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Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 401-409, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538160


Bovine mastitis is a disease wi th far - reaching consequences for the dairy industry. Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that is especially resistant to antibiotics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils Lippia citriodora (Lam.), Thy mus vulgaris (L), and a mixture of the essential oils Lippia citriodora and Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v), against isolates of oxacillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (n=15) of positive cases of bovine mastitis. For the statistical analysis, the IBM SPSS s tatistical package was used. The mixture of essential oils ( Lippia citriodora and Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v)) obtained the most significant antimicrobial activity in relation to pure essential oils. It is therefore concluded that the mixture of these oils boosts their antimicrobial activity ( p <0.05). The minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentration of this mixture for the total isolations was 12 µL/L and 25 µL/mL, respectively.

La mastitis bovina es una enfermedad de gran impacto para la industria lechera. El Staphylococcus aureus es uno de los principales patógenos, especialmente aquellos resistentes a los antibióticos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana de los aceites esenciales de Lippia citriodora (Lam.), Thymus vulgaris (L), y una mezcla de aceites esenciales de Lippia citriodora y Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v), frente a aislamientos clínicos de Staph ylococcus aureus oxacilino - resistentes (n=15) de mastitis bovina. Se utilizó p rograma estadístico IBM SPSS y se concluyó la diferencia significativa a un p <0.05. La mezcla de aceites esenciales ( Lippia citriodora y Thymus vulgaris (50/50 v/v)), obtuvo la m ayor actividad antimicrobiana en relación a los aceites esenciales puros, se concluye que la mezcla de estos aceites potencia su actividad antimicrobiana ( p <0.019). La concentración mínima inhibitoria y bactericida de esta mezcla fue del 12 µL/mL y 25 µL/m L, respectivamente, y puede ser una alternativa terapéutica.

Animals , Female , Cattle , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Lippia/chemistry , Thymus Plant , Mastitis, Bovine/microbiology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Staphylococcus aureus/isolation & purification , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Colombia , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244675, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339348


Abstract Several species of thymus have therapeutic properties, so they are used in traditional medicine. In this work was carried out to synthesize Thymus vulgalis silver nanoparticles (TSNPS) and evaluate antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of TSNPS and T. vulgalis essential oil extract (TEOE). The essential oils analyzed by GC-MS and were characterized. Major compounds of phenol, 2 methyl 5 (1 methylethyle) (CAS), thymol and 1,2 Benzene dicarboxylic acid, 3 nitro (CAS) (48.75%, 32.42% and 8.12%, respectively) were detected. Results demonstrated that the TSNPS gave a highest DPPH radical scavenging activity, it was obtained 97.2 at 1000 ug/ml. TSNPS, Thymus + Hexane (T+H), Thymus + Ethanol (T+E) gave the greatest antimicrobial activity than amoxicillin (AM) and ciprofloxacin (CIP). In conclusion: The essential oil of thymus (Vulgaris) and thymus (Vulgaris) silver nanoparticles can be a good source of natural preservatives as an antioxidant and antimicrobial agents for increasing the shelf life of foodstuffs.

Resumo Diversas espécies de timo possuem propriedades terapêuticas, por isso são utilizadas na medicina tradicional. Neste trabalho foi realizado para sintetizar nanopartículas de prata Thymus vulgalis (TSNPS) e avaliar as atividades antioxidante e antimicrobiana de TSNPS e extrato de óleo essencial de T. vulgalis (TEOE). Os óleos essenciais analisados por GC-MS e foram caracterizados. Os principais compostos de fenol, 2 metil 5 (1 metiletilo) (CAS), timol e ácido 1,2 Benzenodicarboxílico, 3 nitro (CAS) (48,75%, 32,42% e 8,12%, respectivamente) foram detectados. Os resultados demonstraram que o TSNPS deu uma maior atividade de eliminação do radical DPPH , foi obtido 97,2 a 1000 ug / ml. TSNPS, Timo + Hexano (T + H), Timo + Etanol (T + E) deu a maior atividade antimicrobiana do que amoxicilina (AM) e ciprofloxacina (CIP). Em conclusão: O óleo essencial de nanopartículas de prata do timo (Vulgaris) e do timo (Vulgaris) pode ser uma boa fonte de conservantes naturais como agentes antioxidantes e antimicrobianos para aumentar a vida útil de alimentos.

Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Thymus Plant , Metal Nanoparticles , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Silver , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Vitae (Medellín) ; 28(1): 1-8, 2021-01-28. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1362127


Background: Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the gums, bones, and tissues involved in teeth support, and it is one of the most common diseases affecting pet dogs. Essential oils have shown antimicrobial activity against bacteria causing periodontal disease; therefore, they are considered potential therapeutic agents. Objectives: The main objective was to formulate and evaluate the antimicrobial activity of a 0.2% chlorhexidine canine mouthwash with essential oils. Methods: Three microemulsion formulations were obtained by constructing a pseudo-ternary phase diagram using the phase titration method. Different surfactant agents were evaluated, and hydrogenated castor oil was selected as the emulsifier agent. The antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare), thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris), and the three formulations were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, and Escherichia coli. Results: Pure thyme and oregano essential oils showed higher antimicrobial activity than a 0,2% chlorhexidine solution. The formulations with essential oils plus chlorhexidine and chlorhexidine alone showed antimicrobial activity. The formulation containing only essential oils did not show antimicrobial activity. Conclusions: A canine mouthwash was formulated with chlorhexidine and thyme, and oregano essential oil. Based on the evaluation of antimicrobial activity, two of the proposed formulations could be a therapeutic option to reduce the risk and prevent periodontal disease in canines

