Describir las características clínicas de un grupo de pacientes con abstinencia moderada/grave tratados con dexmedetomidina de forma adyuvante al tratamiento con benzodiacepinas. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo a partir de los registros de historia clínica donde se seleccionó 11 casos que cursaron con diagnóstico de abstinencia alcohólica y que requirieron tratamiento con dexmedetomidina como adyuvante a benzodiacepinas entre el año 2018 y 2022. Las variables de resultado principal dosis máxima diaria alcanzada de dexmedetomidina, dosis total recibida de dexmedetomidina, días de tratamiento con dexmedetomina y días de internación en Unidad de Terapia Intensiva /Unidad de emergencias. Resultados. Once pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de este estudio los cuales recibieron dexmedetomidina en infusión continua durante un promedio de 4,8 días. La dosis máxima que recibieron de forma diaria presentó una media de 1526.18 microgramos. El 27% necesitaron más 7500 microgramos en total durante la internación. Durante la internación, 7 pacientes (63%) intercurrieron con complicaciones. Conclusiones. Puede considerarse a la dexmedetomidina como una opción eficaz en el tratamiento de abstinencia alcohólica
To describe the clinical characteristics of a group of patients with moderate/severe withdrawal treated with dexmedetomidine as an adjunct to treatment with benzodiazepines. Methods. A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out from the clinical history record where 11 cases were selected that were diagnosed with alcohol withdrawal and that required treatment with dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to benzodiazepines between 2018 and 2022. The main outcome variables were maximum dose. daily dose of dexmedetomidine reached, total dose of dexmedetomidine received, days of treatment with dexmedetomidine and days of hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit /Emergency Unit. Results. Eleven patients met the criteria for this study who received continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine for an average of 4.8 days. The maximum dose they received on a daily basis presented an average of 1526.18 micrograms. 27% needed more than 7500 micrograms in total during hospitalization. During hospitalization, 7 patients (63%) had complications. Conclusions. Dexmedetomidine can be considered as an effective option in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal
Humans , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/therapy , Dexmedetomidine/therapeutic use , Binge Drinking/therapy , Alcohol AbstinenceABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Verificar qual o tratamento mais indicado para a prevenção e redução dos sinais e sintomas de abstinência em crianças criticamente doentes por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura mundial. MÉTODO: A revisão sistemática será conduzida conforme a metodologia PRISMA e Cochrane, com registro no PROSPERO, sob o número de ID CRD42021274670, nas respectivas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, CINAHL, Cochrane Database Systematic Review e CENTRAL. As buscas serão realizadas por dois avaliadores independentes, um terceiro realizará o intermédio se necessário. Os dados serão inseridos no programa de software Zotero que irá excluir os artigos duplicados, após o material selecionado será transferido para planilha Excel em instrumento próprio. Os estudos serão classificados quanto ao seu nível de evidência, viés e fator de risco. Os resultados serão analisados e tabulados e discutidos a fim de melhor compreensão dos resultados. Se possível, serão realizadas meta-análises para os resultados agregados.
OBEJECTIVE: To verify the most appropriate treatment for the prevention and reduction of the signs and symptoms of abstinence in critically ill children through a systematic review of the world literature. METHOD: The systematic review will be conducted according to the PRISMA and Cochrane methodology, with registration at PROSPERO, under the ID number CRD42021274670, in the respective databases, PUBMed, LILACS, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, CINAHL, Cochrane Database Systematic Review, and CENTRAL, searches will be carried out by two independent evaluators, and a third party will perform the intermediate if necessary. The data will be entered into the Zotero software program that will delete duplicate articles after the selected material is transferred to an Excel spreadsheet on its instrument. The studies will be classified according to their level of evidence, bias, and risk factors. The results will be analyzed, tabulated, and discussed to understand the results better. If possible, meta-analyzes will be carried out for the aggregated results.
