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J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 16(2): 98-107, Agosto/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ECOS | ID: biblio-1571620


Objetivo: A obesidade populacional afeta inúmeras nações do mundo, implicando custos econô¬micos, sociais e ambientais severos, comprometendo a condição de desenvolvimento sustentável. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a evolução da situação de sobrepeso e obesidade popu¬lacional dos países-membros da OCDE e do Brasil. Métodos: Este estudo analisa dados sobre a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional disponibilizados pela OCDE para os seus paí¬ses-membros e pelo sistema Vigitel para o Brasil. Resultados: Os países da OCDE apresentam uma variabilidade grande na prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade, e a prevalência média está na faixa dos 50%. Para o Brasil, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional aumentou expressiva¬mente nos últimos anos, indo de cerca de 45% em 2010 para 53,5% em 2020. Conclusão: A maioria dos países analisados está classificada em uma condição de taxa média de prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade superior a 50% e uma tendência de crescimento dessa prevalência. O estudo ainda apresenta algumas ações e políticas públicas promovidas em outros países com o propósito de promover a redução da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, e que poderiam ser adaptadas e implementadas no contexto brasileiro.

Objective: Population obesity affects many nations of the world, implying severe economic, social and environmental costs, compromising the condition of sustainable development. This study aims to analyze the evolution of the situation of overweight and obesity in the OECD member countries and Brazil. Methods: This study analyzes data on the prevalence of overweight and obesity made available by the OECD for its member countries, and by the Vigitel System for Brazil. Results: The OECD countries show a great variability in the prevalence of overweight/obesity, with the average prevalence being in the range of 50%. For Brazil, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population has increased significantly in recent years, going from about 45% in 2010 to 53.5% in 2020. Conclusion: Most of the countries analyzed are classified in a condition of average prevalence rate of overweight and obesity greater than 50% and a tendency for this prevalence to increase. The study also presents some actions and public policies promoted in other countries with the purpose of promoting the reduction of the prevalence of overweight and obesity, which could be adapted and implemented in the Brazilian context.

Public Health , Noncommunicable Diseases , Sustainable Development , Food Supply , Obesity
ABCS health sci ; 49: e024307, 11 jun. 2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580990


Will the 2030 Agenda that advocates the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) be immune from the consequences of the effects of the pandemic? This article analyzes the international debate that states that it is more necessary than ever to follow the 2030 agenda with the same ambition, regardless of the effects of the pandemic, and points to possibilities for continuing to act on the agenda's activation. From the perspective of a narrative review, contextualized and qualitative, the implementation plans of the 2030 Agenda of only five Brazilian municipalities that voluntarily reported on the UN website, between 2017-2023. These plans are presented and analyzed 1) for their vision of the future, 2) for their ambition in defining goals, and 3) for the Local Agenda activities Activation. The municipalities respond to the international call for the necessary localization of the agenda, as all five identify actions connected with the 17 SDGs but make their respective choices and priorities. These three cases demonstrate the possibilities of activating Agenda 2030 locally, despite the social, health, and economic impact of COVID-19.

A agenda 2030 que propugna os 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) ficará imune às consequências dos efeitos da pandemia? Esse artigo analisa o debate internacional que afirma que é mais necessário do que nunca seguir a Agenda 2030 com a mesma ambição, independentemente dos efeitos da pandemia, e aponta possibilidades para seguir atuando na ativação da Agenda. Sob a ótica de uma revisão narrativa contextualizada e qualitativa são apresentados os planos de implementação da Agenda 2030 de cinco únicos municípios brasileiros reportados voluntariamente no site da ONU, entre 2017 e 2023. Estes planos são analisados 1) por sua visão de futuro, 2) pela sua ambição na definição de metas, e 3) pelas atividades de ativação local da Agenda. Os municípios atendem ao clamor internacional da necessária localização da agenda, pois todos os cinco identificam ações locais conectadas com os 17 ODS, mas fazem suas, respectivas, escolhas e prioridades. Esses cinco casos demostram possibilidades de ativação da Agenda 2030 localmente mesmo frente ao impacto social, sanitário e econômico da Covid-19.

