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Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 562-565, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385671


SUMMARY: The latissimus dorsi is a broad muscle that originates from the inferior thoracic spinous processes, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest, and inferior ribs. It inserts on the inferior aspect of the intertubercular groove of the humerus through a thin tendon. The study was conducted on 10 cadavers (7 male and 3 female). These specimens were dissected and examined to study the gross anatomical characteristics of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The dimensions of the latissimus dorsi muscle and its surface area were measured in all the cadavers. The branching pattern of the thoracodorsal vessels was recorded. The pedicle length and caliper were measured using Vernier calipers. On the 20 dissected sides, the thoracodorsal artery was found to be one of the terminal branches of the subscapular artery that originates in the axillary region. In 19 (95 %) cases, the thoracodorsal artery terminated in a bifurcation, giving off a medial and a lateral branch. The average size of the elevated flap of the latissimus dorsi muscle was 18 cm x 36 cm. The average pedicle length was 9.5 cm (range: 5 cm-14 cm), and the average diameter at its origin was 2.5 mm (range: 1.5 mm-3.5 mm). The average diameter of the vena comitans was 3.3 mm. The current study focuses on the anatomical features of the latissimus dorsi muscle and its blood supply to increase the success rate of operations in clinical practice.

RESUMEN: El músculo latísimo del dorso se origina en los procesos espinosos de las vértebras torácicas inferiores, la fascia toracolumbar, la cresta ilíaca y las costillas inferiores y se inserta en el surco intertubercular del húmero a través de un delgado tendón. El estudio se realizó en 10 cadáveres (7 mujeres y 3 hombres). Estos especímenes fueron disecados y examinados para estudiar las características anatómicas macroscópicas del músculo latísimo del dorso. En todos los cadáveres se midieron las dimensiones del músculo y su superficie. Se registró el patrón de ramificación de los vasos toracodorsales. La longitud del pedículo y el calibre se midieron con paquímetro Vernier. En los veinte lados disecados, se encontró que la arteria toracodorsal era una de las ramas terminales de la arteria subescapular que se originaba en la región axilar. En 19 (95 %) casos, la arteria toracodorsal terminaba bifurcándose en dos ramas, una rama medial y otra lateral. El tamaño promedio del colgajo elevado del músculo latísimo del dorso era de 18 cm x 36 cm. La longitud promedio del pedículo era de 9,5 cm (rango: 5 cm-14 cm), y el diámetro promedio en su origen era de 2,5 mm (rango: 1,5 mm-3,5 mm). El diámetro medio de la vena comitans era de 3,3 mm. El estudio actual se centra en las características anatómicas del músculo latísimo del dorso y su irrigación para aumentar la tasa de éxito de las operaciones en la práctica clínica.

Humans , Male , Female , Thoracic Arteries/anatomy & histology , Superficial Back Muscles/blood supply , Cadaver , Superficial Back Muscles/anatomy & histology
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 142-145, jul./set. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491716


Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.

Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.

Animals , Dogs , Thoracic Arteries/injuries , Dogs/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 142-145, jul./set. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363958


Os retalhos cutâneos são técnicas de escolha para reconstrução de grandes defeitos. Objetivou-se relatar o emprego do retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral em paciente com ferida cirúrgica ocasionada imediatamente após exérese de neoformação na região da articulação do cotovelo. Foi atendido paciente canino macho, 10 anos, pesando 12 kg, apresentando neoformação em tecidos moles, de grande volume, localizada na região medial do cotovelo. Como tratamento definitivo, implementou-se a exérese marginal da neoplasma seguida de reconstrução com a técnica de retalho de padrão axial da artéria torácica lateral. A técnica possibilitou completa síntese e oclusão do defeito, obtendo-se ótima recuperação pós operatória, não sendo observada deiscência de sutura ou necrose do retalho. Conclui-se que a implementação do retalho da artéria torácica lateral foi uma técnica viável na reconstrução em cotovelo após a exérese do neoplasma no paciente relatado, observando resultados satisfatórios quanto aos aspectos funcionais e cosméticos, após o período cicatricial.

