Objetivos: Avaliar a relação entre a intensidade do prurido e os escores de ansiedade, depressão, estresse pós-traumático e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em pacientes vítimas de queimaduras. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em dois ambulatórios de hospitais de queimados localizados em municípios do interior paulista. A amostra foi constituída por 60 pacientes que responderam aos instrumentos de caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, Escala Visual Numérica para avaliação da intensidade do prurido, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Escala de Impacto de Eventos para avaliação do estresse pós-traumático e a versão brasileira da Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound. Resultados: A amostra caracterizou-se pelo predomínio do sexo masculino (73%). Correlações positivas significativas foram encontradas entre a intensidade de prurido e ansiedade (r=0,33), depressão (r=0,53), estresse pós-traumático (r=0,43) e escore total da Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound (r=0,63). Conclusão: Esses achados reforçam a importância da avaliação do prurido na atenção integral à vítima de queimadura visando à redução do impacto psicológico e melhora na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. (AU)
Objective: To assess the relationship between pruritus intensity and anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and health-related quality of life scores in burn victims. Methods: A cross-sectional study, carried out in two outpatient clinics of burn hospitals located in municipalities in the countryside of São Paulo. The sample consisted of 60 patients who answered sociodemographic and clinical characterization instruments: the Visual Numerical Scale, to assess pruritus intensity, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Impact of Events Scale, to assess post-traumatic stress, and the Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound Module to Brazilian Portuguese. Results: The sample was characterized by a predominance of males (73%). Significant positive correlations were found between pruritus intensity and anxiety (r=0.33), depression (r=0.53), post-traumatic stress (r=0.43), and total Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound score (r=0.63). Conclusions: These findings reinforce the importance of assessing pruritus in comprehensive care for burn victims, aiming to reduce the psychological impact and improve health-related quality of life. (AU)
Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre la intensidad del prurito y las puntuaciones de ansiedad, depresión, estrés postraumático y la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud en pacientes víctimas de quemaduras. Método: Estudio transversal, realizado en dos ambulatorios de hospitales de quemados ubicados en municipios del interior de São Paulo. La muestra se constituyó por 60 pacientes que respondieron a los instrumentos de caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica, Escala Visual Numérica para evaluación de la intensidad del prurito, Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión, Escala de Impacto de Eventos para evaluación del estrés postraumático y la versión brasileña de la Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound. Resultados: La muestra se caracterizó por el sexo masculino (el 73%). Correlaciones positivas significativas se encontraron entre la intensidad de prurito y ansiedad (r=0,33), depresión (r=0,53), estrés postraumático (r=0,43) y puntuación total de la Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound(r=0,63). Conclusión: Esos hallazgos refuerzan la importancia de la evaluación del prurito en la atención integral a víctimas de quemadura, buscando la reducción del impacto psicológico y la mejora en la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud. (AU)
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Burns/psychology , DepressionABSTRACT
As condições psicopatológicas decorrentes de acontecimentos traumáticos vêm progressivamente recebendo interpretações de natureza neurocientífica. Com isso, experiências humanas devastadoras são reduzidas ao funcionamento perturbado de sistemas neurofisiológicos atribuídos às respostas de estresse. Através de revisão narrativa, este artigo procura explorar algumas das condições epistemológicas elementares ao surgimento de uma teoria neurocientífica do estresse traumático, demonstrando a solidariedade que ela conserva com a teoria evolucionária e com a pesquisa do condicionamento clássico em animais. Espera-se que este trabalho possa salientar algumas das repercussões éticas da negligência dos fatores sociais e culturais nas interpretações dos fenômenos secundários ao traumatismo
Psychopathological conditions resulting from traumatic events have increasingly received neuroscientific interpretations, reducing the complexity of devastating human experiences to the disturbed functioning of neurophysiological systems attributed to stress responses. This narrative review explores some epistemological conditions essential to fashioning a neuroscientific theory of traumatic stress, showing the solidarity it maintains with evolutionary theory and with research on classical conditioning in animals. We hope this work can highlight some of the ethical repercussions in neglecting social and cultural factors when interpreting secondary trauma phenomena
Las condiciones psicopatológicas resultantes de eventos traumáticos han recibido progresivamente interpretaciones neurocientíficas. Como resultado, las devastadoras experiencias humanas vieron reducidas su complejidad al funcionamiento perturbado de los sistemas neurofisiológicos atribuidos a las respuestas al estrés. A partir de una revisión narrativa, este artículo buscará explorar algunas de las condiciones epistemológicas esenciales para el surgimiento de una teoría neurocientífica del estrés traumático, demostrando la solidaridad que mantiene con la teoría evolutiva y con la investigación sobre el condicionamiento clásico en animales. Se espera que este trabajo pueda resaltar algunas de las repercusiones éticas de descuidar los factores sociales y culturales en la interpretación de los fenómenos secundarios de trauma
Les conditions psychopathologiques résultant d'événements traumatiques ont progressivement reçu des interprétations neuroscientifiques, en réduisant la complexité des expériences humaines dévastatrices au fonctionnement perturbé des systèmes neurophysiologiques attribué aux réponses au stress. Cette revue narrative explore quelques conditions épistémologiques essentielles pour élaborer une théorie neuroscientifique du stress traumatique, démontrant la solidarité qu'elle entretient avec la théorie évolutionniste et avec les recherches sur le conditionnement classique. On espère que ce travail pourra mettre en évidence certaines des répercussions éthiques associées à la négligence des facteurs sociaux et culturels dans l'interprétation des phénomènes traumatiques secondaires
