INTRODUCTION: Intestinal obstruction due to flanges is common in patients with a surgical history. OBJECTIVE: Describe a clinical case with adherenciolysis. Surgery could not be performed, so pneumoperitoneum was used as pre-conditioning for elective surgery. CLINICAL CASE: Patient with intestinal obstruction due to flanges, with impossibility of performing an adherenciolysis, for which catheters are installed to administer progressive pneumoperitoneum in order to optimize the release of flanges in elective surgery, undergoing the postoperative period with enterocutaneous fistula that required multidisciplinary management with percutaneous drainage, parenteral nutrition and nursing care, with a successful result. DISCUSSION: In a flange obstruction, an extensive adherenciolysis is often required, which carries a greater risk of intestinal injury and enterocutaneous fistula. In this case, we believe that it decreased due to the pneumoperitoneum used to generate more lax and manageable flanges. CONCLUSION: Postoperative flanges generate significant morbidity and its surgical management requires an adherenciolysis that may be laborious or impossible in the first instance, requiring in this case the use of progressive pneumoperitoneum for complete flange release, a technique not described in the literature for this purpose.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La obstrucción intestinal por bridas es frecuente en pacientes con antecedentes quirúrgicos. OBJETIVO: Describir un caso clínico con adherenciolisis frustra por cirugía, utilizando neumoperitoneo como preacondicionamiento para cirugía electiva. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente con obstrucción intestinal por bridas, con imposibilidad de adherenciolisis, por lo que se instalan catéteres para administrar neumoperitoneo progresivo con el fin de optimizar la liberación de bridas en cirugía electiva, cursando en el postoperatorio con fístula enterocutánea que requirió manejo multidisciplinario con drenaje percutáneo, nutrición parenteral y cuidados por enfermería, que finalmente resultó exitoso. DISCUSIÓN: En una obstrucción por bridas muchas veces se requiere una adherenciolisis extensa que conlleva mayor riesgo de lesión intestinal y fístula enterocutánea, que en este caso creemos que disminuyó debido al neumoperitoneo utilizado para generar bridas más laxas y manejables. CONCLUSIÓN: Las bridas postoperatorias generan morbilidad importante y su manejo quirúrgico requiere adherenciolisis que puede resultar laboriosa o imposible en primera instancia, requiriendo en este caso el uso de neumoperitoneo progresivo para la liberación de bridas completa, técnica no descrita en la literatura para este fin.
Humans , Female , Adult , Pneumoperitoneum/diagnosis , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray , Tissue Adhesions/complications , Morbidity , Intestinal Fistula/complicationsABSTRACT
Introdução: Fotobiomodulação corresponde à exposição de tecidos biológicos a baixos níveis de luz vermelha e infravermelha, esta terapia favorece a reabilitação de diferentes tecidos e que pode ser utilizada para a melhora da prática clínica nas diferentes atuações da fisioterapia, como por exemplo, no tratamento dos acometimentos musculoesqueléticos e inflamatórios. Objetivo: Identificar os benefícios da fotobiomodulação empregados na reabilitação de pacientes nas diferentes patologias traumato-ortopédicas. Metodologia:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com busca online nas plataformas de dados: Medline e PubMed. Os descritores foram: fotobiomodulação, taumato-ortopedia e reabilitação. As línguas selecionadas foram: Português, Inglês e Espanhol, entre os anos de 2018 a 2022.Resultados:A descrição dos achados nos ensaios clínicos analisados mostra que a terapia de fotobiomodulação apresenta diferentes usos na prática clínica e que seu uso produz efeito analgésico, anti-inflamatório e regenerativo nos distúrbios musculoesqueléticos. Conclusões:De acordo com a revisão dos artigos, pôde-se perceber que a terapia por fotobiomodulação confirma seus benefícios e eficácia, portando, se fazendo positiva na atuação traumato-ortopédica, gerando resultados significativos quando comparada a outros recursos (AU).
Introduction: Photobiomodulationcorresponds to the exposure of biological tissues to low levels of red and infrared light, this therapy favors the rehabilitation of different tissues and can be used to improve clinical practice in different actions of physiotherapy, such as, for example, in the treatment of musculoskeletal and inflammatory disorders. Objective: To identify the benefits of photobiomodulation used in the rehabilitation of patients with different traumato-orthopedic pathologies. Methodology:This is an integrative review with online search on data platforms: Medline and PubMed. The descriptors were: photobiomodulation, thaumato-orthopedics and rehabilitation. The selected languages were: Portuguese, English and Spanish, from 2018 to 2022. Results: The description of the discovers in the analyzed clinical trials shows that photobiomodulation therapy has different uses in clinical practice and that its use produces analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects in musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusions:According to the review of the articles, it could be seen that photobiomodulation therapy confirms its benefits and effectiveness, therefore, becoming positive in the trauma-orthopedic performance, generating significant results when compared to other resources (AU).
