Introducción: Los neumatoceles y las bulas pulmonares son lesiones que se observan en los niños casi siempre asociadas a neumonías infecciosas, aunque sus causas pueden ser diversas. La importancia clínica de estos procesos radica en el peligro de crecimiento progresivo, que puede comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias derivadas del proceso de diagnóstico por imágenes y del tratamiento invasivo de casos atendidos. Presentación de los casos: Desde finales de 2021 y durante un período de un año, se atendieron, en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario de Cienfuegos, cinco niños con neumonías extensas, que desarrollaron bulas de gran tamaño varios días después del tratamiento antimicrobiano adecuado. Estas necesitaron drenaje y aspiración percutáneos debido a su magnitud y a la presencia de síntomas cardiovasculares. Conclusiones: Las bulas que aparecieron como complicación de la neumonía en el niño pueden presentarse con una frecuencia no despreciable, y hay que mantenerse atentos a su evolución, porque, a diferencia de los neumatoceles, pueden crecer progresivamente y comprometer las funciones respiratoria y cardiovascular. El drenaje percutáneo y aspiración continua por cinco días resultó un método seguro y eficaz para tratar estos procesos(AU)
Introduction: Pneumoatoceles and pulmonary bullae are lesions that are observed in children almost always associated with infectious pneumonia, although their causes may be diverse. The clinical importance of these processes lies in the danger of progressive growth, which can compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Objective: To describe the experiences derived from the imaging process and the invasive treatment of treated cases. Presentation of the cases: Since the end of 2021 and for a period of one year, five children with extensive pneumonia were treated in the pediatric intensive care unit of the University Pediatric Hospital of Cienfuegos, who developed large bullae several days after appropriate antimicrobial treatment. The bullae required percutaneous drainage and aspiration due to their magnitude and the presence of cardiovascular symptoms. Conclusions: The bulla that appeared as a complication of pneumonia in the child can occur with a not negligible frequency, and it is necessary to be attentive to their evolution, because, unlike pneumoatoceles, can grow progressively and compromise respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Percutaneous drainage and continuous aspiration for five days was a safe and effective method to treat these processes(AU)
Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Pleural Effusion/drug therapy , Pneumonia/complications , Pneumonia/diagnostic imaging , Asthenia/etiology , Tachycardia/complications , Residence Characteristics , Blister/etiology , Back Pain , Cough , Thoracentesis/methods , COVID-19 , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Ceftriaxone/therapeutic use , Vancomycin/therapeutic use , Drainage/instrumentation , Levofloxacin/therapeutic use , AnemiaABSTRACT
Introducción: Cerca del 50 % de los derrames pleurales (DP) es neoplásico. El comportamiento clínico del DP neoplásico es altamente sintomático por el gran volumen y su recidiva temprana. Propósito de la revisión: El objetivo de la revisión es delinear el papel de los diferentes métodos diagnósticos y terapéuticos de DP maligno. Buscamos reportes actualizados en donde se incluye los resultados de mejor supervivencia para los distintos tratamientos actuales. Recientes hallazgos: Los criterios de Light es el método estándar para diferenciar un exudado maligno. La toracocentesis guiada por ultrasonido debe ser usada como método diagnóstico/terapéutico. En pacientes con DP maligno se recomienda el drenaje permanente con el posicionamiento de un tubo de tórax y un sello hidráulico con drenaje cerrado. La pleurodesia con instilación de talco está recomendada en pacientes con DP maligno en busca de disminuir el volumen, las recidivas del DP y el tiempo de hospitalización. Conclusiones: Para el correcto manejo del DP maligno, hay que tomar en cuenta varios aspectos, como identificar la presencia de células malignas mediante estudio citológico y descartar una infección. La ecografía pleural permite definir el volumen del DP y permite decidir drenaje en ese momento, con la posibilidad de inserción de catéter intrapleural, con el objetivo de evaluar la posibilidad de esclerosar las pleuras a través de pleurodesia. Sin embargo, para llegar a esta decisión hay que analizar cada uno de los detalles que podrían tener un papel de importancia para el buen manejo y resolución definitiva o por el contrario decidir el manejo a título paliativo, siempre analizando cada caso con el objetivo de proveer de mejoría de síntomas y mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente.
