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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012293


Objective: To compare the survival outcomes between surveillance and adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with stage Ⅰ ovarian immature teratoma (IMT) underwent fertility-sparing surgery. Methods: Clinical and pathological records of patients with stage Ⅰ ovarian IMT between Jan. 2011 to Feb. 2023 were collected from Peking Union Medical College Hospital, except stage Ⅰa grade 1. The consultation of risks and benefits regarding adjuvant chemotherapy was conducted by gynecologic oncologists. A shared decision about surveillance or chemotherapy was made by physician and patients or their guardians. Patients who finally decided to undergo surveillance were included in the surveillance group (n=40), the others were included in the adjuvant chemotherapy group (n=63). Clinical characteristics, treatment and survival outcomes were analyzed and compared between two groups. Results: A total of 103 patients were included. The median age of initial diagnosis was 20 years old (range: 3-39 years old), and the median follow-up time was 31 months (range: 1-254 months). The age, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage, pathological grade, surgical method, and preoperative and postoperative alpha-fetoprotein levels in the surveillance group and the adjuvant chemotherapy group were similar (all P>0.05). The surgical approach and maximum tumor diameter between two groups were significantly different (all P<0.05). Forty patients of the surveillance group were identified, only one patient with stage Ⅰa grade 2 IMT who underwent cystectomy had malignant recurrence on the same ovary. Another 63 patients received adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery, five patients had malignant recurrence, and two of them died of disease progression after relapsed. There were no significant differences in disease-free survival (DFS;20 vs 36 months) and overall survival (OS; 23 vs 39 months) between the surveillance group and the adjuvant chemotherapy group (follow-up time censored at 72 months; DFS: P=0.325, OS: P=0.278). Conclusions: There are no differences in survival outcomes between patients with stage Ⅰ ovarian IMT underwent adjuvant chemotherapy or not. Active surveillance might be safe and preferable in stage Ⅰ IMT patients underwent complete resection of tumor.

Pregnancy , Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Prognosis , Watchful Waiting , Neoplasm Staging , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Teratoma/surgery , Retrospective Studies
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 86(2): 210-216, abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388638


RESUMEN Los teratomas maduros son los tumores ováricos más frecuentes en edad pediátrica. A la fecha, se han descrito escasos reportes sobre su aparición en gemelas. Se presenta el caso de teratomas ováricos bilaterales en gemelas bicoriales, tratadas con tumorectomía laparoscópica. A los 45 días post-operatorios, ambas presentan recurrencia bilateral con marcadores tumorales negativos. Se realiza una nueva tumorectomía laparoscópica, cuyo estudio histopatológico confirma teratomas maduros. Presentan segunda recurrencia evidenciada en control imagenológico a los 2 meses post-quirúrgicos. Se plantea la posible asociación genética y/o familiar en la aparición de teratomas ováricos, la cual, hasta el momento, es prácticamente desconocida.

ABSTRACT Mature cystic teratomas are the most frequent ovarian tumor in children. There are few reports describing mature teratoma in twins to date. We present a case of bicorial twins with bilateral ovaric mature cystic teratoma treated with laparoscopic tumorectomy. 45 days after surgery, both present bilateral recurrence with negative tumor markers. The patients underwent a new laparoscopic tumor resection, where histopathological diagnosis confirms mature teratomas. Ultrasound control describes second recurrence 2 months after surgery. There is a possible genetic and/or family association in the presentation of ovarian teratomas, which currently, is unknown.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Diseases in Twins/diagnostic imaging , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Diseases in Twins/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 41(10): 628-632, Oct. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042314


Abstract Although mature cystic teratoma (MCT) is benign, malignant transformation (MT) occurs in ~ 1% to 2% of all cases, and usually consists of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), which accounts for ~ 80% of the cases. Spindle-cell (sarcomatoid) carcinoma (SCSC) is an uncommon type of SCC, comprising up to 3% of all cases. The lack of characteristic symptoms and specific imaging findings may lead to preoperative misdiagnosis. Moreover, the clinicopathologic characteristics, the treatment, the prognostic factors and the mechanism of MT have not yet been well understood due to the rarity of such tumors, especially in women of reproductive age. The authors present a case of a 34- year-old patient with 14 weeks of gestation who was diagnosed with an adnexal mass suggestive of ovarian teratoma. A laparoscopy salpingo-oophorectomy was performed after 6 months of delivery, and the histological exam revealed a sarcomatoid SCC in the MCT.

