O brincar é uma atividade importante para o desenvolvimento infantil, porque melhora aspectos cognitivos, emocionais e físicos. Além disso, jogos e brincadeiras podem ser explorados como recurso educacional. Partindo do entendimento da ludicidade enquanto um processo subjetivo, este trabalho investigou a relação com o saber estabelecida durante as brincadeiras, buscando compreendê-las em suas dimensões epistêmica, social e identitária. Dezesseis estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental foram entrevistados a partir de um roteiro baseado no instrumento "balanço do saber", proposto por Bernard Charlot. As questões foram adaptadas para possibilitar apreender o que as crianças dizem aprender durante as brincadeiras em que participam, com ênfase naquelas realizadas em sala de aula. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo realizada mostraram que, apesar de existirem conflitos sobre como se estabelecem as funções lúdica e educativa, quando a brincadeira infantil é utilizada como recurso pedagógico, os sujeitos podem identificar benefícios no processo de aprendizagem por meio dela. Aponta-se, também, a necessidade de considerar a condição social da criança no ambiente escolar para o sucesso ao utilizar essas atividades como práticas pedagógicas.(AU)
Child's play is an important activity for child development since it improves cognition, emotional, and physical aspects. Games can also be explored as an educational resource. Starting from the understanding that playfulness is a subjective process, this work has investigated the relationship to the knowledge stablished during games, aiming to understand it in its epistemic, social, and identitary dimensions. A group of 16 5th grade students were interviewed from a script based on the instrument "balance of knowledge," as proposed by Bernard Charlot. The questions were adapted to enable the apprehension of what children say they learn on the games they play, emphasizing those which are played in classrooms. The results of the content analysis performed have showed that, despite the conflicts on how both playful and educative functions are stablished when child's play is used as a pedagogic resource, the subjects can identify benefits on the process of learning with it. The need to consider the child's social condition in the school environment to reach success when using these activities as pedagogical practices is also pointed out.(AU)
Jugar es una actividad importante para el desarrollo de los niños, porque mejora aspectos cognitivos, emocionales y físicos. Por tanto, los juegos son explorados como recurso educativo. Partiendo de la comprensión de que lo lúdico es un proceso subjetivo, este trabajo analizó la relación con el saber que se establece durante el juego, con el objetivo de comprenderlo en sus dimensiones epistémica, social e identitaria. Se entrevistó a dieciséis estudiantes de quinto grado a partir de un guion basado en el instrumento "balance del saber" propuesto por Bernard Charlot. Las preguntas fueron adaptadas para permitir la aprehensión de lo que los niños dicen que aprenden en sus juegos, enfatizando los que se juegan en las aulas. Los resultados del análisis de contenido realizado mostraron que, a pesar de que existen conflictos sobre cómo se establecen ambas funciones lúdica y educativa cuando se utiliza el juego infantil como recurso pedagógico, los niños pueden identificar beneficios en el proceso de aprendizaje a través del juego. Se señala la necesidad de considerar la condición social del niño en el entorno escolar para alcanzar el éxito al utilizar estas actividades como prácticas pedagógicas.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Schools , Educational Status , Personality , Aptitude , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , School Health Services , Social Environment , Social Perception , Sports , Task Performance and Analysis , Teaching , Temperament , Time and Motion Studies , Underachievement , Shyness , Symbolism , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise , Attitude , Family , Child Advocacy , Child Care , Child Guidance , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Negotiating , Interview , Animation , Instructional Film and Video , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Drawing , Creativity , Culture , Trust , Growth and Development , Ego , Empathy , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Exploratory Behavior , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Pleasure , Sedentary Behavior , Executive Function , Social Skills , Spatial Learning , Games, Recreational , School Teachers , Interdisciplinary Placement , Freedom , Frustration , Solidarity , Social Interaction , Happiness , Hobbies , Holistic Health , Imagination , Individuality , Intelligence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Memory , Mental Processes , Motivation , Motor Skills , Movement , Music , Nonverbal CommunicationABSTRACT
O conceito de psicopatia é habitualmente associado a uma psicopatologia caracterizada pela falta de empatia, manipulação, agressividade, impulsividade, egocentrismo, crueldade e criminalidade. Já amplamente aceito pela comunidade científica, o conceito costuma ser utilizado em contextos jurídico-penais na validação de seu funcionamento punitivo. Dentre as concepções que alicerçaram o surgimento histórico desse conceito, destaca-se o papel do criminoso nato de Lombroso. Nesse sentido, este estudo buscou evidenciar como o conceito contemporâneo de psicopatia se firma enquanto modernização das concepções lombrosianas acerca do criminoso nato. Para isso, nos apoiamos na psicopatolologia para realizar um estudo comparativo entre as produções de Lombroso e as pesquisas contemporâneas acerca da psicopatia. Dentre as principais similaridades, destacamos a ênfase atribuída à suposta natureza criminal, etiologicamente decorrente de sua configuração orgânica. No mais, tais concepções também se assemelham no destaque de um déficit afetivo e moral, assim como na descrição da tendência a ser canhoto, egoísta, mentiroso, resistente à dor, narcisista, impulsivo, promíscuo, cruel, maléfico e inapto ao trabalho. Assim como fez Lombroso, as pesquisas acerca da psicopatia costumam ser realizadas com sujeitos já previamente criminalizados; condicionando uma seletividade étnico-racial e de classe. Descritos como sujeitos perigosos, incuráveis e intratáveis, ambas as concepções promovem a defesa do acirramento da punição jurídico-penal. Concluímos que a criminalidade nata de Lombroso continua a ser expressa no conceito de psicopatia, visto que as funções jurídico-penais e socioeconômicas de sua definição exercem o mesmo papel na legitimação científica da violência de Estado, encarceramento em massa e racismo estrutural.(AU)
Psychopathy is usually associated with a psychopathology characterized by a lack of empathy, manipulation, aggressiveness, impulsivity, egocentrism, cruelty, and criminality. Widely accepted by the scientific community, this concept is often used in legal and criminal contexts to validate its punitive functioning. Among the conceptions that underpinned the historical emergence of psychopathy, Lombroso's born criminal stands out. Hence, this study analyzes how the contemporary concept of psychopathy updates Lombrosian conceptions about the born criminal. To do so, we rely on psychopathology to conduct a comparative study between Lombroso's work and contemporary research on psychopathy. Among the main similarities, we highlight the emphasis given to the supposed criminal nature, etiologically arising from its organic configuration. Moreover, such conceptions emphasize an affective and moral deficit, and describe a tendency toward left-handedness, selfishness, lying, pain-resistance, narcissism, impulsivity, promiscuousness, cruelty, maliciousness and unfitness for work. As did Lombroso, research on psychopathy is usually conducted with individuals who have already been criminalized, conditioning an ethnic-racial and class selectivity. By describing these subjects as dangerous, incurable and intractable, both conceptions advocate for increased legal and penal punishment. In conclusion, Lombroso's natural criminality continues to underpin the concept of psychopathy, since its legal-criminal and socioeconomic functions play the same role in scientifically legitimizing state violence, mass incarceration, and structural racism.(AU)
