Objective: To describe the pro file of surgeons who treat patients with inflammatory bowel disease as well as the characteristics of inflammatory bowel disease care, unmet demands, and difficulties. Methods: The research participants answered a Google Forms questionnaire. Results: Of the 99 surgeons who participated in the survey, 84.5% were coloproctologists, 40% were from the southeastern region of Brazil, and 77.7% were male and had been working for more than 19 years. Regarding the healthcare sector, 63.6% of surgeons worked in both public and private clinics, and most clinically cared for up to 50 patients with inflammatory bowel disease and operated on up to 5 cases per year. Conclusion: This is the first national study that aimed to identify the profile of surgeons working with inflammatory bowel disease in Brazil. The vast majority are experienced male coloproctologists, located in the southern and southeastern regions, who perform clinical and surgical treatment of these pathologies, with major surgeries being performed in large centers by a small number of surgeons. (AU)
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Colitis, Ulcerative/surgery , Crohn Disease/surgery , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La cirugía ha sido tradicionalmente considerada una especialidad masculina. Se desconoce si el aumento en el número de médicas en las últimas décadas ha producido un aumento significativo en el número de cirujanas. Objetivo: Analizar y visibilizar la participación actual e histórica de las mujeres en Medicina y en Cirugía General en Chile. Materiales y Método: Estudio retrospectivo de la cohorte de médicas/os y cirujanas/os egresados de escuelas de medicina chilenas desde el año 1970, complementado con estudio de corte transversal para conocer la información actual de las cirujanas y residentes. Las fuentes de datos fueron los Registros de la Superintendencia de Salud, CONACEM y el Catastro de la Asociación de Cirujanas. Resultados: Ha existido un aumento sostenido de médicas egresadas sobrepasando a sus pares masculinos a partir de 2018. Las cirujanas representan el 15% del total de cirujanas y cirujanos, y este número se ha duplicado por década a partir de los años 70. Actualmente, 33% de los residentes en formación son de género femenino. Las áreas más comunes de desarrollo son cirugía general (35%), y dentro de las subespecialidades: mama, plástica y cabeza y cuello. Conclusión: Las mujeres siguen siendo minoría en cirugía; sin embargo, se ha producido un aumento progresivo y se espera siga la misma tendencia. Es necesario visibilizar la importancia de las cirujanas para que sirvan como modelo a nuevas generaciones de estudiantes y así poder aumentar la representación femenina en la especialidad.
Introduction: Surgery traditionally has been considered a male discipline. It is unknown if the increase in the number of female doctors in the last decades has increased the number of female surgeons. Aim: Is to analyze and make visible the historical and current participation of women in Medicine and Surgery in Chile. Materials and Method: Retrospective cohort study of all medical doctors and surgeons graduated from chilean Universities since 1970 to date, and cross-sectional study to know current information of female surgeons and residents. Source of data were the Registries of Health Superintendence, CONACEM and the Registry of the Female Surgeon Association. Results: There has been a steady increase in the number of graduated female doctors in Chile, surpassing male doctors since 2018. Female surgeons are 15% of all surgeons, and the number has duplicated every decade since 1970s. Currently, 33% of the residents are female. Main area of developing is general surgery (35%), and within subspecialties: Breast, Plastics, and Head and Neck. Conclusions: Women are still underrepresented in Surgery: however, there has been a steady increase and that trend is expected to continue. It is necessary to make visible the importance of female surgeons to be able to increase female representation.
Humans , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Gender Equity/statistics & numerical data , Physicians, Women , ChileABSTRACT
Resumen Antecedentes: La cirugía robótica se utiliza en múltiples especialidades quirúrgicas a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Documentar la experiencia inicial del programa de cirugía robótica en un hospital de práctica privada. Material y método: Se incluyen las primeras 500 cirugías robóticas realizadas en el Centro Médico ABC, abarcando un periodo de tres años. Se documentan especialidades involucradas así como datos transoperatorios principales. Resultados: De 500 pacientes, 367 (73.4%) fueron de sexo masculino y 133 (26.4%) de sexo femenino. Las tres cirugías más realizada fueron prostatectomía radical (269), seguido de histerectomía (64) y plastia inguinal (33). Un total de 40 médicos certificados de cinco especialidades realizaron la totalidad de los procedimientos. Conclusiones: El iniciar un programa en un centro médico privado tiene diversas implicaciones. La creación de un comité de cirugía robótica integrado por médicos especialistas certificados en cirugía robótica de cada especialidad y autoridades del hospital para la acreditación de lineamientos tanto para la certificación como la recertificación de sus médicos puede beneficiar a programas como el nuestro por crear un centro de excelencia de cirugía robótica, disminuyendo complicaciones y mejorando resultados.