Antecedentes: La enfermedad periodontal es la infección e inflamación de las encías, huesos y tejidos que brindan soporte a los dientes, es una de las enfermedades más comunes que afectan a los perros de compañía. Los aceites esenciales han mostrado actividad antimicrobiana contra las bacterias que causan la enfermedad periodontal; por lo tanto, son considerados como potenciales agentes terapéuticos. Objetivos: El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue formular y evaluar la actividad antimicrobiana de un colutorio canino de clorhexidina al 0,2% con aceites esenciales. Métodos: Se obtuvo tres formulaciones en microemulsión mediante la construcción de un diagrama de fase pseudoternario por el método de titulación de fase. Se evaluaron diferentes tensioactivos y se seleccionó el aceite de ricino hidrogenado como agente emulsificante de la formulación. La actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de orégano (Origanum vulgare), el aceite esencial de tomillo (Thymus vulgaris) y las tres formulaciones fue evaluada contra Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius y Escherichia coli. Resultados: Los aceites esenciales puros de tomillo y orégano mostraron una mayor actividad antimicrobiana que una solución de clorhexidina al 0,2%. Las formulaciones con aceites esenciales más clorhexidina y únicamente clorhexidina mostraron actividad antimicrobiana. Mientras que la formulación que contiene solo aceites esenciales no mostró actividad antimicrobiana. Conclusión: Se formuló un enjuague bucal canino con clorhexidina y aceite esencial de tomillo y orégano. Según la evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana, dos de las formulaciones propuestas podrían ser una opción terapéutica para disminuir el riesgo y prevenir la enfermedad periodontal en caninos

Humans , Periodontitis , Oils, Volatile , Chlorhexidine , Thymus Plant
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;64: e21200106, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345494


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of the essential oils of cinnamon, cardamom, clove, oregano, and thyme and their synergism on vegetative cells and endospores of Clostridium perfringens type A inoculated in meat sausage (mortadella), as well as the influence of blends on the color, and lipid oxidation through the determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS index). The anticlostridial action of the oil blends was established. The two added oil blends (Treat. 1: oregano, clove, and thyme; Treat. 2: oregano, clove, and cinnamon) in combination with reduced nitrite content (75 ppm) promoted a lower growth of C. perfringens in mortadella stored at 15 °C for 21 days in comparison to treatments containing only 75 ppm of nitrite. The essential oil blends showed antioxidant action and did not alter food color, thus possessing potential application as a preservative for the meat products industry.

Oils, Volatile , Endospore-Forming Bacteria , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Nitrites , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Cinnamomum zeylanicum , Dianthus , Elettaria , Origanum , Thymus Plant
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1821-1829, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131537


The food industry and the frozen fish sector in particular have benefitted greatly from advancements in food processing technologies. This study investigated the effect of adding natural antioxidants such as rosemary and thyme oil to frozen fillets of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in order to preserve their quality for consumers. Fillets were treated with rosemary and thyme at two concentrations (1% and 1.5%) and then were stored at 4°C. Samples were analyzed over 4 days for bacteriological (aerobic plate count, psychotropic count, and coliform count), chemical (determination of pH, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances-TBARS, and total volatile base nitrogen-TVB-N), and sensory quality examination (color, texture, and odor). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed among different groups in terms of aerobic plate count, psychotropic count, and coliform count during the storage. Moreover, pH, TVB-N, and TBARS mean values in the treated groups were lower than those in the untreated group. The best sensory quality was obtained at the highest concentrations (1.5%) of thyme and rosemary oil.(AU)

A indústria de alimentos e o setor de peixes congelados, em particular, se beneficiaram dos avanços nas tecnologias de processamento de alimentos. Este estudo investigou o efeito da adição de antioxidantes naturais, como óleo de alecrim e tomilho, a filetes congelados de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), a fim de preservar sua qualidade para os consumidores. Os filés foram tratados com alecrim e tomilho em duas concentrações (1% e 1,5%) e, em seguida, foram armazenados a 4°C. As amostras foram analisadas durante 4 dias para análises bacteriológicas (contagem de placas aeróbicas, psicotrópicas e coliformes), químicas (determinação do pH, substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico-TBARS e nitrogênio base volátil total-TVB-N) e exame da qualidade sensorial (cor, textura e odor). Diferenças significativas (P<0,05) foram observadas entre os diferentes grupos na contagem aeróbia de placas, contagem psicotrópica e contagem de coliformes durante o armazenamento. Além disso, os valores médios de pH, TVB-N e TBARS nos grupos tratados foram inferiores aos do grupo não tratado. A melhor qualidade sensorial foi obtida nas maiores concentrações (1,5%) de tomilho e óleo de alecrim.(AU)