Humans , Child , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Child Health , Critical Illness , Systematic Reviews as Topic , AnalgesiaSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use Disorder/drug therapy , Smoking Cessation , Cigarette Smoking/drug therapy , Smoking Cessation Agents/administration & dosage , Quinolizidine Alkaloids/administration & dosage , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/prevention & control , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Receptors, Nicotinic/drug effects , Treatment Outcome , Smoking Cessation Agents/adverse effects , Duration of Therapy , Quinolizidine Alkaloids/adverse effects , Nicotine/antagonists & inhibitorsABSTRACT
A series of chemotherapeutic drugs that induce DNA damage, such as cisplatin (DDP), are standard clinical treatments for ovarian cancer, testicular cancer, and other diseases that lack effective targeted drug therapy. Drug resistance is one of the main factors limiting their application. Sensitizers can overcome the drug resistance of tumor cells, thereby enhancing the antitumor activity of chemotherapeutic drugs. In this study, we aimed to identify marketable drugs that could be potential chemotherapy sensitizers and explore the underlying mechanisms. We found that the alcohol withdrawal drug disulfiram (DSF) could significantly enhance the antitumor activity of DDP. JC-1 staining, propidium iodide (PI) staining, and western blotting confirmed that the combination of DSF and DDP could enhance the apoptosis of tumor cells. Subsequent RNA sequencing combined with Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) pathway enrichment analysis and cell biology studies such as immunofluorescence suggested an underlying mechanism: DSF makes cells more vulnerable to DNA damage by inhibiting the Fanconi anemia (FA) repair pathway, exerting a sensitizing effect to DNA damaging agents including platinum chemotherapy drugs. Thus, our study illustrated the potential mechanism of action of DSF in enhancing the antitumor effect of DDP. This might provide an effective and safe solution for combating DDP resistance in clinical treatment.
Female , Male , Humans , Cisplatin/pharmacology , Disulfiram/pharmacology , Testicular Neoplasms/drug therapy , Fanconi Anemia/drug therapy , Alcoholism/drug therapy , Drug Resistance, Neoplasm , Cell Line, Tumor , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/drug therapy , Apoptosis , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use , Cell ProliferationABSTRACT
Este artigo relaciona o paradigma manicomial, relativo à assistência psiquiátrica, à compreensão e ao manejo do campo da saúde mental, ao paradigma proibicionista, referente ao porte, uso e à circulação de drogas, como duas séries de políticas e práticas sociais que operam a guerra de raças que está na base do Estado brasileiro. Com isso, propomos uma investigação arqueogenealógica acerca do emaranhado de condições de emergência das práticas e objetos de saber-poder mobilizados por esses dois paradigmas, atentando ao caráter político das verdades que as sustentam. Dedicamo-nos especialmente ao período entre o final do século XIX e o começo do XX ao interrogar as dinâmicas de forças que constituem as práticas sociais e seus efeitos de subjetivação, produzidos pela sujeição de corpos por meio de uma diversidade de mecanismos morais, disciplinares, eugênicos, higienistas e biopolíticos que articulam os anseios de modernização e produtividade do Estado brasileiro à gestão dos problemas de saúde e segurança do país, colocando a pobreza, o vício e a doença como desdobramento da sua constituição racial. Concluímos, por fim, que o conflito de raças aparece como fundo intrínseco que se atualiza no cerne e a partir dos campos problemáticos da saúde mental e das drogas, colocando como saída dos impasses sociais e políticos eliminar ou pelo menos diluir, via miscigenação ou submissão para integração, o elemento físico e cultural do negro do Brasil.(AU)
This article puts in relation the asylum paradigm, associated to psychiatric care, to the understanding and management of the mental health field, to the prohibitionist paradigm, that refers to the possession, use and circulation of drugs, as two series of social policies and practices that operate racial war that is in the base of the Brazilian State. So on, we propose an archeogenealogical investigation about the emergency conditions of the practices and objects of knowledge-power organized by these two paradigms, paying attention to the political character of the truths that support them. Looking especially at the period between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, we questioned the dynamics of forces that constitute social practices and their effects of subjectivation, produced by the subjection of bodies through moral, disciplinary, eugenic, hygienist and biopolitics mechanisms that articulate the modernization and productivity aspirations of the Brazilian State to the management of the country's health and safety problems, understanding poverty, addiction and disease as consequences of its racial constitution. We conclude that the conflict of races is an intrinsic background that is updated at the heart of the problematic fields of mental health and drugs. Considering this, the solution for social and political impasses is the elimination or at least dilution, through miscegenation or submission for integration, of the physical and cultural element of black people in Brazil.(AU)
