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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 135-147, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568505


Objetivo: Evaluar la cicatrización por segunda intención en las heridas quirúrgicas obstétricas y ginecológicas complicadas con absceso de pared abdominal. Métodos: Estudio de tipo prospectivo, descriptivo, analítico y observacional, se estudiaron 38 pacientes con absceso de pared abdominal posterior a cesárea o cirugía ginecológica en quienes se implementó la cicatrización por segunda intención de la herida. Los datos obtenidos se expresaron como valores absolutos, en porcentajes y como media + desviación estándar. Se aplicó ANOVA para analizar los factores que influyeron en el tiempo de cierre de la herida, considerando un valor de p < 0,05 como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: En cuanto a las características generales promedio se encontró edad 29,66 ± 10,65 años, peso 72,18 ± 14,21 kg, talla 1,62 ± 0,05 metros, e índice de masa corporal 27,62 ± 4,58 Kg/m2. Para los factores de riesgo, cirugías abdominales previas 44,74 %, infección urinaria 21,05 %, flujo vaginal 28,95 %, ruptura prematura de membranas 18,42 %, hipertensión arterial 39,47 %, diabetes 5,26 %, obesidad 31,58 % y tabaquismo 10,53 %. El germen más frecuente fue Staphylococcus aureus (35,14 %). El 52,63 % ameritó cambio de antibiótico. Se utilizaron apósitos en 55,26 %. El cierre de la herida tardó en promedio 31,30 ± 8,40 días. Las pacientes estuvieron 12,61 ± 5,78 días en hospitalización. Conclusiones: Se obtuvieron buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales, la utilización de apósitos no acelera el tiempo de cicatrización de las heridas(AU)

Objective: Objective: To evaluate healing by secondary intention in obstetric and gynecological surgical wounds complicated by abdominal wall abscess. Methods: A prospective, descriptive, analytical, and observational study was conducted in 38 patients with abdominal wall abscess after cesarean section or gynecological surgery in whom healing by second intention of the wound was implemented. The data obtained were expressed as absolute values, in percentages and as mean + standard deviation. ANOVA was applied to analyze the factors that influenced wound closure time, considering a p-value < 0.05 as statistically significant. Results: Regarding the average general characteristics, age was 29.66 ± 10.65 years, weight 72.18 ± 14.21 kg, height 1.62 ± 0.05 meters, and body mass index 27.62 ± 4.58 Kg/m2. For risk factors, previous abdominal surgeries 44.74%, urinary tract infection 21.05%, vaginal discharge 28.95%, premature rupture of membranes 18.42%, hypertension 39.47%, diabetes 5.26%, obesity 31.58% and smoking 10.53%. The most frequent germ was Staphylococcus aureus (35.14%). A total of 52.63% required a change of antibiotic. Dressings were used in 55.26 %. It took an average of 31.30 ± 8.40 days to close the wound. Patients spent 12.61 ± 5.78 days in hospitalization. Conclusions: Good aesthetic and functional results were obtained; the use of dressings does not accelerate the wound healing time(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Middle Aged , Wound Healing , Abdominal Wall , Abscess , Surgical Wound , Cesarean Section
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);39: e392124, 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1556661


Purpose: To evaluate the effects of curcumin supplementation on abdominal surgical wound healing in rats using clinical, histological, and hematological parameters. Methods: Forty Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: the curcumin group, and the control group. The curcumin group received, in addition to water and standard feed, curcumin via gavage at the dose of 200 mg/kg for seven days preceding and seven days following surgery. The control group received only water and standard feed. Both groups underwent median laparotomy and left colotomy. On the eighth postoperative day, the groups were euthanized, and the left colon was resected for histological analysis. Results: In the preoperative evaluation, there was a significant decrease in the mean C-reactive protein levels in the curcumin group (0.06) compared to the control group (0.112) (p = 0.0001). In the postoperative wound healing assessment, a significant decrease was observed in inflammatory infiltrate (p = 0.0006) and blood vessel count (p = 0.0002) in the curcumin group compared to the control group. Conclusions: Curcumin supplementation was able to significantly reduce inflammatory parameters in both pre-and post-operative phases of abdominal surgical wounds in rats.

Animals , Rats , Wound Healing , Curcumin , Surgical Wound , Animal Feed , Animals, Laboratory
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971247


Objective: To compare the effectiveness of total laparoscopic versus laparoscopic-assisted distal gastrectomy and investigate the safety and replicability of total laparoscopic distal gastrectomy in older patients. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) age ≥65 years; (2) malignant gastric tumor diagnosed pathologically preoperatively; (3) Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status score 0-1; (4) Grade I-III American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status; (5) preoperative clinical tumor stage I-III; (6) total laparoscopic or laparoscopic-assisted distal gastrectomy performed; and (7) gastrointestinal tract reconstruction using uncut Roux-en-Y or Billroth-II+Braun procedure. Patients who had received neoadjuvant therapy, undergone conversion to open surgery, or had serious comorbidities or incomplete data were excluded. The clinical data of 129 patients who met the above criteria and had undergone laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer from January 2012 to December 2021 in the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center in the Beijing Cancer Hospital were analyzed. According to the operation method, the patients were divided into total laparoscopic group and laparoscopic-assisted group. Variables studied comprised: (1) surgical procedure and postoperative recovery; (2) postoperative pathological findings; and (3) postoperative complications. Measurement data with skewed distribution are represented as mean(quartile 1, quartile 3). Comparisons between groups were evaluated using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: After propensity score matching in a 1:1 ratio, there were 40 patients in the total laparoscopic distal gastrectomy group and 40 in the laparoscopic-assisted distal gastrectomy group. Baseline characteristics did not differ significantly between the two groups (all P>0.05).Compared with the laparoscopic-assisted group, the total laparoscopic group had shorter main incisions (4.1±1.0 cm vs. 8.5±2.8 cm, t=9.375, P<0.001), time to fluid intake [4.0 (3.0, 4.8) days vs. 5.0 (4.0, 6.0) days, Z=2.167, P=0.030], and duration of indwelling abdominal drainage catheter [6.0 (6.0, 7.0) days vs. 7.0 (6.0, 8.0) days, Z=2.323, P=0.020]. Numerical Rating Scale scores on postoperative days 1 and 2 were higher in the total laparoscopic than the laparoscopic-assisted group [2.5 (1.0, 3.0) vs. 1.5 (1.0, 2.0), Z=1.980, P=0.048; 2.0 (1.0, 3.0) vs. 1.0 (1.0, 2.0), Z=2.334, P=0.020, respectively]. However, there were no significant differences between the groups in operation time, intraoperative blood loss, white blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, or albumin concentration on postoperative day 1, time to ambulation, mean time to bowel movement, postoperative admission to the intensive care unit, length of postoperative hospital stay, or Numerical Rating Scale scores on postoperative day 3 (all P>0.05). There were also no significant differences between the two groups in maximum tumor diameter, pathological tumor type, total number of lymph nodes dissected, or total number of positive lymph nodes (all P>0.05). The incidence of postoperative complications was 15.0% (6/40) in the total laparoscopic group and the laparoscopic-assisted group; these differences are not significant (χ2<0.001, P>0.999). Conclusions: Compared with laparoscopic-assisted radical gastrectomy for distal gastric cancer, total laparoscopic surgery has the advantages of shorter incision, shorter time to fluid intake, and shorter duration of indwelling abdominal drainage catheter in older patients (age ≥65 years). Total laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for distal gastric cancer does not increase the risk of postoperative complications and could therefore be performed more frequently.

