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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252545, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440793


O brincar é uma atividade importante para o desenvolvimento infantil, porque melhora aspectos cognitivos, emocionais e físicos. Além disso, jogos e brincadeiras podem ser explorados como recurso educacional. Partindo do entendimento da ludicidade enquanto um processo subjetivo, este trabalho investigou a relação com o saber estabelecida durante as brincadeiras, buscando compreendê-las em suas dimensões epistêmica, social e identitária. Dezesseis estudantes do 5º ano do ensino fundamental foram entrevistados a partir de um roteiro baseado no instrumento "balanço do saber", proposto por Bernard Charlot. As questões foram adaptadas para possibilitar apreender o que as crianças dizem aprender durante as brincadeiras em que participam, com ênfase naquelas realizadas em sala de aula. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo realizada mostraram que, apesar de existirem conflitos sobre como se estabelecem as funções lúdica e educativa, quando a brincadeira infantil é utilizada como recurso pedagógico, os sujeitos podem identificar benefícios no processo de aprendizagem por meio dela. Aponta-se, também, a necessidade de considerar a condição social da criança no ambiente escolar para o sucesso ao utilizar essas atividades como práticas pedagógicas.(AU)

Child's play is an important activity for child development since it improves cognition, emotional, and physical aspects. Games can also be explored as an educational resource. Starting from the understanding that playfulness is a subjective process, this work has investigated the relationship to the knowledge stablished during games, aiming to understand it in its epistemic, social, and identitary dimensions. A group of 16 5th grade students were interviewed from a script based on the instrument "balance of knowledge," as proposed by Bernard Charlot. The questions were adapted to enable the apprehension of what children say they learn on the games they play, emphasizing those which are played in classrooms. The results of the content analysis performed have showed that, despite the conflicts on how both playful and educative functions are stablished when child's play is used as a pedagogic resource, the subjects can identify benefits on the process of learning with it. The need to consider the child's social condition in the school environment to reach success when using these activities as pedagogical practices is also pointed out.(AU)

Jugar es una actividad importante para el desarrollo de los niños, porque mejora aspectos cognitivos, emocionales y físicos. Por tanto, los juegos son explorados como recurso educativo. Partiendo de la comprensión de que lo lúdico es un proceso subjetivo, este trabajo analizó la relación con el saber que se establece durante el juego, con el objetivo de comprenderlo en sus dimensiones epistémica, social e identitaria. Se entrevistó a dieciséis estudiantes de quinto grado a partir de un guion basado en el instrumento "balance del saber" propuesto por Bernard Charlot. Las preguntas fueron adaptadas para permitir la aprehensión de lo que los niños dicen que aprenden en sus juegos, enfatizando los que se juegan en las aulas. Los resultados del análisis de contenido realizado mostraron que, a pesar de que existen conflictos sobre cómo se establecen ambas funciones lúdica y educativa cuando se utiliza el juego infantil como recurso pedagógico, los niños pueden identificar beneficios en el proceso de aprendizaje a través del juego. Se señala la necesidad de considerar la condición social del niño en el entorno escolar para alcanzar el éxito al utilizar estas actividades como prácticas pedagógicas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Play and Playthings , Play Therapy , Schools , Educational Status , Personality , Aptitude , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , School Health Services , Social Environment , Social Perception , Sports , Task Performance and Analysis , Teaching , Temperament , Time and Motion Studies , Underachievement , Shyness , Symbolism , Adaptation, Psychological , Exercise , Attitude , Family , Child Advocacy , Child Care , Child Guidance , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Negotiating , Interview , Animation , Instructional Film and Video , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Drawing , Creativity , Culture , Trust , Growth and Development , Ego , Empathy , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Exploratory Behavior , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Pleasure , Sedentary Behavior , Executive Function , Social Skills , Spatial Learning , Games, Recreational , School Teachers , Interdisciplinary Placement , Freedom , Frustration , Solidarity , Social Interaction , Happiness , Hobbies , Holistic Health , Imagination , Individuality , Intelligence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Memory , Mental Processes , Motivation , Motor Skills , Movement , Music , Nonverbal Communication
São Paulo med. j ; 139(1): 77-80, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156967


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Handgrip and knee extension strengths have each been used to characterize disability. However, it has been reported that the association between handgrip and knee extension strengths is weak. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the influence of knee extensor and handgrip muscle strength on Timed Up and Go (TUG) test results among elderly women with worse (≥ 10 seconds) and better (< 10 seconds) performance, after controlling for confounders. DATA AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study on a sample selected according to convenience, carried out in a federal public institution of higher education. METHODS: Assessment of handgrip was carried out using the Jamar dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument Company, Inc., Lafayette, United States). Knee extensor muscle performance was measured using an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System 3 Pro; Biodex Medical Systems, Inc., United States), The confounding factors were education, age, comorbidities, body mass index and Geriatric Depression Scale and Human Activity Profile scores. Functional performance was assessed through the TUG test. A backward linear regression model was used. RESULTS: 127 elderly women performed the TUG test in more than 10 seconds and 93 in less than 10 seconds. However, regardless of test performance, handgrip strength and knee extension strength comprised the reduced final model. CONCLUSIONS: Knee extension strength and handgrip strength might be particularly useful indicators for measuring disability.

Humans , Female , Aged , Hand Strength , Independent Living , Time and Motion Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Postural Balance , Muscle Strength
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(1): 44-50, Jan. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153141


ABSTRACT Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease that affects the central nervous system. The impact of MS transcends physical functions and extends to psychological impairment. Approximately 50% of people with MS develop depressive symptoms during their lifetime and depressive symptoms may predict impairment of physical functions. However, prediction of depressive symptoms based on objective measures of physical functions is still necessary. Objective: To compare physical functions between people with MS presenting depressive symptoms or not and to identify predictors of depressive symptoms using objective measures of physical functions. Methods: Cross-sectional study including 26 people with MS. Anxiety and/or depressive symptoms were assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Outcomes of physical functions included: the Nnnine-hole Ppeg Ttest (NHPT), knee muscle strength, balance control, the Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), and the 6-minute walk test (6MWT). Perceived exertion was measured using the Borg scale. Results: The frequency of depressive symptoms was 42% in people with MS. Balance control during a more challenging task was impaired in people with MS who presented depressive symptoms. Balance could explain 21-24% of the variance in depressive symptoms. 6MWT and TUG presented a trend of significance explaining 16% of the variance in the BDI-II score. Conclusions: Impairment in physical functions consists in a potential predictor of depressive symptoms in people with MS. Exercise interventions aiming at the improvement of physical functions, together with the treatment of depressive symptoms and conventional medical treatment, are suggested.