Abstract Background: Robotic surgery is used in different surgical specialties worldwide. Objective: To documents the initial experience in a private hospital in the use robotic surgery in different surgical areas. Material and Methods: We included the first 500 robotic surgeries in our hospital in a 3 year period, documenting specialty and operative information. Results: Of the 500 patients, 367 (73.4%) were male and 133 (26.4%) female. The three most frequent surgeries performed were Radical Prostatectomy (269), Hysterectomy (64) an inguinal repair (33). A total of 40 certified surgeons ranging from 5 specialties performed the total number of surgeries. Conclusions: There are several implications in starting a robotic program in a private hospital setting. The creation of a robotic committee, formed by robotic certified physicians and hospital authorities, has helped in the certification process of its staff, lowering the complication rate and obtaining better surgical results.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Robotic Surgical Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Prostatectomy/statistics & numerical data , Time Factors , Hospitals, Private/statistics & numerical data , Age Distribution , Operative Time , Robotic Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Hysterectomy/statistics & numerical data , Inguinal Canal/surgery , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract Background There is a dearth of studies conducted to understand the socio-professional profile of the vascular surgery specialty and the population demands of specific regions, which are needed to support creation of care policies and direct infrastructure improvements in healthcare. Objectives The purpose of this study was to describe the socio-professional profile of vascular surgeons in the state of Pará, Brazil, to guide creation of tools for professional improvement. Methods A cross-sectional, self-report survey was conducted in Pará using a questionnaire comprising 30 questions covering six main topics. Results All vascular surgeons actively practicing in the state participated in this study. The total number of specialists was 59, with 71.2% working in the greater Belém area and 16.9% exclusively practicing in the interior of the state. The mean age of these professionals was 48 ± 11.1 years, 86.4% of respondents were men, 64.4% of surgeons had completed medical residency, and 96.6% (n=57) of the surgeons would like to improve their skills in venous surgery, echo-guided vascular access, and endovascular surgery. The method of professional improvement of greatest interest was simulation courses (hands-on), endorsed by 93% of the participants. Conclusions Pará has 59 vascular surgeons. These professionals mainly work in the greater Belém (71.2%), in hospitals (100%) or in private clinics or offices (94.9%), performing a wide range of procedures, including venous and arterial surgery, amputations, and provision of hemodialysis access. More than 90% of these surgeons were satisfied professionally and reported that they would choose the specialty again. However, 22% had a pessimistic view of the specialty's future. The vast majority of professionals (96.6%) consider that training or a continuing education program are necessary.
Resumo Contexto Há uma falta de estudos necessários para entender o perfil socioprofissional da especialidade e as demandas específicas da população de uma região específica, a fim de subsidiar a criação de políticas assistenciais e a melhoria na infraestrutura da assistência à saúde. Objetivos O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o perfil socioprofissional de cirurgiões vasculares no Pará para orientar a criação de ferramentas de melhoria profissional. Métodos Foi realizado um levantamento transversal no Pará utilizando um questionário com 30 questões que envolvia seis temas principais. Resultados Todos os cirurgiões vasculares ativos participaram deste estudo. O número total de especialistas foi de 59, dos quais 71,2% trabalhavam na grande Belém e 16,9% exclusivamente no interior do estado. A idade média dos profissionais foi de 48 ± 11,1 anos, e 86,4% dos entrevistados eram homens. Além disso, 64,4% dos cirurgiões haviam completado a residência médica, e 96,6% (n = 57) deles gostariam de ter melhorias em cirurgia venosa, acesso vascular ecoguiado e cirurgia endovascular. As áreas de maior interesse para melhorias são cursos de simulação (práticos), com 93% dos participantes interessados. Conclusões O Pará tem 59 cirurgiões vasculares, os quais trabalham principalmente na grande Belém (71,2%) em hospitais (100%) ou em clínicas privadas ou consultórios (94,9%) e realizam uma ampla gama de procedimentos, incluindo cirurgias venosas e arteriais, amputações e acessos para hemodiálise. Mais de 90% dos cirurgiões estavam satisfeitos e relataram que escolheriam a especialidade novamente; entretanto, 22% tinham uma visão pessimista do futuro da especialidade. A grande maioria dos profissionais (96,6%) considera a necessidade de qualificação ou de um programa de educação continuada.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vascular Surgical Procedures , Education, Continuing , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Amazonian Ecosystem , Supply , Infrastructure , Courses , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract Background Gender diversity in health teams is associated with better productivity. As women's participation in surgery has been growing, it is important to improve knowledge about the elements that guide their professional development. Objectives The aim of this study was to outline the demographic and professional features of female vascular surgeons in Brazil. Methods A cross-sectional study was designed, in which a questionnaire was made available online for 60 days. Invitations to participate were distributed by institutional e-mail sent from the Brazilian Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SBACV) to associate women surgeons. Results are presented as numbers and percentages. Odds ratios and chi-square tests were used for analysis. Results From a total of 810 invitations sent out, 281 questionnaires were completed. The most prevalent age groups were 25-35 years (n = 115) and 36-45 years (n = 114). Among those who worked exclusively in the private sector, 79.8% had at least one board certification (OR: 0.76, 95% CI: 0.65-0.89; p = 0.001). Regarding workload distribution, 64.4% and 34.2% reported that they spend more time in the clinic and hospital, respectively. Respondents with more years of experience reported a predominance of office practice (p = 0.002). Although 67.3% (n = 189) had published scientific papers, 68% (n = 191) had never held leadership roles. Conclusions The study respondents consisted of highly qualified women surgeons with respect to training, certification, and scientific engagement, but they remain underrepresented in professional management positions. Surgical societies and health institutions should act to promote inclusive and diverse leadership.
