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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0038, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569739


RESUMO Com o crescimento da indústria cosmética global, a busca pela estética e pelo rejuvenescimento impulsionou o aumento de procedimentos estéticos. A gordura autóloga é o tipo de preenchimento mais comum e mais grave relacionado à cegueira iatrogênica. A oclusão iatrogênica da artéria oftálmica é uma complicação rara (mas devastadora) das injeções de preenchimento facial. Embora diversos tratamentos tenham sido relatados e propostos, até o momento não há eficácia comprovada. Na identificação da oclusão de artéria central da retina, o tempo é de fundamental importância para o prognóstico visual do paciente. Os resultados, em geral, são insatisfatórios, e há pouca ou nenhuma evidência favorável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma paciente que apresentou oclusão de artéria central da retina após procedimento cosmético com gordura autóloga em região nasolabial.

ABSTRACT The global cosmetic industry growth and the desire for aesthetics and rejuvenation have increased the aesthetic procedures. Autologous fat is the most common and most serious type of filling related to iatrogenic blindness. Iatrogenic occlusion of the ophthalmic artery is a rare but devastating complication of facial filler injections. Although several treatments have been reported and proposed, to date there is no proven efficacy. In identifying central retinal artery occlusion, timing is crucial to the patient's visual prognosis. The results, in general, are unsatisfactory and there is little or no favorable evidence. This paper aimed to report the case of a patient who presented central retinal artery occlusion after a cosmetic procedure with autologous fat in the nasolabial region.

Humans , Female , Adult , Ophthalmic Artery/pathology , Retinal Artery Occlusion/etiology , Cosmetic Techniques/adverse effects , Embolism, Fat/etiology , Subcutaneous Fat/transplantation , Iatrogenic Disease , Postoperative Complications , Transplantation, Autologous , Injections, Intradermal/adverse effects , Fluorescein Angiography , Retinal Artery Occlusion/diagnosis , Visual Acuity , Blindness/etiology , Tomography, Optical Coherence
Int. j. morphol ; 40(5): 1219-1227, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405274


SUMMARY: Adipose tissue morphology of different fat tissue depots can be described using the number of adipocytes and cell surface of adipocytes. This study deals with characteristics and morphometric analysis of white and brown adipose tissue depots in healthy adult laboratory mice, hamsters and rats of both sexes. The number of unilocular adipocytes in white adipose tissue differs from one adipose tissue depot to another, with the largest number of adipocytes in mice and a similar number in hamsters and rats. The smallest surface area and the largest percentage of small unilocular adipocytes were found in mice. White adipose tissue in hamsters and rats was predominantly made out of a larger percentage of medium-sized adipocytes and a smaller percentage of small and medium-sized adipocytes. Uncoupling protein 1 positive multilocular adipocytes were found in classic brown adipose tissue depots with larger percentages in mice (93.20 %) and hamsters (91.30 %), while rats had a smaller percentage (78.10 %). In white and brown adipose tissue, significant differences between species and both sexes within the same species were found, indicating the influence of sexual dimorphism. The presented morphometric results could serve as a basis for further studies concerning experimental animal models of metabolic disorders and obesity.

RESUMEN: La morfología del tejido adiposo de diferentes depósitos de tejido graso se puede describir utilizando el número de adipocitos y la superficie celular de los adipocitos. Este estudio analiza las características y el análisis morfométrico de los depósitos de tejido adiposo blanco y marrón en ratones, hamsters y ratas de laboratorio, adultos sanos de ambos sexos. El número de adipocitos uniloculares en el tejido adiposo blanco difiere de un depósito de tejido adiposo a otro, con el mayor número de adipocitos en ratones y un número similar en hámsteres y ratas. La superficie más pequeña y el mayor porcentaje de adipocitos uniloculares pequeños se encontraron en ratones. El tejido adiposo blanco en hámsteres y ratas estaba compuesto predominantemente por un mayor porcentaje de adipocitos de tamaño mediano y un porcentaje menor de adipocitos de tamaño pequeño y mediano. Los adipocitos multiloculares positivos para la proteína desacopladora 1 se encontraron en depósitos de tejido adiposo marrón clásico con mayores porcentajes en ratones (93,20 %) y hámsters (91,30 %), mientras que las ratas tenían un porcentaje menor (78,10 %). En el tejido adiposo blanco y pardo se encontraron diferencias significativas entre especies y entre ambos sexos dentro de una misma especie, lo que indica la influencia del dimorfismo sexual. Los resultados morfométricos presentados podrían servir como base para futuros estudios sobre modelos animales experimentales de trastornos metabólicos y obesidad.