RESUMO Introdução: A esclerose múltipla (EM) é uma doença imunomediada que afeta o sistema nervoso central. O impacto da doença transcende as funções físicas e se estende a comprometimento psicológico. Aproximadamente 50% das pessoas com EM desenvolvem sintomas depressivos e estes podem predizer o comprometimento das funções físicas. No entanto, a previsão de sintomas depressivos com base em medidas objetivas das funções físicas ainda é necessária. Objetivos: Comparar funções físicas entre pessoas com EM que apresentam ou não sintomas depressivos e identificar preditores de sintomas depressivos usando medidas objetivas de funções físicas. Métodos: Estudo transversal incluindo 26 pessoas com EM. A ansiedade e/ou sintomas depressivos foram avaliadas pelo Inventário de Depressão de Beck-II (Beck Depression Inventory - BDI-II) e pela Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão. Os resultados das funções físicas incluíram: teste de PEG de nove buracos, força muscular do joelho, controle de equilíbrio, teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) e teste da caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M). A fadiga percebida foi medida usando a escala de Borg. Resultados: A frequência de sintomas depressivos na amostra foi de 42%. O controle do equilíbrio durante tarefa desafiadora foi prejudicado em pessoas com EM e sintomas depressivos. O equilíbrio pode explicar 21-24% da variação nos sintomas depressivos. O TC6M e o TUG apresentaram tendência de significância que explica 16% da variância no escore do BDI-II. Conclusões: O comprometimento das funções físicas é potencial preditor de sintomas depressivos em pessoas com EM. São sugeridas intervenções de exercícios físicos visando melhora das funções físicas, juntamente com o tratamento médico convencional e dos sintomas depressivos.

Humans , Depression/etiology , Multiple Sclerosis/complications , Time and Motion Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Postural Balance
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 224-230, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876877


@#Objective. This study aims to determine time and motion in the operating room in emergent, urgent and scheduled cesarean section surgeries among pregnant COVID-19 patients. Methodology. A time and motion performance evaluation study was done by computing the following parameters: pre-induction time, pre-incision time, opening time, closing time, for both decision-to-delivery interval (DDI) and overall operative time. Results. During the study period, emergent DDI average was 2 hours and 38 minutes, emergent overall operative time was 1 hour and 31 minutes, urgent DDI average was 3 hours and 51 minutes, and urgent overall operative time of 1 hour and 57 minutes. However, in both urgent and emergent cases, the recommended DDI of 30 minutes, and the average duration of 44.3 minutes for CS were not feasible. Conclusion. The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively affected the provision of surgical obstetric care and OR utilization. Due to the new safety protocol for healthcare workers and patients, there was a significant delay in DDI and overall operative time. The causes were preparation, anesthesia factors or obstetrician factors. Identifying modifiable obstacles may improve the DDI, overall operative time, and the quality of maternal and child birth care during this pandemic.

Pregnancy , Female , Cesarean Section , Time and Motion Studies , COVID-19 , Time Perception , Motion
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3476, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1347622


Objective: to analyze the association of global functionality with the main functional systems and the sociodemographic variables of older adults followed by Home Care in Primary Health Care. Method: a cross-sectional study with 124 older people developed through home interviews. Functionality was assessed by Basic Activities of Daily Living (Barthel) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (Lawton and Brody); the main functional systems were assessed using the Mini-Mental State Exam, by the Timed Up and Go test, by the Geriatric Depression Scale (15 items), and questionnaire with sociodemographic variables. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were applied (Poisson Regression). Results: 46% of the older adults showed moderate/severe/total dependence for basic activities and instrumental activities had a median of 12. In the multivariate analysis, there was an association between moderate/severe/total dependence on basic activities with cognitive decline (p=0.021) and bedridden/wheelchair users (p=0.014). Regarding the dependence on instrumental activities, there was an association with age ≥80 years (p=0.006), single/divorced marital status (p=0.013), cognitive decline (p=0.001), bedridden/wheelchair (p=0.020), and Timed Up and Go ≥20 seconds (p=0.048). Conclusion: the decline in cognitive and mobility was associated with poor functionality in basic and instrumental activities. The findings highlight the need to monitor Home Care for these individuals and serve as guidelines for health actions.

Objetivo: analizar la asociación de la funcionalidad global con los principales sistemas funcionales y con variables sociodemográficas de los adultos mayores vinculados a la Atención Domiciliar de la Atención Básica. Método: estudio transversal con 124 adultos mayores realizado por medio de entrevistas domiciliares. La funcionalidad fue evaluada por las Actividades Básicas de Vida Diaria (Barthel) y por las Actividades Instrumentales de Vida Diaria (Lawton y Brody); los principales sistemas funcionales fueron evaluados con el Mini Examen del Estado Mental, el test Timed Up and Go y la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica (15 ítems); además, se utilizó el cuestionario con variables sociodemográficas. Se aplicaron análisis bivariados y multivariados (Regresión de Poisson). Resultados: 46% de los adultos mayores poseían dependencia moderada/grave/total para las actividades básicas y presentaron mediana de 12 en las actividades instrumentales. En los análisis multivariados, hubo asociación entre dependencia moderada/grave/total en las actividades básicas con disminución cognitiva (p=0,021) y en postrado en cama o en silla de ruedas (p=0,014). En la dependencia de las actividades instrumentales hubo asociación con edad ≥80 años (p=0,006), estado conyugal soltero/divorciado (p=0,013) con disminución cognitiva (p=0,001), postrado en cama o en silla de ruedas (p=0,020) y Timed Up and Go ≥20 segundos (p=0,048). Conclusión: la disminución del estado cognitivo y de la movilidad estuvo asociada con peor funcionalidad en las actividades básicas e instrumentales. Los hallazgos destacan la necesidad del acompañamiento de la Atención Domiciliar para esos individuos y sirven como orientadores de acciones de salud.

