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Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 15(2): 54-62, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391656


INTRODUCCIÓN: El consumo de edulcorantes no nutritivos (ENN) ha ido en aumento. A pesar de ello, se desconoce el efecto entre el consumo habitual de ENN y las preferencias alimentarias con parámetros bioquímicos en pacientes con resistencia a la insulina. OBJETIVO: Comparar la respuesta glicémica y de péptido C, según habitualidad de consumo de edulcorantes y preferencias alimentarias reportados por mujeres con resistencia a la insulina tras la ingesta de estevia y D-tagatosa. MÉTODOS: Treinta y tres mujeres con RI se sometieron a una encuesta de opción múltiple sobre preferencias alimentarias y ETCC modificada de edulcorantes. Aleatoriamente recibieron una precarga de control o experimental (estevia y D-tagatosa) donde se midió glicemia y péptido C en los tiempos -10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180. RESULTADOS: Se encontró un ABC de péptido C más alto después de la ingesta de D-tagatosa (p = 0,02) en pacientes que prefieren alimentos ricos en proteínas en comparación con aquellos que prefieren alimentos ricos en grasas o en carbohidratos simples. Se observó un mayor ABC de péptido C (p = 0,04) para la prueba control en quienes prefieren el sabor salado y consumen menor cantidad de ENN, sin diferencias significativas entre quienes prefirieron sabor dulce. CONCLUSIONES: Al comparar las respuestas glicémicas e insulinémicas entre habitualidad de consumo de edulcorantes y preferencias alimentarias reportados por las pacientes tras la ingesta de agua, estevia y D-Tagatosa, no se obtuvieron diferencias significativas. Salvo en quienes preferían alimentos ricos en proteínas tras la ingesta de D- tagatosa y quienes preferían sabor salado con menor consumo habitual de ENN tras ingesta control.

INTRODUCTION: The consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) has been increasing. Despite this, the effect between the habitual consumption of ENN and food preferences with biochemical parameters in patients with insulin resistance is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To compare the glycemic and C-peptide response, according to the habitual consumption of sweeteners and food preferences reported by women with insulin resistance after ingesting stevia and D-tagatose. METHODS: Thirty-three women with IR underwent a multiple choice survey on food preferences and modified ETCC for sweeteners. They randomly received a control or experimental preload (stevia and D-tagatose) where glycemia and peptide C were measured at times -10, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180. RESULTS: A higher C-peptide AUC was found after ingestion of D-tagatose (p = 0.02) in patients who prefer foods rich in protein compared to those who prefer foods rich in fat or simple carbohydrates. A higher AUC of peptide C (p = 0.04) is performed for the control test in those who prefer a salty taste and consume a lower amount of ENN, without significant differences between those who prefer a sweet taste. CONCLUSION: When comparing the glycerol and insulin responses between the habitual consumption of sweeteners and the food preferences reported by the patients after the ingestion of water, stevia and D-Tagatose, no significant differences were obtained. Except in those who prefer foods rich in protein after ingesting D-tagatose and those who prefer salty taste with less habitual consumption of NNS after control intake.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Blood Glucose/drug effects , C-Peptide/drug effects , Insulin Resistance , Feeding Behavior , Non-Nutritive Sweeteners/pharmacology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Blood Glucose/analysis , C-Peptide/analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Stevia , Food Preferences , Hexoses/pharmacology
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1101301


Abstract Objective: To study the adherence of Streptococcus mutans biofilm after induction with sucrose and xylitol. Material and Methods: Laboratory experimental study incorporating posttest-only control group design. S. mutans biofilm was generated for 24 hours at a temperature of 37°C using BHIB with 5% sucrose and BHIB with 1% xylitol. An adherence assay was conducted in accordance with the method applied previously. The quantity of adhered bacteria was measured by means of a spectrophotometer at 570 nm. The data were presented as mean and standard deviation. Results: A biofilm induced with sucrose has a higher adherence level (0.9294 ± 0.0431) compared with one induced with xylitol (0.5095 ± 0.0392). Sucrose induces adherence levels by increasing glucan binding protein and glucosyltransferase of the bacteria, whereas xylitol will inhibit the glycolysis process of the bacteria. Conclusion: The adherence of sucrose-induced S. mutans biofilm is higher than that of xylitol-induced S. mutans biofilm.

Streptococcus mutans/immunology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Xylitol , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Indonesia
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;51(3): 201-207, set. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041825


The consumption of soybean isoflavones (IS) is associated with several beneficial properties on human health. Some lactic acid bacteria possess ß-glucosidase enzyme, that allows to obtain the active form of IS (aglycone). The solid state fermentation (SSF) has received great attention in the last years in order to obtain several valuable compounds. SSF, using soybean as substrate and Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL 981 as starter, was studied in the present work. Sucrose was added into soybean paste to study the effect on the behavior of the selected strain. The development of L. rhamnosus CRL 981 through pH and recount measures, sugar intake, organic acid production, ß-glucosidase activity and IS conversion were analyzed. No significant differences in growth and acidity were observed between soybean pastes with and without sucrose added, but the production of lactic acid was higher in the latter paste. The ß-glucosidase activity was detected in both pastes and the complete hydrolysis of IS at 12 h of fermentation was observed. Also, this strain was able to increase the free amino acids in soybean paste. SSF, using soybean as substrate and L. rhamnosus CRL 981 as starter culture, is an alternative process to obtain a soybean product bio-enriched in active IS with attractive nutritional characteristics.