Introducción: La fotobiomodulacióncorresponde a la exposición de tejidos biológicos a bajos niveles de luz roja e infrarroja, esta terapia estimula la rehabilitación de diferentes tejidos y puede ser utilizada para mejorar la práctica clínica en diferentes áreas de fisioterapia, como por ejemplo, en tratamiento de Trastornos musculoesqueléticos e inflamatorios. Objetivo: Identificar los beneficios de la fotobiomodulación utilizada en la rehabilitación de pacientes con diferentes patologías traumato-ortopédicas. Metodología: Esta es una revisión integradora con búsqueda en línea en plataformas de datos: Medline y PubMed. Los descriptores fueron: fotobiomodulación, taumato-ortopedia y rehabilitación. Los idiomas seleccionados fueron: portugués, inglés y español, entre los años 2018 a 2022. Resultados: La descripción de los hallazgos en los ensayos clínicos analizados muestra que la terapia de fotobiomodulación tiene diferentes usos en la práctica clínica y que su uso produce efectos analgésicos, antiinflamatorios y regenerador en trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Conclusiones: De acuerdo con la revisión de los artículos, se pudo apreciar que la terapia de fotobiomodulación confirma sus beneficios y efectividad, por lo tanto, tornándose positiva en el desempeño trauma-ortopédico, generando resultados significativos cuando se compara con otros recursos (AU).
Humans , Pathology , Rehabilitation , Traumatology , Low-Level Light Therapy/instrumentation , Tissue AdhesionsABSTRACT
RESUMO O anquiloblefáro filiforme congênito é uma rara anomalia congênita, caracterizada por uma fusão palpebral, parcial ou completa, cuja incidência é de 4,4 por 100 mil recém-nascidos. Normalmente, o anquiloblefáro filiforme congênito constitui uma malformação solitária, de ocorrência esporádica, no entanto, pode estar associado a outras malformações. O pediatra possui papel imprescindível para observar as alterações clínicas do recém-nascido e dar orientação para o tratamento adequado. O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o caso de recém-nascido de termo que teve diagnóstico precoce de anquiloblefáro filiforme congênito associado a outras malformações congênitas, tendo desfeito as aderências em procedimento cirúrgico oportuno, evitando-se a evolução para futuras complicações visuais do paciente.
ABSTRACT Ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum is a rare congenital anomaly, characterized by partial or complete palpebral fusion, with an incidence of 4.4 per 100,000 newborns. Normally, ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum constitutes a solitary malformation, with sporadic occurrence, however, it can be associated with other malformations. Pediatricians play an essential role in observing clinical changes in newborns and providing guidance on appropriate treatment. The this study aims to report the case of a full-term newborn who had an early diagnosis of ankyloblepharon filiforme adnatum associated with other congenital malformations.
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Eye Abnormalities/surgery , Eye Abnormalities/diagnosis , Eyelids/abnormalities , Eyelids/surgery , Congenital Abnormalities/diagnostic imaging , Cesarean Section , Tissue Adhesions , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Fetal Distress/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: En Cuba, la oclusión intestinal mecánica es una de las causas más frecuentes de abdomen agudo y constituye la segunda causa de cirugía de urgencia. Objetivo: Caracterizar una serie de pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente, con diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en sujetos atendidos durante el año 2022 en el servicio de cirugía general del Hospital Docente Clínico - Quirúrgico Miguel Enríquez. Se estudiaron 81 pacientes; se recogieron las variables sexo, edad, antecedentes patológicos personales, hábitos tóxicos, estadía hospitalaria, causa de la oclusión intestinal, complicaciones y estado al egreso. Se realizó análisis de frecuencias. Resultados: Hubo mayor porcentaje del sexo femenino (50,6 por ciento), de las edades comprendidas de 31 a 40 años (23,5 por ciento), los pacientes con hipertensión arterial (14,8 por ciento) y los fumadores (18,5 por ciento). La causa más frecuente de oclusión fueron las bridas y adherencias (44,4 por ciento) y la complicación más frecuente fue la bronconeumonía (8 por ciento). Falleció solo el 3,7 por ciento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: Los pacientes se caracterizaron por estar entre la tercera y cuarta décadas de la vida, con predominio del sexo femenino, con antecedentes de salud, sin hábitos tóxicos, con estadía hospitalaria entre 1 y 5 días, presencia de bridas y adherencias como causa de la obstrucción y baja frecuencia de complicaciones y fallecimientos(AU)
