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Chinese Journal of Oncology ; (12): 634-666, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940928


Gastric cancer (GC) is a major digestive tract malignancy in China, which seriously threatens the health of Chinese population. A large number of researches have demons-trated that screening, early detection and early treatment are effective in reducing the incidence and mortality of GC. The development of the guideline for GC screening, early detection and early treatment in line with epidemic characteristics of GC in China will greatly promote the homogeneity and standardization, and improve the effect of GC screening. This guideline was commissioned by the Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention of the National Health Commission. The National Cancer Center of China initiated and convened a working group comprising multidisciplinary experts. Following the World Health Organization Handbook for Guideline Development, this guideline combined the most up-to-date evidence of GC screening, China's national conditions, and practical experience in cancer screening. This guideline provided evidence-based recommendations with respect to the screening population, technology and procedure management, aiming to improve the effect of GC screening and provide scientific evidence for the GC prevention and control in China.

Humans , Beijing , China/epidemiology , Early Detection of Cancer/methods , Mass Screening , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 34: eAPE001985, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1349828


Resumo Objetivo Identificar o histórico familiar de primeiro grau de câncer gástrico em pacientes com sintomas dispépticos atendidos em um serviço público de endoscopia. Métodos Estudo transversal, realizado com pacientes dispépticos que tinham indicação para realizar o exame de endoscopia digestiva alta. A associação entre o histórico familiar de câncer gástrico e os resultados do exame endoscópico foi verificada por meio dos testes de Qui-quadrado ou Fisher, e medida seu efeito por meio da razão de chance e intervalo de confiança em analises uni e multivariadas. Utilizou-se regressão logística na análise dos dados. Resultados Observou-se que dos 751 pacientes dispépticos investigados, 44 (5,9%) possuíam histórico familiar de câncer gástrico, destes a maioria era do sexo feminino (70,5%), com idade maior ou igual a 45 anos (56,8%). Os pacientes com histórico familiar de câncer gástrico tinham maiores chances de não apresentarem diagnostico endoscópico de úlcera péptica (p=0,05; RC=2,33; IC=0,99-5,48). Além de maiores chances de alterações na mucosa gástrica (p=0,05; RC=1,06; IC=1,04-1,08) e infecção pela Helicobacter pylori (p=0,04; RC=1,79; IC=0,94-3,39) mesmo após ajustes nas análises. Conclusão A alteração endoscópica da mucosa gástrica e a infecção pela Helicobacter pylori em pacientes com sintomas dispépticos, mostraram associação independente com o histórico familiar de câncer gástrico. Diante disso, faz-se necessário a elaboração de protocolos de assistência à saúde para melhor investigação e vigilância dos familiares de câncer gástrico, bem como ações de educação em saúde para orientar os pacientes a respeito do rastreio e prevenção do câncer gástrico.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar los antecedentes familiares de primer grado de cáncer gástrico en pacientes con síntomas dispépticos atendidos en un servicio público de endoscopía. Métodos Estudio transversal llevado a cabo con pacientes dispépticos que habían sido derivados a realizar un estudio de endoscopía digestiva alta. La relación entre los antecedentes familiares de cáncer gástrico y los resultados del estudio endoscópico fue verificada mediante la prueba χ2 de Pearson o de Fisher, y su efecto fue medido a través de la razón de momios y del intervalo de confianza en análisis uni y multivariados. Se utilizó la regresión logística en el análisis de los datos. Resultados Se observó que de los 751 pacientes dispépticos investigados, 44 (5,9 %) tenían antecedentes familiares de cáncer gástrico, de los cuales la mayoría era de sexo femenino (70,5 %), de 45 años o más (56,8 %). Los pacientes con antecedentes familiares de cáncer gástrico tenían mayores chances de no presentar diagnóstico endoscópico de úlcera péptica (p=0,05; RC=2,33; IC=0,99-5,48). Además de mayores probabilidades de alteraciones en la mucosa gástrica (p=0,05; RC=1,06; IC=1,04-1,08) e infección por Helicobacter pylori (p=0,04; RC=1,79; IC=0,94-3,39), inclusive después de ajustes en los análisis. Conclusión La alteración endoscópica de la mucosa gástrica y la infección por Helicobacter pylori en pacientes con síntomas dispépticos mostraron relación independiente con los antecedentes familiares de cáncer gástrico. Ante este escenario, es necesaria la elaboración de protocolos de atención a la salud para una mejor investigación y observación de los familiares de cáncer gástrico, así como también acciones de educación en salud para orientar a los pacientes sobre la detección y prevención del cáncer gástrico.