Resumo Embora o teratoma cístico maduro (MCT) seja benigno, a transformação maligna (MT) ocorre em cerca de 1% a 2% dos casos, e geralmente apresenta-se sob a forma de carcinoma espinocelular (CEC), responsável por cerca de 80% dos casos. O carcinoma (sarcomatoide) de células fusiformes (CSCF) é um tipo incomum de CEC, compreendendo até 3% de todos os casos. A falta de sintomas característicos e achados imagiológicos específicos pode levar a erros diagnósticos pré-operatórios. Além disso, as características clinico-patológicas, o tratamento, os fatores prognósticos e o mecanismo da MT ainda não são bem compreendidos devido à raridade de tais tumores, principalmente em mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Os autores apresentam um caso de uma paciente de 34 anos com 14 semanas de gestação que foi diagnosticada comumamassa anexial sugestiva de teratoma do ovário. A anexectomia laparoscópica foi realizada após 6 meses do parto, e o exame histológico revelou um CEC sarcomatoide tendo como origem um MCT.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Ovary/surgery , Ovary/pathology , Ovary/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/pathology , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnostic imaging , Fertility Preservation , Time-to-Treatment
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010473


OBJECTIVE@#To determine the clinical, imaging, and histological features, and surgical resection modalities and outcomes of adult sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT).@*METHODS@#Adult patients with histopathologically diagnosed SCT were enrolled in our hospital between August 2010 and August 2018. Each patient's characteristics and clinical information were reviewed.@*RESULTS@#There were 8 patients in the study (2 males, 6 females) with a median age of 34 years (range, 18-67 years). The time to clinical symptoms was 14 d to 35 years, with a median time of 4 years. Six patients presented with symptoms of sacrococcygeal pain, and four with signs of sacrococcygeal mass and ulceration in the sacrococcygeal region. Six patients were evaluated using a combination of computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All patients showed a presacral tumor with heterogeneous intensity on CT images. All patients underwent surgical treatment, including 6 parasacral, 1 transabdominal, and 1 combined anterior-posterior surgery cases. Seven patients were histopathologically diagnosed with benign mature SCT, and have shown no recurrence. One patient had malignant SCT, with recurrence at 84 months after surgery. After a second surgery, the patient had no recurrence within 6 months follow-up after re-resection.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Our retrospective study demonstrated: (1) adult SCT is difficult to diagnose because of a lack of typical clinical symptoms and signs; (2) a combination of CT and MRI examination is beneficial for preoperative diagnosis; (3) the choice of surgical approach and surgical resection modality depends on the size, location, and components of the tumor, which can be defined from preoperative CT and MRI evaluation; (4) most adult SCTs are benign; the surgical outcome for the malignant SCT patient was good after complete resection. Even for the patient with recurrent malignant SCT, the surgical outcome was good after re-resection.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Margins of Excision , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Pain Measurement , Retrospective Studies , Sacrococcygeal Region/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 37(1): 67-70, 13/04/2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-911381


Atypical rhabdoid teratoid tumors (ARTTs) are rare embryonic tumors, usually localized in the posterior fossa and diagnosed in children under 3 years-old. The treatment includes surgical resection, radio and chemotherapy, and the prognostic is unfavorable, with an average median survival of 1 year. We present the case of a 3-year-old patient, with history of headache and vomiting, followed by absence seizures, temporal automatism, syncope accompanied by sialorrhea and sphincteric loss succeeded by a postictal period. Surgical excision was performed and the anatomopathological study confirmed ARTT. The ARTTs are embryonic tumors, a category in which medulloblastoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) represent the most common central nervous system (CNS) malignancies in childhood.