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/etiology , Conditioning, Classical , Psychological Trauma/etiology , NeurosciencesABSTRACT
O confronto com o câncer de um filho e a percepção da sua morte como inevitável dão lugar a experiências parentais relevantes para a pesquisa científica. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, por meio da percepção dos profissionais hospitalares, o modo como os pais experienciam a fase terminal e fim de vida do filho com câncer para melhor compreender os processos psicoemocionais experienciados por esses pais diante da cronicidade da doença e da morte do filho. No sentido de alcançar esse objetivo, realizou-se um estudo qualitativo de tipo fenomenológico envolvendo 17 profissionais de dois hospitais portugueses de referência em oncologia pediátrica. Os dados foram recolhidos com recurso a um guia de entrevista semiestruturada. Na percepção dos profissionais hospitalares, os resultados evidenciam que esses pais experienciam múltiplas dificuldades e preocupações na fase terminal da doença do filho e no pós-morte, bem como um sofrimento extremo e desestruturação biopsicossocial e espiritual na família. O conhecimento aprofundado da fenomenologia desses processos é essencial para o desenho e a implementação de intervenções emocionais, cognitivas, comportamentais e sociais mais ajustadas às dificuldades e preocupações parentais vividas no fim de vida e pós-morte.(AU)
Coping with children's cancer and the perception of their inevitable death give rise to parental experiences that are important to study. This study aimed to investigate, based on hospital professionals' perspectives, how parents experience the terminal phase and end of life of their children suffering from cancer to better understand the psycho-emotional processes these parents experienced in face of the chronicity of the disease and their children's death. To achieve this objective, a qualitative phenomenological study was carried out involving 17 professionals of two Portuguese hospitals that are reference in pediatric oncology. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview guide. From the perspective of hospital professionals, results show that these parents experience multiple difficulties and concerns in the terminal phase of their children's disease and postmortem, as well as the extreme suffering and biopsychosocial and spiritual disruption of the family. A deeper understanding of the phenomenology of these processes is essential to design and implement better adjusted emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and social interventions aimed at the parental difficulties and concerns experienced at the end of life and after death.(AU)
El enfrentamiento del cáncer de un hijo y la percepción de su muerte como inevitable dan lugar a experiencias parentales importantes que deben ser estudiadas. Este estudio pretende identificar desde la percepción de los profesionales del hospital cómo los padres viven la fase terminal y el final de la vida de su hijo con cáncer con el fin de comprender mejor los procesos psicoemocionales que viven estos padres ante la cronicidad de la enfermedad y la muerte de su hijo. Para ello, se realizó un estudio cualitativo, con enfoque fenomenológico, en el que participaron 17 profesionales de dos hospitales portugueses de referencia en oncología pediátrica. Para recoger los datos se aplicó un guion de entrevista semiestructurada. En cuanto a la percepción de los profesionales del hospital, estos padres experimentaron múltiples dificultades y preocupaciones en la fase terminal de la enfermedad de su hijo y postmuerte, así como un sufrimiento extremo y una desestructuración biopsicosocial y espiritual en la familia. El conocimiento en profundidad de la fenomenología de estos procesos es esencial para elaborar e implementar intervenciones emocionales, cognitivas, conductuales y sociales más acordes a las dificultades y preocupaciones parentales que se experimentan al final de la vida y la postmuerte.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Parents , Pediatrics , Portugal , Expression of Concern , Neoplasms , Anxiety , Pain , Palliative Care , Parent-Child Relations , Patient Care Team , Philosophy , Psychology , Psychology, Medical , Psychophysiology , Quality of Health Care , Risk-Taking , Schools , Self Care , Sibling Relations , Speech , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Awareness , Survival , Terminal Care , Therapeutics , Vision, Ocular , Body Image , Right to Die , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Leukemia , Attitude of Health Personnel , Attitude to Death , Divorce , Marriage , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Central Nervous System , Homeopathic Cure , Child , Child Care , Psychology, Child , Child Rearing , Child Health , Family Health , Sampling Studies , Life Expectancy , Mortality , Conscious Sedation , Adolescent , Negotiating , Hospice Care , Caregivers , Health Personnel , Neoplasms, Post-Traumatic , Interview , Communication , Pain Clinics , Comprehensive Health Care , Conflict, Psychological , Crisis Intervention , Affect , Psychosocial Impact , Mind-Body Therapies , Withholding Treatment , Spirituality , Decision Making , Denial, Psychological , Depression , Diagnosis , Diet , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Dyspnea , Education, Nonprofessional , Emotions , Disease Prevention , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Early Detection of Cancer , Fatigue , Fear , Early Medical Intervention , Medicalization , Hope , Acceptance and Commitment Therapy , Courage , Optimism , Psychological Trauma , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Psychosocial Support Systems , Psycho-Oncology , Frustration , Sadness , Respect , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Patient Care , Psychosocial Intervention , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Emotional Exhaustion , Health Promotion , Health Services , Hearing , Hospitalization , Anger , Leukocytes , Life Change Events , Life Support Care , Loneliness , Love , Nausea , Nursing CareABSTRACT
