O câncer é uma doença crônico-degenerativa, que tem como uma de suas principais características a capacidade de invadir tecidos e órgãos do corpo, favorecendo o crescimento desordenado de células. É uma doença que impacta fortemente a pessoa enferma e todos à sua volta, incluindo sua família e seus amigos. A partir desse cenário, este trabalho visou compreender a visão da criança e o impacto emocional sofrido diante do diagnóstico de câncer da mãe. Buscou-se avaliar, a partir de ferramentas lúdicas e do desenho-estória, o entendimento da criança em relação ao processo de adoecimento materno, tomando como base o referencial psicanalítico para reconhecer como ela lidou com a situação. Participaram desta pesquisa uma mulher de 39 anos com diagnóstico de câncer em remissão e seu filho de 9 anos. Os resultados demonstraram que o adoecimento materno causou impactos emocionais significativos e assustadores para o infante, gerando fantasias irreais relacionadas ao câncer e a si próprio. Dessa forma, considera-se de fundamental importância o cuidado estendido aos familiares do indivíduo doente, a fim de que se tenha um olhar a todos que sofrem diante desse contexto.(AU)
Cancer is a chronic-degenerative disease that has as one of its main characteristics the ability to invade tissues and organs of the body, favoring the disordered cell growth. It is a disease that strongly impacts the sick person and everyone around them, including their family and friends. Based on this scenario, this work aimed to understand the child's view and the emotional impact suffered in the face of the mother's cancer diagnosis. It sought to evaluate, with ludic tools and drawing history, the child's understanding about the mother's illness process, based on the psychoanalytic framework to recognize how they deal with the situation. A 39-year-old woman diagnosed with cancer, in remission, and her 9-year-old son participated in this research. The results showed that the maternal illness caused significant and frightening emotional impacts for the infant, creating unrealistic fantasies related to cancer and to himself. Thus, the care extended to the sick individual's family and to the relatives is considered of fundamental importance, to give a complete care for all those who suffer in this context.(AU)
El cáncer es una enfermedad crónico-degenerativa, que tiene como una de sus principales características la capacidad de invadir tejidos y órganos, favoreciendo un crecimiento desordenado de las células. Enfermedades como esta impactan fuertemente a la persona que está enferma y a todos los que la rodean, incluidos familiares y amigos. Considerando esta situación, este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la percepción de un niño y el impacto emocional que sufrió ante el diagnóstico del cáncer vivido por su madre. Se pretendió evaluar, utilizando herramientas lúdicas y de dibujo-cuento, la comprensión del niño al proceso de enfermedad materna, buscando reconocer cómo el niño manejó este proceso a partir del referencial teórico psicoanalítico. En esta investigación participaron una mujer de 39 años diagnosticada de cáncer en remisión y su hijo de 9 años. Los resultados mostraron que los impactos emocionales de la enfermedad materna fueron significativos y aterradores para el infante, generando fantasías irreales relacionadas con el cáncer y él mismo. De esta forma, el cuidado extendido a la familia del individuo que está enfrentando esta enfermedad es importante para promover una atención integral a quienes la padecen en este contexto.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Play and Playthings , Drawing , Graphic Novels as Topic , Psychological Distress , Mothers , Neoplasms , Anxiety , Anxiety, Separation , Pain , Paranoid Disorders , Parents , Paternal Behavior , Pathology , Perceptual Defense , Personality , Play Therapy , Psychoanalysis , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Psychology , Psychotherapy , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Self Concept , Somatoform Disorders , Sublimation, Psychological , Symbiosis , Therapeutics , Transactional Analysis , Unconscious, Psychology , Breast Neoplasms , Bereavement , Adaptation, Psychological , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Homeopathic Cure , Child Care , Child Rearing , Psychic Symptoms , Chronic Disease , Risk Factors , Parenting , Panic Disorder , Interview , Communication , Conflict, Psychological , Creativity , Affect , Crying , Death , Defense Mechanisms , Depression , Diagnosis , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Ego , Emotions , Disease Prevention , User Embracement , Existentialism , Family Relations , Early Detection of Cancer , Fear , Hope , Emotional Adjustment , Phobia, Social , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Free Association , Family Separation , Frustration , Patient Care , Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment , Physical Distancing , Genetics , Healthy Life Expectancy , Family Support , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Guilt , Happiness , Hospitalization , Imagination , Immune System , Individuation , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Maternal Deprivation , Medical Oncology , Medicine , Mother-Child Relations , Negativism , Neoplasm Regression, SpontaneousABSTRACT
Interactions between gut microbiome and host immune system are fundamental to maintaining the intestinal mucosal barrier and homeostasis. At the host-gut microbiome interface, cell wall-derived molecules from gut commensal bacteria have been reported to play a pivotal role in training and remodeling host immune responses. In this article, we review gut bacterial cell wall-derived molecules with characterized chemical structures, including peptidoglycan and lipid-related molecules that impact host health and disease processes via regulating innate and adaptive immunity. Also, we aim to discuss the structures, immune responses, and underlying mechanisms of these immunogenic molecules. Based on current advances, we propose cell wall-derived components as important sources of medicinal agents for the treatment of infection and immune diseases.
Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Intestinal Mucosa , Bacteria , Immune System , Symbiosis , Immunity, Mucosal , Immunity, InnateABSTRACT
Swarming motility is a typical synergistic motion, in which bacteria use flagella and Type Ⅳ Pili together to move collectively on semi-solid surfaces. Swarming motility is a hot topic of research in the field of microbiology because of its close relationship with biofilm formation, fruiting bodies formation, pathogen invasion and microbial dispersal and symbiosis. A large number of studies have been conducted on bacterial swarming motility, including changes in the expression of key proteins, changes in chemical communications between bacteria as well as mechanical changes. The expression of flagellin and the level of intracellular c-di-GMP complicatedly regulates the collective behavior of bacteria in colonies, which consequently impacts the swarming motility. The unique physical properties of swarmer cells are conducive to the expansion of the whole colony. Factors such as nutrient and water content in the surrounding growth environment of bacteria also affect the ability of bacteria to swarm to different degrees. It is challenging to construct a universal model of swarming motility based on the molecular mechanisms of swarming in the future.
Bacteria , Flagellin , Symbiosis , WaterABSTRACT
Abstract Some studies report the positive effect of organic residues from ant nests on soil properties and on the structure of the adjacent plant community in field experiments, but there is a gap about the effect on individual species. The purpose of the present study was to compare the soil nutrient content and the development of Turnera subulata Smith, an ornamental species, in the presence of the nest refuse (basically composed of fragments of grass leaves and the symbiotic fungus) produced by the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex balzani (Emery, 1890) or in control soil through a greenhouse pot experiment. The experiment was carried out with two treatments: control soil and soil with 25% of nest refuse. The plants were kept in 1L pots for 90 days. We evaluated the parameters: plant height, stem diameter, root length, number of leaves, dry weight of the root, dry and fresh aboveground biomass. Additionally, the relative chlorophyll content and leaf nutrients were used as nutritional parameters. As a result, plants that grew in the soil with nest refuse showed significant higher values of all parameters evaluated when compared to the control treatment (p < 0.001). We conclude that this biofertilizer contributed to the production of more vigorous plants, being able to act on the local dynamics of nutrients in the ecosystems where A. balzani occurs. As it is relatively abundant and easy to collect, the refuse of A. balzani has the potential to be used as an alternative substrate in the production of shortlife cycle plants.
Resumo Alguns estudos relatam o efeito positivo de resíduos orgânicos de formigueiros nas propriedades do solo e na estrutura da comunidade de plantas adjacentes em experimentos de campo, mas há uma lacuna sobre o efeito em espécies individuais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar o desenvolvimento de Turnera subulata Smith, uma espécie ornamental, na presença do substrato de descarte (SD) de formigueiros produzido pela formiga cortadeira Acromyrmex balzani (Emery, 1890) por meio de experimento em casa de vegetação. O experimento foi conduzido com dois tratamentos: solo controle e solo com 25% de SD. As plantas foram mantidas em vasos de 1L por 90 dias. Foram avaliados os parâmetros: altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, comprimento da raiz, número de folhas, massa seca da raiz, biomassa seca e fresca da parte aérea. Além disso, o conteúdo relativo de clorofila e os nutrientes foliares foram usados como parâmetros fisiológicos. Como resultado, as plantas que cresceram no solo com SD apresentaram valores significativamente maiores de todos os parâmetros avaliados quando comparadas ao tratamento controle (p < 0.001). Concluímos que esse biofertilizante contribuiu para a produção de plantas mais vigorosas, podendo atuar na dinâmica local de nutrientes nos ecossistemas onde A. balzani ocorre. Além disso, por ser relativamente abundante e fácil de coletar, o SD de A. balzani tem potencial para ser utilizado como biofertilizante na produção de plantas de ciclo de vida curta.