Skin flaps are suitable methods of wound closure in large cutaneous defects. I The present study aims to report the use of lateral thoracic axial pattern flap to repair an elbow wound secondary to a neoplasm resection. A 10-year-old male dog weighing 12 kg was presented with a large soft tissue neoplasm in the medial aspect of the elbow. The patient underwent surgical resection of the neoplasm using the lateral thoracic cutaneous flap to achieve a complete defect closure, resulting in an excellent postoperative wound healing without suture failure or skin flap necrosis. It is concluded that the implementation of the lateral thoracic artery flap was a viable technique in elbow reconstruction after neoplasm excision in the reported patient, with satisfactory results regarding functional and cosmetic aspects after the healing period.

Animals , Dogs , Soft Tissue Neoplasms/veterinary , Plastic Surgery Procedures/veterinary , Dogs/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps/veterinary , Surgery, Veterinary , Thoracic Arteries/surgery , Elbow , Surgical Wound/veterinary
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 33(6): 567-572, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977470


Abstract Introduction: In this study we try to observe the fate of the left internal thoracic artery grafts that were bypassed to left anterior descending artery with moderate stenosis identified with fractional flow reserve (FFR) technique. Doppler ultrasonography was chosen as a noninvasive screening method. Methods: A total of 30 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting depending on results of the fractional flow reserve between January 2007 and January 2012, were subjected to transthoracic color Doppler ultrasonographic evaluation irrespective of the presence of symptoms, and the presence of a systolic-diastolic flow pattern was investigated using the supraclavicular approach. Results: The left internal thoracic artery graft was found to be functional in 63.3% of patients within a mean period of 35.1±19.7 months between coronary bypass and color Doppler ultrasonography. This period was found to be 29.4±19.6 months in the functional graft group, and 44.7±16.6 months in the dysfunctional graft group (P=0.046). Preoperative complaints of angina were reported to fall from 88.9% to 16.7% in the functional graft group, when compared to the postoperative period (P<0.001), but fell from 90.9% to 36.4% in the dysfunctional graft group (P=0.034). Conclusion: Functional left internal thoracic artery graft rates of the study population were found to be lower than the studies reported in the literature.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Thoracic Arteries/transplantation , Coronary Stenosis/surgery , Coronary Stenosis/diagnostic imaging , Internal Mammary-Coronary Artery Anastomosis/methods , Myocardial Revascularization/methods , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Graft Survival
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 33(6): 626-630, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977468


Abstract The lateral costal artery has sometimes been identified as the culprit for the "steal phenomenon" after coronary artery bypass grafting, besides being occasionally used for myocardial revascularization. Its branches make anastomoses with the internal thoracic artery through lateral intercostal arteries. We aim to report, on three cases, the clinical significance of a well-developed lateral costal artery after coronary artery bypass grafting. Two out of three patients who underwent coronary artery bypass graft surgery in our center between June 2010 and August 2017, applied to us with stable angina pectoris, while the third one was diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome after applying to the emergency department. In coronary cineangiography, in all three cases, a well-developed accessory vessel arising from the proximal 2.5 cm segment of the left internal thoracic artery coursed as far as the 6th rib was detected, and it was confirmed to be the lateral costal artery. A stable angina pectoris in two of the patients was thought to be the result of steal phenomenon caused by the well-developed lateral costal artery. In the two cases with stable angina pectoris the lateral costal artery was obliterated via coil embolization. In the other case with the proximal left anterior descending artery stenosis, before percutaneous coronary intervention, the lateral costal artery was obliterated via coil embolization and the occluded subclavian artery was stented. Routine visualization in cineangiography and satisfactory surgical exploration of the left internal thoracic artery could be very helpful to identify any possible accessory branch of the left internal thoracic artery like the lateral costal artery.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Thoracic Arteries/abnormalities , Coronary-Subclavian Steal Syndrome/complications , Internal Mammary-Coronary Artery Anastomosis , Angina Pectoris/etiology , Ribs/blood supply , Thoracic Arteries/surgery , Cineangiography , Coronary-Subclavian Steal Syndrome/surgery , Coronary-Subclavian Steal Syndrome/diagnostic imaging , Angina Pectoris/surgery , Angina Pectoris/diagnostic imaging , Myocardial Revascularization
Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1512-1516, Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893163