Objetivo: analisar a associação da funcionalidade global aos principais sistemas funcionais e às variáveis sociodemográficas de idosos vinculados à Atenção Domiciliar da Atenção Básica. Método: estudo transversal com 124 idosos realizado por meio de entrevistas domiciliares. A funcionalidade foi avaliada pelas Atividades Básicas de Vida Diária (Barthel) e pelas Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária (Lawton e Brody); os principais sistemas funcionais foram avaliados pelo Mini Exame do Estado Mental, pelo teste Timed Up and Go, pela Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (15 itens), além de questionário com variáveis sociodemográficas. Aplicaram-se análises bivariada e multivariada (Regressão de Poisson). Resultados: 46% dos idosos possuíam dependência moderada/elevada/total para as atividades básicas e apresentaram mediana de 12 nas atividades instrumentais. Na análise multivariada, houve associação entre dependência moderada/elevada/total nas atividades básicas com declínio cognitivo (p=0,021) e em acamado/cadeirante (p=0,014). Na dependência das atividades instrumentais houve associação com idade ≥80 anos (p=0,006), estado conjugal solteiro/divorciado (p=0,013), declínio cognitivo (p=0,001), acamado/cadeirante (p=0,020) e Timed Up and Go ≥20 segundos (p=0,048). Conclusão: o declínio da cognição e da mobilidade esteve associado à pior funcionalidade nas atividades básicas e instrumentais. Os achados ressaltam a necessidade do acompanhamento da Atenção Domiciliar para esses indivíduos e servem como norteadores de ações de saúde.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Time and Motion Studies , Activities of Daily Living , Geriatric Assessment , Cross-Sectional Studies , Postural Balance , Home Care Services
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 27(1): 2-9, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090418


RESUMO O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estabelecer valores médios percorridos para o teste de caminhada de seis minutos em crianças saudáveis no Norte do Brasil. Este foi um estudo experimental, randomizado, cego e transversal que avaliou 63 crianças saudáveis do sexo masculino e feminino, de 10 a 12 anos, que após terem seus dados antropométricos registrados foram treinadas e instruídas para a realização do teste conforme recomendações da American Thoracic Society, após avaliação-padrão. O teste foi realizado numa pista reta de 30 metros, com marcações a cada 3 metros e cones indicando onde o retorno deveria ser feito para a continuidade do teste. Ao final, foi refeita a avaliação pré-teste. Foi observado índice de massa corporal muito baixo nos meninos de 11 anos, e normal nas outras faixas. A frequência cardíaca imediata pós-teste apresentou-se significativamente elevada em todos os grupos (p<0,001), enquanto todos os outros dados cardiovasculares colhidos não apresentaram alterações. As distâncias percorridas foram significativamente inferiores às previstas por equação-padrão para todos os grupos e sexos (p<0,0001). O valor médio percorrido encontrado em meninas foi de 436,30±56,74m e 460,80±63,90m em meninos, enquanto a média geral foi de 445,70±54,10m, abaixo dos valores esperados para a amostra. O resultado obtido pelo grupo estudado, menor que a média esperada, pode ser creditado ao fenótipo regional, mas o Índice de Desenvolvimento muito mais baixo que a média brasileira deve ter sua influência mais bem estudada. Espera-se que os achados contribuam no apontamento de valores de referência do teste em crianças do Norte brasileiro.

RESUMEN El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer los valores medios recorridos por niños sanos en el Norte de Brasil en la prueba de caminata de seis minutos. Este estudio es experimental, aleatorizado, ciego y transversal, que evaluó a 63 niños y niñas sanos/as, de edades entre 10 y 12 años, y tras registrados sus datos antropométricos recibieron capacitación e instrucción para realizar la prueba según lo recomendado por American Thoracic Society, después de la evaluación estándar. La prueba se realizó en una pista recta de 30 metros, con marcas cada 3 metros y conos que indicaban dónde debe realizarse el retorno para la continuidad de la prueba. Al final, se rehízo la evaluación previa a la prueba. Se observó un índice de masa corporal muy bajo en niños de 11 años, pero normal en otros grupos de edad. La frecuencia cardíaca inmediata posprueba fue significativamente elevada en todos los grupos (p<0,001), mientras que no cambiaron los demás datos cardiovasculares recopilados. Las distancias recorridas fueron significativamente más bajas que las predichas por la ecuación estándar para los grupos y géneros (p<0,0001). Los valores medios encontrados fueron de 436,30±56,74m en las niñas y 460,80±63,90m en los niños, mientras que el promedio general fue de 445,70±54,10m, por debajo de los valores esperados para la muestra. El resultado obtenido en el grupo estudiado, inferior al promedio esperado, puede acreditar al fenotipo regional, pero el Índice de Desarrollo mucho más bajo que el promedio brasileño debe tener su influencia mejor estudiada. Se espera que los hallazgos contribuyan al establecimiento de valores de referencia para la prueba en niños del Norte de Brasil.

ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to establish mean values covered for the six-minute walk test in healthy children in Northern Brazil. This was an experimental, randomized, blind and cross-sectional study that evaluated 63 healthy male and female children, aged 10 to 12 years, who after having their anthropometric data recorded were trained and instructed to perform the test as recommended by the American Thoracic Society, after standard assessment. The test was carried out on a straight track of 30 meters, with markings every 3 meters and cones indicating where the return should be made for the test continuity. At the end, the pre-test evaluation was redone. Very low body mass index was observed in 11-year-old boys, and normal in other age groups. The post-test immediate heart rate was significantly elevated in all groups (p<0.001), while all other cardiovascular data collected did not change. The distances covered were significantly lower than those predicted by the standard equation for all groups and sexes (p<0.0001). The average value found in girls was 436.30±56.74m and 460.80±63.90m in boys, while the general average was 445.70±54.10m, below the expected values for the sample. The result obtained by the studied group, less than the expected average, can be credited to the regional phenotype, but the Development Index much lower than the Brazilian average should have its influence better studied. The findings are expected to contribute to the establishment of reference values for the test in children from northern Brazil.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Exercise Test , Walk Test , Reference Values , Regional Health Planning , Socioeconomic Factors , Time and Motion Studies , Body Weights and Measures , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Development Indicators , Cardiorespiratory Fitness/physiology , Heart Rate/physiology
Clinics ; 75: e1409, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089600


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate if posturography can be considered a recurrent fall predictor in elderly individuals. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 124 subjects aged 60 to 88 years were evaluated and divided into two groups—the recurrent fallers (89) and single fallers (35) groups. Patients' sociodemographic characteristics were assessed, and clinical testing was performed. The functional test assessment instruments used were timed up and go test (TUGT), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), five times sit-to-stand test, and Falls Efficacy Scale (to measure fear of falling). Static posturography was performed in a force platform in the following three different situations—eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC), and EO dual task. RESULTS: There were significant differences between the single and recurrent fallers groups regarding the fear of falling, the Geriatric Depression Scale score, the mean speed calculated from the total displacement of the center point of pressure (COP) in all directions with EO, and the root mean square of the displacement from the COP in the mediolateral axis with EC. Based on the hierarchical logistic regression model, none of the studied posturographic variables was capable of significantly increasing the power of differentiation between the recurrent and single fallers groups. Only TUGT with a cognitive distractor (p<0.05) and the BBS (p<0.01) presented with significant independent predictive power. CONCLUSION: TUGT with a cognitive distractor and the BBS were considered recurrent fall predictors in elderly fallers.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Posture/physiology , Accidental Falls , Postural Balance/physiology , Independent Living , Recurrence , Time and Motion Studies , Activities of Daily Living , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(4): 1001-1006, Jul.-Aug. 2019. tab
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1020554


