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Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 29: e56282, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1569422


RESUMO O suicídio é considerado um grave problema de saúde pública mundial. Compreender a sua manifestação é necessário para traçar futuras intervenções. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa da literatura foi apresentar alguns dos modelos teóricos mais recentes e citados sobre o suicídio: Modelo Cognitivo do Atos Suicidas, teoria Interpessoal do Suicídio, Modelo Motivacional-volitivo Integrado de Suicídio e teoria das Três Etapas. Além disso, foram analisadas as variáveis explicativas que os modelos têm em comum e as evidências empíricas que os sustentam. Os modelos indicam relações entre aspectos individuais e contextuais, e se complementam para compreensão do suicídio. De forma geral, aspectos associados à ideação suicida são mais bem estabelecidos na literatura. No entanto, a diferenciação e a transição da ideação suicida para a tentativa de suicídio precisam ser melhor esclarecidas para ajudar a identificar pessoas em risco de vida e formular ações efetivas de prevenção e tratamento. Apesar de ser uma premissa de modelos explicativos, observou-se a ausência de pesquisas longitudinais que auxiliam na predição do suicídio. As variáveis explicativas, sustentadas por evidências empíricas, podem contribuir para qualificar políticas públicas em saúde para enfrentamento do fenômeno.

RESUMEN. El suicidio se considera un grave problema de salud pública en todo el mundo. Es necesario comprender su manifestación para delinear futuras intervenciones. El objetivo de esta revisión narrativa de la literatura fue presentar algunos de los modelos teóricos más recientes mencionados en la literatura sobre el suicidio: Modelo Cognitivo de Actos Suicidas, Teoría Interpersonal del Suicidio, Modelo Integrado Motivacional-Volativo del Suicidio y Teoría de Tres Pasos. Asimismo, analizar qué variables explicativas tienen en común, así como la evidencia empírica que las sustenta. Los modelos indican relaciones entre aspectos individuales y contextuales, y se complementan para entender el suicidio. En general, los aspectos asociados a la ideación suicida se encontraron mejor establecidos en la literatura. Sin embargo, es necesario aclarar mejor la diferenciación y la transición de la ideación suicida al intento de suicidio para ayudar a identificar a las personas en riesgo de vida y formular acciones de prevención y tratamiento eficaces. A pesar de ser una premisa de los modelos explicativos, faltaron investigaciones longitudinales que ayuden a predecir el suicidio. Las variables explicativas, sustentadas en evidencia empírica, pueden contribuir a calificar las políticas de salud pública para enfrentar el fenómeno.

ABSTRACT. Suicide is a serious public health problem worldwide. Understanding its manifestation is important to outline future interventions. This narrative review of the literature aimed to discuss some of the most recent and prominently referenced theoretical models in the literature about suicide: Cognitive Model of Suicidal Acts, Interpersonal Theory of Suicide, Integrated Motivational-Volitional Model of Suicidal Behavior, and Three-Step Theory. Also, we analyzed the explanatory variables the models have in common and the empirical evidence that supports them. The models indicate relationships between individual and contextual aspects and complement each other to understand suicide. While the literature extensively elucidates factors associated with suicidal ideation, the differentiation and transition from ideation to suicide attempts demand further elucidation to help identify people at risk of death and develop effective prevention and treatment actions. Despite being a premise of explanatory models, there was a lack of longitudinal studies that help predict suicide. The explanatory variables, supported by empirical evidence, can contribute to qualifying public health policies to combat the phenomenon.

Humans , Suicide/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Behavior , Review , Hope , Health Policy , Motivation
Rev. méd. hondur ; 91(2): 100-105, jul.-dic. 2023. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BIMENA | ID: biblio-1551566


Antecedentes: Las intoxicaciones en pediatría asociadas a medicamentos representan una importante carga para los sistemas de salud pública. Objetivo: Caracterizar al paciente pediátrico con intoxicación por medicamentos, Servicio de Emergencia de Pediatría, Hospital Escuela, Tegucigalpa, 2019- 2021. Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo. Se revisaron expedientes clínicos de pacientes pediátricos atendidos por intoxicación por medicamentos. Los resultados se presentan como cuadros y figuras de frecuencias y porcentajes de las variables estudiadas. La información personal de manejó confidencialmente. Resultados: La proporción hospitalaria de pacientes pediátricos atendidos por intoxicación por medicamentos durante el período del estudio fue 0.08%. La media de la edad 12.6 años (DS+/-5.0). El sexo femenino 77.6% (59/76), procedencia Francisco Morazán 84.2% (64/76); y del ambiente urbano marginal 55.3% (42/76). El nivel de escolaridad fue secundaria incompleta 67.1% (51/76). Además del diagnóstico de intoxicación por medicamentos, se identificaron los diagnósticos de intento suicida y trastorno depresivo 76.3% (58/76), cada uno. La intoxicación fue aguda 97.4% (74/76), intencional 76.3% (58/76). La procedencia del fármaco fue medicación del paciente 44.7% (34/76). El lugar donde ocurrió el evento fue en casa/domicilio del paciente 96.1% (73/76). Se utilizó clonazepam en 30.3% (23), fármaco perteneciente al grupo de las benzodiacepinas. No hubo muertes. Discusión: El paciente pediátrico atendido en el Hospital Escuela por intoxicación por medicamentos se caracterizó como adolescente del sexo femenino, con acceso a medicamentos tipo benzodiacepina en el domicilio, relacionado a depresión e intento suicida. Se recomienda realizar estudios para la identificación de factores de riesgo. Es necesaria la creación de políticas públicas que contribuyan a implementar un abordaje integral de la niñez, adolescencia y la familia...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Poisoning/complications , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Benzodiazepines/toxicity , Emergencies
Subj. procesos cogn. ; 27(2): 161-197, dic. 12, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1523139