SUMMARY: The lateral costal branch (LCB) is a variation present in 15-30 % of the population. This blood vessel runs parallel and laterally to the internal thoracic artery from which it originates. Knowledge about the LCB is relevant for thoracic surgeons. In this study we present the findings from the dissection in a practical teaching exercise of the cadaver of a 62-year-old male. The thoracic contents were accessed by raising the anterolateral thoracic wall, the pulmonary pedicles were dissected and both lungs were removed. We observed bilaterally the trajectory of the LCB at the level of the medial axillary line parallel to the internal thoracic artery. On the right side, the LCB originates from the internal thoracic artery at the level of the first rib and extends to the eighth intercostal space, with a length of 26 cm and a caliber of 1.95 mm, communicating with the anterior and posterior intercostal arteries. The left branch originates from the internal thoracic close to their origin artery and extends until the sixth intercostal space, with a length of 14 cm and a caliber of 1.55 mm. it connects with the anterior and posterior intercostal arteries. On both sides the arteries were accompanied by a pair of satellite veins. The lateral costal arteries form part of the circulation of the thoracic wall, constituting an accessory arterial system with a trajectory parallel to the internal thorax and the aorta. Knowledge of it is relevant for invasive procedures, and myocardial revascularization procedure.

RESUMEN: La rama costal lateral es una variación presente en el 15-30 % de los casos, y sigue paralelo y lateral a la arteria torácica interna, de la cual se origina, siendo su conocimiento relevante para los cirujanos de tórax. Se presenta un hallazgo durante una disección en una actividad práctica docente, en un cadáver de sexo masculino de 62 años. Se accedió al contenido torácico levantando la pared esternocostal, procedimiento que comenzó con disección de la piel y musculatura hasta exponer ambas clavículas, se realizó un corte transversal de éstas en su tercio lateral para posteriormente realizar sección bilateral desde la primera hasta la octava costilla siguiendo la línea axilar anterior. Una vez revertida la pared esternocostal, se seccionaron los pedículos pulmonares, y se retiraron ambos pulmones. Se observó bilateralmente en la pared torácica el trayecto de un paquete vascular a nivel de la línea axilar media paralela a la arteria torácica interna. En el lado derecho se originaba a 2 cm del trayecto de la arteria torácica interna y se extendía hasta el octavo espacio intercostal con una longitud de 26 cm y un calibre de 1,95 mm, estableciendo comunicaciones con las arterias intercostales anteriores y posteriores, agotándose en ellas. La rama izquierda se originaba a 1,5 cm del trayecto iniciado por la arteria torácica interna extendiéndose hasta el sexto espacio intercostal; presentó un calibre de 1,55 mm y una de longitud de 14 cm, estableciendo comunicaciones con las arterias intercostales anteriores y posteriores, agotándose en ellas. En ambos lados las arterias eran acompañadas por un par de venas satélites. Las arterias costales laterales forman parte de la circulación de la pared torácica, constituyendo un sistema arterial accesorio al de la arteria torácica interna y la aorta. Su conocimiento es relevante en procedimientos invasivos, además de tener un alto valor docente y formativo.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anatomic Variation , Thoracic Arteries/anatomy & histology , Thoracic Wall/blood supply , Cadaver , Mammary Arteries/anatomy & histology , Ribs/blood supply
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(1): 79-82, jan. 2017. ilus.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-846422