Introducción: Varios miembros del Departamento de Investigaciones en Adicciones de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana participaron en el 2020 y 2021 como docentes, asesores y directores de tesis en dos programas de formación académica de estudiantes ecuatorianos: especialización en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y maestría en Psicología Clínica (mención en Salud Mental Comunitaria). Objetivo: Describir los resultados del estudio y las investigaciones concluidas en ambos programas de formación académica. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal basado en el análisis de los 69 proyectos de investigación desarrollados. Para la descripción de los resultados se realizó el análisis de contenido del 20 por ciento de las investigaciones. Resultados: El 63,8 `por ciento de los estudios fueron investigaciones biomédicas, y el 36,1 por ciento fueron estudios psicosociales. En ambos casos, el contexto social en las comunidades fue de (84,7 por ciento). Entre las investigaciones médicas predominaron las dirigidas al paciente con hipertensión arterial (39,1 por ciento) centradas en la adherencia terapéutica (32,6 por ciento). En los estudios psicológicos predominaron los dirigidos a niños y adolescentes (23,0 por ciento) y a profesionales sanitarios (23,0 por ciento) centradas en las afecciones mentales (19,2 por ciento). Conclusiones: Los proyectos desarrollados concluyeron resultados satisfactorios, se describió con mayor sistematicidad el enfoque comunitario en las investigaciones biomédicas. Se abordaron contenidos relativos a la adherencia terapéutica y las afectaciones a la salud mental. El impacto de la COVID-19 fue valorado como generador de dificultades en niños y adolescentes, profesionales sanitarios y en la población(AU)
Introduction: In 2020 and 2021, the Department of Research on Addiction of Havana University of Medical Sciences participated as teachers, advisors and thesis directors in two academic training programs for Ecuadorian students: specialization in Family and Community Medicine and master's degree in Clinical Psychology with a mention in Community Mental Health. Objective: To describe the results of the study and the research concluded in both academic training programs. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out based on the analysis of the sixty nine research projects established. The content analysis of 20 percent of the investigations was carried out to describe the results. Results: 63.8percent of the studies were biomedical research and 36.1 percent were psychosocial studies. In both cases, communities was the social context (84.7percent). Among the medical investigations, those aimed at the patient with hypertension (39.1percent) focused on therapeutic adherence (32.6percent) predominated. In the psychological studies, those intended at children and adolescents (23.0percent) and health professionals (23.0percent) focused on mental disorders (19.2percent) prevailed. Conclusions: These projects yielded satisfactory results. The community approach in biomedical research was more systematically described. Contents related to therapeutic adherence and the effects on mental health were addressed. The impact of COVID-19 was assessed as generator of difficulties in children and adolescents, health professionals, and in the population(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Research , Mental Health , Psychosocial Functioning , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
El Consorcio Internacional para la Medición de Resultados en Salud (ICHOM, por sus siglas en inglés) se especializa en el desarrollo de conjuntos de medidas de resultado de tratamientos para condiciones de salud con el objetivo de mejorar la práctica clínica. ICHOM desarrolló una propuesta de medidas de resultado para depresión, ansiedad, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y trastorno por estrés postraumático, en población infanto-juvenil de entre 6 y 24 años que fue publicada el 2021. Un grupo de trabajo internacional de 27 personas expertas en clínica, en investigación y por experiencia vivida, alcanzó el consenso a través del método Delphi adaptado con votación anónima iterativa, apoyada por insumos de investigación. Se propone evaluar síntomas, pensamientos y conductas suicidas y funcionalidad a través de siete medidas de resultado informadas primariamente por el o la paciente. Las recomendaciones fueron validadas a través de una encuesta que involucró a 487 participantes en 45 países. Este artículo presenta sugerencias para su aplicación en Chile.
Abstract: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) specializes in developing sets of outcome measures for health conditions with the goal of improving clinical practice. ICHOM developed a proposal for outcome measures for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in children and young people aged 6 to 24 years that was published in 2021. An international working group of 27 clinical, research, and lived experience experts, reached consensus through the adapted Delphi method, and iterative anonymous voting, supported by research inputs. It is proposed to assess symptoms, suicidal thoughts, and behavior, and functioning through seven primarily patient-reported outcome measures. The recommendations were validated through a survey involving 487 participants across 45 countries. This article presents suggestions for their application in Chile.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Anxiety/diagnosis , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/diagnosis , Chile , Consensus , Internationality , Patient Reported Outcome MeasuresABSTRACT
Introdução: A desesperança pode ser definida como a expectativa negativa em relação ao futuro, associada à falta da expectativa de mudança, sendo encontrada em contexto de diferentes desastres. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de desesperança e suas correlações com a qualidade de vida e delimitar os fatores associados ao seu desenvolvimento na população atingida pelo desastre pelo rompimento da barragem do Fundão em Mariana/MG. Métodos: Foram avaliados 225 adultos atingidos pelo desastre e analisadas as relações de desesperança com depressão, qualidade de vida e seus determinantes. Resultados: 9% da população apresentou nível leve de desesperança. A correlação entre desesperança e depressão obteve um coeficiente de correlação (CC) de 0,220 (p=001). Já a correlação entre desesperança e qualidade de vida foi -0,248 (p<0,001) e se manteve significativa com a exclusão dos indivíduos com diagnóstico de depressão sendo de -0,204 (p=0,010). Os preditores de um alto grau de desesperança foram a insônia (OR: 5,92, p=0,002); ter 60 anos ou mais (OR: 4,736, p=0,009); e o risco de suicídio (OR: 5,468, p=0,005). A alta resiliência foi fator protetor de um alto grau de desesperança (OR: 0,115; p=0,008). Conclusões: Um alto grau de desesperança correlacionou-se com piora da qualidade de vida mesmo em indivíduos sem depressão. Assim, sugerimos que intervenções focadas em redução de desesperança devem ser incluídas em planos assistenciais para minimizar os impactos nos atingidos.