Introduction: In Cuba, mechanical intestinal obstruction is one of the most frequent causes of acute abdomen, and is the second cause of emergency surgery. Objective: To characterize a series of patients undergoing surgery with a diagnosis of mechanical intestinal obstruction. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out in the population treated during the year 2022 in the general surgery service of the Miguel Enríquez Clinical-Surgical Teaching Hospital. The population was made up of 81 patients with whom we worked in its entirety. The variables sex, age, personal pathological history, toxic habits, hospital stay, cause of intestinal obstruction, complications, and status at discharge were studied. A study of absolute and relative frequencies was carried out. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out on subjects treated during 2022 in the general surgery service of the Miguel Enríquez Clinical-Surgical Teaching Hospital. 81 patients were studied; The variables sex, age, personal pathological history, toxic habits, hospital stay, cause of intestinal obstruction, complications and status at discharge were collected. Frequency analysis was performed. Results: There was a higher percentage of females (50.6 percent), aged between 31 and 40 years (23.5 percent), patients with high blood pressure (14.8 percent) and smokers (18.5 percent). The most common cause of occlusion was flanges and adhesions (44.4 percent), and the most common complication was bronchopneumonia (8 percent). Only 3.7 percent of patients died. Conclusions: The patients are characterized by being between the third and fourth decades of life, with a predominance of the female sex, with a health history, without toxic habits, with a hospital stay between 1 and 5 days, presence of flanges and adhesions as a cause of obstruction and low frequency of complications and deaths(AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Abdominal Pain , Abdomen, Acute/surgery , Abdomen, Acute/etiology , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Tissue Adhesions/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To depict the cell landscape and molecular biological characteristics of human intrauterine adhesion (IUA) so as to better understand its immune microenvironment and provide new inspirations for clinical treatment.@*METHODS@#Four patients with IUA who underwent hysteroscopic treatment at Dongguan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital from February 2022 to April 2022 were selected as the study subjects. Hysteroscopy was used to collect the tissues of IUA, which were graded based on the patient's medical history, menstrual history and status of IUA. Library construction, sequencing, single cell data comparison and gene expression matrix construction were carried out in strict accordance with the single cell RNA sequencing process. Thereafter, the UMAP dimension reduction analysis of cell population and genetic analysis were carried out based on the cell types.@*RESULTS@#A total of 27 511 cell transcripts were obtained from four moderately graded IUA tissue samples and assigned to six cell lineages including T cells, mononuclear phagocytes, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, endothelial cells and erythrocytes. Compared with normal uterine tissue cells, the four samples showed different cell distribution, and the proportions of mononuclear phagocytes and T cells in sample IUA0202204 were significantly increased, suggesting a strong cellular immune response.@*CONCLUSION@#The cell diversity and heterogeneity of moderate IUA tissues have been described. Each cell subgroup has unique molecular characteristics, which may provide new clues for further study of the pathogenesis of IUA and heterogeneity among the patients.
Pregnancy , Female , Child , Humans , Endothelial Cells , Uterine Diseases/complications , Hysteroscopy/methods , Tissue Adhesions/etiology , Sequence Analysis, RNAABSTRACT
Postoperative adhesion (PA) is currently one of the most unpleasant complications following surgical procedures. Researchers have developed several new strategies to alleviate the formation of PA to a great extent, but so far, no single measure or treatment can meet the expectations and requirements of clinical patients needing complete PA prevention. Chinese medicine (CM) has been widely used for thousands of years based on its remarkable efficacy and indispensable advantages CM treatments are gradually being accepted by modern medicine. Therefore, this review summarizes the formating process of PA and the efficacy and action mechanism of CM treatments, including their pharmacological effects, therapeutic mechanisms and advantages in PA prevention. We aim to improve the understanding of clinicians and researchers on CM prevention in the development of PA and promote the in-depth development and industrialization process of related drugs.
Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Tissue Adhesions/prevention & control , Industrial Development , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Purpose: Laparoscopic hernia repair involves a risk of adhesion between coated mesh and viscera. Plant polysaccharides such as starch and carboxymethylcellulose (SC) make up a product that acts as a barrier and prevents intraperitoneal adhesions. This study aimed to evaluate whether topical SC can also reduce adhesions between mesh and intra-abdominal organs. Methods: Forty rats each received placement of two intraperitoneal mesh fragments, one on each side of the abdominal wall. Randomly, 20 animals received SC on the right and other 20 on the left, leaving the contralateral side as a control. Fourteen days after the surgery, the animals underwent an additional laparotomy in which macroscopic analysis was performed. Results: As for the percentage of the mesh area affected by adhesion, one (2.6%) animal had > 75% adhesion on the experimental side, and 11 animals (28.9%) on the control side. The adhesion intensity score showed firm adhesions in three (7.9%) animals on the experimental side and nine (23.7%) on the control side. Conclusions: The use of SC decreased the intensity of adhesions and the surface area of the mesh affected by adhesions. There was no negative interference of the product in the incorporation of the mesh into the abdominal wall.
