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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 35(1): 18-23, mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551674


Antecedentes: La sífilis es una infección sexualmente transmisible sistémica crónica que afecta a docenas de millones de personas al año. A nivel anorrectal, su manifestación polimórfica obliga al diagnóstico diferencial con enfermedades anorrectales benignas y malignas. Objetivo: Describir las diferentes presentaciones de la sífilis anorrectal a propósito de 5 casos clínicos. Método: Estudio observacional, retrospectivo, descriptivo. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes fueron VIH positivos en edad sexual activa. Las manifestaciones registradas, al igual que las reportadas en la bibliografía fueron las fisuras, úlceras perianales y pseudotumores. Conclusiones: La sífilis es considerada "la gran simuladora". En la localización anorrectal se requiere una alta sospecha diagnóstica para diferenciarla de presentaciones similares de otras enfermedades anales benignas, la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal y el cáncer anorrectal, con el fin de evitar el consiguiente riesgo de sobretratamiento. (AU)

Background: Syphilis is a chronic systemic sexually transmitted infection that affects tens of millions of people annually. At the anorectal level, its polymorphic manifestation requires differential diagnosis with benign and malignant anorectal diseases. Objective: To review the presentation of anorectal syphilis from 5 clinical cases. Methods: Observational, retrospective, descriptive study. Results: Most of the patients were HIV positive in sexually active age. The manifestations recorded and reported in the literature were fissures, perianal ulcers, and pseudotumors. Conclusions: Syphilis is considered "the great pretender". In anorectal syphilis, a high diagnostic suspicion is needed to differentiate it from similar presentations due to other anal conditions, inflammatory bowel disease, and anorectal cancer, to avoid the consequent risk of overtreatment. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Penicillin G Benzathine/administration & dosage , Rectal Diseases/diagnosis , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , Risk Groups , Syphilis Serodiagnosis , Comorbidity , HIV Infections , Retrospective Studies , Fissure in Ano
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e71679, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1444020


Objetivo: compreender os fatores que interferem no diagnóstico da sífilis em homens à luz da Teoria da Diversidade e Universalidade do Cuidado Cultural. Método: estudo qualitativo, aprovado por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, realizado em Hospital Universitário no Rio de Janeiro, entre setembro de 2017 e março de 2018. Foram entrevistados 32 homens diagnosticados com sífilis adquirida, e a análise temática foi utilizada para o tratamento dos dados. Resultados: a maioria dos homens tinha história de contágio por outra Infecção Sexualmente Transmissível e foi diagnosticada no ambulatório de imunologia. O momento diagnóstico é encarado com surpresa, tem repercussões psicossociais e é influenciado por fatores culturais e sociais. Considerações finais: alguns fatores interferem positivamente e outros negativamente no diagnóstico da sífilis na população masculina. Para detectar essa infecção nos homens, deve-se conhecer o contexto sociocultural em que estão inseridos para, assim, implementar estratégias tanto diagnósticas quanto preventivas mais eficazes(AU)

Objective: to understand the factors that interfere with the diagnosis of syphilis in men in the light of the Theory of Diversity and Universality of Cultural Care. Method: qualitative study, approved by the Ethics and Research Committee, conducted at a University Hospital in Rio de Janeiro, during september 2017 to march 2018. Thirty-two men diagnosed with acquired syphilis were interviewed, and thematic analysis was used for data treatment. Results: most men had a history of contagion by another STI and were diagnosed at the immunology outpatient clinic. The moment of diagnosis is faced with surprise, has psychosocial repercussions and is influenced by cultural and social factors. Final considerations: some factors interfere positively and others negatively in the diagnosis of syphilis in the male population. To detect this infection in men, it is necessary to know the sociocultural context in which they live, in order to implement more effective diagnostic and preventive strategies(AU)

Objetivo: comprender los factores que interfieren en el diagnóstico de la sífilis en los hombres a la luz de la Teoría de la diversidad y universalidad del cuidado cultural. Método: estudio cualitativo, aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación, realizado en un Hospital Universitario de Río de Janeiro, de septiembre de 2017 a marzo de 2018. Se entrevistó a 32 hombres diagnosticados de sífilis adquirida y se utilizó el análisis temático para el tratamiento de los datos. Resultados: la mayoría de los hombres tenía antecedentes de contagio por otra Infección Sexualmente Transmisible y el diagnóstico se hizo en el ambulatorio de inmunología. El momento del diagnóstico se afronta con sorpresa, tiene repercusiones psicosociales y está influenciado por factores culturales y sociales. Consideraciones finales: algunos factores interfieren positivamente y otros negativamente en el diagnóstico de la sífilis en la población masculina. Para detectar esta infección en los hombres, se debe conocer el contexto sociocultural en el que se insertan, para entonces poner en marcha estrategias de diagnóstico y de prevención más eficaces(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Syphilis/diagnosis , Sexuality , Men's Health , Culturally Competent Care , Syphilis/nursing , Qualitative Research , Masculinity , Hospitals, University
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6): 634-641, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529993


INTRODUCCIÓN: La inmunoquimioluminiscencia de micropartículas (CMIA), no es recomendada en el día de hoy para el tamizaje ni confirmación de sífilis en pacientes, las guías chilenas recomiendan tamizaje con V.D.R.L y confirmación con hemaglutinación. OBJETIVO: Determinar la especificidad, sensibilidad y correlación diagnóstica de esta técnica respecto a la prueba treponémica de uso habitual. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: De 815 muestras obtenidas en un periodo de 6 meses, a todas las cuales se les aplicó las pruebas de VDRL, MHA-TP y CMIA, 484 muestras fueron positivas para MHA-TP. Se determinó el rendimiento, se graficaron las curvas ROC, índice de correlación y punto de corte óptimo. RESULTADOS: La CMIA. demostró una sensibilidad de 100%, especificidad: 94,6%, VPN: 100% y VPP: 96.4% y una eficiencia de 97,8% con respecto al MHA-TP, con un índice de correlación: 0,97 y un punto de corte de 7.665, de modo que toda muestra con una CMIA. sobre este valor no necesitaría de una segunda prueba treponémica para su confirmación. El 7,11% tuvo valores intermedios de CMIA (1.0 a 7.664). CONCLUSIÓN: La CMIA. es una técnica automatizada altamente sensible y específica, equiparable al MHA-TP. Aplicada como prueba inicial de testeo para sífilis incrementa la certeza diagnóstica y podría permitir el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad.