Brazil , Health Priority Agenda , Sustainable Development , Local Government , Public Policy
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569887


Introducción: Las enfermedades no transmisibles, uno de los mayores desafíos para el desarrollo del siglo XXI en el mundo, son consideradas la principal amenaza para la salud humana y un problema de desarrollo y derechos humanos. En Cuba, ocupan 9 de las primeras 10 causas de muerte. Se realizó una búsqueda sobre el tema entre los años 2000 y 2022. Fueron consultadas las bases de datos Medline, Pubmed, SciELO y otras revistas de acceso abierto. De 93 documentos revisados se seleccionaron 43 referencias. Objetivos: Revisar los fundamentos teóricos de la evolución y los factores de riesgo de las enfermedades no trasmisibles, reseñar estrategias de organizaciones internacionales, Cuba, cuerpos armados y destacar los desafíos más importantes para su prevención y control. Desarrollo: Las enfermedades no trasmisibles por su elevada morbimortalidad son la principal amenaza para la salud humana, tienen una etiología compleja, multifactorial, largos periodos evolutivos y demandan cuidados a largo plazo. Las organizaciones de salud demandan una respuesta efectiva e innovadora para la prevención y control de dichas enfermedades. Conclusiones: En correspondencia con la importancia de su prevención y control en la sostenibilidad de la salud, se realizan intervenciones de impacto en el mundo, Cuba y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias; en respuesta a lo aprobado en la 75° Asamblea Mundial de la Salud(AU)

Introduction: Non-communicable diseases, one of the greatest challenges for the development of the 21st century in the world, are considered the main threat to human health and a problem of development and human rights. In Cuba, they occupy 9 of the first 10 causes of death. A search on the topic was carried out between the years 2000 and 2022. The databases Medline, Pubmed, SciELO and other open access journals were consulted. Of 93 documents reviewed, 43 references were selected. Objectives: Review the theoretical foundations of the evolution and risk factors of non-communicable diseases, review strategies of international organizations, Cuba, armed forces and highlight the most important challenges for their prevention and control. Development: Non-communicable diseases, due to their high morbidity and mortality, are the main threat to human health, they have a complex, multifactorial etiology, long evolutionary periods and demand long-term care. Health organizations demand an effective and innovative response for the prevention and control of these diseases. Conclusions: In correspondence with the importance of its prevention and control in the sustainability of health, impact interventions are carried out in the world, Cuba and the Revolutionary Armed Forces; in response to what was approved at the 75th World Health Assembly(AU)

Humans , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Risk Factors , Disease Prevention , Sustainable Development Indicators , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Sustainable Development/trends , eHealth Strategies
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553375


Scientific publications in research journals have adeptly investigated into topics of considerable interest, rendering nursing care more intricate in the face of increasingly thorough investigations into numerous phenomena. This ongoing exploration contributes significantly to the body of knowledge disseminated within the scientific community. Nevertheless, the advent of the global era has presented nursing with novel challenges that persist from the dawn of history parallel to a lingering shadow obscuring the true essence of the profession. An example is environmental nursing, often overlooked from the lens of social sustainability­a neglect that researchers, as minority groups in a relentless struggle, have sidelined. These challenges align with the dynamic demands imposed by society and the mandates of state and/or governmental parliaments.

Social Environment , Sanitation , Nursing , Sustainable Development , Health Policy
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 86-92, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039869


@#<strong>BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE</strong><p>Midwives play a vital role in the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals related to the health and well-being of mothers and newborns. Strengthening the leadership and management capacities of midwives is pivotal to the fulfillment of their mandate beyond assisting in birth and delivery. The study explores the perspectives of midwives about professional education and practice, which are aimed to serve as bases for developing a leadership course for midwives to enhance their roles in public health.</p><strong>METHODS</strong><p>The study employed a descriptive-qualitative design. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, online focus group discussions (FGDs) with midwives from the academe, professional organization, and clinical practice were conducted. Through directed content analysis, the gathered information was analyzed to include the participants’ insights on midwifery competencies, teaching methods and assessment strategies, supplementary courses and training, and factors affecting midwifery practice.</p><strong>RESULTS</strong><p>A total of eleven (11) participants contributed to the FGDs, which included midwives from the academe (dean, faculty), professional organization (board member of the Professional Regulation Commission), and clinical practice (public and private institutions). Notably, participants shared their perspectives regarding the similarities/differences in the terminal competencies of midwifery programs. The demands of outcomes-based education, coupled by the shift to online learning due to the pandemic, pushed the need for modifications in program delivery for the students. Results highlighted the need for supplementary courses and capacity building on leadership and management, research, and interprofessional collaboration. Midwives shared factors that affect their professional practice, which include insufficient training, inadequate manpower, and differences in expectations/standards in task performance.</p><strong>CONCLUSION</strong><p>The findings indicate the need to develop capacity-building courses for midwives to enhance their contribution towards universal health care. The results of this study also highlight the importance of understanding and improving the competencies of midwives across the building blocks of the health system, which include health service delivery, human resources for health, health information systems, health financing, health governance, and health regulation. Notably, key concepts recommended for the Leadership Development Course for Midwives include: leadership and management, research, and interprofessional collaboration.</p>