Tumores teratóides rabdóides atípicos (TTRA) são tumores embrionários raros, geralmente localizados na fossa posterior e diagnosticados em crianças com menos de 3 anos de idade. O tratamento inclui ressecção cirúrgica, radio e quimioterapia. Contudo, o prognóstico é desfavorável, com uma sobrevida média de 1 ano. Apresentamos o caso de um paciente de 3 anos de idade, com quadro de cefaléia e vômitos, companhados por automatismo temporal e perda de consciência, seguidos por período pós-ictal. A ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM) do encéfalo evidenciou lesão frontal compatível com tumor intra-axial, efeito de massa local e invasão do corpo caloso. Foi realizada excisão cirúrgica, e o estudo anatômico-patológico confirmou TTRA. Os TTRA são tumores embrionários, categoria na qual o meduloblastoma e os tumores neuroectodermais primitivos representam as malignidades mais comuns no sistema nervoso central de crianças.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Teratoma , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/radiotherapy
Rev. guatemalteca cir ; 23(1): [83-90], ene-dic,2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-884894


El teratoma sacrococcígeo es el teratoma más común en los recién nacidos, con predominio en el sexo femenino. Se presenta el manejo de un neonato de 5 días de vida(AU)

Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common teratoma in newborn, predominantly in female sex. A case of a 5 day old newborn is presented(AU)

Humans , Sacrococcygeal Region/abnormalities , Teratoma/surgery
Rev. ADM ; 74(5): 245-251, sept.-oct. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-973044


Los dientes derivan de tres estructuras embriológicas importantes: las células de la cresta neural, el mesodermo y el ectodermo bucal. Asimismo, los teratomas son lesiones tumorales que se desarrollan a partir de las células germinales de las tres capas germinativas embrionarias y que pueden dar lugar a la formación de estructuras dentales, adiposas, pilosas, óseas, cartilaginosas en localizaciones anatómicas aberrantes pudiendo aparecer en los pulmones, los ovarios, los testículos, la región hipofisiaria y pineal. Se trata de lesiones generalmente asintomáticas y subclínicas que tienden a aparecer en las primeras tres décadas de la vida y son comúnmente diagnosticadas de forma accidental mediante estudios imagenológicos como la tomografía axial computarizada o la resonancia magnética. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 28 años a quien se le realizó la extirpación de una masa tumoral en el ovario con el diagnóstico presuntivo de teratoma, y al realizar su apertura se encontraron órganos dentarios en su interior. El objetivo principal de este artículo es explicar el proceso embrionario que da lugar a losdientes y las circunstancias patológicas que pueden ocasionar que esteproceso odontogénico se suscite en sitios anatómicos aberrantes yatípicos ajenos a la cavidad bucal.

Teeth are derived from three important embryological structures: the neural crest cells, oral mesoderm and ectoderm. Also, teratomas aretumoral lesions that are developed from the germ cells of the threeembryonic germinative layers and that can give rise to the formation of dental, adipose, hairy, bony, cartilaginous structures in aberrant anatomical locations that can appear in lungs, ovaries, testicles, pituitary and pineal region. These are usually asymptomatic and subclinical lesions that tend to appear in the first three decades of lifeand are commonly diagnosed accidentally by imaging studies such ascomputed tomograph or magnetic resonance imaging. We describe thecase of a 28-year-old patient who was removed from a tumor mass in theovary with a presumptive diagnosis of teratoma and when they openedit, dental organs were found inside. The main objective of this articleis to explain the embryonic process that gives rise to the teeth and thepathological circumstances that can cause this odontogenic process toarise in anatomical aberrant and atypical sites outside the oral cavity.