BACKGROUND: The chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (CMIA) is not recommended for screening or confirmation of syphilis in patients, Chilean guidelines recommend screening with VDRL and confirmation with hemagglutination. AIM: To determine the specificity, sensitivity, and diagnostic correlation of this technique compared to the usual treponemal test. METHODS: Of the 815 samples obtained over a period of 6 months, all of which were subjected to VDRL, MHATP, and CMIA. testing, 484 samples were positive for MHA-TP. The performance was determined, ROC curves were graphed, correlation index and optimal cutoff point were determined. RESULTS: CMIA showed a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 94.6%, NPV of 100%, PPV of 96.4%, and an efficiency of 97.8% compared to MHA-TP, with a correlation index of 0.97 and a cutoff point of 7.665, such that any sample with a CMIA. value above this value would not require a second treponemal test for confirmation. 7.11% had intermediate CMIA. values (1.0 to 7.664). CONCLUSION: CMIA. is a highly sensitive and specific automated technique comparable to MHA-TP. When applied as an initial screening test for syphilis, it increases diagnostic certainty and may allow for early diagnosis of the disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Immunoassay , Syphilis/diagnosis , Luminescent Measurements/methods , Algorithms , Hemagglutination Tests , Syphilis Serodiagnosis , Predictive Value of Tests , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity , False Positive Reactions
Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 31: e73533, jan. -dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1526287


Objetivo: analisar a ocorrência de sífilis congênita no Paraná e suas cidades gêmeas, com enfoque em Foz do Iguaçu. Método: estudo transversal, retrospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa, com base em dados secundários coletados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 2011 e 2020. Foram calculadas as taxas de incidência de sífilis congênita por 1.000 nascidos vivos. Resultados: no Paraná, foram notificados 6.088 casos de sífilis congênita. Desses, 338 foram em suas cidades gêmeas. A cidade com maior número de casos foi Foz do Iguaçu com 320 casos. No Paraná e em Foz do Iguaçu, as taxas médias de incidência anual foram de 3,9 e 7,3 casos/1.000 nascidos vivos (p<0,05), respectivamente. As características maternas de maior relevância foram diagnóstico de sífilis durante o pré-natal (65,9%) e com tratamento inadequado (41,3%) (p<0,05). Conclusão: as características maternas relacionadas a sífilis congênita requerem melhoria do acompanhamento pré-natal e viabilização de políticas públicas transfronteiriças(AU)

Objective: to analyze the occurrence of congenital syphilis in Paraná and its twin cities, with a focus on Foz do Iguaçu. Method: cross-sectional, retrospective study with a quantitative approach, based on secondary data collected in the Notifiable Diseases Information System between 2011 and 2020. The incidence rates of congenital syphilis per 1,000 live births were calculated. Results: in Paraná, 6,088 cases of congenital syphilis were reported. Of these, 338 were in its twin cities. The city with the highest number of cases was Foz do Iguaçu with 320 cases. In Paraná and Foz do Iguaçu, the average annual incidence rates were 3.9 and 7.3 cases/1,000 live births (p<0.05), respectively. The most relevant maternal characteristics were diagnosis of syphilis during prenatal care (65.9%) and inadequate treatment (41.3%) (p<0.05). Conclusion: maternal characteristics related to congenital syphilis require improvement in prenatal care and the feasibility of cross-border public policies(AU)

Objetivo: analizar la ocurrencia de sífilis congénita en Paraná y sus ciudades gemelas, con foco en Foz de Iguazú. Método: estudio transversal, retrospectivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, basado en datos secundarios recopilados en el Sistema de Información de Agravios, notificación entre 2011 y 2020. Se calcularon las tasas de incidencia de sífilis congénita por 1.000 nacidos vivos. Resultados: en Paraná se notificaron 6.088 casos de sífilis congénita. De ellos, 338 estaban en sus ciudades gemelas. La ciudad con mayor número de casos fue Foz de Iguazú con 320 casos. En Paraná y Foz de Iguazú, en promedio, las tasas de incidencia anual fueron de 3,9 y 7,3 casos/1.000 nacidos vivos (p<0,05), respectivamente. Las características maternas más relevantes fueron el diagnóstico de sífilis durante el control prenatal (65,9%) y el tratamiento inadecuado (41,3%) (p<0,05). Conclusión: las características maternas relacionadas con la sífilis congénita requieren la mejora de la atención prenatal y la implementación de políticas públicas transfronterizas(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Syphilis, Congenital/epidemiology , Health Information Systems , Prenatal Care , Border Areas , Brazil , Syphilis/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Prensa méd. argent ; 109(4): 141-157, 20230000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1512361


Las enfermedades de la neurona motora no se asocian frecuentemente al Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana. Según algunos autores, existe evidencia de que los retrovirus podrían participar de alguna manera en la fisiopatología de la Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA). Según teorías no probadas, la activación de antiguos genes virales incrustados en el genoma humano conduciría a la degeneración de las neuronas motoras. Básicamente, esta enfermedad comienza con una desmielinización, seguida de una degeneración axonal, y termina en una esclerosis glial (estado terminal) de la vía motora central. Sin embargo, es difícil entender cómo se produce la desintegración de la mielina, ¿podría deberse a una alteración en el metabolismo lipídico? Es lamentable que no se haya realizado una evaluación anatomopatológica completa en los casos estudiados y en los que nos ocupan, ya que no podemos considerar al sistema nervioso como completamente independiente de otros sistemas. Se presenta un hombre con enfermedad de la neurona motora VIH positiva (ELA) asociada con sarcoma de Kaposi. Se describe una infección por un parásito

Motor neuron diseases are not frequently associated to Human Immunodeficiency Virus According to some authors, there is evidence that retroviruses could participate in some way in the pathophysiology of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). According to unproven theories, activation of ancient viral genes embedded in the human genome would lead to degeneration of motor neurons. Basically, this disease starts as demyelination, followed by axonal degeneration, and ends up in glial sclerosis (terminal state) of the motor central pathway. However, it is difficult to understand how the disintegration of myelin occurs, could it be due to an alteration in lipid metabolism? It is unfortunate that a complete anatomopathological evaluation has not been carried out in the cases studied and in those that concern us, since we cannot consider the nervous system as completely independent of other systems. A man individual with HIV-positive motor neuron disease ALS) associated with Kaposi's sarcoma is presented. An infection with a parasite is described

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Sarcoma, Kaposi/pathology , Syphilis/diagnosis , HIV/immunology , Herpesvirus 4, Human , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/pathology
Femina ; 51(6): 361-367, 20230630. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512419