Animals , Ants , Turnera , Plants , Soil , Symbiosis , Ecosystem , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a teoria do desenvolvimento precoce da pediatra e psicanalista húngara Margareth Mahler, dando um maior enfoque às crises inerentes ao desenvolvimento, ou seja, às manifestações naturalmente perturbadoras vividas pelo bebê e pelo toddler, ao longo dos trinta e seis primeiros meses de vida. Mahler argumenta que, quando estas fases de alteração do equilíbrio não são satisfatoriamente neutralizadas, podem surgir neuroses infantis precoces, reconhecidas como respostas exacerbadas e rígidas, defensivas e ambivalentes na relação com o objeto de amor. Com este estudo, pretendemos contribuir para a ampliação do conhecimento acerca da primeira infância, em particular, para a elucidação dos impactos psíquicos de desequilíbrios naturais do desenvolvimento psíquico precoce
Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar la teoría del desarrollo temprano de la pediatra y psicoanalista húngara Margareth Mahler, prestando mayor atención a las crisis inherentes al desarrollo, es decir, a las manifestaciones naturalmente perturbadoras que experimentan el bebé y el niño pequeño, a lo largo de los treinta y seis.primeros meses de vida. Mahler sostiene que, cuando estas fases de alteración del equilibrio no se neutralizan satisfactoriamente, pueden surgir neurosis infantiles tempranas, reconocidas como respuestas exacerbadas y rígidas, defensivas y ambivalentes en la relación con el objeto de amor. Con este estudio pretendemos contribuir a ampliar el conocimiento sobre la primera infancia, en particular, a dilucidar los impactos psíquicos de los desequilibrios naturales en el desarrollo psíquico temprano
This article presents the theory about early human development proposed by the Hungarian pediatrician and psychoanalyst Margaret Mahler. It emphasizes the crises inherent in development, i.e., the naturally disturbing manifestations experienced by infants and toddlers during their first thirty-six months of life. Mahler argues that early infantile neuroses may arise when these phases of altered equilibrium are not satisfactorily neutralized. These neuroses appear as exacerbated, rigid, defensive, and ambivalent responses in the relationship with the love object. This study aims at contributing to a more comprehensive knowledge of early childhood and the impact of natural imbalances in early mental development
Le présent article vise à présenter la théorie du développement précoce de la pédiatre et psychanalyste hongroise Margareth Mahler, en mettant l'accent sur les crises inhérentes au développement, c'est-à-dire sur les manifestations naturellement perturbatrices vécues par le bébé et le jeune enfant tout au long des trente-six premiers mois de la vie. Mahler soutient que lorsque ces phases d'équilibre altéré ne sont pas neutralisées de manière satisfaisante, des névroses infantiles précoces peuvent apparaître, reconnues comme des réponses exacerbées et rigides, défensives et ambivalentes dans la relation avec l'objet d'amour. Nous avons l'intention, avec cette étude, de contribuer à l'élargissement des connaissances sur la petite enfance, en particulier, à l'élucidation des impacts psychiques des déséquilibres naturels du développement psychique précoce
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Psychoanalysis , Psychotic Disorders , Child Development , Individuation , Symbiosis , Mother-Child Relations , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
Introducción: La protección ante agentes biológicos propios y externos de los cnidarios dependen de la inmunidad innata, la cual consta de tres procesos inmunológicos principales: 1) reconocimiento inmunológico, 2) señalización intracelular, y 3) respuesta efectora. Objetivo: Revisar críticamente el conocimiento actual del repertorio molecular involucrado en la respuesta inmune en cnidarios, así como, su papel en el establecimiento de la simbiosis, y las posibles aplicaciones biotecnológicas de las moléculas involucradas en el proceso de inmunidad. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de artículos científicos encontrados a través de las bases de datos del NCBI, Google Scholar y Scielo, con palabras claves como inmunidad y/o reconocimiento inmunológico en cnidarios, en una ventana de tiempo de la última década, sin descartar literatura clásica más antigua. Resultados: El reconocimiento inmunológico consiste en receptores inmunológicos que reconocen patrones moleculares e inducen respuestas efectoras como la movilización de moléculas al sitio de la infección, la ingestión microbiana y la formación de moléculas que activan cascadas de señalización. La fase de señalización involucra mediadores de la traducción de señales que activan genes de trascripción, y cascadas de señalización intracelular que inician respuestas de defensa adecuadas. Las respuestas efectoras incluyen la capa superficial del mucus, péptidos antimicrobianos, especies reactivas de oxígeno y la respuesta celular mediada por fagocitosis. Por último, se presenta un esquema y una tabla integral de las vías de respuesta inmune en los cnidario. Conclusiones: La inmunidad en Cnidaria está mediada por mecanismos de defensa complejos integrados por receptores de reconocimiento de patógenos, vías de señalización intracelular, células y moléculas efectoras encargadas de la eliminación del patógeno, y reconocimiento-aceptación de simbiontes. El estudio de compuestos activos del sistema inmune en Cnidaria ha sido poco explorado, sin embargo, el trabajo realizado con otros compuestos presentes en las toxinas de este filo, los sitúa como una fuente importante de moléculas antimicrobianas dignas de un análisis de bioprospección.
