Introducción: La colocación de sondas pleurales es un procedimiento quirúrgico frecuente que puede tener graves complicaciones, las cuales dependen en la mayoría de los casos de la experiencia del operador, el tamaño del tubo y el uso de imágenes para guiar la inserción. Objetivo: Describir las principales lesiones esplácnicas provocadas durante la inserción de sondas pleurales y presentar algoritmos para el diagnóstico precoz y el tratamiento oportuno de estas iatrogenias. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión descriptiva narrativa durante el primer trimestre del año 2023. Se utilizaron las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, LILACS, EBSCO y Cochrane. Se revisaron artículos publicados desde 1984 hasta el 2022. Se procuró que la mayoría de la información se enmarcara en un período no mayor de 10 años de antigüedad. Desarrollo: De las lesiones esplácnicas de la cavidad torácica, la de pulmón es la más frecuente y puede conducir a sangrado o fuga aérea persistente. Las lesiones vasculares son graves y pueden provocar la muerte si no se toman las medidas pertinentes. Se han descrito lesiones de órganos huecos de la cavidad abdominal que suelen ser parte de una hernia diafragmática. Dentro de las lesiones esplácnicas en el abdomen más frecuentes están la hepática y la esplénica. Conclusiones: Estas lesiones son prevenibles y se debe tener en cuenta su mecanismo de producción para evitarlas. Para este fin recomendamos una selección cuidadosa del sitio de inserción, realizar una confirmación adecuada de la posición de la sonda, manipularla cuidadosamente y monitorear constantemente al paciente(AU)
Introduction: Chest tube insertion is a frequent surgical procedure that can have serious complications, which depend mostly on the practitioner's experience, the tube's size and the use of imaging to guide the insertion. Objective: To describe the main splanchnic injuries caused during chest tube insertion, as well as to present algorithms for early diagnosis and timely treatment of these types of iatrogeny. Methods: A descriptive narrative review was performed during the first quarter of the year 2023. The electronic databases PubMed, LILACS, EBSCO and Cochrane were used. Articles published from 1984 to 2022 were reviewed. Most of the information was secured to be framed within a period of no more than 10 years. Development: Among the splanchnic injuries within the thoracic cavity, lung injury is the most frequent and may lead to bleeding or persistent air leak. Vascular injuries are severe and can lead to death if appropriate measures are not taken. Injuries to hollow organs of the abdominal cavity have been described to be usually part of a diaphragmatic hernia. Among the most frequent splanchnic lesions within the abdomen are the hepatic and splenic injuries. Conclusions: These lesions are preventable and their mechanism of production should be taken into account in order to avoid them. To achieve this, we recommend that the insertion site be carefully selected and that the tube's position be adequately confirmed, as well as the careful handling of the tube and the constant monitoring of the patient(AU)
Humans , Chest Tubes/adverse effects , Thoracic Cavity/injuries , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, BibliographicABSTRACT
Introducción: Los cambios en la tecnología médica abarcan todas las especialidades y dentro de ellas, en la cirugía general. Las técnicas mínimamente invasivas han ocupado un papel cimero en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de enfermedades en la cavidad torácica. Objetivo: Describir el uso de las técnicas mínimamente invasivas en el diagnóstico de enfermedades intratorácicas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, retrospectivo de corte transversal para evaluar el uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas en el diagnóstico de las enfermedades intratorácicas en el Hospital Universitario "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" desde enero de 2017 hasta mayo de 2020. El universo estuvo compuesto por 104 pacientes con sospecha diagnóstica de enfermedades benignas o malignas del tórax. Resultados: La mayor parte de los pacientes con enfermedades benignas y malignas del tórax tenían una edad de 49 (±7,05) años, sin significación intersexo. La hipertensión arterial predominó como principal comorbilidad. La videotoracoscopia fue la técnica mínimamente invasiva más empleada y la sospecha de cáncer pulmonar y enfermedad pleural constituyeron las indicaciones más frecuentes que motivaron el proceder. El diagnóstico posoperatorio que predominó en la serie fue el cáncer pulmonar. Las técnicas mínimamente invasivas empleadas mostraron una alta validez. La mayoría de los pacientes egresaron vivos y sin complicaciones. Conclusiones: El uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas en varias enfermedades intratorácicas son de vital importancia para definir diagnóstico y tratamiento(AU)