Objetivo: Avaliar a adequabilidade do tratamento de sífilis gestacional e fatores associados ao tratamento inadequado. Métodos: Estudo de coorte. Pacientes realizaram testes rápidos para sífilis e responderam ao questionário estruturado. A normalidade dos dados foi analisada com Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Para associação entre adequação do tratamento e fatores sociodemográficos e clínicos, foi executado o teste Exato de Fisher. Teste t de Student para amostras independentes foi executado para comparar o número de consultas pré-natal entre pacientes que apresentaram ou não adequação ao tratamento. Foi executada regressão logística para avaliar em que medida a adequação e a efetividade ao tratamento poderiam ser adequadamente previstas por número de consultas pré-natal. O nível de significância foi 5%. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: Participaram 560 pacientes. Trinta e três foram diagnosticadas com sífilis, e 29 foram adequadamente tratadas. Houve associação entre adequação do tratamento e consultas pré-natal. Os achados do teste t de Student corroboram os resultados encontrados no teste Exato de Fisher. O modelo de regressão demonstrou que mulheres que fazem pré-natal têm maior chance de tratamento adequado. Conclusão: O pré-natal aumenta a chance de tratamento adequado para sífilis na gestação

Objective: To assess the adequacy of treatment for gestational syphilis and factors associated with inadequate treatment. Methods: Cohort study. Patients underwent rapid tests for syphilis and answered the structured questionnaire. Data normality was analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov. For the association between treatment adequacy and sociodemographic and clinical factors, Fisher's exact test was performed. Student's t test for independent samples was performed to compare the number of prenatal visits between patients who were or were not fit for treatment. Logistic regression was performed to assess the extent to which treatment adequacy and effectiveness could be adequately predicted by prenatal visit number. The significance level was 5%. The project was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee. Results: 560 patients participated. 33 were diagnosed with syphilis, 29 were adequately treated. There was an association between treatment adequacy and prenatal consultation. The student's t test findings corroborate those found in Fisher's Exact test. The regression model showed that women who undergo prenatal care have a greater chance of adequate treatment. Conclusion: Prenatal care increases the chance of adequate treatment for syphilis during pregnancy

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , Obstetrics , Unified Health System , Pregnancy , Maternal-Child Health Services , Sociodemographic Factors , Hospitals, Maternity , Maternal-Fetal Exchange
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35jan. 31, 2023. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429000


Introduction: Syphilis is an infectious systemic disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The Amaury de Medeiros Integrated University Health Center in Recife is a reference maternity hospital for high-risk pregnancies and the management of the most common Sexually Transmitted Infections during prenatal care, including Gestational Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis. Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of the population exposed to these conditions, the rate of Gestational Syphilis detection, the incidence of Congenital Syphilis, and the associated unfavorable outcomes in Amaury de Medeiros Integrated University Health Center between January 2019 and December 2021. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included pregnant women and neonates diagnosed with syphilis at Amaury de Medeiros Integrated University Health Center. Data were collected from the Notification/Investigation Forms for Gestational Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis, between January 2019 and December 2021. Results: At Amaury de Medeiros Integrated University Health Center, 463 cases of Gestational Syphilis and 296 of Congenital Syphilis were reported. During the three-year study, 4444, 4360, and 4265 live births were recorded, confirming the Gestational Syphilis detection rates ­ 33.30, 36.92, and 36.10 per 1000 live births, with the incidence of Congenital Syphilis being 26.1, 21.33, and 20.39 per 1000 live births. Pregnant women in their third trimester who were brown, had incomplete primary education, and lived in an urban area were the main sociodemographic variables. In total, 217 (73.3%) patients were diagnosed with Gestational Syphilis during or after delivery, indicating a low prenatal coverage (70.6%). In terms of the progression of Congenital Syphilis, unfavorable outcomes was found in 40 (13.5%) patients, including 16 (40%) abortions, 10 (25%) stillbirths, nine (22.5%) deaths from Congenital Syphilis, and 5 (12.5%) deaths from other causes. Conclusion: Gestational Syphilis detection rates and Congenital Syphilis incidence remain alarming, with abortions and stillbirths being the most common unfavorable outcomes. To change the dramatic situation of Congenital Syphilis in Brazil, the associated factors point to a poor quality of prenatal care and an urgent need to change public policies for pregnant women and newborns, in conjunction with socioeconomic assistance

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Syphilis, Congenital/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/transmission , Syphilis/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045938


Objective: To analyze the association between different treatment timings and adverse neonatal outcomes (premature birth, death, congenital syphilis) in syphilis-infected pregnant women. Methods: The National Management Information System for Prevention of HIV, Syphilis and HBV Mother-to-Child Transmission was used to collect information on the detection and treatment of syphilis-infected pregnant women and their newborns in Guangdong Province from October 2011 to December 2021. According to the gestational weeks of syphilis-infected pregnant women receiving penicillin treatment for the first time, they were divided into four groups: treatment in the first trimester, treatment in the second trimester, treatment in the third trimester, and no treatment during pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the association between different treatment timings and adverse neonatal outcomes in syphilis-infected pregnant women. Results: A total of 22 483 syphilis-infected pregnant women were included. The number of pregnant women who started treatment in the first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester and did not receive treatment during pregnancy were 4 549 (20.23%), 8 719 (38.78%), 2 235 (9.94%) and 6 980 (31.05%), respectively. Compared with pregnant women who started treatment in the first trimester, pregnant women who did not receive anti-syphilis treatment during pregnancy had increased risks of neonatal preterm birth (OR=1.42, 95%CI: 1.24-1.62), death (OR=4.27, 95%CI: 1.64-14.69) and congenital syphilis (OR=12.26, 95%CI: 6.35-27.45). At the same time, the risk of congenital syphilis in the newborns of pregnant women who started anti-syphilis treatment in the second trimester (OR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.34-6.16) and third trimester (OR=6.27, 95%CI: 2.99-14.80) also increased. Conclusion: Early initiation of anti-syphilis treatment during pregnancy in patients with syphilis can improve neonatal outcomes.