Trata-se de um recorte de pesquisa de doutorado em que se intencionou estudar o vínculo intersubjetivo familiar em um adolescente com histórico de tentativa de suicídio, pautando-se nos desejos e defesas. Utilizou-se a combinação de três instrumentos (ADL-AH, ADL-R e o Genograma) para a análise do discurso. Após exame individual dos dados apontados por cada instrumento, realizou-se asanálises comparativas. Inicialmente, confrontou-se os resultados do ADL-AH com o ADL-R conforme a descrição do caso. Em seguida, o Genograma propiciou o entendimento intergeracional da família estudada, confirmou aspectos já levantados e elucidou pontos dos quais o ADL não poderia ter alcançado, embora esse último tenha encontrado discrepâncias no discurso, isto é, aquilo que se pretendia disfarçar ou esconder de forma consciente ou inconsciente. A combinaçãodos três instrumentos trouxe consistência para a investigação no sentido de uma melhor compreensão da intersubjetividade do adolescente, sua família e do comportamento suicida AU

Este es un extracto de una investigación doctoral que tuvo como objetivo estudiar el vínculo familiar intersubjetivo en un adolescente con antecedentes de intento de suicidio, basado en deseos y defensas. Para el análisis del discurso se utilizó una combinación de tres instrumentos (ADL-AH, ADL-R y Genograma). Luego de examinar individualmente los datos indicados por cada instrumento, se realizaron comparaciones. Inicialmente se confrontaran los resultados del ADL-AH con el ADL-R según la descripción del caso. Luego, el Genograma proporcionó una comprensión intergeneracional de la familia estudiada, confirmó aspectos ya planteados y aclaró puntos que la ADL no podría haber logrado, aunque este último tenga encontrado discrepancias en el discurso, es decir, lo que se pretendía disfrazar u ocultar consciente o inconscientemente. Esta combinación aportó consistencia a la investigación y con ella fue posible tener una mejor comprensión de la intersubjetividad, del adolescente, su familia y la conducta suicida AU

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Psychology, Adolescent , Personal Narratives as Topic , Psychoanalytic Therapy/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536313


Introducción: El suicidio está entre las tres primeras causas de muerte en el grupo de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, su incidencia no ha descendido en el presente siglo. Objetivo: Valorar algunos indicadores relevantes del programa de atención a la conducta suicida en adolescentes. Métodos: Investigación en sistema y servicios de salud con diseño de estudio observacional descriptivo en tres áreas de salud del municipio Cienfuegos: áreas V, VII y VIII, de enero a septiembre del 2019. El universo fue de 46 profesionales de los Equipos de Salud Mental y Equipo Básicos de Salud. Se utilizaron como instrumentos dos encuestas, diseñadas y validadas por criterio de experto. Fueron seleccionados 6 indicadores en las dimensiones estructura y proceso y 4 en resultado. Se utilizó una media ponderada para procesar los datos. Resultados: Los indicadores valorados de regular fueron: en la estructura: capacitación de los recursos humanos y capacidad técnica del personal; en el proceso: confección de las historias clínicas, diseminación del programa en las unidades de salud y su verificación y las modalidades terapéuticas; y en resultado: la participación del equipo de salud mental en las investigaciones relacionadas con la conducta suicida. Conclusiones: Existe un grupo de deficiencias que conlleva a que el cumplimiento del programa de atención a la conducta suicida en adolescentes sea valorado como regular, en las tres áreas de salud del municipio Cienfuegos estudiadas(AU)

Introduction: Suicide is among the first three causes of death in the group of adolescents and young adults; its incidence has not decreased in the present century. Objective: To assess some relevant indicators of the adolescent suicidal behavior care program. Methods: Research in health system and services with descriptive observational study design in health areas V, VII and VIII of Cienfuegos municipality from January to September 2019. The universe was 46 professionals of the Mental Health Teams and Basic Health Team. Two surveys were used as instruments, designed and validated by expert criteria. Six indicators were selected in the structure and process dimensions and four in outcome. A weighted average was used to process the data. Results: The indicators rated as fair were: in the structure: training of human resources and technical aptitude of personnel; in the process: preparation of clinical histories, dissemination of the program in health units and its verification and therapeutic modalities; and in the outcome: participation of the mental health team in research related to suicidal behavior. Conclusions: There is a group of deficiencies that leads to the fact that compliance with the program of attention to suicidal behavior in adolescents is valued as regular in the three health areas of the Cienfuegos municipality studied(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Primary Health Care , Suicide/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Study
Subj. procesos cogn ; 26(2): 58-79, nov. 28, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1401880


La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar desde dos métodos de análisis de discurso (Indicadores de Cambio Genérico y el Algoritmo David Liberman-AH) los momentos de cambio y estancamiento en extractos de entrevista de una persona con intento suicida que acudió a un proceso de psicoterapia. Se analizaron en los fragmentos los intercambios entre paciente y terapeuta. El primer fragmento corresponde a un episodio de cambio terapéutico y el segundo a uno de estancamiento. En los resultados se muestra la calificación de los fragmentos mediante los dos métodos y se destacan semejanzas en cuanto a los criterios para delimitar el cambio y el estancamiento. En la discusión se precisa la importancia del uso de ambos métodos para una detección detallada de procesos de pensamiento, sensopercepción y afecto relacionados con el intento suicida, así como sobre el surgimiento y sostenimiento de sentimientos de bienestar en los episodios de cambio, además se valora la diferencia que ofrece el ADL, dado que proporciona la detección de defensas(AU)

Two fragments of a psychotherapy process with a patient with a suicide attempt were analyzed from two discourse analysis methodologies. The first corresponds to an episode of therapeutic change and the second to one of stagnation. Similarities were observed in both methods in terms of the criteria for delimiting change and stagnation, as well as the importance of using both methods for a detailed detection of thought processes, sensory perception and affect related to the suicide attempt, as well as the emergence and maintenance of feelings of well-being in episodes of change;in addition, the difference offered by the ADL is valued, since it provides the detection of defenses(AU)

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Psychology, Social , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Countertransference , Depression/psychology
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(8): 1036-1045, ago. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431872