Introduction: Cnidarians depend on innate immunity for protection against both their own and external biological agents. It consists of three main immunological processes: 1) immune recognition, 2) intracellular signaling, and 3) effector response. Objective: To critically review current knowledge of the molecular repertoire involved in the immune response in cnidarians, its role in symbiosis, and possible biotechnological applications. Methods: We used keywords such as immunity, and immunological recognition in cnidarians, in the NCBI, Scielo and Google Scholar databases, for the last decade. Results: Cnidarian immune recognition consists of molecular pattern receptors and responses such as the mobilization of molecules to the site of infection, microbial ingestion, and the formation of molecules that activate signaling cascades. The signaling phase involves translation mediators that activate transcriptional genes and intracellular signaling cascades that initiate defenses. Effector responses include surface layer mucus, antimicrobial peptides, reactive oxygen species, and the cellular response mediated by phagocytosis. Conclusions: Immunity in Cnidaria is mediated by complex defense mechanisms composed of pathogen recognition receptors, intracellular signaling pathways, effector cells and molecules responsible for pathogen elimination, and recognition of symbionts. There is a potential for toxin compounds useful as antimicrobial molecules.
Animals , Cnidaria/immunology , Immunity, Innate , SymbiosisABSTRACT
Esse estudo seccional, realizado no período 2014-2015, com aplicação de questionários, teve por objetivo conhecer a percepção sobre vertebrados em condição de sinantropia e a opinião sobre controle populacional para a população do município de Niterói, RJ. Dentre os 474 entrevistados, 76,8% aceitavam o controle populacional para ratos, 63,3% para pombos, 40,5% para cães, 33,8% para gatos, 25,5% para morcegos, 16,5% para serpentes e 14,1% para gambás. As serpentes foram os animais mais associados ao medo (59,1%) e risco de agressão (47,7%), pombos (89,2%) e morcegos ao risco de doenças (57,4%), ratos à nojo/repulsa (56,6%), gambás à natureza (73,8%), cães à companhia (79,8%), e gatos à amizade (57,4%). O estudo demonstrou que as relações dos humanos com os animais podem ser complexas, ambíguas e paradoxais, e fornece dados que poderão ser utilizados para políticas públicas de manejo dessas espécies.(AU)
This study (sectional investigation), in the 2014-2015, using questionnaires, aimed to understand the perception of vertebrates in synanthropic conditions and the opinion about their population control for the population of the municipality the Niterói, RJ. Among the 474 people interviewed, 76.8% accepted population control for rats, 63.3% for pigeons, 40.5% for dogs, 33.8% for cats, 25.5 % for bats, 16.5% for snakes and 14.1% for possums. Snakes were the animals most associated with the representation of fear (59.1%) and risk of aggression (47.7%), pigeons (89.2%) and bats with risk of disease (57.4%), rats with disgust and repulsion (56.6%), possums with nature (73.8%), dogs with company (79.8%), and cats with friendship (57.4%). In addition to demonstrating how complex human relations with animals can be ambiguous and paradoxical, this study provides data that can be used for public policies for the management of these species.(AU)
El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la percepción de los vertebrados en condiciones de sinantropía y la opinión sobre el control poblacional de la población del municipio de Niterói, RJ. Entre los 474 entrevistados, el 76,8% aceptó el control de la población de ratas, el 63,3% de palomas, el 40,5% de perros, el 33,8% de gatos, el 25,5% de murciélagos, el 16,5% de serpientes y el 14,1% de zarigüeyas. Las serpientes fueron los animales más asociados al miedo (59,1%) y al riesgo de agresión (47,7%), las palomas (89,2%) y los murciélagos al riesgo de enfermedad (57,4%), las ratas al asco/repulsión (56,6%), las zarigüeyas a la naturaleza (73,8%), los perros a la compañía (79,8%) y los gatos a la amistad (57,4%). El estudio demostró que las relaciones de los humanos con los animales pueden ser complejas, ambiguas y paradójicas, y aporta datos que podrían utilizarse para las políticas públicas de gestión de estas especies.(AU)
Animals , Symbiosis , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Animals, Wild , Bioethics , Population Control/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Mycena, a symbiont of Gastrodia elata, promotes seed germination of G. elata and plays a crucial role in the sexual reproduction of G. elata. However, the lack of genetic transformation system of Mycena blocks the research on the interaction mechanism of the two. In order to establish the protoplast transformation system of Mycena, this study analyzed the protoplast enzymatic hydrolysis system, screened the resistance markers and regeneration medium, and explored the transient transformation. After hydrolysis of Mycena hyphae with complexes enzymes for 8 h and centrifugation at 4 000 r·min~(-1), high-concentration and quality protoplast was obtained. The optimum regeneration medium for Mycena was RMV, and the optimum resistance marker was 50 mg·mL~(-1) hygromycin. The pLH-HygB-HuSHXG-GFP-HdSHXG was transformed into the protoplast of Mycena which then expressed GFP. The established protoplast transformation system of Mycena laid a foundation for analyzing the functional genes of Mycena and the molecular mechanism of the symbiosis of Mycena and G. elata.