El consumo de isoflavonas de soja (IS) está asociado a diversos beneficios para la salud humana. Ciertas bacterias lácticas poseen la enzima ß-glucosidasa, que permite obtener la forma bioactiva (agliconas) de las IS. La fermentación en sustrato sólido (FSS) ha recibido gran atención en los últimos anos debido a sus numerosas ventajas, y permite la obtención de productos con valor agregado. En el presente trabajo se estudió la FSS utilizando soja como sustrato y Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL981 como cultivo iniciador. Con el fin de estudiar el efecto de una fuente de carbono externa sobre el comportamiento de la cepa seleccionada, se adicionó sacarosa a la pasta de soja. Se evaluó el crecimiento de L. rhamnosus CRL 981 a través de medidas de pH y recuento en placa. Además, se analizó el consumo de azúcares, producción de ácidos orgánicos, actividad ß-glucosidasa y conversión de IS. No se observaron diferencias significativas en el crecimiento y acidez entre las pastas de soja sin adición de sacarosa y con ella, sin embargo, la producción de ácido láctico fue mayor en esta última. La actividad de ß-glucosidasa se detectó en ambas pastas y se observó la hidrólisis completa de IS a las 12 h de fermentación. Además, esta cepa fue capaz de aumentar los aminoácidos libres en la pasta de soja. La FSS, utilizando soja como sustrato y L. rhamnosus CRL 981 como cultivo iniciador, es un proceso alternativo para obtener un producto de soja bioenriquecido en IS bioactivas con características nutricionales atractivas.

Glycine max/metabolism , Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus/metabolism , Fermentation , Vegetable Products/analysis , Isoflavones/biosynthesis , Sucrose/pharmacology , Bacterial Proteins/metabolism , beta-Glucosidase/metabolism , Lactic Acid/biosynthesis , Food Microbiology , Amino Acids/metabolism , Hydrolysis
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 495-507, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886920


ABSTRACT The preservation of banana genetic material is usually performed through seedlings. However, most banana cultivars do not produce seed and are propagated vegetatively. Therefore, cryopreservation is a feasible technique that allows the preservation of banana genotypes indefinitely. For the success of cryopreservation protocols, the selection of cryoprotectants and pre-freezing techniques are important factor. Therefore, the objective of this study was to verify the effects of different cryoprotectants with and without 1% phloroglucinol and pre-cooling periods on the development of a protocol for cryopreservation of in vitro rhizomes ofMusa accuminata(AAA) cv Grand Naine banana. The addition of 1% phloroglucinol to the cryoprotective solutions, such as PVS2 enhanced recovery of cryopreserved banana rhizomes. In addition, pre-cooling of explants in ice for 3 hours in PVS2 + 1% of phloroglucinol allowed efficient cryopreservation of banana rhizomes, followed by successful recovery and regeneration of in vitro shoots of banana cv Grand Naine.

Phloroglucinol/pharmacology , Cryopreservation/methods , Cryoprotective Agents/pharmacology , Musa/cytology , Rhizome/cytology , Reference Values , Sucrose/pharmacology , Time Factors , Reproducibility of Results , Plant Shoots/drug effects , Plant Shoots/physiology , Musa/drug effects , Rhizome/drug effects , Glycerol/pharmacology
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 11(1): 107-112, abr. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-841025


The aim of this in vitro study was to assess the root dentin demineralization caused by a microcosm biofilm model that has been exposed to sucrose in different ways. Materials and Methods: Saliva of two volunteers was inoculated into an artificial medium for biofilm growth and dentin blocks were immersed into these media. Dentin specimens were randomly exposed to one of the five experimental conditions: C (control group - no saliva inoculum or sucrose), 0S (saliva inoculum without sucrose, negative control), 3S (three daily one-minute immersions in 20 % sucrose), 6S (six daily one-minute immersions in 20 % sucrose), and CS (continuously immersed in 5 % sucrose). After five days, biofilm was collected to determine the concentration of intracellular and extracellular polysaccharides and the dentin surface hardness loss (SHL) was measured. The experiment was carried out in triplicate. Results: The dentin SHL was higher in groups that were exposed to sucrose (3S, 6S and CS) and there was a statistically significant difference between all groups (p<0.001). CS had higher concentrations of polysaccharides (p>0.001) and there was no statistically significant difference between the other groups (0S, 3S and 6S) (p>0.005). Conclusion: The microcosm biofilm model developed has the potential to produce root dentin demineralization at different exposures to sucrose.

El objetivo de esta investigación in vitro fue evaluar la desmineralización de la dentina radicular causada por un modelo de biofilm microcosmo que fue expuesto de diferentes maneras a la sacarosa. La saliva de dos voluntarios fue colocada en un medio artificial para crecimiento del biofilm y los bloques de dentina fueron sumergidos en estos medios. Al aza rlos bloques fueron expuestos a una de las cinco condiciones experimentales: C (grupo control ­ sin inoculación de saliva o sacarosa), 0S (inoculación de saliva sin sacarosa, control negativo), 3S (tres inmersiones diarias de un minuto en sacarosa a 20 %), 6S (seis inmersiones diarias de un minuto en sacarosa a 20 %), y CS (sumergidos continuamente en 5 % de sacarosa). Después de cinco días, el biofilm fue recogido para determinar la concentración de polisacáridos intracelulares y extracelulares y fue medida la pérdida de dureza superficial de la dentina (SHL). El experimento se repitió en tres ocasiones. La dentina SHL era mayor en los grupos que fueron expuestos a la sacarosa (3S, 6S E CS) y hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre todos los grupos (P<0,001). CS presentó mayor concentración de polisacáridos (p<0,001) y no hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los demás grupos (0S, 3S E 6S) (p>0,005). El modelo del biofilm desarrollado tiene potencial para producir desmineralización de la dentina radicular en diferentes exposiciones a la sacarosa.