BACKGROUND: Suicidal behavior is a public health problem, and adolescents are one of the main risk groups. Aim: To analyze the association among suicidal behavior, consumption of psychoactive substances, and Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in adolescents attending schools in Valparaiso, Chile. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five hundred-fifty adolescents enrolled in a public school participated in the study. HRQoL was evaluated through KIDSCREEN-27, while suicidal behavior and the consumption of psychoactive substances were measured with the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS). RESULTS: The prevalence of suicidal behavior was higher in women and in those who used tobacco or marijuana in the last month. Respondents with a bad perception of physical well-being reported a higher frequency of suicidal ideation than those with a good perception (Odds ratio (OR): 2.24; 95% confidence: 1.49-3.36). Likewise the frequency of suicidal ideation was higher in those with a bad perception of psychological well-being (OR: 3.87; 95%CI: 2.09-7.71), and a bad perception of autonomy and relation with parents (OR:2.46; 95%CI: 1.34-4.54). Suicide planning was also associated with dimensions of autonomy and relation with parents (OR: 2.32; 95% CI: 1.23-4.38) and dimensions of friends and social support (OR: 1.86; 95%CI:1.05-3.28). Suicide attempt was associated with the dimensions of friendship and social support (OR: 1.83; 95%CI: 1.02-3.28) and school environment (OR: 1,92; 95%CI: 1,23-3,01). Conclusions: Suicide ideation is associated with worse physical and psychological well-being. Suicide planning and suicide attempt is associated with a worse perception about the relation with parents or friends, social support, and school environment.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Suicidal Ideation , Quality of Life , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors
Psico USF ; 27(2): 357-368, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406317


It is a type of quantitative documentary research of descriptive and exploratory content in which studied the profile of adolescents with self-injurious behavior and the variables of risk and protection regarding the suicidal intent, reported in a Children and Youth Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS IJ) from a metropolitan region in the south of Brazil. Data from 139 assisted adolescents, admitted for self-injury, reported that self-injuries occurred predominantly at home (M=14,36 years; SD=1,63), with multiple episodes, using sharp objects with suicidal intent. The hierarchical binary logistic regression results point out that experiencing abuse in the present -using non-sharps objects- having severe injuries and practicing them in different places are risk variables. Whereas the existence of community and school social support networks are protective factors. There is a necessity of investment in the studies that explore the etiology of self-injuries and that provide support for cases of prevention, detection, and treatment. (AU)

Esta pesquisa documental quantitativa, de caráter descritivo e exploratório, investigou o perfil de adolescentes com comportamento autolesivo e variáveis de risco e proteção relacionadas à intenção suicida relatada em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPS IJ) de uma região metropolitana do sul do país. Dados de 139 adolescentes (M = 14,36 anos; DP = 1,63), atendidos por autolesão, indicaram que estas ocorriam predominantemente em ambiente doméstico, com episódios múltiplos, utilização de objetos perfurocortantes e com intenção suicida. Os resultados da regressão logística binária hierárquica indicaram que sofrer violência no presente, utilizar outros objetos que não os perfurocortantes, apresentar lesões graves e praticá-las em locais diferentes são variáveis de risco, enquanto possuir redes de apoio comunitária e escolar são fatores de proteção. É necessário investir em estudos que investiguem a etiologia da autolesão e subsidiem ações de prevenção, detecção e tratamento. (AU)

Esta investigación documental cuantitativa, de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio, investigó el perfil de los adolescentes con conductas autolesivas y variables de riesgo y protección relacionadas con la intención suicida reportada, en un Centro de Atención Psicosocial Infantil y Juvenil (CAPS IJ) de una región metropolitana al sur de Brasil. Los datos de 139 adolescentes (M=14,36 años; DS=1,63), atendidos por autolesión, indicaron que las autolesiones se produjeron en un entorno doméstico, con múltiples episodios, uso de objetos punzantes y con intención suicida. Resultados de la regresión logística binaria jerárquica indicaron que sufrir violencia en el presente, utilizar objetos distintos de los punzantes, presentar lesiones graves y practicarlas en diferentes lugares son variables de riesgo, mientras que tener una red de apoyo comunitario y escolar son factores de protección. Es necesario invertir en estudios que investiguen la etiología de la autolesión y subvencionar acciones de prevención, detección y tratamiento. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Self-Injurious Behavior/psychology , Social Support , Medical Records , Regression Analysis , Adolescent Health Services
J. bras. psiquiatr ; J. bras. psiquiatr;71(2): 92-99, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386073


OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o atendimento pré-hospitalar às vítimas de tentativa de suicídio. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com dados de atendimento pré-hospitalar realizado pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência (SAMU), em Teresina, Piauí, no período de julho/2015 a dezembro/2018. Foram realizadas análise descritiva com o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou teste exato de Fisher e análise da densidade das tentativas de suicídio pela estimativa de Kernel. RESULTADOS: Os atendimentos às tentativas de suicídio predominaram em mulheres (60,9%), adultos de 20 a 29 anos (28,4%), residentes na Região Centro/Norte (35,9%), aos domingos (16,5%) e nos turnos da tarde (32,9%) e noite (34,9%). Foram relatados reincidências de tentativas (9,2%), histórico de atendimento psiquiátrico (14,1%), uso abusivo de álcool (17,5%) e outras drogas (4,6%). O atendimento em ambulâncias de suporte avançado e maior mortalidade antes do socorro foram mais frequentes em vítimas do sexo masculino (40,8% e 5,8%, respectivamente). A Zona Centro/Norte da cidade concentrou as ocorrências para ambos os sexos. CONCLUSÃO: Os atendimentos pré-hospitalares às tentativas de suicídio em Teresina demonstraram grande demanda por vítimas do sexo feminino e jovens e maior densidade de ocorrência na Zona Centro/Norte da cidade. O uso de bebida alcoólica, os meios de autolesão mais letais e a mortalidade foram associados ao sexo masculino. Faz-se necessário divulgar essas informações, capacitar os profissionais sobre a prevenção e abordagem às tentativas de suicídio, além de promover políticas públicas capazes de reduzir as tentativas de suicídio.