Female , Humans , Adult , Teratoma/embryology , Teratoma/pathology , Teratoma/surgery , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic , Odontogenesis/genetics , Odontogenesis/physiology , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Histological Techniques
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 35(4): 344-348, 30/11/2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-911051


Teratomas are the most common type of Germ Cell Tumors (GCTs). GCTs are classified as extragonadal, if there is no evidence of a primary tumor in neither the testicles, nor in the ovaries. Intracranial Mature Teratomas are tumors with a very low incidence, and clear male predominance. We present the case of a 21 year-old female patient, with a history of two seizures 15 days prior to admission, without any abnormalities upon physical examination. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) performed at the admission evidenced an expansive, heterogeneous lesion in the frontal lobe, hypointense on T1-weighted images, hyperintense on T2-weighted images, and restriction on the diffusion imaging and ADC-mapping. The patient underwent microsurgical resection, and it was possible to achieve a near-total resection. During surgery, a welldefined capsule was identified, which was removed after adequate debulking. Tissues resembling hair were taken from inside the lesion. The patient recovered well, without any neurological deficits, and no further intervention was necessary. The authors aim to describe this rare pathology and their option for a surgical approach.

Os teratomas são o tipo mais comum de Tumores de Células Germinativas (TCG). TGC são classificados como extragonadais, quando não há evidências de um tumor primário em nos testículos, ou nos ovários. Os Teratomas Maduros Intracranianas são tumores com uma incidência muito baixa, e com uma predileção pelo sexo masculino. Nós apresentamos o caso de uma paciente, feminina, 21 anos de idade, com história de dois episódios de convulsões tônico-clônicas generalizadas, 15 dias antes da admissão, sem nenhum déficit focal ao exame físico. A Ressonância Magnética realizada na chegada mostrou uma lesão sólida, expansiva, grande e heterogênea, hipointensa em T1, e hiperintensa em T2, com restrição a difusão e ADC-mapping. Foi realizado uma cirurgia, e foi possível obter uma ressecção quase total. Havia uma cápsula bem definida, a qual foi removida após adequada redução do volume tumoral. Dentro da lesão foi encontrado tecido semelhante a cabelo. A paciente se recuperou bem, e foi dado alta sem novos déficits neurológicos, não foi realizado mais nenhuma intervenção, e ela está sendo acompanhada regularmente. Os autores visam descrever essa patologia rara e sua opção por uma abordagem cirúrgica.

Humans , Female , Adult , Teratoma , Brain Neoplasms , Teratoma/surgery
Rev. pediatr. electrón ; 12(3): 24-32, oct. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776773


El teratoma sacrococcígeo representa la lesión tumoral más frecuente durante la gestación. Si bien su frecuencia es baja, en asociación con hidrops puede determinar la aparición de insuficiencia cardiaca fetal y posterior muerte fetal in útero. La evaluación prenatal mediante ultrasonografía, debe orientarse hacia la selección de aquellos fetos candidatos a intervención prenatal para mejorar el resultado perinatal de fetos con compromiso hemodinámico que se encuentran bajo la viabilidad. El objetivo de la presente actualización es exponer las herramientas actualmente en uso para realizar dicha evaluación y los resultados de la cirugía prenatal. La puntuación del perfil cardiovascular fetal mediante la ecografía, se propone como una herramienta sensible y útil en la selección de fetos candidatos a intervención prenatal. Tanto la cirugía abierta como el abordaje mínimamente invasivo se exponen como alternativas en el manejo prenatal de fetos candidatos a intervención con sobrevida reportada en torno al 50 y 44 por ciento respectivamente.

The sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common tumor during prenatal period. Although its frequency is low, together with hydrops could determine the occurrence of fetal heart failure, and subsequent fetal death in utero. Prenatal ultrasonographic evaluation, should be directed toward selection of those fetuses as candidates for prenatal therapy, to improve their perinatal outcome, when they present hemodynamic compromise while they are under fetal viability. The purpose of this update is to expose the tools currently used to conduct the assessment and the results of prenatal surgery. The fetal cardiovascular profile score by ultrasound is proposed as a sensible and useful tool in the selection of candidates for prenatal intervention. Both open surgery as minimally invasive approach are presented as alternatives in the prenatal management of fetus as candidates to intervention, has been reported a survival about 50 and 44 percent respectively.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Fetal Diseases/surgery , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Spinal Neoplasms/surgery , Spinal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/diagnosis , Sacrococcygeal Region , Fetal Therapies/methods
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 59(4): 351-354, Aug. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-757379