Abstract Objective To identify first-degree relative history of gastric cancer in patients with dyspeptic symptoms receiving care at a public endoscopy service. Methods A cross-sectional study, performed with dyspeptic patients referred for an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. The association between the family history of gastric cancer and the findings of the endoscopic examination was verified using the Chi-square or Fisher tests, and its effect was shown using odds ratio and confidence interval in univariate and multivariate analyses. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. Results Among the 751 dyspeptic patients enrolled, 44 (5.9%) had a family history of gastric cancer, mostly females (70.5%) aged 45 years or older (56.8%). Patients with a family history of gastric cancer were more likely to have no endoscopic diagnosis of peptic ulcer (p=0.05; OR=2.33; CI=0.99-5.48). In addition, higher chances of gastric mucosal changes (p=0.05; RC=1.06; CI=1.04-1.08) and Helicobacter pylori infection (p=0.04; RC=1.79; CI=0.94-3.39) were found, even after adjusting the analyses. Conclusion The endoscopic gastric mucosal changes and Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with dyspeptic symptoms showed an independent association with family history of gastric cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to develop health care protocols for better investigation and surveillance of gastric cancer relatives, as well as health education actions to guide patients regarding screening and prevention of gastric cancer.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Dyspepsia/diagnosis , Medical History Taking , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies
Guatemala; MSPAS, Departamento de Epidemiología; oct. 2018. 57 p.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1025321


Estos protocolos están dirigido a personal médico, paramédico y otros profesionales que realizan acciones gerenciales y operativas de vigilancia epidemiológica en los servicios de salud del país, y están divididos en varios tomos para dar a conocer y actualizar la identificación y medidas de control para diversos padecimientos a fin de continuar con el mejoramiento de las capacidades técnicas de los trabajadores de salud, que permita planificar la prestación de servicios con decisiones partiendo de un enfoque epidemiológico comprobado, para responder a los cambios de tendencias epidemiológicas y con ello contribuir al fortalecimiento de prácticas asertivas de la salud pública de nuestro país.

Humans , Male , Female , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Breast Neoplasms/prevention & control , Stroke/prevention & control , Diabetes Mellitus/prevention & control , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/prevention & control , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Hypertension/prevention & control , Lung Diseases/prevention & control , Myocardial Infarction/prevention & control , Prostatic Neoplasms/prevention & control , Schizophrenia/prevention & control , Skin Neoplasms/prevention & control , Bipolar Disorder/prevention & control , Dementia, Vascular/prevention & control , Depressive Disorder/prevention & control , Alzheimer Disease/prevention & control , Epidemiological Monitoring , Guatemala , Lung Neoplasms/prevention & control
Rev. medica electron ; 40(2): 433-444, mar.-abr. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902310


RESUMEN La Organización Mundial de la Salud señala que el cáncer gástrico es una neoplasia frecuente en el mundo contemporáneo. Constituye la segunda causa de muerte en el hombre y la tercera en las mujeres. Numerosos son los factores de riesgo que se asocian con la aparición del cáncer gástrico, en determinadas regiones del mundo. El descubrimiento del Helicobacter pylori y la asociación con las enfermedades gastroduodenales ha revolucionado los aspectos fisiopatológicos y terapéuticos hasta el punto de considerar la bacteria como agente precursor del cáncer gástrico. Por tal motivo se realizó una revisión de los factores de riesgo y el papel del Helicobacter pylori en la formación de la neoplasia gástrica, con el objetivo de aportar conocimientos relacionados con el cáncer gástrico y su prevención (AU).

ABSTRACT The World Health Organization points out that gastric cancer is a frequent neoplasia in the contemporary world. It is the second cause of death in men and the third one in women. There are several risk factors associated to the development of gastric cancer in specific regions of the world. The discovery of Helicobacter pylori and its association to gastro duodenal diseases has renewed the physiopathological and therapeutic aspects up to the point of considering the bacteria as precursor agent of gastric cancer. For that cause, it was carried out a review of the risk factors and the role of Helicobacter pylori in the formation of gastric neoplasia, with the objective of giving out knowledge related to gastric cancer and its prevention (AU).

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/mortality , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Helicobacter Infections/complications , Helicobacter Infections/etiology , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Preventive Health Services , Bibliography of Medicine , Developed Countries , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Epidemiologic Methods , Helicobacter pylori , Developing Countries , Health Promotion
Rev. chil. cir ; 69(6): 502-507, dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899645


Resumen El cáncer gástrico es uno de los cánceres más frecuentes en el mundo. Recientes estudios han contribuido en la comprensión de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar de manera crítica y actualizada distintos aspectos del cáncer gástrico tanto a nivel mundial como a nivel chileno. Este artículo revisa algunos aspectos relacionados con el cáncer gástrico, tales como epidemiología, dieta, estudio histológico, búsqueda de lesiones precancerosas, prevención, Helicobacter pylori, estilos de vida, factores metabólicos y tratamiento.

