos resistentes a los antibióticos macrólidos, lincosamidas y estreptograminas tipoB (MLSb) y conocer sus genotipos responsables. Analizamos 100 aislamientos consecutivos, no duplicados (53 sensibles a meticilina [MSSA] y 47 resistentes a meticilina [MRSA]), obtenidos entre 2012 y 2013 a partir de diferentes muestras clínicas. El perfil de resistencia a los antibióticos MLSb fue determinado por métodos fenotípicos y los genes de resistencia se detectaron por PCR. Todos los aislamientos fueron comparados por SmaI-PFGE. La prevalencia global de resistencia a los antibióticos MLSB fue del 38% y la distribución de los fenotipos de resistencia fue la siguiente: cMLSB, 22%; iMLSB, 10%; MSB, 5%; L, 1%. Se detectaron los genes ermA, ermC y mrsA/B en los aislamientos resistentes. El gen ermA se observó, sobre todo, en aislamientos con fenotipo resistente constitutivo R (cMLSB), mientras que la combinación ermA y ermC se detectó principalmente en aislamientos con resistencia inducible (iMLSB). Los patrones de Smal-PFGE sugieren una gran diversidad genética en los aislamientos resistentes a los antibióticos MLSb, tanto MRSA como MSSA. Los resultados demuestran la presencia local de S. aureus resistentes a los antibióticos MLSB y de sus genes responsables más frecuentemente descritos. Estos cultivos, especialmente aquellos con fenotipo resistente iMLSB, pueden asociarse con fallas terapéuticas. Por lo tanto, los esfuerzos deben dirigirse a la correcta detección de todos los cultivos resistentes a MLSB utilizando pruebas de laboratorio adecuadas. Los resultados de Smal-PFGE sugieren una amplia diseminación de genes de resistencia, más que la circulación de clones resistentes a los antibióticos MLSB.

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Phenotype , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Uruguay , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Macrolides/pharmacology , Streptogramin B/pharmacology , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Bacterial/genetics , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Lincosamides/pharmacology , Tertiary Care Centers , Genotype , Hospitals, Public , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 36(3): e1192, jul.-set. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138976


Introducción: En la superficie cutánea residen microorganismos responsables del balance bioquímico, algunas son patógenas y persisten a pesar del lavado de manos. Objetivo: Identificar la flora bacteriana resistente al lavado de manos en estudiantes universitarios. Métodos: Se realizó el estudio observacional analítico de tipo longitudinal, para esto se enrolaron a estudiantes universitarios que recibieron previamente charlas educativas sobre higiene de manos, posteriormente se tomaron muestras antes y después del lavado de las manos. Resultados: De 80 muestras analizadas se identificó a Staphylococcus epidermidis como el más frecuente en 95 por ciento de los estudiantes y con el lavado de manos se redujo a 60 por ciento; el segundo agente fue Staphylococcus saprophyticcus, que estuvo presente en 75 por ciento de los casos y después del lavado, en 35 por ciento; E. coli ocupó el tercer lugar, se encontró en 42,5 por ciento de las muestras y tras la higiene de manos se redujo a 17,5 por ciento. Para los agentes transitorios como Klebsiella (p < 0,05) y Pseudomonas, el lavado de manos fue más efectivo; sin embargo, E. coli fue la enterobacteria que permaneció elevada a pesar de la higiene de manos (p = 0,01). Conclusión: Algunas colonias de E. coli son resistentes al lavado de manos, similar a los agentes residentes como Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticcus y Staphylococcus aureus(AU)

Introduction: The skin surface is inhabited by microorganisms responsible for the biochemical balance; some are pathogenic and persist despite hand washing. Objective: To identify, in university students, the bacterial flora resistant to hand washing. Methods: A longitudinal, analytical and observational study was carried out, for which university students were included who previously received educational talks on hand hygiene. Samples were taken before and after hand washing. Results: Of 80 samples analyzed, Staphylococcus epidermidis was identified as the most frequent in 95 percent of the students and, with hand washing, it was reduced to 60 percent the second agent was Staphylococcus saprophyticcus, present in 75 percent of the cases and, after hand washing, in 35 percent. E. coli occupied the third position, as it was found in 42.5 percent of the samples and, after hand hygiene, it was reduced to 17.5 percent. For transient agents like Klebsiella (P<0.05) and Pseudomonas, handwashing was more effective; however, E. coli was the enterobacterium that remained elevated despite hand hygiene (P=0.01). Conclusion: Some E. coli colonies are resistant to hand washing, similar to resident agents such as Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticcus and Staphylococcus aureus(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Hand Disinfection , Escherichia coli Infections/epidemiology , Longitudinal Studies , Observational Study
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 60(1): 73-83, jul 2020. tab., ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1452426