In patients affected by differentiated thyroid cancer, the whole-body scan (WBS) with 131-radioiodine, especially when performed after a therapeutic activity of131I, represents a sensitive procedure for detecting thyroid remnant and/or metastatic disease. Nevertheless, a wide spectrum of potentially pitfalls has been reported. Herein we describe a 63-year-old woman affected by follicular thyroid cancer, who was accidentally found to have an abdominal mass at post-dose WBS (pWBS). pWBS showed abnormal radioiodine uptake in the upper mediastinum, consistent with lymph-node metastases, and a slight radioiodine uptake in an abdominal focal area. Computed tomography revealed an inhomogeneous mass in the pelvis, previously unrecognized. The lesion, surgically removed, was found to be a typical dermoid cyst of the ovary, without any evidence of thyroid tissue. By immunohistochemistry, a moderate expression of the sodium-iodine symporter (NIS) was demonstrated in the epithelial cells, suggesting a NIS-dependent uptake of radioiodine by the cyst.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Thyroid Neoplasms , Iodine Radioisotopes/pharmacokinetics , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Immunohistochemistry , Whole Body Imaging
Rev. cuba. cir ; 54(1): 43-49, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-754885


Los teratomas son tumores de origen embrionario y su localización en el mediastino es infrecuente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es exponer la resección toracoscópica realizada a paciente con teratoma del mediastino. En el Hospital Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, se operó un paciente con diagnóstico de teratoma del mediastino con evolución preoperatoria conocida de seis meses. Se realizó por vía toracoscópica y por tres puertos de trabajo. La exéresis se realizó totalmente por vía toracoscópica. No presentó complicación transoperatoria, ni posoperatoria; tuvo una estadía hospitalaria de dos días, con seguimiento posoperatorio satisfactorio durante seis años. El teratoma de mediastino es una patología infrecuente y puede realizarse su exéresis por la cirugía toracoscópica y sin complicaciones(AU)

Teratomas are tumors of embrionary origin and their location in the mediastinum is uncommon. The objective of this paper was to present the thorascoscopic resection of a mediastinal teratoma. A patient diagnosed with mediastinal teratoma, with six month progression before surgery, was operated on. Thorascoscopic approach and three working ports were used. Exeresis was completely thorascoscopic. Neither transoperative nor postoperative complication was observed. He was hospitalized for two days with satisfactory postoperative follow-up of 6 years. Mediastinal teratoma is an uncommon pathology and may be removed through thoracoscopic surgery without any complication(AU)

Humans , Female , Mediastinal Neoplasms/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Thoracoscopy/methods
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(1): 65-71, 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743837


Se reporta un caso excepcional de tumor de Krukenberg ovárico bilateral asociado a teratoma maduro encontrado en una mujer de 54 años. La ecografía mostró al lado derecho tumor ovárico sólido de 55 mm y al lado izquierdo tumor quístico de 125 mm. Se realizó histerectomía total, salpingooforectomía bilateral, resección del epiplón mayor y muestras peritoneales. Al tercer día postcirugía, la paciente presentó signos de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo y aunque recibió terapia anticoagulante falleció al quinto día postoperatorio. El estudio histológico mostró infiltración masiva de carcinoma de células en anillo positivas para citoqueratina en ambos ovarios. El ovario derecho mostró la forma sólida clásica del tumor de Krukenberg mientras que el ovario izquierdo correspondió a un quiste dermoide con infiltración tumoral de carcinoma de células en anillo en la pared.