Aged , Humans , Gastrectomy/methods , Laparoscopy/methods , Postoperative Complications , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/pathology , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 677-682, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008116


Cricothyroid membrane puncture and incision,the key techniques to save the lives of the patients in the Can't Intubate,Can't Oxygenate (CICO) emergency,need to be mastered by all the airway management staff.However,the decision to carry out cricothyroid membrane puncture or incision is often delayed due to the unfamiliarity with the adjacent anatomical structure of the cricothyroid membrane and the inability to accurately locate the cricothyroid membrane.As a result,serious complications and rescue failure occur.Therefore,airway management staff should be familiar with the adjacent structure and positioning methods of the cricothyroid membrane,so as to improve the success rate of emergency airway rescue,reduce complications,and protect the airway and life safety of the patients.

Humans , Punctures , Surgical Wound
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981656


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the early effectiveness of unilateral biportal endoscopy (UBE) laminectomy in the treatment of two-level lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 98 patients with two-level LSS treated with UBE between September 2020 and December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 53 males and 45 females with an average age of 59.9 years (range, 32-79 years). Among them, there were 56 cases of mixed spinal stenosis, 23 cases of central spinal canal stenosis, and 19 cases of nerve root canal stenosis. The duration of symptoms was 1.5- 10 years, with an average of 5.4 years. The operative segments were L 2, 3 and L 3, 4 in 2 cases, L 3, 4 and L 4, 5 in 29 cases, L 4, 5 and L 5, S 1 in 67 cases. All patients had different degrees of low back pain, among of which 76 cases were with unilateral lower extremity symptoms and 22 cases were with bilateral lower extremity symptoms. There were 29 cases of bilateral decompression in both segments, 63 cases of unilateral decompression in both segments, and 6 cases of unilateral decompression and bilateral decompression of each segment. The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, total incision length, hospitalization stay, ambulation time, and related complications were recorded. Visual analogue scale (VAS) score was used to assess the low back and leg pain before operation and at 3 days, 3 months after operation, and at last follow-up. The Oswestry disability index (ODI) was used to evaluate the functional recovery of lumbar spine before operation and at 3 months and last follow-up after operation. Modified MacNab criteria was used to evaluate clinical outcomes at last follow-up. Imaging examinations were performed before and after operation to measure the preservation rate of articular process, modified Pfirrmann scale, disc height (DH), lumbar lordosis angle (LLA), and cross-sectional area of the canal (CAC), and the CAC improvement rate was calculated.@*RESULTS@#All patients underwent surgery successfully. The operation time was (106.7±25.1) minutes, the intraoperative blood loss was (67.7±14.2) mL, and the total incision length was (3.2±0.4) cm. The hospitalization stay was 8 (7, 9) days, and the ambulation time was 3 (3, 4) days. All the wounds healed by first intention. Dural tear occurred in 1 case during operation, and mild headache occurred in 1 case after operation. All patients were followed up 13-28 months with an average of 19.3 months, and there was no recurrence or reoperation during the follow-up. At last follow-up, the preservation rate of articular process was 84.7%±7.3%. The modified Pfirrmann scale and DH were significantly different from those before operation ( P<0.05), while the LLA was not significantly different from that before operation ( P=0.050). The CAC significantly improved ( P<0.05), and the CAC improvement rate was 108.1%±17.8%. The VAS scores of low back pain and leg pain and ODI at each time point after operation significantly improved when compared with those before operation, and the differences between each time points were significant ( P<0.05). According to the modified MacNab criteria, 63 cases were excellent, 25 cases were good, and 10 cases were fair, with an excellent and good rate of 89.8%.@*CONCLUSION@#UBE laminectomy is a safe and effective technique with little trauma and fast recovery for two-level LSS and the early effectiveness is satisfactory.

Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Laminectomy , Spinal Stenosis/surgery , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Low Back Pain , Retrospective Studies , Blood Loss, Surgical , Endoscopy , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Spinal Fusion/methods , Decompression, Surgical , Surgical Wound/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981690