Leadership , Universal Health Care , Midwifery , Midwifery , Sustainable Development , Sustainable Development
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;58: e20240026, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565118


ABSTRACT The aim is to conduct theoretical reflection on the inseparability among public health, planetary health and the nursing process in light of complexity thinking, with the aim of contributing to healthy and sustainable development. Study with a theoretical-reflexive approach that accessed bibliographical sources from contemporary authors who defend the inseparability between public health and planetary health and, at the same time, provide theoretical-systemic support to the nursing process, under an inductive critical bias. The nursing process is conceived as a complex phenomenon, which comprises interdependent dynamics, dialogical approaches, critical-reflective perception and prospective leadership. Theoretical reflection on the nursing process and sustainable development raises an expanded, contextualized and interdependent look at the role of nursing professionals in different health contexts, in order not to compromise well-being and environmental health.

RESUMEN El objetivo es realizar una reflexión teórica sobre la inseparabilidad entre la salud pública, la salud planetaria y el proceso de enfermería a la luz del pensamiento de la complejidad, para contribuir con el desarrollo saludable y sostenible. Se trata de un estudio con enfoque teórico-reflexivo que accedió a fuentes bibliográficas de autores contemporáneos que defienden la inseparabilidad entre la salud pública y la salud planetaria y, al mismo tiempo, otorgan apoyo teórico-sistémico al proceso de enfermería, bajo un sesgo inductivo crítico. El proceso de enfermería se concibe como un fenómeno complejo, compuesto por dinámicas interdependientes, enfoques dialógicos, percepción crítico-reflexiva y liderazgo prospectivo. La reflexión teórica sobre el proceso de enfermería y el desarrollo sostenible suscita una mirada ampliada, contextualizada e interdependiente sobre la actuación profesional de enfermería en los diversos contextos de salud, con el fin de no comprometer el bienestar y la salud ambiental.

RESUMO Objetiva-se conduzir reflexão teórica sobre a indissociabilidade entre saúde pública, saúde planetária e processo de enfermagem à luz do pensamento da complexidade, no intuito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento saudável e sustentável. Estudo de abordagem teórico-reflexiva que acessou fontes bibliográficas de autores contemporâneos que defendem a indissociabilidade entre saúde pública e saúde planetária e, paralelamente, conferem sustentação teórico-sistêmica ao processo de enfermagem, sob um viés crítico indutivo. Concebe-se o processo de enfermagem como fenômeno complexo, que compreende uma dinâmica interdependente, abordagens dialógicas, percepção crítico-reflexiva e liderança prospectiva. A reflexão teórica acerca do processo de enfermagem e o desenvolvimento sustentável suscita um olhar ampliado, contextualizado e interdependente sobre a atuação do profissional de enfermagem nos diversos contextos da saúde, a fim de não comprometer o bem-estar e a saúde ambiental.

Humans , Environmental Health , Community Health Nursing , Nursing Process , Nonlinear Dynamics , Sustainable Development
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579392


Introduction: under-five mortality, also known as child mortality, is an important indicator to measure the health of the population, so it is part of the Human Development indicators. Objetive: To determine factors associated with infant mortality. Material and methods: a retrospective cross-sectional ecological study of explanatory scope, retrospective cross-sectional type, which used the database of the Municipal Atlas of the Sustainable Development Goals in Bolivia 2020. It proposes regressions using Ordinary Least Squares, considering as dependent variable the child mortality rate, the child mortality rate, for which five models are proposed according to the structural, intermediate, or variables related to health services. Results: the variables that explain child mortality have a direct mortality in childhood with a direct relationship are: Unsatisfied Basic Needs, Non-Spanish speaking population, the index of Vulnerability to Climate Change, Civil Registration, Poverty Rate, and the Extreme Energy Poverty Rate, Electricity Coverage, Chronic Malnutrition and Chronic Undernutrition, Chronic Malnutrition and Fertility Rate. As for the variables significant variables at 5% with inverse relationship, we have the Gini Coefficient for years of education, the Capacity to execute the programmed budget, the Basic Sanitation Coverage of Basic Sanitation, the Overcrowding Rate and the Institutional Childbirth Coverage. Institutional Delivery Coverage. Conclusions: from the data at the municipal level it is possible to identify the determinants of child mortality within the limitations of ecological studies.