Rosmarinus , Thymus Plant , Food Storage/methods , Meat/analysis , Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances/analysis , Cichlids , Frozen Foods/analysis
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(2): 573-580, Mar./Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128427


This trial aimed to evaluate the effects of thyme essential oils (EO) on rumen parameters, nutrient digestibility and nitrogen balance in wethers fed with high-concentrate diet. Twenty rumen-cannulated wethers were blocked according to body weight (BW= 64.0±2.1kg), and received one of the following treatments: 25mg of monensin/kg of dry matter (DM; MON) or doses of thyme EO (1.25, 2.50 or 3.75g/kg of DM). The diet was composed of 90% concentrate. Thyme EO was composed mainly by thymol (46.6% of DM) and p-cymene (38.9% of DM). The nutrient intake and apparent digestibility were similar among treatments. The inclusion of 3.75g of thyme EO tended (P= 0.07) to increase butyrate compared to MON and 1.25OE and wethers fed with 1.25g of thyme EO tended (P= 0.07) to decrease ruminal pH on the 14th day compared to MON. The treatments did not affect acetate:propionate ratio, total short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and nitrogen retention. Results from this study suggest that adding thyme EO to high-concentrate diets may be used as an alternative to monensin as feed additive in feedlot lambs.(AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do óleo essencial (OE) de tomilho nos parâmetros ruminais, na digestibilidade e no balanço de nitrogênio em borregos alimentados com elevado teor de concentrado. Vinte borregos providos de cânulas ruminais foram blocados de acordo com o peso corporal (PC=64,0±2,1kg) e receberam um dos tratamentos: 25mg de monensina/kg de matéria seca (MS; MON) ou doses de OE de tomilho (1,25; 2,50 ou 3,75g/kg de MS). A dieta foi composta por 90% de concentrado. A composição do OE de tomilho foi principalmente timol (46,6% da MS) e p-cimeno (38,9% da MS). A ingestão e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos. A inclusão de 3,75g de OE de tomilho tendeu (P=0,07) a aumentar o butirato em relação aos tratamentos MON e 1,25OE. Os borregos alimentados com 1,25g de OE tenderam (P=0,07) a apresentar menor pH ruminal no 14º dia comparado a MON. No entanto, os tratamentos não afetaram a relação acetato:propionato, concentração total de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta e retenção de nitrogênio. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de OE de tomilho em dietas com elevado teor de concentrado pode ser uma alternativa à monensina como aditivo alimentar para cordeiros em confinamento.(AU)

Animals , Male , Rumen/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Sheep/metabolism , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Nitrogen , Monensin , Food Additives
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e18819, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249169


The plant world represents an important source of potential therapeutic agents, but concomitant administration of herbal and conventional medications may result in interactions with subsequent beneficial or adverse effects. This study was designed to examine the analgesic effect of thyme tincture and thyme syrup, two commonly used thyme formulations, and their interactions with codeine, paracetamol, pentobarbital and diazepam in mice. The identification and quantification of thymol and carvacrol were carried out by GC/MS and GC/FID. The analgesic activity was studied using a hot plate method. Effects of thyme syrup on diazepam-induced motor coordination impairment in rotarod test and on pentobarbital-induced sleeping time were also determined. Thymol (175.3 µg/mL and 9.73 µg/mL) and carvacrol (10.54 µg/mL and 0.55 µg/mL) concentrations were measured in tincture and syrup, respectively. Thyme syrup and tincture exhibited effective analgesic activity in the hot plate pain model. Pretreatment with thyme formulations reduced analgesic activity of codeine, and potentiated the analgesic activity of paracetamol. Co-administration of thyme formulations has led to potentiation of diazepam and pentobarbital depressive central nervous system effects. Thyme formulations interacted with tested conventional drugs, probably through interference with their metabolic pathways and succeeding altered concentrations and pharmacological effects.

Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Thymus Plant/drug effects , Drug Interactions , Analgesics/adverse effects , Pentobarbital/adverse effects , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Diazepam/adverse effects , Phytotherapeutic Drugs
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(6): 2065-2074, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1055118


Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) essential oil (EO) doses on rumen fermentation, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen metabolism, as well as performance and coccidia oocyst discharge. In experiment I, 20 rumen-cannulated wethers received the experimental diets containing 80% dry matter (DM) of haylage and 20% DM of concentrate. Treatments were 25mg of monensin/kg DM or doses of 1.25, 2.50, or 3.75g of thyme EO/kg DM. In experiment II, 50 ewe lambs received the same diets from experiment I, including a diet without feed additives. Wethers fed with diets containing 1.25g/kg DM of thyme EO had higher molar proportion of propionate (P= 0.03) and butyrate (P< 0.01), and lower (P= 0.04) acetate to propionate ratio than other treatments. Adding thyme EO to diets increased (P= 0.02) nitrogen retention compared to monensin. The performance of ewe lambs was not affected (P≥ 0.05) by treatments. However, lambs fed monensin had a lower (P= 0.04) number of coccidia oocyst discharge than others. Adding 1.25g/kg DM of thyme EO in high-forage diet improved ruminal fermentation. Thyme EO enhanced nitrogen metabolism, however, it did not improve performance.(AU)

