Humans , Male , Female , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Transsexualism/drug therapy , Heart Disease Risk Factors , MenopauseABSTRACT
Transmasculine individuals, considering whether to undergo total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingectomy, have the option to have a concomitant oophorectomy. While studies have evaluated hormone changes following testosterone therapy initiation, most of those patients have not undergone oophorectomy. Data are currently limited to support health outcomes regarding the decision to retain or remove the ovaries. We performed a retrospective chart review of transmasculine patients maintained on high-dose testosterone therapy at a single endocrine clinic in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Twelve transmasculine individuals who underwent bilateral oophorectomy and had presurgical and postsurgical serum data were included. We identified 12 transmasculine subjects as controls, who were on testosterone therapy and did not undergo oophorectomy, but additionally matched to the first group by age, testosterone dosing regimen, and body mass index. There was a statistically significant decrease in the estradiol levels of case subjects postoophorectomy, when compared to presurgical estradiol levels (P = 0.02). There was no significant difference between baseline estradiol levels between control and case subjects; however, the difference in estradiol levels at follow-up measurements was significant (P = 0.03). Total testosterone levels did not differ between control and case subjects at baseline and follow-up (both P > 0.05). Our results demonstrate that oophorectomy further attenuates estradiol levels below what is achieved by high-dose exogenous testosterone alone. Correlated clinical outcomes, such as impacts on bone health, were not available. The clinical implications of oophorectomy versus ovarian retention on endocrinological and overall health outcomes are currently limited.
Female , Humans , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Ovariectomy , Hysterectomy/methods , EstradiolABSTRACT
ABSTRACT We report a 27 -year-old male referred because of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with low testosterone and azoospermia. At 23 years of age, he underwent an excision of a hypoechoic 0.7 cm nodule of the left testicle. The pathological diagnosis was a Leydig cell tumor. In the right testicle, there were three nodules at ultrasound, the biggest measuring 0.6 cm. Four years later, the nodules in the right testicle were still present and the larger nodule was excised. The biopsy showed tubules with only Sertoli cells in the perinodular zone. Diffuse and nodular hyperplasia of the Leydig cells was found in the interstitium. The pathological diagnosis was Sertoli syndrome with severe hyperplasia of the Leydig cells. With testosterone therapy, LH decreased, and the nodules disappeared. Thereafter, upon interrupting therapy, LH increased, and the nodules reappeared in two occasions. Resuming testosterone treatment, the nodules disappeared again, suggesting a Leydig cell hyperplasia dependent on chronic LH stimulation.
Presentamos un varón de 27 años referido por hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico con testosterona baja y azoospermia. El paciente tenía el antecedente de un nódulo sólido hipoecogénico de 0,7 cm en el testículo izquierdo, extirpado los 23 años de edad en el año 2002 y diagnosticado patológicamente como tumor de células de Leydig. En ese año se encontraron tres nódulos en el testículo derecho por ultrasonografía, el mayor de 0,6 cm. Cuatro años después, en 2007, los micronódulos del testículo derecho seguían presentes. El mayor de ellos fue extirpado. En la biopsia, había túbulos con solo células de Sertoli en la zona perinodular. En el intersticio había hiperplasia difusa y nodular de las células de Leydig. El diagnóstico patológico fue un síndrome de Sertoli con severa hiperplasia de células de Leydig. La terapia con testosterona disminuyó la LH y los nódulos inesperadamente desaparecieron. En dos ocasiones, al interrumpir esta terapia, la LH aumentó y los nódulos reaparecieron. Este proceso revirtió nuevamente con el uso de testosterona, sugiriendo una hiperplasia de células de Leydig dependiente del estímulo crónico de LH.
Humans , Male , Adult , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Testosterone/pharmacology , Hypogonadism/pathology , Hypogonadism/drug therapy , Sertoli Cells/pathology , Hyperplasia/pathology , Leydig Cells/pathologyABSTRACT
Nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) refers to the failure of spermatogenesis, which affects approximately 1% of the male population and contributes to 10% of male infertility. NOA has an underlying basis of endocrine imbalances since proper human spermatogenesis relies on complex regulation and cooperation of multiple hormones. A better understanding of subtle hormonal disturbances in NOA would help design and improve hormone therapies with reduced risk in human fertility clinics. The purpose of this review is to summarize the research on the endocrinological aspects of NOA, especially the hormones involved in hypothalamic-pituitary-testis axis (HPTA), including gonadotropin-releasing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, prolactin, testosterone, estradiol, sex hormone binding globulin, inhibin B, anti-Müllerian hormone, and leptin. For the NOA men associated with primary testicular failure, the quality of currently available evidence has not been sufficient enough to recommend any general hormone optimization therapy. Some other NOA patients, especially those with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, could be treated with hormonal replacement. Although these approaches have succeeded in resuming the fertility in many NOA patients, the prudent strategies should be applied in individuals according to specific NOA etiology by balancing fertility benefits and potential risks. This review also discusses how NOA can be induced by immunization against hormones.