Introduction: under-five mortality, also known as child mortality, is an important indicator to measure the health of the population, so it is part of the Human Development indicators. Objetive: to determine factors associated with infant mortality. Material and methods: A retrospective cross-sectional ecological study of explanatory scope, retrospective cross-sectional type, which used the database of the Municipal Atlas of the Sustainable Development Goals in Bolivia 2020. It proposes regressions using Ordinary Least Squares, considering as dependent variable the child mortality rate, the child mortality rate, for which five models are proposed according to the structural, intermediate, or variables related to health services. Results: the variables that explain child mortality have a direct mortality in childhood with a direct relationship are: Unsatisfied Basic Needs, Non-Spanish speaking population, the index of Vulnerability to Climate Change, Civil Registration, Poverty Rate, and the Extreme Energy Poverty Rate, Electricity Coverage, Chronic Malnutrition and Chronic Undernutrition, Chronic Malnutrition and Fertility Rate. As for the variables significant variables at 5% with inverse relationship, we have the Gini Coefficient for years of education, the Capacity to execute the programmed budget, the Basic Sanitation Coverage of Basic Sanitation, the Overcrowding Rate and the Institutional Childbirth Coverage. Institutional Delivery Coverage. Conclusions: from the data at the municipal level it is possible to identify the determinants of child mortality within the limitations of ecological studies

Humans , Child, Preschool , Ecological Studies , Sustainable Development , Civil Registration , Infant Mortality
Rev. bras. estud. popul. (Online) ; 41: e0261, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1565319


Resumo Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a variação do número de óbitos fetais informados entre o Sistema de Estatísticas Vitais do Registro Civil (RC) e o Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) e comparar a tendência da taxa de mortalidade fetal (TMF) de ambos os sistemas no Brasil, para o período 2009-2019. A variação percentual (VP) foi analisada por meio da comparação entre as fontes de dados para os óbitos fetais precoces (<28 semanas) e tardios (≥28 semanas). Os clusters de unidades da federação foram obtidos pelo método k-means. Aplicou-se a regressão linear generalizada de Prais-Winsten na análise da tendência da TMF. O SIM demonstrou percentual de captação 27,7% superior ao RC no período estudado. Houve maior número de óbitos fetais informados no SIM para o Brasil e regiões, em ambos os estratos de óbitos. As regiões Norte e Nordeste apresentaram as maiores VP em oposição às regiões mais desenvolvidas do país, Sudeste e Sul, onde verificou-se uma convergência de 95%. Apesar da redução da VP na década analisada, as estimativas de tendência da TMF permaneceram subestimadas no RC. Conclui-se que a captação dos óbitos fetais foi maior no SIM, sobretudo nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, reconhecidas como as mais vulneráveis do país.

Abstract This study aimed to analyze the variation in the number of stillbirths reported between the vital statistics system of the Civil Registry (RC) and the Mortality Information System (SIM) as well as to compare the trend in stillbirth rates (SBR) in both systems in Brazil between 2009 and 2019. Percent change (PC) was analyzed by comparing data sources for early (<28 weeks) and late (≥28 weeks) stillbirths. Clusters of Federation Units were obtained using the k-means method. Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression was applied in the analysis of the SBR trend. The SIM showed a percentage of uptake 27.7% higher than RC in the period. A higher number of fetal deaths were reported on the SIM for Brazil and its regions, in both death strata. The North and Northeast regions presented the highest PC, as opposed to the most developed regions of the country, Southeast and South, where there was a convergence of 95%. Despite the reduction in PC in the decade analyzed, the SBR trend estimates remained underestimated in the RC. The conclusion, that the capture of fetal deaths was higher in the SIM, demonstrates the need for improvements in civilian registration of stillbirths, especially in the North and Northeast regions, recognized as the most vulnerable in the country.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la variación en el número de muertes fetales notificadas entre el sistema de estadísticas vitales del Registro Civil (RC) y el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM) y comparar la tendencia de la Tasa de Mortalidad Fetal (TMF) de ambos sistemas en Brasil entre 2009 y 2019. El cambio porcentual (CP) se analizó comparando fuentes de datos para muertes fetales tempranas (< 28 semanas) y tardías (≥ 28 semanas). Los conglomerados de unidades de la federación se obtuvieron mediante el método de k-means. Se aplicó la regresión lineal generalizada Prais-Winsten en el análisis de la tendencia TMF. El SIM mostró un porcentaje de captación 27,7 % superior al del RC en el período. Hubo mayor número de muertes fetales reportadas en el SIM para Brasil y regiones, en ambos estratos de muerte. Las regiones Norte y Noreste tuvieron el CP más alto en comparación con las regiones más desarrolladas del país, Sudeste y Sur, donde hubo convergencia del 95 %. A pesar de la reducción del CP en la década analizada, las estimaciones de tendencia de la TMF permanecieron subestimadas en el RC. Se concluye que la captura de las defunciones fetales fue mayor en el SIM, demostrando la necesidad de mejoras en el registro civil de las defunciones fetales, especialmente en las regiones Norte y Nordeste, reconocidas como las más vulnerables del país.