Dois experimentos foram conduzidos para avaliar o efeito de doses de óleo essencial (OE) de tomilho (Thymus vulgaris) sobre a fermentação ruminal, a digestibilidade de nutrientes e o metabolismo de nitrogênio, bem como sobre o desempenho e a descarga de oocistos de coccídeos. No experimento I, 20 ovinos canulados receberam dietas experimentais contendo 80% de matéria seca (MS) de pré-secado e 20% de MS de concentrado. Os tratamentos foram 25mg de monensina/kg de MS ou doses de 1,25, 2,50 ou 3,75g de OE de tomilho/kg de MS. No experimento II, 50 borregas receberam as mesmas dietas do experimento I, incluindo uma dieta sem aditivos. Os animais alimentados com dietas contendo 1,25g de OE de tomilho apresentaram maior proporção molar de propionato (P=0,03) e de butirato (P<0,01) e menor (P=0,04) relação acetato/propionato do que outros tratamentos. A adição de OE de tomilho nas dietas aumentou (P=0,02) a retenção de nitrogênio em comparação com a monensina. O desempenho de cordeiros não foi afetado (P≥0,05) pelos tratamentos. No entanto, cordeiros alimentados com monensina apresentaram menor (P=0,04) número de oocistos de coccídeos. A adição de 1,25g/kg de MS de OE de tomilho na dieta forrageira melhorou o perfil da fermentação ruminal. O OE de tomilho aumentou a retenção de nitrogênio, no entanto não melhorou o desempenho.(AU)

Animals , Oils, Volatile/therapeutic use , Sheep/metabolism , Monensin , Coccidiosis/prevention & control , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Nitrogen , Food Additives
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 18(2): 197-203, mar. 2019. tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007815


The chemical composition of essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of the Balkan endemic species Thymus longedentatus was studied by GC-MS. Twenty eight compounds, consisting 98.2% of the total components were detected in amounts exceeding 0.1%. The oil was characterized by relatively high concencentration of oxygentated monoterpenes (78.7%), among which citral isomers neral (27.5%) and geranial (30.3%) were the principal ones. In addition, 1,8-cineole (7.8%), trans-ß-ocimene (7.5%), and ß-myrcene (3.7%) were detected in significant ammounts. Germacrene D (4.4%) was found to be the main sesquiterpene in the essential oil.

Se estudió mediante GC-MS la composición química del aceite esencial obtenido de las partes aéreas de Thymus longedentatus, especie endémica de los Balcanes. Se detectaron veintiocho compuestos, que representaban un 98,2% del total de compuestos y que se encontraban en cantidades superiores al 0,1%. El aceite se caracterizó por una concentración relativamente alta de monoterpenos oxigenados (78.7%), entre los cuales los isómeros de citral, neral (27.5%) y geranial (30.3%) eran los principales. Además, se detectó 1,8-cineol (7,8%), trans-ß-ocimeno (7,5%) y ß-mirceno (3,7%) en cantidades significativas. Se encontró que Germacreno D (4.4%) es el principal sesquiterpeno en el aceite esencial.

Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Terpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification , Balkan Peninsula , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(1): 115-125, jan./fev. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048565


To study the effects of some new facilitators on the vegetative and morphological traits of Thymus kotschyanus, nine treatments were tested in the experimental rangeland field at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. Treatments included control, potassium silicate nanoparticles (PSN) with two levels of 500 and 1000 mg/lit, superabsorbent hydrogel (SH) with two levels of 10 and 30 g/kg, animal manure (AM) with two levels of 100, 200 g/kg, and effective microorganisms (EM) with two levels of 1 and 2%. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of mean comparisons of treatments for Thymus kotschyanus characteristics showed that the highest amount of studied traits were observed in the treated SH 30 g/kg. These traits include plant height (19.44 cm), basal area (4.66 cm), canopy cover (99.11%), number of secondary branches (9.44) and depth of rooting (16.49 cm), aerial parts volume (26.77 cm3), root volume (17.66 cm3), aerial parts fresh weight (14.40 g), aerial parts dry weight (7.18 g), root fresh weight (3.98 g), and root dry weight (2.07 g). In general, the impact of treatments on Thymus growth traits were ranked as follows: SH 30 g/kg, PSN 1000 mg/lit, AM 200 g/kg, SH 10 g/kg, PSN 500 mg/lit, AM 100 g/kg, EM 2%, and EM 1%. In addition,the lowest plant traits were found in control. Overall, it is recommended extending the cultivation of this native medicinal plant by considering ecological conditions in each region. In addition, to promote the establishment and facilitate the growth of planted species, it is recommended using the facilitators utilized in the present work.

