Abstract The differential diagnosis of dorsal thoracic pain can be a challange due to the proximity of the dorsal column to vital organs as well as to its unique anatomy, innervation, and rib joint. The patterns of referred visceral pain require, in most cases, extensive complementary diagnostic tests in order to exclude severe conditions. Referred pain patterns often result in numerous and expensive visceral workups in order to exclude serious conditions, and costovertebral joint osteoarthritis is usually only considered when the origin of the pain remains unexplained. The authors present the case of a 40-year-old man with disabling dorsal pain due to isolated costovertebral osteoarthrosis. The symptomatology was controlled after injection of methylprednisolone guided by computed tomography. This clinical case aims to describe the clinical presentation of a rare entity that should be considered in the differential diagnosis of back pain.
Resumo O diagnóstico diferencial de dorsalgia revela-se um desafio pela proximidade da coluna dorsal a órgãos vitais assim como por sua anatomia única, inervação e articulação com as costelas. Os padrões de dor referida visceral obrigam, na maioria das vezes, a extensivos exames complementares de diagnóstico de forma a excluir condições graves. A osteoartrose da articulação costovertebral é um diagnóstico pouco reconhecido, e habitualmente é somente considerado quando a fonte de dor continua sem explicação após extensa investigação. Os autores apresentam o caso de um homem de 40 anos de idade com dor dorsal incapacitante devido a osteoartrose costovertebral isolada. A sintomatologia foi controlada após a injeção de metilprednisolona guiada por tomografia computadorizada. Este caso clínico tem como objetivo descrever a apresentação clínica de uma entidade rara que deverá ser considerada no diagnóstico diferencial de dorsalgia.
Humans , Male , Adult , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Back Pain , Diagnosis, Differential , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
O carcinoma de células escamosas cutâneo é resultante da proliferação maligna dos queratinócitos. Costuma surgir da evolução de lesões precursoras, mas pode crescer espontaneamente na pele normal ou cronicamente inflamada. O carcinoma de células escamosas invasivo corresponde à segunda forma mais comum de câncer da pele não melanoma e representa 20% de todas as neoplasias cutâneas. Este trabalho relata um caso clínico de carcinoma de células escamosas cutâneo, rapidamente progressivo e com metástases regionais, que mesmo com a ressecção completa e esvaziamento ganglionar, apresentou pouca resposta terapêutica e evoluiu a óbito.
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) results from malignant proliferation of keratinocytes. It usually arises from the development of precursor lesions, however it may grow spontaneously on normal or chronically inflamed skin. Invasive SCC is the second most common type of non-melanoma skin cancer and accounts for 20% of all cutaneous neoplasms. The present paper reports a clinical case of cutaneous SCC, rapidly progressive and with regional metastases, which, even after complete resection of the tumor and regional lymph nodes, showed little therapeutic response and evolved to death.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Cervical Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
La neurofibromatosis es el síndrome neurocutáneo más frecuente, una enfermedad hereditaria con afectación multisistémica. Se distinguen tres formas clínicas de la enfermedad; la neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF-1) es la más frecuente. A las lesiones cutáneas, presentes en la mayoría de los casos, se pueden asociar tumores en cualquier localización. Los neurofibromas son característicos de la NF-1. El objetivo de esta comunicación es describir una complicación poco frecuente de la NF-1 que representa un desafío terapéutico debido a la topografía y frecuencia de recidivas. Se trata de una niña de 3 años con NF-1 con síntomas de mielopatía multisegmentaria de instalación progresiva de dos meses de evolución. La imagenología evidenció una tumoración cérvico-dorsal con compresión medular. La exéresis tumoral permitió confirmar neurofibroma intradural, extramedular. Los neurofibromas plexiformes se caracterizan por su comportamiento infiltrativo y diseminación paraespinal extensa. La resección de estas lesiones genera habitualmente morbilidad asociada al compromiso de estructuras críticas extraespinales y dificulta su resección completa tal como ocurrió en el caso clínico presentado. Se destaca la importancia de realizar un correcto seguimiento clínico y eventualmente imagenológico de los pacientes con NF-1 para detectar y abordar oportunamente los tumores, su complicación más importante.