Death Certificates , Vital Statistics , Fetal Death , Epidemiological Monitoring , Health Information Systems , Sociodemographic Factors , Mortality , Cause of Death , Health Status Disparities , Sustainable Development , Social Vulnerability
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;58: e20230229, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1583193


ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the meanings revealed by nurses about sustainable care in its connections with the management of Healthcare Waste in hospital. Method: Qualitative research, whose theoretical and methodological references were, respectively, Complexity Theory and Grounded Theory. Nursing professionals from a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro participated in the study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. Results: The actions-interactions signified by the nursing staff, for the management of Healthcare Waste, revealed an understanding of the socio-environmental responsibility of the rational use of material resources; of the need for permanent education to promote environmental education; of the need to supervise the proper management of waste. The professionals perceive themselves as a driving force for reordering positive changes in this context. Conclusion: The participants signaled implications between knowledge, rational use of materials, waste generation and disposal, health economics and quality of care. From these connections, we can deduce the complex meaning of sustainable hospital nursing care in the context of Healthcare Waste management.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Comprender los significados revelados por enfermeros sobre cuidados sostenibles en sus conexiones con la Gestión de Residuos Sanitarios en el hospital. Método: Investigación cualitativa, cuyos referentes teóricos y metodológicos fueron, respectivamente, la Teoría de la Complejidad y la Teoría Fundamentada en Datos. Participaron en el estudio profesionales de enfermería de un hospital público de Río de Janeiro. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas. Resultados: Las acciones-interacciones significadas por el personal de enfermería, para la gestión de Residuos de Servicios de Salud, revelaron la comprensión de la responsabilidad socioambiental del uso racional de los recursos materiales; de la necesidad de educación permanente para promover la educación ambiental; de la necesidad de supervisar la correcta gestión de los residuos. Los profesionales se perciben a sí mismos como un motor para reordenar cambios positivos en este contexto. Conclusión: Los participantes señalaron implicaciones entre el conocimiento, el uso racional de materiales, la generación y eliminación de residuos, la economía de la salud y la calidad de la atención. De estas conexiones se deduce el complejo significado de los cuidados sostenibles de enfermería hospitalaria en el contexto de la gestión de residuos de los servicios de salud.

RESUMO Objetivo: Compreender os significados desvelados pela enfermagem sobre o cuidado sustentável em suas conexões com o gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde no hospital. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, cujos referenciais teórico e metodológico foram, respectivamente, a Teoria da Complexidade e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Participaram do estudo profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital público do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados por entrevistas semiestruturadas. Resultados: As ações-interações significadas pela enfermagem, para o gerenciamento dos Resíduos dos Serviços de Saúde, revelaram a compreensão sobre a responsabilidade socioambiental do uso racional de recursos materiais; da necessidade de educação permanente para promover educação ambiental; da necessidade de supervisão o gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos. Os profissionais se percebem como força motriz para reordenar mudanças positivas nesse contexto. Conclusão: Os participantes sinalizaram implicações entre conhecimento, uso racional de materiais, geração e descarte de resíduos, economia da saúde e qualidade da assistência. Dessas conexões, depreende-se o sentido complexo de cuidado sustentável da enfermagem hospitalar no contexto do gerenciamento de Resíduos dos Serviços de Saúde.

Nursing , Nursing Service, Hospital , Sustainable Development , Medical Waste
São Paulo; s.n; 2024. 99 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566079


Introdução: A Agenda 2030 é um pacto global para a "transformação do nosso mundo" firmado por 193 países em 2015. Em 2016 o grupo interagencial da ONU no Brasil para a Agenda 2030 lança a adaptação em português da publicação "Roteiro para a Localização dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: implementação e acompanhamento no nível subnacional" para apoiar cidades e regiões no cumprimento da Agenda 2030 em âmbito local. Em outras palavras, explicita que embora a agenda 2030 seja formulada globalmente, apresenta uma preocupação com a territorialização reconhecendo o papel fundamental dos governos locais e regionais na promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi colocar em cena a implementação da Agenda 2030 na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Especificamente, levando em conta o marco teórico da gestão do conhecimento e da necessária tradução do conhecimento para a implementação de políticas públicas, organizamos um conjunto de publicações sobre a localização da Agenda 2030; discutimos os aspectos que levaram alguns municípios a adotarem a Agenda 2030 em seus Planos Plurianuais (PPA); interpretamos indicadores sobre a situação dos ODS na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo; analisamos o caso da criação da Comissão Municipal dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) na cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia da pesquisa se valeu da combinação de múltiplos métodos que permitiu identificar diferenças e desigualdades territoriais. A pesquisa é presidida pela hipótese de que os municípios que explicitamente manifestam a Agenda 2030 em seus processos de planejamentos e mecanismos de gestão apresentaram melhores indicadores dos ODS. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciam em parte a hipótese levantada e a organização e sistematização da literatura disponível sobre localização dos ODS pode se constituir em um dispositivo efetivo para a disseminação do tema e sua adoção. Concluímos que estamos atrasados. Passado metade do período ainda há muito a ser realizado, tanto no que diz respeito à materialidade concreta das ações e iniciativas, quanto no sentido do alcance dos resultados desejados.