Para estudar os efeitos de alguns novos facilitadores sobre as características vegetativas e morfológicas de Thymus kotschyanus L., nove tratamentos foram testados no campo experimental de pastagens na Universidade de Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Irã. Os tratamentos incluíram controle, nanopartículas de silicato de potássio (PSN) com dois níveis de 500 e 1000 mg/L, hidrogel superabsorvente (SH) com dois níveis de 10 e 30 g/kg, esterco animal (AM) com dois níveis de 100 e 200 g/kg e microorganismos efetivos (EM) com dois níveis de 1 e 2%. Os dados foram submetidos a uma análise de variância unidirecional (ANOVA). Os resultados das comparações médias dos tratamentos para as características de Thymus kotschyanus L. mostraram que a maior quantidade das características estudadas foi observada no tratamento com SH 30 g/kg. Essas características incluem altura de plantas (19,44 cm), área basal (4,66 cm), cobertura de dossel (99,11%), número de ramos secundários (9,44) e profundidade de enraizamento (16,49 cm), volume de partes aéreas (26,77 cm3), volume de raiz (17,66 cm3), peso fresco de partes aéreas (14,40 g), peso seco de partes aéreas (7,18 g), peso fresco de raiz (3,98 g) e peso seco de raiz (2,07 g). Em geral, o impacto dos tratamentos nas características de crescimento de Thymus foi classificado da seguinte forma: SH 30 g/kg, PSN 1000 mg/L, AM 200 g/kg, SH 10 g/kg, PSN 500 mg/L, AM 100 g/kg, EM 2% e EM 1%. Além disso, as características mais baixas da planta foram encontradas no controle. Em geral, recomenda-se estender o cultivo desta plantamedicinal nativa considerando as condições ecológicas em cada região. Além disso, para promover o estabelecimento e facilitar o crescimento de espécies plantadas, recomenda-se utilizar os facilitadores utilizados no presente trabalho.

Plants, Medicinal , Thymus Plant , Nanostructures , Droughts , Hydrogel, Polyethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate , Manure
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18177, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011638


Suspensions of poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles loaded with thyme essential oil were prepared as a natural antioxidant in mayonnaise. Mean particle size was 204.9 ± 2.7 and 240.0 ± 5.5 nm respectively for nanoparticles prepared with PCL alone (NP-C) and for those loaded with thyme essential oil (NP-T). The polydispersity index indicated a homogeneous distribution of all particles, with no significant difference between NP-C and NP-T samples. The nanoparticles showed a large negative charge evidenced by zeta potential rates, indicating high physical stability. The use of PCL as a polymer provided high encapsulation efficiency for thyme essential oil (91.15 ± 2.12 %). DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method determined IC50 rates were 476.4 ± 33.6 and 483.5 ± 20.4 µg mL-1respectively for unencapsulated oil and for NP-T, evidencing pronounced antioxidant activity. NP-C, NP-T and synthetic antioxidant butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) were applied to samples of mayonnaise and their oxidative stability evaluated for eight days in an oven at 63 ± 3ºC. Results of hydroperoxide value (HP) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) showed that NP-T had a similar performance as synthetic antioxidant BHT in the prevention of mayonnaise lipid oxidation

Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Thymus Plant/classification , Oxidation/prevention & control , Antioxidants/adverse effects , Butylated Hydroxytoluene/analysis , Aromatherapy/methods , Nanoparticles
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;78(2): 311-317, May-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888857


Abstract The aims of this research were first, to evaluate the antibacterial potential of commercial thyme essential oil against V. alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticys and second, using the spray drying technique to produce microcapsules. chemical compounds of thyme oil and microcapsules were identified and quantified being thymol the chemical component present at the highest concentration. Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions were prepared and the microcapsules were obtained with a spray dryer using maltodextrin as wall material (ratio 1:4). Thyme oil and the microcapsules exhibited antimicrobial activity against V. parahaemolyticus and V. alginolyticus. The spray drying process did not affect the antimicrobial activity of thyme essentialoil.

Resumo Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram avaliar o potencial antibacteriano do óleoessencial de tomilho sobre V. alginolyticus e V. parahaemolyticys e produzir microcápsulas através do processo de secagem por aspersão (spray dryer). Os compostos químicos do óleo essencial de tomilho e das microcápsulas foram identificados e quantificadaos. Foi preparada uma emulsão de óleo em água (O/A) e em seguida foram produzidas microcápsulas em um spray dryer utilizando-se óleo essencial de tomilho e maltodextrina como material de parede na proporção de 1:4 respectivamente. Entre os vários compostos identificados, o timol apresentou maior concentração. O óleo essencial de tomilho e as microcápsulas exibiram atividade antibacteriana sobre V. parahaemolyticus e V. alginolyticus. O processo de secagem por aspersão não afetou a atividade antibacteriana do óleo essencial de tomilho.

Vibrio alginolyticus/drug effects , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Drug Compounding/methods , Anti-Bacterial Agents/isolation & purification , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 3(2): 85-90, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | MTYCI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1145638


Objetivo. Demostrar que la administración vía oral del extracto etanólico de las hojas de Thymus vulgaris presenta un efecto ansiolítico en Rattus novergicus (var Wistar). Materiales y métodos. Estudio experimental. Se utilizaron 50 ratas distribuidas aleatoriamente en cinco grupos de investigación: Blanco (dieta normal con administración de agua estéril); Control positivo (dieta normal con administración de clonazepam 0.25 mg/kg); Grupo I (Extracto etanólico [EE] de Thymus vulgaris 50 mg / kg); Grupo II (EE de Thymus vulgaris 100 mg / kg) y Grupo III (EE de Thymus vulgaris 200 mg / kg). El efecto ansiolítico fue evaluado mediante el modelo de laberinto en cruz elevado, calculándose los tiempos de permanencia en brazo abierto, en brazo cerrado y los números de entrada en brazo abierto y cerrado. Resultados. Se observaron diferencias significativas en la comparación de medias de los números de entrada en el brazo abierto (p= 0.012) y en el brazo cerrado (p=0.035); sin embargo, no se evidenció diferencias significativas al comparar las medias de los grupos que recibieron Thymus vulgaris y el control negativo (p>0.05). Conclusión. El extracto etanólico de las hojas del Thymus vulgaris (a dosis de 50, 100 y 200 mg/kg) no presenta un efecto ansiolítico significativo en Rattus novergicus.