Introduction: Changes in medical technology cover all specialties and, within them, general surgery. Minimally invasive techniques have played a paramount role in the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic cavity diseases. Objective: To describe the use of minimally invasive techniques in the diagnosis of intrathoracic diseases. Methods: An observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out, from January 2017 to May 2020, in order to assess the use of minimally invasive techniques in the diagnosis of intrathoracic diseases at Manuel Ascunce Domenech University Hospital. The universe was made up of 104 patients with suspected benign or malignant diseases of the chest. Results: Most of the patients with benign and malignant chest diseases were 49 (± 7.05) years old, without intersex significance. Arterial hypertension predominated as the main comorbidity. Videothoracoscopy was the most widely used minimally invasive technique, while suspicion of lung cancer and pleural disease were the most frequent indications that motivated the procedure. The postoperative diagnosis that predominated in the series was lung cancer. The minimally invasive techniques used showed high validity. Most of the patients were discharged alive and without complications. Conclusions: The use of minimally invasive techniques in various intrathoracic diseases are of vital importance to define diagnosis and treatment(AU)
Humans , Pleural Diseases/etiology , Comorbidity , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Thoracic Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
La mediastinitis se define como una inflamación aguda severa de los tejidos conectivos ubicados en la cavidad torácica media, en la que 20% de los casos puede implicar una infección difusa y polimicrobiana del mediastino denominada mediastinitis necrotizante descendente (MND), secundaria a la propagación de una infección grave desde los tejidos bucofaríngeos o cervicales tales como infecciones odontogénicas (de 36 a 47%), faríngeas (de 33 a 45%), cervicales (15%) y otras infecciones de cabeza y cuello (5%). Clínicamente, los pacientes presentan aumento de volumen, temblores, trismus, odinofagia con disnea, disfagia, hipotensión, dolor de cuerpo y del ángulo de la mandíbula. Puede observarse signo de Hamman (crepitación mediastinal con el latido cardiaco) y enfisema subcutáneo. El manejo quirúrgico de las infecciones odontogénicas, sin importar su severidad, consta de dos principios: eliminar el foco etiológico y el vaciamiento quirúrgico de los espacios anatómicos comprometidos con la instalación de un drenaje adecuado. Se presenta el caso de un masculino de 60 años con diagnóstico de mediastinitis necrotizante descendente de origen dental (AU)
Mediastinitis is defined as a severe acute inflammation of the connective tissues affected in the middle thoracic cavity, in which 20% of cases may involve a diffuse and polymicrobial infection of the mediastinum, descending necrotizing mediastinitis (MND), secondary to the spread of a serious infection from the oropharyngeal or cervical tissues, stories such as odontogenic infections (36 to 47%), pharyngeal (33 to 45%), cervical (15%) and other head and neck infections (5%). Clinically, patients present with increased volume, tremors, trismus, odynophagia with dyspnea, dysphagia, hypotension, pain in the body and in the angle of the jaw. Hamman sign (mediastinal crepitus with heartbeat) and subcutaneous emphysema may be observed. The surgical management of odontogenic infections, regardless of their severity, consists of two principles: eliminate the etiological focus and the surgical emptying of the anatomical spaces compromised with the installation of adequate drainage. We present the case of a 60-year-old man diagnosed with descending necrotizing (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Focal Infection, Dental/complications , Mediastinitis , Postoperative Complications , Subcutaneous Emphysema , Tooth Extraction , Thoracic Cavity , Mandible , Mexico , Molar/pathologyABSTRACT