Neurofibromatosis is one of the most frequent neurocutaneous syndrome. It is an inherited diseasewhich affects multiple systems. Three clinical presentations of the disease can be distinguished being type 1 neurofibromatosis the most common. Tumors at any body location can be associated to the usually presented cutaneous lesions. Neurofibromas are characteristic of type 1 neurofibromatosis. The aim of this study is to describe a less frequent complication of the disease which represents a therapeutic challenge due to its topography and frequency of recurrences. This is the case of a 3 year-old girl with type 1 neurofibromatosis with symptoms of multisegmental myelopathy. A cervical-dorsal tumor with medullary compression was shown in medical imaging. Tumor extraction allowed to confirm intradural, extramedullary neurofibroma. Plexiform neurofibromas are characterized by their infiltrative behavior and extensive paraspinal dissemination. Resection of these lesions usually generates morbidity associated with the involvement of extra-spinal critical structures and hinders their complete resection as occurred in the presented clinical case. It is important to perform a correct clinical and eventually imaging follow-up of patients with NF-1 to detect and treat tumors, its most important complication.
Neurofibromatose é a syndrome neurocutânea mais freqüente, uma doença hereditária com envolvimento multissistêmico. Três formas clínicas da doença são distinguidas. A neurofibromatose tipo 1 (NF-1) é a mais freqüente. As lesões cutâneas, presentes na maioria dos casos, podem ser associadas a tumores em qualquer localização. Neurofibromas são característicos de NF-1. O objetivo desta comunicação é descrever uma complicação rara de NF-1 que representa um desafio terapêutico devido à topografia e freqüência de recidivas. Trata-se de uma menina de 3 anos com NF-1 com sintomas de mielopatia multisegmentar de instalação progressiva de dois meses de evolução. A imagem mostrou um tumor cérvico-dorsal com compressão da medula espinhal. A excisão do tumor permitiu confirmar neurofibroma intradural, extramedular. Os neurofibromes plexiformes são caracterizados pelo seu comportamento infiltrativo e sua disseminação paraspinal extensa. A ressecção dessas lesões geralmente gera morbidade associada ao envolvimento de estruturas críticas extra-espinhais e dificulta sua ressecção completa, como ocorreu no caso clínico apresentado. Destaca-se a importância de realizar um acompanhamento clínico e, eventualmente, de imagens de pacientes com NF-1 para detectar e tratar oportunamente os tumores, sua complicação mais importante.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Spinal Cord Neoplasms , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Cervical Vertebrae/pathology , Neurofibromatosis 1/complications , Neurofibroma/surgery , Neurofibroma/diagnosis , Thoracic Vertebrae/surgery , Cervical Vertebrae/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalABSTRACT
A 40-year-old female presented with bilateral lower limb weakness with bladder and bowel incontinence. MRI study revealed a destructive lesion involving the D7 vertebral body and a large tumor in the gluteal muscles invading the right iliac blade. A histological examination demonstrated a tumor comprising of rounded to ovoid pleomorphic epithelioid cells with marked cytological atypia. Tumor cells expressed CD 34, vimentin and focally pancytokeratin but were negative for CD31, EMA, SMA, WT1 and LCA. A D6-7 laminectomy with posterior decompression was done. Postoperatively, external beam radiotherapy was given. However, the patient deteriorated rapidly with no neurological improvement. Epitheiliod sarcomas and their recently described proximal variant, by virtue of being an exceedingly unusual tumor are often misdiagnosed or diagnosed late beyond the stage of salvage. This report highlights the histopathology and that need to be analyzed to correctly diagnose this entity
Humans , Female , Adult , Spine/pathology , Pelvis/pathology , Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 , Antigens, CD34 , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Ilium/pathologyABSTRACT
A 24-year-old male patient was initially evaluated for persistent back pain. The visual analogue scale (VAS) score was 7 points. Physical examination revealed a decreased range of lumbar spinal motion, which caused pain. Simple X-ray revealed Meyerding grade 1 spondylolisthesis at L4 on L5, with mild dome-shaped superior endplate and consecutive multilevel spondylolysis at T12-L5. Standing anteroposterior and lateral views of the entire spine revealed normal balance of sagittal and coronal alignment. A computed tomography scan revealed bilateral spondylolysis at T12-L4, left unilateral spondylolysis at L5, and spina bifida at L5 to sacral region. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed mild dural ectasia at the lumbar region. Due to the absence of any neurological symptoms, the patient was managed conservatively. He was rested a few weeks with corset brace and physiotherapy. After treatment, his back pain improved, VAS score changed from 7 to 2, and he was able to return to normal activity.