Objective. To demonstrate if oral administration of Thymus vulgaris leaves ethanolic extract has an anxiolytic effect in Rattus novergicus (Wistar var). Materials and methods. An experimental study. Fifty rats were distributed randomly in five research groups: Negative control (normal diet with distilled water oral administration); Positive control (normal diet with oral administration of clonazepam 0.25 mg / kg); Group I (Thymus vulgaris ethanolic extract [EE] 50 mg / kg); Group II (Thymus vulgaris EE 100 mg / kg) and Group III (Thymus vulgaris EE 200 mg / kg). The anxiolytic effect was evaluated by elevated plus-maze model, calculating amount of time spent as well as the total number of entries on open arm and closed arm. Results. Significant differences were observed in the comparison of means of entries in the open arm (p = 0.012) and in the closed arm (p = 0.035); however, no significant differences were found on comparison of means of groups that received Thymus vulgaris EE and negative control (p> 0.05). Conclusion. The Thymus vulgaris leaves ethanolic extract (at doses of 50, 100 and 200 mg / kg) does not show a significant anxiolytic effect in Rattus novergicus.

Animals , Rats , Anti-Anxiety Agents , Animal Experimentation , Thymus Plant , Peru , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts , Medicine, Traditional
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;28(1): 72-77, Jan.-Feb. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839114


Abstract Identifying new chemotherapeutic agents with fewer side effects is a major concern for scientists today. Thymus caramanicus Jalas (Lamiaceae family) is one of the species of Thymus that grows wild in different regions of Iran. Traditionally, leaves of this plant are used in the treatment of diabetes, arthritis and cancer. Here was investigated the cytotoxic property of Thymus caramanicus essential oil and extract in human oral epidermoid carcinoma KB cells. Cell viability was measured by MTT and neutral red assays. The cells were exposed to different concentrations of essential oil (0.05-1 µL/mL) and extract (25-150 µg/mL) for 24 h. Doxorubicin was used as anticancer control drug. The data showed that the essential oil (IC50=0.44 µL/mL) and extract (IC50=105 µg/mL) induce potent cytotoxic property. Surprisingly, cytotoxic effects of essential oil and extract of this plant on KB cancer cells were greater than those on normal gingival HGF1-PI1 cell line. In addition, Thymus caramanicus could potentiate the effect of doxorubicin in sub-effective concentrations. The results of the present study indicate that essential oils and extracts of Thymus caramanicus have potential anti-proliferative property on KB cells and can be used as pharmaceutical case study for oral cancer treatments.

Resumo A identificação de novos agentes quimioterápicos com menos efeitos colaterais é uma grande preocupação para os cientistas de hoje. Thymus caramanicus Jalas (família Lamiaceae) é uma das espécies de Thymus que cresce selvagem em diferentes regiões do Irã. Tradicionalmente, as folhas desta planta são utilizados no tratamento da diabetes, artrite e câncer. Aqui investigamos a propriedade citotóxica do óleo essencial e extrato de Thymus caramanicus em células da linhagem celular tumoral humana de carcinoma epidermóide de boca (KB). A viabilidade celular foi medida por ensaios MTT e vermelho neutro. As células foram expostas a diferentes concentrações de óleo essencial (0,05-1 μL/mL) e extrato (25-150 μg/mL) durante 24 h. A doxorrubicina foi utilizada como droga de controle anticâncer. Os dados mostraram que o óleo essencial (IC50 = 0,44 μL/mL) e o extrato (IC50 = 105 μg/mL) induzem uma potente propriedade citotóxica. Surpreendentemente, os efeitos citotóxicos de óleo essencial e extrato desta planta sobre células cancerígenas KB foram maiores que sobre a linhagem celular gengival normal HGF1-PI1. Além disso, Thymus caramanicus poderia potencializar o efeito da doxorrubicina em concentrações sub-efetivas. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que óleos essenciais e extratos de Thymus caramanicus têm potenciais propriedades anti-proliferativas sobre células KB e podem ser usado como estudos de caso farmacêuticos para tratamentos de câncer bucal

Humans , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/pathology , Mouth Neoplasms/pathology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Survival/drug effects , Doxorubicin/pharmacology , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Rev. patol. trop ; 45(3): 273-284, set. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-913233


Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast found in the environment, responsible for causing of meningoencephalitis in patients with a compromised immune system. In Brazil, cryptococcosis is the second cause of death among systemic mycoses. The limited efficacy of the available antifungal drugs used in its treatment has encouraged the search for therapeutic alternatives, such as medicinal plants. Thymus vulgaris, popularly known as thyme, is an aromatic plant whose essential oil (EO) possesses antifungal properties. The aim of this study was to assess the action of T. vulgaris EO on C. neoformans clinical isolates. This oil was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), which showed that its main components were thymol, ρ-cymene and linalool. Microdilution broth tests showed that this EO was effective against fungal isolates, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) ranging from 32 to 128 µg/mL. In vitro interaction tests between this oil and fluconazole (FCZ) showed no potentiation of the antifungal action of this drug. Its effect on mitochondrial metabolism of fungal cells was also evaluated and results demonstrated alterations on the mitochondrial enzyme activity of fungal cells only at concentrations >1,024 µg/mL. The results of the action of this EO on human erythrocytes indicated that it has low cytotoxic activity at MIC values. This investigation describes the antifungal action of T. vulgaris, showing its potential in the development of alternatives in the treatment of C. neoformans

Cryptococcus neoformans , Thymus Plant , Antifungal Agents
Braz. j. microbiol ; Braz. j. microbiol;47(2): 424-430, Apr.-June 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780849


Abstract Despite recent advances in food production technology, food-borne diseases (FBD) remain a challenging public health concern. In several countries, including Brazil, Clostridium perfringens is among the five main causative agents of food-borne diseases. The present study determines antimicrobial activities of essential oils of six condiments commonly used in Brazil, viz., Ocimum basilicum L. (basil), Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary), Origanum majorana L. (marjoram), Mentha × piperita L. var. Piperita (peppermint), Thymus vulgaris L. (thyme) and Pimpinella anisum L. (anise) against C. perfringens strain A. Chemical compositions of the oils were determined by GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry). The identities of the isolated compounds were established from the respective Kováts indices, and a comparison of mass spectral data was made with those reported earlier. The antibacterial activity was assessed from minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) using the microdilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentration values were 1.25 mg mL-1 for thyme, 5.0 mg mL-1 for basil and marjoram, and 10 mg mL-1 for rosemary, peppermint and anise. All oils showed bactericidal activity at their minimum inhibitory concentration, except anise oil, which was only bacteriostatic. The use of essential oils from these common spices might serve as an alternative to the use of chemical preservatives in the control and inactivation of pathogens in commercially produced food systems.

Plant Oils/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Clostridium perfringens/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Plant Oils/analysis , Brazil , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Clostridium perfringens/growth & development , Ocimum basilicum/chemistry , Rosmarinus/chemistry , Origanum/chemistry , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;48(2): 128-136, jun. 2016. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-843157


The antibacterial activity of chitosan coatings prepared with acetic or lactic acid, as well as of composite chitosan-gelatin films prepared with essential oils, was evaluated in fresh shredded black radish samples inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19115 and L. monocytogenes ATCC 19112 during seven days of storage at 4 °C. The chitosan coating prepared with acetic acid showed the most effective antibacterial activity. All tested formulations of chitosan films exhibited strong antimicrobial activity on the growth of L. monocytogenes on black radish, although a higher inhibition of pathogens was achieved at higher concentrations of chitosan. The antimicrobial effect of chitosan films was even more pronounced with the addition of essential oils. Chitosan-gelatin films with thyme essential oils showed the most effective antimicrobial activity. A reduction of 2.4 log10 CFU/g for L. monocytogenes ATCC 19115 and 2.1 log10 CFU/g for L. monocytogenes ATCC 19112 was achieved in the presence of 1% chitosan film containing 0.2% of thyme essential oil after 24 h of storage.

Se evaluó la actividad antimicrobiana de coberturas del quitosano y de películas compuestas de quitosano-gelatina en muestras frescas de rábano negro cortado inoculadas con las cepas de Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19115 y ATCC 19112, almacenadas durante 7 días a 4 °C. Las primeras fueron preparadas con ácido acético o ácido láctico, las segundas con aceites esenciales. Las coberturas de quitosano preparadas con ácido acético mostraron la actividad antimicrobiana más eficaz. Todas las formulaciones de películas de quitosano exploradas mostraron una fuerte actividad antimicrobiana sobre el crecimiento de L. monocytogenes, aunque la mayor inhibición de estos patógenos se logró con las mayores concentraciones de quitosano. La actividad antimicrobiana de las películas de quitosano fue mayor con la adición de aceite esencial. Las películas de quitosano-gelatina con aceite esencial del tomillo fueron las que mostraron la actividad antimicrobiana más eficiente. A las 24 h de almacenamiento, la película con 1% de quitosano y 0,2% de aceite esencial de tomillo produjo una reducción de 2,4 log10 UFC/g en L. monocytogenes ATCC 19115, y de 2,1 log10 UFC/g en L. monocytogenes ATCC 19112.