La psicopatía es un concepto generalmente asociado a una psicopatología que se caracteriza por la falta de empatía, la manipulación, agresividad, impulsividad, egocentrismo, crueldad y criminalidad. Ya ampliamente aceptado por la comunidad científica, este concepto se utiliza a menudo en contextos legales para validar su funcionamiento punitivo. Entre los conceptos que fundamentaron el surgimiento histórico de este concepto, destaca el papel del criminal nato de Lombroso. En este contexto, este estudio buscó mostrar cómo el concepto contemporáneo de psicopatía se establece como la modernización de las concepciones lombrosianas sobre el criminal nato. Para eso, se utiliza la psicopatología para realizar un estudio comparativo entre las producciones de Lombroso y la investigación contemporánea sobre psicopatía. Entre las principales similitudes, destaca el énfasis atribuido a su supuesta naturaleza criminal, resultado etiológico de su configuración orgánica. Además, estas concepciones también son similares al resaltar un déficit afectivo y moral, así como al describir la tendencia a ser zurdo, egoísta, mentiroso, resistente al dolor, narcisista, impulsivo, promiscuo, cruel, malévolo e inadecuado para el trabajo. Como hizo Lombroso, los estudios sobre psicopatía se suelen realizar con sujetos que ya han sido criminalizados; condicionando una selectividad étnica, racial y de clase. Calificados como sujetos peligrosos, incurables e intratables, ambas concepciones promueven la defensa del aumento de la pena legal. Se concluye que la criminalidad nata de Lombroso continúa expresándose en el concepto de psicopatía, ya que las funciones penales y socioeconómicas de su definición juegan el mismo papel en la legitimación científica de la violencia estatal, encarcelamiento masivo y racismo estructural.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Psychopathology , Criminology , Psychology, Positive , Antisocial Personality Disorder , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personality Disorders , Sex Work , Psychoanalysis , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior , Social Behavior , Temperament , Thinking , Beauty , Behavioral Sciences , Conscience , Substance-Related Disorders , Crime , Criminal Law , Affect , Dangerous Behavior , Behavior Control , Harm Reduction , Trust , Aggression , Human Rights Abuses , Alcoholism , Emotions , Erotica , Extraversion, Psychological , Fear , Pleasure , Emotional Intelligence , Apathy , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Forensic Medicine , Forensic Psychology , Emotional Regulation , Betrayal , Social Interaction , Genetics, Behavioral , Group Dynamics , Guilt , Handling, Psychological , Hate , Hippocampus , Homicide , Amygdala , Hostility , Intelligence , Life Change Events , Limbic System , Deception , Machiavellianism , Memory , Mental Disorders , Morals , NeurologyABSTRACT
Compreender as estratégias de resolução de conflitos utilizadas por adolescentes na relação com seus pais é fundamental para entender como ocorre seu desenvolvimento saudável. Este artigo investigou a resolução de conflitos de adolescentes em situações de confronto entre o seu domínio pessoal e o controle parental. 36 adolescentes com idades entre 15 e 17 anos, divididos igualmente conforme o sexo, responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada, que continha quatro situações de conflito hipotéticas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo semântica e a testes não paramétricos. Os resultados foram categorizados em sete estratégias: Assunção de culpa, Submissão, Mentira, Hostilidade, Diálogo/Explicação, Negociação e Outra. A forma predominante de resolução utilizada foi o Diálogo/Explicação, considerada como uma forma recorrente de defender o domínio pessoal. Foram encontradas diferenças em relação ao sexo dos participantes e à situação hipotética. Por fim, os resultados são discutidos em termos de grau de autonomia e tipo de defesa do domínio pessoal.(AU)
Understanding the conflict resolution strategies used by adolescents in their relationship with their parents is fundamental to understanding how their healthy development occurs. This article investigated the resolution of conflicts by adolescents in confrontation situations between their personal domain and parental control. A total of 36 adolescents, aged 15 to 17 years, divided equally according to sex, answered a semi-structured interview that contained four hypothetical conflict situations. Data were subjected to semantic content analysis and non-parametric tests. The results were categorized into seven strategies: Assumption of Guilt, Submission, Lie, Hostility, Dialogue/Explanation, Negotiation, and Other. The predominant form of resolution used was Dialogue/Explanation, considered a recurrent form of defense of the personal domain. Differences were found depending on the participants' gender and the hypothetical situation. Finally, the results are discussed regarding the degree of autonomy and type of defense of the personal domain.(AU)
Enterarse de las estrategias de resolución de conflictos que los adolescentes utilizan en la relación con sus padres es fundamental para comprender cómo ocurre el desarrollo saludable de los adolescentes. A partir de una entrevista semiestructurada, presentamos cuatro situaciones hipotéticas de conflicto que fueron analizadas y respondidas por 36 adolescentes de entre 15 y 17 años, divididos según el género. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de contenido semántico y a pruebas no paramétricas. Los resultados se categorizaron en siete estrategias de resolución de conflictos: Asunción de culpa, Sumisión, Mentira, Hostilidad, Diálogo/Explicación, Negociación y Otros. La forma de resolución más utilizada fue Diálogo/Explicación, y esta categoría fue una forma de defensa del dominio personal. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias en función del género de los participantes y conforme la situación hipotética. Los resultados se discuten en términos de grado de autonomía y tipo de defensa del dominio personal.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Negotiating , Family Conflict , Anxiety , Orientation , Parent-Child Relations , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personality Development , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychosexual Development , Psychotherapy , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Role , Sex , Authoritarianism , Social Behavior Disorders , Social Change , Social Dominance , Social Environment , Socialization , Stereotyping , Stress, Psychological , Avoidance Learning , Taboo , Temperament , Temperance , Violence , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Career Choice , Attitude , Child Advocacy , Child Welfare , Choice Behavior , Mental Health , Puberty , Adolescent Behavior , Parenting , Intergenerational Relations , Codependency, Psychological , Interview , Communication , Comprehensive Health Care , Privacy , Adult , Sexuality , Conduct Disorder , Feedback, Psychological , Disclosure , Dangerous Behavior , Principle-Based Ethics , Decision Making , Harm Reduction , Moral Development , Dissent and Disputes , Trust , Friends , Adolescent Development , Sexual Development , Dominance-Subordination , Education , Educational Status , Ego , Emotions , Escape Reaction , Fear , Emotional Intelligence , Sense of Coherence , Forgiveness , Protective Factors , Social Norms , Emotional Adjustment , Underage Drinking , Peer Influence , Conservative Treatment , Perfectionism , Cell Phone Use , Incivility , Self-Management , Ethnocentrism , Freedom , Frustration , Psychological Distress , Social Integration , Empowerment , Transtheoretical Model , Disinformation , Social Cohesion , Citizenship , Gestalt Therapy , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Guilt , Happiness , Hormones , Hostility , Human Development , Human Rights , Identity Crisis , Individuation , Juvenile Delinquency , Anger , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Love , Deception , Morals , Narcissism , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