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the sources and causes of interruptions during the medication administration process performed by a nursing team and measure its frequency, duration and impact on the team's workload. Métodos: This is an observational study that timed 121 medication rounds (preparation, administration and documentation) performed by 15 nurses and nine nursing technicians in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the countryside of the state of São Paulo. Resultados: 63 (52.1%) interruptions were observed. In each round, the number of interruptions that happened ranged from 1-7, for 127 in total; these occurred mainly during the preparation phase, 97 (76.4%). The main interruption sources were: nursing staff - 48 (37.8%) − and self-interruptions - 29 (22.8%). The main causes were: information exchanges - 54 (42.5%) − and parallel conversations - 28 (22%). The increase in the mean time ranged from 53.7 to 64.3% (preparation) and from 18.3 to 19.2% (administration) - p≤0.05. Conclusão: Interruptions in the medication process are frequent, interfere in the workload of the nursing team and may reflect on the safety of care.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Examinar las fuentes y las causas de interrupciones durante el proceso de administración de medicamentos realizado por el personal de enfermería y también medir su frecuencia, duración e impacto sobre la carga de trabajo de estos. Métodos: Estudio observacional con tiempos cronometrados durante 121 rondas de medicación (preparación, administración y documentación) realizadas por 15 enfermeros y 9 técnicos de enfermería en una Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal en el interior de São Paulo. Resultados: Se observaron 63 (52,1%) interrupciones. En cada ronda, ocurrieron de 1-7, totalizando 127, principalmente en la fase de preparación, 97 (76,4%). Las principales fuentes fueron: el personal de enfermería -48 (37,8%)-, y las autointerrupciones -29 (22,8%)-. Ya las principales causas fueron: el intercambio de información -54 (42,5%)- y la conversación paralela -28 (22%)-. El incremento del promedio del tiempo varió del 53,7% al 64,3% (preparación) y del 18,3% al 19,2% (administración) p≤0,05. Conclusión: Las interrupciones en el proceso medicamentoso son frecuentes, interfieren en la carga de trabajo de la enfermería y pueden comprometer la seguridad del cuidado.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar fontes e causas das interrupções durante o processo de administração de medicamentos realizado pela equipe de enfermagem e mensurar sua frequência, duração e impacto sobre a carga de trabalho. Métodos: Observacional com tempos cronometrados durante 121 rodadas de medicação (preparo, administração e documentação) realizadas por 15 enfermeiros e nove técnicos de enfermagem em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal no interior de São Paulo. Resultados: Foram observadas 63 (52,1%) interrupções. Em cada rodada, ocorreram de 1-7totalizando 127, principalmente na fase de preparo, 97 (76,4%). As principais fontes constituíram-se em: equipe de enfermagem − 48 (37,8%) − e autointerrupções − 29(22,8%). Já as principais causas: troca de informações - 54 (42,5%) − e conversa paralela - 28 (22%). O aumento do tempo médio variou de 53,7 a 64,3% (preparo) e de 18,3 a 19,2% (administração) p≤0,05. Conclusão: Interrupções no processo medicamentoso são frequentes, interferem na carga de trabalho da enfermagem e podem refletir na segurança do cuidado.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Workload/standards , Medication Systems/standards , Nursing Care/standards , Nursing Care/psychology , Time and Motion Studies , Time Factors , Brazil , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal/organization & administration , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Workload/psychology , Workload/statistics & numerical data , Safety Management/methods , Safety Management/standards , Safety Management/statistics & numerical data , Medication Errors/nursing , Medication Errors/prevention & control , Medication Systems/statistics & numerical data , Middle Aged
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(6): 810-817, June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012974


SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Time-motion analysis has been used to provide detailed insight into surfers' performance. This study evaluated surfers' activity times at the Portuguese surfing championship in order to account for the time spent in each surfing activity. METHODS: Eighty-seven individually recorded videos of surfers were analyzed, showing their activity over the entire heat, and video analysis software was used to obtain each surfer's activity profile in the competition. RESULTS: The results breakdown by time percentage show that the surfers were paddling 50.9% of the time, sprint paddling for wave 1.9%, were stationary 34.1% of the time, wave riding 3.7%, and involved in miscellaneous activities (e.g., duck diving, board recovery, etc.) 9.4% of the total time. Average times spent in each surfing activity were 18.6 seconds for paddling, 2.9 seconds for sprint paddling for a wave, 21.7 seconds for the stationary period, 11.5 seconds for wave riding, and 6.9 seconds for miscellaneous activities. CONCLUSIONS: The data revealed that the most performed heat activity was paddling, allowing us to conclude that surfing is basically a long-arm paddling activity and that this activity constitutes a specific surfing competition demand, which in turn means that individual surfer's data can be used as a starting point for the development of tailored conditioning training programs.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A análise temporal dos movimentos tem sido usada para fornecer informações detalhadas sobre o desempenho dos surfistas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os tempos das atividades dos surfistas em um campeonato português de surfe, em nível nacional, a fim de contabilizar o tempo gasto em cada movimento do surfe. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 87 filmagens individuais dos surfistas, durante os diversos heats que decorreram ao longo da competição, sendo estas analisadas com um software para obtenção do perfil das atividades dos surfistas na competição. RESULTADOS: Os dados obtidos revelaram que o movimento de remada correspondeu a 50,9% do tempo total despendido na competição, a remada para apanhar a onda consistiu em 1,9%, o período estacionário compreendeu 34,1%, o ato de apanhar a onda de apenas 3,7% e outras atividades (bico de pato, recuperação da prancha etc.) envolveram 9,4% do tempo total da competição. Os tempos médios gastos em cada atividade de surfe foram de 18,6 segundos para remada, 2,9 segundos para remada para apanhar a onda, 21,7 segundos para o período estacionário, 11,5 segundos para andar de onda e 6,9 segundos para outras atividades. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados revelaram que o surfe consiste em uma atividade que abrange longos períodos de remada, envolvendo uma demanda energética específica para a prática desse esporte. Os dados obtidos são necessários para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de treinamento que levem em consideração o tempo gasto em cada atividade do surfe e o consequente metabolismo energético envolvido, a fim de que se efetive uma prescrição adequada de um programa de treinamento.