Adult , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Back Pain/etiology , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Spinal Dysraphism , Spondylolisthesis/pathology , Spondylolysis/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: We report magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings on focal anterior displacement of the thoracic spinal cord in asymptomatic patients without a spinal cord herniation or intradural mass. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We identified 12 patients (male:female = 6:6; mean age, 51.7; range, 15-83 years) between 2007 and 2011, with focal anterior displacement of the spinal cord and without evidence of an intradural mass or spinal cord herniation. Two radiologists retrospectively reviewed the MRI findings in consensus. RESULTS: An asymmetric spinal cord deformity with a focal dented appearance was seen on the posterior surface of the spinal cord in all patients, and it involved a length of 1 or 2 vertebral segments in the upper thoracic spine (thoracic vertebrae 1-6). Moreover, a focal widening of the posterior subarachnoid space was also observed in all cases. None of the patients had myelopathy symptoms, and they showed no focal T2-hyperintensity in the spinal cord with the exception of one patient. In addition, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow artifacts were seen in the posterior subarachnoid space of the affected spinal cord level. Computed tomography myelography revealed preserved CSF flow in the two available patients. CONCLUSION: Focal anterior spinal cord indentation can be found in the upper thoracic level of asymptomatic patients without a spinal cord herniation or intradural mass.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cerebrospinal Fluid/physiology , Hernia/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Cord Diseases/pathology , Spine/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Adolescent , Humans , Male , Back Pain/diagnosis , Decompression, Surgical , Laminectomy , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Osteoblastoma/complications , Pain Measurement , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant , Spinal Neoplasms/complications , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Rheumatoid disease affecting thoracic and lumbar spine (subcervical disease) is rare and clinically unapparent in general. There are some references in the literature in which more relevant lesions are described with severe clinical manifestations. We present three cases of long standing Rheumatoid Arthritis with manifestations in thoracic or lumbar spine and a review of literature. The first case presented with long standing dorsal and lumbar pain and signs of multiple discitis and arthritis of costovertebral and interapophyseal joints. The second patient presented a lumbar radicular pain related to a rheumatoid synovial cyst that was studied by pathologist after surgery. Finally the third patient presents a very symptomatic rheumatoid discitis due to interapophyseal arthritis.
