A proposta deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos da laserterapia de baixa potência(LLLT) no comportamento nociceptivo e na atividade neuronal do núcleo trigeminal após lesão unilateral do disco da articulação temporomandibular (ATM) em ratos. Foram utilizados 40 ratos. Foi realizado acesso cirúrgico na ATM sob anestesia geral. Os animais foram divididos em 4 grupos (n=10): Grupo 1: Lesão cirúrgica do disco articular e LLLT; Grupo 2: Sham - operado e LLLT; Grupo 3: Lesão cirúrgica do disco articular; Grupo 4, Naive: controle sem lesão articular ou LLLT. Foram realizadas 10 sessoes de LLLT com laser de GaAs com comprimento de onda de 904 nm e densidade de energia 6J/cm2.O desenvolvimento de sintomas neuropáticos foi avaliado pelo teste de Von Frey. As amostras do gânglio trigêmeo foram preparadas para determinação da expressão proteica da substancia P (SP), do receptor de potencial transiente vaniloide do subptipo-1 (TRPV-1) e do peptídeo relacionado ao gene da calcitonina (CGRP). Análise estatística foi realizada (p<0,050). Houve reversão total do limiar nociceptivo, a partir da primeira sessão no grupo1, e a partir da segunda sessão no grupo 2, e se manteve até a décima sessão. Houve um aumento da expressão de SP, TRPV-1 e CGRP no gânglio trigeminal no grupo 3 e uma diminuição significativa após a LLLT no grupo 1. Foi concluído que o uso da laserterapia tem efetividade para diminuição do comportamento nociceptivo, e que seu uso nesse modelo de lesão experimental se mostrou viável para estudo experimental das disfunções temporomandibulares.
Temporomandibular Joint , Temporomandibular Joint Disc , Low-Level Light Therapy , NociceptionABSTRACT
Introducción. El deslizamiento en céntrica (DC) y su incidencia en la sintomatología mioarticular ha sido un tema ampliamente estudiado, sin embargo, aún no está clara la relación entre ambos fenómenos. Objetivo. Evaluar la relación entre el DC y la prevalencia de ruido y/o sintomatología mioarticular de las articulaciones temporomandibulares en una muestra de pacientes. Material y Método. Se analizó una muestra de 183 modelos de estudio con dentición permanente completa excluyendo terceros molares. Se midió el DC en sentido sagital, vertical y transversal. Se recopilaron los datos del examen funcional de cada paciente para registrar las variables ruido y sintomatología mioarticular. Resultados. La magnitud del DC en los sentidos sagital, vertical y transversal está relacionada significativamente (p<0,05) con la presencia de ruido articular. El DC como variable dicotómica está relacionado significativamente, en sentido vertical, con la presencia de sintomatología mioarticular de las articulaciones temporomandibulares. El DC como magnitud y como variable dicotómica, en los sentidos sagital y transversal, están relacionados significativamente con la presencia de ruido y sintomatología mioarticular. Conclusión. Los pacientes que presentan DC con valores superiores a los normales presentan algún tipo de ruido y/o sintomatología mioarticular.
Introduction. Centric slide (CS) and its incidence in myoarticular symptoms have been widely studied: However, the relationship between both phenomena is still unclear. Objective. To evaluate the relationship between CS and the prevalence of noise and/or myoarticular symptoms of the temporomandibular joints in a sample of patients. Material and method. A sample of 183 study models with complete permanent dentition, excluding third molars, was analyzed. CS was measured in the sagittal, vertical, and transverse directions. Data from the functional examination of each patient were collected to record the "noise" and "myoarticular symptoms" variables. Results. The magnitude of CS in the sagittal, vertical, and transverse directions is significantly (p<0.05) related to the presence of joint noise. CS as a dichotomous variable is significantly related, vertically, to the presence of myoarticular symptoms of the temporomandibular joints. As a magnitude and as a dichotomous variable in the sagittal and transverse directions, CS is significantly related to the presence of noise and myoarticular symptoms. Conclusion. Patients with CS values higher than normal present some type of noise and/or myoarticular symptoms.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Temporomandibular Joint/physiopathology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/complications , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/physiopathology , Logistic Models , Chile , Prevalence , Centric Relation , NoiseABSTRACT
Abstract: The patient presents with algia in the left mandible and in the ocular region, specifically at the base of the orbit. Initially, after clinical examination, the suspicion was migraine associated with bruxism with internal joint disorder. After imaging exams by tomography and magnetic resonance imaging with T1, T2, and DP contrast, i was observed that in the left temporomandibular joint, there is disc displacement without reduction, and in the right temporomandibular joint, the disc shows partial recovery. After one year of using an interocclusal device, the patient shows improvement in pain symptoms; however, the disc has only slightly improved in recovery, suggesting the possibility of future open surgery for disc repositioning through discopexy.
