Introducción: el desarrollo de preferencias con respecto a los estilos de aprendizaje de un estudiante universitario sufre variaciones porque la nueva era tecnológica provoca un cambio en la manera en que se aprende, dado por un punto convergente: las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación y el uso del teléfono inteligente, entre otros dispositivos digitales. Objetivo: explicar aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos que establecen la necesidad de un adecuado binomio estilos de aprendizaje-TIC en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje (PEA) de la educación superior actual. Métodos: mediante el análisis documental se revisó la bibliografía en español e inglés entre 2012 y 2022, se emplearon las bases de datos: Redalyc, Dialnet, SciELO, y Google Scholar. Las palabras clave fueron: estilos de aprendizaje, tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Los criterios de selección se aplicaron a 145 fuentes bibliográficas identificadas inicialmente y fueron seleccionados 25 artículos. Desarrollo: se confrontaron criterios y se emitieron juicios relacionados con la necesidad de preparación de los docentes universitarios para utilizar las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, teniendo en cuenta los estilos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: los estudiantes universitarios han desarrollado los estilos de aprendizaje en función de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, lo cual exige la preparación docente en función de aplicar estrategias metodológicas contextualizadas para el logro de un adecuado binomio estilos de aprendizaje-Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, que garantice un mejor ejercicio de su profesión.
Introduction: the development of preferences with respect to the learning styles of a university student, it undergoes variations because the new technological era causes a change in the way in which one learns, given by a converging point: Information and Communication Technologies and the use of the smartphone, among other e- devices. Objective: explain conceptual and methodological aspects that establish the need for an adequate binomial of learning styles-ICT in the teaching-learning process (TLP) of current higher education. Methods: through documentary analysis, the bibliography was reviewed in Spanish and English from 2012 to 2022, the databases were used: Redalyc, Dialnet, SciELO, and Google Scholar. The keywords were: learning styles, information and communication technologies and teaching-learning process. The selection criteria were applied to 145 bibliographic sources initially identified and 25 articles were selected. Development: criteria were compared, and judgments were made related to the need to prepare university teachers to use Information and Communication Technologies in the teaching-learning process, considering the learning styles of the students. Conclusions: university students have developed learning styles based on Information and Communication Technologies, which requires teacher preparation based on applying contextualized methodological strategies to achieve an adequate binomial of learning styles-Information and Communication Technologies, which guarantees a better exercise of their profession.
Learning , Students , Teaching , Tics , FacultyABSTRACT
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones ha tenido un impacto significativo en todas las áreas del conocimiento, de manera particular en los procesos sustantivos de la educación superior en las carreras tecnológicas de la salud. Es propósito de los autores informar sobre el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para la divulgación de actividades docentes, extensionistas e investigativas de la cátedra Integración de las Ciencias y la Educación Superior por un Desarrollo Sostenible. Se destaca la vinculación de dos proyectos de investigación científica con un fin único: la promoción de actividades educativas con herramientas digitales.
The use of Information and Communication Technologies has had a significant impact in all areas of knowledge, particularly in the substantive processes of higher education in health technology careers. It is the authors' purpose to report on the use of Information and Communication Technologies for the dissemination of teaching, extension and research activities of the chair Integration of Sciences and Higher Education for Sustainable Development. The linkage of two scientific research projects with a unique purpose: the promotion of educational activities with digital tools is highlighted.