Humans , Male , Azoospermia/etiology , Follicle Stimulating Hormone , Luteinizing Hormone , Sperm Retrieval , Testis , Testosterone/therapeutic useSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/drug therapy , Climacteric/drug effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Female Urogenital Diseases/drug therapy , Androgens/therapeutic use , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Evidence-Based Medicine/methodsABSTRACT
Apesar de 0,7% da popul ação brasileira se identificar como transgênero, não existe treinamento para que o profissional de saúde realize um acolhimento de maneira integral a esse paciente, incluindo a discussão do planejamento reprodutivo. O uso de testosterona promove amenorreia nos primeiros meses de uso, entretanto esse efeito não garante eficácia contraceptiva e, consequentemente, aumenta os riscos de uma gravidez não planejada. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com o objetivo de avaliar e organizar uma abordagem do aconselhamento contraceptivo na população transgênero que foi designada mulher ao nascimento. Realizou-se busca estratégica em PubMed e Embase, bem como em guidelines internacionais, sobre cuidados à população transgênera. De 88 artigos, 11 foram utilizados para desenvolver o modelo de aconselhamento contraceptivo. O modelo segue as seguintes etapas: (1) Abordagem das informações relacionadas à necessidade de contracepção; (2) Avaliação das contraindicações ao uso dos métodos contraceptivos (hormonais e não hormonais); (3) Efeitos colaterais e possíveis desconfortos associados ao uso do contraceptivo. O modelo de aconselhamento contraceptivo é composto de 20 questões que abordam as indicações e contraindicações ao uso desses métodos e um fluxograma que auxilia na escolha entre os métodos permitidos ao paciente de acordo com a sua necessidade.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Contraception , Transgender Persons , Hormonal Contraception , Databases, Bibliographic , Counseling , User Embracement , Contraindications, Drug , Contraceptive EffectivenessABSTRACT
Abstract Increased apoptosis in the pancreas and beta cell death causes reduced insulin secretion in type 2 diabetes. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of exercise training and testosterone administration on apoptosis marker (p53 protein) in the pancreas tissue in animal with diabetes. Type 2 diabetes was induced by high fat diet and injection of low dose STZ (35mg/kg; ip). After 2 months of treatment with testosterone (2mg/kg/day) or voluntary exercise alone or in combination, apoptosis (tunnel assay) and p53 protein (ELISA method) were measured. Testosterone and exercise decreased the blood glucose, HbA1c levels, HOMA-IR, p53 protein expression and increased insulin level in treated diabetic and diabetic castrated groups. Simultaneous treatment of these groups with testosterone together voluntary exercise had an additive effect on reducing p53 expression, blood glucose, HbA1c levels, HOMA-IR and subsequently decreasing apoptosis. Our results suggest that the apoptosis decreasing effect of testosterone and voluntary exercise is associated with the reduced levels of blood glucose, HbA1c and HOMA-IR that subsequently decreased the expression of p53 level.