Temporomandibular JointABSTRACT
Introducción: Los dientes anteriores tienen una función predominante en el sistema estomatognático, esencial para la estética, la fonación y la masticación. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los adultos con guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria disfuncional según variables clínicas y epidemiológicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, desde octubre de 2021 hasta abril de 2022, en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente 3 de Octubre de Las Tunas. El universo estuvo conformado por 825 historias clínicas que contenían el diagnóstico de pacientes con bruxismo, oclusión traumática y trastornos temporomandibulares, quienes presentaban disfunción de la guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria. Mediante el muestreo no probabilístico intencional, fue seleccionada una muestra de 615 con fórmula dentaria íntegra o desdentamiento parcial de clase III de Kennedy y atención estomatológica concluida o inactivación de los procesos de caries e inflamatorios agudos. Resultados: Primaron el sexo femenino (54,8 %) y las edades de 40-49 años (33,5 %). El bruxismo prevaleció como diagnóstico clínico (41,9 %) con predominio del correspondiente al sueño (39,1 %), el secundario (51,2 %), el probable (59,7 %) y el moderado (69,4 %); entre sus clasificaciones más relevantes se destacó el sistema estomatognático disfuncional (84,4 %). Las manifestaciones clínicas dentarias predominantes fueron las facetas de desgaste (87,5 %). Conclusiones: La caracterización de los pacientes con guía anterior de la oclusión dentaria disfuncional permite establecer una panorámica actualizada de esta problemática de salud para un mejor seguimiento y tratamiento a dichos pacientes.
Introduction: Anterior teeth have a predominant function in the stomatognatic system, essential for the aesthetics, phonation and mastication. Objective: To characterize adults with anterior guide of dysfunctional dental occlusion according to clinical and epidemiological variables. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study, was carried out from October, 2021 to April, 2022, in the 3 de Octubre Teaching Stomatological Clinic from Las Tunas. The universe was formed by 825 medical records that contained the diagnosis of patients with bruxism, traumatic occlusion and temporomandibular disorders who presented anterior guide of the dysfunctional dental occlusion. By means of the intentional non probabilistic sampling, a sample of 615 with entire dental formula or class III partial toothlessness of Kennedy and concluded stomatologic care or inactivation of the cavity and acute inflammatory processes was selected. Results: There was a prevalence of the female sex (54.8%) and the 40-49 age group (33.5%). Bruxism prevailed as clinical diagnosis (41.9%) with prevalence of the corresponding to sleep (39.1%), secondary (51.2%), probable (59.7%) and moderate (69.4%); among the most outstanding classifications was the dysfunctional stomatognatic system (84.4%). The predominant dental clinical manifestations were the wear facets (87.5%). Conclusions: The characterization of patients with anterior guide of the dysfunctional dental occlusion allows to establish an up-to-date panoramic of this health problem, for a better follow-up and treatment to these patients.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Adult , Temporomandibular Joint , Therapeutics , Bruxism , Dental Care , GuidelineABSTRACT
O exame de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) revolucionou o diagnóstico das patologias da articulação temporomandibular (ATM), por ser um método rápido, fidedigno e de alta precisão. A alteração óssea pode ser uma condição degenerativa e crônica, definida como uma degradação estrutural das superfícies ósseas, que afeta principalmente o côndilo mandibular. Essa alteração é caracterizada pelo desenvolvimento de facetamento, erosão, osteófito, esclerose e pseudocisto. O objetivo desse estudo foi observar, em TCFC, as alterações degenerativas dos côndilos mandibulares em indivíduos com má oclusão de Classe II de Angle em diferentes padrões de crescimento vertical (braquifacial, mesofacial e dolicofacial), de ambos os sexos com idades entre 25 e 50 anos. A amostra é composta por TCFC de 297 indivíduos (594 côndilos mandibulares), selecionada no banco de imagem da EASY3D. Foram subdivididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 com 147 indivíduos que nunca realizaram tratamento ortodôntico e grupo 2 com 150 que realizaram tratamento ortodôntico com e/ou sem extrações dentárias de pré-molares. As alterações degenerativas dos côndilos mandibulares foram observadas nos cortes coronais, sagitais e axiais, na posição de máxima intercuspidação habitual. Concluímos que nesta amostra o facetamento foi a alteração degenerativa mais prevalente seguido de erosão, osteófito, esclerose e pseudocisto. Erosão e osteófito foram as alterações degenerativas, com significância estatística, com maior prevalência em indivíduos mesofaciais sem tratamento ortodôntico (AU)
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) examination has revolutionized the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathologies, as it is a fast, reliable and highly accurate method. Bone change can be a degenerative and chronic condition, defined as a structural degradation of bone surfaces, which mainly affects the mandibular condyle. This change is characterized by the development of faceting, erosion, osteophyte, sclerosis and pseudocyst. The objective of this study was to observe, in CBCT, the degenerative changes of the mandibular condyles in individuals with Angle Class II malocclusion in different vertical growth patterns (brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial), of both sexes aged between 25 and 50. years. The sample consists of CBCT scans from 297 individuals (594 mandibular condyles), selected from the EASY3D image bank. They were subdivided into two groups: group 1 with 147 individuals who had never undergone orthodontic treatment and group 2 with 150 who had undergone orthodontic treatment with and/or without premolar tooth extractions. Degenerative changes in the mandibular condyles were observed in coronal, sagittal and axial sections, in the position of maximum habitual intercuspation. We concluded that in this sample, faceting was the most prevalent degenerative change followed by erosion, osteophyte, sclerosis and pseudocyst. Erosion and osteophyte were the degenerative changes, with statistical significance, with greater prevalence in mesofacial individuals without orthodontic treatment.(AU)
Humans , Osteoarthritis , Temporomandibular Joint , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Mandibular CondyleABSTRACT
Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 54 años de edad que acudió a la consulta por dolor en la articulación temporomandibular izquierda. Luego del examen clínico, se solicitaron estudios por imágenes y, en las radiografías, se observaron calcificaciones nodulares en la región interna de la rama mandibular izquierda. Se decidió indicar otros estudios por imágenes. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