Tics , UniversitiesABSTRACT
O envelhecimento humano é um fenômeno que vem crescendo em escala global e se constitui como um acontecimento que chama a atenção de alguns anos para cá. Outro fator de muita relevância na contemporaneidade são as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) que nos possibilitam questionar quais são os significados atribuídos pelos idosos a essas tecnologias, levando em consideração o uso do smartphone. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer de que forma os idosos utilizam e como se relacionam com este aparelho. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, em que a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio da aplicação de questionários a 100 pessoas com mais de sessenta anos, participantes de grupos de convivência em uma cidade do interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 25, possibilitando a análise por meio de uma estatística descritiva. A pesquisa possibilitou a compreensão de como os idosos se relacionam com esta tecnologia, as dificuldades de inserção em um mundo conectado e as limitações que estes apresentam ao manusear seu smartphone. Também foram listados os aplicativos mais utilizados pela categoria pesquisada, contemplando durante a discussão os benefícios de utilizarem as TICs e os sentimentos que acometem esses idosos.(AU)
Human aging is a phenomenon that has been growing on a global scale and constitutes an event that has drawn attention in recent years. Another very relevant factor in contemporaneity are the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) that allow us to question what are the meanings attributed by the elderly to these technologies, considering the use of smartphones. The present study aims to understand how the elderly use and relate to this device. This is a quantitative study, in which data collection was carried out by applying questionnaires to 100 people over sixty years old, participants of socialization groups in a city in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25, enabling analysis by using descriptive statistics. The research made it possible to understand how the elderly relate to this technology, the difficulties of insertion in a connected world, and the limitations they present when handling their smartphone. The applications most used by this researched category were also listed, contemplating during the discussion the benefits of using ICTs and the feelings that affect these elderly people.(AU)
Aging , Cell Adhesion , Tics , Digital InclusionABSTRACT
This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the clinical value of Shaoma Zhijing Granules(SZG), Changma Xifeng Tablets(CXT), and Jiuwei Xifeng Granules(JXG) in the treatment of children with tic disorder with the method of rapid health technology assessment(RHTA), which is expected to serve as a reference for medical and health decision-making and clinical rational use of drugs in children. To be specific, relevant articles were retrieved from eight databases and three clinical trial registry platforms. After the quality evaluation, rapid assessment was carried out from the dimensions of disease burden and unmet needs, technical characteristics, safety, efficacy and economy, and the results were analyzed and presented descriptively. A total of 22 articles(1 in English, 21 in Chinese) were screened out: 18 randomized controlled trials(RCTs) and 4 clinical controlled trials(CCTs). Among them, 5 were about the SZG(all RCTs) and 9 were on CXT(6 RCTs and 3 CCTs). The rest 8 focused on JXG(7 RCTs and 1 CCT). Moreover, the overall risk of bias for 94.40% RCTs was evaluated as "some concerns" and only one(5.60%) had high risk of bias. In terms of quality, the 4 CCTs scored 5-6 points(<7 points), suggesting low quality. SZG alone or in combination with tiapride has obvious advantages in improving traditional Chinese medicine syndromes and tic symptoms compared with tiapride alone, with the average daily cost of CNY 79.44-119.16. Compared with conventional western medicine or placebo, CXT alone or in combination with conventional western medicine can improve the total effective rate and alleviate tic symptoms, and the average daily cost is CNY 22.50-67.50. JXG alone or in combination with conventional western medicine can effectively relieve tic symptoms compared with conventio-nal western medicine or placebo, with the average daily cost of CNY 82.42-164.85. The adverse events related to the three Chinese patent medicines mainly occurred in the digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems, all of which were mild. In general, SZG, CXT, and JXG are effective for children with tic disorder. They have been approved to be used in this field, of which SZG was approved in 2019, with the most up-to-date research evidence and high-quality RCT in Q1 journals. However, the comparative analysis of the three was affected by many factors, which should be further clarified. Based on the large sample data available in multiple dimensions, a comprehensive comparative evaluation of the three Chinese patent medicines should be carried out, thereby highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of them and serving a reference for rational clinical use and drug supervision.