Este artículo relaciona el paradigma asilar de atención psiquiátrica, comprensión y manejo del campo de la salud mental, con el paradigma prohibicionista, referente a al uso y circulación de drogas, como dos series de políticas y prácticas sociales que operan la guerra racial que está en el fundamento del Estado brasileño. Así, proponemos una investigación arqueogenealógica sobre las condiciones de emergencia de prácticas y objetos de saber-poder movilizados por estos dos paradigmas, prestando atención al carácter político de las verdades que los sustentan. Nos dedicamos especialmente al período entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX buscando la dinámica de fuerzas que constituyen a las prácticas sociales y sus efectos de subjetivación, producidos por la sujeción de los cuerpos a través de una diversidad de mecanismos morales, disciplinarios, eugenésicos, higienistas y biopolíticos que articulan las aspiraciones de modernización y productividad del Estado brasileño a la gestión de los problemas de salud y seguridad del país, comprendiendo la pobreza, la adicción y la enfermedad como resultado de su constitución racial. Finalmente, concluimos que el conflicto racial aparece como un trasfondo intrínseco que se actualiza en el cerne y desde los campos problemáticos de la salud mental y de las drogas, tomando como soluciones a los impasses sociales y políticos nacionales, la eliminación o al menos la dilución, a través del mestizaje o de la sumisión para fines de integración, del elemento físico y cultural del negro en Brasil.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Illicit Drugs , Mental Health , Public Health , Racial Groups , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychomotor Agitation , Social Alienation , Social Problems , Social Work , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Black or African American , Dopamine , Poverty Areas , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Civil Rights , Community Health Services , Substance-Related Disorders , Dangerous Behavior , Aggression , Mental Health Assistance , Racism , Medicalization , Ethnic Violence , Social Segregation , Freedom , Workhouses , Hallucinations , Hospitalization , Language ArtsABSTRACT
Resumo Conceitos como o de alteridade, encontro de saberes, polifasia cognitiva, o princípio de familiaridade e de representações sociais operaram na complexa tarefa de compreender como os encontros entre profissionais e usuários sustentavam e/ou transformavam as práticas de acolhimento. Entretanto, a experiência da minha pesquisa de doutorado me levou a questionar os próprios conceitos utilizados da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Ao final do ensaio, após discutir aspectos teórico-metodológicos, o princípio de familiaridade e a questão da tensão e dos afetos nas representações sociais, espero evidenciar como o movimento provocado pelo encontro com usuários e profissionais de uma Rede de Atenção Psicossocial levou-me a questionar pontos essenciais da teoria: o papel domesticador das representações, a forma ainda estática de evidenciar os fenômenos, a separação entre um sujeito que representa e o objeto representado e a dificuldade em usar suas ferramentas conceituais para acompanhar processos me fazem repensar meu lugar e minha função de pesquisador.
Abstract Concepts such as alterity, encounter of knowledge, cognitive polyphasia, the principle of familiarity and the very concept of social representations operated in the complex task of understanding how the encounters between professionals and users supported and / or transformed user embracement practices. However, the experience of my doctoral research led me to question the very concepts used in the Theory of Social Representations. At the end of the essay, after discussing theoretical and methodological aspects, the principle of familiarity and the issue of tension and affects in social representations, I hope to show how the movement caused by the encounter with users and professionals of a Psychosocial Care Network, led me to question essential points of the theory: the domesticating role of representations, the still static way of showing phenomena, the separation between a subject that represents and the object represented and the difficulty in using their conceptual tools to accompany processes makes me rethink my place and role as a researcher.
Resumen Conceptos como la alteridad, el encuentro de saberes, la polifasia cognitiva, el principio de familiaridad y el concepto mismo de representaciones sociales operaron en la compleja tarea de comprender cómo los encuentros entre profesionales y usuarios apoyaron y / o transformaron las prácticas de acogimiento. Sin embargo, la experiencia de mi investigación doctoral me llevó a cuestionar los propios conceptos utilizados en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Al final del ensayo, después de discutir aspectos teóricos y metodológicos, el principio de familiaridad y el tema de tensión y afectos en las representaciones sociales, Espero mostrar cómo el movimiento provocado por el encuentro con usuarios y profesionales de una Red de Atención Psicosocial, me llevó a cuestionar puntos esenciales de la teoría: el rol domesticador de las representaciones, la forma todavía estática de mostrar los fenómenos, la separación entre un sujeto que representa y el objeto representado y la dificultad para utilizar sus herramientas conceptuales para acompañar procesos, me hace repensar mi lugar y rol como investigador.