The case of a 54-year-old woman patient who came the clinic due to pain in the left temporomandibular joint is presented. Once the physical examination has been performed. Imaging examinations are performed where, as a radiographic finding, nodular cal-cifications are observed in the internal region of the left mandibular ramus. It is decided to perform other imaging studies. Level of Evidence: IV
Middle Aged , Pain , Temporomandibular JointABSTRACT
Los nódulos calcificados idiopáticos se originan por el acúmulo de material mineralizado en el interior de un trombo por estancamiento vascular. Son poco comunes en la región maxilofacial. Estas calcificaciones pueden pasar inadvertidas durante mucho tiempo, a menos que su crecimiento altere la imagen facial, son evidentes en hallazgos radiográficos que se traducen como cuerpos radiopacos redondeados. La conducta por seguir, en la mayoría de los casos, es el seguimiento por la ausencia de sintomatología. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Idiopathic calcified nodules that originate from the accumulation of mineralized material inside a thrombus due to vascular stagnation. They are rare in the maxilofacial región. These calcificactions can go unnoticed for a long time unless their growth alters the facial image; they are evident in radiographic findings that translate as rounded radiopaque bodies. The course of action to follow in most cases is monitoring for the absence of symptoms. Level of Evidence: IV
Middle Aged , Pain , Temporomandibular Joint , Vascular MalformationsABSTRACT
Introducción: la artritis reumatoide es parte del grupo de las enfermedades autoinmunes con incidencia considerable sobre la población. Se caracteriza por la afección de las articulaciones del cuerpo que la padece; en mayor frecuencia se encuentra afectada la articulación temporomandibular por el complejo articular que ésta presenta; entre los signos y síntomas que comúnmente podemos encontrar en pacientes con este tipo de enfermedad son los chasquidos o ruidos articulares, dolor orofacial, pérdida o imposibilidad del movimiento de la mandíbula y cambios anatómicos localizados en el área de la articulación temporomandibular. Objetivo: describir las consecuencias que desencadena la artritis reumatoide sobre la articulación temporomandibular y cómo es para el odontólogo el manejo de estos pacientes en consulta, evaluar los tratamientos para cada caso sobre un correcto diagnóstico. Material y métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos recientes sobre el tema, utilizando buscadores como SciELO, Elsevier y PubMed, siendo 30 las fuentes seleccionadas con idiomas en inglés y español. Resultados: esta enfermedad autoinmune se caracteriza por afectar múltiples articulaciones del cuerpo humano simétrica y bilateralmente incluyendo la articulación temporomandibular (ATM), lo cual conlleva al riesgo de desarrollar trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM). Es importante conocer los métodos para realizar un correcto diagnóstico oportuno de la ATM del paciente con artritis reumatoide (AR) con la finalidad de ofrecer un tratamiento conservador. Conclusión: los trastornos temporomandibulares desencadenantes de la artritis reumatoide son afecciones que se deben considerar para el buen manejo del paciente con este padecimiento, comprender y respaldar un diagnóstico clínico es de vital importancia para dar al paciente un tratamiento adecuado dependiendo el grado de complejidad en la que cada individuo se encuentra; conocer el manejo adecuado y encaminar al paciente a una mejor calidad de vida es clave en la consulta odontológica del día a día (AU)
Introduction: rheumatoid arthritis is part of the group of autoimmune diseases with considerable incidence in the population. It is characterized by the affection of the joints of the body that suffers from it; most frequently the temporomandibular joint is affected due to the articular complex that it presents; among the signs and symptoms that we can commonly find in patients with this type of disease are joint clicks or noises, orofacial pain, loss or impossibility of jaw movement and anatomical changes located in the temporomandibular joint area. Objective: to describe the consequences that rheumatoid arthritis triggers on the temporomandibular joint and how it is for the dentist to manage these patients in consultation, to evaluate the treatments for each case on a correct diagnosis. Material and methods: a bibliographic review of recent articles on the subject was carried out, using search engines such as SciELO, Elsevier and PubMed, with 30 sources selected in English and Spanish. Results: this autoimmune disease is characterized by affecting multiple joints of the human body symmetrical and bilaterally including the TMJ which leads to the risk of developing TMD. It is important to know the methods to make a correct diagnosis of the TMJ of the patient with RA in order to offer a conservative treatment. Conclusions: the temporomandibular disorders that trigger rheumatoid arthritis are conditions that should be considered for the proper management of the patient with this condition, understanding and supporting a clinical diagnosis is of vital importance to give the patient an adequate treatment depending on the degree of complexity in which each individual is; knowing the proper management and directing the patient to a better quality of life is key in the day-to-day dental practice (AU)
Humans , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Temporomandibular Joint/physiopathology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/etiology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/drug therapy , Databases, Bibliographic , Occlusal Splints , Conservative TreatmentABSTRACT
Objetivo: Apresentar as modalidades de tratamentos cirúrgicas mais usadas disponíveis no arsenal terapêutico das desordens temporomandibulares (DTMs). Revisão da literatura: As DTMs são muito frequentes e são responsáveis ââpor dor e desconforto em um número importante de pacientes. A avaliação e o diagnóstico são as chaves para determinar um plano de manejo adequado dessas doenças. Embora o tratamento conservador seja bem-sucedido na maioria dos pacientes, os tratamentos cirúrgicos podem ser a única opção para aqueles que não respondem ao tratamento conservador ou para casos com indicação cirúrgica inicial como, por exemplo, algumas neoplasias articulares. Dentre as alternativas cirúrgicas, podemos citar a artrocentese, artroscopia, reposicionamento do disco articular por cirurgia aberta, discectomia e tratamentos cirúrgicos para hipermobilidade e anquilose da articulação temporomandibular. Considerações finais: A seleção adequada dos casos é requisito obrigatório para uma intervenção cirúrgica bem-sucedida, a fim de alcançar o resultado desejado do tratamento, como alívio dos sintomas e melhora da função.
