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Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 54-60, jul. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571738


La caries es una enfermedad multifactorial que afecta los tejidos duros del diente, con la evaluación del riesgo de caries es posible determinar la probabilidad de su incidencia durante un determinado periodo de tiempo. El objetivo consistió en determinar el estado de salud bucal en mujeres gestantes y su relación con factores de riesgo de caries. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional clínico. La población estuvo constituida por mujeres gestantes que concurrieron al Hospital Ángela Llano de la cuidad de Corrientes para su atención. Se confeccionó una historia clínica y se determinó el estado de salud bucal y de riesgo de caries según protocolo CAMBRA. Para la carac- terización y descripción de los datos se utilizaron estadísticas univariadas. Los resultados alcanzados fueron: Índice de Caries de 4.5 a 6.5, en el índice de Placa la media ± DS 56,8% ± 39,9% Min: 28,5%/ Max: 90,9%. Respecto al valor de pH de 7,11 ±0,43, Min.: 7,00, Max.: 8,67. Flujo salival: media ± DS: 0,58ml/m ± 0,28 ml/m Min.:0,2 ml/m Max.: 0,62 ml/m; Edad promedio: 22años. Min.:18 Max.: 33 años. Recuento de Strepto- coccus mutans (SM) con periodo gestacional 1° y 2° trimestre, el conteo de bacterias: 2.3x105 +/- 3.2x 105 UFC/ml de saliva y 3° Trimestre el conteo de 1.2x 106 +/-2.02 x 106 UFC/ml de saliva. La presencia de SM puede aumentar considerable- mente el riesgo de caries, si los mecanismos de defen- sa del huésped no anulan la bacteria (AU)

Caries is a multifactorial disease that affects the hard tissues of the tooth. By evaluating the risk of caries, it is possible to determine the probability of its incidence during a certain period of time. The objective was to determine the oral health status of pregnant women and its relationship with caries risk factors. A clinical observational descriptive study was carried out. The population was made up of pregnant women who attended the Ángela Llano Hospital in the city of Corrientes for care. A clinical history was prepared, and the oral health status and caries risk were determined according to the CAMBRA protocol. Univariate statistics were used to characterize and describe the data. The results achieved were Caries Index from 4.5 to 6.5, in the Plaque index the mean ± SD 56.8% ± 39.9% Min: 28.5%/ Max: 90.9%. Regarding the pH value of 7.11 ±0.43, Min.: 7.00, Max.: 8.67. Salivary flow: mean ± SD: 0.58 ml/m ± 0.28 ml/m Min.: 0.2 ml/m Max.: 0.62 ml/m; Average age: 22 years. Min.:18 Max.: 33 years. Streptococcus mutans (SM) count with gestational period 1st and 2nd trimester, bacteria count: 2.3x105 +/- 3.2x 105 CFU/ml of saliva and 3rd Trimester count 1.2x 106 +/- 2.02 x 106 CFU/ml of saliva. The presence of SM can considerably increase the risk of caries, if the host defense mechanisms do not override the bacteria (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pregnancy Complications/physiopathology , Streptococcal Infections/transmission , Streptococcus mutans/pathogenicity , Risk Factors , Dental Caries/microbiology , Argentina , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Age Factors , Dental Caries Susceptibility , Dental Service, Hospital
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 26-36, mayo 29, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563171


Introduction: Microorganism infiltration through the im-plant-abutment interface causes oral health problems such as periimplantitis, leading to implant loss. Materials and Methods: A feasible new method to quantify the Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) infiltration through the implant-abutment interface gap is introduced in the present work. Internal hexagon (IH; n = 10), external hexagon (EH; n = 10), Morse taper (MT; n = 10), and a control for each group (n = 1) were tested. Bacteria suspension was prepared at 1.5x108 CFU/mL (CFU: colony forming units), and the implants were individually submerged up to the connection level, allowing the bacteria to contact it. The abutment was removed, and bacteria count was performed. Results: The implant sets were tested under normal bacterial growth and early and late biofilm growth conditions. Colony-forming units per mL were obtained, and the results were compared among groups. Differences in bacterial count between the MT and EH (p<0.001) and the MT and IH (p<0.001) groups were significantly higher in the MT-type implant. There was a significant increment of bacterial infiltration in the MTs submitted to late biofilm growth conditions. EH and IH connections are more effective in preventing bacterial infiltration independent of the growth condition. Conclusions: The proposed methodology is feasible to evaluate the infiltration of microorganisms through the implant-abutment interface.

Introducción: La infiltración de microorganismos a través de la interfaz implante-pilar provoca problemas de salud bucal como la periimplantitis, que conduce a la pérdida del implante. Materiales y Métodos: En el presente trabajo se presenta un nuevo método factible para cuantificar la infiltración de Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) a través de la brecha de la interfaz implante-pilar. Se probaron el hexágono interno (IH; n = 10), el hexágono externo (EH; n = 10), el cono Morse (MT; n = 10) y un control para cada grupo (n = 1). Se preparó una suspensión de bacterias a 1,5x108 UFC/mL y los implantes se sumergieron individualmente hasta el nivel de conexión, permitiendo que las bacterias entraran en contacto con él. Resultados: Se retiró el pilar y se realizó recuento de bacterias. Los conjuntos de implantes se probaron en condiciones de crecimiento bacteriano normal y de crecimiento temprano y tardío de biopelículas. Se obtuvieron unidades formadoras de colonias por ml y los resultados se compararon entre grupos. Las diferencias en el recuento bacteriano entre los grupos MT y EH (p<0,001) y MT e IH (p<0,001) fueron significativamente mayores en el implante tipo MT. Hubo un incremento significativo de la infiltración bacteriana en los MT sometidos a condiciones tardías de crecimiento de biopelículas. Las conexiones EH e IH son más efectivas para prevenir la infiltración bacteriana independientemente de las condiciones de crecimiento. Conclusión: La metodología propuesta es factible para evaluar la infiltración de microorganismos a través de la interfaz implante-pilar.

Humans , Dental Implants/microbiology , Dental Abutments/microbiology , Dental Leakage/microbiology , Dental Leakage/prevention & control , Streptococcus mutans/isolation & purification , Bacteria , Biofilms
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e246163, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1579359


Glucanohydrolases have shown promise in degrading exopolysaccharides in cariogenic biofilms, making them a potential strategy for biofilm control without disrupting the oral microbiota. However, their direct antimicrobial effects remain unclear. Aim: To determine the antimicrobial activity on S. mutans of two newly discovered glucanases characterized by our group, PmGH87 (mutanase) from Prevotella melaninogenica and CoGH66 (dextranase) from Capnocytophaga ochracea, using a commercial dextranase from Penicillum sp. as a control. Methods: Their effects on growth were assessed using a luciferase reporter system coupled with the promoter of the ldh gene in Streptococcus mutans. Results: Quantification of optical density and luminescence over a 10-hour growth period revealed that the commercial dextranase exhibited inhibitory effects on S. mutans growth. However, these effects were neutralized by heat treatment, suggesting the presence of a heat-sensitive contaminant or an additional antimicrobial property associated with the commercial dextranase from Penicillum sp. On the other hand, the purified mutanase and dextranase enzymes had no inhibitory effect on S. mutans growth. Conclusion: In conclusion, the absence of inhibitory effects on S. mutans growth by the newly discovered enzymes emphasizes their potential for biofilm control while preserving the delicate balance of the oral microbiota and preventing the emergence of resistance

Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Dextranase , Microbiota , Anti-Infective Agents
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 64 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537739


A interface implante pilar (IAI) por se constituir de duas peças inevitavelmente apresentam micro lacuna (GAP), na qual pode ocorrer infiltração bacteriana, permitindo a penetração de microorganismos que colonizam na parte interna do implante levando ao acúmulo de biofilme e, podendo levar ao desenvolvimento da periimplantite. O desgaste da conexão interna do implante é algo que ocorre com frequência, muitas vezes pela fratura do parafuso e/ou, pela perda da rosca interna do implante. A ausência de informações prévias também pode gerar a necessidade da remoção do implante, devido a estas intercorrências, surge a possibilidade da criação de um novo componente para implantes para possibilitar a reabilitação protética, sem ter que passar por uma nova cirurgia de remoção e instalação do implante. O objetivo do trabalho foi mensurar o nível de afrouxamento do parafuso do pilar protético e do minipilar comparando com novo componente protéticos, na tentativa de simular o comportamento do conjunto implante/pilar/prótese. Foram utilizados vinte implantes de plataforma cone morse (CM) da DSP® com seus respectivos mini pilares, na qual foram distribuídos em 2 grupos(n=10): Grupo 1 - implante CM + mini pilar FlexCone® DSP + coroa simplificada pirâmide invertida carga aplicada 3 mm do centro da coroa. E Grupo 2 - implante CM + mini pilar novo + coroa simplificada pirâmide invertida carga aplicada 3 mm do centro da coroa. Foram realizados ciclagem mecânica com carga 133 N, durante 2x106 ciclos, com frequência 2 Hz e temperatura de 37ºC em ambos grupos. Um torquímetro digital foi usado para medir os valores de torque reverso do parafuso protético da coroa e também do pilar protético, antes e após o carregamento. Os resultados do modelo de regressão demonstraram diferenças estatisticamente significativas em função do envelhecimento comparando os grupos da coroa sobre o pilar protético (p = 0.020) e entre os grupos do pilar sobre o implante (p = 0.048), indicando que após o envelhecimento de 2.000.000 de ciclos ao longo do tempo está associado de maneira significativa a essas variáveis no contexto deste estudo. O segundo objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar in vitro a taxa de infiltração bacteriana através da IAI, entre o novo componente protético e a superfície interna do implante, juntamente foi analisado a permeabilidade do IAI para colonização bacteriana. Um total de oitenta implantes foram testados. As estruturas montadas para grupo 1 foi torqueado com 20 N/cm e do G2 foram torqueados com 45 N, ambos imersos em microtubos contendo 200 µl de saliva humana. Após 14 dias de incubação da amostra de bactéria nos implantes, foi realizada uma análise qPCR (reação da cadeia da polimerase em tempo real). O teste revelou que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas no crescimento bacteriana entre os grupos em qualquer um dos pontos temporais analisados. Conclui-se que o novo componente testado apresentou um destoque menor do que comparado ao mini pilar FlexCone DSP® e apresentou infiltração bacteriana no GAP da conexão implante-pilar semelhante comparado ao mini pilar original da empresa (AU)

The abutment implant interface (IAI), as it consists of two pieces, inevitably presents a micro gap (GAP), in which bacterial infiltration can occur, allowing the penetration of microorganisms that colonize in the internal part of the implant, leading to the accumulation of biofilm and, which can lead to development of peri-implantitis. Wear of the implant's internal connection is something that occurs frequently, often due to screw fracture and/or loss of the implant's internal thread. The lack of prior information can also generate the need to remove the implant, due to these complications, the possibility arises of creating a new component for implants to enable prosthetic rehabilitation, without having to undergo a new surgery to remove and install the implant. implant. The objective of the work was to measure the level of screw loosening of the prosthetic abutment and the mini-abutment compared with the new prosthetic component, in an attempt to simulate the behavior of the implant/ abutment/prosthesis set. Twenty DSP® morse cone (CM) platform implants were used with their respective mini pillars, which were distributed into 2 groups (n=10): Group 1 - CM implant + FlexCone® DSP mini pillar + simplified crown inverted pyramid load applied 3 mm from the center of the crown. And Group 2 - CM implant + new mini abutment + simplified crown inverted pyramid load applied 3 mm from the center of the crown. Mechanical cycling was carried out with a load of 133 N, for 2x106 cycles, with a frequency of 2 Hz and a temperature of 37ºC in both groups. A digital torque wrench was used to measure the reverse torque values of the prosthetic crown screw and also the prosthetic abutment, before and after loading. The results of the regression model demonstrated statistically significant differences as a function of aging comparing the crown-on-prosthetic abutment groups (p =0.020) and between the abutment-on-implant groups (p = 0.048), indicating that after aging 2,000 ,000 cycles over time is significantly associated with these variables in the context of this study. The second objective of this study was to evaluate in vitro the rate of bacterial infiltration through the IAI, between the new prosthetic component and the internal surface of the implant, together with the permeability of the IAI for bacterial colonization. A total of eighty implants were tested. The assembled structures for group 1 were torqued with 20 N/cm and G2 were torqued with 45 N, both immersed in microtubes containing 200 µl of human saliva. After 14 days of incubation of the bacteria sample in the implants, a qPCR (real-time polymerase chain reaction) analysis was performed. The test revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in bacterial growth between groups at any of the time points analyzed. It is concluded that the new component tested presented a lower impact compared to the FlexCone DSP® mini abutment and presented bacterial infiltration in the GAP of the implant-abutment connection similar to the company's original mini abutment.(AU)

Streptococcus mutans , Dental Implants , Peri-Implantitis
Rev. ADM ; 80(4): 214-219, jul.-ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526847


La microbiota oral está conformada por diversas especies bacterianas que en condiciones normales desempeñan una función protectora del huésped; sin embargo, cuando existe un desequilibrio en el ecosistema, estos microorganismos son capaces de producir diversas manifestaciones como lo es el caso de la caries dental, enfermedad infecciosa producida principalmente por Streptococcus mutans, patógeno capaz de desmineralizar los tejidos duros del diente mediante la fermentación de hidratos de carbono obtenidos de la dieta. Se ha identificado en la pared celular de este microorganismo ocho serotipos que intervienen en la adhesión, agregación y coagregación bacteriana. En los seres humanos S. mutans presenta los serotipos c, e y f, siendo el serotipo c el más prevalente a nivel mundial, el cual se conoce que está asociado a pacientes sanos, a diferencia del e y f que son capaces de invadir las células endoteliales de las arterias coronarias. No obstante, en los últimos años se ha logrado identificar el serotipo k que de igual manera presenta alta capacidad de invadir el endotelio humano, actuando en la patogénesis de las enfermedades cardiovasculares. El objetivo de la presente revisión bibliográfica es lograr cuantificar los serotipos prevalentes de S. mutans en América Latina (AU)