OBJECTIVE@#To explore clinical effect of intermittent flap opening technique in L-shaped incision of calcaneal fracture.@*METHODS@#From January 2017 to January 2019, 48 patients with Sanders typeⅡ to Ⅳ calcaneal fractures were treated by open reduction and internal fixation. According to different flap opening techniques, the patients were divided into control group and observation group, 24 patients in each group. In observation group, there were 17 males and 7 females, aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of(45.12±9.56) years old;7 patients were typeⅡ, 10 patients were type Ⅲ and 7 patients were type Ⅳ according to Sanders classification;3 patients were C0, 16 patients were C1 and 5 patients were C2 according to Tscherne-Gotzen soft-tissue assessment;treated with intermittent flap technique. In control group, there were 19 males and 5 females aged from 20 to 60 years old with an average of (47.32±10.67) years old;7 patients were typeⅡ, 11 patients were type Ⅲ and 6 patients were type Ⅳ according to Sanders classification;2 patients were C0, 18 patients were C1 and 4 patients were C2 according to Tschemc-Gotzen soft-tissue assessment;treated with static flap opening technique. Operation time, flap retraction time, changes of Böhler angle and Gissane angle before and after operation at 3 days, and occurrence of incision complications were observed and compared between two groups.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 3 to 6 months with an average of(4.52±1.01) months. There were no significant differences in operation time, changes of Böhler angle and Gissane angle before and after operation at 3 days between the two groups(P>0.05);there was statistical difference in flap retraction time between two groups(P<0.05). Occurrence of incision complications in observation group was significantly lower than that in control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Intermittent flap opening technique is superior to static opening technique in reducing incision complications of lateral "L" approach of calcaneus. Single Kirschner wire opening does not affect the exposure, reduction and fixation of fracture during operation.

Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Calcaneus/surgery , Ankle Injuries , Foot Injuries , Knee Injuries
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009024


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the effectiveness of a novel minimally invasive Achilles tendon suture instrument in the treatment of fresh closed Achilles tendon rupture.@*METHODS@#A retrospective study was conducted on 150 patients who underwent surgical intervention for fresh closed Achilles tendon rupture. Eighty patients were treated with the novel minimally invasive Achilles tendon suture instrument (minimally invasive group) and 70 patients with traditional open surgery (traditional group). The two groups were comparable in terms of gender, age, injured side, cause of injury, the interval between injury and operation, and the distance from the fracture end to the calcaneal tuberosity ( P>0.05). The operation time, intraoperative blood loss, incision length, hospital stays, hospitalization expenses, and complications were recorded and compared. At 1 year after operation, the ankle joint function was evaluated by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score.@*RESULTS@#The minimally invasive group demonstrated significantly shorter operation time, smaller incision length, and lower intraoperative blood loss when compared with the traditional group ( P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in terms of hospital stays and hospitalization expenses between the two groups ( P>0.05). All patients were followed up 12-24 months after operation (mean, 15.5 months). In the traditional group, 6 cases of incision necrosis and 7 cases of Achilles tendon adhesion occurred, while in the minimally invasive group, all incisions healed at first intention and no Achilles tendon adhesion occurred. The differences in the incidences of the two complications between the two groups were significant ( P<0.05). At 1 year after operation, the AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score in the minimally invasive group was superior to that of the traditional group ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#In comparison with traditional open surgery, the use of self-designed novel minimally invasive Achilles tendon suture instrument proves to be an ideal technique for treating fresh closed Achilles tendon ruptures. This approach offers the benefits of smaller incisions, fewer complications, and better postoperative functional recovery, without increasing hospital costs.

Humans , Blood Loss, Surgical , Retrospective Studies , Neurosurgical Procedures , Achilles Tendon/surgery , Tendon Injuries/surgery , Ankle Injuries , Surgical Wound , Sutures
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009032


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the effectiveness of robot-guided percutaneous fixation and decompression via small incision in treatment of advanced thoracolumbar metastases.@*METHODS@#A clinical data of 57 patients with advanced thoracolumbar metastases admitted between June 2017 and January 2021 and met the selection criteria was retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 26 cases were treated with robot-guided percutaneous fixation and decompression via small incision (robot-guided group) and 31 cases with traditional open surgery (traditional group). There was no significant difference in gender, age, body mass index, lesion segment, primary tumor site, and preoperative Tokuhashi score, Tomita score, Spinal Instability Neoplastic Score (SINS), visual analogue scale (VAS) score, Oswestry disability index (ODI), Karnofsky score, and Frankel grading between groups ( P>0.05). The operation time, hospital stays, hospital expenses, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage volume, duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stay, blood transfusion, complications, and survival time were compared. The pedicle screw placement accuracy was evaluated according to the Gertzbein-Robbins grading by CT within 4 days after operation. The pain, function, and quality of life were evaluated by VAS score, ODI, Karnofsky score, and Frankel grading.@*RESULTS@#During operation, 257 and 316 screws were implanted in the robot-guided group and the traditional group, respectively; and there was no significant difference in pedicle screw placement accuracy between groups ( P>0.05). Compared with the traditional group, the operation time, hospital stays, duration of ICU stay were significantly shorter, and intraoperative blood loss and postoperative drainage volume were significantly lesser in the robot-guided group ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in hospital expenses, blood transfusion rate, and complications between groups ( P>0.05). All patients were followed up 8-32 months (mean, 14 months). There was no significant difference in VAS scores between groups at 7 days after operation ( P>0.05), but the robot-guided group was superior to the traditional group at 1 and 3 months after operation ( P<0.05). The postoperative ODI change was significantly better in the robot-guided group than in the traditional group ( P<0.05), and there was no significant difference in the postoperative Karnofsky score change and Frankel grading change when compared to the traditional group ( P>0.05). Median overall survival time was 13 months [95% CI (10.858, 15.142) months] in the robot-guided group and 15 months [95% CI (13.349, 16.651) months] in the traditional group, with no significant difference between groups ( χ 2=0.561, P=0.454) .@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with traditional open surgery, the robot-guided percutaneous fixation and decompression via small incision can reduce operation time, hospital stays, intraoperative blood loss, blood transfusion, and complications in treatment of advanced thoracolumbar metastases.