Aim: To present the most commonly used surgical treatment modalities available in the therapeutic arsenal for temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Literature review: TMD is very common and is responsible for pain and dysfunction in a significant number of patients. Assessment and diagnosis are key to determining a management plan for these diseases. Although conservative treatment is successful in most patients, surgical treatments may be the only option for those who do not respond to conservative treatment or for some cases with an initial surgical indication, such as some joint neoplasms. Surgical alternatives include arthrocentesis, arthroscopy, repositioning of the articular disc by open surgery, discectomy and surgical treatments for temporomandibular joint hypermobility and ankylosis. Conclusions: Proper case selection is the mandatory requirement for successful surgical intervention in order to achieve the desired treatment outcome, such as symptom relief and improved function.
Humans , Facial Pain/surgery , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/surgery , Arthroscopy/methods , Temporomandibular Joint/surgery , Diskectomy/methods , Arthrocentesis/methodsABSTRACT
La Articulación temporomandibular (ATM) cumple funciones importantes para la vida; su adecuado funcionamiento se puede alterar por trastornos temporomandibulares (TTM). La sintomatología de los TTM es variada, entre ellos se encuentra dolor en los músculos masticatorios, ruidos articulares y con menos frecuencia algunos pacientes refieren síntomas auditivos, lo que sugiere la existencia de una relación entre la ATM y el oído medio; sin embargo, esta relación no es clara. En consecuencia, el presente estudio tiene como propósito realizar una revisión de literatura para identificar los aspectos conocidos, desconocidos y controvertidos sobre la relación entre la ATM y el oído medio en niños y fetos. Se efectuó una búsqueda de la literatura en bases de datos utilizando los operadores booleanos (AND/OR) y los términos clave en inglés y en español. Se identificaron inicialmente 1080 artículos, se eliminaron los artículos duplicados y se aplicaron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Finalmente, se seleccionaron un total de 14 artículos que se revisaron a texto completo. Los estudios encontrados se enfocan en el desarrollo histoembriológico de la ATM y cómo ese desarrollo se da en conjunto con los componentes del oído medio. Adicionalmente, se identificaron investigaciones sobre el origen, la morfología y función del ligamento discomaleolar, el ligamento esfenomandibular y la fisura petrotimpánica como estructuras que conectan la ATM y el oído medio, pero los resultados han sido controvertidos. Se concluye que son necesarios más estudios para determinar cualquier relación anatómica y fisiológica que pueda existir entre la ATM y el sistema auditivo en fetos y niños.
SUMMARY: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has important functions for life; its proper functioning can be altered by temporomandibular disorders (TMD). The symptomatology of TMD is varied, including pain in the masticatory muscles, joint noises and less frequently some patients report auditory symptoms, suggesting the existence of a relationship between the TMJ and the middle ear; however, this relationship is not clear. Consequently, the present study aims to conduct a literature review to identify the known, unknown and controversial aspects of the relationship between TMJ and the middle ear in children and fetuses. A literature search was performed in databases using Boolean operators (AND/ OR) and key terms in English and Spanish. A total of 1080 articles were initially identified; duplicate articles were eliminated and inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Finally, a total of 14 articles were selected and reviewed in full text. The studies found focus on the histoembryological development of the TMJ and how that development occurs in conjunction with the middle ear components. Additionally, research on the origin, morphology, and function of the discomalleolar ligament, sphenomandibular ligament, and petrotympanic fissure as structures connecting the TMJ and middle ear was identified, but the results have been controversial. It is concluded that further studies are necessary to determine any anatomical and physiological relationship that may exist between the TMJ and the auditory system in fetuses and children.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Temporomandibular Joint/anatomy & histology , Ear, Middle/anatomy & histology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Fetus/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Comparar y validar sistemas diagnósticos de severidad de Osteoartrosis (OA) de las articulaciones temporomandibulares (ATM) en imágenes de tomografía computada (TAC). Método: Se efectuó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo, analítico y ciego. Se evaluaron 99 pacientes (198TAC-ATM), aplicando los criterios de siete diferentes sistemas diagnósticos. Un clínico calibrado (K=0,7) efectuó las evaluaciones. La validez de contenido se efectuó bajo los criterios Ahmad. La consistencia interna se determinó con Alpha de Cronbach. Se correlacionaron los datos con Rho de Spearman. Resultados: La severidad de la erosión condilar presenta alta correlación positiva entre las clasificaciones Alexiou/Arayasantiparb (rho=0,986) y baja entre Cömert/Alexiou (rho=0,421) y Cömert/Arayasantiparb (rho=0,422). La esclerosis condilar presentó fuerte correlación entre las clasificaciones de Cömert/Alexiou, Masilla/Alexiou y Cömert/Masilla (rho=857;rho=0,853;rho=0,998). Los datos presentaron alta consistencia interna (Alfa Cronbach=0,897) y baja validación de contenido (36,2%). Conclusiones: Las mediciones de los 7 sistemas presentan alta fiabilidad. La erosión ósea, esclerosis y osteofitos son medidos en cuatro niveles de severidad y con similar escala en tres sistemas de diagnóstico (Alexiou, Arayasantiparb y Cömert), sugiriendose complementar con determinación del espacio articular y movilidad condilar, como propone RDC/TMD para TTM. La validación de contenido fue baja, solo los sistemas diagnósticos de Cömert y Alexiou superaron el 50%.