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Rats , Adipose Tissue, Brown/anatomy & histology , Subcutaneous Fat/anatomy & histology , Adipose Tissue, White/anatomy & histology , Viscera/anatomy & histology , Cricetinae , Sex Characteristics , Models, Animal
J. forensic med ; Fa yi xue za zhi;(6): 351-357, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985224


Objective To study the correlation between the abdominal wall subcutaneous fat thickness and heart weight, so as to provide reference for prediction methods of normal range of heart weight that is suitable for autopsy in China. Methods The forensic pathology autopsy cases accepted by Center for Medicolegal Expertise of Sun Yat-sen University from 1998 to 2017 were collected. Then the exclusion criteria were determined, and according to them the total case group was selected, and the 6 disease groups and the normal group were further selected from the total case group. The rank sum test was used to compare the heart weight of the normal group and the disease groups to determine the influence of diseases on heart weight. Then the Spearman rank correlation analysis of abdominal wall subcutaneous fat thickness and heart weight in different genders and different ages in the total case group and the normal group was conducted to get the correlation coefficient (rs). Results In the total case group, correlation between abdominal wall subcutaneous fat thickness and heart weight was shown in males of all ages (P<0.05); while in females, the correlation had no statistical significance (P>0.05) in 15-<20 age and 50-<60 age, but was statistically significant (P<0.05) in other age groups. For the males in the normal group, rs was respectively 0.411, 0.541 and 0.683 in the 15-<40 age, the 40-<60 age, and the ≥60 age. For the females, rs was respectively 0.249 and 0.317 in the 15-<40 age and the 40-<60 age. The correlation in the ≥60 age had no statistical significance(P>0.05). Conclusion In the general population and the normal population, abdominal wall subcutaneous fat thickness is correlated with the heart weight of males. It is of significance to include the abdominal wall subcutaneous fat thickness in the prediction of normal range of heart weight for males in China.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Abdominal Wall/diagnostic imaging , China , Heart/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Subcutaneous Fat/diagnostic imaging
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 716-724, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878011


BACKGROUND@#Obesity is a fundamental factor in metabolic disorders such as hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, fatty liver, and atherosclerosis. However, effective preventive measures are still lacking. This study aimed to investigate different surgical protocols for removing partial adipose tissue before the onset of obesity and determine whether, and by which protocol, preliminary adipose removal could exert potent preventive effects against diet-induced metabolic disorders.@*METHODS@#Male low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) knockout (KO) mice were randomly divided into four groups and subjected to epididymal fat removal (Epi-FR) surgery, subcutaneous fat removal (suQ-FR) surgery, both subcutaneous and epididymal fat removal (Epi + suQ-FR) surgery, or sham-operation. After 1 week of recovery, all mice were given a high-fat diet (HFD) for 10 weeks to induce metabolic disorders.@*RESULTS@#In the Epi-FR group and the sham-operated group, the mean numbers of the residual subcutaneous fat were 28.59 mg/g and 18.56 mg/g, respectively. The expression of relative genes such as Pparg, Cebpa, Dgat2, Fabp4 and Cd36 in the residual subcutaneous fat increased 2.62, 3.90, 3.11, 2.06, 1.78 times in the Epi-FR group compared with that in the sham-operated group. Whereas in the other fat-removal groups, the residual fat depots had no significant change in either size or gene expression, as compared with those of the sham-operated group. Plasma lipid and glucose levels and insulin sensitivity, as detected by the glucose tolerance test, were not significantly alleviated in the three fat removal groups. Liver mass or lipid content was not attenuated in any of the three fat removal groups. The atherosclerosis burdens in the entire inner aorta and aortic root did not decrease in any of the three fat removal groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Our data suggest that removal of epididymal adipose or subcutaneous adipose alone or in combination before the onset of obesity did not protect against hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, fatty liver, or atherosclerosis in LDL-R KO mice fed with a HFD. Hence, adipose removal possibly does not represent a potential approach in preventing obesity-related metabolic disorders in the obesity-susceptible population.

Animals , Male , Mice , Adipose Tissue , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Insulin Resistance , Liver , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Obesity , Subcutaneous Fat
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 20(3): 44-47, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253322


Introdução: A Fasceíte Necrotizante Cervical é uma infecção rara, geralmente com evolução rápida e progressiva da fáscia superficial e do tecido adiposo subcutâneo. Pode se desenvolver a partir de uma infecção odontogênica que se dissemina para os planos faciais e profundos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo relatar um caso clínico de uma paciente do gênero feminino, 49 anos de idade, atendida na Emergência do Hospital Getúlio Vargas-PE, com quadro clínico sugestivo de Fasceíte Necrotizante Cervical de origem Odontogênica. Relato de caso: O tratamento proposto foi antibioticoterapia parenteral de amplo espectro, desbridamento cirúrgico radical com instalação de dreno de penrose transfixante submandibular direito, múltiplas exodontias para remoção do foco primário da infecção, além de curativos orientado pela equipe de infectologia. Considerações finais: Excepcionalmente, as Fasceítes Necrotizantes Cervicais devem ter diagnóstico e manejo imediato, devido aos altos índices de destruição, rápida progressão e mortalidade. Nos casos de Fasceíte Necrotizante de origem odontogênica, a antibioticoterapia, remoção do(s) focos(s) de infecção, desbridamento cirúrgico e monitoramento intensivo constituem a terapêutica adequada... (AU)