Animals , Rats , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Exercise , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/therapy , Apoptosis , Glycemic ControlABSTRACT
A partir del caso de una paciente con trastorno por deseo sexual hipoactivo durante su climaterio y a través del resumen de los resultados de dos revisiones sistemáticas, los autores de este artículo revisan la evidencia sobre la suplementación con andrógenos para el tratamiento de esta condición clínica. Concluyen que su uso sería relativamente seguro a corto plazo, aunque su eficacia no alcanzaría la relevancia clínica y no contamos aún con mayor información sobre la seguridad en el largo plazo. Los autores destacan además que el abordaje de las pacientes con este problema de salud debería ser realizado en forma integral, incluyendo opciones terapéuticas no farmacológicas e informando sobre las incertidumbres todavía presentes. (AU)
Based on the case of a patient with hypoactive sexual desire disorder during her climacteric period and through the summary of the results of two systematic reviews, the authors of this article review the evidence supporting androgen supplementation for the treatment of this clinical condition. They conclude that its use would be relatively safe in the short term, although its efficacy would not reach clinical relevance and no further information on long-term safety is available. The authors also highlight that patients with this health problem should be approached comprehensively, including non-pharmacological therapeutic options and providing information on the uncertainties still present. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Climacteric , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Androgens/therapeutic use , Menopause , Off-Label Use , Systematic Reviews as TopicSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Primary Ovarian Insufficiency/diagnosis , Primary Ovarian Insufficiency/etiology , Primary Ovarian Insufficiency/drug therapy , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Brazil , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Estradiol/therapeutic use , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Evidence-Based Practice , Ambulatory Care/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El uso de la terapia de reemplazo con testosterona en hombres mayores se ha incrementado en los últimos años, lo que ha generado múltiples controversias aún no resueltas acerca de sus beneficios y riesgos potenciales, sobre todo los relacionados con el desarrollo o agravamiento de la enfermedad prostática o cardiovascular. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de ofrecer un estado de la cuestión que ayude a los médicos a tomar decisiones al considerar el tratamiento con testosterona en pacientes con hipogonadismo de inicio tardío. La búsqueda de información se realizó en las bases de datos Google Académico, Medline y Pubmed. Conclusiones: El tratamiento con testosterona en el hipogonadismo de inicio tardío es seguro, racional y basado en evidencia, pero no se recomienda ofrecerlo a todos los hombres mayores con niveles bajos de testosterona sérica. Se aconseja en aquellos con síntomas manifiestos de deficiencia androgénica, sin cáncer de próstata activo, de mama o hígado, hematocrito elevado, hiperplasia prostática benigna con síntomas obstructivos graves, nódulo o induración prostática no evaluada, antígeno prostático específico > 4 ng/mL (o > 3 ng/mL en pacientes con alto riesgo), apnea obstructiva del sueño severa no tratada, deseos de fertilidad a corto plazo, insuficiencia cardiaca no controlada, infarto agudo de miocardio o accidente cerebrovascular en los últimos SEIS meses o trombofilia. Se recomienda realizar monitoreo trimestral durante el primer año y luego según cada caso, que incluya evaluación de la respuesta clínica, de condiciones que pueden agravarse con el tratamiento y de parámetros de laboratorio(AU)
ABSTRACT Introduction: The use of testosterone replacement therapy in older men has increased in recent years, which has generated multiple controversies not yet resolved about its benefits and potential risks, especially those related to the development or worsening of the prostate or cardiovascular disease. Methods: A literature review was conducted with the aim of offering a state of the art that helps clinicians make decisions when considering testosterone treatment in patients with late-onset hypogonadism. The information search was carried out with the Google Scholar, Medline and Pubmed search engines. Conclusions: Testosterone treatment in late-onset hypogonadism is safe, rational, and evidence-based, but it is not recommended to offer it to all older men with low serum testosterone levels. It is advised in those with overt symptoms of androgen deficiency, without active prostate, breast or liver cancer, elevated hematocrit, benign prostatic hyperplasia with severe obstructive symptoms, untested prostate nodule or induration, prostate specific antigen > 4 ng / mL (or > 3 ng / mL in high-risk patients), severe untreated obstructive sleep apnea, short-term fertility wishes, uncontrolled heart failure, acute myocardial infarction or stroke in the last SIX months, or thrombophilia. It is recommended to carry out quarterly monitoring during the first year and then according to each case, which includes evaluation of the clinical response, of conditions that can be aggravated by treatment, and of laboratory parameters(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Hypogonadism/etiologyABSTRACT