Pregnancy , Female , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Pregnant Women , Syphilis/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/drug therapy , Syphilis, Congenital/drug therapy , Premature Birth , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/prevention & control
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046261


Objective: To analyze the association between different treatment timings and adverse neonatal outcomes (premature birth, death, congenital syphilis) in syphilis-infected pregnant women. Methods: The National Management Information System for Prevention of HIV, Syphilis and HBV Mother-to-Child Transmission was used to collect information on the detection and treatment of syphilis-infected pregnant women and their newborns in Guangdong Province from October 2011 to December 2021. According to the gestational weeks of syphilis-infected pregnant women receiving penicillin treatment for the first time, they were divided into four groups: treatment in the first trimester, treatment in the second trimester, treatment in the third trimester, and no treatment during pregnancy. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the association between different treatment timings and adverse neonatal outcomes in syphilis-infected pregnant women. Results: A total of 22 483 syphilis-infected pregnant women were included. The number of pregnant women who started treatment in the first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester and did not receive treatment during pregnancy were 4 549 (20.23%), 8 719 (38.78%), 2 235 (9.94%) and 6 980 (31.05%), respectively. Compared with pregnant women who started treatment in the first trimester, pregnant women who did not receive anti-syphilis treatment during pregnancy had increased risks of neonatal preterm birth (OR=1.42, 95%CI: 1.24-1.62), death (OR=4.27, 95%CI: 1.64-14.69) and congenital syphilis (OR=12.26, 95%CI: 6.35-27.45). At the same time, the risk of congenital syphilis in the newborns of pregnant women who started anti-syphilis treatment in the second trimester (OR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.34-6.16) and third trimester (OR=6.27, 95%CI: 2.99-14.80) also increased. Conclusion: Early initiation of anti-syphilis treatment during pregnancy in patients with syphilis can improve neonatal outcomes.

Pregnancy , Female , Infant, Newborn , Humans , Pregnant Women , Syphilis/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/drug therapy , Syphilis, Congenital/drug therapy , Premature Birth , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical/prevention & control
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e3, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424244


RESUMO Objetivo. Descrever a percepção de mulheres venezuelanas sobre o acesso aos serviços de saúde, ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento de HIV/aids e sífilis no Brasil. Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado no período de fevereiro a maio de 2021 nos municípios de Manaus, estado do Amazonas, e Boa Vista, estado de Roraima. As entrevistas com as participantes foram transcritas na íntegra, com levantamento de temas a partir de análise de conteúdo. Resultados. Foram entrevistadas 40 mulheres (20 em Manaus e 20 em Boa Vista). A partir da transcrição e tradução das falas, foram identificadas duas categorias de análise de conteúdo: barreiras de acesso aos serviços de saúde, com quatro subcategorias — idioma, custos com saúde, reações adversas ao medicamento e pandemia de covid-19; e facilitadores do acesso, com quatro subcategorias — Sistema Único de Saúde, Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, Política Nacional de Assistência Social e relação entre profissional de saúde e usuária do Sistema Único de Saúde. Conclusão. Os resultados mostraram a necessidade de elaborar estratégias para mitigar as dificuldades enfrentadas pelas mulheres migrantes da Venezuela residentes no Brasil quanto ao diagnóstico e tratamento de HIV/aids e sífilis, indo além do amparo à saúde garantido pela lei.

ABSTRACT Objective. To describe the perception of Venezuelan women regarding access to health care, diagnosis, and treatment of HIV/aids and syphilis in Brazil. Method. This is a descriptive, exploratory study employing a qualitative approach, performed from February to May 2021 in the municipalities of Manaus, state of Amazonas, and Boa Vista, state of Roraima. The interviews with participants were fully transcribed, with identification of themes based on content analysis. Results. Forty women were interviewed (20 in Manaus and 20 in Boa Vista). Following transcription and translation of the accounts, two analytical categories were identified: barriers to healthcare access, with four subcategories — language, cost, adverse drug reactions, and COVID-19 pandemic; and facilitators of healthcare access, again with four subcategories — Unified Health System (SUS), National Policy of Comprehensive Women's Health, National Social Assistance Policy, and relationship between healthcare professionals and SUS users. Conclusion. The results showed the need to design strategies to mitigate the difficulties faced by migrant women from Venezuela living in Brazil regarding the diagnosis and treatment of HIV/aids and syphilis, going beyond the healthcare support guaranteed by law.

RESUMEN Objetivo. Describir la percepción de las mujeres venezolanas sobre el acceso a los servicios de salud, al diagnóstico y al tratamiento de la infección por el VIH/sida y la sífilis en Brasil. Métodos. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, con enfoque cualitativo, realizado entre febrero y mayo del 2021 en los municipios de Manaos, estado de Amazonas, y Boa Vista, estado de Roraima. Las entrevistas con las participantes se transcribieron en su totalidad, y se exploraron los puntos de interés según el análisis del contenido. Resultados. Se entrevistaron 40 mujeres (20 en Manaos y 20 en Boa Vista). A partir de la transcripción y la traducción de las conversaciones, se establecieron dos categorías para el análisis del contenido: las barreras de acceso a los servicios de salud (subcategorías: idioma, costos relacionados con la salud, reacciones adversas a los medicamentos y pandemia de COVID-19); y los factores facilitadores del acceso (cuatro subcategorías: Sistema Único de Salud, Política nacional de Atención Integral a la Salud de la Mujer, Política Nacional de Asistencia Social y relación entre los profesionales de salud y las usuarias del Sistema Único de Salud). Conclusión. Los resultados mostraron la necesidad de formular estrategias para mitigar las dificultades que enfrentan las mujeres migrantes de Venezuela residentes en Brasil en relación con el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la infección por el VIH/sida y la sífilis, más allá de la protección de la salud garantizada por la ley.

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Syphilis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Venezuela , Brazil , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , Interviews as Topic , Women's Health , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/drug therapy , Qualitative Research , Emigrants and Immigrants
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1164-1172, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425449


O Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) é uma patologia crônica, de origem autoimune e inflamatória. As diversas manifestações clínicas existentes em pacientes acometidos pelo LES, sejam elas sistêmicas ou órgãos-alvo, possibilitam variados diagnósticos diferenciais. Dentre as manifestações clínicas que possibilitam estes diagnósticos está o acometimento cutâneo, com vasta variabilidade de apresentação. Da mesma forma, a sífilis também possui apresentação cutânea, tornando possível o diferencial de diagnóstico com outras patologias, inclusive o próprio LES. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar um caso de sífilis mimetizando lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, descrever o quadro clínico apresentado pelo paciente, bem como as ferramentas utilizadas para diagnóstico, e a posterior abordagem terapêutica. O caso relatado refere-se a um paciente de 29 anos, do sexo masculino, procedente de Campos Novos (SC), que apresentou um quadro clínico e laboratorial de lúpus-like induzido por uma infecção aguda de sífilis. A resolução completa de critérios inflamatórios de LES ocorreu após tratamento correto da doença infecciosa, com total melhora clínica e sorológica.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease. The various clinical manifestations in SLE patients, both systemic and in target organs, allow for various differential diagnoses. Among the clinical manifestations that aid in diagnosis are the cutaneous injuries, which have a wide range of presentations. Syphilis also has cutaneous manifestations, which aid in the differential diagnosis from other pathologies, including SLE. The present study aims to report a case of syphilis mimicking SLE, describe the clinical condition presented by the patient, the tools used for diagnosis, and the therapeutic approach. The case reported refers to a 29- year-old male patient from Campos Novos (SC), who showed a clinical and laboratory lupus-like condition induced by an acute syphilis infection. The full resolution of SLE inflammatory criteria occurred following appropriate treatment for the infectious disease, with complete clinical and serological improvement.