Objective: To compare and validate diagnostic systems for the severity of Osteoarthrosis (OA) of the temporomandibular joints (TMJ) in computed tomography (CT) images. Method: An observational, retrospective, analytical, blinded, retrospective study was performed. Ninety-nine patients (198MSCT-ATM) were evaluated, applying the criteria of seven different diagnostic systems. A calibrated clinician (K=0.7) performed the evaluations. Content validity was performed under the Ahmad criteria. Internal consistency was determined with Cronbach's Alpha. Data were correlated with Spearman's Rho. Results: For condylar erosion severity, there was a high positive correlation between Alexiou/Arayasantiparb (rho=0.986) and a low one between Cömert/Alexiou (rho=0.421) and Cömert/Arayasantiparb (rho=0.422) classifications. For condylar sclerosis, we found a strong correlation between Cömert/Alexiou, Masilla/Alexiou and Cömert/Masilla classifications (rho=857; rho=0.853; rho=0.998). The data presented high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.897) and low content validation (36.2%). Conclusions: The measurements of the 7 systems have a high reliability. Bone erosion, sclerosis and osteophytes are measured at four levels of severity and with a similar scale in three diagnostic systems (Alexiou, Arayasantiparb and Cömert). We suggest to complement it with the determination of joint space and condylar mobility, as proposed by RDC/TMD. Content validity was low, only the Cömert and Alexiou diagnostic systems were higher than 50%.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Osteoarthritis/diagnostic imaging , Temporomandibular Joint/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Severity of Illness Index , Single-Blind Method , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The aim of this systematic review was to assess the histological effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJ-OA) in animal models. A systematic search was performed using PubMed, WoS, EMBASE, Science Direct and SCOPUS databases. The inclusion criteria were experimental studies in animal models that evaluated the use of PRP as a treatment for TMJ-OA with or without arthrocentesis/arthroscopy. Comparison was made to a healthy control group or to other treatment. The variables evaluated were the histological effects of the treatments, characteristics of the primary articles, characteristics of the sample studied and the risk of bias. The systematic search identified 120 studies. Eventually 5 studies were included in the analysis. Four of the studies showed a statistically significant repair in joint tissues and improvement of cartilage thickness in animals treated with PRP. The global risk of bias was unclear. The results of this systematic review suggest that PRP treatment in TMJ-OA has benefits at the histological level in cartilage, articular disc and articular bone tissue in animal models. However, due to the low number of studies and the risk of bias, further research is needed to recommend its use.
El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue evaluar los efectos histológicos del plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) en la osteoartritis de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM-OA) en modelos animales. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases de datos PubMed, WoS, EMBASE, Science Direct y SCOPUS. Los criterios de inclusión fueron estudios experimentales en modelos animales que evaluaran el uso de PRP como tratamiento para la ATM-OA con o sin artrocentesis/ artroscopia. La comparación se realizó con un grupo de control sano o con otro tratamiento. Las variables evaluadas fueron los efectos histológicos de los tratamientos, las características de los artículos primarios, las características de la muestra estudiada y el riesgo de sesgo. La búsqueda sistemática identificó 120 estudios. Finalmente se incluyeron 5 estudios en el análisis. Cuatro de los estudios mostraron una reparación estadísticamente significativa en los tejidos articulares y una mejora del grosor del cartílago en los animales tratados con PRP. El riesgo global de sesgo fue incierto. Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática sugieren que el tratamiento con PRP en la ATM-OA tiene beneficios a nivel histológico en el cartílago, el disco articular y el tejido óseo articular en modelos animales. Sin embargo, debido al escaso número de estudios y al riesgo de sesgo, se necesitan investigaciones adicionales para recomendar su uso.
Animals , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Temporomandibular Joint/anatomy & histology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Platelet-Rich Plasma/physiology , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
El objetivo de registrar los movimientos mandibulares es obtener parámetros relevantes que permitan evaluar el estado de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) y de los músculos involucrados en la masticación. El movimiento mandibular se debe a un conjunto complejo de rotaciones y traslaciones tridimensionales realizadas por la ATM, limitado por los ligamentos y las superficies articulares de estas, y por la morfología y la alineación de los dientes, cuando la mandíbula se desplaza sobre estos límites, se llaman movimientos bordeantes mandibulares. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una descripción actualizada de los movimientos mandibulares a través de articulografía electromagnética. Los movimientos mandibulares bordeantes se clasifican según el plano del espacio en que se muevan, de esta manera tenemos movimientos bordeantes en el plano sagital, en el plano horizontal y el plano frontal, y en cada plano dibujan un polígono distinto, llamados polígonos de Posselt. Estos polígonos pueden ser registrados mediante Articulografía electromagnética, gracias a esta tecnología también se pueden extraer algunos parámetros interesantes, como por ejemplo: la trayectoria total recorrida por la mandíbula al describir cada polígono, rangos de desplazamiento en cada plano, área total de cada polígono de Posselt. La apertura mandibular se mide como la distancia entre los márgenes incisales de los incisivos centrales superiores e inferiores en apertura máxima más la sobremordida. El análisis de esta es una parte importante del examen clínico en odontología, ya que una apertura limitada puede ser resultado de trastornos en la articulación temporomandibular, fibrosis oral submucosa, enfermedad reumática o trauma facial. Las mediciones tridimensionales que se obtienen gracias a la Articulografía electromagnética, son apropiados para determinar los rangos normales de apertura, su exactitud permite la realización de investigaciones en el área, abriendo un amplio campo en el análisis de los movimientos mandibulares.