Humans , Blood Loss, Surgical , Quality of Life , Retrospective Studies , Robotics , Surgical Wound , Decompression
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009035


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness of hairpin shaped incision combined with cover-lifting flap in plastic surgery of huge fat pad on nape and back.@*METHODS@#Between March 2019 and March 2023, 10 patients with huge fat pad on the nape and back were treated. There was 1 male and 9 females with an average age of 52 years (range, 39-57 years). All patients had soft tissue bulge on the nape and back. Preoperative MRI showed the subcutaneous fat thickening. The length of the longitudinal axis of the fat pad ranged from 10.0 to 25.0 cm (mean, 14.1 cm), the length of the transverse axis ranged from 6.0 to 15.0 cm (mean, 10.8 cm); the thickness of the fat pad ranged from 2.5 to 5.1 cm (mean, 3.9 cm). Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed in a prone position and a hairpin shaped incision was made. The flap was lifted to remove the fat pad according to the marked area. The dressing was changed every 2 days after operation.@*RESULTS@#The operation time was 35-110 minutes (mean, 72 minutes). The intraoperative blood loss was 35-80 mL (mean, 49.5 mL). The drainage tube was removed at 2-5 days after operation (mean, 3.4 days). All incisions healed by first intention without incision dehiscence, infection, subcutaneous bruising, hematoma, or other related complications. All patients were followed up 2-24 months (mean, 12 months). All patients had a good shape of the nape and back and no noticeable scar on the incision. According to the Vancouver Scar Scale evaluation criteria, the incision scar score was 3-5 (mean, 3.7) at 2 months after operation. Patients had good neck movement with no recurrence.@*CONCLUSION@#For the huge fat pad on the nape and back, the plastic surgery using hairpin shaped incision and cover-lifting flap has the advantages of fully exposing the fat pad, concealed incision, simple operation, and natural shape of the nape and back after operation.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Surgery, Plastic , Cicatrix , Lifting , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Wound , Adipose Tissue
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009084


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the effectiveness of lower extremity axial distractor (LEAD) and traction table assisted closed reduction and intramedullary nail fixation in treatment of femoral subtrochanteric fracture.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 117 patients with subtrochanteric fracture of femur treated by closed reduction and intramedullary nail fixation between May 2012 and May 2022 who met the selection criteria were retrospectively analyzed. According to the auxiliary reduction tools used during operation, the patients were divided into LEAD group (62 cases with LEAD reduction) and traction table group (55 cases with traction table reduction). There was no significant difference in baseline data, such as gender, age, injured side, cause of injury, fracture Seinsheimer classification, time from injury to operation, and preoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) score, between the two groups ( P>0.05). Total incision length, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, fluoroscopy frequency, closed reduction rate, fracture reduction quality, fracture healing time, weight-bearing activity time, and incidence of complications, as well as hip flexion and extension range of motion (ROM), Harris score, and VAS score at 1 month and 6 months after operation and last follow-up were recorded and compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#There were 14 cases in the LEAD group from closed reduction to limited open reduction, and 43 cases in the traction table group. The incisions in the LEAD group healed by first intention, and no complication such as nerve and vascular injury occurred during operation. In the traction table group, 3 cases had perineal crush injury, which recovered spontaneously in 1 week. The total incision length, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, fluoroscopy frequency, and closed reduction rate in the LEAD group were significantly better than those in the traction table group ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the quality of fracture reduction between the two groups ( P>0.05). Patients in both groups were followed up 12-44 months, with an average of 15.8 months. In the LEAD group, 1 patient had delayed fracture union at 6 months after operation, 1 patient had nonunion at 3 years after operation, and 1 patient had incision sinus pus flow at 10 months after operation. In the traction table group, there was 1 patient with fracture nonunion at 15 months after operation. X-ray films of the other patients in the two groups showed that the internal fixator was fixed firmly without loosening and the fractures healed. There was no significant difference in fracture healing time, weight bearing activity time, incidence of complications, and postoperative hip flexion and extension ROM, Harris score, and VAS score at different time points between the two groups ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#For femoral subtrochanteric fracture treated by close reduction and intramedullary nail fixation, compared with traction table, LEAD assisted fracture reduction can significantly shorten the operation time, reduce intraoperative blood loss and fluoroscopy frequency, reduce incision length, effectively improve the success rate of closed reduction, and avoid complications related to traction table reduction. It provides a new method for good reduction of femoral subtrochanteric fracture.

Humans , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary , Bone Nails , Traction , Blood Loss, Surgical/prevention & control , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Femoral Fractures , Hip Fractures/surgery , Lower Extremity , Surgical Wound , Fracture Fixation, Internal
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009085


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the early effectiveness of the Ti-Robot assisted femoral neck system (FNS) in the treatment of elderly Garden type Ⅱ and Ⅲ femoral neck fractures.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 41 elderly patients with Garden type Ⅱ and Ⅲ femoral neck fractures who were admitted between December 2019 and August 2022 and met the selection criteria. Among them, 21 cases were treated with Ti-Robot assisted FNS internal fixation (study group), and 20 cases were treated solely with FNS internal fixation (control group). There was no significant difference in baseline data, including gender, age, side, cause of injury, time from injury to surgery, fracture Garden classification, and fracture line classification, between the two groups ( P>0.05). Surgical effectiveness was evaluated based on parameters such as operation time (including incision time and total operation time), reduction level, number of dominant pin insertions, intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency, incision length, whether to extend the incision, need for assisted reduction, postoperative hospital stay, fracture healing time, incidence of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, postoperative visual analogue scale (VAS) score at 1 day, and Harris hip score at last follow-up.@*RESULTS@#The study group showed significantly shorter incision time, fewer dominant pin insertions, fewer instances of extended incisions, fewer intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency, and smaller incisions than the control group ( P<0.05). There was no significant difference in total operation time, reduction level, and assisted reduction frequency between the two groups ( P>0.05). Both groups achieved primary wound healing postoperatively, with no complications such as incision leakage or skin infection. All patients were followed up 12-24 months with an average of 14.6 months. Fractures healed in both groups, with no significant difference in healing time ( P>0.05). There was no significant difference in postoperative hospital stay between the two groups ( P>0.05). The study group showed significantly better VAS score at 1 day after operation and Harris hip score at last follow-up when compared to the control group ( P<0.05). No complication such as internal fixation failure, fracture displacement, or hip joint varus occurred in both groups during the follow-up. Osteonecrosis of the femoral head occurred in 1 patient of the control group, while no was observed in the study group, and the difference in the incidence of osteonecrosis of the femoral head between the two groups was not significant ( P=0.488).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared to sole FNS internal fixation treatment, Ti-Robot assisted FNS internal fixation for elderly Garden typeⅡ and Ⅲ femoral neck fractures can reduce incision time, achieve minimally invasive and accurate nail implantation, and decrease intraoperative fluoroscopy frequency, leading to improved postoperative hip joint function recovery.