OBJECTIVE: To characterize pre-hospital care for victims of attempted suicide. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with pre-hospital care data conducted by the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU), in Teresina, Piauí, from July/2015 to December/2018. Descriptive analysis was performed using Pearson's chi-square test or Fisher's exact test and analysis of the density of suicide attempts using the Kernel estimate. RESULTS: Attendance to suicide attempts predominated in women (60,9%), adults aged 30 to 59 years (46,8%), residing in the Center/North Region (35,9%), on Sundays (16,5%), in the afternoon (32,9%) and night (34,9%) shifts. Recurrence of attempts (9,2%), history of psychiatric care (14,1%), alcohol abuse (17,5%) and other drugs (4,6%) were reported. The attendance in ambulances of advanced support and higher mortality before the rescue were more frequent in male victims (40,8% and 5,8%, respectively). The Center/North zone of the city concentrated the occurrences for both sexes. CONCLUSION: Pre-hospital care for suicide attempts in Teresina showed great demand for female victims, young people and a higher density of occurrence in the Center/North zone of the city. Alcohol use, more lethal means of self-harm and mortality were associated with males. It is necessary to disseminate this information and train professionals on the prevention and approach to suicide attempts, in addition to promoting public policies capable of reducing suicide attempts.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Emergency Medical Services/statistics & numerical data , Chi-Square Distribution , Sex Factors , Health Information Systems , Mental Disorders
J. bras. psiquiatr ; J. bras. psiquiatr;71(2): 133-140, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386080


OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de tentativa de suicídio entre usuários da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e verificar fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com indivíduos de 18 anos ou mais, atendidos na rede urbana da APS de Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul. Foi calculada a prevalência do desfecho, com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95), além das Razões de Prevalência (RPs) brutas e ajustadas para verificação dos fatores associados. RESULTADOS: Amostra de 1.443 indivíduos, prevalência da tentativa de suicídio de 9% (IC95 8%-11%), com maior probabilidade em mulheres (RP = 3,01; IC95 1,54-5,86), 18-59 anos (RP = 2,15; IC95 1,38-3,34), sem cônjuge (RP = 1,82; IC95 1,09-3,03), com duas ou mais doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (RP = 1,54; IC95 1,08-2,18), diagnóstico de HIV/AIDS (RP = 3,02; IC95 1,30-7,02), de depressão (RP = 2,69; IC95 1,83-3,96), história familiar de tentativa de suicídio (RP = 1,99; IC95 1,50-2,63) e insônia (RP = 1,46; IC95 1,05-2,02). Observou-se tendência linear inversamente proporcional em relação à escolaridade, com redução de 42% na probabilidade do desfecho entre os participantes com ensino superior (RP = 0,58; IC95 0,39-0,86). CONCLUSÕES: Constataram-se alta prevalência de tentativa de suicídio, em comparação à média nacional, e associação com idade adulta, sexo feminino, menor escolaridade, ausência de cônjuge, diagnóstico de doenças crônicas, insônia e história familiar de suicídio.

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of attempted suicide among Primary Health Care (PHC) users and to verify the associated factors. METHODS: Cross-sectional study, performed with individuals aged ≥ 18 years, assisted in the urban PHC services in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The prevalence of the outcome was calculated, with a confidence interval of 95% (95% CI), in addition to the crude and adjusted Prevalence Ratios (PR) to verify the associated factors. RESULTS: Sample of 1,443 individuals, 9% prevalence of attempted suicide (95% CI 8%-11%), most likely in women (PR = 3.01; 95% CI 1.54-5.86), 18-59 years (PR = 2.15; 95% CI 1.38-3.34), individuals without a spouse (PR = 1.82; 95% CI 1.09-3.03), with two or more chronic non-communicable diseases (PR = 1.54; 95% CI 1.08-2.18), diagnosis of HIV/AIDS (PR = 3.02; 95% CI 1.30-7.02) and of depression (PR = 2.69; 95% CI 1.83-3.96), family history of attempted suicide (PR = 1.99; 95% CI 1.50-2.63) and insomnia (PR = 1.46; 95% CI 1.05-2.02). An inversely proportional linear trend was observed in relation to education, with a 42% reduction in the probability of the outcome among participants with higher education (PR = 0.58; 95% CI 0.39-0.86). CONCLUSIONS: There was a high prevalence of attempted suicide compared to the national average and association with adult age, female gender, lower education level, absence of a partner, diagnosis of chronic diseases, insomnia and family history of suicide.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Primary Health Care , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Chronic Disease , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders/diagnosis , Mental Disorders/diagnosis
Acta sci., Health sci ; Acta sci., Health sci;44: e58112, Jan. 14, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363999


Objective: to understand the perception and performance of the Nursing team in a hospital emergency service in the care of patients after attempting suicide. Methods: exploratorystudy, with a qualitative approach, carried out through semi-structured interviews with Nursing professionals who work in an Emergency Service. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed as to their content following Bardin's thematic model. Results: seven nurses and four Nursing technicians participated in the study, with an average age of 36 years, most of them female. Suicide attempts are often associated with 'psychic pain' that is opposed to the principles of life preservation; such an attitude has caused suicidal behavior to be misinterpreted by health professionals. Conclusion: most professionals demonstrated a stereotyped 'pre-concept' and full of taboos about patients who attempted suicide, which triggered a service more directed to physical needs and protocol formalities. Few professionals reported carrying out holistic and empathic care, which is so necessary for these people. In this sense, the importance and urgency of training the team in the identification of suicide risks and in the continuity of treatment of surviving individuals is emphasized.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Nursing Care/psychology , Nursing, Team/organization & administration , Pain/psychology , Patients/psychology , Religion , Suicide/psychology , Mental Health , Emergency Nursing/ethics , Death , Health Services Needs and Demand , Hospitals, Packaged/supply & distribution , Nurses/psychology
Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi ; Zhongguo dangdai erke zazhi;(12): 806-811, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939666


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the differences in non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors between only-child and non-only-child adolescents with mood disorders.@*METHODS@#A three-stage sampling method was used to perform a cross-sectional survey of 529 adolescents, aged 12-18 years, who had mood disorders and NSSI behaviors. These adolescents were sampled from the outpatient service of 20 mental hospitals in 9 provinces of China from August to November 2020. A self-made questionnaire was used to collect general demographic data. The Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation, Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, Stress Mindset Measure-General, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scales, and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale were used to collect the information on self-injury behaviors and psychological factors in these adolescents.@*RESULTS@#A total of 529 adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI behaviors were surveyed, among whom 375 were only-child adolescents and 154 were non-only-child adolescents. Compared with the non-only-child group, the only-child group had a significantly higher total score of Functional Assessment of Self-Mutilation (P<0.05) .The type and frequency of self-injury in the only-child group were significantly higher than those in the non-only-child group (P<0.05). Psychological analysis showed that compared with the non-only-child group, the only-child group had a significantly lower score of self-esteem (P<0.05) and significantly higher scores of psychological distress and depressive symptoms (P<0.05). The multiple linear regression analysis showed that the score of suicidal ideation was positively correlated with the frequency of NSSI behaviors in both only-child and non-only-child adolescents with mood disorders (P<0.05); in the only-child adolescents, the level of self-esteem was negatively correlated with the frequency of NSSI behaviors (P<0.05), and the score of stress perception was positively correlated with the frequency of NSSI behaviors (P<0.05); in the non-only-child adolescents, the score of anxious emotion was positively correlated with the frequency of NSSI behaviors (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Among the adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI behaviors, the only-child adolescents tend to have a higher frequency of self-injury and poorer mental health, and therefore, the only-child adolescents with mood disorders and NSSI behaviors need more attention.