La neumonía intrahospitalaria es la segunda infección más frecuente, considerada un problema de salud pública. Su continuidad aumenta como consecuencia de los avances tecnológicos de la medicina. El objetivo del estudio es determinar los factores de riesgo que inciden en el incremento de neumonía intrahospitalaria en pacientes adultos de la Unidad de Cuidados intensivos del Hospital de Especialidades Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontón. El diseño del estudio corresponde a una investigación de tipo cuantitativa, descriptiva de corte transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 135 pacientes de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del dicho hospital, la técnica empleada a partir de la observación es la recolección de información utilizando como instrumento una ficha o hoja de recolección de datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas de los pacientes. Los principales resultados muestran un 98% de gérmenes de tipo Gram negativas, siendo los que predominaron las Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en los Gram positivos el Estaphilococos y Estreptococos. El tiempo de estadía del paciente en la UCI fue de 17 a 21 días y los factores de riesgo que incidieron en el incremento de neumonía intrahospitalaria, fueron la ventilación mecánica, el uso de métodos invasivos, el tratamiento con antibióticos, el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria y la permanencia con los dispositivos invasivos de entubación endotraqueal. Como solución al problema encontrado en la investigación se propone diseñar un protocolo se seguimiento y control, el cual va dirigido a la prevención, disminución de la neumonía nosocomial asociada a los factores de riesgos evaluados en el estudio(AU)

In-hospital pneumonia is the second most frequent infection, considered a public health problem. Its continuity increases as part of the technological advances of medicine. The objective of the study is to determine the factors that influence the increase of in-hospital pneumonia in adult patients of the Intensive Care Unit of the Specialties Hospital Dr. Abel Gilbert Pontoon. The design of the study corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional investigation, the sample consisted of 135 patients from the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital, the technique used from the observation is the collection of information on how use as a tool a data sheet or data collection sheet of patients' medical records. The main results are shown in 98% of the negative grammars types, being those that predominate the Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella pneumoniae, in the Gram positive the Staphylococci and Streptococci. The patient's stay in the ICU was from 17 to 21 days and the risk factors that influenced the increase in in-hospital pneumonia were mechanical ventilation, the use of invasive methods, treatment with antibiotics, length of hospital stay. And the permanence with the invasive devices of endotracheal intubation. As a result of the investigation, it is a monitoring and control protocol, which is aimed at prevention, the reduction of pneumonia and the risk factors evaluated in the study(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pneumococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Streptococcal Infections/epidemiology , Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Ecuador/epidemiology
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(2): 239-245, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127135


RESUMEN Objetivos: Tipificar el casette SCCmec en cepas de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes a meticilino (SARM) en aislados clínicos de centros de salud del Estado Aragua-Venezuela y comparar la presencia de los genotipos SCCmec entre los centros de salud del estado y según el tipo de infección. Materiales y métodos: Durante enero y agosto de 2015 se estudiaron 81 cepas SARM de cuatro centros de salud del estado de Aragua en Venezuela. La resistencia al meticilino se midió con el método de Kirby-Bauer con discos de oxacilina (1 µgr) y cefoxitina (30 µgr). El gen mecA y el SCCmec se analizaron por la técnica de reacción en cadena de polimerasa múltiple. Resultados: 55 aislados (67,9%) amplificaron el gen mecA, y 24 cepas (43,6%) amplificaron el SCCmec. El SCCmec I fue el más frecuente, seguido de SCCmecIV y SCCmec III, representaron el 62,5%, 25% y 12,5%, respectivamente. El SCCmec I fue predominante en el centro de salud A (80%), mientras que el SCCmec IV se encontró en el centro de salud B (60%) y C (100%). En el centro de salud D, 50% resultó ser SCCmec I y 50% SCCmec IVd. Se encontró relación entre el SCCmec y el centro de salud con significancia estadística. En infecciones de piel y tejidos blandos y en las respiratorias predominó el SCCmec I con 63,2% y 50% respectivamente. Conclusiones: La frecuencia de SCCmec I y IV permitirá establecer nuevas medidas en el uso y control de la resistencia a los antibióticos.