Humans , Male , Female , Time and Motion Studies , Athletic Performance/physiology , Water Sports/physiology , Movement/physiology , Portugal , Reference Values , Time Factors , Video Recording , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Athletes
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 21(supl.1): e180020, 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977716


RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar as tendências de fatores de risco e proteção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) e do acesso a exames preventivos na população com planos de saúde nas capitais brasileiras entre 2008 e 2015. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo transversal, analisando dados coletados do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância de Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (Vigitel), de adultos com 18 anos e mais. Foram analisadas tendências de indicadores de DCNT entre os usuários de planos de saúde, em cerca de 30 mil entrevistas a cada ano, entre 2008 e 2015. Utilizou-se o modelo de regressão linear simples para o cálculo das tendências. Resultados: Usuários de planos de saúde apresentaram aumento das prevalências de fatores de proteção como o consumo de frutas e legumes e atividade física no lazer; houve redução de fatores de risco como tabagismo, consumo de refrigerantes, aumento na cobertura de mamografia e declínio na prevalência do tabagismo. Entretanto, ocorreu aumento do excesso de peso, obesidade e diabetes. Conclusão: Existem diferenças segundo sexo, e em geral as mulheres acumulam mais fatores de proteção e homens, mais fatores de risco.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze trends in risk and protective factors for non-communicable diseases (NCD) and access to preventive tests in the population with health insurance in Brazilian state capitals between 2008 and 2015. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that analyzed data collected from the Surveillance of Risk and Protective Factors for non-communicable diseases (NCD) Telephone Survey (Sistema Nacional de Vigilância de Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico - Vigitel) on adults aged 18 years and older. We analyzed trends in NCD indicators among health insurance users in approximately 30 thousand interviews done between 2008 and 2015. We used the simple linear regression model to calculate the trends. Results: Health insurance users showed an increase in the prevalence of protective factors such as fruit and vegetable consumption, and physical activity in leisure time. Also, there was a decrease in risk factors such as smoking and soft drink consumption, increase in mammography coverage, and a drop in smoking prevalence. However, overweight, obesity, and diabetes increased. Conclusion: There are differences according to gender, and, in general, women accumulate more protective factors and men, more risk factors.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Noncommunicable Diseases/epidemiology , Insurance, Health/trends , Socioeconomic Factors , Time and Motion Studies , Brazil/epidemiology , Mammography/trends , Mammography/statistics & numerical data , Exercise/psychology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interviews as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Overweight/epidemiology , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Protective Factors , Smoking Reduction/statistics & numerical data , Insurance, Health/statistics & numerical data
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 21(supl.1): e180015, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977708


RESUMO: Introdução: O estudo objetivou comparar a tendência de bullying nas capitais brasileiras, considerando as edições da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) 2009, 2012 e 2015, e descrever na amostra de 2015 a prevalência do bullying por sexo, idade e dependência administrativa da escola. Metodologia: Foram comparadas as prevalências de sofrer bullying e seus intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%), por cada capital e total de capitais. Foram considerados os IC95% para verificar a ocorrência de diferenças no período. Na última edição, foram analisadas duas amostras: a amostra 1 representa os alunos do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental e a amostra 2, alunos de 13 a 17 anos, estudantes do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental e do 1º ao 3º ano do Ensino Médio. Resultados: O relato de sofrer bullying entre os alunos do 9º ano das capitais brasileiras aumentou de 5,4% (IC95% 5,1 - 5,7), em 2009, para 7,2% (IC95% 6,6 - 7,8), em 2012, e 7,4% (IC95% 7,1 - 7,7), em 2015. Uma análise descritiva do Brasil apontou variação do problema com a idade e que adolescentes de 13 anos sofreram mais bullying que alunos de 14 a 16 anos. Meninos em geral relatam mais esse problema que as meninas, bem como alunos da escola pública, embora com sobreposição dos IC. Discussão: O estudo apontou aumento de 37% da prevalência de sofrer bullying entre 2009 e 2015 nas capitais brasileiras. Conclusão: Reitera-se do estudo que o contexto escolar brasileiro continua sendo um espaço de reprodução da violência, tornando-se urgente avançar na perspectiva de prevenção e minimização das situações de bullying na escola, fundamentada no conceito de promoção da saúde e integralidade do cuidado.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: The purpose of this paper was to compare the tendency of bullying across Brazilian capitals, considering the editions of National Scholl Health Survey (PeNSE) 2009, 2012 and 2015, and to describe the prevalence of bullying by sex, age and administrative dependence of the school in the 2015 sample. Methodology: The prevalence of bullying and its 95% confidence interval (95%CI) were assessed per State capital and for all capitals. 95%CI was used to check for differences in the period. In the last edition, two samples were analyzed: sample 1 represents the students of the 9th year of Elementary School and sample 2 holds students from 13 to 17 years of age, from the 6th to 9th grade of Elementary and High Schools. Results: The report of suffering bullying by 9th graders in Brazilian capitals increased from 5.4% (95%CI 5.1 - 5.7), in 2009, to 7.2% (95%CI 6.6 - 7.8), in 2012, staying at 7.4% (95%CI 7.1 - 7.7) in 2015. Descriptive analysis for Brazil showed variation by age, as adolescents aged 13 years suffered more bullying than those aged 14, 15 and 16 years. Boys usually report more this problem than girls, as well as public school students, but with overlapping CI. Discussion: The study pointed 37% increase in the prevalence of bullying between 2009 and 2015 in Brazilian capitals by. Conclusion: This study reiterates that Brazilian schools are still a space for violence reproduction, which makes it urgent to make progress in prevention and minimization of bullying at schools based on the concept of health promotion and integral care.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Health Surveys/trends , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Schools , Socioeconomic Factors , Time and Motion Studies , Brazil , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/psychology
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 21(supl.1): e180014, 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977698


RESUMO: Objetivo: Apresentar as tendências encontradas nas três últimas edições da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) sobre situações de violência vivenciadas por escolares brasileiros. Metodologia: Estudo de séries temporais com recorte para as capitais brasileiras, utilizando as bases de dados da PeNSE de 2009, 2012 e 2015. Os indicadores avaliados foram: faltar às aulas por insegurança no trajeto casa-escola ou na escola; envolvimento em briga com arma de fogo ou arma branca; e agressão por adulto da família. Foram estimadas as prevalências dos indicadores para o total dos adolescentes, por sexo, tipo de escola e capitais. As tendências das prevalências foram estimadas por meio de regressão linear, ajustadas por idade. Resultados: Identificou-se tendência de aumento das prevalências, com significância estatística, para todos os indicadores de violência selecionados no período de 2009 a 2015, nas capitais brasileiras. Discussão: Os grupos mais vulneráveis foram escolares das escolas públicas; adolescentes do sexo masculino no caso do envolvimento em brigas com arma branca ou de fogo; e adolescentes do sexo feminino no caso de agressão física por familiar. Conclusão: A PeNSE contribuiu para identificar o aumento das prevalências de violências vividas pelos adolescentes, o que alerta para a necessidade de planejamento e implementação de políticas que contribuam para a prevenção de violência, promoção da saúde e da cultura de paz.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To present trends found in the last three editions of the National Adolescent Student Health Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar - PeNSE) on violent situations experienced by Brazilian students. Methods: Time-series study with a focus on the Brazilian state capitals, using PeNSE databases of 2009, 2012, and 2015. The indicators evaluated were: missing classes due to insecurity in the home-school route or at school; involvement in a fight with firearm or melee weapon; and physical assault by an adult of the family. We estimated the prevalence of indicators according to the total number of adolescents, gender, school type, and capital. Trends in prevalence were estimated by linear regression, adjusted for age. Results: We identified a trend in increasing prevalence, with statistical significance, for all selected violence indicators in the period from 2009 to 2015, in Brazilian state capitals. Discussion: The most vulnerable groups were public schools students; male adolescents for involvement in fights with melee weapons or firearms; and female adolescents for physical assault by family members. Conclusion: PeNSE contributed to identifying the increase in the prevalence of violence experienced by adolescents, which alerts to the need of planning and implementing policies that help to prevent violence, and promote health and a culture of peace.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Violence/trends , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent Behavior/physiology , Schools/trends , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Time and Motion Studies , Violence/psychology , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Domestic Violence/trends , Domestic Violence/statistics & numerical data , Gun Violence/trends , Gun Violence/statistics & numerical data
Curitiba; s.n; 20171208. 69 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1037835