Humans , Cariogenic Agents/pharmacology , Dentin/drug effects , Sucrose/pharmacology , Tooth Demineralization , Biofilms/drug effects , In Vitro Techniques , Polysaccharides/analysis , Saliva/chemistry
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;26(3): 249-257, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751865


The role of antibiotics containing sucrose on the formation of dental caries is still controversial. This study aimed to investigate the effect of two antibiotics (amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate suspension), with and without sucrose, on human dental hardness and Streptococcus mutans counts in dental biofilm. Primary tooth fragments (n=72) were coated with nail varnish leaving a window of 2.25 mm diameter. Specimens were fixed in 24-well polystyrene plates, containing BHI medium. S. mutans (clinical strains) represented the inoculum to form biofilm on the fragments for 24 h. Twelve fragments were separated for the initial count of microorganisms (baseline). The other fragments were divided into 4 groups (n=12) of treatment: G1 (Clavulin(r)), G2 (Betamox(r)), G3 (chlorhexidine 0.12%), G4 (sucrose 10%). All specimens had their self-control area (covered area). The cross-sectional microhardness (CSMH) was evaluated for each specimen. All the treated groups had a loss of hardness compared to their self-controls (p<0.05). Both drugs inhibited the S. mutans growth and promoted no CSMH difference among them. Both antibiotics eliminated all formed biofilm and did not cause mineral loss from the enamel, regardless the presence of sucrose in its formulation.

O papel dos antibióticos contendo sacarose na formação de cárie dentária é ainda controverso. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito de dois antibióticos (amoxicilina / clavulanato de potássio suspensão oral), com e sem sacarose, na dureza do esmalte dental humano e na contagem de Streptococcus mutans no biofilme dental. Fragmentos de dentes decíduos (n = 72) foram revestidos com verniz deixando uma janela de exposição de 2,25mm de diâmetro. Os espécimes foram fixados em placas de poliestireno de 24 poços, contendo meio de cultura BHI. S. mutans (estirpes clínicas) representaram o inoculo para formar biofilmes sobre os fragmentos por 24 h. Doze fragmentos foram separados para a contagem inicial de microrganismos (baseline). Os restantes dos fragmentos foram divididos em 4 grupos (n = 12) de tratamento: G1 (Clavulin(r)), G2 (Betamox(r)), G3 (clorexidina 0,12%), G4 (sacarose a 10%). Todas as amostras tiveram sua área de controle (área coberta). A microdureza transversal (CSMH) foi avaliada para cada espécime. Todos os grupos tratados tiveram uma perda de dureza quando comparados com os seus respectivos controles (p <0,05). Ambos os fármacos inibiram o crescimento de S. mutans e não promoveram diferença da CSMH entre eles. Ambos os antibióticos eliminaram todo o biofilme formado, não promovendo assim, perda mineral do esmalte, independente da presença de sacarose na sua formulação.

Humans , Child , Biofilms , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Minerals/metabolism , Streptococcus mutans/drug effects , Sucrose/pharmacology , Colony Count, Microbial , Streptococcus mutans/isolation & purification
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2015 Mar; 53(3): 177-183
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158412


We studied the influence of sucrose and nitrogen concentration on in vitro flowering and fruit setting in elongated shoots of Withania somnifera. BA (1.5 mg/l) and IAA (0.3 mg/l) on MS medium supplemented with 4% sucrose showed 67% of in vitro flower induction frequency, 9 flowers/shoot, 4 fruits/shoot and 11 seeds/fruit in elongated-shoots. Different concentrations of nitrogen sources (L-glutamine, adenine sulphate, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate 5-25 mg/l) were tested in combination with 4% sucrose and BA at 1.5 mg/l and IAA at 0.3 mg/l. Highest number of flowers (20 flowers/shoot; 2.2-fold) and fruits (16 fruits/shoot; 3.39-fold), fruit setting (12 seeds/fruit; 1.08-fold) at a higher frequency (88 %) were achieved on MS medium augmented with 15 mg/l adenine sulphate with same PGRs and sucrose concentration. The maximum production of withanolide A (0.68 mg/g DW) and withanolide B (0.77 mg/g DW) was recorded in in vitro fruits. Highest accumulation of withaferin A (2 mg/g DW) was quantified from in vitro flowers, whereas, it was low in in vitro fruits (0.49 mg/g DW withaferin A). However, withanone (0.23 mg/g DW) was found accumulated uniformly in both in vitro flowers and fruits compared to control.