Agaricales , Gastrodia/genetics , Protoplasts , Symbiosis/genetics , Transformation, GeneticABSTRACT
Using wire mesh live traps distribution pattern of the Rattus rattus and Mus musculus in different shops of three districts of Malakand region, Pakistan were recorded from September 2014 to October 2015. Over all 103 rodents (Rattus rattus 86 and Mus musculus 17) were caught during in 0.04 trap success (2448 trap nights). Regression of daily captures on cumulative captures revealed an estimate of 103 rodents from all the sampled structures with an average of 3.55 rodents per shop. R. rattus; 83.4% of captures were numerically dominant in almost all types of shops sampled, and were significantly different than Mus musculus; 16.5% of captures. Both species were found together in some shops while they were mostly trapped from the separate shops. Male rodents outnumbered the females.
Usando o padrão de distribuição de armadilhas vivas de malha de arame do Rattus rattus e Mus musculus em diferentes lojas de três distritos da região de Malakand, o Paquistão foi registrado de setembro de 2014 a outubro de 2015. No total, 103 roedores (Rattus rattus 86 e Mus musculus 17) foram pegos durante em 0,04 armadilha de sucesso (2448 noites de armadilha). A regressão das capturas diárias em capturas cumulativas revelou uma estimativa de 103 roedores de todas as estruturas amostradas, com uma média de 3,55 roedores por loja. R. rattus; 83,4% das capturas foram numericamente dominantes em quase todos os tipos de lojas da amostra e foram significativamente diferentes do Mus musculus; 16,5% das capturas. Ambas as espécies foram encontradas juntas em algumas lojas, enquanto estavam na maior parte presas em lojas separadas. Os roedores machos eram mais numerosos do que as fêmeas.
Animals , Male , Female , Rabbits , Rats , Rodent Diseases/epidemiology , Rodentia , Pakistan , Specimen Handling , SymbiosisABSTRACT
Distribution pattern and relative abundance of the agricultural rodent pests of rain-fed and irrigated areas of district Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan were recorded from April 2011 to November 2013 using wire mesh live traps. A total of 350 rodents (269 Rattus rattus and 81 Mus musculus) were captured under 2268 trap nights (trap success: 0.15). Regression of daily captures on cumulative captures revealed an estimate of 350 rodents from all the sampled structures with an average of 21.8 rodents per crop field. House rats (R. rattus; 76.8% of captures) were numerically dominant in almost all types of agricultural fields, and were significantly different from the mice (Mus musculus; 23.1% of captures). Both species were found together in some fields. The sex ratio revealed that males outnumbered the females in both of the reported species.
O padrão de distribuição e a abundância relativa de pragas de roedores agrícolas nas áreas irrigadas e irrigadas do distrito Swat Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão foram registrados de abril de 2011 a novembro de 2013 usando armadilhas vivas de malha de arame. Um total de 350 roedores (269 Rattus rattus e 81 Mus musculus) foram capturados em 2268 noites de armadilha (sucesso da armadilha: 0,15). A regressão das capturas diárias em capturas cumulativas revelou uma estimativa de 350 roedores de todas as estruturas amostradas, com uma média de 21,8 roedores por campo agrícola. Os ratos domésticos (R. rattus; 76,8% das capturas) foram numericamente dominantes em quase todos os tipos de campos agrícolas e foram significativamente diferentes dos camundongos (Mus musculus; 23,1% das capturas). Ambas as espécies foram encontradas juntas em alguns campos. A proporção de sexo revelou que os machos superaram as fêmeas em ambas as espécies relatadas.
Animals , Male , Female , Rabbits , Rats , Rain , Rodentia , Pakistan , Symbiosis , AgricultureABSTRACT
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi provided is beneficial to Salvia miltiorrhiza for increasing yield, promoting the accumulation of active ingredients, and alleviating S. miltiorrhiza disease etc. However, the application of fungicides will affect the benefit of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and there is little research about it. This article study the effect of four different fungicides: carbendazim, polyoxin, methyl mopazine, and mancozeb on mycorrhiza benefit to S. miltiorrhiza by the infection intensity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, the growth of S. miltiorrhiza, and the content of active ingredients. RESULTS:: showed that different fungicides had different effects. The application of mancozeb had the strongest inhibitory effect on the mycorrhizal benefit to S. miltiorrhiza. Mancozeb significantly reduced the mycorrhizal colonization and the beneficial effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth and the accumulation of active components of S. miltiorrhiza. The application of polyoxin had no significant effect on mycorrhizal colonization. Instead, it had a synergistic effect with the mycorrhizal benefit to promoting the growth and accumulation of rosmarinic acid of S. miltiorrhiza. The inhibitory strengths of four fungicides are: mancozeb>thiophanate methyl, carbendazim>polyoxin. Therefore, we recommend applying biological fungicides polyoxin and avoid applying chemical fungicides mancozeb for disease control during mycorrhizal cultivation of S. miltiorrhiza.
Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Mycorrhizae , Plant Roots , Salvia miltiorrhiza , SymbiosisABSTRACT
The remediation of heavy-metal (HM) contaminated soil using hyperaccumulators is one of the important solutions to address the inorganic contamination widely occurred worldwide. Hyperaccumulators are able to hyperaccumulate HMs, but their planting, growth, and extraction capacities are greatly affected by HM stress. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) enhances the function of hyperaccumulators by combining the functional advantages of both, improving the efficiency of remediation, shortening the remediation cycle, and maintaining the stability and persistence of the remediation. Thus, the combined use of AMF with hyperaccumulators has broad prospects for application in the management of increasingly complex and severe HM pollution. This review starts by defining the concept of hyperaccumulators, followed by describing the typical hyperaccumulators that were firstly reported in China as well as those known to form symbioses with AMF. This review provides a systematic and in-depth discussion of the effects of AMF on the growth of hyperaccumulators, as well as the absorption and accumulation of HMs, the effects and mechanism on the hyperaccumulator plus AMF symbiosis to absorb and accumulate HMs. AMF enhances the function of hyperaccumulators on the absorption and accumulation of HMs by regulating the physicochemical and biological conditions in the plant rhizosphere, the situation of elements homeostasis, the physiological metabolism and gene expression. Moreover, the symbiotic systems established by hyperaccumulators plus AMF have the potential to combine their abilities to remediate HMs-contaminated habitat. Finally, challenges for the combined use of remediation technologies for hyperaccumulator plus AMF symbiosis and future directions were prospected.
Biodegradation, Environmental , Metals, Heavy , Mycorrhizae/chemistry , Plant Roots/chemistry , Soil Pollutants , SymbiosisABSTRACT
With the cooperation of bacteria and the human body, the nutrients in food are deeply digested, utilized, and shared. In addition, symbiosis is formed between microorganisms and hosts. Such a delicate combination makes the microorganisms form the inherent flora in the human body. They obtain the biological basis for survival, and provide the necessary regulation and support for the host in terms of immunity and nutrition, through their functional metabolism and population signals. At present, most of the researches focus on the isolation and evaluation of the functional components of plants, such as plant polysaccharides, polyphenols, flavonoids, and other active functional components. However, in traditional Chinese medicine, plants are often used with whole food components. To date, studies have found that the dynamics of flora affecting human health are not fixed, nor dependent on the change of a single strain. The ecological competition and metabolic regulation between microorganisms are usually coevolved with the host. The regulatory effect of natural plants for both medicine and food mainly depends on their whole food components. This provides evidence to support the role of whole food components played in promoting the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of microenvironment. Therefore, the development and utilization of medicinal and edible natural plant activities should be fully understood and evaluated with flora regulation.
Humans , Bacteria , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Polysaccharides , SymbiosisABSTRACT
Abstract This work evaluated the effect of seasonality on ant-plant interaction in a Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests, using as an ecological model the species Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae). We performed systematic collection of ants, herbivores and leaves in marked plants, evaluated the efficiency of herbivorous capture by ants, and the effects of ant presence over the pollinator behavior and plant fitness in dry and rainy seasons. The presence of ants in the plants reduced the number of herbivores (dry season: F2.27=4.7617, p=0.0166; rainy season: F2.27=5.8655, p=0.0078). However, the capture efficiency was negatively affected by the presence of myrmecophilous larvae, so that the average of ants recruited on termite leaves was 2.06 ants per termite, the average recruitment of ants on larval leaves was 22.4 larva ants. In addition, the presence of ants reduced pollinator visits and promoted fruit reduction during the dry season (ANOVA: F = 3.44; p = 0.0653). In conclusion, the association with ants can result in a balance not always favorable to the host plant, and this result actually depends on abiotic (e.g. precipitation) and biotic factors (e.g. ant species composition and abundance, influence of other trophic levels and identity of associated herbivores).
Resumo Este trabalho avaliou o efeito da sazonalidade sobre a interação planta-formiga em uma Floresta Tropical Sazonal Seca, utilizando como modelo ecológico a espécie Ipomoea carnea subs. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae). Realizamos coleta sistemática de formigas, herbívoros e folhas em plantas marcadas, avaliamos a eficiência de captura de herbívoros pelas formigas, e efeitos da presença de formigas sobre o comportamento dos polinizadores e fitness da planta nas estações seca e chuvosa. A presença de formigas nas plantas reduziu número de herbívoros (estação seca: F2.27 = 4.7617, p = 0.0166; estação chuvosa: F2.27 = 5.8655, p = 0.0078). No entanto, a eficiência de captura foi afetada negativamente pela presença de mirmecófilos larvas, enquanto a média de formigas recrutadas em folhas com cupins foi de 2,06 formigas por cupim, a média de recrutamento de formigas nas folhas com larvas foi de 22,4 formigas de larva. Além disso, a presença de formigas reduziu as visitas aos polinizadores e promoveu a redução de frutos durante a estação seca (F = 3.44, p = 0.0653). Em conclusão, a associação com formigas pode resultar em um balanço nem sempre favorável à planta hospedeira, e este resultado depende de fato de fatores abióticos (e. g. precipitação) e fatores bióticos (e.g. composição e abundância de espécies de formigas, influência de outros níveis tróficos, e identidade dos herbívoros associados).