Introduction: Approximately 50% of pleural effusions (PE) are neoplastic. The clinical behavior of neoplastic PE is highly symptomatic due to its large volume and early recurrence. Purpose of review: This review aims to outline the role of the different diagnostic and therapeutic methods of malignant PE. We look for updated reports that include the best survival results for the other current treatments. Recent findings: Light's criteria are the standard to differentiate a malignant exudate. Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis should be used as a diagnostic/therapeutic method. In patients with malignant PE, permanent drainage is recommended with the placement of a chest tube and a hydraulic seal with closed drainage. Pleurodesis with the installation of talc is recommended in patients with malignant PE to reduce volume, PE recurrences, and hospitalization time. Conclusions: For the correct management of malignant PE, several aspects must be considered, such as identifying the presence of malignant cells by cytological study and ruling out infection. Pleural ultrasound allows for defining the volume of the PE. It will enable deciding on drainage at that time, with the possibility of inserting an intrapleural catheter, to evaluate the likelihood of sclerosing the pleurae through pleurodesis. However, to reach this decision, it is necessary to analyze each of the details that could play an essential role in good management and definitive resolution or, on the contrary, decide on palliative management, constantly investigating each case to provide symptom improvement. In addition, improving the patient's quality of life.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pleural Effusion , Talc , Pleural Effusion, Malignant , Thoracentesis , Pleural Diseases , Thoracoscopy , Pleurodesis , Pleural Cavity , Exudates and TransudatesABSTRACT
Introducción: El neumotórax espontáneo es la causa más frecuente de ingreso urgente en los servicios de cirugía torácica. Objetivo: Caracterizar a pacientes ingresados con diagnóstico de neumotórax espontáneo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de 93 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico y radiológico de neumotórax espontáneo, se establecieron las variables del estudio y se utilizaron frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes. Para la asociación de las variables se empleó el estadígrafo ji cuadrado con un nivel de confiabilidad del 95 por ciento. Resultados: Predominó el neumotórax espontáneo primario (65,5 por ciento), el sexo masculino fue el más afectado (80,6 por ciento), con mayor frecuencia en el hemitórax derecho (72,2 por ciento) y el tabaquismo como antecedente (83,9 por ciento). La pleurostomía mínima fue el tratamiento definitivo en el 72 por ciento de los pacientes. La complicación más frecuente después de la pleurostomía, fue la fuga persistente de aire. El tratamiento quirúrgico con pleurodesis mecánica, ofreció un 100 por ciento de efectividad. La mortalidad quirúrgica fue nula. Conclusiones: El neumotórax espontáneo predomina en el sexo masculino en una proporción de 4,2:1, en pacientes menores de 40 años de edad. El antecedente patológico personal que más se asocia es la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. El síntoma predominante es el dolor torácico. El neumotórax espontáneo primario fue más frecuente y el hemitórax derecho el más afectado. El tabaquismo está presente como antecedente en ambos tipos de neumotórax espontáneo. La modalidad de tratamiento más utilizada es la pleurostomía mínima(AU)
Introduction: Spontaneous pneumothorax is the most frequent cause of urgent admission to thoracic surgery services. Objective: To characterize patients admitted with a diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax. Methods: A descriptive study of 93 patients with a clinical and radiological diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax was carried out, the study variables were established and absolute frequencies and percentages were used. For the association of the variables, the chi square statistic was used with a confidence level of 95 percent. Results: Primary spontaneous pneumothorax predominated (65.5 percent), the male sex was the most affected (80.6 percent), with greater frequency in the right hemithorax (72.2 percent) and smoking as the antecedent (83.9 percent). Minimal pleurostomy was the definitive treatment in 72 percent of the patients. The most frequent complication after pleurostomy was persistent air leak. Surgical treatment with mechanical pleurodesis offered 100 percent effectiveness. There was not surgical mortality. Conclusions: Spontaneous pneumothorax predominated in males in a ratio of 4.2: 1, in patients under 40 years of age. The most associated personal pathological history was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The predominant symptom was chest pain. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax was more frequent and the right hemithorax the most affected. Smoking was present as a history in both types of spontaneous pneumothorax. The most widely used treatment modality was minimal pleurostomy(AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Pneumothorax/diagnosis , Tobacco Use Disorder , Smoking , Clinical Diagnosis , Pleurodesis/methods , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Pneumothorax/therapy , Pneumothorax/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Thoracentesis/methodsABSTRACT
El empiema es una colección de líquido purulento en el espacio pleural. La causa más común es la neumonía. Las opciones de tratamiento incluyen toracocentesis terapéutica, colocación de catéter de drenaje, terapia fibrinolítica, pleurodesis y cirugía, como la decorticación pleural. El drenaje pleural es eficaz en la etapa I y la cirugía está reservada para casos complicados (estadios II y III). En estos casos, es necesaria la decorticación pulmonar. Actualmente, el enfoque más favorecido para la decorticación es mediante una toracotomía abierta. Este es un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, retrospectivo, con un muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos que tuvo como población accesible a pacientes con el diagnostico de empiema en quienes se realizó una decorticación pleural en el Hospital de Clínicas por el Departamento de Cirugía de Tórax durante el periodo de marzo 2016 a febrero 2019. Un total de 24 pacientes con el diagnóstico de empiema fueron sometidos a una decorticación pleural. La etiología de empiema más frecuente (75%) fue el derrame paraneumónico. Las complicaciones post quirúrgicas estuvieron presentes en 9 (37,5%) pacientes, de estos, 4 (17%) presentaron fuga aérea durante los primeros días postoperatorios. Se constató la resolución completa del cuadro en 21 (87,5%) pacientes y 3 (12,5%) pacientes presentaron colección residual pleural. Se constató recurrencia en 1 (4%) paciente, requiriendo un re intervención quirúrgica. En conclusión, la casuística de nuestro departamento de tórax coincide en cuanto a valores internacionales de complicaciones, resolución y mortalidad.