Introduction: The 2030 Agenda is a global pact to "transformation of our world" signed by 193 countries in 2015. In 2016, the UN interagency group in Brazil for the 2030 Agenda launched the Portuguese adaptation of the publication "Guide for the Localization of Sustainable Development Goals: implementation and monitoring at the subnational level" to support cities and regions in fulfilling the 2030 Agenda at the local level. In other words, it makes explicit that although the 2030 Agenda is formulated globally, it expresses a concern for territorialization, recognizing the fundamental role of local and regional governments in promoting sustainable development. The objective of this research was to spotlight the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (RMSP). Specifically, considering the theoretical framework of knowledge management and the necessary translation of knowledge for the implementation of public policies, we organized a set of publications on the localization of 2030 Agenda; we discussed aspects that led some municipalities to adopt the Agenda 2023 in their Planos Plurianuais (PPA); we interpreted indicators on the situation of SDGs in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region; we analyzed the case of the creation of the Municipal Commission on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the city of São Paulo. The research methodology utilized a combination of multiple methods, allowing the identification of territorial differences and inequalities. The research is presided over by the hypothesis that municipalities that explicitly manifest the 2030 Agenda in their planning processes and management mechanisms have presented better SDG indicators. The research results partly confirm the raised hypothesis, and the organization and systematization of available literature on SDG localization can constitute an effective tool for disseminating and adopting the theme. We conclude that we are behind schedule. Halfway through the period, there is still much to be accomplished, both in therms of the concrete materialization of actions and initiatives and in terms of achieving the desired results.

Public Policy , Healthy City , Sustainable Development
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 58(5): e20240011, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1583334


Abstract Este artigo teve por objetivo identificar as influências percebidas dos eixos temáticos da Agenda Ambiental na Administração Pública (A3P) na consciência ambiental dos servidores públicos. Para analisar as 414 respostas de servidores públicos de uma entidade do setor de justiça que aderiu à agenda A3P, aplicou-se a técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados evidenciaram que somente os eixos "sensibilização e capacitação dos servidores" e "licitações sustentáveis" da A3P não foram estatisticamente significantes. Em contrapartida, ficou claro que os eixos "uso racional dos recursos naturais e bens públicos", "gestão adequada dos resíduos gerados", "qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho" e "construções sustentáveis" afetam, de forma positiva e estatisticamente significativa, a consciência ambiental dos servidores. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que, quando inseridas as variáveis de controle (idade, tipo de atividade e tempo de organização) no modelo, houve algumas alterações significativas, comprovando que, quanto maior a idade e o tempo de organização, maior é a percepção da importância das práticas e ações da A3P. Conclui-se, com este estudo, que é importante que os indivíduos, em âmbito organizacional, também estejam imbuídos de ações e práticas voltadas para o atingimento dos objetivos da Agenda 2030.

Resumen Este artículo tuvo como objetivo identificar las influencias percibidas de los ejes temáticos de la Agenda Ambiental en la Administración Pública (A3P) en la conciencia ambiental de los servidores públicos. Para analizar las 414 respuestas de servidores públicos de una entidad del sector justicia que adhirieron a la agenda A3P, se aplicó la técnica de modelación de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados muestran que solo los ejes de sensibilización y formación de los empleados y licitación sostenible de la A3P no fueron estadísticamente significativos. Por otro lado, los ejes de uso racional de los recursos naturales y bienes públicos, manejo adecuado de los residuos generados, calidad de vida en el ambiente laboral y construcciones sustentables inciden positiva y estadísticamente de forma significativa en la conciencia ambiental de los empleados. Además, se encontró que, cuando se insertaron en el modelo las variables de control (edad, tipo de actividad y tiempo de organización), hubo algunos cambios significativos, demostrando que cuanto mayor es la edad y antigüedad en la organización, mayores son las percepciones de la importancia de las prácticas y acciones de la A3P. Este estudio concluye que es importante que los individuos a nivel organizacional también estén imbuidos de acciones y prácticas encaminadas a alcanzar los objetivos de la Agenda 2030.

