O estresse oxidativo (EO), fenômeno decorrente do desequilíbrio entre a geração de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) e/ou depleção antioxidante (AO), está envolvido na patogênese de diversas doenças e desordens, incluindo o diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) e a doença periodontal. Uma das conseqüências da geração excessiva das ERO é a destruição tecidual promovida pela peroxidação lipídica, e para combater estes efeitos deletérios, o organismo desenvolveu mecanismos de defesa, como os AO e peroxidases. Objetivos: Avaliar o comportamento dos marcadores de EO na saliva total (SALT) de pacientes com ou sem DM2, portadores ou não de periodontite crônica generalizada (PCG); e verificar e comparar o efeito do tratamento periodontal não-cirúrgico (TPNC) sobre esses marcadores entre os pacientes. Materiais e Métodos: 121 pacientes participaram deste estudo e foram alocados em 4 grupos: diabéticos com PCG (DMPC), diabéticos sem PCG (DM), pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis com PCG (PC) e pacientes sistemicamente saudáveis e sem periodontite (C). Os índices de Placa (IP), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), profundidade clínica de sondagem (PCS) e sangramento à sondagem (SS) foram coletados para a avaliação dos parâmetros clínicos periodontais. Foram também coletadas amostras de sangue periférico e SALT para analisar respectivamente a hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) e os marcadores de EO, superóxido dismutase (SOD), estado total de antioxidante (TAS) e substâncias reativas do ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e peroxidase salivar (SPO). As coletas foram realizadas no baseline e após 30 dias do tratamento, previamente à avaliação e reavaliação clínica. Os pacientes DMCP e PC passaram por TPNC, e os DM e C, receberam apenas orientação de higiene oral e profilaxia. Resultados: No baseline, os grupos DMPC e PC apresentaram valores significativamente maiores dos parâmetros clínicos PCS, SS, IP e NCI quando comparados aos grupos DM e C (p<0.05). Após o TPNC, todos esses parâmetros mostraram melhoras significativas (p<0,05). A HbA1c foi significativamente maior no grupo DMPC quando comparado com DM no baseline (p<0,05), no entanto, o TPNC não promoveu melhora significativa após 1 e 3 meses de acompanhamento glicêmico, ainda que, a redução percentual (0,4%) observada possa ser considerada importante. Quanto aos marcadores, no grupo DMPC os valores de TBARS foram significativamente menores comparados aos grupos DM, PC e C (p<0.05), e os de SPO foi significativamente maior em relação aos grupos PC e C (p<0.05), com correlação negativa entre TBARS e SPO (r=-0.35; p=0.002), enquanto que os valores de TAS e SOD não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos estudados (p>0.05). Após o TPNC, os níveis de TBARS aumentaram significativamente, e os de SPO diminuíram significativamente apenas no grupo DMPC (p<0.05 e p<0.05), ao passo que os valores de SOD e TAS permaneceram inalterados nos dois grupos. Conclusão: No baseline, os valores de TBARS e de SPO estiveram alterados nos pacientes DMPC com resultados que mostram correlação inversa entre TBARS/SPO, e após o TPNC houve nova alteração. O comportamento dos marcadores de EO na saliva mostrou a busca pelo ponto de equilíbrio por diversas vias e que este pode ser alterado pelo uso de medicamentos, como a metformina.
Superoxide Dismutase , Therapeutics , Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances , Peroxidase , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Chronic Periodontitis , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: This study assessed the effects of Acacia Senegal (AS) combined with insulin on Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity and mRNA expression, serum glucose, renal function, and oxidative stress in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Sixty rats were equally divided into six groups: normal control, normal+AS, diabetic (DM), DM+insulin, DM+AS, and DM+insulin+AS groups. Diabetes mellitus (type 1) was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg), and insulin and AS treatments were carried until rats were culled at the end of week 12. Serum glucose and creatinine levels, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) were measured. Renal homogenate levels of NKA activity and gene expression, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated as well as kidney tissue histology and ultrastructure. Diabetes caused glomerular damage and modulation of blood and tissue levels of creatinine, glucose, HbA1c, malondialdehyde, NKA activity and gene expression, SOD, catalase and GSH, which were significantly (p<0.05) treated with AS, insulin, and insulin plus AS. However, AS+insulin treatments were more effective. In conclusion, combined administration of AS with insulin to rats with DN decreased NKA activity and gene expression as well as oxidative stress, and improved glycemic state and renal structure and function.
Este estudio evaluó los efectos de Acacia senegal (AS) combinada con insulina sobre la actividad Na+/K+- ATPasa (NKA) y la expresión de ARNm, la glucosa sérica, la función renal y el estrés oxidativo en un modelo de nefropatía diabética (ND) en ratas. Sesenta ratas se dividieron equitativamente en seis grupos: control normal, normal+AS, diabética (DM), DM+insulina, DM+AS y DM+insulina+AS. La diabetes mellitus (tipo 1) se indujo mediante una única inyección de estreptozotocina (65 mg/kg), y los tratamientos con insulina y AS se llevaron a cabo hasta que las ratas fueron sacrificadas al final de la semana 12. Se midieron niveles séricos de glucosa y creatinina, hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c). Se evaluaron los niveles de homogeneizado renal de actividad NKA y expresión génica, malondialdehído, superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa y glutatión reducido (GSH), así como la histología y ultraestructura del tejido renal. La diabetes causó daño glomerular y modulación de los niveles sanguíneos y tisulares de creatinina, glucosa, HbA1c, malondialdehído, actividad y expresión génica de NKA, SOD, catalasa y GSH, los cuales fueron tratados significativamente (p<0,05) con AS, insulina e insulina más AS. Sin embargo, los tratamientos con AS+insulina fueron más efectivos. En conclusión, la administración combinada de AS con insulina a ratas con DN disminuyó la actividad de NKA y la expresión genética, así como el estrés oxidativo, y mejoró el estado glucémico y la estructura y función renal.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase/drug effects , Diabetic Nephropathies/drug therapy , Acacia/chemistry , Superoxide Dismutase , Glycated Hemoglobin/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Gene Expression , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Sodium-Potassium-Exchanging ATPase/genetics , Oxidative Stress , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Disease Models, Animal , Drug Therapy, Combination , Glycemic Control , Insulin/administration & dosage , Kidney/drug effects , MalondialdehydeABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The toxic effects of acetaminophen appear primarily in the liver and kidney. The protective effect of blue green alga Arthrospira platensis on hepato-renal toxicity caused by acetaminophen was evaluated in male rats. The obtained results showed that subcutaneous injection of acetaminophen at a dose 120 &240 սl acetaminophen/kg by weight resulted in an observed elevation in the enzyme activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), serum total lipids, total cholesterol, creatinine, total bilirubin, urea, nitric oxide (NO), L- malondialdehyde (MDA) and interleukins (IL-2 &IL-6). However, there is a decrease in the serum total protein, albumin and loss in antioxidant enzyme activities in liver including; superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GSH). This effect was found to be dose and time dependent. In spite of, pre- oral administration of Arthrospira platensis 1000 mg/kg .b. wt. prior acetaminophen injection succeeded to modulate the effect of the observed abnormalities caused by acetaminophen. Moreover, there were no remarkable changes in serum biomarkers of rats received Arthrospira platensis only at a dose of 1000 mg/kg by weight (group 2). The histopathological findings confirm the biochemical results that indicates the safety use of Arthrospira platensis at the selected dose in this study. Therefore, the present results clarified the protective effect of blue green alga Arthrospira platensis on oxidative stress, hepatic and nephrotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in male Wister rats.