Humans , Psychology, Social , Qualitative Research , Social Representation , Prejudice , Problem Solving , Psychiatric Nursing , Psychology , Public Policy , Sex Offenses , Social Isolation , Social Support , Social Welfare , Social Work , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Ill-Housed Persons , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Illicit Drugs , Mental Health , Treatment Refusal , Patient Satisfaction , Commitment of Mentally Ill , Life , Substance-Related Disorders , Crisis Intervention , Psychosocial Impact , Depressive Disorder , User Embracement , Drug Users , Drug Overdose , Community Integration , Psychological Trauma , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Health Risk Behaviors , Involuntary Treatment, Psychiatric , Self-Neglect , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Life Change Events , Mental DisordersABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Neuropsychiatric symptoms can be part of the clinical spectrum of COVID-19 infections. AIM: To devise an evidence based clinical algorithm as a guide for clinicians, to identify and treat underlying clinical syndromes of psychomotor agitation, such as delirium, catatonia or substance withdrawal in patients who are hospitalized and infected with SARS-CoV-2. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A review of the literature about the pharmacological management of neuropsychiatric manifestations of COVID-19 at the general hospital, to develop a clinical protocol based on a consensus from an interdisciplinary expert panel at a Clinical Hospital. Results: A consensual clinical algorithm for the management of delirium, catatonia, and substance withdrawal, manifested as psychomotor agitation in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, was developed as a clinical proposal for physicians at different levels of complexity in health services. CONCLUSIONS: Cooperation among different clinical units in the general hospital facilitated the implementation of a clinical algorithm for clinicians for the management of psychomotor agitation in COVID-19 patients.
Humans , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/drug therapy , Catatonia/etiology , Catatonia/drug therapy , Delirium/etiology , Delirium/drug therapy , COVID-19/complications , Psychomotor Agitation/etiology , Psychomotor Agitation/drug therapy , SARS-CoV-2 , Hospitals, GeneralABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the effect of sequential sedative and analgesic drugs in preventing delirium and withdrawal symptoms in children after ventilator weaning.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on 61 children who were admitted and received mechanical ventilation support for ≥5 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Dongguan Children's Hospital Affiliated to Guangdong Medical University from December 2019 to September 2021. The children were divided into a control group (30 children with no maintenance of analgesic and sedative drugs after ventilator weaning) and an observation group (31 children with sequential sedative and analgesic drugs maintained for 48 hours after ventilator weaning). The two groups were compared in terms of the Sophia Observation Withdrawal Symptoms Scale (SOS) score, the Pediatric Delirium Scale (PD) score, the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) score, and the incidence rates of delirium or withdrawal symptoms at 24 and 72 hours after ventilator weaning.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference in the incidence rate of delirium at 24 hours and 72 hours after ventilator weaning between the two groups (P>0.05). Compared with the control group, the observation group had significantly lower incidence rate of withdrawal symptoms and scores of SOS, PD, and RASS scales at 24 hours and 72 hours after ventilator weaning (P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Sequential sedation and analgesia after ventilator weaning can reduce the incidence of withdrawal symptoms within 72 hours after ventilator weaning, but it cannot reduce the incidence rate of delirium.
Child , Humans , Analgesia , Analgesics/therapeutic use , Delirium/prevention & control , Hypnotics and Sedatives/therapeutic use , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Pain , Prospective Studies , Respiration, Artificial/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/prevention & control , Ventilator WeaningABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical effect of SUN 's abdominal acupuncture and conventional acupuncture in the treatment of depression after methamphetamine withdrawal.@*METHODS@#A total of 80 female patients with depression after methamphetamine withdrawal were randomly divided into an observation group (40 cases, 1 case dropped off) and a control group (40 cases, 2 cases dropped off). The control group was treated with conventional acupuncture at Baihui (GV 20), Yintang (GV 29), Taichong (LR 3), Shenmen (HT 7), Neiguan (PC 6), Danzhong (GV 17), and the observation group was treated with SUN 's abdominal acupuncture at area 1 of the abdomen and area 8 of the abdomen. Both groups were treated once a day, 30 min each time, 6 days as a course of treatment, 1 day rest between treatment courses, a total of 4 courses of treatment. The scores of withdrawal symptoms, Hamilton depression scale (HAMD), Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) scale and serum serotonin (5-HT) level were compared between the two groups before and after treatment.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the scores of withdrawal symptoms, HAMD and the various scores and total score of PSQI scale in the two groups were all lower than before treatment (P<0.01), and the scores of withdrawal symptoms, HAMD and the sleep quality, time to fall asleep, sleep time scores and total score of PSQI in the observation group were lower than the control group (P<0.05, P<0.01). After treatment, the serum 5-HT level of the two groups was increased (P<0.01), and that in the observation group was higher than the control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#SUN 's abdominal acupuncture can improve withdrawal symptom, depression and sleep quality, increase serum 5-HT content in treatment of depression after methamphetamine withdrawal, and has better effect than conventional acupuncture.