Humans , Child , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Nonprescription Drugs/therapeutic use , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Tiapride Hydrochloride/therapeutic use , Tics/drug therapy , Tic Disorders/drug therapy , Medicine, Chinese TraditionalABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#: Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neuropsychiatric disorder with onset in childhood that warrants effective therapies. Gut microbiota can affect central physiology and function via the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Therefore, the gut microbiota plays an important role in some mental illnesses. A small clinical trial showed that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) may alleviate TS symptoms in children. Herein, FMT effects and mechanisms were explored in a TS mouse model.@*METHODS@#: TS mice model (TSMO) (n = 80) were established with 3,3'-iminodipropionitrile, and 80 mice were used as controls. Mice were grouped into eight groups and were subjected to FMT with feces from children or mice with or without TS, or were given probiotics. Fecal specimens were collected 3 weeks after FMT. 16S rRNA sequencing, behavioral observation, and serum serotonin (5-HT) assay were performed. Differences between groups were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) tests.@*RESULTS@#: A total of 18 discriminative microbial signatures (linear discriminant analysis score > 3) that varied significantly between TS and healthy mice (CONH) were identified. A significant increase in Turicibacteraceae and Ruminococcaceae in TSMO after FMT was observed (P < 0.05). Compared with non-transplanted TSMO, the symptoms of those transplanted with feces from CONH were alleviated (W = 336, P = 0.046). In the probiotic and FMT experiments, the serum 5-HT levels significantly increased in TSMO that received probiotics (KS = 1.423, P = 0.035) and in those transplanted with feces from CONH (W = 336.5, P = 0.046) compared with TSMO without transplantation.@*CONCLUSIONS@#: This study suggests that FMT may ameliorate TS by promoting 5-HT secretion, and it provides new insights into the underlying mechanisms of FMT as a treatment for TS.
Animals , Mice , Disease Models, Animal , Fecal Microbiota Transplantation , Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Serotonin , Tics , Tourette Syndrome/therapyABSTRACT
En este artículo se analiza el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) en la subjetividad del adolescente y en los vínculos intersubjetivos familiares, específicamente en el vínculo parento-filial. Se analizó una muestra de adolescentes (n=112) y una muestra de madres/padres de adolescentes (n=101) para evaluar la accesibilidad y uso de las TICs, la percepción del uso de las mismas en adolescentes y madres/padres y la incidencia que tienen en los vínculos intersubjetivos familiares. En el análisis se comprobó que las TICs aportan aspectos negativos en las relaciones familiares, ya que provocan conflictos familiares, no promueven la comunicación entre padres e hijos y generan una reducción de las actividades familiares, generando así que el vínculo intersubjetivo familiar se debilite. Las TICs constituyen una herramienta que favorece el proceso de crecimiento adolescente en la medida en que la familia actué como mediadora(AU)
This article analyzes the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the adolescent subjectivity and on intersubjective family bonds, specifically on the parental-filial bond. A sample of adolescents (n = 112) and a sample of mothers / fathers of adolescents (n = 101) were analyzed to evaluate the accessibility and use of ICTs, the perception of their use in adolescents and mothers / fathers and the impact they have on family intersubjective bonds. In the analysis it was found that ICTs bring negative aspects in family relationships, since they cause family conflicts, do not promote communication between parents and children and generate a reduction in family activities, thus generating a weakening of the intersubjective family bond. ICTs constitute a tool that favors the adolescent growth process if the family acts as a mediator(AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Tics , Family Relations , Parents , Information Technology , Family ConflictABSTRACT