Introduction: Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis is a rare infection, usually with rapid and progressive evolution of the superficial fascia and subcutaneous adipose tissue. It can develop from an odontogenic infection that spreads to the facial and deep planes. This study aims to report a clinical case of a 49-year-old female patient, seen at the Emergency Department of Hospital Getúlio Vargas-PE, with a clinical condition suggestive of Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis of Odontogenic origin. Case report: The proposed treatment was broad-spectrum parenteral antibiotic therapy, radical surgical debridement with the installation of a right submandibular transfixing penrose drain, multiple extractions to remove the primary focus of the infection, in addition to curatives guided by the infectology team. Final considerations: Exceptionally, cervical necrotizing fasciitis must have an immediate diagnosis and management, due to the high rates of destruction, rapid progression and mortality. In cases of Necrotizing Fasciitis of odontogenic origin, antibiotic therapy, removal of the foci (s) of infection, surgical debridement and intensive monitoring constitute the appropriate therapy... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Fasciitis, Necrotizing , Debridement , Fasciitis , Focal Infection, Dental , Bandages , Soil Flood-Bypass Channel , Emergency Service, Hospital , Subcutaneous Fat , Infectious Disease Medicine , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 411-418, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128328


Este trabalho investigou a influência da adiposidade em éguas Crioulas gestantes sobre o peso e o acúmulo de gordura de seus potros do nascimento aos quatro meses de vida. Foram avaliadas 28 éguas Crioulas no terço final de gestação, divididas em dois grupos (normais e obesas) quanto ao peso, à circunferência de pescoço, à altura da crista do pescoço e à gordura subcutânea na base da cauda, bem como quanto à relação dessas medidas com as de seus potros, do parto aos 120 dias de idade. Os filhos de éguas obesas apresentaram maior deposição de gordura na base da cauda, no segundo mês (P<0,05), e na crista do pescoço (P=0,0022), no quarto mês de idade. Houve correlação positiva da altura da crista do pescoço da égua com o peso dos potros ao nascer (P=0,01; r= 0,54) e do peso corporal das éguas com gordura na base da cauda dos potros ao nascimento (P=0,03; r=0,49), além de forte associação entre gordura na base da cauda das éguas obesas com essa medida nos seus potros aos quatro meses (P=0,01; r=0,71). Essa diferença entre os grupos de potros quanto à adiposidade sugere que filhos de éguas obesas são mais propensos a acumular mais gordura já nos primeiros meses de vida.(AU)

This work investigated the influence of adiposity on pregnant Crioulo mares on the weight and fat deposition of their foals from birth to four months of life. Twenty-eight Crioulo mares were evaluated during the final third of gestation, divided into two groups (normal and obese) regarding weight, neck circumference, neck crest height and fat at the tail base, and the relation of these measurements with those of their foals from birth to 120 days old. The obese mares presented higher fat deposition at the tail base in the 2nd month (P< 0.05) and crest of the neck (P= 0.0022) in the 4th month of age. There was positive correlation between height of mare's neck crest and foal weight at birth (P= 0.01, r= 0.54) and body weight of mares between the fat at tail base of foals at birth (P= 0.03, r= 0.49), as well as strong association between fat at the tail base in obese mares with this measurement in their foals at 4 months (P= 0.01, r= 0.71). This difference of adiposity between groups suggests that obese mare's offspring are more likely to accumulate more fat in the first months of life.(AU)

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Body Weight , Body Weights and Measures/veterinary , Subcutaneous Fat , Horses/anatomy & histology , Animals, Newborn/anatomy & histology , Adipose Tissue , Heredity , Obesity, Maternal/genetics
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 64(1): 24-29, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088778


ABSTRACT Objective A large number of studies have used abdominal computed tomography (CT) to quantify body composition, and different software programmes have been used to perform these analyses. Thus, this comparison is important to enable researchers to know the performance of more accessible software. Subjects and methods Fifty-four abdominal CT scans of obese (BMI 30 to 39.9 kg/m2), sedentary adults (24-41 years) patients from a Brazilian single center were selected. Two software programs were compared: Slice-O-Matic (Tomovision, Canada) version 5.0 and OsiriX version 5.8.5. The body composition analysis were segmented using standard Hounsfield unit (HU) (adipose tissue: -190 to +30 and skeletal muscle: -29 to +150) and measured at the mid third lumbar vertebra (L3) level on a slice showing both transversal processes. Bland-Altman limits of agreement analyses were used to assess the level of agreement between Slice-O-Matic and OsiriX. Results A total of fifty-four participants were evaluated, with majority women (69%), mean of age 31.3 (SD 6.5) years and obesity grade I most prevalent (74.1%). The agreement, in Bland-Altman analysis, between Slice-O-Matic and OsiriX analisys for the muscle mass tissue, visceral adipose tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue were excellent (≥ 0.954) with P-values < 0.001. Conclusion These findings show that Slice-O-Matic and OsiriX softwares agreement in measurements of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue and sarcopenia diagnosis in obese patients, suggesting good applicability in studies with body composition in this population and clinical practice.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Body Composition , Intra-Abdominal Fat/diagnostic imaging , Subcutaneous Fat/diagnostic imaging , Obesity/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results , Sedentary Behavior
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786216