Empyema is a collection of purulent fluid in the pleural space. The most common cause is pneumonia. Treatment options include therapeutic thoracentesis, drainage catheter placement, fibrinolytic therapy, pleurodesis, and surgery, such as pleural decortication. Pleural drainage is effective in stage I and surgery is reserved for complicated cases (stages II and III). In these cases, pulmonary decortication is necessary. Currently, the most favored approach to decortication is by open thoracotomy. This is an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study, with a non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases that had as the accessible population, patients with the diagnosis of empyema in whom pleural decortication was performed at the Clinica´s Hospital of San Lorenzo, by the Department of Thoracic Surgery during the period from March 2016 to February 2019. A total of 24 patients with the diagnosis of empyema underwent pleural decortication. The most frequent aetiology of empyema (75%) was parapneumonic effusion. Post-surgical complications were present in 9 (37.5%) patients, of these, 4 (17%) presented air leakage during the first postoperative days. Complete resolution of the condition was verified in 21 (87.5%) patients and 3 (12.5%) patients presented residual pleural collection. Recurrence was found in 1 (4%) patient, requiring reoperation. In conclusion, the casuistry of our thoracic department coincides in terms of international values of complications, resolution and mortality.
Pneumonia , Thoracic Surgery , Thoracotomy , Drainage , Pleurodesis , Thoracentesis , General Surgery , Thorax , Thrombolytic Therapy , Retrospective Studies , CathetersABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Over one million cases of the SARS-CoV-2 virus have been confirmed worldwide, with the death toll exceeding 50,000 people. An important issue to be addressed concerns the exposure of health professionals to this new virus. The first reports from Wuhan province, China, described infection rates of up to 29% among healthcare professionals before the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) was fully regulated. There are several protocols on the correct use of PPE during aerosol-generating procedures. However, there is no specific guidance on how to proceed in cases of need for chest tubes in patients with positive COVID-19 active air leak. The objective of this work is to assist surgeons of the most diverse specialties during the chest drainage of a patient with COVID-19 and to avoid a risk of contamination to the professional and the environment.
RESUMO Mais de um milhão de casos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 foram confirmados em todo o mundo, com o número de mortos ultrapassando 50.000 pessoas. Uma questão importante a ser abordada diz respeito à exposição dos profissionais de saúde à esse novo vírus. Os primeiros relatórios da província de Wuhan, na China, descreveram taxas de infecção de até 29% entre os profissionais de saúde antes que o uso de equipamentos de proteção pessoal (EPI) fosse totalmente regulamentado. Existem vários protocolos sobre o uso correto de EPI durante os procedimentos geradores de aerossóis. No entanto, não há orientação específica sobre como proceder em casos de necessidade de drenos torácicos em pacientes com vazamento de ar ativo COVID-19 positivos. O objetivo desse trabalho é auxiliar os cirurgiões das mais diversas especialidades durante a drenagem torácica de um paciente com COVID-19 e evitar um risco de contaminação ao profissional e no ambiente.
Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Pandemics/prevention & control , Thoracentesis/instrumentation , Personal Protective Equipment , Pneumonia, Viral/surgery , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Coronavirus Infections/surgery , Thoracentesis/standards , COVID-19ABSTRACT
O hemangioma esplênico, tumor benigno mais frequente do baço, porém, por vezes de difícil diagnóstico, pode integrar a síndrome de Kasabach-Merritt, afecção rara e potencialmente fatal, descrita como associação entre hemangioma, trombocitopenia e coagulopatia de consumo. Apresentamos um caso de paciente de 73 anos em acompanhamento com a hematologia por trombocitopenia crônica a princípio idiopática, que evoluiu com dor abdominal, anemia e derrame pleural. Foi realizada tomografia computadorizada de abdome, que evidenciou massa esplênica sólida heterogênea. A paciente foi submetida a esplenectomia total videolaparoscópica e evoluiu com melhora da dor abdominal e normalização da série plaquetária, sem recorrência do derrame pleural após o procedimento. A raridade e a complexidade do caso, somadas à dificuldade diagnóstica e à abordagem terapêutica, foram fatores que corroboraram para a apresentação desse caso. (AU)
Splenic hemangioma, the most common, but sometimes hard to diagnose, benign tumor of the spleen may integrate Kasabach- Merritt syndrome, a rare and potentially fatal condition described as an association ofhemangioma, thrombocytopenia and consumption coagulopathy. We present a case of a 73-year-old female patient being monitoring, with Hematology due to chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenia who progressed with abdominal pain, anemia and pleural effusion; a computed tomography scan of the abdomen was performed, showing a heterogeneous solid splenic mass. The patient underwent total videolaparoscopic splenectomy and progressed with improvement of abdominal pain and normalization of the platelet series, with no recurrence of pleural effusion after the procedure. The rarity and complexity of the case added to the diagnostic difficulty and therapeutic approach were factors that corroborated for the presentation of this case. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Splenic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome/diagnosis , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Oxygen Inhalation Therapy , Pleural Effusion/drug therapy , Pleural Effusion/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Puncture , Splenectomy , Splenomegaly/diagnostic imaging , Thrombocytopenia/diagnosis , Bone Diseases, Metabolic , Bone Marrow/pathology , Radiography , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Abdominal Pain , Video-Assisted Surgery , Dyspepsia , Dyspnea , Thoracentesis , Piperacillin, Tazobactam Drug Combination/therapeutic use , Anemia , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
A endometriose torácica é uma forma de endometriose extrapélvica encontrada em tecidos pulmonares ou na pleura. Caracteriza- se clinicamente pela presença de pneumotórax catamenial, hemotórax catamenial, hemoptise e nódulos pulmonares. O pneumotórax catamenial é a manifestação mais frequente, sendo caracterizado pelo acúmulo recorrente de ar na cavidade torácica durante o período menstrual. Ocorre, geralmente, no hemitórax direito e possui maior incidência na faixa etária dos 30 aos 40 anos de idade. Nosso objetivo é descrever um caso de derrame pleural hemorrágico recorrente e pneumotórax espontâneo correlacionados ao período menstrual em paciente de 34 anos. (AU)
Thoracic endometriosis is a form of extrapelvic endometriosis found in pulmonary tissue or the pleura. Clinically, it is characterized by the presence of catamenial pneumothorax, catamenial hemothorax, hemoptysis, and pulmonary nodules. The most frequent clinical presentation is catamenial pneumothorax, which is typified by a recurrent collection of air in the thoracic cavity occurring in conjunction with menstrual periods. It occurs more commonly on the right side and its highest incidence is between 30 and 40 years of age. Our objective is to describe a case of recurrent hemorrhagic pleural effusion and spontaneous pneumothorax correlated to the menstrual period in a 34-year-old patient. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Endometriosis/diagnosis , Hemopneumothorax/diagnostic imaging , Lung Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pleural Effusion/diagnostic imaging , Progestins/therapeutic use , Thoracoscopy , Uterine Neoplasms/drug therapy , Uterine Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Radiography , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Back Pain , Leiomyomatosis/drug therapy , Leiomyomatosis/diagnostic imaging , Pleurodesis , Contraceptives, Oral, Hormonal/therapeutic use , Cough , Diabetes Mellitus , Dyspnea , Endometriosis/drug therapy , Fever , Thoracentesis , Hemopneumothorax/drug therapy , Lung Neoplasms/drug therapyABSTRACT
Resumen El quilotórax se produce ante la ruptura, desgarro u obstrucción del conducto torácico o sus afluentes principales, lo que resulta en la liberación de quilo al espacio pleural. Ocurre más frecuentemente asociado a trauma o a lesiones malignas; pero han sido descritas otras causas. El diagnóstico se obtiene mediante toracocentesis y la determinación de las concentraciones de triglicéridos y colesterol en el líquido pleural. Las complicaciones incluyen la desnutrición, inmunosupresión y compromiso respiratorio. El tratamiento puede ser conservador o agresivo en función de la situación clínica.
Abstract Chylothorax occurs when there is rupture, laceration or obstruction of the thoracic duct or its main tributaries, resulting in the release of chyle into the pleural space. It most commonly occurs from trauma or malignancy, but other causes have been described. Diagnosis involves thoracocentesis and cholesterol and triglyceride measurement in the pleural fluid. Complications include malnutrition, immunosuppression and respiratory distress. Treatment may be either conservative or aggressive depending on the clinical scenario.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Thoracostomy , Chyle , Chylomicrons , Chylothorax/diagnosis , Thoracic Cavity , ThoracentesisABSTRACT
El hidrotórax hepático (HH) se define como un derrame pleural mayor de 500 ml en pacientes con cirrosis e hipertensión portal. Representa una complicación infrecuente por lo general asociada con ascitis y su origen se relaciona con el paso de líquido ascítico a través de pequeños defectos en el diafragma de predominio en el hemitórax derecho. Una vez establecido el diagnóstico por imágenes, la toracentesis diagnostica permite confirmar un trasudado. La terapia inicial está basada en la restricción de sodio y el uso combinado de diuréticos. El 20-25% de los pacientes desarrolla un HH refractario, el cual requiere intervenciones invasivas tales como la derivación percutánea portosistémica intrahepática (DPPI), la reparación de los defectos diafragmáticos por videotoracoscopia asistida asociada a pleurodésis química y el uso de un catéter pleural tunelizado. No se recomienda la inserción de un tubo de tórax por su elevada morbilidad y mortalidad. El tratamiento definitivo del HH es el trasplante hepático el cual alcanza una excelente sobrevida. Presentamos tres casos de hidrotórax hepático con diferentes enfoques terapéuticos que incluyeron el manejo conservador con dieta y diuréticos, la inserción fallida de un tubo de tórax con pleurodesis y una DPPI.