Resumo Contexto A diversidade de gênero em equipes médicas está associada a uma melhor produtividade. Com o aumento da participação feminina na cirurgia, é importante conhecer melhor os elementos que orientam o desenvolvimento dessas profissionais. Objetivos Delinear as características demográficas e profissionais das cirurgiãs vasculares no Brasil. Métodos Estudo de caráter transversal, em que foi disponibilizado um questionário on-line por 60 dias. O convite foi enviado pelo e-mail institucional da Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SBACV) às cirurgiãs associadas. Os resultados são apresentados como números e porcentagens. Os testes de odds ratio (OR) e do qui-quadrado foram utilizados para a análise. Resultados De 810 convites enviados, 281 questionários foram respondidos. Os grupos etários predominantes foram 25-35 anos (n = 115) e 36-45 anos (n = 114). Entre as que trabalhavam exclusivamente no setor privado, 79,8% possuíam ao menos um Título de Especialista (OR: 0,76; intervalo de confiança de 95% 0,65-0,89; p = 0,001). Em relação à distribuição da carga horária, 64,4% e 34,2% relataram que passavam mais tempo no ambulatório e no hospital, respectivamente. Entre as com mais anos de experiência, houve predomínio da prática em consultório (p = 0,002). Embora 67,3% (n = 189) tenham publicado artigos científicos, 68% (n = 191) nunca ocuparam cargos de liderança. Conclusões As participantes do estudo consistiram em cirurgiãs altamente qualificadas em relação a treinamento, certificação e engajamento científico. No entanto, permanecem pouco representadas em cargos de gestão profissional. As sociedades cirúrgicas e as instituições de saúde devem agir para promover uma liderança inclusiva e diversa.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Women, Working/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Vascular Surgical Procedures/organization & administration , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Credentialing , Education, Medical , Statistical Data , LeadershipABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: En los últimos años vemos un aumento de bibliografía que se refiere a problemas perso nales y psicológicos del cirujano, a la deserción en residencias de cirugía y a la falta de especialización de individuos jóvenes. Este aumento se observa sobre todo en revistas de jerarquía como Lancet o JAMA. ¿Pero cuál es la situación en la Argentina? ¿Consideramos que nos están pagando adecua damente por nuestra práctica? ¿Pensamos en abandonar nuestra especialidad? ¿Cuántos conflictos tenemos con pacientes por mes? Estimamos necesaria la realización de un trabajo regional que lo plasme. Objetivo: conocer la situación socioeconómica actual de los cirujanos. Material y métodos: estudio de corte transversal. Resultados: de 73 cirujanos encuestados de la provincia de Santa Fe, se recibió respuesta en un 57,5 %. El 87,8 % fueron hombres y 56,1% estaba dentro del grupo de edad adulto intermedio/mayor al momento del estudio. El 97,6 % de los cirujanos concordó en que sus ingresos no se corresponden con el tiempo invertido en la práctica. Consideraron abandonar su práctica diaria en el último año en un 26,2 %; la causa económica es el principal problema para el 72,7%. Discusión: la incomodidad del cirujano frente a su salario (97,6 %), la discrepancia de porcentajes en tre cirujanos y cirujanas (87,8% vs. 12,2%), la falta de cirujanos jóvenes (43,9%) y la alarmante cifra de cirujanos graduados por año (35 por año) son cuatro puntos clave que consideramos deberían abordar de manera urgente los entes políticos y, sobre todo, las Asociaciones de Cirugía.
ABSTRACT Background: In recent years we have witnessed more publications about personal and psychological issues affecting surgeons, residents quitting surgery residencies, and lack of specialization of young in dividuals. This growth can be observed especially in high-impact journals such as The Lancet or JAMA. But what is the situation in Argentina? Do we think that we are receiving adequate payment for our practice? Do we consider quitting our specialty? How many conflicts do we have with patients each month? We think that a regional work is necessary to reflect this situation. Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the current socioeconomic situation of surgeons. Material and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study. Results: A total of 73 surgeons from the province of Santa Fe were contacted and 42 answers were received (response rate 57.5%): 87.8% were men and 56.1% corresponded to middle/older adulthood. Almost all surgeons (97.6%) agreed that their income did not reflect the time spent in practice. Up to 26.2% of survey respondents considered quitting their daily practice in the last year due to eco nomic reasons, which is the main problem for 72.7% of them. Discussion: Surgeons' discomfort with their salaries (97.6%), the discrepancy in percentages between male and female surgeons (87.8% vs. 12.2%), the lack of young surgeons (43.9%) and the alarming number of surgeons graduated per year (35 per year) are 4 key issues which we believe should be urgently addressed by political bodies and, especially, by surgery associations.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Surgeons/economics , Argentina , Specialization/statistics & numerical data , General Surgery/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surgeons/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objectives : to identify surgeons' knowledge and compliance rate to the Safe Surgery Protocol, as well as to assess the incidence of surgery-related adverse events, including patients' knowledge about the protocol. Methods: this is a cross-sectional and prospective study. An instrument was developed to collect the socio-graphic characteristics of sixty-eight surgeons and residents, their knowledge and adherence to the safe surgery protocol. Eighty-two patients were assessed regarding their awareness about the surgical procedure. The operating environment was also evaluated. Descriptive statistics and the odds ratio are presented. Results: the surgeons, despite their previous contact with the protocol throughout the graduation period, were poorly compliant with it. Adverse events such as the use of uncalibrated equipments or the presence of foreign bodies in several equipments such as drills and cautery pens were identified. In addition, some of the adverse events were identified and fixed, after patients had already been anesthesized, but before the beginning of the surgical procedure. Patients demonstrated knowledge about the operation they would undergo, but they did not know about its duration, and they were not introduced to the surgical team. Conclusion: there were failures in the dynamics and compliance regarding some phases of the protocol, which may impact the laterality errors and patient safety.
RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento e a taxa de adesão ao Protocolo de Cirurgia Segura pelos cirurgiões, assim como a incidência de eventos adversos relacionados à operação, além do conhecimento dos pacientes sobre o protocolo. Métodos: estudo transversal, prospectivo com caráter quantitativo. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado, pelos autores, um instrumento que coletou o perfil sócio gráfico de sessenta e oito cirurgiões e residentes, o conhecimento e a adesão destes ao protocolo de cirurgia segura. Oitenta e dois pacientes foram entrevistados, e o ambiente de cirurgia avaliado. Os dados foram analisados de maneira descritiva e teste Razão das Chances com Índice de Confiança (IC) de 95%. Resultados: parte dos cirurgiões demonstraram que apesar do contato com o protocolo durante o período de formação, houve deficiência à adesão, ocasionando eventos adversos como o uso de equipamentos não calibrados ou presença de corpos estranhos nos equipamentos, como brocas e canetas. Além disso, foi constatado que em pacientes já anestesiados, as falhas foram percebidas e reparadas antes do começo do procedimento. No caso dos pacientes, estes demonstraram conhecimento quanto à cirurgia que iriam realizar, porém não sabiam a duração da mesma ou tinham sido introduzidos à equipe cirúrgica. Conclusão: houve falhas na dinâmica e na adesão de algumas etapas do protocolo, prejudicando a lateralidade no processo e a segurança do paciente.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Operating Room Nursing/standards , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/standards , Guideline Adherence/statistics & numerical data , Patient Safety/standards , Surgeons/standards , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Safety Management , Checklist , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Introdução: Muito se discute sobre a formação do cirurgião plástico na especialização médica nacional e internacionalmente. Há necessidade da busca por melhoras e padronização na formação visando o futuro da especialidade. Métodos: Foi avaliado protocolo preenchido no Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia Plástica (Belo Horizonte) por especializandos do terceiro ano. Resultados: Foram distribuídos 230 protocolos. 113 protocolos foram incluídos. A amostra incluiu 71 homens e 41 mulheres. 34 eram de serviços cadastrados pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP) e 71 eram de serviços cadastrados pelo Ministério da Educação e SBCP. 96 afirmaram que em seus serviços são realizados procedimentos puramente estéticos, com média de 54,3% de procedimentos estéticos. O procedimento com menos confiança em realizar foi transplante capilar, e mais confiança foi abdominoplastia. Área de interesse mais requisitada foi rinoplastia e a menos foi abdominoplastia. Os especializandos estão regularmente satisfeitos com seus programas, com média de 3,89, em uma escala de 1 a 5. O procedimento que deve ser mais realizado foi rinoplastia, sendo necessário, do ponto de vista deles, realizar mais de 10 procedimentos. Os especializandos sentem-se bem preparados pela programa, com média de 3,8 em uma escala de 1 a 5. 65% deles acham necessário fazer fellow, sendo o mais requisitado de mastologia. O procedimento mais realizado foi mamoplastia redutora. A maioria dos especializandos quer trabalhar em clínica privada. Conclusão: Visando aprimorar a formação acadêmica, é necessário que os serviços credenciados se adequem aos requisitos necessários para a boa formação dos especializandos.
Introduction: Much has been discussed about the training of a plastic surgeon nationally and internationally. There is a need to improve and standardize training to ensure the future of this specialty. Methods: Questionnaires were filled by third year trainees at the Brazilian Congress of Plastic Surgery (Belo Horizonte). Results: A total of 230 questionnaires were distributed and 113 were included in the study. The respondents included 71 men and 41 women; 34 were from institutions recognized by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) and 71 were from institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education and the SBCP. Ninety-six respondents revealed that purely aesthetic procedures were conducted in their institutions, with an average of 54.3% of aesthetic procedures. The respondents had the least confidence in performing hair transplants and the most confidence in performing an abdominoplasty. The topic most requested for training was rhinoplasty and the least requested was abdominoplasty. The trainees were fairly satisfied with their programs, with an average satisfaction level of 3.89, on a scale of 1 to 5. The procedure that needed to be performed more frequently was rhinoplasty (more than 10 procedures). Most trainees felt that the program prepared them to practice surgeries, with an average of 3.8 on a scale of 1 to 5. Further, 65% found it necessary to have a fellowship, with mastology being the most requested. The most common procedure was reduction mammoplasty. Most of the trainees wanted to work in a private clinic. Conclusion: In order to improve the level of education, the accredited institutions should meet the requirements necessary for good preparation of the trainees.