Female , Humans , Abdomen , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Depression/therapy , Methamphetamine/adverse effects , Sleep Quality , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/therapy , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objetivo: Adaptar, para a língua portuguesa do Brasil, o instrumento Withdrawal Assessment Tool Version (WAT 1). Métodos: Pesquisa metodológica, realizada no município de São Paulo/SP de março de 2017 a abril de 2019. O processo de adaptação cultural obedeceu às dez etapas definidas segundo o Report of the ISPOR Task Force for Translation and CulturalAdaptation, sendo realizado avaliação das equivalências semântica, idiomáticas, conceitual e cultural, por um comitê de nove juízes; avaliação da compreensibilidade do instrumento por 30 especialistas em Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica; revisão da avaliação da compreensibilidade; revisão final da tradução; relatório final. Resultados: A concordância entre os juízes na análise das equivalências apresentou escore médio de 96,9% na segunda rodada, devido a concordância de 80% na primeira etapa. Já, na avaliação da compreensibilidade, obteve-se 100% de compreensão dos especialistas. Conclusão: A tradução e adaptação cultural do instrumento wat-1 para língua portuguesa falada no Brasil foram consideradas satisfatórias(AU)
Objective: To adapt the Withdrawal Assessment Tool Version (WAT - 1) to the Portuguese language of Brazil. Methods: Methodological research, carried out in the city of São Paulo/SP from March 2017 to April 2019. The process of cultural adaptation followed the ten stages defined according to the Report of the ISPOR Task Force for Translation and Cultural Adaptation: authorization; translation, reconciliation, backtranslation; back-translation review; harmonization, with the evaluation of semantic, idiomatic, conceptual and cultural equivalences carried out by a committee of nine judges; evaluation of the comprehensibility of the instrument by 30 specialists in Pediatric Intensive Care TIP; review of the comprehensibility assessment; final translation review; final report. Results: The adapted instrument was divided into 35 sentences, being evaluated by nine judges regarding their equivalences. The agreement among the judges in the analysis of equivalences proved to be excellent, with an average score of 96.9% in these cond round. There was a need for two rounds, as some items did not show 80% agreement in the first stage. In the comprehensibility assessment, 100% of the specialists' understanding was obtained. Conclusion: The translation and cultural adaptation of the wat-1 instrument to the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil were considered satisfactory.(AU)
Objetivo: Adaptar la Versión de la Herramienta de Evaluación de Retiros (WAT - 1) al idioma portugués de Brasil. Métodos: Investigación metodológica, realizada en la ciudad de São Paulo/SP de marzo de 2017 a abril de 2019. Cuyo proceso de adaptación cultural siguió las diez etapas definidas según el Informe del Grupo de Trabajo ISPOR para la Traducción y Adaptación Cultural: autorización; traducción, reconciliación, retrotraducción; revisión de la retrotraducción; armonización, con la evaluación de equivalencias semánticas, idiomáticas, conceptuales y culturales realizada por un comité de nueve jueces; evaluación de la comprensibilidad del instrumento por 30 especialistas en Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos TIP; revisión de la evaluación de comprensibilidad; revisión final de la traducción; informe final. Resultados: El instrumento adaptado se dividió en 35 sentencias, siendo evaluadas por nueve jueces en cuanto a sus equivalencias. La concordancia entre los jueces en el análisis de equivalencias resultó excelente, con una puntuación media de 96,9% en la segunda vuelta. Hubo necesidad de dos rondas, ya que algunos ítems no mostraron un 80% de acuerdo en la primera etapa. En la etapa de la evaluación de comprensibilidad, se obtuvo el 100% de la comprensión de los especialistas. Conclusión: La traducción y adaptación cultural del instrumento wat-1 al idioma portugués hablado en Brasil fue considerada satisfactoria.(AU)
Pediatric Nursing , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Validation Study , Deep SedationABSTRACT
Abstract Regarding the proven anticonvulsant effect of Zhumeria majdae essential oil (ZMEO) in previous studies we were prompted to investigate the ZMEO effects on the tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects of morphine and the morphine withdrawal syndrome. Tolerance to the morphine anticonvulsant effect was induced in mice by subcutaneous injection of 2.5 mg/kg of morphine for 4 days. Subsequent doses of ZMEO (20 mg/kg) were used to study the expression and development of morphine tolerance. Clonidine was used as the standard drug to inhibit the morphine withdrawal syndrome symptoms. To study the ZMEO effect on withdrawal syndrome, mice received appropriate morphine values for 4 days and on the fifth day, 60 min before administration of naloxone. The effective dose of ZMEO was determined and the number of jumps, stands and changes in the dry stool weight, as symptoms of withdrawal syndrome were evaluated. The dose of 20 mg/kg of ZMEO decreased the tolerance in development and expression groups significantly. Counting the number of jumping, standing and defecation were assessed 30 min after morphine and 1 h after the vehicle and clonidine. The dose of 40 mg/kg ZMEO decreased all the signs of withdrawal syndrome significantly. ZMEO was analyzed by GC/MS and linalool (53.1%) and camphor (23.8%) were characterized as the main components. The results suggest that ZMEO possesses constituent(s) that have activity against tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects of morphine and the morphine withdrawal symptoms.