Hepatic hydrothorax is uncommon transudative pleural effusion greater than 500 ml in association with cirrhosis and portal hypertension. Ascites is also present in most of the patients and the pathophysiology include the passage of ascites fluid through small diaphragmatic defects. After diagnostic thoracentesis studies, the first line management is restricting sodium intake and diuretics combination including stepwise dose of spironolactone plus furosemide. Therapeutic thoracentesis is a simple and effective procedure to relief dyspnea. Hepatic hydrothorax is refractory in approximately 20-25% and treatments options include repeated thoracentesis, transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) placement, chemical pleurodesis with repair diaphragmatic defects using video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery (VATS), and insertion of an indwelling pleural catheter. Chest tube insertion carries significant morbidity and mortality with questionable benefit. Hepatic transplantation remains the best treatment option with long term survival. We present three cases of hepatic hydrothorax with different therapeutic approach including first line management, failed chest tube insertion and TIPS placement.
Aged , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Hydrothorax/therapy , Pleural Effusion/therapy , Ascites/therapy , Chest Tubes , Liver Transplantation , Hepatitis C/complications , Combined Modality Therapy , Pleurodesis , Portasystemic Shunt, Transjugular Intrahepatic , Metabolic Syndrome/complications , Diuretics/therapeutic use , Thoracentesis , Conservative Treatment , Hydrothorax/surgery , Hydrothorax/etiology , Hypertension, Portal/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/complicationsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Variation exists in the initial treatment for the first episode of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP), and no definitive consensus exists due to a lack of high-quality evidence. This study examined the outcomes of needle aspiration and closed thoracostomy in first episodes of PSP requiring intervention. METHODS: This study was a randomized, prospective, single-center trial conducted between December 2015 and August 2016. Patients of all ages with a documented first episode of PSP who were unilaterally affected, hemodynamically stable, and had a pneumothorax measuring over 25% in size were included. Patients with underlying lung disease, severe comorbidities, bilateral pneumothorax, tension pneumothorax, recurrent pneumothorax, traumatic pneumothorax, and pregnancy were excluded. Patients were randomly assigned to the needle aspiration or closed thoracostomy group using a random number table. RESULTS: Forty patients with a first episode of PSP were recruited, and 21 and 19 patients were included in the needle aspiration group and the closed thoracostomy group, respectively. The hospital stay of each group was 2.1±1.8 days and 5.4±3.6 days, respectively (p<0.01). However, no significant differences were found in the success rate of initial treatment or the 1-month and 1-year recurrence rates. CONCLUSION: Needle aspiration is a favorable initial treatment in patients experiencing a first episode of PSP.
Humans , Pregnancy , Comorbidity , Consensus , Length of Stay , Lung Diseases , Needles , Pneumothorax , Prospective Studies , Recurrence , Thoracentesis , ThoracostomyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Hepatic hydrothorax is a complication of decompensated liver cirrhosis that is difficult and complex to manage. Data concerning the optimal treatment method, other than liver transplantation, are limited. This study aimed to compare the clinical features and outcomes of patients treated with various modalities, while focusing on surgical management and pigtail drainage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-one patients diagnosed with refractory hepatic hydrothorax between January 2013 and December 2017 were enrolled. RESULTS: The mean Child-Turcotte-Pugh and model for end stage liver disease scores of the enrolled patients were 10.1 and 19.7, respectively. The patients underwent four modalities: serial thoracentesis (n=11, 26.8%), pigtail drainage (n=16, 39.0%), surgery (n=10, 24.4%), and liver transplantation (n=4, 9.8%); 12-month mortality rate/median survival duration was 18.2%/868 days, 87.5%/79 days, 70%/179 days, and 0%/601.5 days, respectively. Regarding the management of refractory hepatic hydrothorax, surgery group required less frequent needle puncture (23.5 times in pigtail group vs. 9.3 times in surgery group), had a lower occurrence of hepatorenal syndrome (50% vs. 30%), and had a non-inferior cumulative overall survival (402.1 days vs. 221.7 days) compared to pigtail group. On multivariate analysis for poor survival, body mass index 10, and history of severe encephalopathy (grade >2) were associated with poor survival. CONCLUSION: Serial thoracentesis may be recommended for management of hepatic hydrothorax and surgical management can be a useful option in patients with refractory hepatic hydrothorax, alternative to pigtail drainage.