La afectación vertebral reumatoide en región subcervical (columna vertebral toraco-lumbar) es poco frecuente y tiene por lo general una escasa expresión clínica. Sin embargo, algunas publicaciones sugieren una mayor importancia para estas lesiones, y en ocasiones graves repercusiones clínicas. Presentamos aquí tres casos de artritis reumatoide (AR) de larga evolución con afectación reumatoide torácica o lumbar y hacemos una revisión de la literatura al respecto. La paciente del Caso 1 presentó dorsolumbalgia crónica con signos de discitis múltiple y artritis de articulaciones costovertebrales e interapofisarias. La segunda paciente presentó dolor radicular lumbar en relación con un quiste sinovial reumatoide que precisó cirugía y pudo ser estudiado histopatológicamente. Finalmente, en el tercer caso se describe una discitis reumatoide lumbar muy sintomática con artritis interapofisaria.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/diagnosis , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
O voleibol exige um ótimo condicionamento físico, força, velocidade, agilidade e flexibilidade de seus participantes. Nele, a repetição de determinados tipos de movimentos e a sobrecarga de treinamento exigida produz um processo de adaptação orgânica do corpo que resulta, muitas vezes, em desequilíbrio muscular. Somado a isso, os gestos específicos e os erros na técnica de execução dos movimentos podem aumentar a prevalência de alterações posturais influenciando o aumento de possibilidades de lesões (JUNIOR, 2004). As alterações posturais, por sua vez, podem ocasionar distúrbios que afetam a coluna vertebral. Objetivo: o propósito do estudo foi detectar as principais subluxações - vertebrais cervicais e torácicas - por meio da análise das rotações do processo espinhoso de cada vértebra e lateralidade do atlas com o membro dominante superior, relacionando com as categorias e com a posição em quadra de atletas de Voleibol. Método: para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva com 145 atletas de categorias de base e adulta que treinam mais de dois dias por semana. Os atletas foram submetidos a uma avaliação quiroprática. Resultados e Discussão: verificou-se que as subluxações mais prevalentes foram das vértebras C1, C7, T4, T8 e T12. Observou-se que a musculatura e a articulação do ombro estão diretamente interligadas com as subluxações encontradas. Atletas ambidestros apresentaram menor percentagem de subluxações e maior equilíbrio rotacional dos processos espinhosos e da lateralidade do atlas. Os demais atletas apresentaram a lateralidade do atlas e as rotações do processo espinhoso das regiões cervical e torácica para o lado direito...
Volleyball requires a great physical fitness, strength, speed, agility and flexibility of its players. In it, the repetition of certain types of movements and the overload of training required may produces an organic process of adaptation of the body that often results in muscle imbalance. Added to this, the specific gestures and errors in technique of the movements may increase the prevalence of postural changes influencing the increased possibilities of injuries. Postural changes, inturn, can lead to disorders affecting the spine. Objective: the purpose of the study was to identify the main subluxations - cervical and thoracic - through the analysis of rotations of the spinous process of each vertebra and laterality of the atlas with the dominant upper limb, in what respect the categories and the position in court of volleyball athletes. Method: it was carried out a descriptive study of 145 athletes from youth teams and adult training more than two days per week. The athletes underwent a chiropractic evaluation. Results and Discussion: it was found that the most prevalent vertebral subluxation are C1, C7, T4, T8 and T12. It was noted that the muscles and the shoulder joint are directly interconnected with the subluxations found. Ambidextrous athletes showed lower percentage of subluxations and higher rotational equilibrium of the spinous processes and the laterality of the atlas. The other athletes showed the laterality of the atlas and the rotations of the spinous process of the cervical and thoracic regions to the right side...
Humans , Male , Female , Chiropractic/instrumentation , Musculoskeletal System/pathology , Volleyball/injuries , Cervical Vertebrae/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Cerebral ganglioneuroblastoma is an embryonal tumor of the central nervous system, which has been rarely encountered into the spinal cord. The standard treatment for ganglioneuroblastoma is complete surgical excision. A 15-year old boy was presented with cord compression. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intradural and intramedullar enhancing lesion over T2 spine. A histomorphological diagnosis was made in the presence of immature small round cells admixed with a good number of ganglion cells. The morphological diagnosis was verified by immunohistochemistry. This is the first reported case of compressive myelopathy in the thoracic region of the spine.