Objetivou-se descrever as artérias do membro torácico da paca (Cuniculos paca Linanaeus, 1766), mediante a dissecação da região. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 10 pacas adultas, machos ou fêmeas, pesando entre cinco e 10 kg do plantel de pacas do setor de Animais Silvestres da FCAV, Unesp, Jaboticabal-SP. Nos animais, injetou-se látex pela artéria carótida comum esquerda para preencher e corar todo o sistema arterial, seguido pela fixação em formaldeído a 10% e conservação em solução salina a 30% para dissecação anatômica das principais artérias do arco aórtico, braço e antebraço, identificando-se a origem e distribuição destes vasos. Os resultados foram foto documentados e discutidos com base na literatura sobre os animais domésticos, e roedores selvagens. De forma geral, as artérias do membro torácico da paca, assemelham-se com as dos carnívoros domésticos, do rato e da cobaia.(AU)

The aim of this study is to describe the arteries of the thoracic limb of paca (Cuniculos paca Linanaeus, 1766) by dissecting the region. We used 10 adult paca, males and females, weighting between five to 10 kg obtained from the breeding group at the Wild Animals Sector of FCAV, Unesp, Jaboticabal-SP. The animals were injected with latex by the left common carotid artery to fill and stain all the arterial system, followed by the fixation in 10% formaldehyde and preservation in 30% saline solution for anatomical dissection of the main arteries of the aortic arch, arm, forearm, identifying the origin and distribution of these vessels. The results were photodocumented and discussed based on literature about domestic animals and wild rodent. In general, the arteries of the thoracic limb of paca are similar to the domestic carnivores, rat and guinea pig.(AU)

Animals , Cuniculidae/anatomy & histology , Thoracic Arteries/anatomy & histology , Upper Extremity/anatomy & histology , Animals, Wild/anatomy & histology , Rodentia/anatomy & histology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-83812


The axillary artery (AA) is often referred to as having three parts, with these divisions based on its location relative to the pectoralis minor muscle. In third part, AA gives off the subscapular (SSA), anterior circumflex humeral, and posterior circumflex humeral arteries (PCHA). However, variations in these arteries were extremely diverse. So, we observed actually some branching patterns of these arteries in this study. METHOD: We studied the pattern of SSA in 128 upper limbs from donated cadavers. RESULT: SSA was originated directly from the third and second parts of AA in 37.5% (48/128) and 4.7% (6/128), respectively. A PCHA made a common trunk with SSA in 25.8% (33/128), and these trunks arose from the third and second parts of AA in 21.1% (27/128) and 4.7% (6/128), respectively. A lateral thoracic artery (LTA) arose from SSA in 12.5% (16/128), and these were originated from the third and second parts of AA in 4.7% (6/128) and 7.8% (10/128), respectively. In 19.5% (25/128) of upper limbs, LTA, SSA, and PCHA have a common trunk, and these arose from the third and second parts of AA in 12.5% (16/128) and 7.0% (9/128), respectively. According to the branching pattern of the SSA, its origin was significantly different.

Arteries , Axillary Artery , Cadaver , Methods , Thoracic Arteries , Upper Extremity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58414


Delayed hemothorax after blunt torso injury is rare, but might be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We present a case of delayed hemothorax bleeding from phrenic artery injury in a 24-year-old woman. The patient suffered from multiple rib fractures on the right side, a right hemopneumothorax, thoracic vertebral injury and a pelvic bone fracture after a fall from a fourth floor window. Delayed hemothorax associated with phrenic artery bleeding, caused by a stab injury from a fractured rib segment, was treated successfully by a minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery. Here, we have shown that fracture of a lower rib or ribs might be accompanied by delayed massive hemothorax that can be rapidly identified and promptly managed by thoracoscopic means.

Female , Humans , Young Adult , Accidental Falls , Hemothorax/complications , Rib Fractures/complications , Thoracic Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Time Factors
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-65538


Congenital extrahepatic portocaval shunt (CEPS) is a rare anomaly of the mesenteric vasculature in which the intestinal and splenic venous drainage bypasses the liver and drains directly into the inferior vena cava, the left hepatic vein or the left renal vein. This uncommon disease is frequently associated with other malformations and mainly affects females. Here we report a case of pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with CEPS (Abernethy type 1b shunt) in a 20-yr-old man who was incidentally diagnosed during evaluation of multiple nodules of the liver. The patient was treated by inhalation of iloprost (40 microg/day) with improved condition and walking test. Physicians should note that congenital portocaval shunt may cause pulmonary hypertension.