Resumen La hernia diafragmática (HD) consiste en un trastorno en el desarrollo del músculo diafragmático, produciéndose el paso de contenido abdominal a la cavidad torácica. Las principales son hernia de Bochdalek, Morgagni y Hiatal.1 Malformación congénita que afecta a 1 de cada 2 200 recién nacidos. Está asociada a elevada morbimortalidad, principalmente por hipoplasia pulmonar e hipertensión.2 La ecografía prenatal determina el diagnóstico, pronóstico y terapia. La cirugía consiste en cerrar el defecto, siendo el objetivo del tratamiento mantener un adecuado intercambio gaseoso, evitar o minimizar la hipoplasia y la hipertensión pulmonar.1 Las hernias diafragmáticas presentes en el momento del nacimiento se diagnostican fácilmente. En contraste, el diagnóstico de las hernias después del periodo neonatal es muy variable, puede conducir a evaluaciones clínicas y radiológicas erróneas.3
Abstract The diaphragmatic hernia is a disorder in the development of the diaphragm, causing the passage of the abdominal contents into the thoracic cavity. The main ones are Bochdalek, Hiatal and Morgagni hernias1. Congenital malformation that affects 1 in 2 200 newborns. It is associated to high morbidity and mortality mainly due to lung hypoplasia and hypertension.2 Prenatal ultrasound determines the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. The surgical procedure consists ofthe closure of the defect. The goal of the treatment is to maintain adequate gas exchange, to prevent or minimize hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension.1 Congenital diaphragmatic hernias present at birth are readily recognized. In contrast, the diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernia after the neonatal period varies considerably owing to misleading clinical and radiologic features.3
Humans , Pediatrics , Diaphragm , Clinical Diagnosis , Thoracic Cavity , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Hernia, DiaphragmaticABSTRACT
Resumen El quilotórax se produce ante la ruptura, desgarro u obstrucción del conducto torácico o sus afluentes principales, lo que resulta en la liberación de quilo al espacio pleural. Ocurre más frecuentemente asociado a trauma o a lesiones malignas; pero han sido descritas otras causas. El diagnóstico se obtiene mediante toracocentesis y la determinación de las concentraciones de triglicéridos y colesterol en el líquido pleural. Las complicaciones incluyen la desnutrición, inmunosupresión y compromiso respiratorio. El tratamiento puede ser conservador o agresivo en función de la situación clínica.
Abstract Chylothorax occurs when there is rupture, laceration or obstruction of the thoracic duct or its main tributaries, resulting in the release of chyle into the pleural space. It most commonly occurs from trauma or malignancy, but other causes have been described. Diagnosis involves thoracocentesis and cholesterol and triglyceride measurement in the pleural fluid. Complications include malnutrition, immunosuppression and respiratory distress. Treatment may be either conservative or aggressive depending on the clinical scenario.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Thoracostomy , Chyle , Chylomicrons , Chylothorax/diagnosis , Thoracic Cavity , ThoracentesisABSTRACT
Thoracic splenosis is a rare disease that develops as a result of autotransplantation of splenic tissue into the thoracic cavity following splenic and diaphragmatic injury. We report the case of a 53-year-old man with a chief complaint of heartburn and cough. He had a history of traumatic diaphragmatic rupture treated with surgical repair and splenectomy 15 years ago. Imaging studies revealed a paraesophageal mass, and surgical resection was performed considering the possibility of Castleman disease or an esophageal submucosal tumor. Pathologic results showed findings of normal splenic tissue. The patient was discharged on postoperative day 5 without any complications.
Humans , Middle Aged , Autografts , Cough , Castleman Disease , Heartburn , Rare Diseases , Rupture , Splenectomy , Splenosis , Thoracic Cavity , Transplantation, AutologousABSTRACT
Pulmonary masses were observed in the thoracic cavity of a 9-year-old female Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) encountered at a Jeju, Korea slaughterhouse. Grossly, the thoracic cavity was filled with pulmonary masses. Histologically, the neoplastic masses were composed of many abnormal papillary structures lined by single to double columnar neoplastic cells and formed arborizing fronds supported by significant fibrovascular stroma. The neoplastic cells showed strong destructive and infiltrative growth to adjacent tissues and were strongly positive for pan-cytokeratin (CK), CK 7 and sporadically positive for CK MNF116. The masses in the female Hanwoo were diagnosed as a papillary pattern of pulmonary adenocarcinoma.