Resumo Em relação ao efeito anticonvulsivante comprovado do óleo essencial de Zhumeria majdae (ZMEO) em estudos anteriores, fomos instigados a investigar os efeitos do ZMEO em relação à tolerância aos efeitos anticonvulsivantes da morfina e da síndrome de abstinência de morfina. A tolerância ao efeito anticonvulsivante da morfina foi induzida em camundongos por injeção subcutânea de 2,5 mg/kg de morfina por 4 dias. Doses subsequentes de ZMEO (20 mg/kg) foram utilizadas para estudar a expressão e o desenvolvimento da tolerância à morfina. A clonidina foi usada como droga padrão para inibir os sintomas da síndrome de abstinência da morfina. Para estudar o efeito do ZMEO na síndrome de abstinência, os camundongos receberam valores apropriados de morfina por 4 dias e, no 5º dia, 60 minutos antes da administração de naloxona. A dose efetiva de ZMEO foi determinada, e o número de saltos e de permanência e as alterações no peso das fezes secas, conforme os sintomas da síndrome de abstinência, foram avaliados. A dose de 20 mg/kg de ZMEO diminuiu significativamente a tolerância nos grupos de desenvolvimento e expressão. A contagem do número de saltos, permanência e defecação foi avaliada 30 minutos após a morfina e 60 minutos após o veículo e a clonidina. A dose de 40 mg/kg de ZMEO diminuiu significativamente todos os sinais da síndrome de abstinência. O ZMEO foi analisado por GC/MS, e linalol (53,1%) e cânfora (23,8%) foram caracterizados como os principais componentes. Os resultados sugerem que o ZMEO apresenta constituintes que possuem atividade contra a tolerância aos efeitos anticonvulsivantes da morfina e aos sintomas de abstinência da morfina.
Animals , Rabbits , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/drug therapy , Oils, Volatile , Pentylenetetrazole/toxicity , Pentylenetetrazole/therapeutic use , Seizures/chemically induced , Seizures/drug therapy , Morphine/therapeutic use , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
RESUMEN El trastorno por consumo de alcohol es una de las principales causas de morbimortalidad en el mundo. La enfermedad hepática alcohólica es una complicación común de este trastorno y la encefalopatía hepática es una seria comorbilidad de la cirrosis alcohólica. Los factores precipitantes pueden relacionarse con infección, sangrado gastrointestinal, deshidratación o efectos de psicofármacos (p. ej., benzodiacepinas e hipnóticos no benzodiacepínicos). Se expone un caso del manejo hospitalario de un paciente con un trastorno severo por consumo de alcohol, cirrosis y encefalopatía hepática, quien desarrolla síntomas de abstinencia alcohólica durante su hospitalización y la complejidad del manejo antagónico de un delirium gabaérgico propio de la encefalopatía hepática en el contexto de un delirium glutamatérgico-noradrenérgico por abstinencia alcohólica.
ABSTRACT Alcohol use disorder is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in the world. Alcoholic liver disease is a common complication of this disorder, and hepatic encephalopathy is a serious complication of alcoholic cirrhosis. Precipitating factors may be related to infection, gastrointestinal bleeding, dehydration or the effects of psychotropic drugs (e.g. benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics). We present a case of the hospital management of a patient with a severe alcohol use disorder, cirrhosis and hepatic encephalopathy who developed alcohol withdrawal symptoms while in hospital, and discuss the complexity of the antagonistic management of a GABAergic delirium characteristic of hepatic encephalopathy in the context of a glutamatergic-noradrenergic delirium due to alcohol withdrawal.