Humans , Surgery, Plastic/education , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Surgery, Plastic/ethics , Work Capacity Evaluation , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Education, Continuing/methods , Education, Continuing/organization & administration , Educational Measurement/methods , Esthetics/education , Surgeons/education , Surgeons/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: There is a worldwide increase in the number of invasive aesthetic procedures, and there is a general apprehension in medical societies towards the assurance of patient safety, that is dependent on the quality and certification of providers, of the materials and substances used, and where they take place. It is the main objective of this study to determine the perception of the gravity of non-authorized substances for clinical use in invasive aesthetic procedures among Portuguese plastic surgeons and its variation by the clinical sector of practice. METHODS: We proceeded to an inquiry by using a questionnaire, measured in a Linkert scale, and the collected data were statistically treated with a non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: We obtained a 41,4% answer rate and a global perception that this is a serious problem - a median of 8,00 and mean of 7,45 points on a 1 to 10 scale. 70% of the plastic surgeons that answered the questionnaire work both in the private and public sector, 19% exclusively in the public sector and 11% only in private practice. The perception of the problem was most serious among those that work exclusively in the private sector (statistically significant difference). CONCLUSION: The causes of the observed difference may reside in various reasons: the higher number of patients submitted to invasive aesthetic procedures exclusively in private practice; the higher perception of regulatory deficits in the private sector; scarce specific health politics for procedures outside the traditional boundaries of medicine; the difficulty for independent regulatory agencies to adopt effective measures.
RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: Os procedimentos estéticos invasivos estão a aumentar globalmente, e são acompanhados por uma apreensão das sociedades médicas sobre a segurança desses procedimentos, dependentes da qualidade e certificação dos prestadores, dos dispositivos e substâncias utilizados e do local onde são efetuados. O presente estudo procura aferir a percepção dos cirurgiões plásticos portugueses sobre a gravidade da utilização de substâncias não autorizadas para uso clínico em procedimentos estéticos, e a sua variação consoante o setor em que exercem a atividade clínica. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado um inquérito sob a forma de questionário, medido numa escala de Likert, e os dados foram tratados estatisticamente pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se uma taxa de resposta de 41,4% e a perceção global é a de que o problema é grave — mediana de 8,00 e média de 7,45 numa escala de 1 a 10. Setenta por cento dos cirurgiões plásticos que responderam ao inquérito trabalham num regime misto, 19% exclusivamente no setor público e 11% apenas no setor privado. A percepção do problema como mais grave (diferença estatisticamente significativa) foi observada na atividade exclusiva no setor privado. CONCLUSÕES: A diferença observada pode dever-se a vários fatores: à maior observação de pacientes submetidos a esses procedimentos exclusivamente no setor privado; à maior percepção de déficits de regulação no setor privado; ao déficit de políticas de saúde específicas a técnicas utilizadas fora do contexto tradicional da medicina; à dificuldade de as agências administrativas reguladoras independentes adotarem práticas efetivas no setor privado da saúde.
Humans , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Substandard Drugs/adverse effects , Portugal , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/statistics & numerical data , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/legislation & jurisprudence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Public Sector/statistics & numerical data , Private Sector/statistics & numerical data , Statistics, Nonparametric , Plastic Surgery Procedures/instrumentation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/statistics & numerical data , Government Regulation , Medical Device LegislationABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a percepção dos cirurgiões, membros do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões (CBC), sobre temas de segurança e qualidade em cirurgia, com base em Projetos do Ministério da Saúde (MS), do CBC, da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e do Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões (ACS). Métodos: questionário com base nas iniciativas da OMS, do CBC e do ACS foi enviado pelo Survey Monkey a todos os sócios, ativos e não ativos, do CBC em março de 2018. Resultados: responderam ao questionário 171 profissionais dentre os 7.100 sócios. Desses, a maioria (63,2%) declarou praticar Cirurgia Geral, 88,9% indicaram conhecer o Projeto Cirurgia Segura do MS, 73,1%, o Manual do CBC e 14,6%, o Strong for Surgery do ACS. Entre os que conhecem o Projeto do MS, 73,1% disseram usá-lo como rotina e, entre os que conhecem o Manual do CBC, 46,2% usam-no. A maior parte dos cirurgiões (81,3%) indicou que já vivenciou falha cirúrgica grave, sendo aquelas relacionadas com material cirúrgico (49,7%) e presença de corpos estranhos (8,2%), isoladamente, as mais comuns. Houve opiniões distintas sobre a responsabilidade de conferência do checklist. Conclusão: a importância da segurança e qualidade em cirurgia é conhecida pelos cirurgiões, mas a prática é variada. Eventos adversos graves foram vivenciados por muitos cirurgiões, principalmente relacionados com material cirúrgico e corpos estranhos. O conceito de interdisciplinaridade parece não ser prática comum. Os dados indicam a necessidade de desenvolver projetos de educação e a obrigatoriedade de auditorias.