El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad inflamatoria autoinmune crónica. Las diversas manifestaciones clínicas de los pacientes con LES, tanto sistémicas como en órganos diana, permiten realizar varios diagnósticos diferenciales. Entre las manifestaciones clínicas que ayudan al diagnóstico se encuentran las lesiones cutáneas, que tienen una amplia gama de presentaciones. La sífilis también tiene manifestaciones cutáneas, que ayudan al diagnóstico diferencial con otras patologías, incluido el LES. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo comunicar un caso de sífilis que simula un LES, describir el cuadro clínico presentado por la paciente, las herramientas utilizadas para el diagnóstico y el abordaje terapéutico. El caso relatado se refiere a un paciente masculino de 29 años, natural de Campos Novos (SC), que presentó un cuadro clínico y de laboratorio semejante al lupus, inducido por una infección aguda por sífilis. La resolución completa de los criterios inflamatorios del LES ocurrió tras el tratamiento adecuado de la enfermedad infecciosa, con mejoría clínica y serológica completa.

Humans , Male , Adult , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/pathology , Syphilis/therapy , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/diagnosis , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/pathology , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic/therapy , Skin Manifestations , Adaptation, Biological , Communicable Diseases/pathology , Communicable Diseases/therapy , Clinical Laboratory Techniques/methods , Case Reports as Topic , Infections/diagnosis
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1526679


A sífilis é uma infecção causada pelo Treponema pallidum, podendo ser transmitida sexualmente, de forma congênita, por meio de transfusões sanguíneas ou por meio de transplantes de órgãos. Objetivo: O presente estudo objetivou realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre as consequências da sífilis gestacional na saúde pública, enfatizando diagnóstico, tratamento e desfechos para a mãe e o bebê. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura científica, com seleção dos estudos nas bases de dados: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed (National Center Biotechnology Information) e SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), por meio do emprego dos Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS): sífilis gestacional, sífilis congênita e complicações infecciosas na gravidez, nos idiomas português e inglês, combinados por operador booleano "AND" entre os termos, no período de 2018 a 2022. Resultados e Discussão: Foram incluídos 21 artigos científicos nesse trabalho. O conhecimento restrito das gestantes sobre a sífilis, a reinfecção pelo parceiro sexual não tratado e a dificuldade dos profissionais de saúde em diagnosticar e estabelecer o protocolo de tratamento são apontados como o cerne do problema. Ficou evidente a deficiência do pré-natal, do diagnóstico e do tratamento. Conclusão: As fragilidades do sistema de saúde nesse cenário são nítidas, visto que o número de casos de sífilis congênita, gestacional e adquirida vem aumentando no Brasil, demandando maior atenção por parte das políticas públicas de saúde, para assim melhorar a qualidade do pré-natal e evitar os recorrentes desfechos negativos para a mãe e o bebê

Syphilis is an infection caused by Treponema pallidum, being transmitted sexually, congenitally, through blood transfusions or through organ transplants. Objective: This study aimed to perform an integrative literature review on the impact of syphilis in pregnant women on public health, emphasizing the main methods of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for mother and baby. Method: This is an integrative review, with selection of studies in the databases: Virtual Health Library (BVS), PubMed (National Center Biotechnology Information) and SciELO, through the descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS): gestational syphilis, congenital syphilis and infectious complications in pregnancy in portuguese and english languages, combined by Boolean "AND" operators between the terms, from 2018 to 2022. Results and Discussion: Twenty-one scientific articles were included in this work. The restricted knowledge of pregnant women about the disease, reinfection by an untreated sexual partner and the lack of knowledge of health professionals when diagnosing and establishing the treatment protocol are seen as the core problem. The deficiency of prenatal care, diagnosis and treatment was evident. Conclusion: The weaknesses of the health system in this scenario are clear, since the number of cases of congenital, gestational and acquired syphilis has been increasing in Brazil, demanding greater attention from public health policies, in order to improve the quality of prenatal care and avoid recurrent negative outcomes for mother and baby

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , Syphilis/diagnosis , Health Policy , Brazil
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441645


Introducción: La sífilis y la infección por virus de inmunodeficiencia humana comparten los mismos grupos de alto riesgo y formas de transmisión, por lo que la coinfección es común. La historia natural y las manifestaciones clínicas de la sífilis pueden modificarse por la infección concomitante por VIH, que puede progresar rápidamente desde la sífilis primaria a la sífilis terciaria. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones clínicas, análisis de laboratorio y tratamiento de un paciente que vive con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana con coinfección de sífilis secundaria, una condición infrecuente. Caso clínico: Paciente de 30 años quien acude a consulta en el contexto de alopecia sifilítica a nivel del cuero cabelludo, cejas y pestañas, hipocromía en zona escrotal y perineal; la sífilis es considerada la gran simuladora, lo cual dificulta el diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se confirma el diagnóstico de sífilis secundaria. Conclusiones: Mediante un caso clínico de un paciente que vive con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana y con coinfección de sífilis, se describe la afectación de manifestaciones clínicas poco habituales como la alopecia sifilítica en región del cuero cabelludo, cejas y pestañas, entre otras(AU)

Introduction: Syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus infection share the same high-risk groups and transmission ways; therefore, coinfection is common. The natural history and clinical manifestations of syphilis can be modified by concomitant HIV infection, which can rapidly progress from primary to tertiary syphilis. Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations, laboratory tests and treatment of a patient living with human immunodeficiency virus and co-infected with secondary syphilis, being such a rare condition. Clinical case: A 30-year-old patient attended consultation for presenting of syphilitic alopecia of the scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as hypochromia in the scrotal and perineal area; syphilis is considered as the great simulator, which makes diagnosis and treatment difficult. The diagnosis of secondary syphilis is confirmed. Conclusions: Through the clinical case of a patient living with human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis coinfection, the condition is described of unusual clinical manifestations such as syphilitic alopecia in the scalp, eyebrows and the eyelashes region, among others(AU)