Las mujeres han sido tratadas por décadas con testosterona intentando aliviar una gran variedad de síntomas con riesgos y beneficios inciertos. En la mayoría de los países, la testosterona se prescribe "off-label", de modo que las mujeres están utilizando compuestos y dosis ideadas para tratamientos en hombres. En este sentido, varias sociedades médicas de distintos continentes adoptaron recientemente por consenso una toma de posición sobre los beneficios y potenciales riesgos de la terapia con testosterona en la mujer, explorar las áreas de incertidumbre e identificar prácticas de prescripción con potencial de causar daño. Las recomendaciones con respecto a los beneficios y riesgos de la terapia con testosterona se basan en los resultados de ensayos clínicos controlados con placebo de al menos 12 semanas de duración. A continuación se comentan las recomendaciones. (AU)
There are currently no clear established indications for testosterone replacement therapy for women. Nonetheless, clinicians have been treating women with testosterone to alleviate a variety of symptoms for decades with uncertainty regarding its benefits and risks. In most countries, testosterone therapy is prescribed off-label, which means that women are using testosterone formulations or compounds approved for men with a modified dose for women. Due to these issues, there was a need for a global Consensus Position Statement on testosterone therapy for women based on the available evidence from placebo randomized controlled trials (RCTs). This Position Statement was developed to inform health care professionals about the benefits and potential risks of testosterone therapy intended for women. The aim of the Consensus was to provide clear guidance as to which women might benefit from testosterone therapy; to identify symptoms, signs, and certain conditions for which the evidence does not support the prescription of testosterone; to explore areas of uncertainty, and to identify any prescribing practices that have the potential to cause harm. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Postmenopause/drug effects , Appetite Depressants/adverse effects , Phenytoin/adverse effects , Placebos/administration & dosage , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Tamoxifen/adverse effects , Testosterone/administration & dosage , Testosterone/analysis , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/pharmacology , Cardiovascular Agents/adverse effects , Indomethacin/adverse effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/adverse effects , Postmenopause/physiology , Controlled Clinical Trials as Topic , Cholinergic Antagonists/adverse effects , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/etiology , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/therapy , Danazol/adverse effects , Consensus , Aromatase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Off-Label Use , Factor Xa Inhibitors/adverse effects , Amphetamines/adverse effects , Histamine Antagonists/adverse effects , Androgen Antagonists/adverse effects , Androgens/physiology , Ketoconazole/adverse effects , Narcotics/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Apesar da comprovada capacidade da testosterona (T) em modular o estresse oxidativo de forma tecido-específica, pouco se sabe se as glândulas salivares estão sujeitas a essa modulação. O objetivo foi investigar os efeitos da orquiectomia (OQX) e da terapiadereposiçãohormonal(TRH) comTnoestresse oxidativoefunçãosecretora das glândulas salivares. Ratos Wistar (3 meses de idade) foram randomizados em 3 grupos (n = 15 ratos/grupo): simulação de cirurgia (SHAM); OQX; e OQX tratado com cipionato de testosterona (CT). A TRH com T foi realizada por via intramuscular, semanalmente, com 10 mg/kg de massa corpórea de CT por 4 semanas, iniciando 4 semanas após a OQX. Após o tratamento, o fluxo salivar (FS) induzido por pilocarpina foi coletada e as glândulas parótidas (PA) e submandibulares (SM) foram armazenadas a -80 ºC e submetidas a posteriores análises bioquímicas e histomorformétricas. O FS e as concentrações de cálcio, fosfato e cloreto aumentaram no grupo OQX. Após a OQX diminuíram a proteína total (PT) e a atividade da amilase (AMI), enquanto não houve nenhuma alteração na capacidade tamponante, pH, sódio e potássio na saliva. A concentração de PT e atividade de AMI aumentaram no grupo CT, enquanto que as concentraçoes de fosfato e cálcio reduziram na saliva em comparação com o grupo OQX. Proteína carbonilada, substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico, capacidade antioxidante total, ácido úrico e glutationa total aumentaram no grupo OQX em ambas as glândulas salivares. Superóxido dismutase, catalase e glutationa peroxidase aumentaram após a OQX na glândula SM, porém nenhuma alteração nas enzimas antioxidantes foi observada na glândula PA. A área ductal e acinar diminuiram e a área de tecido conjuntivo aumentou na glândula PA após a OQX. A área ductal diminuiu e a área acinar aumentou na SM, entretanto, não houve alteração na área de tecido conjuntivo após a OQX. A TRH com CT restaurou todos os parâmetros para níveis próximos ao grupo SHAM. Conclui-se que a OQX modula o estresse oxidativo nas glândulas salivares, e pode afetar a secreção e composição da saliva(AU)