Abstract Gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Recent studies have contributed to the understanding of this disease. The aim of this article is to critically review various aspects of gastric cancer both globally and Chilean. This article reviews some aspects related to gastric cancer, such as epidemiology, diet, histology, screening of precancerous lesions, prevention, Helicobacter pylori, lifestyles, metabolic factors and treatment.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/therapy , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Precancerous Conditions/epidemiology , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Chile , Global Health , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , Life Style
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 25: 75-83, ene. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1008594


Background: Helicobacter pylori is considered as the main risk factor in the development of gastric cancer. In the present study, we performed a detailed characterization of the probiotic properties and the anti-H. pylori activity of a previously isolated lactobacillus strain ­ Lactobacillus fermentum UCO-979C ­ obtained from human gut. Results: The strain tolerated pH 3.0; grew in the presence of 2% bile salts; produced lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide; aggregated in saline solution; showed high hydrophobicity; showed high adherence to glass; Caco-2 and gastric adenocarcinoma human cells (AGS) cells; showed an efficient colonization in Mongolian Gerbils; and potently inhibited the growth and urease activity of H. pylori strains. L. fermentum UCO-979C significantly inhibited H. pylori-induced IL-8 production in AGS cells and reduced the viability of H. pylori. With regard to innocuousness, the strain UCO-979C was susceptible to several antibiotics and did not produce histamine or beta-haemolysis in blood agar containing red blood cells from various origins. Conclusion: The results demonstrated that L. fermentum UCO-979C is a very good candidate as a probiotic for the protection of humans against H. pylori infections.

Humans , Animals , Helicobacter pylori/drug effects , Helicobacter Infections/prevention & control , Probiotics/pharmacology , Limosilactobacillus fermentum/physiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Urease/antagonists & inhibitors , Interleukin-8/antagonists & inhibitors , Gerbillinae , Disease Models, Animal , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 28(supl.1): S10-S15, 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120129


Detection and treatment of gastric cancer (GC) in early stages is the most effective approach for improving prognosis. Patients with early gastric cancer (EGC), defined as a type of cancer affecting only mucosa and submucosa, has a good prognosis in the long-term, and if some criteria are met, endoscopic therapy is curative. Unfortunately EGC diagnosis is rare, except in case of some Asian countries, where more than 50% of tumors are diagnosed in this stage. In Japan, the main technique for early diagnosis is opportunistic screening, i.e. endoscopy performed for different reasons. Some of the factors that affect endoscopic diagnose include: characteristics of the lesion (some cases slight changes in color or in the surface, a location that is difficult to detect, except in retro view); elements associated with the endoscopic technique (lesions hidden underneath gastric contents, non-systematic visualization, not enough time for exploration); and early access to the procedure (long waiting lists, lack of clinic or epidemiology screening criteria, lack of risk-stratification looking for pre-malignant lesions to establish endoscopic follow-up). Know and act upon the mentioned factors is a path that has proven to improve EGC diagnosis and therefore, improve prognosis.

Detectar y tratar el cáncer gástrico (CG) en una etapa inicial constituye la estrategia más efectiva para mejorar el pronóstico de esta patología. Pacientes con CG incipiente (CGI), definido como el que compromete sólo la mucosa y la submucosa, tienen un muy buen pronóstico a largo plazo y si se cumplen algunos criterios, el tratamiento endoscópico es curativo. Desgraciadamente el diagnóstico de CGI es infrecuente en todo el mundo, a excepción de algunos países asiáticos donde más de la mitad de los tumores se diagnostican en esta etapa. En Japón la principal vía por la que se realiza este diagnóstico precoz es mediante el tamizaje oportunista, es decir, la endoscopia que se realiza de manera cotidiana por diferentes motivos. Dentro de los factores que afectan la capacidad diagnóstica de la endoscopia destacan: las características de la lesión (algunos casos con discretos cambios de color o superficie, ubicación habitualmente en áreas de mejor visualización en retrovisión); factores asociados a la técnica endoscópica (contenido gástrico que puede ocultar lesiones, visualización no sistemática, tiempo insuficiente de exploración); y el acceso oportuno a ella (largas listas de espera, falta de criterios de selección clínicos o epidemiológicos, falta de estratificación del riesgo mediante la búsqueda de lesiones premalignas para definir intervalos de seguimiento endoscópico). Conocer y actuar sobre los factores descritos es un camino que ha demostrado su utilidad en mejorar el diagnóstico del CGI y así mejorar su pronóstico.