Humans , Male , Young Adult , Echocardiography, Doppler , Hypertension, Pulmonary/diagnosis , Iloprost/therapeutic use , Liver/blood supply , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Thoracic Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Vasodilator Agents/therapeutic use , Vena Cava, Inferior/abnormalities
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 26(3): 508-510, jul.-set. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-624536


A migração de pinos e hastes metálicas ortopédicos para a cavidade torácica é rara e pouco descrita na literatura médica, embora seja potencialmente fatal, principalmente quando atingem o coração ou grandes vasos intratorácicos. Reportamos um caso de migração de fio de Kirschner, implantado na clavícula direita há 10 anos, transfixando a aorta torácica em sua porção ascendente, sendo retirado por toracotomia póstero-lateral esquerda.

The orthopedic metallic pins and wires migration for the chest cavity is uncommon and rarely reported in medical literature although it is potentially lethal, especially when they reach the heart or mediastinum great vessels. We reported a case of Kirschner wire withdrawal, for right postero-lateral thoracotomy, which were transfixanting ascendent thoracic aorta artery, in its due to its migration of left clavicle, where it was placed to fix an occurred fracture 10 years before.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Wires , Foreign-Body Migration/complications , Fracture Fixation, Internal/instrumentation , Thoracic Arteries/injuries , Clavicle/injuries , Foreign-Body Migration/surgery , Fractures, Bone/surgery , Thoracic Arteries/surgery
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-725920


Delayed breast hematoma is a very rare late complication inbreast implantation. A 32-year-old female patient presented with sudden and painful swelling of left breast. On physical examination, a swollen and tense breast was noted. No history of aspirin or any anticoagulant administration was documented. The patient went snowboarding 6 days ago and slipped down on the slope resulting in coccyx fracture. Preoperative CT scan with contrast revealed large fluid collection on left pericapsular area. Under local anesthesia, approximately 500cc of fresh blood clot was removed followed by compressive dressing on her left breast. At 6 hours after the operation, swelling of the left breast was noted again, and embolization of a branch of left lateral thoracic artery was performed with removal of 400cc hematoma under general anesthesia. The Saline-filled smooth prosthesis was inspected for consistency and exploration for any bleeding points was performed by endoscope. Capular rupture was noted from 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock, however, no bleeding points werefound. At 3 months period after the last surgery, the patient remained uneventful without any further problems. We hereby report a case of delayed breast hematoma 3 years after primary augmentation mammoplasty that occurred six days after the trauma.

Adult , Female , Humans , Anesthesia, General , Anesthesia, Local , Aspirin , Bandages , Breast , Breast Implantation , Coccyx , Endoscopes , Hematoma , Hemorrhage , Mammaplasty , Physical Examination , Prostheses and Implants , Rupture , Skiing , Thoracic Arteries , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-232478


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To summarize clinical application result of the thoracodorsal artery perforator pedicled flap for repair of soft tissue defects on the ipsilateral upper limb.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>From September 2003 to May 2007, 8 patients (6 males and 2 females) with soft tissue defects on the ipsilateral upper limb underwent reconstruction with the thoracodorsal artery perforator pedicled flap. The age of patients was from 16- to 45-years-old with an average of 32 years. Of them, the recipient sites of 5 cases were located on the arm region, 3 cases on the forearm.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The minor superficial infection of 1 case occurred on the recipient site after operation and the wound gradually healed by daily change dressings. All the flaps had survived completely and the postoperative course was uneventful with satisfactory clinical results. Follow-up period ranged for 9-38 months after operation (mean, 19 months). There was no remarkable donor site morbidity. All cases had good appearance on recipient site.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>The thoracodorsal artery perforator pedicled flap is thin and suitable for repair of soft tissue defect on the ipsilateral upper limb.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Soft Tissue Injuries , General Surgery , Surgical Flaps , Thoracic Arteries , General Surgery , Upper Extremity , General Surgery
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 46(6): 507-514, 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-539474