Los efectos tóxicos del paracetamol aparecen principalmente en el hígado y el riñón. Se evaluó en ratas macho Wistar el efecto protector del alga verde azulada Arthrospira platensis sobre la toxicidad hepatorrenal causada por paracetamol. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la inyección subcutánea de paracetamol a dosis de 120 y 240 µl de paracetamol/kg, resultó en una elevación en las actividades enzimáticas de la aspartato aminotransferasa (AST), alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) y fosfatasa alcalina (ALP), lípidos séricos totales, colesterol total, creatinina, bilirrubina total, urea, óxido nítrico (NO), L- malondialdehído (MDA) e interleucinas (IL-2 e IL-6). Sin embargo, hay una disminución en la proteína sérica total, albúmina y pérdida en las actividades de las enzimas antioxidantes en el hígado, incluyendo; superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa (CAT) y glutatión reductasa (GSH). Se encontró que este efecto era dependiente de la dosis y el tiempo. A pesar de la administración preoral de Arthrospira platensis 1000 mg/kg, la inyección previa de acetaminofeno logró modular el efecto de las anormalidades observadas causadas por el acetaminofeno. Además, no hubo cambios notables en los biomarcadores séricos de ratas que recibieron Arthrospira platensis solo a una dosis de 1000 mg/kg (Grupo 2). Los hallazgos histopatológicos confirman los resultados bioquímicos que indican la seguridad del uso de Arthrospira platensis a la dosis seleccionada en este estudio. Por lo tanto, los presentes resultados aclararon el efecto protector del alga verde azulada Arthrospira platensis sobre el estrés oxidativo, la toxicidad hepática y la nefrotoxicidad inducida por paracetamol en ratas Wistar macho.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Preparations/administration & dosage , Spirulina , Kidney/drug effects , Liver/drug effects , Acetaminophen/toxicity , Aspartate Aminotransferases/analysis , Superoxide Dismutase , Lipid Peroxidation , Interleukins , Rats, Wistar , Alanine Transaminase/analysis , Alkaline Phosphatase/analysisABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To study whether wedelolactone can reduce hyperoxia-induced acute lung injury (HALI) by regulating ferroptosis, and provide a basic theoretical basis for the drug treatment of HALI.@*METHODS@#A total of 24 C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into normal oxygen control group, HALI model group and wedelolactone pretreatment group, with 8 mice in each group. Mice in wedelolactone pretreatment group were treated with wedelolactone 50 mg/kg intraperitoneally for 6 hours, while the other two groups were not given with wedelolactone. After that, the HALI model was established by maintaining the content of carbon dioxide < 0.5% and oxygen > 90% in the molding chamber for 48 hours, and the normal oxygen control group was placed in indoor air. After modeling, the mice were sacrificed and lung tissues were collected. The lung histopathological changes were observed under light microscope and pathological scores were performed to calculate the ratio of lung wet/dry mass (W/D). The levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukins (IL-6, IL-1β), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) in lung tissues of mice in each group were determined. The protein expression of glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) in lung tissue was detected by Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#Under light microscope, the alveolar structure of HALI model group was destroyed, and a large number of neutrophils infiltrated the alveolar and interstitial lung, and the interstitial lung was thickened. The pathological score of lung injury (score: 0.75±0.02 vs. 0.11±0.01) and the ratio of lung W/D (6.23±0.34 vs. 3.68±0.23) were significantly higher than those in the normal oxygen control group (both P < 0.05). Wedelolactone pretreated mice had clear alveolar cavity and lower neutrophil infiltration and interstitial thickness than HALI group. Pathological scores (score: 0.43±0.02 vs. 0.75±0.02) and W/D ratio (4.56±0.12 vs. 6.23±0.34) were significantly lower than HALI group (both P < 0.05). Compared with the normal oxygen control group, the levels of SOD (kU/g: 26.41±4.25 vs. 78.64±3.95) and GSH (mol/g: 4.51±0.33 vs. 12.53±1.25) in HALI group were significantly decreased, while the levels of MDA (mmol/g: 54.23±4.58 vs. 9.65±1.96), TNF-α (μg/L: 96.32±3.67 vs. 11.65±2.03), IL-6 (ng/L: 163.35±5.89 vs. 20.56±3.63) and IL-1β (μg/L: 72.34±4.64 vs. 15.64±2.47) were significantly increased, and the protein expression of GPX4 (GPX4/β-actin: 0.44±0.02 vs. 1.00±0.09) was significantly decreased (all P < 0.05). Compared with the HALI group, the levels of SOD (kU/g: 53.28±3.69 vs. 26.41±4.25) and GSH (mol/g: 6.73±0.97 vs. 12.53±1.25) were significantly higher in the wedelolactone pretreatment group, and the levels of MDA (mmol/g: 25.36±1.98 vs. 54.23±4.58), TNF-α (μg/L: 40.25±4.13 vs. 96.32±3.67), IL-6 (ng/L: 78.32±4.65 vs. 163.35±5.89), and IL-1β (μg/L: 30.65±3.65 vs. 72.34±4.64) were significantly lower (all P < 0.05), and protein expression of GPX4 was significantly higher (GPX4/β-actin: 0.68±0.04 vs. 0.44±0.02, P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Wedelolactone attenuates HALI injury by regulating ferroptosis.