Adenine/metabolism , Adenine/pharmacology , Carbon/metabolism , Culture Media/chemistry , Culture Media/pharmacology , Flowers/chemistry , Flowers/growth & development , Fruit/chemistry , Fruit/growth & development , Germination/drug effects , Glutamine/metabolism , Glutamine/pharmacology , Hydroponics , Nitrates/metabolism , Nitrates/pharmacology , Nitrogen/metabolism , Plant Shoots/chemistry , Plant Shoots/metabolism , Sucrose/metabolism , Sucrose/pharmacology , Withania/chemistry , Withania/growth & development , Withania/metabolism , Withanolides/metabolism
Biol. Res ; 48: 1-9, 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950827


BACKGROUND: Salinity is a serious factor limiting the productivity of agricultural plants. One of the potential problems for plants growing under saline conditions is the inability to up take enough K+. The addition of K+ may considerably improve the salt tolerance of plants grown under salinity. It is assumed that increasing the K+ supply at the root zone can ameliorate the reduction in growth imposed by high salinity. The present study aims to determine whether an increase in the K/Na ratio in the external media would enhance the growth of date palm seedlings under in vitro saline conditions. METHODS: Date palm plants were grown at four concentrations of Na + K/Cl (mol/m³) with three different K/Na ratios. The 12 salt treatments were added to modified MS medium. The modified MS medium was further supplemented with sucrose at 30 g/l. RESULTS: Growth decreased substantially with increasing salinity. Growth expressed as shoot and root weight, enhanced significantly with certain K/Na ratios, and higher weight was maintained in the presence of equal K and Na. It is the leaf length, leaf thickness and root thickness that had significant contribution on total dry weight. Na+ contents in leaf and root increased significantly increased with increasing salinity but substantial decreases in Na+ contents were observed in the leaf and root with certain K/Na ratios. This could be attributed to the presence of a high K+ concentration in the media. The internal Na+ concentration was higher in the roots in all treatments, which might indicate a mechanism excluding Na+ from the leaves and its retention in the roots. K/Na ratios up to one significantly increased the leaf and root K+ concentration, and it was most pronounced in leaves. The K+ contents in leaf and root was not proportional to the K+ increase in the media, showing a high affinity for K+ uptake at lower external K+ concentrations, but this mechanism continues to operate even with high external Na+ concentrations. CONCLUSION: Increasing K/Na ratios in the growing media of date plam significantly reduced the absorption of Na+ less than 200 mM and also balance ions compartmentalization.

Potassium/metabolism , Sodium/metabolism , Crops, Agricultural , Salinity , Phoeniceae/physiology , Sucrose/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques , Cell Compartmentation/physiology , Plant Shoots/metabolism , Plant Roots/metabolism , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Phoeniceae/growth & development , Absorption, Physicochemical
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 29(1): 1-1, 2015. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-777198


The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo the effects of 2 brands of probiotic fermented milk on biofilms, oral microbiota, and enamel. For the in situ experiment, ten volunteers wore palatine devices containing four blocks of bovine dental enamel over 3 phases, during which 20% sucrose solution, Yakult® (Treatment A), and Batavito® (Treatment B) were dropped on the enamel blocks. Salivary microbial counts were obtained and biofilm samples were analyzed after each phase. For the in vivo experiment, the same ten volunteers drunk Yakult® (Treatment C) and Batavito® (Treatment D) in two phases. Saliva samples were collected for microbial analysis after each phase. The in situ study showed that in comparison with Treatment A, Treatment B resulted in fewer total cultivable anaerobes and facultative microorganisms in biofilms, higher final microhardness, lower percentage change in surface hardness, and smaller integrated subsurface enamel hardness. In the in vivo study, Treatment D resulted in a reduction in the counts of all microorganisms. The results suggested that the probiotic fermented milk Batavito®, but not Yakult®, reduced the amount of oral microorganisms and mineral loss in bovine enamel.

Animals , Cattle , Humans , Biofilms/growth & development , Cultured Milk Products , Dental Enamel/microbiology , Mouth/microbiology , Probiotics/pharmacology , Analysis of Variance , Colony Count, Microbial , Cross-Over Studies , Cultured Milk Products/chemistry , Double-Blind Method , Hardness Tests , Lactobacillus/growth & development , Microbiota , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surface Properties , Saliva/chemistry , Saliva/microbiology , Streptococcus mutans/growth & development , Sucrose/pharmacology , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;22(1): 68-72, Jan-Feb/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-699921


Objective: The oral environment is subject to biofilm accumulation and cariogenic challenge, and few studies exist on the effect of these factors on the bond strength of adhesive systems. The aim of this study was to test if the exposure of adhesive interfaces to cariogenic challenge under biofilm accumulation could promote higher degradation than the exposure to biofilm accumulation alone. Material And Methods: Five molars were ground until exposure of medium dentin and then restored (Single Bond 2 and Z250 3M ESPE). The tooth/resin sets were cut to obtain beam-shaped specimens, which were distributed according to the aging conditions (n=20): water for 24 h (control); biofilm under cariogenic challenge for 3, 5 or 10 days; biofilm without cariogenic challenge for 10 days; and water for 3 months. Microcosm biofilms were formed from human saliva and grown in a saliva analogue medium, supplemented or not with sucrose to promote cariogenic challenge. Specimens were tested for microtensile bond strength, and failure modes were classified using light microscopy. Bond strength data were analyzed using ANOVA and failure modes were analyzed using ANOVA on ranks (α=0.05). Results: No significant differences in bond strength were detected among the aging methods (P=0.248). The aging period was associated with an increase in the frequency of adhesive failures for the groups aged for 10 days or longer (P<0.001). Conclusion: Aging leads to a higher prevalence of interfacial adhesive failures, although this effect is not associated with cariogenic challenge or reduction in bond strengths. .