Animals , Rats , Starch , Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium , Tissue Adhesions , HerniaABSTRACT
Se presentó el caso de una paciente de 71 años que tuvo durante tres meses previo a su ingreso dolor abdominal tipo cólico difuso a predominio de hemiabdomen inferior, acompañado de distensión abdominal intermitente, vómitos en cantidad y frecuencia no precisada de contenido alimentario. Al examen físico se apreció paciente en regulares condiciones, facies álgica, afebril, deshidratada. En la evaluación abdominal se evidenció abdomen distendido, con ruidos hidroaéreos disminuidos en intensidad, tono y frecuencia. Se decidió ingresar para manejo clínico y realización de estudios de apoyo diagnóstico. Se diagnosticó un síndrome adherencial, conjunto de signos y síntomas provocados por la formación de adherencias intraabdominales. Frente a un paciente con abdomen agudo obstructivo con antecedente de intervención quirúrgica previa, debe sospecharse en una complicación secundaria a síndrome adherencial, teniendo al vólvulo de íleon como una de sus expresiones clínicas (AU)
The case of a 71-year-old patient was presented who had diffuse colicky abdominal pain predominantly in the lower abdomen for three months prior to admission, accompanied by intermittent abdominal distention, vomiting in an unspecified amount and frequency of food content. During the physical examination, the patient was found to be in fair condition, with pain, fever, and dehydration. The abdominal evaluation revealed a distended abdomen, with fluid sounds decreased in intensity, tone and frequency. It was decided to enter for clinical management and diagnostic support studies. An adhesion syndrome was diagnosed, a set of signs and symptoms caused by the formation of intra-abdominal adhesions. In a patient with acute obstructive abdomen with a history of previous surgical intervention, a complication secondary to adhesion syndrome should be suspected, with ileal volvulus as one of its clinical expressions (AU)
Foi apresentado o caso de um paciente de 71 anos que apresentava cólica abdominal difusa predominantemente no baixo ventre há três meses antes da internação, acompanhada de distensão abdominal intermitente, vômitos em quantidade e frequência de conteúdo alimentar não especificadas. Durante o exame físico, o paciente apresentou-se em bom estado, com dor, febre e desidratação. A avaliação abdominal revelou abdômen distendido, com sons fluidos diminuídos de intensidade, tônus e frequência. Decidiu-se ingressar em estudos de manejo clínico e apoio diagnóstico. Foi diagnosticada uma síndrome de aderências, conjunto de sinais e sintomas causados pela formação de aderências intra-abdominais. Em paciente com abdome obstrutivo agudo e história de intervenção cirúrgica prévia, deve-se suspeitar de complicação secundária à síndrome de aderências, tendo o volvo ileal como uma de suas expressões clínicas (AU)
Humans , Tissue Adhesions , Intestinal Volvulus/etiology , Intestinal Volvulus/surgery , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , LaparotomyABSTRACT
Dans une société pro-nataliste, l'infertilité féminine est considérée comme un drame. Cette étude avait pour objectif d'identifier les facteurs associés à l'infertilité mécanique féminine liée aux adhérences pelviennes à Mbujimayi. MéthodologieIl s'agissait d'une étude cas-témoins, réalisée dans les Hôpitaux Généraux de Référence Dipumba et Saint Sauveur à Mbujimayi (RDC), durant une période allant du premier janvier 2006 au 31 décembre 2020. Nous avons colligé un total de 354 cas RésultatsLes facteurs associés à l'infertilité mécanique féminine étaient: l'âge inférieur à 20 ans qui multipliait par 4 le risque de développer des adhérences pelviennes (OR=4,01[1,19-13,49]); l'antécédent des infections sexuellement transmises (IST) (OR=1,77[1,06-2,96]) et l'antécédent de chirurgie abdomino-pelvienne (OR=1,76[1,07-2,88] qui multipliaient respectivement de presque par 2 le risque d'avoir les adhérences pelviennes. Ces associations étaient statistiquement significatives. ConclusionLes IST et la chirurgie abdomino-pelvienne exposent au développement des adhérences pelviennes et/ou aux altérations tubaires conduisant à l'infertilité féminine. Leur prévention doit se baser sur la prise en charge préventive des IST par la sensibilisation pour une sexualité responsable surtout chez les adolescentes, la rationalisation dans les indications et la bonne pratique de la chirurgie abdomino-pelvienne par les médecins.
Introduction: In a pro-natalist society, female infertility is considered a tragedy. This study aimed to identify the factors associated with female mechanical infertility related to pelvic adhesions in Mbujimayi. Methodology This was a case-control study, carried out in Dipumba and Saint Sauveur General Reference Hospitals in Mbujimayi (DRC), during a period from January 1, 2006 until December 31, 2020. We collected a total of 354 cases ResultsThe factors associated with female mechanical infertility were: age below 20 years, which multiplied by 4 the risk of developing pelvic adhesions (OR=4.01 [1.19-13.49]); history of sexually transmitted infections (STI) (OR=1.77[1.06-2.96]) and history of abdomino-pelvic surgery (OR=1.76[1.07-2.88] which respectively increased the risk of having pelvic adhesions by almost 2. These associations were statistically significant. Conclusion: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) and abdomino-pelvic surgery expose the patient to the development of pelvic adhesions and/or tubal alterations leading to female infertility. Their prevention must be based on the preventive management of STI by raising awareness for responsible sexuality, especially among adolescents, the rationalization of the indications and the good practice of abdomino-pelvic surgery by doctors