Mice , Animals , Hyperoxia , Ferroptosis , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Interleukin-6 , Actins , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Acute Lung Injury/drug therapy , Lung , Oxygen , Superoxide DismutaseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To observe whether metformin (MET) inhibits transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)/Smad3 signaling pathway by activating adenosine activated protein kinase (AMPK), so as to alleviate the pulmonary fibrosis caused by paraquat (PQ) poisoning in mice.@*METHODS@#Male C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into the Control group, PQ poisoning model group (PQ group), MET intervention group (PQ+MET group), AMPK agonist group (PQ+AICAR group), and AMPK inhibitor group (PQ+MET+CC group), according to a random number table method. A mouse model of PQ poisoning was established by one-time peritoneal injection of 1 mL PQ solution (20 mg/kg). The Control group was injected with the same volume of normal saline. After 2 hours of modeling, the PQ+MET group was given 2 mL of 200 mg/kg MET solution by gavage, the PQ+AICAR group was given 2 mL of 200 mg/kg AICAR solution by intraperitoneal injection, the PQ+MET+CC group was given 2 mL of 200 mg/kg MET solution by gavage and then 1 mL complex C (CC) solution (20 mg/kg) was intraperitoneally injected, the Control group and PQ group were given 2 mL of normal saline by gavage. The intervention was given once a day for 21 consecutive days. The 21-day survival rate of ten mice in each group was calculated, and the lung tissues of remaining mice were collected at 21 days after modeling. The pathological changes of lung tissues were observed under light microscope after hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and Masson staining, and the degree of pulmonary fibrosis was evaluated by Ashcroft score. The content of hydroxyproline in lung tissue and oxidative stress indicators such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected. The protein expressions of E-cadherin, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), phosphorylated AMPK (p-AMPK), TGF-β1 and phosphorylated Smad3 (p-Smad3) in lung tissue were detected by Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the Control group, the 21 days survival rate was significantly reduced, lung fibrosis and Ashcroft score were significantly increased in PQ group. In addition, the content of hydroxyproline, MDA and the protein expressions of α-SMA, TGF-β1 and p-Smad3 in lung tissue were significantly increased, while the activity of SOD and the protein expressions of E-cadherin and p-AMPK were significantly decreased in PQ group. Compared with the PQ group, the 21 days survival rates of mice were significantly improved in the PQ+MET group and PQ+AICAR group (70%, 60% vs. 20%, both P < 0.05). The degree of pulmonary fibrosis and the Ashcroft score were significantly reduced (1.50±0.55, 2.00±0.63 vs. 6.67±0.52, both P < 0.05). The content of hydroxyproline and MDA in lung tissue, as well as α-SMA, TGF-β1 and p-Smad3 protein expressions were significantly reduced [hydroxyproline (mg/L): 2.03±0.11, 3.00±0.85 vs. 4.92±0.65, MDA (kU/g): 2.06±1.48, 2.10±1.80 vs. 4.06±1.33, α-SMA/GAPDH: 0.23±0.06, 0.16±0.06 vs. 1.00±0.09, TGF-β1/GAPDH: 0.28±0.03, 0.53±0.05 vs. 0.92±0.06 p-Smad3/GAPDH: 0.52±0.04, 0.69±0.06 vs. 1.11±0.10, all P < 0.05], SOD activity and the protein expressions of E-cadherin and p-AMPK were significantly increased [SOD (μmol/g): 39.76±1.35, 33.03±1.28 vs. 20.08±1.79, E-cadherin/GAPDH: 0.91±0.08, 0.72±0.08 vs. 0.26±0.04, p-AMPK/GAPDH: 0.62±0.04, 0.60±0.01 vs. 0.20±0.04, all P < 0.05]. However, these protective effects of MET were inhibited by the addition of AMPK inhibitor CC solution.@*CONCLUSIONS@#MET can effectively alleviate the degree of pulmonary fibrosis in mice poisoned with PQ, and its mechanism may be related to the activation of AMPK and inhibition of TGF-β1/Smad3 signaling pathway, which can be inhibited by AMPK inhibitor CC.
Mice , Male , Animals , Pulmonary Fibrosis/drug therapy , Paraquat , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/pharmacology , Metformin/pharmacology , Hydroxyproline/pharmacology , Saline Solution , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Lung/metabolism , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/pharmacology , Cadherins , Superoxide DismutaseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore pro-oxidative state of rotator cuff tissue and expression levels of Beclin-1 and mam-malian target of rapamycin(mTOR) in patients with acute and chronic rotator cuff injury, and then analyzed relationship between rotator cuff injury and oxidative stress and autophagy.@*METHODS@#Forty patients with rotator cuff injury were seleceted from July 2019 to December 2020, and divided into male chronic injury group, male acute injury group, female chronic injury group, and female acute injury group, 10 patients in each group. All patients were performed rotator cuff repair under arthroscopy. The sample of tendon at the rotator cuff injury site of the patient was taken during operation, and total reactive oxygen species (ROS) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) were detected by detection kit;expression of Beclin-1 and mTOR mRNA were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and Western-blot was applied to detect protein expression of Beclin-1 and p-mTOR/mTOR.@*RESULTS@#There were no significant difference in expression of ROS, SOD, Beclin-1mRNA and mTOR mRNA between male and female chronic injury groups, and between male and female acute injury groups (P>0.05); ROS, SOD and Beclin-1mRNA in male chronic injury group were higher than those in male chronic injury group, while mTOR mRNAand protein decreased (P<0.05);ROS, SOD and Beclin-1 mRNA in female chronic injury group were up-regulated compared with female acute injury group, while mTOR mRNA was down-regulated (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Chronic rotator cuff injury is more likely to stimulate the pro-oxidation state of rotator cuff tissue than acute rotator cuff injury, which could up-regulating expression of autophagy factor Beclin-1 and down-regulating expression of mTOR. Therefore, patients with chronic rotator cuff injury may have higher levels of oxidative stress and autophagy.
Female , Humans , Male , Beclin-1/metabolism , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Rotator Cuff/surgery , Rotator Cuff Injuries/surgery , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To quantify phytochemicals using liquid chromatography and mass spectroscopy (LCMS) analysis and explore the therapeutic effect of Aesculus hippocastanum L. (AH) seeds ethanolic extract against gastric ulcers in rats.@*METHODS@#Preliminary phytochemical testing and LCMS analysis were performed according to standard methods. For treatment, the animals were divided into 7 groups including normal control, ulcer control, self-healing, AH seeds low and high doses, ranitidine and per se groups. Rats were orally administered with 10 mg/kg of indomethacin, excluding the normal control group (which received 1% carboxy methyl cellulose) and the per se group (received 200 mg/kg AH seeds extract). The test group rats were then given 2 doses of AH seeds extract (100 and 200 mg/kg, respectively), while the standard group was given ranitidine (50 mg/kg). On the 11th day, rats in all groups were sacrificed, and their stomach was isolated to calculate the ulcer index, and other parameters such as blood prostaglandin (PGE2), tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), malonyldialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione (GSH). All isolated stomach tissues were analyzed for histopathological findings.@*RESULTS@#The phytochemical examination shows that the AH seeds contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, phenolic components, and glycosides. LCMS analysis confirms the presence of quercetin and rutin. The AH seeds extract showed significant improvement in gastric mucosa conditions after indomethacin-induced gastric lesions (P<0.01). Further marked improvement in blood PGE2 and antioxidant enzymes, SOD, CAT, MDA and GSH, were observed compared with self-healing and untreated ulcer-induced groups (P<0.01). Histopathology results confirmed that AH seeds extract improved the mucosal layer and gastric epithelial membrane in treated groups compared to untreated ulcer-induced groups.@*CONCLUSIONS@#LCMS report confirms the presence of quercetin and rutin in AH seeds ethanolic extract. The therapeutic effect of AH seeds extract against indomethacin-induced ulcer in rat model indicated the regenerated membrane integrity, with improved cellular functions and mucus thickness. Further, improved antioxidant enzyme level would help to reduce PGE2 biosynthesis.