Animals , Cattle , Child , Female , Humans , Abattoirs , Adenocarcinoma , Korea , Lung , Thoracic CavityABSTRACT
The occurrence of hiatal hernia after total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction is rare. We report the case of a 76-year-old man who presented with dyspnea, vomiting, and fever around 8 days after total gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a hiatal hernia containing part of the small intestine in the left thoracic cavity. Emergent reduction and repair of the hiatal hernia were performed later. Operative findings revealed that the Roux limb was incarcerated in the left pleural cavity. Esophagojejunostomy leakage, perforation of the small intestine with transient ischemic change, and pyothorax were also found. Thus, feeding jejunostomy, thoracoscopic decortication, and diversion T-tube esophagostomy were performed. Considering that the main cause of hiatal hernia is blunt dissection with division of the phrenoesophageal membrane, approximating the crus with 1 or 2 figure-8 sutures, according to the size of the defect, to prevent the incidence of hiatal hernia after total gastrectomy may be performed.
Aged , Humans , Dyspnea , Empyema, Pleural , Esophagostomy , Extremities , Fever , Gastrectomy , Hernia , Hernia, Hiatal , Incidence , Intestine, Small , Jejunostomy , Membranes , Pleural Cavity , Stomach Neoplasms , Sutures , Thoracic Cavity , VomitingABSTRACT
A 6-year-old female domestic short hair cat presented with acute onset of vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, and tachypnea. The cat was apparently healthy prior to presentation without history of trauma. On diagnostic imagings, the entire stomach and spleen were detected in the thoracic cavity. An emergent celiotomy was performed, and a type-4 hiatal hernia was confirmed; the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and duodenum were herniated through the esophageal hiatus. It was corrected using phrenicoplasty, esophagopexy, and left-sided gastropexy and there was no recurrence 16 months after surgery. This is the first case report of an idiopathic type-4 hiatal hernia in a cat.
Animals , Cats , Child , Female , Humans , Anorexia , Duodenum , Gastropexy , Hair , Hernia, Hiatal , Lethargy , Pancreas , Recurrence , Spleen , Stomach , Tachypnea , Thoracic Cavity , VomitingABSTRACT
A solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a mesenchymal fibroblastic tumor inside the pleura, for which complete surgical resection is the standard treatment. For large SFTs, preoperative identification of tumor-feeding vessels using angiography is important for achieving complete resection without unexpected operative bleeding. Extensive adhesions can make resection difficult in a limited operative window, and pulmonary resection may be required to achieve complete SFT resection. Herein, we report successful resection of a large pleural SFT in a 39-year-old man without any complications using a 2-stage approach, in which ligation of the feeding vessels through small another operative window was the first step.
Adult , Humans , Angiography , Fibroblasts , Hemorrhage , Ligation , Pleura , Solitary Fibrous Tumors , Thoracic CavityABSTRACT
Herpes zoster is an infectious disease of the dorsal root ganglion and sensory nerve fibers. Motor nerve involvement is a rare complication. Hiatal hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes into the thoracic cavity through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm. Herein, we present the case of a 78-year-old man with abdominal wall muscle paresis caused by herpes zoster, which resulted in a hiatal hernia.
Aged , Humans , Abdominal Muscles , Abdominal Wall , Communicable Diseases , Diaphragm , Ganglia, Spinal , Hernia, Hiatal , Herpes Zoster , Nerve Fibers , Paresis , Stomach , Thoracic CavityABSTRACT
Bochdalek hernia (BH) is defined as herniated abdominal contents appearing throughout the posterolateral segment of the diaphragm. It is usually observed during the prenatal or newborn period. Here, we report a case of an adult patient with herniated omentum and colon due to BH that was discovered during a colonoscopy. A 41-year-old woman was referred to our hospital with severe left chest and abdominal pain that began during a colonoscopy. Her chest radiography showed colonic shadow filling in the lower half of the left thoracic cavity. A computed tomography scan revealed an approximately 6-cm-sized left posterolateral diaphragmatic defect and a herniated omentum in the colon. The patient underwent thoracoscopic surgery, during which, the diaphragmatic defect was closed and herniated omentum was repaired. The patient was discharged without further complications. To the best of our knowledge, this case is the first report of BH in an adult found during a routine colonoscopy screening.
Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Abdominal Pain , Colon , Colonoscopy , Diaphragm , Hernia , Hernia, Diaphragmatic , Mass Screening , Omentum , Radiography , Thoracic Cavity , Thoracoscopy , ThoraxABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To evaluate the prognostic value of PET parameters obtained from pre- and post-treatment FDG PET/CT examinations in patients with SCLC.METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with initially diagnosed SCLC from 2009 to 2014 were included and had chemotherapy and/or concurrent chemoradiotherapy. FDG PET/CT examinations were performed before (PET1) and after (PET2) treatment to evaluate treatment response. A region of interest was placed over the primary lesion and metastatic lymph nodes within the thoracic cavity. PET parameters including change from PET1 to PET2 (Δ in %) were acquired: SUVmax, SUVpeak, MTV2.5, TLG, ΔSUVmax, ΔSUVpeak, ΔMTV and ΔTLG. Patient characteristics including staging, age, sex, LDH and response evaluation by RECIST were surveyed. Statistical analysis was done using Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis with respect to OS and PFS.RESULTS: The median follow-up was 9.6 months (2.5–80.5 months). 27 patients were LD and 32 were ED. Fortysix patients (78.0%) had died, and median OS was 8.6 months; 51 patients (86%) showed disease progression, and median PFS was 2.5 months. On univariate analysis, patients with ED, high interval change (ΔSUVmax and ΔSUVpeak) and low PET2 parameters showed longer OS and PFS. Multivariate analyses demonstrated that ΔSUVpeak (HR 2.6, P = 0.002) was an independent prognostic factors for OS, and MTV2.5 of PET2 (HR 2.8, P = 0.001), disease stage (HR 2.7, P = 0.003) and RECIST (HR 2.0, P = 0.023) were independent prognostic factors for PFS.CONCLUSIONS: Metabolic and volumetric PET parameters obtained from pre- and post-treatment FDG PET/CT examinations in patients with SCLC have significant prognostic information.
Humans , Chemoradiotherapy , Disease Progression , Drug Therapy , Follow-Up Studies , Lymph Nodes , Methods , Multivariate Analysis , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Prognosis , Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors , Small Cell Lung Carcinoma , Thoracic CavityABSTRACT
One of the uncommon congenital variations is intrathoracic rib which a normal, a bifid, or an accessory rib lies within the thoracic cavity that is founded accidentally. Clinically, in most cases they are without symptoms; however, it may cause intrathoracic problems therefore it is important for radiologists and physicians to identify to prevent of excessive intervention and treatment during imaging diagnostic techniques of thoracic problems. In this report, we provide the case of a rare presentation of an intrathoracic rib in a 3-year-old boy arising from the inferior portion of a second rib based on findings from computed tomography. To our knowledge, this is only the second reported case of this type of intrathoracic rib that demonstrated with computed tomography.
Child, Preschool , Humans , Male , Ribs , Thoracic CavityABSTRACT
A 66-year-old patient undergoing regular follow-up at Samsung Medical Center after left lower lobectomy visited the emergency department around 9 months postoperatively because of nausea and vomiting after routine esophagogastroduodenoscopy at a local clinic. Abdominal computed tomography showed the stomach herniating into the left thoracic cavity. We explored the pleural cavity via video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). Adhesiolysis around the herniated stomach and laparotomic reduction under video assistance were successfully performed. The diaphragmatic defect was repaired via VATS. The postoperative course was uneventful, and he was discharged with resolved digestive tract symptoms.