Therapeutic angiogenesis is an important strategy to rescue ischemic tissues in patients with critical limb ischemia having no other treatment option such as endovascular angioplasty or bypass surgery. Studies indicated so far possibilities of therapeutic angiogenesis using autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells, CD34⁺ cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, adipose-derived stem/progenitor cells, and etc. Recent studies indicated that subcutaneous adipose tissue contains stem/progenitor cells that can give rise to several mesenchymal lineage cells. Moreover, these mesenchymal progenitor cells release a variety of angiogenic growth factors including vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor and chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1. Subcutaneous adipose tissues can be harvested by less invasive technique. These biological properties of adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) implicate that autologous subcutaneous adipose tissue would be a useful cell source for therapeutic angiogenesis in humans. In this review, I would like to discuss biological properties and future perspective of ADRCs-mediated therapeutic angiogenesis.

Humans , Angioplasty , Bone Marrow , Extremities , Fibroblast Growth Factors , Hepatocyte Growth Factor , Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins , Ischemia , Mesenchymal Stem Cells , Stem Cell Transplantation , Stem Cells , Subcutaneous Fat , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 113, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1139471


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effects of early determinants on adolescent fat-free mass. METHODS: A cohort study with 579 adolescents evaluated at birth and adolescence in a birth cohort in São Luís, Maranhão. In the proposed model, estimated by structural equation modeling, socioeconomic status (SES) at birth, maternal age, pregestational body mass index (BMI), gestational smoking, gestational weight gain, type of delivery, gestational age, sex of the newborn, length and weight at birth, adolescent socioeconomic status, "neither study/nor work" generation, adolescent physical activity level and alcohol consumption were tested as early determinants of adolescent fat-free mass (FFM). RESULTS: A higher pregestational BMI resulted in higher FFM in adolescence (Standardized Coefficient, SC = 0.152; p < 0.001). Being female implied a lower FFM in adolescence (SC = −0.633; p < 0.001). The negative effect of gender on FFM was direct (SC = −0.523; p < 0.001), but there was an indirect negative effect via physical activity level (SC = −0.085; p < 0.001). Women were less active (p < 0.001). An increase of 0.5 kg (1 Standard Deviation, SD) in birth weight led to a gain of 0.25 kg/m2 (0.106 SD) in adolescent FFM index (p = 0.034). Not studying or working had a negative effect on the adolescent's FFM (SC = −0.106; p = 0.015). Elevation of 1 SD in the adolescent's physical activity level represented an increase of 0.5 kg/m2 (0.207 SD) in FFM index (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The early determinants with the greatest effects on adolescent FFM are gender, adolescent physical activity level, pregestational BMI, birth weight and belonging to the "neither-nor" generation.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Birth Weight , Body Composition , Adolescent Development/physiology , Subcutaneous Fat/growth & development , Adiposity , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Body Mass Index , Cohort Studies , Gestational Age , Muscle Development , Adolescent Health , Social Determinants of Health , Latent Class Analysis
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(4): 458-467, oct.-dec. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047901


Introdução: A lipoaspiração tem sido submetida à evolução constante desde a sua consolidação e emprego sistemático. O auxílio de tecnologia ultrassônica de terceira geração, VASER® (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance), se destina a facilitar a execução da lipoaspiração e trazer maior segurança e resultados satisfatórios, especialmente na busca por maior definição e lipoaspiração superficial. Métodos: No período de 2015 a 2017, 76 pacientes foram submetidas à lipoaspiração para melhora de contorno corporal no Centro Hospitalar Santa Mônica em Erechim. Foram avaliados os resultados obtidos, as possíveis complicações e a segurança do emprego do VASER®. Resultados: A utilização rotineira do VASER® gera aperfeiçoamento de resultados em contorno corporal. A emulsificação gerada pelo dispositivo associada à lipoaspiração em diversos níveis permite uma maior definição e evidenciação dos marcos anatômicos. Conclusão: Lipoaspiração associada ao VASER® permite ao cirurgião plástico o refinamento de seus resultados com a preservação da segurança do paciente.