Introduction: Hopelessness can be defined as the negative expectation about the future, associated with the lack of expectation of its change. This cognition may be found in the setting of disasters. Objectives: Evaluate the prevalence of hopelessness and its correlations with the quality of life and delineate the associated factors with its development in the population affected by the disaster of the Fundão dam at Mariana. Methods: 225 adults affected by the disaster were evaluated. The study explored the relationships between hopelessness and depression, quality of life, and its determinants. Results: 9% of the population were presented with a mild level of hopelessness. The correlation coefficient (CC) between hopelessness and depression was 0.220 (p=001) and between hopelessness and quality of life was -0.248 (p<0.001). This value remained significant, with the exclusion of individuals diagnosed with depression being -0.204 (p=0.010). Insomnia (OR: 5.92, p=0.002), being 60 years old or older (OR: 4.736, p=0.009) and risk of suicide (OR: 5.468, p=0.005) are predictors of hopelessness, while high resilience was a protective factor (OR: 0.115; p=0.008). Conclusions: A high degree of hopelessness was correlated with worsening quality of life even in individuals without depression. Thus, we suggest that interventions focused on reducing hopelessness should be included in assistance plans to minimize the impacts on those affected.
Humans , Male , Female , Disaster Victims/psychology , Psychosocial Impact , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Quality of Life , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Risk Factors , Resilience, Psychological , Natural DisastersABSTRACT
Introdução: este artigo apresenta a constituição psíquica e linguística de um jovem autista, proveniente de uma família de imigrantes em situação de pós-guerra, em que entram em questão temas como o luto, a constituição psíquica transgeracional, e a presença de angústias no processo de desenvolvimento da criança em uma situação singular que é a presença do autismo. Objetivo: analisar os efeitos singulares da imigração e multiculturalismo em um caso de autismo e sua evolução terapêutica. Método: estudo de caso longitudinal, que utilizou diário clínico e filmagens de sessões com observações do desenvolvimento de Rafael, desde os dezoito meses até a idade adulta. Como abordagem terapêutica e análise dos resultados, foram utilizados aportes da constituição psíquica da teoria psicanalítica, e sobre o desenvolvimento linguístico em uma perspectiva enunciativa. Resultados: O multiculturalismo acarretava um desafio maior ao processo de aquisição da linguagem por parte da criança com autismo, enquanto o silêncio consequente da dor do luto, presente nos adultos, dificultava a troca verbal e atrasava sua constituição psíquica. O autismo, por sua vez, apresentou-se como transtornos qualitativos na comunicação, necessitando maior investimento por parte de seus cuidadores para que a aquisição da linguagem se desse, pois o paciente precisou ser fisgado para a nossa cultura. Conclusão: Diante de todo esse quadro, o caso clínico demonstra a importância do suporte terapêutico à família e do investimento contínuo na subjetivação, considerando e valorizando os diferentes códigos culturais que compõem o núcleo familiar. (AU)
Introduction: this article presents the psychic and linguistic constitution of an autistic young man, from a post-war immigrant family, in which themes such as mourning, the transgenerational psychic constitution, and the presence of anxieties in the process come into question of the child development in a unique situation that is the presence of autism. Objective: to analyze the unique effects of immigration and multiculturalism in a case of autism and its therapeutic evolution. Method: longitudinal case study, which used a clinical diary and footage of sessions with observations of the development of R. from eighteen months to adulthood. As a therapeutic approach and analysis of results, contributions from the psychic constitution of psychoanalytic theory, and on linguistic development in an enunciative perspective, were used. Results: Multiculturalism posed a greater challenge to the process of language acquisition by the child with autism, while the consequent silence of the pain of grief, present in adults, hindered verbal exchange and delayed their psychic constitution. Autism, in turn, presented itself as qualitative disorders in communication, requiring greater investment on the part of its caregivers for the acquisition of language to take place, as it needed to be hooked for our culture. Conclusion: Given this situation, this clinical case demonstrates the importance of therapeutic support to the family and the continuous investment in subjectivity, considering and valuing the different cultural codes that make up the family nucleus. (AU)
Introducción: este artículo presenta la constitución psíquica y lingüística de un joven autista, proveniente de una familia inmigrante de posguerra, en la que se cuestionan temas como el luto, la constitución psíquica transgeneracional y la presencia de ansiedades en el proceso del desarrollo del niño en una situación única que es la presencia del autismo. Objetivo: analizar los efectos singulares de la inmigración y la multiculturalidad en un caso de autismo y su evolución terapéutica. Método: estudio de caso longitudinal, que utilizó un diario clínico y metraje de sesiones con observaciones del desarrollo de R. desde los dieciocho meses hasta la edad adulta. Como abordaje terapéutico y análisis de resultados se utilizaron aportes desde la constitución psíquica de la teoría psicoanalítica y sobre el desarrollo lingüístico en perspectiva enunciativa. Resultados: El multiculturalismo supuso un mayor desafío al proceso de adquisición del lenguaje por parte del niño con autismo, mientras que el consiguiente silencio del dolor del duelo, presente en los adultos, dificultó el intercambio verbal y retrasó su constitución psíquica. El autismo, a su vez, se presentó como un trastorno cualitativo en la comunicación, requiriendo una mayor inversión por parte de sus cuidadores para que se produjera la adquisición del lenguaje, pues necesitaba engancharse a nuestra cultura. Conclusión: Ante esta situación, este caso clínico demuestra la importancia del apoyo terapéutico a la familia y la continua inversión en la subjetividad, considerando y valorando los diferentes códigos culturales que conforman el núcleo familiar. (AU)