Humans , Biofilms/drug effects , Dental Caries/microbiology , Dentin , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Analysis of Variance , Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate/chemistry , Cariogenic Agents/pharmacology , Dental Restoration Failure , Dentin/drug effects , Dentin/microbiology , Random Allocation , Saliva/microbiology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Surface Properties , Sweetening Agents/pharmacology , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Water/chemistry
Professional Medical Journal-Quarterly [The]. 2014; 21 (5): 1054-1058
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-153950


To assess whether flow-mediated dilatation [FMD] affected cardiovascular [CV] parameters after consuming fructose or sucralose. Data source: Finometer. Design of study: Randomized, cross-over, single-blind design. School of biomedical sciences, University of Nottingham, UK. July, 2009. Materials and Ten healthy, white European males were studied twice. A Finometer continuously recorded CV parameters. Following 30 min baseline, a BP cuff, around mid-point of right arm was inflated 50 mmHg above Systolic BP for 5 min. Upon deflation, FMD measurements were made. Volunteers then consumed 500 ml of fructose or sucralose containing drink. Forty min later, 2nd FMD was done. Pre-fructose FMD: SBP increased in late-occlusion and post-occlusion period [POP]. HR and CO decreased and SV and TPR increased during POP [P < 0.01 and 0.001]. Post-fructose: DBP rose [2 mmHg; P = 0.04] during occlusion; HR [P = 0.02] and CO [P < 0.05] increased whereas TPR decreased [0.023; P < 0.04] in recovery period. Pre-sucralose: SBP, DBP and MAP increased in POP and thereafter. Decreased HR and CO and increased TPR and SV were noted [P < 0.01 and 0.001]. Post-sucralose: SBP rose in POP and thereafter [5 mmHg; P < 0.01]; MAP [3 mmHg; P = 0.04] and SV [P = 0.05] increased in POP. Attenuated BP and TPR, after fructose, indicate fructose's possible vascular effects

Humans , Male , Fructose/pharmacology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Endothelium , Europe , Cardiovascular System , Vasodilation
CoDAS ; 25(5): 444-450, out. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-695102


PURPOSE: To investigate about an integrated sensory motor system existence in premature newborns, submitted to gustatory stimulation. METHODS: Analytical and experimental study of contents, double-blind. Being participants 90 premature newborns, divided into two groups (water or sucrose analysis 12%). Recorded by 15 minutes (first and last moments, without stimulation; and second time with gustatory stimulation). Three independent judges analyzed the behaviors in the right hand and left hand in the mouth and suction in the left and right and hand during the various behavioral states, those being inserted in the database of Statistical Package for Social Science, being then considered that the events observed by at least two of them. It was made use of Spearman' s rank correlation test on a significance level by p<0.05. RESULTS: Considering the groups both separately and together, right and left had initially moderate correlation, being right hand in the mouth remained strong at the end and left hand in the mouth finished on moderate and strong correlation, according to each behavioral state. Right hand suction in its total and sucrose showed a strong correlation initially in drowsy state, becoming moderate at the end. In alertness state there was initially a weak correlation in both stimuli ending in moderate correlation in sucrose and strong in water. Left hand suction presented initially moderate correlation on the alert state, ending in weak correlation in sucrose stimuli, which did not occur in the water that started and finished strong. CONCLUSION: The oral stimulation influenced the hand-mouth coordination, showing early motor sensory integration. However, there was no discrimination about the gustatory capacity on the newborns. .

OBJETIVO: Investigar a existência de sistema sensório motor integrado em recém-nascidos (RNs) prematuros submetidos à estimulação gustativa. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental analítico e duplo-cego. Participaram 90 RNs prematuros, divididos em dois grupos (água e sacarose para análise (PA) 12%), filmados durante 15 minutos (primeiro e último momentos, sem estimulação; e segundo momento com estimulação gustativa). Três juízes independentes analisaram os comportamentos mão na boca direita e esquerda e sucção da mão direita e esquerda durante os diversos estados comportamentais, inseridos no banco de dados do Statistical Package for Social Science, sendo considerados em concordância os eventos observados por pelo menos dois deles. Empregou-se teste de correlação de Spearman com nível de significância valor de p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Tanto ao serem considerados os grupos separadamente quanto juntos, mão na boca direita e esquerda tiveram inicialmente correlação moderada, sendo que mão na boca direita manteve-se forte no final e mão na boca esquerda finalizou com correlação moderada e forte, de acordo com cada estado comportamental. Sucção de mão direita na totalidade e em sacarose apresentou-se inicialmente com correlação forte no estado sonolento, passando para moderada ao final. No estado alerta houve inicialmente correlação fraca em ambos os estímulos, finalizando com correlação moderada em sacarose e forte em água. Sucção de mão esquerda apresentou-se inicialmente correlação moderada em alerta, finalizando com correlação fraca no grupo sacarose, o que não ocorreu na água, que iniciou e finalizou forte. CONCLUSÃO: A estimulação oral influenciou na c...

Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Male , Functional Laterality/physiology , Infant Behavior/physiology , Sucking Behavior/physiology , Double-Blind Method , Hand , Infant, Premature , Sucrose/pharmacology , Taste/physiology , Touch/physiology , Water
Rev. medica electron ; 34(4): 406-416, jul.-ago. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-646478


Se realizó un estudio experimental de casos y controles en el período comprendido entre noviembre de 2010 y mayo de 2011, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento del daño oxidativo en un modelo experimental de hiperglicemia e hiperlipidemia inducida por sacarosa en ratas wistar en la Unidad de Toxicología Experimental de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Para ello se utilizaron ratas machos como modelo biológico, con el fin de evaluar la actividad oxidativa inducida por sacarosa. El modelo fue establecido a partir de la administración de una dieta rica en sacarosa, para lo cual se determinaron los por cientos de hemólisis, fotohemólisis y la susceptibilidad a sustancias con efectos hemolíticos. Se encontró aumento en los valores de glucemia y triacilglicéridos de las ratas del grupo estudio, con diferencias significativas con respecto al grupo control. Asimismo, se obtuvieron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos estudiados en los test de susceptibilidad a la hemólisis y la fotohemólisis. Se produjo incremento significativo en los niveles de glicemia y triacilglicéridos relacionados con la dieta rica en sacarosa. Se observaron incrementos significativos en los valores de los por cientos de hemólisis en el ensayo de susceptibilidad a la hemólisis y la fotohemólisis y en el primer caso se correspondió con el grupo sometido a la dieta rica en sacarosa. Se observó una fuerte correlación entre los niveles de triglicéridos del grupo estudio en el último mes de experimentación y los valores obtenidos en el test de fotohemólisis.

We carried out an experimental research of cases and controls in the period from November 2010 to May 2011, with the objective of characterizing the behavior of the oxidative damage in an experimental model of saccharose-induced hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in Wistar rats in the Unit of Experimental Toxicology of the Medical Sciences University of Villa Clara. We used male rats as biological model, with the objective of evaluating the saccharose- induced oxidative activity. The model was set up on the basis of a diet rich in saccharose, and for that there were calculated the hemolysis, photohemolysis percentages and the susceptibility to substances with hemolytic effects. We found an increase in the glycemia and triacilglyceride values of the rats in the studied group, with significant differences in those of the control group. There were also found significant differences between the both studied groups in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis. There it was a significant increase in the glycemia and triacilglycerides levels related with the saccharose-enriched diet. We observed significant increases in the percentages values of the hemolysis in the tests of susceptibility to the hemolysis and photohemolysis, and in the first case it corresponded with the group receiving a saccharose- enriched diet. There it was a strong correlation between the triglycerides level of the studied group in the last month of the research and the values obtained in the photohemolysis test.

Male , Animals , Rats , Oxidative Stress , Hyperglycemia/chemically induced , Hyperlipidemias/chemically induced , Rats, Wistar , Sucrose/pharmacology , Case-Control Studies
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(2): 597-606, jun. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-638106


Melastoma malabathricum, belongs to the Melastomaceae family, is an important medicinal plant widely distributed from Madagascar to Australia, that is used in traditional remedies for the treatment of variousailments. Besides its medicinal properties, it has been identified as a potential source of anthocyanin production.The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of sucrose and methyl jasmonate and feeding time oncell biomass yield and anthocyanin production in cell suspension culture of M. malabathricum. Addition of differentconcentrations of sucrose into the cell culture of M. malabathricum influenced cell biomass and pigment accumulation. The addition of methyl jasmonate was found to have no effect on cell biomass but the presence of higher amount (12.5-50mg/L) had caused a reduction in anthocyanin production and accumulation. MS medium supplemented with 30g/L sucrose and 3.5 mg/L of MeJA added on cero day and 3rd day produced high fresh cell mass at the end of nine days of culture but did not support the production of anthocyanins. However, cells cultured in the medium supplemented with 45g/L sucrose without MeJA showed the highest pigment content (0.69±0.22Cv/g-FCM). The cells cultured in MS medium supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose with 3.5mg/L MeJA added on the 3rd and 6th day of culture, showed the lowest pigment content (0.37-0.40Cv/g-FCM). This study indicated that MeJA was not necessary but sucrose was needed for the enhancement of cell growth and anthocyanin production in M. malabathricum cell cultures. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 597-606. Epub 2011 June 01.

elastoma malabathricum pertenece a la familia de las melastomáceas, es una planta medicinal importante ampliamente distribuida desde Madagascar hasta Australia, que se utiliza en remedios tradicionales para el tratamiento de diversas dolencias. Además de sus propiedades medicinales, se ha identificado como una fuente potencial de producción de antocianinas. En esta investigación se estudió el efecto de la sucrosa, el metil jasmonato y el tiempo de ingestión en la producción de biomasa de las células y la producción de antocianinas, en el cultivo de células en suspensión de M. malabathricum. La adición de diferentes concentraciones de sucrosa al cultivo de células de M. malabathricum influencia la biomasa de las células y la acumulación de pigmento. La adición de metil jasmonato no tuvo ningún efecto sobre la biomasa celular, pero la presencia de una cantidad más alta (12.5-50mg/L) causó una reducción en la producción y acumulación de antocianinas. El medio MS complementado con sucrosa 30g/L y 3.5mg/L de MeJA en el día cero y el tercer día produjo una gran masa de células frescas al final de los nueve días de cultivo pero no se pudo mantener la producción de antocianinas. Sin embargo, las células cultivadas en el medio complementado con 45g/L de sucrosa sin MeJA mostró el mayor contenido de pigmento (0.69±0.22cv/g-fcm). Las células cultivadas en el medio MS complementado con 30 g/L de sucrosa y con 3.5 mg/l MeJA en el tercer y sexto día de cultivo, mostró el menor contenido de pigmentos (0.37-0.40cv/g-fcm). Este estudio indicó que MeJA no era necesario pero la sucrosa sí se necesitaba para mejorar el crecimiento celular y la producción de antocianinas en cultivos de células de M. malabathricum.