Humans , Body Mass Index , Brain Diseases , Drainage , End Stage Liver Disease , Fibrosis , Hepatorenal Syndrome , Hydrothorax , Liver Cirrhosis , Liver Transplantation , Methods , Mortality , Multivariate Analysis , Needles , Punctures , ThoracentesisABSTRACT
Two dogs underwent a combined laparoscopic ovariectomy and total laparoscopic gastropexy. The intra-abdominal pressure and pulmonary compliance decreased, but the peak airway pressure increased at 20 min after the start of gastropexy with intracorporeal suturing. Right chest auscultation and percussion revealed reduced breath sounds and hyper-resonance. No abnormalities in the functioning of the instruments or diaphragmatic defects were detected. The tidal volume was reduced and a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cmH₂O was applied. The right chest of the two dogs was drained off: 950 mL (case 1) and 250 mL (case 2) of gas. After thoracentesis, the pulmonary compliance improved and surgery was completed successfully. The postoperative chest radiographs highlighted the residual right pneumothorax.
Animals , Dogs , Female , Auscultation , Compliance , Gastropexy , Laparoscopy , Ovariectomy , Percussion , Pneumothorax , Positive-Pressure Respiration , Radiography, Thoracic , Thoracentesis , Thorax , Tidal VolumeABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlations of ultrasonographically estimated volumes of pleural fluid with the actual effusion volume in order to determine the most reliable formula. METHODS: In 32 consecutive patients with clinically diagnosed pleural effusion, an ultrasound estimation was made of the volume of effusion using four different formulae, including two in the erect position and two in the supine position. Closed-tube thoracostomy drainage using a 28-Fr chest tube was performed. The total drainage was calculated after confirmation of full lung re-expansion and complete drainage by plain chest radiographs and ultrasound. The ultrasonographically estimated volume was compared to the actual total volume drained as the gold standard. RESULTS: There were 14 female and 18 male subjects. The mean age of all subjects was 41.56±18.34 years. Fifty percent of the effusions were in the left hemithorax. Metastatic disease accounted for the plurality of effusions (31.2%). The mean total volume drained for all the subjects was 2,770±1,841 mL. The ultrasonographically estimated volumes for the erect 1, erect 2, supine 1, and supine 2 formulae were 1,816±753 mL, 1,520±690 mL, 2,491±1,855 mL, and 1,393±787 mL, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for the estimate of each formula were 0.75, 0.81, 0.62, and 0.63, respectively. CONCLUSION: Although both erect formulae showed similar correlations, the erect 2 formula (Goecke 2) was most closely correlated with the actual volume drained.
Female , Humans , Male , Chest Tubes , Drainage , Lung , Pleural Effusion , Radiography, Thoracic , Supine Position , Thoracentesis , Thoracostomy , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
Non-infectious complications of peritoneal dialysis (PD) are relatively less common than infectious complications but are a potentially serious problem in patients on chronic PD. Here, we present a case of a non-infectious complication of PD in a 13-year-old boy on chronic PD who presented with symptoms such as hypertension, edema, dyspnea, and decreased ultrafiltration. Chest and abdominal radiography showed pleural effusion and migration of the PD catheter tip. Laparoscopic PD catheter reposition was performed because PD catheter malfunction was suspected. However, pleural effusion relapsed whenever the dialysate volume increased. To identify peritoneal leakage, computed tomography (CT) peritoneography was performed, and a defect of the peritoneum in the left lower abdomen with contrast leakage to the left rectus and abdominis muscles was observed. He was treated conservatively by transiently decreasing the volume of night intermittent PD and gradually increasing the volume. At the 2-year follow-up visit, the patient had not experienced similar symptoms. Patients on PD who present with refractory or recurrent pleural effusion that does not respond to therapy should be assessed for the presence of infection, catheter malfunction, and pleuroperitoneal communication. Thoracentesis and CT peritoneography are useful for evaluating pleural effusion, and timely examination is important for identifying the defect or fistula.