Humans , Female , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Tissue Adhesions , Risk Factors , Infertility, Female , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures , DiagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción. La obstrucción intestinal por bridas representa una causa común de consulta a los servicios de urgencias, pero hay poca claridad sobre qué pacientes tienen mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue diseñar y validar una escala de predicción de riesgo de desenlaces adversos en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por bridas. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo realizado a partir de la base de datos MIMIC-IV. Se incluyeron pacientes adultos admitidos al servicio de urgencias entre 2008 y 2019, con diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal por bridas. El desenlace principal fue el compuesto de resección intestinal, ingreso a unidad de cuidados intensivos y mortalidad por cualquier causa. Se diseñó una escala de predicción de riesgo asignando un puntaje a cada variable. Resultados. Se incluyeron 513 pacientes, 63,7 % hombres. El desenlace compuesto se presentó en el 25,7 % de los casos. La edad, historia de insuficiencia cardiaca y enfermedad arterial periférica, nivel de hemoglobina, recuento de leucocitos e INR constituyeron el mejor modelo de predicción de estos desenlaces (AUC 0,75). A partir de este modelo, se creó la escala simplificada HALVIC, clasificando el riesgo del desenlace compuesto en bajo (0-2 puntos), medio (3-4 puntos) y alto (5-7 puntos). Conclusión. La escala HALVIC es una herramienta de predicción simple y fácilmente aplicable. Puede identificar de manera precisa los pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por bridas con alto riesgo de complicaciones, permitiendo el ajuste individualizado de las estrategias de manejo para mejorar los desenlaces
Introduction. Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction (ASBO) represents a common cause of consultation to the emergency department. Currently there is little clarity about which patients with ASBO are at increased risk of developing complications, potentially benefiting from early surgical management. The present study aims to design and validate a risk prediction scale for adverse outcomes in patients with ASBO. Methods. Retrospective cohort study performed from the MIMIC-IV database between 2008 and 2019. Adult patients admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of ASBO were included. The primary outcome was the composite of bowel resection, intensive care unit admission, and all-cause mortality. A risk prediction scale was designed by assigning a score to each variable according to the measure of association obtained in the logistic regression model. All analyses were performed in R statistical software (version 3.5.3). Results. Five-hundred-thirteen patients were included (men 63.7%, median age: 61 years). Composite outcome was present in 25.7% of cases. Age, history of heart failure and peripheral arterial disease, hemoglobin level, leukocyte count, and INR were the best predictors of these outcomes (AUC 0.75). Based on this model, the simplified HALVIC scale was created, classifying the risk of the composite outcome as low (0-2 points), medium (3-4 points) and high (5-7 points). Conclussion. The HALVIC scale is presented as a simple and easily applicable predictive tool in the clinical setting, which can accurately identify patients with ASBO at high risk of complications, allowing the surgeon to adjust management strategies individually and potentially improving the outcomes of these patients
Humans , General Surgery , Mortality , Intestinal Obstruction , Tissue Adhesions , Predictive Value of Tests , IschemiaABSTRACT
Introducción. La obstrucción intestinal es una patología de alta prevalencia. Su abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico ha evolucionado acorde con el avance del conocimiento e implementación de la tecnología. El impacto de sus complicaciones obliga a redoblar esfuerzos en pro de lograr una mayor efectividad. Se hizo una aproximación reflexiva al problema, mediante una identificación de los puntos controversiales de interés para el cirujano general. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en varias bases de datos, utilizando dos ecuaciones de búsqueda que emplearon términos seleccionados a partir de los tesauros "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) y "Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud" (DeCS). Resultados. Se recolectaron 43 artículos y a partir de ellos se construyó el texto de revisión. La identificación pronta de los posibles candidatos a cirugía, mediante un esquema diagnóstico y terapéutico, se constituye en una prioridad en el manejo de estos pacientes. De igual manera, se efectúan consideraciones en la toma de decisiones con respecto a la vía quirúrgica, así como recomendaciones técnicas operatorias producto de la experiencia y lo reportado en la literatura. Existen factores propios del cirujano, del contexto y del paciente, que inciden en la resolución del problema. Conclusión. La obstrucción intestinal y sus implicaciones clínicas obligan a una reevaluación constante de su estado del arte y avances en el manejo, tendiente a una búsqueda de oportunidades para impactar favorablemente en su curso clínico. Hay estrategias por implementar, inclusive el manejo laparoscópico en casos seleccionados
Introduction. Intestinal obstruction is a pathology of high prevalence. Its diagnostic and therapeutic approach has evolved according to the progress in knowledge and implementation of technology. The impact of its complications makes it necessary to make the efforts to achieve higher effectiveness. A reflexive approach to the problem is made by identifying the controversial points of interest for the general surgeon. Methods. A systematic literature search was carried out in several databases, using two search equations from the review performed in the thesaurus "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) and "Descriptors in Health Sciences" (DeCS). Results. A total of 43 articles were collected using the selected methods and the review text was constructed from them. The early identification of possible candidates for surgery, by means of a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm, is a priority in the management of these patients. Likewise, considerations are made in decision-making regarding the laparoscopic vs. traditional approach, as well as operative technical recommendations based on experience and what has been reported in the literature. There are factors specific to the surgeon, the context and the patient that influence the resolution of the problem. Conclusion. Intestinal obstruction and its clinical implications require a constant reevaluation of the state of the art and advances in management, tending to search for opportunities to favorably impact its clinical course. There are strategies to be implemented, including laparoscopic management in selected cases
Humans , Tissue Adhesions , Intestinal Obstruction , Laparoscopy , Conservative Treatment , Ischemia , Anti-Inflammatory AgentsABSTRACT