Adolescent , Humans , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mood Disorders , Risk Factors , Self Mutilation , Self-Injurious Behavior/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(4): e3507, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289652


RESUMEN Introducción: Estudios recientes indican la prevalencia de ideación suicida en la población general. En el Perú, el aumento de suicidios consumados y la falta de instrumentos de evaluación basados en evidencias, es un problema a considerar. La evaluación de la ideación suicida es esencial para la prevención del suicidio y es recomendable contar con instrumentos confiables para la interpretación e inferencias fundadas de las puntuaciones obtenidas. Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas del Inventario de Frecuencia de Ideación Suicida (IFIS) en población general adulta peruana. Método: Diseño de investigación instrumental y transversal, donde participaron 376 adultos peruanos. Se analizó la evidencia basada en el contenido, estructura interna, confiabilidad, invarianza de medición según sexo y edad, y evidencia en la relación con otras variables. Resultados: El IFIS es una medida unidimensional (CFI=0,99, RMSEA=0,03 [IC del 90 %: 0,00-0,08], SRMR=0,03, WRMR= 0,37), con adecuada confiabilidad (ω=0,80 y H= 0,91) e invarianza según sexo y edad (ΔCFI< 0,010; ΔSRMR<0,030). Asimismo, las puntuaciones del IFIS se correlacionaron con la depresión (r=0,67; p=0,001), presentando un tamaño del efecto fuerte. Los revisores expertos consideraron todos los ítems relevantes. Conclusiones: El IFIS es un instrumento unidimensional con aceptables valores de confiabilidad y diferentes fuentes de evidencias de validez. Por lo tanto, se recomienda utilizar el IFIS como herramienta adicional para la evaluación de la ideación suicida en población general adulta peruana.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Updated research reveals permanence of suicidal ideation in the Peruvian population. In Peru the significant increases of completed suicides and the lack of evidence-based assessment instruments are problem to be considered. The assessment of suicidal ideation is essential for suicide prevention and it is advisable to have confidence instruments for the correct interpretation and informed inferences of the scores obtained. Objective: To assess the psychometric properties of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory (FSII) in the Peruvian adult population. Method: An instrumental and cross-sectional research was designed, involving in it 376 Peruvian adults. Content-based evidence, internal structure, confidence, not invariant measurement according sex and age, and evidence of the relationship among other variables. Results: FSII is a unidimensional measurement (CFI=0.99, RMSEA=0,03 [90% confidence interval (CI): 0.00 to 0.08], SRMR=0.03, WRMR=0.37), with an adequate confidence (ω=0.80 and H= 0.91) and invariant measurement according sex and age (ΔCFI<0.010; ΔSRMR<0.030). At the same time, the FSII scores were correlated with depression stages (r=0.67; p=0.001) presenting a strong effect size. The expert reviewers considered all items as relevant. Conclusions: The FSII is a unidimensional tool with an adequate confidence values and different sources which can provide valid evidence. Therefore, it is recommended to use the FSII as an additional tool for the assessment of suicidal ideation in the general Peruvian adult population.

RESUMO Introdução: Estudos recentes indicam a prevalência de ideação suicida na população em geral. No Peru, o aumento de suicídios consumados e a falta de instrumentos de avaliação baseados em evidências é um problema a ser considerado. A avaliação da ideação suicida é essencial para a prevenção do suicídio e é aconselhável contar com instrumentos confiáveis para a interpretação e inferências fundamentadas dos escores obtidos. Objetivo: Analisar as propriedades psicométricas do Inventário de Frequência de Ideação Suicida (IFIS) na população adulta peruana em geral. Método: Desenho de pesquisa instrumental e transversal, onde participaram 376 adultos peruanos. Foram analisadas as evidências baseadas no conteúdo, estrutura interna, confiabilidade, invariância das medidas segundo sexo e idade e evidências em relação às demais variáveis. Resultados: IFIS é uma medida unidimensional (CFI=0,99, RMSEA=0,03 [90% CI: 0,00-0,08], SRMR=0,03, WRMR=0,37), com confiabilidade adequada (ω=0,80 e H=0,91) e invariância de acordo com sexo e idade (ΔCFI<0,010; ΔSRMR<0,030). Da mesma forma, os escores do IFIS se correlacionaram com a depressão (r=0,67; p=0,001), apresentando um forte tamanho de efeito. Os revisores especialistas consideraram todos os itens relevantes. Conclusões: O IFIS é um instrumento unidimensional com valores de confiabilidade aceitáveis e diferentes fontes de evidências de validade. Portanto, é recomendado o uso do IFIS como uma ferramenta adicional para a avaliação da ideação suicida na população adulta peruana em geral.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Psychotherapy, Group/methods , Suicidal Ideation
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(4): e3967, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289628


Introducción: el suicidio es un grave problema de salud pública mundial, más de 800,000 personas se suicidan cada año y entre 10 y 20 millones lo intentan cada año. Ha sido considerado como una conducta prevenible y el intento es un predictor clínicamente relevante que está presente en un tercio de los suicidios consumados, así como padecer un trastorno mental es otro factor de riesgo para el suicido. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre los intentos de suicidio y los trastornos mentales. Material y Métodos: se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos; Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), PubMed, Science Direct y Google Académico, en español e inglés y limitada a las publicaciones entre 01 de enero 2010 y 31 de diciembre de 2020. Desarrollo: la prevalencia de vida del intento de suicidio en pacientes con Trastorno Bipolar es del 33,9 por ciento, en pacientes con Trastorno Depresivo Mayor es del 31 por ciento, y en pacientes con Esquizofrenia es del 26,8 por ciento. Conclusiones: los pacientes con trastorno bipolar y trastorno depresivo mayor, presentan mayor porcentaje de intentos de suicidio. Aunado a una comorbilidad psiquiátrica (consumo de alcohol, consumo de tabaco y trastorno de la personalidad límite), más intentos de suicidio previos, aumenta el riesgo del comportamiento suicida(AU)