Humans , Male , Aged , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Precipitating Factors , Delirium , Psychotropic Drugs , Therapeutics , Benzodiazepines , Comorbidity , Dehydration , Alcoholism , Hypnotics and Sedatives , Liver Cirrhosis, Alcoholic , Liver Diseases, AlcoholicABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has a key role in drug addiction susceptibility. In addition to the well-known relationship between cortisol and the HPA axis, other molecules are involved with stress response and could modify the HPA activation, such as the neuropeptide Y (NPY), which has anxiolytic proprieties. There are few studies evaluating the effect of NPY levels on addiction, especially in crack cocaine dependence. Objective To evaluate NPY in crack users during early withdrawal to determine its relationship with drug use and cortisol levels. Methods We analyzed 25 male inpatient crack users. Serum NPY levels were measured at admission and discharge (mean of 24 days). Morning salivary cortisol was measured at admission. Results Serum NPY levels at admission and discharge were very similar. Lower NPY levels at discharge were associated with higher lifetime crack use. Also, a negative correlation was found between morning cortisol and delta NPY (NPY discharge - NPY admission). Conclusion These preliminary findings indicate that crack use influences the modulation of NPY levels and modifies stress response. The NPY pathway may play an important role in the pathophysiology of crack addiction, and the anxiolytic effect of NPY may be impaired in crack users. Future studies should consider NPY as a measurable indicator of the biological state in addiction.
Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Stress, Psychological/blood , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/blood , Neuropeptide Y/blood , Hydrocortisone/blood , Crack Cocaine , Cocaine-Related Disorders/blood , InpatientsABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the association between childhood trauma (CT) and serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) during crack-cocaine withdrawal. Method: Thirty-three male crack-cocaine users were recruited at admission to a public addiction treatment unit. Serum BDNF and TBARS levels were evaluated at intake and discharge. Information about drug use was assessed by the Addiction Severity Index-6th Version (ASI-6); CT was reported throughout the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). CTQ scores were calculated based on a latent analysis model that divided the sample into low-, medium-, and high-level trauma groups. Results: There was a significant increase in BDNF levels from admission to discharge, which did not differ across CT subgroups. For TBARS levels, we found a significant time vs. trauma interaction (F2,28 = 6.357, p = 0.005,ηp 2 = 0.312). In participants with low trauma level, TBARS decreased, while in those with a high trauma level, TBARS increased during early withdrawal. Conclusion: TBARS levels showed opposite patterns of change in crack-cocaine withdrawal according to baseline CT. These results suggest that CT could be associated with more severe neurological impairment during withdrawal.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/psychology , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/blood , Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances/analysis , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/blood , Cocaine-Related Disorders/psychology , Cocaine-Related Disorders/therapy , Adult Survivors of Child Adverse Events/psychology , Crack Cocaine , Cocaine-Related Disorders/bloodABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction and objectives: Ropivacaine is a long-acting local anesthetic that causes prolonged anesthesia and is beneficial for a wide variety of surgeries. Systemic toxicity has been reported after usage of high dose ropivacaine or inadvertent intravascular administration. We report a case of ropivacaine withdrawal, which to our knowledge has not been previously described in the literature. Case report: The patient presented to our department with uncontrolled belt-like upper-abdominal pain, self-rated as a 9/10 on the numeric rating scale. We decided to use continuous epidural analgesia with ropivacaine through a multi-port epidural catheter. Pain was well controlled for one month without significant adverse effects. However, ropivacaine unexpectedly ran out and two hours later the patient developed agitation, generalized tremor, tachycardia, and tachypnea. These symptoms resolved 30 minutes after reinitiating epidural ropivacaine. Discussion: Our hypothesis of ropivacaine withdrawal was related to the timing of symptoms in relation to drug administration over two episodes. The possible mechanism of the observed withdrawal syndrome is upregulation of voltage-gated sodium channels after prolonged inhibition, resulting in increase in sodium influx and genetic variation.
Resumo Justificativa e objetivos: A ropivacaína é um anestésico local de ação prolongada indicado em uma ampla variedade de cirurgias. Toxicidade sistêmica tem sido relatada após o uso de dose alta de ropivacaína ou administração intravascular inadvertida. Relatamos um caso de crise de abstinência de ropivacaína que, até onde sabemos, não foi descrita anteriormente na literatura. Relato do caso: O paciente procurou nosso departamento com dor não controlada abdominal do tipo em cinta, avaliada pelo paciente como sendo 9/10 no escala de avaliação numérica. Decidimos usar analgesia peridural contínua com ropivacaína através de cateter peridural multiperfurado. A dor foi bem controlada por um mês sem efeitos adversos significativos. No entanto, a ropivacaína inesperadamente se esgotou e, duas horas depois, o paciente desenvolveu agitação, tremor generalizado, taquicardia e taquipneia. Esses sintomas regrediram completamente 30 minutos após o reinício da ropivacaína por via peridural. Discussão: Nossa hipótese de abstinência de ropivacaína foi relacionada à cronologia dos sintomas em relação à administração da droga ao longo de dois episódios. O possível mecanismo da síndrome de abstinência observada é a regulação positiva dos canais de sódio dependentes de voltagem após inibição prolongada, resultando em aumento do influxo de sódio e variação genética.