Humans , Male , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , HIV , Alopecia/epidemiology
Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 19(3)nov. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1411594


En Argentina se estima que 140 mil personas viven con VIH y de ellas el 17% no conocen su diagnóstico (Ministerio de Salud, 2021). La Dirección de Sida y Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (DSyETS) del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación realizó un estudio que mostró una prevalencia global de VIH de 2,68% en unidades del servicio penitenciario federal (DSyETS; 2017). Por ello nuestro objetivo fue favorecer el acceso al testeo y a la prevención de estas enfermedades en personas privadas de su libertad en una unidad penal de la provincia de Buenos Aires en el marco de la pandemia. Relato de experiencia: en diciembre del 2021 se ofreció el testeo voluntario, gratuito y confidencial para VIH y sífilis y accedieron 38 personas. Participaron de la actividad docentes, estudiantes del Departamento de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Nacional del Sur y referentes del programa de VIH-ITS y HV de la Región Sanitaria I del ministerio de salud de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Conclusiones: Esta experiencia mostró la importancia de construcción de redes para la articulación de prácticas que favorezcan el acceso a un diagnóstico temprano y tratamiento oportuno para VIH y sífilis a las personas viviendo en contexto de encierro (AU)

In Argentina, it is estimated that 140 thousand people live with HIV and 17% of them do not know their diagnosis (Ministry of Health, 2021). The Directorate of AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (DSyETS) of the Ministry of Health of the Nation carried out a study that showed a global prevalence of HIV of 2.68% in units of the federal prison service (DSyETS; 2017). For this reason, our objective was to promote access to testing and the prevention of these diseases in people deprived of their liberty in a penal unit in the province of Buenos Aires in the context of the pandemic. Experience report: in December 2021, voluntary, free and confidential testing for HIV and syphilis was offered and 38 people agreed. Teachers, students from the Department of Health Sciences of the National University of the South and referents of the HIV-STI and HV program of the Sanitary Region I of the Ministry of Health of the province of Buenos Aires participated in the activity. Conclusions: This experience showed the importance of building networks for the articulation of practices that favor access to early diagnosis and timely treatment for HIV and syphilis for people living in a confinement context (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Prisons , Syphilis/diagnosis , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Prisoners/education , Syphilis Serodiagnosis , Syphilis/prevention & control , Syphilis/blood , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/blood , HIV Infections/prevention & control , HIV Infections/blood , Health Education , HIV Testing
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 340-344, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407784


Resumen El linfogranuloma venéreo (LGV) es una infección de transmisión sexual (ITS) causada por Chlamydia trachomatis. En los últimos años, ha emergido principalmente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Es frecuente su asociación con otras ITS como el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la sífilis. Si bien el compromiso genital es la forma de presentación clásica, el síndrome anorrectal constituye el principal cuadro clínico en la actualidad. Presentamos el caso de un HSH con infección por VIH en terapia anti-retroviral, herpes genital recurrente y sífilis latente tratada, sin viajes recientes al extranjero, con adenopatías inguinales fistulizadas a piel, asociada a una úlcera genital dolorosa, sin síntomas anorrectales ni sistémicos, refractario a múltiples tratamientos antibacterianos y antivirales. El estudio con RPC de secreción de la fístula fue positiva a C. trachomatis. Se trató con doxiciclina por seis semanas, con buena respuesta clínica, sin complicaciones.

Abstract Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. In the past years, it has emerged as a relevant infectious agent, mainly affecting men who have sex with men (MSM), frequently associated with other sexually transmitted infections as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. Even though genital lesions correspond to the classical presentation of LGV, nowadays anorectal syndrome is more frequently reported. We present a MSM patient, HIV infected, being treated with antiretroviral drugs, with a history of recurrent genital herpes, also recently treated for a syphilis in a latent stage. He had no recent trips. He referred inguinal fistulized enlarged lymph nodes, associated with a painful genital ulcer, he denied anorectal or systemic symptoms. He had been treated with multiple antibiotic and antiviral drugs, with no clinical response. Molecular studies from the content of the fistulized lymph node identified C. trachomatis. The patient received doxycycline for 6 weeks, showing good clinical response.

Humans , Male , Adult , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/complications , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/diagnosis , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/drug therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Syphilis/complications , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Chile , Chlamydia trachomatis , Doxycycline/therapeutic use , Homosexuality, Male , Genitalia/pathology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Buenos Aires; GCBA. Ministerio de Salud;ONUSIDA; mar. 2022. 56 p.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1523909


El presente manual es un documento base cuyo fin es ser adaptado por cada centro para normalizar los procedimientos atinentes al proceso de realización del test rápido dual para VIH y sífilis (TR). Es recomendable que esté completo antes de iniciar la realización sistemática de este estudio. Como todo manual de procedimiento, deberá ser actualizado cada vez que se produzca una modificación en alguna/s de sus secciones, detallando la fecha, versión y responsable de los estudios en ese centro. Este manual está organizado en tres partes: los Procedimientos operativos, el Circuito de atención y entrega de resultados, y el Control de calidad externo. (AU)

Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/prevention & control , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/instrumentation , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/trends
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1380600


Objetivo: analisar a frequência de sífilis entre os usuários do Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, e os fatores associados à infecção. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal, com componentes descritivos e analíticos, realizado com usuários atendidos no serviço entre 2014 e 2019. Os dados foram coletados de fonte secundária, por amostragem aleatória e sistemática. Resultados: a amostra foi composta por 957 formulários de usuários e a frequência de casos de testes rápidos reagentes para sífilis foi de 11,3%, com distribuição semelhante entre os sexos. O diagnóstico da sífilis se associou de forma significativa às variáveis: situação conjugal, idade, escolaridade, quantidade de parcerias sexuais, orientação sexual e uso de drogas no último ano. Conclusão: programas de aconselhamento e testagem rápida devem ser incentivados para prevenção e diminuição das infecções sexualmente transmissíveis em Montes Claros e em todo país