El cáncer infantil se considera mayoritariamente una enfermedad crónica. La información acerca de la enfermedad y los tratamientos es una necesidad presente en todos los miembros de la familia, en los primeros momentos puede ser difícil de entender y recordar por lo cual una información clara y sencilla permitirá una mejor comprensión. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información hacen posible establecer conexiones infinitas y el campo de la salud no ha escapado a este fenómeno, han aparecido términos como "Tele cuidados" o "Tele-Enfermería", refiere al uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Objetivo: evaluar los beneficios que brinda la implementación del Tele cuidado en la continuidad de los cuidados en pacientes pediátricos oncológicos y su familia. Material y Método: estudio descriptivo - evaluativo, la población fué de 9 pacientes incorporados al Proyecto de Telecuidado. Se utilizaron entrevistas, telefonía celular, fichas y listas de cotejo. El programa lleva implementado 6 meses en la institución, esta evaluación corresponde a una primera etapa de desarrollo del mismo. Resultados: según las dimensiones de Evaluación de necesidades, Evaluación de conceptualización y lógica del programa, Evaluación de proceso y Evaluación de resultados. Conclusión: El presente estudio nos ha permitido determinar al Tele Cuidado como una herramienta que nos ayuda a mejorar la atención de enfermería, además incrementa los procesos de comunicación y apoya la continuidad de los cuidados en el hogar[AU]
Childhood cancer is mostly considered a chronic disease. Information about the disease and treatments is a necessity present in all family members, in the first moments it can be difficult to understand and remember why clear information and simple it will allow a better understanding. The new information technologies make it possible to establish infinite connections and the field of Health, has not escaped this phenomenon, they have jumped into the health arena terms such as "Tele care" or "Tele-Nursing" , which refers to the use of information and communications technologies. Objective: to evaluate the benefits of implementing Tics in the continuity of care in pediatric cancer patients and their family. Material and Method: descriptive - evaluative study, the population was of 9 patients who joined the Telecare Project. Interviews, records and checklist were used. The program has been implemented for 6 months in the institution, this evaluation corresponds to a first stage of its development. Results: these are analyzed according to the dimensions of Needs Assessment, Evaluation of conceptualization and logic of the program, Process evaluation and Evaluation of results. Conclusion: This study has allowed us to determine Tele Care as a tool that helps us improve nursing care, also increases communication processes and allows continuity of care[AU]
O câncer infantil é considerado principalmente uma doença crônica. Informações sobre a doença e tratamentos são uma necessidade presente em todos os membros da família; nos primeiros momentos, pode ser difícil entender e lembrar, razão pela qual informações claras e simples permitirão uma melhor compreensão. As informações possibilitam o estabelecimento de conexões infinitas e o campo da Saúde, não escapou a esse fenômeno, foram destacados termos como "Telecare" ou "Tele- Nursing", que se referem ao uso das tecnologias da informação. e comunicações. Objetivo: avaliar os benefícios proporcionados pela implementação das TICs na continuidade do atendimento em pacientes com câncer pediátrico e sua família. Material e Método: estudo descritivo-avaliativo, a população foi de 9 pacientes que ingressaram no Projeto Telecare. Foram utilizadas entrevistas, arquivos e uma lista de verificação. O programa foi implementado por 6 meses na instituição, esta avaliação corresponde a um primeiro estágio de desenvolvimento. Resultados: são analisados de acordo com as dimensões Avaliação de Necessidades, Conceitualização de Programas e Avaliação Lógica, Avaliação de Processos e Avaliação de Resultados. Conclusão: Este estudo nos permitiu determinar o TeleCare como uma ferramenta que nos ajuda a melhorar os cuidados de enfermagem, também aumenta os processos de comunicação e permite a continuidade dos cuidados[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Oncology Service, Hospital , Continuity of Patient Care , Information Technology , Telenursing , Nursing Care , Communication , Tics , TelepediatricsABSTRACT
El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad afecta al 5 % de los niños en edad escolar. Se presenta una serie de 82 niños con este trastorno no asociado a enfermedades neurológicas ni a discapacidad intelectual o trastorno del espectro autista, atendidos durante un período de 8 meses en Neuropediatría: 57 casos de tipo combinado, 23 de tipo inatento y 2 de predominio hiperactivo. Tiempo medio de seguimiento: 7 ± 2,8 años (rango: 4-14,6). Compartían seguimiento con Psiquiatría 16 pacientes. Nunca recibieron tratamiento por decisión parental 12 pacientes. De los 70 que recibieron, en 20, hubo demora en el inicio del tratamiento. Tiempo medio de demora: 20 meses ± 1,6 años (rango: 1 mes y 6 años). Tiempo medio de tratamiento: 44 meses ± 2,6 años (rango: 1 mes y 10,5 años). El 90 % de los pacientes (63) que iniciaron tratamiento continuaban tomándolo en la última revisión
Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity has a high prevalence affecting 5 % of school-age children. We present a case series of 82 children with said disorder not associated with neurological diseases or intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder, treated during a period of 8 months in a neuropediatrics clinic: 57 cases of combined type, 23 of inattentive type and 2 of overactive predominance. Average follow-up time: 7 ± 2.8 years (range: 4-14.6); 16 patients shared follow-up with Psychiatry; 12 patients never received treatment by parental decision. Of the 70 who received it, in 20 there was a delay in the start of treatment. Average delay time: 20 months ± 1.6 years (range: 1 month and 6 years). Average treatment time: 44 months ± 2.6 years (range: 1 month and 10.5 years); 90 % of the patients (63) who started treatment were under treatment at the last control
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/diagnosis , Pediatrics , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Tics , Learning Disabilities , NeurologyABSTRACT
Introducción: actualmente muchas personas se benefician de las ventajas que proveen las apps móviles (mHealth) para la medición de datos y controlar su salud, pero en nuestro medio aún no se refleja una tendencia sobre el uso de apps para mejorar la calidad de vida. Objetivo: el propósito del estudio es conocer el uso de dispositivos y apps móviles en el ámbito de la salud, en jóvenes estudiantes de la Carrera de Medicina de la ESPOCH. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal para determinar la prevalencia en el manejo y aprobación de las TICs a través de un muestreo de conveniencia aleatorio, seleccionando de esta manera a 245 estudiantes cuyas edades fluctúan entre los 18 y 23 años. Resultados: 93.88% (n = 230) de estudiantes poseen un teléfono del tipo Smartphone, mientras que el 6.12% (n = 15) no poseen teléfonos inteligentes, pero utilizan otros dispositivos móviles en el caso de que se requiera instalar y usar apps para diferentes necesidades. Del conjunto efecto de estudio, apenas el 5.3% (n = 13) utilizan con frecuencia apps destinados al control de su salud. Conclusión: a pesar de la evidente revolución de las tecnologías móviles y apps orientadas a la salud, se puede comprobar que aún existe una baja predisposición al uso de este tipo de herramientas debido básicamente a la falta de conocimiento de su funcionalidad, a las dudas en la fiabilidad con respecto a la información mostrada, a la seguridad y confidencialidad de los datos de salud.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Health , Telemedicine , Tics , Mobile Applications , Students , Ecuador , MedicineABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the serological characteristics of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia(AIHA) and analyze its clinical efficacy and safety of incompatible red blood cell transfusion.@*METHODS@#Sixty AIHA patients admitted in our hospital from January 2014 to January 2018 were selected. The blood type serological characteristics of 60 patients were analyzed retrospectively. According to the type of autoantibody and the composition of different red blood cells, the efficacy and safety of erythrocyte infusions were evaluated respectively.@*RESULTS@#The screen results of irregular antibody in 60 AIHA patients were positive, and the direct anti-human globulin test also was positive, including 8 cases of cold autoantibodies (13.33%), 49 cases of IgG warm autoantibodies (81.67%), and 3 cases of warm cold double autoantibodies (5%). The irregular anti-body identification test confirmed the existence of homoantiboby in 17 cases (28.33%). Out of 60 cases 34 received incompatible red blood cell (RBC) infusion for 108 time including ABO homotype non washing RBC (81 tirnes) and O type washing RBC (27 times). The infusion results showed that the total [JP2]effective rate was 57.41(62/108), total partial effective rate was 14.81% (16/108) and total ineffective rate was 27.78% (30/108).The infusion of ABO homotype non-washing RBC for 81 time showed that the effective rate was 58.02%[JP] (47/81) , partial effective rate was 12.35 (10/81) and ineffective rate was 29.67% (24/81); the infusion of O type washing RBC for 27 times showed that the effective rate was 55.56% (15/27), partial effective rate was 22.22% (6/27) and ineffective rate was 22.22% (6/27), there was no significant difference in effective rate between 2 kinds of infusion (P>0.05). The comparison of different antibody type infusion showed that in the infusion of IgM cold autoantiboay for 12 times, the effective rate was 41.67% (5/12), partial effective rate was 33.33% (4/12) and ineffective rate was 25% (3/12); in the infusion of IgG warm antoantibody for 93 times. The effective rate was 58.06% (54/93),partial effective rate was 12.90% (12/93) and ineffective rale was 29.04% (27/93), there was also no significant difference in effective rate between 2 kinds of infusion(P>0.05). However, in infusion of cold/warm double autoantibody for 3 times, the effective rate was 100% (3/3), moreover, the hemotytic reaction of infusion was not observed during the treatment .@*CONCLUSION@#The infusion of ABO homotype non-washing RBC and O type washing RBC both possess the high safely and efficacy for treatment of patients with AIHA, but the use of ABO homotype non-washing RBC can effectively avoid the excessive use of O type washing RBC.