Rats , Animals , Stomach Ulcer/pathology , Antioxidants/therapeutic use , Ranitidine/adverse effects , Aesculus , Ulcer/drug therapy , Quercetin , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Indomethacin/therapeutic use , Glutathione , Superoxide Dismutase , Rutin/adverse effects , Prostaglandins/adverse effects , Phytochemicals/therapeutic useABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of ethanol extract of Polygala sibirica L. var megalopha Fr. (EEP) on RAW264.7 mouse macrophages.@*METHODS@#RAW264.7 cells were pretreated with 0-200 µg/mL EEP or vehicle for 2 h prior to exposure to 1 µg/mL lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 24 h. Nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin (PGE2) production were determined by Griess reagent and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. The mRNA levels of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), and IL-6 were determined using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Western blot assay was used to determine the protein expressions of iNOS, COX-2, phosphorylation of extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), inhibitory subunit of nuclear factor Kappa B alpha (Iκ B-α) and p38. Immunofluorescence was used to observe the nuclear expression of nuclear factor-κ B p65 (NF-κ B p65). Additionally, the anti-oxidant potential of EEP was evaluated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and the activities of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl (OH), superoxide anion (O2-) radical and nitrite scavenging activity were also measured.@*RESULTS@#The total polyphenol and flavonoid contents of EEP were 23.50±2.16 mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g and 43.78±3.81 mg rutin equivalent/100 g. With EEP treatment (100 and 150 µg/mL), there was a notable decrease in NO and PGE2 production induced by LPS in RAW264.7 cells by downregulation of iNOS and COX-2 mRNA and protein expressions (P<0.01 or P<0.05). Furthermore, with EEP treatment (150 µg/mL), there was a decrease in the mRNA expression levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, as well as in the phosphorylation of ERK, JNK and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK, P<0.01 or P<0.05), by blocking the nuclear translocation of NF-κ B p65 in LPS-stimulated cells. In addition, EEP (100 and 150 µg/mL) led to an increase in the anti-oxidant enzymes activity of SOD and CAT, with a concomitant decrease in ROS production (P<0.01 or P<0.05). EEP also indicated the DPPH, OH, O2- radical and nitrite scavenging activity.@*CONCLUSION@#EEP inhibited inflammatory responses in activated macrophages through blocking MAPK/NF-κ B pathway and protected against oxidative stress.
Animals , Mice , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Lipopolysaccharides/pharmacology , Polygala , Transcription Factor RelA/metabolism , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Ethanol/chemistry , Interleukin-6/metabolism , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/chemistry , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Cyclooxygenase 2/metabolism , Nitrites/metabolism , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Nitric Oxide/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , RNA, Messenger , Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the protective effect of Huoxin Pill (HXP) on acute myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (MIRI) injury in rats.@*METHODS@#Seventy-five adult SD rats were divided into the sham-operated group, model group, positive drug group (diltiazem hydrochloride, DH), high dose group (24 mg/kg, HXP-H) and low dose group (12 mg/kg, HXP-L) of Huoxin Pill (n=15 for every group) according to the complete randomization method. After 1 week of intragastric administration, the left anterior descending coronary artery of the rat's heart was ligated for 45 min and reperfused for 3 h. Serum was separated and the levels of creatine kinase (CK), creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-MB) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA), hypersensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were measured. Myocardial ischemia rate, myocardial infarction rate and myocardial no-reflow rate were determined by staining with Evans blue and 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC). Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP) and Bioinformatics Analysis Tool for Molecular mechANism of Traditional Chinese Medicine (BATMAN) databases were used to screen for possible active compounds of HXP and their potential therapeutic targets; the results of anti-inflammatory genes associated with MIRI were obtained from GeneCards, Drugbank, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), and Therapeutic Target Datebase (TTD) databases was performed; Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) enrichment were used to analyze the intersected targets; molecular docking was performed using AutoDock Tools. Western blot was used to detect the protein expression of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/nuclear factor kappa-B (NFκB)/NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3).@*RESULTS@#Compared with the model group, all doses of HXP significantly reduced the levels of LDH, CK and CK-MB (P<0.05, P<0.01); HXP significantly increased serum activity of SOD (P<0.05, P<0.01); all doses of HXP significantly reduced the levels of hs-CRP and IL-1β (P<0.05, P<0.01) and the myocardial infarction rate and myocardial no-reflow rate (P<0.01). GO enrichment analysis mainly involved positive regulation of gene expression, extracellular space and identical protein binding, KEGG pathway enrichment mainly involved PI3K-Akt signaling pathway and lipid and atherosclerosis. Molecular docking results showed that kaempferol and luteolin had a better affinity with TLR4, NFκB and NLRP3 molecules. The protein expressions of TLR4, NFκB and NLRP3 were reduced in the HXP group (P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#HXP has a significant protective effect on myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats, and its effect may be related to the inhibition of redox response and reduction of the inflammatory response by inhibiting the TLR4NFκB/NLRP3 signaling pathway.
Humans , Rats , Animals , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Myocardial Reperfusion Injury/drug therapy , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , C-Reactive Protein , Toll-Like Receptor 4 , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases/metabolism , Molecular Docking Simulation , Signal Transduction , Myocardial Infarction/drug therapy , Creatine Kinase , L-Lactate Dehydrogenase/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolismABSTRACT
To investigate the antidepressant mechanism of Shenling Kaixin Granules(SLKX) in treating chronic unpredictable mild stress(CUMS) model rats. Ninety male SD rats were randomly divided into control group, model group, Shugan Jieyu Capsules(110 mg·kg~(-1)) group and SLKX low-(90 mg·kg~(-1)), medium-(180 mg·kg~(-1)), and high-dose(360 mg·kg~(-1)) groups. Depression rat model was replicated by CUMS method. After treatment, the behavioral changes of rats were evaluated by sugar preference, open field, elevated cross maze and forced swimming experiments. The contents of interleukin 1 beta(IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α), brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF) and 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) in serum were determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), and the activities of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and catalase(CAT) in hippocampal CA1 region were also detected. Pathological changes in hippocampal CA1 region were detected by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining, and Western blot was used to determine the expression of nerve growth factor(NGF), BDNF, phospho-tyrosine kinase receptor(p-TrkB)/TrkB, phospho-cAMP-response element binding protein(p-CREB)/CREB, nuclear factor E2 related factor 2(Nrf2), heme oxygenase 1(HO-1), B-cell lymphoma-2(Bcl-2)/Bcl-2 associated X protein(Bax) and caspase-3 in hippocampal CA1 region. RESULTS:: showed that compared with the control group, the model group had decreased sugar preference, reduced number of entries and time spent in the center of open field and shortened total distance of movement, reduced number of entries and proportion of time spent in open arm, and increased number and time of immobility in forced swimming experiment. Additionally, the serum contents of IL-1β and TNF-α and the expression of caspase-3 were higher, while the contents of BDNF and 5-HT, the activities of SOD and CAT in hippocampal CA1 region, the expressions of NGF, BDNF, p-TrkB/TrkB, p-CREB/CREB, HO-1 and Bcl-2/Bax, and the Nrf2 nuclear translocation were lower in model group than in control group. Compared with the conditions in model group, the sugar preference, the number of entries and time spent in the center of open, total distance of movement, and the number of entries and proportion of time spent in open arm in treatment groups were increased while the number and time of immobility in forced swimming experiment were decreased; the serum contents of IL-1β and TNF-α and the expression of caspase-3 were down regulated, while the contents of BDNF and 5-HT, the activities of SOD and CAT in hippocampal CA1 region, the expressions of NGF, BDNF, p-TrkB/TrkB, p-CREB/CREB, HO-1, Bcl-2/Bax, and Nrf2 nuclear translocation were enhanced. In conclusion, SLKX might regulate the Nrf2 nucleus translocation by activating BDNF/TrkB/CREB pathway, lower oxidative stress damage in hippocampus, inhibit caspase-3 activity, and reduce apoptosis of hippocampal nerve cells, thereby playing an antidepressant role.