Acetates , Anthocyanins/biosynthesis , Biomass , Cyclopentanes/pharmacology , Melastomataceae/drug effects , Oxylipins/pharmacology , Sucrose/pharmacology , Cells, Cultured , Melastomataceae/growth & development , Melastomataceae/metabolism
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;19(2): 137-146, May-Apr. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-586034


INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have shown that Piper betle L. leaves extract inhibits the adherence of Streptococcus mutans to glass surface, suggesting its potential role in controlling dental plaque development. OBJECTIVES: In this study, the effect of the Piper betle L. extract towards S. mutans (with/without sucrose) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and on partially purifed cell-associated glucosyltransferase activity were determined. MATERIAL AND METHODS: S. mutans were allowed to adhere to glass beads suspended in 6 different Brain Heart Infusion broths [without sucrose; with sucrose; without sucrose containing the extract (2 mg mL-1 and 4 mg mL-1); with sucrose containing the extract (2 mg mL-1 and 4 mg mL-1)]. Positive control was 0.12 percent chlorhexidine. The glass beads were later processed for SEM viewing. Cell surface area and appearance and, cell population of S. mutans adhering to the glass beads were determined upon viewing using the SEM. The glucosyltransferase activity (with/without extract) was also determined. One- and two-way ANOVA were used accordingly. RESULTS: It was found that sucrose increased adherence and cell surface area of S. mutans (p<0.001). S. mutans adhering to 100 µm² glass surfaces (with/without sucrose) exhibited reduced cell surface area, fuffy extracellular appearance and cell population in the presence of the Piper betle L. leaves extract. It was also found that the extract inhibited glucosyltransferase activity and its inhibition at 2.5 mg mL-1 corresponded to that of 0.12 percent chlorhexidine. At 4 mg mL-1 of the extract, the glucosyltransferase activity was undetectable and despite that, bacterial cells still demonstrated adherence capacity. CONCLUSION: The SEM analysis confrmed the inhibitory effects of the Piper betle L. leaves extract towards cell adherence, cell growth and extracellular polysaccharide formation of S. mutans visually. In bacterial cell adherence, other factors besides glucosyltransferase are involved.

Bacterial Adhesion/drug effects , Glucosyltransferases/antagonists & inhibitors , Piper betle , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Streptococcus mutans/drug effects , Analysis of Variance , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Glass , Glucosyltransferases/drug effects , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Plant Leaves , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surface Properties , Streptococcus mutans/growth & development , Sucrose/pharmacology
Iran Journal of Nursing. 2011; 24 (70): 19-29
in English, Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-137499


Neonates reaction to pain is more severe than adults. Therefore, recognition and application of pain control strategies by health care workers is necessary. Immunization is a common painful event during infancy, which is typically performed without pain control. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of distraction technique and oral sucrose on reducing vaccination pain. this randomized clinical trial was performed on healthy infants referring to the health centers of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in west of Tehran by their mother for DPT technique vaccination. Healthy infants groups [n=l14] were randomly assigned to distraction [n=38], oral sucrose [n=38] and routine care [n=38] groups. Infants in distraction group, were provided with a [rattle], 30 seconds before, during, and 15 seconds after the injection. Infants in sucrose group received 2 ml oral sucrose 2 minutes before injection and the control group received routine care [just lying on examination table]. Pain symptoms were measured by Modified Behavioral Pain Scale [MBPS] during 5 seconds before to 15 seconds after vaccination. Descriptive and inferential statistics [independent T-test] were used to analyze data using SPSS-PC. MBPS scores in distraction group and sucrose group were significantly lower than the control group [P= 0.0001]. No significant difference was seen between oral sucrose group and distraction group [P= 0.581]. Distraction technique and oral sucrose are recommended as easy to use, inexpensive and effective measures for immunization pain management of neonates

Humans , Pain/etiology , Pain/prevention & control , Sucrose/pharmacology , Sucrose , Pain Measurement/methods , Injections , Delivery of Health Care , Infant, Newborn/immunology
Int. j. morphol ; 28(3): 823-827, Sept. 2010. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-577191


Sucralose is a sweetener of general use in over three thousand products (beverages, foods and medical diets), with utilization currently permitted for the general population in more than 80 countries, including for women of reproductive age. There is little information on the safe use of sucralose, and experimental studies have suggested that the administration of some sweeteners, by diverse routes, retards not only fetal and placental development but also umbilical cord size. The present study aimed to estimate the fetal and placental weights and umbilical-cord length in fetuses from rat dams, after ingestion and non-ingestion of sucralose. In the treated group (5 dams), sucralose was administered (via gavage) at the dose of 30 mg/kg/day, from the 10th to 14th day of pregnancy. In the control group (5 dams), saline solution was administered, at the same dose and by the same route. On the 20th gestation day, both groups were sacrificed for weighing of the fetuses and placentas and measurement of umbilical-cord length. Mean values of fetal weight and umbilical-cord length of the treated group were significantly lower than controls (Mann-Whitney Test, p<0.001). Placental weight did not differ statistically between treated and control groups. It can be concluded from the present work that sucralose ingestion at 30 mg/kg/day, from days 10 to 14 of pregnancy, diminished fetal weight and umbilical-cord length, which suggests passage of sucralose through the placental membrane.