Humans , Anemia, Hemolytic, Autoimmune , Autoantibodies , Erythrocyte Count , Erythrocytes , Retrospective Studies , TicsABSTRACT
Most patients with Tourette's disorder experience an uncomfortable sensory phenomenon called the premonitory urge immediately before experiencing tics. It has been suggested that premonitory urges are associated with comorbidities such as obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, although these associations have been inconsistent. Most patients experience tics as a result of the premonitory urges, and after the tics occur, most patients report that the premonitory urges are temporarily relieved. As a consequence, several studies have assessed the premonitory urge and its potential therapeutic utility. Based on the concept that the premonitory urge induces tics, behavioral treatments such as Exposure and Response Prevention and Habit Reversal Therapy have been developed. However, it is still unclear whether habituation, the main mechanism of these therapies, is directly related to their effectiveness. Moreover, the observed effects of pharmacological treatments on premonitory urges have been inconsistent.
Humans , Anxiety Disorders , Behavior Therapy , Comorbidity , Drug Therapy , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , Tics , Tourette SyndromeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study investigates lay beliefs about the etiology and treatments of tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome, as well as identifying sociodemographic and personality variables affecting these beliefs among South Koreans. METHODS: In total, 673 participants (mean age 41.77±12.03 years) completed an online survey regarding their beliefs about tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome. The factors related to their lay beliefs about the disorders were analyzed, and the correlates were investigated. RESULTS: Results indicated that lay people in South Korea held strong beliefs that the causes of tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome lie within the parenting/psychological and neurological/biological categories, compared to the dietary/environmental one. Among the sociodemographic variables, sex, age, and levels of subjective mental health knowledge were primarily associated with the aforementioned beliefs. Familiarity with tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome was also associated with these beliefs. Among the personality traits investigated, extraversion and conscientiousness had significant influences on the beliefs people had about tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that both policy makers and mental health service providers should adopt a strategic approach for developing and implementing health education interventions about tic disorder and Tourette's syndrome because individual sociodemographic variables, familiarity with the disorders, and personality traits are all associated with the beliefs about these disorders.
Humans , Administrative Personnel , Extraversion, Psychological , Health Education , Korea , Mental Health , Mental Health Services , Recognition, Psychology , Tic Disorders , Tics , Tourette SyndromeABSTRACT
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by impairing levels of inattention, disorganization, and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity. ADHD often persists into adulthood, with resultant impairments of social, academic and occupational functioning. ADHD is a very common disease during childhood and, the pooled overall prevalence of ADHD was found to be 5.29%. When screening for ADHD, clinicians should try to develop rapport with patients and their caregivers to increase the likelihood that they will follow the diagnostic process and treatment. The current drugs that have received Food and Drug Administration-approval for ADHD include stimulants (methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine) and non-stimulants (atomoxetine, guanfacine, and clonidine). Stimulants improve inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in addition to decreasing disruptive behaviors and promoting academic achievement and the maintenance of appropriate friendships. In order to enhance drug compliance, the use of long-acting stimulants is increasing. Atomoxetine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake blocker, the effects of which may take 2 to 6 weeks to be noticeable. Furthermore, α2 agonists may help to improve behavioral side effects, tics, and sleep problems during stimulant or atomoxetine use. Common side effects of stimulants and atomoxetine include headache, stomachache, and loss of appetite. Routine electorcardiography before medication is not recommended unless there is a specific indication. Methylphenidate and atomoxetine are safe as first line therapies, and their side effects are well tolerated.
Humans , Appetite , Atomoxetine Hydrochloride , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Caregivers , Compliance , Drug Therapy , Friends , Guanfacine , Headache , Impulsive Behavior , Mass Screening , Methylphenidate , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Norepinephrine , Prevalence , Problem Behavior , TicsABSTRACT
Involuntary movement of the cervical spine can cause damage to the cervical spinal cord. Cervical myelopathy may occur at an early age in involuntary movement disorders, such as tics. We report the case of a 21-year-old man with Tourette syndrome, who developed progressive quadriparesis, which was more severe in the upper extremities. The patient had abnormal motor tics with hyperflexion and hyperextension of the cervical spine for more than 10 years. High-signal intensity intramedullary lesions were observed at C3-4-5-6 level on T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Examinations were performed for high-signal intensity intramedullary lesions that may occur at a young age, but no other diseases were detected. Botulinum toxin injection to the neck musculature and medication for tic disorders were administered. However, the myelopathy was further aggravated, as the involuntary cervical movement still remained. Therefore, laminoplasty was performed at C3-4-5-6, with posterior fixation at C2-3-4-5-6-7 to alleviate the symptoms. The neurological signs and symptoms improved dramatically. The management of tic disorders should be the first priority during treatment. However, surgical treatment may be necessary, if symptoms worsen after appropriate treatment.