Aged , Humans , Diaphragm , Emergency Service, Hospital , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Follow-Up Studies , Gastrointestinal Tract , Hernia , Hernia, Diaphragmatic , Nausea , Pleural Cavity , Stomach , Thoracic Cavity , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted , VomitingABSTRACT
Mediastinal pseudocysts are a rare complication of acute pancreatitis. Lack of uniform treatment standards makes the management of this condition a clinical challenge. We report the case of a 43-year-old patient who presented with a left pleural effusion. Pleural fluid revealed a high amylase concentration consistent with a pancreaticopleural fistula. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) revealed a disruption of the pancreatic duct with free outflow of contrast medium into the thoracic cavity. A pancreatic stent was placed. The second day after the ERCP, the patient developed septic shock and was admitted to the intensive care unit. Computed tomography (CT) revealed mediastinal pseudocysts and bilateral pleural effusions. After bilateral drainage of the pleural cavities, the patient improved clinically, and a follow-up CT scan showed that the fluid collection and pseudocysts had resolved. We discuss the optimal strategies for diagnosing and treating patients with pancreatic thoracic pseudocysts and fistulas, as well as review the management of these conditions.
Adult , Humans , Amylases , Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde , Clothing , Drainage , Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Intensive Care Units , Pancreatic Ducts , Pancreatic Pseudocyst , Pancreatitis , Pleural Cavity , Pleural Effusion , Shock, Septic , Stents , Thoracic Cavity , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
Solitary Fibrous tumor is usually arising in the pleura of the thoracic cavity and it has been described in a variety of extrapleural sites including the abdominal cavity, soft tissue, upper respiratory tract and rarely in head and neck region. We experienced a rare case of solitary fibrous tumor in the parotid gland. A 49-year-old woman presented with a painless mass in the left parotid. The mass was well-demarcated and easily dissected, and it showed a patternless arrangement of potential malignant spindle cells in a fibrotic background and prominent vascular structures. In immunochemistry, the mass cells were positive for CD34, vimentin, and negative for actin, S-100 protein, and cytokeratins. Therefore, the parotid mass diagnosed as SFT. During the 24 months of follow-up, there was no recurrence of tumor growth.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Abdominal Cavity , Actins , Follow-Up Studies , Head , Immunochemistry , Keratins , Neck , Parotid Gland , Pleura , Recurrence , Respiratory System , S100 Proteins , Salivary Glands , Solitary Fibrous Tumors , Thoracic Cavity , VimentinABSTRACT
We describe a case of an intrathoracic kidney combined with right congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) that was diagnosed at 32 weeks of gestation. Although it has been well established that a right CDH shows a poorer outcome than a left CDH, our present case showed a good outcome because there was no herniation of other abdominal viscera, except for the right kidney. Our findings in this case indicate that impaction of the intrathoracic kidney may act as a 'shield' against further herniation of other abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity.
Pregnancy , Hernia, Diaphragmatic , Kidney , Thoracic Cavity , Ultrasonography , VisceraABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Solitary fibrous tumors (SFT) represent a rare entity of soft tissue tumors which are exclusively located in the thoracic cavity as pleural fibrous tumors. Extrathoracic SFT in the soft tissues are very rare. We analyzed the oncologic outcome of the soft tissue SFT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2009 and December 2014, we treated 6 soft tissue SFT cases. Patients' clinical data, magnetic resonance imagings and pathologic findings were reviewed. RESULTS: The patients included two women and four men. The average age of the patients was 45 years (range, 32-56 years). The mean tumor size is 7.2 cm (range, 3.5-13.0 cm). One patient received wide excision of the tumor and remaining 5 patients marginal excision. After the excision, pathologic report confirmed that 4 patients showed margin positive. However, no patient received further surgery or adjuvant treatments. After the immunohistochemistry, 2 out of 6 patients identified as malignant soft tissue SFT. The mean follow-up period was 25.8 months (range, 6-66 months). Although 4 patients revealed margin positivity, no subsequent local recurrence or distant metastasis was observed. CONCLUSION: Since the SFT are categorized as intermediated biological potential with a low risk of metastasis and recurrence, marginal excision can be a one of the surgical options for these tumors which are located adjacent to vital structures. However, close observation is needed because local recurrence can be significantly higher the patients with positive resection margins.