Introduction: Liposuction has been improved continuously since it was first introduced. The third-generation ultrasound technology VASERTM (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) facilitates liposuction, providing improved safety and satisfactory results, especially in the search for greater definition and superficial liposuction. Methods: From 2015 to 2017, 76 patients underwent liposuction to improve their body contour at the Santa Monica Hospital Center in Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results, complications, and the safety of VASERTM were evaluated. Results: The routine use of VASERTM improves body contour. The emulsification generated by the device, along with liposuction, resulted in greater definition and revelation of the anatomical landmarks. Conclusion: Liposuction associated with VASERTM allows plastic surgeons to refine the results better while ensuring patient safety is maintained.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Lipectomy , Adipose Tissue , Subcutaneous Fat/surgery , Patient Safety/standards , Body Contouring , Lipodystrophy , Postoperative Complications , Surgical Procedures, Operative/adverse effects , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Lipectomy/methods , Adipose Tissue/surgery , Subcutaneous Fat , Patient Safety , Body Contouring/adverse effects , Body Contouring/methods , Lipodystrophy/surgery , Lipodystrophy/complications
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(6): 2017-2024, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1055140


Objetivou-se estimar a associação fenotípica entre a eficiência alimentar e o ganho em acabamento de carcaça de touros jovens da raça Nelore. Utilizaram-se informações de 98 touros jovens da raça Nelore, participantes de duas provas de eficiência alimentar que empregaram o sistema de cochos eletrônicos Growsafe®, as quais foram realizadas nos anos de 2015 e 2016, na fazenda Capim Branco, da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. As provas de eficiência alimentar tiveram duração de 91 dias, sendo 21 dias de adaptação e 70 dias de avaliação. Os animais apresentavam idade média ao início e ao término do confinamento de 19,98 e 22,16 meses e peso inicial e final médio de 428,17 e 542,27kg, respectivamente. Verificou-se que os animais mais eficientes depositaram menos gordura, e os animais menos eficientes depositaram mais gordura durante o período de avaliação em confinamento. Observou-se que há uma associação fenotípica de baixa magnitude (0,29) entre o consumo alimentar residual (CAR) e o ganho em acabamento de carcaça (GACAB). Assim, pode-se inferir que, ao serem selecionados menores valores de CAR, haverá alguma interferência negativa em GACAB. Concluiu-se que animais mais eficientes (CAR negativo) podem apresentar menor deposição de gordura subcutânea, influenciando na qualidade de carcaça de bovinos da raça Nelore.(AU)

This study aimed to estimate the phenotypic association between feed efficiency and gain in carcass finishing of young Nelore bulls. Information from 98 young Nelore bulls participating in two feed efficiency tests using the Growsafe® electronic trough system, carried out in the years 2015 and 2016, at the Capim Branco farm of the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia was used .The feed efficiency tests lasted for 91 days, with 21 days of adaptation and 70 days of evaluation. The animals had a mean age at the beginning and end of the confinement of 19.98 and 22.16 months, and mean weight initial and end of 428.17 and 542.27kg, respectively. It was verified that most efficient animals deposited less fat, and the efficient animals deposited more fat during the evaluation period at the confinement. It was observed that there is a low magnitude phenotypic association (0.29) between the residual feed intake (RFI) and the gain in carcass finishing (GACAB). Thus, it can be inferred that by selecting lower values of residual feed intake there will be some negative interference in GACAB. It was concluded that the most efficient animals (negative RFI) may present lower deposition of subcutaneous fat, influencing the carcass quality of Nelore cattle.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Weight Gain , Subcutaneous Fat
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(3): 336-343, jul.-sep. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047149


Introdução: A lipoaspiração de definição abdominal consiste na criação de sulcos em locais específicos do abdome através da retirada de gordura em toda sua espessura, incluindo a camada superficial, permitindo um maior detalhamento da musculatura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados da técnica de lipoaspiração na definição abdominal. Métodos: Foram avaliadas 80 pacientes do sexo feminino no período de 2017 a 2018. O grau de definição e as complicações relacionadas ao procedimento foram avaliadas pelo autor. Todas as pacientes responderam um questionário padrão sobre grau de definição abdominal, satisfação, naturalidade do resultado, aumento da atividade física e melhora da alimentação. Resultados: A média de idade das pacientes foi de 38,97 anos e a média de índice de massa corporal, 24,01. Gestação prévia foi observada em 75% dos casos, cirurgia abdominal pregressa em 25% e tabagismo em 2,5%. Cirurgias simultâneas foram realizadas em 90%. Em relação ao tipo de cirurgia realizada, ocorreu a seguinte distribuição: 40% lipoaspiração isolada, 36,25% lipoabdominoplastia, 12,5% minilipoabdominoplastia, 10% lipoaspiração pós-abdominoplastia e 1,25% lipoabdominoplastia reversa. Grau 2 de definição abdominal foi observado em 86,25% e complicações ocorreram em 8 pacientes. O índice de satisfação foi de 91,7% e o resultado foi classificado como natural por 97,5% das pacientes. Conclusão: A lipoaspiração de definição abdominal promoveu um alto índice de satisfação e naturalidade à região abdominal. Esse resultado pode ser atingido através da técnica de lipoaspiração convencional, sem nenhum dispositivo tecnológico adicional. Contudo, são necessários novos estudos para avaliação dos resultados em longo prazo.