Humans , Young Adult , Botulinum Toxins , Cervical Cord , Dyskinesias , Laminoplasty , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neck , Quadriplegia , Spinal Cord Diseases , Spine , Spondylosis , Tic Disorders , Tics , Tourette Syndrome , Upper ExtremityABSTRACT
La inserción de las tecnologías de información y comunicación TIC en la educación ha generado diversidad de materiales educativos didácticos con estructuras complejas y difusión masiva. Sin embargo la evaluación de la pertinencia de dichos materiales en la adquisición de conocimientos es incipiente; por ello el objetivo fue evaluar el material didáctico 'Agroforestería' en el aprendizaje de agricultores de tres zonas del departamento de Nariño. Mediante investigación acción participativa se realizó talleres de capacitación en agroforestería. Se trabajó con el modelo Stufflebeam con dos test y una encuesta informal (variables cualitativas sobre diseño del material); los datos se analizaron a través de un diseño experimental de dos factores (f1 material didáctico y f2 tiempo) con el programa SPSS versión 22.0; se construyó un modelo lineal general con medidas repetidas (ANOVA mixto). Se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en participantes del grupo control en la prueba intrasujetos y en el grupo experimental en la prueba intersujetos; además, con el equipo técnico interdisciplinario, se identificó la necesidad de realizar algunos ajustes al material en cuanto a imágenes, ideas clave, forma y tamaño. Se concluye que la aplicación de materiales didácticos facilitó el aprendizaje significativo en los agricultores dado que el conocimiento adquirido se mantuvo en el tiempo, lo que evidencia que al integrar gráficos y textos contextualizados en los juegos y al desarrollarlos en un ambiente lúdico se genera una mayor compresión y se estimula la apropiación social del conocimiento.
The inclusion of information and communication technologies -ICTs- in education in the recent decades has generated a diverse variety of teaching educational materials with complex structures and massive dissemination. However, the assessment of the relevance of these materials in the acquisition of knowledge is incipient. For this reason, the objective of this research was to evaluate the teaching material "Agroforestry" in the learning of farmers in three zones of the Department of Nariño. Through participatory action research, training workshops on agroforestry were held. The Stufflebeam model was used with two tests and an informal survey (qualitative variables on material design). Data was analyzed through a two factors experimental design (f1teaching materials and f2 time) using the SPSS version 22.0 program. A general linear model with repeated measures (mixed ANOVA) was constructed. Significant differences were obtained in participants of the control group in the intra-subject test and in the experimental group in the inter-subject test. In addition, the need to make some changes on the teaching material in terms of images, key ideas, shape and size was identified with the interdisciplinary technical team. It is concluded that the use of teaching materials facilitated significant learning for the farmers given that the knowledge acquired was maintained over time, which shows that by integrating graphics and texts contextualized in the games and by developing them in a playful atmosphere, higher comprehension is created and the social appropriation of knowledge is stimulated.
Humans , Adult , Tics , Teaching Materials , Education , Information TechnologyABSTRACT
Resumen (analítico): El presente artículo deriva de una investigación cuyo objetivo fue analizar las características del aprendizaje, basadas en las habilidades digitales que los individuos jóvenes de educación superior desarrollan en entornos socioculturales digitales no escolares. La relevancia de esta investigación estriba en que la comprensión analítica de estas formas de aprender permite identificar los retos que está viviendo la educación superior y las posibles formas de enfrentarlos. El abordaje metodológico es cualitativo; las técnicas de recogida de información fueron: cuestionario, grupo de discusión y grupo de enfoque. Presento aquí una lectura de los resultados mediada por la categoría analítica juventudes, desde la cual sostengo que las formas de ser joven en los entornos socioculturales digitales conlleva formas inéditas de aprender y de entender el mundo.