La sucralosa es un edulcorante de uso general en más de tres mil productos (bebidas, alimentos y dietas médicas), con permisos de utilización para la población general en más de 80 países, entre ellos mujeres en edad reproductiva. Hay poca información sobre el uso seguro de la sucralosa, y los estudios experimentales han sugerido que la administración de algunos edulcorantes, por diversas vías, no sólo retrasa el desarrollo del feto y la placenta, sino también el tamaño del cordón umbilical. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar el peso fetal y placentario y la longitud del cordón umbilical de los fetos de ratas madres después de la ingestión y la no ingestión de sucralosa. En el grupo tratado (5 crías), la sucralosa se administró (a través de sonda) en una dosis de 30 mg/kg/día, desde el día 10 hasta 14 de la preñez. En el grupo control (5 crías), se administró solución salina, con la misma dosis y por la misma vía. En el día 20 de la gestación, ambos grupos fueron sacrificados, para determinar el peso de los fetos y de las placentas y la medición de la longitud del cordón umbilical. Los valores medios del peso fetal y la longitud del cordón umbilical en el grupo tratado fueron significativamente más bajos que los controles (U de Mann-Whitney, p <0,001). El peso de la placenta no difirió estadísticamente entre los grupos tratados y los controles. Se puede concluir de este trabajo que el consumo de sucralosa en 30 mg/kg/día, desde lel día 10 al 14 de la preñez, disminuye el peso fetal y la longitud del cordón umbilical, lo que sugiere el paso de la sucralosa través de la membrana placentaria.

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Umbilical Cord , Sweetening Agents/administration & dosage , Fetus , Placenta , Sucrose/administration & dosage , Umbilical Cord/anatomy & histology , Sweetening Agents/pharmacology , Fetal Weight , Fetus/anatomy & histology , Placenta/anatomy & histology , Sucrose/pharmacology
Annals of Saudi Medicine. 2009; 29 (3): 184-188
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-90866


Previous randomized trials of the analgesic effects of sucrose, glucose, and a pacifier in term neonates have shown that the pacifier resulted in lower pain scores than glucose or sucrose, but the pacifier with and without sucrose did not differ. The current study was designed to assess the analgesic effect of pharmacologic [sucrose, water] and a non-pharmacologic measures [pacifier] in preterm infants and to find whether there is any synergism between these intervention in relieving pain during painful procedures. In this double-blind, randomized, controlled study, 36 preterm infants [mean 31 weeks gestational age, range 27 to 36 weeks] were randomly allocated to six different regimens [0.5 mL sterile water with pacifier, 0.5 mL sterile water without pacifier, 0.5 mL sucrose 24% with pacifier, 0.5 mL sucrose 24% without pacifier, pacifier alone and control group] during a stay in intensive care of up to 15 days. Pain scores were measured with the Premature Infant Pain Profile [PIPP], a validated behavioral acute pain scale. Of all the regimens, the lowest pain scores occurred with the use of 24% sucrose solution combined with pacifier. The mean pain score for the combination of sucrose with pacifier was 0.7 as compared to 1.4 for the sterile water with pacifier group [P < .05]. The synergistic effect of the combination of sucrose and non-nutritive sucking was clinically effective and safe in relieving the pain of simple procedures such as venipuncture or heel stick in preterm and term infants, but further research is needed on these interventions alone and in combination with other behav-ioral interventions in neonates

Humans , Sucrose/pharmacology , Pacifiers , Infant, Premature , Double-Blind Method , Phlebotomy , Prospective Studies , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Pain Measurement , Administration, Oral
Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2007 Oct-Dec; 51(4): 410-4
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-108775


Sweet, palatable substances such as sucrose are reported to calm infants undergoing routine investigative procedures. The analgesic effect persists in pre pubertal children and adults with a hint of gender dependent variation in the analgesic response. The present study was therefore designed to explore gender specificity of sucrose induced analgesia in adult volunteers utilizing the nociceptive flexion reflex, an objective tool for pain assessment. Nociceptive flexion reflex was recorded, both before and after (up to 15 min) ingestion of 100 ml of 25% sucrose solution in 6 male and 6 female volunteers. In the male volunteers the maximum amplitude of the response was 20.8 +/- 7.7 microV before sucrose ingestion and 22.6 +/- 9.1 microV, 6.6 +/- 0.7 microV, 6.2 +/- 1.1 microV, 7.5 +/- 0.9 microV at 0, 5, 10 and 15 minutes post sucrose ingestion respectively. In female volunteers, the maximum amplitude of the response was 33.7 +/- 17.7 microV before sucrose ingestion and 43.6 +/- 17.2 microV, 7.1 +/- 1.2 microV, 25.9 +/- 16.1 microV, 50.6 +/- 16.3 microV at the same time intervals post sucrose ingestion. The maximum amplitude values were significantly lower in the males at 10 and 15 minutes after sucrose ingestion (P < 0.05). This is the first objective report of gender specificity in sucrose induced analgesia in adult humans. The gender dependent variation in sucrose induced analgesia is prolonged in male (15 min) and short lived in female (5 min) volunteers. This knowledge may have important implications in pain management.

Adolescent , Adult , Analgesics/pharmacology , Female , Humans , Male , Pain/physiopathology , Reflex , Sex Characteristics , Sucrose/pharmacology