Introduction: Abdominal etching involves improvement of the appearance of the abdominal musculature by removing fat from several skin layers, including the superficial layer. This study evaluated the aesthetic results of abdominal etching using liposuction. Methods: The aesthetic results and surgical complications of female patients were evaluated between 2017 and 2018. All study patients answered a standard questionnaire about the extent of improvement in body image, overall satisfaction level, naturalness of the result, and changes in exercise and dietary habits. Results: The mean patient age was 38.97 years, while the mean body mass index was 24.01. In our sample, 75% of the subjects had previous pregnancies, 25% had previous abdominal surgeries, and 2.5% had a history of smoking. Simultaneous surgeries were performed in 90% of cases. The following surgery types were performed: liposuction alone (40.00%), liposuction + abdominoplasty (36.25%), miniabdominoplasty (12.50%), abdominoplasty + liposuction (10.00%), and reverse abdominoplasty (1.25%). Moderate aesthetic improvement was observed in 86.25% of the patients, and surgical complications occurred in eight patients. The satisfaction rate was 91.7%, and the result was classified as natural by 97.5% of the patients. Conclusion: Abdominal etching promoted high patient satisfaction and achieved a natural appearance of the abdomen. This surgical outcome was achieved using conventional liposuction without the need for additional techniques. However, further studies are needed to evaluate long-term outcomes.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , History, 21st Century , Lipectomy , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Subcutaneous Fat , Esthetics , Abdominoplasty , Body Contouring , Lipectomy/adverse effects , Lipectomy/methods , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Subcutaneous Fat/surgery , Esthetics/psychology , Abdominoplasty/adverse effects , Abdominoplasty/methods , Body Contouring/adverse effects , Body Contouring/methods
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 51(4): 279-287, Septiembre 26, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092258


Resumen Introducción y objetivos: El tejido adiposo subcutáneo se considera un depósito con un papel protector desde un punto de vista metabólico. El exceso de tejido adiposo desencadena en obesidad, la cual, está acompañada típicamente por resistencia a insulina, dislipidemia, e hipertensión arterial. No obstante, se conoce que existe un subgrupo de obesos que parecen estar protegidos de dichas complicaciones. Estos individuos son definidos como obesos sanos metabólicamente. A pesar de los avances en el conocimiento de las alteraciones que suceden en el tejido adiposo en obesidad, aún se desconocen los mecanismos que subyacen en el desarrollo de resistencia a insulina. Por lo tanto, en este trabajo, se estudió la asociación entre obesidad y desarrollo de enfermedad metabólica identificando factores y procesos que determinan la transición desde el fenotipo obeso sano y no sano, empleando preadipocitos provenientes de tejido adiposo subcutáneo. Metodología: Se emplearon datos de un estudio de proteómica comparada de preadipocitos de tejido subcutáneo obtenidos de pacientes obesos normoglucémicos no resistentes a insulina y de pacientes obesos con diabetes mellitus de tipo 2. El estudio proteómico, se llevó a cabo utilizando la técnica de iTRAQ combinada con LC-MSMS. Resultados y conclusiones: Las diferencias entre preadipocitos de tejido adiposo subcutáneo en sujetos normoglucémicos y con diabetes, afectan sobre todo a proteínas citosólicas y, en particular, a proteínas relacionadas con procesos metabólicos mientras que, las membranales no cambian entre fenotipos obesos. En el estudio se identificaron importantes diferencias en el perfil proteómico de los preadipocitos de tejido adiposo subcutáneo en obesidad, tanto en sujetos normoglucémicos como diabéticos, apoyando la importancia de estas células en el mantenimiento de la identidad del depósito graso. También se encontró que, la transición desde el fenotipo obeso sano hacia el no sano conlleva un mayor desarrollo de estrés oxidativo e inflamación en las células precursoras adipocitarias.

Abstract Introduction and objectives: The subcutaneous adipose tissue is considered as a depot with a protective role from a metabolic point of view. An excess of adipose tissue is triggered in obesity, which is accompanied by insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and arterial hypertension. However, it is known that, there is a subgroup of obese people who seem to be protected from obese complications. These individuals are defined as metabolically healthy obese. Despite the advances in the knowledge of the alterations that occur in adipose tissue during obesity, the mechanisms underlying the development of insulin resistance are still unknown. Therefore, in this work, we studied the association between obesity and the development of metabolic disease, we identified factors and processes that determined the transition of healthy and unhealthy obesity phenotype, using preadipocytes from subcutaneous adipose tissue. Methods: Data obtained from a comparative proteomics study of subcutaneous adipose tissue preadipocytes from normoglycemic obese patients-not resistant to insulin and from obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were used. The proteomic study was carried out using the iTRAQ combined with LC -MSMS. Results and conclusions: The differences between pre-adipocytes of subcutaneous adipose tissue in normoglycemic subjects and with diabetes affect mainly cytosolic proteins and, in particular, proteins related to metabolic processes while, membrane proteins do not change between obese phenotypes. In this study, we identified significant differences in the proteomic profile of preadipocytes from subcutaneous adipose tissue in obesity in both, normoglycemic and diabetic subjects, supporting the importance of these cells in the maintenance of the fat depot identity. We also found that, the transition from unhealthy to healthy phenotype in obesity, leads to further development of oxidative stress and inflammation in adipocyte precursor cells.