An exceptional case of bilateral Krukenberg tumor of the ovary associated with mature teratoma presented in a 54 years old patient is reported. The ultrasound showed a 55 mm solid right ovarian tumor and a 125 mm left cystic ovarian tumor. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy was performed including omental resection and peritoneal biopsies. Massive pulmonary embolism was detected in the third day after the surgery. Even anticoagulant therapy was established the patient died in the fifth postoperative day. The histological study revealed massive infiltration of signet ring cell carcinoma with positive expression for cytokeratin in both ovaries. The right ovary showed the classical solid form of the tumor. The left ovary was a dermoid cyst with signet ring cell carcinoma infiltrating the cystic wall.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ovarian Neoplasms/complications , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/complications , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Krukenberg Tumor/complications , Krukenberg Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/pathology , Ultrasonography , Fatal Outcome , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell , Krukenberg Tumor/surgery , Krukenberg Tumor/pathology , Hysterectomy
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 79(6): 517-523, 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-734799


Presentamos el caso clínico de una paciente de 18 años sin antecedentes a destacar. Cursando las 30 semanas de embarazo se constata una tumoración abdominal que requirió tratamiento quirúrgico y se diagnosticó un teratoma inmaduro grado 3, asociado a gliomatosis peritoneal. Se realizó una cesárea al término y se instauró el tratamiento con quimioterapia presentando una recidiva a los siete meses que requirió tratamiento quirúrgico conservador y nuevo plan de quimioterapia estando actualmente libre de enfermedad y en seguimiento. Lo infrecuente de esta patología y asociada a embarazo, motivó su comunicación.

We report the case of a healthy 18-year old patient with adnexal mass diagnosed by her 30th week of pregnancy. It required surgical treatment and a grade 3 immature teratoma associated with peritoneal gliomatosis was diagnosed. A cesarean section was performed at term and subsequently chemotherapy was established. The patient presented a recurrence seven months later, which required fertility-sparing surgery and a new chemotherapy plan. The patient is currently disease-free and under surveillance. The infrequency of this disease and associated with pregnancy, led to their communication.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Glioma/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Peritoneal Neoplasms/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Glioma/diagnosis , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Peritoneal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic , Teratoma/diagnosis
Rev. ANACEM (Impresa) ; 7(1): 27-30, abr. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-716209


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los teratomas sacrococcígeos (TSC) constituyen una patología infrecuente en la edad pediátrica (1/27.000 recién nacidos vivos), aunque es la neoplasia más frecuente de diagnóstico fetal. La disponibilidad ecográfica ha permitido el diagnóstico antenatal de muchas de estas lesiones, lográndose planificación oportuna, estudio y tratamiento multidisciplinario de estos pacientes. PRESENTACIÓN DEL CASO: Al control ecográfico prenatal, el paciente presenta masa quística heterogénea en polo caudal, decidiéndose cesárea electiva al término por sospecha de TSC. Nace en buenas condiciones destacando masa sacrococcígea de 15 cm de diámetro. Las imágenes son compatibles con TSC Altman II. Luego de completado el estudio con marcadores tumorales, se opera al 9º día de vida extirpándose el tumor y cóccix en su totalidad, se reconstruye el piso pelviano y se logra cierre primario. El paciente evoluciona favorablemente sin complicaciones neurológicas ni digestivas. La histopatología informa teratoma maduro con áreas de neuroepitelio inmaduro, sin atipia celular. DISCUSIÓN: El diagnóstico obstétrico de TSC permite la consejería y derivación oportuna, la planificación quirúrgica, y selección de pacientes que podrían beneficiarse de interrupción precoz, considerando la mortalidad fetal que alcanza 16 por ciento. La clasificación preoperatoria tiene implicancias terapéuticas y pronósticas para estos pacientes. No existe hoy suficiente evidencia de que el tratamiento citotóxico aporte beneficios para teratomas benignos, maduros o inmaduros. En este caso, cabe al seguimiento alejado evaluar las consecuencias del tratamiento, en cuanto a recurrencia, incontinencia urinaria y fecal.