The oral microbiota is made up of various bacterial species that under normal conditions perform a protective function of the host, however, when there is an imbalance in the ecosystem, these microorganisms are capable of producing various manifestations such as caries, an infectious disease. produced mainly by Streptococcus mutans, a pathogen capable of demineralizing the hard tissues of the tooth through the fermentation of carbohydrates obtained from the diet. Eight serotypes involved in bacterial adhesion, aggregation and coaggregation have been identified in the cell wall of this microorganism. In humans, S. mutans presents serotypes c, e, and f, serotype c being the most prevalent worldwide, which is known to be associated with healthy patients, unlike e and f, which are capable of invading the endothelial cells of the coronary arteries. However, in recent years it has been possible to identify serotype k, which also has a high capacity to invade the human endothelium, acting in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The objective of this literature review is to quantify the prevalent serotypes of S. mutans in Latin America (AU)

Humans , Streptococcus mutans , Dental Caries/microbiology , Serogroup , Bacterial Adhesion , Latin America/epidemiology
J. biomed. eng ; Sheng wu yi xue gong cheng xue za zhi;(6): 559-565, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981576


To explore the effects of plasma jet (PJ) and plasma activated water (PAW) on the sterilization of Streptococcus mutans ( S. mutans) and compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods, so as to provide a basis for plasma treatment of dental caries and to enrich the treatment means of dental caries, an atmospheric pressure plasma excitation system was built, and the effects of PJ and PAW on the sterilization rate of S. mutans and the changes of temperature and pH during treatment were studied under different excitation voltage ( U e ) and different excitation time ( t e ). The results showed that in the PJ treatment, the difference in the survival rate of S. mutans between the treatment group and the control group was statistically significant ( P = 0.007, d=2.66) when U e = 7 kV and t e = 60 s, and complete sterilization was achieved at U e = 8 kV and t e = 120 s in the PJ treatment. In contrast, in the PAW treatment, the difference in the survival rate of S. mutans between the treatment group and the control group was statistically significant ( P = 0.029, d = 1.71) when U e = 7 kV and t e = 30 s, and complete sterilization was achieved with PAW treatment when U e = 9 kV and t e = 60 s. Results of the monitoring of temperature and pH showed that the maximum temperature rise during PJ and PAW treatment did not exceed 4.3 °C, while the pH value after PAW treatment would drop to a minimum of 3.02. In summary, the optimal sterilization parameters for PJ were U e =8 kV and 90 s < t e ≤ 120 s, while the optimal sterilization parameters for PAW were U e = 9 kV and 30 s< t e ≤ 60 s. Both treatment methods achieved non-thermal sterilization of S. mutans, where PJ required only a smaller U e to achieve complete sterilization, while at pH < 4.7, PAW only required a shorter t e to achieve complete sterilization, but its acidic environment could cause some chemical damage to the teeth. This study can provide some reference value for plasma treatment of dental caries.

Humans , Streptococcus mutans , Dental Caries/therapy , Sterilization , Temperature , Water
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(3): 1-9, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509645


Objective:Streptococcus mutans is one of the etiological agents associated with caries due to its ability to metabolize carbohydrates and resist acidic environments. On the other hand, Streptococcus dentisani, shows characteristics associated with caries control due to its ability to inhibit growth of cariogenic bacteria. The aim of this work was to quantify the levels of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus dentisani from dental biofilm of children related to their caries situation. Material and Methods: After identification of morphologic characteristics of reference strains was performed, clinical isolates of biofilm compatible with these strains were selected and the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique was performed using species-specific primers. Biofilm samples from 25 children with caries and 21 without caries were collected to quantify the levels of S. mutans and S. dentisani. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the levels of S. mutans in the caries group and the levels increased as the severity of the carious lesion increased. By contrast, higher levels of S. dentisaniwere found in the caries-free group, although no statistically significant differences were found. In addition, the levels of S. dentisani decreased as the severity of the carious lesion increased. Conclusion: The increase in the frequency of S. dentisani in the caries-free group suggests the possibility of requiring minimum levels of this species in the dental biofilm to show an actual protective effect. It must also be considered that this effect might be related to intrinsic factors in children and the intraspecies genetic variability found in every individual. (AU)

Objetivo : Streptococcus mutans é um dos agentes etiológicos associados à cárie devido à sua habilidade de metabolizar carboidratos e resistir a ambientes ácidos. Já o Streptococcus dentisani , apresenta características associadas ao controle da cárie devido à sua capacidade de inibir o crescimento de bactérias cariogênicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar os níveis de Streptococcus mutans e Streptococcus dentisani no biofilme dental de crianças em relação à situação de cárie destas. Material e Métodos: Após a identificação das características morfológicas das cepas de referência, foram selecionados do biofilme isolados clínicos compatíveis com essas cepas e realizada a técnica de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase utilizando primers espécie-específicos. Amostras de biofilme de 25 crianças com cárie e 21 sem cárie foram coletadas para quantificar os níveis de S. mutans e S. dentisani. Resultados: Houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos níveis de S. mutans no grupo com cárie e os níveis aumentaram à medida que a gravidade da lesão cariosa aumentou. Por outro lado, foram encontrados níveis mais elevados de S. dentisani no grupo sem cáries, embora não tenham sido encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Além disso, os níveis de S. dentisani diminuíram à medida que a gravidade da lesão cariosa aumentava. Conclusão: O aumento da frequência de S. dentisani no grupo livre de cárie sugere a possibilidade de exigir níveis mínimos desta espécie no biofilme dental para mostrar um efeito protetor real. Deve-se considerar também que esse efeito pode estar relacionado a fatores intrínsecos nas crianças e à variabilidade genética intraespécie encontrada em cada indivíduo. (AU)

Humans , Child , Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Dental Caries
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238076, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393427


Triclosan (TCS) is a chlorinated diphenyl ether and a possible active agent against microorganisms. Due to its probability of reducing dental plaque accumulation, TCS can be added as a substance for oral hygiene. Aim: To evaluate the efficacy and antimicrobial capacity of TCS against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus mutans. Methods: This work evaluates the percentage of bacteria inhibition of P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) and S. mutans (ATCC 25175). TCS concentrations between 2 and 128 µg.mL-1 were tested. Results: An inhibitory potential of TCS was found against S. mutans. No percentage of inhibition was detected against P. aeruginosa (technical and biological triplicate). Conclusion: TCS, an antimicrobial agent used in dentifrices, can reduce S. mutans levels therefore these dentifrices should be indicated for patients with a high risk of caries. However, further study is needed, including antimicrobial analyses against other microbial conditions

Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Streptococcus mutans , Triclosan/antagonists & inhibitors , Dental Caries , Oral and Dental Hygiene Products , Anti-Infective Agents, Local , Mouth Diseases
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(1): 1-9, 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1416950


Objective: to investigate the antimicrobial effects of toothpastes containing bioactive surface pre-reacted glass particles (S-PRG) on S. mutans biofilms adherence, initial colonization and maturation. Material and Methods: a reference UA 159 and a clinical S. mutans (SM6) strain were used. Bovine enamel specimens were randomly allocated into the groups (n=5): toothpastes containing 0%; 1%; 5%; 20%; 30% S-PRG; positive control dentifrice (NaF+triclosan); and negative control (distilled water). For biofilm development, samples were placed in a 24-well plate containing artificial saliva (4h), followed by adding 1mL of artificial saliva, BHI broth and 225µL of S. mutans suspension. Treatments with toothpastes were applied previously or after 4h and 24h of biofilm formation. Samples were incubated for 48h at 37°C in 5%CO2 and biofilm was detached and seeded in Petri dishes for determining the number of viable cells. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (5%). Results: significantly lower microorganisms' adherence (p<0.05) was obtained for all S-PRG toothpastes, with similar results to NaF+triclosan for SM6 and 20 and 30%S-PRG groups exhibiting higher inhibition effect than the NaF+Triclosan for UA159. Antibacterial effect on the early-stage biofilm was also observed for the S-PRG groups, but was not superior to the NaF+Triclosan toothpaste. For the mature biofilm, the effective antimicrobial potential of S-PRG toothpastes was observed only for the SM6 clinical strain, but was not higher than the positive control. Conclusion: experimental S-PRG toothpastes were effective to inhibit S. mutans biofilm growth by exhibiting antimicrobial activity, being promising agents to prevent cariogenic biofilm development (AU)