Animals , Ants , Plants , Seasons , Symbiosis , Forests , HerbivoryABSTRACT
The oviposition behavior of the rare butterfly Minstrellus grandis (Callaghan, 1999) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) is recorded for the first time. Two females laid eggs on the old leaves of an unidentified Triplaris sp. (Polygonaceae), a myrmecophytic plant typically known as 'Triplaria' or 'novice' tree, inhabited by aggressive 'taxi' ants of the genus Pseudomyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). These observations suggest that M. grandis caterpillars live associated with one of the most harmful types of Amazon ant-plant symbiosis. (AU)
Ants , Symbiosis , Butterflies , Amazonian Ecosystem , Carnivory , OvipositionABSTRACT
Abstract Aphids can harbor several secondary symbionts that alter important aphid-related ecological traits, such as defense against natural enemies, heat tolerance and host plant utilization. One of these secondary symbionts, Spiroplasma, is well known in Drosophila as a sex modulator and by interacting with the host immune system. However, little is known on the effects of Spiroplasma on aphids, such as its influence on the host immune defense against fungi and on host plant utilization. Aphid infections by Spiroplasma are known to be low and few aphid species were reported to be infected with this secondary symbiont, however aphids belonging to the genus Aphis in neotropical regions show high infection rates by Spiroplasma. Thus, we investigated the association of Spiroplasma with the tropical aphid Aphis citricidus through comparative biology experiments on two host plants with different nutritional value to the aphid. We demonstrate Spiroplasma induced no significant fitness costs to A. citricidus on either host plant as no changes in the fitness traits we assessed were observed. Spiroplasma infection only induced sutle changes on host longevity and fecundity. Therefore, we concluded Spiroplasma established a neutral interaction with A. citricidus under the selection pressure we tested, and argue on stress conditions that could better demonstrate the role of Spiroplasma in A. citricidus bioecology and associated costs involved.
Resumo Pulgões podem abrigar vários simbiontes secundários que alteram características ecológicas importantes, como defesa contra inimigos naturais, tolerância ao calor e utilização da planta hospedeira. Um desses simbiontes secundários, Spiroplasma, é estudado em Drosophila por alterar a razão sexual e interagir com o sistema imunológico do hospedeiro. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos do Spiroplasma em pulgões, como sua influência na defesa contra fungos entomopatogénicos ou na utilização da planta hospedeira, por exemplo. Spiroplasma foi identificado em poucas espécies de pulgão e geralmente em baixa densidade, contudo pulgões pertencentes ao gênero Aphis em regiões neotropicais apresentam altas taxas de infecção por Spiroplasma. Assim, investigamos a associação entre Spiroplasma e o pulgão neotropical Aphis citricidus por meio de biologia comparativa em duas plantas hospedeiras com diferentes valores nutricionais para o pulgão. Spiroplasma não causou custo adaptativo significativo para A. citricidus em ambas planta hospedeira. A infecção por Spiroplasma induziu apenas pequenas mudanças na longevidade e fecundidade do hospedeiro. Portanto, concluímos que Spiroplasma estabeleceu uma interação neutra com A. citricidus sob ausência de pressão de seleção. Entretanto, discutimos sobre condições de estresse que possam demonstrar o papel de Spiroplasma na bioecologia de A. citricidus e os possíveis custos envolvidos.
Animals , Aphids , Spiroplasma , Plants , Symbiosis , FungiABSTRACT
Abstract: This study aims primarily to reflect on the role of symbiotic illusion in the construction of female identity in women with eating disorders (ED), using premises from psychoanalytic psychosomatics. Considering ED as psychopathologies related to the affective economy, Oedipal relations play crucial role in the process of identity constitution. Mother-daughter relationships in ED are shaped in the molds of symbiotic illusion, with weak father figures. We presented a case study to briefly illustrate the theoretical framework. The omissive posture of a father to interdict the symbiotic relation leads daughters to find themselves unable to libidinally invest in other objects.
Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo refletir sobre o papel da ilusão simbiótica na construção da identidade feminina em mulheres com transtornos alimentares (TAs), utilizando as premissas da psicossomática psicanalítica. Considerando-se os TAs como psicopatologias relacionadas à economia afetiva, as relações edípicas desempenham papel crucial no processo de construção de identidade. As relações mãe-filha nos TAs são moldadas pela ilusão simbiótica, com figuras paternas enfraquecidas. Nós apresentamos brevemente um estudo de caso para ilustrar os conceitos do referencial teórico. A postura omissa do pai para interditar a relação simbiótica com a mãe leva a filha à impossibilidade de investir libidinalmente em outros objetos.
Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Psychophysiologic Disorders/psychology , Social Identification , Women/psychology , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Parent-Child Relations , Symbiosis , Anorexia Nervosa/psychology , LibidoABSTRACT
Abstract Rhizosphere microorganisms and endophytes can help their hosts absorb nutrients and regulate the levels of plant hormones. Moreover, they can modulate the expressions of host genes, assist hosts in eliminating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and secreting volatile organic compounds. Therefore, rhizosphere microorganisms and endophytes are considered as determinant factors driving processes involved in the growth of host plants. However, the physiological and ecological functions, as well as the molecular mechanism underlying the behavior of rhizosphere microorganisms and endophytes in their role in the adaptive capacity of host plants in the karstic high-calcium environment have not been systematically studied. This review summarizes the physiological and molecular mechanisms of rhizosphere microorganisms and endophytes which help host plants to adapt to various kinds of adverse environments. The adaptive capacities of plants growing in adverse environments, partly, or totally, depends on microorganisms co-existing with the host plants.
Resumo Os microorganismos e endófitos da rizosfera podem ajudar seus hospedeiros a absorver nutrientes e regular os níveis de hormônios vegetais. Além disso, eles podem modular as expressões dos genes hospedeiros, auxiliar os hospedeiros na eliminação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS) e secretar compostos orgânicos voláteis. Portanto, microorganismos e endófitos da rizosfera são considerados determinantes dos processos envolvidos no crescimento de plantas hospedeiras. No entanto, as funções fisiológicas e ecológicas, bem como o mecanismo molecular subjacente ao comportamento dos microrganismos e endofíticos da rizosfera no seu papel na capacidade adaptativa das plantas hospedeiras no ambiente cárstico de alto teor de cálcio, não foram sistematicamente estudados. Esta revisão resume os mecanismos fisiológicos e moleculares de microrganismos e endófitos da rizosfera que ajudam as plantas hospedeiras a se adaptarem a vários tipos de ambientes adversos. As capacidades adaptativas das plantas que crescem em ambientes adversos, em parte ou totalmente, dependem de microrganismos coexistentes com as plantas hospedeiras.
Symbiosis , Calcium , Plants , Rhizosphere , EndophytesABSTRACT
The technique of "simulative habitat cultivation" is to preserve the quality of traditional Chinese medicine by simulating the original habitat and site environment of wild Chinese medicine resources. Dendrobium nobile is the most representative variety of traditional Chinese medicine which reflects the coordinated development of medicinal material production and ecological environment. In this paper, the main technical points of the simulated cultivation model of D. nobile were summarized as follows: rapid propagation of seedling tissue technology to ensure the genetic stability of provenance; line card+fermented cow manure+live moss method to improve the survival rate; epiphytic stone cultivation to improve the quality of medicinal materials; and the integration of mycorrhizal fungi to improve the quality stability of medicinal materials. On the basis of summarizing the ecological benefits, economical and social benefits generated by the application of the technology, the paper systematically analyzes the principle of the technology for the cultivation of D. nobile to promote the excellent quality, the light, gas, heat and fertilizer resources of the undergrowth niche are in line with the wild site environment of D. nobile. The rich and complex soil microbial community in the forest laid the foundation for the species diversity needed for the growth of D. nobile.The stress effect on the growth of D. nobile resulted in the accumulation of secondary metabolites. The symbiotic relationship between the symbiotic fungi such as bryophytes and D. nobile promotes the synthesis of plant secondary metabolites. The high quality D. nobile was produced efficiently by improving and optimizing the cultivation techniques.
Animals , Cattle , Female , Dendrobium , Ecosystem , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Mycorrhizae , SymbiosisABSTRACT
Abstract Since the foundation of the Malacological Center in 1980, Universidad Centro Americana (UCA), Managua-Nicaragua, has been monitoring and collecting the marine, terrestrial, fluvial and lake mollusk population of the country. Many specimens have been photographed by Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM), and in one of these, observation of the hairy periostracum reveals a seemingly thriving population of minute protists in possible symbiosis with their host. Adequate magnification and comparison with previous studies allowed the determination of these hosts as diatoms, testaceous amoebae, yeast, phacus, spores and other undetermined organisms which occur in tropical forests on rocks, trees and leaves. Here illustrated are diatoms and other organisms detected for the first time on the periostracum of a tropical rainforest mollusk.
Resumo Desde a fundação do Centro Malacológico em 1980, a Universidad Central Americana (UCA), Manágua-Nicarágua, vem acompanhando e coletando a população de moluscos marinhos, terrestres, fluviais e lagoas do país. Muitos espécimes foram fotografados pelo microscópio eletrônico de varredura (SEM) e, em um deles, a observação do periostracum peludo revela uma população aparentemente próspera de protistas de minuto em possível simbiose com o hospedeiro. A ampliação adequada e a comparação com estudos anteriores permitem a determinação dessas diatomáceas, amebas testaceas, leveduras, phacus, esporos e outros organismos indeterminados que ocorrem em florestas tropicais em rochas, árvores e folhas. Aqui estão as diatomeas e outros organismos pela primeira vez detectados no periostracum de um molusco tropical.