Humans , Male , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/etiology , Analgesia, Epidural , Ropivacaine/analogs & derivatives , Anesthetics, Local/adverse effects , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Proposições de modificação da Atenção no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) às pessoas que usam drogas têm desconsiderado suas necessidades, demandas e expectativas. A partir de contribuições da Saúde Coletiva, buscou-se compreendê-las por meio de pesquisa qualitativa que envolveu entrevistas semiestruturadas, grupos focais e observação participante em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial-Álcool e Drogas (Caps-AD). Constatou-se que os usuários se dirigem aos serviços não apenas para interromper o consumo de drogas, mas também para reduzi-lo, para receber atenção em relação a comprometimentos orgânicos ou psíquicos, construir laços sociais, ter acesso a condições básicas de vida e conquistar autonomia. A pesquisa, ao ampliar as compreensões sobre as demandas, necessidades e expectativas das pessoas que usam drogas, apresentou contribuições para a análise e redefinição das práticas e do modelo de atenção adotados no SUS.(AU)
Proposals to modify the care provided for drug users in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS) have not been considering their needs, demands and expectations. Based on contributions from Collective Health, our objective was to understand them by means of a qualitative research that involved semi-structured interviews, focus groups and participant observation at Alcohol and Drugs Psychosocial Care Centers (Caps AD). We found that users go to the services not only to interrupt drug use, but also to reduce it, to receive care for organic or psychological problems, to construct social bonds, to have access to basic life conditions, and to achieve autonomy. By amplifying the understanding about the demands, needs and expectations of people who use drugs, the research has contributed to the analysis and redefinition of the care practices and model adopted by SUS.(AU)
Las propuestas de modificación de la atención en el Sistema Brasileño de Salud (SUS) para las personas que usan drogas han desconsiderado sus necesidades, demandas y expectativas. A partir de contribuciones de la Salud Colectiva, se buscó comprenderlas por medio de una investigación cualitativa que envolvió entrevistas semiestructuradas, grupos focales y observación participante en Centros de Atención Psicosocial - Alcohol y Drogas (Caps AD). Se constató que los usuarios se dirigen a los servicios no solo para interrumpir el consumo de drogas, sino también para reducirlo, para recibir atención para comprometimientos orgánicos o psíquicos, construir lazos sociales, tener acceso a condiciones básicas de vida y conquistar autonomía. La investigación, al ampliar las comprensiones sobre las demandas, necesidades y expectativas de las personas que usan drogas, presentó contribuciones para el análisis y redefinición de las prácticas y del modelo de atención adoptados en el SUS.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome/psychology , Drug Users/psychology , Health Services Needs and Demand/trends , Mental Health Services/ethics , Public Health , Delivery of Health CareABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a motivaçaÌo para primeira experieÌncia no uso de drogas e recaiÌdas apoÌs abstineÌncia por pessoas com dependeÌncia quiÌmica induzida pelo crack. Estudo descritivo, de abordagem mista. Foram realizadas 600 entrevistas com a utilizaçaÌo de questionaÌrio estruturado, na etapa quantitativa, e oito grupos focais, na etapa qualitativa, com total de 39 participantes. Para anaÌlise de dados utilizou-se o software SPSS e o meÌtodo de interpretaçaÌo de sentidos. A curiosidade motivou a iniciaçaÌo do uso de drogas, assim como a pressaÌo dos amigos e problemas familiares. JaÌ a dificuldade de ficar sem a droga, vontade de sentir o efeito novamente, pressaÌo de amigos, problemas familiares, decepçaÌo pela desconfiança dos familiares e o uso de drogas na proÌpria instituiçaÌo de tratamento foram relatados como motivadores de recaiÌda. Os dados em ambas as metodologias foram convergentes e ratificaram os resultados obtidos.
The aim of this study was to investigate the motivation for first-time drug use and relapses after abstinence of people with chemical dependency to crack cocaine. A descriptive study, with a mixed approach. In the quantitative phase, six hundred interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire. In the qualitative phase, eight focus groups were created, with 39 total participants. SPSS software and the sense interpretation method were used to analyze the data. Curiosity, as well as peer pressure and family problems, motivated the initiation of drug use. Difficulty to live without the drug, desire to feel its effect again, peer pressure, family problems, disappointment in lack of trust of family members, and drug use at the rehabilitation institution were reported as relapse motivators. The data in both methodologies were convergent and confirmed the obtained results.