Objetivo: investigar o efeito de dentifrícios contendo S-PRG sobre a colonização inicial e maturação de biofilmes de S. mutans. Material e Métodos: uma cepa de referência (UA 159) e uma cepa clínica de S. mutans (SM6) foram utilizadas. Espécimes de esmalte bovino foram alocados nos grupos (n=5): dentifrícios contendo 0%; 1%; 5%; 20% e 30%S-PRG; controle positivo (NaF+triclosan); e controle negativo (água destilada). Os espécimes foram inseridos em uma placa de 24 poços contendo saliva artificial (4h), seguido por adição de 1mL de saliva artificial, BHI, 225µL de suspensão de S. mutans e foram tratados com suspensões de dentifrícios antes ou depois de 4 e 24h da formação do biofilme. Os espécimes foram incubados por 48h e o biofilme foi removido dos espécimes e semeado em placas de Petri para contagem de UFC/mL. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Tukey (5%). Resultados: houve diminuição na adesão de microrganismos para os grupos tratados com S-PRG (p<0.05). Para SM6, os dentifrícios contendo S-PRG apresentaram resultados semelhantes ao NaF+triclosan e para a cepa UA159 o dentifrício com 30%S-PRG apresentou efeito superior. Efeito antimicrobiano no biofilme recém-formado (4h) foi observado para os grupos contendo S-PRG, mas não foi observado efeito superior ao NaF+Triclosan. Para o biofilme maduro, efeito antimicrobiano do S-PRG foi observado apenas para a cepa clínica, mas não superior ao efeito do NaF+Triclosan. Conclusão: dentifrícios contendo S-PRG foram eficazes na inibição do desenvolvimento de biofilmes de S. mutans, sendo promissores agentes para prevenir o desenvolvimento de biofilme cariogênico. (AU)

Animals , Cattle , Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Dental Enamel , Dental Plaque , Dentifrices
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220148, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529115


ABSTRACT Objective: To compare the antibacterial efficacy of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) with a product containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) against Streptococcus mutans using a biofilm caries model. Material and Methods: Twenty-seven saliva-coated dentine blocks obtained from extracted human teeth were inoculated with Streptococcus mutans monospecies biofilm in this in vitro study. The biofilms were then exposed to 10% sucrose in brain heart infusion broth eight times daily for seven days. After the biofilm growth period, the dentine blocks (n=9 per group) were treated with one of the following substances: 1) sterile saline (control), 2) 38% SDF, and 3) a product containing CPP-ACP. Then, the samples were incubated at 37ºC for 48 hours, and the numbers of viable microorganisms in the biofilms were counted and compared. ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests were used to analyze the data (p<0.05). Results: The number of viable bacteria, as determined by the number of colony-forming units (CFU mL-1) of Streptococcus mutans, was significantly reduced following treatment with SDF and the CPP-ACP product (p<0.05). However, SDF showed superior antibacterial activity compared to the CPP-ACP product (mean CFU mL-1 =zero compared to 96 x106) (p<0.05). Conclusion: SDF has higher antibacterial activity against cariogenic Streptococcus mutans biofilm than the CPP-ACP product. The CPP-ACP product showed antibacterial activity, but it was limited.

Humans , Streptococcus mutans , Biofilms , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Analysis of Variance , Diamines
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230033, 2023. tab, il
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1530308


Introdução: O emprego de biofilmes polimicrobianos, utilizando a saliva como inóculo, é um modelo promissor para o estudo de biofilmes cariogênicos in vitro. Entretanto, ainda não existe uma padronização para seleção de doadores de saliva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer uma metodologia para seleção de doadores de saliva utilizando fatores salivares microbianos e características in vitro do biofilme. Material e método: Para doação de saliva foram selecionados vinte voluntários. Os voluntários permaneceram 24 horas sem escovar os dentes e ficaram em jejum por 2 horas antes da coleta da saliva. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: viabilidade das bactérias anaeróbias totais e mutans streptococci; concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) da clorexidina; capacidade de formação de biofilme por meio da biomassa; e a suscetibilidade dos biofilmes à clorexidina. Resultado: A viabilidade bacteriana da saliva, a capacidade de formação de biofilme e a suscetibilidade do biofilme à clorexidina foram apresentadas como média e intervalo de confiança (95%). A diferença entre a viabilidade do biofilme (mutans streptococci e bactérias totais) após tratamento com NaCl 0,9% e diacetato de clorexidina 0,2% foi comparada pelo teste t de Student com nível de significância estabelecido em 5%. A viabilidade total de bactérias anaeróbias (mediana) foi de 7,28 log 1+UFC/mL (unidades formadoras de colônia/mL). A viabilidade dos mutans streptococci na saliva apresentou mediana de 5,47 log 1+UFC/mL. Para capacidade de formação de biofilme a mediana da biomassa foi de 0,1172 A570. Conclusão: O tratamento com clorexidina reduziu significativamente os mutans streptococci e a viabilidade total das bactérias. A metodologia para seleção do doador de saliva foi estabelecida com sucesso.

Introduction: The utilization of polymicrobial biofilms, with saliva as an inoculum, represents a promising model for in vitro studies on cariogenic biofilms. However, there is still no standardization for selecting saliva donors. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish a methodology for the selection of saliva donors using microbial salivary factors and in vitro biofilm characteristics. Material and method: For saliva donation, twenty volunteers were selected. Volunteers remained 24 h without brushing their teeth and fasted for 2 h before saliva collection. The following parameters were evaluated: total anaerobic bacteria and mutans streptococci viability; minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericide concentration (MBC) of chlorhexidine; biofilm forming capacity by biomass assessment; and the susceptibility of biofilms to chlorhexidine. Result: Saliva bacterial viability, biofilm forming capacity and biofilm susceptibility to chlorhexidine were presented as mean and confidence interval (95%). The difference between biofilm (mutans streptococci and Total bacteria) viability after treatment with NaCl 0.9% and 0.2% chlorhexidine diacetate was compared using the Student t-test with a significance level established at 5%. Total anaerobic bacteria viability (median) was 7.28 log 1+CFU/mL (colony forming units/ mL). Mutans streptococci viability in the saliva showed a median of 5.47 log 1+CFU/mL. Biofilm forming capacity showed that biomass had a median of 0.1172 A570. Conclusion: Treatment with chlorhexidine significantly reduced mutans streptococci and total bacteria viability. The methodology for the selection of the saliva donor was successfully established.