Introduction: Suicide is a serious global public health problem. More than 800,000 people commit suicide every year and between 10 and 20 million people attempt suicide annually. Suicide has been considered a preventable behavior and suicide attempt is a clinically relevant predictor which is present in one-third of consummated suicides. Besides, having a mental disorder is another risk factor for suicide. Objective: To determine the relationship between suicide attempts and mental disorders such as depressive and anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, substance-related disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, personality disorders, and eating disorders. Material and Methods: A search was performed in Dialnet, Redalyc, Scielo, Virtual Health Library (VHL), PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar databases in Spanish and English. It was limited to publications between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2020. Development: The lifetime prevalence of suicide attempt is 31 percent in patients with Bipolar Disorder; 33,9 percent in patients with Major Depressive Disorder and 26.8 percent in patients with Schizophrenia. Conclusions: Patients with bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder have higher rates of suicide attempts. Coupled with psychiatric comorbidity (alcohol consumption, smoking, borderline personality disorder), more previous suicide attempts increase the risk of suicidal behavior(AU)

Humans , Suicide/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Behavior , Bipolar Disorder/prevention & control , Comorbidity , Depressive Disorder, Major , Mental Disorders , Suicide, Attempted/prevention & control , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(2): 165-179, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288986


A experiência coletiva diante do horror da finitude, reapresentada na pandemia atual, impôs o isolamento social e a mudança nas práticas clínicas. Com isso, a clínica psicanalítica enfrenta o desafio da reinstalação dos canais de comunicação psíquica dentro de um novo setting, virtual. Este artigo descreve as particularidades do atendimento online de um paciente melancólico em risco de suicídio, caso ficcionalizado para fins de discrição. O objetivo é mostrar, sob a luz das ideias de Freud em "Luto e melancolia" e de Sándor Ferenczi sobre o manejo da transferência, a possibilidade de transformação da dor psíquica em uma experiência estruturante a partir da migração das imagens para o campo da palavra.

The current pandemic has forced people to face the horror of finitude, imposed social isolation, and required a change in psychotherapy practices. Psychoanalytic treatment faces the challenge of reinstalling the channels of psychic communication within a new, virtual setting. This article describes particular aspects of the online care of a melancholic patient at risk of suicide and has been fictionalized for the sake of discretion. It reflects Freud's ideas in "Mourning and melancholy" and Sandor Ferenczi's approach to the management of transference in order to show the possibility of transforming psychic pain into a structuring experience through the migration of images into the world of language.

La pandemia actual ha obligado a las personas a enfrentar el horror de la finitud, ha impuesto el aislamiento social y ha requerido un cambio en las prácticas de psicoterapia. El tratamiento psicoanalítico se enfrenta al desafío de reinstalar los canales de comunicación psíquica en un nuevo escenario virtual. Este artículo describe aspectos particulares de la atención online de un paciente melancólico en riesgo de suicidio y se ha convertido en ficción por motivos de discreción. Refleja las ideas de Freud en "Duelo y melancolía" y el enfoque de Sandor Ferenczi sobre la gestión de la transferencia para mostrar la posibilidad de transformar el dolor psíquico en una experiencia estructurante a través de la migración de imágenes al mundo del lenguaje.

La pandémie actuelle a contraint les gens à affronter l'horreur de la finitude, imposé l'isolement social et le changement des pratiques de psychothérapie. C'est pourquoi la clinique psychanalytique est confrontée au défi de réinstaller les canaux de communication psychique dans un nouveau cadre virtuel. Cet article décrit des aspects particuliers des soins en ligne d'un patient mélancolique à risque de suicide et a été romancé par souci de discrétion. Son objectif est de montrer, à la lumière des idées de Freud dans « Deuil et mélancolie ¼ et celles de Sandor Ferenczi concernant la gestion du transfert, la possibilité de transformer la douleur psychique en une expérience structurante vers le monde du langage, au moyen de la migration des images.

Humans , Psychoanalysis/methods , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Telemedicine/methods , Depressive Disorder , COVID-19/psychology
ABCS health sci ; 46: e021213, 09 fev. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281238


INTRODUCTION: The scientific literature has pointed out an association between drug use and a higher risk of suicide in men and women. A gender focus is necessary to understand the intentions that women who have already attempted suicide attribute to this attitude because the way people act revelation has an intentional sense. OBJECTIVE: To understand the reasons that lead women who use drugs to attempt suicide. METHODS: Phenomenological study, developed in a Psychosocial Care Center for alcohol and drugs, with 12 female drug users. Data collection took place through phenomenological interviews, which were analyzed from the perspective of Alfred Schütz's Social Phenomenology. RESULTS: The suicide attempt by women was motivated by depression due to situations of violence and conflicting relationships and the losses experienced in their lives. The reasons for the suicide attempt are linked to the women's life history and not only to the phenomenon of drug use. CONCLUSION: Thus, understanding the reasons and the women's life history made it possible to identify suicidal risk behavior and plan the actions of health professionals according to the health needs of these women.

INTRODUÇÃO: A literatura científica tem apontado associação entre uso de drogas e maior risco de suicídio em homens e mulheres. Um recorte de gênero se faz necessário à compreensão das intencionalidades que mulheres que já tentaram suicídio atribuem a essa atitude, pois o modo como as pessoas agem revela um sentido intencional. OBJETIVO: Compreender os motivos que levam a mulher usuária de drogas à tentativa de suicídio. MÉTODO: Estudo fenomenológico, desenvolvido em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial álcool e drogas, com 12 mulheres usuárias de drogas. A coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio de entrevistas fenomenológicas, que foram analisadas sob a óptica da Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz. RESULTADOS: a tentativa de suicídio pelas mulheres mostrou-se motivada pela depressão, situações de violência, relações conflituosas e pelas perdas vivenciadas em suas vidas. Nesse sentido, ressalta-se que esses eventos e aspectos mencionados, estão atrelados à história de vida das mulheres e não somente ao fenômeno do uso de drogas. CONCLUSÃO: Ao compreender os motivos e a história de vida das mulheres, foi possível identificar o comportamento de risco suicida e de planejar as ações dos profissionais de saúde de acordo com as necessidades de saúde dessas mulheres.