Rats , Male , Animals , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/metabolism , Caspase 3/metabolism , Nerve Growth Factor/metabolism , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Serotonin/metabolism , NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Antidepressive Agents/pharmacology , Hippocampus/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Sugars/pharmacology , Depression/genetics , Stress, Psychological/metabolismABSTRACT
This study aims to explore the neuroprotective mechanism of ginsenoside Re(GS-Re) on drosophila model of Parkinson's disease(PD) induced by rotenone(Rot). To be specific, Rot was used to induce PD in drosophilas. Then the drosophilas were grouped and respectively treated(GS-Re: 0.1, 0.4, 1.6 mmol·L~(-1); L-dopa: 80 μmol·L~(-1)). Life span and crawling ability of drosophilas were determined. The brain antioxidant activity [content of catalase(CAT), malondialdehyde(MDA), reactive oxygen species(ROS), superoxide dismutase(SOD)], dopamine(DA) content, and mitochondrial function [content of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B8(NDUFB8) Ⅰ activity, succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit B(SDHB) Ⅱ activity] were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The number of DA neurons in the brains of drosophilas was measured with the immunofluorescence method. The levels of NDUFB8 Ⅰ, SDHB Ⅱ, cytochrome C(Cyt C), nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2(Nrf2), heme oxygenase-1(HO-1), B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 2(Bcl-2)/Bcl-2-assaciated X protein(Bax), and cleaved caspase-3/caspase-3 in the brain were detected by Western blot. The results showed that model group [475 μmol·L~(-1) Rot(IC_(50))] demonstrated significantly low survival rate, obvious dyskinesia, small number of neurons and low DA content in the brain, high ROS level and MDA content, low content of SOD and CAT, significantly low ATP content, NDUFB8 Ⅰ activity, and SDHB Ⅱ activity, significantly low expression of NDUFB8 Ⅰ, SDHB Ⅱ, and Bcl-2/Bax, large amount of Cyt C released from mitochondria to cytoplasm, low nuclear transfer of Nrf2, and significantly high expression of cleaved caspase-3/caspase-3 compared with the control group. GS-Re(0.1, 0.4, and 1.6 mmol·L~(-1)) significantly improved the survival rate of PD drosophilas, alleviated the dyskinesia, increased DA content, reduced the loss of DA neurons, ROS level, and MDA content in brain, improved content of SOD and CAT and antioxidant activity in brain, maintained mitochondrial homeostasis(significantly increased ATP content and activity of NDUFB8 Ⅰ and SDHB Ⅱ, significantly up-regulated expression of NDUFB8 Ⅰ, SDHB Ⅱ, and Bcl-2/Bax), significantly reduced the expression of Cyt C, increased the nuclear transfer of Nrf2, and down-regulated the expression of cleaved caspase-3/caspase-3. In conclusion, GS-Re can significantly relieve the Rot-induced cerebral neurotoxicity in drosophilas. The mechanism may be that GS-Re activates Keap1-Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway by maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis, improves antioxidant capacity of brain neurons, then inhibits mitochondria-mediated caspase-3 signaling pathway, and the apoptosis of neuronal cells, thereby exerting the neuroprotective effect.
Animals , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Oxidative Stress , NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism , Caspase 3/metabolism , Parkinson Disease/genetics , bcl-2-Associated X Protein/metabolism , Neuroprotective Agents/pharmacology , Kelch-Like ECH-Associated Protein 1/metabolism , Drosophila/metabolism , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-bcl-2/metabolism , Apoptosis , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Adenosine Triphosphate/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Objective To study the effect and mechanism of blueberry on regulating the mitochondrial inner membrane protein mitofilin/Mic60 in an in vitro model of metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease (MAFLD). Methods L02 human hepatocytes were induced by free fatty acids (FFA) to establish MAFLD cell model. A normal group, a model group, an 80 μg/mL blueberry treatment group, a Mic60 short hairpin RNA (Mic60 shRNA) transfection group, and Mic60 knockdown combined with an 80 μg/mL blueberry treatment group were established. The intracellular lipid deposition was observed by oil red O staining, and the effect of different concentrations of blueberry pulp on the survival rate of L02 cells treated with FFA was measured by MTT assay. The levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents were measured by visible spectrophotometry. The expression of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in hepatocytes was observed by fluorescence microscopy, and the mRNA and protein expression of Mic60 were detected by real-time quantitative PCR and Western blot analysis, respectively. Results After 24 hours of FFA stimulation, a large number of red lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of L02 cells was observed, and the survival rate of L02 cells treated with 80 μg/mL blueberry was higher. The results of ALT, AST, TG, TC, MDA and the fluorescence intensity of ROS in blueberry treated group were lower than those in model group, while the levels of SOD, GSH, Mic60 mRNA and protein in blueberry treated group were higher than those in model group. Conclusion Blueberry promotes the expression of Mic60, increases the levels of SOD and GSH in hepatocytes, and reduces the production of ROS, thus alleviating the injury of MAFLD hepatocytes and regulating the disorder of lipid metabolism.
Humans , Blueberry Plants/chemistry , Hepatocytes/metabolism , Liver/metabolism , Liver Diseases/metabolism , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Superoxides/metabolism , Mitochondrial Membranes/metabolism , Mitochondrial Proteins/metabolism , Plant Extracts/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the neuroprotective effect of methylene blue on diabetic retinopathy in rats. Methods Thirty SD rats were randomly divided into blank, control and experimental groups. The control and experimental groups were induced with diabetes by streptozotocin (STZ) intraperitoneal injection. After 6 weeks of successful modeling, the experimental group received intravitreal injection of methylene blue at a dose of [0.2 mg/(kg.d)], while the control group received an equal amount of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) intravitreal injection, both continuously injected for 7 days. ELISA was used to detect the levels of retinal superoxide dismutase (SOD), 8-iso-prostaglandin F2alpha (iPF2α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in rats. Western blot analysis was used to detect the expression of retinal extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation (p-ERK1/2) and phosphorylated protein kinase B (p-AKT), and PAS staining was used to detect retinal morphological changes. Results Compared with the blank group rats, the retinal SOD activity in the control and experimental group rats was significantly reduced. iPF2α, IL-1β and p-ERK1/2 level increased, while p-AKT level decreased. Compared with the control group, the SOD activity of the experimental group rats increased. iPF2α and IL-1β level went down, while p-ERK1/2 and p-AKT level went up significantly. The overall thickness of the retinal layer and the number of retinal ganglion cells were significantly reduced. Conclusion Methylene blue improves diabetic retinopathy in rats by reducing retinal oxidative stress and enhancing ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation.