Humans , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Adenocarcinoma/diagnosis , Neoplasm Staging , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology , Adenocarcinoma/prevention & control , Gastroscopy
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 28(3): 165-169, 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118762


Standard triple therapy (TT), used massively as first-line empirical therapy for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication, has shown a progressive decrease in its effectiveness, probably due to increasing resistance to clarithromycin. Recent studies in Chile show eradication under 90%, a limit suggested as adequate efficacy. The so-called concomitant therapy (CT) comprising a proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole is the non-bismuth first-line therapy most recommended in current guidelines. However, we have no local data to assess the effectiveness of this regimen. The aim of this study was to prospectively evaluate the effectiveness of CT in a group of patients controlled at a private health center in Santiago, Chile. Patients received 40 mg esomeprazole, 1 g amoxicillin, 500 mg clarithromycin and 500 mg metronidazole, every 12 hours, for 14 days. Sixty-six patients were included, of these patients, 36 returned to control. CT was successful in 33/36 patients, corresponding to 92% (95% CI: 82.5-100%, per protocol analysis). The frequency of significant side effects was 25% (mainly diarrhea and abdominal pain) and only one patient discontinued the treatment. In conclusion, 14-days CT therapy is effective to eradicate H. pylori and could be recommended as first-line empirical regimen, at least in the studied population segment and geographical area. Additional studies are necessary to confirm its efficacy in other socioeconomic and/or geographical settings.

La terapia triple estándar (TT), utilizada masivamente como terapia de primera línea empírica para erradicación de Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) ha mostrado una progresiva disminución de su efectividad, probablemente por resistencia creciente a claritromicina. Los últimos estudios en Chile muestran erradicación bajo 90%, límite sugerido como eficacia adecuada. Esto ha motivado la búsqueda de esquemas alternativos más eficaces, siendo la así llamada terapia concomitante (TC), que consiste en un inhibidor de la bomba de protones, amoxicilina, claritromicina y metronidazol, el esquema sin bismuto más recomendado en guías clínicas recientes. Sin embargo, no contamos con datos locales que evalúen su efectividad. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar prospectivamente la efectividad de TC en un grupo de pacientes controlados en un centro de salud privado de Santiago de Chile. Los pacientes recibieron esomeprazol 40 mg, amoxicilina 1 g, claritromicina 500 mg y metronidazol 500 mg cada 12 h, por 14 días. Se incluyeron 66 pacientes, de los cuales 36 volvieron a control. La TC fue exitosa en 33/36 pacientes, correspondientes al 92% (IC 95%: 82,5-100%; análisis por protocolo). La frecuencia de efectos colaterales significativos fue 25% (principalmente diarrea y dolor abdominal) y sólo un paciente suspendió el tratamiento por esta causa. En conclusión, la TC por 14 días es efectiva para erradicar H. pylori, al menos en el segmento poblacional y área geográfica estudiados y es un esquema empírico que pudiera recomendarse como primera línea en nuestro medio, aunque se requiere confirmar su eficacia en otros grupos poblacionales.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Helicobacter Infections/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Remission Induction , Drug Administration Schedule , Chile , Prospective Studies , Helicobacter pylori , Treatment Outcome , Clarithromycin/therapeutic use , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Amoxicillin/therapeutic use , Metronidazole/therapeutic use
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 32(1): 7-19, 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900668