Humans , Male , Female , Saliva , Streptococcus mutans , Chlorhexidine , Biomass , Biofilms , Microbial Viability , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(89): 69-74, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553303


Objetivo: Evaluar la supervivencia de Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans)en un tipo de fómite. Método: Se reactivó una cepa de S.mutans ATCC25175 criopre-servada en agar TYCSB. El inóculo se estandarizó en PBS buffer hasta obtener turbidez equivalente al 0,5 de Mc Farland y un OD = 0.01 por espectrofotome-tría. Bloques plásticos de 2cm2/superficie fueron seleccionados como fómites. La descontaminación de los bloques se realizó por inmersión en alcohol etílico 70% v/v durante 10 minutos, los que fueron secados en cabina de seguridad biológica. La conta-minación de los mismos se realizó por inmersión en inóculo estandarizado durante 10 minutos. Los blo-ques contaminados se extrajeron y depositaron so-bre placas de Petri estériles hasta cumplir los tiem-pos propuestos (T0-T4 con intervalos de 30 minutos). A cada tiempo, los bloques fueron eluidos en 20 ml de buffer PBS y agitados en vortex durante 30 segun-dos. 100 µl de cada eluato fueron sembrados por dis-persión en agar TYCSB e incubados en anaerobiosis por 48 horas a 37°C. El recuento de colonias (UFC/ml) se realizó bajo lupa estereoscópica 50X. Resulta-dos: El recuento inicial de S.mutans fue de 7,8 X 106(DS+1,7 X 106) UFC/ml y para cada tiempo de estu-dio fue de: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusión: En los rangos de tiempos establecidos, la cepa de S.mutans ensayada permaneció viable sobre la superficie plástica (AU)

Aim: To evaluate the survival time of Streptococcus mutans (S.mutans) in a type of fomites. Method: A strain of cryopreserved S.mutans ATCC 25175 was reactivated in TYCSB agar. The inoculum was standardized in the PBS buffer to obtain turbidity equivalent to 0.5 Mc Farland and OD = 0.01 by spectrophotometry. Plastic blocks of 2 cm2 /surface were selected as fomites. Decontamination of the blocks was carried out for 10 minutes by immersion in ethyl alcohol 70% v/v, which were dried in a biosafety chamber. Contamination was carried out by immersion in standardized inoculum for 10 minutes. The contaminated blocks were extracted and put on sterile Petri dishes until the proposed times were met (T0-T4 at 30-minute intervals). At each time, the blocks were eluted in 20 ml of PBS buffer and vortexed for 30 seconds. 100 µl of each eluate were dispersed on TYCSB agar and incubated anaerobically for 48 hours at 37°C. Colony count (CFU/ml) was performed under a 50X stereoscopic magnifying glass. Results: The initial S.mutans count was 7,8 X 106 (DS+1,7 X 106) CFU/ml and for each study time was: T0=3.25 X 104 (DS+1.9 X 103); T1=2.63X104 (DS+4,50E+03); T2= 1.85 X 104 (DS+9,45E+02); T3=1.93 X103(DS+1,29E+03) y T4=1.2X103 (DS+7,21x102). Conclusion: Within the established time ranges, the tested S.mutans strain remained viable on the plastic surface (AU))

Streptococcus mutans/isolation & purification , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Plastics , Spectrophotometry/methods , Colony Count, Microbial/methods , Decontamination/methods , Culture Media , Survivorship
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(3): 3-12, Sept. - Dec. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1437810


Introduction: candida albicans is a fungal pathogen that can provoke diseases ranging from oral infections to life-threatening systemic disorders. It is now recognized that oral bacteria, such as the genus Streptococcus, establish synergistic relationships with C. albicans, which could potentially increase the fungi's virulence and pathogenicity. Objective: this narrative review aimed to discuss the Candida-Streptococcus mechanisms of interactions and their contribution to increasing oral candidiasis severity. In addition, it provides a background of biofilm formation and potential therapeutical targets. Sources of Data: searches for papers in English were performed in the Pubmed database until May 2022. MeSH and free terms related to the field were used. In vitro studies were selected, tabulated, and qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed descriptively. Synthesis of Data: among the early colonizers bacteria, evidence pointed out that S. gordonnii and S. oralis have major implications in oral candidiasis, in which mixed biofilms increase the infection severity and challenge the host's defense. On the other hand, the outcomes of the interaction between C. albicans and S. mitis, S. sanguinis, or S. mutans remain little explored in the oral candidiasis scenario, albeit evidence pointed out an enhanced fungus population and virulence factors. Conclusion: overall, considering the polymicrobial profile of the infection and the potential to increase Candida-related disease severity, therapeutical strategies should also consider bacteria management.

Introdução: candida albicans é um patógeno fúngico que pode provocar doenças que variam de infecções orais a distúrbios sistêmicos com risco de vida. Hoje se reconhece que as bactérias orais, como o gênero Streptococcus, estabelecem relações sinérgicas com C. albicans, o que pode potencialmente aumentar a virulência e patogenicidade do fungo. Objetivo: esta revisão narrativa teve como objetivo discutir os mecanismos de interação Candida-Streptococcus e sua contribuição para o agravamento da candidíase oral. Além disso, fornece uma breve explanação sobre a formação do biofilme e potenciais alvos terapêuticos. Fonte dos dados: foi realizada pesquisa na base de dados Pubmed para a busca de artigos publicados em Inglês até maio de 2022. Para isso, foram utilizados descritores relacionados ao tema. Estudos in vitro foram selecionados, tabulados e seus resultados quantitativos e qualitativos analisados descritivamente. Síntese dos dados: entre as bactérias denominadas colonizadores iniciais, evidências apontam que S. gordonnii e S. oralis têm implicações importantes na candidíase oral, na qual biofilmes mistos aumentam a gravidade da infecção e desafiam a defesa do hospedeiro. Por outro lado, os desfechos das interações entre C. albicans e S. mitis, S. sanguinis ou S. mutans permanecem pouco explorados no cenário da candidíase oral, apesar de evidências apontarem um aumento dapopulação fúngica e de fatores de virulência. Conclusão: de maneira geral, considerando o perfil polimicrobiano da infecção e o potencial agravamento das doenças provocadas por Candida spp, as estratégias terapêuticas não devem estar focadas apenas no fungo, mas também devem considerar o manejo da bactéria.

Candida albicans , Candidiasis, Oral , Streptococcus mutans , Streptococcus sanguis , Biofilms , Streptococcus oralis , Streptococcus mitis , Streptococcus gordonii
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 187-192, out.2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399805


Introdução: os enxaguantes bucais clareadores tem sido muito utilizados, porém sua eficiência e efeitos colaterais trazem questionamentos. Objetivo: este ensaio clínico teve como objetivo avaliar se o enxaguante bucal clareador, contendo peróxido de hidrogênio a 1,5%, apresenta ação clareadora e se há algum efeito secundário na cavidade bucal. Metodologia: foram selecionados 10 voluntários com idade média de 21,5 anos, submetidos a avaliação da cor dos dentes com auxílio do espectrômetro em 3 momentos: inicial; com 15 e com 30 dias de uso do enxaguante. A avaliação dos efeitos colaterais foi realizada a partir da coleta de saliva estimulada em 4 momentos: antes e depois ao primeiro uso do produto, com 15 e com 30 dias, e realizadas as análises laboratoriais: fluxo salivar; pH; quantidade de Streptococcus mutans e de Lactobacillus. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk, comparação de cor pelo teste t dependente, comparação dos microrganismos pelos testes ANOVA de medidas repetida e Tukey. Resultados: as análises de cor dos dentes não evidenciaram nenhuma alteração significativa em nenhum dos tempos investigados. No fluxo salivar, pH e Lactobacillus não houveram alterações significativas. Na quantidade de Streptococcus mutans notou-se um aumento significativo quando comparado os valores após o primeiro uso e com 30 dias. Conclusão: a solução de enxague bucal contendo peróxido de hidrogênio a 1,5% não apresentou alteração significativa na coloração dos dentes e nenhum efeito colateral significativo na atividade cariogênica de acordo com os testes e períodos avaliados.