Objectives: Sometimes, severe adhesion occurs between the rectus abdominis muscle and the ileal intestinal limbs after temporary diverting ileostomy. This can make ileostomy reversal difficult. The aim of the present study is to assess whether absorbable adhesion barrier made of oxidized regenerated cellulose (INTERCEED) could contribute to improved surgical outcomes in stoma reversal. Methods: This was a single-institutional retrospective study. A total of 36 consecutive patients who underwent ileostomy reversal by a single surgeon were retrospectively reviewed. INTERCEED was inserted between the ileal limbs and the rectus abdominis muscle at the time of ileostomy creation in 12 patients. Surgical outcomes of the ileostomy reversal were compared between patients treated with and without INTERCEED. Results:The degree of adhesion formation between the ileal limbs and the rectus abdominis muscles, operating time, and estimated blood loss were significantly reduced in patients treated with INTERCEED compared with those treated by the conventional approach. None of the patients in the INTERCEED group had postoperative complications after the initial surgery and ileostomy reversal. Conclusions: INTERCEED is suitable for insertion between the ileal limbs and the rectus abdominis muscles because of its softness and flexibility. The use of INTERCEED for diverting ileostomy contributes to reduced adhesion formation, operative time, and blood loss in patients, and further research is needed to confirm our results. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Ileostomy/methods , Cellulose, Oxidized/therapeutic use , Tissue Adhesions/prevention & control , Rectum/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Anastomotic Leak/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Intrauterine adhesions (IUA) are rare. A retrospective comparative study was conducted between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2018. Group A comprised 117 women who developed IUAs after open myomectomy, while Group B comprised 113 women who developed IUAs following uterine trauma caused by uterine instrumentation after a termination of pregnancy (TOP) or spontaneous miscarriage. The IUA grade and pregnancy rates and outcomes were compared using the March classification system. All patients underwent hysteroscopic adhesiolysis. The adhesions tended to be more severe (45/117, 38.5%) in Group A than in Group B (29/113, 25.7%); however, this difference was not statistically significant (Chi-Suare 5.047; p = .080). The period of observation was 24 months from the last hysteroscopy. The pregnancy rate in Group A (26, 22.2%) was significantly lower than in Group B (46, 40.7%) (OR: 2.403, 95% CI: 1.3524.271; p = .003). Open myomectomy was the preceding aetiological factor in a greater proportion of women with IUA in our study. In cases where pregnancy is desired after open myomectomy, especially where the endometrial cavity is breached, postoperative hysteroscopy to exclude IUAs is recommended.
Gynecologic Surgical Procedures , Tissue Adhesions , Pregnancy Rate , Curettage , Pregnancy , Hysteroscopy , Uterine Myomectomy , GynatresiaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: A unusual case of ocular toxoplasmosis with significant vitreomacular traction is reported. The patient improved significantly following pars plana vitrectomy combined with visual stimulation and occlusion therapy. Methods: The case of a 5-year-old girl with significant unilateral vision loss associated with vitreous condensation and macular traction is described. Results: Pars plana vitrectomy was carried out for vitreomacular traction release. This was followed by visual stimulation and occlusion therapy. Significant improvement was observed. Conclusion: Despite structural damage, the combination of properly indicated surgery and amblyopia management strategies allowed the achievement of maximum vision goals in this case, suggesting structural damage may be associated with functional amblyopia.
RESUMO Objetivo: Relata-se um caso de apresentação atípica de toxoplasmose ocular, com importante tração vitreomacular. A paciente apresentou melhora significativa após vitrectomia via pars plana, com estimulação visual e oclusão. Métodos: Descreve-se o caso de uma menina de 5 anos, com importante perda de visão unilateral associada à condensação vítrea e à tração macular. Resultados: Foi realizada vitrectomia via pars plana para alívio da tração vitreomacular, seguida de estimulação visual e oclusão. Foi observada melhora significativa. Conclusão: Apesar dos danos estruturais, a combinação de cirurgia bem indicada com estratégias de tratamento da ambliopia permitiu alcançar o máximo do potencial visual nesta paciente, sugerindo que os danos estruturais podem estar associados à ambliopia funcional.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Photic Stimulation , Vitrectomy/methods , Tissue Adhesions/surgery , Toxoplasmosis, Ocular/complications , Chorioretinitis/etiology , Epiretinal Membrane/surgery , Epiretinal Membrane/etiology , Traction , Chorioretinitis/complications , Vitreous Detachment/therapy , Vitreoretinal SurgeryABSTRACT
Introducción. Las adherencias postoperatorias son la causa más frecuente de obstrucción de intestino delgado. La clínica sugiere el diagnóstico, pero de manera poco precisa la causa y el sitio de la obstrucción. La tomografía computarizada contrastada es el estudio óptimo y permite identificar de manera oportuna a los pacientes que requieren intervención quirúrgica. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la correlación entre la clínica y el sitio de obstrucción detectado en la tomografía computarizada contrastada de abdomen, en pacientes con sospecha diagnóstica de obstrucción de intestino delgado por adherencias. Métodos. Estudio prospectivo, transversal y analítico de pacientes con sospecha clínica de obstrucción de intestino delgado por adherencias y antecedentes quirúrgicos y su correlación con el sitio de obstrucción detectado en la tomografía computarizada de abdomen contrastada, de pacientes atendidos entre marzo de 2016 y febrero de 2019 en un hospital de segundo nivel. Resultados. Se incluyeron 41 pacientes, la media de edad fue de 59 años y el género masculino el más comprometido (68,3 %, n=28); la ausencia de evacuaciones estuvo presente en 97,5 % (p=0,026). La tomografía computarizada contrastada mostró el sitio de obstrucción en 73 % de los pacientes y la localización de la obstrucción más prevalente fue en íleon distal (31,7 %, n=13). Se asoció a leucocitosis (p=0,041) y a dolor más intenso (p=0,049), sin presentar irritación peritoneal. Conclusión. La obstrucción localizada en el íleon distal se caracterizó por presentar más dolor y mayor recuento leucocitario, sin correlación como factor de riesgo para requerir tratamiento quirúrgico.