Humans , Male , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cultural Diversity , Emigration and Immigration , Autism Spectrum Disorder/psychology , Personality Development , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Child Development , Combat Disorders , Family Relations/psychology , Language DevelopmentABSTRACT
El maltrato infantil (MI) es un problema multidimensional. El estrés crónico producido por dicho fenómeno afecta el desarrollo cerebral de niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA), incidiendo negativamente en la evolución de diversos aspectos del desarrollo, condicionando su vida futura. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el desempeño sociocognitivo de NNA que han vivenciado MI, mediante el análisis de las funciones del neurodesarrollo, evaluado con subpruebas de la NEPSY II. Se analizan funciones ejecutivas y percepción social, bases del razonamiento y adaptación social. Se estudia el desempeño de 14 de NNA pertenecientes a un Programa de la Fundación Súmate, cuya Misión es la recuperación de la escolaridad NNA que han visto alterado el curso de su desarrollo por MI. Los resultados dan cuenta de alteraciones cerebrales asociadas al MI, las que se evidencian en un deficitario desarrollo funcional de las variables estudiadas. Existe grave descenso en los procesos y subprocesos del funcionamiento ejecutivo. En relación con la percepción social, la muestra estudiada presenta un mejor desarrollo, el que desciende a medida que aumenta la edad. Las funciones estudiadas tienen directa relación con el razonamiento cognitivo y desarrollo socio adaptativo, bases sobre las que se estructura el desarrollo académico. Los hallazgos, refuerzan la urgencia de abordar esta sensible realidad desde la práctica médica en la atención primaria y especializada. Los resultados también son de utilidad para orientar el desarrollo de políticas públicas que efectivamente contribuyan al progreso de nuestro país.
Abstract. Child maltreatment (MI) is a multidimensional problem. The chronic stress produced by this phenomenon affects the brain development of children and adolescents (NNA), negatively affecting the evolution of various aspects of development, conditioning their future life. The objective of this study is to analyze the sociocognitive performance of children and adolescents who have experienced IM, through the analysis of the performance of neurodevelopmental functions, evaluated through subtests of the NEPSY II. Executive functions and social perception, reasoning bases and social adaptation are studied. The performance of 14 NNA belonging to a Fundación Súmate Program is studied, whose mission is the recovery of NNA schooling that has seen the course of their development altered by IM. The results show brain alterations associated with MI, evidenced in a deficient functional development of the variables studied. There is a serious decline in the processes and threads of executive functioning. In relation to social perception, the studied sample presents a better development, which decreases as age increases. The functions studied are directly related to cognitive reasoning and socio-adaptive development, based on which academic development is structured. The findings reinforce the urgency of addressing this sensitive reality from medical practice in primary and specialized care. The results are also useful to guide the development of public policies that effectively contribute to the progress of our country.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Child Abuse/psychology , Executive Function , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, DescriptiveSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placenta Accreta/surgery , Placenta Accreta/psychology , Stress Disorders, Post-TraumaticABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) en una muestra de médicos residentes del Hospital de Clínicas, José de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, un año después del cierre total durante la cuarentena por COVID-19. Materiales y métodos: Se administraron los siguientes cuestionarios autoadministrados: una encuesta demográfica, el cuestionario de la Escala de Trauma de Davidson y la Escala de Experiencias Disociativas (EED). Se excluyeron a los residentes de primer año de especialidades básicas, a aquellos que por su especialidad no tienen contacto con pacientes y a los médicos con licencia fueron excluidos. Resultados: La prevalencia de TEPT fue de 24.3% (n=25). Las medianas de las puntuaciones de DES fueron mayores en los participantes con puntaje positivo para TEPT en comparación con los que no lo presentaban (Mann-Whitney U:13.30, p = 0.001). Se encontraron asociaciones entre el género (X2:6.074, p = 0.013), el TEPT y el tipo de especialidad (prueba exacta de Fisher, p = 0.017). No se encontraron otras asociaciones entre las demás variables analizadas y el TEPT. Conclusion: La prevalencia del TEPT fue similar a los informes previos. Se hallaron asociaciones entre este desorden, el género y el tipo de especialidad. Estos resultados deberían llamar la atención de los sistemas de salud para establecer medidas preventivas y terapéuticas para manejar esta situación.