Abstract (analytical): This paper describes a study that has the objective of analyzing the learning characteristics, based on digital abilities, that young people in higher education develop in non-school digital socio-cultural environments. The relevance of this research is that the analytical understanding of these forms of learning contributes to identifying the challenges for higher education and possible ways to solve them. The methodological approach used is qualitative and the information collection techniques included: questionnaires, discussion groups and focus groups. The results are mediated by the analytical category of young people. The author concludes that the forms of being young in digital socio-cultural environments entail unprecedented ways of learning and understanding the world
Resumo (analítico): Este artigo deriva de uma pesquisa destinado a analisar as características de aprendizagem, com base em competências digitais, que os estudantes do ensino superior adquiram em ambientes socioculturais digitais não-escolares; a relevância desta pesquisa é que a compreensão analítica dessas formas de aprendizagem permitem identificar os desafios experimentados no ensino superior e as possíveis formas de resolvêlos. A abordagem metodológica foi qualitativa, as técnicas de recolha de informação foram: questionário, grupo de discussão e grupo de foco. A leitura dos resultados foi feita a partir da categoria analítica da juventude, a partir do qual argumenta-se que os modos de ser jovem em ambientes socioculturais digitais traz novas formas de aprendizagem e compreensão do mundo apresentado.
Adolescent , Tics , LearningABSTRACT
We aimed to assess the effectiveness and safety of clonidine extended release (ER) treatment in Korean youth with ADHD and/or Tourette's disorder. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 29 children and adolescents treated with clonidine ER. The effectiveness were retrospectively measured at baseline and after 4 and 12 weeks based on the Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) and Clinical Global Impression-Improvement (CGI-I) scores. Safety was evaluated at each visit based on spontaneous reports from the subjects or from their parents/guardians. Significant decreases in the CGI-S scores for both ADHD (F=23.478, p < 0.001, partial η2=0.540) and tic symptoms (F=15.137, p < 0.001, partial η2=0.443) were noted over 12 weeks. The most common adverse event was somnolence (n=9, 31.0%) and life-threatening adverse effects were not observed. Our results provide preliminary evidence for the effectiveness and safety of clonidine ER.
Adolescent , Child , Humans , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Clonidine , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Tics , Tourette SyndromeABSTRACT
Las afecciones neurológicas son uno de los motivos de consulta más frecuentes en la práctica pediátrica ambulatoria y ocupan un alto índice de las camas en la internación. El papel del pediatra en este contexto es muy complejo, ya que es quien recibe a un paciente en la emergencia o en el consultorio y debe estar atento a si un determinado síntoma o signo neurológico puede ser transitorio o el indicio de una enfermedad grave. Así, son fundamentales tanto el conocimiento de las distintas entidades neurológicas y de sus aspectos epidemiológicos y patogénicos como también el examen semiológico y los primeros estudios por realizar para la orientación diagnóstica, el tratamiento inicial, las indicaciones de derivación, la prevención de riesgos y el asesoramiento a los padres. Este nuevo volumen aborda esta temática especial con énfasis en el trabajo interdisciplinario y entre sus características se destacan: El estudio de importantes temas clínicos, como las convulsiones febriles, que se presentan en el 2% al 5% de los niños; la epilepsia infantil, con una prevalencia del 1%; la cefalea, cuya incidencia ha aumentado en los últimos veinte años y es hoy el motivo de consulta más frecuente en los servicios de neurología; las crisis paroxísticas no epilépticas, que aparecen entre el 5% y el 20% de la población infantil; el desafío diagnóstico del lactante hipotónico; las encefalopatías agudas, y los trastornos de la marcha y del movimiento. La inclusión, en todos los capítulos, de casos clínicos con su evolución y desenlace, textos destacados con los principales conceptos, puntos claves para recordar, además de material complementario, como bibliografía adicional, videos y enlaces a sitios web de interés. Una obra sólida y práctica, que transmite las experiencias de los profesionales de una institución del prestigio internacional del Hospital de Pediatría Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan a treinta años de su creación- dedicada a todos los pediatras, donde quiera que trabajen al servicio de la salud de los niños.