Despite the proven ability of testosterone (T) to modulate oxidative stress in a tissuespecific manner, little is known whether the salivary glands are subject to this modulation. The objective was to investigate the effects of orchiectomy (ORX) and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with T on oxidative stress and secretory function of the salivary glands. Wistar rats (3 months old) were randomized into 3 groups (n = 15 rats / group): surgery simulation (SHAM); ORX; and ORX treated with testosterone cypionate (TC). HRT with T was performed intramuscularly (I.M.), weekly, with 10 mg/kg body weight of TC for 4 weeks, starting 4 weeks after ORX. After treatment, the salivary flow (FS) induced by pilocarpine was collected and the parotid (PA) and submandibular (SM) glands were stored at -80 °C and subjected to subsequent biochemical and histomorformetric analyzes. FS and calcium, phosphate and chloride concentrations increased in the ORX group. After ORX, total protein (TP) and amylase activity (AMY) decreased, while there was no change in buffering capacity, pH, sodium and potassium in saliva. The TP concentration and AMY activity increased in the TC group, while the phosphate and calcium concentrations decreased in saliva compared to the ORX group. Carbonylated protein, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, total antioxidant capacity, uric acid and total glutathione increased in the ORX group in both salivary glands. Superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase increased after ORX in the SM gland, but no changes in antioxidant enzymes were observed in the PA gland. The ductal and acinar area decreased and the area of connective tissue increased in the PA gland after ORX. The ductal area decreased and the acinar area increased in SM, however, there was no change in the connective tissue area after ORX. HRT with TC restored all parameters to levels close to the SHAM group. It is concluded that ORX modulates oxidative stress in the salivary glands, and can affect the secretion and composition of saliva(AU)
Animals , Rats , Salivary Glands , Testosterone , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Orchiectomy , Oxidative Stress , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Saliva , Rats, Wistar , AntioxidantsABSTRACT
Una persona transgénero es aquella en la cual el género autopercibido difiere del asignado al nacer, mientras que el término cisgénero es utilizado en aquellos individuos no trans. El tratamiento hormonal cruzado (THC) constituye una opción para lograr caracteres sexuales secundarios deseados. Es conocido que los esteroides sexuales desempeñan un rol fundamental en la adquisición de la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) durante la pubertad. Por lo tanto, el impacto del THC sobre la masa ósea se ha convertido en materia de estudio. En estadios puberales tempranos, los análogos de la hormona liberadora de gonadotrofinas (GnRH) son utilizados con un efecto reversible. Si bien la DMO parece mantenerse estable, cuando se compara con una población de referencia del mismo sexo biológico y edad, el Z-score se encuentra por debajo de lo esperado. En adultos, durante el THC no se informaron disminuciones en la DMO. Está reportado que las mujeres trans antes del inicio del TH presentan características densitométricas diferentes de los hombres cisgénero. Hasta el momento, la carga de datos para los calculadores del riesgo de fractura y el software del equipo DXA se basan en el sexo biológico y no en identidad de género. Recientemente, la International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) emitió sus recomendaciones para la evaluación de la masa ósea en personas transgénero y en aquellos individuos no conformes con el género. Si bien la ISCD sugiere realizar la evaluación únicamente en aquellos pacientes con factores de riesgo, es de importancia realizar DXA basal, sobre todo en mujeres transgénero, para determinar el riesgo inicial de dicha población. En este artículo se revisa la evidencia disponible sobre el impacto del THC en la salud ósea de personas transgénero. (AU)
Cross sex hormone therapy (CSHT) in transgender women (TW) it is an option to achieve desired secondary sexual characteristics. It is known that sex steroids play a fundamental role in the acquisition of bone mineral density during puberty, in addition to determining a different characteristic bone pattern between both biological sexes. So the impact of affirming HT on bone is it has become in subject of study. In early pubertal stages, GnRH analogs are used with a reversible effect. Although bone mineral density (BMD) seems to remain stable, when compared with a reference population of the same biological sex and age, the Z-score is lower than expected. In adults, during CSHT no decreases in BMD were reported. However, it was reported that TW prior to starting CSHT present different densitometric characteristics than cisgender men. So far, the data load for the fracture risk calculators and DXA software is based on biological sex and not gender identity. Recently the ISCD issued its recommendations for the evaluation of bone mass in transgender subjects and in those non-conforming to gender. Although the ISCD suggests performing the evaluation only in those patients with risk factors, our group recognizes that baseline DXA, especially in TW, constitutes a useful tool to determine the initial risk of this population. Our proposal arises from our own experience and from that compiled in the international literature, where it is observed that even without starting CSHT, transgender women have lower BMD. DXA. This article reviews the available evidence regarding the effect of CSHT on health bone in transgender people. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Bone Density/drug effects , Cisgender Persons , Gonadal Steroid Hormones/therapeutic use , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Sex Factors , Risk Factors , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/analogs & derivatives , Puberty , Sex Characteristics , Densitometry , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Sex Reassignment Procedures , Transgender Persons , Androgen Antagonists/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To summarize current evidence regarding testosterone treatment for women with low sexual desire. Materials and methods The Female Endocrinology and Andrology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism invited nine experts to review the physiology of testosterone secretion and the use, misuse, and side effects of exogenous testosterone therapy in women, based on the available literature and guidelines and statements from international societies. Results Low sexual desire is a common complaint in clinical practice, especially in postmenopausal women, and may negatively interfere with quality of life. Testosterone seems to exert a positive effect on sexual desire in women with sexual dysfunction, despite a small magnitude of effect, a lack of long-term safety data, and insufficient evidence to make a broad recommendation for testosterone therapy. Furthermore, there are currently no testosterone formulations approved for women by the relevant regulatory agencies in the United States, Brazil, and most other countries, and testosterone formulations approved for men are not recommended for use by women. Conclusion Therefore, testosterone therapy might be considered if other strategies fail, but the risks and benefits must be discussed with the patient before prescription. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2019;63(3):190-8
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/drug therapy , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Androgens/therapeutic use , Libido/drug effects , Societies, Medical , Testosterone/adverse effects , Testosterone/blood , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Androgens/adverse effects , Androgens/bloodABSTRACT
Gonadotropin therapy is commonly used to induce virilization and spermatogenesis in male isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) patients. In clinical practice, 5.6%-15.0% of male IHH patients show poor responses to gonadotropin treatment; therefore, testosterone (T) supplementation can serve as an alternative therapy to normalize serum T levels and promote virilization. However, treatment with exogenous T impairs spermatogenesis and suppresses intratesticular T levels. This retrospective study aimed to determine whether oral testosterone undecanoate (TU) supplementation together with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) would negatively affect spermatogenesis in IHH patients compared with hCG alone. One hundred and seven IHH patients were included in our study. Fifty-four patients received intramuscular hCG and oral TU, and 53 patients received intramuscular hCG alone. The median follow-up time was 29 (range: 12-72) months in both groups. Compared with the hCG group, the hCG/TU group required a shorter median time to normalize serum T levels (P < 0.001) and achieve Tanner stage (III and V) of pubic hair and genital development (P < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the rate of seminal spermatozoa appearance, sperm concentration, or median time to achieve different sperm concentration thresholds between the groups. In addition, there were no significant differences in side effects, such as acne and gynecomastia, observed in both groups. This study indicates that oral TU supplementation together with hCG does not impair spermatogenesis in treated IHH patients compared with hCG alone, and it shortens the time to normalize serum T levels and promote virilization.
Adolescent , Adult , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Chorionic Gonadotropin/therapeutic use , Drug Therapy, Combination , Follicle Stimulating Hormone/blood , Hypogonadism/drug therapy , Luteinizing Hormone/blood , Retrospective Studies , Spermatogenesis/drug effects , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Treatment OutcomeSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/drug therapy , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/drug therapy , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/therapy , Sex Education/methods , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Neurotransmitter Agents , Sexuality , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological/therapy , Estrogens/therapeutic use , Norethindrone/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introducción: Existen discrepancias en relación con la composición corporal de los pacientes con hiperplasia adrenal congénita (HAC) y la influencia de factores clínicos, hormonales y relacionados con el tratamiento esteroideo. Objetivo: Describir variables clínicas, antropométricas y de composición corporal de pacientes con hiperplasia adrenal congénita y determinar si existe relación entre esta y las variables antes mencionadas. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal que incluyó a todos los pacientes con hiperplasia adrenal congénita y tratamiento esteroideo sustitutivo, atendidos en endocrinología pediátrica del Instituto Nacional de Endocrinología desde el 2000-2015. Se estudiaron variables clínicas y hormonales. Para las variables cualitativas se calcularon frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, media y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas. Se evaluaron asociaciones utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman y la prueba chi cuadrado para evaluar la significación estadística de la posible asociación. Resultados: Fueron estudiados 29 pacientes, de las cuales 24 (82,8 por ciento) mujeres. La edad promedio fue 10,9 ± 6,27 años, diagnóstico de 1,9 años ± 2,7 años y edad de inicio del tratamiento 2,03 ± 2,7 años. Predominó el color de la piel blanca: 19 (65,5 por ciento). En la mayoría de los pacientes predominaron altos porcentajes de masa magra y parámetros bioquímicos normales. El uso de mayores dosis de esteroides se correlacionó positivamente con mayor porcentaje de masa grasa, lo mismo sucedió desde el punto de vista clínico (no estadístico), con el mayor tiempo de tratamiento. Los niveles de testosterona plasmáticas no se relacionaron de manera significativa con las características de la composición corporal(AU)
Introduction: There is disagreement with respect to the body composition of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and the influence of clinical, hormonal and other factors involved in steroid therapy. Objective: Describe the clinical, anthropometric and body composition variables of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and determine whether there is a relationship between this condition and the aforementioned variables. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted of all congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients under replacement steroid therapy cared for at the pediatric endocrinology service of the National Institute of Endocrinology from 2000 to 2015. Clinical and hormonal variables were analyzed. Absolute frequencies and percentages were estimated for qualitative variables, whereas mean and standard deviation were used for quantitative variables. Associations were evaluated with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, and the chi-square test was applied to evaluate the statistical significance of the possible association. Results: A total 29 patients were studied, of whom 24 (82.8 percent) were women. Mean age was 10.9 ± 6.27 years, diagnosis 1.9 ± 2.7 years and age at the start of therapy 2.03 ± 2.7 years. White skin color prevailed with 19 (65.5 percent). In most patients there was a predominance of high lean mass percentages and normal biochemical parameters. A positive correlation was found between the use of higher steroid doses and a higher lean mass percentage. The same occurred from a clinical (non-statistical) point of view with a longer therapy time. Plasma testosterone levels did not show a significant relationship to body composition characteristics(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Testosterone/therapeutic use , Body Composition , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Hyperplasia/therapy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Se denomina trans-varón (TV) a una persona de sexo biológico femenino con identidad de género masculino. Para adquirir caracteres sexuales y expresar un rol social semejante podría utilizarse: terapia hormonal cruzada (THC) y/o genitoplastia masculinizante. Se evaluó el perfil de seguridad a corto plazo (primer año) de la THC con las distintas formas farmacéuticas de testosterona disponibles en nuestro país. El estudio se realizó de manera retrospectiva, analizando las historias clínicas de 30 pacientes trans-varón que cumplían con los requisitos para ser incluidos. La edad media de la población fue de 27 años. La media basal de testosterona fue de 0.43 ng/ml, que luego aumentó a 6.36 ng/ml (valores normales para sexo masculino). El hematocrito incrementó de su valor basal 40.0 a 45.2% (p < 0.01) mientras la Hb de 13.6 a 15.2 g/dl (p < 0.01). El colesterol total se mantuvo estable con valores de 175 y 185 mg/dl (p = 0.81). No hubo cambios significativos en triglicéridos: 88.3 y 102 mg/dl (p = 0.08). El colesterol LDL incrementó en los primeros 6 a 12 meses de THC de 101.2 a 112.5 mg/dl (p = 0.17). A los 12 meses los niveles de colesterol HDL aumentaron de 50.1 a 52.0 mg/ dl (p < 0.01). Las enzimas hepáticas se mantuvieron estables. No existen datos en nuestro país sobre seguridad de la testosterona en TV. No tuvimos necesidad de suspender la medicación por efectos no deseados en los parámetros estudiados.
A trans-male (TM) is a biologically female person with male gender identity who wishes to acquire male sexual characteristics and fulfil a male social role. To achieve that purpose, both cross-hormonal therapy (CHT) and surgical phalloplasty can be used. We evaluated the short term (12 months) safety profile of CHT using different forms of testosterone available for prescription in Argentina. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the medical history of 30 trans-male patients fitting the inclusion criteria. The mean age of the population was 27 years. The mean basal serum level of testosterone was 0.43 ng/ml, which increased to 6.36 ng/ml (male hormonal levels). The hematocrit increased from a baseline of 40.0 to 45.2% (p < 0.01) and hemoglobin increased from 13.6 to 15.2 g/dl (p < 0.01). Total cholesterol remained stable with values of 175 and 185 mg/dl (p = 0.81). There were no significant changes in serum triglycerides: 88.3 and 102 mg/dl (p = 0.08). LDL increased in the first 6 to 12 months of CHT from 101.2 to 112.5 mg/dl (p = 0.17). At 12 months HDL levels increased from 50.1 to 52 mg/dl (p < 0.01). Hepatic enzymes remained stable. There is no available data regarding safety of testosterone use in TM in our country. In no case did we need to suspend the medication due to unwanted effects.