Humans , Aged , Femur Neck , Robotics , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Titanium , Femoral Neck Fractures/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Osteonecrosis , Surgical Wound
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 72(5): 599-604, Sept.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420600


Abstract Background Continuous injection of local anesthetics by using surgical wound catheters for postoperative pain relief has gained acceptance in recent years. However, whether this method can be alternatively used instead of systemic opioids in different surgical procedures has not yet been elucidated. Objectives The aim was to investigate the effect of continuous injection of bupivacaine through a catheter inside the surgical wound on reducing the postoperative pain of lumbar spine fusion surgeries. Methods In this clinical trial, 31 patients undergoing non-traumatic lumbar spine stabilization surgery were randomly assigned to receive (n = 15) or do not receive (n = 16) bupivacaine through a catheter inside the surgical wound, postoperatively. Pain intensity (NRS), dose of required morphine, and drug-related complications within 24 hours of intervention were assessed and compared by the Mann-Whitney and independent t-test. Results Mean pain intensity was significantly lower in the case group over the first postoperative hour in the recovery room (p < 0.001), which continued for the first 2 hours after entering the ward. The mean morphine intake was lower in the bupivacaine group during the first postoperative 24 hours (16 ± 0.88 vs. 7.33 ± 0.93 mg, p < 0.001). The two groups were not significantly different regarding drug-related complications. Conclusion Continuous intra-incisional infusion of bupivacaine helped better pain reduction during the early postoperative hours while sparing morphine consumption in the first postoperative day.

Humans , Bupivacaine , Surgical Wound/complications , Pain, Postoperative/etiology , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Double-Blind Method , Analgesics, Opioid , Anesthetics, Local , Morphine
Más Vita ; 4(2): 386-396, jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1392665


El Ecuador mantiene una alta tasa de mortalidad derivada de las infecciones de heridas quirúrgicas, las post cesárea son las que se presentan comúnmente, donde las bacterias cada vez evolucionan mecanismos de resistencia a los antibióticos. Objetivo: analizar los factores que intervienen en la aparición de infección en herida quirúrgica. Materiales y Métodos: investigación tipo inductivo-deductiva al analizar variables cuantitativas; y la aplicación del razonamiento, con el que se obtuvieron generalizaciones del tema en estudio Resultados: Sexo el 35 % Mujeres y el 65% Varones, el 25 % tienen edad de 15 a 40 años, el 45 % tienen de 41 a 60 años, y el 30 % tienen de 61 años y más. Con respecto al nivel de educación, 50 % no tiene educación, 25% primaria, 15% secundaria y 10% superior, según la residencia el 75% vive en zona rural y 25 % en zona urbana. La mayoría de los procedimientos quirúrgicos involucrados en la complicación de infecciones de la herida fueron de emergencia en un 93,3%; mientras que las que se presentaron en electivas respondieron al 6,7%. Se observó que el 80% de las cirugías realizadas son clasificadas como cirugías limpias contaminadas, y un 20% cirugías contaminadas. Las mismas que tiene un alto riesgo de infectarse el SQ. Conclusiones: A pesar de que las acciones preventivas de preparación de piel y asepsia ­ antisepsia previa al acto quirúrgico se cumplen, las infecciones de la herida quirúrgica se siguen dando en una parte de pacientes intervenidos en el Hospital General Milagro(AU)

Ecuador maintains a high mortality rate derived from surgical wound infections, post-cesarean sections are the ones that commonly occur, where bacteria increasingly evolve mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics. Objective: to analyze the factors that intervene in the appearance of infection in surgical wounds. Materials and Methods: inductive-deductive type research when analyzing quantitative variables; and the application of reasoning, with which generalizations of the subject under study were obtained Results: Sex 35% Women and 65% Men, 25% are between 15 and 40 years old, 45% are between 41 and 60 years old, and 30% are 61 and older. Regarding the level of education, 50% have no education, 25% primary, 15% secondary and 10% higher, according to residence, 75% live in rural areas and 25% in urban areas. Most of the surgical procedures involved in the complication of wound infections were emergency in 93.3%; while those who attended electives responded to 6.7%. It was observed that 80% of the surgeries performed are classified as clean contaminated surgeries, and 20% contaminated surgeries. The same ones that have a high risk of becoming infected with SQ. Conclusions: Although the preventive actions of skin preparation and asepsis - antisepsis prior to the surgical act are fulfilled, infections of the surgical wound continue to occur in a part of patients operated on at the Hospital General Milagro(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Wound Infection , Risk Factors , Surgical Wound , Patients , Asepsis , Mortality , Hospitals, General , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 306-312, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936011


Objective: The surgical reconstruction strategy for scar contracture deformity in chin and neck was explored, aiming to obtain better aesthetic outcome. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted. From December 2017 to April 2021, 34 patients with scar contracture deformity in chin and neck after burns were hospitalized in the Department of Plastic Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Army Medical University (the Third Military Medical University), aged 12-54 years, including 13 males and 21 females, 4 cases with chin affected only, 7 cases with neck affected only, and 23 cases with both chin and neck affected. The scar areas were 48-252 cm2. All the patients were treated by operation with expanded flaps, following the "MRIS" principle of matching of the color and thickness of the repair flaps (match), reconstructing of the aesthetic features of subunits (reconstruction), design of incision according to the plastic principle (incision), and prevention of the surgical incision scar (scar). The rectangular or kidney shaped skin and soft tissue expander (hereinafter referred to as the expander) with rated capacity of 80-400 mL was embedded in the first stage, which was routinely expanded to 3-5 times of the rated capacity of the expander. In the second stage, scar resection and expanded flap excision were performed to repair the secondary wound, and the flap donor site was sutured directly. The expansion ratio of the expander (with average value being calculated), the type of flaps used, the reconstruction of local aesthetic morphology, the appearance of postoperative incision, the survival of flap, and the situation of donor and recipient sites observed during follow-up were recorded. Results: Among the 34 patients, the average expansion ratio of the implanted expander was 3.82 times of the rated capacity of the expander. Three cases were repaired by the expanded local pedicled flap only, 19 cases by the expanded shoulder and/or chest perforator pedicled flap only, 10 cases by the expanded local pedicled flap combined with the expanded shoulder and/or chest perforator pedicled flap, and 2 cases by the expanded local pedicled flap combined with the expanded free flap of the second intercostal perforator of internal thoracic artery. After scar resection, the shapes of lower lip and chin-lip groove were reconstructed in 10 cases, chin process reconstruction and chin lengthening were performed in 16 cases, and the cervico-mental angle and mandibular margin contour were reconstructed in 28 cases. The surgical incision was concealed, most of which were located at the natural junction or turning point of the chin and neck subunits. The vertical incision of neck was Z-shaped or fishtail-shaped. All the expanded flaps in 34 patients survived after operation, of which 8 patients had minor necrosis at the edge or tip of the expanded flaps 1-3 days after operation and healed after dressing change. During the follow-up of 3-18 months, little difference in color and thickness between the expanded flap and the skin of chin and neck was observed, and the aesthetic shape of chin and neck was significantly improved, with mild scar hyperplasia of surgical incision. Conclusions: Reconstruction of scar contracture deformity in chin and neck by using expanded flaps based on the "MRIS" principle is beneficial to improve the quality of surgery and achieve better aesthetic outcome.