INTRODUCTION: Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is an uncommon pediatric condition (1 case per 27,000 live births), nevertheless, it is the most frequent neoplasia diagnosed at fetal age. Higher access to obstetric ultrasound allows prenatal diagnosis, appropriate planning, study and multidisciplinary treatment of these patients. CASE REPORT: In a routine obstetric evaluation, patient presented a heterogeneous, cystic mass in the sacrococcygeal region. A SCT was suspected, and an elective cesarean delivery was planned to term gestational age. The patient was delivered without complications, with a 15 cm sacrococcygeal mass. Imaging revealed an Altman II SCT, and serum tumor markers were measured. By the ninth day of life, surgery was performed with tumor and coccyx complete resection, pelvic floor reconstruction and primary closure. Postoperatively, the patient made a good recovery without digestive or neurological complications. The biopsy revealed a mature teratoma with minor immature neuroepithelial foci, without atypical cells. DISCUSSION: The prenatal diagnosis in SCT allows appropriate counseling of parents, derivation to specialized centers, and could identify high-risk patients for early interruption of gestation, taking into account a mortality rate as high as 16 percent. Preoperative classification is important for both treatment and prognosis. There is not enough evidence to recommend chemotherapy for the treatment of mature or immature benign teratomas. In this case, close long-term follow-up will be important to rule out recurrence, and urinary and fecal incontinence.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Sacrococcygeal Region , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Ultrasonography, Prenatal
SJA-Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia. 2013; 7 (2): 210-212
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-130495


Paediatric airway management is a great challenge even for an experienced anaesthesiologist. Difficult airway in huge cervical teratoma further exaggerates the complexity. This case report is intended at describing the intubation difficulties that were confronted during the airway management of a three year old girl presenting with huge neck teratoma and respiratory distress. This patient was successfully intubated with uncuffed endotracheal tubes in second attempt under inhalational anaesthesia with halothane and spontaneous ventilation. This case exemplifies the importance of careful preoperative workup of an anticipated difficult airway in paediatric patients with neck swelling to minimize any perioperative complications

Humans , Female , Teratoma/surgery , Anesthesia , Neck , Head and Neck Neoplasms , Airway Management
RBM rev. bras. med ; 69(8/9)ago.-set. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-661216


O "Struma ovarii" é um tumor ginecológico raro, sendo de malignização e metástases incomuns. Constituído predominantemente por tecido tireoideano, apresenta maior incidência aos 50 anos. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente de 41 anos com história prévia de teratoma tratado, que desenvolve dor pélvica e tumoração abdominal. Operada, concluiu-se tratar de "Struma ovarii" maligno com metástases. Após a radioablação com I-131, encontra-se sob controle clínico. Apesar de sua raridade, o "Struma ovarii" possui bom prognóstico, devendo ser lembrado no diagnóstico diferencial dos tumores ovarianos.

Adult , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal/diagnosis , Neoplasms, Germ Cell and Embryonal/therapy , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Ovarian Neoplasms/therapy , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/diagnosis , Teratoma/therapy
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 62(3): 417-423, maio-jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-626517