Este estudo realizou uma revisão sistemática da literatura brasileira e internacional publicada entre 2015 e 2020 sobre bibliométricos, operacionalização teórica e metodológica e direcionalidade de efeitos das relações entre a parentalidade e o temperamento infantil em estudos sobre crianças de quatro a sete anos. A busca nas bases de dados BVS-Psi, Portal Regional da BVS, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, SocINDEX, SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo e PsycArticles, a partir das palavras-chave "parenting", "child temperament" e "infant temperament" resultou em 24 estudos selecionados para análise. Predominaram pesquisas norte-americanas, com delineamento quantitativo, uso de questionários e mães respondentes. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado para avaliar a parentalidade mostrou-se diversificado, enquanto o Modelo Psicobiológico destacou-se na avaliação do temperamento. Constatou-se que temperamento e parentalidade possuem associação direta e indireta e os efeitos dessa relação reverberam no desenvolvimento infantil. Destaca-se a importância de programas de intervenção para a promoção da parentalidade positiva e o desenvolvimento de habilidades regulatórias infantis
This study carried out a systematic review of literature published between 2015 and 2020 on bibliometrics; theoretical and methodological operationalization and directionality of the effects of the relationships between parenting and child temperament in studies about 4-7 years children. The search in BVS-Psi, Portal Regional da BVS, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, SocINDEX, SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo e PsycArticles databases, using the keywords "parenting", "child temperament" and "infant temperament" resulted in 24 studies selected for analysis. North American studies predominated, with a quantitative design, with mothers responding questionnaires. The theoretical-methodological framework used to assess parenting proved to be diversified, while the Psycho-biological Model stood out in the assessment of temperament. It was found that temperament and parenting have a direct and indirect association and the effects of this relationship reverberate in child development. The importance of intervention programs to promote positive parenting and the development of child regulatory skills is highlighted
Este estudio realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura publicada entre 2015 y 2020 sobre bibliometría, operacionalización teórica y metodológica y direccionalidad de los efectos de las relaciones entre parentalidad y tempera-mento infantil en estudios sobre niños de 4 a 7 años. Se buscó en las bases de datos BVS-Psi, Portal Regional de la BVS, MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, SocINDEX, SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, PsycInfo y PsycArticles, las palabras clave "parenting", "child temperament" y "infant temperament" con 24 estudios seleccionados para analizar. Predominaron los estudios norteamericanos, cuantitativos, con cuestionarios y madres respondedoras. El marco teórico-metodológico utilizado para evaluar la parentalidad fue diversificado, mientras que el Modelo Psicobiológico se destacó en la evaluación del temperamento. El temperamento y la parentalidad tienen una asociación directa e indirecta y essa relación repercute en el desarrollo infantil. Se destaca la importancia de los programas de intervención sobre parentalidad positiva y el desarrollo de habilidades regulatorias infantiles
Temperament , Parenting , Child DevelopmentABSTRACT
O distanciamento social ocasionado pela pandemia de Covid-19 levou a profundas mudanças na rotina das famílias com crianças pequenas, aumentando o estresse no ambiente doméstico. Este estudo analisou a experiência de planejamento e implementação de um projeto de extensão universitária que ofereceu orientação a pais com filhos de 0 a 11 anos por meio de chamadas de áudio durante a pandemia. O protocolo de atendimento foi desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de famílias de baixa renda e listava problemas específicos relacionados ao confinamento em casa e ao fechamento das escolas seguidos por uma variedade de estratégias de enfrentamento. A análise de 223 queixas relatadas pelos usuários em 130 ligações revelou que 94% dos problemas referidos pelos pais foram contemplados pelo protocolo de atendimento e estavam relacionados aos problemas externalizantes (39%) ou internalizantes (26%) das crianças ou ao declínio do bem-estar subjetivo dos pais (29%). Serviços de apoio devem orientar os pais quanto ao uso de práticas responsivas e assertivas que promovam o bem-estar emocional da criança e estabeleçam expectativas comportamentais em contextos estressantes. A diminuição dos conflitos entre pais e filhos resultante do uso dessas estratégias tende a reduzir o sofrimento dos pais, aumentando sua sensação de bem-estar subjetivo. Recomenda-se ampla divulgação dessas iniciativas e seguimento dos casos.(AU)
The social distancing the COVID-19 pandemic entailed has led to profound changes in the routine of families with young children, increasing stress in the home environment. This study analyzed the experience of planning and implementing a university extension program that offered support to parents with children from 0 to 11 years old via audio calls during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service protocol was developed to meet the needs of low-income families and listed specific problems related to home confinement and school closure followed by a variety of coping strategies. The analysis of 223 complaints reported by users in 130 calls revealed that 94% of the problems reported by parents were addressed by the protocol and were related to children's externalizing (39%) or internalizing (26%) problems or to the decline in parents' subjective well-being (29%). Support services should guide parents on the use of responsive and assertive practices that promote the child's emotional well-being and set behavioral expectations in stressful contexts. The reduction in conflicts between parents and children resulting from the use of these strategies tends to reduce parents' suffering, increasing their sense of subjective well-being. Wide dissemination of these initiatives and case follow-up are recommended.(AU)