Introdução: O adequado dimensionamento de pessoal deve ser considerado benefício, na ótica da promoção da saúde e satisfação do trabalhador de enfermagem, para que haja a realização de cuidados seguros. A carga de trabalho, embora fundamental neste contexto, não é sistematicamente considerada. Objetivo: analisar o dimensionamento e a carga de trabalho da equipe de enfermagem de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal e Pediátrica da Rede de Hospitais Próprios do Estado do Paraná. Metodologia: pesquisa exploratória de base documental, com dimensionamento da carga de trabalho, por meio do Nursing Activities Score, na assistência de 76 pacientes em cinco Unidades de Terapia Intensiva infantil de quatro hospitais públicos. A coleta de dados foi realizada de abril a julho de 2017, os prontuários dos pacientes e a escala de trabalho mensal constituíram as fontes documentais. Para o cálculo do dimensionamento de pessoal utilizou-se o proposto por Inoue e Matsuda (2010) e parâmetros das Resoluções 543/2017 (COFEN, 2017) e 26/2012 (BRASIL, 2012). Os resultados foram comparados entre si e com a força de trabalho de cada unidade pesquisada. Resultados: a carga de trabalho apresentou-se elevada segundo o Nursing Activities Score, cuja média nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal perfez 87,32, 76,03, 55,73% nos hospitais A, B, C respectivamente; 94,42% na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica do hospital A e 71,87% na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neopediátrica do hospital D. Esses resultados demandam dimensionamento de pessoal superior ao obtido pela Resolução 26/2012; quando comparados à Resolução 543/2017 e à força de trabalho observou-se variabilidade entre defasagem e excesso de profissionais. Conclusão: As discrepâncias observadas evidenciam a insuficiência da legislação para o adequado cálculo de dimensionamento de pessoal, ao não considerar a diversidade, complexidade e frequência das atividades assistenciais a pacientes críticos. Destaca-se a importância da avaliação sistemática da medida da carga de trabalho como instrumento adjuvante à segurança dos pacientes, saúde dos profissionais e preservação financeira das organizações hospitalares.

Introduction: adequate staff sizing must be considered in light of health promotion and nursing professionals' satisfaction in order to deliver safe care. Workload, although essential in this context, is not systematically considered. Objective: to analyze nursing team's sizing and workload from a Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a Hospital Network in Paraná State, Brazil. Methodology: documentary exploratory research with workload sizing, by means of the Nursing Activities Score, caring for 76 patients from five Pediatric Intensive Care Units at four public hospitals. Data collection was carried out from April to July, 2017, patients' records and monthly work schedule were the data sources. In order to calculate nursing staff sizing was used Inoue and Matsuda's study (2010), as well as the parameters of Resolutions 543/2017 (COFEN - Brazil's Federal Council of Nursing - 2017) and 26/2012 (BRASIL, 2012). Results were compared between themselves and with the workforce of each researched unit. Results: workload was evidenced high according to the Nursing Activities Score, mean values in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units were 87.32%, 76.03%, 55.73% at hospitals A, B, C, respectively; 94.42% in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at hospital A, and 71.87% in the Neopediatric Intensive Care Unit at hospital D. Such results demand staff sizing superior to the one obtained by Resolution 26/2012; when compared with Resolution 543/2017 and with the workforce, variability was observed between understaffing and overstaffing. Conclusion: The discrepancies evidenced that the legislation falls short in the proper calculation of staff sizing, by not considering the diversity, complexity and frequency of caring tasks to critically ill patients. It is pointed out the systematic assessment of the workload as an auxiliary instrument for patients' safety, professional and financial health of hospital institutions.

Humans , Male , Female , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Workload , Nursing , Time and Motion Studies , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Nursing Care
Braz. dent. j ; 28(4): 435-439, July-Aug. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888677


Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate if the renewal of milk as a storage medium, every 12, 24 and 48 h, is able to increase its ability to maintain human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (PDLF) viability over time. PDLF were soaked in Minimum Essential Medium at 37 °C (MEM-37) (positive control), tap water (Water) (negative control) and in skimmed milk (44 wells) at 5 °C and 20 °C. The skimmed milk was renewed every 12 h (Milk-12), 24 h (Milk-24) and 48 h (Milk-48) in 11 wells of each plate, and the milk in the remaining 11 wells of each plate was maintained in situ (not renewed milk) (NRM). After 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h, cell viability was determined by the tetrazolium salt-based colorimetric (MTT) assay. Data were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, Scheffé and Mann-Whitney tests (a=5%). At 5 °C, only Milk-48 was significantly better than NRM. At 20 °C, NRM was more effective than Milk-12 and Milk-24 in all time periods. In relation to the temperature (5 °C or 20 °C), renewal of milk at 5 °C was better in maintaining cell viability than the renewal at 20 °C. In conclusion, the renewal of milk was able to increase its ability to maintain cell viability only when performed every 48 h in milk maintained at 5 °C.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a renovação do leite, a cada 12, 24 e 48 h, é capaz de aumentar sua capacidade de manter a viabilidade de fibroblastos do ligamento periodontal humano (FLPH) ao longo do tempo. FLPH foram conservados em Meio Essencial Mínimo a 37 °C (MEM-37) (controle positivo), água da torneira (água) (controle negativo) e em leite desnatado (44 poços) a 5 °C e 20 °C. O leite desnatado foi renovado a cada 12 h (leite-12), 24 h (leite-24) e 48 h (leite-48) em 11 poços de cada placa, e em outros 11 poços de cada placa o leite foi deixado in situ (leite não renovado) (LNR). Depois de 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 h, a viabilidade celular foi determinada pelo ensaio colorimétrico à base de sal tetrazólio (MTT). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis, Scheffé e Mann-Whitney (α=5%). A 5 °C, somente o leite-48 foi significantemente melhor do que o LNR. A 20 °C, LNR foi mais efetivo do que o leite-12 e leite-24 em todos os períodos de tempo. Em relação à temperatura (5 °C ou 20 °C), a renovação do leite a 5 °C foi melhor na manutenção da viabilidade celular do que a renovação a 20 °C. Concluindo, a renovação do leite foi capaz de aumentar sua habilidade em manter a viabilidade celular apenas quando realizada a cada 48 h no leite mantido a 5 °C.