Introduction: whitening mouthwashes have been widely used, but their efficiency and side effects raise questions. Objective: this clinical trial aimed to assess whether the bleaching mouthwash, containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide, has a bleaching action and whether there are any side effects in the oral cavity. Methods: 10 volunteers were selected, with a mean age of 21.5 years, who underwent tooth color evaluation with the aid of a spectrometer in 3 moments: initial; with 15 and 30 days of using the washes. The evaluation of side effects was performed from the collection of stimulated saliva in 4 moments: before and after the first use of the product, at 15 and 30 days, and laboratory analyzes were carried out: salivary flow; pH; the number of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus. Normal distribution was verified with Shapiro-Wilk test, comparisons of color were performed with t-test, comparisons of the microorganisms were performed with repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey tests. Results: the analysis did not show any significant changes in any of the investigated times. There were no significant changes in the salivary flow, pH and Lactobacillus. The number of Streptococcus mutans, was noted a significant increase when comparing the values after the first use and with 30 days. Conclusion: the mouthwash containing 1.5% hydrogen peroxide was not shown any significant alterations in the color teeth. There were not significant collateral effects on the cariogenic activity according to the tests and periods evaluated.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Dental Caries Activity Tests , Tooth Bleaching Agents , Hydrogen Peroxide , Mouthwashes , Streptococcus mutans , Lactobacillus
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441578


Introducción: Debido al consumo indiscriminado de fármacos, muchas bacterias han comenzado a mostrar resistencia. No obstante, cada vez hay más investigaciones que buscan soluciones a este problema, y para lograrlo indagan en los beneficios médicos de determinadas plantas sobre la cavidad oral y su menor efecto tóxico. El 10 % de las plantas a nivel mundial se usan con fines medicinales. El Instituto Nacional de Cáncer indica que el 67 por ciento de los fármacos tiene su origen en la naturaleza, y el 25 % derivan de las plantas. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto inhibitorio del crecimiento in vitro de los extractos de Plantago major, Eucalyptus globulus y Matricaria chamomilla a diferentes concentraciones (100 por ciento, 50 por ciento, 25 por ciento y 12,5 por ciento) sobre cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). Métodos: Estudio cuasiexperimental, in vitro, longitudinal y prospectivo. El universo estuvo formado por las cepas Streptococcus mutans, y la población por las cepas de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). El tamaño de la muestra se basó en el método estandarizado del CLSI. La muestra fueron 10 discos por extracto, embebidos con 50 uL., colocados sobre agar Mueller Hinton con sembrado de Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). Se realizaron las medidas de los halos de inhibición a las 24 horas. Se usaron pruebas paramétricas de análisis de varianza y la prueba Tukey. Resultados: El halo inhibitorio promedio de la clorhexidina al 0,12 por ciento fue de 12,76 mm (p = 0,006). El extracto de "eucalipto" al 25 por ciento presentó diferencias significativas respecto a los otros grupos (p = 0,040), al 50 por ciento (p = 0,002) y al 100 por ciento (p = 0,000). Conclusiones: El extracto hidroalcohólico de Eucalyptus globulus al 100 por ciento presentó efecto inhibitorio frente al Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) in vitro(AU)

Introduction: Due to the indiscriminate consumption of drugs, many bacteria have begun to show resistance. However, there is more and more research that seeks solutions to this problem, and to achieve this they investigate the medical benefits of certain plants on the oral cavity and its less toxic effect. 10 percent of the world's plants are used for medicinal purposes. The National Cancer Institute indicates that 67 percent of drugs originate in nature, and 25% are derived from plants. Objective: Determine the inhibitory effect of in vitro growth of the extracts of Plantago major, Eucalyptus globulus and Matricaria chamomilla at different concentrations (100 percent, 50 percent, 25 percent and 12.5 percent) on strains of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). Methods: Quasiexperimental, in vitro, longitudinal and prospective study. The universe was formed by the strains Streptococcus mutans, and the population by the strains of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175). The sample size was based on the standardized CLSI method. The sample was 10 discs per extract, embedded with 50 uL., placed on Mueller Hinton agar with Streptococcus mutans seeding (ATCC 25175). Inhibition halos measurements were performed at 24 hours. Parametric analysis of variance tests and the Tukey test were used. Results: The average inhibitory halo of 0.12 percentchlorhexidine was 12.76 mm (p = 0.006). The extract of "eucalyptus" at 25 percent showed significant differences with respect to the other groups (p = 0.040), 50 percent (p = 0.002) and 100 percent (p = 0.000). Conclusions: The hydroalcoholic extract of Eucalyptus globulus at 100 percent presented inhibitory effect against Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) in vitro(AU)

Humans , Streptococcus mutans , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Plantago major/adverse effects , Longitudinal Studies
Vitae (Medellín) ; 29(3): 1-8, 2022-08-18. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1399360


Background: Tomato is a source of bioactive compounds, antimicrobials, and antioxidants. Tomato leaf preparations have been empirically used for anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibiotic, and antiseptic purposes. However, research on the potential activity of tomato leaf extracts against oral microorganisms and in managing oropharyngeal infections is scarce. Objective: To investigate tomato leaf ethanolic extract's antioxidant and growth inhibitory capacity against common oral pathogenic microorganisms, namely, Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Candida albicans.Methods: Ethanolic extracts were made from 'Chonto' tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves. The antimicrobial activity was measured with the microdilution technique using vancomycin and fluconazole as positive controls. The antioxidant capacity was measured with the ORAC assay using Trolox as a positive control. Results: We found a high percentage of growth inhibition (≥100%) against S. mutans and P. gingivalis at a concentration of 500 mg/L. However, the extract was ineffective in inhibiting the growth of C. albicans. Finally, we observed that the extract exerted a high antioxidant capacity (126%) compared to the positive control. Conclusions: This study provides new insights into the potential antimicrobial effect of tomato leaf extracts on common oral pathogenic bacteria, which may ultimately result in the development of new herbal products that might help prevent and treat oral infections, such as dental caries and periodontal disease. Our findings also support previous studies on the high antioxidant capacity of tomato leaf extracts