La distancia social causada por la pandemia de COVID-19 condujo a cambios profundos en la rutina de las familias con niños pequeños, aumentando el estrés en el entorno del hogar. Este estudio analizó la experiencia de planificar e implementar un proyecto de extensión universitaria que ofreció orientación a los padres con niños de cero a 11 años a través de llamadas de audio durante la pandemia COVID-19. El protocolo de atención se desarrolló para satisfacer las necesidades de las familias de bajos ingresos y enumeró problemas específicos relacionados con el confinamiento en el hogar y el cierre de la escuela, seguido de una variedad de estrategias de afrontamiento. El análisis de 223 quejas informadas por los usuarios en 130 llamadas reveló que el 94% de los problemas informados por los padres fueron abordados por el protocolo de atención y estaban relacionados con los problemas de externalización (39%) o internalización (26%) de los niños o la disminución del bienestar subjetivo de los padres (29%). Los servicios de apoyo deberían aconsejar a los padres sobre el uso de prácticas receptivas y asertivas que promuevan el bienestar emocional del niño y establezcan expectativas de comportamiento en contextos estresantes. La reducción de los conflictos entre padres e hijos como resultado del uso de estas estrategias tiende a reducir el sufrimiento de los padres, aumentando su sensación de bienestar subjetivo. Se recomienda una amplia difusión de estas iniciativas y seguimiento de casos.(AU)
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Orientation , Parents , Personal Satisfaction , Child , Problem Behavior , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Appetite , Play and Playthings , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychomotor Agitation , Quality of Life , Reading , Recreation , Remedial Teaching , Respiratory Tract Infections , Safety , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , School Health Services , Self Concept , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Social Adjustment , Social Conditions , Social Conformity , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Telephone , Temperament , Therapeutics , Time , Unemployment , Violence , Behavior Therapy , Work Hours , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Child Abuse, Sexual , Boredom , Neurosciences , Virus Diseases , Activities of Daily Living , Bereavement , Exercise , Divorce , Child Abuse , Child Development , Mental Health , Mass Vaccination , Relaxation Therapy , Immunization , Self-Injurious Behavior , Civil Rights , Parenting , Panic Disorder , Interview , Cognition , Domestic Violence , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Lecture , Disabled Children , Wit and Humor , Internet , Creativity , Crisis Intervention , Crying , Disaster Vulnerability , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Death , Friends , Aggression , Depression , Drive , Economics , Education, Special , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Faculty , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fear , Binge Drinking , Meals , Return to Work , Hope , Optimism , Pessimism , Self-Control , Phobia, Social , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Screen Time , Disgust , Sadness , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Psychosocial Intervention , Teleworking , Financial Stress , Food Insecurity , Sentiment Analysis , Sociodemographic Factors , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Government , Guilt , Holistic Health , Homeostasis , Hospitalization , Household Work , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Anger , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Loneliness , Mental DisordersABSTRACT
Trata-se de um estudo brasileiro, transversal, mediado pela Internet com o objetivo de descrever como diferenças temperamentais associam-se ao uso de oito práticas de medicina alternativa e complementar (MAC): ioga, meditação, reiki, acupuntura, massagem, tai chi chuan, homeopatia e floral. A amostra foi composta por 22.415 indivíduos, sendo 69,5% mulheres, com idade média de 28,8 anos (DP = 9,1). As práticas mais utilizadas foram massagem e ioga e as variáveis sexo, idade, renda e diagnóstico psicopatológico ao longo da vida associaram-se a todas as práticas, exceto com tai chi chuan. Análise inferencial se baseou em modelo de regressão logística e os resultados foram calculados com base na razão de chances com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Observou-se que manifestações adaptativas de traços e de tipos psicológicos, associaram-se a maiores chances de praticar MAC. Resultados sugerem que perfis com maior regulação emocional tendem a utilizar mais frequentemente MAC e, possivelmente, obter benefícios. (AU)
The present study is a cross-sectional web-based survey conducted in Brazil aiming to describe how individual differences in temperament traits and types could predict the use of the following eight categories of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): yoga, meditation, reiki, acupuncture, massage, tai chi chuan, homeopathy, and flower remedies. The sample consisted of 22,415 individuals, 69.5% of whom were women, with a mean age of 28.8 years (SD= 9.1). The most commonly used practices were massage and yoga and the variables sex, age, income, and psychopathological diagnosis throughout life were associated with all practices, except tai chi chuan. The inferential analysis relied on logistic regressions and results were calculated based on the odd ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Adaptive manifestations of psychological traits and types were associated with greater use of complementary and alternative medicine practices. Results suggested that profiles with greater emotional regulation tend to use CAM more frequently and possibly obtain benefits. (AU)
Se trata de un estudio brasileño, transversal, mediado por Internet, con el objetivo de describir cómo las diferencias temperamentales se asocian con el uso de ocho prácticas de medicina alternativa y complementaria (MAC): yoga, meditación, reiki, acupuntura, masaje, tai chi chuan, homeopatía y floral. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 22.415 individuos, de los cuales 69,5 % eran mujeres, con una edad media de 28,8 años (DS= 9,1). Las prácticas más utilizadas fueron el masaje y el yoga, y las variables sexo, edad, renta y diagnóstico psicopatológico a lo largo de la vida se asociaron a todas las prácticas, excepto al tai chi chuan. El análisis inferencial se basó en un modelo de regresión logística y los resultados se calcularon con base en la odds ratio con un intervalo de confianza del 95 %. Se observó que las manifestaciones adaptativas de rasgos y tipos psicológicos se asociaron con mayores posibilidades de practicar MAC. Los resultados sugieren que los perfiles con mayor regulación emocional tienden a usar MAC con mayor frecuencia y, posiblemente, obtienen beneficios. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Temperament , Complementary Therapies/psychology , Individuality , Adaptation, Psychological , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age and Sex Distribution , Emotional Regulation , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract We evaluated the effect of prematurity and the infant's temperament on the mother-infant behaviors in the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm (FFSF). The study included 75 mothers and their infants (37 preterm and 38 term) between three and four months of age (corrected age for preterm infants). The mothers responded to a perception scale of the infants' temperament and the dyads were observed in a structured condition (FFSF). The FFSF Paradigm, divided into three episodes, made it possible to analyze the behaviors of: Positive Social Orientation, Negative Social Orientation and Self-comfort. The averages recorded for these categories were analyzed in a Multivariate ANOVA (factors: prematurity and temperament). Temperament had more effect on maternal and infant behaviors, suggesting that this factor may influence mother-infant interaction. The results can guide possible interventions with families. (AU)