SUMMARY: The objective of recording mandibular movements is to obtain relevant parameters that allow the evaluation of the state of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and of the muscles involved in mastication. Mandibular movement is due to a complex set of three-dimensional rotations and translations performed by the TMJ, limited by the ligaments and their articular surfaces, and by the morphology and alignment of the teeth, when the mandible moves over these limits, they are called mandibular border movements. The aim of this article is to provide an updated description of mandibular movements through electromagnetic articulography. Mandibular border movements are classified according to the plane of space in which they move, thus we have border movements in the sagittal plane, in the horizontal plane and the frontal plane, and in each plane they draw a different polygon, called Posselt polygons. These polygons can be recorded by electromagnetic articulography, thanks to this technology some interesting parameters can also be extracted, such as: the total trajectory covered by the mandible when describing each polygon, displacement ranges in each plane, total area of each polygon of Posselt. Mandibular opening is measured as the distance between the incisal edges of the upper and lower central incisors at maximum opening plus the overbite. The analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry as a preliminary evaluation, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, submucous oral fibrosis, rheumatic disease or facial trauma. The three-dimensional measurements that are obtained thanks to the electromagnetic Articulography, are appropriate to determine the normal ranges of opening, its accuracy allows the realization of investigations in the area, opening a wide field in the analysis of mandibular movements. Analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, oral submucous fibrosis, rheumatic disease, or facial trauma. Analysis of mandibular opening is an important part of the clinical examination in dentistry, since limited opening can be the result of temporomandibular joint disorders, oral submucous fibrosis, rheumatic disease, or facial trauma. The three-dimensional measurements that are obtained thanks to the electromagnetic Articulography, are appropriate to determine the normal ranges of opening, its accuracy allows the realization of investigations in the area, opening a wide field in the analysis of mandibular movements.
Humans , Temporomandibular Joint/physiology , Electromagnetic Phenomena , Mandible/physiologyABSTRACT
Disfunção Temporomandibular é um termo utilizado para indicar alterações e doenças das articulações temporomandibulares (ATM) e estruturas anexas responsáveis por sua função. Prevalente na população geral, seus sintomas causam desconforto e limitação da função mandibular, repercutindo diretamente na qualidade de vida de seus portadores. Dentre as alterações que compõem este grupo de doenças, destacam-se os desarranjos internos da ATM, para os quais o tratamento cirúrgico pode estar indicado. A Artroscopia da ATM, procedimento diagnóstico e terapêutico caracterizado pela introdução de óticas de pequeno calibre nos compartimentos articulares vem ganhando espaço e indicação como primeira opção terapêutica devido aos seus bons resultados e mínima invasividade. No entanto, sua dificuldade técnica, alto custo, necessidade de instrumentais específicos e sistema de videocirurgia ainda são fatores limitadores para a indicação desta pelos profissionais atuantes. Nosso objetivo foi validar, por meio de um estudo com simuladores realísticos validados e 10 examinadores qualificados de diferentes níveis de atuação, o uso de plataforma de adaptação de ótica para smartphone em artroscopia da ATM, afim de qualificar a resolução das imagens obtidas e grau de ergonomia durante seu uso por meio de classificação em três scores. Como resultados, obtivemos em geral, para qualidade da imagem 77,5% de nota máxima e 22,5% nota intermediaria e para ergonomia 62,5% de nota máxima e 37,5% de nota intermediaria. Concluímos que a plataforma é viável para a indicação de artroscopia de ATM em nível I e possível de ser utilizada em nível II.
Arthroscopy , Temporomandibular Joint , SmartphoneABSTRACT
Introdução: As desordens temporomandibulares (DTM) são um grupo de patologias com implicação direta no entendimento das comorbidades que podem envolver o sistema estomatognático. Tal grupo patológico apresenta característica multifatorial e, por isso, tem sido observada sua possível relação com acometimentos sistêmicos, como problemas articulares, psicológicos e, mais especificamente, os distúrbios respiratórios crônicos (DRC). Objetivo: Conduzir uma revisão sistemática da literatura, utilizando ferramentas com validação metodológica, a fim de fornecer dados relevantes acerca da relação entre as DTM e os DRC. Metodologia: Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados MedLine/PubMed, Colaboração Cochrane, Plataforma Capes, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scopus, Web of Science e SciElo, cobrindo o período de 2000 a 2021 e utilizando a combinação dos descritores "temporomandibular disorders and breathing and pain and mouth breathing". Resultados: Após a busca, que culminou em 698 documentos encontrados, apenas 12 foram selecionados a partir dos critérios de elegibilidade predefinidos. No tocante à relação entre a presença de DTM e o diagnóstico de apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS), foram encontrados 45 indivíduos com essa associação, reportados por dois estudos. É relatado, também, acometimento por infecções de vias áreas superiores associadas às DTM (7.012 indivíduos reportados), além de diagnóstico de respiração bucal em pacientes que apresentavam o diagnóstico de DTM (30 indivíduos reportados). Conclusão: A associação entre desordens do sono relacionadas à respiração, respiração bucal, AOS e dor relacionada à ATM foi fundamentada por alguns autores, destacando a influência desses parâmetros na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. Observou-se, ainda, que esses acometimentos podem influenciar a postura do indivíduo, a qual está diretamente relacionada com a sintomatologia das DTM, principalmente pela ocorrência de anteriorização da cabeça.
Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a group of pathologies that directly affect the understanding of comorbidities that may appear in the stomatognathic system. This group of pathologies has a multifactorial characteristic and, therefore, it has been observed a possible relation with systemic disorders, such as joint and psychological problems and, more specifically, chronic respiratory disorders (CRD). Objective: To conduct a systematic review based on reliable scientific web tools, in order to provide relevant data on the relation between TMD and CRD. Methods: MedLine/PubMed, Collaboration Cochrane, Plataforma Capes, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scopus, Web of Science and SciElo were searched in order to retrieve scientific articles, covering the period from 2000 to 2021. It was used the following combination of the descriptors: "temporomandibular disorders and breathing and pain and mouth breathing". Results: After the search, which resulted in 698 documents found, 12 were selected based on the pre-defined eligibility criteria. Regarding the relationship between TMD and the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), there were found 45 individuals with this association, reported by two studies. It was also reported the involvement of upper airway infections in TMD (7,012 individuals reported). Furthermore, the search found patients diagnosed with TMD which were also diagnosed with mouth breathing (30 individuals reported). Conclusion: Some of the authors supported the combination between sleep disorders related to breathing, sleep quality and TMJ related pain, highlighting the influence of these parameters on quality of life. It was also observed that, even though the breathing pattern and its influences are a subject that is rarely mentioned in relation to TMD, this involvement can influence the individual's posture, which is directly related to the TMD symptomatology, mainly due to the occurrence of forward head posture.
Respiratory System , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Temporomandibular Joint , Infections , Joints , Mouth BreathingABSTRACT
Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography in diagnosis of tempromandibular joint soft tissue injury after mandibular osteosynthesis. Material and Methods: ten male patients (20 joint) with age ranged between 20-28 years were collected from those attending the outpatient clinic of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Al-Kuwait Hospital, Sana'a University. Patients were divided into two groups according to the number of fracture line in the mandible. All patients were randomly assigned to diagnosis of the soft tissue changes of temporomandibular joint by either ultrasonography or magnetic resonance image preoperatively, after 2 weeks and 3 months postoperatively. Results: preoperatively, there was moderate agreement between ultrasonography and magnetic resonance image in the diagnosis of abnormal findings in both groups, the difference was not statistically significant. In group I, ultrasonography of the temporomandibular joint didn't detect any abnormal findings after mandibular osteosynthesis, meanwhile, magnetic resonance image recorded abnormal findings 40% and 20% after 2 weeks and 3 months respectively. In group II, the diagnosis of abnormal findings was the same (80%) pre and postoperatively by using magnetic resonance image however, the percent ofabnormal findings was reduced from 60% preoperatively to 40% postoperatively by using ultrasonography. Conclusion: the ultrasonographic image was not able to identify or diagnosis the disc position changes after indirect trauma. However, it had to some extent a role in the identification and diagnosis of effusion in temporomandibular joint. (AU)
Objetivo: o objetivo deste estudo consistiu em avaliar a eficácia da ultrassonografia no diagnóstico de lesões nos tecidos moles da articulação temporomandibular após a osteossíntese mandibular. Material e Métodos: dez pacientes do sexo masculino (no total de 20 indivíduos) de idades entre 20 e 28 anos foram selecionados do serviço ambulatorial do Departamento de Cirurgia Oral e Maxilo-facial, Hospital Al-Kuwait, Universidade de Sana'a. Os indivíduos incluídos foram distribuídos em dois grupos, de acordo com o número de linhas de fratura presentes na mandíbula. Todos os pacientes foram aleatoriamente alocados e divididos, com base no diagnóstico das alterações dos tecidos moles da articulação temporomandibular por ultrassonografia ou ressonância magnética no pré-operatório e em intervalos de 2 semanas e 3 meses no pós-operatório. Resultados: no pré-operatório, houve uma concordância moderada entre a ultrassonografia e a ressonância magnética no diagnóstico de achados anormais em ambos os grupos; a diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa. No grupo I, a ultrassonografia da articulação temporomandibular não revelou quaisquer achados anormais após a osteossíntese mandibular, enquanto a ressonância magnética registou achados anormais em 40% e 20% dos casos após 2 semanas e 3 meses, respectivamente. No grupo II, o diagnóstico das anormalidades por ressonância magnética foi o mesmo (80%) no pré e pós-operatório; contudo, a percentagem de casos anormais por ultrassonografia foi reduzida de 60% no pré-operatório para 40% no pós-operatório. Conclusão: a imagem ultrassonográfica não foi capaz de detectar alterações de posição do disco após trauma indireto. Entretanto, em certa medida, contribuiu para a identificação e diagnóstico de efusão na articulação temporomandibular (AU)
Humans , Temporomandibular Joint , Wounds and Injuries , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Ultrasonography , Mandibular FracturesABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the correlation between the attachment type of lateral pterygoid muscle (LPM) and the position of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) by using wireless amplified magnetic resonance imaging detector (WAND) coupled with conventional head and neck joint coil for high resolution imaging of TMJ. Methods: Eighty-five patients with TMD diagnosed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons of Guizhou Provincial People's Hospital from October 2019 to January 2022 were collected. A total of 160 TMJ were included. There were 16 males and 69 females, aged (32.7±14.2) years. All patients were scanned with open, closed oblique sagittal and coronal WAND coupled head and neck coils with bilateral TMJ. Based on TMJ and LPM high resolution imaging, to explore the correlation between LPM attachment types and the position of TMJ disc in TMD patients, and to evaluate the potential clinical value of LPM attachment types in TMD patients. χ2 test and Pearson correlation analysis were used to evaluate the correlation between LPM attachment type and TMJ disc location. Results: There were three types of LPM attachment: type Ⅰ in 51 cases [31.9% (51/160)], type Ⅱ in 77 cases [48.1% (77/160)] and type Ⅲ in 32 cases [20.0% (32/160)]. There was a significant correlation between the type of LPM attachment and the position of articular disc (χ2=28.20, P=0.002, r=0.776). There was no statistical significance between the type of LPM attachment and the reversible displacement of articular disc (χ2=0.24, P=0.887, r=0.825). Conclusions: There is a correlation between the attachment type of LPM and the position of the disc in TMD patients. WNAD coupled with conventional head and neck joint coil TMJ high resolution scan can provide reliable imaging evidence for TMD patients in evaluating the type of LPM attachment and the location of disc.