Abstract This article aimed to identify the perceived influences of the thematic axes of the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P) on the environmental awareness of public servants. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the 414 responses from public servants from an entity in the justice sector that adhered to the A3P agenda. The results show that only the axes of awareness and training of employees and sustainable bidding at A3P were not statistically significant. On the other hand, the axes of rational use of natural resources and public goods, adequate management of waste generated, quality of life in the work environment, and sustainable constructions positively and statistically significantly affect the environmental awareness of employees. Additionally, it was found that when the control variables (age, type of activity, and time of organization) were inserted into the model, there were some significant changes, proving that the older the age and the longer the organization, the greater the perceptions of the importance of A3P practices and actions. This study concludes that it is important that individuals at the organizational level are also imbued with actions and practices aimed at achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.

Awareness , Public Administration , Staff Development , Environment , Government Employees , Sustainable Development , Organization and Administration , Quality of Life , Environmental Health , Occupational Groups
Babcock Univ. Med. J ; 7(2): 144-151, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1585666


Objective: Poor sanitation is estimated to be responsible for about 432,000 deaths annually in low- and middle-income countries. Widespread pollution and poor public health conditions in many areas of Nigeria led to an authoritarian military regime's introduction of mandatory monthly sanitation day. Since Nigeria transitioned to a democratic government in 1999, the enforcement of "Sanitation Day" has dwindled. We aimed to assess the compliance of Akure residents with the mandatory monthly environmental sanitation policy in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) aimed at ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Methods: We adopted a cross-sectional study design and sampled 314 adults in Akure ­ an urban area in Nigeria. We used a semi-structured, pre-tested questionnaire which was developed after reviewing existing information on environmental sanitation for data collection. Results: We found 219 (69.7%) residents reported compliance with the sanitation policy. Age, gender, ethnicity, occupation, education, house ownership, co-residence with the house owner, and perception of the effectiveness of government policy were significantly associated with environmental sanitation compliance. However, the binary logistic model shows that older age, female gender, non-Yoruba ethnicity, unemployment status, house ownership, and perception of the effectiveness of government policies are significant predictors of environmental sanitation compliance. Conclusion: Our study showed relatively high compliance with the sanitation policy. The government needs to improve on monitoring sanitation policy compliance, not only in urban areas but especially in rural areas.

Perception , Effectiveness , Environmental Monitoring , Public Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Collection , Compliance , Sanitation Policy , Urban Area , Environmental Pollution , Sustainable Development
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; Online braz. j. nurs. (Online);22(supl.2): e20246712, 22 dez 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560808


OBJETIVO: Refletir sobre os pontos de interconexão entre saúde planetária e a resposta do mundo ao HIV/aids sob a ótica do pensamento complexo. MÉTODO: Trata-se de ensaio teórico do tipo reflexivo, ancorado no pensamento complexo proposto por Morin e na literatura atual e pertinente sobre saúde planetária e HIV/aids. RESULTADOS: Considerando que os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável se interconectam com as atuais discussões sobre a saúde planetária, a reflexão foi tecida a partir dos cinco Ps (isto é, pessoas, planeta, prosperidade, paz e parcerias), os quais tem refletido na resposta do HIV/aids entre as diferentes nações. CONCLUSÃO: As reflexões incitam alguns pontos importantes que envolvem a saúde planetária e o acesso e a adesão ao tratamento, com a finalidade de controlar e erradicar o HIV/aids até 2030. O cuidar da saúde planetária representará o cuidado com todos os seres humanos, em especial aqueles com maior vulnerabilidade, como pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids.

OBJECTIVE: To reflect on the connections between planetary health and the world's response to HIV/AIDS from the perspective of complex thinking. METHOD: This is a theoretical reflective essay anchored in the complex thinking proposed by Morin and in the current and relevant literature on planetary health and HIV/AIDS. RESULTS: Recognizing that the Sustainable Development Goals are linked to current discussions on planetary health, the reflection was woven around the five Ps (i.e., people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships) that are reflected in the response of different nations to HIV/AIDS. CONCLUSION: The reflections raise some important points related to planetary health and access to and treatment adherence, intending to control and eliminate HIV/AIDS by 2030. Caring for planetary health will mean caring for all people, especially those with greater vulnerability, such as people living with HIV/AIDS.