Resumo Buscou-se avaliar o efeito da prematuridade e do tipo de temperamento do bebê sobre a interação mãe-bebê por meio do Paradigma do Face-to-Face Still-Face (FFSF). Participaram do estudo 75 mães e seus bebês (37 pré-termo e 38 a termo), entre três a quatro meses de vida (idade corrigida para bebês pré-termo). As mães responderam a uma escala de percepção do temperamento dos bebês e as díades foram filmadas em condição estruturada (FFSF). A filmagem, dividida em três episódios, possibilitou a análise de comportamentos de: Orientação Social Positiva, Orientação Social Negativa e Autoconforto. As médias registradas para essas categorias foram submetidas à Anova Multivariada (fatores: prematuridade e temperamento). O temperamento apresentou mais efeito sobre os comportamentos maternos e dos bebês, sugerindo que esse fator pode influenciar a interação diádica. Os resultados podem nortear possíveis intervenções junto às famílias.(AU)
Resumen Se buscó evaluar el efecto de la prematuridad y el tipo de temperamento del bebé en la interacción madre-bebé a través del Paradigma Face-to-Face Still-Face (FFSF). En el estudio participaron 75 madres y sus bebés (37 prematuros y 38 a término), con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los cuatro meses (edad corregida para bebés prematuros). Las madres respondieron a una escala de percepción del temperamento de los bebés y las díadas fueron filmadas en una condición estructurada (FFSF). El rodaje, dividido en tres episodios, permitió analizar los comportamientos de: Orientación Social Positiva, Orientación Social Negativa y Autoconfort. Los promedios registrados para estas categorías fueron sometidos al ANOVA Multivariado (factores: prematuridad y temperamento). El temperamento tuvo más efecto en los comportamientos maternos e infantiles, lo que sugiere que este factor puede influir en la interacción diádica. Los resultados pueden orientar posibles intervenciones con las familias. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Young Adult , Temperament , Infant, Premature/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Video Recording/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Analysis of Variance , Infant Behavior/psychology , Premature Birth/psychology , Term Birth/psychology , Facial Expression , Behavior Rating Scale , Hospitalization , Maternal Behavior/psychologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the correlation of temperament type and mother's emotional state with acute respiratory tract infections in children so as to provide evidence for comprehensive treatment of the infections.@*METHODS@#A total of 200 children aged between 3 and 6 were enrolled in this study from two kindergartens of Guangzhou and Hengyang. The mothers were invited to complete a questionnaire of the children's general information followed by assessment using children's temperament scale and the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale.@*RESULTS@#The total incidence of acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in children with a hard- to-raise temperament than the easy- to-raise children (P < 0.05); the incidences of acute rhinitis, acute pharyngitis, acute laryngitis and acute bronchitis were all significantly higher in the hard-to-raise children (P < 0.05). A significant positive correlation was identified between the total number of episodes of acute respiratory tract infection in children and their mothers' stress and anxiety levels (P < 0.01). Acute rhinitis and acute tracheitis in the children were both positively correlated with the mothers' stress scores (P < 0.05), while acute pharyngitis and acute laryngitis were positively correlated with the mothers' anxiety scores (P < 0.05), while acute bronchitis was positively correlated with the mothers' stress and anxiety scores (P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis with the factors influencing the types of acute respiratory tract infections in children as the independent variables suggested that the easy-to-raise type of temperament was a protective factor against acute rhinitis in children (P < 0.05), while mothers' anxiety was a risk factor of acute laryngitis in children (P < 0.05); the mothers' stress was a risk factor for acute bronchitis in children (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Acute respiratory tract infection in children is closely related to the temperament type of the children and the emotional state of the mothers, which are important therapeutic targets in comprehensive interventions of acute respiratory tract infection in children.
Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Bronchitis , Laryngitis , Mothers/psychology , Pharyngitis , Rhinitis , TemperamentABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Investigating predictive factors of reduced quality of life (QOL) of patients and their association with focal epilepsy can improve management and treatment strategies. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between affective temperaments, depression, anxiety, disease characteristics, and QOL and to explore the predictors of QOL in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and extratemporal lobe epilepsy (ETLE). Methods: A total of 50 patients with TLE, 51 patients with ETLE, and 70 controls were enrolled. Affective temperaments were evaluated using the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego-Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A). QOL was assessed by the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Beck Depression Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were used to explore depression and anxiety severity, respectively. Results: Compared with the controls, patients with TLE and ETLE had significantly higher scores on all TEMPS-A scales, except on hyperthymic temperament. All the SF-36 subscale scores were lower in the TLE and ETLE groups. Linear regression analysis revealed that depressive symptoms, anxiety, depressive and irritable temperament, and seizure frequency were significant predictors of QOL in TLE. Patients with ETLE with temperamental disturbances, depressive symptoms, and polytherapy had a poorer QOL. Conclusions: Affective temperaments, psychiatric disorders, and clinical factors may predict impaired QOL in patients with TLE and ETLE. Further studies are needed to identify predictors of QOL in various epilepsy subtypes.
RESUMEN Antecedentes: Explorar los factores asociados y predictivos que reducen la calidad de vida en la epilepsia focal produce un efecto beneficioso en las estrategias de gestión y tratamiento. Objetivo: Investigar la relación entre temperamentos afectivos, depresión, ansiedad, características de la enfermedad y calidad de vida (QOL) y explorar los predictores de QOL en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal (TLE) y epilepsia del lóbulo extratemporal (ETLE). Métodos: Se inscribieron un total de 50 pacientes con TLE, 51 pacientes con ETLE y 70 controles. Los temperamentos afectivos se evaluaron mediante el cuestionario de autoevaluación de Temperamento de Memphis, Pisa, París y San Diego (TEMPS-A). La calidad de vida se evaluó mediante la encuesta de salud de formato corto (SF-36). También se realizó a todos los participantes el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (BDI) y el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI). Resultados: Los pacientes con TLE y ETLE tuvieron puntuaciones significativamente más altas en todas las escalas TEMPS-A que los controles, excepto la hipertimia . En la comparación de las puntuaciones del SF-36 dentro de cada grupo, todas las subescalas fueron más bajas en los pacientes con TLE y ETLE. El análisis de regresión lineal reveló que la depresión y la ansiedad, el temperamento depresivo e irritable y la frecuencia de las convulsiones fueron predictores significativos de la calidad de vida en el TLE. Además, los pacientes con ETLE con desequilibrios de temperamento afectivo, depresión comórbida y politerapia tenían una peor calidad de vida. Conclusiones: Los temperamentos afectivos, los trastornos psiquiátricos y los factores clínicos pueden predecir el deterioro de la calidad de vida en pacientes con TLE y ETLE. Se necesitan más estudios para descubrir los predictores de la calidad de vida en varios subtipos de epilepsia.