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the perception of surgeons, members of the Brazilian College of Surgeons (CBC), on safety and quality issues in surgery, based on projects of Brazilian Ministry of Health (MS), CBC, World Health Organization (WHO), and American College of Surgeons (ACS). Methods: a questionnaire based on WHO, CBC, and ACS initiatives was sent to all active and non-active CBC members, using Survey Monkey, in March 2018. Results: out of 7,100 members, 171 professionals answered the questionnaire. Out of these, the majority (63.2%) declared to perform general surgery, 88.9% indicated knowing the project called Safe Surgery developed by MS, 73.1%, the CBC manual, and 14.6%, the ACS Strong for Surgery. Among those who indicated knowing the MS project, 73.1% said that they were accustomed to use it as a routine, and, among those who indicated knowing the CBC manual, 46.2% said that they were accustomed to use it. Most of the surgeons (81.3%) indicated that they had experienced severe surgical failures, being failures related to surgical material (49.7%) and presence of foreign bodies (8.2%) the most common ones. There were distinct opinions on who was responsible for checking over the checklist. Conclusion: the importance of safety and quality in surgery is well known by surgeons, but the practice is varied. Serious adverse events had been experienced by many surgeons, mainly related to surgical material and foreign bodies. The concept of interdisciplinarity did not seem to be common practice. Data indicated the need to develop education projects and the obligation of audits.
Humans , General Surgery/statistics & numerical data , Clinical Competence/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Health Care , Societies, Medical , Brazil , Attitude of Health Personnel , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Surveys and Questionnaires , Near Miss, HealthcareABSTRACT
The fragmentation of a general specialty in subspecialties or derived specialties is a widely spread reality. Chilean health care system is becoming more complex, requiring more specialists. On the other hand, doctors in specialty training increasingly choose a subspecialty to continue their training and professional development. This contrasts with the growing need for well-trained general surgeons. We aimed to compare the evidence about the needs for general surgeons and the perspectives of Chilean physicians about their specialty training. A literature review about the intention of specialization in Chilean general surgery residents and the gaps in the Chilean health system, was performed. As of December 2016, there were 2,103 general surgeons in Chile, of whom 598 (28%) also have a subspecialty. Among the latter, 49% are plastic or vascular surgeons, which are also the specialties with the greatest demand in the public system. According to estimates of the Chilean Ministry of Health, on that year there was a deficit of 285 general surgeons and 142 subspecialists. These figures correspond to 18.5% and 23.8% of the existing resources. A survey published in 2009 reported that 78% of trainees in general surgery would prefer to continue studying a subspecialty, following the trend observed in the USA and Europe. Therefore, there is a disproportion between the intentions of general surgery trainees and the needs for these professionals in Chile.
Humans , Specialization/statistics & numerical data , General Surgery/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Needs and Demand/statistics & numerical data , Internship and Residency/statistics & numerical data , Specialization/trends , General Surgery/education , General Surgery/trends , Time Factors , Career Choice , Chile , Surgeons/education , Surgeons/trends , Health Services Needs and Demand/trends , Internship and Residency/trendsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Choosing a medical specialty and making decisions concerning a career are difficult processes for medical students and newly graduated physicians.This exploratory study aimed to investigate the influence of role models on the choice of surgery as a career, and to determine the most influential model characteristics. DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative analysis on responses to a self-administered questionnaire, in different teaching-learning settings. METHODS: Residents from all years of various surgical subspecialties in a university hospital were included in a survey about the factors that determined their choice of surgery. The questions included items on whether a role model had influenced them in choosing surgery, and the personal or professional characteristics of the models that had been most influential. The responses were subjected to qualitative content analysis. RESULTS: Sixty-four out of 96 medical residents participated. Fifty-three residents (82.8%) acknowledged the influence of role models. Sixteen model characteristics were indicated as important, with 136 mentions. Characteristics classified as technical skills (55%), such as"medical knowledge"and "manual dexterity" predominated over humanistic characteristics (35%), such as "patient-physician relationships" and "ethical behavior". However, this difference was not statistically significant (Fisher test, P = 0.11).There were no age differences regarding the proportions mentioning "technical" and "non-technical" attributes, but female residents mentioned significantly more technical skills than their male colleagues did. CONCLUSIONS: The influence of role models seems to be an important factor determining the choice of surgery as a career. The influential characteristics of the models include not only technical but also humanistic qualities.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Specialties, Surgical/statistics & numerical data , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Career Choice , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Internship and Residency/statistics & numerical data , Physician-Patient Relations , Brazil , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Clinical Competence , Decision Making , Education, Medical , Surgeons/educationABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: We evaluated the effect of surgeon experience on complication and mortality rates of carotid endarterectomy operation. Methods: Fifty-nine consecutive patients who underwent carotid endarterectomy between January 2013 and February 2016 were divided into two groups. Patients who had been operated by surgeons performing carotid endarterectomy for more than 10 years were allocated to group 1 (experienced surgeons; n=34). Group 2 (younger surgeons; n=25) consisted of patients operated by surgeons independently performing carotid endarterectomy for less than 2 years. Both groups were compared in respect of operative results and postoperative complications. Results: No intergroup difference was found for laterality of the lesion or concomitant coronary artery disease. In group 1, signs of local nerve damage (n=2; 5.9%) were detected, whereas in group 2 no evidence of local nerve damage was observed. Surgeons in group 1 used local and general anesthesia in 3 (8.8%) and 31 (91.2%) patients, respectively, while surgeons in group 2 preferred to use local and general anesthesia in 1 (4%) and 24 (96%) patients, respectively. Postoperative stroke was observed in group 1 (n=2; 5.9%) and group 2 (n=2; 5.8%). Conclusion: Younger surgeons perform carotid endarterectomy with similar techniques and have similar results compared to experienced surgeons. Younger surgeons rarely prefer using shunt during carotid endarterectomy. The experience and the skills gained by these surgeons during their training, under the supervision of experienced surgeons, will enable them to perform successful carotid endarterectomy operations independently after completion of their training period.