Female , Humans , Male , Chin/surgery , Cicatrix/surgery , Contracture/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps , Perforator Flap , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Transplantation , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 313-320, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936012


Objective: To summarize the clinical experience of expanded internal mammary artery perforator (IMAP) flap combined with vascular supercharge in reconstruction of faciocervical scar. Methods: The retrospective observational study was conducted. From September 2012 to May 2021, 23 patients with postburn or posttraumatic faciocervical scars who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, including 18 males and 5 females, aged from 11 to 58 years, all of whom were reconstructed with expanded IMAP flaps. At the first stage, one or two skin and soft tissue expander (s) with appropriate rated capacity were implanted in the anterior chest area according to the location and size of the scars. The IMAP, thoracic branch of supraclavicular artery, and lateral thoracic artery were preserved during the operation. The skin and soft tissue expanders were inflated with normal saline after the operation. The flaps were transferred during the second stage. The dominant IMAP was determined preoperatively using color Doppler ultrasound (CDU) blood flow detector. The faciocervical scars were removed, forming wounds with areas of 9 cm×7 cm-28 cm×12 cm, and the perforators of superficial temporal artery and vein or facial artery and vein were preserved during the operation. The flaps were designed according to the area and size of the wounds after scar resection with the dominant IMAP as the pedicle. Single-pedicle IMAP flaps were used to repair small and medium-sized wounds. For larger defects, the blood perfusion areas of vessels in the anterior chest were evaluated by indocyanine green angiography (ICGA). In situations where the IMAP was insufficient to nourish the entire flap, double-pedicle flaps were designed by using the thoracic branch of supraclavicular artery or lateral thoracic artery for supercharging. Pedicled or free flap transfer was selected according to the distance between the donor areas and recipient areas. After transplantation of flaps, ICGA was conducted again to evaluate blood perfusion of the flaps. The donor sites of flaps were all closed by suturing directly. Statistics were recorded, including the number, rated capacity, normal saline injection volume, and expansion period of skin and soft tissue expanders, the location of the dominant IMAP, the total number of the flaps used, the number of flaps with different types of vascular pedicles, the flap area, the flap survival after the second stage surgery, the occurrence of common complications in the donor and recipient areas, and the condition of follow-up. Results: Totally 25 skin and soft tissue expanders were used in this group of patients, with rated capacity of 200-500 mL, normal saline injection volume of 855-2 055 mL, and expansion period of 4-16 months. The dominant IMAP was detected in the second intercostal space (20 sides) or the third intercostal space (5 sides) before surgery. A total of 25 expanded flaps were excised, including 2 pedicled IMAP flaps, 11 free IMAP flaps, 4 pedicled thoracic branch of supraclavicular artery+free IMAP flaps, and 8 free IMAP+lateral thoracic artery flaps, with flap areas of 10 cm×8 cm-30 cm×14 cm. After the second stage surgery, tip necrosis of flaps in three patients occurred, which healed after routine dressing changes; one patient developed arterial embolism and local torsion on the vascular pedicle at the anastomosis of IMAP and facial artery, and the blood supply recovered after thrombectomy and vascular re-anastomosis. Fourteen patients underwent flap thinning surgery in 1 month to 6 months after the second stage surgery. The follow-up for 4 months to 9 years showed that all patients had improved appearances of flaps and functions of face and neck and linear scar in the donor sites of flaps, and one female patient had obvious nipple displacement and bilateral breast asymmetry. Conclusions: The expanded IMAP flap is matched in color and texture with that of the face and neck, and its incision causes little damage to the chest donor sites. When combined with vascular supercharge, a double-pedicle flap can be designed flexibly to further enhance the blood supply and expand the flap incision area, which is a good choice for reconstruction of large faciocervical scar.

Female , Humans , Male , China , Cicatrix/surgery , Mammary Arteries/surgery , Perforator Flap , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Saline Solution , Skin Transplantation , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 585-589, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940965


Wound repair has always been one of the key issues of clinical concern. In recent years, negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has played an increasingly active role in promoting various wound repairs, not only for the treatment of common acute and chronic wounds, but also for closure of surgical incisions, preparation of wounds before skin transplantation, fixation of skin grafts after transplantation, and treatment of some complex thoracic and abdominal trauma. This review aims to summarize the clinical application of NPWT in wound treatment and the related latest research progress, and to preliminarily discuss its future development prospects.