Adolescent , Humans , Male , Abdomen , Catheters , Dyspnea , Edema , Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Hypertension , Muscles , Peritoneal Dialysis , Peritoneum , Pleural Effusion , Radiography, Abdominal , Thoracentesis , Thorax , UltrafiltrationABSTRACT
In patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), pleural effusion may be attributed to various factors, including infection, hypoalbuminemia, and renal failure. However, leukemic infiltration of the pleural fluid is rarely reported and poorly understood. Extramedullary diseases have been reported with increasing frequency as the survival rates of patients with AML have increased. However, the reported prognostic effects of leukemic pleural effusion in patients with AML range from none to a worse prognosis. Here, we report a case of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) in a patient exhibiting leukemic pleural effusion with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results indicating the presence of the PML-RARA fusion gene. A 52-year-old man presented with pancytopenia, dyspnea, and fever. He had a medical history of hypertension, end-stage renal disease, and hepatitis B virus-related liver cirrhosis. A peripheral blood smear revealed the presence of multiple abnormally hypergranular promyelocytes. White blood cell differential counts were not performed due to severe pancytopenia. A bone marrow examination, immunophenotyping analysis, and cytogenetic and molecular studies revealed APL. The patient was treated with all-trans retinoic acid immediately after abnormal promyelocytes were observed in the peripheral blood smear, but induction chemotherapy was delayed because of his poor condition. His persistent dyspnea and abdominal discomfort led to a thoracentesis and the observation of abnormal promyelocytes that were positive for PML-RARA fusion gene by FISH. To our knowledge, this is the first report of leukemic pleural infiltration with PML-RARA fusion gene-positivity via FISH.
Humans , Middle Aged , Bone Marrow Examination , Cytogenetics , Dyspnea , Fever , Fluorescence , Granulocyte Precursor Cells , Hepatitis B , Hypertension , Hypoalbuminemia , Immunophenotyping , In Situ Hybridization , Induction Chemotherapy , Kidney Failure, Chronic , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute , Leukemia, Promyelocytic, Acute , Leukemic Infiltration , Leukocytes , Liver Cirrhosis , Pancytopenia , Pleural Effusion , Prognosis , Renal Insufficiency , Survival Rate , Thoracentesis , TretinoinABSTRACT
A 13-year-old spayed female Miniature Schnauzer was presented with complaints of intermittent syncope. Pericardial effusion was confirmed based on the physical examination, thoracic radiographs and echocardiography. Subsequently, prompt pericardiocentesis was performed. Clinical abnormalities were immediately improved after pericardiocentesis. However, the clinical signs associated with acute collapse recurred. After the second pericardiocentesis, thoracic radiographs revealed pleural effusion, and the clinical signs resolved rapidly. The dog underwent pleural aspiration. Analysis of pleural fluid revealed almost similar features as the previous pericardial fluid. It was possible that a pericardial-pleural fistula was created during the pericardiocentesis. The pericardial and pleural effusion disappeared after the procedures.
Adolescent , Animals , Dogs , Female , Humans , Cardiac Tamponade , Echocardiography , Fistula , Pericardial Effusion , Pericardial Fluid , Pericardiocentesis , Physical Examination , Pleural Effusion , Syncope , ThoracentesisABSTRACT
Abdominal compartment syndrome can produce a critical situation if not diagnosed early and managed properly. We report a case of abdominal compartment syndrome that was caused by massive irrigation of surgical fluid during endoscopic lumbar diskectomy at the L4–L5 level. There was a sudden increase in peak inspiratory pressure during the operation, and the patient's tidal volume and blood pressure decreased. When the patient's position was changed from prone to supine, abdominal distension and cyanosis of both lower extremities were discovered. Ultrasonic findings showed fluid collection in both the chest and intra-abdominal cavity. Thoracentesis and abdominal decompression surgery were performed, and the patient's overall state improved. We concluded that irrigation fluid used during the endoscopic operation leaked into the retroperitoneal space and caused abdominal compartment syndrome.