Humans , Epilepsies, Partial , Personality Inventory , Quality of Life , Seizures , Temperament , Surveys and Questionnaires , EpilepsyABSTRACT
A presente pesquisa objetivou avaliar a existência de um perfil de personalidade e de temperamento que possa ser associado aos ocupantes de cargos de gestão. Para isso foi realizada a análise documentária de 240.233 protocolos do MBTI, do banco de dados da empresa representante da ferramenta no Brasil, emitidos no período de 2007 a 2015. Como a base de dados para este estudo foi documental, não houve necessidade de submetê-lo ao Comitê de Ética, mas apenas da autorização expressa da empresa. Para a análise do temperamento, utilizou-se a teoria de David Keirsey por permitir sua associação com o MBTI. Da totalidade de protocolos analisados, 12,55% ocupavam algum cargo de gestão quando avaliados. Os resultados apontaram que as tipologias de personalidade ESTJ (Extrovertido, Sensorial, Racional, Julgador) e ISTJ (Introvertido, Sensorial, Racional, Julgador) e o temperamento Guardião são as que mais se destacam para todos os tipos de cargos. Conclui-se que não há uma tipologia ou um de temperamento que diferencie pessoas que ocupam cargos de gestão das que não ocupam, porém, há tipologias e temperamentos mais frequentemente observados para os profissionais de diversos cargos.
The present research aims to evaluate the existence of profiles from personality and temperament which can be associated with the occupants of management positions. In order to understand this relation, a documentary analysis has been made using 240,233 MBTI protocols, which represents the database of the company that owns the tool in Brazil from the period of 2007 to 2015. The theory of David Keirsey was used for this purpose and according to the characteristics of this study and the rules of the Ethics Committee, only the express authorization of the company was needed. The results indicate the ESTJ (Extroverted, Sensory, Rational, Judging) and ISTJ (Introverted, Sensory, Rational, Judging) personality typologies and the Guardian temperament are the ones that stand out the most for all types of positions and also 12.55% of the people analyzed in protocols occupied some management position. The conclusion presented there are no typology or temperament profiles that differentiate people who occupy management positions from those who do not. However, there are typologies and temperaments more frequently observed for professionals in different positions.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de un perfil de personalidad y temperamento que puede asociarse a los ocupantes de los puestos de dirección. Para ello, se realizó un análisis documental de 240.233 protocolos MBTI de la base de datos de la empresa representante de la herramienta en Brasil, emitidos en el periodo de 2007 a 2015. Como la base de datos de este estudio era documental, no fue necesario presentarla al Comité de Ética, solamente de la autorización expresa de la empresa. Para el análisis del temperamento, se utilizó la teoría de David Keirsey porque permite su asociación con el MBTI. De todos los protocolos analizados, 12,55% ocupaba algún cargo directivo en el momento de la evaluación. Los resultados señalaron que las tipologías de personalidad ESTJ (Extrovertida, Sensorial, Racional, Juiciosa) e ISTJ (Introvertida, Sensorial, Racional, Juiciosa) y el temperamento Guardián son los más destacados para todos los tipos de trabajo. Se concluye que no existe una tipología o un temperamento que diferencie a las personas que ocupan cargos directivos de las que no lo hacen, sin embargo, hay tipologías y temperamentos que se observan con mayor frecuencia para profesionales de diversos cargos.
Humans , Male , Female , Personality , Personality Inventory , Temperament , Decision Making, Organizational , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Administrative Personnel/psychologyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the course of panic disorder and its demographic and clinical correlates during the postpartum period. Methods: Data were collected from 38 consecutive postpartum women diagnosed with panic disorder. Psychiatric assessments were carried out on the first day after delivery and at 6-8 weeks postpartum. During the first assessment, the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced (COPE), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A) were administered to the participants. PAS was also administered at the second assessment. Results: The mean PAS score reduced significantly from baseline to the second assessment. Logistic regression analysis indicated that a shorter duration of panic disorder independently predicted a ≥ 50-point decrease in the severity of panic symptoms during the postpartum period. Conclusion: These findings suggest that patients with a short duration of illness may experience significant alleviation in the severity of panic symptoms during the postpartum period.
Humans , Female , Panic Disorder/epidemiology , Temperament , Agoraphobia , Postpartum PeriodABSTRACT
ABSTRACT@#The first dental examination is a major step that is affected by many factors and determines the dental treatment process. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the association of child temperament with child dental anxiety, parental dental anxiety, dental behaviour and dental caries. The study consisted of 100 children aged 3 to 6 who were attending their first dental examination and their accompanying parents. The Facial Image Scale (FIS), Frankl’s Behaviour Scale (FBS), Corah’s Dental Anxiety Scale (CDAS) and the Short Temperament Scale for Children (STSC) were used for assessment. The DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) score of each child was recorded. Children who exhibited negative behaviour on the FBS had the highest rhythmicity scores (p = 0.008). The mean DMFT score of children in the rhythmicity temperamental dimension was relatively high (p = 0.008). The parents of children defined as negative on the FBS had high dental anxiety levels on CDAS (p < 0.001). Children whose parents had higher dental anxiety levels showed higher dental anxiety (p = 0.007). The success rate of dental treatment procedures may be increased by improving dentists’ knowledge of dental anxiety related to the child’s temperament and integrating parental support to reduce dental anxiety.