Rats , Animals , Diabetic Retinopathy/metabolism , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt/metabolism , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3/metabolism , Interleukin-1beta/metabolism , Methylene Blue/pharmacology , Phosphorylation , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , MAP Kinase Signaling System , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the effect and mechanism of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting Cyp2e1 gene on subacute alcoholic liver injury in mice.@*METHODS@#siRNA targeting Cyp2e1 gene was encapsulated in LNP (si-Cyp2e1 LNP) by microfluidic technique and the resulting LNPs were characterized. The optimal dose of si-Cyp2e1 LNP administration was screened. Forty female C57BL/6N mice were randomly divided into blank control group, model control group, si-Cyp2e1 LNP group, LNP control group and metadoxine group. The subacute alcoholic liver injury mouse model was induced by ethanol feeding for 10 d plus ethanol gavage for the last 3 d. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities, and the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity as well as malondialdehyde, reactive oxygen species, glutathione, triacylglycerol, total cholesterol contents in liver tissue were measured in each group, and liver index was calculated. The expression of genes related to oxidative stress, lipid synthesis and inflammation in each group of mice were measured by realtime RT-PCR.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the model control group, the levels of liver index, serum ALT, AST activities, malondialdehyde, reactive oxygen species, triacylglycerol, total cholesterol contents in liver tissue decreased, but the SOD activity as well as glutathione increased in the si-Cyp2e1 LNP group (all P<0.01). Hematoxylin-eosin staining result showed disorganized hepatocytes with sparse cytoplasm and a large number of fat vacuoles and necrosis in the model control group, while the si-Cyp2e1 LNP group had uniformly sized and arranged hepatocytes with normal liver tissue morphology and structure. Oil red O staining result showed si-Cyp2e1 LNP group had lower fat content of the liver compared to the model control group (P<0.01), and no fat droplets accumulated. Anti-F4/80 monoclonal antibody fluorescence immunohistochemistry showed that the si-Cyp2e1 LNP group had lower cumulative optical density values compared to the model control group (P<0.01) and no significant inflammatory reaction. Compared with the model control group, the expression of catalytic genes P47phox, P67phox and Gp91phox were reduced (all P<0.01), while the expression of the antioxidant enzyme genes Sod1, Gsh-rd and Gsh-px were increased (all P<0.01). The mRNA expression of the lipid metabolism genes Pgc-1α and Cpt1 were increased (all P<0.01) and the lipid synthesis-related genes Srebp1c, Acc and Fasn were decreased (all P<0.01); the expression of liver inflammation-related genes Tgf-β, Tnf-α and Il-6 were decreased (all P<0.01).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The si-Cyp2e1 LNP may attenuate subacute alcoholic liver injury in mice mainly by reducing reactive oxygen levels, increasing antioxidant activity, blocking oxidative stress pathways and reducing ethanol-induced steatosis and inflammation.
Animals , Female , Mice , Antioxidants/metabolism , Cholesterol/metabolism , Ethanol/pharmacology , Glutathione/pharmacology , Inflammation , Lipids/pharmacology , Liver , Malondialdehyde/pharmacology , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Oxidative Stress , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , RNA, Small Interfering/pharmacology , Superoxide Dismutase , Triglycerides/metabolism , Cytochrome P-450 CYP2E1/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effect of curcumin on renal mitochondrial oxidative stress, nuclear factor-κB/NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NF-κB/NLRP3) inflammatory body signaling pathway and tissue cell injury in rats with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).@*METHODS@#A total of 24 specific pathogen free (SPF)-grade healthy male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into control group, ARDS model group, and low-dose and high-dose curcumin groups, with 6 rats in each group. The ARDS rat model was reproduced by intratracheal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 4 mg/kg via aerosol inhalation. The control group was given 2 mL/kg of normal saline. The low-dose and high-dose curcumin groups were administered 100 mg/kg or 200 mg/kg curcumin by gavage 24 hours after model reproduction, once a day. The control group and ARDS model group were given an equivalent amount of normal saline. After 7 days, blood samples were collected from the inferior vena cava, and the levels of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) in serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The rats were sacrificed, and kidney tissues were collected. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were determined by ELISA, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was detected using the xanthine oxidase method, and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were determined by colorimetric method. The protein expressions of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), caspase-3, NF-κB p65, and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) were detected by Western blotting. The mRNA expressions of HIF-1α, NLRP3, and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Renal cell apoptosis was detected by TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). The morphological changes in renal tubular epithelial cells and mitochondria were observed under a transmission electron microscope.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the control group, the ARDS model group exhibited kidney oxidative stress and inflammatory response, significantly elevated serum levels of kidney injury biomarker NGAL, activated NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome signaling pathway, increased kidney tissue cell apoptosis rate, and renal tubular epithelial cell damage and mitochondrial integrity destruction under transmission electron microscopy, indicating successful induction of kidney injury. Following curcumin intervention, the injury to renal tubular epithelial cells and mitochondria in the rats was significantly mitigated, along with a noticeable reduction in oxidative stress, inhibition of the NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome signaling pathway, and a significant decrease in kidney tissue cell apoptosis rate, demonstrating a certain dose-dependency. Compared with the ARDS model group, the high-dose curcumin group exhibited significantly reduced serum NGAL levels and kidney tissue MDA and ROS levels [NGAL (μg/L): 13.8±1.7 vs. 29.6±2.7, MDA (nmol/g): 115±18 vs. 300±47, ROS (kU/L): 75±19 vs. 260±15, all P < 0.05], significantly down-regulated protein expressions of HIF-1α, caspase-3, NF-κB p65, and TLR4 in the kidney tissue [HIF-1α protein (HIF-1α/β-actin): 0.515±0.064 vs. 0.888±0.055, caspase-3 protein (caspase-3/β-actin): 0.549±0.105 vs. 0.958±0.054, NF-κB p65 protein (NF-κB p65/β-actin): 0.428±0.166 vs. 0.900±0.059, TLR4 protein (TLR4/β-actin): 0.683±0.048 vs. 1.093±0.097, all P < 0.05], and significantly down-regulated mRNA expressions of HIF-1α, NLRP3, and IL-1β [HIF-1α mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 2.90±0.39 vs. 9.49±1.87, NLRP3 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 2.07±0.21 vs. 6.13±1.32, IL-1β mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 1.43±0.24 vs. 3.95±0.51, all P < 0.05], and significantly decreased kidney tissue cell apoptosis rate [(4.36±0.92)% vs. (27.75±8.31)%, P < 0.05], and significantly increased SOD activity (kU/g: 648±34 vs. 430±47, P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Curcumin can alleviate kidney injury in ARDS rats, and its mechanism may be related to the increasing in SOD activity, reduction of oxidative stress, and inhibition of the activation of the NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome signaling pathway.