Humans , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Raphanus/microbiology , Thymus Plant/chemistry , Chitosan/pharmacology , Food Microbiology , Food Preservation/methods , Food Preservatives/pharmacology , Listeria monocytogenes/drug effects , Sensation , Solvents/pharmacology , Food Quality , Acetic Acid/pharmacology , Lactic Acid/pharmacology , Food Storage , Bacterial Load , Food Handling , Gelatin
Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 275-285, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-258823


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>We evaluate the effects of Thymus algeriensis (TEO) against hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) toxicity on body and testis weight, testis sperm count, testis lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzyme activities in rats.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Rats were treated with low (LD) and high dose (HD) of H2O2 (0.1 and 1 mmol/L) in the presence or absence of TEO (150 mg/kg).</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The results exhibited a significant decrease in body weight and testis weight, in total sperm number decrease (P<0.05), sperm motility and percentage of sperm viability, leading to complete arrest, in sperm flagellar beat frequency by the gavage of 1 mmol/L H2O2 compared to controls. The administration of H2O2 resulted in a significant reduction in testis GSH, GPx, CAT, SOD, and GST activity and significant increase (P<0.05) in MDA concentration compared with the untreated control animals. TEO pre-treatment protected testis from the H2O2 generated oxidative stress. These results were confirmed by histological architecture examinations.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>H2O2 has the ability to alter the sperm function, characteristics and development of testis. However, TEO is an efficient natural agent, which can prevent the testis from H2O2-induced oxidative damage in rats.</p>

Animals , Male , Rats , Hydrogen Peroxide , Toxicity , Oxidative Stress , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Rats, Wistar , Testis , Thymus Plant , Chemistry
Biomed. environ. sci ; Biomed. environ. sci;(12): 639-649, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-296557


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>This study was conducted to determine the histopathological and biochemical effects of Thymus algeriensis essential oil (TEO) on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress in liver and kidney tissues of rats.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Rats were treated in six groups and were exposed for 2 weeks to low (LD; 100 μmol/L) and high doses (HD; 1 mmol/L) of H2O2 in the presence or absence of TEO (180 mg/kg). Liver and kidney atrophy was measured by using biochemical and histopathological assays.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Our study demonstrated that H2O2 induced liver and kidney atrophy, as evidenced by the significant elevation of serum aminotransferase, urea, and creatinine levels compared with those in the control rats. Urea levels were estimated by evaluating the activity of serum urease that hydrolyzes urea into CO2 and ammonia. However, TEO treatment significantly alleviated oxidative stress in the H2O2-induced liver and kidney toxicity model by reducing the levels of malondialdehyde concomitantly with marked elevations in superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione S-transferase, as well as decrease in glutathione activity.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Our data demonstrated that TEO protected against H2O2 toxicity by decreasing oxidant levels and DNA damage, as well as increasing antioxidant levels, indicating that TEO has a spectrum of antioxidant and DNA-protective properties.</p>

Animals , Male , Rats , Antioxidants , Pharmacology , Hydrogen Peroxide , Metabolism , Toxicity , Kidney , Physiology , Lipid Metabolism , Liver , Physiology , Malondialdehyde , Metabolism , Oils, Volatile , Pharmacology , Oxidative Stress , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Regeneration , Thymus Plant , Chemistry
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;18(1): 105-112, jan.-mar. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-780044


RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito bactericida in vitro de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC). Dentre os óleos essenciais estudados, três foram extraídos in situ por arraste a vapor e treze foram adquiridos comercialmente. Todos os óleos foram analisados por CG-EM e CG-DIC. A atividade bactericida foi avaliada pelo método de microdiluição utilizando-se caldo triptona de soja e microplacas de poliestireno de 96 poços, com posterior plaqueamento das culturas em ágar triptona de soja. Os óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris apresentaram concentração mínima bactericida (CMB) de 0,12% e 0,25%, respectivamente. Já os óleos comerciais de Syzygium aromaticum e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 0,50% e os óleos extraídos in situ de Cymbopogon citratus e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 1,00%. Os dezesseis óleos essenciais apresentaram composição química qualitativa e quantitativa distintas. As análises químicas dos óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris tiveram a presença majoritária de E-cinamaldeído (84,52%) e timol (50,89%). Conclui-se que os óleos de C. cassia e T. vulgaris foram os mais eficazes na inibição do crescimento in vitro dessa bactéria, a qual possui diferentes níveis de sensibilidade dependendo da composição química do óleo.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the bactericidal effect in vitro of sixteen essential oils on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Among the essential oils, three were extracted in situ by steam distillation and thirteen were purchased commercially. All oils were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. The bactericidal activity was evaluated by the microdilution method using tryptone soy broth, and 96-well polystyrene microplates with subsequent plating of the cultures in tryptone soy agar. Cinnamomum cassia and Thymus vulgaris essential oils showed minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) 0.12% and 0.25%, respectively. Both commercial oils of Syzygium aromaticum and Origanum vulgare showed MBC of 0.50% and the oils extracted in situ Origanum vulgare and Cymbopogon citratus showed both MBC of 1.00%. The sixteen essential oils pointed out distinct qualitative and quantitative chemical composition. Chemical analysis of Cinnamomum cassia and Thymus vulgaris oils had the predominant presence of E-cinnamaldehyde (84.52% ± 0.07%) and thymol (50.89% ± 0.31%). In conclusion, T. vulgaris and C. cassia oils were the most effective in inhibiting in vitro growth of this bacterium, which has different sensitivity levels depending on the chemical composition of the oil.

Oils, Volatile/analysis , Chemistry , Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli/classification , Chromatography, Gas/methods , Cinnamomum zeylanicum , Thymus Plant/classification