ABSTRACT Objective: Typify the SCCmec cassette in methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus in clinical isolates from health centers in the State of Aragua-Venezuela and compare the presence of SCCmec genotypes among the state health centers and according to the type of infection. Materials and methods: 81 MRSA strains from four health centers of the Aragua-Venezuela State were studied. Methicillin resistance was performed with the Kirby-Bauer method with oxacillin (1 µg) and cefoxitin (30 µg) disks. The mecA gene and SCCmec were analyzed by the multiple PCR technique. Results: Only 55 isolates (67.9%) amplified the mecA gene, and 24 strains (43.6%) amplified SCCmec. SCCmec type I was the most frequency, followed by SCCmec IV and SCCmec III, representing 62.5%, 25% and 12.5%, respectively. SCCmec I was predominant in health center A (80%), while in B and C 60% and 100% respectively were SCCmec IV. At health center D, 50% turned out to be SCCmec I and 50% SCCmec IVd. A relationship was found between the SCCmec and the health center with statistical significance. SCCmec I predominated in skin and soft tissue and respiratory infections with 63.2% and 50%, respectively. There was no association between genotype and type of infection with a p value greater than 0.05. Conclusions: The prevalence of SCCmec I and IV will allow establishing new measures in the use of antibiotics and epidemiological control.

Humans , Male , Female , Staphylococcal Infections , Staphylococcus aureus , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Chromosomes , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Oxacillin , Respiratory Tract Infections , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Venezuela , Venezuela/epidemiology , Chromosomes/genetics , Molecular Epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Genotype , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;37(1): 37-44, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092720


Resumen Introducción: Staphylococcus aureus es uno de los patógenos con mayor prevalencia en el mundo, asociado a una alta tasa de mortalidad y un rápido desarrollo de resistencia a los antimicrobianos. A pesar de su patogenicidad, su seguimiento epidemiológico en México es escaso. Objetivo: Analizar la epidemiología molecular local y determinar el origen clonal de cepas resistentes a meticilina (RM) aisladas de pacientes internados en el Hospital Central "Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto". Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo de corte transversal, de julio a diciembre de 2016. La caracterización de las cepas se realizó mediante genotipificación Spa, la determinación por RPC punto final de la frecuencia de genes de virulencia específicos y su antibiograma. Resultados: A partir de estos datos, se obtuvo que la prevalencia de S. aureus RM fue de 25,7%, destacando la presencia del tipo Spa t895 en 76% de las cepas resistentes y un patrón similar de susceptibilidad a antimicrobianos. Conclusión: Los resultados de este estudio indican que la prevalencia regional de SARM no se ha modificado en los últimos 10 años y proporcionan información valiosa del origen clonal y los factores de virulencia de las cepas de S. aureus aisladas en la región.

Abstract Background: Staphylococcus aureus is one of most prevalent pathogens in the world associated with a high mortality rate and a rapid development of resistance to antibiotics. Despite its pathogenicity, epidemiological monitoring in Mexico is scarce. Aim: To analyze the local molecular epidemiology and determine the clonal origin of methicillin-resistant (MR) strains isolated from patients admitted to Hospital "Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto". Methods: A cross-sectional prospective study was carried out from July to December 2016. The characterization of the strains was carried out by Spa genotyping, frequency of specific virulence genes by PCR and antibiogram. Results: The prevalence of MRSA was 25.7%, highlighting the presence of the Spa type t895 in 76% of the resistant strains and a similar pattern of susceptibility to antibiotics. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the regional prevalence of MRSA has not changed in the last 10 years and provide valuable information on the clonal origin and the virulence factors of the strains of S. aureus isolated in the region.