Introducción: el cáncer gástrico es muy frecuente en Colombia y es la primera causa de muerte por cáncer. De acuerdo con la cascada de Correa existen unas etapas progresivas en la formación de esta enfermedad, que van de la gastritis, pasando por la atrofia, metaplasia y displasia, hasta el cáncer. En esas etapas intermedias se pudiera detectar y prevenir, pero no existen marcadores en sangre diferentes al pepsinógeno que puedan ayudar a detectar las etapas premalignas ni a diagnosticar el cáncer. Por lo cual, las investigaciones que ayuden a descubrir nuevos biomarcadores son de gran importancia. Objetivos: el objetivo de este trabajo es identificar marcadores moleculares (perfil de expresión de ARNm) que distingan a los pacientes con condiciones premalignas (atrofia, metaplasia) y cáncer gástrico, de aquellos pacientes que solo tienen gastritis. Metodología: se tomaron pacientes en cada una de las etapas de la cascada de Correa, los cuales proporcionaron una muestra, previo consentimiento firmado, de 2,5 mL de sangre en ayunas para el análisis de expresión de genes tomadas después de la endoscopia inicial. La sangre se colocó en un tubo de ARN sanguíneo PAXgene; luego, el ARN se extrajo de la sangre y se analizó usando una plataforma de microarrays, los cuales identificaron cambios de expresión de ARN mensajero que permitieron diferenciar cada una de las etapas descritas. Resultados: se incluyeron 89 pacientes, y en los hallazgos endoscópicos se encontró gastritis crónica antral en 27 pacientes (30,3%), cáncer gástrico avanzado en 25 (28%), pangastritis crónica en 15 (16,8%), cáncer temprano en 7 (7,8%), sospecha de metaplasia intestinal en 6 (6,7%), sospecha de gastritis atrófica en 3 (3,3%) y úlcera péptica en 2 casos (2,2%). Cuando se revisó el informe patológico se halló gastritis crónica en 34 pacientes (22 mujeres), adenocarcinoma intestinal en 20 (4 mujeres), metaplasia intestinal 18 casos (13 mujeres), cáncer tipo difuso en 11 (7 mujeres), displasia de bajo grado en 4 y de alto grado en 1, y atrofia sola en 1 paciente. En el análisis de expresión genética se encontraron 48 genes que permitieron determinar a los pacientes con gastritis crónica de aquellos con cáncer gástrico. También se hallaron 14 genes para diferenciar los pacientes con cáncer difuso de los de tipo intestinal, y un grupo de 48 genes que ayudó a distinguir los pacientes con gastritis crónica de los de metaplasia intestinal. Conclusiones: este es el primer trabajo en Colombia, y a nivel mundial, que permite identificar nuevos biomarcadores a través de la expresión genética del ARN mensajero, el cual diferencia en sangre las etapas de la cascada de Correa, y permite diagnosticar el cáncer gástrico. Es probable que en un futuro se puedan utilizar como una prueba diagnóstica o de seguimiento.

Introduction: Gastric cancer is very common in Colombia where it is the leading cause of death due to cancer. According to the Pelayo Corre, there is a cascade of stages from gastritis through atrophy, metaplasia and dysplasia to cancer. In the intermediate stages, it might be possible to detect and prevent the development of cancer, but there are no known markers in the blood other than pepsinogen to help to detect premalignant stages and diagnose cancer. Research is the key to discovery of new biomarkers. Objective: The aim of this work is to identify molecular markers (mRNA expression profiles) that distinguish patients who have premalignant conditions (atrophy, metaplasia) and gastric cancer from patients who only have gastritis. Methodology: Following an initial endoscopy, patients in each stage of the Pelayo cascade fasted and then provided a 2.5 ml blood sample which was analyzed for gene expression. All participating patients signed consent forms prior to tests. The blood was placed in a PAXgene RNA Blood tube, RNA was extracted from the blood and then analyzed. A microarray platform which identified changes in messenger RNA expression was used to differentiate each of the stages described. Results: Endoscopic findings for the eighty-nine patients included showed that 25 (28%) had advanced gastric cancer, 7 (7.8%) had early cancer, 27 (30.3%) had chronic antral gastritis, 15 (16.8%) had chronic pangastritis, three (3.3%) were suspected of having atrophic gastritis, six (6.6%) were suspected of having intestinal metaplasia, and two (2.2%) had peptic ulcers. Pathological reports showed 20 cases of intestinal adenocarcinoma (4 women), 11 cases diffuse cancer (7 women), 34 cases of chronic gastritis (22 women), one case of atrophy alone, 18 cases of intestinal metaplasia (13 women), four cases of low-grade dysplasia, and one case of high-grade dysplasia. The analysis of genetic expression found 48 genes which could be used for differentiation of patients with chronic gastritis from patients with gastric cancer. We also found 14 genes that could be used to differentiate patients with diffuse cancer from patients with intestinal type gastric cancer, and a group of 48 genes that could be used to differentiate patients with chronic gastritis from those with intestinal metaplasia. Conclusions: This is the first work anywhere in the world that has identified new biomarkers through the genetic expression of messenger RNA which differentiates the stages of the Pelayo Correa cascade and permits diagnosis of gastric cancer. It is likely that in the future they may be used as diagnostic and/or follow-up tests.