Antecedentes: El tomate es una fuente de compuestos bioactivos, antimicrobianos y antioxidantes. Las hojas de tomate se han utilizado empíricamente con fines antiinflamatorios, analgésicos, antibióticos y antisépticos. Sin embargo, los estudios sobre la actividad de los extractos de hojas de tomate contra los microorganismos orales y en el manejo de las infecciones orofaríngeas son escasos. Objetivo: Investigar la capacidad antioxidante del extracto etanólico de la hoja de tomate y su actividad inhibitoria de crecimiento contra microorganismos patógenos orales comunes, a saber, Streptococcus mutans, Porphyromonas gingivalis y Candida albicans.Métodos: Se realizaron extractos etanólicos a partir de hojas de tomate 'Chonto' (Lycopersicon esculentum). La actividad antimicrobiana se midió con la técnica de microdilución utilizando vancomicina y fluconazol como controles positivos. La capacidad antioxidante se midió con el ensayo ORAC utilizando Trolox como control positivo. Resultados: Encontramos un alto porcentaje de inhibición del crecimiento (≥100%) contra a S. mutans y P. gingivalis a una concentración de 500 mg/L. Sin embargo, el extracto fue ineficaz en la inhibición el crecimiento de C. albicans. Finalmente, observamos que el extracto tuvo una alta capacidad antioxidante (126%) en comparación con el control positivo. Conclusiones: Este estudio proporciona nuevos conocimientos sobre el posible efecto antimicrobiano de los extractos de hojas de tomate en bacterias patógenas orales comunes, lo cual puede resultar en el desarrollo de nuevos productos naturales que podrían ayudar a prevenir y tratar infecciones orales, como la caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal. Nuestros hallazgos también respaldan los estudios previos sobre la alta capacidad antioxidante de los extractos de hojas de tomate

Humans , Antioxidants , Streptococcus mutans , Candida albicans , Porphyromonas gingivalis , Solanum lycopersicum , Ethanol
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-11, jun. 30, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434633


Objetive: To compare in vitro bacterial adherence on teeth submitted to whitening with 50% ethanolic extract of Musa paradisiaca and 35% hydrogen peroxide. Material and Methods: The study was experimental and used 18 premolars that were grouped into: G1 (control), G2 (50% ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca) and G3 (35% hydrogen peroxide). The teeth were then exposed to a Streptococcus mutans culture for 24 hours, followed by centrifugation in thioglycolate broth. A culture on trypticase soy agar was done with a 1 in 100 dilution, and after 48 hours colony forming units (CFU) were counted. Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA test, complemented by the Bonferroni post-hoc. Results: Bacterial adherence was 77x105 CFU/ml in Group 3 using 35% hydrogen peroxide, 40x105 CFU/ml in Group 2 using 50% ethanol extract of Musa paradisiaca, and 89x104 CFU/ml in Group 1 (control). The difference between the three groups was significant (p=0.000). Conclusion: Both whitening methods cause bacterial adherence to the tooth surface, although to a lower degree with Musa paradisiaca.eses.

Objetivo: Comparar la adherencia bacteriana in vitro en dientes sometidos a blanqueamiento con extracto etanólico de Musa paradisiaca al 50% y con peróxido de hidrógeno al 35%. Material y Métodos: Comparar la adherencia bacteriana in vitro en dientes sometidos a blanqueamiento con extracto etanólico de Musa paradisiaca al 50% y con peróxido de hidrógeno al 35%.Resultados: La adherencia bacteriana fue de 77x105 UFC/ml con el peróxido de hidrógeno al 35%, de 40x105 UFC/ml con el extracto etanólico de Musa paradisiaca al 50% y de 89x104 UFC/ml con el control. La diferencia fue significativa entre los tres grupos (p=0.000). Conclusión: Ambos métodos de blanqueamiento causan adherencia bacteriana en la superficie dental, siendo menor con Musa paradisiaca.

Humans , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Bacterial Adhesion/drug effects , Musa/microbiology , Hydrogen Peroxide/therapeutic use , Peru , Streptococcus mutans/drug effects , Bicuspid , In Vitro Techniques
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516461


Aim: The consumption of foods rich in sugar is linked to several non-communicable diseases, including dental caries. Coconut sugar has systemic benefits due to its lower glycemic indexes (GI) than other table sugars. However, there is currently no data regarding its ca-riogenic potential. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of coconut sugar on acidogenicity and adhesion of Streptococcus mutans in vitro, compared to sugarcane products. Materials and methods: Aliquots of cultu-res of S. mutans UA159 were resuspended in a buffer solution enriched with coconut sugar, crystal sugar (refined sugar), and minimally processed sugarcane (demerara light brown sugar and maskavo dark brown sugar), as well as positive (sucrose) and negative con-trols. The decrease in pH and its corresponding area under the curve (AUC; cm2) were evaluated for the analysis of acidogenicity. S.mutans was incubated in BHI supplemented with each sugar and the percentages of microbial adhesion were calculated. After testing data normality, the one-way ANOVA test (Bonferroni post hoc) was used to compare the AUC and the pro-portion of adhesion of each group. Results: Regarding the acidogenic potential, statistical differences were found only between the negative control versus all other groups (p<0.001). Likewise, no significant difference in adhesion was found between the tested sugars (p>0.05). Discussion: Although the tested sugars are marketed as "healthy products," their amount and frequency of usage should be controlled. Conclusion: Coconut su-gar presents a similar cariogenic potential to that of sugarcane products when acidogenicity and adhesion are evaluated. Coconut sugar is not indicated as a substitute for sucrose in the control of cariogenic activity.

Objetivo: O consumo de alimentos ricos em açúcar está associado a diversas doenças não transmissíveis, incluindo a doença cárie. O açúcar de coco tem benefícios sistêmi-cos devido aos seus índices glicêmicos (IG) mais baixos do que outros açúcares de mesa. No entanto, atualmente não há dados sobre seu potencial cariogênico. Esse estu-do teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do açúcar do coco na acidogenicidade e adesão de Streptococcus mutans in vitro, em comparação com produtos derivados da cana--de-açúcar. Materiais e métodos: alíquotas de culturas de S. mutans UA159 foram suspensas em solução tampão enriquecida com açúcar de coco, açúcar cristal (açúcar refinado) e cana-de-açúcar minimamente processada (açúcar mascavo demerara claro e açúcar mascavo), além de controles positivo (sacarose) e negativo. A diminuição do pH e correspondente área sob a curva (AUC; cm2) fo-ram avaliadas na análise de acidogenicidade. S. mutansfoi incubado em BHI suplementado com cada tipo de açúcar e as porcentagens de adesão microbiana foram calculadas. Após testar a normalidade dos dados, o teste ANOVA de uma via (Bonferroni post hoc) foi utilizado para comparar a AUC e a proporção de adesão de cada grupo. Resultados: Em relação ao potencial acidogênico, diferenças estatísticas foram encontradas apenas entre o controle negativo versus todos os outros grupos (p <0,001). Não foi encontrada diferença significativa na adesão en-tre os açúcares testados (p> 0,05). Discussão: Apesar dos açúcares testados serem comercializados como "produtos saudáveis", sua quantidade e frequência de consumo deve ser controlada. Conclusão: O açúcar do coco apresenta potencial cariogênico semelhante à dos produtos da cana-de-açúcar quanto a acidogenicidade e a adesão. O açúcar de coco não é indicado como substituto da sacarose no controle da atividade cariogênica.