Humans , Staphylococcal Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/classification , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Virulence Factors/genetics , Genotype , Mexico/epidemiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);39(supl.1): 86-95, mayo 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011457


Resumen Introducción. En las Fuerzas Militares de Colombia, cerca de 500.000 de sus miembros asisten a consulta en los establecimientos sanitarios militares. En esta población, Staphylococcus aureus resistente a la meticilina (SAMR) se ha convertido en un agente patógeno de gran incidencia. Objetivo. Caracterizar los pacientes con diagnóstico de bacteriemia por SAMR en el Hospital Militar Central entre el 2012 y el 2015. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo de revisión retrospectiva de historias clínicas de pacientes mayores de 18 años, hospitalizados y con hemocultivos positivos para S. aureus resistente a la meticilina. Para la identificación de los pacientes se empleó el sistema Whonet, version 5.6. Resultados. De los 177 cultivos positivos para S. aureus, el 24,8 % (n=44) correspondió a SAMR, con mayor prevalencia en pacientes militares activos(n=20m 45,4 %). Se observó una frecuencia similar para la bacteriemia por SAMR adquirida en la comunidad y la adquirida en el hospital, siendo más frecuente (n=37, 84 %) el fenotipo de la comunidad en ambos grupos. El principal foco infeccioso fueron los tejidos blandos, seguidos por el tejido pulmonar. Se presentaron mayores tasas de complicaciones (61%, n=13) en la bacteriemia adquirida en el hospital; 34,9 % (n=15),de los pacientes tuvieron una estancia hospitalaria prolongada atribuible a las complicaciones desencadenadas por la bacteriemia. Conclusiones. La población más afectada por SAMR fueron los pacientes militares activos (n=20, 45,4 %), con una frecuencia similar de la bacteriemia adquirida en la comunidad (n=18, 43,2 %) y la adquirida en el hospital (n=25, 56,8 %), y el principal foco infeccioso fueron los tejidos blandos. Dados estos resultados, es necesario adelantar estudios para establecer la prevalencia de infecciones por SAMR en la piel.

Abstract Introduction: In Colombia, there are about 500,000 members in the national armed forces who consult military health institutions. In this population, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has become a high-incidence pathogen. Objective: The aim of this study was to characterize patients with MRSA bacteremia in the Hospital Militar Central between 2012 and 2015. Materials and methods: This was an observational descriptive study with a retrospective review of clinical histories of hospitalized patients older than 18 years of age with positive blood cultures for methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The identification of the patients was made using the Whonet system, version 5.6. Results: From cultures positive for S. aureus, 24.8% were methicillin-resistant strains, with a higher prevalence in active military personnel. A similar frequency was observed for community-acquired MRSA bacteremias and those acquired at the hospital, with the community phenotype being the most frequent in both groups. The main infectious focus related to the development of bacteremia was soft tissue, followed by pulmonary tissue. There were higher complication rates in nosocomial bacteremias; 34.9% of the patients had prolonged stays attributable to complications triggered by the bacteremia. Conclusions: Active military personnel was the most affected population by MRSA, with a similar frequency in community-acquired and nosocomial bacteremias. The main infectious focus was soft tissue. Taking into account these data, studies that establish the prevalence of skin infections by MRSA should be carried out.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Cross Infection/microbiology , Bacteremia/microbiology , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcal Skin Infections/microbiology , Staphylococcal Skin Infections/epidemiology , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/microbiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Tertiary Care Centers/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Military/statistics & numerical data , Length of Stay/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. (Online);52: e20190095, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013299


Abstract INTRODUCTION Staphylococcus aureus is a major nosocomial pathogen that is associated with high virulence and the rapid development of drug resistance. METHODS We analyzed and compared the antimicrobial resistance, virulence profiles, and molecular epidemiology of 67 S. aureus strains, including 36 methicillin-sensitive (MSSA) and 31 methicillin-resistant (MRSA) strains recovered from a public hospital located in south-eastern Brazil. RESULTS The clones circulating in this hospital presented a great diversity, and the majority of the strains were related to clones responsible for causing worldwide epidemics: these included USA100 (New York/Japan clone), USA300, and USA600. The 31 MRSA (22 SCCmecII and 9 SCCmecIV) and 36 MSSA strains exhibited low resistance against gentamicin and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. No MRSA strain showed resistance to tetracycline. Virulence gene carriage was more diverse and abundant in MSSA than in MRSA. Of the evaluated adhesion-related genes, ebpS was the most prevalent in both MSSA and MRSA strains. The genes bbp and cna showed a strong association with MSSA strains. CONCLUSIONS Our findings reinforce the idea that MSSA and MRSA strains should be carefully monitored, owing to their high pathogenic potential.

Humans , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Methicillin Resistance , Virulence Factors/genetics , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus/genetics , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Staphylococcal Infections/epidemiology , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Staphylococcus aureus/classification , Virulence/genetics , Brazil/epidemiology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Molecular Epidemiology , Tertiary Care Centers , Hospitals, Public