Humans , Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy , Skin Transplantation , Surgical Wound , Wound Healing
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 461-465, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935622


Objective: To examine the clinical value of routine contrast esophagram (RCE) for the diagnosis of anastomotic leakage (AL) after three-incision esophagectomy with cervical anastomosis. Methods: Clinical data of 1 022 patients with esophageal cancer who underwent McKeown three-incision esophagectomy with cervical anastomosis from January 2015 to December 2019 at Department of Minimally Invasive Esophageal Surgery, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital and Institute were analyzed retrospectively. There were 876 males and 146 females, aging(M(IQR)) 48(16) years (range: 36 to 84 years). There were 253 patients (24.8%) with neoadjuvant therapy, and 817 patients (79.9%) with minimally invasive esophagectomy. According to the diagnosis and treatment habits of the attending surgeons, 333 patients were included in the RCE group, and RCE was performed on the 7th day postoperative, while 689 patients were included in the non-RCE group, and RCE was performed when the patients had suspicious symptoms. Taking clinical symptoms, RCE, CT, endoscopy and other methods as reference to the diagnosis of AL, the sensitivity and specificity were used to analyze and evaluate the efficacy of RCE for the diagnosis of AL. The data were compared by U test or χ² test between groups. Results: The incidence rate of AL after three-incision esophagectomy was 7.34% (75/1 022), including 30 cases in the RCE group and 45 cases in the non-RCE group (9.0%(30/333) vs. 6.5%(45/689), χ²=2.027, P=0.155). The diagnostic time of AL was 9(5) days postoperative (range: 4 to 30 days). Among them, 23 cases showed cervical leakages, 50 cases showed intro-thoracic leakages, and 2 cases both cervical and intro-thoracic leakages. The diagnostic time of patients with intro-thoracic leakages was longer than that of cervical leakages (10(4) days vs. 6(3) days, Z=-2.517, P=0.012). Among the 333 patients in the RCE group, 16 cases of RCE indicated leakages including 11 cases of true positive and 5 cases determined to be false positive, while 317 cases indicated no abnormalities including 19 cases developed leakages. The sensitivity and specificity of RCE to detect AL were 36.7%(11/30) and 98.3%(298/333), respectively. The Youden-index was 0.35, and the diagnostic accuracy was 92.8%(309/333). The positive and negative predictive value were 11/16 and 94.0%(298/317), respectively. Conclusions: Routine contrast esophagram after three-incision esophagectomy with cervical anastomosis has low sensitivity and high specificity in the diagnosis of AL. The diagnostic time of AL is the 9th day after surgery. It is necessary to prolong the observation time clinically, and combine RCE with CT, endoscopy and other inspection methods for diagnosis.

Female , Humans , Male , Anastomosis, Surgical/adverse effects , Anastomotic Leak/etiology , Esophageal Neoplasms/surgery , Esophagectomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Surgical Wound/surgery
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928333


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the difference in clinical efficacy of minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-TLIF) under Quadrant channel system combined with microscope and percutaneous pedicle screw in the treatment of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis.@*METHODS@#A total of 114 patients with single-segment degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis from June 2015 to February 2019, were divided into three groups according to the surgical methods, such as the MIS-TLIF under the microscope surgery group ( microscope group), MIS-TLIF combined with percutaneous pedicle screw technique surgery group(percutaneous group) and posterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery group (open group). In the microscope group, there were 12 males and 26 females, aged from 42 to 83 years with an average of (63.29±9.09) years. In the percutaneous group, there were 16 males and 22 females, aged from 45 to 82 years with an average of (63.37±7.50) years. In the open group, there were 12 males and 26 females, aged from 51 to 82 years with an average of (63.76±8.21) years. The general conditions of operation, such as operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage, length of surgical incision, frequency of intraoperative fluoroscopy and postoperative time of lying in bed were recorded to analyze the differences in surgical related indicators. Visual analogue scale (VAS) of waist and leg pain in preoperative and postoperative period (3 days, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months) were recorded to evaluate pain remission;Oswestry Disability Index(ODI), Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score were recorded to evaluate the recovery of waist and leg function on preoperative and postoperative 12 months. The lumbar spondylolisthesis rate and intervertebral height at 12 months after operation were recorded to evaluate the reduction of spondylolisthesis. The Siepe intervertebral fusion standard was used to analyze the intervertebral fusion rate at 12 months after operation.@*RESULTS@#①All 114 patients were followed up more than 1 year, and no complications related to incision infection occurred. In the microscope group, there was 1 case of subcutaneous effusion 8 days after operation. After percutaneous puncture and drainage, waist compression, and then the healing was delayed. In the percutaneous group, 2 cases of paravertebral muscle necrosis occurred on the side of decompression, and the healing was delayed after debridement. In open group, there was 1 case of intraoperative dural tear, which was packed with free adipose tissue during the operation. There was no postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage and other related complications.① Compared with microscope group, percutaneous group increased in operation time, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative wound drainage, surgical incision length, intraoperative fluoroscopy times, and postoperative bed rest time. In open group, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative wound drainage, surgical incision length, and postoperative bed rest time increased, but the intraoperative fluoroscopy time decreased. Compared with percutaneous group, the intraoperative blood loss, wound drainage, surgical incision length, and postoperative bed rest time in open group increased, but operative time and the intraoperative fluoroscopy time decreased(P<0.05). ②ODI and JOA scores of the three groups at 12 months after operation were improved compared with those before operation (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the three group(P>0.05). ③Compared with microscope group, the VAS of low back pain in percutaneous group increased at 3 days after operation, and VAS of low back pain in open group increased at 3 days, and 12 month after operation. Compared with percutaneous group, the VAS low back pain score of the open group increased at 3 months after operation (P<0.05). ④ The lumbar spondylolisthesis rate of the three groups of patients at 12 months afrer operation was decreased compared with that before operation(P<0.05), and the intervertebral heigh was increased compared with that before operation(P<0.05), however, there was no significant difference among three groups at 12 months afrer operation(P>0.05). ⑤ There was no significant difference between three groups in the lumbar fusion rate at 12 months afrer operation(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The MIS-TLIF assisted by microscope and the MIS-TLIF combined with percutaneous pedicle screw are safe and effective to treat the degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis with single-segment, and the MIS-TLIF assisted by microscope may be more invasive, cause less blood loss and achieve better clinical efficacy.