No estudo referente aos territórios vásculo-nervos os em membro torácico de Pombos (Columba livia) foram utilizados 10 animais. Após a retirada de penas e pele, procedeu-se à identificação dos nervos no membro torácico direito, iniciando-se pela aplicação de compressas de ácido acético glacial 3% e dissecação de cada ramo do plexo braquial e seus músculos de inervação. Para a identificação dos territórios vasculares realizou-se a abertura da cavidade toraco abdominal, canulação do coração seguida de injeção de látex sintético via ventrículo esquerdo, dissecação dos vasos, medição e confecção de esquemas dos resultados. O plexo braquial é composto pelos nervos axilar, radial, peitoral e medianoulnar, em que os dois primeiros são responsáveis pela inervação da musculatura extensora, enquanto os dois últimos responsabilizam-se pela motricidade da musculatura flexora. Ainda pode ser observado um plexo acessório. O tronco braquiocefálico surge da Aorta ascendente, sendo encontrado um tronco direito e um esquerdo, emitindo as artérias carótida comum e subclávia como troncos principais. Destes surgem vasos que irrigam a cabeça, a região cervical e os membros torácicos. Em todas as aves observou-se uma constância na irrigação e inervação da musculatura, articulações e ossos do membro torácico, onde se pode presumir que existe uma constante na delimitação dos territórios vásculo-nervosos.

In the referring study of the vasculo-nervous territories in the thoracic of pigeons (Columba livia) 10 animals had been used. After the withdrawal of feathers and skin, proceeded the identification from the nerves in the right thoracic limb, initiating for the application of compresses of glacial acetic acid solution 3% and dissection of each branch of brachial plexus and its muscles of innervation. For the identification of the vascular territories it was become fulfilled opening of the toracoabdominal cavity, followed of synthetic latex injection saw ventricle left, dissection of the vases, measurement and confection of projects of the results. The brachial plexus is composed for the axillary, radial, pectoral and median-ulnar nerves, where the two first ones are responsible for the innervation of the extensor musculature, while the two last ones make responsible for the movements of the flexor musculature. And still can be observed one accessory plexus.The brachiocephalic trunk appears of the ascending aorta, being found a trunk right and a left, emitting the commom carotid and subclavies arteries as main trunk. Of the vases appear that irrigate the head, the cervical region and the thoracic limbs. In all birds was observed constancy in the irrigation and innervation of the musculature, joints and bones of the thoracic limb, where if it we can presume that existes a constant in the delimitation of the territories vasculo-nervous

Animals , Thoracic Arteries/innervation , Columbidae/anatomy & histology , Thoracic Nerves/blood supply , Brachial Plexus/blood supply , Upper Extremity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-181612


Bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis is primarily caused by gastroesophageal varix in association with extensive collateral circulation, portal hypertensive gastropathy, a Mallory-Weiss tear and peptic ulcer disease. The spontaneous rupture of an artery, as a result of coagulopathy, is extremely rare in patients with liver cirrhosis; however, we recently observed a case of a spontaneous rupture of the lateral thoracic artery in a 47 year-old male patient with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. The patient expired despite repeated transcatheter arterial embolization of the lateral thoracic artery and best supportive care. This is, to our knowledge, the first documented case of the spontaneous rupture of the lateral thoracic artery in a patient with liver cirrhosis.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aortic Dissection/etiology , Fatal Outcome , Liver Cirrhosis/complications , Rupture, Spontaneous/etiology , Thoracic Arteries/pathology , Time Factors
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-26824


The da Vinci telemanipulator system (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA USA) is the most advanced robotic surgical system and has been increasingly used for cardiac surgical procedures. We report out first clinical experience of use of the da Vinci telemanipulator system for endoscopic harvesting of the bilateral thoracic artery and multi-vessel small thoracotomy off pump CABG for 3-vessel disease. The da Vinci telemanipulator system has been previously utilized primarily for mitral valve surgery.