Introduction. Postoperative adhesions are the most common cause of small bowel obstruction. The clinical presentation suggests the diagnosis, but imprecisely the cause and the site of the obstruction. Contrast computed tomography is the optimal study and allows the timely identification of patients requiring surgical intervention. The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between the symptoms and the obstruction site detected in the abdominal contrasted computed tomography in patients with suspected diagnosis of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions. Methods. Prospective, cross-sectional and analytical study of patients with clinical suspicion of small bowel obstruction due to adhesions and surgical history, and its correlation with the obstruction site detected in the abdominal contrasted computed tomography, during March 2016 to February 2019 in a secondary level hospital. Results. Forty-one patients were included, the mean age was 59 years and the male gender was the most frequent (68.3%, n=28); the absence of evacuations was present in 97.5% (p=0.026). Contrast computed tomography showed the obstruction site in 73% of the patients. The most prevalent location of the obstruction was in the distal ileum (31.7%, n=13). It was associated with leukocytosis (p=0.041) and more intense pain (p=0.049), without presenting peritoneal irritation. Conclusion. The obstruction located in the distal ileum was characterized by more pain and a higher white blood cell count, without correlation as a risk factor for requiring surgical treatment
Humans , Intestinal Obstruction , Tissue Adhesions , Diagnosis , Intestine, SmallABSTRACT
Intestinal obstruction is one of the most common diseases in abdominal surgery, and its prevention and treatment is a clinical difficulty. Although surgical operation can solve the symptoms of obstruction, there are many postoperative complications, and it is easy to develop re-obstruction due to postoperative abdominal adhesion. The internal fixation of small intestine with obstruction catheter provides a new idea for the prevention of postoperative adhesive bowel obstruction. The use of transanal ileus catheter provides the possibility of direct intestinal anastomosis after resection of malignant obstruction in the left hemicolon and can reduce the incidence of postoperative complications. However, sufficient attention should be paid to the related complications, and prevention and treatment should be planned. It is important to note that the use of obstruction catheter is only one of the conservative treatments for bowel obstruction, and it is not a complete replacement of surgery. Surgical treatment should still be considered, if the catheter fails to significantly move, if the obstructive symptoms do not significantly improve 5 days after catheterization.
Humans , Catheters , Digestive System Surgical Procedures , Intestinal Obstruction/surgery , Intestine, Small , Tissue AdhesionsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare biological compatibility, hemostasis, and adhesion formation between oxidized regenerated cellulose and lyophilized hydrolyzed porcine collagen in liver trauma. Methods: Forty male Wistar rats constituted two groups: group A (oxidized cellulose) and group B (lyophilized hydrolyzed collagen). Standardized liver trauma was made, and the hemostatic agent was applied. Animals in subgroups A7 and B7 were submitted to euthanasia and relaparotomy after seven days, and in subgroups A14 and B14 after 14 days. Macroscopic and microscopic results were evaluated. Results: There was no fluid in the cavity in any of the animals, and adhesions were present in all of them. In the analysis after seven days, the adhesions were grades 3 or 4 and consisted of omentum, small intestine, and abdominal wall (p<0.05). In both groups, the mesh was surrounded by a capsule, which was not observed after 14 days. In the evaluation after 14 days, adhesions were grades 2 or 3 (p>0.05). The microscopic examination showed subacute and chronic reactions, in both groups and in both timepoints, with similar frequency. The intensity of fibrosis always presented positive scores. Microabscesses and xanthomatous macrophages were observed in both groups. Conclusions: There was no superiority of one agent over the other.
Cellulose, Oxidized/therapeutic use , Gelatin/therapeutic use , Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Liver Neoplasms , Swine , Tissue Adhesions , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
Introducción: los desarreglos internos de la articulación temporomandibular (ATM) son los más comunes. La artroscopia es de gran utilidad en cirugía maxilofacial como alternativa para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de los desarreglos internos de la ATM. El objetivo de la presente revisión es describir la artroscopia diagnóstica de la ATM. MeÌtodos: se realizó una revisión narrativa de la literatura y una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, ProQuest, SciELO, Mendeley y Elsevier empleando los descriptores (artroscopia diagnóstica, articulación temporomandibular) en español e inglés. Se seleccionaron los artículos publicados en un período de 40 años (1980-2020), incluyendo en el estudio un total de 26 artiÌculos y 6 libros de 702 documentos revisados. Discusión: en la artroscopia de la ATM se puede observar la posición, calidad y textura del cartílago articular, la vascularización y la redundancia de la membrana sinovial y se pueden realizar procedimientos como técnicas de artroscopia avanzada. Conclusiones: la artroscopia diagnóstica facilita el diagnóstico y manejo de las patologías intraarticulares, por lo que el conocimiento de esta técnica resulta imprescindible.