Biomarkers , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Atrophy , Metaplasia
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 87(4): 245-249, ago. 2016. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-796809


La participación de mecanismos epigenéticos, junto con infecciones en etapas tempranas de la vida, moldean lesiones premalignas del cáncer, en particular el cáncer gástrico, uno de los tumores más frecuentes en Chile, Latinoamérica y el mundo. El principal objetivo de este artículo, como parte de la serie de revisiones en torno a mecanismos epigenéticos en el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas, es actualizar el rol de alteraciones epigenéticas (i.e. metilación del ADN) en el contexto de la infección crónica por H. pylori en las etapas precursoras del cáncer gástrico. Las investigaciones desarrolladas en esta área permiten delinear desafíos e interrogantes, en los cuales la pediatría tiene un papel preponderante en el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención y detección temprana de esta enfermedad.

The role of epigenetics and infectious diseases at early stages of life influence pre-malignant lesions of cancer, in particular, gastric cancer, one of the most frequent tumours in Chile, Latin America, and worldwide. This article examines the role of H.pylori and epigenetic alterations (i.e. DNA methylation) at early stages of gastric cancer and proposes, from the paediatric point of view, strategies for prevention and early detection.

Humans , Child , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Helicobacter Infections/complications , Epigenesis, Genetic , Stomach Neoplasms/genetics , Stomach Neoplasms/microbiology , Chile , Helicobacter pylori/isolation & purification , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Helicobacter Infections/epidemiology , DNA Methylation , Early Detection of Cancer/methods
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-34237


Given the rapid growth of the population of cancer survivors, increased attention has been paid to their health problems. Although gastric cancer is one of the most common cancers, empirical evidence of survivorship care is limited. The objectives of this study were to describe the health care status of gastric cancer survivors and to report the experience of using the shared-care model during a one-year experience at the cancer survivorship clinic in Seoul National University Hospital. This is a descriptive, single-center study of 250 long-term gastric cancer survivors who were referred to the survivorship clinic. The status of their health behaviors, comorbid conditions, secondary cancer screenings, and survivorship care status were investigated through questionnaires and examining the medical records. Among the survivors, 7.2% were current smokers, 8.8% were at-risk drinkers, and 32.4% were physically inactive. Among the patients who did not know their bone density status, the majority were in the osteopenic (37.1%) or osteoporotic range (24.1%). Screening among the eligible population within the recommended time intervals were 76.3% for colorectal cancer, but only 13.6% for lung cancer. All of the survivors were provided with counseling and medical management at the survivorship clinic, as appropriate. In conclusion, Long-term gastric cancer survivors have various unmet needs. Shared-care through survivorship clinics can be an effective solution for providing comprehensive care to cancer survivors.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Middle Aged , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/diagnosis , Counseling , Delivery of Health Care , Health Behavior , Health Status , Influenza, Human/prevention & control , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Pneumonia/prevention & control , Republic of Korea , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Survivors/psychology , Vaccination
EMHJ-Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 2016; 22 (10): 719-726
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-184211


This study aimed to assess the risk factors for gastric cancer in Yemen. A hospital-based case-control study of 70 cases and 140 controls was carried out in Sana'a city between May and October 2014. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information through direct interview. Living in rural areas, tobacco chewing and drinking untreated water were significant risk factors for gastric cancer. Frequent consumption of chicken, cheese, milk, starchy vegetables, cucumber, carrots, leeks, sweet pepper, fruit drinks, legumes and olive oil were associated significantly with decreased risk of gastric cancer. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that chewing tobacco and frequent consumption of white bread were associated with increased risk of gastric cancer, whereas frequent consumption of chicken, cooked potatoes and fruit drinks had an inverse association. Risk of gastric cancer can be prevented by health education and increasing community awareness

Humans , Female , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Nicotiana/adverse effects , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Logistic Models , Tobacco Use , Case-Control Studies
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 30(supl.1): 34-42, oct.-dic. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776325


Objetivo: proporcionar una guía de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia más reciente para la detección oportuna, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer gástrico temprano teniendo en cuenta la eficacia y seguridad de las intervenciones dirigidas a pacientes, personal asistencial, administrativo y entes gubernamentales de cualquier servicio de atención en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: esta guía fue desarrollada por un equipo multidisciplinario con apoyo de la Asociación Colombiana de Gastroenterología, el Grupo Cochrane ITS y el Instituto de Investigaciones Clínicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Se desarrollaron preguntas clínicas relevantes y se realizó la búsqueda de guías nacionales e internacionales en bases de datos especializadas. Las guías existentes fueron evaluadas en términos de calidad y aplicabilidad; ninguna de ellas cumplió con el criterio de adaptación, por lo que se decidió construir una guía de novo. El Grupo Cochrane realizó la búsqueda sistemática de la literatura. Las tablas de evidencia y recomendaciones fueron realizadas con base en la metodología GRADE. Las recomendaciones de la guía fueron socializadas dentro del marco del VII curso de gastroenterología de la Policía Nacional que incluyó la presencia del Dr. K. Yao, y en una reunión de expertos con entes gubernamentales y pacientes. Resultados: se desarrolló una guía de práctica clínica basada en la evidencia para la detección oportuna, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer gástrico temprano en Colombia. Conclusiones: la detección y el manejo oportuno de lesiones premalignas y malignas del cáncer gástrico temprano son estrategias que contribuyen a mejorar la incidencia, calidad de vida y desenlaces de la enfermedad.