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Clinical Competence/standards , Endarterectomy, Carotid/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/standards , Postoperative Complications , Treatment Outcome , Clinical Competence/statistics & numerical data , Endarterectomy, Carotid/mortality , Perioperative Period , Surgeons/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose We aimed to characterize surgeons opinion about the vaginal extraction of the kidney after transperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy. Matherial and Methods A 9-item questionnaire was published online (Survey Monkey TM) and publicized via email to a multidisciplinary pool of surgeons in Portugal. Data was collected and statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics, Version 21.0. Results Three hundred and fifty nine inquiries were sent, 154 surgeons completed the questionnaires (response rate of 43.0%). Fifty five point eight percent of the participants would choose the transvaginal approach for themselves or for a close relative. The most stated arguments were a better cosmesis (29.0%) expectancy of lower post operative pain (26.0%) and lower rate of incisional hernias (23.0%). Defenders of the transabdominal procedure justified with an expectancy of lower complication rate (39%), namely impairment of sexual function and fertility (22%). The female gender and the familiarity with transvaginal surgery were the stronger predictors of the option for this approach (70.6% vs 48.5%; p=0,016 and 85.3% vs 46.6%; p <0.001 respectively). Conclusions Contrasting with similar surveys published on transvaginal NOTES, the vaginal specimen extraction after conventional laparoscopic nephrectomy was fairly accepted by the inquired surgeons.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Vagina , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery/methods , Nephrectomy/methods , Postoperative Complications , Practice Patterns, Physicians'/statistics & numerical data , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Laparoscopy/methods , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Middle AgedABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: Estudos prévios têm revelado que o público tem conhecimentos equivocados sobre a atuação dos cirurgiões plásticos em cirurgia da mão. No entanto, não existem dados específicos na literatura científica brasileira. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as percepções do público sobre o papel dos cirurgiões plásticos no campo de cirurgia da mão no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Membros do público brasileiro escolheram um ou dois especialistas que eles acreditassem serem experts para oito cenários relacionados à cirurgia de mão. Os padrões de respostas foram distribuídos como "cirurgiões plásticos" ou "não cirurgiões plásticos". RESULTADOS: "Não cirurgiões plásticos" foram significativamente (p < 0,05 para todas as comparações) mais reconhecidos como experts que "cirurgiões plásticos" em todos os cenários relacionados à cirurgia de mão. CONCLUSÃO: Os conhecimentos e as percepções do público brasileiro sobre o trabalho realizado por cirurgiões plásticos no campo cirurgia da mão são limitados.
INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have shown that the public has misconceptions about the work of plastic surgeons in hand surgery. However, no specific Brazilian data on this issue are available. The objective of this study was to evaluate the public perceptions about the role of plastic surgeons in the field of hand surgery in Brazil. METHODS: Members of the Brazilian public chose one or two specialists whom they believed to be experts in eight scenarios related to hand surgery. The patterns of the responses were distributed into "plastic surgeons" or "non-plastic surgeons." RESULTS: Non-plastic surgeons were significantly (p < 0.05 for all comparisons) more recognized as experts than plastic surgeons in all scenarios related to hand surgery. CONCLUSION: The knowledge and perceptions of the Brazilian public about the work performed by plastic surgeons in the field of hand surgery are limited.
Humans , History, 21st Century , Social Perception , Specialization , Surgery, Plastic , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires , Evaluation Study , Surgeons , Hand , Specialization/trends , Specialization/statistics & numerical data , Surgery, Plastic/trends , Surgery, Plastic/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Surgeons/trends , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Hand/surgeryABSTRACT
Objetivo: O EuroSCORE tem sido utilizado na estimativa de risco em cirurgia cardíaca, apesar de fatores importantes não serem considerados. O objetivo foi validar o EuroSCORE na predição de mortalidade em cirurgia cardiovascular num centro brasileiro, definindo a influência do tipo de procedimento e da equipe cirúrgica responsável pelo paciente. Métodos: No período de janeiro de 2006 a junho de 2011, 2320 pacientes adultos consecutivos foram estudados. De acordo com o EuroSCORE aditivo, os pacientes foram divididos em risco baixo (escore <2), risco moderado (3 - 5), risco elevado (6 - 11) e risco muito elevado (>12). A relação entre a mortalidade observada (O) sobre a esperada (E) de acordo com o EuroSCORE logístico foi calculada para cada um dos grupos, procedimentos e cirurgiões com > de 150 operações, e analisada por regressão logística. Resultados: O EuroSCORE calibrou com a mortalidade observada (O/E=0,94; P<0,0001; área abaixo da curva=0,78), apesar de descalibrar a mortalidade em pacientes de risco muito elevado (O/E=0,74; P=0,001). O EuroSCORE calibrou a mortalidade na revascularização do miocárdio isolada(O/E=0,81; P=0,0001) e cirurgia valvar (O/E=0,89; P=0,007), e a mortalidade nas operações combinadas (O/E=1,09; P<0,0001). O EuroSCORE descalibrou a mortalidade do cirurgião A (O/E=0,46; P<0,0001) e a do cirurgião B (O/E=1,3; P<0,0001), ambos em todos os graus de risco. Conclusão: Na população estudada, o EuroSCORE descalibrou a mortalidade em pacientes de risco muito elevado, podendo sofrer influência do tipo de operação e do cirurgião responsável. O cirurgião mais apto para cada gravidade de paciente pode minimizar o risco imposto por características pré-operatórias. .