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O feto com diagnóstico pré-natal de massa cervical, ou qualquer outra doença que obstrua as vias aéreas, não deve ser abordado de forma convencional por apresentar dois desafios ao médico assistente logo após o parto: o tempo limitado para se estabelecer o acesso a vias aéreas potencialmente difíceis e a ausência de anestesia do neonato caso seja necessária instrumentação das vias aéreas. O procedimento EXIT (ex utero intrapartum treatment - EXIT procedure) consiste em manter a circulação fetoplacentária durante a cesariana até que as vias aéreas do feto estejam asseguradas. RELATO DOS CASOS: Mulher de 37 anos, G3P2, 38 semanas de gestação, apresentando polidrâmnio e feto com grande massa cervical diagnosticada por ultrassonografia pré-natal. A cesariana foi realizada com procedimento EXIT para possibilitar o acesso seguro das vias aéreas. Após a histerotomia, o feto foi intubado sob laringoscopia direta. O concepto foi transferido imediatamente para outra sala de cirurgia, onde foi realizada a ressecção do tumor cervical e a traqueostomia, ambos com sucesso. Mulher de 27 anos, G3P1A1, idade gestacional de 32 semanas, cujo feto tinha diagnóstico pré-natal de grande tumor em região oral. O tumor obstruía as vias aéreas do feto e foi programada traqueostomia com técnica EXIT, no entanto, foi possível intubar o recém-nascido sob laringoscopia direta, sendo então submetido à ressecção do tumor e encaminhado à UTI neonatal. CONCLUSÕES: Os relatos descrevem o uso bem sucedido de anestesia geral com isoflurano para a realização de cesariana seguida de procedimento EXIT em fetos com tumores obstruindo as vias aéreas.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Fetus prenatally diagnosed with neck tumors, or with any other disease that obstructs the airways, should not be treated conventionally, as the assistant physician has to face two challenges right after the infant's delivery: the limited time to establish the access to the potentially difficult airways and the lack of anesthesia of the neonate in case of instrumentation of the airways. The ex utero intrapartum treatment, i.e., the EXIT procedure consists of maintaining the fetoplacental circulation during the cesarean section, until the airways of the fetus be secured. CASE REPORTS: Female patient, 37 years old, G3P2, 38 weeks pregnant, having polyhydramnios and fetus diagnosed with large cervical masses by prenatal ultrasound. A cesarean section was performed using the EXIT procedure to enable safe access to the infant's airways. After hysterotomy, the fetus was intubated by direct laryngoscopy. The neonate was immediately transferred to another operating room, where cervical tumor resection of the neck tumor and tracheostomy were successfully performed. Female patient, 27 years old, G3P1A1, 32 weeks pregnant, whose fetus was prenatally diagnosed with a large oral tumor. As the tumor obstructed the fetus' airways, a tracheostomy was performed when the fetus underwent EXIT procedure. It was then possible to use direct laryngoscopy for neonate intubation. The fetus underwent tumor resection and was sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. CONCLUSIONS: Reports describe the successful use of general anesthesia with isoflurane for cesarean delivery followed by the EXIT procedure in fetus diagnosed with tumors obstructing the airways.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El feto con diagnóstico prenatal de masa cervical, o cualquier otra enfermedad que obstruya las vías aéreas, no debe ser abordado de forma convencional por presentar dos retos para el médico asistente inmediatamente después del parto: a) el tiempo limitado para establecer el acceso a las vías aéreas potencialmente difíciles y b) la ausencia de anestesia del neonato en el caso de que sea necesaria la instrumentación de las vías aéreas. El procedimiento EXIT (ex utero intrapartum treatment - EXIT procedure), consiste en mantener la circulación feto-placentaria durante la cesárea hasta que las vías aéreas del feto estén aseguradas. RELATO DE LOS CASOS: Mujer de 37 años, G3P2, 38 semanas de embarazo, presentando un polihidramnios y feto con gran masa cervical diagnosticada por ultrasonido prenatal. La cesárea fue realizada con el procedimiento EXIT para posibilitar el acceso seguro a las vías aéreas. Después de la histerotomía, el feto fue intubado bajo laringoscopia directa. Fue transferido inmediatamente a otra sala de cirugía, donde se le hizo la resección del tumor cervical y la traqueostomía, ambos con éxito. Mujer de 27 años, G3P1A1, edad gestacional de 32 semanas, cuyo feto tenía un diagnostico prenatal de gran tumor en la región oral. El tumor obstruía las vías aéreas del feto y fue programada la traqueostomía con técnica EXIT. Sin embargo, se pudo intubar al recién nacido bajo laringoscopia directa, siendo entonces sometido a la resección del tumor y derivado a la UCI neonatal. CONCLUSIONES: Los relatos describen el uso exitoso de la anestesia general con el isoflurano para la realización de la cesárea seguida de procedimiento EXIT en fetos con tumores obstruyendo las vías aéreas.

Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Anesthesia/methods , Fetal Diseases/surgery , Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery , Hydrops Fetalis/surgery , Lymphangioma, Cystic/surgery , Mouth Neoplasms/surgery , Teratoma/surgery , Fetal Diseases/diagnosis , Head and Neck Neoplasms/diagnosis , Hydrops Fetalis/diagnosis , Labor, Obstetric , Lymphangioma, Cystic/diagnosis , Mouth Neoplasms/diagnosis , Prenatal Diagnosis , Teratoma/diagnosis