Objective: Determine the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in a sample of resident doctors of the Hospital de Clínicas, José de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, one year after the total closure during the quarantine by COVID-19. Materials and Methods: The following self-administered questionnaires were dispensed: a demographic survey, the Davidson Trauma Scale questionnaire, and the Scale of Dissociative Experiences (EED). First year residents of basic specialties were excluded, those who for their specialty do not have contact with patients and licensed doctors were excluded. Results: PTSD prevalence was 24.3% (n = 25). The medium-sized ones were greater in the participants with positive score for PTSD compared to those who did not present it (Mann-Whitney U: 13.30, p = 0.001). Associations between the genre were found (X2: 6,074, p = 0.013), the PTSD and the type of specialty (Fisher's exact test, p = 0.017). No other associations were found between the other variables analyzed and the PTSD. Conclusion: The prevalence of the PTSD was similar to the previous reports. Associations between this disorder, gender and type of specialty were found. These results should draw the attention of health systems to establish preventive and therapeutic measures to handle this situation
Humans , Male , Female , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Dissociative Disorders/therapy , Mental Health Assistance , COVID-19 , Medical Staff, HospitalABSTRACT
El término violencia obstétrica tiene sus orígenes en Latinoamérica, se considera una expresión de violencia de género y de violencia institucional contra la mujer. Puede ser ejercida de dos maneras, física y psicológica, por lo que se pretende definir la violencia obstétrica, su origen, divisiones, relación con los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de la mujer, así como identificar sus consecuencias físicas y psicológicas. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en Medigraphic, SciELO y Google Académico, fueron incluidas únicamente las publicaciones que se encontraron a texto completo, en español, inglés y portugués durante los años 2014 al 2022. La violencia obstétrica provoca que los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres sean quebrantados, lo que hace imprescindible que todos los involucrados en la atención en salud conozcan las repercusiones físicas y psicológicas relacionadas que contribuyen a la morbimortalidad de la madre y el recién nacido, tales como: desgarros vaginales, problemas en la lactancia materna, síndrome de estrés postraumático y depresión posparto
The term obstetric violence has its origins in Latin America, it is considered an expression of gender violence and institutional violence against women. It can be exercised in two ways, physical and psychological, therefore, the aim is to define obstetric violence, its origin, divisions, and relation with women's sexual and reproductive rights, as well as to identify its physical and psychological consequences. A bibliographic search was conducted in Medigraphic, SciELO, and Google Scholar, including only publications that were found in full text, in Spanish, English, and Portuguese during the years 2014 to 2022. Obstetric violence causes the violation of women's sexual and reproductive rights, which makes it essential for all those involved in health care to be aware of the related physical and psychological repercussions that contribute to maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality, such as vaginal tears, breastfeeding problems, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and postpartum depression
Physics , Women , Reproductive Rights , Obstetric Violence , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Breast Feeding , Morbidity , Violence Against WomenABSTRACT
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been reported to be associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. The amygdala may have an important role in regulating cardiovascular function. This study aims to explore the effect of amygdala glutamate receptors (GluRs) on cardiovascular activity in a rat model of PTSD. A compound stress method combining electrical stimulation and single prolonged stress was used to prepare the PTSD model, and the difference of weight gain before and after modeling and the elevated plus maze were used to assess the PTSD model. In addition, the distribution of retrogradely labeled neurons was observed using the FluoroGold (FG) retrograde tracking technique. Western blot was used to analyze the changes of amygdala GluRs content. To further investigate the effects, artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF), non-selective GluR blocker kynurenic acid (KYN) and AMPA receptor blocker CNQX were microinjected into the central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA) in the PTSD rats, respectively. The changes in various indices following the injection were observed using in vivo multi-channel synchronous recording technology. The results indicated that, compared with the control group, the PTSD group exhibited significantly lower weight gain (P < 0.01) and significantly decreased ratio of open arm time (OT%) (P < 0.05). Retrograde labeling of neurons was observed in the CeA after microinjection of 0.5 µL FG in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM). The content of AMPA receptor in the PTSD group was lower than that in the control group (P < 0.05), while there was no significant differences in RVLM neuron firing frequency and heart rate (P > 0.05) following ACSF injection. However, increases in RVLM neuron firing frequency and heart rate were observed after the injection of KYN or CNQX into the CeA (P < 0.05) in the PTSD group. These findings suggest that AMPA receptors in the amygdala are engaged in the regulation of cardiovascular activity in PTSD rats, possibly by acting on inhibitory pathways.
Rats , Animals , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Receptors, AMPA , 6-Cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione/pharmacology , Receptors, Glutamate/metabolism , Amygdala , Weight Gain , Medulla Oblongata/physiology , Blood PressureABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the risk intensity and related influencing factors of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among high-stress rescue workers, and to provide effective tools for the risk assessment of PTSD in military rescue workers. Method: From June to August 2022, cluster sampling was used to select the high-stress rescue personnel of an Army department as the survey subjects. The acute Stress reaction (ASD) scale and PTSD checklist were used to evaluate the risk of PTSD in military rescue personnel. Multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the influencing factors of PTSD. Results: The age of 4 460 subjects was (24.38±4.072) years old, including 4 396 males (98.6%). The positive rate of initial screening for ASD was 2.85% (127/4 460). The positive rate of PTSD was 0.67% (30/4 460). Multivariate logistic regression model analysis showed that female, older age, recent trauma exposure history, passive smoking and alcohol consumption were at higher risk of ASD, the values of OR (95%CI) were 4.183 (1.819-9.618), 6.278 (1.363-28.912), 3.094 (1.500-6.379), 2.059 (1.298-3.267) and 2.607 (1.614-4.211), respectively; Lower education level was associated with lower risk of ASD, OR (95%CI) was 0.593 (0.359-0.978); People who are older, thinner, have a history of mental illness, and drink alcohol were at higher risk for PTSD, the values of OR (95%CI) were 20.144 (2.459-165.043), 10.287 (2.218-47.700), 91.104 (8.592-965.980) and 2.866 (1.144-7.180), respectively. Conclusion: Gender, age, education level, passive smoking, alcohol consumption, past history of mental illness and body mass index may be related to the potential risk of PTSD in rescue workers,passive smoking, alcohol consumption, and weight controlling should be focused on to reduce potential risks of PTSD.