Humans , Female , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Women , Drug Users , Bereavement , Substance-Related Disorders , Depression , Violence Against Women , Family Relations , Mental Health Services
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2021. 83 p. tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1378118


As atitudes relacionadas ao comportamento suicida e o risco de suicídio entre graduandos da saúde podem impactar negativamente o bem-estar, a saúde, dessa população, bem como a formação de recursos humanos para a assistência à pessoa com comportamento suicida. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar as atitudes relacionadas ao comportamento suicida e ao risco de suicídio entre graduandos de cursos da área de saúde. Estudo correlacional, transversal e de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido com 747 estudantes universitários que estavam matriculados a partir do 5° período nos cursos de graduação em Biomedicina, Enfermagem, Farmácia, Fisioterapia, Medicina, Nutrição e Odontologia de uma instituição de ensino superior localizada no Sul de Minas Gerais. A coleta de dados ocorreu de maio a junho de 2018, após a aprovação no Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Foram autoaplicados seis instrumentos: Questionário sociodemográfico, educacional e clínico; Questionário de Atitudes frente ao Comportamento Suicida; Escala de Esperança de Herth; Avaliação do Risco de Suicídio; Inventário de Depressão Maior e Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. Os dados foram tabulados em programa estatístico, para análise estatística descritiva, teste de comparação de média, correlação e regressão. Os preditores de sentimentos negativos relacionados ao comportamento suicida foram: sexo feminino, não participar de atividades religiosas, menor competência profissional autopercebida e atitudes moralistas. Foram preditores de competência profissional autopercebida: ter transtorno mental, ter mais esperança, presença risco de suicídio, não ter religião ou espiritualidade, menos sentimentos negativos e atitudes moralistas. Os preditores de maior compreensão do direito ao suicídio foram não participar de atividades religiosas, ter diagnóstico de transtorno mental, ler material específico sobre suicídio, ter menos sentimentos negativos, menos esperança e menos percepção da própria capacidade profissional. Os preditores de risco de suicídio foram ter sintomas depressivos, baixa autoestima, diagnóstico de transtorno mental, uso de psicofármacos, insatisfação com o apoio social e ler materiais sobre suicídio. O estudo pode subsidiar as políticas públicas para o apoio aos estudantes universitários e a importância de esta temática ser inserida nos componentes curriculares para promover uma melhor assistência a esses indivíduos com comportamento suicida

Attitudes related to suicidal behavior and the risk of suicide among health graduates can negatively impact the well-being, health of this population, as well as the training of human resources to assist people with suicidal behavior. The study aimed to analyze attitudes related to suicidal behavior and the risk of suicide among undergraduate health courses. Correlational, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, developed with 747 university students who were enrolled from the 5th period in the undergraduate courses in Biomedicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Nutrition and Dentistry from a higher education institution, from a higher education institution located in South of Minas Gerais. Data collection took place from May to June 2018, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. Six instruments were self-applied: Sociodemographic, educational and clinical questionnaire; Questionnaire of Attitudes towards Suicidal Behavior; Herth's Hope Scale; Suicide Risk Assessment; Major Depression Inventory and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale. The data were tabulated in a statistical program, for descriptive statistical analysis, mean comparison test, correlation and regression. The predictors of negative feelings related to suicidal behavior were: female gender, not participating in religious activities, less self-perceived professional competence and moralistic attitudes. They were predictors of self-perceived professional competence: having a mental disorder, having more hope, having a risk of suicide, having no religion or spirituality, less negative feelings and moralistic attitudes. The predictors of greater understanding of the right to suicide were not participating in religious activities, being diagnosed with a mental disorder, reading specific material about suicide, having less negative feelings, less hope and less perception of one's professional ability. The predictors of suicide risk were having depressive symptoms, low self-esteem, diagnosis of mental disorder, use of psychotropic drugs, dissatisfaction with social support and reading materials about suicide. The study can support public policies to support university students and the importance of this theme being included in the curriculum components to promote better assistance to these individuals with suicidal behavior

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Health Occupations/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Attitude , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(2): e061, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180906


Abstract: Introduction: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common pathology in modern life. Furthermore, Brazil ranks among one of the countries in Latin America with the highest increase in the number of suicides. Objective: The goal of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of GAD and suicide risk and their association in medical students from Belém - PA. Methods: The observational, cross-sectional and quantitative study included undergraduate medical students attending the 1st, 3rd and 5th years of Universidade do Estado do Pará as subjects of this research, totaling 153 students. It used a protocol created by the authors and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The software BioEstat® 5.3 was used to perform the statistical analysis. Results: 52 (32,7%) of the 159 students have GAD and 48 (30,2%) pose a suicide risk, of which 18 have a mild risk (11,3%), 17 a moderate risk (10,7%) and 13 a high risk (8,2%). 46,7% and 50% of the 1st and 3rd-year students, respectively, have higher risk of suicide, which could be related to the competition faced during the University admission process and also during the first years of the clinical cycle. Of the 5th year students who pose a suicide risk, only 21,7% have high risk. Conclusion: It can be observed that GAD and suicide risk show high prevalence among medical students, which has to be investigated and treated aiming to reduce the impacts of those disorders on health professionals and students.