Male , Rats , Animals , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , NF-kappa B , Actins , Caspase 3 , Curcumin , Lipocalin-2 , Toll-Like Receptor 4 , Inflammasomes , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein , Reactive Oxygen Species , Saline Solution , Kidney , Superoxide DismutaseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the role and mechanism of silent information regulator 1 (SIRT1) in regulating nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2)/heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) signaling pathway in oxidative stress and inflammatory response to sepsis-induced liver injury.@*METHODS@#A total of 24 male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into sham operation (Sham) group, cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) group, SIRT1 agonist SRT1720 pretreatment (CLP+SRT1720) group and SIRT1 inhibitor EX527 pretreatment (CLP+EX527) group, with 6 rats in each group. Two hours before operation, SRT1720 (10 mg/kg) or EX527 (10 mg/kg) were intraperitoneally injected into the CLP+SRT1720 group and CLP+EX527 group, respectively. Blood was collected from the abdominal aorta at 24 hours after modeling and the rats were sacrificed for liver tissue. The serum levels of interleukins (IL-6, IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The serum levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) were detected by microplate method. Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining was used to observe the pathological injury of rats in each group. The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in liver tissue were detected by corresponding kits. The mRNA and protein expressions of SIRT1, Nrf2 and HO-1 in liver tissues were detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and Western blotting.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the Sham group, the serum levels of IL-6, IL-1β, TNF-α, ALT and AST in the CLP group were significantly increased; histopathological results showed that liver cords were disordered, hepatocytes were swollen and necrotic, and a large number of inflammatory cells infiltrated; the contents of MDA and 8-OHdG in liver tissue increased, while the contents of GSH and SOD decreased; and the mRNA and protein expressions of SIRT1, Nrf2 and HO-1 in liver tissues were significantly decreased. These results suggest that sepsis rats have liver dysfunction, and the levels of SIRT1, Nrf2, HO-1 and antioxidant protein in liver tissues were decreased, while the levels of oxidative stress and inflammation were increased. Compared with the CLP group, the levels of inflammatory factors and oxidative stress were significantly decreased in the CLP+SRT1720 group, the mRNA and protein expressions of SIRT1, Nrf2 and HO-1 were significantly increased [IL-6 (ng/L): 34.59±4.21 vs. 61.84±3.78, IL-1β (ng/L): 41.37±2.70 vs. 72.06±3.14, TNF-α (ng/L): 76.43±5.23 vs. 130.85±5.30, ALT (U/L): 30.71±3.63 vs. 64.23±4.59, AST (U/L): 94.57±6.08 vs. 145.15±6.86, MDA (μmol/g): 6.11±0.28 vs. 9.23±0.29, 8-OHdG (ng/L): 117.43±10.38 vs. 242.37±11.71, GSH (μmol/g): 11.93±0.88 vs. 7.66±0.47, SOD (kU/g): 121.58±5.05 vs. 83.57±4.84, SIRT1 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 1.20±0.13 vs. 0.46±0.02, Nrf2 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 1.21±0.12 vs. 0.58±0.03, HO-1 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 1.71±0.06 vs. 0.48±0.07, SIRT1 protein (SIRT1/β-actin): 0.89±0.04 vs. 0.58±0.03, Nrf2 protein (Nrf2/β-actin): 0.87±0.08 vs. 0.51±0.09, HO-1 protein (HO-1/β-actin): 0.93±0.14 vs. 0.54±0.12, all P < 0.05], these results indicated that SIRT1 agonist SRT1720 pretreatment could improve liver injury in sepsis rats. However, pretreatment with SIRT1 inhibitor EX527 showed the opposite effect [IL-6 (ng/L): 81.05±6.47 vs. 61.84±3.78, IL-1β (ng/L): 93.89±5.83 vs. 72.06±3.14, TNF-α (ng/L): 177.67±5.12 vs. 130.85±5.30, ALT (U/L): 89.33±9.52 vs. 64.23±4.59, AST (U/L): 179.59±6.44 vs. 145.15±6.86, MDA (μmol/g): 11.39±0.51 vs. 9.23±0.29, 8-OHdG (ng/L): 328.83±11.26 vs. 242.37±11.71, GSH (μmol/g): 5.07±0.34 vs. 7.66±0.47, SOD (kU/g): 59.37±4.28 vs. 83.57±4.84, SIRT1 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 0.34±0.03 vs. 0.46±0.02, Nrf2 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 0.46±0.04 vs. 0.58±0.03, HO-1 mRNA (2-ΔΔCt): 0.21±0.03 vs. 0.48±0.07, SIRT1 protein (SIRT1/β-actin): 0.47±0.04 vs. 0.58±0.03, Nrf2 protein (Nrf2/β-actin): 0.32±0.07 vs. 0.51±0.09, HO-1 protein (HO-1/β-actin): 0.19±0.09 vs. 0.54±0.12, all P < 0.05].@*CONCLUSIONS@#SIRT1 can inhibit the release of proinflammatory factors and alleviate the oxidative damage of hepatocytes by activating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway, thus playing a protective role against CLP-induced liver injury.
Animals , Male , Rats , Actins/metabolism , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury, Chronic , Heme Oxygenase-1/metabolism , Interleukin-6 , NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , RNA, Messenger , Sepsis/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Sirtuin 1/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolismABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical effect of Li-Dan-He-Ji in the treatment of infantile cholestatic hepatic fibrosis.@*METHODS@#Patients who met the diagnostic criteria of infantile cholestatic hepatic fibrosis in the department of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine and the department of gastroenterology of Wuhan Children's Hospital Affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology from January to December 2021 were included in the study by prospective randomized controlled trial. They were divided into the conventional treatment group and Li-Dan-He-Ji group according to the random number table. The patients in the conventional treatment group were given conventional treatment according to the guidelines. In the Li-Dan-He-Ji group, the self-made Chinese medicinal compound Li-Dan-He-Ji (prescription: Herba Artemisiae Scopariae, Fructus Forsythiae, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei preparata, Radix Polygoni Multiflori Preparata, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Ramulus Cinnamomi, Fructus Aurantii, Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, Carapax Trionycis, and Radix Glycyrrhizae) was given on the basis of the routine treatment, by oral, enema or nasal feeding, 60 mL each day, divided into 2 or 3 times, for 28 days. Outpatient follow-up was maintained for 4 weeks. Before and after treatment, serum liver fibrosis 4 items [type IV collagen (IV-C), hyaluronidase (HA), type III procollagen (PC III), laminin (LN)], liver function and cholestasis-related markers [total bilirubin (TBil), direct bilirubin (DBil), total bile acid (TBA), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GGT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST)], oxidative stress markers [superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione (GSH)], liver stiffness measurement (LSM) detected by transient elastography (TE), aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index (APRI), and liver and spleen retraction time were recorded in the two groups.@*RESULTS@#During the observation period, a total of 40 cases of cholestatic hepatic fibrosis were treated, including 21 cases in the conventional treatment group and 19 cases in the Li-Dan-He-Ji group. Before treatment, the differences in serum liver fibrosis 4 items, serum liver function and cholestasis-related markers, oxidative stress indexes, LSM and APRI of the two groups were not statistically significant. After treatment, the liver fibrosis 4 items, liver function and cholestasis-related markers, LSM, and APRI were all significantly decreased in both groups, and the indexes in the Li-Dan-He-Ji group were significantly lower than those in the conventional treatment group [HA (ng/L): 165.81±21.57 vs. 203.87±25.88, PC III (μg/L): 69.86±9.32 vs. 81.82±7.39, IV-C (μg/L): 204.14±38.97 vs. 239.08±24.93, LN (μg/L): 162.40±17.39 vs. 190.86±15.97, TBil (μmol/L): 37.58±27.63 vs. 53.06±45.09, DBil (μmol/L): 20.55±19.34 vs. 30.08±27.39, ALP (U/L): 436.50±217.58 vs. 469.60±291.69, γ-GGT (U/L): 66.78±35.84 vs. 87.00±32.82, ALT (U/L): 64.75±50.53 vs. 75.20±50.19, AST (U/L): 77.25±54.23 vs. 96.80±59.77, TBA (μmol/L): 74.35±44.44 vs. 85.45±39.50, LSM (kPa): 5.24±0.39 vs. 7.53±3.16, APRI: 0.52±0.39 vs. 0.98±0.29, all P < 0.05]. After treatment, MDA in the two groups were significantly lower than those before treatment, and SOD and GSH were significantly higher than those before treatment. The level of SOD in the Li-Dan-He-Ji group was significantly higher than that in the conventional treatment group (kU/L: 64.56±6.69 vs. 51.58±5.98, P < 0.05). In addition, the liver retraction time (day: 20.13±10.97 vs. 24.33±13.46) and spleen retraction time (day: 25.93±13.01 vs. 29.14±14.52) in the Li-Dan-He-Ji group were significantly shorter than those in the conventional treatment group (both P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The use of Li-Dan-He-Ji in the treatment of cholestatic hepatic fibrosis can effectively improve the indicators of cholestasis, hepatic fibrosis, oxidative stress and clinical symptoms in children.