Humans , Proteomics , Blood Glucose , Diabetes Mellitus , Subcutaneous Fat , Obesity
Acta ortop. mex ; 33(4): 204-210, jul.-ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284941


Resumen: Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de citoquinas proinflamatorias en la grasa articular del paquete adiposo en pacientes con gonartrosis, en relación con la grasa subcutánea del muslo. Material y métodos: Efectuamos un estudio de grasa del paquete adiposo articular de la rodilla afectada de artrosis y de la grasa subcutánea del muslo del mismo lado, a la mayor distancia de la articulación en seis pacientes con gonartrosis grave, con una edad media de 68 años (rango: 55-81 años). De las muestras de grasa se obtuvieron las células mesenquimales progenitoras. Los sobrenadantes de células mesenquimales obtenidas se utilizaron para analizar factores inflamatorios (IL-1b, IL6, IL8, IL9, IL1ra, IL12, IL13, IL15) y angiogénicos (VEGF, PDGF bb), así como citoquinas inmunomoduladoras (IP-10 e INF-γ) y se compararon las medias de dos muestras. Resultados: El análisis cuantitativo reveló una disminución significativa (p < 0.05) de IL-1b, IL6, IL8, IL9, IL1ra, IL12, IL13 y un aumento de IL15 en la grasa de Hoffa frente al tejido adiposo subcutáneo. Del mismo modo, el análisis de factores angiógenicos como VEGF y PDGF bb, al igual que los factores IP-10 e INF-γ presentaron una disminución significativa en la grasa de Hoffa (p < 0.05) frente al tejido adiposo subcutáneo. Discusión: Las células mesenquimales del paquete adiposo articular de la rodilla artrósica grave muestran una disminución significativa de citoquinas inflamatorias, aun en el estado crónico, y una disminución significativa de factores angiogénicos y citoquinas inmunomoduladoras (IP10 e INF).

Abstract: Objective: To analyze the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines in osteoarthritis knee joint fat pad in relation to the subcutaneous fat of the thigh. Material and methods: We performed a study of fat of the knee joint adipose affected of osteoarthritis and subcutaneous fat of the thigh of the same side to the greater distance of the joint in six patients with severe gonarthrosis, with a mean age of 68 years (range: 55-81 years). From the fat samples the progenitor mesenchymal cells were obtained. The supernatants of mesenchymal cells obtained to analyze inflammatory factors (IL-1b, IL6, IL9, IL1ra, IL12, IL13, IL15) and angiogenic (VEGF, PDGF bb) and immunomodulatory cytokines (IP-10 and INF-γ) means of two samples. Results: Quantitative analysis revealed a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in IL-1b, IL6, IL8, IL9, IL1ra, IL12, IL13 and increase of IL15 in Hoffa fat pad versus subcutaneous adipose tissue. Likewise, the analysis of angiogenic factors such as VEGF and PDGF, as well as factors IP-10 and INF-γ presented a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in Hoffa fat pad versus subcutaneous adipose tissue. Discussion: Mesenchymal cells from the adipose tissue of the severe osteoarthritic knee show a significant decrease in inflammatory cytokines even in the chronic state and a significant decrease in angiogenic factors and immunomodulatory cytokines (IP10 and INF).

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cytokines/metabolism , Osteoarthritis, Knee/metabolism , Subcutaneous Fat/metabolism , Thigh , Adipose Tissue , Knee Joint , Middle Aged
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 873-877, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482060


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três metodologias de análise de área de olho de lombo (AOL), relacionado ao músculo Longissimus dorsi em suínos e bovinos e, a área de gordura subcutânea (AG) em suínos, a fim de determinar variações em relação ao uso destas técnicas. Foram utilizados os métodos de régua quadriculada, papel milimetrado e análise de imagens digitalizadas através do Software ImageJ. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença significativa entre eles (p>0,05), independente das espécies avaliadas e estruturas. Assim, para escolha do método a ser utilizado para estas avaliações, deve-se considerar a praticidade, disponibilidade de recurso e tempo de realização. Conclui-se que os três métodos apresentam boa predição para determinação de AOL e AG para bovinos e suínos.