Humans , Animals , Cell Survival , Milk , Periodontal Ligament/cytology , Colorimetry , Culture Media , Fibroblasts/cytology , In Vitro Techniques , Time and Motion Studies , Tooth Avulsion , Tooth Replantation
Article | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960592


BACKGROUND: A retrospective observational time motion study of elective gynecologic surgeries performed from January 2015 to December 2016 was conducted at the Operating Room Complex of a tertiary training hospital. There was a change from three operating suites with standard last stitch time in 2015 to only two with no cutoff times in 2016. This was due to the renovation of the Operating Room Complex.OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors and problems affecting operating room processesMATERIALS AND METHODS: Different time motion parameters such as induction time, length of induction, cutting time, last stitch time, total operation time, turnover time, and number of cases performed were collected from the nurses' documentation records. Average values from two different time periods were compared and analyzed.RESULTS: Results showed no improvement with the revised policies implemented in 2016. With only two rooms, surgeons were able to cope with the number of patients by extending operating hours later through the day. Recurring problems on manpower and lack of resources were noted.CONCLUSION: There is a need to identify hindrance to efficient operating room utilization with the goal to decrease patient queue, improve patient as well as staff satisfaction, and increase hospital revenue. Multi-disciplinary changes in practices, processes, and attitudes are timely for improvements in operating room utilization and consequently better patient centric outcomes.

Operating Rooms , Personal Satisfaction , Operative Time , Surgeons , Tertiary Care Centers , Time and Motion Studies , Attitude
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 50(5): e5955, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839300


This study presents an agent-based simulation modeling in an emergency department. In a traditional approach, a supervisor (or a manager) allocates the resources (receptionist, nurses, doctors, etc.) to different sections based on personal experience or by using decision-support tools. In this study, each staff agent took part in the process of allocating resources based on their observation in their respective sections, which gave the system the advantage of utilizing all the available human resources during the workday by being allocated to a different section. In this simulation, unlike previous studies, all staff agents took part in the decision-making process to re-allocate the resources in the emergency department. The simulation modeled the behavior of patients, receptionists, triage nurses, emergency room nurses and doctors. Patients were able to decide whether to stay in the system or leave the department at any stage of treatment. In order to evaluate the performance of this approach, 6 different scenarios were introduced. In each scenario, various key performance indicators were investigated before and after applying the group decision-making. The outputs of each simulation were number of deaths, number of patients who leave the emergency department without being attended, length of stay, waiting time and total number of discharged patients from the emergency department. Applying the self-organizing approach in the simulation showed an average of 12.7 and 14.4% decrease in total waiting time and number of patients who left without being seen, respectively. The results showed an average increase of 11.5% in total number of discharged patients from emergency department.

Humans , Computer Simulation , Decision Making, Computer-Assisted , Decision Support Techniques , Emergency Service, Hospital/organization & administration , APACHE , Efficiency, Organizational , Models, Organizational , Patients , Personnel Staffing and Scheduling , Reproducibility of Results , Time and Motion Studies , Time Factors , Triage
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 51: 108, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-903181


OBJECTIVE: Update breastfeeding indicators trend in Brazil for the last three decades, incorporating more up-to-date information from the National Health Survey. METHODS: We used secondary data from national surveys with information on breastfeeding (1986, 1996, 2006, and 2013) to construct the time series of prevalence for the following indicators: exclusive breastfeeding in children under six months of age (EBF6m), breastfeeding in toddlers under 2 years of age (BF), continued breastfeeding at one year of age (BF1year), and continued breastfeeding at two years of age (BF2years). RESULTS: The prevalence of EBF6m, BF, and BF1year increased until 2006 (rising from 4.7%, 37.4%, and 25.5% in 1986 to 37.1%, 56.3%, and 47.2% in 2006, respectively). For these three indicators, there was relative stabilization between 2006 and 2013 (36.6%, 52.1%, and 45.4%, respectively). The BF2years indicator had a distinct behavior - relatively stable prevalence, around 25% between 1986 and 2006, and a subsequent increase, reaching 31.8% in 2013. CONCLUSIONS: The time series of breastfeeding indicators in Brazil shows an upward trend until 2006, stabilizing from that date onwards on three of the four indicators evaluated. This result, which can be considered as a warning sign, requires evaluation and revision of policies and programs to promote, protect and support breastfeeding, strengthening existing ones and proposing new strategies so that the prevalence of breastfeeding indicators returns to an upwards trend

OBJETIVO: Atualizar a tendência dos indicadores de aleitamento materno no Brasil nas últimas três décadas, incorporando informações mais recentes provenientes da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde. MÉTODOS: Utilizamos dados secundários dos inquéritos nacionais com informações sobre aleitamento materno (1986, 1996, 2006 e 2013) para a construção da série histórica das prevalências dos seguintes indicadores: aleitamento materno exclusivo em menores de seis meses de vida (AME6m), aleitamento materno em menores de dois anos (AM), aleitamento materno continuado com um ano de vida (AM1ano) e aleitamento materno continuado aos dois anos (AM2anos). RESULTADOS: As prevalências de AME6m, AM e AM1ano tiveram tendência ascendente até 2006 (aumentando de 4,7%, 37,4% e 25,5% em 1986 para 37,1%, 56,3% e 47,2% em 2006, respectivamente). Para esses três indicadores, houve relativa estabilização entre 2006 e 2013 (36,6%, 52,1% e 45,4%, respectivamente). O indicador AM2anos teve comportamento distinto - prevalência relativamente estável, em torno de 25% entre 1986 e 2006, e aumento subsequente, chegando a 31,8% em 2013. CONCLUSÕES: A série histórica dos indicadores de aleitamento materno no Brasil mostra tendência ascendente até 2006, com estabilização a partir dessa data em três dos quatro indicadores avaliados. Esse resultado, que pode ser considerado um sinal de alerta, impõe avaliação e revisão das políticas e programas de promoção, proteção e apoio ao aleitamento materno, fortalecendo as existentes e propondo novas estratégias para que as prevalências dos indicadores de aleitamento materno retomem a tendência ascendente