Objective: To provide an evidence-based clinical practice guideline for detection, diagnosis and treatment of early gastric cancer considering the efficacy and safety and interventions for patients, caregivers, administrative and government bodies at all levels of care in Colombia. Materials and Methods: This guide was developed by a multidisciplinary team with the support of the Colombian Association of Gastroenterology, Cochrane STI Group and Clinical Research Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Relevant clinical questions were developed and the search for national and international guidelines in databases was performed. Existing guidelines were evaluated quality and usability. None of the guidelines met criteria for adaptation, so the group decided to develop a de novo guideline. Systematic literature searches were conducted by Cochrane STI. The tables of evidence and recommendations were developed based on the GRADE approach. Results: A Clinical Practice Guidelines for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of early gastric cancer was developed for the Colombian context. Conclusions: The opportune detection and appropriate management of premalignant and malignant lesions of early gastric cancer would impact the burden of the disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Stomach Neoplasms/therapy , Early Detection of Cancer
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 26(5): 572-578, sept. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128549


En 1983, hace 30 años, Warren JR y Marshall BJ publican el artículo en Lancet1, que revolucionó el entendimiento de varias patologías gástricas, al encontrar un bacilo curvo no identificado en el epitelio gástrico, en gastritis crónica activa, de forma casi fortuita, al bacilo llamado subsecuentemente, Campylobacter pylori y con la nomenclatura de hoy, Helicobacter pylori. Fue considerado por la OMS carcinogenético gástrico el año 2001 (Figura 1). En el 2005, fueron galardonados con el Premio Nobel de Medicina, por su contribución (Figura 2). Es el tópico que más publicaciones científicas ha generado en la literatura. En la presente revisión, nos ocuparemos de un enfoque eminentemente práctico, sobre hechos de relevancia clínica de su presencia, de su diagnóstico, de la terapéutica y sus variables actuales y de los diferentes escenarios, en los cuales nos desenvolvemos. Se hace mención de un excelente documento generado en un Consenso actualizado en Latinoamérica2.

In 1983, 30 years ago, Warren JR & Marshall BJ, published in Lancet, their leading revolutionary article1, modifying the understanding of several gastric pathologies, thanks to the discovery of an unidentified curved bacilli in the gastric epithelium, in chronic active gastritis, almost unvoluntariously, nominated sequentially Campylobacter pylori and according to the today's nomenclature Helicobacter pylori. It has been considered gastric carcinogen by WHO in 2001 (Figure 1). In 2005, they were awarded with the Nobel Prize of Medicine for their contribution (Figure 2). It is the topic generating the highest number of scientific publications, in the literature. In this publication, we deal with a practical focus on clinical relevant aspects, related with its presence, its diagnosis, the therapeutic approach and its variables, and tackling the different clinical scenarios. A recently published practical Latin American consensus, has been preferently considered2.

Humans , Helicobacter Infections/drug therapy , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Helicobacter pylori/physiology , Helicobacter Infections/diagnosis , Helicobacter Infections/microbiology , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Drug Therapy, Combination , Dyspepsia/drug therapy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(9): 1198-1205, set. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-762689