Male , Humans , Female , Young Adult , Adult , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/prevention & control , Tobacco Smoke Pollution , Risk Assessment , Military Personnel , Alcohol DrinkingABSTRACT
@#This paper summarizes a lecture on psychiatry and spirituality, which examined research onthe relationship between religion, spirituality and mental health, and discussed theimportance of addressing spiritual issues in psychotherapy. In this article, religion andspirituality are first differentiated from one another. Next, research on the relationshipbetween religion and mental health is examined. Third, a theoretical model is presentedexplaining how religious involvement may affect mental and social health. Fourth, a review of religious/spiritually-integrated psychotherapy is presented with a focus ondepression/anxiety, moral injury, and PTSD. Finally, further resources for more informationabout the topic is provided. Because many people in the Philippines are religious, and religionaffects mental health one way or the other, it cannot be ignored by psychiatrists who practicein this country.
Religion , Spirituality , Depression , Anxiety , Suicide , Substance-Related Disorders , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , PsychotherapyABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on electrophysiological characteristics of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in dorsal hippocampus (dHPC) and ventral hippocampus (vHPC) in mice, and to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the plasticity of hippocampal neurons and memory regulation after PTSD. Male C57Thy1-YFP/GAD67-GFP mice were randomly divided into PTSD group and control group. Unavoidable foot shock (FS) was applied to establish PTSD model. The spatial learning ability was explored by water maze test, and the changes in electrophysiological characteristics of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in dHPC and vHPC were examined using whole-cell recording method. The results showed that FS significantly reduced the movement speed, and enhanced the number and percentage of freezing. PTSD significantly prolonged the escape latency in localization avoidance training, shortened the swimming time in the original quadrant, extended the swimming time in the contralateral quadrant, and increased absolute refractory period, energy barrier and inter-spike interval of glutamatergic neurons in dHPC and GABAergic neurons in vHPC, while decreased absolute refractory period, energy barrier and inter-spike interval of GABAergic neurons in dHPC and glutamatergic neurons in vHPC. These results suggest that PTSD can damage spatial perception of mice, down-regulate the excitability of dHPC and up-regulate the excitability of vHPC, and the underlying mechanism may involve the regulation of spatial memory by the plasticity of neurons in dHPC and vHPC.
Mice , Male , Animals , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Hippocampus , Spatial Learning , GABAergic NeuronsABSTRACT
This study aimed to explore the effect of Ganmai Dazao Decoction on the ethology of rats with posttraumatic stress disorder(PTSD) and study the related mechanism through the changes in magnetic resonance imaging and protein expression. Sixty rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, namely the normal group, the model group, the low(1 g·kg~(-1)), medium(2 g·kg~(-1)), and high-dose Ganmai Dazao Decoction groups(4 g·kg~(-1)), and the positive control group(intragastric administration with 10.8 mg·kg~(-1) of fluoxetine), with 10 rats in each group. Two weeks after inducing PTSD by single-prolonged stress(SPS) in rats, the positive control group was given fluoxetine hydrochloride capsule by gavage, the low, medium, and high-dose groups were given Ganmai Dazao Decoction by gavage, and both the normal group and the model group were given the same volume of normal saline by gavage, each for 7 days. The open field experiment, elevated cross elevated maze, forced swimming experiment, and new object recognition test were carried out for the behavioral test. Three rats in each group were selected to detect the expression of neuropeptide receptor Y1(NPY1R) protein in the hippocampus by Western blot. Then, the other three rats in each group were selected to use the 9.4T magnetic resonance imaging experiment to observe the overall structural changes in the brain region and the anisotropy fraction of the hippocampus. The results of the open field experiment showed that the total distance and central distance of rats in the model group were significantly lower than those in the normal group, and the total distance and central distance of rats in the middle and high-dose Ganmai Dazao Decoction groups were higher than those in the model group. The results of the elevated cross maze test showed that medium and high-dose Ganmai Dazao Decoction remarkably increased the number of open arm entries and the residence time of open arm of rats with PTSD. The results of the forced swimming experiment showed that the immobility time in the water of the model group rats was significantly higher than that of the normal group, and Ganmai Dazao Decoction hugely reduced the immobility time in the water of rats with PTSD. The results of the new object recognition test showed that Ganmai Dazao Decoction significantly increased the exploration time of new objects and familiar objects in rats with PTSD. The results of Western blot showed that Ganmai Dazao Decoction significantly reduced the expression of NYP1R protein in the hippocampus of rats with PTSD. The 9.4T magnetic resonance examination found that there was no significant difference in the structural image among the groups. In the functional image, the fractional anisotropy(FA value) of the hippocampus in the model group was significantly lower than that in the normal group. The FA value of the hippocampus in the middle and high-dose Ganmai Dazao Decoction groups was higher than that in the model group. Ganmai Dazao Decoction reduces the injury of hippocampal neurons by inhibiting the expression of NYP1R in the hippocampus of rats with PTSD, thereby improving the nerve function injury of rats with PTSD and playing a neuroprotective role.