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Breast Feeding/trends , Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Health Promotion , National Health Programs , Primary Health Care , Time and Motion Studies , Brazil/epidemiology , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Health Status Indicators , Middle Aged
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 14(3): 81-85, dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-869102


El proceso de cambio de hábitos comienza con la educación del paciente, promocionando el desarrollo de un aceptable control de la placa. Dentro de este contexto, varios métodos se emplean para ejecutarlo, sin embargo el valor de cepillado en la prevención depende no solo del tipo de cepillo de dientes, sino también en la técnica de cepillado apropiada y del tiempo que se dedique a la ejecución del mismo. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar los tiempos de cepillado con técnica habitual y de Bass en estudiantes de la Cátedra de Odontología Preventiva de la Universidad del Pacífico. El estudio es cuasi-experimental e incluyó la participación de 21 estudiantes del primer año de la carrera de Odontología matriculados en el 2014.En la clase previa al desarrollo del contenido programático "Control mecánico de placa microbiana", se invitó a participar del estudio a todos los estudiantes. Con un espejo de rostro y el cepillo personal del estudiante se le solicitó a cada uno que proceda a cepillarse con su técnica habitual y posterior a la clase, con la de Bass, se registraron en la ficha los tiempos que cada uno tomo, en segundos, a través cronómetro digital. El tiempo promedio con la técnica de Bass fue significativamente (p<0,0001) mayor que con la técnica habitual (193,9±51,9versus 109,6±34,5segundos). El mayor tiempo que se ocupa para el cepillado con la técnica de Bass puede resultar particularmente importante, considerando que el ritmo actual de vida del estudiante y de la población en general implica una carrera contra reloj, limitando así las posibilidades de un adecuado control mecánico de la placa microbiana, reconocida como uno de los más importantes factores cariogénico y periodontopático.

The process of changing habits starts with patient’s education, promoting thedevelopment of an acceptable plaque control. Within this context, several methods areused, however, the value of brushing in prevention depends not only on the type oftoothbrush, but also in the art of proper brushing and time devoted to the execution of it.The aim of this study was to compare regular brushing times and Bass techniques instudents of the Department of Preventive Dentistry at the Universidad del Pacífico. TheQuasi-experimental study involves the participation of 21 first year students of the career ofDentistry enrolled in 2014. In the previous class to the development of the content"Mechanical control of microbial plaque", all students were invited to participate in thisstudy. Using a mirror and personal thoot brushe very student was asked to proceed to brushing with conventional technique and after class using Bass technique, time spent inevery process was measured by a digital stopwatch and written in the file. The average timeusing Bass technique was significantly greater than (p <0.0001) using the standardtechnique (193.9 ± 51.9 versus 109.6 ± 34.5 seconds). More time dealing for brushingusing Bass technique may be particularly important given the current pace of student lifeand the population generally involves a time rush, limiting the possibilities of a suitablemechanical control of microbial plaque, recognized as one of the more important cariogenicand periodontopathic facts.

Humans , Toothbrushing/methods , Time and Motion Studies , Dental Plaque
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 76(5): 279-285, Oct. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-841594


El Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) es un cuestionario autoadministrado, creado para evaluar el estado funcional en pacientes con una amplia variedad de condiciones musculoesqueléticas del miembro inferior. No existe una versión argentina validada. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron traducir, adaptar transculturalmente el LEFS para su uso en la población argentina y validarlo en nuestro país determinando sus propiedades psicométricas en pacientes mayores de 18 años con afecciones musculoesqueléticas del miembro inferior, comparándolo con el SF-36 y los test funcionales timed up and go y step test. Se incluyeron 133 pacientes desde julio de 2010 hasta enero de 2012. La fiabilidad test-retest fue alta, con un CCI 0.91 (95% IC 0.85 - 0.94). La correlación del LEFS con la subescala de función física y el resumen del componente físico del SF-36 fue alta (p < 0.001) y con el step test y el timed up and go, moderada al inicio (p < 0.001). Esta versión del LEFS es una herramienta válida y confiable para evaluar el estado funcional de pacientes con condiciones musculoesqueléticas del miembro inferior, en la Argentina. Se recomienda su uso para la práctica clínica y para futuras investigaciones.

The Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) is a self-report questionnaire created to evaluate a patient's functional status in a wide spectrum of lower extremity musculoskeletal conditions. Thus far, there is no valid version in Argentina. The aims of this study were to translate the LEFS, cross-culturally adapt it for use in the Argentine population, and validate it in our country by determining its psychometric properties in patients over the age of 18 with lower extremity musculoskeletal conditions, comparing it with the SF-36 and the following functional tests: step test and timed up and go. One hundred and thirty three patients were included between July 2010 and January 2012. The test-retest reliability was high, with an ICC of 0.91 (95% CI 0.85 - 0.94). The correlation of the LEFS with the physical functioning subscale and the physical component summary score of the SF-36 was high (p < 0.001) and showed moderate response with the timed up and go and step test at the baseline (p < 0.001). This version of the LEFS is a valid, reliable tool used in Argentina to measure functional status in patients with lower extremity musculoskeletal conditions that we recommend for future clinical research projects and daily clinical use.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Translations , Musculoskeletal Diseases/physiopathology , Lower Extremity/physiology , Disability Evaluation , Self Report/standards , Musculoskeletal Physiological Phenomena , Argentina , Psychometrics , Reference Values , Time and Motion Studies , Activities of Daily Living , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Reproducibility of Results , Statistics, Nonparametric
Clinics ; 71(9): 517-520, Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-794637


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to verify if there is sex difference in the associations among handgrip strength, peak expiratory flow (PEF) and timed up and go (TUG) test results. METHODS: The sample included 288 consecutive elderly men (n=93) and women (n=195). Functional capacity was measured using the TUG test, and muscle strength was measured based on handgrip. Moreover, as a measure of current health status, PEF was evaluated. Linear regression procedures were performed to analyze the relationships between handgrip and both PEF and TUG test results, with adjustment for confounders, and to identify the possible mediating role of PEF in the association between handgrip strength and TUG test results. RESULTS: In men, handgrip strength was associated with both PEF and TUG performance (p<0.01). After adjustment for PEF, the relationship between handgrip strength and TUG performance remained significant. In women, handgrip strength was also associated with both PEF and TUG performance (p<0.01). However, after adjustment for PEF, the relationship between handgrip strength and TUG performance was no longer significant. CONCLUSION: Mobility in the elderly is sex dependent. In particular, PEF mediates the relationship between handgrip strength and TUG performance in women, but not in men.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Geriatric Assessment/methods , Hand Strength/physiology , Peak Expiratory Flow Rate/physiology , Time and Motion Studies , Activities of Daily Living , Aging/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Linear Models , Locomotion/physiology , Sex Factors , Time Factors