Blood Pressure , Cyanosis , Diskectomy , Endoscopy , Intra-Abdominal Hypertension , Lower Body Negative Pressure , Lower Extremity , Retroperitoneal Space , Thoracentesis , Thorax , Tidal Volume , UltrasonicsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the role of intrapleural positioning of a pleural catheter in early lung expansion and pleurodesis success in patients with recurrent malignant pleural effusion (RMPE). Methods: This was a retrospective study nested into a larger prospective cohort study including patients with RMPE recruited from a tertiary university teaching hospital between June of 2009 and September of 2014. The patients underwent pleural catheter insertion followed by bedside pleurodesis. Chest CT scans were performed twice: immediately before pleurodesis (iCT) and 30 days after pleurodesis (CT30). Catheter positioning was categorized based on iCT scans as posterolateral, anterior, fissural, and subpulmonary. We used the pleural volume on iCT scans to estimate early lung expansion and the difference between the pleural volumes on CT30 and iCT scans to evaluate radiological success of pleurodesis. Clinical pleurodesis success was defined as no need for any other pleural procedure. Results: Of the 131 eligible patients from the original study, 85 were included in this nested study (64 women; mean age: 60.74 years). Catheter tip positioning was subpulmonary in 35 patients (41%), anterior in 23 (27%), posterolateral in 17 (20%), and fissural in 10 (12%). No significant differences were found among the groups regarding early lung expansion (median residual pleural cavity = 377 mL; interquartile range: 171-722 mL; p = 0.645), radiological success of pleurodesis (median volume = 33 mL; interquartile range: −225 to 257 mL; p = 0.923), and clinical success of pleurodesis (85.8%; p = 0.676). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the position of the tip of the pleural catheter influences neither early lung expansion nor bedside pleurodesis success in patients with RMPE.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o papel do posicionamento intrapleural do cateter pleural na expansão pulmonar precoce e no sucesso da pleurodese em pacientes com derrame pleural maligno recorrente (DPMR). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo aninhado em um estudo prospectivo de coorte maior com pacientes com DPMR recrutados em um hospital-escola universitário terciário entre junho de 2009 e setembro de 2014. Os pacientes foram submetidos a inserção de cateter pleural e, em seguida, pleurodese à beira do leito. A TC de tórax foi realizada duas vezes: imediatamente antes da pleurodese (TCi) e 30 dias após a pleurodese (TC30). Com base na TCi, a posição do cateter foi classificada em posterolateral, anterior, fissural e subpulmonar. Usamos o volume pleural na TCi para estimar a expansão pulmonar precoce e a diferença entre os volumes pleurais na TC30 e na TCi a fim de avaliar o sucesso radiológico da pleurodese. Considerou-se que a pleurodese teve êxito clínico quando não foi necessário realizar nenhum outro procedimento pleural. Resultados: Dos 131 pacientes elegíveis do estudo original, 85 foram incluídos neste estudo aninhado (64 mulheres; média de idade: 60,74 anos). A posição da ponta do cateter foi subpulmonar em 35 pacientes (41%), anterior em 23 (27%), posterolateral em 17 (20%) e fissural em 10 (12%). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos quanto à expansão pulmonar precoce (mediana da cavidade pleural residual = 377 ml; intervalo interquartil: 171-722 ml; p = 0,645), sucesso radiológico da pleurodese (mediana do volume = 33 ml; intervalo interquartil: −225 a 257 ml; p = 0,923) e sucesso clínico da pleurodese (85,8%; p = 0,676). Conclusões: Nossos resultados sugerem que a posição da ponta do cateter pleural não influencia nem a expansão pulmonar precoce nem o sucesso da pleurodese à beira do leito em pacientes com DPMR.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Catheters, Indwelling , Pleural Effusion, Malignant/surgery , Pleurodesis/methods , Thoracentesis/instrumentation , Thoracentesis/methods , Ultrasonography, Interventional/methods , Catheterization/methods , Lung/physiopathology , Pleural Cavity/surgery , Pleura/pathology , Pleura/physiopathology , Prospective Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
: Fetal hydrops is a serious condition which can be caused by immune and non-immune aetiologies. We aimed to review the management of fetal hydrops at our hospital.: A retrospective review of all cases of fetal hydrops diagnosed in our institution from 2006 to 2013 was carried out.: Out of the 30 cases of fetal hydrops diagnosed antenatally, 17 were cases of Bart's hydrops which were all terminated in-utero. Of the remaining 13 cases, 11 cases consisted of non-immune causes of hydrops. Planned antenatal interventions including in-utero blood transfusions (n = 4) and thoracentesis (n = 5) as well as planned caesarean deliveries (n = 11) were performed in the majority of cases. Postnatal neonatal intensive care with interventions including chest drainage and transfusions were also performed. A majority, 92%, of the cases survived the perinatal period following a variable length of hospital stay ranging from a week to 3 months.: Management of fetal hydrops is complex. Close coordination between the obstetric and neonatal teams was the key to good short-term survival of neonates with antenatally diagnosed hydrops, as it allows timely antenatal intervention and anticipation of potential perinatal complications.
Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy , Abortion, Induced , Blood Transfusion , Cesarean Section , Disease Management , Drainage , Fetal Therapies , Hemoglobins, Abnormal , Hydrops Fetalis , Blood , Therapeutics , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Prenatal Diagnosis , Retrospective Studies , Singapore , Survival Rate , Tertiary Care Centers , Thoracentesis , alpha-Thalassemia , BloodABSTRACT
A 72-year-old male presented with respiratory discomfort. A simple chest X-ray and abdominal computed tomography showed pleural effusion and multiple lymph node enlargement. The pleural effusion was determined by thoracentesis to be chylothorax. An inguinal lymph node biopsy showed peripheral T-cell lymphoma. Following three cycles of cyclophospamide, hydroxyl doxorubicin, vincristine, prednisolone (CHOP) chemotherapy, a partial response was observed. Chylothorax is an extremely rare complication of T-cell lymphoma. We present a case of peripheral T-cell lymphoma presenting with chylothorax. We suggest that clinicians should consider chylothorax when examining patients with lymphoma who present with atypical pleural effusion.