Adolescent , Ganglioneuroblastoma/diagnosis , Ganglioneuroblastoma/epidemiology , Ganglioneuroblastoma/surgery , Humans , Male , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/diagnosis , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/epidemiology , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/surgery , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma is an uncommon cause of cord compression in children, especially in infants. An 8-month-old infant was admitted to our hospital for a 40-day history of paraparesis in the lower extremities. This rapidly progressed to paraparesis with an inability to move the lower extremities. MRI of the cervicothoracic spine revealed an epidural mass with compression of the spinal cord. The infant underwent C7-T3 total laminectomies. The pathology and postoperative MRI confirmed spinal epidural hematoma from a vascular malformation. We present the case to highlight the significance of recognizing this chronic spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma and discuss the diagnosis, treatment options and prognosis
Humans , Infant , Male , Hematoma, Epidural, Spinal/diagnosis , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Cervical Vertebrae/pathology , Paraparesis/etiology , Laminectomy , Hematoma, Epidural, Spinal/surgeryABSTRACT
An epithelioid hemangioma involving three contiguous bones in continuity has, to the best of our knowledge, not been reported in the literature. A case of a 48-year-old man presented with radiating pain to the lower thoracic region for two years. A radiograph and CT scan revealed both permeative osteolytic and multiple trabeculated lesions involving the left posterior part of the 10th rib as well as the 9th and 10th vertebral bodies in continuity and was misled as a malignant or infectious lesion. The histopathology and immuno-histochemistry of the lesion confirmed the diagnosis of an epithelioid hemangioma. The lesion was still stable as of three years after surgery.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Neoplasms/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , Hemangioendothelioma, Epithelioid/pathology , Ribs/pathology , Spinal Neoplasms/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: To examine the survival function and prognostic factors of the adjacent segments based on a second operation after thoracolumbar spinal fusion. METHODS: This retrospective study reviewed 3,188 patients (3,193 cases) who underwent a thoracolumbar spinal fusion at the author's hospital. Survival analysis was performed on the event of a second operation due to adjacent segment degeneration. The prognostic factors, such as the cause of the disease, surgical procedure, age, gender and number of fusion segments, were examined. Sagittal alignment and the location of the adjacent segment were measured in the second operation cases, and their association with the types of degeneration was investigated. RESULTS: One hundred seven patients, 112 cases (3.5%), underwent a second operation due to adjacent segment degeneration. The survival function was 97% and 94% at 5 and 10 years after surgery, respectively, showing a 0.6% linear reduction per year. The significant prognostic factors were old age, degenerative disease, multiple-level fusion and male. Among the second operation cases, the locations of the adjacent segments were the thoracolumbar junctional area and lumbosacral area in 11.6% and 88.4% of cases, respectively. Sagittal alignment was negative or neutral, positive and strongly positive in 47.3%, 38.9%, and 15.7%, respectively. Regarding the type of degeneration, spondylolisthesis or kyphosis, retrolisthesis, and neutral balance in the sagittal view was noted in 13.4%, 36.6%, and 50% of cases, respectively. There was a significant difference according to the location of the adjacent segment (p = 0.000) and sagittal alignment (p = 0.041). CONCLUSIONS: The survival function of the adjacent segments was 94% at 10 years, which had decreased linearly by 0.6% per a year. The likelihood of a second operation was high in those with old age, degenerative disease, multiple-level fusion and male. There was a tendency for the type of degeneration to be spondylolisthesis or kyphosis in cases of the thoracolumbar junctional area and strongly positive sagittal alignment, but retrolisthesis in cases of the lumbosacral area and neutral or positive sagittal alignment.
Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Prognosis , Reoperation , Spinal Diseases/pathology , Spinal Fusion , Survival Analysis , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathologyABSTRACT
Forty canine patients with a presumptive diagnosis of the intervertebral disc herniation at the thoracolumbar region were imaged. A neurological examination was performed and all patients were classified under four grades by the examination. The degrees of attenuation of the herniated disc material were measured in Housefield units (HU) in each image. The ratio of the area to herniated disc material and the height to disc material were measured. The clinical grade was correlated with the area ratio of the herniated disc material to the spinal cord, but not correlated with the height ratio of that. In the patients with epidural hemorrhage at surgery, HUs of the herniated disc material was lower than those with no epidural hemorrhage at surgery. Non-contrast computed tomography scans of the spine can be useful in diagnosing acute intervertebral disc disease in chondrodystrophoid breeds, evaluating patient status and identifying concurrent epidural hemorrhage.