Objective: to analyze the frequency of syphilis among users of the Testing and Counseling Center in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, and the factors associated with the infection. Method: this is a cross-sectional study, with descriptive and analytical components, carried out with users seen at the service between 2014 and 2019. Data were collected from a secondary source, by random and systematic sampling. Results: the sample consisted of 957 user forms and the frequency of cases of rapid reactive tests for syphilis was 11.3%, with similar distribution between genders. The diagnosis of syphilis was significantly associated with the variables: marital status, age, education, number of sexual partners, sexual orientation and drug use in the last year. Conclusion:counseling and rapid testing programs should be encouraged to prevent and reduce sexually transmitted infections in Montes Claros and across the country

Objetivo: analizar la frecuencia de sífilis entre los usuarios del Centro de Asesoramiento y Pruebas en Montes Claros, Minas Gerais y los factores asociados a la infección. Método: se trata de un estudio transversal, con componentes descriptivos y analíticos, realizado con usuarios atendidos en el servicio entre 2014 y 2019. Los datos se recolectaron de una fuente secundaria, mediante muestreo aleatorio y sistemático. Resultados: la muestra estuvo conformada por 957 formularios de usuario y la frecuencia de casos de pruebas reactivas rápidas para sífilis fue de 11,3%, con distribución similar entre géneros. El diagnóstico de sífilis se asoció significativamente con las variables: estado civil, edad, educación, número de parejas sexuales, orientación sexual. y consumo de drogas en el último año. Conclusión: se deben fomentar los programas de asesoramiento y pruebas rápidas para prevenir y reducir las infecciones de transmisión sexual en Montes Claros y en todo el país

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sexual Behavior , Risk Factors , Disease Prevention
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (38): e22304, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390429


Resumo O artigo objetivou analisar conhecimentos, percepções, práticas de cuidado e Itinerrários Terapêuticos (IT) para o diagnóstico e tratamento das Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST), com destaque para sífilis, entre Travestis e Mulheres Trans (TrMT) em Salvador, Brasil. Foram realizados 05 grupos focais e 06 entrevistas semiestruturadas com 30 TrMT. Os achados apontam amplo desconhecimento e percepções contraditórias sobre as IST, especialmente a sífilis; identificação de duas importantes trajetórias de cuidado às IST e o destaque para IT marcados por estigmas e discriminação nos serviços de saúde. Sugere-se a ampliação das ações de saúde para essa população reconhecendo suas necessidades e a construção de novas estratégias de prevenção e tratamento para IST, dialogadas com as TrMT, e garantia de autonomia, ética e sigilo na produção do cuidado.

Abstract The article aimed to analyze knowledge, perceptions, care practices and Therapeutic Itineraries (TI) for the diagnosis and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), with emphasis on syphilis, among travesti and transgender women (TGW) in Salvador, Brazil. 05 focus groups and 06 semi-structured interviews with travesti/TGW were carried out with a total of 30 participants. The findings point to a wide lack of knowledge and contradictory perceptions about STD, especially syphilis; identification of two important trajectories of care for STD and the emphasis on TI marked by stigma and discrimination in health services. The expansion of health actions for this population is suggested, recognizing their needs and the construction of new prevention and treatment strategies for STD, in dialogue with the travesti/TGW, and guaranteeing autonomy, ethics and confidentiality in the production of care.

Resumen El artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar conocimientos, percepciones, prácticas de atención y Rutas Terapêuticas (RT) para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual (ETS), con énfasis en la sífilis, entre las travestidas y mujeres trans (TrMT) en Salvador, Brasil. Se realizaron 05 grupos focales y 06 entrevistas semiestructuradas con 30 TrMT. Los hallazgos apuntan a una amplia falta de conocimiento y percepciones contradictorias sobre las ETS, especialmente la sífilis; identificación de dos importantes trayectorias de atención a las ETS y el énfasis en las RT marcadas por el estigma y la discriminación en los servicios de salud. Se sugiere ampliar las acciones de salud para esta población, reconociendo sus necesidades y la construcción de nuevas estrategias de prevención y tratamiento de las ETS, en diálogo con el TrMT, y garantizando la autonomía, ética y confidencialidad en la producción de cuidados.

Humans , Male , Female , Transvestism , Syphilis/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Social Stigma , Transgender Persons , Therapeutic Itinerary , Prejudice , Unified Health System , Brazil , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/prevention & control , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Sexual Health , Sexism , Health Services for Transgender Persons , Barriers to Access of Health Services , Health Services Accessibility
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 38(5): EN231921, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374842


This study aimed to analyze the presence of adequate infrastructure and work process in primary health care for the diagnosis, management, and treatment of syphilis in Brazil in 2012, 2014, and 2018. This is a cross-sectional, nationwide study with data from the three cycles of the Program for Improvement of Access and Quality of Basic Healthcare (PMAQ-AB): 2012 (Cycle I), 2014 (Cycle II), and 2018 (Cycle III). Two outcomes were assessed: adequate infrastructure and work process. The independent variables were macroregion, municipality size, Municipal Human Development Index (HDI-M), and coverage of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). Variance-weighted least squares regression was used to estimate annual changes in percentage. In total, 13,842 primary basic health units (UBS) and 17,202 professional health care teams were assessed in Cycle I; 24,055 UBS and 29,778 teams in Cycle II, and 28,939 UBS and 37,350 teams in Cycle III. About 1.4% of UBS had adequate infrastructure in Cycle I; 17.5% had in Cycle II; and 42.7% had in Cycle III. Adequate work process also increased in the three cycles, ranging from 47.3% in Cycle I to 45.5% in Cycle II and 75.4% in Cycle III. However, inequities are observed, considering that richer regions and larger municipalities, with higher HDI-M and lower FHS coverage improved the most. The low prevalence of adequate infrastructure and work process for the care of patients with syphilis in Brazil reflects a significant weakness in the Brazilian health system.

O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a presença de infraestrutura e processo de trabalho adequados na atenção primária para o diagnóstico, manejo e tratamento da sífilis no Brasil nos anos de 2012, 2014 e 2018, com um desenho transversal, de abrangência nacional, com dados dos três ciclos do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) em 2012 (Ciclo I), 2014 (Ciclo II) e 2018 (Ciclo III). Foram avaliados dois desfechos: infraestrutura e processo de trabalho adequados. As variáveis independentes foram macrorregião, tamanho do município, Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal (IDH-M) e cobertura da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). Foi utilizada regressão de mínimos quadrados ponderada pela variância para estimar as mudanças anuais em pontos percentuais. No Ciclo I, foram avaliadas 13.842 unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) e 17.202 equipes de saúde, no Ciclo II, 24.055 UBS e 29.778 equipes e no Ciclo III, 28.939 UBS e 37.350 equipes. No Ciclo I, 1,4% das UBS apresentavam infraestrutura adequada, aumentando para 17,5% no Ciclo II e 42,7% no Ciclo III. Houve também um aumento no processo de trabalho adequado nos três ciclos, passando de 47,3% no ciclo I para 45,5% no ciclo II e 75,4% no Ciclo III. Entretanto, foram observadas inequidades, com melhoras mais expressivas nas regiões mais ricas, municípios com IDH-M mais alto, maiores e com menor cobertura da ESF. A baixa prevalência de infraestrutura e processo de trabalho adequados para o atendimento dos pacientes com sífilis no Brasil refletem uma insuficiência importante no sistema de saúde brasileiro.