Animals , Rats , Ethology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Fluoxetine , Hippocampus , Maze LearningABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#Firefighters are prone to suffer from psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the workplace, and have a poor prognosis after PTSD. Reliable models for predicting PTSD allow for effective identification and intervention for patients with early PTSD. By collecting the psychological traits, psychological states and work situations of firefighters, this study aims to develop a machine learning algorithm with the aim of effectively and accurately identifying the onset of PTSD in firefighters, as well as detecting some important predictors of PTSD onset.@*METHODS@#This study conducted a cross-sectional survey through convenient sampling of firefighters from 20 fire brigades in Changsha, which were evenly distributed across 6 districts and Changsha County, with a total of 628 firefighters. We used the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) to process data sets and used grid search to finish the parameter tuning. The predictive capability of several commonly used machine learning models was compared by 5-fold cross-validation and using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-AUC), accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.@*RESULTS@#The random forest model achieved good performance in predicting PTSD with an average AUC score at 0.790. The mean accuracy of the model was 90.1%, with an F1 score of 0.945. The three most important predictors were perseverance, forced thinking, and reflective deep thinking, with weights of 0.165, 0.158, and 0.152, respectively. The next most important predictors were employment time, psychological power, and optimism.@*CONCLUSIONS@#PTSD onset prediction model for Changsha firefighters constructed by random forest has strong predictive ability, and both psychological characteristics and work situation can be used as predictors of PTSD onset risk for firefighters. In the next step of the study, validation using other large datasets is needed to ensure that the predictive models can be used in clinical setting.
Humans , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Firefighters/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Algorithms , Machine LearningABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#This study investigated trends in the study of phytochemical treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).@*METHODS@#The Web of Science database (2007-2022) was searched using the search terms "phytochemicals" and "PTSD," and relevant literature was compiled. Network clustering co-occurrence analysis and qualitative narrative review were conducted.@*RESULTS@#Three hundred and one articles were included in the analysis of published research, which has surged since 2015 with nearly half of all relevant articles coming from North America. The category is dominated by neuroscience and neurology, with two journals, Addictive Behaviors and Drug and Alcohol Dependence, publishing the greatest number of papers on these topics. Most studies focused on psychedelic intervention for PTSD. Three timelines show an "ebb and flow" phenomenon between "substance use/marijuana abuse" and "psychedelic medicine/medicinal cannabis." Other phytochemicals account for a small proportion of the research and focus on topics like neurosteroid turnover, serotonin levels, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression.@*CONCLUSION@#Research on phytochemicals and PTSD is unevenly distributed across countries/regions, disciplines, and journals. Since 2015, the research paradigm shifted to constitute the mainstream of psychedelic research thus far, leading to the exploration of botanical active ingredients and molecular mechanisms. Other studies focus on anti-oxidative stress and anti-inflammation. Please cite this article as: Gao B, Qu YC, Cai MY, Zhang YY, Lu HT, Li HX, Tang YX, Shen H. Phytochemical interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder: A cluster co-occurrence network analysis using CiteSpace. J Integr Med. 2023; 21(4):385-396.
Humans , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/drug therapy , Hallucinogens/therapeutic use , Substance-Related Disorders/drug therapyABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION@#Increased healthcare demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic have overwhelmed nurses worldwide. Resilience of nurses has been impacted due to many factors (e.g., longer work shifts) causing psychological distress. The study aimed to determine the correlation of burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury with resilience among nurses assigned in COVID-19 wards.@*METHODS@#Virtual survey tools were sent to nurses of a public hospital to obtain data. Data were analyzed using JAMOVI and SPSS.@*RESULTS@#Levels of burnout showed moderate burnout in personal burnout (f=44) (65.7%); Moderate burnout in work-telated burnout (f=36) (53.7%); no/low level of burnout in client-related burnout (f=48) (71.6%). Level of compassion fatigue showed job burnout (f=59) (88.1%). Level of moral injury indicated “requiring clinical attention” (f=52) (77.6%). Level of resilience showed medium resilience (f=45) (67.2%). Correlation between burnout and resilience yielded negligible negative correlations between personal burnout and resilience (r=-0.160, p=0.031), work-related burnout and resilience (r=-0.222, p=0.008), and client-related burnout and resilience (r=-0.120, p=0.741). Correlation yielded weak negative correlations between compassion fatigue and resilience (r=-0.254, p=0.038) and between moral injury and resilience (r=-0.318, p=0.009). The linear regression showed no significant correlations between personal burnout and resilience (p=0.063), work-related burnout and resilience (p=0.070), client-related burnout and resilience (p=0.331), compassion fatigue and resilience (p=0.080), moral injury and resilience (p=0.227).@*CONCLUSION@#The findings showed significant correlations between personal burnout and resilience, work- related burnout and resilience, compassion fatigue and resilience, and moral injury and resilience. There were no significant correlations between client-related burnout and resilience. Multiple linear regression indicated burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury are not predictive factors for resilience.