Female , Humans , Male , Blood Loss, Surgical , Case-Control Studies , Low Back Pain , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Postoperative Hemorrhage , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Fusion/methods , Spondylolisthesis/surgery , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928340


OBJECTIVE@#To manufacture a new type of transverse process retractor by using computer-aided design(CAD) combined with 3D printing technology and investigate its clinical application effect.@*METHODS@#A new type of transverse protrusion retractor was developed by CAD combined with 3D printing technology. From September 2018 to September 2019, the new transverse process retractor was applied in clinic. Sixty patients with lumbar single segment lesions who needed treatment by pedicle screw fixation, bone grafting and interbody fusion were divided into new transverse process retractor group and control group, with 30 cases in each group. There were 14 males and 16 females in new type transverse process retractor group, the age was (68.0±4.3) years old on average; lesion segment of 8 cases were L3,4, 9 cases were L4,5, 13 cases were L5S1;5 cases of lumbar disc herniation, 20 cases of lumbar spinal stenosis, 5 cases of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis;new transverse process retractor was used to pedicle screw placement. While there were 15 males and 15 females in control group, with an average age of (69.2±4.5) years old;lesion segment of 8 cases were L3,4, 10 cases were L4,5, 12 cases were L5S1;5 cases of lumbar disc herniation, 21 cases of lumbar spinal stenosis, 4 cases of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis;the traditional lamina retractor was used for soft tissue pulling and finished pedicle screw placement by freehand. The length of surgical incision, the time required for inserting a single screw, fluoroscopy times, the times of adjusting the positioning needle or screw in insertion process, and the visual analogue scale (VAS) of surgical incision 72 hours after operation were compared between two groups.@*RESULTS@#Using CAD and 3D printing technology, a new type of transverse protrusion retractor was developed quickly. The length of surgical incision, the time required for inserting a single screw, fluoroscopy time, and the times of adjusting the positioning needle or screw in insertion process in new transverse process retractor group were less than those in control group(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in VAS of lumbar incision pain at 72 hours after operation between two groups(P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Using CAD combined with 3D printing technology to develop a new transverse protrusion retractor has the advantages of convenient design, short development cycle and low cost. It provides a new idea for the research and development of new medical devices. The new transverse process retractor has the advantages of easy operation, reliable fixation, less damage to paravertebral muscle, convenient pedicle screw placement, reducing fluoroscopy time and so on.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/surgery , Low Back Pain , Lumbar Vertebrae/surgery , Pedicle Screws , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Spinal Fusion , Spinal Stenosis/surgery , Spondylolisthesis/surgery , Surgical Wound , Treatment Outcome
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;56(spe): e20210442, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1387307


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the evidence available in the literature on the use of essential oils for healing and/or preventing infection in surgical wounds. Method: Systematic review according to the JBI model and PRISMA statement. The search was carried out in November/2020 and updated in December/2021, using descriptors and keywords, in the CINAHL, LILACS, CENTRAL, EMBASE, PUBMED, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The quality of the evidence was assessed using the JBI critical appraisal tool for randomized controlled trials. Results: Five publications were included. Three studies evaluated healing and the presence of infection after episiotomy using the Redness-Edema-Ecchymosis-Discharge-Approximation (REEDA) scale; one study evaluated healing after periodontal surgery using the plaque index and Modified Gingival Index; the other four studies considered the presence of infection after episiotomy. Most studies used lavender oil, associated or not with other oils (80%). Two studies showed an improvement in healing. The infection outcome, although mentioned by 60% of studies, was not assessed as a primary outcome. Conclusion: The promising efficacy of essential oils, especially lavender, was verified in the healing of surgical wounds, especially in episiotomies.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia en la literatura sobre el uso de aceites esenciales para la cicatrización y/o prevención de infecciones en heridas quirúrgicas. Método: Revisión sistemática de acuerdo con el modelo JBI y el PRISMA. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos CINAHL, LILACS, CENTRAL, EMBASE, PUBMED, Scopus y Web of Science, en el periodo de noviembre/2020, con actualizaciones en diciembre/2021, utilizando descriptores y palabras clave. La calidad de la evidencia se evaluó por la herramienta JBI critical appraisal para ensayos controlados aleatorizados. Resultados: Se incluyeron cinco publicaciones. Tres estudios evaluaron la curación y la presencia de infección tras episiotomía mediante la escala REEDA (Redness-Edema-Ecchimosis-Discharge-Approximation); uno evaluó la curación después de cirugía periodontal utilizando el índice de placa y el índice gingival modificado; y los demás consideraron la presencia de infección posterior a la episiotomía. La mayoría de los estudios utilizaron aceite de lavanda, asociado a otros aceites o no (80%). Dos estudios demostraron mejorar la cicatrización. El resultado infección, aunque mencionado por el 60% de los estudios, no se evaluó como resultado primario. Conclusión: Se verificó la prometedora eficacia de los aceites esenciales, especialmente el de lavanda, en la cicatrización de heridas quirúrgicas, especialmente en episiotomías.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o uso de óleos essenciais para a cicatrização e/ou prevenção de infecção em feridas cirúrgicas. Método: Revisão sistemática segundo modelo JBI e declaração PRISMA. Busca realizada em novembro/2020 e atualizada em dezembro/2021, utilizando-se descritores e palavras-chave, nas bases CINAHL, LILACS, CENTRAL, EMBASE, PUBMED, Scopus e Web of Science. A qualidade das evidências foi avaliada usando a ferramenta JBI critical appraisal para ensaios clínicos randomizados. Resultados: Cinco publicações foram incluídas. Três estudos avaliaram a cicatrização e presença de infecção após episiotomia por meio da escala REEDA (Redness-Edema-Ecchymosis-Discharge-Approximation); um avaliou cicatrização após cirurgia periodontal por meio do índice de placa e Índice Gengival Modificado; o restante considerou a presença de infecção após episiotomia. A maioria dos estudos utilizou o óleo de lavanda, associado ou não a outros óleos (80%). Em dois estudos houve melhora da cicatrização. O desfecho infecção, embora mencionado por 60% estudos, não foi avaliado como primário. Conclusão: Verificou-se a eficácia promissora de óleos essenciais, sobretudo do de lavanda, na cicatrização de feridas cirúrgicas, especialmente em episiotomias.

Oils, Volatile , Surgical Wound , Wound Healing , Wound Infection , Aromatherapy , Lavandula