El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la presencia de infraestructura adecuada, así como de la existencia de procesos laborales dentro de la atención primaria para la diagnosis, gestión y tratamiento de sífilis en Brasil durante los años de 2012, 2014 y 2018. Se trata de un estudio transversal, nacional, con datos de los tres ciclos del Programa Nacional de Mejoría de Acceso y Calidad de la Atención Básica (PMAQ-AB) en 2012 (Ciclo I), 2014 (Ciclo II) y 2018 (Ciclo III). Se evaluaron dos resultados: infraestructura adecuada y proceso laboral. Las variables independientes fueron: macrorregión, tamaño del municipio, Índice de Desarrollo Humano Municipal (HDI-M), así como la cobertura de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF). Se utilizó la regresión de mínimos cuadrados ponderados por varianza para estimar los cambios anuales por puntos porcentuales. En el Ciclo I, se evaluaron 13.842 servicios de salud básicos (UBS) y 17.202 equipos profesionales de salud, en el Ciclo II 24.055 UBS y 29.778 equipos y en el Ciclo III 28.939 UBS y 37.350 equipos. En el Ciclo I un 1.4% de las UBS tenían una infraestructura adecuada, incrementándose hasta un 17.5% en el Ciclo II y a un 42.7% en el Ciclo III. Había también un incremento en el proceso laboral adecuado en los tres Ciclos, yendo de un 47.3% en el Ciclo I al 45.5% en el Ciclo II y un 75.4% en el Ciclo III. No obstante, se observaron inequidades, con mejoras más expresivas en regiones más ricas, municipios con un HDI-M mayor y con una cobertura ESF más baja. La prevalencia baja de una infraestructura adecuada y el proceso laboral para el cuidado de pacientes con sífilis en Brasil refleja una importante debilidad en el sistema de salud brasileño.

Humans , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/epidemiology , Primary Health Care , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Delivery of Health Care
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0184, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357048


A sífilis, uma infecção vertical e sexualmente transmissível, curável e prevenível, é um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Métodos diagnósticos e tratamentos são importantes no controle da doença. A pandemia de Covid-19 causou atrasos em diagnósticos e no tratamento na atenção primária em várias doenças e em diversos países, pois interrompeu padrões usuais de atendimento à saúde. O objetivo do estudo é identificar se houve menor número de procedimentos diagnósticos e de tratamento realizados para sífilis nos primeiros sete meses de 2020, comparativamente à média dos mesmos meses entre 2016 e 2019, no Brasil e nas unidades federativas. A redução no número de procedimentos seria um indicativo de atraso no diagnóstico, na detecção e no tratamento da sífilis em 2020. Foram utilizadas informações disponibilizadas no Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais (SIA/SUS). Os achados para o Brasil indicaram queda de 1/3 nos procedimentos de diagnóstico e de tratamento referentes à sífilis nos sete primeiros meses do ano da pandemia, comparados com a média dos sete primeiros meses nos quatro anos anteriores (2016-2019). Indicadores mostram diferenças importantes por unidades da federação, apontando para maiores quedas proporcionais nos volumes de procedimentos no Norte e Nordeste, com ênfase nos estados do Maranhão, Roraima, Pará, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Amazonas, Pernambuco e Amapá.

Syphilis, a vertical and sexually transmitted infection, curable and preventable, is a public health problem in Brazil. Diagnostic methods and treatments are important in controlling the disease. The COVID-19 pandemic caused delays in diagnosis and lack of treatment in primary care in several diseases and in several countries, as the pandemic disrupted usual health care standards. The aim of the study was to identify whether there were fewer diagnostic and treatment procedures performed for syphilis in the first seven months of 2020, compared to the average for the same months between 2016 and 2019, in Brazil and Federative Units. The reduction in the number of procedures would be indicative of a delay in the diagnosis, detection and treatment of syphilis in 2020. Information used came from the Outpatient Information System (SIA / SUS). The findings for Brazil indicated a 1/3 drop in diagnosis and treatment procedures for syphilis in the first seven months of the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, compared with the first seven months of the previous four years (2016-2019). Indicators showed important differences by Federation Units, pointing to greater proportional decrease in the volume of procedures in the North and Northeast, with an emphasis on Maranhão, Roraima, Pará, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Amazonas, Pernambuco and Amapá.

La sífilis, una infección vertical y de transmisión sexual, curable y prevenible, es un problema de salud pública en Brasil. Los métodos de diagnóstico y los tratamientos son importantes para controlar la enfermedad. La pandemia de Covid-19 provocó retrasos en el diagnóstico y tratamiento en la atención primaria de variadas enfermedades en varios países, ya que interrumpió los estándares habituales de atención de la salud. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar si se realizaron menos procedimientos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sífilis en los primeros siete meses de 2020 en comparación con la media de los mismos meses entre 2016 y 2019, en Brasil y en sus unidades federativas. La reducción del número de procedimientos indicaría indicativo de un retraso en el diagnóstico, la detección temprana y el tratamiento de la sífilis en 2020. Para ello se utilizó la información disponible en el Sistema de Información Ambulatoria (SIA/SUS). Los hallazgos indicaron una caída de un tercio en los procedimientos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sífilis en los primeros siete meses del año de la pandemia de Covid-19 para Brasil, en comparación con los primeros siete meses de los cuatro años anteriores (2016-2019). Los indicadores mostraron diferencias importantes por unidades de la Federación, apuntando a mayores caídas proporcionales en el volumen de trámites en el Norte y Nordeste, con énfasis en Maranhão, Roraima, Pará, Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte, Amazonas, Pernambuco y Amapá.

Humans , Unified Health System , Brazil , Syphilis/diagnosis , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures , Pandemics , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption Test , Delivery of Health Care