Environmental Health , Global Health , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Sustainable Development
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(2): 119-120, ago. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514256


Inca civilization is a subject of great fascination due to its rapid development and successful oral aging centuries ago. Their diet was primarily plant-based, with lean animal protein, nuts, and seeds, and lacked fermentable sugars, preventing non-communicable diseases, such as caries and periodontal diseases. Developing national ageing policies and strategies to improve oral functionality and tackle economic barriers to a balanced diet, ensuring better nutrition and quality of life for older people are necessary to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the World Health Organization estimating its necessity in meeting 12 of the 17 SDGs. Such policies would also honor our native ancestors.

Humans , Indians, South American , Oral Health , Diet, Healthy , Disease Prevention , Sustainable Development , Dietary Patterns
Educ. med. super ; 37(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528535


Este artículo se presenta en la sección de Conferencias Magistrales por ser el texto de una conferencia dictada en la IV Conferencia Internacional Educación Médica en el Siglo xxi durante la IV Convención Internacional de Salud, La Habana, octubre de 2022. Se ha mantenido su carácter de discurso oral. Se aborda el tema universidad latinoamericana y el derecho social a la salud, al considerar la relevancia de la salud en el desarrollo social y económico de la población y al tomar en cuenta la importancia de formar recursos humanos comprometidos con la salud como un derecho social, un bien público y una responsabilidad del Estado. Esto permite analizar críticamente el espacio de la salud pública y la formación de los recursos humanos en el siglo xx y el inicio del siglo xxi para aportar a la demanda de una nueva dimensión estratégica que responda, de forma comprometida, a las necesidades y prioridades de salud de nuestras poblaciones(AU)

This article is presented in the Keynote Lectures section because it is the text of a lecture given at the IV International Conference on Medical Education in the 21st Century during the IV International Health Convention, Havana, October 2022. It has been kept as an oral text. The topic on the Latin-American university and the social right to health is addressed, considering the relevance of health in the social and economic development of the population, as well as taking into account the importance of training human resources committed to health as a social right, a public good, and a responsibility of the State. This allows to analyze critically the public health space and the training of human resources in the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, in order to contribute to the demand for a new strategic dimension that responds, in a committed manner, to the health needs and priorities of our populations(AU)

Humans , Public Health/education , Education, Medical/trends , Universities , Social Determinants of Health/trends , Sustainable Development
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(1): 0-160, jan.-fev. 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431418


Resumo Este artigo pretende analisar experiências de empreendedorismo sustentável na comunidade rural José Gomes, Nordeste do Brasil, e promover uma reflexão sobre a relevância das políticas de desenvolvimento local na construção de projetos coletivos regionais. Este estudo caracteriza-se como exploratório e descritivo na abordagem qualitativa. Para tanto, foram utilizados técnicas rapport, entrevistas semiestruturadas (82 moradores), observação direta e diário de campo, além de pesquisas bibliográficas. A pesquisa abordou as políticas de desenvolvimento local como mecanismos de avanço e melhoria na qualidade de vida, na organização econômica e na conservação do meio ambiente, que devem ser incorporadas ao planejamento municipal e às ações do poder público. Os resultados apontaram potencialidades socioprodutivas e limitações estruturais e infraestruturais que esgotam as possibilidades de difusão do empreendedorismo sustentável e a consolidação do desenvolvimento local.

Resumen Este artículo pretende analizar experiencias de emprendimiento sostenible en la comunidad rural José Gomes, Nordeste de Brasil, y promover una reflexión sobre la relevancia de las políticas de desarrollo local en la construcción de proyectos colectivos regionales. Se utilizaron técnicas de rapport, entrevistas semiestructuradas (82 residentes), observación directa y diario de campo, además de la investigación bibliográfica. Las políticas de desarrollo local se entendieron como mecanismos para el avance y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, la organización económica y la conservación del medio ambiente que deben incorporarse a la planificación municipal y a las acciones del poder público. Los resultados apuntaron potencialidades socioproductivas y limitaciones estructurales e infraestructurales que agotan las posibilidades de difundir el emprendimiento sostenible y consolidar el desarrollo local.

Abstract This article analyzes experiences of sustainable entrepreneurship in the José Gomes rural community in Northeast Brazil, reflecting on the relevance of local development policies in the construction of local collective projects. This qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study adopted rapport techniques, semi-structured interviews (82 dwellers), direct observation, field diary, and bibliographic research. Local development policies were understood as mechanisms for advances and improvements in the quality of life, economic organization, and environmental conservation, which must be incorporated into municipal planning and governmental actions. The results pointed to socio-productive potentials and structural and infrastructural limitations, which hamper the possibilities of spreading sustainable entrepreneurship and consolidating local development.

Environment , Local Development , Sustainable Development