Animals , Cattle , Meat/analysis , Meat/classification , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Subcutaneous Fat , Food Analysis/methods , Swine
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763577


BACKGROUND: Adequate bone formation around titanium alloy implants is integral to successful implantation surgery. Stem cell-coated implants may accelerate peri-implant bone formation. This study investigates the effect of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) pretreatment on a titanium-alloy surface in terms of proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells (hADSCs). METHODS: Allogenic leukocyte-depleted PRP was obtained from blood supernatants. The hADSCs were isolated from thigh subcutaneous fat tissue. Grit-blasted titanium plugs were used in two different groups. In one group, 200 µL of PRP was added to the grit-blasted titanium plugs. The hADSCs were seeded in two groups: grit-blasted titanium plugs with or without PRP. The number of hADSCs was measured after 4 hours, 3 days, and 7 days of culture using Cell Counting Kit-8. Osteogenesis of hADSCs was measured by using an alkaline phosphatase activity assay on days 7 and 14, and a calcium assay on days 14 and 21. Osteogenic gene expression was measured by using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis of alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and type I collagen mRNA. The microscopic morphology of grit-blasted titanium plugs with or without PRP was examined with a field-emission scanning electron microscope using a JSM-7401F apparatus on days 1 and 7. RESULTS: Proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hADSCs were found to be significantly higher on the grit-blasted titanium alloy preprocessed with PRP than the same alloy without pretreatment. Furthermore, a structural fibrillar mesh developed compactly on the grit-blasted titanium alloy with the PRP pretreatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that a hADSC-based approach can be used for tissue-engineered peri-implant bone formation and that PRP pretreatment on the grit-blasted titanium alloy can improve proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of hADSCs.

Humans , Alkaline Phosphatase , Alloys , Calcium , Cell Count , Collagen Type I , Gene Expression , Osteocalcin , Osteogenesis , Platelet-Rich Plasma , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Reverse Transcription , RNA, Messenger , Stem Cells , Subcutaneous Fat , Thigh , Titanium
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763680


BACKGROUND: The relationship between obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and metabolic disorders is complex and highly associated. The impairment of adipogenic capacity in pre-adipocytes may promote adipocyte hypertrophy and increase the risk of further metabolic dysfunction. We hypothesize that intermittent hypoxia (IH), as a pathophysiologic feature of OSA, may regulate adipogenesis by promoting macrophage polarization. METHODS: Male C57BL/6N mice were exposed to either IH (240 seconds of 10% O₂ followed by 120 seconds of 21% O₂, i.e., 10 cycles/hour) or intermittent normoxia (IN) for 6 weeks. Stromal-vascular fractions derived from subcutaneous (SUB-SVF) and visceral (VIS-SVF) adipose tissues were cultured and differentiated. Conditioned media from cultured RAW 264.7 macrophages after air (Raw) or IH exposure (Raw-IH) were incubated with SUB-SVF during adipogenic differentiation. RESULTS: Adipogenic differentiation of SUB-SVF but not VIS-SVF from IH-exposed mice was significantly downregulated in comparison with that derived from IN-exposed mice. IH-exposed mice compared to IN-exposed mice showed induction of hypertrophic adipocytes and increased preferential infiltration of M1 macrophages in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) compared to visceral adipose tissue. Complementary in vitro analysis demonstrated that Raw-IH media significantly enhanced inhibition of adipogenesis of SUB-SVF compared to Raw media, in agreement with corresponding gene expression levels of differentiation-associated markers and adipogenic transcription factors. CONCLUSION: Low frequency IH exposure impaired adipogenesis of SAT in lean mice, and macrophage polarization may be a potential mechanism for the impaired adipogenesis.

Animals , Humans , Male , Mice , Adipocytes , Adipogenesis , Hypoxia , Culture Media, Conditioned , Gene Expression , Hypertrophy , In Vitro Techniques , Inflammation , Intra-Abdominal Fat , Macrophages , Subcutaneous Fat , Transcription Factors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761722


Sparganosis is a parasitic infestation caused by sparganum, a plerocercoid tapeworm larva of the genus Spirometra. Since the first case of human sparganosis reported in 1908, sparganosis has been a global disease, and is common in China, Japan, and Southeast Asian countries. Consumption of raw snakes, frogs, fish, or drinking contaminated beverages are sources of human infections. Human sparganosis usually manifests in subcutaneous fat in areas such as the abdomen, genitourinary tract, and limbs. Breast sparganosis cases are rare, representing less than 2% of total cases of human infections. Complete surgical extraction of the sparganum is the treatment of choice. Because of the rarity of the disease, clinical suspicion is vital to reach the diagnosis of breast sparganosis. Here we report 2 rare cases of breast sparganosis presenting with a painless breast lump, both treated with surgical excision and sparganum extraction.

Humans , Abdomen , Asian People , Beverages , Breast , Cestoda , China , Diagnosis , Drinking , Extremities , Japan , Larva , Snakes , Sparganosis , Sparganum , Spirometra , Subcutaneous Fat