Objective: EuroSCORE has been used in cardiac surgery operative risk assessment, despite important variables were not included. The objective of this study was to validate EuroSCORE on mortality prediction in a Brazilian cardiovascular surgery center, defining the influence of type of procedure and surgical team. Methods: Between January 2006 and June 2011, 2320 consecutive adult patients were studied. According to additive EuroSCORE, patients were divided into low risk (score<2), medium risk (3 - 5), high risk (6 - 11) and very high risk (>12). The relation between observed mortality (O) and expected mortality (E) according to logistic EuroSCORE was calculated for each of the groups, types of procedures and surgeons with > 150 operations, and analyzed by logistic regression. Results: EuroSCORE correlated to the observed mortality (O/E=0.94; P<0.0001; area under the curve 0.78). However, it overestimated the mortality in very high risk patients (O/E=0.74; P=0.001). EuroSCORE tended to overestimate isolated myocardial revascularization mortality (O/E=0.81; P=0.0001) and valve surgery mortality (O/E=0.89; P=0.007) and it tended to underestimate combined procedures mortality (O/E=1.09; P<0.0001). EuroSCORE overestimated surgeon A mortality (O/E=0.46; P<0.0001) and underestimated surgeon B mortality (O/E=1.3; P<0.0001), in every risk category. Conclusion: In the present population, EuroSCORE overestimates mortality in very high risk patients, being influenced by type of procedure and surgical team. The most appropriate surgical team may minimize risks imposed by preoperative profiles. .
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiovascular Surgical Procedures/mortality , Risk Assessment/methods , Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Hospital Mortality , Logistic Models , Patient Care Team , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Sensitivity and Specificity , Time FactorsABSTRACT
A atenção odontológica tem sido tradicionalmente realizada em consultórios. Aos hospitais a prática mais comum é reservada ao atendimento cirúrgico bucomaxilofacial ou procedimentos que necessitam de anestesia geral. Entretanto, a atuação do Cirurgião-Dentista em âmbito hospitalar vai além. O Odontólogo deve ter foco no cuidado ao paciente cuja doença sistêmica possa ser fator de risco para agravamento e ou instalação de doença bucal, ou cuja doença bucal possa ser fator de risco para agravamento e ou instalação de doença sistêmica. (Silva-Lovato et al., 2009; Manual de Odontologia Hospitalar, 2012). O Estado de São Paulo conta com uma ampla rede de serviços hospitalares próprios. Embora os resultados dos últimos anos comprovem o maior acesso da população a rede hospitalar pública do Estado de São Paulo, com aumento no número de atendimentos a pacientes internados, maior quantidade de cirurgias e de procedimentos complexos realizados (Mendes, Bittar, 2010), não há dados públicos concretos comprovando a atuação do Cirurgião- Dentista nesse contexto. Por outro lado, estudos e experiências em hospitais têm mostrado que a inserção do Cirurgião-Dentista na equipe multiprofissional de atendimento ao paciente sob internação contribui para minimizar o risco de infecção, melhorar a qualidade de vida, reduzir o tempo de internação, diminuir a quantidade de prescrição de medicamentos e a indicação de nutrição parenteral, além de promover um atendimento completo ao paciente. (Sonis et al., 2001; Sonis et al., 2004; Morais et al., 2006; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007...
Dental care has traditionally been performed in dental offices. It is more common practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery care or procedures that require general anesthesia to be reserved for treatment at hospitals. However, the work of the Dental Surgeon in the hospital environment goes beyond this. The Dentist must be focused on care of the patient whose systemic disease may be a risk for aggravation and or onset of oral disease, or whose oral disease may be a risk factor for aggravation or onset of systemic disease. (Silva-Lovato et al., 2009; Manual de Odontologia Hospitalar, 2012). The State of São Paulo has a wide network of its own hospital services. Although the results of the last few years have proved that there is greater access by the population to the public hospital network of the State of São Paulo, with an increasing number of attendances of hospitalized patients, larger number of surgeries and complex procedures performed (Mendes, Bittar, 2010), there are no concrete public data proving the activities of the Dental Surgeon in this context. On the other hand, studies and experiences in hospitals have shown that the inclusion of the Dental Surgeon in the multiprofessional team of hospitalized patient care contributes to minimizing the risk of infection, improving quality of life, reducing time of hospitalization, diminishing the amount of medication prescribed and indication of parenteral nutrition, in addition to promoting complete care of the patient. (Sonis et al., 2001; Sonis et al., 2004; Morais et al., 2006; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007; Eduardo et al., 2008; Bezinelli et al., 2013). Ours is a cross-sectional study with the aim of characterizing the Dental Service within public hospitals linked to the State Secretary of Health of São Paulo...