Dental Care for Children , Dental Anxiety , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Temperament , Dental CariesABSTRACT
As diferenças entre indivíduos superdotados e não superdotados vêm sendo alvo de muitos estudos e controvérsias. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar alunos que ingressaram precocemente na universidade (grupo I), alunos que ingressaram na universidade no tempo regular (grupo II) e alunos superdotados do ensino médio (grupo III) a respeito da inteligência, criatividade e personalidade, bem como investigar a relação entre essas variáveis. Participaram do estudo 30 alunos (15 de cada sexo), com média de idade de 17,3 anos. Foram utilizados instrumentos de inteligência (Matrizes Progressivas de Raven), criatividade (Teste Torrance de Pensamento Criativo) e personalidade (Inventário Fatorial de Personalidade e Rorschach), e os dados foram tratados com análises não paramétricas de Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman. Os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas em relação à inteligência (X² [2, N = 30] = 5,975; p = 0,05) e aos fatores de criatividade: fluência (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,302; p = 0,043) e flexibilidade (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,415; p = 0,040). Observou-se correlação positiva entre inteligência e o fator analogia (r s = 0,426; p = 0,019). Os alunos dos grupos I e III demonstraram vantagens nos fatores de inteligência e criatividade em relação aos do grupo II, e os do grupo I demonstraram ainda maior abertura a novas experiências e mudanças do que os alunos dos outros dois grupos. Os resultados apontam que inteligência e criatividade são construtos diferentes, mas relacionados, sugerindo que inteligência seria um subconjunto de criatividade.(AU)
Several studies have addressed the differences between gifted and non-gifted individuals, generating much controversy. This study aimed to investigate the association between intelligence, creativity, and personality, and compare these variables in three groups of students: group I, including early entrants to university; group II, including regular entrants; ang group III, high school students enrolled in a gifted program (group III). Thirty students (15 males and 15 females) with mean age of 17.3 years participated in the study. Intelligence was measured using the Raven's Progressive Matrices, creativity with the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking, and personality with the Factorial Personality Inventory and Rorschach. Data were analyzed using non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney, and Spearman's correlations tests. The results showed significant differences regarding intelligence (X² [2, N = 30] = 5,975; p = 0,05) and the creative factors fluency (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,302; p = 0,043) and flexibility (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,415; p = 0,040), besides indicating a positive correlation between intelligence and analogy (r s = 0,426; p = 0,019). When compared to group II students, those of groups I and III showed advantages in intelligence and creativity. Moreover, group I students also showed a greater openness to new experiences and changes when compared to those of the two other groups. The results indicate that intelligence and creativity are different but related constructs, suggesting that intelligence would be a subset of creativity.(AU)
Las diferencias entre individuos superdotados y no superdotados son objeto de diversos estudios y controversias. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar alumnos que ingresaron precozmente a la universidad (grupo I), alumnos que ingresaron a la universidad en el tiempo regular (grupo II), y alumnos superdotados de la secundaria (grupo III) en relación a inteligencia, creatividad y personalidad, así como investigar la relación entre esas variables. Participaron en el estudio 30 alumnos (15 de cada sexo) con edad media de 17,3 años. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron los de inteligencia (Matrices Progresivas de Raven), de creatividad (Test de Pensamiento Creativo de Torrance) y de personalidad (Cuestionario Factorial de Personalidad y Rorschach); para procesar los datos se utilizó pruebas no paramétricas de Kruskal-Wallis, de Mann-Whitney y la correlación de Spearman. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en relación a inteligencia (X² [2, N = 30] = 5,975; p = 0,05) y en los factores de creatividad: fluencia (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,302; p = 0,043) y flexibilidad (X² [2, N = 30] = 6,415; p = 0,040). Hubo una correlación positiva entre inteligencia y el factor analogía (r s = 0,426; p = 0,019). Los estudiantes de los grupos I y III demostraron ventajas en los factores de inteligencia y creatividad en relación al grupo II, y los del grupo I mostraron mayor apertura a nuevas experiencias y cambios en comparación a los otros dos grupos. Los resultados indican que la inteligencia y la creatividad son constructos distintos pero relacionados, sugiriendo que la inteligencia sería un subconjunto de la creatividad.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Personality , Creativity , Education , Intelligence , Students , Temperament , Universities , Child, GiftedABSTRACT
Resumen La valoración es una etapa crucial del procesamiento emocional que prepara para la acción. Durante este proceso se generan distintas respuestas a partir de la evaluación de aspectos emocionales de los estímulos. Estas variaciones pueden deberse a la influencia de características individuales. La literatura señala al temperamento como uno de los factores asociados a las diferencias en la valoración emocional y el afrontamiento. Este trabajo analiza la relación entre la valoración emocional de estímulos visuales y características temperamentales obtenidas por medio del Cuestionario de Conducta Infantil (CBQ). Para esto, 198 preescolares de cuatro y cinco años valoraron 15 imágenes (negativas, neutras y positivas) y se analizaron estas valoraciones en función de las características temperamentales. Se encontró mayor cantidad de valoraciones negativas a los cuatro años que a los cinco (p = .056, η² parcial = .031), y de valoraciones positivas en el grupo con puntaje alto de esfuerzo de control en comparación con el de puntaje bajo (p = .020, η² parcial = .029). Esto sugiere una asociación entre la valoración emocional, la edad y el esfuerzo de control. Este resultado podría deberse a que las niñas y los niños estuvieran desviando su atención de los aspectos negativos de los estímulos.
Abstract Emotional appraisal is a crucial stage of emotional processing that prepares for action (coping). During this process different responses are generated from the evaluation of emotional aspects of the stimuli. These variations may be due to the influence of individual characteristics. The literature points to temperament as one of the factors associated with differences in emotional appraisal and coping. This paper analyzes the relationship between the emotional appraisal of visual stimuli and temperamental characteristics, obtained through the Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ). For this purpose, 198 preschoolers aged 4 and 5 assigned of three possible emotional expressions to 15 images (negative, neutral and positive) and then compared the number of appraisals according to temperamental characteristics. Higher number of negative appraisals were found in the 4-year group compared to the 5-year group (p = .056, η² partial = .031), and of positive appraisals in the group with high effortful control score compared to the low score group (p = .020, η² partial = .029), suggesting an association between emotional assessment, age and effortful control. This result could be due to the fact that children were diverting they attention from the negative aspects of stimuli.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child, Preschool , Emotions/classification , Temperament , IndividualityABSTRACT
Abstract Background The Emotional and Affective Composite Temperament (AFECT) model describes originally six traits of volition, anger, inhibition (fear and caution subordinate factors), control, sensitivity, and coping. However, fear and caution have shown opposite relatioships with criteria-variables, indicating factor independence. Objective The current investigation aimed to advance in the evaluation of the psychometric properties of the emotional trait section of the Emotional and Affective Composite Temperament Scale (AFECTS) by examining the suitability of a 7-factor structure and the reliability of each scale using data from a population-based sample. Methods AFECTS was administered via face-to-face assessments in a single-session, population-based cross-sectional survey. Samples was composed of teenagers and adults (14 to 35 years). The latent structure and reliability were analyzed via structural equation modeling: confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the a priori correlated 7-factor model (with fear and caution designed as single-factors) and trait-scores reliability was assessed by the estimation of information curves. Results Findings attested the suitability of the 7-factor model presumed to underline the item set of the traits section of AFECTS and information curve interpretation showed adequate levels of reliability for all trait-scores. Discussion The 7-factor model showed robust indicators of construct validity for the AFECTS.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Psychometrics/methods , Temperament , Emotions , Models, Psychological , Volition , Adaptation, Psychological , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Affect , Precautionary Principle , Behavior Control , Empathy , Fear/psychology , AngerABSTRACT
Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) patients have higher rates of depression and anxiety disorders than healthy controls. Affective temperament features are subclinical manifestations of mood disorders. Our aim was to evaluate the affective temperaments of FM patients and investigate their association with depression and anxiety levels and clinical findings. Methods: This cross-sectional study included FM patients and healthy controls. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to determine patient anxiety and depression levels, and the Temperament Scale of Memphis, Pisa and San Diego, self-administered version was applied to assess affective temperaments in all subjects. Disease severity was assessed in FM patients with the Fibromyalgia Criteria and Severity Scales and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Differences between groups were evaluated using Student's t-tests. Correlations among parameters were performed. Results: This study involved 38 patients with FM (30 female) and 30 healthy controls (25 female). Depressive, anxious and cyclothymic temperaments were significantly higher in FM patients than healthy controls. Statistically significant positive correlations were found between HADS depression score and all temperaments except hyperthymic, as well as between HADS anxiety score and cyclothymic and anxious temperaments. HADS depression and anxiety scores were correlated with symptom severity. We found a higher risk of depression and anxiety among FM patients with higher FIQ scores. Conclusion: This study is the first to evaluate affective temperament features of FM patients. Evaluating temperamental traits in FM patients may help clinicians determine which patients are at risk for depression and anxiety disorders.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Temperament , Fibromyalgia/psychology , Mood Disorders/psychology , Depressive Disorder/psychology , Personality Inventory , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Severity of Illness Index , Case-Control Studies , Pilot Projects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , Affective Symptoms/psychology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Ubiquitin-specific peptidase 46 gene (USP46) polymorphisms is part of ubiquitin-proteasome system, which is responsible for dynamic cellular processes such as the regulation of cell cycle. USP46 has been reported to be associated with major depressive disorder. The objective of the present study was to investigate the association of USP46 polymorphisms with affective temperamental traits in healthy subjects. METHODS: A total of 557 Korean healthy volunteers were recruited, and 545 subjects (328 male, 217 female) were included in the final analysis. The DNA of the subjects was isolated from saliva samples. Two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs346005, rs2244291 in USP46 were genotyped. Affective temperaments were assessed using the Korean version of Temperament Evaluation of the Memphis, Pisa, Paris, and San Diego Autoquestionnaire (TEMPS-A). RESULTS: A significant association was found between rs346005 genotypes and TEMPS-A only in male subjects. In particular, subjects with the CC genotype of rs346005 showed a more depressive temperament than subjects with AA or CA genotypes in males. For rs2244291, there were no associations between the rs2244291 genotypes and TEMPS-A scores. CONCLUSION: Some affective temperaments may serve as a genetic predisposing factors for affective disorders, such as depressive disorder, via vulnerability genes related to the ubiquitin-proteasome system.