Male , Female , Humans , Temporomandibular Joint Disc/pathology , Pterygoid Muscles/pathology , Joint Dislocations , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Temporomandibular Joint/pathologyABSTRACT
Dentofacial deformities secondary to condylar hyperplasiais a kind of disease presenting facial asymmetry, malocclusion, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and other symptoms caused by non-neoplastic hyperplasia of the condyle. The etiology is still unknown, and currently, pre- and post-operative orthodontics accompanied by orthognathic surgery, temporomandibular joint surgery and jawbone contouring surgery are the main treatment methods. A personalized treatment plan was developed, considering the active degree of condyle hyperplasia, the severity of the jaw deformity, and the patient's will, to correct deformity, obtain ideal occlusal relationship, and regain good temporomandibular joint function. Combined with the author's clinical experience, the etiology, clinical and imageological features, treatment aims, and surgical methods of condylar hyperplasia and secondary dentofacial deformities were discussed in this paper.
Humans , Dentofacial Deformities/pathology , Hyperplasia/pathology , Mandibular Condyle/surgery , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures , Temporomandibular Joint/surgeryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to use modified articular disc anchorage in treating old irreducible temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc displacement with perforation and rupture, as well as to explore its efficacy.@*METHODS@#A total of 31 patients (34 sides) with 47 TMJ disc perforations who underwent surgical treatment in the Affiliated Stomatolo-gical Hospital of Nanchang University from January 2018 to December 2021 were selected. According to the location of disc perforation, it has five types: posterior disc perforation (typeⅠ), anterior disc perforation (typeⅡ), lateral disc perforation (type Ⅲ), composite disc perforation, and destruction disc perforation. The modified methods of disc anchoring were divided into two types according to the location of the perforation. TypesⅠandⅢ disc perforation were trea-ted by posterior anchoring method. For posterior ancho-ring, a screw was implanted into the posterolateral side of the condylar neck, and the disc was fixed on the screw by horizontal mattress suture. TypeⅡdisc perforation and compo-site disc perforation combined typeⅡperforation were treated by anterior and posterior double-anchoring method. For anterior anchoring, anchor screws or holes were placed at the anterior edge of the condylar neck, and horizontal mattress suture was performed at the posterior edge of the anterior perforation with an anchor wire. The articular disc was then fixed on the anchor screws or holes. For the posterior anchoring method, it was the same as the previous one. Paired t test was used to analyze the visual analog scale (VAS), maximum interincisal opening (MIO), and TMJ disorder index (CMI) of the patient before surgery and 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery. Disk-condyle position relationship by magnetic resonance imaging and postoperative quality of life in postoperative were analyzed.@*RESULTS@#The incidence of perforation was 41.2% (14/34) in typeⅠ, 11.8% (4/34) in typeⅡ, 8.8% (3/34) in typeⅢ, 29.4% (10/34) in composite type, and 8.8% (3/34) in destruction type. The VAS, MIO, and CMI at 3, 6 months after operation significantly improved compared with those before operation (P<0.05). The effective reduction rate of disc was 96.77% (30/31). The quality of life at 6 months after surgery was 47.22±2.13, and the rate of excellent evaluation was 96.4% (27/28).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Modified articular disc anchorage achieves a good curative effect for treating temporomandibular joint disc perforation and rupture. Nevertheless, its long-term effect requires further observation.
Humans , Temporomandibular Joint Disc/surgery , Quality of Life , Joint Dislocations/surgery , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Temporomandibular Joint/pathology , Mandibular CondyleABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To evaluate the effects of a Twin-block appliance on the condyles of patients with ClassⅡmalocclusion by conducting a systematic review and a Meta-analysis.@*METHODS@#Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Chinese BioMedical Literature Database, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and VIP Database were electronically searched. Randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical trials, and single-arm trials on condylar changes produced by a Twin-block appliance in patients with ClassⅡmalocclusion were included. Two reviewers independently extracted and assessed the risk of bias. Meta-analyses were conducted with Review Manager 5.3.@*RESULTS@#Eight studies were included; among which, seven were of high quality. After treatment with a twin block appliance, condyles moved anteriorly. The anterior joint spaces decreased (P<0.000 01), whereas the posterior spaces increased (P<0.000 01). The superior spaces were not changed (P=0.11). Moreover, a significant difference was observed in the increase of the condylar space index (P<0.000 01). After treatment, the anteroposterior diameters of the condyles and condylar height increased (P=0.000 2 and P<0.000 01, respectively). By contrast, no significant changes were discovered in the medial external diameters of the condyles (P=0.42).@*CONCLUSIONS@#A Twin-block appliance can promote the growth of a condyle in the posterior and upper direction and move it forward in favor of the correction of Class Ⅱ malocclusion.