Introduction: Internal disorders of the TMJ are the most common. Arthroscopy is very useful in Maxillofacial Surgery as an alternative for the diagnosis and treatment of internal disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint. The aim of this review is to describe the diagnostic arthroscopy of the Temporomandibular Joint. Methods: A narrative literature review and search of PubMed, ProQuest, SciELO, Mendeley and Elsevier databases were performed in English and Spanish using the descriptors (Diagnostic arthroscopy, Temporomandibular Joint) in Spanish and English. Articles published over a period of 40 years (1980-2020) were selected, including a total of 26 articles and 6 books from 702 reviewed documents in the study. Discussion: In the arthroscopy of the Temporomandibular Joint the position, quality, texture of the articular cartilage, the vascularization, and the redundancy of the synovial membrane can be observed, and procedures such as advanced arthroscopic techniques can be performed. Conclusions: Diagnostic arthroscopy facilitates the diagnosis and management of intra-articular pathologies. Being necessary and essential knowledge of this technique.
Humans , Arthroscopy , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/surgery , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/diagnosis , Synovitis/diagnosis , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/pathology , Tissue Adhesions/diagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: The use of polypropylene meshes for surgical repair of the abdominal wall contributes to a reduction of the of recurrence rates of hernias or defects. However, its intra-abdominal use comes along with the formation of adhesions and several complications. The study and the search for alternative materials, including bovine pericardium, have been regarded as an option for the correction and treatment of resulting hernias with better adaptations and effectiveness. Aim: Evaluating the inflammatory process of the bovine pericardium in comparison with the inflammatory process of synthetic polypropylene mesh. Method: Bovine pericardium mesh and polypropylene mesh were placed, both on the same animal. The first group had the mesh removed for analysis on day 20, and the second group on day 40. The variables congestion, granulation, giant cells, necrosis, acute inflammation, chronic inflammation and collagen were analyzed. Results: All variables were found in greater numbers as a response to the polypropylene mesh, except for the collagen, which, on day 40, was greater in response to the bovine pericardium mesh. Conclusion: The data in this study suggest that there is less inflammatory reaction in response to bovine pericardium mesh when compared to polypropylene mesh.
RESUMO Racional: O uso de telas de polipropileno para a correção cirúrgica da parede abdominal contribui para redução dos índices de recidiva das hérnias ou defeitos. No entanto, o seu uso intra-abdominal cursa com a formação de aderências e diversas complicações. O estudo e a busca por materiais alternativos, como pericárdio bovino, têm se mostrado uma opção na correção e tratamento de hérnias que resultem com melhores adaptações e efetividades. Objetivo: Avaliar o processo inflamatório do pericárdio bovino em comparação ao processo inflamatório da tela sintética de polipropileno. Método: Foi realizada a colocação de tela de pericárdio bovino e polipropileno, ambas no mesmo animal. O primeiro grupo as teve retiradas para análise no dia 20, e o segundo grupo no dia 40. Foram analisadas as variáveis congestão, granulação, células gigantes, necrose, inflamação aguda, inflamação crônica e colágeno. Resultados: Todas as variáveis foram encontradas em maior número como resposta a tela de polipropileno, exceto a variável colágeno, que no dia 40 apresentou-se em maior quantidade em resposta à tela de pericárdio bovino. Conclusão: Há menor reação inflamatória em resposta a tela de pericárdio bovino, quando comparada com a de polipropileno.
Animals , Cattle , Polypropylenes , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Pericardium , Surgical Mesh , Tissue AdhesionsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare the clinical efficacy of an integrated approach to prevent and treat the recurrence of moderate-to-severe intrauterine adhesions (IUA) after hysteroscopic transcervical resection of adhesion (TCRA). METHODS: The study included a total of 70 patients with moderate-to-severe IUAs who underwent TCRA. Patients were randomly divided into two groups: treatment group (n=35) and control group n=35). In the treatment group, patients underwent balloon uterine stent placement and artificial cycle as well as received intrauterine perfusion of Danshen injection and oral Chinese medicine. In the control group, patients underwent balloon uterine stent placement and artificial cycle as well as received hyaluronic acid sodium and intrauterine device (IUD). Follow-up was performed after treatment of uterine cavity, menstruation and pregnancy. RESULTS: After 3 months of treatment, we observed a significantly lower rate of intrauterine re-adhesion (45.71% versus 77.14%, p=0.044) and significantly higher clinical efficiency (82.86% versus 77.14%, p=0.025) in the treatment group than those in the control group. After 6 months of treatment, we observed a significantly higher clinical efficiency in the treatment group than that in the control group (88.57% versus 68.57%, p=0.039). During the follow-up period, the pregnancy rate was 45.71% and 37.14% in the treatment group and control group, respectively, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.628). CONCLUSIONS: After surgical management of IUA, the integrated treatment combining a uterus stent placement and artificial cycle with Danshen injection and oral Chinese medicine can improve the condition of menstruation, and prevent and treat recurrence of IUA.