Humans , Male , Causality , Cell Cycle , Depressive Disorder , Depressive Disorder, Major , DNA , Genetic Association Studies , Genotype , Healthy Volunteers , Mood Disorders , Saliva , Temperament , VolunteersABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study investigated psychological factors in patients with adult ADHD tendency and the relationship of adult ADHD tendency with depression and anxiety.METHODS: Ninety patients with depression(38 with adult ADHD and 52 with non-adult ADHD) were recruited in this study. All patients were subjected to the following tests : Korean Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV(K-WAIS-IV), Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale(ASRS-v1.1), Lee Ji-Yeon's adult ADHD scale, Beck's Depression Inventory II(BDI-II), Beck's Anxiety Inventory(BAI), and Temperament Character Inventory-Revised Short version(TCI-RS).RESULTS: The adult ADHD group had higher scores for BDI-II and BAI, novelty-seeking, harm-avoidance, and self-transcendence than the non-adult ADHD group. Conversely, the adult ADHD group showed lower scores for self-directedness and cooperativeness than the non-adult ADHD group. Depression scores were positively correlated with ASRS(r=0.524, p=0.000), Lee Ji-Yeon's adult ADHD scale(r=0.598, p=0.000), anxiety scores(r=0.650, p=0.000), novelty-seeking(r=0.411, p=0.000), harm-avoidance(r=0.517, p=0.000), and self-transcendence(r=0.234, p=0.026). However, they were negatively correlated with persistence(r=−0.231, p=0.029), and self-directedness(r=−0.594, p=0.000). Higher Lee Ji-Yeon's adult ADHD scale scores and lower self-directedness scores among TCI, resulted in higher depression scores. In addition, anxiety scores increased in parallel with the the Lee Ji-Yeon's adult ADHD scale and harm-avoidance TCI scores.CONCLUSION: In this study, we found a difference in the severity of depression and anxiety between the adult and non-adult ADHD groups. In addition, it was confirmed that the difference in temperament and character between the two groups was related to adult ADHD tendency and severity of depression and anxiety.
Adult , Humans , Male , Anxiety , Depression , Intelligence , Psychology , TemperamentABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to investigate the correlations of the temperament and character, depression, anxiety, and maternal-fetal attachment and the mediating effects of the depression, anxiety on the relationship between temperament and character and maternal-fetal attachment.METHODS: A hundred and eleven high-risk pregnant women were recruited in this study. All subjects were administered a sociodemographic and obstetric questionnaire, Temperament and Character Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory-II, State Trait Anxiety Inventory-State, and Maternal-Fetal Attachment Scale.RESULTS: The results of this study were as follows. Higher scores on the reward dependence, persistence, cooperativeness, and self-transcendence scale were associated with higher scores on maternal-fetal attachment scale. Higher scores on the harm avoidance scale and lower scores on the self-directedness scale were associated with higher depression scores. Higher scores on the harm avoidance scale and lower scores on the persistence, self-directedness, and cooperativeness scale were associated with higher anxiety scores. Higher anxiety scores were associated with higher scores on maternal-fetal attachment scale. The anxiety was found to have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between persistence and the maternal-fetal attachment. It was also found to have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between cooperativeness and the maternal-fetal attachment.CONCLUSION: In this study, we found that the anxiety has partial mediating effect on the relationship between temperament and character and maternal-fetal attachment. Based on these findings, it is suggested that examining temperament and character and screening vulnerable pregnant women can help to prevent negative results for high-risk pregnant women.
Female , Humans , Anxiety , Depression , Mass Screening , Negotiating , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Pregnant Women , Reward , TemperamentABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the developmental characteristics of resilience in children aged 3-5, and to explore the relationship between temperament, parenting style and resilience.@*METHODS@#A total of 570 preschoolers aged 3-5 years in Hangzhou participated in this study. The children's teachers completed the assessment of the resilience scale of DECA-P2 (Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers Second Edition); the children's parents completed assessment of temperament questionnaire CBQ (Children's Behavior Questionnaire) and parenting style questionnaire PSDQ (Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire).@*RESULTS@#Totally 432 valid questionnaires were retrieved with a recovery rate of 75.79%. The levels of initiative and self-regulation of 5-y children were higher than those of children aged 3 or 4 (all <0.01); the level of attachment/relationship of 5-y children was higher than that of children aged 4 (<0.01); the levels of initiative and self-regulation of girls were higher than those of boys (<0.05 or <0.01). The negative affect dimension of temperament was negatively correlated with resilience (all <0.05), while the effortful control and authoritative parenting styles were positively correlated with resilience (all <0.05). The negative affect and effortful control were able to partially predict resilience of children through authoritative parenting style (mediating effect were-0.0143 and 0.0363).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Preschoolers aged 3-5 years with different age and gender show differences in resilience, and parenting styles may play a mediating effect between temperament and resilience.