Child , Humans , Prospective Studies , Cholestasis/pathology , Liver , Liver Cirrhosis/drug therapy , Bilirubin/pharmacology , Oxidative Stress , Aspartate Aminotransferases/metabolism , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolismABSTRACT
This study explored the effect and mechanism of Maiwei Yangfei Decoction(MWYF) on pulmonary fibrosis(PF) mice. MWYF was prepared, and its main components were detected by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS). Male C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into a control group, a model group, a pirfenidone(PFD) group, and low-, medium-, and high-dose MWYF groups, with 10 mice in each group. The PF model was induced in mice except for those in the control group by intratracheal instillation of bleomycin(BLM), and model mice were treated with saline or MWYF or PFD by gavage the next day. The water consumption, food intake, hair, and activity of mice were observed daily. The pathological changes in lung tissues were observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining, Masson staining, and CT scanning. The level of hydroxyproline(HYP) in lung tissues was detected by alkaline hydrolysis. Immunohistochemistry was used to observe the expression of collagen type Ⅲ(COL3) and fibronectin. The mRNA expression levels of α-smooth muscle actin(α-SMA), type Ⅰ collagen α1(COL1α1), COL3, and vimentin were detected by reverse transcription real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR). Superoxide dismutase(SOD) and malondialdehyde(MDA) kits were used to detect oxidative stress indicators in lung tissues and serum. The nuclear translocation of nuclear factor E2-related factor 2(Nrf2) protein was detected by immunofluorescence. The protein and mRNA expression levels of Nrf2, catalase(CAT), and heme oxygenase 1(HO-1) in lung tissues were detected by Western blot and RT-qPCR. Twelve chemical components were detected by UPLC-MS/MS. Animal experiments showed that MWYF could improve alveolar inflammation, collagen deposition, and fibrosis in PF mice, increase body weight of mice, and down-regulate the expression of fibrosis indexes such as HYP, α-SMA, COL1α1, COL3, fibronectin, and vimentin in lung tissues. In addition, MWYF could potentiate the activity of SOD in lung tissues and serum of PF mice, up-regulate the expression level of Nrf2, and promote its transfer to the nucleus, up-regulate the levels of downstream antioxidant target genes CAT and HO-1, and then reduce the accumulation of lipid metabolite MDA. In summary, MWYF can significantly improve the pathological damage and fibrosis of lung tissues in PF mice, and its mechanism may be related to the activation of the Nrf2 pathway to regulate oxidative stress.
Mice , Male , Animals , Pulmonary Fibrosis/chemically induced , NF-E2-Related Factor 2/metabolism , Fibronectins/metabolism , Vimentin/metabolism , Chromatography, Liquid , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Oxidative Stress , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/metabolismABSTRACT
This study observed the effects of Guiqi Yiyuan Ointment(GQYY) on the left lung subjecting to bystander effect of right lung injury induced by ~(12)C~(6+) beam in rats and decipher the underlying mechanism from NOD-like receptor protein 3(NLRP3)/apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD(ASC)/cysteinyl aspartate specific proteinase-1(caspase-1) pathway. Wistar rats were randomized into 7 groups: blank, model, inhibitor [200 mg·kg~(-1), N-acetylcysteine(NAC)], western drug [140 mg·kg~(-1) amifostine(AMI)], and high-, medium-, and low-dose(4.8, 2.4, and 1.2 g·kg~(-1), respectively) GQYY groups. The model of bystander effect damage was established by 4 Gy ~(12)C~(6+) beam irradiation of the right lung(with the other part shielded by a lead plate). The pathological changes in the lung tissue, the level of reactive oxygen species(ROS) in the lung tissue, and the levels of superoxide dismutase(SOD) and malondialdehyde(MDA) in the serum were observed and measured in each group. Furthermore, the mRNA and protein levels of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, and phosphorylated nuclear factor-κB p65(p-NF-κB p65)/nuclear factor-κB p65(NF-κB p65) were determined. Compared with the blank group, the model group showed thickened alveolar wall, narrowed alveolar cavity, and presence of massive red blood cells and inflammatory infiltration in the alveolar wall and alveolar cavity. In addition, the model group showed elevated ROS levels in both left and right lungs, elevated MDA level, lowered SOD level, and up-regulated mRNA and protein levels of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65. Compared with the model group, the drug administration in all the groups reduced inflammatory cell infiltration in the lung tissue. The inhibitor group and the western drug group showed enlarged alveolar cavity, thinned interstitium, and reduced inflammation. There was a small amount of alveolar wall rupture in the high-and medium-dose GQYY groups and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration in the low dose GQYY group. Compared with the model group, drug administration lowered level of ROS in the left and right lungs, lowered the MDA level, elevated the SOD level, and down-regulated the mRNA and protein levels of NLRP3, ASC, caspase-1, and p-NF-κB p65/NF-κB p65. GQYY can effectively reduce the damage caused by radiation and bystander effect, which may be associated with the ROS-mediated NLRP3 inflammasome activation.
Rats , Animals , NLR Family, Pyrin Domain-Containing 3 Protein/metabolism , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Inflammasomes/metabolism , Lung Injury/genetics , Reactive Oxygen Species/metabolism , Bystander Effect , Ointments , Rats, Wistar , Lung/metabolism , Caspase 1/metabolism , RNA, Messenger , Superoxide DismutaseABSTRACT
Phytoremediation plays an important role in the treatment of heavy metal pollution in soil. In order to elucidate the mechanism of salicylic acid (SA) on copper absorption, seedlings from Xuzhou (with strong Cu-tolerance) and Weifang Helianthus tuberosus cultivars (with weak Cu-tolerance) were selected for pot culture experiments. 1 mmol/L SA was sprayed upon 300 mg/kg soil copper stress, and the photosynthesis, leaf antioxidant system, several essential mineral nutrients and the changes of root upon copper stress were analyzed to explore the mechanism of copper resistance. The results showed that Pn, Tr, Gs and Ci upon copper stress decreased significantly compared to the control group. Meanwhile, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid decreased with significant increase in initial fluorescence (F0), maximum photochemical quantum yield of PSⅡ (Fv/Fm), electron transfer rate (ETR) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) content all decreased. The ascorbic acid (AsA) content was decreased, the glutathione (GSH) value was increased, the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in the leaves were decreased, and the peroxidase (POD) activity was significantly increased. SA increased the Cu content in the ground and root system, and weakened the nutrient uptake capacity of K, Ca, Mg, and Zn in the root stem and leaves. Spray of exogenous SA can maintain the opening of leaf stomata, improve the adverse effect of copper on photosynthetic pigment and PSⅡ reaction center. Mediating the SOD and APX activity started the AsA-GSH cycle process, effectively regulated the antioxidant enzyme system in chrysanthemum taro, significantly reduced the copper content of all parts of the plant, and improved the ion exchange capacity in the body. External SA increased the content of the negative electric group on the root by changing the proportion of components in the root, promoted the absorption of mineral nutrient elements and the accumulation of osmoregulatory substances, strengthened the fixation effect of the root on metal copper, and avoided its massive accumulation in the H. tuberosus body, so as to alleviate the inhibitory effect of copper on plant growth. The study revealed the physiological regulation of SA upon copper stress, and provided a theoretical basis for planting H. tuberosus to repair soil copper pollution.