Streptococcus mutans , Cocos , Saccharum , Dental Caries , Sugars/adverse effects
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 63(1): 106-120, jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1517678


Objetivo: Durante décadas, o Streptococcus mutans foi con-siderado o principal agente etiológico da doença cárie. Esta revisão apresentará seu histórico e metabolismo a nível molecular. Ao entender as vias metabólicas do S.mutans envolvidas no desenvolvimento de lesões cariosas, será possível desenvolver novos métodos de modulação de biofilmes no controle da doença cárie e elucidar a neces-sidade de continuar pesquisando essa bactéria. Revisão de literatura: Embora o S. mutans não constitua uma pro-porção significativa na colonização da microbiota bucal da dentição hígida, essa proporção aumenta quando há acidificação contínua do biofilme, associada ao excesso de carboidratos na dieta do hospedeiro. Isso ocorre devido a um conjunto de fatores de virulência, tais como, adesão, formação de biofilme, acidogenicidade, aciduricidade, atividades de proteases, produção de mutacinas e vias de transdução de sinal. Cada uma dessas propriedades, coordenadamente, alteram a ecologia do biofilme dental. Discussão: Ainda é relevante entender o metabolismo do S. mutans como microrganismo modelo em lesões cariosas devido a seus inúmeros fatores de virulência. Porém, no contexto da doença cárie como uma disbiose, estratégias terapêuticas antimicrobianas, mais especificamente anti-S.mutans, voltadas para a eliminação do microrganismo, po-dem não ser a chave do controle da doença cárie, enquanto a modulação do microbioma poderá se tornar o futuro das clínicas odontológicas. Conclusão: Biofilmes associados a doença cárie compreendem um ecossistema diverso, sugerindo uma etiologia polimicrobiana, porém, estudos futuros que visem à prospecção, ao desenvolvimento e à inter-relação do S. mutans com outros microrganismos e com o hospedeiro humano ainda são justificados a fim de desvendar a transição 'homeostase-disbiose'.

Aim: For decades, the Streptococcus mutans was consi-dered the main agent of caries. This review will show its history and metabolism at the molecular level. By understanding its metabolic pathways involved in the development of carious lesions, it can be possible to develop new methods of modulating biofilms in the control of caries, as well as to elucidate the need to continue researching this bacterium. Literature review: Although S. mutans does not constitute a significant proportion in the colonization of the oral microbiota of the sound dentition, its proportion increases when there is continuous acidification of the biofilm, asso-ciated with excess carbohydrates in the host diet. This is due to a set of virulence factors, such as adhesion, biofilm formation, acidogenicity, aciduricity, proteases activity, mutacins production and signal transduction pathways. Each of these properties coordinately alters the ecology of the dental biofilm. Discussion: It is still relevant to understand the metabolism of S. mutans as a model microorganism in carious lesions due to its numerous virulence factors. However, in the context of caries as a dysbiosis, antimicrobial therapeutic strategies, more specifically anti-S.mutans, aiming to eliminate the microorganism, may not be the key to caries control, and the microbiome modulation may become the future of dental clinics. Conclusion: Biofilms associated with caries disease comprise a diverse ecosystem, suggesting a polymicrobial etiolo-gy, however, future studies aimed at the prospection, development and interrelationship of S. mutans with other microorganisms and with the human host are still justified in order to unravel the 'homeos-tasis-dysbiosis' transition.

Streptococcus mutans/metabolism , Dental Caries
Vive (El Alto) ; 5(13): 245-256, abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410330


La terapia ortodóntica produce una mayor acumulación de placa bacteriana en los pacientes, observándose cambios ecológicos orales que causan aumento del número de estreptococos mutans, por lo que es importante una adecuada higiene bucal que ayude a disminuir las bacterias y prevenir la caries. Objetivo. El propósito fue comparar el efecto del uso de una pasta dental con xilitol, en el recuento de Streptcococcos mutans en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio cuasiexperimental de cegamiento simple. La muestra estuvo constituida por 34 pacientes adolescentes con aparatología ortodontica fija de ambo sexos que cumplieron los criterios establecidos, todos fueron instruidos en una técnica de cepillado y designados al azar a uno de los dos grupos: grupo experimental 17 pacientes que usaron una pasta dental con xilitol y 17 pacientes en el grupo control que utilizaron una pasta dental convencional con flúor. A ambos grupos se les tomó y procesó microbiológicamente placa bacteriana al inicio del estudio y a las 3 y 5 semanas para evaluar el recuento de streptococos mutans. Resultados. La prueba T-Student demostró que hubo menos unidades formadoras de colonias en los pacientes que utilizaron pasta dental con xilitol siendo significativa la diferencia en la quinta semana de uso (˂ 0.0001). Conclusiones. Existe mayor efectividad de la pasta dental con xilitol, en relación a la pasta dental solo con flúor en el recuento de Streptococos mutans, sin embargo, los pacientes de ambos grupos tuvieron menos unidades formadoras de colonias.

Orthodontic therapy produces a greater accumulation of bacterial plaque in patients, with oral ecological changes that cause an increase in the number of mutans streptococci, so it is important to have an adequate oral hygiene that helps to reduce bacteria and prevent caries. Objective. The purpose was to compare the effect of the use of a toothpaste with xylitol on the Streptococcus mutans count in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Material and methods. A single-blinded quasi-experimental study was carried out. The sample consisted of 34 adolescent patients with fixed orthodontic appliances of both sexes who met the established criteria. All were instructed in a brushing technique and randomly assigned to one of two groups: 17 patients in the experimental group used a toothpaste with xylitol and 17 patients in the control group used a conventional toothpaste with fluoride. Both groups had bacterial plaque taken and processed microbiologically at the beginning of the study and at 3 and 5 weeks to evaluate the streptococcus mutans count. Results. The T-Student test showed that there were fewer colony-forming units in patients who used xylitol toothpaste with the difference being significant at the fifth week of use (˂ 0.0001). Conclusions. There is greater effectiveness of toothpaste with xylitol in relation to toothpaste with fluoride alone in the Streptococcus mutans count; however, patients in both groups had fewer colony-forming units.

A terapia ortodôntica produz um maior acúmulo de placa bacteriana nos pacientes, com alterações ecológicas orais causando um aumento no número de estreptococos mutantes, razão pela qual uma higiene oral adequada é importante para ajudar a reduzir as bactérias e prevenir cáries. Objetivo. O propósito era comparar o efeito do uso de uma pasta de dentes com xilitol na contagem de Streptococcus mutans em pacientes com aparelhos ortodônticos fixos. Material e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo quase-experimental mono-cego. A amostra consistiu de 34 pacientes adolescentes com aparelhos ortodônticos fixos de ambos os sexos que preenchiam os critérios estabelecidos. Todos foram instruídos em uma técnica de escovação e distribuídos aleatoriamente em um dos dois grupos: 17 pacientes do grupo experimental que usaram uma pasta de dentes com xilitol e 17 pacientes do grupo controle que usaram uma pasta de dentes convencional com flúor. Ambos os grupos tiveram a placa bacteriana retirada e processada microbiologicamente na linha de base e com 3 e 5 semanas para avaliar a contagem de estreptococos mutantes. Resultados. O teste T-Student mostrou que havia menos unidades formadoras de colônias em pacientes que usavam pasta de dentes de xilitol, sendo a diferença significativa na quinta semana de uso (˂ 0,0001). Conclusões. A pasta de dente com xilitol é mais eficaz do que a pasta de dente com flúor apenas no Streptococcus mutans, entretanto, os pacientes de ambos os grupos tinham menos unidades formadoras de colônias.

Oral Hygiene , Toothpastes , Streptococcus mutans