Cardiac Surgical Procedures , Mammary Arteries , Mitral Valve , Robotics , Thoracic Arteries , Thoracotomy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-325879


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To analyses the clinical application of thoracodorsal artery perforator flaps (TAP).</p><p><b>METHODS</b>We used free or pedicled TAP flaps in 7 patients from Aug 2006 to April 2007, The age ranged from 7 to 42 years old, the perforator arteries was detected and labeled with a hand held Doppler flowmeter, the size of flaps ranged from 6 cm x 9 cm - 12 cm x 16 cm, the flaps designed with perforator artery included, all the flaps are based on the first perforator artery.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>All the flaps survived well, no complication occurred with lowest donor site morbidity.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The thoracodorsal artery flap with latissimus dorsal muscle saved is a thin and reliable flaps with robust of blood supply, the flap can reduce significantly donor site morbidity and is a good choice for reconstructive surgery.</p>

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Back , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Methods , Surgical Flaps , Thoracic Arteries , Transplantation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-166937


The arterial variations of the upper limb are frequently encountered in the human body. However, the appearance of multiple variations in one limb is uncommon. The present arterial variations were found in the right upper limb of 86 years-old female cadaver during a routine dissection. The variations of the arterial patterns are as follows: 1. Two thyrocervical trunks from subclavian artery and the internal thoracic artery is rising from lateral branch of thyrocervical trunks. 2. Thoracoacromial artery was divided two branches and the lateral thoracic artery arises from the small of two branches. 3. The distance of bifurcation of the brachial artery is 14.9 mm from the inferior border of teres major muscle. Medial branch of the brachial artery passes along the median nerve and becomes radial artery. Lateral branch of the brachial artery passes along the median nerve and becomes ulnar artery. 4. Bifurcation of radial artery is occurred at the distance of 46.9 mm from styloid process of radius. Deep palmar branch of radial artery is bifurcated on dorsum of hand. Branches for supplying first and second fingers arise from superficial palmar arch. The arterial variations of the upper limb could be caused a several bleeding in intravenous injection or surgeries and a wrong diagnosis. The knowledge of the arterial variation of the upper limb should be decreased to raise clinical problems.

Female , Humans , Arteries , Brachial Artery , Cadaver , Extremities , Fingers , Hand , Hemorrhage , Human Body , Injections, Intravenous , Mammary Arteries , Median Nerve , Muscles , Radial Artery , Radius , Subclavian Artery , Thoracic Arteries , Ulnar Artery , Upper Extremity
Int. j. morphol ; 25(2): 357-361, jun. 2007. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-495930


While dissecting the body of a 59 years old male cadaver we observed abnormal branching pattern of the axillary artery and unusual vascular pedicles of the serratus anterior muscle. The serratus anterior branch originated directly first part of the axillary artery as the first branch. The lateral thoracic and thoracodorsal arteries arose together from the third part of the axillary artery as a lateral thoracic- thoracodorsal common trunk. The superior thoracic artery was out of the position. The circumflex scapular artery originated directly the third part of the axillary artery. The subscapular artery was not present.

Durante la diección de un cadáver de un hombre de 59 años de edad observamos un padrón anormal de las ramas de la arteria axilar e inusual pedículo vascular para el músculo serrato anterior. La rama para el músculo serrato anterior se originaba directamente de la primera parte de la arteria axilar como la primera rama. Las arterias torácica lateral y toracodorsal se originaban juntas de tronco común de la tercera parte de la arteria axilar como arteria torácica lateral-toracodorsal. La arteria torácica superior estaba fuera de la posición. La arteria circunfleja escapular se originaba directamente de la tercera parte de la arteria axilar. La arteria subescapular no estaba presente.

Humans , Male , Adult , Axillary Artery , Thoracic Arteries/abnormalities , Cadaver , Surgery, Plastic