Resumo: Introdução: O transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG) é uma patologia comum da modernidade. Além disso, o Brasil figura entre um dos países da América Latina com o maior aumento do número de suicídios. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência de TAG e risco de suicídio e a associação entre eles em estudantes de Medicina de Belém, no Pará. Métodos: O estudo observacional, transversal e quantitativo teve como sujeitos da pesquisa graduandos do curso de Medicina que estavam matriculados no primeiro, terceiro e quinto anos na Universidade do Estado do Pará, totalizando 159. Utilizaram-se questionário de autoria dos pesquisadores e o Mini International Neurophsychiatric Interview, sendo a análise estatística feita com o software BioEstat® 5.3. Resultados: Dos 159 estudantes, 52 (32,7%) apresentaram TAG; e 48 (30,2%), risco de suicídio, dos quais 18 tiveram risco leve (11,3%); 17, risco moderado (10,7%); e 13, risco elevado (8,2%). Dos alunos, 46,7% e 50%, respectivamente do primeiro e terceiro anos, apresentaram risco elevado de suicídio, fato que pode estar associado com a pressão do vestibular e do início do ciclo clínico. Dos alunos do quinto ano com risco de suicídio, somente 21,7% apresentaram risco elevado. Conclusão: Percebe-se uma importante taxa de TAG e de risco de suicídio entre os estudantes de Medicina, o que precisa ser investigado e trabalhado para minimizar os impactos desses transtornos nos discentes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety Disorders/epidemiology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Factors
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 39: e2019345, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1136753


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess suicide attempts in children seeking care at a Poison Control Center. Methods: Cross-sectional study with children (<12 years old) that attempted suicide and were cared at the Poison Control Center in Londrina, Paraná, Southern Brazil, from April 1985 to December 2018. Results: We identified 59 children, most of them females (74.6%), who used only one product (77.9%). Among the products involved, medications were the most important ones (88.1%). Neurological/psychiatric/muscular manifestations (61.0%) were the main symptoms presented. The main reason identified for the suicide attempt was conflicts with family and/or friends (27.1%). Suicide attempts were more frequent in 2001-2003 and 2016-2018. Conclusions: Suicide attempts occurred mainly in female children with a single agent (mainly medications), and the main reason was family conflicts..

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as tentativas de suicídio em crianças atendidas em um Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica (CIATox-Londrina). Métodos: Estudo transversal com crianças (<12 anos) atendidas no CIATox-Londrina, Paraná, de abril/1985 a dezembro/2018, com tentativa de suicídio. Resultados: Identificaram-se 59 crianças, com predomínio do sexo feminino (74,6%) e com o uso de apenas um produto (77,9%). Entre os produtos envolvidos, destacaram-se os medicamentos (88,1%). As manifestações neurológicas/psíquicas/musculares (61,0%) foram os principais sintomas apresentados. O principal motivo identificado da tentativa de suicídio foram os conflitos com familiares e/ou amigos (27,1%). Houve maior frequência de tentativas de suicídio nos triênios 2001-2003 e 2016-2018. Conclusões: As tentativas de suicídio ocorreram predominantemente nas crianças do sexo feminino, com um único agente (em geral, medicamentos), em que o principal motivo foram os conflitos familiares, observando-se um aumento ao longo dos anos.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Poison Control Centers/statistics & numerical data , Poisoning/therapy , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Drug Overdose/therapy , Poisoning/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Databases, Factual , Family Conflict/psychology , Drug Overdose/psychology
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Online);42(4): 367-371, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132100


Objective: Suicide risk (including attempted and completed suicide) should be measured over short periods of time after contacting health services. The objective of this study was to identify the patterns of attempted and completed suicides within 24-months of a psychiatric emergency department visit, as well as to investigate predictive risk factors, including sociodemographic and clinical variables, previous suicidal behavior, and service utilization. Method: A convenience sample (n=147), recruited at a general hospital's psychiatric emergency room, included patients with suicidal ideation, suicidal plans or previous suicide attempts. These patients were followed for 24 months, focusing on two main outcomes: attempted and completed suicides. Results: After six months there were no completed suicides and 36 suicide attempts, while after 24 months there were seven completed suicides and 69 suicide attempts. A final logistic regression model for suicide attempts at 24 months identified somatic pathology and the number of previous psychiatric hospitalizations as predictive factors, with a good area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. Conclusions: The findings showed distinct patterns of attempted and completed suicides over time, indicating the importance of a systematic multidisciplinary suicide risk evaluation in psychiatric emergency rooms.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Suicide, Attempted/statistics & numerical data , Emergency Service, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Suicidal Ideation , Mental Disorders , Suicide/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Logistic Models , Risk Factors , Mental Disorders/therapy , Middle Aged
Ter. psicol ; 38(1): 119-129, abr. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115944


Resumen El objetivo fue identificar las asociaciones entre apoyo social percibido, riesgo suicida y presencia de enfermedad crónica no transmisible en estudiantes universitarios. Utilizando un diseño de casos y controles, con 41 estudiantes universitarios por grupo. La mediana de edad fue de 22 años (R = 9), un 81,8% eran mujeres, el 26,8% de los sujetos tenía Asma y el 26,8% Hipotiroidismo, y el 63,6% pertenecía a la Facultad de Educación. No se comprobó la asociación entre enfermedad crónica, apoyo social, ni tampoco con riesgo suicida. Hay asociación indirecta entre riesgo suicida y apoyo social, no así cuando se evalúa el intento de suicidio previo. El nivel de riesgo suicida y apoyo social se asocian independiente de la presencia de enfermedad crónica. Esperamos que nuestros resultados permitan fomentar el apoyo social como una herramienta fundamental para la prevención de la suicidabilidad, especialmente en sujetos con enfermedad crónica.

Abstract The objective was to identify associations between perceived social support, suicidal risk and the presence of chronic or communicable disease in university students. Using a case-control design, consisting of 41 subjects in each group. The median age was 22 years (R = 9), 81,8% were women, 26,8% of the subjects had asthma and 26,8% had hypothyroidism, 63,6% were students of the faculties of Education. The association between chronic disease and social support was not proven, nor was there a suicidal risk. There is an indirect association between suicide risk and social support, not so when assessing the previous suicide attempt. The levels of suicide risk and social support are associated, independent of an existing chronic disease. We are hopeful that our results will be effective in promoting social support as a basic tool for suicide prevention, especially in subjects with chronic disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Social Support , Students/psychology , Suicide/psychology , Chronic Disease/psychology , Asthma/psychology , Suicide, Attempted/psychology , Universities , Case-Control Studies , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Assessment , Self Report , Noncommunicable Diseases/psychology , Hypothyroidism/psychology