Background: In Chile, gastric cancer (GC) is a major cause of cancer related deaths. The current screening strategy consists of an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGE) for people aged 40 years or more with epigastric pain. Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic coverage of the use of UGE for early detection of GC in Chile. Material and Methods: As part of the digestive module of the 2009-10 National Health Survey, 5293 adults over 15 years were asked about the presence of epigastric pain, possible upper gastrointestinal bleeding (PUGB), use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), family history of GC and having performed an UGE. Results: Persistent epigastric pain was observed in 3.4% of the population. PUGB signs were observed in 3.3% of the population. The prevalence of PPIs and H2RAs use was 4.3% and 2.2% respectively, reaching 21.6% in people aged 70 years and older. Life span prevalence of UGE was 18.3%, with differences by region, health insurance and educational level. UGE coverage in people aged 40 years or older with and without persistent epigastric pain was 14.4% and 3.2% respectively (Odds ratio 4.8, p < 0.01). The prevalence of UGE was similar among people with or without PUGB or family history of CG. Conclusions: The estimated coverage of the current GC prevention strategy in Chile is 14.4%, evaluated at a population level. Further studies are required to determine the impact of this strategy on early GC diagnosis and mortality.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/statistics & numerical data , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Mass Screening/statistics & numerical data , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control , Abdominal Pain/drug therapy , Abdominal Pain/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Chile/epidemiology , Educational Status , Endoscopy, Gastrointestinal/methods , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/epidemiology , /therapeutic use , Mass Screening/methods , Multivariate Analysis , Prevalence , Proton Pump Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Sex Distribution , Stomach Neoplasms/diagnosis , Stomach Neoplasms/epidemiology
Rev. AMRIGS ; 58(2): 121-125, abr.-jun. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835396


Introdução: O adenocarcinoma de estômago é a quarta neoplasia mais incidente no mundo e a segunda causa de morte relacionada ao câncer. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o perfil epidemiológico e patológico dos pacientes intervidos cirurgicamente por adenocarcinoma gástrico e sua sobrevida relacionada à classificação TNM. Métodos:Estudo de coorte histórica de 216 pacientes submetidos à gastrectomia por adenocarcinoma gástrico. Foram analisados dados epidemiológicos, patológicos e a sobrevida. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 61,84 anos. Foram 76 (35,2%) pacientes do gênero feminino e 140 (64,8%), masculino. Quanto à localização, 79 (36,6%) no antro, 45 (20,8%) na cárdia, 70 (32,4%) no corpo. Em relação à diferenciação celular, 5 (2,3%) bem diferenciados, 71 (32,9%) moderadamente diferenciados, 133 (61,6%) pouco diferenciados e 7 (3,2%) eram indeterminados. O estadiamento clínico demonstrou 11 (5,1%) pacientes com estádio 0, com sobrevida de 100%; 23 (10,6%) no estádio I, com sobrevida de 82%; 55 pacientes (25,5%), com sobrevida de 60% no estádio II; 101 pacientes (46,7%), com sobrevida de 25% no estádio III e 26 pacientes (12%), com sobrevida de 15% no estádio IV. Em relação às complicações pós-operatórias, 52,3% dos pacientes não tiveram complicações e 7,9% (17 pacientes) com óbito no período pós-operatório. Conclusões: Aproximadamente 70% das neoplasias eram distais, enquanto cerca de 30% eram proximais. A grande parte dos pacientes era de estádios mais avançados, o que conferiu um pior prognóstico, refletindo a necessidade de uma revisão das políticas públicas para câncer gástrico do Brasil, visando aprimorar o diagnóstico e tratamento, melhorando o prognóstico desses pacientes.

Introduction:The gastric adenocarcinoma is the fourth most frequent cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer-related death. The aim of this study is to determine the epidemiological and pathological profile of gastric adenocarcinoma patients and their survival regarding the TNM classification. Methods: A historical cohort study of 216 patients undergoing gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma. Epidemiological, pathological and survival data were analyzed. Results: The mean age was 61.84 years. There were 76 (35.2%) females and 140 (64.8%) males. Regarding location, 79 (36.6%) cases were in the antrum, 45 (20.8%) in the cardia, and 70 (32.4%) in the body. Regarding cell differentiation, 5 cases (2.3%) were well differentiated, 71 (32.9%) moderately differentiated, 133 (61.6%) poorly differentiated, and 7 (3.2%) were indeterminate. Clinical staging showed 11 (5.1%) patients with stage 0 with a survival rate of 100%, 23 (10.6%) in stage I with a survival rate of 82%, 55 patients (25.5%) in stage II with a survival rate of 60%,101 patients (46,7%) in stage III with a survival rate of 25% and 26 patients (12%) in stage IV with a survival rate of 15%. Regarding postoperative complications, 52.3% of the patients had no complications and 7.9% (17 patients) died in the postoperative period. Conclusions: Approximately 70% of tumors were distal, while approximately 30% were proximal. The majority of patients had more advanced stages, which conferred a worse prognosis, reflecting the need for a revision of public policies for gastric cancer in Brazil, aiming to improve the diagnosis and treatment and determining a better prognosis for these patients.

Humans , Adenocarcinoma , Analytical Epidemiology , Stomach , Stomach Neoplasms/prevention & control