Animals , Dogs , Dog Diseases/pathology , Intervertebral Disc Displacement/diagnostic imaging , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methodsABSTRACT
Although little attention has been paid to the less common rheumatoid involvement of the thoracic and lumbar regions, some studies have shown that rheumatoid synovitis with erosive changes can develop in these diarthrodial joints. We report a patient with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis (RA) involving the thoracic and lumbar vertebra with a collapse of the T12 vertebra, who was treated with percutaneous vertebroplasty. In this case of a painful pathological fracture due to RA, percutaneous vertebroplasty was found to be helpful in eliminating the pain. The paper presents the histological evidence, the pathogenesis and treatment of the thoracolumbar lesions affected by RA with a review of the relevant literature.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/blood , Fractures, Compression/etiology , Lumbar Vertebrae/pathology , Thoracic Vertebrae/pathology , VertebroplastyABSTRACT
Synovial sarcoma is an uncommon malignant soft tissue neoplasm, occurring primarily in adolescents and young adults. It is prevalent in the periarticular soft tissues near large joints of the extremities and rarely involves the trunk. Metastases are not uncommon and usually involve the lungs; metastasis to the thoracic spine is rare. We report the case of a 47-year-old man with a history of synovial sarcoma of the lower back, with subsequent metastases to the lung, penis, and perineum (all previously resected), presenting with a 3-month history of low back pain and lower extremity paresthesias. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated multiple lesions involving multiple contiguous vertebral bodies, with the mass at T12 compressing the spinal cord. The patient underwent T11-T12 laminectomy, transpedicular decompression, tumor debulking, and posterior fixation and fusion. The patient died six months later due to disease progression. Although not curative, decompression and stabilization of the spine are often necessary in patients who present spinal cord compression.
O sarcoma sinovial é uma neoplasia rara dos tecidos moles que afeta adolescentes e adultos jovens. A sua maior prevalência é nas grandes articulações das extremidades e raramente acomete o tronco. As lesões metastáticas são raras e geralmente acometem os pulmões, e as metástases para a coluna torácica são raras. Relata-se o caso de um paciente de 47 anos de idade com 3 meses de história de dor lombar e que apresentava metástase de sarcoma sinovial na coluna lombar. A ressonância magnética demonstrava lesões contíguas do corpo vertebral e compressão do canal vertebral ao nível de T12. O paciente foi submetido à laminectomia de T11-T12, descompressão transpedicular, remoção tecido tumoral e artrodese e fixação posterior. O paciente foi a óbito após seis meses devido à progressão da doença. Embora a descompressão e estabilização cirúrgica do canal vertebral não sejam curativas, esses procedimentos podem ser necessários em pacientes que apresentam compressão da medula espinhal.
El sarcoma sinovial es una neoplasia rara de los tejidos blandos que afecta adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Su mayor prevalencia es en las grandes articulaciones de las extremidades y raramente ataca el tronco. Las lesiones metastásicas son raras y generalmente atacan los pulmones, siendo que las metástasis de columna torácica son raras. Será relatado el cuadro clínico de un paciente de 47 años de edad con tres meses de historia de dolor lumbar y presentando metástasis de sarcoma sinovial en la columna lumbar. La resonancia magnética demostraba lesiones contiguas del cuerpo vertebral y compresión del canal vertebral al nivel de T12. El paciente fue sometido a la laminectomía de T11-T12, descompresión transpedicular, remoción de tejido tumoral y artrodesis con fijación posterior. El paciente fue a óbito después de seis meses debido a la progresión de la enfermedad. Aunque la descompresión y estabilización quirúrgica del canal vertebral no sea curativa, ese procedimiento puede ser necesario en los pacientes que presentan compresión de la médula espinal.